D5-M6 Homework Oneci - Andra

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Oneci Andra Grupa 3, Targoviste

Module 6 Homework
Are these two tasks (A and B) related to intensive or extensive reading? Wh ? These two tasks (A and B) are related to extensive reading because the Ss are reading an authentic material taken from either a health/sports magazine a newspaper or a book! The new notions are introduced graduall" and the students are encouraged to guess the meaning of the unknown words from the given context!
www!"park#eople!co$ %ind &ree exercise progra$s, a calorie tracker, $eal plans and $ore! 'ead the text with a dictionar ((ou don)t have to understand all the words) A. #h sical &itness co$prises two related concepts* general &itness (a state o& health and well+,eing) and speci&ic &itness (a task+oriented de&inition ,ased on the a,ilit to per&or$ speci&ic aspects o& sports or occupations)! #h sical &itness is generall achieved through exercise, correct nutrition and enough rest! -t is an i$portant part o& li&e! -n previous ears, &itness was co$$onl de&ined as the capacit to carr out the da )s activities without undue &atigue! .owever, as auto$ation increased leisure ti$e, changes in li&est les &ollowing the industrial revolution rendered this de&inition insu&&icient! These da s, ph sical &itness is considered a $easure o& the ,od )s a,ilit to &unction e&&icientl and e&&ectivel in work and leisure activities, to ,e health , to resist h pokinetic diseases, and to $eet e$ergenc situations! /o$ponents o& ph sical &itness The #resident0s /ouncil on #h sical %itness and "ports1a stud group sponsored , the govern$ent o& the 2nited "tates1declines to o&&er a si$ple de&inition o& ph sical &itness!

'ead $ore* http*33www!righthealth!co$3topic3Articles4%itness5ix66789hei#2t

B. I. Pre-reading: .ow should people take care o& their pets? -s pla ing with our pet i$portant to ou? What does the title o& the text suggest to ou? II. Read the text and then correct the sentences related to it: Play time or your dog :ven though dog training alwa s starts with so$e excite$ent, it o&ten ends up ,eing a chore! (ou0re too ,us , our dog gets ,ored, ou don0t see$ to ,e $aking progress!!!!But it doesn0t have to ,e like that! "o$e dog training exercises can ,e &un &or the entire &a$il i& ou tr and use pla as o&ten as possi,le! ;ogs can so$eti$es get $ood <ust like we can and i& the don0t &eel like pa ing attention to ou and per&or$ing, the training session pro,a,l won0t ,e e&&icient! But i& our dog thinks it0s pla ti$e and ou get hi$ reall interested, the training will ,e $uch $ore e&&ective! The =co$e= co$$and is one o& the $ost i$portant and although it isn0t that hard to learn, it is hard to get consistenc ! The world is an interesting place and our dog isn0t going to alwa s co$e when ou call i& there0s so$ething $ore interesting! The onl wa to get the consistenc ou want is through continuous re+en&orce$ent! ;oesn0t sound like $uch &un does it? Well, our kids stu$,led on an excellent exercise that we now use all the ti$e and that has resulted in a consistent and conditioned

response when we call our dogs! And that, is hide+ and+ seek> Whenever ou pla this ga$e, $ake sure our dog has an appetite and will want to co$e running &or a treat! ?et hi$ know what ou0ve got in our hand and then put hi$ in a sta ! Once he0s sitting leave the roo$ and go hide so$ewhere! Once ou0re in place call his na$e, or give the co$$and ou use when recalling hi$! .e0ll co$e running! When he shows up, give hi$ a treat and lots o& praise! Then repeat + put hi$ in a sta , leave that roo$ and go hide again! But have &un with it! Get into a closet, hide ,ehind a door, cli$, into the ,ath tu,! -t0s hilarious watching hi$ run into a roo$ and start sni&&ing around when he doesn0t see ou> O& course, ou can0t $ake ever dog training exercise a ga$e! But dog o,edience training doesn0t have to ,e an thing ,ut rewarding! 2se pla whenever ou can (there are several ga$es ou can use like leash training) and our dog training progra$ will never &eel like <ust a chore! 7! ;og training can ,e a$using &or the whole &a$il i& ou use a weapon as o&ten as possi,le @! -& our dog thinks itAs ,ed ti$e the training will ,e $ore e&&ective 3! The B Go awa C co$$and is one o& the $ost i$portant D! Whenever ou hide so$ewhere he will want to co$e running &or a cat E! When he goes awa , give hi$ a treat and lots o& praise F! ;og training has to ,e anno ing III. !i"e the o##osites o the underlined words in the text 7! $ood 44444444unemotional @! e&&icient44444444inefficient 3! hard444444444easy D! consistenc 444444444inconsistency E! alwa s44444444never F! so$ewhere44444444nowhere G! shows up444444444disappears H! hide444444444comes out I! cli$,44444444get down 7J! o,edience4444444disobedience

11. chore44444444 rest

I$. Answer the %uestions: 7! What is the $ain the$e o& the text? @! ;o ou think a dog can ,e a threat &or the $e$,ers o& a &a$il ? 3! What can ,e done a,out stra dogs?

D! What is our &avourite ,reed o& dog?

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