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ARRIVAL AND LABOR First Japanese immigrants came to the Pacific Northwest in the 1880s when f!

rther "hinese immigration was e#c$!%e% &' fe%era$ $egis$ation( )he' were the Issei the first generation immigrants from Japan *an% +awaii,( Japanese wor-ers were the most !sef!$ at rai$roa% constr!ction tho!san%s of them he$pe% constr!ct the .reat Northern Northern Pacific Oregon /hort Line an% other rai$roa%s in the "o$!m&ia Ri0er Basin( B' 1102 the Japanese comprise% a&o!t 30 percent of Oregon4s tota$ rai$roa% $a&or force( )hese wor-ers wante% higher wages from rai$roa% companies as the s!gar &eet in%!str' &egan competing for their $a&or( Japanese in $arger cities $i-e Port$an% pro0i%e% rooming ho!ses resta!rants stores an% emp$o'ment ser0ices that he$pe% new immigrants get esta&$ishe% in the region( One of the most important Japanese of Port$an% was /hintaro )a-a-i who so$% Japanese goo%s to "hinese merchants an% &' 1881 ha% starte% a resta!rant in the cit' an% soon &ecame a $a&or contractor( As the s!gar &eet pro%!ction ha% grown %!ring the ear$' 1100s 5tah an% I%aho companies recr!ite% the Issei to wor- on farms in the /na-e Ri0er Va$$e'( /oon Japanese immigrants sprea% thro!gho!t the Northwest to pro0i%e farm $a&or hoping that the' wi$$ ha0e their own farm( Li-e man' Americans man' Issei saw in%epen%ent farming as the wa' to mo0e !p the economic $a%%er( +owe0er &eca!se of the %iscrimination Japanese co!$% not &!' &!t rent fie$%s( For e#amp$e )o6i F!6imoto came to I%aho in the ear$' 1100s to wor- as a &eet $a&orer for the 5tah an% I%aho /!gar "ompan'( +e sa0e% his wages to rent 180 acres to grow his own &eets an% his father &rothers an% pict!re &ri%e soon 6oine% him( "5L)5R7 Japanese trie% to fin% their p$ace in the American societ' &!t the' wante% to retain ties to Japan -eep the ethnic tra%itions an% teach their American8 &orn chi$%ren those c!$t!ra$ tra%itions( Japanese Americans erecte% a "omm!nit' +a$$ in +oo% Ri0er an% esta&$ishe% a Japanese 9etho%ist ch!rch in O%e$$( "hristian an% B!%%hist congregations f$o!rishe% as %i% a n!m&er of Japanese schoo$s in the region( For e#amp$e in the 11:0s the ;apato Lang!age /choo$ ha% a&o!t :00 st!%ents( )here were man' Japanese &ase&a$$ teams which &ro!ght together Issei an% Nisei generations *so the first an% secon% generations,( )he ;apato

Nippons won their first $eag!e pennant in 11<3 recei0ing praise from the $oca$ press an% white fans( 9an' of the team4s star p$a'ers recei0e% their ear$' training &' p$a'ing on their integrate% high schoo$ team he$ping ;apato +igh win regiona$ championships in the 11:0s( Japanese Americans so!ght to e%!cate their neigh&ors an% to ease %iscrimination &' promoting Japanese heritage tra%e an% frien%ship( For e#amp$e each 'ear the ;apato Lang!age schoo$ he$% a specia$ e0ent for the $arger comm!nit' in which it inc$!%e% Japanese %ance m!sic an% ceremon'( In response to the frien%ship pro6ects the Japanese "ommittee on Internationa$ Frien%ship Among "hi$%ren forme% an% sent Japanese %o$$ messengers to a$$ of the states &efore "hristmas 11:2( =9iss Nara> was %isp$a'e% in store win%ows thro!gho!t I%aho &efore &eing %onate% to the I%aho /tate +istorica$ /ociet' for safe-eeping( /he was sent with a$$ of her accessories to Japan in 111< to restoration( /he ret!rne% &ac- with a new %o$$ in 1113( )he Nisei hope% to rea$i?e their immigrant parents4 %reams to fin% s!ccess in the 5nite% /tates thro!gh American citi?enship an% its &enefits( /o &eginning in the 11:0s the' forme% Japanese American "iti?en Leag!e *JA"L, chapters in man' Northwest comm!nities(

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