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1 I see) my first baseball game when I (live) in New York.

2 How many pints of beer (he/ rink) before he (leave) the p!b" # It ..(rain) so we ( e$i e) to stay at home all afternoon. % &y the time I .(leave) !niversity I .(be) to 'ran$e fifteen times. ( )hat ..(yo!/ o) at the time the m!r er was $ommitte " * )hen we (get) home we saw that someone .(break) in to steal the +,+ re$or er. - He ..(sen ) to prison fo!r times before he .( e$i e) that it wo!l be better to go straight. . I i n/t realise I (lose) my $re it $ar s !ntil I .(try) to pay for inner at the resta!rant. 0 I write) an email to my sister when she .(ring) me. 11 2he was so !pset by the news that she rop) her tea an (start) $rying.

Fill in each blank by putting the verb in (brackets) into the correct past tense 1.)hy are yo! o!t of breath" (34356I23) &e$a!se Ifor the last ho!r.

2. Yo!r light was on when I walke past last night. (6H78) Yes9 I to my $o!sin in 7!stralia.

#. Yo! e really improve on the fl!te. (:5768I23)

)ell9 I hope so be$a!se I a lot lately.

%. Yo! e not ;ealo!s of my other frien s9 are yo!" (233)

No9 b!t yo! . <!ite a lot of them re$ently.

(. I i n wake yo! !p9 i I"


No9 I ..

*. +i yo! <!it yo!r ;ob in the en " (8HIN>) I of oing so for a long time9 b!t then I e$i e not to.

-. )hy is yo!r street s!$h a mess" (+I?)

@h9 the $o!n$il . !p the roa s9 b!t they sho!l finish this weeken .

Complete the second sentence, using the word in brackets, so that s has similar meaning to the first sentence 1. I starte working at . an I was still working at * in the evening9 when yo! $alle . (&33N) )hen yo! $alle ten ho!rs.

2. )e often went to the seasi e with o!r gran parents as $hil ren. (A23+) @!r gran parents . to the seasi e as $hil ren.

#. It abo!t - years sin$e =a!ra starte to learn 5!ssian. (=375NIN?)

=a!ra . - years.

%. &eing with the ol er $hil ren soon stoppe being frightening when I went to se$on ary s$hool. (A23+) I the ol er $hil ren when I went to se$on ary s$hool

(. 3very night for the past week I have ha the same ream. ( H7,IN?) I .. for a week now.

*. I always islike karate lessons b!t now I starting to en;oy them. (A23+) I >arate lessons9 b!t now I staring to.

For each sentence, choose the correct tense of the verb. 1. I .. (take) a shower when yo! $alle . a) was taking b) took $) was taken 2. By brother . (have) never been to 3!rope !ntil he went there last year. a) has b) ha $) ha n/t #. +iane (feel) very si$k b!t she e$i e to go o!t anyway. a) was feeling b) has been feeling $) has felt %. He ($all) her all night. a) has $alle b) $all $) was $alling (. I (want) to go swimming b!t the water was too $ol . a) have wante b) wante $) am want *. I (be) able to sleep well for a week now. a) i n/t was b) was not $) haven/t been -. )hen I first saw her9 she .. (stan ) on the bal$ony. a) was stan ing b) has stoo $) has been stan ing .. 5eally" Yo! move to a new apartment" How long . (live) there" a) have yo! been living b) i yo! live $) i yo! living 0. 3very time I see that movie9 it (make) me $ry. a) has ma e b) ma e $) makes 11. I . (stop) smoking three years ago. a) have stoppe b) have been stopping $) stoppe

For each sentence, choose the correct tense of the verb. 1. I .. (take) a shower when yo! $alle . a) was taking b) took $) was taken 2. By brother . (have) never been to 3!rope !ntil he went there last year. a) has b) ha $) ha n/t #. +iane (feel) very si$k b!t she e$i e to go o!t anyway.

a) was feeling b) has been feeling $) has felt %. He ($all) her all night. a) has $alle b) $all $) was $alling (. I (want) to go swimming b!t the water was too $ol . a) have wante b) wante $) am want *. I (be) able to sleep well for a week now. a) i n/t was b) was not $) haven/t been -. )hen I first saw her9 she .. (stan ) on the bal$ony. a) was stan ing b) has stoo $) has been stan ing .. 5eally" Yo! move to a new apartment" How long . (live) there" a) have yo! been living b) i yo! live $) i yo! living 0. 3very time I see that movie9 it (make) me $ry. a) has ma e b) ma e $) makes 11. I . (stop) smoking three years ago. a) have stoppe b) have been stopping $) stoppe

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