HMI40 SP 10

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_____________________________________________________________ CIMPLICITY Monitoring and Control Products

GE Fanuc Automation

CIMPLICITY HMI Important Product Information Update 4.01 Service Pack 10

Copyright 1999 GE Fanuc Automation, North America, Inc. All Rights Reser e!.


Installation "e# Installation C$%R&' or Floppy $is( Installation Registration Issues Resol e! in this )p!ate Ne* Features in )p!ate +.,1 -er ice .ac( 9 Ne* Features in )p!ate +.,1 -er ice .ac( / Ne* Features in )p!ate +.,1 -er ice .ac( 0 Ne* Features in )p!ate +.,1 -er ice .ac( 1 Ne* Features in )p!ate +.,1 -er ice .ac( 2 Ne* Features in )p!ate +.,1 -er ice .ac( + Ne* Features in )p!ate +.,1 -er ice .ac( 3 Ne* Features in )p!ate +.,1 -er ice .ac( 4 $etermining your Current 5ersion67uil!6-er ice .ac( 8no*n Compati#ility Issues

Applicable Product eleases

.ro!uct9s:; CI'.<ICI=> ?'I @or Intel an! Alpha ersions. 5ersion9s:; )se this ser ice pac( to up!ate the @ollo*ing CI'.<ICI=> ersions. Version: +., +.,1 +.,1 +.,1 +.,1 +.,1 +.,1 +.,1 +.,1 +.,1 +.,1 +.,1 Build: 0+3 /4/ /19 911 919 99, 999 1,91 1110 141+ 144, 14+9 Service Pack: None None A4 A3 A+ A2 A2c A1 A0 A/ A/# A9 or A1 Caution! "o #ot install t$is Service Pack unless %our s%stem $as one o& t$e applicable product releases' listed above. .lat@orm9s:; CI'.<ICI=> ?'I )p!ate +.,1 -er ice .ac( 1, has #een ali!ate! *ith "in!o*s 9/ an! "in!o*s N= +., -er ice .ac( 1a 9Intel an! Alpha ersions:. .lease see the Known Compatibility Issues section @or @urther !etails. Please note t$e &ollo(in)! 1. -er ice .ac( 1, only up!ates those so@t*are mo!ules that you ha e currently installe!. 4. I@ you nee! to install a!!itional CI'.<ICI=> pro!uct options @rom your CI'.<ICI=> ?'I Release +.,B C$ a@ter applying this ser ice pac(, you must @irst uninstall the CI'.<ICI=> pro!uct an! reinstall the options you *ant @rom the C$. )p!ate +.,1 -er ice .ac( 1, .age 1 o@ 3/

3. +. 2. 1.

0. /. 9.

A@ter reinstalling CI'.<ICI=> ?'I so@t*are to inclu!e a!!itional so@t*are mo!ules @rom the C$, you must reinstall this ser ice pac(. I@ you ha e upgra!e! !irectly @rom ersion +.,, there is a Rea!'e.rt@ @ile in the CI'.<ICI=>C?'I !irectory that pro i!es in@ormation regar!ing ersion +.,1. -er ice .ac( 1, *ill upgra!e CI'.<ICI=> proDects create! prior to this release. &nce your proDect has #een upgra!e!, you *ill not #e a#le to con@igure or run it *ith any prior ersion o@ CI'.<ICI=> ?'I so@t*are. Cim5ie* screen @iles in -er ice .ac( 1, are !irectly compati#le *ith CI'.<ICI=> ?'I ersion +., 9all ser ice pac(s:. I@ you use CimE!it to mo!i@y a screen create! un!er any CI'.<ICI=> ersion prior to ?'I +.,B, ie*ers running the earlier ersion *ill no longer #e a#le to open the mo!i@ie! @ile. As al*ays, screens create! an!6or mo!i@ie! *ith an earlier ersion o@ CimE!it may still #e !isplaye! in Cim5ie* using -er ice .ac( 1,. ?elp @iles @or -er ice .ac( 1, are !istri#ute! separately in hmi+,1,hlp.eBe. =his is a non% cumulati e set o@ help @iles. =he same help @ile archi e is ali! @or #oth Alpha an! Intel processors. Ne* =rac(er !ocumentation has #een compile! @or -er ice .ac( +. It is !istri#ute! separately as prt+,+p!@.eBe. Ne* =rac(er !ocumentation has #een compile! @or -er ice .ac( 0. It is !istri#ute! separately as prt+,0p!@.eBe.

Web Installation =o install this -er ice )p!ate @rom the "e# !o the @ollo*ing; 1. $o*nloa! the appropriate @ile @rom the GE Fanuc "e# site; ?'I+,1,i.eBe 9Intel plat@orm: ?'I+,1,a.eBe 9Alpha plat@orm: 4. EBtract the -er ice )p!ate eBecuta#le @ile into a temporary6*or(ing !irectory. 3. -top all CI'.<ICI=> applications on the host computer. +. From EBplorer, open the temporary6*or(ing !irectory *here you place! the !o*nloa!e! @ile. 2. $ou#le%clic( on -E=)..7A= to initiate the installation program. CD-ROM or lopp! Dis" Installation =o install this ser ice up!ate @rom a C$%R&' or @loppy !is( @ollo* these steps; 1. -top all CI'.<ICI=> applications on the host computer. 4. Insert the C$%R&' or @loppy !is( 1 in your computer. 3. From EBplorer, !ou#le clic( on -etup.#at to eBecute the installation program.

&nce your CI'.<ICI=> so@t*are has #een license!, there is no nee! to re%register the so@t*are. I@ you are installing CI'.<ICI=> @or the @irst time, there are the t*o suggeste! metho!s o@ registering; Option 1. Install CI'.<ICI=> so@t*are an! register so@t*are *hen prompte! !uring the installation proce!ure. A@ter registering the CI'.<ICI=> #ase pro!uct, it is not necessary to re% register a@ter installing the -er ice .ac(.

)p!ate +.,1 -er ice .ac( 1,

.age 4 o@ 3/

Option 2. Install CI'.<ICI=> so@t*are an! s(ip registration *hen prompte! !uring the installation proce!ure. Install the -er ice .ac( an! register so@t*are *hen prompte!. >ou must complete the registration proce!ure at this time to ensure that all o@ your so@t*are is properly registere! an! @ully @unctional.

*ssues esolved in t$is Update

=he @ollo*ing issue resolutions are inclu!e! in this up!ate.

#ction Calendar
Service Pack + E ents in the Action Calen!ar con@igure! to eBecute *ithin 12 minutes a@ter the start o@ the !ay no* eBecutes correctly instea! o@ repeating the e ents e ery minute.

#larm Manager
Service Pack , 1. 4. 3. .oints con@igure! @or !e iation alarming *ith E) con ersion no* alarm *hen the limits are eBcee!e!. =he alarm manager resi!ent process *ill no longer a#normally terminate *hen an unsolicite! point up!ate changes alarm state. In a host re!un!ant en ironment, the EA<AR'.)NAC8E$ an! the EA<AR'.AC=I5E point alue is trans@erre! @rom the primary computer to the secon!ary computer *hen the primary system @ails. =his alue is no* correctly trans@erre! #ac( to the primary computer *hen it resumes control.

Service Pack + =he Alarm 'anager no longer eBperiences memory gro*th *hen processing certain types o@ transactions on Enterprise Alarms.

#larm $ound Manager

Service Pack =he Alarm -oun! 'anager process no longer terminates a#normally *hen your CI'.<ICI=> proDect is terminate!. In a!!ition, internal memory han!ling has #een mo!i@ie! to eliminate a potential a#normal process termination un!er other con!itions. Service Pack + It is no* possi#le to select a setup @or an alarm connection.

#larm Log Printer

Service Pack 10 It is no* possi#le to print the alarm generation time *hen an alarm is reset using the @ollo*ing glo#al parameter; AMLP_USE_RESET_TIME|1|Y

)p!ate +.,1 -er ice .ac( 1,

.age 3 o@ 3/

Service Pack . =he alarm printer can no* #e con@igure! to stop printing alarms i@, @or eBample, a har!*are pro#lem causes the spoole! print Do#s to eBcessi ely accumulate. =o control this #eha ior, speci@y the @ollo*ing glo#al parameters; -top printing alarms i@ more than this num#er o@ Do#s ha e #een spoole! AMLP_HIGHWATERMARK|1|20 Restart printing alarms a@ter the num#er o@ Do#s is less than or eFual to this num#er AMLP_LOWWATERMARK|1|0 .rint a page in!icating alarms ha e #een !roppe! AMLP_LOSTALARMSPAGE|1|Y

Service Pack , 1. 4. "hen the amlp_@lush.eBe program is run, all unprinte! alarm messages are no* sent to the printer. =he alarm printer no* supports printing o@ entire /,%char alarm messages. =his *ill occur on printers *ith *i!th set to /, 9*ith le@t in!entation #eing lost i@ necessary: an! on capa#le *i!e printers, up to the *i!th speci@ie! on the alarm printer layout ta# 9*i!th o@ 120 #eing reFuire! to print @ull /,%char message:.

Service Pack / =he Factory Resource @iel! has #een increase! to support 11 characters.

#larm %ie&er'#larm %ie&er OC(

Service Pack 10 Alarms @rom a 3.44 system can no* #e correctly ie*e! on a +.,1 system. Service Pack . 1. 4. Alarm 5ie*ers *ith Gpop to topH @unctionality can no* #e maBimiIe!. )p!ates to the alarm comment are no* processe! *hen the Alarm 5ie*er is in static mo!e.

Service Pack 0 Ne* line6carriage returns are no longer #eing !isplaye! in alarm messages. Service Pack , Alarm comments change! @rom a ie*er are no* correctly up!ate! on all other ie*ers in the system. Service Pack 4 1. 4. -croll #uttons in narro* ie*ers no* !isplay #oth up an! !o*n arro*s. .age)p an! .age$o*n metho!s in the Alarm 5ie*er &CJ control no longer s(ip alarms *hen in o(e!. Alarm comments can no* #e seen *hen connecting to a proDect that has the same name as the no!e. 5ie*ing an Alarm 5ie*er page on a pre%+., ser er no longer mishan!les alarm class colors, *hich pre iously coul! ha e ma!e the alarms unrea!a#le. .age + o@ 3/

Service Pack 1 1. 4.

)p!ate +.,1 -er ice .ac( 1,


=he @ont styles o@ the Alarm 5ie*er #uttons are no* consistent.

Service Pack / In the !emo proDect, the Alarm 5ie*er &CJ no longer generates errors stating that it is not logge! in.

#llen-)radle! D * De+ice Communications

Service Pack 1. -ingle precision @loating points are no* con@igura#le to an Allen%7ra!ley -<C26,2 !e ice through the @ollo*ing glo#al parameter; ABDF1_<portna !"_USESPFP|1|YES 7y !e@ault, this parameter is set to N&K thus using !ou#le precision @loating points. For -<C !e ices, single precision is reFuire! an! @or .<C2 !e ices, !ou#le precision is reFuire!. =imer an! counter points @or this protocol are no* supporte!.


#llen-)radle! Data Hig,&a! Plus De+ice Communications

Service Pack , =he @ile num#er G/H is no* #eing rea! correctly.

#llen-)radle! -t,ernet De+ice Communications

Service Pack 10 =he error L$=<_E_F)<< $EFINE =a#le FullH *ill no longer @ill the status logs *hen the !e ice is not connecte! at startup. Service Pack / -econ!ary no!es no longer log errors a#out Loutstan!ing polls.L I@ the Allen%7ra!ley !e ice cannot (eep up *ith the con@igure! !e ice scan rate, it *ill s(ip a poll *hile *aiting @or the !e ice to catch up.

)asic Control -ngine

Service Pack . =he @unction G$is( FreeH no* properly @unctions. Service Pack 0 1. .arallel e ents that trigger scripts no longer cause E ent 'anger to terminate on a !ual% processor machine. 4. Muic("atch no longer terminates *hen entering a aria#le. 3. E ent'anager$ynamic)p!ate has #een a!!e! to the &#Dect 'o!el. =his *ill allo* users to !ynamically up!ate the E ent 'anager. Service Pack , 1. =he 7asic Control Engine )ser Inter@ace no* !isplays e ents *hich ha e actions #ase! on RecipesK @or eBample, Recipe $o*nloa!s *ill #e !isplaye! in the )ser Inter@ace *hen they are triggere!. 4. $ynamic )p!ate in a re!un!ant system no* correctly up!ates the secon!ary machineNs con@iguration. 3. =he G'arFuee'essageGenerateH 7CE EBtension can no* correctly pass 422 characters to the 'arFuee process.

)p!ate +.,1 -er ice .ac( 1,

.age 2 o@ 3/

Service Pack 1. =he &#Dect 'o!el o#Dect Ge@screen.&pen no* properly @lushes the cache an! opens a Cim5ie* screen. 4. Cim5ie* no* opens the systemNs registry *ith A!ministrator pri ileges. 3. =he Cim5ie* error message G&ne or more points on this screen are not con@igure!H has #een remo e!. =hese points are no* mar(e! in the Cim5ie* screenNs .oint 5ie* as in ali!. Service Pack + 1. =he &#Dect 'o!el o#Dect Ge@Application.Name no* returns the name o@ the application. 4. =he &#Dect 'o!el o#Dect Ge@.roce!ures.Item9: can no* use a numeric argument correctly. 3. )sing the Automation 'o!el, alarm limits can no* #e change! !ynamically. Service Pack 4 Errors logge! *ith long .oint I$s are no longer truncate! in the error log. Service Pack 1 1. 4. =he 7asic EBtension CimE'.ointE ent no longer returns truncate! point alues. Actions are no longer use! as sort criteria @rom the E ent E!itor *in!o*.

Service Pack / In alarm loo(%up, con@iguration @iel!s *ith empty alues *ill no* #e ignore!.

CCM. De+ice Communications

Service Pack , .oints using this communication protocol are no* correctly #eing up!ate!.

Service Pack 10 1. 4. 3. +. =he property GGe@&#Dect.Alarm-tateColorAnim..ointI$H no longer causes the Cim5ie* screen to terminate *hen the point is *ritten to. It is no* possi#le to paste large meta@iles into a CimE!it screen. Cim5ie* no* eBits properly i@ the @ile reFueste! #y =hin5ie* is not @oun!. C.) utiliIation is no* lo*er @or Cim5ie* screens that ha e compleB or numerous lin(e! o#Dects. =he o#Dect mo!el o#Dect G-creen&#Dect.-caleH no* correctly *or(s *ith 'icroso@t &@@ice 4,,,. =he o#Dect mo!el o#Dect GGe@&#Dect.'o eAnim.?oriIontalAttri#H has #een eBpose!. )sers are pre ente! @rom opening CI'.<ICI=> screens @rom ersion 2., on a ersion +.,1 system. .oints are no* @ully Fuali@ie! *hen a!!e! into a CI'.<ICI=> screen. In%place e!its setpoints an! a#solute setpoints no* *or( correctly @or array points *ith -=RING !ata types =he G&#Dect Remo e!H E ent no longer causes a CimE!it termination *hen in o(e!. 'ultiple screens can no* access the same glo#al script at the same time. .re iously, this *oul! cause Cim5ie* to a#normally terminate. )n!er certain circumstances, parameters coul! not #e passe! to glo#al scripts @rom the In o(e -cript action o@ a proce!ure. =his has #een correcte!.

Service Pack . 1. 4. 3. +. 1. 4. 3. +.

Service Pack 0

)p!ate +.,1 -er ice .ac( 1,

.age 1 o@ 3/

2. 1. 0. /. 9. 1,. 11. 14. 13.

"hen a =hin5ie* session is !isconnecte!, the associate! Cim5ie* session is no* promptly eBiting. Issues o@ memory gro*th ha e #een eliminate! !ue to the Cim5ie* sessions not eBiting. Cim5ie* no longer terminates *hen the screen contains acti e in%place e!its or sli!er setpoint actions an! an o erlay screen is opene!. "hen a setpoint o#Dect is remo e! @rom a Cim5ie* screen, the screen no longer terminates. Cim5ie* screens using the CproDect option are no* properly @ully Fuali@ie!. .oints *here the .oint I$ an! the )ser%$e@ine! Attri#ute is greater than 34 characters are no longer reDecte! as in ali! in CimE!it. Cim5ie* no longer terminates *hen using a aria#le *ith alarm state color animation. =he -mart &#Dect GJ> .lotH no longer halts the screen *hen the o#Dect has #een cancelle!. 'essages @rom the E ent 'anager are no* #rought to the @ront *hen Cim5ie* is #eing run *ith the 6al*aysmaBimiIe! option. =he o#Dect mo!els ?oriIontal-hear an! 5eritical-hear no* #eha e correctly. .re iously, they *ere #ac(*ar!s. Replacing a .ointI$ @rom the CimE!it G.oint 5ie*H no longer terminates the CimE!it *in!o*. =he In o(e'etho! action, *hen use! in a proce!ure, no* correctly lists the metho! name. <in(e! teBt o#Dects no* sa e in the correct location i@ the Ioom @actor at *hich you sa e! them is not 1,, percent. =he 'ouse)p an! 'ouse$o*n metho!s no* @unction correctly @or an o#Dect that is place! on top o@ an &CJ control. Glo#al scripts are no* selecta#le actions in the E ent ta#. Glo#al scripts can no* #e e!ite! @rom the Action e!it control, Dust as non%glo#al scripts can #e. "hen using either 6loa!script or G-'_<&A$_-CRI.= *ith CimGetRoot&#Dect, the correct o#Dect is o#taine!.

Service Pack , 1. 4. 3. +. 2. 1. 0. /.

Service Pack 1. 4. 3. Cim5ie* o#Dects *ith a #or!er *i!th o@ greater than ,pt no* scale correctly. 5aria#le names in teBt an! @ill animation eBpressions no* @unction correctly *hen use! in a sli!er -mart &#Dect. Ramp setpoints no longer !isplay alues *ith incorrect precision. =he ramp setpoint !ialog #oB *ill only !isplay the precision that has #een con@igure! @or the point. =o o erri!e this restriction an! allo* more precision on the setpoint, a!! the @ollo*ing glo#al parameter; GSM_O#ERRIDE_POI$T_FMT|1|%&1'( =he error message G&ne or more points on this screen are not con@igure!H has #een remo e!. Cim5ie*Ns .oint 5ie* *ill no* !isplay missing points. -caling animation @or lin(e! o#Dects no longer mo es the o#Dect *hile it is #eing scale!.

+. 2.

Service Pack +c 1. 4. Cim5ie* no longer hangs *hen using a -creen &pen action to trans@er #et*een screens *ith outstan!ing e ents. Cim5ie* no longer terminates *hen using the &#Dect 'o!el to !elete e ents in a groupe! o#Dect.

Service Pack + 1. 'enu selections @or an o#Dect are no* !isplaye! correctly e en *hen the o#Dect is containe! *ithin a group. .re iously, the item menu *oul! #e omitte! in @a or o@ the 9noneBistent: menu on the group itsel@. .age 0 o@ 3/

)p!ate +.,1 -er ice .ac( 1,


=he ali!ation o@ points @or EBpression ?igh e ents has #een correcte!. .re iously, a race con!ition *ith these e ents coul! cause point !ata to appear una aila#le. CimE!it *ill no* properly e aluate eBpressions that use a comma as a !ecimal point. =his metho! o@ !isplaying num#ers is mostly commonly use! in European locales. "hen a Cim5ie* tool#ar is ma!e in isi#le, it *ill remain in isi#le the neBt time the screen is opene!. &#Dects no* #lin( #oth the #or!er an! interior at the con@igure! siIe. Fill animation is no* more precise in its !etermination o@ the @ill Fuantity @or @loating%point alues. An em#e!!e! &<E o#Dect '- "e# 7ro*ser no longer causes CimE!it to terminate a#normally *hen its properties are !isplaye!. CimE!it no longer terminates *hen an o#Dect @rom the $emo proDect is paste! into a screen. &#Dects that are lin(e! @rom the &#Dect 'o!el no* ha e the correct siIe an! location. .opup menus create! @rom 7asic scripts no* hol! a Cim5ie* screen capti e. =he 6loa!cache startup option no longer generates an error stating that it coul! not loa! the cache @ile. Muic( =ren!s *ill no* up!ate eBisting point lines *hen in o(e! t*ice @or the same point9s:. .re iously, an error *oul! #e generate! stating that the lines alrea!y eBist. =he sli!er #ar in a =ren! o#Dect no* up!ates more eBpe!iently *hen !ragge! in a large *in!o*. Constraine! rotation @or an o#Dect is no* rotate! at O6% +2 !egrees @rom current angle o@ rotation. &CJ @rame containers no longer Ggra#sH mouse e ents *hen the @rame is in isi#le. >ou can no* select an o#Dect *ith the mouse that o erlaps a hi!!en &CJ control. EBpression high e ents in the cache no longer cause o erlay screens to #eha e incorrectly. .oints in proce!ures are no* !etache! @rom an o#Dect *hen !eleting a point -et point con@irmation no longer truncates !igits o@ real setpoints. All points are no* Fuali@ie! *hen sent to the .oint Control .anel. Comman! lines that contain 6Em#e!!ing or 6Automation are no longer sent across to the controlling Automation ser er Cim5ie*. -creen o erlays @rom a script no longer hang Cim5ie* *hen the screen contains a lin(e! o#Dect *ith a script.

Service Pack 4 1. 4. 3. +. 2. 1. 0. /. 9.

Service Pack 1 1. 4. 1. 4. 3. +. 2. 1. 0. /.

Service Pack /

Service Pack . 1. 4. It is no* possi#le to ha e an alarm !elay alues o@ less than 2 secon!s. )sing the -tart At 7oot option no longer puts errors in the N= E ent <og.

Service Pack "hen !eleting a -eries 9, Ethernet port @rom a proDectNs con@iguration, the "or(#ench no longer terminates. Service Pack + 1. =he application note GIntegrating a .rocess into CI'.<ICI=> ?'IH !escri#es a metho! you can use to automatically start6stop a 7asic or A.I program simultaneously *ith your CI'.<ICI=> proDect. )sing this metho!, it is no* possi#le to start6stop processes that ha e a process name that is more than 1, characters long. .age / o@ 3/

)p!ate +.,1 -er ice .ac( 1,



=he port properties @or a serial port are no* maintaine! correctly *hen the .ort Con@iguration *in!o* is close!. .rior to this release, changes ma!e to the port properties *oul! not al*ays #e sa e! on eBit. ?'I ersion 4.1 proDects can no* #e !irectly upgra!e! to ?'I ersion +.,1 -er ice .ac( 2. .rior to this -er ice .ac(, ersion 4.1 proDects ha! to #e upgra!e! @irst to ersion 3.4B #e@ore the upgra!e to ?'I +.,1 coul! #e per@orme!. "hen speci@ying an alarm !elay less than 2 secon!s, an error message is no* generate!. A popup *ill *arn you that alue entere! is too lo*. )n!er "in!o*s9269/, )NC path names @or Cim5ie* screens in -tartup &ptions no* start properly. $ynamic changes ma!e to the proDect a@ter non%!ynamic changes are no* applie! to the runtime system. =he num#er o@ elements allo*e! in a #itstring is more care@ully monitore! @or inconsistencies. -pecial characters, such as GPH are no* allo*e! in pass*or!s. =he eFuation G<&G1,9Q.:H is no* accepta#le in the eFuation @iel!, gi ing the #ase%1, logarithm o@ the point alue. $elta accumulator points can no* #e con@igure! as a )$IN= !ata type. .re iously, an error *oul! #e generate! stating Lthe rollo er alue @or this !atatype is too large.L A !e ice protocol cannot #e remo e! @rom a proDect i@ the ports are con@igure! @or the protocol. "hen selecting another !e ice @or a point *hose port ha! a !i@@erent scan rate, the teBt !isplay no* sho*s the correct scan rate. "hen a ne* !e ice is selecte! @or a !e ice point, the teBt !isplay is no* correctly up!ate! to re@lect the scan rate @or that !e ice. In +.,1 the GPH sign *as a!!e! to the list o@ in ali! characters @or .oint I$s to a oi! con@licts *ith .oint 7y A!!ress points that start *ith GPH signs. =he restriction has #een change! to allo* points to contain GPH signs, #ut they cannot start *ith GPH signs.

Service Pack 4 1. 4. 3.

Service Pack 1 1. 4. 3. +.

Service Pack / 1. 4.


Service Pack , 1. 4. I@ c*ser .eBe is ran on a system *here CI'.<ICI=> is not running, pressing GcancelH in the G-elect CI'.<ICI=> .roDectH *in!o* no longer causes a#normal termination. C*ser .eBe *ill no longer terminate *hen running un!er the login o@ G->-=E'H.

Service Pack Array points are no* rea! correctly @rom, an! *ritten to *ith $$E. Service Pack 1 $$E can no* access points that contain a perio! 9R.R: in the .oint I$.

Database Logger
Service Pack . =he @ollo*ing Cim-er er metho!s an! properties ha e #een change! @or $ata#ase <ogging; &7-&<E=E RE.<ACE$ 7> <oggingAttri#utes $e@ault<ogAttri#utes -etGroup<og.tAttri# -etGroup<og.ointAttri# )p!ate +.,1 -er ice .ac( 1, .age 9 o@ 3/

GetGroup<og.tAttri# Service Pack 0


In a host re!un!ant en ironment, a !ynamically a!!e! Group =a#le is no* a!!e! correctly on #oth the master an! sla e systems. Service Pack , "hen eBporting an A<AR'_<&G ta#le to a C-5 @ile *ith recor!s *hose Comments @iel! contains carriage returns, the @ile is no longer corrupte!. Service Pack 1. 4. "hen the maintenance e ent $is( -pace <o* *ith a non%Iero -pace Remaining alue is turne! o@@, it no* correctly !isa#les. "hen logging either to A<AR'_<&G, E5EN=_<&G or E'_<&G, )se $e@ault @rom the 'aintenance Action6E ent ta# no* correctly logs !ata.

Service Pack 1 1. =he Alarm ta#lesN .RE5_-=A=E, <&G_AC=I&N an! FINA<_-=A=E @iel!s *ere pre iously logge! as N)<< #y the store an! @or*ar! option. =hey are no* logge! properly. 4. "hen a ta#le has a gate! maintenance e ent con@igure! *ith a 7oolean point that !oes not eBist, pt!l_rp.eBe an! !l_rp.eBe no longer ha e access iolations. An error is no* generate! in the status log stating that there is an error in the pointNs con@iguration. Service Pack / 1. 4. =o log !ata using 'easurement )nits, use the glo#al parameter PTDL_E$ABLE_MEASUREME$TS|1|1. Alarm triggere! logging no* logs the point *hen it goes into alarm.

DD- Client De+ice Communications

Service Pack 10 =he $$E !e com *ill no* longer crash *ith &N_$E'AN$ points. Service Pack . "hen using the $$E client in a re!un!ant con@iguration, the protocol no longer terminates on the secon!ary no!e. Service Pack +c =he $$E $e ice Communications Ena#ler can no* use a teBt point to !etect *hen a $$E -er er has lost its connection to a physical !e ice. =o use this @eature, con@igure a teBt point *ith the @ollo*ing !e ice point a!!ress; )HP*+, at-.*n(+/tr*n(0+<*t! +a11r!//" *here <*t! +a11r!//" is the location to rea! @or the heart#eat point, an! , at-.*n(+ /tr*n(0 is the teBt to loo( @or at that a!!ress. I@ the matching string is @oun! *ithin the point alue, the !e ice *ill #e a aila#leK other*ise, it *ill #e una aila#le. =o speci@y instea! that a !e ice *ill #e una aila#le *hen a matching string is @oun!, use the !e ice point a!!ress; )HPn*+, at-.*n(+/tr*n(0+<*t! +a11r!//" Service Pack / =he glo#al parameter $$E_RE-E=_&N_"RI=E_FAI<)RES1S>E- can #e use! to ha e the $$E $e ice Communication !isconnect @rom the $$E -er er on successi e "rite @ailures. A@ter !isconnect, the $$E $e ice Communication *ill reconnect to the $$E ser er. =he num#er o@ "rite )p!ate +.,1 -er ice .ac( 1, .age 1, o@ 3/

@ailures that cause the connection to reset is eFual to the GRetry CountH on the .ort Con@iguration page.

Deri+ed Point Calculations

Service Pack 10 )n!er certain circumstances, alue accumulator points not longer stop up!ating. Service Pack $elta Accumulator points in proDects *ith more than 1,, !eri e! points are no* sa e! correctly *hen con@igure! to !o so. Service Pack 4 )sing the glo#al parameter RA"_<I'I=_A<AR' set to N&, ra* alues outsi!e a pointNs range limits no longer #ecome una aila#le. Service Pack / 1. 4. 3. +. 5aria#le set points no* han!le arrays correctly *hen the point contains a aria#le. <imits no* allo* a high con erte! alue. $e ice points con@igure! to use range limits no longer #ecome una aila#le *hen the point is set to the range limit. .oints alarm correctly *ith E) con ersion.

De+ice Communications
Service Pack 10 1. 1. 4. "hen a port is !isa#le!, a message is no* logge! in the proDectNs log @ile. 7oolean *or!s con@igure! @or .oll A@ter -et are no* a#le to up!ate correctly. 7it string points can #e seen in re erse *ith the use o@ the @ollo*ing glo#al paramter; D2_BIT_RE#ERSE|1|YES Service Pack .

HCT De+ice Communications

Service Pack / =he ?C= !e com no longer terminates *hen rea!ing an in ali! @loating point num#er @rom the .<C @or point an! !e ice I$Ns *ith long names.

Historical Data #nal!/er

Service Pack , $ynamically up!ating the ?$A con@iguration @rom the 5ie*er Con@iguration no* properly restarts the ?$A processes. Service Pack =he !imensions o@ the -ource Fiel! an! Fiel! Name in the ?$A 5ie*er Con@iguration ha e #een increase! to pro i!e a greater ie*ing area @or the point names. Service Pack + 1. =he ?$A 5ie*er%E!itor control *ill no* correctly !isplay more than 99 columns o@ !ata @rom a !ata#ase ta#le. .age 11 o@ 3/

)p!ate +.,1 -er ice .ac( 1,




=he ?$A 5ie*er%E!itor control no longer causes Cim5ie* to a#normally terminate *hen con@igure! @or a Fuery that !oes not return any ali! !ata. =his inclu!es *hen the user cancels a !ata#ase logging, or *hen the time range is con@igure! @or a time *hen there is no !ata. .rior to this release, the <55 calculation al*ays use! !ata @rom the prior ro* in the source ta#le. =his is the correct #eha ior, @or eBample, *hen using <55 @or an iterati e computation. I@ the current alue is !esire! instea! o@ the prior one in an <55 computation, !e@ine the glo#al parameter DARP_L##_USE2URRE$T to ha e the alue Y. In the ?$A 5ie*er E!itor, the computer name can #e su#stitute! @or .roDect Name un!er the $ata#ase ta#. =his @eature may #e use!, @or eBample, *hen connecting to an ?$A proDect through a router *hich !oes not pass )$. #roa!casts. ?$A *ill no* properly con@igure a set *hen the group ta#le logging attri#utes are con@igure! @or options other than 5alue. =he ?$A 5ie*er E!itor control *ill no longer cause Cim5ie* to terminate a#normally *hen it @ails to o#tain a connection to the ?$A source ta#le. =he computation o@ <55 eBpressions @rom a compute! source @iel! 9li(e 7A5: has #een correcte! to insure that the most current 7A5 alue *ill #e use! *hen the <55 computation is per@orme!.

Service Pack 4 1. 4. 3.

Service Pack / ?$A *ill no* allo* set con@iguration #ase! on group logs that log more than the 5alue attri#ute.

Hone!&ell De+ice Communications

Service Pack , 1. 4. =he port con@iguration page no* has parameters @or stop an! !ata #its. =he use o@ in!i i!ual array elements is no* supporte!.

Service Pack 0 "hen a point *ith in ali! alarm limits is importe!, an error is *ritten to the log in!icating there *as an alarm limit pro#lem. Service Pack , =he import no longer stops i@ the Reset .oint is not alrea!y in the !ata#ase. Service Pack +c =he Resource I$ is no* a !e@ault @iel! *hen importing points.

Inter-Process Communications
Service Pack 0 A !ea!%loc( situation has #een remo e! @rom the Router. =his situation *oul! cause it to cease inter% process communications.

1o,nson Controls 23.4

Service Pack + =he Tohnson Control !iagnostic utility no* prints output to the out @ile o@ the process, @or eBample C&',1.out.

)p!ate +.,1 -er ice .ac( 1,

.age 14 o@ 3/

Service Pack 1 =he Tohnson Control !e ice communication process no longer terminates i@ an incorrect !e ice is con@igure!.

Locali/ed Product
Service Pack 0 =he "or(#ench proDect properties can no* #e properly !isplaye! in the Tapanese pro!uct. Service Pack , =he Tapanese pro!uct *ill no* correctly !isplay the 8anDi @ont in the proDect start up #oB.

Login Panel
Service Pack 0b 1. 4. Cim5ie* screens no longer terminate *hen a user is logge! out o@ the proDect @rom the <ogin .anel. Cim5ie* an! .oint Control .anel screens no longer #ecome unresponsi e *hen the user cancels out o@ the login #oB @rom the <ogin .anel.

Service Pack / =he glo#al parameter <&GIN_N&-A5E no* @unctions correctly.

Service Pack 0 1. =he 7CE EBtension G'arFuee'essageGenerateH can no* correctly pass 422 characters to the 'arFuee process. 4. =he !e@ault num#er o@ !isplay characters @or teBt points is no* /, characters. =he pre ious !isplay limit, as !ocumente! in the 'arFuee !ocumentation, *as 4, characters. =o !isplay @e*er than /, characters, the @ollo*ing glo#al parameter may #e a!!e! to the proDect 9*here the last @iel! is the num#er o@ !isplay characters:; MAR3_POI$T_LIMIT_LE$|4|20 3. .oints con@igure! *ith the .oint =ype o@ GrealH no* !isplay the correct precision an! *i!th *hen outputte! to the 'arFuee. Service Pack 'arFuee message *rap no* #eha es properly *hen con@igure! through the port con@iguration an! glo#al parameter. Service Pack / =he 'arFuee !ri er no* allo*s the #au! rate an! other serial communication parameters to #e set !irectly #y the resi!ent process !uring startup.

Measurement 6nits
Service Pack 0 .oints that contain a #ac(slash in their names are no* scale! correctly an! la#ele! *ith the proper engineering unit *hen using 'easurement )nits. Service Pack / 1. "hen you ha e a CI'.<ICI=> ?'I client earlier than ersion +., communicating *ith a .age 13 o@ 3/

)p!ate +.,1 -er ice .ac( 1,


CI'.<ICI=> ?'I ersion +., or higher proDect that uses an acti e measurement system, the client *ill see point alues in their #ase measurement system. .oint alues cannot #e seen in the acti e measurement system #ecause the client !oes not support measurement units. &ne eBception is point attri#utes an! alarm messages that contain any type o@ alue such as limits, alue, E) la#el an! !e iation amounts, *hich are sho*n in the acti e measurement unit rather than the #ase unit. .oint properties @rom the .oint Control .anel no* sho* the con erte! limits @or alarm attri#utes, !isplay, setpoint an! range limits.

Mitsubis,i $erial De+ice Communications

Service Pack 0 =he memory siIe o@ @ile registers @or all supporte! 'itsu#ishi !e ices has #een increase! @rom +,92 #ytes to /191 #ytes.

Modbus -t,ernet De+ice Communications

Service Pack 10 1. 'o!#us EthernetNs unsolicite! !ata points are up!ate! correctly *hen using a #ri!ge. 2. =he glo#al parameter GMB_WORD_RE#ERSEH !i! not @unction correctly i@ the top point in the cache @ile *as a @loat. Service Pack 0 =he cache @iles are no* correctly create! *hen using this communication protocol. Service Pack =he a#ility to *rite to a single coil has #een a!!e! #y using the @ollo*ing glo#al parameter; MB_USE_SI$GLE_2OIL|1|YES

Modbus Plus De+ice Communications

Service Pack , =he 'o!#us .lus !ri er no longer terminates a#normally i@ the 'o!#us .lus ca#le is connecte! !uring system startup. Service Pack =he a#ility to *rite to a single coil has #een a!!e! #y using the @ollo*ing glo#al parameter; MB_USE_SI$GLE_2OIL|1|YES Service Pack / 1. 4. )nsolicite! points no* ha e a timestamp resolution in millisecon!s. )nsolicite! points no* use a 4+%hour timestamp.

Modbus RT6 De+ice Communications

Service Pack 10 "riting to the @irst element o@ an array *ill no longer set all o@ the elements in the array. Service Pack 0 It is no* possi#le to set an in!i i!ual array element using this protocol. Service Pack =he a#ility to *rite to a single coil has #een a!!e! #y using the @ollo*ing glo#al parameter; )p!ate +.,1 -er ice .ac( 1, .age 1+ o@ 3/


Service Pack 10 1. 4. 3. $ynamic changes to points no longer cause the point to #ecome una aila#le. .oint #y A!!ress points no longer @ail @or the @ollo*ing !atatypes; -IN=, )-IN=, )IN=, )$IN=. "ith the .ort<e el con@iguration parameter )se$ata=ype.romotion set to 1 in the 'A-=ER_U.&R=V.ini @ile, a setpoint operation on a point o@ type -IN= *oul! @ail *hen the set point alue *as negati e "ith the .ort<e el con@iguration parameter )se$ata=ype.romotion set to 1 in the 'A-=ER_U.&R=V.ini @ile, setpoint operations on 7&&<EAN array points !i! not *or(. "hen the &.C ser er is stoppe! an! then restarte!, unsolicite! points no* up!ate correctly.

+. 2.

Service Pack . 1. 4. 3. +. 2. 1. 0. /. 9. "hen a constant an! high rate o@ unsolicite! !ata is #eing processe!, point up!ates are not signi@icantly postpone!. All &.C -er er resources are no* release! on a normal shut!o*n. 7oolean points no longer terminate the CI'.<ICI=> &.C Client. Negati e alues can no* #e rea! an! *ritten @or signe! point alues. =he last character o@ a teBt point is no* consistently !isplaye!. &.C Client no* has more consistent array support. &.C Client only tries to remo e points @rom the &.C -er er that ha e #een success@ully a!!e!. Anomalous #eha ior as a result o@ in ali! an! !isa#le! points.

7y !e@ault, non%polle! rea! operations reFuest the &.C -er er rea! the !ata @rom the !e ice rather than @rom the &.C -er erNs rea! cache, as *as the case in releases prior to -er ice .ac( /. Rea!ing !irectly @rom the !e ice rather than the cache can a@@ect per@ormance in some applications an! may #e un!esira#le or unnecessary @or a particular application. =he #eha ior may #e mo!i@ie! through the initialiIation @ile @or the &.C Client 9'aster_U.&R=V.ini: #y setting $e iceRea!A@ter-et to , @or each !e ice group *here the alternate #eha ior is !esire!. 1,. =he &.C Client inclu!es a trace @acility that can #e ena#le! or !isa#le! at start%up through glo#al parameters. 7y !e@ault, the trace in@ormation is no* *ritten to a circular log @ile in the proDectNs log !irectory calle! 'A-=ER_U.&R=V.log. =o re ert to the pre ious @unctionality, !e@ine the port le el aria#le Circular<og to a alue o@ , in the 'A-=ER_U.&R=V.ini @ile locate! in the proDectNs !ata !irectory.

)p!ate +.,1 -er ice .ac( 1,

.age 12 o@ 3/

Service Pack , 1. 4. 3. 1. $ynamic point con@iguration no longer causes &.C to a#normally terminate. .oints *ith !uplicate point a!!resses no* are up!ate!. =he !omain o@@set is no* use! to !etermine *hich points shoul! #e up!ate! *hen processing unsolicite! !ata. All points in a )ser%$e@ine! group no* up!ate. "hen using &.C to connect to an R-%<inB &.C -er er, a ne* glo#al parameter has #een a!!e! to allo* a!!ing points to the ser er *ithout in@orming the ser er o@ the point type. =his a oi!s reDection @rom the ser er !ue to an in ali! point type. =he !e@ault @or this parameter is N&. =o ena#le this @eature, a!! into glo#al parameters; &.C_A$$_A-_E'.=>S1S>E"hen using &.C to connect to an R-%<inB &.C -er er, a ne* glo#al parameter has #een a!!e! to allo* 7oolean point types to #e treate! as *or!s. =he !e@ault @or this parameter is N&. =o ena#le this @eature, a!! into glo#al parameters; &.C_7&&<_A-_"&R$S1S>E&.C has #een enhance! to use less memory than pre ious ersions.

Service Pack -



Omron De+ice Communications

Service Pack "hen an &mron !e ice has a non%@atal error, the CI'.<ICI=> communications are no longer terminate! to the .<C. =o ena#le this @eature, a!! into glo#al parameters; IGN&RE_N&NFA=A<_ERR&R-S1S1

Performance Counters
Service Pack 10 1. =he *inlogon.eBe process no longer eBperiences memory gro*th. 4. ?'I .er@ormance counters can no* #e retrie e! remotely @rom a "in!o*s N= -er er.

Service Pack , 1. 4. EBtra options set @or the .oc(et5ie* Cim5ie* options are no* remo a#le. =he .oc(et5ie* option no longer @ails to install.

Service Pack It is no* possi#le to ie* .oc(et5ie* Client screens in more than 421 colors. =o up!ate the client, consult the REA$'E.=J= @ile in the CI'.<ICI=>C?'ICeBtrasC.oc(et5ie* !irectory.

Point Control Panel

Service Pack . =he alarm ac(no*le!gement counter is no* properly !ecremente! i@ the alarm is changing @rom an ac(no*le!ge! state to a !i@@erent state #ase! on an alarm reset reFuest. Service Pack 0 'anual 'o!e points are no* #eing properly sa e! *hen the !ata type o@ the point is change!. Service Pack , =he ER&<E point no* correctly !isplays all 11 characters.

)p!ate +.,1 -er ice .ac( 1,

.age 11 o@ 3/

Service Pack "hen using 'anual 'o!e to control a pointNs alue, the userNs role pri ileges must contain L'o!i@y Attri#utes.L Service Pack +c 1. 4. .oint Control .anel no longer !isplays incorrect alues a@ter re%ena#ling an out%o@%range point. A@ter an alarm limit is change! in the .oint Control .anel, "arning ?igh alarms are no* generate! properly.

Service Pack 1 $e iation alarm points are no* changea#le ia .oint Control .anel.

Point Cross Reference

Service Pack 1 )n(no*n .oint I$s are no* printe! in the cross%re@erence reports.

Point Management
Service Pack 0b =he .oint 'anager no longer terminates *hen a Cim5ie* screen re@erences points that are no longer con@igure!. Service Pack Remote ie*ers *ill no longer hang *aiting @or the .oint 'anager process to #roa!cast acti e master ser er in@ormation. Service Pack + =he .oint 'anager *ill no longer attempt to han!le point up!ates that are larger than its internal #u@@ers. .re iously, this con!ition coul! occur *ith Enterprise .oints or .oint%#y%A!!ress points, causing the .oint 'anager to terminate a#normally. .oints o@ these types *ill #e no* #e truncate! at the upper limit o@ 11,, #ytes.

Process Control
Service Pack 1 I@ a process is in an G)n(no*nH state, a message *ill #e sent stating the process coul! not #e starte!. .re iously, .rocess Control *oul! #ecome unresponsi e.

Recipes 2Option4
Service Pack 10 1. 4. It is no* possi#le to uploa! or !o*nloa! a recipe @rom a script. =he Recipe &CJ no longer terminates *hen a recipe *ith a name greater than 24 characters is !elete!. Recipes are no* sorte! in alpha#etical or!er. Recipe names no* must #e less than 34 characters.

Service Pack . 1. 4.

Service Pack 0 Recipes in su#@ol!ers can no* #e seen in the &CJ controls. )p!ate +.,1 -er ice .ac( 1, .age 10 o@ 3/

Service Pack , 1. 4. Importing a recipe no longer pro!uces an eBtraneous GInsu@@icient 'emoryH error an! @ails to import. "hen using the )ploa! option an! a name is entere! in the G)ploa! toH @iel! *ithout ha e a recipe selecte!, a #lan( error #oB is no longer pro!uce!.

Service Pack =he Recipe control no* properly processes Clic( an! $ou#le%Clic( e ents. =he Clic( e ents *ill #e processe! a@ter the recipe puts up !ialogs an! initiates the !o*nloa!6uploa!. =he e ent cannot @ire i@ the control pops up a !ialog #oB. Service Pack / I@ a alue is outsi!e the con@igure! range, the !o*nloa! no longer stops.

Service Pack , $ata in the Registration screens can no* #e entere! *ithout the use o@ a mouse.

$eries 78 -t,ernet Communications

Service Pack , It is no* possi#le to ha e the protocol chec( @or incoming unsolicite! messages a@ter each poll. =o ena#le this, set the @ollo*ing glo#al parameter; ?C=_C?8_)N-&_&N_.&<<S1S>EService Pack + =imestamps @or unsolicite! !ata is no* correct. Service Pack 1 "hen running -er er Re!un!ancy, the process no longer terminates on the secon!ary computer *hen changing #et*een master an! sla e state.

$eries 78 Protocol Communications

Service Pack 10 =he !e ice communication protocol no longer terminates *hen !ynamically !isa#ling a point. =his is also true o@ the -N.%J protocol. Service Pack , =he registers in QM an! QR are no* up!ating correctly. Service Pack "hen setting large array points, the -N.%J communication ena#ler no longer terminates.

$er+er Redundanc!
Service Pack , =he EA<AR'.AC=I5E point is no* correctly up!ate! a@ter @ailo er. Service Pack 1. In a re!un!ant en ironment, *hen shutting !o*n the master, !eri e! points are no longer #eing mar(e! as una aila#le an! the ac(no*le!gement status o@ alarms is no longer #eing lost. .age 1/ o@ 3/

)p!ate +.,1 -er ice .ac( 1,


Remote ie*ers *ill no longer hang *aiting @or the .oint 'anager process to #roa!cast acti e master ser er in@ormation. A@ter @ailo er, alarm ac(no*le!gement states are no longer lost. =his pre ents alarms @rom erroneously reappearing as acti e *hen a @ailo er occurs. Alarms that are automatically repeate! on the sla e no longer generate errors. "hen a re!un!ant proDect is starte! @rom a "or(#ench on the secon!ary no!e, su#seFuent con@iguration changes are not lost.

Service Pack / 1. 4. 3.

$mart-!e De+ice Communications

Service Pack 10 =he -martEye protocol no longer @ails to reconnect a@ter the initial connection is lost.

Service Pack 10 1. 4. 3. +. 2. =he -.C &CJ no longer terminates i@ the user tries to change the Group an! Muality Characteristic *hile the chart is *aiting @or !ata. =he -.C &CJ no* *hose the Gghost tooltipsH *hen *aiting @or !ata. =he -.C &CJ no* re@reshes the chart !ata *hen the Muality Characteristics are change!. =he ?istogram Gin@o #oBH has #een up!ate! to !isplay -u#group -iIe. I@ the user !eletes an acti e -.C group @rom the "or(#ench or EBplorer, the -.C processes are no* a*are the @ile has #een remo e! !uring the neBt proDect startup. =he neBt time the proDect is starte!, the -.C processes *ill mo!i@y the con@iguration @iles an! mar( the proDect @or con@iguration up!ate. $uring the neBt proDect startup the proDect *ill #eha e as a con@iguration out o@ !ate proDect.

Service Pack , =he @unction to up!ate chart properties, G)p!ate&$7C$ata9:H has #een eBpose!. Creating a #utton in a Cim5ie* screen *ith the @ollo*ing script attache! to it @or the Gmouse !o*nH e ent can #e use! to test the @unctionality. =he chart *ill #e up!ate! *ith ne* !ata *hen the #utton is presse!. Note; In this eBample, Gspc1H is the name o@ the -.C &CJ control in the Cim5ie* screen.
S56+OnMo5/!Do7n89+A/+Lon(:+;+A/+Lon(:+<=a(/+A/+Lon(> D* +S2R$+A/+2* O6?!-t D* +/p-on!+A/+2* O6?!-t S!t+S2R$+@+2* G!tRootO6?!-t S!t+/p-on!+@+S2R$&G!tO6?!-t8A/p-1A> ++ /p-on!&O=!O6?!-t&Up1at!ODB2Data En1+S56

Service Pack =he capa#ility to per@orm Gate! 'aintenance on -.C ta#les is no* a aila#le. Service Pack 1. Right%clic(ing on an -.C chart no* correctly prints the chart an! the @ont.

)p!ate +.,1 -er ice .ac( 1,

.age 19 o@ 3/


=he con@iguration o@ 5ie*6Attri#ute settings is no longer lost *hen the con@iguration *in!o* is close!.

Service Pack + "hen selecting #oth =ime -pan an! 7atch I$, the -.C &CJ control no longer terminates. Service Pack 4 1. =he !isplay precision o@ aria#le !ata charts has #een increase! to !isplay + !igits o@ precision a@ter the !ecimal point. A!!itional 4 !igits o@ precision 9@or a total o@ 1 a@ter the !ecimal: can #e !isplaye! i@ the glo#al parameter SP2_HIGH_PRE2ISIO$ is set to the alue ,Y0. In -.C aria#le !ata reports, the -<C< @iel! is no* !isplaye!. Range an! -igma charts no* !isplay the correct alue *hen ie*ing the tool tip.

4. 3.

Service Pack / =eBt on -.C &CJ charts no longer scales the teBt so small that it cannot #e rea!.

$tatus Logs
Service Pack / =he correct path is no* sho*n at the start o@ the status log printout.

$!stem $entr!
Service Pack 1 E<&CA<.$A=E."EE8 an! E.R&TEC=.$A=E."EE8 no longer a! ance to the neBt *ee( on "e!nes!ay. Service Pack / 1. 4. 3. Ac(no*le!ge! alarms an! acti e alarms counts are no* correct, e en *hen an outstan!ing alarm is regenerate! *ithout #eing cleare!. EC<A--.A<AR'- no* *or(s *ith o er 1,, alarm classes. .oint%#y%A!!ress points *ith incorrect syntaB @or -ystem -entry points *or( correctly i@ the running proDect *as not con@igure! *ith -ystem -entry points.

Service Pack 10 1. 4. 1. 4. 3. +. 2. 1. 4. Asynchronous ali!ation no longer @ails *hen a site uses the same point @or t*o !ecisions. A!!e! missing @iles @or =rac(er A.I. =rigger names that contain 11 characters are no longer truncate!. -et points *ith Attri#ute Function 7loc( no longer @ail *hen attempting to sen! a alue to an array. RC& -ite no* sho*s a !isa#le a@ter a suspen! is complete!. RC& )I no longer @ails to !isa#le !ecisions. RC&-I=E no longer @ails to start i@ more than 19 !ecisions are con@igure!. "hen con@iguring a $ata -ource, the !ata source @iel! name is no longer cleare! *hen accessing the &$7C a!ministration *in!o*. It is no longer necessary to con@igure a Route in the =rac(er "iIar! #e@ore returning to the Regions property page. .age 4, o@ 3/

Service Pack .

Service Pack 0

)p!ate +.,1 -er ice .ac( 1,

3. +. 2. 1. 0. /. 9. 1,. 11. 14. 13. 1. 4. 3. +. 2. 1. 0.

RC&CFG )I *ill no longer hang i@ the user attempts to cancel out o@ the !ialog *hen an in ali! $ata -ource has #een speci@ie! "hen con@iguring a region, it is no longer man!atory to con@igure auto_mo e, Fty an! status points. =he 5eri@y tool in RC&CFG )I *ill no* gi e the user @ee!#ac( as to ho* processing is procee!ing. RC& )I *oul! @ail *hen trying to connect to an rcosite process *ith too many control sites con@igure! @or it. RC& )I is capa#le o@ connecting to a control site *ith no triggers con@igure! @or it. =rigger points are no longer ignore! !uring a control cycle *hen uneBpecte! point han!ling is turne! o@@. =he rcosite.eBe process *ill no* start *hen connecte! to case%sensiti e !ata#ases. RC&CFG )I no longer terminates *hen selecting the Error list item @rom the =ools 'enu. "hen all !ecisions are eliminate! in a control cycle, the status o@ the !ecision no longer remains as .EN$ING. RC& trigger points no* correctly trigger on =ransition ?igh an! =ransition <o*. .re iously, all point up!ates *ere #eing use! as a trigger. =rigger points are no longer ignore! !uring a control cycle. =he Re@erence I$ @iel! !ata no longer o er@lo*s into .oint $ata 'o e @iel!s. =he RC& )ser Inter@ace no longer terminates *hen trying to access a remote site. GetRegion<ist in the .R= o#Dect mo!el no longer causes memory gro*th @or Rco-ite.eBe an! Em_rp.eBe. "hen opening an RC& site, a connection to the !ata#ase is no longer #eing hel! open. =he RC& )ser Inter@ace no longer terminates *hen a site *ith more then se en triggers is opene!. =he RC&_)I no longer hangs *hile attempting to connect *ith the RC& !ata#ase. 7y !e@ault, the @irst point change !oes not cause a transition in .R= or .R=C<IEN=. =o allo* the @irst point change to #e recogniIe! as a transition, the @ollo*ing entry nee!s to #e a!!e! to prtc_no_ignore.c@g in the proDectNs !ata !irectory; |BC PT1 PT2 &&& PT$ Each point liste! in this @ile shoul! #e use! as a transition point @or the .R= or .R=C<IEN= processes 9-ee prt_route.i!t:. I@ a point is liste! in the prtc_no_ignore.c@g then the @irst time this point changes, the transition *ill occur.

Service Pack ,

Service Pack 1. 4. 3. +. 2. .R= Attri#utes that ha e the same alue as their attri#ute name can no* #e mo!i@ie!. .R= *ill no longer allo* items *ithout an item type to #e create!. RC& no longer generates a message to the C&R_-=A=)-.<og *hen a site is !isa#le!. =he .R=_A.I application no* has a 1,%secon! timeoutK this is to a oi! !epen!ent applications @rom loc(ing. -uspen! @unctionality has #een mo!i@ie! to @unction similarly to the $isa#le! -ite @unctionality. In suspen! mo!e, triggere! sites running scripts or *aiting @or ali!ation *ill complete #e@ore suspen!ing.

Service Pack +c =he C=I =eBt Response .oint alues are no longer truncate! to one character *hen ie*e! in the .oint Control .anel. )p!ate +.,1 -er ice .ac( 1, .age 41 o@ 3/

Service Pack + =he RC& @unction #loc( )p!ateRuleCounters no* up!ates the =otalRelease counter only once @or each item mo e!. .re iously, this @unction #loc( *oul! increment the counter more than once per mo e! item. Service Pack 1 1. 4. 3. =he RC& )ser Inter@ace no longer terminates *hen opene! @rom a mappe! !ri e. Current .oint I$s are no* !isplaye! in the E!it 7oBes *hen con@iguring output logic. =he CI'.<ICI=> ?'I process prtc.eBe no longer terminates i@ the current route !oes not ha e a !estination region.

Service Pack / A memory lea( in the RC&-I=E eBecuta#le has #een eliminate!. =his lea( *as pre iously encountere! *hen certain RC& @unction #loc(s *ere eBecute!.

Service Pack 10 1. 4. )sing the tren! metho! coul! cause the screen to a#normally terminate. "hen tren!ing a large num#er o@ points in "in!o*s92 an! "in!o*s9/, the tren!ing lines *ill no* #e isi#le.

Service Pack . 1. =he @ollo*ing ne* rea!%only tren! properties ha e #een a!!e! to retrie e the !ate an! time *here the sli!er intersects *ith the ChartRs J%aBis; -tatus<ine-li!er=ime W returns -=RING ariant -tatus<ine-li!er$ate W returns -=RING ariant -tatus<ine-li!er$ate=ime W returns $A=E ariant, roun!e! to the nearest secon! *here millisecon!s VX 2,, roun! up. 4. =he calculation o@ the -tatus <ine -li!er =ime property is no* correct. 3. 'ultiple > aBisN no* autoscale correctly. Service Pack , <ogge! lines no longer !isappear *hile #eing ie*e! in a =ren! &CJ. Service Pack 3. +. 2. -ystem points, such as E<&CA<.$A=E.-EC&N$, can no* #e use! @or tren!ing. =a#les that contain special characters or #egin *ith a num#er can no* #e tren!e!. -li!ers on a tren!ing o#Dect *ithin a @rame no* @unction correctly.

Service Pack +c =he metho!s A!!<ogge!<ine an! A!!<ogge!.oint<ine, *hen connecting to an &racle !ata#ase *ill no longer prompt the user @or a login an! pass*or! *hen they ha e alrea!y #een passe! in through the metho!Ns arguments. Service Pack / =ren!ing no* sets the J an! > chart aBis colors correctly on screens earlier than ?'I +.,. =he colors are no* the tren!Ns @oregroun! color since the aBis color !i! not eBist until ?'I +., -er ice .ac( 1.

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Service Pack . &nly one login reFuest is sent to the "e#5ie* client at a time. I@ more than one is sent at once, the "e#5ie* screen coul! hang. Service Pack , "e#5ie* login no longer pro!uces unnecessary errors. Service Pack It is no* possi#le to ie* "e#5ie* screens in more than 421 colors. =o ena#le this, the @ollo*ing parameter nee!s to #e a!!e! to the *e# page as an argument @or .ro*lerClientApplet; U.ARA' NA'EXL#it$epthL 5A<)EXL/LV *here / is 421 colors, 11 is 12231 colors an! 4+ is =rue Colors. I@ you are using the #uilt%in *e# ser er, no a!!itional changes nee! to #e ma!e to your system. I@ you are using a thir!%party *e# ser er, .ro*lerClient.Dar must #e copie! @rom CI'.<ICI=>C?'IC"e#pages into the appropriate !irectory on the *e# ser er. Service Pack + "e#5ie* can no* ha e up to 2, registere! users.

Service Pack 4 1. 4. 3. =he "or(#ench no longer #ecomes unresponsi e *hen attempting to upgra!e an ?'I ersion 3.44 proDect *hile the router is still running. =he ?elp A#out #oB no longer consumes 1,,Q C.) *hen #eing accesse! #y a non% a!ministrati e user. =he -ystem -entry option can no* #e success@ully remo e! @rom a proDect.

#e( Features in Update 4.01 Service Pack .

Mituto!o De+ice Communications
=he 'itutoyo $e ice Communication protocol can no* #e con@igure! in a CI'.<ICI=> -er ice .ac( 9 proDect. =his protocol can communicate to Cim"or(s Gage.ort 41,1 an! Cim"or(s Gage.ort 41,+ multipleBers.

#e( Features in Update 4.01 Service Pack 0

"C23 4*3E2U4 =he ne* threa!ing mo!el o@ the &.C Client can pre ent most cases *here the eBtensi e $C&' timeout causes all CI'.<ICI=> !e ices to YhangN on point up!ates *hen e en one &.C ser er connection is #ro(en. =*o a!!itional threa!s per &.C !e ice no* YpingN the &.C ser er on a con@igura#le #asis, an! *atch @or the ping to sho* signs o@ #eing caught in a $C&' timeout. I@ the Y"atcherN threa! !etects this, it *ill a#ort the connection to the o@@en!ing &.C ser er an! terminate the Y.ingN threa! an! re%start it. =he Y.ingN threa! starts #y re%connecting to the &.C ser er, then once it has, it #egins pinging once again.

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All o@ this happens in!epen!ently o@ CI'.<ICI=>Ns !e ice communications threa!. In this *ay, the scanning o@ &.C ser ers *hich are up an! running are not a@@ecte! #y ser ers that ha e gone !o*n. -ince the same A#ort connection 6 Reconnect logic is responsi#le @or esta#lishing the initial connection to the &.C ser er, normal proDect startup, e en i@ one or more &.C ser ers are una aila#le, is much @aster.

Pin) 5e&ore Poll and Pin) 5e&ore 6rite As a con@igura#le option, the &.C Client *ill @orce the ping threa! to ping right #e@ore a poll or a *rite comman!. =his e@@ecti ely eliminates the chance that the !e ice communication threa! *ill hang on a metho! call into the ser er 9either IsyncI&;;Rea! or IsyncI&;;"rite:. I@ there is a communication pro#lem, the .ing threa! *ill !eal *ith it instea! o@ interrupting the normal polling o@ other !e ices. 2PC /.0 Compliance =he e ent han!lers @or incoming unsolicite! point up!ates are no* compliant *ith the &.C 4., $ata AcFuisition speci@ication. =he &.C Client tests to see i@ it has connecte! to a 1., or 4., compliant &.C ser er, an! sets up the proper e ent han!ler @or optimum per@ormance. Abort Connection on s$utdo(n An option has #een pro i!e! so that, !uring normal proDect shut!o*n, the &.C Client *ill treat the proDect shut!o*n as it *oul! a communication @ailure. =hat is, no attempt is ma!e to remo e the a!!e! groups in the ser er, una! ise the ser er to stop incoming e ents, or release any inter@ace pointers hel! against the ser er. =he &.C Client simply shuts !o*n. =his action is -=RIC=<> against the rules o@ &<E client 6 ser er relationshipsZ =his option shoul! normally N&= #e use!. It is inten!e! as a reme!y to spee! up proDect shut!o*n in cases *here the &.C ser er is slo* to remo e groups an! 6or stop sen!ing e ent !ata. 7e a*are that this is <I8E<> to lea e the &.C ser er in an un!etermine! stateZ )se this option &N<> i@ you inten! to shut !o*n the &.C ser er *hene er you shut!o*n the CI'.<ICI=> proDect. User "e&ined Groups .re ious ersions o@ the &.C Client create! a @iBe! num#er o@ groups in the &.C ser er #ase! on !ata type. =hese *ere not con@igura#le in any *ay. =his is no longer the case. =he user no* has @ull control o@ the groups a!!e! to the ser er, an! @ull control o@ *hich points are in *hich groups. =he &.C Client creates only t*o groups @or cases *here no group is speci@ie! #y the user. &ne @or polle! points 9$EFA)<=.&<<: an! one @or unsolicite! points 9$EFA)<=)N-&:. =he user may no* con@igure up to ninety%eight 99/: a!!itional groups 91,, total:, an! place any points into those groups as nee!e!. =his is !one in the .oint A!!ress @iel! o@ the .oint .roperties !ialog #oB. =he group name, speci@ie! #y the user, prece!es the normal Item I$. It is !elimite! on the le@t *ith a !ollar sign W &pen sFuare #rac(et GE[G, an! on the right #y a closing sFuare #rac(et G\H. =his is place! imme!iately #e@ore the normal Item I$ 9point a!!ress: @or that point. =here shoul! #e N& -.ACE a@ter the closing #rac(et an! the #eginning o@ the Item I$. A group name may N&= eBcee! siBteen 911: characters. "hile there is no limit to the num#er o@ items in a group, the total length 9in #ytes: o@ all the points in the group may not eBcee! 12232 9#ytes:. As an eBample] I@ you ha e t*o points, one #oolean *ith an Item I$ o@ G7,,,1H, an! one *or! *ith an Item I$ o@ G",,,1H, an! you *ant to place them into a group together calle! G'>GR&).H, the point a!!ress @or the @irst point *oul! #e; E['>GR&).\7,,,1 an! @or the secon! point, it *oul! #e; E['>GR&).\",,,1 I@ no group name *as speci@ie!, an! these points *ere polle! points 9&n -can or &n Change:, they *oul! #e place! in the G$EFA)<=.&<<H group. I@ they *ere unsolicite! 9)nsolicite! or .oll &nce:, )p!ate +.,1 -er ice .ac( 1, .age 4+ o@ 3/

they *oul! #e place! in the G$EFA)<=)N-&H group. Finally, ho* !o you !etermine i@ a group you create is a polle! group or an unsolicite! group^ =he rule is simple; A<< groups you create are polle! groups] until you place a point into the group that is an unsolicite! type point. =he group then #ecomes an unsolicite! group. For the purpose o@ !e@inition; a G.olle!H group is one that !oes not create an A! ise-in( or Connection .oint @unction to recei e e ents through, an! it !oes not GA! iseH the &.C ser er that it *ants e ents @ire! to it. An G)nsolicite!H group $&E- create a -in( or Connection .oint, an! it $&E- a! ise the &.C ser er that it *ants $ata Change e ents @ire! to it. Final Note; .olle! points in an unsolicite! group are still polle! 9accor!ing to the .ort scan rate:. *#* Con&i)uration File .re ious ersions o@ the &.C Client use! the Glo#al .arameters !ata#ase 9G<7_.AR'-: to store con@iguration settings. $ue to limitations in @iel! length, !e ice parameters al*ays applie! to all !e ices, an! group parameters al*ays applie! to all groups. =his ne* &.C Client uses a classic "in!o*s INI @ile instea!. =his ma(es it possi#le to speci@y !i@@erent Y!e iceN parameters @or each !e ice, etc. .lease note that the &.C =RACE parameters are still in the G<7_.AR'- !ata#ase. All other parameters ha e #een either remo e!, or mo e! to this ne* INI @ile. =here is one INI @ile per CI'.<ICI=> .ort con@igure!. =he name o@ this INI @ile is the same as the .rocess name o@ the port. In this case; 'A-=ER_&.C_,.INI @or the @irst port, 'A-=ER_&.C_1.INI @or the secon! port, etc. =hese INI @iles ')-= resi!e in the $A=A su#!irectory o@ your CI'.<ICI=> proDect !irectory. 7elo* is a sample INI @ile @or the ne* &.C Client. It contains A<< o@ the parameters. Each is set to its $EFA)<= alue. =hat is, the alue use! i@ there *ere N& INI @ile present, or i@ that parameter *as not speci@ie! in an eBisting INI @ile. In a!!ition to the G.ort <e elH parameters, this INI @ile sets the parameters @or t*o !e ices 9$E51 an! $E5ICE4: an! t*o groups 9'>GR&).,1 an! $EFA)<=)N-&:. Each o@ the parameters in the @irst !e ice an! @irst group are @ully commente!;
; 20000427 ; This INI file is for use by the OPC Client devcom provided with ; CI P!ICIT" 4#0#07 or hi$her% &nd CI P!ICIT" '#0# ; ; This file must reside in the ()T) subdirectory of the pro*ect directory# ; There is one INI file per OPC port confi$ured in the pro*ect# ; The n&me reflects the port+s I(# ,or e-&mple ).T/01OPC10#INI for the ; first port% &nd ).T/01OPC12#INI for the second port confi$ured% etc# ; ; The purpose of this file is to &llow the user to m&nu&lly confi$ure the ; OPC Port% (evices% &nd 3roups# 4nli5e the $lob&l p&r&meters file 63!71P)0 .8 ; where settin$s &pplied to &ll devices or $roups% settin$s here &pply only ; to the specified device or $roup# ; ; This .) P!/ ,I!/ cont&ins )!! of the possible p&r&meters# These p&r&meters ; &re set to their (/,)4!T 9)!4/: If this INI file is not present% or if ; & p&rticul&r (evice or 3roup is not specified by & ;.ection <e&der=% ; then the def&ult v&lues &re used: ; ; NOT/ th&t the OPC client &lw&ys cre&tes T>O 30O4P. where )!! points &re ; pl&ced unless you confi$ure them otherwise# These $roups &re n&med? ; (/,)4!TPO!! &nd (/,)4!T4N.O# "ou c&n set p&r&meters for these $roups ; &s well &s the $roups you define# ;

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; NOT/ there &re & couple of p&r&meters th&t &pply to the +Port+ &s & whole# ; These &re pl&ced in the section c&lled ;Port!evel=# ; ;Port!evel= ; .hould CI P!ICIT" tre&t 0/)! v&lues &s four byte 6flo&t8 or @ byte 6double8 /i$ht7yte0e&lsA0 ; .hould CI P!ICIT" use the timest&mp p&ssed from the OPC server 4se.erverTime.t&mpA2 ;(/92= ; .ome OPC servers t&5e e-tr& time to lo&d their own point d&t&b&ses# ; Often% points &dded to the server by our client &re decl&red inv&lid ; bec&use the server w&s not re&dy to process &dditions# ; This del&y occurs ),T/0 the OPC server is st&rted% but% ; 7/,O0/ &ny points &re &dded by our client# ; 9&lue is milliseconds: .t&rtup(el&yA0 ; .ome OPC servers t&5e e-tr& time% ),T/0 & client h&s &dded points% ; $ettin$ initi&l v&lues for those points# If & PO!! occurs too soon ; v&lues with 7)( B4)!IT" &re provided# To &void this% the 0e&d (el&y ; c&uses our client to hesit&te ),T/0 &ddin$ points but 7/,O0/ the very ; first PO!!# ; 9&lue is milliseconds: 0e&d(el&yA0 ; Our OPC client now PIN3s the OPC server on & re$ul&r b&sis# ; The Pin$ Interv&l determines how often this pin$ occurs# ; 9&lue is milliseconds: Pin$Interv&lA'000 ; If the method c&ll m&de by the Pin$ 6IOPC.erver??3et.t&tus8 t&5es ; too lon$ to return% our client decl&res & communic&tion error# ; The Pin$ Timeout determines how lon$ to w&it for this method c&ll# ; 9&lue is milliseconds: Pin$TimeoutAC000 ; If the followin$ p&r&meter is T04/ 628% our client will shut down ; 6on pro*ect shutdown8 >IT<O4T rele&sin$ &ny references to ob*ects ; in the OPC server# This is .T0ICT!" &$&inst the rules of O!/::: ; <owever% it will &llow the CI P!ICIT" pro*ect to shut down in & ; minimum &mount of time# The OPC server will most li5ely NOT shut ; down &t &ll% since it will believe th&t our client is still &tt&ched: )bort.hutdownA0 ; >hen & networ5 connection is bro5en between the OPC client &nd server ; in & (CO situ&tion% the very ne-t method c&ll the client m&5es ; 6usu&lly & PO!! ;I.yncIO??0e&d=8 c&n <)N3 for upw&rds of D0 seconds# ; This c&uses )!! device communic&tion in CI P!ICIT" to h&n$ until the ; method c&ll times out# 7y Pin$in$ the OPC server immedi&tely before ; the method c&ll% our client c&n elimin&te O.T of these potenti&l ; (CO timeouts 6since Pin$in$ occurs on & different thre&d8# ; Note th&t this (O/. &dd the overhe&d of &n e-tr& c&ll to the server ; per poll reEuest 6or write reEuest8### 7ut with & (CO timeout of ; D0 seconds### you m&y consider this well worth it::: Pin$7eforePollA2 Pin$7efore>riteA2 ;(/9IC/2=

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.t&rtup(el&yA0 0e&d(el&yA0 Pin$Interv&lA'000 Pin$TimeoutAC000 )bort.hutdownA0 Pin$7eforePollA2 Pin$7efore>riteA2 ; "30O4P02= .c&n0&teA2000 No)ccessP&thA0 ;(/,)4!T4N.O= ; This is the .c&n 0&te p&ssed to the OPC server for this $roup# ; It tells the OPC server how often to upd&te the items in this $roup ; with fresh device d&t&# )s & side &ffect% it &lso determines how often ; to fire (&t&Ch&n$e events to our client# ; The def&ult v&lue is one second# If you reEuire f&ster v&lue upd&tes% ; you c&n decre&se this v&lue &ll the w&y to F/0O# F/0O tells the OPC ; server to upd&te v&lues +&s f&st &s possible+# ; NOT/? "ou &re ON "O40 O>N if you decide to decre&se this v&lue below ; its def&ult settin$::: (oin$ so dr&m&tic&lly incre&ses processor ; utiliG&tion in 7OT< the OPC server &nd our client: It &lso dr&m&tic&lly ; incre&ses networ5 tr&ffic in & (CO environment: .c&n0&teA2000 ; ; ; ; .ome OPC servers 6most not&bly O NI./09/08 does not use the )ccess P&th when &ddin$ points# Inste&d% it w&nts to preHpend the )ccess P&th in front of the Item I(# .ettin$ this to T04/ 628 &llows these OPC servers to h&ve the Item I(s include the &ccess p&th% sep&r&ted by & period# No)ccessP&thA0

#e( Features in Update 4.01 Service Pack ,

A CI'.<ICI=> proDect can #e con@igure! to use either I. 7roa!casts or 'ulticasts or #oth to announce the proDectNs name. =his is controlle! on the .roDect .roperties &ptions property page. I@ this is a re!un!ant proDect then the 7roa!cast option *ill #e selecte! an! the user *ill not #e a#le to select the 'ulticast option. CI'.<ICI=> ie*ers *ill listen @or #oth the proDect 7roa!cast an! 'ulticast. =he !e@ault 'ulticast a!!ress is 44+.,.,.49. CI'.<ICI=> *ill loo(up the name CI'.')<=I. in the $N-. I@ the name is @oun! then the associate! I. a!!ress *ill #e use!. =he @ollo*ing glo#al parameters can #e use! to @urther use the 'ulticast option; MULTI2AST_HOST$AME+can #e use! to change the name use! in the $N- loo(up MULTI2AST_IP_ADDR can #e use! to select a !i@@erent 'ulticast a!!ress MULTI2AST_TTL controls the time to li e o@ the 'ulticast message. =his can #e use! to control ho* many routers *ill @or*ar! the messageK the !e@ault is 1,

=he Routing Control &#Dects con@iguration tool 9RC&CFG_)I: has #een up!ate! an! rename! to #e the =rac(er Con@iguration )ser Inter@ace. =he ne* =rac(er Con@iguration )ser Inter@ace ena#les customers to con@igure an! maintain all o@ their trac(ing !ata in one containe! structure. .re iously the con@iguration @or the .R= !ata *as !one manually *ith a teBt e!itor. =he =rac(er Con@iguration )ser Inter@ace eliminates the nee! @or manually creating recor!s an! ena#les customers to con@igure !ata in stan!ar! "in!o*s !ialog #oBes.

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=he !irectory in the le@t pane pro i!es an organiIe! structure @or maintaining all o@ your .R= an! RC& con@iguration !ata. 5ie*ing an! e!iting !ata is Fuic( an! easy using the integrate! !ialog #oBes. =he "in!o*s stan!ar! has #een applie! gi ing customers multiple metho!s @or accessing, con@iguring, ie*ing an! e!iting their =rac(er !ata. Customers *ho are accustome! to using the A-CII%teBt @iles @or their .R= !ata *ill notice the one%to% one correspon!ence #et*een @iel!s in the teBt recor! to the @iel!s in the !ialog #oBes. A smooth transition #et*een the teBt recor!s an! the !ialog #oBes ensures a com@ort le el @or our eBperience! users. 7oth the no ice an! eBperience! user *ill #ene@it @rom the a!!ition o@ conteBt%sensiti e help. .ressing F1 or clic(ing the ?elp #utton on a !ialog #oB *ill !eli er topical help. =he !ocumentation has also #een up!ate! to assist customers *ith Fuestions a#out the ne* inter@ace an! .R= concepts.

Web%ie& )roadcast $essions

CI'.<ICI=> "e#5ie* 7roa!cast -essions places the graphic output o@ a Cim5ie* session into a @ile. =his @ile can then #e @etche! an! !isplaye! #y a *e# #ro*ser. 5roadcast Sessions 4ab =his ta# on the CI'.<ICI=> &ptions page sho*s the currently con@igure! sessions. =he ta# allo*s the user to a!!, remo e, mo!i@y, start an! stop sessions. =he list #oB !isplays all the in@ormation a#out each o@ the con@igure! sessions. Add =his #utton #rings up the session properties !ialog. =he user can then a!! a ne* session. Remove =his #utton remo es the currently selecte! session. Properties =his #utton allo*s the user to mo!i@y the currently selecte! session. I@ the session is currently running then the user can only ie* the current properties. Start =his #utton allo*s the user to start the selecte! session i@ it is not alrea!y running. Stop =his #utton stops the selecte! session i@ it is running. Session Properties "ialo) =his !ialog is use! to a!! or mo!i@y a #roa!cast session. CimView screen =his is the Cim5ie* screen that *ill #e use! to start the session. It is necessary to use the @ull path o@ the screen name. Output file =his is the name o@ the @ile *here the output *ill #e store!. =his @ile is in .orta#le Net*or( Graphics9.NG: @ormat. It is necessary to use the @ull path o@ the output @ile. idt! =his is the *i!th o@ the output in piBels. "ei#!t =his is the height o@ the output in piBels

)p!ate +.,1 -er ice .ac( 1,

.age 4/ o@ 3/

NOTE: If either the width or the height is 0 then CimView will scale the screen based on the other dimension. Color palette =his is the num#er o@ colors that *ill #e use! to !ra* the graphics output. Start automaticall$ I@ this #oB is chec(e! then this session *ill start *hen the "e#5ie* ser er is starte!. %pdate rate =his is ho* o@ten the graphics @ile *ill #e up!ate! in secon!s. %sername I@ the Cim5ie* screen reFuests a username then this username *ill #e use!. I@ the username is incorrect then no point alues *ill #e a aila#le an! an error *ill #e logge!. Password I@ the Cim5ie* screen reFuests a pass*or! then this pass*or! *ill #e use!. I@ the pass*or! is incorrect then no point alues *ill #e a aila#le an! an error *ill #e logge!. CimView options =his @iel! can #e use! to pass a!!itional options to Cim5ie*. "&'( file =his is an optional @iel! that is the name o@ a "e# page create! to allo* users to @etch the graphics output @ile. It is necessary to use the @ull path o@ the ?='< @ile. "&'( template =his is a template @ile use! to create the ?='< @ile. CI'.<ICI=> *ill replace arious @iel!s in the @ile *ith appropriate alues. ECI'?='<FI<E W the #ase name o@ the ?='< @ile generate! ECI'&)=.)=FI<E W the #ase name o@ the output @ile =he @iles use! as templates are store! in the !irectory CI'.<ICI=>C?'IC"e#.agesCtemplateC7roa!cast. NOTE: A HT ! file will only be generated if there is both and HT ! file entered and a HT ! template selected. The file will be generated when the user selects "K on the dialog.

#e( Features in Update 4.01 Service Pack OPC

-er ice .ac( 1 a!!s support @or the Allen%7ra!ley 222, Controller through the Roc(*ell &.C -er er. =his is @or the Intel .lat@orm only. User7"e&ined Groups 1. =he current &.C -peci@ication !oes not inclu!e a speci@ication on ho* to han!le structures. =he current Roc(*ell -er er only supports items *ith atomic !ata types 9no compleB !ata types:, #ut accor!ing to Roc(*ell, the -er er *ill rea! all !ata in an &.C group in a single transaction 9up to 2,, #ytes:. 7y allo*ing the user to speci@y the &.C group in *hich to place speci@ic points, a group o@ points *oul! #e rea! together, thus mimic(ing a GstructureH rea!. 7y !e@ault, the user% !e@ine! group only allo*s poll points. 4. =he CI'.<ICI=> &.C Client has #een change! to pro i!e a con@iguration mechanism to place speci@ic points in a user%!e@ine! group. )p!ate +.,1 -er ice .ac( 1, .age 49 o@ 3/

8uer% Server &or "ata 4%pe Regar!less o@ !ata type o@ the tag on the controller, the teste! ersion o@ the Roc(*ell -er er i!enti@ies all items as +%#yte integers. =his con@uses the CI'.<ICI=> &.C Client, since the !ata returne! is not al*ays a +%#yte integer. 7y mo!i@ying the CI'.<ICI=> &.C Client to a!! items *ith a type o@ 5=_E'.=>, the ser er tells the client *hat !ata type is eBpecte!. =he &.C Client no* uses the 5=_E'.=> type, an! coerces the returne! !ata to the type speci@ie! in the CI'.<ICI=> ?'I point con@iguration. e9uired So&t(are :ersions R-<inB 5ersion; 4.1,.111., 9Full 5ersion <icense ReFuire!: A7 222, Firm*are 5ersion; 3.49 Con&i)uration o& User7"e&ined Groups =he point a!!ress o@ a user%!e@ine! group point is; E[GR&)._NA'E\Uitem a!!ressV @or poll group, or E)[GR&)._NA'E\Uitem a!!ressV @or unsolicite! group. *here GROUP_$AME; is the name o@ the user%!e@ine! group. Currently, the num#er o@ maBimum user% !e@ine! groups is //. 7y !e@ault, only the poll groups are supporte!. )sers can remo e this limitation #y a!!ing a glo#al parameter OP2_E$ABLE_U$SO_USER_DEF_GRP to ena#le the support o@ the unsolicite! group. All the points in the unsolicite! user%!e@ine! group shoul! #e con@igure! as unsolicite! points *hile all the points in the user%!e@ine! poll group shoul! #e con@igure! as poll points. <*t! +a11r!//"; inclu!es the &.C Group name an! the Item name. =he a!!ress @or the point is &.C -er er speci@ic. Consult the &.C -er erRs manual @or a!!ressing in@ormation. Note that the GR&)._NA'E nee! not #e pre%con@igure!, as all the points *ith the same group name *ill #e put into the same user%!e@ine! group. Furthermore, the GR&)._NA'E is use! only #y the &.C !e com an! has no relation to the &.C Group !e@ine! in the &.C ser er. Con&i)uration o& :4;E3P4< 4%pe =o utiliIe this @eature, the @ollo*ing glo#al parameter entry has to #e a!!e!; OP2_ADD_AS_EMPTY|1|YES+ Con&i)uration o& 2PC;E#A5=E;U#S2;USE ;"EF;G P =o utiliIe this @eature, the @ollo*ing glo#al parameter entry has to #e a!!e!; OP2_E$ABLE_U$SO_USER_DEF_GRP|1|YES

I@ you install this -er ice .ac( on a computer that has the .oc(et5ie* option installe!, you *ill @in! a ne* !irectory in your CI'.<ICI=> installation !irectory calle! LeBtras.L In this !irectory are the @iles you nee! to install the ne* ersion o@ .oc(et5ie* on your "in!o*s CE han!hel! .C. .lease consult the REA$'E.=J= @ile in that !irectory @or more in@ormation.

#e( Features in Update 4.01 Service Pack +

=rac(er can no* #e con@igure! so that the @irst change o@ a transition point can #e ignore!. =his allo*s the transition @rom )na aila#le to its @irst alue to #e ignore!K there#y, allo*ing the neBt transition to #e use!. )p!ate +.,1 -er ice .ac( 1, .age 3, o@ 3/

#e( Features in Update 4.01 Service Pack 4

*ncreased 3ar9uee 3essa)e Si>e 'arFuee 'essages no* support up to 422 characters. =his is an increase @rom the pre ious limit o@ /, characters. Also, 'arFuee 'essages can no* #e mo!i@ie! !ynamically. 2utstandin) Alarms =he eBisting 'arFuee su#system !i! not !isplay the outstan!ing alarms @or the con@igure! points !uring the 'arFuee start up an! !isplaye! the empty message that there *ere no alarms generate!. =he enhancement sho*s the alarms generate! @or the con@igure! points !uring the perio! *hen the 'arFuee is &FF. =he 'arFuee *ill !isplay all these alarms *hen it is initialiIe!. =he 'arFuee su#system *ill sen! a reFuest message to Alarm 'anager that the 'arFuee has come up an! that it reFuires all the pen!ing alarms @or the con@igure! points. =he Alarm 'anager *ill recogniIe the reFuest an! sen! all outstan!ing alarms to the 'arFuee su#system to !isplay. =he 'arFuee *ill recei e these alarms an! !isplay them. It then returns to its normal mo!e *aiting @or the ne* alarms. 4ime Formattin) Q=' in empty message !isplays; 4;,, A' or ?ours; 'inutes A'6.'. Q=' in other places !isplays; 1+;,,;,4 or ??; ''; --. =o maintain consistency, the time @ormat o@ empty message is accor!ingly mo!i@ie! to the ??;'';-- @ormat.

C2 1. It is no* possi#le to trap an! alarm on uneBpecte! an!6or out%o@ seFuence trigger an! eri@ication points. "hen uneBpecte! point processing is ena#le! an! a trigger point or a eri@ication point changes !uring a control cycle, an alarm is generate! 9i@ con@igure!: an! the RC& site is !isa#le!. A trigger can #e consume! @rom *ithin the RC& @unction #loc( calle! GConsume =rigger.H A speci@ic trigger name can #e entere!, or le@t #lan( @or all triggers to #e reset. An RC& @unction #loc( can retrie e the trigger seFuence that initiate! the control cycle. )se the ne* @unction #loc( GGet =rig NameH @or this @unction. RC& @unction #loc(s can !isplay a customer%!e@ine! status message on the RC&_)I through the use o@ the -et)ser-tatus @unction #loc(. =his user status message can #e accesse! using the Get)ser-tatus @unction #loc(. RC& can pro i!e Gone%to%manyH routing ali!ations 9synchronous an! asynchronous:. =he asynchronous ali!ation point @irst comes @rom the selecte! !ecision. I@ the !ecision asynchronous ali!ation point is #lan(, the site asynchronous ali!ation point *ill #e selecte!. I@ #oth are #lan(, no asynchronous ali!ation *ill #e per@orme!. -ynchronous ali!ation *aits @or ali!ation #e@ore continuing to run the site output mo!ule an! setting the !one point. RC& processing has #een mo!i@ie! so that *hen an RC& site is !isa#le! !uring eBecution, the RC& *ill halt at the neBt stage an! *ait @or user inter ention. =he RC& @unction #loc( GInclu!e FileH has #een a!!e! so that 7C< co!e can #e inclu!e! in an RC& Custom 7loc(. An Item =ype =ranslation RC& @unction #loc( is no* pro i!e!. =his allo*s translation #et*een input co!e an! item types as speci@ie! in the @ile prt_type_trn.i!t. A user%!e@ine! parameter can #e pro i!e! to RC& @unction #loc(s @rom the RC&_)I using the L$ecision Attri#uteL on manual trigger.

4. 3. +.


1. 0. /. 9.

)p!ate +.,1 -er ice .ac( 1,

.age 31 o@ 3/

1,. RC& @unction #loc(s *ill up!ate the RC& )I i@ @ailures occur *ithin routing logic an! output logic mo!ules. 11. AutoEBecute logic can #e interrupte! i@ a user cancels a !ecision. =his option is no* a aila#le in the RC& )I. P 4 1. 4. A print @unction has #een a!!e! to the .R=_)I, *hich allo*s a regionRs contents to #e printe! in report @ormat. Auto <oc(ing o@ loc(a#le trac(ing regions *ill #e !one @or 'o e Items transactions @rom the .R=_)I. Items can no* #e mo e! to an! @rom loc(e! regions *ithout ha ing to manually #e unloc(e! an! loc(e!. A user can no* GscrapH an item on !eletion @rom the .R=_)I. A ne* option 9A! ance Region: has #een a!!e! to the .R=_)I. =his option mo es the selecte! item @rom the eBit location o@ one region to the entrance location o@ the neBt region along a speci@ie! route.

3. +.

#e( Features in Update 4.01 Service Pack 1

D!namic Table Creation9 Deletion and Modification
A point ta#le can no* #e !ynamically create!, !elete!, rename! or copie! in $ata#ase <ogger. Also supporte! is the !ynamic mo!i@ication o@ all con@igura#le options @or point ta#les. =his inclu!es maintenance actions, maintenance e ents an! logging properties 9such as !ata#ase connection in@ormation an! store an! @or*ar!:.

Configuration $ecurit!
Con@iguration -ecurity is no* supporte! through role%#ase! con@iguration pri ileges. "hen this @eature is ena#le!, the user is reFuire! to pro i!e authentication #e@ore per@orming any restricte! con@iguration acti ities.

Web%ie& $etpoints
"e#5ie* no* pro i!es a chec( #oB @or !isa#ling setpoints in A! ance! Con@iguration !ialog. =his setting *ill !isa#le setpoints @or all users regar!less o@ CI'.<ICI=> )ser I$. =his @eature is only a aila#le in the English language CI'.<ICI=> pro!uct.

6ser-Defined Point #ttributes

A point can contain up to 11 #its o@ a!!itional user%!e@ine! !ata. An attri#ute set can #e !e@ine! pro i!ing sym#olic names @or the #its. "hen con@iguring a point you can pic( the attri#ute set @rom the General page *hile in a! ance! mo!e. =he alue o@ the #it can #e re@erence! using the .&IN=.A==RI7)=E_NA'E syntaB in Cim5ie* screens or scripting. In a!!ition, eBtensions ha e #een a!!e! to the 7CE .oint an! CimE'.ointE ent o#Dects to get the alue o@ the 11 #its. Consult the !ocumentation @or a!!itional in@ormation.

$!stem-Defined Point #ttributes

A!!itional -ystem%!e@ine! point attri#utes are no* a aila#le to pro i!e enhance! in@ormation on the state o@ the point. =he @ollo*ing 7oolean attri#utes are no* a aila#le; Attri)ute *ame M)A<I=>.'AN)A<_'&$E +escription Rea! 6 "rite. $e ice .oints only. "hen set to 1 the point is place! in manual mo!e. "hen in manual mo!e the point !oes not recei e up!ates @rom the !e ice. "hen the point alue is set, it is .age 34 o@ 3/

)p!ate +.,1 -er ice .ac( 1,

M)A<I=>.<A-=_).$_'AN M)A<I=>.I-_IN_RANGE M)A<I=>.I-_A5AI<A7<E M)A<I=>.-=A<E_$A=A M)A<I=>.A<AR'-_ENA7<E$ M)A<I=>.$I-A7<E_"RI=E M)A<I=>.A<AR'E$

not sent to the !e ice. Rea! &nly. $e ice .oints only. =R)E i@ the current alue o@ the point *as !ue to a manual up!ate o@ the point *hile in manual mo!e. Rea! &nly. =R)E i@ the point alue is *ithin its !e@ine! range limitsK other*ise FA<-E. Rea! &nly. =R)E i@ the point is a aila#leK other*ise FA<-E. Rea! &nly. =R)E i@ the point alue is staleK other*ise, FA<-E. Rea! 6 "rite. =R)E i@ alarming is ena#le! @or the pointK other*ise FA<-E. -et this attri#ute to , to !isa#le alarming @or a point. Rea! 6 "rite. I@ set to =R)E setpoints *ill #e !isa#le! @or the point. Rea!. I@ set to =R)E the point is in alarmK other*ise FA<-E.

$tale Data $upport

CI'.<ICI=> no* supports -tale $ata @or !e ice points. -tale !ata support is con@igure! on a per% port #asis. 7y !e@ault all eBisting ports are not con@igure! @or stale !ata. "hen stale !ata is turne! on @or a port, the alue o@ all points is maintaine! *hether or not communication to the !e ice is possi#le. "hen !e ice communications is !o*n, the point attri#ute M)A<I=>.-=A<E_$A=A is set to =R)E to in!icate that the alue is stale.

D!namic #larm :ueuing

CI'.<ICI=> I.C no* uses a !ynamic Fueuing mechanism to han!le #urst situations. As a result, a large #urst o@ alarms can #e generate! together *ithout causing an I.C Fueue o er@lo* to occur. A sustaine! o erloa! o@ alarms cannot #e han!le!, #ut a temporary o erloa! can #e han!le! #y the I.C Fueue.

#e( Features in Update 4.01 Service Pack /

#ut,enticate 6sers
Authenticating users to har!*are has no* #een a!!e!. =his *ill pro i!e a mechanism to uniFuely i!enti@y a ie*er computer an! automatically log in to CI'.<ICI=> using a pre!etermine! )ser I$. <i(e*ise, it *ill #in! the )ser I$ to only #e ali! *hen logging in @rom a uniFuely i!enti@ie! computer.

De+ice Do&n #larm Reference ID

E$E5ICE_$&"N alarms can no* use the $e ice I$ @or the Re@erence I$ instea! o@ the computer name. "ith this @eature, multiple E$E5ICE_$&"N alarms @or !i@@erent !e ices *ill no longer stac(, e en i@ they use the same resources. =o ena#le this @eature, a!! into glo#al parameters; $E5ICE_$&"N_$E5ICE_REFS1S>

#larm %ie& Met,od for ilter

=he Alarm 5ie*er &CJ control has #een enhance! #y the a!!ition o@ t*o ne* metho!s; Get.roDect-etup an! -et.roDect-etup. =hese can #e use! to Get an! -et the currently use! alarm @ilter, respecti ely.

)p!ate +.,1 -er ice .ac( 1,

.age 33 o@ 3/

$ecure Communications
=he Client%-er er communications #et*een computers running CI'.<ICI=> ?'I so@t*are has #een enhance! to use the secure soc(ets layer 9--<: @or o@@%no!e communications #et*een a CI'.<ICI=> -er er an! 5ie*er. =his enhancement has the @ollo*ing characteristics; CI'.<ICI=> ?'I uses )$. #roa!casts to announce the location o@ proDects on the net*or(. =his in@ormation is not secure!. .oint an! alarm !ata that is transmitte! #et*een a CI'.<ICI=> -er er an! 5ie*er is protecte! #y --< encryption. =his ma(es it eBtremely !i@@icult to compromise the connection #et*een the t*o computers, an! also protects the ser er @rom #eing su#Dect to replay%type attac(s. For per@ormance reasons, the communications #et*een the 'aster an! -la e computers in a re!un!ant pair !oes not use --<. Instea!, the communications #et*een these t*o machines shoul! #e protecte! through the use o@ a smart hu# or a similar har!*are solution. 7ecause this enhancement reFuires that the secure soc(ets layer #e installe! on your computer, certain ol!er ersions o@ "in!o*s 92 may #e reFuire! to upgra!e the net*or(ing components o@ their operating system. -ee the G-o@t*are Compati#ility IssuesH section @or !etails.

Controlled $,utdo&n
&n proDect termination, CI'.<ICI=> processes are no* guarantee! to terminate in the opposite or!er @rom *hich they *ere starte!. .re iously, the processes *ere all terminate! in parallelK there#y, compromising the a aila#ility o@ point alues *hen the E'_=ER' script *as run.

"eterminin) %our :ersion?5uild?Service Pack

=o !etermine the CI'.<ICI=> 5ersion an! 7uil! that is installe! on your system; 1. &pen the CI'.<ICI=> "or(#ench. 4. Clic( @elp on the menu #ar. 3. -elect About 6orkbenc$. +. =he @ollo*ing *ill !isplay @or -er ice .ac( 4;

-u#seFuent -er ice .ac(s *ill !isplay an eFui alent representation @or the highest%num#ere! -er ice .ac( that has #een installe!. For pro!uct ersions prior to 5ersion +.,, the -er ice .ac( num#er *as not inclu!e! in the ?elp A#out !ialog. Consult the Important .ro!uct In@ormation @or a ersion 3.4B -er ice .ac( @or !etails on !etermining your pro!uct ersion un!er CI'.<ICI=> ?'I 3.4B.

Ano(n Compatibilit% *ssues

CI'.<ICI=> ?'I so@t*are has #een eri@ie! against a ariety o@ 'icroso@t operating systems an! operating system up!ates. "here compati#ility issues ha e #een encountere!, they ha e #een enumerate! #elo*. $ue to the *i!e ariety o@ thir!%party so@t*are an! operating system up!ates a aila#le on the mar(et to!ay, this is a representati e list only.

)p!ate +.,1 -er ice .ac( 1,

.age 3+ o@ 3/

Locali/ed Operating $!stems

"hen running un!er a locale other than )- English, it is o@ten necessary to select an appropriate @ont @or the !isplay o@ localiIe! .oint I!enti@iers an! Alarm 'essages. =he localiIe! ersions o@ CI'.<ICI=> so@t*are select an appropriate am#ient @ont #y !e@ault, #ut users o@ the English% language pro!uct un!er localiIe! ersions o@ "in!o*s 92 or "in!o*s N= may @in! that certain characters !o not !isplay properly in the Alarm 5ie*er or =ren! controls. =o correct this #eha ior, either 9a: select an appropriate @ont @rom the Alarm 5ie*er or =ren! con@iguration, or 9#: mo!i@y the Am#ient .roperties o@ your screen9s: @rom CimE!it to use an appropriate @ont @or all em#e!!e! controls.

Windo&s 7;'7<
Installation an! pro!uct testing ha e #een per@orme! @or ersion +.,1 -er ice .ac( 0 using "in!o*s 9/ an! "in!o*s 92. $epen!ing on your ersion o@ "in!o*s 92, you may eBperience the @ollo*ing issues; .ro#lems installing &.C -er er. =o alle iate this issue, you may install Internet EBplorer ersion 3.,4 or higher. .ro#lems installing CI'.<ICI=> ?'I an! starting your proDectNs router 9*34rtr.eBe:. =o alle iate this issue, you must per@orm the @ollo*ing steps;

Go to the -ystem applet o@ the Control .anel. I@ the ersion num#er reporte! is +.,,.92,a, +.,,.92,#, or +.,,.92,c, you !o not nee! to install -er ice .ac( 1. &ther*ise, install "in!o*s 92 -er ice .ac( 1, using 'icroso@tRs instructions.

Internet EBplorer ersion 2.,.

Windo&s 3T $er+ice Pac" ;

CI'.<ICI=> +.,1 -er ice .ac( 4 *as teste! *ith "in!o*s N= -er ice .ac( 2 on the Intel architecture. 7oth Alpha an! Intel ersions o@ "in!o*s N= -er ice .ac( 2 *ere use! to test CI'.<ICI=> ?'I +.,1 -er ice .ac( 3. $uring this testing, the @ollo*ing issue *as !isco ere!; -ystems running CI'.<ICI=> ?'I +.,1 -er ice .ac( 3 @aile! to start *hen #ooting up the system !ue to a !epen!ency on the "in!o*s N= RA- option in "in!o*s N= +., -er ice .ac( 2. =his !epen!ency *as eliminate! in CI'.<ICI=> ?'I -er ice .ac( +.

Windo&s 3T =>8 $er+ice Pac" = &it, Y.? Hot i0 #pplied

1. Installation o@ $A& 4., a@ter installing CI'.<ICI=> ?'I )p!ate +.,1 *ill mo!i@y the CI'.<ICI=> &$7C !ata sources so they *ill not #e compati#le. =o reme!y this situation, per@orm the @ollo*ing steps; Install a correcte! ersion o@ $A& 9'icroso@t $A& 4., -er ice .ac( 4 is a aila#le @rom 'icroso@tNs *e# site:. )sing the &$7C a!ministrator, !elete all CI'.<ICI=> !ata sources @rom the )ser $-N, -ystem $-N, an! File $-N pages. Reinstall CI'.<ICI=> ?'I )p!ate +.,1 to recon@igure your &$7C !ata sources "in!o*s N= +., -er ice .ac( + superse!es the @ile eBtension L.-.CL to re@erence .8C- A0 certi@icates @ile @ormat instea! o@ CI'.<ICI=> ?'I -.C @ile @ormat. I@ you are using N= -.+ *ith the CI'.<ICI=> -.C option, you *ill not #e a#le to !irectly open GE Fanuc #.PC !ocuments @rom the EBplorer or "or(#ench. =o a oi! this error, acti ate the -.C option @rom the "or(#ench, an! open the !ocument @rom the -.C Con@iguration File... menu. I@ N= +., -.+ *as installe! #e@ore the @irst time you loa!e! the CI'.<ICI=> -.C option, you may also nee! to manually con@igure the CI'.<ICI=> -.C Con@iguration File =ype. Alternately, i@ you *ill not #e using an Internet 7ro*ser 9-uch as Internet EBplorer or Netscape: on your computer, you may remo e the .-.C @ile association #y per@orming the @ollo*ing steps; .age 32 o@ 3/


)p!ate +.,1 -er ice .ac( 1,

From "in!o*s N= EBplorer, clic( :ie( on the menu #ar. -elect 2ptions. In the &ptions !ialog, clic( the File 4%pes ta#. -earch through the list o@ Registere! File =ypes @or the entry la#ele! G.8C- A0 Certi@icates.H 2. -elect this item, an! clic( on the emove #utton. 1. Clic( <es in the con@irmation #oB. 0. From the File 4%pes page, clic( the #e( 4%pe #utton. /. In the "escription o& t%pe @iel!, type SpcC&) "ocument. 9. Enter .SPC in the Associated eBtension @iel!. 1,. Create a #e( action name! Open, an! #ro*se @or -.C con@iguration as its associate! Application. =ypically, this is @oun! in C:\CIMPLICITY\HMI\exe\spccfg.exe. 11. )se the C$an)e *con #utton to select the -.C IconK typically, this is @oun! at C:\CIMPLICITY\HMI\exe\spc.ico . 14. Close the Ne* File =ype an! &ptions !ialogs. 1. 4. 3. +.

Microsoft Office
-er ice .ac( + has #een ali!ate! against #oth 'icroso@t &@@ice 90 an! &@@ice 4,,, @or the purpose o@ !ata#ase connecti ity to Access @iles an! ser ing $$E !ata to EBcel. No a!!itional pro!uct changes *ere reFuire! to ma(e -er ice .ac( + operate correctly in these en ironments.

Microsoft $:L $er+er

-er ice .ac( + has #een ali!ate! against 'icroso@t -M< -er er 0., @or the purpose o@ !ata#ase connecti ity. .re ious reports that the installation o@ -M< -er er 0., *oul! #rea( compati#ility *ith the 'icroso@t Access !ri er appear to #e unsu#stantiate!. Certain pre%release ersions o@ the -M< -er er 0., release inclu!e! '$AC 4.,, *hich appeare! to cause pro#lems *ith !ata#ase logging an! other applications that use! &$7C. "e ha e con@irme! that logging to #oth 'icroso@t Access an! -M< -er er 0., !ata#ases *ill operate correctly i@ you up!ate your '$AC components to ersion 4.1. '$AC up!ates may #e @reely !o*nloa!e! @rom http;66***.microso@t.com6!ata6

"e no* support communications *ith &racle /.,.2 !ata#ases using the 'ERAN= 9Intersol : $ata$irect Connect &$7C $ri er ersion 3.2,, su#Dect to the @ollo*ing restriction; )sing this &$7C !ri er, the CI'.<ICI=> =ren! control cannot #ro*se @or ta#le6column names. =o alle iate this, ta#le an! column names can #e accesse! #y typing them in an! pressing Apply. =his #eha ior is cause! #y a !e@ect in the -M<Columns @unction o@ the 'ERAN= !ri er, an! *ill #e accompanie! #y the @ollo*ing error message; [MERANT][ODBC Oracle 8 driver]Unexpected results returned fro T#is driver is to $e used onl! a%ainst Oracle 8 data$ases" data dictionar!"

'ERAN= has ac(no*le!ge! this pro#lem an! plans to @iB this in a @uture up!ate to their &$7C !ri er.

Summar$ "ith -er ice .ac( 3 9an! a#o e: *e !istri#ute! a ne* ersion o@ the "e#5ie* ser er*ler-er er.eBe: an! the "e#5ie* client*lerClient.Dar:. .eople *ho are using the #uilt% in "e# ser er *ith "e#5ie* *ill ha e no pro#lems *hen they upgra!e to -.3. ?o*e er, people using an in!epen!ent "e# ser er 9@or eBample, II-: may eBperience a pro#lem.

)p!ate +.,1 -er ice .ac( 1,

.age 31 o@ 3/

Back#round "hen you install "e#5ie* an! *ant to use it *ith an in!epen!ent "e#-er er, the !ocumentation instructs you to copy the CCI'.<ICI=>C?'IC"*lerClient.Dar @ile to the "e# ser er !irectory. 9In the case o@ II-, this is typically C;CINet.u#C"""Root.: "hen -er ice .ac( 3 is applie!, the .ro*lerClient.Dar @ile in the installation !irectory is up!ate!, #ut the copies that ha e #een ma!e in the in!epen!ent "e# ser er !irectories are not. =he ol! .ro*lerClient.Dar @ile *ill not *or( *ith the ne*er ser er. Resolution A@ter upgra!ing their "e# ser er computer to CI'.<ICI=> ?'I +., -er ice .ac( 3, users o@ "e#5ie* must copy the ne* .ro*lerClient.Dar @rom the installation !irectory, CCI'.<ICI=>C?'IC"e#.ages, to their "e# ser er !irectory. "e recommen! that users use the "in!o*s Fin! Files or Fol!ers @eature to @in! all the copies o@ .ro*lerClient.Dar an! replace them *ith the ne* ersion. =he "e# ser er shoul! not reFuire re#ooting, #ut client computers running Internet EBplorer or Netscape Na igator *ill nee! to get the #ro*ser to loa! the ne* Ta a applet. "ith Netscape Na igator this can #e accomplishe! #y hol!ing !o*n the -hi@t (ey *hile clic(ing the Reloa! #utton. "ith Internet EBplorer, it might #e necessary to !elete the temporary Internet @iles 9using the Internet &ptions item in the =ools menu: an! perhaps e en re#oot 9i@ they are using the Acti e !es(top:.

)p!ate +.,1 -er ice .ac( 1,

.age 30 o@ 3/

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