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Results Table 1: The Effects of the Breeding of the Cross A Fruit Flies on the Phenotypes of the F !

eneration of the Fruit Flies fro" the Entire Class Possible Phenotypes of the F !eneration of the Cross A Fruit Flies +ale Fe"ale The A"ount of Flies Found #ith the $pecific !enetic Trait by Each %ndi&idual in the Cross A !roup fro" the Entire Class Total A"ount of Flies %ndi&idual %ndi&idual %ndi&idual %ndi&idual %ndi&idual %ndi&idual Counted 1 ' ( ) * for Each Trait 1,1 1,1 1,1 1,1 ',) *,) *1,) '',) *1,1( '.,1(

Table : The Effects of the Breeding of the Cross B Fruit Flies on the Phenotypes of the F !eneration of the Fruit Flies fro" %ndi&idual B of Table * /Ryan0 Possible Phenotypes of the F !eneration of the Cross B Fruit Flies +ale 3ith 3ings Fe"ale 3ith 3ings +ale 3ithout 3ings Fe"ale 3ithout 3ings The A"ount of Flies Found #ith the $pecific !enetic Trait by %ndi&idual B /Ryan0 of Table * in the Cross B !roup Trial 1: '11-111 Trial : '11(111 Trial ': '11*111 Trial (: '112111 Trial ): '1 111 Trial *: '1 (111 Total A"ount of Flies Counted for Each Trait ) ,' 44,(

1,1 (1,1

1 ,1 1*,1

14,1 14,1

',1 -











Table ': The Effects of the Breeding of the Cross B Fruit Flies on the Phenotypes of the F !eneration of the Fruit Flies fro" the Entire Class Possible Phenotypes of the F !eneration of the Cross B Fruit Flies The A"ount of Flies Found #ith the $pecific !enetic Trait by Each %ndi&idual in the Cross B !roup fro" the Entire Class Total A"ount of Flies Counted for Each Trait

%ndi&i5 %ndi&i5 %ndi&i5 %ndi&i5 %ndi&i5 %ndi&i5 %ndi&i5 dual 1 dual dual ' dual ( dual ) dual * dual 4 ) ,* 44,* 1',* 1),* 1-,* 4,* , ,* 1,1 1,1 '-,* '*,* , 1*,* -,* , '4,* 1,1 (1,* 4 ,* ,* '-,* (,* '',* (,* (,* 14*,( (2,'' 2-, 2 4(, *

+ales #ith 3ings Fe"ale #ith 3ings +ale #ithout 3ings +ale #ithout 3ings

!raph 1: Chi5$6aure Table of the Effects of the Breeding of the Cross B Fruit Flies on the Phenotypes of the F !eneration of the Fruit Flies fro" %ndi&idual B of Table * /Ryan0 Class 9ong 3ings ;o 3ings Total 7bser&ed 1' 2 1*E8pected 1 (1*/75E0 1E 1: ':* (:2

!raph : Chi5$6aure Table of the Effects of the Breeding of the Cross B Fruit Flies on the Phenotypes of the F !eneration of the Fruit Flies fro" the Entire Class Class 9ong 3ings ;o 3ings Total 7bser&ed ( ( 1)( )42 E8pected ('( 1() )12 /75E0 1E : ' -)* :4.

Table (: The Effects of the Breeding of the Cross C Fruit Flies on the Phenotypes of the F !eneration of the Fruit Flies fro" %ndi&idual C of Table * /Alysha0 Possible Phenotypes of the F !eneration of the Cross C Fruit Flies The A"ount of Flies Found #ith the $pecific !enetic Trait by %ndi&idual C /Alysha0 of Table * in the Cross C !roup Total A"ount of Flies Counted for Each Trait

Trial 1: Trial : Trial ': Trial (: Trial ): '11(111 '11*111 '112111 '1 111 '1 (111 +ale #ith Red Eyes Fe"ale #ith Red Eyes +ale #ith 3hite Eyes Fe"ale #ith 3hite Eyes (,1 1,1 ',1 ),1 ),1 ',1 ),1 (,1 (,1 ',1 (,1 2,1 1.,1 1),1 1-,1 14,1 11,1 *,1 4,1 1 ,1 (',) 2,) .,) (*,)

Table ): The Effects of the Breeding of the Cross C Fruit Flies on the Phenotypes of the F !eneration of the Fruit Flies fro" the Entire Class

Possible The A"ount of Flies Found #ith the $pecific !enetic Trait by Each Phenotypes %ndi&idual in the Cross C !roup fro" the Entire Class of the F !eneration of the Cross C Fruit Flies %ndi&idual %ndi&idual %ndi&idual %ndi&idual %ndi&idual %ndi&idual 1 ' ( ) * +ale #ith Red Eyes Fe"ale #ith Red Eyes +ale #ith 3hite Eyes Fe"ale #ith 3hite Eyes 2,* 1),* *,) ( ,) *,) .,) ),) 14,) (2,) '-,) .,) (*,)

Total A"ount of Flies Counted for Each Trait

1( 1).





' ,)

( ,)









!raph ': Chi5$6aure Table of the Effects of the Breeding of the Cross C Fruit Flies on the Phenotypes of the F !eneration of the Fruit Flies fro" %ndi&idual C of Table * /Alysha0 Class 3hite Eyes Red Eyes Total 7bser&ed 4) 4 1(4 E8pected 11'* 1(4 /75E0 1E 11: 4 '* (4: 4

!raph (: Chi5$6aure Table of the Effects of the Breeding of the Cross C Fruit Flies on the Phenotypes of the F !eneration of the Fruit Flies fro" the Entire Class Class 7bser&ed E8pected /75E0 1E

3hite Eyes Red Eyes Total

*1 '-1 )*

1(( 1 )*

1-(:)2 '(: 1'2:42

Table *: The Effects of the Breeding of the Cross < Fruit Flies on the Phenotypes of the F !eneration of the Fruit Flies fro" %ndi&idual < of Table * /;ayla0

Possible Phenotypes of the F !eneration of the Cross < Fruit Flies

The A"ount of Flies Found #ith the $pecific !enetic Trait by %ndi&idual < /;ayla0 of Table * in the Cross < !roup Trial 1: Trial : Trial ': Trial (: '11(111 '11*111 '112111 '1 (111

Total A"ount of Flies Counted for Each Trait

+ale #ith Red Eyes and 3ings Fe"ale #ith Red Eyes and 3ings +ale #ith $epia Eyes and 3ings Fe"ale #ith $epia Eyes and 3ings +ale #ith Red Eyes and no 3ings Fe"ale #ith Red Eyes and no 3ings +ale #ith $epia Eyes and no 3ings Fe"ale #ith $epia Eyes and no 3ings

4,1 (,1 1,1 -

1(,1 *,1 1,1 1,1

1-,1 *,1 1,1 1,1 1,1 ',1 1,1 1,1

,1 (,1 1,1 -

'',( -,( ',' 1,1 , ',1 1,1 ,

Table 4: The Effects of the Breeding of the Cross < Fruit Flies on the Phenotypes of the F !eneration of the Fruit Flies fro" %ndi&idual < of Table * /Eddie0

Possible Phenotypes of the F !eneration of the Cross < Fruit Flies

The A"ount of Flies Found #ith the $pecific !enetic Trait by %ndi&idual < /Eddie0 of Table * in the Cross < !roup Trial 1: Trial : Trial ': Trial (: '11(111 '11*111 '112111 '1 (111

Total A"ount of Flies Counted for Each Trait

+ale #ith Red Eyes Fe"ale #ith Red Eyes +ale #ith $epia Eyes Fe"ale #ith $epia Eyes +ale #ith 3ings Fe"ale #ith 3ings +ale #ith no 3ings Fe"ale #ith no 3ings

1,1 1,1 ,1

1,1 ,1 ',1 -

*,1 1',1 1 ,1 11,1 '-,1 1*,1 (,1 2,1

1,1 ,1 (,1 ,1 ',1 ,1

4, 1),' 1*,' 1*,' ' , 1., 4, 1 ,'

Table 2: The Effects of the Breeding of the Cross < Fruit Flies on the Phenotypes of the F !eneration of the Fruit Flies fro" the Entire Class

Possible Phenotypes of the F !eneration of the Cross < Fruit Flies

The A"ount of Flies Found #ith the $pecific !enetic Trait by Each %ndi&idual in the Cross < !roup fro" the Entire Class

%n5 di&i5 dual 1 *'

%n5 di&i5 dual 2

%n5 di&i5 dual ' 12

%n5 di&i5 dual ( .

%n5 di&i5 dual ) 1(

%n5 di&i5 dual * 1

%n5 di&i5 dual 4 1.

%n5 di&i5 dual 2 '

%n5 di&i5 dual . 1),'

Total A"ount of Flies Counted for Each Trait

+ale #ith Red Eyes and 3ings Fe"ale #ith Red Eyes and 3ings +ale #ith $epia Eyes and 3ings Fe"ale #ith $epia Eyes and 3ings +ale 3ith Red Eyes and no 3ings Fe"ale 3ith Red Eyes and no 3ings +ale 3ith $epia Eyes and no 3ings Fe"ale










1 ,'










' ,





3ith $epia Eyes and no 3ings

!raph ): Chi5$6aure Table of the Effects of the Breeding of the Cross < Fruit Flies on the Phenotypes of the F !eneration of the Fruit Flies fro" %ndi&idual < of Table * /;adya0 Class Red Eyes and 3ings $epia Eyes and 3ings Red Eyes and no 3ings $epia Eyes and no 3ings Total 7bser&ed )' ) * ' *4 E8pected (' 1 1 ( *4 /75E0 1E :'' (:-2 ' : ) .:**

!raph *: Chi5$6aure Table of the Effects of the Breeding of the Cross < Fruit Flies on the Phenotypes of the F !eneration of the Fruit Flies for the Eye Color fro" %ndi&idual < of Table * /Eddie0 Class Red Eyes $epia Eyes Total 7bser&ed ( ' 4( E8pected )) 1. 4( /75E0 1E ':-4 2:2. 11:.*

!raph 4: Chi5$6aure Table of the Effects of the Breeding of the Cross < Fruit Flies on the Phenotypes of the F !eneration of the Fruit Flies for A&ailability of 3ings fro" %ndi&idual < of Table * /Eddie0 Class 3ings ;o 3ings Total 7bser&ed )1 1. 4E8pected '2 12 4/75E0 1E :'( :-)* :'.*

!raph 2: Chi5$6aure Table of the Effects of the Breeding of the Cross < Fruit Flies on the Phenotypes of the F !eneration of the Fruit Flies fro" the Entire Class Class Red Eyes and 3ings $epia Eyes and 3ings Red Eyes and no 3ings $epia Eyes and no 3ings Total 7bser&ed '2 ) 11. '' )2* E8pected ' . 1-. 1-. '* )2* /75E0 1E 2:)( .:21 :. : ) '.:)

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