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By: Group 1 Yogyakarta, 29 Oktober 2013 Members: Anna Arifatul U. Opik Prasetyo Dita Imanasita W.S Sari Trisnaningsih (12317244002) (12317244006) (12317244016) (12317244027)

Submitted on on 29 17 Oktober September 2013, 09.00 WIB Submitted 2013, 09.00 WIB

Mengetahui : Dosen Pembimbing / Asisten Praktikum



: The effect of adding substrate CO2 to the rate of photosynthesis : To know the effect of adding substrate to the photosynthetis rate.

Photosynthesis comes from the word Photon, which means light and synthesis means preparation. So photosynthesis is the process of preparing organic substance of H2O and CO2 into organic compounds are complex that needs a light. Photosynthesis can only occur in plants which have chlorophyll pigment, which served as the Sun's light energy captures (Kimball, 2002). Photosynthesis is reaction for life, is an energy conversion of sunlight into human or other life performed by plants through photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is the process undertaken by the plants by using x-ray energy with raw materials from nature to other living beings (Dahlia, 2001: 80). According to Dwidjoseputro (1993: 15), reactions of photosynthesis may imply that the six carbon dioxide molecules and six water molecules react with sunlight to energy assistance was changed to one molecule of glucose and six oxygen molecules. Glucose is a molecule that is formed as a result of the process of photosynthesis in which light energy conversion results saved the Sun in the form of chemical bonds of the molecules. Glucose was the carbon compounds to be used together with other elements within the cell to form other chemical compounds that are highly important for organisms, such as DNA, proteins, sugars and fats. In addition, the organism can utilize the chemical energy stored in the chemical bonds between atoms of glucose as an energy source in the processes in the body. Here is the equation of a reaction in the process of photosynthesis: light 6CO2 + 12 H2O Pigmen f.s. Plants, especially plants of high level, in order to obtain food as a necessity anyway to keep survive, the plants have to do a process called the process of synthesizing carbohydrates that occurs in the leaves of a plant that has chlorophyll, using light from the Sun. Light from the Sun is the source of the energy required for the process plant. In the absence of sunlight the plants will not be able to undertake the process of photosynthesis, this is due to the chlorophyll in the leaves may not use sun light because chlorophyll only works when there is sunlight (Dwidjoseputro,1986: 16). C6H12O6 + 6 O2 + 6 H2O

The leaves are capable if solar energy because it has solar energy capture systems (ligth harvesting system) or aseptor system, and the system of electron transfer in chloroplasts. The chloroplasts are photosystem I and photosystem II, which is a set of electron aseptor pigments and others, such as chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, karotenoida, cytochrome, plastosianin, plastoquinon, ferredoksin, guinon, pigment pigment and 680, 700 (Suyitno, 2010: 45-46) The addition of CO2 most occurs around noon when the light level is highest. The light is often limiting photosynthesis seen also by decreasing the rate of binding of CO2 when plants are exposed to the shadows of clouds. (Salisbury, 1995: 72-73). CO2 and H2O is substrate photosynthesis originates from the rest of oxidation in photosynthetic tissues. Additionally CO2 can be captured from the atmosphere through the process of diffusion through the stomata, whereas H2O is taken from the environment through a process of absorption in roots or the absorption of other (Suyitno, 2010: 43). The rate of photosynthesis increase is not only due to an increase in radiation, but also by a higher CO2 concentration, especially when the stomata are closed because of the drought. The addition of CO2 mennurunkan fotorespirasi with the increasing ratio of CO2 to O2 which reacts with rubisko. Fotorespirasi decreases with the rise in the ratio of CO2 to O2 and will speed up photosynthesis neto. At high CO2 concentration, high radiation levels increase photosynthesis is much larger compared to the low CO2 concentration, and to saturate the photosynthesis at high light levels than in low radiation (Salisbury, 1995: 79). Here are some of the main factors that determine the rate of photosynthesis: 1. light intensity, maximum rate of photosynthesis when lots of light. 2. the concentration of carbon dioxide, the more carbon dioxide in the air, the more the number of materials that can be used to make a photosynthesis plant. 3. Temperature, enzymes that work in the process of photosynthesis can only work at its optimal temperature. Photosynthesis rate generally increase with increasing temperature up to the limit of tolerance of enzymes. 4. water content, water shortages or drought cause the stomata to close, inhibit the absorption of carbon dioxide, so reducing the rate of photosynthesis. 5. the levels of fotosintat (the result of photosynthesis), if the levels of fotosintat such as carbohydrates decreases, the rate of photosynthesis will increase. When increased levels of fotosintat or even saturated, the rate of photosynthesis will be reduced.

6. stages of growth, research shows that the rate of photosynthesis is much higher in plants that are germinated plants rather than adults. This may be because the plants germinated requires more energy and food to grow Jan Ingenhousz was the people who first do research on photosynthesis is Jan Ingenhousz (1730-1799). Ingenhousz Hydrilla verticillata plants incorporated into the jar filled with water. The glass was covered with funnel upside down and on top of it in the filled test tubes give water until full. The vessels were placed in the hot sun. Soon the air bubbles emerge from the water plant. These air bubbles indicate the presence of gas. After tested it was oxygen. Oxygen-generating photosynthesis Ingenhousz concluded (Dwidjoseputro,1986: 7)

Photosynthesis occurs only in the green part of the plant. For the efficiency of photosynthesis must thin leaves and has a large surface area. It helps in the absorption and diffusion of gases, and the means to prevent excessive loss of water through stomata and the epidermis. A large number of chloroplasts in the cells of the mesophyll network provide the main photosynthetic palisade. The space between the irregular-shaped sponges in the mesophyll leaf cells permits the diffusion of gases. Guard cell Turgor is transformed into gas exchanges with the atmosphere. Cuticle in a single layered transparent upper and lower epidermis protects the leaves from drying and infection (Dwidjoseputro,1986: 7).

D. METHOD a. Time and Place : Biochemistry laboratory, 29 Oktober 2013 b. Tools and materials 1. Glass beaker 2. Test tube 3. Glass funnel 4. Water 5. Wire c. Procedure : :

1.) 2 units of photosynthesis experiments (9 activity) : 1 unit control and 1 unit experimental were prepared. 2. ) 10 ml 0,5 % or 1,0% NaHCO3 were add to the unit experimental. 3.) Both of experimental unit were placed in the place that attached direct sunlight. 4.) The resulting bubbles were observed for 20 minutes. E. RESULT Light NO Amount / volume of bubbles release Adding NaHCO3 1 2 3 4 n 27 25 31 80 163 16 14 21 38 89 22,25 Without NaHCO3 Wilt leaf Wilt leaf Wilt leaf Fresh leaf Information

rerata 40,75

Dark NO Amount / volume of bubbles release Adding NaHCO3 1 2 3 N 7 38 8 53 62 14 7 83 27,67 Without NaHCO3 Fresh leaf Wilt leaf Wilt leaf Information

rerata 17,67

F. DISCUSSION Practicum was held on October 21, 2013 at the biology laboratory FMIPA UNY . In the practicum shows that the most bubble release by group group 4 and 5 , it is cause they use fresh leaves , so that photosynthesis is carried still fast . Bubbles produced at the trial is oksigen/O2 gas . The gas formed by photolysis process in which water is decomposed into oxygen gas will form bubbles appear with the following equation : 2H2O 4H + + O2 From these equations appears O2 gas molecules resulting from the decomposition of water . Beaker at all given NaHCO3 solution . The addition of NaHCO3 solution designed to increase the CO2 content contained in the water , with the following equation : NaHCO3 + NaOH + H2O CO2 + H2O NaHCO3 solution functions here as a catalyst in the reaction of photosynthesis . Beaker that given the amount of CO2 dissolved NaHCO3 solution becomes high . Therefore photosynthetic process becomes faster , than before the added NaHCO3 . In the first beaker with 4 bright conditions ( place in direct sunlight ) , the photosynthetic process runs quickly because the water has actually been there a number of dissolved CO2 and gets much less energy to perform the process of photosynthesis . For the number of bubbles after the addition of NaHCO3 more In the last 3 beaker placed in places with low light intensity , slow turns photosynthetic process ( known from the least amount of bubbles produced ) . This happens because even though the water contained in the dissolved CO2 but the available energy ( light ) to undergo the process of photosynthesis by Hydrilla is very little . Thus, although there are raw materials , but when no energy to process the result will not be formed . The intensity of the number of bubbles in a beaker placed in the light a lot more than you put into place dark . The process of photosynthesis requires light , because if there is no light then the process will be hampered . The higher the light intensity the more ATP is formed , which will accelerate photosynthesis . While the intensity of light that is too low will slow the rate of photosynthesis . - High CO2 concentration will increase the rate of photosynthesis . - Temperatures that are too high can damage enzymes that play a role in photosynthesis .

- Chemical equation of photosynthesis : 6CO2 + 6H2O

light energy

C6H12O6 + 6O2

G. PROBLEM SOLVING The concentration of CO2 that higher will always increase the rate of photosynthesis, this is because CO2 is a raw materials in the process of photosynthesis. H. CONCLUSSION Based on the experimental results we can conclude that the addition of substrate CO2 contained in the sunlight intensity can accelerate the rate of photosynthesis. It is indicated by the number of bubbles resulting by Hydrilla sp exposed to direct sunlight produce more bubbles than with those not exposed to direct sunlight. Some of the main factors that affect the rate of photosynthesis is the light intensity, carbon dioxide concentration, temperature, and water content.


Dahlia. 2001. Fisiologi Tumbuhan. Malang : jurdik Biologi FMIPA UNM

Dwidjoseputro. 1984. Biologi. Jakarta: Erlangga.

Kimball, J. W. 2002. Fisiologi Tumbuhan. Jakarta: Erlangga.

Salisbury, Frank B dan Cleon W Ross.1995. Fisiologi Tumbuhan Jilid 2. Bandung: ITB

Suyitno. 2010. Petunjuk Praktikum Fisiologi Tumbuhan Dasar. Yogyakarta : jurdik Biologi FMIPA UNY


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