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Wisdom is not just good practical judgement or common sense or a high degree of knowledge. The wisdom that is of the spirit is centered on Jesus. It is concerned with the best way to live. It is Gods guidance on how to live as a Christian. (Mark 10:20, 1Cor 12-14, Luke 18:22) Knowledge is not just knowing a lot of things through study or experience. Knowledge that is of the spirit is the fruit of revelation, founded on faith, and synthesized by Christian experience. This is more of doctrinal teaching and ability to speak an understanding of a truth of the mystery of Christ. (Eph 1, Eph 3:2-3) Faith is not just an intellectual belief in God, but a confident assurance in God which allows us to move forward without any doubt at all. The charismatic gift of faith seems to be a special gift of prayer. Praying with a God-given confidence which produce extraordinary results. It knows that what one asks for will be given. (Matt 8:10, Matt 15:22) Healing- is the supernatural ability to effect a cure of physical or other human illness through prayer. It is variation of miracles but it is more limited because healing focuses on restoring the physical body back to health. This gift enables the person to be Gods instrument in bringing about the well-being of another, on one or more level, spiritual, psychological or physical. (Act 5:15, v19:12) Miracles is the supernatural ability to perform miraculous act, acts that are not the result of any known natural beliefs agency but caused by divine intervention. This enables the person to be Gods instrument in either an instant healing or in some other powerful manifestation of Gods power. (Acts 8:6-8, v9:36-43, v13:8-12) Prophecy is the gift by which a person is used by God to speak on his behalf. It is a gift when God manifest to man His own thoughts so that may be given for the individual or for a group of individuals, or for the community. (Acts 13:1-3, v21:10-13) Discernment is the gift by which a person can recognize the spirit behind a particular situation. This enables the person to know the source of an inspiration or action, whether it came from the Holy Spirit, his own human spirit or from the evil spirit. (Acts 5:1-10, v8:20-24, v16:16-19) Tongues is a gift by which a person is able to utter words or sounds which are not known or understandable to his human intellect, to deliver Gods message for the community. (Acts 10:44-47, v19:6) Interpretation is a companion to the gift of tongues, when used for prophecy, and is necessary so that those who hear may understand, and so be enlightened. It is when a person, after the use of the gift of tongues, gives the general meaning of what the person has said, or a response to what has been said. Interpretation can also be used privately in combination with the gift of prayer tongues. (1Cor 14:5, 13, 27, 28)

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