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Why "Hell has no Wrath like a Woman Scorned" By Henry Makow Ph.D. August 22, 2 !

"And the earth was without "orm, and #oid$ and darkness was u%on the "ace o" the dee%. And the S%irit o" &od mo#ed u%on the "ace o" the waters." &enesis !'2 (#ery young girl has a "antasy o" )eing swe%t o"" her "eet )y Prince *harming and li#ing "ha%%ily e#er a"ter." +he reason "or this con"ident e,%ectation is that it mirrors the -o#e o" &od. .ow imagine i" *harming Prince had se, with the young girl and crudely le"t her. Her whole )eing would re#olt. /n his )ook, 0eminism and 0reedom 1!2345, %hiloso%her Michael -e#in links "eminist anger to the se,ual re#olution. "+orn )etween the new rules o" se,ual com%liance and her age'old im%ulse to hold )ack, angry at the men she "elt duty' )ound to slee% with, the contem%orary woman res%onded to the hatred o" men and the talk o" #ictimhood in the "eminist message 16 75." As -e#in suggests, modern "eminism may )e "ueled )y a #isceral reaction to the se,ual re#olution. /n the li)erated !28 9s, .ew -e"t ladies sle%t with their )oy"riends without esta)lishing lo#ing relationshi%s. When they were dum%ed, they "elt like they had )een mugged. +hey )egan to re"er to se, as "ra%e." :+his may e,%lain the "eminist insistence that their su);ecti#e reactions are o);ecti#ely #alid.< +hey #ented their wrath )y turning their )listering Mar,ist analysis on men. +hey decided that masculinity 1"the %atriarchy" i.e. all e#il5 needs to )e eliminated )y making society gender'less. Women would )ecome like men and #ice'#ersa. /n "eminine discontent, Mar,ism has "ound a constituency more %otent than la)or e#er was. By %retending to re%resent all women, "eminism has )ecome the o""icial ideology in go#ernment, education and the media. .ow, we are literally %aying the %rice "or the se,ual re#olution. With our ta,%ayer dollars, "eminists are destroying masculinity, "emininity and the "amily. Males and "emales no longer know who they are, what they want nor how to relate. Marriage and "amily is a &od'gi#en %ath that allows us to "ind lo#e and grow inwardly. +oday, millions o" %eo%le are stalled in a state o" arrested de#elo%ment'' )ecause they cannot "orm a %ermanent relationshi%. 1+=9s Se, and the *ity is an e,am%le.5 +o end the chaos created )y "eminist %ro%aganda, men and women need to understand who they are in relation to &od, and to each other. /n my #iew, Man re%resents the &od Princi%le. Woman re%resents the *reation Princi%le. +here is no war. Man and woman are in lo#e. &od is in lo#e with *reation and #ice'#ersa. "Making lo#e" is a %hysical e,%ression o" this mystical alchemy. /t illustrates how each Princi%le works. +he Male Princi%le %enetrates, %ossesses and %lants the seed. +he seed is the s%irit, code and s%ark o" creation. +he "emale yields, o%ens and acce%ts the s%irit. But, )y )eing %ossessed, she also %ossesses. -ook at the imagery. +he %enis is totally engul"ed )y the #agina. +he man )elongs to the woman who )elongs to him. Another meta%hor is the relationshi% )etween a "armer and his land. +he "armer culti#ates the soil and %lants the seed. +he #er) "hus)and" means to culti#ate and manage %rudently. +he land gi#es )irth to new li"e and nurtures it. 0emininity is )y nature instrumental. Woman is a )ridge to the "uture. She is a medium. When she is "ertili>ed, grows large, and gi#es )irth, she trans"orms hersel" and her mate into their child. +hrough the child, they are recreating themsel#es and %roducing the "uture. *reation is in a constant %rocess o" trans"ormation. /" a woman isn9t chosen and used "or a higher %ur%ose, she ne#er reali>es hersel" and remains un"ul"illed. /" she is discarded a"ter ha#ing se,, the sting is all the shar%er. /n her soul, the se, act is a li#ing meta%hor "or the lo#e o" &od. +his may e,%lain the elemental wrath o" the scorned woman. -o#e in a woman is synonymous with trust, o%enness and acce%tance. /ndeed, this is e,actly what a man most cra#es "rom a woman. He needs someone to )elie#e in him. Her )elie" makes anything %ossi)le "or him. Her "aith %ro#ides the s%ace that the male e,%ands into. She is *reation. A woman wants to )e nurtured, used and sha%ed )y a man9s lo#e, which is a surrogate "or the di#ine s%irit. /9m not saying all or most men are surrogates "or &od, )ut this is the ideal. When a woman lo#es a man, she acce%ts his leadershi%. She is

content to )e consulted and considered. Men "orget that the %osition o" wi"e is a status to which all women as%ire. Dating is an inter#iew. *ourtshi% is %ro)ation. Marriage is a Sacred *o#enant. Women "ind their )liss in )eing intensely needed )y her hus)and. A single man should a%%roach marriage with a clear sense o" how he wants to li#e, where a woman "its, and what her ;o) descri%tion is. +his is what women actually want and what they res%ond to. +hey do not res%ond to men who are star#ed "or se, and lo#e, and don9t ha#e a %lan "or her. .or are they satis"ied with men who want them to remain inde%endent, two %arallel rails that ne#er meet. /n conclusion, Mar,ists, ha#ing "ailed to create a class war )etween ca%ital and la)or, created one )etween men and women. +he aim is the same? %ower. +hey are creating con"lict where none e,ists. +hey are trying to %ortray as a disease something that is in "act mystical and di#ine. +hey are %resenting sick )eha#ior as healthy. +hey are standing )etween millions o" %eo%le and &od. Men re%resent the &od %rinci%le. Women the *reation %rinci%le. Man and woman, &od and *reation are in lo#e with each other. +hey need each other "or com%letion and sel"'trans"ormation. +he way to sto% the s%read o" Mar,ism through "eminism is "or men to start acting like men, so that once again women may trust and yield to them.

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