Support MSProject 2010 ENG

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MS Project 2010 support document


Autor: Maria do Rosrio Bernardo

Verso: 1.0

MEIC GPI 2013/2014

MS Project 2010 Configuration

Next picture presents the default MSP 2010 view with the main components:

Quick access toolbar you can change this toolbar
Ribbon (friso) :
File file options and help
Task project activities management
Resource project resources management
Project project management and reports
View information views and tables options.
We can change options using: File > Options > Customize Ribbon.

Manual / Automatic Scheduling use Auto ScheduIed option

Quick Access

1. Create a project file filename Grouo_X_Ex1.mpp

File > Save As { filename.mpp }

2. Project information that should be filed:
Project name
Customer name
Project manager name
Other notes and the project purpose

MEIC GPI 2013/2014

File > nfo > Project nformation > Advanced Properties

Title >> { Project name }
Manager >> { Project manager name }
Company >> { Customer name}
Comments >> Project purpose

MEIC GPI 2013/2014

3. Create the project calendar with public holidays

Project > Change Working Time

Create New Calendar
Name >> { Calendar name }
Make a copy of standard
nsert public holidays.

MEIC GPI 2013/2014

4. Define the project start date
Project > Project nformation

Start Date >> {project start date };
Schedule from start date;
Calendar >> {project calendar }

MEIC GPI 2013/2014


5. MS Project Options.

File > Options

Note: please change only the following options.

General > Date format >> change the format to dd-mm-yy

Display > Currency, Placement >> C 1

Schedule >
New tasks created >> Auto Scheduled
Work is entered in: >> days
Default task type: >> Fixed duration
"New tasks are effort driven (not active)
Calculation >> On
Advanced >
Default standard rate = 0,00 C/d

Recommended: Resource leveling should be manual. :

Resource > Leveling Options >> Manual

MEIC GPI 2013/2014


6. nsert activities
Clicar para mudar View
Clicar para mudar Tabela
Janela de detalhe

Insert activities

Task > Gantt Chart > Table: Entry

Create summary activities and milestones.
Desegregate work packages in elementary activities
ndent the activities to show WBS (use arrows bottoms in Task menu)
nsert elementary activities duration
Define precedencies:
Method 1: View>Details (use predecessors window)
Method 2: For sequential activities (with FS relations) use "link tasks (Menu Task).
Method 3: double click in the activity > predecessors folder
Method 4: use column predecessors in the entry table

MEIC GPI 2013/2014

Gantt format
Format >
Format > Bar Styles > Text > Left >> Start; Right >> Finish
Critical Tasks >> click
Project Summary Task >> click

Gantt with miIestones fiIter exampIe

ID Task Name
1 Gesto do projecto
2 Arranque do Projecto
3 Contrato adjudicado
7 Termos de referncia aprovados
8 PIaneamento do Projecto
11 Plano de Projecto aprovado
42 Encerramento do Projecto
47 Fim do Projecto
48 Definio
49 AnIise da Situao ActuaI
54 Documento de situao actual aprovado
55 Definio de Requisitos
65 Especificao de Requisitos aprovada
66 Concepo
67 Back-Office
70 Concepo Back-Office concluda
71 Front End
78 Concepo Front End aprovada
79 Sistema Pagamentos
82 Concepo Sist Pagamentos concluda
83 Especificao de Testes
86 Espec. Testes concluda
87 ImpIementao
88 Back-Office
94 Testes BO terminados
95 Front End
101 Testes FE terminados
102 Sistema Pagamentos
108 Testes PGC terminados
109 Testes Integrao
112 mplementao terminada
113 InstaIao
117 Epicur aprovado
118 Operao
119 Acompanhamento
124 Arranque dos servios de manuteno
27 04 11 18 25 01 08 15 22 29 06 13 20 27 03 10 17 24 31 07 14 21 28 07 14 21 28 04 11 18 25 02 09 16 23 30 06 13 20 27 04 11 18 25 01 08 15 22 29
Oct '10 Nov '10 Dec '10 Jan '11 Feb '11 Mar '11 Apr '11 May '11 Jun '11 JuI '11 Aug '11

DetaiIed gantt exampIe

ID Task Name Duration
1 Gesto do projecto 213 d
2 Arranque do Projecto 4 d
3 Contrat o adjudicado 0 d
4 Preparao do arranque do projecto 2 d
5 Reunio interna de arranque 1 d
6 Workshop de arranque com cliente 1 d
7 Termos de ref erncia aprovados 0 d
8 PI aneamento do Projecto 3 d
9 Elaborao do Plano do Project o 2 d
10 Reviso f ormal do plano do project o 1 d
11 Plano de Projecto aprovado 0 d
12 ControIo do Projecto 134 d
42 Encerramento do Projecto 8 d
43 Reviso dos objectivos do projecto 2 d
44 Encerrament o de cont ratos 3 d
45 Elaborao do relatrio de encerramento do projecto3 d
46 Feedback equipa 2 d
47 Fim do Project o 0 d
27 04 11 18 25 01 08 15 22 29 06 13 20 27 03 10 17 24 31 07 14 21 28 07 14 21 28 04 11 18 25 02 09 16 23 30 06 13 20 27 04 11 18 25 01 08 15 22 29
Oct '10 Nov '10 Dec '10 Jan '11 Feb '11 Mar '11 Apr '11 May '11 Jun '11 JuI '11 Aug '11

MEIC GPI 2013/2014

Create resource pooI

Task > View > Resource Sheet.

Resources with cost by time unit:
Resource Name >> {resource id}
Type >> work
Group >> {functional unit; customer, .}
Max. >> 1 (or 100%)
Std Rate >> {dally cost}
Ovt. Rate >> 0
Accrue At >> prorated
Base Calendar >> {project calendar}
Resources with fixed cost:
The same as previous with the following differences:
Cost/Use >> {resource use cost}
Accrue At >> End or Start
Material resources (if the total cost in assumed)
The same as previous with the following differences:
Type >> material
Material Label >> {input unit} (Kg, Litter, 50Kg, 1 room etc.)
Note: for material resources we can use Std Rate or Cost/Use and any accrual method.
For non-fixed costs like meals, hotels, travel,.we can use Type >> Cost.
n this case we only create the resource name and the cost will be included during activities resource

MEIC GPI 2013/2014

Assign resources to activities

Method 1:
View > Gantt Chart > Table Entry
Click in Details

Select the resource and input the units (% of resource assignment to the activity)

Method 2:
Resource > Assign Resources

Select the resource and input the units (% of resource assignment to the activity)

Note: we can combine methods 1 and 2

Over aIIocated resources:

View > Resource Sheet red colour resources
View > Resource Usage and/or View > Other Views > Resource Graph to analyse over allocations

MEIC GPI 2013/2014

Resources LeveIing :

Resource > Leveling Options > Resource Levelling >> Automatic ->> Level Now

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