Informative Memorandum 28229

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NOVEMBER 21, 2013

Cultures use different writing strategies because they strive for different goals. Some cultures rely on writer responsibility while other cultures rely on reader responsibility. (McCool, 2009) The purpose of this memorandum is to inform and present the business communication practices of Brazil. As with many Latin countries, communication tends to be predominantly oral rather than through the written word. Brazilians tend to put the spoken before the written word. When sending something in a written format it is usually a good idea to follow it up with a phone call or visit. Many senior and middle ranking Brazilian business executives speak excellent English and in fact many of them have studied abroad in the USA or Europe. However, English is by no means universally spoken and when dealing with people outside the major commercial businesses, an ability to speak Brazilian Portuguese is extremely useful. In Brazil handshaking, often for a long time, is common. Shake hands for hello and goodbye, use good eye contact; when leaving a small group, be sure to shake hands with everyone present. Women exchange kisses by placing their cheeks together and kissing the air, first names are used often but titles are more important. Music and long animated conversations are favorite Brazilian habits, interruptions are viewed as enthusiasm, and they enjoy joking, informality and friendships. Business communications practices are very important it demonstrates how a country communicates within its own businesses and with everyone else,. It is of highly importance that communication is clear and concise because many mistakes can occur and lead to misinterpretation. As mentioned above, Brazilians are proud of their language and they would mostly prefer that someone speaks to them in Portuguese, it would be a double benefit because demonstrates the compromise and the respect and work ethic that foreign countries have. Brazilians prefer appointments to be schedule on time, usually two weeks in advance never try to make impromptu calls at business or government offices. They like people who commit long term resources mostly time and money toward establishing strong business relationships. Business meetings usually begin with casual chatting first and never start into business discussions before your host does.

The use of significant amounts of exaggerated body language plays a significant role in normal communication. Brazilians are very tactile even across the sexes and work at very close proximity. They also exhibit string levels of eye contact when speaking to people. This combination of tactility, proximity and steady gaze can be intimidating for some cultures, but it is important that you adapt to these issues as quickly as possible otherwise your own reserve could be misinterpreted as unfriendliness. Be careful when using humor in very serious situations as it can be viewed as lacking in gravitas. However, in everyday situations it is important to be seen as good company and entertaining. Life is to be lived and enjoyed for the Brazilians. With these statements it is notorious that Brazilian people really commit to business practices and to everything in general, it is common of Latin American countries to really value the commitments and really value social relationships, communication, expressions, rules, timing, language, attitude towards language formality and informality among other important aspects of business communication practices. Verbal communication in Brazil can often be viewed as being theatrical and over emotional by those cultures when place a great significance on the maintenance of professional reserve in all situations. In a country like Brazil, if you feel something strongly, you show it. Overt signs of emotion definitely do not imply lack of conviction and should be taken as the deeply felt belief of the speaker. As the author states in his book writing around the world, cultures use different writing strategies because they strive for different goals. Some cultures rely on writer responsibility while other cultures relay on reader responsibility. Writer responsibility emphasizes clear and concise prose, actions over subjects, practical implications, and follows a deductive logical structure. Personal interaction is highly valued, friendship is powerful bond. Business relationships require a particular kind of social interaction and business activities are dealt with in a polychromic manner.

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