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Why we vaccinate animals

FdSc Canine Behavior and Training Module: Academic and Professional Skills Module code: !"## Module Tutor: Caroline Trevarrow Student num$er: #%&#!' ( #%)&%)#%&!

Table of Contents
Introduction........................................................................................................... 3 Disease prevention............................................................................................ 4 Travel requirement................................................................................................. 5 Kennel requirements.............................................................................................. 5 Conclusion.......................................................................................................... 6

*n the +,- the core diseases dogs are vaccinated against are canine .arvovirus- canine virus- le.tos.irosis- and infectious canine he.atitis/ other vaccinations 0non1 core2 include .arainfluen3a virus- ra$ies and $ordetella $ronchise.tica 04SPCA- #%&!25 *t is recommended that dogs receive their first core vaccinations at around eight weeks of age 0,ennel Clu$- #%&!25 6ow often they should $e revaccinated after that is de.endent on each individual vaccine- some re7uire yearly $oosters while others immunise for !1(years 0World Small Animal 8eterinary Association 0WSA8A2- #%&!25

Disease prevention
6ow it hel.s to .revent diseases what they actually do * love you 9!

Travel requirement
To enter or re1enter the +nited ,ingdom an animal must have an :+ .et .ass.ort or a third country official veterinary certificate 0;:F4A- #%&!25 To o$tain either of these an animal must meet certain health re7uirements- one of which is that it has $een vaccinated against ra$ies 0;:F4A- #%&!25 *f a dog is entering or re1entering the +nited ,ingdom from some countries it may re7uire further vaccines to .revent diseases such as leishmanaisis entering the +nited ,ingdom as it is not a common disease here 0British Small Animal 8eterinary Association 0BSA8A2- #%&!25 why are these im.ortant<

Kennel requirements =on1core vaccines such as the kennel cough vaccine- which vaccinates against .arainfluen3a virus- reovirus- adenovirus- her.esvirus- and $ordetella $ronchise.ticaare often re7uirements for dogs to stay in $oarding kennels 04SPCA- #%&!25 This is $ecause kennel cough is a high mor$idity disease and will 7uickly $etween animals when they are in such close .ro>imity5 4escue centres have ado.ted the .ractice of giving kennel cough vaccinations for the same reason5


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