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Solution #1 (Samsung Galaxy S2, S3, Note , Note 2) Follow these step carefully, as long as you ha e the correct

co!e it will wor" 1##$ (%our phone must &e up!ate! to the latest firmware') 1. Please trouble shoot as usual with the customer, the code must be correct and the phone MUST prompt for the code. 2. If nothing we can proceed to use the "release method" on the phone s!" a. #o to the $ial pad and dial %&1'()2*+,-& b. Please clic. on number /10 UMTS 1 /10 $ebugging screen 1 /*0 Phone 2ontrol 1 /+0 34T5678 9628 c. :ou will see ) options d. Please clic. on number /10 Perso Sha2;+ I3<6, the screen will change slightl= e. Please hit the M43U button then when the menu pops up please carefull= hit >?28 to return to the pre@ious screen f. Please clic. on number /20 Perso Sha2;+ 63, the screen will change again to a one line message g. 7estart the phone on the screen b= holding the power button and clic. 74ST?7T h. 5hen the phone prompts for the unloc. code simpl= enter the unloc. code i. :our phone is now permanentl= unloc.edA (Samsung Galaxy S( )nly'''''') Follow these step carefully, as long as you ha e the correct co!e it will wor" 1##$ (%our phone must &e up!ate! to the latest firmware') 1. Ma.e sure that the phone P76MPTS for the code with a 363 accepted sim card and that =our IM4I is correct b= dialing %&-+& a. #o to the $ial pad and dial %&--11& b. Please clic. =our M43U button >ottom 94<T button! and clic. >?28 on the menu that appears, 3othing will happen do not worr= please mo@e to the neBt step c. Please clic. =our M43U button ?#?I3 and this time clic. 84: I3PUT d. 5hen the 8e= input boB appears please input the number "1" and hit 68 e. :ou will see a number 1 for a while, please wait until it changes into the S47CI24 M43U f. Please clic. /10 UMTS 1 /10 $4>U##I3# S27443 1 /+0 Phone 2ontrol 1 /+0 3etwor. 9628

g. :ou will see ) 6PTI63S within 3etwor. 9628 h. Please clic. on number /10 Perso Sha2;+ I3<6, the screen will change slightl= i. Please hit the M43U button then when the menu pops up please carefull= hit >?28 to return to the pre@ious screen D. 3eBt Please clic. on number /20 Perso Sha2;+ 63, the screen will change again to a one line message .. 7estart the phone on the screen b= holding the power button and clic. 74ST?7T l. 5hen the phone prompts for the unloc. code simpl= enter the unloc. code pro@ided to =ou m. :our phone is now permanentl= unloc.edA *+f this is not wor"ing, go to Solution #2 Solution #2 Follow these step carefully, as long as you ha e the correct co!e it will wor" 1##$ 1. Power off and on =our phone with different networ. sim card. "SIM networ. unloc. PI3" or "4nter 3etwor. 9oc. 2ontrol 8e=" screen will appear.2. T=pe =our UnfreeEe code M28 code! and hit Unloc. button. :ou will get "unsuccessful message" again but donFt worr=.). 3ow t=pe the Unloc. code 3etwor. or 328 code! and hit Unloc. button. %If phone sa= "3etwor. 9oc. Succesful" it wor.ed, but if not, proceed to step ,.,. If =ou get "unsuccessful" again then hit $ismiss button and t=pe *2,-,*3.//# on phone .e=pad. (0123+)N' 3his will reformat all your !ata');. ?fter phone restarts, t=pe the UnfreeEe code M28 code! when prompted to enter "SIM networ. unloc. PI3" or "4nter 3etwor. 9oc. 2ontrol 8e=" screen and hit unloc. button. It will sa= "unsuccessful" again, donFt worr=A+. T=pe the Unloc. code 3etwor. or 328 code! and hit Unloc. button.(. :our phone should now gi@e =ou the message "3etwor. 9oc. Successful"3ow =our phone is successfull= unloc.edA *+f this is not wor"ing, go to Solution #3

Solution #3 1. Turn off the 5iG<i on =our phone and then turn de@ice 63 without SIM card.6nce itFs on go to phone dial screen and $I?9" *,(-/-2/*-3.*#it will bring =ou to the 34T5678 9628 screen.G in M22HM32 field enter code for the ser@ice pro@ider =our phone is originall= from eg )1-2+ for TGMobile US?!chec. here for list of codes" http"HHen.wi.ipedia.orgHwi.iHMobileI3etwor.I2ode %If =our networ. has more than one mccHmnc please tr= all of them this is @er= importantG in 263T769 84: field enter the U39628 codeG hit 68G =ou should get a message" 9628 SU224SS<U9Power phone down, insert SIM card =ou want =our phone to wor. with and power on.

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