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Private Bag X 691 BRUMA 2026 $el% &011' 60()9*00 Fa/% &011' 622)929* E"ail% engineer0e.sa1.o12a We4site% www1e.sa1.o12a


Waterview Corner, 1st Floor, 2 Ernest O en!ei"er Aven#e Br#"a +a,e O--i.e Par, BRUMA 3o!annes4#rg 2195


Form B1.1

R $.:





li.ation1 F&r(% N"m (:
PHOTOGRAPH (Passport-type. Please paste do not staple) Alternatively, insert electronically in JPEG or similar format

Please .ons#lt t!e 6n-or"ation 7!eets &7!eets B111 8 B112' 4e-ore .o" leting t!is A


G ! r"# I!$orm"%&o!:

S'r!"m :

)"% o$ B&r%*:

I+ !%&%, No: or

-R". Gro'/: A(&"! Please ti., t!e Co#o'r + a li.a4le 4lo., Hom A++r ((:

B#".0 1*&%

P"((/or% No. "!+ Co'!%r,:

Co'!%r, o$ !orm"# r (&+ !. :

Po(%"# A++r ((:

N"m 2 A++r (( o$ /r ( !% Em/#o, r:

T #. No. (Hom ): T #. No. (1or0): (include area codes)

T&%# o$ Po(&%&o! * #+:

T #. No. (Em/#o, r): F"4 No.: &in.l#9e area .o9es' E3m"&#:

C ## No.:

:Co" letion o- t!is se.tion is ne.essar; in or9er to a..#ratel; re-le.t e<#it; statisti.s in ter"s o- =overn"ent Poli.;1


E+'."%&o!"# I!(%&%'%&o!

&All <#ali-i.ations at tertiar; level' &+ist o- s#4>e.ts to 4e rovi9e9 on For" B11?' A%% !+"!. 5'"#&$&."%&o! $rom %o

)"% o$ $&!"# 4"m&!"%&o!

Office use


@in9l; initial t!is age in t!e resen.e o- a Co""issioner o- Oat!s A 3#sti.e o- Pea.e1 Comm&((&o! r O$ O"%*(/ 7'(%&. O$ P ". : 666666666666666

A//#&."!%: 6666666666.



Form B1.2


Pr 8&o'( / C'rr !% R 9&(%r"%&o! or A//#&."%&o! ) %"&#(:

Registere9 +i-t 6ns e.tor, et.1' T,/ C"% 9or,

&eg1 Can9i9ate Engineering $e.!nologist, N'm: r )"%

Previo#s Registration% C#rrent Registration% Previo#s A li.ation% &or ot!er'%


M m: r(*&/ o$ ;o#'!%"r, A((o.&"%&o!( r .o9!&( + &! % rm( o$ A.% No 4< o$ 2000

l; in-or"ation se aratel;1' M m: r(*&/ 9r"+ N"m o$ A((o.&"%&o! / I!(%&%'% / So.& %, "!+ +"% ".. /% + &6- "ore s a.e is nee9e9, lease s# N'm: r o$ , "r(

O$$&. * #+


A//#&."%&o! F


&% m = o$ %* I!$orm"%&o! S*


M; A

li.ation -ee o- R

&.!e<#e' is trans-erre9 ele.troni.all;1


R $ r

(2) (3)

E3m"&#: T # No:

E3m"&#: T # No:

E3m"&#: T # No:


) .#"r"%&o!:

6? &-#ll na"es' !ere4; a l; -or R 9&(%r"%&o! "( " Pro$ ((&o!"# E!9&! r&!9 T .*!o#o9&(% an9 #n9erta,e to a4i9e 4; all t!e rovisions o- t!e E!9&! r&!9 Pro$ ((&o! A.%? 2000 (A.% No. 4< o$ 2000) an9 an; R'# ( #4lis!e9 t!ere#n9er, in.l#9ing t!e Co+ o$ Pro$ ((&o!"# Co!+'.% 1 6 9e.lare t!at 7e.tion 19&?'&a' o- t!e A.t 9oes not re.l#9e "e -ro" registration1 6 sole"nl; 9e.lare t!at, to t!e 4est o- "; ,nowle9ge, all t!e in-or"ation .ontaine9 !erein is tr#e1 7ignat#re% BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 7worn toAA--ir"e9 4e-ore "e at BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB on t!is t!e BBBBBBBB 9a; o- BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB&"ont! 8 ;ear'1 Comm&((&o! r o$ O"%*(/ 7'(%&. o$ P ". : CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC
O$$&. U( O!#, (Commissioners stamp)

li.ation -ee%


(Councils stamp)

Re.eive9 4;%


r&!9 Co'!.&# o$ So'%* A$r&."


Form B1.3

) %"&# + &!$orm"%&o! o!


Pro$ ((&o!"# E!9&!
N"m o$ 5'"#&$&."%&o!:
@ "r O:%"&! + M"r0( o:%"&! + (if available)

r&!9 T .*!o#o9&(%

A## (':A .%( /"(( +

E4%r" (':A .%( /"(( + $or &!.om/# % B'"#&$&."%&o!(

To%"# Cr +&%(



r&!9 Co'!.&# o$ So'%* A$r&."



% B1.1

I!$orm"%&o! S* % $or A//#&."!%( A//#,&!9 $or R 9&(%r"%&o! "( " Pro$ ((&o!"# E!9&! r&!9 T .*!o#o9&(%
$!is 9o.#"ent 4rie-l; sets o#t t!e in-or"ation re<#ire9 4; t!e Registration Co""ittee to eval#ate a li.ations 1

A. G ! r"#:
A## "//#&."!%( (*o'#+ r "+? '!+ r(%"!+ "!+ /ro8&+ "## %* &!$orm"%&o!/+o.'m !%"%&o! r B'&r + &! S* %( B1.1? B1.2? B2.1? B2.2? B4 "!+ B= o$ %*&( "//#&."%&o! $orm. I$ %* /r (.r&: + r B'&r m !%( "r !o% m % &! %* .orr .% $orm"%? &% &( '!#&0 #, %*"% "//#&."!%( D&## : r 9&(% r +.
$!e on#s is on t!e A li.ant to rovi9e all t!e evi9en.e -or .onsi9eration o- t!e Co#n.il1 $!e evi9en.e "#st 9e"onstrateAs!ow .o" eten.; in a..or9an.e wit! t!e s e.i-i.ation re<#ire"ents o- Poli.; 7tate"ent R2A1B% A..e ta4le Engineering Wor, -or Registration o- a Pro-essional Engineering $e.!nologist1 Eo#r a li.ation will onl; 4e .onsi9ere9 4; t!e i- t!e -ollowing 9o.#"ents are s#4"itte9%

Com/# % + A//#&."%&o! Form (B1.1 2 B1.2). C r%&$& + .o/& ( o$ B'"#&$&."%&o!(. Com/# % + + %"&# + &!$orm"%&o! o! 5'"#&$&."%&o!( (Form B1.3). Com/# % + E4/ r& !. R /or% (Form( B2.1)? $or ".* 4/ r& !. / r&o+ "!+ " S'mm"r, o$ E4/ r& !. R /or%( (Form B2.2). Com/# % + r . !% E!9&! r&!9 R /or% (Form B2.3). Com/# % + E+'."%&o!"# ) 8 #o/m !% R /or% (Form B1E)? &$ "//#&.":# . R $ r R /or%(? o! $rom " ('/ r8&(or? ".* +'#, .om/# % +.(Form B4). Com/# % + I!&%&"# Pro$ ((&o!"# ) 8 #o/m !% R /or% (Form B=).

All s# orting 9o.#"entation "#st 4e .learl; i9enti-ie91 6- ;o# are #na4le to .o" lete an; o- t!e se.tions, lease e/ lain t!e reasons in a .overing letter1 6n .o" leting all a er -or"s #se t; e or rint .learl; in :#".0 &!0 an9 m&!&m'm $o!% (&F 10 to ens#re .lear .o ;ing1 For"s "a; not 4e s#4stit#te9 4#t "a; 4e !oto.o ie9 or re.reate9 in ele.troni. -or"at1 6t is i" erative to resent re.or9s o- onl; t!e "ost signi-i.ant wor, an9 a.!ieve"ents1 $!e Registration Co""ittee .onsi9ers t!at an a li.ation o- -i-t; &*0' AF ages or less, is s#--i.ient to assess an a li.ant an9 t!at longer resentations "a; not 4e to t!e a li.antGs a9vantage1 Eo#r a li.ation -or registration will onl; 4e .onsi9ere9 w!en all re-eree re orts !ave 4een re.eive9 4; t!e Co#n.il1 6- t!e re-eree re orts 9o not rea.! t!e wit!in a reasona4le ti"e, ;o# will 4e noti-ie9 a..or9ingl;1 Eo# will t!en 4e e/ e.te9 to .onta.t t!e re-erees1 6- ;o# are in 9o#4t regar9ing an; as e.ts lease .onta.t t!e Co#n.ilGs o--i.es1 $!e registration ro.ess "a; ta,e < ((&4) mo!%*( or longer to .o" lete an9 ea.! a li.ant will 4e in-or"e9 o- t!e Co#n.ilGs 9e.ision as soon as it 4e.o"es availa4le1 6n-or"ation regar9ing t!e rogress o- an; a li.ation will not 4e given tele !oni.all;1

Please note t!at it is ;o#r res onsi4ilit; to ens#re t!at all re orts rea.! Co#n.ilGs ti"eo#sl;1 For registration as a Pro-essional Engineering $e.!nologist a li.ants "#st !ave t!e 4en.!"ar, a.a9e"i. <#ali-i.ation an9 t!ree ;ears o- a rove9 e/ erien.e as a te.!nologist, o- w!i.! at least a "ini"#" o- one ;ear "#st 4e in a osition o- ta,ing -#ll engineering res onsi4ilit;1 6- t!e a li.ant 9oes not !ave t!e 4en.!"ar, a.a9e"i. <#ali-i.ation &B$e.!', t!eir a li.ation will 4e .onsi9ere9 4; t!e "#% r!"% ro'% 1 $!e 9i--eren.e "#st 4e "a9e # 4; e/ten9e9 erio9s o- 4ot! engineering e/ erien.e an9 res onsi4ilit;1 $!e e/a.t erio9s will 9e en9 # on t!e level o- t!e <#ali-i.ations !el9 4; t!e a li.ant1 6t "#st 4e .learl; #n9erstoo9 t!at t!e wor, w!i.! t!e .an9i9ates are 9oing or !ave 9one, as well as t!e s#4"ission o- t!e .o" lete9 E+'."%&o!"# ) 8 #o/m !% R /or% (Form B1E) an9 t!e I!&%&"# Pro$ ((&o!"# ) 8 #o/m !% R /or% (Form B=), are i" ortant -a.tors in 9eter"ining registra4ilit;1

B. T* A//#&."%&o! Form:
$!e -ollowing in-or"ation is given to assist a li.ants to .o" lete t!is -or" H t!e n#"4ers re-er to t!e e<#all; n#"4ere9 se.tions o- t!e A li.ation For"1 1. 2. G ! r"# I!$orm"%&o!: Ens#re t!at all ersonal 9etails are .orre.t1 A re.ent ass ort t; e !otogra ! o- t!e a li.ant is re<#ire91

5'"#&$&."%&o!(: Original .erti-ie9 .o ies o- ;o#r <#ali-i.ation .erti-i.ate&s' "#st 4e s#4"itte91 &$!e; "#st 4e .erti-ie9 4; a Co""issioner o- Oat!s or 3#sti.e o- Pea.e1 A Poli.e or Post Master will #s#all; 4e a4le to !el ;o#1'





% B1.2

6- ;o#r 9o.#"ents are not in Englis!, lease s# l; .erti-ie9 translations1 $!e 4en.!"ar, a.a9e"i. <#ali-i.ation re<#ire9 4; -or registration is a B$e.! 9egree awar9e9 4; a 7o#t! Universit; o- $e.!nolog; or Co" re!ensive Universit;1

Pr 8&o'( / C'rr !% R 9&(%r"%&o! or A//#&."%&o! ) %"&#(: 6- ;o# !ave revio#sl; a lie9 -or registration in an; .ategor; or were revio#sl; registere9 4#t ;o#r registration was .an.elle9 -or an; reason, lease rovi9e .ategor; an9 revio#s registration n#"4er in relevant 4lo.,1 6- ;o# are .#rrentl; registere9 in anot!er .ategor;, also .o" lete t!e a ro riate 4lo.,1

F1 M m: r(*&/ o$ r .o9!&( + ;o#'!%"r, A((o.&"%&o!(: A list o- asso.iations is atta.!e9 as A++ !+'m A. Proo- o- .#rrent "e"4ers!i o- s#.! asso.iation will <#ali-; ;o# -or a re9#.tion in ;o#r ann#al -ee s!o#l9 ;o#r a li.ation 4e s#..ess-#l1 Persons w!o !ave a lie9 -or "e"4ers!i o- an; o- t!e a4ove)"entione9 asso.iations, 4#t w!o !ave not ;et 4een a..e te9, "#st in9i.ate t!is in t!e a ro riate 4lo.,1 Me"4ers!i o- ot!er instit#tesAso.ieties &not re.ognise9' "a; 4e state9, 4#t t!is 9oes not <#ali-; t!e a li.ant -or a re9#.tion in t!e ann#al -ee1 =. A//#&."%&o! "!+ A!!'"# F (:

O!#, .* B' ( "#st a..o" an; ;o#r a li.ation -or", as !o ."(* or /o(%"# or+ r( D&## : ".. /% + 1 6;o# 9o not !ave a .!e<#e a..o#nt, ;o# "a; 9e osit .as! at an; 7tan9ar9 Ban, into EC7AGs a..o#nt1 Please .onta.t o#r A..o#nts De art"ent at &011' 60()9*?0A1A2A? or Re.e tion at &011' 60()9*00 to o4tain o#r 4an,ing 9etails1 Alternativel; ;o# "a; "a,e a;"ent (1) via t!e internet, or (2) ;o# "a; as, ;o#r 4an, -or a 4an, .!e<#e to 4e "a9e o#t to EC7A, (3) .onta.t ;o#r 4an,Gs tele !one 4an,ing 9ivision to "a,e a;"ent into EC7AGs a..o#nt or (4) 4; .re9it .ar9 4; !oning o#r A..o#nts De art"ent1 W!en "a,ing t!e 9e osit lease ens#re t!at ;o#r na"e an9 initials are entere9 in t!e -iel9 na"e9 IDe ositorGs na"e or re-eren.e n#"4erJ an9 atta.! a .o ; o- t!e roo- o- 9e osit to ;o#r a li.ation -or"1 Re-er to se arate s!eet regar9ing -ees a;a4le, visit EC7AGs we4site at *%%/://DDD. .("..o.F"? .li., on GF&!"!. H or .onta.t t!e Co#n.ilGs at &011' 60()9*00 to 9eter"ine t!e .#rrent -ee1 <. R $ r (:

Ea.! a li.ant "#st, wit! t!e er"ission o- t!e ersons .on.erne9, s# l; t!e wit! t!e na"es an9 a99resses o- t!ree re-erees, w!o !ave ersonal ,nowle9ge o- t!e a li.antKs wor,1 Re-erees "#st 4e registere9 wit! EC7A as a Pro-essional Engineering $e.!nologist or a Pro-essional Engineer, an9 in e/.e tional .ir.#" a Pro-essional Certi-i.ate9 Engineer or a Pro-essional Engineering $e.!ni.ian, o- w!i.! one "#st 4e a 9ire.t s# ervisor1 6n .ase o- t!e s# ervisor not 4eing registere9 wit! EC7A a -ort! registere9 re-eree "#st 4e rovi9e91 Use For" B? -or -or"al .orres on9en.e wit! ea.! re-eree, an9 en.lose .o ies o- t!e re-eree re ort &For" BF' an9 t!e g#i9eline -or re-erees &7!eet BF'1 6t is s#ggeste9 t!at ;o# rovi9e ea.! re-eree wit! an a99resse9 envelo e wit! re ai9 ostage -or t!e re-eree to -orwar9 t!e re ort 9ire.t to t!e Co#n.il1 >. ) .#"r"%&o!:
7e.tion 19&?'&a' o- t!e Engineering Pro-ession A.t, 2000 &A.t Lo1 F6 o- 2000' rea9s%

I espite subsection (!), t"e Council may refuse to re#ister an applicant (i) if t"e applicant "as been removed from an office of trust on account of improper conduct$ (ii) "as been convicted of an offence in t"e %epublic, ot"er t"an an offence committed prior to !& April '(() associated *it" political ob+ectives, and *as sentenced to imprisonment *it"out an option of a fine, or, in t"e case of fraud, to a fine or imprisonment or bot"$ (iii) if t"e applicant "as, sub+ect to para#rap" (b), been convicted of an offence in a forei#n country and *as sentenced to imprisonment *it"out an option of a fine, or, in t"e case of fraud, to a fine or imprisonment or bot"$ (iv) if t"e applicant is declared by t"e ,i#" Court to be of unsound mind or mentally disordered, or is detained under t"e -ental ,ealt" Act, '(&.$ (v) for as lon# as t"e applicant is dis/ualified from re#istration as a result of any punis"ment imposed on "im or "er under t"is Act$ (vi) if t"e applicant is an unre"abilitated insolvent *"ose insolvency *as caused by "is or "er ne#li#ence or incompetence in performin# *or0 fallin# *it"in t"e scope of t"e cate#ory in respect of *"ic" "e or s"e is applyin# for re#istration.1

Lote t!at ;o#r a li.ation "#st 4e sworn to or a--ir"e9 4e-ore a Co""issioner o- Oat!s or a 3#sti.e o- Pea.e1 Eo#r attention is 9rawn to t!e initialling re<#ire9 at t!e 4otto" o- t!e -irst age o- t!e A li.ation For"1

Page Lo1
Cons#lt t!e 6n-or"ation 7!eet &7!eet B2' 4e-ore .o" leting t!is re ort1


Engineering o- 7o#t! A-ri.a Tr"&!&!9 "!+ E4/ r& !. R /or% Form B2.1 &1(A*A2012'
As art o- t!e A
A//#&."!%I( N"m P r&o+ No: S%"r% +"% : E!+ +"% : No o$ D 0(:

li.ation -or Registration as Pro-essional Engineering $e.!nologist

A//#&."!%I( S&9!"%'r Po(&%&o! * #+: )"% :

Em/#o, rI( N"m "!+ A++r (( $or %*&( / r&o+: &$!is is t!e )&+ ,o' %r"&! '!+ r " Comm&%m !% "!+ U!+ r%"0&!9 (CU)J e" lo;er an9 site at w!i.! t!e wor, too, la.e, e1g1 t!e site t!e a li.ant !as 4een se.on9e9 to'1 I$ , (? /ro8&+ !'m: r o$ CU:

@ ( No

S'/ r8&(orI( N"m "!+ A++r ((:

S'/ r8&(orI( S&9!"%'r :

)"% : ECSA R 9&(%r"%&o! No: Dis.i line o- Engineering%

&, Agri.#lt#ral, C!e", Civil,, 6n9#strial, Me.!,, Mining'

Dis.i line 7 e.i-i. Fiel9%

&e1g1 Power $rans"ission, Ele.troni. Co""#ni.ation, $rans ortation, 7tr#.t#res, A#to"otive, Roa9s, et.1'

Organogra" s!owing s# ervisor&s', .o)wor,ers an9 t!ose ;o# s# ervise9 &i- an;'1 7!ow two levels a4ove an9 4elow, i- t!ese e/ist1 =ive na"es, ositions an9 registration &i- an;'1

R /or%:
1r&% &! /ro/ r /"r"9r"/*( &! %* $&r(% / r(o! (&!9'#"r. Lat#re o- training or e/ erien.e:

Lat#re o- ro4le"&s' a99resse9 in t!is erio9M "et!o9 o- anal;sis, 9evelo ing sol#tion an9 eval#ation:

Do.#"entation, re orts, resentations re are9

Manage"ent o- "aterials, "a.!ines, "an ower, "et!o9s or "one;, .ontra.ts

6ntera.tion wit! .lients, sta,e!ol9ers an9 ot!er 9is.i lines

Nealt! an9 sa-et; .onsi9erations, !a2ar9s an9 environ"ental .onsi9erationsM ot!er legislation

A li.antGs .ontri4#tion to t!e wor,M nat#re an9 9egree o- a Des.ri4e%

li.antGs res onsi4ilit;:

Degree o- res onsi4ilit;% A1 Being e/ ose9 B1 Assisting C1 Parti.i ating D1 Contri4#ting E1 Per-or"ing

$i., one%

:Co" #lsor; -iel9s

2or office use only3 4evel assessed for t"is period3

ArtisanA7 e.i-ie9 Categor; $e.!ni.ian $e.!nologist $e.!nologist O Co" le/ Engineer


r&!9 Co'!.&# o$ So'%* A$r&."


Form B2.3


r&!9 R /or%

U( %*&( $orm %o (':m&% " r /or% '!+ r O' ( 1 %o 10 : #oD &! ":o'% 2=00 %o 3000 Dor+( o! r . !% !9&! r&!9 Dor0 %o D*&.* ,o' *"8 m"+ " (&9!&$&."!% .o!%r&:'%&o!. T* r /or% m", .o8 r .o!. /%'"#&("%&o!? + (&9! "!+ "!"#,(&(? (/ .&$&."%&o!? % !+ r&!9 "!+ "+A'+&."%&o!? m"!'$".%'r&!9? /roA .% "!+ .o!(%r'.%&o! m"!"9 m !%? .omm&((&o!&!9? m"&!% !"!. ? m "('r m !% "!+ % (%&!9 or /#"!!&!9 "% " :ro"+#,3+ $&! + # 8 # 1 P# "( "#(o /ro8&+ " ("m/# r # 8"!% ."#.'#"%&o!( "!+ +r"D&!9( "( "! "++ !+'m.

N"m o$ A//#&."!%: ) (&9!"%&o! o$ Dor0 "!+ +"% (: &P1* wor9s' E!9&! r&!9 :r& $ "!+ o:A .%&8 : &P?0 wor9s' E!8&ro!m !% (I!+'(%r,K L":or"%or,K T* or,K S&m'#"%&o!) &P1* wor9s' S*or% S'mm"r, &7tate engineering ro4le"sM sol#tions in P ?0 wor9s' B'+9 % &P10 wor9s'
Broadly-defined engineering problems "ave t"e follo*in# c"aracteristics3 &a' re<#ire .o!erent an9 9etaile9 engineering ,nowle9ge #n9er inning t!e a li.a4le te.!nolog; areaM and one or more of3 &4' are ill) ose9, #n9er) or over s e.i-ie9, re<#iring i9enti-i.ation an9 inter retation into t!e te.!nolog; areaM &.' en.o" ass s;ste"s wit!in .o" le/ engineering s;ste"sM &9' 4elong to -a"ilies o- ro4le"s w!i.! are solve9 in well)a..e te9 4#t innovative wa;sM and one or more of3 &e' .an 4e solve9 4; str#.t#re9 anal;sis te.!ni<#esM &-' "a; 4e artiall; o#tsi9e stan9ar9s an9 .o9esM "#st rovi9e >#sti-i.ation to o erate o#tsi9eM &g' re<#ire in-or"ation -ro" ra.ti.e area an9 wit! ra.ti.e area t!at is .o" le/ an9 in.o" leteM &!' involves a variet; o- iss#es w!i.! "a; i" ose .on-li.ting .onstraints% te.!, engineering an9 intereste9 or a--e.te9 artiesM and one or bot" of3 &i' re<#ires >#9ge"ent in 9e.ision "a,ing in ra.ti.e area, .onsi9ering to ot!er areasM &>' !ave signi-i.ant .onse< w!i.! are i" ortant in ra.ti.e area, 4#t "a; e/ten9 "ore wi9el; Broadly-defined engineering activities (BDEA) !ave several o- t!e -ollowing .!ara.teristi.s% a' 5cope o- ra.ti.e area is lin,e9 to te.!nologies #se9 an9 .!anges 4; a9o tion o- new te.!nolog; into .#rrent ra.ti.eM 4' Pra.ti.e area is lo.ate9 wit!in a wi9er, .o" le/ conte6t, re<#ires tea"wor,, !as wit! ot!er arties an9 9is.i linesM .' 6nvolve t!e #se o- a variet; resources, in.l#9ing eo le, "one;, e<#i "ent, "aterials, te.!nologiesM 9' Re<#ire resol#tion o- o..asional ro4le"s arising -ro" interactions 4etween wi9e)ranging or .on-li.ting te.!, engineering or ot!er iss#esM e' Are constrained 4; availa4le te.!nolog;, ti"e, -inan.e, in-rastr#.t#re,, -a.ilities, stan9ar9s an9 .o9es, a li.a4le lawsM -' Nave signi-i.ant ris0s an9 conse/uences in t!e ra.ti.e area an9 in relate9 areas1

G'&+ #&! ( o! O' ( %o : .o8 r + &! %* r /or%

Gro'/ A O' (: E!9&!

r&!9 Pro:# m So#8&!9 r&!9 /ro:# m(

O' 1: ) $&! ? &!8 (%&9"% "!+ "!"#,( :ro"+#,3+ $&! + !9&! !.o'!% r + &! ,o'r Dor0:

111 7tate !ow ;o# inter rete9 t!e wor, instr#.tion to t!e satis-a.tion o- t!e .lient or ;o#r s# ervisor1 &A..e tan.e .riteria'1 112 Des.ri4e !ow ;o# anal;se9, o4taine9 an9 eval#ate9 -#rt!er .lari-;ing in-or"ation, an9 i- t!e instr#.tion was revise9 as a res#lt1

O' 2: ) (&9! or + 8 #o/ " (o#'%&o! %o :ro"+#,3+ $&! + !9&! !.o'!% r + &! ,o'r Dor0:

r&!9 /ro:# m(

211 Des.ri4e !ow ;o# 9evelo e9 an9 anal;se9 alternative a roa.!es to 9o t!e wor,1 6" a.ts .!e.,e91 212 7tate w!at t!e -inal sol#tion to er-or" t!e wor, was, .lient or ;o#r s# ervisor in agree"ent

O' 3: Com/r * !+ "!+ "//#, %* 0!oD# +9 m:o+& + &! D&+ #, ".. /% + "!+ "//#& + !9&! r&!9 /ro. +'r ( "!+ /ro. (( (? (,(% m( or m %*o+o#o9& ( "!+ %*o( (/ .&$&. %o %* A'r&(+&.%&o! &! D*&.* ,o' /r".%&( "( "//#& + &! ,o'r Dor0:
?11 7tate w!at B$e.! level engineering ro.e9#res an9 s;ste"s ;o# #se9 to solve ro4le"s1 ?12 =ive ;o#r reasons w!; t!e a li.ations o- t!ese ro.e9#res are .onsi9ere9 to 4e .orre.t &$! 4ase'1 Re ort on t!e a4ove%

Gro'/ B O' (: M"!"9&!9 E!9&!

r&!9 A.%&8&%& ( r&!9 ".%&8&%& (

O' 4: M"!"9 /"r% or "## o$ o! or mor :ro"+#,3+ $&! + !9&! m:o+& + &! ,o'r Dor0: O' =: Comm'!&."% .# "r#, D&%* o%* r( &! %* .o'r( o$ ,o'r !9&! (:ro"+#,3+ $&! + !9&! r&!9 Dor0):
*11 7tate !ow ;o# re orte9 4a., a-ter .o" letion o- t!e wor,1 *12 7tate !ow ;o# iss#e9 instr#.tions to entities wor,ing on t!e sa"e tas,1 Re ort on t!e a4ove%

F11 7tate !ow ;o# "anage9 ;o#rsel-, riorities, ro.esses an9 in 9oing t!e wor,1 &4ar .!art'1 F12 Des.ri4e ;o#r role an9 .ontri4#tion in t!e wor, tea"1

r&!9 ".%&8&%,

Gro'/ C O' (: Im/".%( o$ E!9&!

r&!9 A.%&8&%,

O' <: R .o9!&( "!+ "++r (( %* r "(o!":# $or ( ":# (o.&"#? .'#%'r"# "!+ !8&ro!m !%"# $$ .%( o$ ,o'r :ro"+#, + $&! + !9&! r&!9 ".%&8&%,:
611 Des.ri4e t!e so.ial an9 environ"ental i" a.t o- t!is engineering a.tivit;1 612 7tate !ow ;o# .o""#ni.ate9 "itigating "eas#res to a--e.te9 arties1

O' >: M % "## # 9"# "!+ r 9'#"%or, r B'&r m !%( "!+ /ro% .% %* * "#%* "!+ ("$ %, o$ / r(o!( &! %* .o'r( o$ ,o'r :ro"+#,3+ $&! + !9&! r&!9 ".%&8&%,:
(11 +ist t!e "a>or laws an9 reg#lations a li.a4le to t!is arti.#lar a.tivit;1 (12 7tate !ow ;o# o4taine9 a9vi.e in 9oing ris, "anage"ent -or t!is wor,1 Re ort on t!e a4ove%

Gro'/ ) O' (: E4 r.&( A'+9 m !%? %"0 r (/o!(&:&#&%, "!+ ".% %*&."##, O' E: Co!+'.% !9&! r&!9 ".%&8&%& ( %*&."##, &! 4 .'%&!9 ,o'r Dor0: r&!9
511 7tate !ow ;o# i9enti-ie9 et! iss#es an9 a--e.te9 arties an9 t!eir interest1 512 Con-ir" t!at ;o# are .onversant an9 in .o" lian.e wit! EC7AGs Co9e o- Con9#.t1

O' L: E4 r.&( (o'!+ A'+9 m !% &! %* .o'r( o$ :ro"+#,3+ $&! + !9&! ".%&8&%& ( !.o'!% r + &! ,o'r Dor0:

911 7tate t!e -a.tors a li.a4le to t!e wor,, t!eir interrelations!i 1 912 Des.ri4e !ow ;o# -oresaw wor, .onse< an9 eval#ate9 sit#ations in t!e a4sen.e o- -#ll evi9en.e1

O' 10: B r (/o!(&:# $or m"0&!9 + .&(&o!( o! /"r% or "## o$ :ro"+#,3+ $&! + !9&! r&!9 ".%&8&%& ( &!.#'+ + &! ,o'r Dor0:
1011 7tate w!at B$e.! level t!eor; ;o# a lie9 to >#sti-; 9e.isions ta,en in 9oing engineering wor,1 1012 7tate !ow ;o# too, res onsi4le a9vi.e on an; "atter -alling o#tsi9e ;o#r own e9#.ation an9 e/ erien.e1 101? Des.ri4e !ow ;o# too, res onsi4ilit; -or ;o#r own wor, an9 eval#ate9 an; s!ort.o"ing in ;o#r o#t #t1 Re ort on t!e a4ove%

Gro'/ E O' : Co!%&!' + Pro$ ((&o!"# ) 8 #o/m !% O' 11: U!+ r%"0 /ro$ ((&o!"# + 8 #o/m !% ".%&8&%& ( ('$$&.& !% %o m"&!%"&! "!+ 4% !+ ,o'r .om/ % !. .
Evi9en.e o- ;o#r .o" eten.; 9evelo "ent lan an9 in9e en9ent learning a4ilit; "#st 4e given in t!e 6nitial Pro-essional Develo "ent Re ort, For" B*


)"% :

S&9!"%'r o$ M !%or / S'/ r8&(or: CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC N"m o$ M !%or / S'/ r8&(or (/r&!% +): T #. No.:


r&!9 Co'!.&# o$ So'%* A$r&."


Form B2.2

S'r!"m "!+ I!&%&"#(:
Dis.i line o- Engineering%




&e1g1 Ele.tACivilAMe.! et.1'

First .o" lete a For" B211 -or ea.! erio91

P r&o+ No: )"% ( &in.l#sive' From: To: N'm: r o$ , "r( "!+ mo!%*( Em/#o, r Po(% * #+ S':A .% "!+ %,/ o$ Dor0



r&!9 Co'!.&# o$ So'%* A$r&."



% B2.1

I!$orm"%&o! S*
E4/ r& !. R /or% / E!9&!

$or .om/# %&o! o$ %*

r&!9 R /or% / E+'."%&o! ) 8 #o/m !% R /or%

Eo#r a li.ation -or registration as a Pro$ ((&o!"# E!9&! r&!9 T .*!o#o9&(% "#st 4e a..o" anie9 4; t!e E/ erien.e Re ort &Form( B2.1) in w!i.! ;o#r engineering e/ erien.e -ro" t!e 9ate o- o4taining t!e -irst engineering <#ali-i.ation to t!e 9ate o- a li.ation is re.or9e9 in .! or9er an9 t; e9 or rinte9 in :#".0 &!0 an9 m&!&m'm $o!% (&F 101 6- ;o# !ave a B$e.! 9egree in Engineering, a "ini"#" erio9 o- t!ree ;ears e/ erien.e at ro-essional te.!nologist level o- w!i.! at least one ;ear "#st 4e in a osition o- res onsi4ilit;, #n9er t!e ne.essar; s# ervision, is re<#ire91 Use a se arate -or" -or ea.! e/ erien.e erio9 an9 a ro/i"atel; 200 wor9s er -or"1 L#"4er t!e erio9s in .! or9er, w!i.! "a; not overla 1 Cover t!e erio9 -ro" -irst gra9#ation to 9ate o- a li.ation1 Provi9e -#ll 9etails o- wor, 9one 9#ring ea.! erio9 in9i.ating ;o#r ersonal role an9 level o- res onsi4ilit;1 $!is wor, will t; i.all; 4e o- a !ig!er level t!an an engineering te.!ni.ian, or a s e.i-ie9 .ategor;, li,e li-ting "a.!iner; ins e.tor, " e<#i "ent "aintainer, et.1

An e/ erien.e erio9 en9s w!en% 1121 ;o#r wor, environ"ent !as .!ange9, eg1 w!en a "a>or tas, or ro>e.t !as 4een .o" lete9M ;o#r t; e o- wor, !as .!ange9M ;o#r res onsi4ilities or level o- -#n.tion !ave .!ange9 &-or instan.e, as in a ro"otion'M ;o# !ave .!ange9 e" lo;erM ;o#r e/ erien.e is interr# te9 &-or instan.e 4; st#9; or rolonge9 illness'1

$!e e/ erien.e erio9s an9 erio9s o- interr# tion "#st also 4e note9 in t!e 7#""ar; oE/ erien.e Re orts &Form B2.2'1 Ens#re t!at ea.! Form B2.1 is signe9 &veri-ie9' 4; ;o#r relevant s# ervisor or e" lo;er an9 signe9 4; ;o#rsel-1 6- ;o# .annot o4tain t!e s# ervisorKs signat#re, or i- ;o# are t!e owner o- ;o#r own 4#siness, lease annotate a..or9ingl; in t!e a ro riate 4lo., an9 s#4"it an a--i9avit to t!e e--e.t t!at t!e in-or"ation rovi9e9 is tr#e an9 .orre.t an9 give reasons w!; t!e s# ervisor signat#re .annot 4e o4taine91 Lote t!at t!e Co""issioner o- Oat!s sta" an9 signat#re is re<#ire9 on ea.! e/ erien.e re ort t!at is not signe9 4; t!e s# ervisor1 Please in.l#9e an organogra" -or ea.! e/ erien.e erio9 s!owing two levels a4ove an9 two levels 4elow ;o# &i- resent' to in9i.ate ;o#r 9egree o- res onsi4ilit; an9 t!e na"es, <#ali-i.ations, >o4 titles an9 registration .ategories o- t!e ersons in9i.ate91 $!e E/ erien.e Re ort &For" B211' "#st 4e set o#t in a wa; t!at .learl; s!ows engineering ,nowle9ge a lie9 &#lti"atel; at B$e.! level' an9 res onsi4ilit; .arrie9 4; t!e a li.ant1 6t is in.#"4ent on a li.ants to sele.t an9 9es.ri4e ro>e.ts an9 tas,s, w!i.! s!ow t!eir level oengineering ,nowle9ge an9 e/ erien.e an9 .learl; ill#strates t!e a li.antKs own role an9 strategies 9evise9 to "a,e t!ese ro>e.ts s#..ess-#l1






11*1 $!e 9es.ri tion o- ;o#r wor, s!o#l9 !ig!lig!t s e.ial s,ills an9 e/ ertise t!at ;o# #se9 in engineering ra.ti.e1 Mention arti.#lar engineering ro.e9#res an9 "et!o9s, w!i.! ;o# -ollowe9 an9 !ow ;o# a lie9 s e.ialise9 ,nowle9ge an9 e/ ertise to solve ro4le"s in t!e .o#rse o- ;o#r wor,1 Re resentative sa" le .o ies o- .al.#lations, 9rawings or ot!er relevant 9o.#"ents ertaining; to engineering wor, 9one 4; ;o#, .o#l9 4e in.l#9e9 onl; i- essential to 9e"onstrate ;o#r .o" eten.e1 Re resentative sa" le .o ies are a9e<#ate &not -#ll 9o.#"ents'1 $!e 9o.#"ents "#st .erti-; t!at ;o# ersonall; er-or"e9 t!e wor,1 Lote t!at t!ese 9o.#"ents s!o#l9 4e AF si2e an9 o- a <#alit; t!at wo#l9 "a,e .lear .o ies, an9 t!at ,o'r .om/# % "//#&."%&o!? &!.#'+&!9 %* ( +o.'m !%(? (*o'#+ !o% : mor %*"! =0 /"9 (. $!e #se o- o4s.#re >argon an9 a.ron;"s &wit!o#t in9e/' w!i.! relates to !ig!l; s e.ialise9 -iel9s is not a..e ta4le an9 "a; .on-#se t!e iss#e an9 res#lt in re<#ests -or .lari-i.ation wit! .onse<#ent 9ela;s in ro.essing a li.ations1 All engineering e/ erien.e, !o% o!#, 4/ r& !. o:%"&! + "$% r o:%"&!&!9 ,o'r *&9* (% B'"#&$&."%&o!, "#st 4e s#4"itte91 For alternate ro#te a li.ants, t!e e/ erien.e re orts "#st .over at least t!e last 10 ;ears &i- a li.a4le'1 Des.ri4e an; #ni<#e engineering 9evelo "ent t!at ;o# invente9A9evelo e9 an9 atents t!at ;o# "a; !ol91 Also "ention an; engineering awar9s, .o""en9ations an9 ri2es re.eive9 an9 t!e 9ates t!ese were re.eive91 6t is essential t!at t!e in-or"ation s# lie9 relates to engineering1 Ot!er a.tivities w!i.! ertain; to engineering "a; 4e .onsi9ere9 4#t "eas#re"ent o- <#antities, atten9an.e at "eetings an9 #nrelate9 -#n.tions are not relevant1 Manage"ent a.tivities, w!ere "entione9, "#st .ontain re9o"inantl; engineering .ontent1 Use Form B2.3 to s#4"it a re.ent !9&! r&!9 r /or%? '(&!9 "% # "(% BT .* # 8 # 0!oD# +9 ? o- 2*00 to ?000 wor9s in total on "a>or engineering wor, .o" lete9 4; ;o#rsel-1 Un9er ea.! gro# o- o#t.o"es t!e -ollowing evi9en.e "#st 4e rovi9e9% $!e re orts "#st 4e written -or t!e #r ose o- ;o#r a li.ation1 W!ile t!e re ort "a; 4e on "a>or engineering wor, or a series o- ro>e.ts t!e; are re orts in w!i.! ;o# re-le.t on ;o#r !9&! r&!9 ".%&8&%& ( t!at 9e"onstrate t!e re<#ire9 level o- .o" eten.e an9 t!e !9&! r&!9 r (/o!(&:&#&%, 9elegate9 to ;o#1 $!e engineering re ort "#st 4e o- a nat#re t!at is re resentative o- t!e engineering wor, 9one ill#strating ;o#r own role an9 strategies 9evise9 to "a,e t!e tas, s#..ess-#l1 Eo# s!o#l9 in9i.ate ;o#r level o- 9elegate9 s e.i-i. engineering res onsi4ilit;, in9e en9ent >#9ge"ent an9 9e.ision)"a,ing1 Fa.tors s#.! as er-or"an.e, e.ono"i. eval#ation, environ"ental an9 sa-et; .onsi9erations, .o" le/it; o- t!e tas,, inter9is.i linar; tea" wor,ing, -inan.ial i" li.ations an9 9#ration o- t!e wor, !ave to 4e in.l#9e91 6n a99ition t!e re ort s!o#l9 in.l#9e t!e e/tent o- ;o#r .ontri4#tion to t!e engineering ro.ess s#.! as .on.e t#alisation, 9esign an9 anal;sis, s e.i-i.ation, ten9ering an9 a9>#9i.ation, "an#-a.t#ring, ro>e.t an9 .onstr#.tion "anage"ent, .o""issioning, "aintenan.e, "eas#re"ent an9 testing an9 lanning1 Eo#r s# ervisor "#st sign t!e re ort1 $!e "ini"#" a.a9e"i. <#ali-i.ation re<#ire9 -or registration as a ro-essional engineering te.!nologist is an EC7A a..re9ite9 B$e.! Degree in Engineering or e<#ivalent o4taine9 -ro" a 7o#t! Universit; o- $e.!nolog; or Co" re!ensive Universit;1 A li.ants not in ossession o- t!is <#ali-i.ation "#st s#4"it a .o" lete9 E+'."%&o!"# ) 8 #o/m !% R /or% #sing Form B1E1 Eo#r attention is 9rawn to t!e signat#res re<#ire9 on t!e last age o- t!e E9#.ation Develo "ent Re ort1










Form B3


Private Bag X 691 BRUMA 2026 $el% &011' 60()9*00 Fa/% &011' 622)929* E)"ail% engineer0e.sa1.o12a We4site% www1e.sa1.o12a


N"m o$ R $ r A++r ((:


Dear 7ir A Ma9a" 6 !ave a lie9 to t!e Engineering o- 7o#t! A-ri.a -or R 9&(%r"%&o! "( " Pro$ ((&o!"# E!9&! r&!9 T .*!o#o9&(% an9 !ere4; re<#est ;o# to rovi9e t!e wit! ;o#r eval#ation o"; e/ erien.e an9 .a a4ilities, on t!e 4asis o- ;o#r ersonal ,nowle9ge t!ereo-1 Please #se t!e atta.!e9 For" BF an9 .ons#lt t!e g#i9eline -or re-erees &7!eet BF'1 6n "a,ing t!is re<#est to ;o# 6 a.,nowle9ge t!at t!e in-or"ation w!i.! will 4e s# EC7A is o- a .on-i9ential nat#re an9 t!at 6 !ave no rig!t t!ereto1 lie9 4; ;o# to re.iate9,

Eo#r .o)o eration an9 earl; 9es at.! o- t!e 9o.#"ent 9ire.t to t!e wo#l9 4e a as it wo#l9 e/ e9ite t!e ro.essing o- "; a li.ation1 $!an, ;o# in a9van.e -or ;o#r .o)o eration1 Eo#rs -ait!-#ll;

CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC11 S&9!"%'r o$ A//#&."!% A++r ((:

N"m o$ A//#&."!%

&Please rint'

Po(%"# Co+ :

T # /*o! No:

C ## No:

R $ r
A//#&."!%I( N"m R $ r N"m :

Engineering o- 7o#t! A-ri.a R /or% o! "! A//#&."%&o! $or R 9&(%r"%&o! "( Pro$ ((&o!"# E!9&! T .*!o#o9&(% Form B4 &1(A*A2012'
ECSA R 9&(%r"%&o! C"% 9or, ( .9. PrT .*E!9):


R 9&(%r"%&o! N'm: r:

R $ r Em/#o, r: M, / r(o!"# 0!oD# +9 o$ %* "//#&."!%I( ".*& 8 m !%( 4% !+(: M, / r(o!"# r #"%&o!(*&/ D&%* %* "//#&."!% &(: (M"r0 o! :#o.0) M, /ro$ ((&o!"# r #"%&o!(*&/ D&%* %* "//#&."!% &(? $or %* / r&o+ (*oD!: (M"r0 o! :#o.0)

R $ r R $ r From:

C ## P*o! No: E3m"&# "++r ((: To: B, :&r%* S'/ r8&(o r Em/#o, r B, m"rr&"9 Co## "9' C#& !%

U!r #"% + M !%or

E8"#'"%&o! o$ %* A//#&."!%I( Com/ % !. or (%"% o$ ) 8 #o/m !% $!e level o- .o" eten.; re<#ire9 -or registration as a Pro-essional Engineering $e.!nologist is 9e-ine9 in t!e Co" eten.; 7tan9ar9s, 9o.#"ent R)02)P$1 Co" eten.; is 9e-ine9 in ter"s o- eleven o#t.o"es an9 two level 9e-initions, na"el; broadlydefined en#ineerin# problems an9 broadly-defined en#ineerin# activities. $!e a li.ant is e/ e.te9 to !ave 9e"onstrate9 er-or"an.e at a 9egree o- res onsi4ilit; a ro riate to a Pro-essional Engineering $e.!nologist -or at least one ;ear1 As a re-eree, ;o# are re<#este9 to rate t!e a li.ant against t!e o#t.o"es as well as "a,e a !olisti. eval#ation1 Please #se t!e -ollowing s.ale% CDC% $!e a li.ant .onsistentl; 9e"onstrates .o" eten.e CD6% $!e a li.ant 9e"onstrate9 .o" eten.e 4#t not .onsistentl; CLDD% $!e a li.ant !as not 9e"onstrate9 .o" eten.e 4#t is 9evelo ing CLD% $!e a li.ant !as not 9e"onstrate9 .o" eten.e X% 6 a" #na4le to .o""ent Please enter ;o#r .o""ents in t!e t!ir9 .ol#"n, giving ;o#r reasons -or assigning t!e arti.#lar rating1 W!en a rating CD6, CLDD, or CLD is given, lease .learl; state t!e reason&s' -or assigning t!is rating O' ( Gro'/ A: E!9&! r&!9 Pro:# m So#8&!9 11 De-ine, investigate an9 anal;se 4roa9l;)9e-ine9 engineering ro4le"s 21 Design or 9evelo sol#tions to 4roa9l; 9e-ine9 engineering ro4le"s ?1 Co" re!en9 an9 a l; t!e ,nowle9ge e"4o9ie9 in wi9el; a..e te9 an9 a lie9 engineering ro.e9#res, ro.esses, s;ste"s or "et!o9ologies an9 t!ose s e.i-i. to t!e >#ris9i.tion in w!i.! !eAs!e Gro'/ B: M"!"9 m !% o$ E!9&! r&!9 A.%&8&%& ( F, Manage art or all o- one or "ore 4roa9l;)9e-ine9 engineering a.tivities *1 Co""#ni.ate .learl; wit! ot!ers in t!e .o#rse o- !is or !er engineering a.tivities Gro'/ C: Im/".%( o$ E!9&! r&!9 A.%&8&%, 61 Re.ognise an9 a99ress t!e reasona4le -oreseea4le so.ial, .#lt#ral an9 environ"ental e--e.ts o- 4roa9l; 9e-ine9 engineering a.tivities (1 Meet all legal an9 reg#lator; re<#ire"ents an9 rote.t t!e !ealt! an9 sa-et; o- ersons in t!e .o#rse o- !is or !er 4roa9l;)9e-ine9 engineering a.tivities 51 Con9#.t engineering a.tivities et!i.all; Gro'/ ): E4 r.&( A'+9 m !%? %"0 r (/o!(&:&#&%, 91 E/er.ise so#n9 >#9ge"ent in t!e .o#rse o- 4roa9l;) 9e-ine9 engineering a.tivities 101 Be res onsi4le -or "a,ing 9e.isions on art or all o4roa9l;)9e-ine9 engineering a.tivities Gro'/ E: IP) 111 Un9erta,e ro-essional 9evelo "ent a.tivities s#--i.ient to "aintain an9 e/ten9 !is or !er .o" eten.e R"%&!9 R "(o!

O/%&o!"#: F'r%* r .omm !%( or "++&%&o!"# &!$orm"%&o! o! %* A//#&."!%:

;& D + Ho#&(%&."##,: $!e a li.ant !as 9e"onstrate9 .o" eten.e to 4e registere9 as a Pro$ ((&o!"# E!9&! r&!9 T .*!o#o9&(%

) .#"r"%&o! :, R $ r

: 6 9e.lare t!at t!e in-or"ation rovi9e9 is .orre.t to t!e 4est o- "; ,nowle9ge1 6 !ere4; .on-ir" t!at 6 a" .onversant wit! t!e Co#n.ilGs re<#ire"ents -or registration as set o#t in Co" eten.; 7tan9ar9s, 9o.#"ent R)02)P$ as well as t!e instr#.tions on t!is re-eree re ort, an9 t!at 6 a" re are9 to s#4stantiate "; view e/ resse9 !erein at an interview, s!o#l9 t!e re<#ire "e to 9o so1 6 also .on-ir" t!at 6 s#4"it t!is in-or"ation to EC7A on t!e #n9erstan9ing t!at it will 4e treate9 as .on-i9ential1 6 #n9erstan9 t!at t!e in-or"ation will not 4e 9is.lose9 4; EC7A #nless re<#ire9 4; law1

S&9!"%'r o$ R $ r

P# "( /o(% %o:

T* C*& $ E4 .'%&8 O$$&. r E!9&!

r&!9 Co'!.&# o$ So'%* A$r&." Pr&8"% B"9 M<L1 BRUMA 202<


r&!9 Co'!.&# o$ So'%* A$r&."



% B4

Pro$ ((&o!"# E!9&!

$or %* Com/# %&o! o$ %* R $ r


r&!9 T .*!o#o9&(%(

R /or%

NOTE? $rom S* % B1.2? /"r"9r"/* <: GEa.! a li.ant "#st, wit! t!e er"ission o- t!e ersons .on.erne9, s# l; t!e wit! t!e na"es an9 a99resses o- t!ree re-erees, w!o !ave ersonal ,nowle9ge o- t!e a li.antKs wor,1 Re-erees "#st 4e registere9 wit! EC7A as a Pro-essional Engineering $e.!nologist or a Pro-essional Engineer, an9 in e/.e tional .ir.#" a Pro-essional Certi-i.ate9 Engineer or a Pro-essional Engineering $e.!ni.ian, o- w!i.! one "#st 4e a 9ire.t s# ervisor1 6n .ase o- t!e s# ervisor not 4eing registere9 wit! EC7A a -ort! registere9 re-eree "#st 4e rovi9e91J 1. COMPETENC@ OF A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGIST Pro-essional Engineering $e.!nologists are ersons w!o, 4; virt#e o- a .o"4ination o- e9#.ation, training an9 e/ erien.e !ave attaine9 a level o- .o" eten.e, w!i.! ena4les t!e" to a l; engineering rin.i les an9 te.!ni<#es to t!e sol#tion o- engineering .!allenges o- var;ing .o" le/it; in in9#str;1 $!eir training an9 e/ erien.e .an 4e relativel; 4roa9l; 4ase9 4#t t!e; "a; also !ave s e.ialise9 in a narrow -iel91 $!eir wor, "a; in.l#9e resear.!, 9evelo "ent, 9esign, .o""issioning, "aintenan.e an9 an; ot!er a.tivit; w!i.! re<#ires t!eir level o- .o" eten.e1 $!eir stat#re is s#.! t!at t!e; "a; 4e in a osition o- res onsi4ilit; in in9#str; or .ons#lting engineering ra.ti.e1 $!eir 9e.ision "a,ing "#st 4e at an intelle.t#al level re<#iring "at#re >#9ge"ent, t!e a4ilit; to .on.eive, i9enti-; an9 o ti"ise te.! sol#tions 4e;on9 t!e "ere .o" arison wit! a..e te9 stan9ar9s an9 nor"s1 6" in t!e a4ove is a..e tan.e o- -#ll engineering res onsi4ilit; -or s#.! 9e.isions1 2. IMPLICATION OF REGISTRATION $!e in9ivi9#al s#4s.ri4es to an9 will a9!ere to t!e ro-essional Co9e o- Con9#.t o- t!e A.t1 As s#.! !eAs!e is re<#ire9 to a..e t legal res onsi4ilit; -or t!e so#n9ness o- t!e wor, e/e.#te9 an9 t!ere4; a--or9ing rote.tion to t!e #4li.1 3. COMPLETING THE REFEREE REPORT

3.1 A&m $!e re-eree re ort is a ne.essar; an9 s# le"entar; 9o.#"ent to t!e a li.antGs a li.ation -or registration as a Pro-essional Engineering $e.!nologist wit! EC7A1 $!e ai" is to .onve; to t!e, on a .on-i9ential 4asis, t!e ersonal ,nowle9ge t!at t!e re-eree or t!e e" lo;er !as o- t!e a li.ant an9 in t!e ro.ess to "a,e a reasone9 eval#ation o- t!e a li.antGs .a a4ilities1 3.2 Mo%&8"%&o! 6t is ne.essar; t!at t!e re-eree or e" lo;er 4e a4le to .learl; an9 strongl; "otivate !isA!er o inion in res e.t o- t!e a li.antGs rea9iness -or registration1 $!e re-eree "#st, w!en s# l;ing reasons, .onsi9er t!e "ini"#" legal registration re<#ire"ents1 W!en signing t!e re-eree re ort, re-erees 9e.lare t!at t!e; are a.<#ainte9 wit! Co#n.ilGs Co" eten.; 7tan9ar9s, 9o.#"ent R)02)P$ an9 EC7AGs R#les o- Con9#.t -or Registere9 Persons & lease re-er to EC7AGs we4site, www1e.sa1.o12a', an9 t!at t!e; are re are9 to 4e interviewe9 4; t!e to s#4stantiate t!eir view oint, s!o#l9 re<#ire t!e" to 9o so1 3.3 E8"#'"%&o! $!e re-eree "#st .are-#ll; eval#ate t!e a li.antGs .a a4ilities1 $!is re ort is !o% " .*"r".% r (%'+,1 An eval#ation ot!e .an9i9ateGs et! an9 ro-essional .o" eten.e is re<#ire91 Re-erees s!o#l9 !ave a ersonal ,nowle9ge o- an a li.ant an9 !isA!er wor, an9 t!e; s!o#l9 4e a4le to give a ro-essional o inion on !isA!er engineering a4ilit;, level o- engineering res onsi4ilit; an9 ro-essional .on9#.t 9#ring t!e erio9 o- ti"e o- t!eir ,nowle9ge o- t!e a li.antKs a.tivities1 $!e re-eree "#st .are-#ll; eval#ate t!e a li.antGs .a a4ilities an9; an9 a..#ratel; .o" lete t!e re ort as atta.!es great val#e to t!e in-or"ation, w!i.! is s# lie9 4; t!e re-eree1 4. GENERAL $!e Re-eree Re ort s!o#l9 4e ret#rne9; to EC7A 4; t!e re-eree1 Re-erees are re<#este9 to !ave t!eir assess"ents t; e91 =. CONFI)ENTIALIT@ EC7A #n9erta,es to rote.t t!e .on-i9entialit; o- all t!e in-or"ation re.eive9 -ro" t!e re-eree1


r&!9 Co'!.&# o$ So'%* A$r&."


Form B5

Pro$ ((&o!"# E!9&!

r&!9 T .*!o#o9&(%(


7ee en.lose9 6n-or"ation 7!eet &7!eet B*'

N"m : )&(.&/#&! :
L&(% %* ( '!+ r %* ( /"r"% * "+&!9( o$ !9&!
N"m or (':A .% o$ &% m 6te"ise .o#rses, wor,s!o s,, s;" osia or .ongresses atten9e91 )"% ( "%% !+ +

r&!9? m"!"9 m !% "!+ .om/'% r .o'r( (.

)'r"%&o! &! *o'r( For '( o$ A(( ((or

Co'r( Pro8&+ r

Engineering Co#rses

Manage"ent Co#rses

Co" #ter Co#rses




r&!9 Co'!.&# o$ So'%* A$r&."



% B5

I!$orm"%&o! S*

I!&%&"# Pro$ ((&o!"# ) 8 #o/m !% R /or% (Form B=)

$!is -or" m'(% 4e .o" lete9 4; all $e.!nologist1 11 ersons a l;ing -or registration as a Pro-essional Engineering

$or .om/# %&o! o$ %*

6nitial Pro-essional Develo "ent &6PD' is 9e-ine9 as t!e ongoing st#9ies an9 9evelo "ent oengineering ,nowle9ge re<#ire9 to ,ee a4reast o- new te.!nologies1 $!e Registration Co""ittee ai"s to ga#ge to w!at e/tent a li.ants ,e t a4reast wit! engineering an9 te.! 9evelo "ents in t!eir -iel9s o- e/ ertise s#4se<#ent to o4taining t!eir <#ali-i.ations1 Details o- a99itional engineering .o#rses an9 engineering s#4>e.ts 9one at tertiar; instit#tions are re<#ire91 +ist ot!er engineering .o#rses, se"inars,, s;" osia, wor,s!o s et.1 t!at were atten9e91 Please rovi9e 9ates R;earS atten9e9 an9 9#ration o- t!e .o#rse in 9a;s or !o#rs1 Please in9i.ate w!et!er ;o# were re<#ire9 to sit a written e/a"ination at t!e .on.l#sion o- ot!er engineering .o#rses1 Also rovi9e 9etail o- a ers 9elivere9 at engineering se"inars,, s;" osia, wor,s!o s, overseas st#9; to#rs, et.1 6t is not re<#ire9 t!at .o ies o- .erti-i.ates relating to relativel; "inor se"inars or .o#rses -or" art ot!e a li.ation1

21 ?1



r&!9 Co'!.&# o$ So'%* A$r&."


Form B1E


A INSTRUCTIONS 1. A//#&."!%( !o% &! /o(( ((&o! o$ "! ECSA "..r +&% + B T .* (E!9) (*o'#+ .om/# % %*&( Dor0 :"( + ( 4/ r& !. ) # "r!&!9 r /or%. 1RITE A REPORT IN ABOUT 100 1OR)S ON EACH CRITERION LISTE). 2. R /or%( m'(% &!.#'+ r $ r !. %o broadly-defined /r".%&."# 4"m/# ( &! %* Dor0 /#". + mo!(%r"%&!9 *oD %* .om/ % !.& ( D r ("%&($& +. (A++&%&o!"# ('//or%&!9 8&+ !. m", : "%%".* +? &$ ! . (("r,). 3. T*&( &!$orm"%&o! ."! : /ro8&+ + $rom +'."%&o! or 4/ r& !. ? or " .om:&!"%&o! o$ :o%*. 4. T* "//#&."!% m'(% (&9! %* .om/# % + r /or% "!+ "#(o o:%"&! " (&9!"%'r $rom *&(/* r ('/ r8&(or. =. T* "//#&."!% m", : &!8&% + %o "! &!% r8& D %o 4/"!+ "!+/or .o!$&rm %*&( r /or%. Broadly-defined engineering problems "ave t"e follo*in# c"aracteristics3 &a' re<#ire .o!erent an9 9etaile9 engineering ,nowle9ge #n9er inning t!e a li.a4le te.!nolog; areaM and one or more of3 &4' are ill) ose9, #n9er) or over s e.i-ie9, re<#iring i9enti-i.ation an9 inter retation into t!e te.!nolog; areaM &.' en.o" ass s;ste"s wit!in .o" le/ engineering s;ste"sM &9' 4elong to -a"ilies o- ro4le"s w!i.! are solve9 in well)a..e te9 4#t innovative wa;sM and one or more of3 &e' .an 4e solve9 4; str#.t#re9 anal;sis te.!ni<#esM &-' "a; 4e artiall; o#tsi9e stan9ar9s an9 .o9esM "#st rovi9e >#sti-i.ation to o erate o#tsi9eM &g' re<#ire in-or"ation -ro" ra.ti.e area an9 wit! ra.ti.e area t!at is .o" le/ an9 in.o" leteM &!' involves a variet; o- iss#es w!i.! "a; i" ose .on-li.ting .onstraints% te.!, engineering an9 intereste9 or a--e.te9 arties1 APPLICANTIS PERSONAL )ETAILS N"m : T .*!&."# 5'"#&$&."%&o!(:



E4&% L 8 # O' 1. T* "//#&."!% +&(/#",( '!+ r(%"!+&!9 o$ "!+ %* ":&#&%, %o "//#, %* $'!+"m !%"#( o$ !9&! r&!9 &! " ( # .% + (':3+&(.&/#&! %o9 %* r D&%* %* '!+ r/&!!&!9 $'!+"m !%"#( o$ m"%* m"%&.( "!+ !"%'r"# (.& !. . I% m 111 Cr&% r&" 7tate w!at "i/ o- "at!e", nat#ral s.ien.e an9 engineering ,nowle9ge ;o# a lie9 in t!e sol#t) ion o- t!e broadly-defined en#ineer-in# problem. 7tate w!i.! t!eories an9 rin.i les were #se91 Des.ri4e !ow ;o# anal;se9 an9 "o9elle9 t!e engineering "aterials, .o" onents, s;ste"s or ro.esses #se9 an9 rovi9e t!e "otivation -or t!e s e.i-i. sele.tion1 Des.ri4e t!e ro.e9#res a lie9 -or 9ealing wit! #n.ertaint; an9 ris, a li.a4le to ;o#r own t! li"itations an9 t!e #se o- s e.ialists to 9o t!e wor,1 ) 8 #o/m !% R /or%



Page 20

E4&% L 8 # O' 2. T* "//#&."!% +&(/#",( /ro$&.& !., &! !9&! !9&! r&!9 (':3+&(.&/#&! "% %* 4&% # 8 #. I% m 211 Cr&% r&" Des.ri4e !ow ;o# anal;se9 an9 9e-ine9 a ro4le" an9 i9enti-ie9 t!e engineering ,nowle9ge an9 s,ills re<#ire9 -or solving t!e ro4le"1 Des.ri4e !ow ;o# generate9 ossi4le sol#tions to t!e ro4le" an9 !ow t!e; were "o9elle9, anal;se9 an9 rioritise91 7tate !ow ;o# sele.te9, -or"#late9 an9 resente9 t!e re-erre9 sol#tion1

r&!9 (/ .&"#&(% $& #+( o$ " ( # .% +

) 8 #o/m !% R /or%



E4&% L 8 # O' 3. T* "//#&."!% +&(/#",( /ro$&.& !., &! %* '( o$ !9&!

r&!9 %oo#( "!+ IT

('//or% "//ro/r&"% %o %* (':3+&(.&/#&! .

I% m ?11 Cr&% r&" Des.ri4e !ow ;o# assess t!e "et!o9, s,ill or tool &in.l#9ing .o") #ter a li.ations' -or a li.a4ilit; to solving ro4le"s1 Des.ri4e !ow ;o# a lie9 t!e "et!o9, s,ill or tool; to a.!ieve t!e re<#ire9 res#lt, an9 !ow t!is teste9 against t!e re<#ire9 res#lts1 ) 8 #o/m !% R /or%


E4&% L 8 # O' 4. T* "//#&."!% + mo!(%r"% ( + (&9! /ro$&.& !., %*ro'9* (':(%"!%&"# /roA .% Dor0. T* + (&9! /ro:# m m %( %* r B'&r m !%( o$ " broadly-defined engineering problem "!+ %* + (&9! "//ro".* &( /ro/ r#, (%r'.%'r +. I% m F11 Cr&% r&" Des.ri4e !ow ;o# -or"#late9 t!e 9esign ro4le" an9 !ow t!e 9esign ro.ess was "anage91 Des.ri4e !ow #ser nee9s, legis) lation, stan9ar9s an9 were a.<#ire9 an9 eval#ate91 Des.ri4e !ow ;o# er-or"e9 t!e 9esign tas,, sele.ting a re-erre9 sol#tion o#t o- alternatives, s#4>e.t to relevant re"ises, ass#" tions an9 .onstraints1 Des.ri4e !ow t!e sele.te9 9esign was eval#ate9 in ter"s o- i" a.t an9 4ene-its an9 !ow t!is in-or"ation was .o""#ni.ate9 in an engineering re ort1 ) 8 #o/m !% R /or%




E4&% L 8 # O' =. T* "//#&."!% +&(/#",( /ro$&.& !., &! 4/ r&m !%"# or &!8 (%&9"%&8 "!+ &!$orm"%&o! *"!+#&!9 m %*o+o#o9, I% m *11 Cr&% r&" Des.ri4e t!e lan ;o# 9evise9 to er-or" t!e investigation stating w!at in-or"ation was #se91 ) 8 #o/m !% R /or%

Page 21

I% m *12

Cr&% r&" Des.ri4e t!e "et!o9olog; ;o# #se9 to er-or" t!e anal;sis stating !ow t!e e<#i "ent an9Aor so-tware was sele.te9 an9 #se91 Fro" t!e 9ata availa4le, 9es.ri4e !ow in-or"ation was 9erive9, .riti.all; anal;se9 an9 inter rete9 to rea.! .on.l#sions1 Des.ri4e !ow t!e #r ose, ro.ess an9 o#t.o"es o- t!e investigation are re.or9e9 in an engineering re ort1

) 8 #o/m !% R /or%



E4&% L 8 # O' <. T* "//#&."!% .omm'!&."% ( &! Dr&%&!9 "% %*

4&% # 8 # o$ " BT .* /ro9r"mm

Lo entr; re<#ire91 Assess"ent will 4e 9one against evi9en.e s#4"itte9 in ite" * o- t!e Engineering Re ort &For" B21?'1 E4&% L 8 # O' >. T* "//#&."!% 4/#"&!( "!+ "!"#,( ( &m/".%( o$ !9&! +&(.&/#&! . r&!9 % .*!o#o9& ( o$ %* (':3

Lo entr; re<#ire91 Assess"ent will 4e 9one against evi9en.e s#4"itte9 in ite" 6 o- t!e Engineering Re ort &For" B21?'1 E4&% L 8 # O' E. T* "//#&."!% 4/#"&!( %*&."# /r&!.&/# ( "!+ "!"#,( ( %*&."# &((' (. Lo entr; re<#ire91 Assess"ent will 4e 9one against evi9en.e s#4"itte9 in ite" 5 o- t!e Engineering Re ort &For" B21?'1 A++&%&o!"# r B'&r m !%( ) mo!(%r"% 0!oD# +9 "!+ '!+ r(%"!+&!9 o$ !9&! r&!9 m"!"9 m !% /r&!.&/# ( "!+ "//#, %* ( %o o! I( oD! Dor0? "( " m m: r "!+ # "+ r &! " % "m "!+ %o m"!"9 /roA .%(. Lo entr; re<#ire91 Assess"ent will 4e 9one against evi9en.e s#4"itte9 in ite" F o- t!e Engineering Re ort &For" B21?'1 E!9"9 &! &!+ / !+ !% "!+ #&$ 3#o!9 # "r!&!9 %*ro'9* D ##3+ 8 #o/ + # "r!&!9 (0&##(. Lo entr; re<#ire91 Assess"ent will 4e 9one against evi9en.e s#4"itte9 in t!e 6nitial Pro-essional Develo "ent Re ort &For" B*'1

S&9!"%'r o$ A//#&."!%: CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC)"% : S&9!"%'r o$ M !%or / S'/ r8&(or: CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC N"m o$ M !%or / S'/ r8&(or (/r&!% +): T #. No.:

Page 22


B $or %* A//#&."%&o! Form &( (':m&%% + %o %* E!9&! r&!9 Co'!.&# /# "( m"0 ('r %*"% %* $o##oD&!9 /o&!%( *"8 : ! .* .0 + "!+ &!.#'+ +:
11 21 ?1 A li.ation -ee o- R BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB1 li.ation For" is initialle9 4; t!e a li.ant an9 Co""issioner o- Oat!s1 li.ant, signe9 an9 sta" e9 4; t!e First age o- A

7e.on9 age o- A li.ation For" is signe9 4; a Co""issioner o- Oat!s1


$!e na"es o- a "ini"#" o- t!ree re-erees !ave 4een given1

R$!e re-eree re orts &For"s BF' "#st 4e sent #n9er se arate .over an9 t!e eo le .!osen "#st 4e registere9 as eit!er a Pro-essional Engineer or a Pro-essional Engineering $e.!nologist1 One re ort "#st 4e -ro" a s# ervisor1 6- ;o#r s# ervisor is not registere9 wit! EC7A, -o#r re-eree re orts are re<#ire91 Re-eree re orts -ro" ;o#r s# ervisors are re-era4le, an9 t!e; s!o#l9 !ave la;e9 so"e "entoring or s# ervisor; role in ;o#r .areer 9evelo "ent1S

*1 61

A !otogra ! !as 4een atta.!e9 to A

li.ation For" B1111

E/ erien.e Re orts .overing ALL t!e e/ erien.e gaine9 .o" lete9 on t!e -or"s rovi9e9 &For"s B211 an9 B212'1 For alternate ro#te .an9i9ates, -or at least t!e last ten ;ears1
&P!oto.o ies o- t!e 4lan, -or"s "a; 4e "a9e1'

(1 51

7ignat#res o- a

li.ant on ea.! E/ erien.e Re ort1

7ignat#res o- e" lo;er on ea.! E/ erien.e Re ort1

6- t!e a li.ant !as !is own 4#siness or signat#res are #no4taina4le, t!e e/ erien.e re ort "#st 4e a..o" anie9 4; a 7worn A--i9avit rovi9ing reasons -or not o4taining t!e signat#re an9 stating t!at t!e in-or"ation is tr#e an9 .orre.t, i1e1 t!e Co""issioner o- Oat!s "#st sta" an9 sign ea.! e/ erien.e re ort -or"1


Organogra"s -or t!e res e.tive ositions !el9 4; a li.ant signe9 4; a e" lo;er ) Perio9 an9 osition & ost !el9' "#st 4e in9i.ate91 One Engineering re ort & aragra ! 211 o- 7!eet B212' in9i.ating t!e a .ontri4#tionArole an9 res onsi4ilit; in !isA!er wor,, signe9 4; a s# ervisor1 Certi-ie9 .o ies o- .erti-i.ates, 9i lo"as, 9egrees, et.1 Co" lete9 For" B11? one -or ea.! <#ali-i.ation, w!ere a li.a4le1

li.ant an9 li.antGs own

111 121 1?1 1F1 1*1 161

Proo- o- "e"4ers!i o- Qol#ntar; Asso.iations "#st 4e rovi9e9, w!ere a Details o- ;o#r 6nitial Pro-essional Develo "ent &6PD' &#sing For" B*'1


6- ;o# are not in ossession o- t!e B$e.! 9egree awar9e9 4; an EC7A a..re9ite9 #niversit; o- te.!nolog;, t!e .o" lete9 an9 signe9 E9#.ational Develo "ent Re ort &For" B15'1 E!('r %*"% ,o'r A//#&."%&o! +o ( !o% 4. + =0 /"9 ( &! %o%"#.


Page 2?

(27 March 2012)

Addendum A

recognised in terms of section 25(3) of the Engineering Profession Act, 2000 (Act No. 46 of 2000)
These Voluntary Associations applied for recognition in terms of section 36(1) of the ngineering !rofession Act" 2000 (Act #6 of 2000) and $ere recognised %y the &ouncil in terms of 'ection 2((3) of the a%o)e Act* +ne of the %enefits of recognition is that registered mem%ers of a ,ecognised Voluntary Association (&ategories A and - only) en.oy partial e/emption from payment of their &'A annual fees* /piry date for these )oluntary associations %elo$ is fi)e (() years from the date of recognition* These Acronyms appear in alpha%etically order for ease of reference*

Voluntary Associations

Category A
No 1 2 3 4 5 ! " $ % 1& 11 12 13 14 15 1! 1" 1$ 1% 2& 21 22 23 24 25 2! Acronym AeSSA AMMSA AMRE CEASA COE CSSA #CMEESA #EEE #MESA #'E (#ASA NS)E SAAMA SACEA SACMA SA#AE SA#CE SA#C*E SA#EE SA##E SA#Mec*E SA#MENA SA#MM SA#RAC SA S E Name Aeronautical 'ociety of 'outh Africa Association of Mine Managers of 'outh Africa Association of Mine ,esident ngineers &linical ngineering Association of 'outh Africa The &ham%er of ngineering Technology &oncrete 'ociety of 'outhern Africa 3nstitution of &ertificated Mechanical and 3nstitute of lectrical and 'ection lectrical ngineering Reference Number VA A0022 VA A0031 VA A0032 VA A00#0 VA A0001 VA A0012 VA A0002 VA A0036 VA A0003 VA A000# VA A0026 VA A0037 VA A002( VA A000( VA A0022 VA A0020 VA A0006 VA A0007 VA A0004 VA A0002 VA A0021 VA A0010 VA A0011 VA A0024 VA A00#3 VA A003( Date Recognised 11 August 2011 2# 0anuary 2007 30 1o)em%er 2007 26 August 2010 12 +cto%er 2010 11 August 2011 2# 1o)em%er 2010 12 0une 2004 1# April 2011 12 +cto%er 2010 1( March 2012 12 0une 2004 1# May 2002 11 August 2011 2# 0anuary 2007 11 August 2011 2# 1o)em%er 2010 11 August 2011 1# April 2011 11 August 2011 1# April 2011 11 August 2011 1# April 2011 2# 0anuary 2007 26 August 2010 12 0une 2004 Page 2F

lectronic ngineers 'outh African

3nstitution of Municipal ngineering of 'outhern Africa 3nstitute of !rofessional ngineering Technologists 5ift 3nspectors Association of 'outh Africa 1ational 'ociety of -lac6 ngineers 'outh African Asset Management Association 'outh African &olliery ngineers7 Association 'outh African &olliery Managers Association 'outh African 3nstitute of Agricultural ngineers 'outh African 3nstitution of &i)il ngineering 'outh African 3nstitution of &hemical ngineers 'outh African 3nstitute of lectrical ngineers 'outhern African 3nstitute of 3ndustrial ngineers The 'outh African 3nstitution of Mechanical ngineering 'outh African 3nstitute of Marine ngineers and 1a)al Architects 'outh African 3nstitute of Mining and Metallurgy 'outh African 3nstitute of ,efrigeration and Air8&onditioning 'ociety for Asphalt Technology 'ociety of Tel6om ngineers

Category )
Acronym 2" 2$ 2% 3& SA+,E SA#D SA#MC -#SA Name 'outh African 9ederation of :ospital ngineers 'outh African 3nstitute of ;raughting 'outh African 3nstitute of Measurement and &ontrol <ater 3nstitute of 'outhern Africa Reference Number VA -0023 VA -0033 VA -002# VA -0034 Date Recognised 11 April 2011 30 1o)em%er 2007 11 August 2011 12 0une 2004

Category C
Acronym 31 32 33 34 35 AME. )E'EC CESA #ESSA #NCOSE #/SA # C SA+A SA+CEC SA+'A SA#SC SA#SAR+ SAS Name Association of Municipal lectricity =nderta6ings -uilt n)ironment !rofessions /port &ouncil &onsulting ngineers 'outh Africa (p.n.a. SAACE) 3llumination ngineering 'ociety of 'outh Africa 3nternational &ouncil of 'ystems ngineering ('A &hapter) 3nstitute of >uarrying 'outhern Africa 3nstitute for Tim%er &onstruction 'outh African 9lameproof Association 'outh African 9ederation of &i)il ngineering &ontractors 'outh African 9luid !o$er Association 'outh African 3nstitute of 'teel &onstruction 'outh African 3nstitute of <elding 'outh African ,oad 9ederation 'outhern African 'ociety for Trenchless Technology Reference Number VA &0027 VA &00## VA &0013 VA &0012 VA &0030 VA &001# VA &001( VA &0016 VA &0017 VA &0032 VA &0014 VA &003# VA &00#2 VA &00#1 Date Recognised 11 August 2011 2# 1o)em%er 2010 1# April 2011 11 August 2011 2# 0anuary 2007 11 August 2011 11 August 2011 26 August 2010 11 August 2011 26 1o)em%er 2004 11 August 2011 30 1o)em%er 2007 26 August 2010 26 August 2010

3! 3" 3$ 3% 4& 41 42 43 44

Please note:

Proo- o- "e"4ers!i "#st 4e s#4"itte91

Page 2*


r&!9 Co'!.&# o$ So'%* A$r&." Application and Annual Fees 1 April 2013 to 31 March 2014 (Vat included)


Application Fees (VAT included) - see Note 1 re pro rata annual fees
1. C"!+&+"% C"% 9or& ( : 1&%*&! o! .alen9ar ;ear -ro" t!e 9ate o- o4taining a <#ali-i.ation re.ognise9 -or #r oses o- registration R43=.00 L"% r t!an o! .alen9ar ;ear a-ter t!e 9ate o- o4taining a <#ali-i.ation re.ognise9 -or #r oses o- registration R1?0L=.00

2. For &9! 5'"#&$&."%&o! A(( ((m !% 3 S !o% ( (4) "!+ >(") : All a li.ants wit! -oreign e9#.ational <#ali-i.ations are re<#ire9 to !ave t!eir <#ali-i.ations assesse9 4e-ore a l;ing -or registration 3. Pro$ ((&o!"# 2 R 9&(% r + C"% 9or& ( O S For A li.ants wit! #ninterr# te9 registration as a C"!+&+"% R 2?200.00 !o% 4:


For A li.ants not registere9 in an; o- t!e Can9i9ate .ategories R 4?3L0.00

4. I!% r!"%&o!"# R 9&(% r : A li.a4le onl; to ersons alrea9; registere9 wit! EC7A w!o are a l;ing -or registration on t!e EC7A ortions o- t!e 6nternational Registers1 $!is is a on.e)o-- -ee1 Lo ann#al -ees are a;a4le1

R 2?200.00

Annual Fees (VAT included)

C"!+&+"% ( P"r%&"# E4 m/%&o! (>:) R >31.00 No% (:
&1' &2'

see Note 1 re pro rata annual fees

Pro$ ((&o!"# 2 R 9&(% r + C"% 9or& ( P"r%&"# E4 m/%&o! (>:) No E4 m/%&o! R 1?<L2.00 R 2?><2.00

No E4 m/%&o! R1?0L1.00

&?' &F' &*' &6' &('

Ann#al -ees are a;a4le 4; all ersons registere9 -or as long as t!e; are registere9 wit! EC7A1 6n t!e -irst ;ear a ro rata ann#al -ee -ro" t!e 9ate o- registration to t!e en9 o- Mar.! will 4e raise91 $!erea-ter ann#al -ees are raise9 ever; ;ear -or t!e erio9 A ril to Mar.!1 $!e a..e te9 "et!o9s o- a;"ent are eit!er 4; .!e<#e -ro" a R7A 4an,, .re9it .ar9 &Qisa or MasterCar9 onl;', EF$ or 9e osit "a9e at an; 7tan9ar9 Ban, 4ran.! into EC7AGs 4an, a..o#nt1 Lo .as! will 4e a..e te9 at EC7AGs O--i.es1 B"!0&!9 + %"&#(: 7tan9ar9 Ban, Eastgate Bran.!, Bran.! Co9e 015*0*, A..o#nt Lo1 22125*9?51 7wi-t .o9e 7BTATA331 P# "( +o !o% ( !+ .* B' ( :, /o(% 1 EC7A will ta,e no res onsi4ilit; -or .!e<#es lost in t!e ost or inter.e te9 an9 -ra#9#lentl; 4an,e9 in anot!er art;Gs 4an, a..o#nt1 All ersons w!en i- "a,ing a;"ent 4; EF$ or 9ire.t 9e osit "#st ens#re t!at t!e registrationAa li.ation n#"4er is <#ote9 in t!e I4ene-i.iar; re-eren.e n#"4erJ -iel91 6- wis!ing to s# l; t!e na"e as well, lease ens#re t!at t!e n#"4er is <#ote9 -irst to revent art o- t!e n#"4er 4eing .#t o-- at t!e en91 6- a;"ents are "a9e in a9van.e o- a n#"4er !aving 4een iss#e9 to ;o#, <#oting ;o#r iD or Pass ort n#"4er will s#--i.e1 6- an a li.ation -or registration is wit!9rawn 4e-ore it is .onsi9ere9 4; a .o""ittee, *0U o- t!e a li.ation -ee will 4e -or-eite9 to .over a9"inistrative e/ enses1 On.e t!e a li.ation !as 4een .onsi9ere9 4; a .o""ittee an9 t!en re>e.te9, t!e -#ll a li.ation -ee is -or-eite91 A li.ations -or -oreign <#ali-i.ation assess"ent or -or registration will not 4e .onsi9ere9 #ntil a;"ent -or t!e -#ll a li.ation -ee !as 4een re.eive91 Persons registere9 in t!e Can9i9ate .ategor; -or "ore t!an si/ &6' ;ears a; t!e sa"e ann#al -ees as ersons registere9 in t!e Pro-essional .ategor;1 A eals1 W!en a erson wis!es to a eal, a -ee e<#alling twi.e t!e a"o#nt o- t!e a li.ation -ee t!at was a;a4le 4; t!e a li.ant w!en a l;ing -or registration, will 4e a;a4le1 Partial or -#ll e/e" tions% a1 Persons a l;ing -or registration wit! EC7A a-ter !aving !a9 t!eir Foreign V#ali-i.ation s#..ess-#ll; eval#ate9 will re.eive a *0U o- t!eir Foreign V#ali-i.ation -ee as a 9is.o#nt against t!eir registration a li.ation -ee1 41 Registere9 ersons w!o are "e"4ers in goo9 stan9ing o- an; Qol#ntar; Asso.iations &QAs' liste9 in Categories A or B o- t!e Re.ognise9 Qol#ntar; Asso.iations er www1e.sa1.o12a will <#ali-; -or artial e/e" tion o- ann#al -ees on .on9ition t!at "e"4ers!i to t!e QA o..#rs 4; ?0 Ma; o- t!at ;ear1
Page 26


e1 -1 g1 !1

Registere9 ersons 4etween t!e age o- ** an9 (0 w!o are retire9 an9 w!o 9o not re.eive in.o"e -ro" wor, .onne.te9 to t!e engineering ro-ession a"o#nting to "ore t!an ?0 !o#rs er "ont! or ?00 !o#rs er ann#" <#ali-; -or a 9is.o#nte9 ann#al -ee1 $!e; "a; en<#ire -ro" A..o#nts0e.sa1.o12a !ow to a l; -or t!e e/e" tion1 Registere9 ersons w!o are overseas on a er"anent 4asis &7ADC .o#ntries e/.l#9e9' "a; <#ali-; -or a 9is.o#nte9 ann#al -ee1 $!e; "a; en<#ire -ro" A..o#nts0e.sa1.o12a !ow to a l; -or t!e e/e" tion1 Persons over (0 are e/e" te9 -#ll; -ro" ann#al -ees1 F#ll ti"e st#9ents are -#ll; e/e" t -ro" ann#al -ees1 $!e; nee9 to a l; ever; ;ear in A ril -or .ontin#e9 e/e" tion 4; s# l;ing roo- -ro" t!eir tertiar; instit#tion t!at t!e; are still -#ll ti"e st#9ents1 An Earl; 4ir9 9is.o#nt is grante9 to Registere9 ersons i- t!eir ann#al -ees -or A ril to Mar.! is ai9 on or 4e-ore ?0 3#ne1 $!e 9is.o#nt is R*0 -or .an9i9ates an9 R100 -or Pro-essionals, QA$ in.l#sive1 $!e on#s is # on t!e Registere9 erson to a l; wit! EC7AGs A..o#nts 9e art"ent -or an; e/e" tion i- not a#to"ati.all; grante91 Ba.,9ate9 e/e" tions -or revio#s ;ears will not 4e grante91 Persons w!o onl; <#ali-; -or e/e" tion a-ter ?1 Ma;, i1e1 rea.!ing t!e age o- (0, going on retire"ent or 4e.o"ing a "e"4er o- a re.ognise9 QA, will onl; <#ali-; -or t!e e/e" tion in t!e -ollowing ;ear1



&11' &12'

&1?' &1F'


Registere9 ersons w!o are #ne" lo;e9 "a; en<#ire -ro" A..o#nts0e.sa1.o12a -or e/tension o- t!e a;"ent o- t!eir ann#al -ees1 E/e" tion will 4e .onsi9ere9 # on re<#est i- t!e Registere9 erson is still #ne" lo;e9 at t!e en9 o- Mar.! ever; ;ear1 Registere9 ersons s!o#l9 4e aware o- t!e -a.t t!at t!eir registrations will .#rrentl; not 4e .an.elle9 i- t!e; !ave not 4een a4le to o4tain t!eir CPD oints wit!in t!e re<#ire9 ti"e1 7!o#l9 t!e; on t!e ot!er !an9 not a; t!eir ann#al -ees in ti"e, an9 t!e; !ave not "a9e an; arrange"ents wit! A..o#nts -or e/tension, t!eir registrations will "ost 9e-initel; 4e .an.elle91 CPD <#eries "#st 4e ta,en # wit! CPD0e.sa1.o12a1 On.e t!e registration o- Registere9 ersons is .an.elle9 9#e to non) a;"ent, an9 reinstate"ent is re<#este9 wit!in twelve "ont!s -ro" .an.ellation, an a9"in -ee o- RF*0, in a99ition to t!e ann#al -ees in arrear, is a;a4le1 A-ter one ;ear o- 4eing .an.elle9 ersons will nee9 to re)a l; -or registration1 $!e nor"al a li.ation -ees wo#l9 t!en 4e raise9 in a99ition to t!e ann#al -ees still owing1 $!e re)a li.ation ro.ess is -ort#natel; "#.! si" ler t!an t!e original ro.ess1 Persons w!o will 4e resi9ing o#tsi9e t!e R7A 4or9ers -or a ;ear or longer s!o#l9 a9vise A..o#nts o- t!eir overseas ostal a99ress in or9er -or QA$ to 4e re"ove9 -ro" t!eir invoi.e1 will still 4e e"aile9 to t!at erson1 Ann#al -ees .annot 4e -ro2en w!ilst wor,ing a4roa91 $!e Registere9 erson !as two .! .ontin#e a;ing ann#al -ees w!ilst a4roa9 or to re<#est .an.ellation o- registration1 6- t!e Registere9 erson is lanning to ret#rn to t!e R7A a-ter a -ew ;ears it wo#l9 ro4a4l; 4e .!ea er an9 in.onvenient not to .an.el !is or !er registration1 7!o#l9 a erson .an.el !is or !er registration, an a li.ation -or re)registration an9 t!e a li.ation -ee awaits t!at erson w!en wis!ing to re)register1 6n a99ition to t!at, i- t!e erson wis!es to retain !is or !er ol9 registration n#"4er, all ann#al -ees -ro" 9ate o- .an.ellation # to t!e .#rrent ;ear are a;a4le1 6- t!e erson o ts -or a new registration n#"4er, !e or s!e wo#l9 onl; 4e re<#ire9 to a; t!e a li.ation -ee, l#s an; ossi4le -ees owing -ro" t!e ;ear o- .an.ellation an9 t!e .#rrent ;earGs ann#al -ee1 Registere9 ersons, i- t!eir e" lo;er is willing to a; EC7AGs ann#al -ee -or its e" lo;ees, s!o#l9 a9vise A..o#nts o- t!eir e" lo;erGs o--i.ial na"e an9 a99ress l#s QA$ n#"4er -or in.l#sion on t!e invoi.e1 Ann#al -ees .an 4e sent to t!e e" lo;er; -or a;"ent1 6- t!at is t!e arrange"ent, t!e Registere9 erson will not re.eive an invoi.e1 Ne or s!e wo#l9 re.eive a state"ent o- a..o#nt, as evi9en.e o- t!e .!arge raise9 against t!e e" lo;er1 7!o#l9 t!e Registere9 erson not agree wit! t!e .!arge, !e or s!e s!o#l9 a9vise t!eir e" lo;er not to a; t!e invoi.e1 $!e Registere9 erson "#st ta,e # t!e wrong .!arge wit! A..o#nts an9 re<#est a .orre.tion1 On.e t!e ro4le" is resolve9, A..o#nts will iss#e a revise9 invoi.e1 Registere9 ersons s!o#l9 not resent t!e state"ent o- a..o#nt to t!e e" lo;er -or a;"ent1 E" lo;ers 9o not a; on state"ent1 $!e; s!o#l9 alrea9; !ave t!e invoi.e1 $!e -ee -or ersons 4etween t!e ages o- ** an9 (0 w!o !ave 4een grante9 t!e retire9 9is ensation will 4e R160 &QA$ in.l#sive'1

Masters/C Registration/1Applic_Annual Fees/2013/ECSA Application and Annual Fees 20132014 & Masters/I Finance/1Applic_Annual Fees/ 2013/ ECSA Application and Annual Fees 20132014

Page 2(




Private Bag X 691 BRUMA 2026 $el% &011' 60()9*00 Fa/% &011' 622)929* E"ail% 2i"asa0e.sa1.o12a We4site% www1e.sa1.o12a

Waterview Corner, 1st Floor, 2 Ernest O en!ei"er Aven#e Br#"a +a,e O--i.e Par, BRUMA 3o!annes4#rg 2195

Disa4ilit; is 9e-ine9 as% IPersons wit! 9isa4ilities in.l#9ing t!ose w!o !ave long)ter" !;, intelle.t#al or sensor; i" air"ents w!i.! in intera.tion wit! vario#s 4arriers "a; !in9er t!eir -#ll an9 e--e.tive arti.i ation in so.iet; on an e<#al 4asis wit! ot!ersJ1


I$ , (? (%"% !"%'r o$ )&(":&#&%,:

NB: Com/# %&o! o$ %*&( $orm &( ! . (("r, &! or+ r %o "..'r"% #, r $# .% +&(":&#&%, (%"%&(%&.( &! % rm( o$ Go8 r!m !% Po#&.,.

Page 25

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