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English for Graduate Students of Economics Second semester of the Second (Master) Cycle

Spring term, Academic 2012/2013 Sarajevo, February 2013 Instructor: Prof. Dr. Srebren Dizdar

Student Assessment Process

1.1. Teaching/assessment
Introduction and application of different teaching methods will be used throughout the course. The goal is to maximize students participation in all teaching methods available for the purpose, but the emphasis will be on oral presentations and discussion in the class and written papers on topics covered during the course.

1.2. Teaching Methods

1. 2. 3. 4. Interactive lectures and communication with students Online sessions Group work and discussion of assigned topics Possible presentations of students work in the course of the ten weeks period.

2.1. Student Assessment - Overview

2.1.1. The course requires a continuous assessment. It means that an active participation in both the class and during on-line sessions is expected. It also means that tasks and dates set up for their completion will be duly observed. 2.1.2. If the student fails to meet the required deadlines, or if the assigned work even submitted by the given deadlines is deemed to be below the required academic standard 1

(poor quality of composition, argument and conclusion; plagiarism, inappropriate or insufficient use of secondary critical sources, etc.), this element towards the final grade assessment will be treated as missing from the final evaluation. 2.1.3. Students could benefit from an envisaged examination system, which consists of two tests, administered after a certain amount of study material is covered. Mid-term test will count 30% towards the final grade, and the end-term final or make-up exam will be counted 50% towards the final grade. The remaining 20% of the final grade will be assessed according to the diverse sets of activities, such as assignments (homework, case studies and presentations, etc.). If a student does not fulfil the assignments requirements at all, his/her final grade will be diminished for the appropriate percentage. 2.1.4. Students who either miss to take or fail to pass both mid-term and end-term final test will be asked to sit for make-up integral exam. Other conditions for the assessment towards the final grade listed above will also apply for them.

2.2. Examinations Assessment:

2.2.1. Mid-term testing Various methods of checking the students progress will be applied during the course period. The first or mid-term test will take place in the fifth (5th) week of the course, whereas the final end-term (integral) test will take place immediately after the instruction ends, i.e. in the 11th week in the term. Students who pass both tests with satisfactory grades, according to the scale given below, and fulfil all other assignments will be considered as completing all their obligations. Their final grade will be computed based on the set-up elements. 2.2.2. Test structure and grading system for mid-term situation Each test is composed of 28 multiple-choice and TRUE/FALSE questions. Students task in this test will be to complete the sentences with suitable words (CIRCLE only ONE out of four given words (a, b, c, or d), which fits into the place marked with dots, or to provide correct option, either TRUE or FALSE, by circling one of two offered options. The test is divided into three (3) groups of questions, the first group dealing with grammar, the second one dealing with vocabulary (business English for students of economics or specialised, technical terms or expressions), and the third one is related to the text adapted from particular case studies. The first group of questions will be subdivided into two parts: SUBSET 1: 5 questions, each worth 2 points (5 x 2 = 10% of the grade); SUBSET 2: 5 questions, each worth 2 points (5 x 2 = 10% of the grade); (Total of 20% of the grade) The second group of questions will be too divided into two parts:

SUBSET 3: 5 questions, each worth 4 points (5 x 4 = 20% of the grade); SUBSET 4: 5 questions, each worth 4 points (5 x 4 = 20% of the grade); (Total of 40% of the grade) The third group of questions will provide with the excerpt from one of the case studies dealt with in the course. The task will be to read carefully the excerpt, and then answer the four questions provided below. Again, eight (8) multiple choice answers will be given, and students will circle CORRECT answer as a TRUE/FALSE option. Each correct answer is worth 5 points (8 x 5 = 40 % of the grade), with the total of 40% of the grade. Students will have one (1) full hour (60 minutes) to finish the test. Since the mid-term test is administered on special testing paper scanned by the computer, it is in the best interest of students to try to be as precise as possible when providing their final choice. It means that it is imperative to think very hard before circling the answer and to be sure that the circled choice is the final answer, because the computer will not be able to correct properly the sections on the examination paper with either two or more answers, crossed down answers, or answers that have been corrected with a liquid fluid. 2.3. Mid-term test results and make-up work 1. In order to pass a mid-term exam, a student must achieve at least 55% out of 100%. In case the student is below the exam minimum score, /s/he will be considered not to have passed the mid-term test. 2. If the student happens not to sit for mid-term test, or if /s/he leaves the exam without submitting the required test/s/, the situation will be treated as a failure at the exam, and the result will not be included towards the grade assessment. 3. In case the student wants to improve the grade received in mid-term test, /s/he may be asked to do an extra work, such as an additional paper, presentation, etc., subject to the conditions and approval of the course instructor. 2.4.1. Final end-term and make-up integral tests Students who do not pass end-term (final) test will have a chance to sit for make-up integral exams at least three weeks after the final testing, i.e. in June, or, if they miss this date or score below the passing grade, their last opportunity is a make-up integral test in September. The integral exams will be comprehensive and include all the material covered during the course. 2.4.2 Test structure and grading system for final integral and make-up examination situation Final integral and make-up examination test is composed of 41 multiple-choice and TRUE/FALSE questions. Students task in this test will be to complete the sentences with suitable words (CIRCLE only ONE out of four given words (a, b, c, or d), which fits

into the place marked with dots, or to provide correct option, either TRUE or FALSE, by circling one of two offered options. The test is divided into 3 groups of questions, the first group dealing with grammar, the second one dealing with vocabulary (business English economical or specialised, technical terms or expressions), and the third one is related to the case studies. The first group of questions will be subdivided into two parts: SUBSET 1: 8 questions, each worth 1 points (8 x 1 = 8% of the grade); SUBSET 2: 8 questions, each worth 1 points (8 x 1 = 8% of the grade); (Total of 16% of the grade) The second group of questions will be subdivided into two parts: SUBSET 3: 8 questions, each worth 3 points (8 x 3 = 24% of the grade); SUBSET 4: 8 questions, each worth 3 points (8 x 3 = 24% of the grade); (Total of 48% of the grade) The third group of questions will provide with the excerpt from one of the case studies dealt with in the class. The task will be to read carefully the excerpt, and then answer the nine (9) questions provided below. Again, multiple choice TRUE/FALSE answers will be given, and students will circle only ONE, CORRECT answer. Each correct answer is worth 4 points (9 x 4 = 36 % of the grade), with the total of 36% of the grade. Students will have one and a half (1.5) hours (90 minutes) to finish the final or make-up integral examination test. Since the exam is administered on special testing paper scanned by the computer, it is in the best interest of students to try to be as precise as possible when providing their final choice. It means that it is imperative to think very hard before circling the answer and to be sure that the circled choice is the final answer, because the computer will not be able to correct properly the sections on the examination paper with either two or more answers, crossed down answers, or answers that have been corrected with a liquid fluid. 2.4.3. The final integral or make-up integral exam results and the final grade assessment If the student scores at least 55% out of 100% points in either the final integral or the make-up integral exam, respectively, s/he will be considered for the final grade assessment, provided that /s/he has fulfilled or completed successfully other elements necessary for evaluation. The final grade will reflect the accumulation of all the necessary elements envisaged for the passing grade, whereas the actual final grade will be calculated automatically according to the formula that will include only the passing scores of at least 55% or more.

3.0. Scoring System:

3.1.1. Activity description 1. Mid-term test 2. Final end-term test or exam 3. On-line sessions activities 4. Assignments (homework, presentation, etc.) TOTAL 1-4: 3.1.2. Components in the final grade (%) 1. 30% 2. 50 % 3. 10 % 4. 10 % 100%

1. Mid-term test 2. End-term (final) test 3. Out-of-class work and activities (assignments, homework, case studies, presentations, etc.) TOTAL 1-3:

1. 30 % 2. 50 % 3. 20 % 100%

4.0. Grading scale:

Numerical Grade
10 9 8 7 6 5

Letter Grade

Scale 0-100%
95-100% 85-94% 75-84% 65-74% 55-64% Below 55%

Excellent (extraordinary with some mistakes Very Good (above average with some mistakes) Good (generally good work but with many mistakes) Satisfactory (solid work, but with considerable problems) Passing (meets the minimal criteria) Insufficient or Fail (needs extra work in order to meet the course criteria, or much more work to finish the required materials)

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