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EXT. YARD - DAY A well-maintained, beautiful back yard full of tables and chairs.

A high-rising city scape towers in the background miles away. A birthday party for ELIZABETH is in progress. Although she is turning 23, the theme of the party is that of a five year old. Children of that equivalent age are the only ones in attendance. She is dressed in a princess costume complete with a tiara and wand. RYAN enters the yard carrying a present. He is a bit taken aback by the sight. RYAN Uh, happy birthday. ELIZABETH Presents! RYAN Whats with all the kids? ELIZABETH Theyre my royal subjects. They are all here to adore me and lavish me with gifts. RYAN Okay... but who are they? Where did they come from? I dont see any parents around. ELIZABETH Lets just say its an extended field trip. RYAN Or we can say its kidnapping! Suddenly, one of the skyscrapers in the background explode in an inferno of debris. The building crumbles to the ground and from the rubble and terrifying creature emerges. Standing a good 70 stories tall, the creature roars a terrible roar, shattering the glass of every surrounding building. Unlike any creature on this planet, it has seven appendages, sharp, talon-like claws, with horns circling its head.


The mouth hosts a dozen rows of bladed teeth that only serve one purpose-- to destroy. RYAN (CONTD) Holy Mary Mother of God... ELIZABETH Ugh.. What now? All the kids scream at the terrible sight. They start crying uncontrollably and start to flee. ELIZABETH (CONTD) No! Pay attention to meeee! I command you all to stay! We havent even eaten yet! I want cake! Elizabeth shakes her wand at the children, unrealistically believing that it holds some sort of power. RYAN We need to get these kids out of here! ELIZABETH No! Give me! Elizabeth snatches the present out of Ryans hand and furiously opens it. ELIZABETH (CONTD) A gift card to Q-Doba? YUCK! Who would ever want to eat at Q-Doba! Their guacamole is so disgusting! RYAN Well, maybe this isnt the time to talk aboutBOOM!-- An explosion rocks the city. A squadron of jets streak overhead toward the creature, unleashing a hellfire of rockets toward it. The monster bats the planes out of the sky-- it turns toward the residential area-- toward the party... ELIZABETH Exchange it! I want Chipotle! A child comes up to Elizabeth, crying incessantly. CHILD Ms. Rooney I want my mommy!


ELIZABETH Your mommys dead! Im your queen! Bring me more presents, knave! The child complies-- still crying. Elizabeth rips open the next present-- laughing maniacally. ELIZABETH (CONTD) Old Navy? What the hell is this?! I told you! American Eagle ONLY!!! She shoves the box back into the kids arms-- sending her sprawling backward onto the ground. ROAR!! The monster is almost on top of them. The children are running frantic-- discovering a padlock on every gate-trapped inside. ELIZABETH (CONTD) Bring out the cake! Eight tiny hands carry the oversized cake like a coffin toward a funeral. Elizabeth takes a seat at the head of the table-- silently judging the little children as they bring her the cake-- too slow for her liking. The children set the cake down on the table in front of her. She looks at them blankly-- wanting them to cut it and serve it to her. Their little minds take a minute to understand, then finally one of them takes the knife and cuts her a slice. She takes a huge bite-- chewing-- tasting. Slowly she opens her mouth and lets the chewed cake plop out of her mouth onto the table. ELIZABETH (CONTD) DIS-GUSTING. The monster is towering overhead-- it looks down and ROARS at all the children. Ryan has found a shovel and is desperately trying to break the padlock on the gate. BANG BANG! Finally, he breaks it off and opens the gate-yelling for the children to follow. He picks up the smallest of the bunch and leads the rest of the children to safety.


Elizabeth sits-- pondering the reign of her kingdom-fearless of the problems that plague common citizens, those without royal blood. The monster lowers its head-- closing its jaws and devouring the entire yard in one bite. The Queen is dead.

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