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Rebecca Bratek

404 Woodbine Street Brooklyn, NY 11237 716.465.1907 rebeccabratek

CUNY Graduate School of Journali ! ! Ne" York, NY #.$. e%&ected 'ecember 2014 Uni"er it# at Buffalo$ The State Uni"er it# of Ne% York ! B())alo, NY B.$., *n+li,-, certi)icate o) .o(rnali,m, #ay 2013

The Nabe ! Ne" York, NY ! /ontrib(tor Sept. 2013present Write t"o &o,t, a "eek, incl(din+ 0-e 'ay, )oc(,ed on t-e 1ort 2reene and /linton 3ill nei+-bor-ood, in Brooklyn. The Buffalo Ne% ! B())alo, NY ! /o&y de,k intern May 2013Aug. 2013 *dit )eat(re,, local ne",, and international co&y )or +rammar and ,tyle. Write -eadline, and "eb -eadline, )or co&y. $,,i,t "it- (&datin+ t-e "eb,ite 4 b(ildin+ &-oto +allerie, and &(bli,-in+ ,torie, to t-e "eb. 5rod(ced t-e B())alo Ne", 1ood 0r(ck 2(ide, an anc-or &o,t on b())alone",.com6, -ome&a+e. The S(ectru! ! 7B6, inde&endent ,t(dent &(blication ! B())alo, NY Sept. 2010-May 2013 Sta)) "riter 82010911:, ne", editor 82011912:, and mana+in+ editor 82012913: #ana+e The Spectrum6, 50 editor, and ,ta)) "riter, and -el& &rod(ce 7,000 co&ie, o) t-e ne",&a&er t-ree time, a "eek "it- daily deadline,. *dit, co&y edit, and )act c-eck e;ery &iece +enerated by ,ta)) member,. /ollected ei+-t national a"ard, a, a ,ta)) in t-e &a,t t-ree year,. 5rod(ced ;ideo abo(t Spectrum *ditor in /-ie), "-ic- "on ,econd &lace )or /#$6, St(dent #edia <eader o) t-e Year 2012. Wrote =<i;e, lo,t, b(t not )or+otten,> a ,tory abo(t ,t(dent deat-, and -o" t-e cam&(, comm(nity re,&ond,. *%amined 7B6, &re,ident6, )(ndrai,in+ tra;el, and -o" it com&are, to ot-er ,c-ool, in =$ro(nd t-e "orld in 20 mont-,.> 5ro)iled $le%i, 'e ?ea(%, t-e )ir,t Nort- $merican .o(rnali,t to inter;ie" Nel,on #andela a)ter -i, relea,e )rom &ri,on. #ember o) t-e Board o) 'irector,. 3el& teac- a t-ree9credit, 3909le;el *n+li,- cla,, to editor, and ,ta)) "riter,. )*+) Jack ,-$ To%n .uare -edia of Buffalo$ Inc+ ! B())alo, NY ! 1reelance "riter Aug. 2012-Aug. 2013 5rod(ce ,tory idea, and "rite content )or "eb,ite. *,tabli,-ed "eekly "eb ,e+ment,@ B())alo An,ta+ram, and B())alo@ 0-en and No". Art"oice ! $lternati;e ne","eekly ! B())alo, NY ! Ne", intern May 2012-Sept. 2012 Wrote =/leanin+ (& t-e dirty "ork,> a ,tory abo(t ,ea,onal ,anitation "orker,6 la",(it a+ain,t t-e /ity o) B())alo. Wrote abo(t t-e )i+-t to &re,er;e -i,toric Bet-le-em Steel b(ildin+@ Bld Nort- ,till ,tandin+ and Steel Standin+.

Buffalo Ri in/ ! 3y&erlocal blo+ ! B())alo, NY ! Antern 2011-Aug. 2011 Wrote &o,t, )oc(,ed on t-e /ity o) B())alo )or "eb,ite.



Be,t 0eam 5layer $"ard, The Spectrum ! 1all 2011 Story o) t-e Week )or =0ool, )or c-an+e,> The Spectrum ! No;. 5, 2012 Story o) t-e Week )or =$ro(nd t-e "orld in 20 mont-,,> The Spectrum ! $&ril 22, 2013 *ditor o) t-e #ont-, The Spectrum ! No;. 2011 3onorable #ention Be,t o) 0o"n,C(are #edia 2ro(& )or a 9D11 &iece ! Se&t. 2012


S-oot and edit &-oto+ra&-, 4 ,till and di+ital camera,E di+ital recordin+ eC(i&mentE Word5re,,E An/o&yE An'e,i+nE 1inal /(tE Fea&erE $(dacityE 5-oto,-o&E <i+-troomE i#o;ieE ,ocial media mana+ement, incl(din+ 0"itter, 1acebook, and An,ta+ram.

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