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Meditation on "The Jewish

Revolutionary Spirit" by E. Michael

June 27, 2008


by Henry Makow Ph.D.

E. Michael Jones has written a 1200-page book "The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit and Its
Impact on World History" that documents the subversive role played by organized Jewry
throughout history.
The book is available here.
According to Jones, this role is subversive in the profoundest sense, overturning the Will
of God, "Logos," Christ's Gospel of Love, the inherent Design and Purpose of Creation,
hijacking mankind and arresting its development according to Cabalistic and Talmudic
The true "Jewish revolutionary spirit" is "to overturn" God and replace Him with Lucifer
who represents the self-interest of the Illuminati (i.e. central bankers, Organized Jewry
and Freemasonry.)
This also was confirmed by Christian Rakowsky in his KGB interrogation. "Christianity
is our only real enemy since all the political and economic phenomena of the
bourgeois states are only its consequences," Rakovsky, says. Peace is "counterrevolutionary" since it is war that paves the way for revolution.
Thus, Organized Jewry, through its Freemasonic arm, has always sabotaged personal
identity and social cohesion: race, religion (God), nation and family. They have caused
wars (like Iraq Afghanistan and soon Iran) revolutions, division and corruption and

sought to normalize dysfunction and deviance. All to prove that the salutary and natural
order represented by Christian ideals is corrupt and hypocritical, and must be replaced by
man made "gods," i.e. their "progressive," "liberal," "socialist" and ultimately
"Communist" NWO test tube utopias. Their goal is a "1984"-like world police state
which is emerging under the pretext of a phony "war on terror."
Thus, to the mortification of decent Jews like myself, Jews are often on the vanguard
when it comes to trashing Christian mores and human dignity, and creating dysfunction
whether its undermining gender and marriage or peddling promiscuity, pornography or
abortion. For example, here is a recent music video of a 50-year-old French Jewish singer
and his adolescent daughter normalizing incest. Too many Hollywood movies made by
Jews are filthy, vulgar and degrading. There are hardly any movies anymore that are
educational, honest and uplifting.
We are reminded of a soldier marching out-of-step in a parade who has the chutzpah, by
Text-Enhance" href="#" in_rurl="
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who are out-of- step. Extrapolate this image to a cosmic level and you will understand the
New World Order.
Social programs offered in the name of "reform" were proffered to gull the masses and to
assume control. This is the real meaning of "progress" i.e. movement toward Luciferian
and occult control. This is what they mean by "changing the world." Obama's "Change"
is a tip off.
Organized Jewry has sought to portray man as inhabiting a mechanistic universe devoid
of inherent design and meaning. In this view, God is an impotent fool who neglects His
creation, and Christianity is fogbound superstition. Where Communists have held power,
they have banned Christianity outright and persecuted believers. Jews who accept Christ's
teaching are persecuted in Israel today.
God is a relatively easy concept to understand. He represents a moral and spiritual
dimension where spiritual ideals like love, peace, beauty, harmony, truth, goodness and
justice are absolute and self evident. All humans, Jew and non-Jew, are gifted with a
Divine spirit that recognizes and aspires to these ideals. We are God's agents tasked
with incorporating these ideals in our lives and in the world. (This requires that we
change first by attuning ourselves to these ideals instead of worldly enticements.)
Organized Jewry has used our idealism to deceive us with Socialism, Communism and
Zionism. But to warn Jews of this deceit now constitutes "anti-Semitism." Surely, Jewish
leaders who start wars are the real anti-Semites. They create anti-Semitism to keep
ordinary Jews in line.

Jones quotes Leon Trotsky: "Pogroms in which the rank-and-file of the Jewish nation
suffer serve the useful purpose of keeping them in absolute dependence on their leaders."
Jones: "This is another way of saying the Trotskys promote revolution and the
Braunsteins suffer for it."
The Talmud was created to keep Jews in bondage to Jewish leaders," Jones say. The
supreme authority in Judaism, it creates anti-Semitism. Quoting the Jewish Encyclopedia
Jones says the Talmud is "a systematic deformation of the Bible" in which "The pride of
race with the idea of universal domination is therein exalted to the point of folly....With
regard to the Goyim (non-Jews) everything is allowed: robbery, fraud, perjury,
The Talmud influences Jewish leadership but I doubt if 10% of ordinary Jews have read
it. Indeed I wonder if a religion that holds the Talmud supreme can call itself a religion.
True religion is otherworldly, eschewing power, wealth and sex. The Talmud seems to
embrace these things. It's as though Christians chose heaven and Jews said "you can have
it; we'll take this world, thank you very much."
In the Talmudic perspective, anyone who resists Jewish hegemony is an anti-Semite as is
anyone who points this out. Like the boy who cried "wolf" too many times, the term "anti
Semite" has lost its power. People are realizing that it is a Pavlovian control mechanism,
and that very few "anti Semites" dislike all Jews. If it describes resistance to the out-sized
Jewish role in the NWO, "anti-Semite" could become a badge of honor worn with pride.
A healthy individual will listen to criticism courteously, acknowledge if it is valid, and
mend his ways accordingly. This is the way a man makes friends of his enemies. This is
how he corrects his course and grows. (See my "How to Reduce Anti-Semitism")
He does not accuse them of harboring an irrational hate. That's how a child or someone
suffering from arrested development reacts. The only explanation for the conventional
response is that Jewish leadership knows it is at fault, but that does not deter it. It will
turn the world-upside-down so that fault becomes virtue, and victim becomes aggressor.
Jones, a traditional Catholic, is a former English professor who was run out of Notre
Dame for opposing abortion. The Editor of the journal "Culture Wars" and author of ten
other books, including "Libido Dominandi," the definitive history of the sexual revolution
from 1773 to the present, Jones is the foremost scholar of our time and predicament. This
is because he studies the masterful Masonic-Jewish takeover of Western civilization now
almost complete.

"For the past 2000 years, history has been a struggle between the two groups of Jews:
those who accepted Jesus Christ as the Messiah and those who rejected him." Jones
writes. "The Jews who accept Christ become the new Israel, otherwise known as the
Church. They are the two children of Abraham and Moses. Those who reject Christ
become the "Jews" or followers of Satan."
Jones believes the "chosen people" idea has led Jewish leadership to espouse "humanism"
and the idea that they collectively represent God. "Fantasies of racial superiority alternate
with contradictory fantasies of universal brotherhood," Jones writes. "The great ideal of
Judaism," the Jewish World announced Feb. 9, 1883 " is that the whole world shall be
imbued with Jewish teaching and that in a Universal Brotherhood of Nations -a greater
Judaism in fact--all the separate races and religions shall disappear."
If you think this sounds ominously like "diversity" you are right. For a complete history
of the New World Order from its inception over 2000 years ago, I recommend "The
Jewish Revolutionary Spirit."
I am a product of the "Jewish revolutionary" brainwashing myself, a Socialist, Zionist
and Feminist for most of my life. I used to look askance at the satisfaction Christians got
from normal life and feel that "normal" was boring. I remember reading Paul Krassner's
"The Realist" where he depicted Snow White having sex with the Seven Dwarfs and
thinking "yes! this exposes the hypocrisy of the US" then at war in Vietnam.
Now I realize that this left-right, imperialist /anti-imperialist media matrix is all a
charade, that the people behind anti-war are the people behind the war. That war has
bigger stakes: World Government (a.k.a." globalism") achieved by gradually degrading
and demoralizing humanity.
My point is that I wasn't a bad person, just a dupe. This is also true of Jews and non-Jews
who have been duped by Communism, Socialism, Liberalism, Feminism and Zionism.
They're good people who have been mislead by NWO indoctrination. I expect that many
Masons, CFRs, Bildersbergs and officials of Organized Jewry are also dupes.
The NWO works by sowing division. We can win by joining together --"Left and Right"
to oppose the agenda of the satanic cult that runs the world, the Masonic central bankers
and their minions.
---------------------E. Michael Jones will be my Internet radio guest June 29 at 10 pm CT (Chicago Time) at

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