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DocumentReferenceNo. : Revision : DateIssued :




REVISIONNO. 00 01 02 03

DETAILSOFAMENDMENT IssuedforreviewbyOwnerandICE AmendedfollowingreviewbyICEandOwnerandothers.Minoramendments andcorrectionsfollowingfurtherreview Issuedwithcommentsincorporated Issuedwithcommentsincorporated






SECTIONG1GENERAL G1.1 G1.2 G1.3 G1.4 G1.5 G1.6 G1.7 G1.8 G1.9 G1.10 G1.11 G1.12 G1.13 G1.14 G1.15 G1.16 G1.17 G1.18 SECTIONG2THESITE G2.1 G2.2 G2.3 G2.4 G2.5 G2.6 G2.7 G2.8 G2.9 G2.10 G2.11 AccesstotheSite.......................................................................................................................... G21 Siterestrictions............................................................................................................................. G21 Siteservices...................................................................................................................................G22 Sitecleanliness.............................................................................................................................. G24 NotUsed.......................................................................................................................................G24 SitePestControl............................................................................................................................ G24 NotUsed.......................................................................................................................................G25 SiteSecurity ...................................................................................................................................G25 GeneralWorksTrains.................................................................................................................... G25 WorksPackageContractorsOwnRollingStock........................................................................... G26 DefinedAreaandRestrictedAreaWorkingandWorksTrainOperations...................................G27
TOC1of10 Revision:03


ApplicationoftheGeneralSpecification...................................................................................... G11 Abbreviationsanddefinitions....................................................................................................... G11 Glossaryofterms.......................................................................................................................... G16 NotUsed.......................................................................................................................................G17 StandardsandCodesofPractice.................................................................................................. G17 PDPsDrawings............................................................................................................................. G18 WorksPackageContractorsDrawings......................................................................................... G18 MetricandImperialunits.............................................................................................................. G19 DimensionsfromPDPsDrawings................................................................................................. G19 NotUsed.......................................................................................................................................G19 NotUsed.......................................................................................................................................G19 AssociatedDocuments.................................................................................................................. G19 ClimaticConditions/OperatingEnvironment............................................................................ G110 PDP/OwnersRulesandRegulations .......................................................................................... G111 CommunicationswiththePDP................................................................................................... G111 Security........................................................................................................................................G111 PublicRelations........................................................................................................................... G112 AssetLifeandObsolescenceManagement................................................................................ G112




G2.12 G2.13 G2.14 G2.15 G2.16

WorkintheVicinityoftheOperatingRailway.............................................................................. G29 TrackAccess................................................................................................................................G212 TransportationtoSite................................................................................................................. G212 CommunicationsonSite............................................................................................................ G213 DimensionsGaugesandClearances........................................................................................... G213 AppendixAG2.1RequirementsofWorksPackageContractorsOwnRollingStock................G214 SECTION3SITEESTABLISHMENT

G3.1 G3.2 G3.3 G3.4 G3.5 G3.6 G3.7 G3.8 G3.9 G3.10 G3.11 G3.12 G3.13 G3.14

UseoftheSite............................................................................................................................... G31 Submissionofparticulars.............................................................................................................. G31 SurveyoftheSite.......................................................................................................................... G31 FencesandSignsontheSite......................................................................................................... G31 NotUsed.......................................................................................................................................G33 TheWorksPackageContractor'sSiteAccommodation................................................................G33 NotUsed.......................................................................................................................................G34 ClearanceoftheSite..................................................................................................................... G34 Attendance....................................................................................................................................G34 NotUsed.......................................................................................................................................G37 NotUsed.......................................................................................................................................G38 NotUsed.......................................................................................................................................G38 ProhibitionofAdvertising............................................................................................................. G38 WorksPackageContractorsEquipment...................................................................................... G38 SECTIONG4THEWORKS

G4.1 G4.2 G4.3 G4.4 G4.5 G4.6 G4.7 G4.8 G4.9 G4.10

ProjectExecutionPlan.................................................................................................................. G41 MethodStatements,andInspectionandTestingPlans...............................................................G43 NormalworkinghoursatSite....................................................................................................... G44 Drawingsandschedulesforplantandequipment....................................................................... G44 StagenotificationandinspectionofWorks.................................................................................. G44 NotUsed.......................................................................................................................................G45 Constructionrestraints................................................................................................................. G45 TemporaryWorks......................................................................................................................... G45 OffSiteFabricationWorks............................................................................................................ G48 Constructionequipmentandplant............................................................................................... G49
TOC2of10 Revision:03




G4.11 G4.12 G4.13 G4.14 G4.15 G4.16

ProtectionoftheWorks.............................................................................................................. G410 ApprovalsfromRelevantAuthorities .......................................................................................... G410 TechnologyTransfer .................................................................................................................... G411 InstallationMarks....................................................................................................................... G411 InstallationofPlantandMaterials.............................................................................................. G411 SerialNumbering.........................................................................................................................G412

SECTIONG5WORKINROADS G5.1 G5.2 G5.3 G5.4 G5.5 G5.6 G5.7 G5.8 G5.9 G5.10 SECTIONG6DAMAGEANDINTERFERENCE G6.1 G6.2 G6.3 G6.4 G6.5 G6.6 G6.7 G6.8 G6.9 G6.10 SECTIONG7TEMPORARYELECTRICITYSUPPLY G7.1 G7.2 WorkonSite..................................................................................................................................G71 Electricalgeneral......................................................................................................................... G71
TOC3of10 Revision:03

MaintenanceofExistingRoads,Bridges,Culverts,etc.................................................................G51 Temporarydiversionsandtrafficmanagement........................................................................... G52 HalfwidthConstructionandTrafficControl................................................................................. G58 TemporaryTrafficSigns................................................................................................................ G58 TemporaryRoutes. ........................................................................................................................ G59 Useofroadsandfootways............................................................................................................ G59 Pedestrianrequirements............................................................................................................ G510 Temporarystreetlighting........................................................................................................... G510 Reinstatementofroadsandfootways........................................................................................ G511 TrafficManagementImplementationTeam............................................................................... G511

Damageandinterference............................................................................................................. G61 Watercoursesanddrainagesystems............................................................................................ G62 Utilitiesandotherservices. ........................................................................................................... G64 Conditionsurveyofexistingbuildingsandstructures..................................................................G67 Structures,roadsandotherproperty........................................................................................... G67 Treesandothersimilarobstructions............................................................................................ G67 Avoidanceofnuisance.................................................................................................................. G68 ProtectionofExistingRailways..................................................................................................... G68 ElectromagneticCompatibility.................................................................................................... G610 SpoilDisposal.............................................................................................................................. G610




G7.3 G7.4 G7.5 G7.6 G7.7 G7.8 G7.9 G7.10 G7.11 G7.12 G7.13 G7.14 G7.15 G7.16 G7.17 G7.18 G7.19 G7.20 G7.21

Scope.............................................................................................................................................G72 Materials,appliancesandcomponents........................................................................................ G72 Designconsiderations................................................................................................................... G72 Mainsvoltage................................................................................................................................G72 Typesofdistributionsupply.......................................................................................................... G72 Protectionofcircuits..................................................................................................................... G73 Earthing.........................................................................................................................................G73 Plugs,socketoutletsandcouplers................................................................................................ G74 Cables............................................................................................................................................G74 Transformersandswitchgearintunnels...................................................................................... G74 Lightinginstallation....................................................................................................................... G74 Electricalmotors........................................................................................................................... G75 Inspectionandtesting................................................................................................................... G75 Identification.................................................................................................................................G75 Maintenance.................................................................................................................................G75 Maintenancerecord ...................................................................................................................... G75 ElectricitysupplyfromOtherWorksContractorsfortrialoperations.........................................G75 Metering ........................................................................................................................................G77 Paymentofelectricitycharge....................................................................................................... G78 SECTIONG8MATERIALS,EQUIPMENT,ANDSPAREPARTS

G8.1 G8.2 G8.3 G8.4 G8.5 G8.6 G8.7 G8.8 G8.9 G8.10

Materials.......................................................................................................................................G81 MaterialsandequipmentprovidedbyOtherWorksContractors................................................G82 NotUsed.......................................................................................................................................G83 PackingandStorage...................................................................................................................... G83 ShippingandDelivery.................................................................................................................... G86 PDPsRighttoRejectSubcontractors........................................................................................... G87 NoticeofPlaceofManufactureand/orSourceofSupply............................................................G88 CertificatesforManufacturedGoodsorMaterials....................................................................... G88 LabellingofEquipment................................................................................................................. G88 MaterialsandEquipmentProvidedbythePDP............................................................................ G88 SECTIONG9SAFETY&HEALTH


TOC4of10 Revision:03




G9.2 G9.3 G9.4 G9.5 G9.6 G9.7 G9.8 G9.9 G9.10 G9.11 G9.12 G9.13 G9.14 G9.15

LawsandRegulations.................................................................................................................... G92 WorksPackageContractor'sSafetyandHealthPersonnel ...........................................................G93 Safety&HealthPlan..................................................................................................................... G94 Safety&HealthRiskAssessment.................................................................................................. G95 Emergencypreparednessandresponse....................................................................................... G96 Incidentnotificationandreporting............................................................................................... G97 ControlofSafety&HealthNonCompliance................................................................................ G98 TrafficManagementandPublicSafety......................................................................................... G99 GeneralSafetyandHealthRequirements.................................................................................... G99 SafetyandHealthMeetings........................................................................................................ G917 Safety&HealthDocumentation................................................................................................. G918 Monthlyprogressreport............................................................................................................. G918 Training.......................................................................................................................................G919 SafetyandHealthInspectionandAuditing ................................................................................. G919 SECTIONG10QUALITYASSURANCEANDQUALITYCONTROL

G10.1 G10.2 G10.3 G10.4 G10.5 G10.6 G10.7 G10.8 G10.9

Introduction................................................................................................................................G101 QualityManagement.................................................................................................................. G101 SubmissionofQualityDocuments.............................................................................................. G102 ControlledCopiesofQualitySystemDocuments....................................................................... G103 FormatofQualitySystemDocuments........................................................................................ G103 Notused......................................................................................................................................G103 ProjectQualityPlan..................................................................................................................... G103 QualityProcedures,WorkInstructionsand/orStandardForms................................................G104 QualityManager......................................................................................................................... G106

G10.10 MonthlyProgressReportonQualityManagementSystem.......................................................G107 G10.11 QualityRecords........................................................................................................................... G107 G10.12 FailuretoPerform....................................................................................................................... G107 G10.13 DocumentControl....................................................................................................................... G108 G10.14 ProductIdentificationandTraceability ....................................................................................... G109 G10.15 NonComplianceandDispositionofNonConformingMaterialsandConstructedWorks......G1010 G10.16 CorrectiveandPreventativeActions........................................................................................ G1011 G10.17 QualityAuditsandTraining....................................................................................................... G1011
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SECTIONG11ENVIRONMENTALMANAGEMENT G11.1 G11.2 G11.3 G11.4 G11.5 G11.6 G11.7 G11.8 G11.9 GeneralEnvironmentalManagement........................................................................................ G111 LegalRequirements.....................................................................................................................G111 Environmentalpersonnel............................................................................................................ G112 DetailedEnvironmentalImpactAssessment(DEIA).................................................................G113 EnvironmentalManagementPlan(EMP) .................................................................................. G113 Notused......................................................................................................................................G114 Deliverables.................................................................................................................................G114 EnvironmentalProtectionWorks ................................................................................................ G114 StormwaterManagement ........................................................................................................... G117

G11.10 EnvironmentalIncidents............................................................................................................. G117 G11.11 EnvironmentalMonitoring,SiteInspectionandAuditing..........................................................G117 G11.12 Training,PromotionandAwareness........................................................................................... G119 G11.13 Meetings.....................................................................................................................................G119 G11.14 NonCompliance........................................................................................................................ G1110 G11.15 Asbestos....................................................................................................................................G1110 SECTIONG12PLANNING,PROGRAMMINGANDPROGRESSMONITORINGOFTHEWORKS G12.1 G12.2 G12.3 G12.4 G12.5 G12.6 G12.7 G12.8 G12.9 PlanningandProgramming......................................................................................................... G121 PlanningandProgrammingOrganization................................................................................... G121 ProgrammeSubmissions............................................................................................................. G121 ProgressMonitoring.................................................................................................................... G121 ProgrammeRequirements.......................................................................................................... G122 BaselineProgramme................................................................................................................... G125 Design,ProcurementandManufacturingProgramme..............................................................G127 NotUsed.....................................................................................................................................G128 TestingandCommissioningProgramme.................................................................................... G129 AppendixAG11.1DEIAApprovalConditions......................................................................... G1111

G12.10 CoordinatedInstallationProgramme........................................................................................ G129 G12.11 ThreeMonthRollingProgramme............................................................................................. G1210 G12.12 ScheduleofDesigns.................................................................................................................. G1211 G12.13 TimeChainageProgramme....................................................................................................... G1213 G12.14 TrackRelatedInstallationProgramme(TRIP)........................................................................... G1213 G12.15 ConstructionEquipment&LabourReturns.............................................................................. G1215 G12.16 MonthlyProgressMeetingandReport..................................................................................... G1215 G12.17 ProgrammeAnalysisReport ...................................................................................................... G1219
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AppendixAG12.1WorkBreakdownStructureCode...............................................................G1221 AppendixAG12.2ProjectMonthsTable.................................................................................. G1245 SECTIONG13LIAISONWITHOTHERS

G13.1 G13.2 G13.3 G13.4 G13.5 G13.6 G13.7 G13.8 G13.9

Liaisonwithothers...................................................................................................................... G131 WorkbyOtherWorksContractors............................................................................................. G132 CoordinationandCooperation................................................................................................... G132 OtherProjectContractsandCoordination................................................................................ G134 InterfaceManagementPlansandInterfaceControlDocuments...............................................G136 CoordinationwithOtherWorksContractorsinpreparingCSDsandSEMs................................G139 CoordinationMeetings............................................................................................................. G1311 InternetAccessCapability......................................................................................................... G1312 CodeofPracticeinUsingPDP/OwnerComputerSystems.......................................................G1312 AppendixAG13.1TableofContentsforInterfaceManagementPlan...................................G1313 AndInterfaceControlDocument AppendixAG13.2RolesandResponsibilitiesofLeadContractorandMatchContractor.....G1317 SECTIONG14DOCUMENTMANAGEMENT

G14.1 G14.2 G14.3 G14.4 G14.5

Documents,SubmissionsandCorrespondence.......................................................................... G141 ElectronicFileFormats................................................................................................................ G143 SubmissionsProgramme............................................................................................................. G143 SubmissionandReviewProcedure............................................................................................. G144 ProjectRecords........................................................................................................................... G145 SECTIONG15NOTUSED SECTIONG16SOFTWAREMANAGEMENTANDCONTROL

G16.1 G16.2 G16.3 G16.4 G16.5

General........................................................................................................................................G161 SoftwareQualityAssurancePlan................................................................................................ G161 SoftwareReleaseControl ............................................................................................................ G164 SoftwareProgressTracking ......................................................................................................... G164 SoftwareAudit............................................................................................................................ G165
TOC7of10 Revision:03




G16.6 G16.7 G16.8 G16.9

SoftwareDocumentation............................................................................................................ G167 SafetyIntegrityLevel ................................................................................................................... G167 SoftwareDeliverablesandLicenses............................................................................................ G168 Backup.........................................................................................................................................G169 AppendixAG16.1TypicalTableofContentsforSoftwareQualityAssurancePlan................G1610 SECTIONG17SYSTEMSAFETY

G17.1 G17.2 G17.3 G17.4 G17.5 G17.6 G17.7 G17.8 G17.9

ApplicableStandards ................................................................................................................... G171 MandatoryRequirements........................................................................................................... G171 Exemptions..................................................................................................................................G172 ConstructionRiskManagement.................................................................................................. G173 SystemAssurance....................................................................................................................... G173 SafetyCriticalItemsList.............................................................................................................. G178 ReliabilityCriticalItemsList........................................................................................................ G178 RiskMatrix ...................................................................................................................................G179 TablesandTemplates............................................................................................................... G1710 AppendixAG17.1TablesandTemplates............................................................................... G1711

SECTIONG18INSPECTION,TESTINGANDCOMMISSIONING G18.1 G18.2 G18.3 G18.4 G18.5 G18.6 G18.7 G18.8 G18.9 General........................................................................................................................................G181 TestingandCommissioning........................................................................................................ G183 WorksPackageContractorsCommissioningPlan...................................................................... G184 OnSiteTestingandCommissioningPlans.................................................................................. G186 TestswithInterfacingParties.................................................................................................... G1811 TestingandCommissioningProcedures................................................................................... G1812 CommissioningPanel................................................................................................................ G1812 StatutoryInspectionandTests................................................................................................. G1813 TestingandCommissioningRecords........................................................................................ G1813

G18.10 TestingandCommissioningDatabaseMonitoringSystem .......................................................G1814 G18.11 StorageofTestingandCommissioningRecords....................................................................... G1815 G18.12 TestingFacilities........................................................................................................................ G1816 G18.13 TestNotification........................................................................................................................ G1816 G18.14 Failures......................................................................................................................................G1817 G18.15 RepeatTests.............................................................................................................................. G1818
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G18.16 FaultCategories........................................................................................................................ G1819 G18.17 FaultLog....................................................................................................................................G1820 G18.18 HardwareFailureReports......................................................................................................... G1820 G18.19 SoftwareFailureReports.......................................................................................................... G1820 SECTIONG19ELECTROMAGNETICCOMPATIBILITY(EMC) G19.1 G19.2 G19.3 G19.4 G19.5 G19.6 General........................................................................................................................................G191 EMCManagementPlan............................................................................................................... G196 Design,VerificationandValidation............................................................................................. G197 EMCInterfaceManagement....................................................................................................... G198 DefectsLiabilityPeriod................................................................................................................ G199 EMCAuditbythePDP................................................................................................................. G199 AppendixAG19.1ReferenceListOfStandardsRelatingToEMC...........................................G1910 SECTIONG20MANAGEMENTPLANS&SUBMISSIONS G20.1 G20.2 SECTIONG21OPERATIONS&MAINTENANCEDOCUMENTATION G21.1 G21.2 G21.3 G21.4 G21.5 G21.6 General........................................................................................................................................G211 OperationsandMaintenanceStrategy....................................................................................... G212 ArrangementandFormatoftheManuals.................................................................................. G213 Drawings......................................................................................................................................G214 Submissions.................................................................................................................................G215 AsBuiltDrawings........................................................................................................................ G215 SECTIONG22TRAINING G22.1 General........................................................................................................................................G221
TOC9of10 Revision:03

Appendix AG18.1 Preliminary Systems Integration Test List and the Respective Lead/ Match Contractors ................................................................................................................................G1822

General........................................................................................................................................G201 GeneralOrganisation.................................................................................................................. G202 AppendixAG20.1ManagementPlans.................................................................................... G2021




G22.2 G22.3 G22.4 G22.5 G22.6 G22.7 G22.8 G22.9

Objectives....................................................................................................................................G222 TrainingMethods........................................................................................................................ G224 RailwayOperatorsTrainers........................................................................................................ G225 TrainingPlantandEquipment ..................................................................................................... G226 TestingandAssessment.............................................................................................................. G227 TrainingRecords .......................................................................................................................... G227 VideoRecording.......................................................................................................................... G227 Modifications.............................................................................................................................. G227

SECTIONG23SPAREPARTS,SPECIALTOOLSANDTESTEQUIPMENT G23.1 G23.2 G23.3 G23.4 G23.5 SECTIONG24MOCKUPS,PROTOTYPESANDSAMPLES G24.1 SECTIONG25PHOTOGRAPHS G25.1 *ENDOFTABLEOFCONTENT* General........................................................................................................................................G251 General........................................................................................................................................G241 General........................................................................................................................................G231 ContractSpares........................................................................................................................... G234 CommissioningSpares................................................................................................................ G235 DefectLiabilitySpares................................................................................................................. G235 SupplyofSparePartsandSpecialTools...................................................................................... G236





GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG1General


Applicationof G1.1 theGeneral Specification


The provisions contained in the Particular Specification and thePDPsDrawingsshallintheeventofanyinconsistencyor discrepancy prevail over the provisions contained in this GeneralSpecification(GS). The provisions contained in the GS shall prevail over the provisions contained in the Standards, Codes of Practice and similarstandarddocumentsstatedintheContract. This GS shall be read in conjunction with other documents includedintheContract. All clause and section references in the GS shall refer to the Sections, SubSections, clauses and subclauses within this documentunlessspecificallydescribedotherwise. References in the Contract to "General Specification" shall meanthisdocumentandtotheprovisionscontainedherein. Further to the requirements of the Conditions of Contract concerning the sufficiency of the Contract Documents, the Works Package Contractor shall promptly notify the PDP of any error, omission, fault or other defect in the PDPs Drawings and/or Specifications which he discovers when reviewingtheContractorExecutingtheWorks. Without prejudice to Clause 2.1 (Priority of Documents) of the Conditions of Contract, in the event of any ambiguity or discrepancy,theprovisionsoftheconditionsofContract,the PSandthePDPsDrawingsshallprevailovertheGS. Abbreviations used in the GS shall have the following meanings: ABWF : AAR AC ARL : : : ArchitecturalBuilders'WorksandFinishes AssociationofAmericanRailroads AlternatingCurrent AsLowAsReasonablyPracticable AboveRailLevel AmericanSocietyforTestingandMaterials BuildingManagementSystem
G11of14 Revision:03


(3) (4)

(5) (6)


Abbreviations G1.2 and definitions





GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG1General


: : :

BritishStandard ComputerAidedDesignandDrafting CorrectiveActionRequest ComputerBasedInteractiveMultimedia Training WorksPackageContractorsIndependent CheckingEngineer ConstructionIndustryDevelopmentBoard CostInsuranceandFreight CircuitProtectiveConductor CriticalPathMethod CombinedServicesDrawings CurriculumVitae DetailedEnvironmentalImpactAssessment DepartmentofIrrigationandDrainage DetNorskeVeritas DepartmentofEnvironment DepartmentofOccupationalSafety&Health DeterministicSafetyAnalysis ElectricalandMechanical EnvironmentalImpactAssessment EnvironmentalMonitoringandAudit ElectroMagneticCompatibility EnvironmentalMitigationImplementation Schedule EnvironmentalManagementPlan EuropeanStandards EmergencyPreparednessandResponsePlan ErosionandSedimentControlPlan FirstArticleInspection FactoryAcceptanceTest GeneralSpecification(thisdocument) IntegratedCircuit InterfaceControlDocument InternationalElectrotechnicalCommission
G12of14 Revision:03





DEIA : DNV : DOSH : DSM : E&M : EIA : EM&A : EMC : EMIS : EMP : EN ERP FAI FAT GS IC ICD IEC : : : : : : : :



GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG1General



: : : : : : : : : :

InstitutionofElectricalEngineers(SeealsoIET) InstitutionofElectricalandElectronic Engineers InstitutionofEngineeringandTechnology(See alsoIEE) InterfaceManagementPlan IngressProtection InterfaceSpecification InternationalOrganisationforStandardization InternationalSafetyRatingSystem InspectionandTestingPlan LocationBreakdownStructure MiniatureCircuitBreaker Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission MalaysianMeteorologicalDepartment MassRapidTransit MaterialSafetyDataSheet NonComplianceReport OrganisationBreakdownStructure OccupationalSafetyandHealthCouncil OperationalSafetyReport PrimaveraProjectPlannerVersionP6 PartialAcceptanceTests ProjectCodesandMethodofMeasurement PrecedenceDiagrammingMethod ProjectDeliveryPartner PersonalProtectiveEquipment ParticularSpecification PolyvinylChloride QualityAssurance QualityControl SkimAkreditasiMakmalMalaysia SystemAssurancePlan SystemAcceptanceTests
G13of14 Revision:03



PCMM: PDM : PDP PPE PS PVC QA QC SAP SAT : : : : : : : :



GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG1General


SEM : SI SIL SIT SRR SRS : : : : :

StructuralE&MDrawings TheInternationalsystemofUnits SafetyIntegrityLevel SystemsIntegrationTest SocialSecurityOrganization SubmissionReviewRecord SystemRequirementsSpecification SystemSafetyManagementRequirements SteelwireArmoured TestingandCommissioning TenagaNasionalBerhad TrafficManagementPlan ThreePoleandNeutral TrackRelatedInstallationProgramme


SSMR : SWA : T&C TNB TPN : : :


Abbreviations of units of measurement used in the GS shall havemeaningsasdefinedintheSIsystemofunits Further to Clause 1.1 of the Conditions of Contract, the following words or phrases used in the GS shall have the meaningsgiventothembelow: Baseline Programme means the Works Package Contractors coordinated detailed programme for the Works prepared in accordance with Clause G12.6, and which is referred to in the Conditions of Contract as the baseline programme, Approved Programme or Approved Revised Programme,dependingonthestatusoftheprogramme. Commissioning means all activities and operations to be performed by the Works Package Contractor to ensure that all machinery, apparatus and systems, insofar as is possible, is capable of being fully operated by the Works Package Contractor to satisfy all Systems Integration Test functions andteststobeperformedduringtheTestRunningperiod. Completion Tests means tests including Installation Tests, PAT, SAT, SIT and Trial Operations to be executed as a condition for achievement of the Certificate of Practical Completion. Contractors Independent Checking Engineer means the Registered Professional Engineer appointed by the Works
G14of14 Revision:03




GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG1General

Package Contractor to independently check and certify the designofTemporaryWorks. "DefinedArea"meansanareaoftrackasdescribedinClause G2.11. DesignDocumentsmeansalldrawings,designcalculations, software, specifications, samples, patterns, models, written procedures and all other documents and things relating to the design of the Permanent Works and/or the Temporary Works which are prepared by or on behalf of the Works PackageContractor. "General Works Train" or Works Train means any rolling stock provided by the PDP or the Works Package Contractor respectively for the purpose of carrying out installation and testingworkswithintheDefinedAreaorRestrictedArea. Systems Integration Test means those systemwide operability tests to be undertaken by the Works Package Contractor whereby the Works Package Contractor shall demonstrate the compatibility between his plant and the plantofOtherWorksContractors. Monthly Progress Report means a report which shall be preparedandsubmittedbytheWorksPackageContractorto the PDP on a monthly basis, detailing the progress of the ContractandothermattersasspecifiedinSectionG12. Nominal Journey Time shall be defined as the end to end journey time, without turnback, under 4% coasting, nominal dwelltimeandnominaltrainperformance. Minimum Journey Time shall be defined as the end to end journeytime,withoutturnback,undernocoasting,minimum dwelltimeandmaximumtrainperformance. "Operating Railway" means the existing railway tracks currentlyinrevenueoperationorinTrialOperationsandany ancillaryareassuchasthedepots,sidings,stations,terminus and traction power feeder stations which form part of the operatingsystem. Performance Demonstration Test shall mean the tests performed in accordance with the PDP approved Performance Demonstration Plan, by the Works Package Contractor during the Trial Operation to demonstrate all the performancerequirementsstatedintheSpecification
G15of14 Revision:03



GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG1General

"Railway Operator" means the Owner (or one of its group of companies), or KTM, or other such company which operates or will operate the particular railway or transit system referredtointheclauseinwhichthetermhasbeenapplied. "Relevant Authority" means any Government department or publicbodyhavingjurisdictioninrelationtotheWorks. "Restricted Area" means the location in the railway under construction which houses electrical or mechanical equipmentthathasbecomeenergisedandhencepotentially dangerous to people working in the area. When the term is used for track area its associated power rail is energised and it is barricaded from unauthorised access and trains may be runningathighspeedfortesting. S curve means the graphical relationship between the planned (and actual where appropriate) quantity of completed work (or resources) and time. The curve producedis tobeillustratedonan accumulativebasiswhere the slope of the line indicates the rate of undertaking the workorrateofexpenditureoftheresources. Test Running means that period of PAT, SAT, and SIT prior to Trial Operations when the Other Works Contractors shall be testing their plant and equipment and run the same in conjunction with the Railway Operator. In addition during this period systemwide tests shall be undertaken that shall requiretheattendanceofrelevantOtherWorksContractors. Trial Operations means that period immediately following the completion of a section of railway under construction, but prior to opening, when the Railway Operator shall be operating the rolling stock and all other systems and generally using the railway as though a scheduled service was operating, except for the absence of farepaying passengers. Words and expressions to which meanings are assigned in any Section of the GS shall have the same meanings in other Sections of the GS except when the context otherwise requires. Utilitiesareelectricity,lighting,trafficcontrol,telephoneand other communication cables, gas, water supply, sewerage and drainage, including all associated protection, supports, ancillarystructures,fittingsandequipment.
G16of14 Revision:03

Glossaryof terms






GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG1General

(3) (4)

Survey Datum Levels refers to the prevailing datum system applicabletotheKlangValley. The survey projection and the coordinates used on the PDPs Drawings refers to the prevailing survey system applicable to theKlangValley.



(1) Unless otherwise stated in the Contract, reference to International Standards, European Standards, British Standards, British Standard Codes of Practice and similar standards shall be to that edition of the document stated in the Specifications, including all amendments issued by the relevant authority which are current as of the date of issue of the Letter of Acceptance. In the event that no specific edition reference is given, the current edition (including its current amendments) as at the date of issue of the Letter of Acceptance shall apply. If the Malaysian Standard exists, which the PDP determines to be equivalent to the British or other Standard specified, then the Malaysian Standard shall befollowed. In the event of any discrepancy between the provisions of the Specifications and the provisions within the relevant Standards or Codes of Practice as mentioned in this Specification, then the provisions of the Specifications shall takeprecedence. The Works Package Contractor shall provide for the use of the PDP such Standards and Codes of Practice as may be required in the execution of the Works. These shall remain thepropertyoftheWorksPackageContractor. Later editions of International Standards, European Standards, British Standards, British Standard Codes of Practice and similar standards shall not apply unless approved by the PDP. Following the PDPs approval, the Works Package Contractor shall provide two copies of the documentforusebythePDP. Where no particular standard is identified in the Specification but international or other standards apply to the relevant part of the Works, the Works Package Contractor shall make a proposal as to the international or other standard which shall be subject to the approval of the PDP. Following the PDPs approval, the Works Package Contractor shall provide two copies of the document for use
G17of14 Revision:03

Standardsand G1.5 Codesof Practice







GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG1General

bythePDP. (6) The Permanent Works, and, where appropriate, materials and workmanship, shall be in accordance with the requirements of the Contract, or where no standard is identified, the Works Package Contractor shall make a proposalwhichshallbesubjecttoapprovalbythePDP. The PDPs Drawings describe the scope of the Works in general and clarify constraints, interface arrangements and thenatureofthefinishedstructures. The Works Package Contractor shall carefully check all PDPs Drawings and advise the PDP of any discrepancies, omissions, errorsorambiguitiesshouldanybefound. The Works Package Contractor shall note that any drawings issued by the PDP but marked For information only do not formpartoftheContract. The preparation and submission of drawings, sketches, figures, diagrams, illustrations and the like, and documents of all kinds by the Works Package Contractor in the execution of the Works, shall be in accordance with the PDPs CAD requirements or other standard approved by the PDP.Anysoftcopiesofdrawingsprovidedfortheuseofthe Works Package Contractor shall be modified by him if necessary to ensure that his submissions comply with the approvedCADrequirements. The Works Package Contractor shall be responsible for the production of AsBuilt drawings. These shall include, but are not limited to: general arrangement drawings; structural design drawings; installation drawings; electrical, pneumatic andhydraulicschematicdrawing,controlschematicdrawing, control logic drawing; E&M drawings including details of components, fixing, conduit locations; drawings of all services. These shall be prepared and submitted in accordancewithSectionG14. TheWorksPackageContractorshallsubmitthefollowingno. ofcopiesofAsbuiltdrawings: a) Four sets of A1 size drawings comprising 1 set of originalreproducibledrawingsand 3setsofnonfade prints. SixsetsofA3sizeprintsreducedfromtheoriginalA1 sizedrawings.
G18of14 Revision:03

PDPs Drawings





Works Package Contractors Drawings








GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG1General

c) (4)


The Works Package Contractor shall be responsible for the production of all drawings required for submission to statutorybodies,otherGovernmentDepartments,andutility undertakingsinordertoprogresstheWorks. Specifications in imperial units shall not be substituted for Specifications in metric units stated in the Contract without thepriorapprovalofthePDP. If required, conversion of metric dimensions to imperial dimensions and of imperial dimensions to metric dimensions shallbeinaccordancewithBS28561973.

Metricand G1.8 Imperialunits



Dimensions fromPDPs Drawings


Dimensions shall not be obtained by scaling from the PDPs Drawings. Dimensions which are not shown on such drawings or calculable from dimensions shown on such drawings shall be obtainedfromthePDP. (1) A list of relevant versions or editions of the Associated Documents supplied to the Works Package Contractor is containedinanAppendixtothePS Inaddition,thefollowingdocumentsaredeemedtobe AssociatedDocuments(refertoSection1BofVolumeIII) applyingtoallRailwaySystemsWorksPackageContracts: CADGuidelinesreference KVMRT/PDP/SBK/GEN/OP/CAD/OP/0001 OperationalStrategyreference KVMRT/PDP/SBK/GEN/SYS/OPD/SW/0002 ProjectMasterProgramme(forinformationonly) DraftTimeChainageProgrammeRev.03(for informationonly) PostCompletionTimeLine(forinformationonly) ProjectGlossary,SystemTaggingandLabelling StandardKVMRT/PDP/SBK/GEN/OP/PS/SW/4100 KVMRTWayfindingDesignManual PDPsO&MManualSpecifications PDPsO&MMaintenanceStrategyandO&MPlan
G19of14 Revision:03

Notused Notused Associated Documents

G1.10 G1.11 G1.12




GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG1General


TheWorks PackageContractorshall,inexecutingtheWorks, comply with the relevant versions/editions of the Associated Documents. The Works Package Contractor shall acknowledge that he has received copies of the same, is aware of their contents, and that he will comply with any amendmentstheretosuppliedfromtimetotimebythePDP

Climatic Conditions/ Operating Environment


The following information on climatic conditions in Malaysian shall be taken into account by the Works Package Contractor when designing any part of the Permanent Works. The Works Package Contractor shall ensure that due allowance is made for more severe localconditionswhenPermanentWorksarerequiredtooperate,for example, with restricted ventilation that may lead to higher local ambienttemperatures,andforanyotherfactorsthatmayaffectthe operatingenvironmentinanyway. (1) Unless specific figures are provided elsewhere, the PermanentWorksshallbedesignedtofunctionattheirrated value with minimum values of ambient temperature of 40C andrelativehumidityof95%(noncondensing).Certainparts of the Permanent Works may need to be rated for more or lessonerousconditionsasrequiredbythePSandallpartsof the Permanent Works shall operate at a higher temperature andhumidityundershorttermabnormalconditions. The Permanent Works shall be designed to perform in a satisfactory manner in the environment in which they are installed and to withstand the effects of high winds, temperature, heavy rain, humidity, dust, vibration, noise, strong sunshine,mist and both water and air pollution, lightningandthunderstorm. The Works Package Contractors attention is drawn to the more severe environmental conditions that may exist during theconstructionperiodandshalltakeadequatemeasuresto protectthePermanentWorksagainstanydeleteriouseffects of such conditions during the time between installation and finalcompletionoftheProject. Air throughout the construction period will contain considerable moisture content and the atmosphere will be salt laden and corrosive. The Permanent Works shall be tropicalisedandverminproof. The Works Package Contractor shall make reference to the statistics given in the Malaysian Meteorological Department (MMD).









GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG1General

PDP/Owners Rulesand Regulations


The Works Package Contractor shall note that certain rules and regulations will be issued during the course of the contract, these include:

WorksTrainManual RulesforWorkinginDefinedAreasandRestrictedAreas RulesandProceduresforPermittoWork

The Works Package Contractor shall work fully in accordance with these and any other requirements that may be issued by the PDP duringthecourseofthecontract. Communicatio G1.15 nswiththe PDP Any communication from the Works Package Contractor to the PDP whether for the purpose of clarification of any topic or notification of any event or occurrence shall be made in the form of formal writtencommunication.Anysuchcommunicationmadebyemailor verbally or any other means shall be confirmed by formal written letter at the earliest opportunity; failure to provide such formal confirmationmayrenderthecommunicationtobedeemednulland void. (1) The Works Package Contractor shall implement measures to prevent unauthorized physical access and operation of equipment during the construction phase and future operationoftheequipment. TheWorks PackageContractorshallestablishandmaintaina security management system with reference to ISO/IEC 27002:2005 Code of Practice for Information Security Management, submit a security management plan, conduct regular internal security audits, provide any necessary support for the PDP to carry out PDPs audits on the security management system and implement the recommendations arisingfromsuchaudits. The Works Package Contractor shall provide suitable network and system security control provisions for Approval by the PDP, including firewall, virus detection, system intrusiondetection,userauthentication,dataencryptionand other requirements stipulated in the PS, to ascertain the security of each computer that is part of the Permanent Works. For virus detection, each computer shall have an appropriate system configuration and license for interfacing with the Owner's central virusdefinition server. Software patches for operating systems and related products shall be appliedatregularintervalsasagreedwiththePDP.









GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG1General

Public Relations


TheOwnersCorporateRelationsDepartmentwillberesponsiblefor all public relations issues relating to the Contract. Any enquiry from the public shall be referred to the PDP. The Works Package Contractor shall provide support and respond to any issues which are raised or are likely to arouse public concern in respect to the Works. The Works Package Contractor shall nominate a point of contactresponsibleforsuchcoordinationforApproval

AssetLifeand G1.18 Obsolescence Management AssetLife G1.18.1

(1) (2)

ThePlantandMaterialsshallbedesignedtomeetthe requirementsforthespecifieddesignlifeinPS. Thedesignlifeofthesystemsandcomponentsmustbe takenintoaccountduringtheprojectdesignstage.In additiontousingrecognisedinternationalstandardswhen consideringthedurabilityofeachcomponent,consideration shallbegiventothespecificoperatingenvironmentspecified inthePSaswellasthenature,frequencyandcostof maintenanceworksproposedtoupkeepthesystem. Thetotallifecyclecostapproachshallbeadoptedin evaluatingdesignalternatives.Thesystemdesignshallbe optimizedwithrespecttothetotalcostofinitialacquisition, operation,maintenance,systemsupportanddisposalover thelifecycle.TheWorksPackageContractorshallprovide supportingdataandtechnicalanalysistodemonstrate compliancewiththisrequirement. Anadequatesupplyofsparepartsandtestequipmentshall beavailableforaperiodoftimeasspecifiedinthePSfrom completionoftheWorks.TheWorksPackageContractor shallundertaketonotifytheOwneratleast6Monthsprior todeletinganycomponentofthesuppliedequipmentfrom generalavailabilityandguaranteetoprovidefunctionally replacementunitsfortheremainderofsuchspecifiedperiod oftime. TheWorksPackageContractorshallsubmitanobsolescence managementplantothePDPforApprovalbeforetheendof designphase.Theplanshallincludeadescriptionofthe obsolescencemanagementprocessthattheContractor intendstofollow. TheWorksPackageContractorshallidentifythe requirementsformajorcomponentreplacementsofthe
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Obsolescence Management





GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG1General

systemduringthedesignlifeoftheequipment.The Contractorshallestablishalistofsucheventsorscenarios thatwillhaveimplicationonobsolescence,andproposein theobsolescencemanagementplansolutionsthatenable theequipmenttoachievetheintendeddesignlife. (3) TheWorksPackageContractorshallensurethatforeseeable hardware/softwarereplacementandsystemupgradethat willhaveimplicationonassetobsolescenceduringthedesign lifeoftheequipmenthavebeenidentifiedandproperly addressedintheobsolescencemanagementplan. TheWorksPackageContractorshallalsosubmitan obsolescencemanagementdemonstrationreporttothePDP forApprovalbeforesystemhandover. Thepurposeofthereportistodemonstratethat obsolescenceoftheequipmentcanbemanagedsothat sparesandsupportingservicescanbemadeavailableto supportdeliveryofthefunctionalrequirementsoverthe designlifeoftheequipment. TheWorksPackageContractorshallhavepropercontrol overtheproductioninformationofhisproprietary componentsandthosesuppliedbyhissubcontractorsto ensurethatredevelopmentofafunctionallycompatible alternativeisfeasibleintheeventthattheoriginal componentisobsolete.




Asset Registration List


TheWorksPackageContractorshallsubmitanassetregistrationlist tothePDPwhichshallincludefullinformationofallassets,including hardwareandsoftware,tobedeliveredbytheWorksPackage ContractorundertheContract.ThePDPwillprovideanasset templatetotheWorksPackageContractornolaterthan6Months beforePracticalCompletionofthewholeoftheWorks.






GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG1General

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GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG2TheSite


AccesstotheSite G2.1

The Works Package Contractor will be given access to the Site in accordance with Clause 8 [Possession of Site and Access] of the Conditions of Contract. Due to the multidisciplinary nature of the Project, several different parties may require access to the same portion of the Site during the installation, erection and testing of the Works and exclusive access to the Works Package Contractor isnotguaranteed. (1) The particular use to which the Site is put shall be submitted for approval by the PDP and the Works Package Contractorshall: a) confine his use of the areas of the Site to purposes havingbeenapprovedbythePDPwhoreservesthe righttoextend,amendorrestricttheusesto which areasoftheSitewillbeput,whichrightshallnotbe unreasonablyapplied; refrain from depositing rubbish or causing nuisance or permitting nuisance to be caused and, except where approved by the PDP, depositing earth on or removingearthfromareasoftheSite; refrain from obstructing manholes, utility access pointsandthelike.




(2) (3)


Work other than that necessary for completion of the WorksshallnotbecarriedoutonSite. At all times whilst the Works Package Contractor has access to the Site, he shall provide means of distributing loads imposed by Works Package Contractors Equipment andtrafficandpreventdamagetoutilitiesandservices. Except where otherwise provided, the Works Package Contractor shall not permit any person to reside on the Site. Except for land rental charges and Government rates, and unless otherwise stated in the Specification, the Works Package Contractor shall pay all charges of any nature whatsoever arising from his use of the Site and all work areas,providedbythePDPundertheContract. The location and size of stockpile material, including excavated material within the Site, shall be submitted for
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GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG2TheSite

approval by the PDP. All stockpiles shall be maintained at alltimesinastablecondition. (7) (8) The Works Package Contractor shall not allow animals to bebroughtontotheSite. The Works Package Contractors attention is drawn to the legal requirement regarding storage, transportation and disposal of chemical waste. The Works Package Contractors proposed methods and chemicals to be used incleaningshallbesubjecttoapprovalofthePDP. Where those Site services provided by Other Works Contractors are insufficient, the Works Package Contractor shall provide such additional Site services as necessary and appropriate for the execution of the Works, which may include: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) (2) electricity; water; compressedair; sitecommunicationfacilities; temporarydrainageandsewagedisposal; temporaryfireprotectionsystems; temporarylightningprotection; dangerousgoodsstores;and temporarylightingfacilities.




Such services provided by the Works Package Contractor shall comply with all regulations of the utility companies and Government departments concerned. The Works Package Contractor shall maintain the installations of such services and shall take all reasonable precautions to safeguard the safety and health of all persons and the security of the Site. The PDP may demand the immediate disconnectionoralterationofsuchinstallationsorportions thereof as he considers to be prejudicial to safety, health or security. As soon as any or all of the Works Package Contractors installations are no longer required for the execution of the Works, they shall be entirely removed to thesatisfactionofthePDP. All installations shall comply fully with all appropriate statutory requirements. Pipes, tubes, ducts or cables crossing highways, footpaths or rights of way shall be
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GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG2TheSite

ramped over or recessed below the surface. Specific servicesshallcomplywiththefollowing: a) b) Electricity The electricity supply shall comply with the requirementsofSectionG7herein. Water An adequate supply of potable water shall be provided at the Site, including provision to the satisfaction of the water supply authority of any storage tanks so that sufficient potable water is alwaysavailablefortheexecutionoftheWorks. CompressedAir Except in pressurised workings, the compressed air supply for pneumatic tools and equipment shall be at a pressure of not more than 0.9MN/m2 or other such pressure as may be limited by prevailing regulations.Detailsofproposedairsupplyforusein pressurised workings shall be submitted by the WorksPackageContractorforapprovalbythePDP. SiteCommunicationFacilities The Works Package Contractor shall install efficient means of site communications including messenger, telephone and, where appropriate, twoway radio to the satisfaction of the PDP. In tunnel work, the Works Package Contractor shall install telephone communication between tunnel faces, bottoms and tops of shafts and the Works Package Contractor's office and PDP's office. Temporary telephone points along tunnels shall be providedatevery500metres. TemporaryTunnelandSubwayVentilation The temporary ventilation system for tunnels and subwaysshallachieveaminimumairvelocityof0.3 m/sec and shall prevent still air in equipment rooms, cross passages and niches. The Works Package Contractor shall ensure that all emissions, discharges or operations shall include local ventilation to ensure suitable emission dilution. If additional ventilation is required to support the activities of the Works Package Contractor in accordance with the air quality guidelines of
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GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG2TheSite

BS6164, this shall be provided by the Works Package Contractor. All practical measures shall be taken, including the use of catalytic converters to ensure that diesel operating plant is maintained and operated to a high standard in order to minimizeemissionsandensuremaximumdilution. (4) The PDP will instruct the Works Package Contractor as to the requirements for site services to be connected to the PDP's portable site accommodation at any given location and the Works Package Contractor shall provide and maintaintheseservicesduringhisuseoftheSite. The Works Package Contractor shall be responsible for payment of all electricity and water charges in his respectiveWorksArea The Site shall be maintained in a clean and tidy condition. Materials, including materials required for Temporary Works shall be stored in an orderly manner. Rubbish, debris, cement bags, disused formwork, disused packaging andthelikeshallbedisposedofatleastonceadayandthe work area kept constantly clean and tidy. After every shift of work, all work areas shall be cleaned and made tidy to thesatisfactionofthePDP. Work shall be carried out in such a manner that avoidable dust is not generated. Areas of the Site in which dust is likely to be generated shall be sprayed with water regularly.








The Works Package Contractor shall at all times take effective measures to prevent damage by rodents to the Permanent Works and constituent parts thereof, such as cables, electronic cards, etc.,duringtheexecutionoftheWorksandshalladvisethePDPof suchmeasurestakenaccordingly. (1) Measures shall be taken to prevent mosquito breeding on theSite.Themeasurestobetakenshallincludethefollowing: a) Empty cans, oil drums, packings and other receptacles which may retain water shall be deposited at a central collection point and those not required for future use shall beremovedfromtheSiteregularly. Standing water shall be removed or, where this is not practicable treated at least once every week with an
G24of14 Revision:03

SitePestControl G2.6 RodentControl G2.6.1

Preventionof mosquito breeding





GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG2TheSite

environmentally acceptable product which will prevent mosquitobreeding. c) WorksPackageContractorsEquipmentandotheritemson theSitewhichmayretainwatershallbestored,coveredor treatedinsuchamannerthatwaterwillnotberetained.

(2) Posters in both English and Bahasa Melayu drawing attention to the dangers of permitting mosquito breeding shall be obtained from the Government and displayed prominently on the Site,totherequirementoftheEnactments.Thesepostersshallbe removedonPracticalCompletionofthewholeoftheWorks. (1) TheWorksPackageContractorshallestablish,operate,and maintain a security system for the Site in accordance with therequirementsoftheParticularSpecification. The Works Package Contractor shall provide adequate trainingforhissecuritystafftoensurethattheyareableto dischargetheirsecuritydutiesproperly. The PDPs security staff shall conduct inspections and security audits on the Site from time to time, and the PDP shall notify the Works Package Contractor of any required remedial measures or recommended improvements to the Works Package Contractors security system arising from suchinspectionsandaudits. The PDP will arrange for General Works Trains to be used by the Works Package Contractor and Other Works Contractors in accordance with the TRIP subject to approval during the weekly Works Train meeting. Works Train notice will be issued based on the outcome of the Works Train meeting and Works Trains will be dispatched accordingly. AlimitednumberofGeneralWorksTrains,whichcomprise single platform flat wagon(s), will be provided free of charge by the PDP for the use of the Works Package Contractor and Other Works Contractors as described in the Specifications. The length of each flat wagon is approximately 15m and its maximum loading capacity is 30,000 kg. The Works Package Contractor shall ensure that all articles to be transported by the General Works Trains are either properly secured or contained and do not exceed the Construction Vehicle Load Gauge, details of which will be issued by the PDP upon request. The PDP shall not be responsible for any damage and loss to the Works, Works Package Contractors Equipment or any
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Notused SiteSecurity

G2.7 G2.8



GeneralWorks Trains






GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG2TheSite

articles whilst in transit or stored on the General Works Trains. (3) The General Works Train will transport the single platform wagon(s)toalocationalongtheProjectinaccordancewith theTRIP. No modification on the flat wagon may be carried out exceptwiththePDPswrittenconsent. The Works Package Contractor shall take all necessary precautions to protect the General Works Trains from damagewheninuse. Where any modification or adaptation has been made to any of the General Works Train vehicles by the Works Package Contractor, or in the case of any damage being caused to any of the General Works Train vehicles by any act or omission of the Works Package Contractor, the Works Package Contractor shall promptly fully refurbish to a new condition and properly test the affected vehicles or partsofvehiclesbeforehandingthemback. Where the PDP has agreed that the Works Package Contractor is to provide rolling stock (either selfpropelled ortrailing)foruseduringtheinstallationandtestingofthe Works, the requirements of this Clause G2.10 shall apply. All the Works Package Contractors own rolling stock shall not exceed the Construction Vehicle Load Gauge except withthePDPswrittenconsent. The Works Package Contractors own rolling stock shall complywiththerequirementsstatedinAppendixAG2.1. The Works Package Contractor shall submit full details of any rolling stock that is to be used during the installation and testing of the Works to the PDP for approval within ninety (90) Days of the date of the Commencement Date. Such details shall include a full description and drawings of the rolling stock, details of axle load, stopping distance, failsafebrakingsystem,kinematicenvelope,andoperating andmaintenanceinstructions. The Works Package Contractor shall maintain his own rolling stock during the installation and testing of the Works. The maintenance work shall be carried out by qualified and experienced personnel, whose qualifications have been approved by the PDP, in accordance with the maintenance procedures that shall have been approved by thePDP.
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(4) (5)


WorksPackage G2.10 ContractorsOwn RollingStock


(2) (3)




GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG2TheSite

(5) (6)

TheWorksPackageContractorshalldeliverandremovehis ownrollingstock. Prior to use, and following each maintenance examination, the Works Package Contractors own rolling stock shall be certified as fittorun by the Works Package Contractors qualified engineer. Thereafter, a registration tag shall be issued by the Works Package Contractors qualified engineer. The expiry date, i.e. the date of the next inspection, shall be shown on the registration tag. The Works Package Contractors own rolling stock shall not be usedwithoutavalidregistrationtag. The Works Package Contractor shall establish a maintenanceprogrammeforhisownrollingstockandshall submit the maintenance programme for approval by the PDP prior to the delivery of his own rolling stock to the Site. The PDP will periodically inspect the Works Package Contractors own rolling stock to ensure it is properly maintained to the standards set out in the maintenance programme. If the Works Package Contractors own rolling stock is found to be operating in an unsatisfactory or unsafe condition,itshallbeimmediatelyremoveduntilithasbeen restored to an acceptable condition to the satisfaction of thePDP. If the Works Package Contractor is responsible for operating his own rolling stock then all operations shall be carried out by qualified and experienced personnel, whose qualifications have been approved by the PDP, in accordancewithoperatingproceduresthatshallhavebeen approvedbythePDP When the area under construction has been made available for track related electrical and mechanical installationworksandthetrackhasbeencompletedtothe required degree of completion, Work Trains operation in that section may commence. Track access control arrangement will be implemented by the PDP following whichtheareawillbedeclaredasaDefinedArea."Defined Area" means an area of track where Works Trains are operatingandwherethePDP'ssafetyrulesapply,including 1m from the front edge of the platform and the full width of the tunnel, viaduct or other enclosed structure. The DefinedAreaatgradeshallincludeanareawithin3mfrom the track centre line and where applicable, this may be extended to include the whole of the track area within
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DefinedAreaand G2.11 RestrictedArea Workingand WorksTrain Operations




GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG2TheSite

Depots. (2) All persons whose duties require them to work within a DefinedAreamustobservethesafetyrulesandprocedures issuedbythePDPwhichprovidesproceduresandguidance forthesafetyofallpersonsintheDefinedArea. TheWorksPackageContractorshallcommunicatetherules and procedures, which may be published from time to time,totheirworkersand/oragentsonSite,andtoensure all such rules and procedures are being observed in the courseofallworksandconstructionactivities. PersonsworkingonorneartracksinaDefinedArea,either by themselves or supervising a working party, must be suitablytrainedandqualifiedbythePDPorhisdelegatesin the safety provisions of the safety rules and procedures issued by the PDP. Persons who are not qualified shall not attempt to gain access to the railway tracks unless accompaniedbyaqualifiedperson. Each PDPs locomotive will be operated by a qualified operator provided by the PDP. Trains hauled by Works PackageContractorslocomotivetravellingtoandfromthe Site shall be manned by a member of the Works Package Contractors staff, nominated by the Works Package Contractor and having been approved by the PDP, and a staffofthePDPwhoshallserveasaHandsignalman. WorksTrains,betheyprovidedbythePDPorbytheWorks Package Contractor, shall be operated in compliance with therelevantoperatingproceduresandinstructions.Works Trains shall be operated in compliance with the Works TrainManual. When the third rail is energised, trains may be running at high speed for testing. The track area shall then be designated as a Restricted Area. Both mainline running tracks along the energised track sections shall be isolated by barriers to prevent access by trespassers. No work may be undertaken on either track when test trains are running. Procedures for gaining access to the Restricted Area will be detailed in the operating procedures and instructions to be issued by the PDP. The Works Package Contractor shall make requests for gaining access to the energisedtrackattheweeklyWorksTrainMeetings Persons working on or near energised tracks, either by themselves or supervising a working party, must be suitably trained and qualified by the PDP or his delegates
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GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG2TheSite

onthesafeworkingintheRestrictedArea. (9) Any room containing electrical equipment which has been energised or containing sensitive / specialist equipment shall also be designated as a Restricted Area. Access controls and a Permit to Work System shall be established by the keyholder of the room (Works Package Contractor, Other Works Contractor, Utility Undertaker or PDP depending on the supplier of the equipment in the room andthephaseoftheworks). The Works Package Contractor shall be required to make arrangements with the keyholder of Restricted Areas to gainaccesstocompleteanyoutstandingorremedialworks and shall comply with any restrictions imposed by the keyholder at that time. Likewise, the Works Package Contractor shall provide access and shall specify any restrictions to Other Works Contractors requesting access to Restricted Areas for which the Works Package Contractorisstillthekeyholder. Paragraph G2.12 shall apply to works in the vicinity of the OperatingRailway


Workinthe Vicinityofthe Operating Railway




The Works Package Contractor shall have regard to the Specification for work within the vicinity of the Operating Railway and shall comply strictly with the requirements as set out therein. The Works Package Contractor shall comply with any instructions given by the PDP with regard to planning, methods of working, safety requirements and on any other matters which may affect the operation of the Operating Railway, and shall also comply with all rules, regulations, procedures, manuals and notices which may bepublishedfromtimetotimebythePDP. Should the Works Package Contractor be unwilling or unable to conform at once with a direct instruction from thePDPundertheprovisionsofthisParagraphG2.12,orto carry out any remedial or other work or repair, the PDP may, by written instructions to the Works Package Contractor, suspend the execution of the Works or of any part thereof pursuant to the Conditions of Contract or authorise the carrying out of such remedial work or other work or repair by a person other than the Works Package ContractorpursuanttotheConditionsofContract. Where any part of the Works has to be carried out during the period of a speed restriction, track possession (track
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GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG2TheSite

closed to rail traffic) and/or electrical isolation and the period of such speed restriction and/or track possession and/or electrical isolation is prescribed in theContract, the Works Package Contractor shall plan and execute that part of the Works so that such period is not exceeded and so thatnofurtherperiodsarerequired. (5) Prior to the commencement of work, the Works Package Contractor shall submit a method statement and hold discussions with the PDP who will decide whether any part oftheWorksistobecarriedoutduringaperiodofaspeed restriction and/or track possession and/or electrical isolation, and the PDP will notify the Works Package Contractoraccordingly. Afterthemethodofcarryingouttheworkhasbeenagreed with the PDP (and taking into account any provisional arrangements which have been made) the Works Package Contractor shall in all cases other than for emergency works submit written notice of his programme of work, which shall include details of any speed restriction and/or track possession and/or electrical isolation previously notified by the PDP and / or the Railway Operator as being necessary,tothePDPatleast10(ten)weeksinadvanceof the proposed commencement of work on or near the OperatingRailway. Where a speed restriction and/or track possession and/or electrical isolation is necessary, the Works Package Contractor shall initiate the necessary action to obtain the requisite approval for such speed restriction and/or track possession and/or electrical isolation from the PDP. The WorksPackageContractorshallbesolelyresponsibleforall delays caused through failure to submit the necessary application for approval, late submission of any such applicationorsubmissionofinadequateinformation. The Works Package Contractor shall so organise the execution of the work during any period of speed restriction and/or track possession and/or electrical isolation that he will be able to give up such speed restriction and/or track possession and/or electrical isolation at the time prescribed in the Contract or agreed by the PDP. Should the Works Package Contractor in the opinion of the PDP not make sufficient or adequate arrangements(includingtheprovisionofstandbyplant)for completing the whole or any stage of the work within the time allowed in the programme or agreed with the PDP, the PDP may in his discretion cancel the speed restriction and/or track possession and/or electrical isolation, or the
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GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG2TheSite

PDP may employ labour, plant and materials to assist the Works Package Contractor to finish the work or to carry out such work as is necessary, or may himself carry out such work as is necessary, to enable the speed restriction and/or track possession and/or electrical isolation to end attheearliestpossiblemoment. (9) A period of speed restriction and/or track possession and/or electrical isolation cannot normally be extended. If the Works Package Contractor fails to carry out the work during any such period, then the Works Package Contractor shall be required to reapply to the PDP for a further period of speed restriction and/or track possession and/orelectricalisolation.

(10) All expenses which in the opinion of the PDP are properly incurred by the PDP or by the Rail Operator as a result of the PDP making necessary arrangements to assist the Works Package Contractor or carrying out any necessary work in accordance with Paragraph G2.12(9) shall be a debtduefromtheWorksPackageContractortothePDP (11) The Works Package Contractor shall on demand pay to the PDP any loss of revenue and additional expenditure which in the opinion of the PDP has been incurred by the PDP or by the Rail Operator by reason of the rescheduling of services by the PDP due to the Works Package Contractor obstructing the Operating Railway or interfering with the control or signalling system or electrical equipment other thanforaperiodforwhichaspeedrestrictionand/ortrack possession and/or electrical isolation has been given. The amount shall be limited to ten percent of the Contract Sum. (12) In the event that damage is caused by the Works Package Contractor to the Operating Railway such that rescheduling/suspension of services by the PDP has to be made,thentheWorksPackageContractorshallondemand pay to the PDP any loss of revenue and additional expenditure which in the opinion of the PDP has been incurred by the PDP or by the Railway Operator in making good the damage and in rescheduling/suspending the services.Theamountshallbelimitedtotenpercentofthe ContractSum. (13) ThePDPshallhavetherighttocanceloralterthedateand timing of any agreed period of speed restriction and/or track possession and/or electrical isolation if this proves necessary for the safety or uninterrupted running of rail traffic by notice to the Works Package Contractor which
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GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG2TheSite

shallbedeemedtobeaninstructionissuedbythePDPand be subject to the Conditions of Contract, but in such an eventthePDPshallmakealternativearrangementsassoon aspracticable. TrackAccess G2.13 Due to the multidisciplinary nature of the Project, several different parties may require access to the same portion of the Site for the installation, erection and testing of the Works. Access during the TRIP period will be coordinated through the weekly WorksTrainmeeting. (1) The Works Package Contractor shall use such routes and rights of entry to the Site as may be decided by the PDP from time to time. Routes for very large or very heavy loads shall be discussed with the PDP in advance of the need arising, and all arrangements therefore shall be submittedforapprovalbythePDP. In this context, the definitions of the terms very large and very heavy refer to articles that cannot be transported by normal road vehicles or be handled by readily available methods. Where doubt exists, it shall be the responsibility of the Works Package Contractor to notify and discuss the nature of the load in question with thePDPinaccordancewithParagraph(1). For the transportation of large or heavy loads, the Works Package Contractor shall comply with the requirements of the Lembaga Lebuhraya Malaysia (Malaysian Highway Authority) / Polis Diraja Malaysia (Royal Malaysian Police Force)/ any other Relevant Authority regarding any special traffic arrangements that may be necessary. The Works PackageContractorsattentionisdrawntotheRoadTraffic Act,LawsofMalaysiaAct333RoadTransportAct1987. Extraordinary traffic may be moved from docks and between areas of the Site over public highways only by police escort and on a route and at a time determined by the Relevant Authority. The Works Package Contractor shall be responsible for obtaining permission from the Relevant Authorities to move extraordinary loads and trafficandforarrangingpoliceescortsasnecessary. TheWorksPackageContractorshallmakeallarrangements andassumefullresponsibilityfortransportationtotheSite of all Works Package Contractors Equipment, materials and supplies needed for the proper execution of the Works. The Works Package Contractor shall ensure that all roads
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Transportationto G2.14 Site








GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG2TheSite

and pavements leading to and around the Site are kept free from obstructions and shall not cause inconvenience or hindrance to traffic or persons either by his vehicles or by his workmen, scaffolding, plant, materials, equipment, etc. (7) The Works Package Contractor shall repair damage to existing roads, footpaths, steps, cables, sewers, live drains, etc. and shall reinstate any damage caused by the Works PackageContractorsactions. All special lifting tackle, plant or equipment which is used by the Works Package Contractor for the installation of Plant and Materials and which is required for Plant and Materials maintenance shall become part of the Contract and be handed over to the Owner suitably reconditioned and with a current test certificate. Such lifting tackle shall besuitablyidentified


Communications G2.15 onSite

Where the Works Package Contractor has need to communicate with his own staff or with the PDP or any Other Works Contractorover distances he shall provide adequate items of suitable equipment such as walkietalkie sets. In such case the Works Package Contractor shall be responsible for obtaining any necessarylicensesfortheiruse. (1) The Works Package Contractor shall comply with the dimensions of the relevant load gauge and construction gauge shown in the Owners New Works Design Standards Manual for the purposes of loading Works Trains and of installation of temporary equipment in tunnels during construction. The Works shall not infringe within the applicable structure gauge. Full details are given in the Owners New Works Design Standards Manual together withinformationonalltrackrelatedmatters. The Works Package Contractor shall participate in gauging andsightingsurveysasrequiredbythePDP.

Dimensions Gaugesand Clearances







GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG2TheSite

(1) (2) (3) (4) Works Package Contractors own rolling stock shall be ableto be rescued by the PDPs rolling stocktoenableemergencyrecoverytobeundertakensafely. WorksPackageContractorsownrollingstockshallbefittedwithafailsafebrakingsystem. Works Package Contractors own rolling stock shall have a maximum axle load of 18 tonnes underallconditionsofuse. Wheel backto back distance attherim of Works Package Contractors own rolling stock shall bebetween1350mmand1362mmandtheflangethicknessat13mmbelowdatumshallbe between22mmand32mm.Theseshallbemeasuredat3positionsaroundthewheel. If the Works Package Contractors rolling stock is equipped with any diesel engine, the exhaust system shall be arranged to limit the maximum permissible concentration of toxic gases in the exhaust emissions by the fitting of appropriate catalytic exhaust purifier systems and/or water scrubber tank. Sufficient ventilation shall be provided by the Works Package Contractortolowertheconcentrationofthetoxicgases. All items of rolling stock shall be maintained at a satisfactory standard so as to prevent the contamination of the Site with oil, fuel and other liquids utilised by the vehicles. Where contamination is identified, the Works Package Contractor shall clear, rectify or replace damagedcomponents. If the Works Package Contractors rolling stock is required to be hauled by the PDPs locomotive, the total weight shall be less than 100 tonnes. The couplers shall be of AAR tightlock type and its height shall be 880mm from above rail level (ARL) to the centre of the coupler body. The air hose for connecting to the locomotive train line pipe shall be of AAR gladhandconnectiontype. The Works Package Contractors self propelled rolling stock shall be fitted at both ends with headlights and red tail lights. It shall also be equipped with audible warning devices and amberflashinglightsmountedsuchthattheycanbeseenfromanypositionattracklevel. The Works Package Contractors self propelled rolling stock shall carry approved fire extinguishers,firstaidkits,andrerailingequipment.











GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG3SiteEstablishment





TheSiteshallnotbeusedbytheWorksPackageContractor for any purpose other than for executing the Works or carryingoutotherworkwhichisassociatedwiththeWorks andhavingbeenapprovedbythePDP. All materials and equipment stored on Site shall be adequately protected against loss or damage due to any cause such as climatic effects, vandalism, shock and vibration,etc.accordingtothenatureofthearticlesstored andthelocalSitecondition. AccesstoandegressfromtheSiteshallbeobtainedonlyat the locations stated in the Contract or as approved by the PDPandtheRelevantAuthorities. Access and vacation dates for the Site for the Works Package Contractors accommodation and works area are setoutintheSpecifications. Three Months prior to the access date to each work site, the Works Package Contractor shall submit for the PDPs review drawings showing the layout within his allocated works area of his accommodation, access roads, stores, workshopsandsheds.. WorksPackageContractorsDrawingsshowingthelocation of stores, storage areas, and other major facilities not requiredearlyintheContractshallbesubmittedforreview by the PDP as early as possible, but in any case not later than twenty eight (28) Days before such facilities are constructedontheSite.




Submissionof particulars




SurveyoftheSite G3.3

On or before the provision of access to a certain portion of the Site, the Works Package Contractor shall carry out a survey jointly withtheOtherWorksContractorsexecutingworksonthatportion of the Site. The Works Package Contractor shall advise the PDP of thedateofthejointsurveyatleast1weekinadvanceofthedate. (1) Hoardings, fences, gates and signs on the Site shall be maintainedinaclean,stableandsecurecondition.

FencesandSigns G3.4 ontheSite





GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG3SiteEstablishment


Where the Works Package Contractor is provided with works areas for the establishment of offices and storage areas, the Works Package Contractor shall provide, erect and maintain signboards at locations to be decided by the PDP and pay all charges in connection with this, including obtaining permission, licences and fees, etc. Each sign board shall comply with the design and specification as specified in the Contract. On completion of the project, the Works Package Contractor shall dismantle and clear away the signboards as directed by the PDP. Project signboardsshallbeerectednotmorethan4weeks,orsuch other period approved by the PDP, from the date of the Commencement Date or from the date that the Site is made available to the Works Package Contractor, whichever is the later. Other advertising signs shall not be erectedontheSiteunlesspermittedbythePDP. Hoardings, fences, gates or signs are to be removed at a time directed or approved by the PDP. Hoardings, fences, gates and signs which are to be left in position after completionoftheWorksshallberepairedandrepaintedas directedbythePDP. The Works Package Contractor shall be responsible for the design, installation, maintenance and removal of all fencing, hoardings and other protective measures necessarytoprovidesecurityoftheSiteandto protectthe public from the construction activities and hazards associated with the Works. The Works Package Contractor shallerectsafetysignsinEnglish,andBahasaMelayuatthe entrance of the works areas, advising workers, delivery drivers and visitors of the requirements for wearing personal protective equipment (PPE) and any other relevantsafetyrequirements. The Works Package Contractor shall be responsible for obtaining any necessary hoarding permits from the RelevantAuthorities. The Works Package Contractor shall submit details of his fencing, hoarding and any other protective measure that heintendstoinstallforeachpartoftheSitetothePDPfor approval at least fourteen (14) Days prior to the making of anyassociatedsubmissiontotheRelevantAuthority. The Works Package Contractor shall carry out a daily inspection of all fencing, hoardings and other protective
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GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG3SiteEstablishment

measures and carry out immediate repairs of the same to ensurethatthesecurityoftheSiteandsafetyof thepublic isnotcompromisedatanytime. (8) ThePDPmayfromtimetotimearrangeforhoardingstobe painted in a decorative manner by students, public competition or other means. In the event that such arrangements are made, the PDP shall notify the Works Package Contractor and the Works Package Contractor shall prepare the surface of the hoardings for painting as directedbythePDP. The Works Package Contractor shall be responsible for the security of the Works PackageContractors works area and accommodation and shall provide and maintain adequate fencing.




(1) The Works Package Contractor shall provide and maintain all necessary offices, workshops, sheds, stores, mess rooms, latrines and other accommodation on the Site, and shall remove the same at the date specified in the Specifications. These shall be maintained in a clean, sanitary, stable and secure condition to the satisfaction of the PDP. No structure shall be erected without the approvalofthePDP.
Living accommodation shall not be provided on the Site and the Works Package Contractor shall not permit any person to reside on the Site.

TheWorks G3.6 Package Contractor'sSite Accommodation



The Works Package Contractor shall be responsible for all fees and other charges or expenses incurred in connection withsuchofficeandhousingandshallkeepthewholearea in a clean, tidy and well drained condition. When instructed by the PDP, the Works Package Contractor shall remove all such buildings and appurtenant works from the Site, clean up the area and restore it to its original condition. The Works Package Contractor shall provide adequate first aid facilities appropriate to the size and composition of his staffandlabourforce.TheWorksPackageContractorshall afford the PDPs site staff full use of the services and facilitiesasandwhenrequired.
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GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG3SiteEstablishment


The Works Package Contractor shall not erect or operate canteen and kitchen facilities on the Site unless approved by the PDP and, where appropriate, the Relevant Authorities. Any such facilities shall, in particular but without limitation, conform with all regulations and standards to the extent required by the Relevant Authorities. In accordance with clause G3.2(1), the Works Package Contractor shall submit full details of his proposed layout and construction for site offices, plant yards and workshopsetc.tothePDPforapproval.




Temporary Works which are not to remain on the Site after completion of the Works shall be removed on the Practical Completion of the whole of the Works or at other times directed by the PDP. The Site shall be cleared and reinstated to the lines and levels and to the same condition as was existing before the WorksstartedexceptasotherwisestatedintheContract. The Works Package Contractor shall afford all necessary attendance upon the PDP, and PDPR, including adequate and safe meansofaccesstoallpartsoftheSitetoassisthimincarryingout hisdutiesandresponsibilitiesundertheContract. (1) The Works Package Contractor shall afford all necessary attendance upon the Relevant Authorities during all site visits,inspections,andtesting,includingadequateandsafe meansofaccesstoappropriatepartsoftheSite. The Works Package Contractor shall provide all documents necessaryforsitevisitsandinspectionsasarerequestedby theRelevantAuthorities. The Works Package Contractor shall at his own cost provide general and special attendance on Other Works Contractorswhowillbecarryingouttheexecutionofother works on the Site. Reference shall be made to the requirements of the Contract to determine the extent of thesecontracts. General attendance shall include, but not be limited to, providing for accepting deliveries, unloading and storing
G34of8 Revision:03

Clearanceofthe G3.8 Site

Attendance Attendanceon thePDP

G3.9 G3.9.1

Attendanceon Relevant Authorities



Attendanceon OtherWorks Contractors





GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG3SiteEstablishment

materials for the Other Works Contractors on the Site and allowing the Other Works Contractors space for their site offices, and all reasonable access and facilities for the proper execution of their work including the free use of access roads, cranage, scaffolding, ladders, stores, messrooms, sanitary and welfare facilities provided that these facilities are normally available on the Site at the time. It should be noted that the Works Package Contractor shall not limit the use of these facilities to non standardworkinghoursbutshallcoordinatehisworkswith those of the Other Works Contractors to allow them to progressinparallel. (3) The Works Package Contractor shall allow the use of his Site services, including ventilation, temporary water supply, temporary electricity supply, background lighting, pumping, watchmen etc. by the Other Works Contractors. The Works Package Contractor shall ensure that his Site services referred to above shall be available for use by the Other Works Contractors until the commissioning of the relevant permanent installations or until the issue of Certificate of Practical Completion for the whole of the Works,whicheveristhelater. Special attendance shall include, but not be limited to, cutting of holes and other openings, forming chases, providing builtin sleeves, grouting in and testing bolts, anchors, brackets, base plates, frames and the like, including making good to the disturbed work and cleaning after completion of the disturbed work. The Works PackageContractorshallincludetimefortheseworksinhis programme. The Works Package Contractor shall afford all necessary attendance upon representatives of the Ministry of Transport during their inspections including adequate and safemeansofaccesstoappropriatepartsoftheSite The Works Package Contractor shall provide all documents necessaryforinspectionasarerequestedbytheMinistryof Transport


Attendanceon theMinistryof Transport




Attendanceon theFireand Rescue Department (BOMBA)


The Works Package Contractor shall afford all necessary attendance upon the Fire and Rescue Department to enable them to carry out such tests and inspections as are required by the laws and regulations of Malaysia and the requirements of any Other Works Contractors. Such attendance shall include adequate and
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GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG3SiteEstablishment

safemeansofaccesstoallpartsoftheSite Attendanceby OtherWorks Contractors G3.9.6 (1) The Works Package Contractor may be provided with general and special attendance by Other Works Contractors at the Site, in accordance with the Specifications General attendance shall include but not be limited to providing for accepting deliveries, unloading and storing materials on the Site, removal of debris at designated collection points, allowing space for the Works Package Contractors site offices and all reasonable access and facilitiesfortheproperexecutionofhisworkincludingthe free use of access roads, craneage, scaffolding, ladders, stores, mess rooms, hygiene and welfare facilities, provided these are normally available on the Site at the time. Where supplies of electricity, water, compressed air, temporaryventilation,pumping,backgroundortemporary lighting, etc. are installed by the Other Works Contractor for use during construction, these services will be made available at no cost to the Works Package Contractor for his own use during erection, installation and testing of the Works, providing that such services are available at the time. TheprovisionofsuchservicesinParagraphsG3.9.6(2)and (3) shall be identified and their availability confirmed by liaison with the Other Works Contractors during interface coordinationasrequiredinChapterG13. Where services are required and are not available from the Other Works Contractor, the Works Package Contractor shall be responsible for the provision, testing, maintenanceandsubsequentremovaloftheseservices. Special attendance shall include cutting of holes and other openings, forming chases, providing builtin sleeves, grouting in bolts, anchors, brackets, base plates, frames and the like, including making good to the disturbed work and cleaning after completion of the disturbed work. The Works Package Contractor shall liaise with the relevant Other Works Contractor to ensure that civil provision requirementsareprovidedinatimelymanner.TheWorks PackageContractorshallberesponsibleforadditionalcost incurredintheeventthatspecialattendanceisrequiredas
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GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG3SiteEstablishment

a result of late changes or initial omissions by the Works Package Contractor. All requests for special attendance shallbedirectedtothePDP. (7) Background lighting to an average level of 30 lux at the walkway level will be provided in the tunnels by the relevant Other Works Contractor. The Works Package Contractor shall provide any additional lighting he may requiretofacilitatehisownworkorforreasonsofsafety. The relevant Other Works Contractor will provide ventilation to prevent still air in tunnels. The Works Package Contractor shall provide additional ventilation to comply with the air quality guidelines of BS6164 where necessary. The following arrangement will be made for the supply of temporaryelectricity: (1) Temporary electricity supplies will be made available by the Other Works Contractors in stations, ancillary buildings, depots, viaducts, at grade tracks and tunnels for the use of the Works PackageContractorduringconstruction. Temporary electricity supplies will be provided from distribution kiosks which will be located at station ends and at strategic locations in other areas of the station. Kiosks will also be located in ancillarybuildingsandtunnels. The kiosks will be free standing and each will comprise one 8 way, TPN (Triple Pole & Neutral) MCB distribution board from which the Works Package Contractor and Other Works Contractors shall obtain their supplies via individual outlet sockets. The 3 phase voltage will be 415 volts, and 1 phase voltagewillbe240voltsat50Hz. Anyvoltageconversionthatmaybenecessaryshall be the responsibility of the Works Package Contractor.





(4) (5)







GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG3SiteEstablishment

Notused Notused Prohibitionof Advertising

G3.11 G3.12 G3.13

The Works Package Contractor shall treat the Contract and everything written as private and confidential. In particular, the Works Package Contractor shall not publish any information, advertisement, drawing or photograph relating to the Works and shall not use the Site for advertising purposes, except with the written consent of the PDP and subject to such conditions as he mayprescribe. (1) The PDP reserves the right to order the immediate removal and replacement of any Works Package Contractors Equipment which in his opinion is unsatisfactoryforitspurpose. Portable and hand held tools, portable hand lamps, and site lighting (other than flood lighting) shall be 110 volt 1 phase.Theuseof240volthandheldtoolsandlampsshall notbepermitted.

WorksPackage Contractors Equipment








GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG4TheWorks


Project G4.1 ExecutionPlan


Within sixty (60) Days from the date of the Letter of Acceptance, the Works Package Contractor shall provide the PDP with an overview of his intended methods of constructingthevariouspartsoftheWorksintheformofa Project Execution Plan. This shall include but not be limitedto: a) b) c) d) e) A narrative and drawings describing the main operationsandsuboperations; ThesequenceoftheWorks; The quantities of major elements and production ratestobeachieved; Theresourcestobeemployed;and The responsibilities and processes requisite to ensurethesuccessfulcompletionoftheWorks.


Within three (3) Months from the date of the Letter of Acceptanceor by the date agreed with the PDP,the Works PackageContractor shall supplement the Project Execution Planwith: a) b) Details of the Method Statements which will be developedasrequiredbyClauseG4.2; Details of any Temporary Works which will be required (or the date by which they will be procured); Detailsofthepersonnelwhowillcontroltheworks; Proposalsforqualitycontrol;and Safetyprecautionstobeemployed.

c) d) e) (3)

TheWorksPackageContractorshall,wheneverrequiredby the PDP, furnish for his information further and more detailed particulars in writing of his method of construction,theamountandnatureoftheWorksPackage Contractors Equipment and manpower he proposes to use. The PDP shall have the authority to order the immediate removal and replacement of any Works Package Contractors Equipment which, in his opinion, is
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GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG4TheWorks

unsatisfactoryforitspurpose. (5) AspartoftheProjectExecutionPlan,theWorksPackage ContractorshallsubmitinaccordancewithClause16ofthe ConditionsofContractwithin2Monthsofthedateofthe LetterofAcceptanceastatemententitled"WorksPackage Contractor'sMethodofManufactureandInstallation".The basicinformationrequiredtobesubmittedshallinclude: (a) Contracttechnicalreportgiving: i. detailsofSiteestablishmentanduseofWorksAreas; ii. referencestodrawings; iii. detailsofthemanufacturingorassemblyfacility; iv. a method statement describing the layout and operationofthemanufacturingandassemblyfacility, method and sequence of transporting and placing assembledunits; v. the construction materials to be used and their sourcesoforigininproduction; vi. methodandparticularrequirementsformanufacture andtestingofPlantandMaterialspriortodeliveryto Site; vii. method and particular requirements for delivery and transportation of Plant and Materials to and across theSite; viii. an appreciation of any access and phasing constraints; ix. detailsofthedesignteam; x. installationproposals; xi. method and procedure for testing and commissioningofPlantandMaterialsinstalled;and xii. Policy for training of operators in the use and maintenance (b) Policy for allocation of work, computer and design resources, manning levels and responsibility for supervision. (c) Method of management and coordination of interfaces between the Works Package Contractor, Other Works Contractors, and between the Works Package Contractor andhissubcontractors. (d) A statement outlining the method which will be used by the Works Package Contractor to monitor and report progress of the Works to the PDP throughout the period of the Contract including details of any computer software packagewhichmaybeused.
KVMRT/PDP/SBK/GEN/SYS/GS/RS/1001 G42of12 Revision:03


GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG4TheWorks

Method G4.2 Statements, andInspection andTesting Plans Method G4.2.1 Statements, Inspectionand TestingPlans


TheWorksPackageContractorshallsubmitfortheapproval of the PDP a Method Statement and an Inspection and TestingPlanaddressingconstructionprocedures,safetyand health procedures, environmental issues, and quality control procedures for each major or nonstandard work task not less than twenty one (21) Days prior to the start of the related construction activities. The Method Statement and Inspection and Testing Plan shall have been approved by the PDP prior to the Works Package Contractor commencinganyworkonthetaskdescribed. Within sixty (60) Days of the date of the Letter of Acceptance,theWorksPackageContractorshallprovidefor the PDPs reference, a list of proposed Method Statements and Inspection and Testing Plans which shall be compatible with the Baseline Programme, for various general and specific construction works which will arise during the courseoftheContract. Before the commencement of the work, specific method statement training shall be provided to the supervisors and workers involved in the work, on the agreed safe work methodandsafetyprecautionstobeimplemented. The Works Package Contractor shall provide to each supervisor involved with the work a simplified set of methodstatement. The supervisor shall sign for the method statement to say that he or she has conducted the required briefings to all workersinvolved. A list of attendees at the training and briefings, shall be keptbythesupervisorofthesafetysection. Prior to work starting, a Supervisor or ganger shall brief all persons involved with the work, on the safe work method and the safety precautions stipulated in the method statementduringtheirdailybriefing. No person shall start work without receiving the required training and briefings for the work to be conducted. Each attendee shall confirm their attendance by adding their signaturetoarecordsheet.
G43of12 Revision:03


Trainingfor Workusing Method Statement





(4) (5)




GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG4TheWorks

(7) Normalworking G4.3 hoursatSite (1)

In the event of a change in the work methods, retraining shallbegiventoallpersonsinvolved. Normal working hours at the Site shall be defined as the period between 0700 hours and 1900 hours on all days excluding General Holidays. Any works performed by the Works Package Contractor outside normal working hours (ie. Night Work) and on General Holidays shall be subject to the Works Package Contractor obtaining the prior approval from the Relevant Authorities and having given thePDPpriorwrittennotification. TheWorksPackageContractorshallinformthePDPtwenty four (24) hours, or such shorter period permitted by the PDP,inadvanceofanyoccasionwhenworkoutsidenormal workinghoursisproposed. Work in the vicinity of Operating Railway and on sections where revenue operations have commenced shall only be possible in nontraffic hours. Access availability will be extremely limited and working hours will generally be in the range of 3 to 4 hours depending on the nature of work andprotectionarrangementrequired.



Drawingsand schedulesfor plantand equipment


Detailed manufacturing drawings for plant and equipment for the Permanent Works will not normally be required to be submitted forreviewbythePDPbutshallbeavailableontheWorksPackage Contractor's or his subcontractor's premises if required. The Works Package Contractor shall also maintain at Site a comprehensive and uptodate set of drawings properly indexed and catalogued, which shall include complete sets of detailed working and, where applicable, manufacturing drawings and shall permit free access to such drawings by the PDP at any reasonable time. (1) The Works will be the subject of a formalised system of written applications for inspection. The Works Package Contractor shall submit for the PDPs approval his proposed Request for Inspection / Test / Survey Check Forms. Failure on the part of the Works Package Contractor to make application in respect of the work may resultinthePDPwithholdingApprovalofthework. The Works Package Contractor shall give adequate notice in writing to the PDP of requests for inspection and approval of any parts of the Works in accordance with G18.13(1). The PDP will require reasonable time to carry out any inspection which shall be during normal working hoursexceptasmaybeotherwiseagreed.
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Stage G4.5 notificationand inspectionof Works




GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG4TheWorks

(3) (4)

Notused. Work which is carried out without prior approval of the PDP, with or without conditions, may be subject to additionaltesting,atthePDPsdiscretionandattheWorks PackageContractorscost. The stages appropriate to each type of work shall be proposed by the Works Package Contractor and approved by the PDP. The Works Package Contractor shall ensure that the PDP is given the opportunity to inspect each stage beforeproceedingwiththenext.


Notused Construction restraints

G4.6 G4.7

(1) TheWorksPackageContractorshalldesignandimplement temporary traffic management schemes in accordance withtheprovisionsofSectionG5. Where all or part of the Works is within a Railway Protection zone, the Works Package Contractor shall followtheprovisionsofSectionG6.


Temporary Works


Upon receiving a written application from the Works Package Contractor, the PDP may at his absolute discretion consent to certain Temporary Works of a minor nature being exempted from the requirements of this Chapter. Such exemption shall not relieve the Works Package Contractor of any of his obligations undertheContract. (1) Unless otherwise specified in the Contract, the Works Package Contractor shall design all Temporary Works of whatever nature, including Permanent Works that will be used as Temporary Works during construction to suit his own construction sequence and methodology, and which shall be endorsed by a Professional Engineer registered with the Board of Engineers Malaysia, and submitted for the approval of the PDP. The design of the Temporary Works shall also be independently checked in accordance withtherequirementsofClauseG4.8.2. Without relieving the Works Package Contractor from the responsibilities of the foregoing subclause (1), where the PDP has carried out reference designs for certain Temporary Works, these are made available to the Works Package Contractor for information only and as may be included in the PDPs Drawings. The Works Package Contractor is at liberty to adopt these reference designs or details and if he so chooses, however, the PDP does not warrant (and shall not be deemed to have so warranted)
G45of12 Revision:03

Temporary WorksDesign





GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG4TheWorks

the accuracy or completeness of any such designs and/or details and disclaims any responsibility or liability to the Works Package Contractor or to any other person, firm or company, for the completeness of, or any error, omission, ambiguityorinaccuracyin,anysuchdesignsanddetails. (3) Details of any Temporary Works, methods of construction and sequence of works and their impact on existing buildings,structures,andutilities,etc.shownorimpliedby the Specifications, or the PDPs Drawings or any reports, are indicative only and shall not relieve the Works Package Contractor of his liabilities with respect to the design and construction of Temporary Works, the construction sequence of the Works and also their impact on the surrounding ground and structures. Construction shafts, constructionadits,entranceshafts,retainingwalls,shoring, grouting for water cutoff or ground improvement, temporary tunnel supports, temporary supports and pumping tests for cofferdam construction, and any construction sequences etc. shall be regarded as Temporary Works to be designed by the Works Package Contractor. Unless otherwise specified in the Contract, the Works Package Contractor shall remove off Site all Temporary Works upon completion of the related works. Where the Works Package Contractor proposes to leave Temporary Works in place, approval from the Relevant Authorities shall be a prerequisite to approval from the PDP and, in any event, the proposed leftin Temporary Works shall not be less than 2m below finished ground level. The Works Package Contractor shall note that temporary anchors, tie backs and/or soil nails used for temporary excavation support should not permanently encroach into private lots without approval from the Relevant Authorities and the PDP. Notwithstanding any information indicated or supplied on the PDPs Drawings, the responsibility for obtaining all permits, approvals and agreements from the Relevant Authorities and utility undertakers as required by the Works Package Contractor to suit his construction sequence and programme of Works, shall remain with the WorksPackageContractor. Temporary Works designs shall include predictions of ground movements resulting from the Execution of the Works and the effects on adjacent buildings, utilities and other features. Predicted ground movements shall not exceed the levels as may be specified in the Contract. The
G46of12 Revision:03






GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG4TheWorks

geological model and the method of analysis chosen including any numerical analysis and centrifuge modeling to be performed, shall be appropriate to the case being examined and subject to consultation with the Relevant Authorities. (7) When excavating within retaining structures and cofferdams, the Works Package Contractor shall provide sufficient instrumentation to monitor the ground movement, water level and deflection of the retaining structures and cofferdam wall, and shall review the monitoring results on a regular basis. Actual movements shall be compared with the design assumptions in order to verify that the retaining structure and cofferdam is performingaspredicted. The Works Package Contractor shall be responsible for preparing and obtaining all approvals, permits, or endorsements as appropriate from the PDP and the RelevantAuthoritiesfortheconstructionanddemolitionof thetemporarystructuresthatwillbeconstructedaspartof theContract. The Works Package Contractor shall engage a Contractors Independent Checking Engineer (CICE) at his own cost to checkandcertifythedesignofallmajorTemporaryWorks. The independent check shall verify that the Temporary Works design will not adversely affect the Permanent Works,thirdpartyproperties,andthepublic. TheCICEshallbeaProfessionalEngineerandanAccredited Checker registered with the Board of Engineers Malaysia withexperienceinthedesignmethodsandelementsbeing checked. The appointment of the CICE shall be approved by the PDP one (1) Month prior to the relevant design submission. The Works Package Contractor shall submit a certificate signed by the CICE for all relevant Temporary Works in a format which shall be approved by the PDP. Erection of the Temporary Works shall not commence until the signed certificatehasbeenapprovedbythePDP. Loading or dismantling of the Temporary Works shall not commence until the Works Package Contractor has certified to the PDP that the Temporary Works has been erected in accordance with the design, and which shall be endorsedbytheCICE. Further to subclause (1) above, the following shall be
G47of12 Revision:03


Independent Checkingof Design









GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG4TheWorks

regarded as major Temporary Works, but shall not be construedtobeexhaustive: (a) (b) AllmajorTemporaryWorksexceeding2.5mheight; Any excavation and lateral support to resist horizontal earth and water pressure arising from subsoilconditions; All safety measures associated with the construction of rigid barriers, flexible barriers, hoardings, covered walkways, fencings, soil nailing and any boulder stabilization on slopes to facilitate the protection of the workers, public and the Works; All temporary soil nails, rock dowels or ground anchors; All falsework and formwork for concrete pours of depthsexceeding0.4metreseach; Temporary diversion schemes for watercoursesaffectedbytheWorks; existing


(d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (k) (l) (m) (n) OffSite Fabrication Works G4.9

Excavation, dewatering and groundwater control works; Groundtreatmentworks; Scaffoldingandfalsework; Demolitionworks; Temporaryroaddecking; Temporarysupportofutilities; Majorconcretingworks;and Viaductlaunchingandsupportgantries.

The Works Package Contractor shall provide sufficient fulltime supervisory staff to supervise the fabrication of any identified pre fabrication element for the Permanent Works that is to be fabricated offSite, either within or outside Malaysia. As a minimum, the Works Package Contractor shall appoint a fulltime Quality Control Engineer and Supervisor / Foreman to lead the supervision of the offSite fabrication. The Quality Control Engineer and Supervisor / Foreman shall be directly employed by the Works Package Contractor, and shall have adequate experience in the specific prefabrication element to ensure compliancewiththeQA/QCPlan.
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GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG4TheWorks

Construction G4.10 equipmentand plant


The Works Package Contractors construction equipment and plant shall be less than ten (10) years old when first utilised on the Site for the Execution of the Works. The equipment and plant shall have a full maintenance history which shall be in accordance the manufacturers specification. The Works Package Contractors construction equipment and plant shall be fitted with protection and safety related devicesasfollows: a) b) c) d) e) Internal combustion engine exhaust mufflers less thanthree(3)yearsold; Reverse travel motion alarms on all wheeled equipment; Travel and slew motion alarms on all crawler mountedequipment; At least one rotating beacon (yellow or orange) on allmobileplantandequipment; Fully functional directional indicator lights, brake warning lights, reversing lights and driving lights on allwheeledequipment; Tasklightingonallslewingequipment; All engine compartments shall be enclosed with proprietary enclosure panels that incorporate noise suppressionmaterials; All plant and equipment shall be provided with at leastonesuitablefireextinguisher; All mobile plant and equipment shall be fitted with aproprietaryrolloverprotectionsystem; All mobile plant and equipment shall have proprietaryseatbelts; All plant and equipment with internal combustion engines that are to be operated in shafts, underground, or in areas with restricted air movement, shall be fitted with catalytic converters; and Hoserupturevalvesonallhydraulicequipment. Areversingvideodeviceshallbeinstalledinthecab of spoil removal wagons to provide the operator or
G49of12 Revision:03


f) g)

h) i) j) k)

l) m)


GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG4TheWorks

driver with a clear view of the rear of the vehicle whilstreversingormanoeuvring Protectionof theWorks Notused G4.11

G4.11.1 Work shall not be carried out in weather conditions which may adversely affect the work unless protection by methodsapprovedbythePDPisprovided. The Permanent Works, including materials for the Permanent Works, shall be protected by methods approved by the PDP from exposure to weather conditions whichmayadverselyaffectthePermanentWorks. Finished work shall be protected by methods reviewed without objection by the PDP from damage which could arisefromtheexecutionofadjacentwork As part of his coordination responsibilities under Clause G13.3the WorksPackageContractorshallensure,sofaras is possible, that work carried out by him or by other Other Works Contractors or utility undertakings does not cause damage to the previously completed works of any party and he shall be responsible for programming the works to minimise this risk and for proposing protective measures, whenrequired,tothePDP.

Protectionfrom G4.11.2 (1) weather


Protectionof work

G4.11.3 (1)


Approvalsfrom G4.12 Relevant Authorities Local/ Government Authorities

G4.12.1 (1)

The Works Package Contractor shall obtain any necessary workpermits(excavationandorstockpilingofconstruction materials etc.) from the Relevant Authority prior to the ExecutionoftheWorksoranyTemporaryWorkson,under and adjacent to state, municipal or town roads from the respective road authorities having jurisdiction of the same, and shall pay all money deposits, fees and charges and other associated costs required to be deposited, given or paidunderanywrittenlaw,bylaws,ordinance,regulation, rules and requirements in relation to the Execution of the Works or any Temporary Works which are in effect or whichmaybecomeeffectiveduringtheContractperiod. The above subclause (1) shall also apply for obtaining approvals and work permits from Malaysian Highway Authority (MHA) and/or other highway concessionaire companies(ifany).
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Transport Authorityand Operators

G4.12.2 The Works Package Contractor shall obtain approval for way leaves and work permits (excavation, laying and or stockpiling of construction materials) prior to the Execution of the Works or any Temporary Works on, under and adjacent to state, municipal or town roads from the respective transport authorities and operators (KTMB, ERL, STARLINK etc.) having jurisdiction of the same including engagement of consultants, payment of all money deposits, fees and charges and other associated costs required to be deposited, given or paid under any written law, bylaws, ordinance, regulation, rules and requirements in relation to the Execution of the Works or any Temporary Works which are in effectorwhichmaybecomeeffectiveduringtheContractperiod. G4.12.3 The Works Package Contractor shall obtain and comply with all prevailing regulations and requirements of all applicable regulatoryagenciesandauthorities(e.g.DOSH.MCMCetc.) G4.13 TheWorksPackageContractorshallparticipateinaprogrammeof technology transfer, and as such shall identify all the special area of its Works or Equipment which is considered suitable for technologytransferorasidentifiedbyPDP. (1) All Plant and Materials and fittings to be assembled at the Works Package Contractor's premises, on Site or elsewhere shall be stamped with suitable distinguishing marks which shall be subject to the Approval of the PDP. Care shall be taken to differentiate between matchmarks for the component parts of identical assemblies. Stamping shall not bepermittedonanystressbearingpart. Matchmarks and any other identification markings to assist in installation and future maintenance shall be legibly applied,inEnglishandMalaysia,intwoplacesandshallbeof adurablenature. Galvanised or plated parts shall be stamped or otherwise marked prior to treatment. Care shall be taken to ensure that markings are not obliterated by painting and do not deface finished surfaces and/or damage the Plant and Materials. Principal assembly and installation drawings shall, whenever practicable, indicate the nature and positions of reference markings.

Other Authorities Technology Transfer

Installation Marks





Installationof Plantand Materials


The overall periods during which installation of the Works is permissible within individual station and tunnel areas or sections are specified in the PS. The Works Package Contractor shall at all timesberequiredtoworkwithorincloseproximitytoOtherWorks
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GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG4TheWorks

Serial Numbering


Contractors in Restricted Areas, and it is essential for the smooth and orderly Execution of the Works that the Works Package Contractor, in consultation with the PDP, prepares a realistic installationandcommissioningprogramme.Indicationofinabilityor possible inability to meet a programmed date shall be given to the PDP at the earliest possible moment. The actual period of entry to any individual station or section of the Railway under Construction or Railway by the Works Package Contractor will be mutually resolved between the Works Package Contractor, Other Works ContractorsandthePDPassetdownintheContract The Works Package Contractor shall etch, stamp or engrave a serial number on each major assembly and subassembly of the Plant and Materials. The form of the number and the method and position of marking shall be included on Design Data submitted under the Contract for the Approval of the PDP. The assemblies and sub assemblies on which such serial numbers are required will be determined by the PDP but shall be generally those assemblies and subassemblies listed in the Pricing Document. Serial numbers shall belistedonCertificateofPracticalCompletion.






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Maintenanceof G5.1 ExistingRoads, Bridges, Culverts,etc.


The Works Package Contractor shall maintain all sections of existing roads and all bridges, drains and culverts included therein within the Site to the conditions at the time of possession of Site for the full duration of the Contract and at hisowncost.Suchmaintenanceshallincluderoutineactivities such as grass cutting, clearing of drains, patching of potholes, etc. He shall also be responsible for maintaining the free flow oftrafficonthesesectionsofexistingroad. The Works Package Contractor shall arrange for the conveyance of materials and plants so as to cause minimum damage to existing roads and installations and minimum inconvenience to the public. He shall not deposit or store any earth,rubbish,slurry,mud,materials,orequipmentuponany road, street, pavement or footway and cause hindrance or obstruction to vehicles or pedestrians. The Works Package Contractors trucks and equipment leaving the Site shall have alldirtandmudcleanedoffbyhosing,passingthroughalorry washtrough,andothersuchcleaningfacilities. The Works Package Contractor shall be responsible for any damage caused by any work carried out by him, nominated subcontractors under the Contract, or by his/their construction traffic to any existing roads or installations from whatsoever cause arising thereof and shall repair, maintain and reinstate the same to the original condition to the satisfaction of the PDP. The Works Package Contractor shall also keep such roads clear of construction materials, slurry, bouldersandlooseearthwhichmaybedroppedinthecourse of transportation. For the Works Package Contractors trucks carrying sand, aggregates, earth and other loose construction materials, tarpaulin or other suitable materials shall be used to cover such open trucks/equipment to avoid spillage on roadways. If spillages occur, the Works Package Contractor shall immediately clear away the detritus and the like to reinstatetheroadtoitsoriginalcondition. Upon failure on the part of the Works Package Contractor to fulfill his obligations under this Section, the PDP may take whatever action and any means necessary to satisfy the requirements, and all costs incurred by the PDP shall be deducted from any monies due or to become due to the WorksPackageContractorunderthisContract.
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Temporary diversionsand traffic management General Requirements




Temporary diversions and associated traffic management plans shall be constructed wherever the Site encroaches on existing roads, footpaths, cycle tracks, access to properties, etc. No traffic signs, road markings, and other traffic control devices shall be erected, relocated or removed in the public road unless authorised by the Relevant Authorities and the PDP. Suchdiversionroutesshallbeofastandardofconstructionat least equivalent to that of the original road, path, track or access. They shall be constructed in advance of the closure of the existing routes and regularly maintained, for as long as required, in a satisfactory condition. On completion of the work, the original routes shall be reinstated to their original condition to the approval of the PDP. The Works Package Contractor shall submit for the PDPs review his proposals for temporary diversions of traffic at least twenty one (21) Days prior to seeking necessary approvals from the Relevant Authority in the form of a Traffic Management Plan submission together with supporting documents (see Clause G5.2.2). For major diversion schemes, the Works Package Contractor shall first seek the opinion of the relevant stakeholdersbeforepreparingtheformalsubmission. Where access roads are to be permanently closed by the construction of the Works, diversion ways shall not be required. Such closures shall not be implemented until a specified alternative access has been provided and with the writtenapprovalfromtheRelevantAuthorityandthePDP. The Works Package Contractor shall maintain reasonable and safe access to all existing properties accesses adjoining the Works during construction, and shall ensure that all the necessary fences, planking, pedestrian walkways and gangwaysareadequatelylittothesatisfactionofthePDP. WheretheWorksPackageContractorproposestouseexisting local streets as temporary diversion routes, he shall first seek the views of the PDP before applying to the Relevant Authority for approval. The Works Package Contractor shall maintain these temporary diversion routes to the required condition throughout the entire duration of the temporary diversion, all to the satisfaction of the PDP. If the Works Package Contractor fails to maintain these temporary
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diversion routes to the satisfaction of the PDP, the PDP shall have right to carry out these works himself and all costs incurredshallbedeductedfromtheContractSum. (6) Where, in the opinion of the PDP, a diversion is not feasible, construction shall be planned and sequenced such that not more than half of the full width of the roadway may be occupiedbytheWorksatanytime,subjecttotheapprovalof the Relevant Authorities. The lengths of such halfwidth constructionshallbekeptasshortasispracticable. For all temporary diversions, the Works Package Contractor shall provide, install and maintain adequate temporary constructionsignsinaccordancewithClauseG5.3. Where approved by the PDP and the Relevant Authority, temporary closure of roads and accesses may be allowed provided that adequate detour facilities are provided. Temporary lane closures are not permitted unless with the priorapprovalofthePDPandtheRelevantAuthority. Atleasttwentyeight(28)Dayspriortocommencementof his construction operations in any particular area, the Works Package Contractor shall submit to the Relevant Authority a Traffic Management Plan proposal together with supporting documents for the area affect by his operations, and all such submissions shall be copied to the PDP. Construction operations shall not commence until such proposals have beenapprovedbythePDPandtheRelevantAuthority. It is the responsibility of the Works Package Contractor to allow sufficient time in his programme for the preparation, approval and implementation of the temporary traffic management plans. Any delay to the Works which results from the Works Package Contractor's delay in submission or from his failure to submit sufficient and correct design details shallbetheresponsibilityoftheWorksPackageContractor. The Works Package Contractors Traffic Management Team (see Clause G5.10) shall inspect the temporary traffic management schemes day and night, and shall carry out any work to maintain the scheme as per the approved Traffic Management Plan, or as per the scheme(s) implemented under Subclause G5.2.1(13).Traffic lights, lights, road markings, robotic flagman, variable message and static signs shall be kept clean and easy to read. Equipment which is damaged,dirty,incorrectlypositionedornotinworkingorder shallberepaired,repaintedorreplacedimmediately. The Works Package Contractor shall not vary the traffic
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management scheme without the prior endorsement of the RelevantAuthorityandbythePDP. (13) The PDP, Relevant Authority, and Police reserves the right to modify any approved temporary traffic management scheme during implementation and after the scheme has been implementedtosuitthelocaltrafficandroadconditions.This may include incidental diversions/detours away from works areas,additionaltrafficcontroldevices,additionalmanpower, and additional equipment/plant deemed necessary to alleviatetrafficcongestionordisruptions.TheWorksPackage Contractor, under no circumstances shall be entitled to any furtheroradditionalpaymentduetosuchmodification. The Works Package Contractor shall, when required by the PDP, attend meetings with the Government Departments, district bodies, local representatives and transport companies to present and explain the proposed traffic management plans, and shall prepare any necessary presentation materials accordingly. The Works Package Contractor shall, when required by the PDP, respond to complaints on the temporary traffic management schemes raised by members of the public, the media, district bodies and other interested parties from time to time. The responses and replies shall be provided to the PDP within seven (7) Days of receiving such complaints. The Works Package Contractor shall also inform and refer to the PDP any complaints directly received by him arising from the implementation of the temporary traffic management schemes. The Works Package Contractor shall respond to the complaints in accordance with the PDPs Complaints Handling Procedure and shall notify the PDP upon resolution so that suchactionsmaybeverifiedanclosedout. Whenever any works are stopped for any reason, including butnotlimitedto,waitingforutilityundertakingstocarryout diversion works, or if required by the PDP in response to the traffic conditions of the road, the Works Package Contractor shall reinstate or deck over anyroad excavation and open the road to traffic within a period specified by the PDP. The WorksPackageContractorshallalsoprovidetrafficprotection equipment and/or traffic controllers at the affected locations ifdeemednecessarybythePDP.Thetemporarydeckingshall always be secured in position and shall cover the whole area of the trench in the carriageway without causing any danger to road users. The provision of temporary decking shall also besubjecttotherequirementsofClauseG4.8.
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TheWorksPackageContractorshallarrangeandconductroad trials, public briefings, and stakeholders meetings, when requested by the Relevant Authority for any proposed traffic managementplan,andshallmakesuchmodificationsthatare necessaryasaresultofsuchevent(s)priortocommencingthe implementation of the approved temporary traffic managementplan. The Works Package Contractor shall also propose, submit for approval and implement all temporary traffic management plansconcerningutilitydiversionsnecessaryfortheExecution oftheWorks. The Works Package Contractor shall assist the PDP and the Relevant Authority with the preparation of plans and diagrammatic representations to accompany publicity material relating to the approved temporary traffic management schemes. The Works Package Contractor shall draft a press release to accompany each temporary traffic management scheme submission to the PDP and Relevant Authority.Publicannouncementspriortotheimplementation of approved traffic management schemes shall only be made bytheRelevantAuthority. The Works Package Contractor shall adjust his temporary traffic management scheme(s) and traffic signal control settings as necessary during construction to ensure maximum traffic capacities are maintained through junctions, in consultationwiththeRelevantAuthority. The Works Package Contractor shall be responsible for designing, obtaining approval from the Relevant Authorities and implementing all such temporary traffic management schemesrequiredfortheExecutionoftheWorks.Anyrelated documents prepared and made available by the PDP are for informationonly. Further to SubClauses G5.2.1(2) and G5.2.1(9) concerning the submission of traffic management proposals, the Works Package Contractor shall engage a competent traffic consultantapprovedbythePDPtoprepare: a) Traffic Management Plans(TMP) containing details of the temporary traffic management scheme(s) taking into consideration and showing the Works Package Contractors construction sequences, methods (including construction traffic and access requirements), and programme. The TMP shall also include a reference manual of relevant standards and
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Traffic Management Submissions






GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG5WorkInRoads

specifications to be adopted, organisation structure for traffic management which includes the traffic management team(s) and emergency response team(s), and the Works Package Contractors standard operating procedures for, but not limited to, the following: i) ii) Induction, certification, standard tools for the membersoftheTrafficManagementTeam(s); Routine surveillance covering normal incident free conditions, minor maintenance activities, andvehiclebreakdownincidents; Emergency response covering accidents, pipe bursts, falling trees, construction related hazards,flashfloods,detoursetc.;and Crisis response eg. for sink holes, collapse of buildings/structures.


iv) b)

Traffic Impact Assessments (TIA) to supplement and support the TMP, containing traffic impact analyses to demonstrate the impact of the proposed traffic management scheme(s) and construction traffic on the surrounding road and footway network, including details of any field surveys and studies conducted to establishtrafficconditionswhereappropriate. Traffic counts on the roads and junctions affected by theWorksshallbeconductedduringtheaffectedpeak hourperiodsoftheday.Thecountsshallbeconducted over a minimum period of seven (7) Days before the implementation of the proposed TMP and of seven (7) Days after the implementation of each TMP stage, or in accordance with the requirements of the Relevant Authorities. The traffic counts, and subsequent analysis if required, shall be used to demonstrate the effectivenessoftheapprovedTMP.



The TMP and TIA shall be subjected to a Road Safety Audit (RSA) and endorsed by a Government registered Road Safety Auditor prior to submission to the Relevant Authorities for approval.AllsuchsubmissionsshallbecopiedtothePDP. The TMP shall be prepared and executed in accordance with one of the following documents as applicable to the Relevant Authority having jurisdiction over the temporary traffic managementproposals: a) New Guidelines for Traffic Management During
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Construction (Road Engineering Association of Malaysia);or b) Garis Panduan Pelaksanaan Pengurusan Trafik, Lembaga Lebuhraya Malaysia document no. LLM/GP/T608(Malaysia Highway Authoritys Traffic ManagementImplementationGuidelines);or ARAHAN TEKNIK (JALAN) 2C/85 (Manual on Traffic Control Devices for Temporary Signs and Works Zones Control), published by Cawangan Jalan, Ibu Pejabat JKR,KualaLumpur.



The Works Package Contractor shall submit a Traffic Safety ReporttotheRelevantAuthoritiesandcopiedtothePDPona monthly basis detailing individual traffic incidents involving either accidents or vehicle breakdowns, the parties involved, and the response actions undertaken. In the event of any incidents occurring during the reporting period, the report shall also review the effectiveness of the Works Package Contractors standard operating procedure for emergency response, traffic control and surveillance, which shall be modifiedandimprovedifdeemednecessarybythePDP. Sections of the Project will be constructed within highly trafficked and strategic road corridors in the Klang Valley area, and which are sensitive to any operational perturbations.Inthisregard,theWorksPackageContractors special attention is drawn to the vital importance of implementing all traffic management measures in strict compliance with the approved TMP and any associated conditions imposed by the Relevant Authorities, in order to maintain free flowing traffic and with due consideration to trafficsafetyatalltimes.TheWorksPackageContractorshall be cognisant of the prevailing traffic conditions at all times during the implementation and operation of the temporary traffic management schemes, and which may require supplementary signage and equipment to be provided by the Works Package Contractor, particularly in relation to the provision of sufficient advance warnings to motorists along approachroutes. If the Works Package Contractor fails to comply with the approved TMP and associated conditions thereof, and he is unable or unwilling or fails to remedy the noncompliances within the notified time required bythe PDP, the PDP may on his own or by engaging a third party, remedy the said non compliances, all at the risk, cost and expense of the Works Package Contractor. All costs and expenses incurred by the PDP shall be recoverable from the Works Package Contractor
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Implementation G5.2.3 oftheapproved TMP





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in accordance with the Conditions of Contract. The Works Package Contractor shall be responsible for the completed remedialworks. (3) Forworkswithinparticularlysensitiveandstrategichighways, theWorksPackageContractorshallimplementandconstantly monitortrafficconditionsbyaclosedcircuittelevisionsystem, unless existing systems are already under operation by the Relevant Authorities. Where such systems are required, the associated display monitors shall be located within the Works Package Contractors accommodation for the Traffic Management Manager, or the Emergency Response Team, or otherlocationapprovedbythePDP. Where halfwidth construction is necessary and approved by the Relevant Authorities, the Works Package Contractors methodology and sequencing of the related works within the road shall ensure that at least half the full width shall be availableforusebythepublicatalltimes. In the event of the operation of singlelane traffic becoming necessary and when approved by the Relevant Authorities and the PDP on any particular length of the Works or on the WorksorontheapproachestotheWorks,theWorksPackage Contractorshallmaintainthroughtrafficroutesbyprovidinga widthofatleast3.3metresforsinglelanetraffic. The Works Package Contractor shall appoint a competent Traffic Manager or Engineer approved by the PDP, for the maintenance of existing roads and protection of traffic, in accordancewithhisapprovedTrafficManagementPlan. The Works Package Contractor shall make suitable arrangements for emergency servicing of the electrically operated traffic signals to be available at all times. Manually operatedStop/Gosignsshallonlybeusedwhen: a) b) (5) prior approval from the PDP and Relevant Authorities isobtained;and the size, colour and type comply with the requirementsoftheRelevantAuthorities.

Halfwidth Construction andTraffic Control






At least twenty one (21) Days notice in writing of any proposed singleway traffic system shall be given to the Relevant Authority for approval and copied to the PDP before suchasystemcanbeimplemented. The Works Package Contractor shall at all times take full and sufficient precautions to ensure the safety of all traffic throughandaroundtheWorkSiteandofthedivertedtraffic.
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Temporary TrafficSigns





GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG5WorkInRoads


To this end the Works Package Contractor shall erect and maintain on the Site and at prescribed points on the approaches to the Site, all traffic signs, signals and warning lights necessary for the direction and control of traffic. The sizes of all such signs and the lettering and wording thereon shall be as prescribed in the Works Package Contractors approved TMP before erection. Construction and excavation works shall be sign posted and, during periods of darkness, shallbelittotheapprovalofthePDP. Temporary traffic signs shall comply with the requirements of the Relevant Authorities, and shall be reflectorised and kept cleanandlegibleatalltimes. TheWorksPackageContractorshallposition,coverorremove thesesignsasmaybedirectedbythePDP.


Temporary Routes



TheWorksPackageContractorshallprovide,maintainandremoveall temporary works including diversion roads, tracks, staging, bridging, etc., and shall the routes safe and suitable in every respect as a passagewayforitsintendedpurpose. (1) TheWorksPackageContractorshallnotmakeuseofpublicor private rights of way for depositing or storing Works Package Contractors Equipment or materials, other than such Works Package Contractors Equipment, materials, tools and implements as shall from time to time be required for immediateuseintheexecutionoftheWorks.WorksPackage ContractorsEquipment,materialsandTemporaryWorksshall be placed in such a way as to cause minimum interference with the use of any right of way by the public and the Works Package Contractor shall maintain those parts of the right of waynottemporarilyoccupiedbythePermanentWorksorthe Temporary Works in a clean, passable and safe state at all times. Measures shall be taken to prevent excavatedmaterial, silt or debris from entering drainage systems in roads, footways, cycletracksorotherpavedareas;entryofwatertothegullies andcatchpitsshallnotbeobstructed. Surfaced roads on the Site and leading to the Site shall not be used by tracked vehicles unless protection against damage is provided. Barricades,guardrailingandthelikeshallbeprovidedalongside trenching and other open excavations within or directly adjacenttoroadstosafeguardthepublic.

Useofroads andfootways









GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG5WorkInRoads

Pedestrian requirements



For the Works located at pedestrian facilities, the Works PackageContractorshallasfaraspossiblemaintaintheaccess from and to existing shops and buildings. The locations of these facilities may be modified subject to obtaining further approval from the PDP to suit the previously approved temporarytrafficdiversionscheme. The Works Package Contractor shall ensure that his operations do not obstruct or inconvenience pedestrians using footpaths, staircases and escalators within the vicinity of the Works. Approved temporary traffic diversions shall be in place prior to the commencement of any works which may affectpedestrians. Sufficient footpath width shall be provided to accommodate the normal or diverted pedestrian volumes. Unless otherwise agreed with the PDP, the Works Package Contractor shall submit, not less than one (1) Month prior to implementation, the footpath width narrowing, widening and diversion proposal(s)forthePDPsreview. The Works Package Contractor shall pay particular attention to the special needs of the blind and disabled in designing temporarymeasuresforthepublicinandaroundtheSite. Temporary traffic diversion proposals affecting pedestrians to be submitted to the Relevant Authorities for approval shall includeasaminimum: a) pedestrian flows along the affected pedestrian routes, including diversion route(s) if applicable, prior to implementation; width of the pedestrian facilities along the affected pedestrianroutes; Level Of Service of the pedestrian route prior to and afterimplementation; temporarypedestriansignagearrangements;and analysis of any associated impacts on road traffic, trafficsignalsandtrafficsigns.





b) c) d) e) (6)

Coverings, canopies, and shelters along footpaths which are required to be temporarily diverted, shall be reprovided by the Works Package Contractor on a like for like basis as part ofthediversionworks. WheretheWorksinterferewithoraffecttheoperationofthe existing lighting, the Works Package Contractor shall provide
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Temporary streetlighting





GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG5WorkInRoads

and maintain temporary street lighting to the satisfaction of the PDP and the Relevant Authority. The Works Package Contractor shall ensure at all times that the level of illuminationconformstotherequiredstreetlightingstandard. Temporary street lighting shall be provided prior to the removalofanyexistingstreetlighting. (2) The Works Package Contractor shall give adequate notice to the Relevant Authority and the PDP for removal, resiting and reenergising of any parts of the street lighting system which areaffectedbytheWorks.

Reinstatement G5.9 ofroadsand footways

Before the commencement of works on roads and footways, the WorksPackageContractorshallcarryoutadetailedsurveyofexisting conditions including but not limited to survey data on levels, widths and record photographs. Temporary diversions, pedestrian access and lighting, signing, guarding and traffic control equipment shall be removed immediately by the Works Package Contractor when they are no longer required. Roads, footways and other items affected by temporary traffic arrangements and control shall be reinstated to new condition on a likefor like basis and in accordance with the relevant standards prevailing at the time of the reinstatement or to such other conditionasmaybeapprovedbythePDP.

Traffic G5.10 Management Implementation Team Organisation

G5.10.1 (1)

The Works Package Contractor shall establish a dedicated team to implement and maintain all traffic management related works. The Traffic Management Implementation Team shall be led by a Traffic Management Manager, whose appointment shall be approved by the PDP, and shall be supported by Traffic Management Teams and Emergency ResponseTeams. Withinsixty(60)DaysofthedateoftheLetterofAcceptance, the Works Package Contractor shall submit the following for approvalbythePDP: a) b) c) d) Traffic Management OrganisationStructure; Implementation Team


Reporting structure within the organisation and outsidetheorganisation; Roles and responsibilities of each individual in the organisation; Maintenanceandmonitoringscheduleandforms;
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e) f) g) (3)

Emergencyproceduresandforms; Emergencycontactdetailsofallsupervisorystaff;and Equipment and plant assigned to each component team.

The each member of the implementation team shall be equipped with suitable PPE, which as a minimum shall comprise a hard hat, reflective safety vest, gloves, safety footwear, whistle, warning flags (for Traffic Controllers), batonlight(forTrafficControllers),andatwowayradio. The duty of the Traffic Management Team is to implement and maintain the traffic management works, control and monitor traffic conditions where applicable, and to support the Emergency Response Team during incidents arising from the Works. Each Traffic Management Team shall, as a minimum,compriseof: a) b) c) One(1)TrafficManagementOfficer; One(1)TrafficManagementSupervisor;and Two (2) traffic management units each consisting of three (3) Traffic Controllers and one (1) driver with a one(1)tonnelorry.

Traffic Management Teams

G5.10.2 (1)

Each lorry shall carry a supply of traffic management devices such as battery operated blinking lights, cones, string delineators,batonlights,andportableflashingarrowunits. The Works Package Contractor shall deploy a sufficient number of Traffic Management Teams to implement and maintain all those temporary traffic management schemes under operation at any one time. For the monitoring and maintenance of the traffic management works, there shall be a minimum of one (1) Traffic Controller per kilometre of road affected, or in the case of dual carriageways, a minimum of one (1) Traffic Controller per kilometre of road in each directionaffected. The Traffic Management Teams shall maintain the temporary road systems so as to ensure that the temporary roads are kept in a safe and roadworthy condition. The maintenance works to be carried out by the Traffic Management Teams or other teams of the Works Package Contractor shall include, but not be limited to, the following activities and shall be carriedoutwithinthetimelimitsasspecifiedbelow: a) removal and disposal of obstructions on the roads:
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within2hours; b) c) d) repair of loose signs/plates likely to dislodge: within 2 hours; repairofdamagedtrafficsigns:within36hours; repair or replacement of defective railings/safety fence/boundary fence/vehicle parapets/traffic posts andthelike:within2Days; removalofthosepartsprotrudingontoanypartofthe carriageway, including marginal strips and shoulders: within2hours; wash and clear oil or liquid pollutant on the carriageway:within2hours; repair/replacement of dented / scratched / folded / traffic / directional sign plates and street furniture; tightening parts of street furniture; replacement of missing bolts, nuts and fittings; repair or replacement of road traffic sign with bent supports; replacement of brokenchainagemarkers:within28Days; reconstruction of footings of traffic/directional signs and street furniture with loose footings: within 28 Days; cleaning of all traffic signs, directional signs (including those on the sign gantries), sign faces, barriers (all types), safety fences (all types), parapets (all types), railings (all types), rails (all types), crash cushions, emergency crash gates, concrete profile barriers, water filled barriers, inner face of noise barriers and seminoiseenclosure(alltypes),otherstreetfurniture, and outer face of temporary noise barrier and hoardings:everyMonth; regular inspection and cleaning of road drainage, and cleaning up blocked drains within flooded areas: withintheshortestpossibletime; repairofpotholes:within12hours; making good of running surfaces (including but not limited to unevenness and loose chippings): immediately;and other defects identified by the PDP, within a timeframeasdirectedbythePDP.
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f) g)




k) l)




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Emergency G5.10.3 (1) ResponseTeam

The duty of the Emergency Response Team is to manage any traffic incidents and accidents arising from the Works, and to liaise and support the PDPs emergency response procedures and the public emergency services if required. The Emergency Response Team shall be available at all times and shall,asaminimum,compriseof: a) b) One (1) Traffic Management Officer, who may also be leadingaTrafficManagementTeam; One (1) Emergency Response Team Supervisor equipped with a motorcycle and radio communications for rapid access and response in the eventoftrafficcongestionarisingfromanincident; Two (2) emergency response units each consisting of one (1) Traffic Controller and one (1) driver witha one (1)tonnelorry;and One (1) driver with a tow truck on standby at all times withinorincloseproximitytotheSite;and Prearranged call out tow service with heavy duty tow truck(s)available.


d) e) (2)

When informed of an incident from the Traffic Management Team or from an external source, the Emergency Response Team shall be responsible, but not limited to, the following duties: a) immediately deployed to take charge and control of the traffic within a target response time of five (5) minutes; call 999 or any prearranged contacts with the emergencyservices; notifythePDP/MRThotlinemanager;and assisttheemergencyservice(s)onlocation.

b) c) d)

In addition to the incident report(s) prepared by the emergencyservice(s),theWorksPackageContractorshallalso investigate the incident, the findings of which shall be documented and appended to the monthly Traffic Safety ReportdescribedinSubclauseG5.2.2(5).

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GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG6DamageandInterference


Damageand interference



Work shall be carried out in such a manner that, as far as is practicable, there is no damage to or interference with the following, other than such damage as is required to enable theexecutionoftheWorks: a) b) c) d) e) watercourses, drainage systems, open channels and seweragesystems; utilities, existing structures, roads including street furniture,orotherproperty; existingrailwaysandrailwaysystems; public or private vehicular or pedestrian accesses; and trees,gravesorburialurns.

The Works Package Contractor shall not divert, remove or relocate any such item, utility or thing without such diversion, removal, or relocation having been approved by theRelevantAuthorityorutilityundertaking. The Works Package Contractor shall obtain prior approval of the Relevant Authorities or other party, if so required, for any work near properties under their ownership or management.


The Works Package Contractor shall inform the PDP as soon aspracticableofanyitem,utilityorthingwhichisnotstated in the Contract as requiring diversion, removal or relocation but which the Works Package Contractor considers as requiring diversion, removal or relocation to enable the Workstobeexecuted. Items which are damaged or interfered with as a result of the work being carried out and items which are diverted, removed or relocated to enable the work to be carried out, shall be reinstated to the same condition as was existing before the work started or to such other condition as may beapprovedordirectedbythePDP. Prior to trench excavation, the Works Package Contractor shall carry out investigations to locate utilities and other underground installations by means of handdug inspection pits.Thelocationsandnumberofinspectionpitsrequiredin
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GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG6DamageandInterference

meeting the Works Package Contractor's obligations to establish the location of existing utilities and underground features shall be determined by the Works Package Contractor. The Works Package Contractor shall note that many existing pipes/ducts/cables may not be shown in the records kept by the utility undertakings, and may only be exposed as the excavation proceeds. The trench excavation shall be carried out by hand where there are utilities adjacent to or within the excavation works and the Works PackageContractorshallhaveallowedinhisprogrammethe time required for the exposing, temporary support and diversion of these recorded or unrecorded utilities. Should any pipes/ducts/cables or cover tiles be exposed, the respective utility undertaking shall be contacted to determine if all the utilities have been located. Cover tiles and utilities shall only be removed by the utility undertakingsconcerned. (5) Where the PDP has previously conducted utility, ground investigation, and surveys of buildings and structures in relation to the Works, the data obtained from such investigationsmaybeobtainedfromthePDP. TheWorksPackageContractorshallexcavatebyhandwhere damagemaybecausedbytheoperationofmechanicalplant adjacenttoanyutilities. Except withthe prior approval of the Director General of the Fire and Rescue Department, no damage or interference withexistingfirehydrantsandvalvesshallbecaused. Where the Works Package Contractor is required to become involved with traffic or footpath management activities, the Works Package Contractor shall make all arrangements with and obtain the necessary approval from the Relevant Authoritiespriortothecommencementofwork. Existing watercourses and drainage systems shall be temporarily diverted as required to enable the Works to be carried out. Particulars of the diversions proposed by the Works Package Contractor, shall be submitted to the Relevant Authority and the PDP for approval at least twenty one (21) Days before the relevant work starts or other duration as may be required by the Relevant Authority. The findings of the submission will be used as the basis for setting any requirements on drainage provisions, flooding mitigation measures and performance monitoring tasks which may be placed on the Works. Any mitigation measures shall be completed before the diversion or obstruction giving rise to the impact is effected. The
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Watercourses anddrainage systems





GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG6DamageandInterference

diversions shall be maintained while the work is being carried out and shall be reinstated, including the removal of any obstructions to flow, as soon as practicable after the workiscomplete. (2) Dischargesintothesea,watercoursesandeithertostormor foul drainage systems shall not exceed the limits permitted by the Relevant Authorities. The Works Package Contractor shallimmediatelyrectifyanyexceedancesoftheselimits. Runoff from the Site shall be controlled to ensure that adjacent areas are not affected and disturbance to the public is kept to a minimum. Under no circumstances shall foulsewageflowbedivertedintoexistingstormwaterdrains and vice versa. Should the Works Package Contractor discover that existing foul sewage flow has been connected into a stormwater drain, or vice versa, he shall immediately notifythePDPandRelevantAuthority. All Works conducted in or affecting drainage facilities, including watercourses, shall be conducted such that the capacity of the facility will be sufficient to accommodate designflowsasrequiredbytheRelevantAuthority. No temporary or permanent structure shall be erected within areas designated as a drainage reserve unless with the prior approval from the Relevant Authority. Any planting within the drainage reserve shall be limited to plants and shrubs with shallow rooting systems. The Relevant Authoritys officers and workmen shall have free access at all times to the said area for the purpose of laying, repairing and maintaining drains, sewers and all other services across, through or under it which the Relevant Authoritymayrequire. Water pumped out of the trenches under construction shall be discharged into storm drains after the removal of silt in siltremovalfacilities. The Works Package Contractor shall maintain the silt removal facilities, channels and manholes and remove the deposited silt and grit regularly, at the onset and after each rainstorm to ensure that these facilities are functioning properlyatalltimes. (7) No obstruction to flow is to be left in position longer than is necessary for carrying out the Works. The Works Package Contractor shall ensure that adequate provisions are made for dealing with increased flow of water during the wet season.
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GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG6DamageandInterference


The Works Package Contractor shall keep interruption or disturbance to the public due to the diversion works to a minimum. If any mechanical equipment is required for the foul sewage diversion work, the Works Package Contractor shall suggest and provide precautionary measures to mitigate against consequencesofbreakdownoftheequipment. The Works Package Contractor shall at all times ensure that all existing stream courses and drains within and adjacent to the Site are kept safe and free from any debris and any excavated materials arising from the Works. The Works PackageContractorshallensurethatchemicalsandconcrete agitatorwashingsarenotdepositedinwatercourses. The Works Package Contractor shall be responsible for the Temporary Works involved in draining, diverting, or conducting of open streams or drains intercepted by the Works and the Site, for the maintenance of the Temporary Works and waterways as required by the PDP, and for reinstating these to their original courses on Practical Completion of the whole of the Works, when and where in theopinionofthePDPsuchactionisdesirable. The Works Package Contractor shall take all necessary precautions to prevent water entering upon or being discharged from the Site from entering upon the works of adjacentOtherWorksContractorsoradjacentproperties. The Works Package Contractor shall provide where necessary temporary water courses, floodwalls, flood gates, ditches, drains, pumping or other means of maintaining the WorksandtheSitefreeofwater.






Utilitiesand otherservices Locationand protectionof utilities

G6.3 G6.3.1

(1) The Works Package Contractor shall be responsible for locating the position of all public and other utility installations, including water mains, overhead and undergroundcables,pipes,sewersanddrainsandallservice connections to buildings, and where necessary, shall adopt suchmethodsofexcavationasmayrequiredbytheRelevant Authoritiesorownerstoensurethatnodamageiscausedto them. The details of existing utilities where available, are given for information only and the accuracy of the details is not warranted. The Works Package Contractor shall make his
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GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG6DamageandInterference

own enquiries and shall use underground services detection equipment to locate underground utilities. The Works Package Contractor shall take notice of the limitations of such equipment and shall carefully excavate handdug trial holes to locate accurately the utilities indicated to him by the utility undertakings. Portable mechanical tools may be used but shall be restricted to the breaking of the pavement surface. Due care shall be exercised to prevent damage to underground cables, water pipes, gas pipes or other utility installations. (3) The Works Package Contractor shall make good, at his own expense, any damage caused by him to the existing services to the approval of and in accordance with the instruction of theappropriateauthorityorownerconcerned. All such installations which areencountered in the course of the Works shall be adequately supported, slungup, strutted or otherwise protected from damage to the satisfaction of theRelevantAuthorityorowner. The Works Package Contractor shall inform the PDP and the utilityundertakingswithoutdelayofthefollowing: a) b) c) d) damagetoutilities; leakageofutilities; discoveryofutilitiesnotshownonanyrecords;and diversion, removal, repositioning or reerection of utilities which is required to enable the execution of theWorks.



Diversionof utilitiesand services


(6) (1)

Smoking and use of naked flames shall be prohibited if gas pipesarepresent. Unless specified otherwise, the temporary diversion or relocation of any service within or outside the Works to permit the construction of the Works shall be the responsibility of the Works Package Contractor. Where a serviceisrequiredtobeinterruptedorrelocated,theWorks Package Contractor shall inform and obtain the approval of the appropriate authority or owner, of the required removal and/orrelocation. Temporary diversion shall mean works involved in the diversion of services that will be reinstated to their original position and condition on completion of the works in the affected areas. In planning his work for the diversion or relocation of services, the Works Package Contractor shall
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GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG6DamageandInterference

makereasonableallowanceforthetimenecessarytoobtain the PDPs approval for the work and for the appropriate authorities or owners to authorise the work, obtain the necessarymaterialsandcarryoutthework. (3) The Works Package Contractor shall not be entitled to any extensionoftimeduetohisfailuretoallowforareasonable period of time necessary for obtaining approval and completingthework. The temporary diversion or relocation of any service within or outside the Works to permit the construction of the Works shall be the responsibility of the Works Package Contractor. The Works Package Contractor shall be responsible for arranging with the Relevant Authority for all temporary diversions required in connection with the Works. He shall keep the PDP fully informed of his negotiations. No final arrangements shall be made without theapprovalofthePDP. All temporary diversions shall be subject to the approval of thePDPandtheRelevantAuthorityorowner.Thecostofall temporary diversions whether undertaken by the Works PackageContractororaServiceAuthorityortheircontractor shallbeborneorpaidforbytheWorksPackageContractor. Maintenance of existing services shall also include street lights,trafficlightsandroadfurniture. The Works Package Contractor shall coordinate the activities of the utility undertakings in connection with the diversion of utility services necessary for the execution of the Works and shall take all steps necessary to enable the utility undertakings to proceed in accordance with the programme agreed between the Works Package Contractor andtheutilityundertakings. The Works Package Contractor shall monitor the progress of utility undertakings against the agreed programmes and shallnotifythePDPofanyslippagetotheseprogrammes.In the event of any such slippage the Works Package Contractor shall prepare and execute a plan of action with therelevantutilityundertakingtoredresstheslippage.Such aplanmay,ifnecessary,includeprovisionofWorksPackage Contractor's labour resources, materials and/or plant to the utilityundertaking. Recordsofexistingutilitiesencounteredshallbe keptbythe Works Package Contractor on the Site and a copy provided for the PDP and the relevant owners. The records shall be
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(6) (1)

Coordinationof G6.3.3 utilitiesrelated works


Recordingof utilitiesand services





GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG6DamageandInterference

agreedbythePDPandshallcontainthefollowingdetails: a) b) c) d) locationofutility; dateonwhichutilitywasencountered; natureandsizeofutility; condition of utility with photographs and video survey recordings for drainage and sewerage systems;and temporaryorpermanentsupportsprovided.



TheWorksPackageContractorshallproduceasbuiltrecords of all newly laid utilities and services and all relocated utilities and services within the Site, and shall submit them to the PDP and the corresponding utility undertaking for record. The Works Package Contractor shall carry out a pre construction condition survey of all existing buildings and structures located within the influence zone of the Works which may be within or adjacent to the Site, in accordance withtherequirementsoftheParticularSpecification(. Theconditionsurveyshallbeundertakenbyanindependent surveyorengagedbytheWorksPackageContractorandwho shallbeapprovedbythePDP. Construction activities with the potential to cause damage or interference with any existing buildings and structures within the vicinity of the related works, shall not commence until the condition survey for those properties have been approvedbythePDP.

Condition surveyof existing buildingsand structures





Structures, G6.5 roadsandother property Treesandother G6.6 similar obstructions

The Works Package Contractor shall immediately inform the PDP of any damage to structures, roads or other property which are not to bedemolishedaspartoftheWorks. (1) Trees which are to be retained or which are not required to be removed in order to carry out the Works, shall be protectedfromdamageatalltimesbymethodsapprovedby the PDP. Materials, including excavated materials, shall not be banked around such trees and they shall not be trimmed orcutwithouthavingbeenapprovedbythePDP. If any trees are to be removed during the execution of the Works, the Works Package Contractor shall prepare and submit the necessary Tree Cutting Permit to the Relevant Authority for approval. Trees shall not be cut or relocated untilsuchapprovalisgranted.
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GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG6DamageandInterference


If any tree(s) which are to be retained or which are not required to be removed in order to carry out the Works are damaged by the Works Package Contractor and in the opinion of the Relevant Authority and the PDP cannot be rejuvenated to its original condition prior to the occurrence of the damage, the Works Package Contractor shall replace thetree(s)withsimilarspecies,sizeandformasapprovedby thePDP. The Works Package Contractor shall take all reasonable precautions to avoid causing a nuisance with dust, noise or vibrations arising from his operations. The Works Package Contractors attention is also drawn to the related requirementscontainedinSectionG11. All Works Package Contractors Equipment shall be effectively soundreduced by means of silencers, mufflers, acoustics linings or shields or acoustic sheds or screens to levels prescribed in the Environmental Quality Act and measured outside the nearest occupied property, or to the satisfaction of the PDP. The Works Package Contractor shall provide details of proposed noise control measures to the PDP for review prior to the use of any Works Package ContractorsEquipmentontheSite. The Works Package Contractor shall provide a noise level meter,approvedbythePDP,fortheexclusiveuseofthePDP atalltimesduringthecontinuanceoftheContract.

Avoidanceof nuisance





Protectionof Existing Railways


Worksnear G6.8.1 existingrailways

ItisimperativethattheconstructionactivitiesoftheWorksPackage Contractor must not disrupt, interfere, or endanger the operations of the LRT, KTM, KL Monorail, and KLIA Ekspres railways and transit systems of the Klang Valley. References to railways in the Specifications shall also mean guideway based transit systems. Any works near or within the railways shall not commence without the necessary approval of the relevant Railway Operator for the Works PackageContractorsprotectionproposalsifrequired. (1) Where any part of the Works or the Site fall within a designated railway protection zone of an existing railway or transit system, as defined under relevant railway related enactments, the Works Package Contractor shall comply with the safety and protection related requirements of the relevant Railway Operator. If no protection zone has been formally designated for a particular railway, a notional
G68of10 Revision:03

Designated G6.8.2 Railway ProtectionZone



GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG6DamageandInterference

protection zone of 30m either side of the railway lot boundary shall be assumed, or as agreed with the Railway Operator. (2) No works including site investigation, shall be undertaken within the railway protection zone unless details of the proposed works including method statements and any protection measures if required have been approved by the Railway Operator and the PDP beforehand. Once approval has been granted, the Works Package Contractor shall abide by the requirements and conditions set by the Railway Operator. When the Works Package Contractor is required to work within the railway protection zone or within areas of the operating railway therein, the requirements stated in the regulations of the railway and the associated Statutory Requirementsshallbestrictlyfollowed. The Works Package Contractor shall ensure that his works programme and method statements include the restrictions imposed by the operating railway (including the payment of anyrelatedfees)including: a) b) The need for track possessions for all work within or adjacenttooperatingtracks; Track access being under the control of the Railway Operator, with track related works only to be carried out in nontraffic hours, as determined by the relevantRailwayOperator; The Works Package Contractor shall provide suitably trained staff to undertaken safety and coordination dutiesalongthetrackside; Within stations, depots and ancillary buildings restrictions on access during to nonoperational hours; Provisionoftrainedfiremarshallsandlookouts; Theneedformultistageworking; Impact assessment of the works on the operating railway and how disruption to train services and passengers will be mitigated in consultation with the RailwayOperator; Provision of contingency plans and materials in the eventofaproblemassociatedwiththeWorks;
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Workingwithin G6.8.3 theRailway ProtectionZone





e) f) g)




GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG6DamageandInterference


The need for gauge checking and line clearance before the commencement of revenue service each Day;and Protection of existing railway infrastructure, cables androllingstock.

j) Electromagnetic G6.9 Compatibility SpoilDisposal G6.10

PleaserefertoChapterG19 (1) The Works Package Contractor shall make his own enquiries and arrangements regarding the location and the availability ofspoildisposalareasandreclamationandshallpayallcosts of complying with all regulations and requirements of Relevant Authorities in connection with the use of such areas.TheseareasarenotwithinthecontrolofthePDPand no claims will be entertained in respect of nonavailability of a particular area or changes in the costs of arrangements for theusethereof. The Works Package Contractor shall conform to all pertinent Environmental Protection Ordinances and be liable for any breach of such Ordinances committed by himself and/or his subcontractors during the disposal of surplus excavated materialandwaterfromtheSite.







GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG7TemporaryElectricitySupply





Temporary Electricity Supply shall mean the electricity power supply being distributed via temporary generators, TenagaNasionalBerhad(TNB)energymeters(construction stage) or permanent energy meters for the Works and worksoftheOtherWorksContractorsuntilthepermanent meteraccountistransferredtoanotherparty. 1Monthpriortothecommencementofanyrelatedworks, the Works Package Contractor shall nominate a representative whose name and qualifications shall be submittedinwritingforapprovalbythePDPandwhoshall ensure the safety of all temporary electrical installations andequipmentonSite. The name and contact telephone number of the representative having been approved shall be displayed at the main distribution board for the temporary electrical supplysothathecanbecontactedincaseofemergency. Schematic diagrams and the details of the equipment for all temporary electrical installations shall be submitted by the Works Package Contractor, and these diagrams together with the temporary electrical equipment shall be submittedforapprovalbythePDP. AllelectricalinstallationworkonSiteshallbecarriedoutin accordance with the requirements laid down in BS 7375 and this GS. All work shall be supervised and executed by qualifiedelectricalworkersofappropriategrade. For works outside depot buildings, temporary power supply shall be provided by respective Works Package Contractor fortheirownwork






Electrical general


Temporary electrical site installations and distribution systems shall be in accordance with the following codes and standards of thelatestversion: a) b) c) d) TNBssupplyrulesandrequirements; IEERegulationsforElectricalInstallations; BS 7375 Distribution of Electricity on Construction and BuildingSites; BS 4363 Distribution Assemblies for Electricity Supplies for ConstructionandBuildingSites;and
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GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG7TemporaryElectricitySupply


BS 6164 Safety in Tunnelling in the Construction Industry except that the background lighting level of the tunnel shallfollowClauseG7.13(2)(b)(ii).



The Works Package Contractor shall provide and maintain the temporary electrical installations from the load side of the points of supply, and shall ensure that all necessary precautions are takenwithregardtothesafetyofpersonsonSite. All materials, appliances and components used within the distributionsystemshallcomplywithBS4363andBS7375. (1) Distribution equipment utilised within the temporary electrical distribution system shall embody the following features: a) b) c) d) (2) Flexibilityinapplicationforrepeateduse; Suitabilityfortransportandstorage; Robustconstructiontoresistmoistureanddamage; and Safetyinuse.

Materials, G7.4 appliancesand components Design G7.5 considerations

Allcablingshallberunathighlevelwheneverpossibleand firmly secured to ensure they do not present a hazard or obstruction to people and equipment. When cables are laid on ground, they must be waterproof and be protected frommechanicaldamage. The installation on Site shall allow convenient access to authorised and competent operatives to work on the apparatuscontainedwithin. For special equipment and plant requiring significant load requirements (eg. for tunnel boring machines), the Works Package Contractor is advised to negotiate with TNB as early as possible in order to secure a suitable temporary powersupplyinatimelymanner. ThemainsvoltageshallbeasforTNBssupplies,415Vac3 phase50Hzor240Vac1phase50Hz. VoltagesshallconformtoBS7375. The following voltages shall be adhered to for typical applicationsthroughoutthedistributionsystems: a) Fixedplant415Vac3phase50Hz;
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Mainsvoltage Typesof distribution supply

G7.6 G7.7

(1) (2) (1)



GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG7TemporaryElectricitySupply


Movable plant fed by trailing cable 415V 3phase 50 Hz (except for major plant such as tunnel boring machines);and Installations in Site buildings 240Vac 1phase 50 Hz; Fixedfloodlighting240V1phase50Hz;
Portable and hand heldtools110V1phase50Hz;

c) d) e) f)

Site lighting (other than flood lighting) - 110V 1-phase

50 Hz; Portable handlamps (general use) - 110V 1-phase 50 Hz.


When the low voltage supply is energised by TNB at the Power On Date, any power utilised from that source shall be either 415Vac 3phase 50 Hz or 240Vac 1phase 50 Hz as appropriate. The Works Package Contractor shall convert what may be necessary to enable him to use powerfromthatsource. Protection shall be provided for all main and subcircuits against excess current, residual current and earth faults. The protective devices shall be capable of interrupting withoutdamageanyshortcircuitcurrentthatmayoccur. Discrimination between circuit breakers, circuit breakers andfusesshallbeinaccordancewith: a) b) c) BS88; BSEN60898;and BS7375.

Protectionof circuits







Earthing and bonding shall be provided for all electrical installations and equipment to prevent the possibility of dangerous voltage rises and to ensure that faults are rapidlyclearedbyinstalledcircuitprotection. Earthing systems shall conform to the following standards ofthelatestversion: a) b) c) d) IEERegulationsforElectricalInstallations; BS7430; BS7375;and IEEE Standard 80 Guide for safety in substation
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GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG7TemporaryElectricitySupply

earthing. Plugs,socket outletsand couplers Cables G7.10 Low voltage plugs, sockets and couplers shall be colour coded in accordancewithBS7375,andconstructedtoconformtoBS4343. High voltage couplers and 'T' connections shall be in accordance withBS3905. Cables shall be selected after full consideration of the conditions to which they will be exposed and the duties for which they are required.Supplycablesupto3.3KVshallbeofarmouredcablesin accordance with the relevant British Standards corresponding to the required duties and usages. Separate circuit protective conductors(CPC)ofappropriatetypeandsizeshallbeinstalledfor each circuit if the equivalent / effective size of the cable armouringisinadequatetoperformasaCPC. Transformers and switchgear to be used generally in tunnels shall beinaccordancewithBS6164. (1) Luminaries shall have a degree of protection not less than IP 54. In particularly bad environments where the luminaries are exposed to excesses of dust and water, a degreeofprotectiontoIP65shallbeemployed. Where the Works Package Contractor is the principal occupant of any Site, he shall provide temporary lighting for the Works and works by the Other Works Contractors until the lighting systems for the Permanent Works have beencommissioned,asfollows: a) AllAreasexceptTunnels: (i) All shafts including lift shafts, staircases, access routes, corridors, escape routes shall haveaminimumlightinglevelof50luxatall times. All areas where construction, installation or finishing works by the Works Package ContractorandOtherWorksContractorsare in progress shall have a minimum lighting levelof100luxatalltimes.


Transformers G7.12 andswitchgear intunnels Lighting installation G7.13




Tunnels: Lighting will be provided by the Other Works ContractorresponsibleforCivilWorks.


Luminaries shall be provided with suitable enclosures to protectagainstaccidentaldamage.

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GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG7TemporaryElectricitySupply

Electrical motors



Electrical motors for tunnelling plant shall be suitable for 415Vac 3phase supply. Earthing shall be in accordance withClauseG7.9(1). Motor control and protection circuits in all locations shall be as stipulated in BS 6164. Emergency stops for machineryshallbeprovided.


Inspectionand G7.15 testing Identification Maintenance G7.16 G7.17

Electrical installations on Site shall be inspected and tested in accordance with the requirements of the IEE Regulations and the statutorycodes. Identification and warning labels shall be affixed to all electrical switches,circuitbreakersandmotorstospecifytheirpurpose. Strict maintenance and regular checks of control apparatus and wiring distribution systems shall be carried out by personnel of appropriate grade to ensure safety and efficient operation. The details of maintenance schedule and maintenance works record shallbemadeavailableforreviewasrequestedbythePDP. All portable electrical appliances shall be permanently numbered (scarf tag labels or similar) and a record kept of the date of issue, date of the last inspection carried out and the recommended inspectionperiod. (1) In certain cases, the Other Works Contractor responsible for civil works may provide and maintain temporary electricity supplies in the form of a supply kiosk for the works by the Other Works Contractors, including testing & commissioning, trial operations, in accordance with the following: a) Total electrical loads in a station, depot, and/or an ancillary building shall be calculated on the basis of 16VA/sq.m.ofthegrossarea. Total number of kiosks shall be calculated on the basis of one (1) number for every 2,500 sq.m. for a station,anancillarybuildingandadepot. For a station and a depot, there shall be at least five (5) number of LV power supply kiosks of minimum 60 amps 3 phase per level, and for an ancillary building, there shall be at least one (1) numberkioskofthesameratingperlevel. For tunnels there shall be at least one LV power supply kiosk of minimum 60 amps, 3phase for every250metresrunoftunnel.
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Maintenance record


Electricity G7.19 supplyfrom OtherWorks Contractors trialoperations






GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG7TemporaryElectricitySupply

(2) (3)


Electricityshallbesuppliedatthevoltagesspecified inSubclauseG7.6(1).

Each of the supply kiosks shall comprise one 8way TPN (TriplePoleandNeutral)MCCB/MCBdistributionboard. To enable electricity to be tapped off easily by the Other WorksContractors,kiosksshallbedistributedasfollows: a) 80% at station ends where most plant rooms are located with the remaining 20% at strategic locationsinotherareasofthestation;and At strategic locations in ancillary buildings and depots.



Distribution diagrams of the electricity supply and layout drawings showing the kiosk locations shall be approved by thePDPpriortoinstallation. The supply kiosk shall form a free standing but mobile distribution board at which an incoming 4 core armoured cable having been approved by the PDP shall be terminated. Other Works Contractors shall obtain their supplies from the kiosk via individual outlet sockets. The outlet sockets of the supply kiosk shall be of waterproof type. Thekioskshallformarobust,corrosionproof,splashproof metal clad enclosure for panel mounted moulded case circuitbreaker(MCCBs)/miniaturecircuitbreakers(MCBs) and busbars and shall be so constructed that normal access is restricted to the circuit breaker operating toggles only,viaacatchbutunlockedhingedpanel. The distribution panel and busbar assembly shall conform to the requirements of SS4363 and BS EN 604391, BS EN 604393, BS EN 609472 and BS EN 604394 (including parts 12 and 13) and the latest edition of the IEE Wiring Regulations. Individual components, circuit breakers, earth leakage circuit breakers, sockets and the like shall comply with the relevant British Standard or equivalent approved by the PDP. The distribution board shall be complete with neutral and phase busbars suitably shrouded and insulated for a 415V 3phase rate voltage and an internal earthbar bonded to the kiosk metal cladding. The armouring of the incoming cable and earthpin of each outgoing socket shall be
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GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG7TemporaryElectricitySupply

effectively bonded to the earthbar. An external earth connectionshallbeprovided. (10) The kiosk shall be mounted on an integral frame to ensure cable entry/outlets are no less than 1000mm from floor level. All metal work shall be properly surface treated, primedandfinishpaintedwithawarninglabelandacircuit identificationcard. The incoming cable shall be secured to the kiosk via a terminatingwaterproofgland. Acompletesetofspareplugsfortheoutgoingcircuitsshall befurnishedforeachkiosk.

(11) (12)

(13) The temporary electricity supplies shall also include electricity consumed during opening trials before the Railway System is put into operation if this occurs prior to thedatespecifiedinClauseG7.21(2). (1) For the purposes of these Clauses G7.20 and G7.21, "construction works" shall mean the Works including the works specified in Clause G7.9, but excluding both the OtherWorksContractor'sonandoffsiteconcretebatching plants, fabrication facilities, workshops, workyards, offices andstores. All electricity meters shall be applied for by the Other Works Contractor and in the name of the Other Works Contractor. TheOtherWorksContractorshallinstalladedicatedmeter forthesupplyofelectricityfortheconstructionworks. In addition to the dedicated meter for the construction works the Other Works Contractor shall install a separately metered and invoiced supply or supplies of electricityfor: a) b) c) d) Concretebatchingplants; Sitefabricationfacilities; Siteworkshopsandworkyards;and Siteofficesandstores.




(3) (4)





GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG7TemporaryElectricitySupply

Paymentof electricity charge



The Works Package Contractor shall allow for and shall pay for all connection and consumption charges for electricityconsumedbyhimself,andhissubcontractorsof any tier in the construction of the Works, from the commencement of the Works until the commissioning dateforthepermanentpowersupplysystem.






GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG8Materials,Equipment,andSpareParts





Materials for inclusion in the Permanent Works shall be new unless otherwise stated in the Contract or having been approvedbythePDP. As stated in the Conditions of Contract, materials of Malaysian origin shall be used in preference to imported materials where they are available in sufficient supply, and whichcomplieswiththeSpecifications. Certificates of tests by manufacturers which are submitted to the PDP shall relate to the material delivered to the Site. Certified true copies of certificates may be submitted if the original certificates cannot be obtained from the manufacturer. A letter from the supplier stating that the certificatesrelatetothematerialdeliveredtotheSiteshallbe submittedwiththecertificates. Materials which are specified by means of trade or proprietary names may be substituted by materials from a different manufacturer having been approved by the PDP provided that the materials are of the same or better quality andcomplywiththespecifiedrequirements. In addition to any special provisions in the Contract for the sampling and testing of materials, the Works Package Contractor shall submit samples of all materials and goods which it is proposed to use or employ in or for the Works. Such samples, if having been approved, shall be retained by the PDP and shall not be returned to the Works Package Contractor or used in the Permanent Works unless permitted by the PDP. No materials or goods of which samples have been submitted shall be used in the Works unless and until suchsamplesshallhavebeenapprovedbythePDP. The PDP may reject any materials and goods which in his opinionareinferiortothesamplespreviouslyapprovedandthe Works Package Contractor shall promptly remove such materialsandgoodsfromtheSite. If any material required for this Contract is not available in metric specifications from any known sources, at the time material is required for the Contract, the PDP may, upon application from the Works Package Contractor, give permission to the use of an equivalent material in imperial specificationsasasubstitute,providedthat:
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GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG8Materials,Equipment,andSpareParts

a) b)

no statutory specification shall be altered except in accordancewithrelevantlegalprovision,ifany; the PDP is satisfied that the Works Package Contractor has made every reasonable effort to obtainthematerialinmetricspecifications; in the opinion of the PDP, the substitute material is suitablefortheWorksinallrespects; in the opinion of the PDP, the substitute material complies with all the specifications for the material substituted, allowing minor discrepancies between the specified metric measurements and the corresponding imperial measurements of the substitute, provided that such discrepancies can be effectively and satisfactorily compensated for by the provisionofextraquantityofthematerial;and the Works Package Contractor shall provide all extra quantity of the material required for meeting design and specification requirements of the Works due to theuseofthesubstitute.

c) d)



Atthetimeofplacinghisorderforanymaterialwhatsoever, the Works Package Contractor shall furnish the PDP with copies of all orders for information when required by the PDP. The PDP shall also require evidence at the time of delivery that the materials come from the same sources as that stated in the order. This may be done by sending the PDP copies of the supplier's delivery note or invoice within three (3) Days of delivery. The provision of this clause shall not relieve the Works Package Contractor of any of his responsibilitiesundertheContract. Hardwood shall not be used for Site hoardings, shoring of trenchesandpits,falseworkorformwork. Materials and equipment which are to be provided by Other WorksContractorstotheWorksPackageContractorwillbeas statedintheContract. Materials and equipment provided and delivered by Other Works Contractors shall be offloaded from the delivery vehicles and stored by the Works Package Contractor, unless specified otherwise. The Works Package Contractor shall inspect the materials and equipment before taking receipt and shall immediately inform the PDP of any shortage or damage.
G82of10 Revision:03

Materialsand equipment providedby OtherWorks Contractors


(9) (1)




GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG8Materials,Equipment,andSpareParts


MaterialsorequipmentprovidedbyOtherWorksContractors which are damaged after delivery shall be repaired by the Works Package Contractor and submitted for approval by the PDP. Materials or equipment which are lost or which in the opinion of the PDP are not capable of being or have not been repaired satisfactorily shall be replaced by or at the expense oftheWorksPackageContractor. Cratesandcontainersformaterialsorequipmentprovidedby Other Works Contractors shall be disposed of by the Works PackageContractor. Equipment and materials provided by Other Works Contractors which are surplus to the requirements of the Worksshallbereturnedtolocationswhichshallbenotifiedin writing by the PDP, upon notification by the Works Package Contractorofsuchsurplus. The Works Package Contractor shall protect and maintain equipmentprovidedbyOtherWorksContractorswhileitison the Site and shall provide operatives, fuel and other consumablesrequiredtooperatetheequipment.




Notused Packingand Storage Storage

G8.3 G8.4 G8.4.1

(1) The Works Package Contractor shall prepare, protect and store in an agreed manner all parts to be incorporated into the Permanent Works so as to safeguard them against loss or damage from repeated handling, from climatic influences and from all other hazards arising during shipment or storageonorofftheSite. Secure and covered storage shall be provided by the Works Package Contractor for all parts which are other than those having been approved by the PDP as being suitable for open storage. The Works Package Contractor shall package, protect and store all Permanent Works, Works Package Contractors Equipment, equipment and materials so as to safeguard them against loss or damage from repeated handling, climatic influences and all other hazards arising during shipment or storage on or off the Site to the satisfaction of thePDP. The Works Package Contractor shall protect all goods and materialsprovidedbythePDPtothesatisfactionofthePDP.
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GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG8Materials,Equipment,andSpareParts



The Works Package Contractor shall provide all packing, crating and markings. In doing so, he shall comply with the following requirements: (1) Each case, crate or package shall be waterproof, rot proof and insect proof, of robust construction and suitable for the intended purposes. The Works Package Contractor shall, in determining the package materials to be used, take cognisance of the climatic conditions likely to occur during theperiodoftransport,shipmentandstorage. Each case, crate or package shall be legibly and indelibly marked in large letters with the site address, Contract, number, "right way up", opening points and other markings as necessary to permit materials to be readily identified and handledduringtransitandwhenreceivedatSite. Each case, crate or package shall contain a comprehensive packing list showing the number, mark, size, weight and contents together with any relevant drawings. This list shall be delivered to the PDP prior to the delivery of the goods themselves. A second copy of the packing list shall be enclosed in a watertight enclosure on the outside of each case, crate or package. Distribution of additional copies of each packing list shall be in accordance with the PDP's instructions. Allitemsheavierthan100kgshallbemarkedontheoutside ofthecasetoshowthegrossandnetweights,thepointsfor slinging,andwheretheweightisbearing. Care shall be taken to prevent movement of items within cases,cratesorpackagesbytheprovision ofbracings,straps and securing bolts as necessary. Bags of loose items shall be packed in cases, and shall be clearly identified by well secured metal labels on which the quantity and name of the partanditsindexorcataloguenumberhavebeenstamped. Plug connected electronic circuit boards shall be removed fromtheirracks,packedandshippedseparately. All packing shall be free from sharp edges to prevent injury topersonsorotherobjects. Each bulky/heavy case,crate or package shall include wedge for easy loading and unloading by mechanical handling equipmentsuchasforklifttruck. Electronic circuit boards, integrated circuits (IC) and the like shall be well protected by using appropriate packing, e.g.
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(6) (7) (8)




GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG8Materials,Equipment,andSpareParts

antistaticbubblebagorsimilar. (10) Rubber products and the like, shall be suitably packed to avoid damage including but not limited to hardening, deformationandpeeloff. Spare parts shall be tropicalised in their packing for prolonged storage in accordance with BS 1133 and shall be suitablyandindividuallylabelledtoindicate: a) b) c) d) e) shelflife; type or condition(s) of storage and special handling information; descriptionofitemandrelevantpartnumber; serialnumber,ifapplicable; inspection/test certificate number and batch number, that is, the number allocated by the PDP at thetimeofmanufactureorpacking;and Contract number, variation order number and item number.

Packing precautions



f) (2)

Tube ends and other similar openings shall beblanked offto prevent ingress of dirt or moisture. Flanged ends shall be protected by adhesive tape or jointing materialcovered bya properly secured wooden blank not smaller than the flange itself. Plain tube ends shall be closed off with bungs or plugs orsuitablematerialsfirmlyfixedinposition. Particularcareshallbetakentopreventmechanicaltransport related damage or corrosion of shafts and journals where they rest on timber or other supports which may contain moisture. At such points wrappings impregnated with anti rustingcompositionandofsufficientstrengthtoresistchafing under the pressures and movements during transit shall be used. Spare ball and roller bearings and similarly protected items shouldnotberemovedfromthemanufacturerswrappingsor packing. Fragile materials, such as glass, shall be packed in such a way that they shall not be damaged during transit and when they are properly unpacked for quality inspection. Glass shall be easilyrepackablewithoutremovingtheoriginalwrappingsor packingforlongtermstoragewithinthesamepackingcase. Appropriate precautions in accordance with the Works
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GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG8Materials,Equipment,andSpareParts

Package Contractors safety regulations, the regulations of the Railway Operator, and statutory regulations shall be taken in respect of all materials which are hazardous, toxic, inflammable,etc. Packaging procedures G8.4.4 (1) Allrequiredinspection/testcertificatesshallbesuppliedand packed together with individual materials. All packaging materialsandproceduresshallbeapprovedbythePDP. All empty cases, crates, or packages whether or not returnable shall be immediately removed from the Site by the Works Package Contractor or stored by the Works Package Contractor in such a way that they do not interfere with the progress of the works of Other Works Contractors, anddonotcausefireorsafetyhazards.


Shippingand Delivery Shipping

G8.5 G8.5.1

(1) The Works Package Contractor shall notify the PDP ten (10) Days in advance of any expected shipment date and give further notification of the actual shipment date and routing when such information is subsequently established. This shall complement the inspection requirements prior to deliveryasspecifiedherein. Two (2) copies of packing lists and quality certificates shall be attached to each package to be shipped. One (1) copy shall be placed inside the package and the other copy outside the package. A copy of packing lists and quality certificates shall be sent to the PDP after each package of theWorks,theequipment,sparepartsandotheritemstobe shippedhavebeenshipped. Without prejudice to any other provisions of the Contract, the Works Package Contractor shall be responsible for all legal requirements, duties, dues, taxes, insurance, storage charges and other such requirements and expenditures required for the importation of the Works, the equipment, spare parts and other items to be supplied under the ContractintoMalaysia. For imported goods, the Works Package Contractor shall cleartheWorks,theequipment,sparepartsandotheritems to be supplied under the Contract through Jabatan Kastam Diraja Malaysia (Royal Malaysian Customs Department) in accordancewiththerelevantStatutoryRequirements. The Works Package Contractor shall deliver the Works and allitemstobesuppliedundertheContracttotheSite.
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GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG8Materials,Equipment,andSpareParts


The Works Package Contractor shall unload the Works and allitemstobesuppliedundertheContractatthedesignated deliverypointandpositioningorstoringthem. Any part of the Works or any item to be supplied under the Contract which is damaged in transit shall not be considered as delivered until repairs or replacements have been made and all necessary spare parts or items have been delivered totheSite. All documents, manuals, drawings and other similar deliverables shall be delivered to a location in accordance withthePDPswritteninstructions. The Works Package Contractor shall store and secure the Works, equipment, spare parts and other items until the same have been inspected and are considered delivered at thedesignatedpointbythePDP. The Works Package Contractor shall remove temporary fittingsrequiredforshipmentandreassemblyofequipment shall complete this prior to the equipment or parts thereof beinginspectedandbeforetheyareconsidereddelivered. An item shall be considered delivered when all damage has been repaired and all documentation and post delivery preparation have been completed to the satisfaction of the PDP. Spare parts shall be consigned to the Railway Operator and delivered in accordance with the PDP's instructions to a programme which shall ensure that sufficient spares are delivered to facilitate normal routine maintenance of the Permanent Works by the Railway Operator at all stages of completion.







PDPsRightto G8.6 Reject Subcontractors

The Works Package Contractor shall submit to the PDP for review evidenceoftheproposedsubcontractorscompetencyandabilityto deliver the subcontracted works, including the proposed design documents of the subcontractors proposed by the Works Package Contractor. Without prejudice to the PDPs rights or the Works Package Contractors obligations under CoC Clause 14 [Sub Contracting], the PDP shall have the right to reject any or all of the subcontractors, equipment, materials and/or systems if, in the opinion of the PDP, they do not meet the requirements of the Contract.





GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG8Materials,Equipment,andSpareParts

NoticeofPlace G8.7 ofManufacture and/orSource ofSupply

The Works Package Contractor shall notify the PDP of the places of manufacture and/or the source of supply of all goods and materials to be incorporated into the Permanent Works and shall give reasonable notice (which shall not in any event be less than 56 Days) to the PDP before the start of any manufacturing and/or supplyofgoodsandmaterials. Unless otherwise directed by the PDP, the Works Package Contractor shall provide certificates for each batch of goods and materials incorporated into the Permanent Works. Each certificate shall certify that the materials comply with the requirements of the Contract and shall include all reports of inspections and/or tests carriedoutattheplaceofmanufacture (1) Eachandeveryindividualitemofequipmentformingpartof the Permanent Works shall be fitted with permanent identification labels in accordance with the requirements in the Design Standard of E&M Tagging and Labelling System, which will be issued at a later date by the PDP. In case of any inconsistency between these documents and/or the PDPs Drawings, the Works Package Contractor shall seek clarificationfromthePDP. In this respect, the term individual item of equipment refers to a complete assembly of components and to each removablesubmodulewithinthecompleteassembly. The identification label shall be permanently attached in such a way that it shall not become detached or illegible during the lifetime of the system from any cause including wear and tear, environmental effects (such as rain, direct sunlight, etc.) or any other influence. Preference shall be given to embossed or engraved metallic labels mechanically fastened by riveting or similar means to the item to which theyrefer. All labels shall be easily cleaned to remove dirt and debris (including grease and oil) without disturbing the legibility properties. Materials and equipment which are to be provided by the PDPwillbeasstatedintheContract.

Certificatesfor G8.8 Manufactured Goodsor Materials

Labellingof Equipment





Materialsand G8.10 Equipment Providedbythe PDP



Materials and equipment provided by the PDP shall be collected by the Works Package Contractor from the locations stated in the Contract and delivered by the Works Package Contractor to the Site. The Works Package Contractor shall inspect the materials and equipment before
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GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG8Materials,Equipment,andSpareParts

taking receipt and shall immediately inform the PDP of any shortageordamage. (3) Materials or equipment provided by the PDP which are damaged after collection shall be repaired by the Works Package Contractor and submitted for the PDPs inspection and review. Materials or equipment which are lost or which in the opinion of the PDP are either not capable of being repaired or have not been repaired satisfactorily shall be replacedbytheWorksPackageContractor. Crates and containers for materials or equipment provided by the PDP shall be properly disposed of by the Works PackageContractor,asdirectedbythePDP Equipment and materials provided by the PDP which are surplus to the requirements of the Works shall be returned tothelocationsstatedintheContract The Works Package Contractor shall protect and maintain equipment provided by the PDP while it is on the Site and shall provide operatives, fuel and other consumables requiredtooperatetheequipment









GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG8Materials,Equipment,andSpareParts






GeneralSpecificationforRailwaysystems SectionG9Safety&Health


WorksPackage G9.1 Contractor's Safety&Health Obligations


The Works Package Contractor shall have full and undiminishedresponsibilityforsafetyandhealthontheSite, includingthesafetyandhealthofworkersengageduponthe Works,andofallotherpersonsworkingatorvisitingtheSite includinganyemployeesofOtherWorksContractorsandfor theprotectionofthepublicinthevicinityoftheSite. The Works Package Contractor shall bear the cost of complying with all Safety and Health requirements and the cost shall be deemed to have been included in the Contract Price. The Works Package Contractor shall bear the costs of any interruption and delays to work due to incidents involving theWorksPackageContractorortheiremployees. The Works Package Contractor shall provide a written Safety & Health Policy which demonstrates an understanding that safety & health concepts must be an integral part of his business strategy. The Safety & Health Policy shall be formally communicated to and fully understood by all levels oftheWorkspackageContractorsorganization. The Works Package Contractor shall formulate and implement a site specific Safety & Health Plan that details the way that they will ensure the safety & health of all personsattheSiteandallothersthatmaybeaffectedbythe Works. The Works Package Contractor shall implement an overall Safety&HealthManagementSystemthatiscompatiblewith OHSAS 18001 or MS 1722 standard. The system shall be in place for all aspects of the Work for the duration of the Contract. The Works Package Contractor shall appoint sufficient numbers of competent safety & health staff who shall have sufficient authority and control to ensure the effective implementation and monitoring of the safety requirements atalltimes. The Works Package Contractors Managers and Supervisors shall be familiar with the all safety and health requirements andtakeallnecessaryactionstoensurecompliancewiththe Safety&HealthPlan.
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GeneralSpecificationforRailwaysystems SectionG9Safety&Health


The Works Package Contractor shall ensure that all workers employed are fully conversant with the safety and health requirements. The Works Package Contractor shall promptly rectify all safety&healthrelateddeficienciesanduncontrolledhazards thatareidentified. Any Instruction issued by PDP relating to safety & health requirements shall be adopted by the Works Package Contractor who will be responsible for ensuring that these instructions are seen and understood by their employees andsubcontractors. The Works Package Contractor shall maintain a register of signoff sheets showing that each worker, subcontractor etc. has received applicable training in safety rules and procedures. The Works Package Contractor shall be required to countersign the PDP's Safety charter as an acknowledgement of their commitment to observe best working practice





Lawsand Regulations


The Works Package Contractor shall comply with all applicable safety&healthrelatedlegislationincluding,butnotlimitedto: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) Occupational Safety & Health Act 1994 (Act 514) Regulation andOrders. Factories and Machinery Act 1967 (Act 139) , Regulations andRules EmploymentAct1955(Act265),RegulationandOrders UniformBuildingByLaw1984(Act133) Employees Social Security Act 1969 ( Act 4) Regulations and Rules Construction Industry Development Board Act 1994 ( Act 520) ElectricityRegulation1994anditsRules FireServiceAct1988&RegulationAct341 Explosive Act 1957 ( Act 207) and Explosive Rules 1923 & corrosive and Explosive Substances and Offensive Weapons Act1958(Act357) RailwayAct1991 Safety & Health Guideline and Code of Practice issued by
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j) k)


GeneralSpecificationforRailwaysystems SectionG9Safety&Health

relevantauthoritiessuchasDOSH,SOCSOandCIDB. WorksPackage G9.3 Contractor's Safetyand Health Personnel (1) Withinfourteen(14)DaysfromtheLetterofAcceptanceand at all times throughout the contract, the Works Package Contractor shall engage the following personnel to be based fulltimeontheSite: a) b) (2) (3) OneSafetyandHealthManager OneSafetyandHealthOfficer

The Safety & Health Manager shall have at least ten (10) yearspracticalexperiencerelevanttotheWorks. The Safety & Health Manager(s) shall report directly to the Works Package Contractors Project Director/Manager and be independent of the production team, with sufficient authority to recommend suspension of works if safety & healthrulesandregulationsaregrosslyflouted. The Safety & Health Officer shall be competent with valid certification from DOSH and at least five (5) years practical experiencerelevanttotheWorks. In addition to the minimum number of safety and health personnel detailed above, the Works Package Contractor shall provide additional Safety & Health Officer and other Safety & Health Supervisory staff necessary for the control andmonitoringofsafetyandhealthrequirements. The Works Package Contractor shall submit the curriculum vitae of the proposed Safety and Health Manager and the Safety &Health Officerto the PDP and obtain approval prior toanyappointment. The Works Package Contractor shall not remove the approved Safety and Health Manager and any Safety and HealthOfficerfromtheSitewithoutobtainingapprovalfrom thePDP. Duties and responsibilities of all personnel shall be clearly identifiedintheSafety&HealthPlan. The safety and health organization chart shall be included in the Safety and Health Plan and show direct lines of communication and reporting between the Works Package Contractor's Safety & Health Manager and the Works PackageContractor'sboarddirectorandbetweentheWorks Package Contractors Safety & Health Manager and other managementstaff. The Works Package Contractor shall authorize all
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(8) (9)



GeneralSpecificationforRailwaysystems SectionG9Safety&Health

management staff to instruct employees of the Works PackageContractororitssubcontractorofanytierstocease operations and take immediate action to make safe the Site and in order to prevent unsafe working practices or other infringementsofthesafetyrequirements. (11) Where a particular person or group of persons repeatedly fails to achieve acceptable safety and health standards then the Works Package Contractor will take action to remove such persons from the Site. Where the Works Package Contractor does not take such action the PDP may instruct theWorksPackageContractortodoso. The Works Package Contractor shall submit to the PDP a written site specific Safety & Health Plan within fourteen (14) Days from the Letter of Acceptance. No construction activities shall begin and no requests for payment from the Works Package Contractor shall be processed until the Works Package Contractors site specific Safety & Health Planisapproved. The Safety & Health Plan shall include all safety & health requirements relevant to the Works and shall detail the arrangement of safety & health management systems and controlmeasurestobeimplemented. Beforecommencementofanyworkbyhissubcontractorson the Site the Works Package Contractor shall require his subcontractors to submit their written Safety & Health Plan specific to their scope of work. The Works Package Contractor shall review the plan to ensure compliance with theSafetyRequirements. The Works Package Contractor shall provide his subcontractors with copies of the approved site specific Safety & Health Plan and shall incorporate a requirement to complywithitintoallsubcontracts Safety & Health Plan shall contain, but not be limited to the following: a) b) The Works Package Contractors Policy on Safety and Health Anorganizationchartthatshallidentifyallsafetyand health personnel and all Site staff with particular responsibilitiesforsafety&health. Details of the authority allocated to the Safety & Health Manager and his staff, which would enable themtotakeorinstructappropriateaction.
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Safety&Health G9.4 Plan









GeneralSpecificationforRailwaysystems SectionG9Safety&Health

d) e)

Methodology of hazard identification, assessmentanddeterminingcontrol(HIRADC).


The procedures, safe system of work, rules and work instructions established to monitor the implementationofsafety&healthatSite. The means by which the Works Package Contractor shall ensure that subcontractors of all levels comply withthesafetyandhealthrequirements. A list of emergency preparedness and response proceduresrequiredunderClauseG9.6. Arrangements for the training of all staff of the Works Package Contractor and his subcontractos on the Site to enable them to properly undertake their dutiesandresponsibilitiesrelatingtosafety&health. The arrangements for monitoring of all safety and health standards at Site and in particular the monitoring of subcontractors safety & health compliance,plantandmachinerysafety,highriskand hazardoustasks. Details of how safety & health related records shall bekeptandmaintained. Details of communication medium to be established within internal and external parties such as meeting, briefingandetc. Details of the safety & health audit scheme to be implementedbytheWorksPackageContractor. Details on the reporting and investigation procedure onanyincidentsthatoccurinrelationtotheWorks.


g) h)


j) k)

l) m) (6)

The Works Package Contractor shall review the Safety & Health Plan at least once every year. In addition, the Works Package Contractor shall review the Safety & Health Plan in the event of any significant change to the Works, work methods or following any safety & health related incident. The Works Package Contractor shall revise and resubmit the Safety&HealthPlantothePDPforapprovalwithinseven(7) Daysofthecompletionofeachreview. The Works Package Contractor shall carry out a detailed Safety & Health hazard identification and Safety & Health risk assessment for the Works and particular conditions on theSite.TheSafety&HealthhazardidentificationandSafety
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Safety&Health G9.5 Risk Assessment




GeneralSpecificationforRailwaysystems SectionG9Safety&Health

& Health risk assessment shall include those Safety & Health risks related to the prevention of death, injury, health risk andmaterialloss. (2) The results of this process will be compiled into a Safety & Health Risk Register. The Safety & Health Risk Register shall be endorsed by the Works Package Contractors representative,ConstructionManagerandSafetyandHealth Manager. TheSafety&HealthRiskRegistershallbereviewedfollowing changes to design, operating processes, specification, Management System, modification in equipment, incident, changes to legal and other requirements and other relevant changes. The reviewed and revised Safety & Health Risk RegistershallbesubmittedtoPDPforapproval. The Works Package Contractor shall submit to the PDP Representative the Safety & Health Risk Register before the commencementofWorkonSite. The Works Package Contractor shall establish a Job Safety & Health Analysis procedure which describes the methodology of hazard identification, risk assessment and risk control for allworks. Job Safety & Health Analysis shall be conducted by a qualified and experienced team. The documentation arising from this process shall contain a comprehensive schedule of all hazards, risks and the control measures necessary to eliminateorminimizetheriskstoacceptablelevels. The control measures that are necessary to eliminate or minimize risk shall be put in place prior to commencing the associated work and all personnel involved in the work shall be made aware of the hazards, risks and necessary control measures. Prior to work starting, a Supervisor or ganger shall brief all persons involved with the work, on the safe work method and the safety precautions stipulated in the method statementduringtheirdailybriefing. The Works Package Contractor shall develop an Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan (ERP) before any work commences at the Site. The Plan shall detail the arrangements for all potential emergencies associated with theWorks. The Works Package Contractor shall submit to the PDP the ERP for review within fourteen (14) Days from the Letter of
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Emergency preparedness andresponse





GeneralSpecificationforRailwaysystems SectionG9Safety&Health

Acceptance. (3) TheERPshallprovideclearinstructionstobefollowedinthe event of all emergency incidents and shall include the process of evacuation from any areas that emergency incidentsmayoccurin. The ERP shall specify the emergency preparedness arrangementsnecessarytodealwithallpotentialemergency incidentsandtorestorenormalSiteconditions. The Works Package Contractor shall provide relevant trainingtoallpersonnelandperiodicallytesthisERP. TheWorksPackageContractorshallreviewhisemergency proceduresandcarryoutregular,atleastevery3Months, emergencyevacuationexercisesfromhisofficesandsite area.TheWorksPackageContractorshallprovideadequate standbyplanttoensurethesafetyofpersonnel,theWorks andthepublic. Thesemeasuresshallincludeforthefollowing: (a)generatorsandpumpsforcontrollingflooding; (b) generators and lights for illumination of the Works and publicareas;and (c) Generators and ventilation plant for underground and marineworks. The PDP shall be notified by the Works Package Contractor immediately if any incidents occur whether onsite or off siteinwhichtheWorksPackageContractor,hispersonnelor plant or those of his subcontractors are directly or indirectly involved. Such initial notification shall be followed by a written investigationreportforallsignificantincidents. Within seven (7) Days of such incidents , the Works Package Contractor shall submit a copy of all incident investigation reportstoPDPforreview. TheWorksPackageContractorshallimplementallcorrective and preventive actions identified in the incident investigation report at the Works Package Contractors own cost,topreventanyreoccurrence. The Works Package Contractor shall develop a written procedure which shows the process and responsibilities of all personnel in relation to incident notification and reporting. The Works Package Contractor shall comply with the legislation requirement on notification and reporting of
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(5) (6)

Incident G9.7 notificationand reporting


(2) (3)





GeneralSpecificationforRailwaysystems SectionG9Safety&Health

incidents in accordance with NADOPOD Regulations 2004 (OSHAAct1994)ifanyincidentsoccurattheSiteresultingin injury, ill health or serious damage involving his employees or subcontractors who are directly or indirectly involved withtheWorks. Controlof G9.8 Safety&Health Non Compliance (1) During the performance of the Works, if the PDP observes thattheWorksPackageContractoris: a) Not conducting the work in compliance with the approved Safety & Health Plan, procedures, relevant legislationorcontractualrequirements,and/or Conducting the work in such a way cause danger to the safety & health of employees, subcontractors, PDPs staff, public or damage to plant, equipment or materials,


then the PDP may proceed with either one or more of the followingsactions: i) ii) iii) Issuanceofinspectionreports Issuanceofnonconformancereports Withhold Certification of the Interim Certificate and/or Withhold any payment due or becoming due to the Works Package ContractorunderanyInterimCertificate Issuanceofstopworkorders

iv) (2)

The PDP may direct the Works Package Contractor to suspend the work until such time as the Works Package ContractorsatisfiesthePDPthattheworkwillberesumedin conformitywithapplicablesafety&healthrequirements. The PDP may require immediate removal from Site of any person who in his opinion fails to observe the provisions of applicable safety and health requirements. Such persons shall under no circumstances be employed again without priorapprovalfromthePDP. TheWorksPackageContractorshallestablishaprocedureto monitor and control the noncompliance of subcontractors onsafety&healthrequirements. The Works Package Contractor shall implement a system for controllinganysafety&healthnonconformanceatSite. The Works Package Contractor is required to notify and forward a detailed report to the PDP on any safety & health
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(5) (6)


GeneralSpecificationforRailwaysystems SectionG9Safety&Health

nonconformance, notice or complaint received from any RelevantAuthorityandshalltakeimmediateactiontorectify theissue. Traffic Management andPublic Safety G9.9 (1) The Works Package Contractor shall comply with the requirements of Section G5 concerning works within and around footways, accesses, private rights of way, roads and otherrightsofway. Alltrafficmustbeallowedtomoveincompletesafetytoand fromexistingroadsandaccesstrackswithouthindrance. The Works Package Contractor shall ensure the safety & healthofnearbyresidentsandpublicroadusers. The Works Package Contractor shall ensure all emergency accesstoallpropertiesshallbemaintainedatalltimes. The Works Package Contractor shall provide dedicated and protected traffic and pedestrian routes through the Site and shall ensure that pedestrians are not struck by mobile plant, equipmentorvehicles. ThespeedlimitonSiteistoberestrictedandsignsdisplayed advisingdriversofthelimitsimposed

(2) (3) (4) (5)

(6) GeneralSafety G9.10 andHealth Requirements Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) G9.10.1


The Works Package Contractor shall ensure that all persons working on or visiting the Site wear, safety helmet, safety boots, high visibility vest and appropriate PPE according to thetask. The Works Package Contractor shall assess all works areas and specify the appropriate PPE for particularly hazardous areas. The Works Package Contractor shall ensure that subcontractors workers of any tier, including laboronly, are issuedwithallnecessaryPPE.







GeneralSpecificationforRailwaysystems SectionG9Safety&Health

ControlofNoise G9.10.2 andSubstances Hazardousto Health


The Works Package Contractor shall take all necessary measures to prevent people working on Site or members of thepublicbeingexposedtounreasonablelevelsofnoise. Such measures shall where necessary include the provision of noise containment barriers and the issue of protective equipmenttopeopleworkingonSite. Works Package Contractor shall assess the use of all hazardous substances and identify the risk before they are transported, stored or used on Site. Where hazardous substances are intended to be used consideration must be giventotheuseoflesshazardoussubstances. The Works Package Contractor shall established inventory level, safe storage location, safe transportation and control ofaccesstoallhazardoussubstances. The Works Package Contractor shall maintain the material safety data sheet (MSDS) and other relevant information for allhazardoussubstances. Controls shall be established and maintained to prevent personsundertheinfluenceofdrugsoralcoholenteringand orworkingontheSite.Noalcoholornonprescriptiondrugs shallbeallowedontheSite. The Works Package Contractor shall establish a safe working methodforallidentifiedhighrisktasks. The Works Package Contractor shall ensure the use of appropriate equipment, competent supervision and workers andtheuseofapermittoworksystemfortheauthorization andcontrolofhighrisktasks. The Works Package Contractor shall implement adequate control on the entry and exit of personnel to high risk work areas. High risk tasks shall include but not be limited to the followingactivities: a) b) c) d) e) HotWork; Excavation; Piling; Lifting; Blasting;
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PerformingHigh G9.10.3 RiskTasks

(1) (2)





GeneralSpecificationforRailwaysystems SectionG9Safety&Health

f) g) h) i) j)

ConfinedSpaceEntry; HighVoltageElectricalWork; Demolition; NightWork;and Any other activities rated as high risk in the Works Package Contractors Safety & Health risk assessment.

Radiation Protection


(1) (2)

No operation involving ionizing radiation shall be carried out withoutapprovalfromthePDP. The Works Package Contractor shall ensure that Site personnel and members of the public are not exposed to radiation. Themannerinwhichradioactivesubstancesarestored,used or disposed shall be strictly in accordance with the Enactments. TheWorksPackageContractorshallprovidehoardingforthe worksite to protect public from danger and to prevent unauthorizedpersonsfromenteringintotheSite. The hoarding shall provide adequate safe distance between the Site and public areas and follow the specification of the RelevantAuthority. The Works Package Contractor shall establish a safe entrance and exit from the Site, located in such a manner to preventdangerandinconveniencestothepublic. TheWorksPackageContractorshallprovidewarningsignage attheSite,storageareasandhighriskactivityareas. The Works Package Contractor shall implement adequate control on the entry and exit of personnel to the Site and workareas. The Works Package Contractor shall provide all necessary temporary access facilities, which shall be constructed, installed and maintained in accordance with the requirementsoftheRelevantAuthoritiesandthePDP. The Works Package Contractor shall ensure all the temporary access be secured against movement, provide a good walking surface and incorporate fall protection measures.
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Hoardingand Warning Signage





(4) (5)

Temporary Access






GeneralSpecificationforRailwaysystems SectionG9Safety&Health




The Works Package Contractor shall obtain applicable approvals and permits from the Relevant Authorities before commencinganyblastingactivity. The Works Package Contractor shall comply with all laws, ordinance and regulation governing the transportation, storage and use of explosives and shall ensure the safety of allpersonnel,publicandproperty. The Works Package Contractor shall ensure that appropriate control measures are implemented for the protection of life and property. Residents adjacent to any blasting area shall benotifiedbeforetheblastingoperationcommences. The Works Package Contractor shall be responsible for any damage resulting from the use of explosives and no blasting shall be carried out which will damage subsurface conduits orstructures. The Works Package Contractor shall provide proper warning signage, adequate hoarding, red flags, security checks and sirenwarningsbeforeanyblastingoperationisundertaken. The safety & health requirements for tunneling operations shall comply with the applicable laws and guideline or other standardasinstructedbythePDP. The Works Package Contractor shall develop safety instructionsandaccesscontrolforallworkintunnels Allpersonsemployedforundergroundworkmustundergoa specific orientation program and be given information on the hazards, risks and risk control measures associated with theworks. The Works Package Contractor shall ensure that all tunnels andshaftsareequippedwithmechanicalventilationsystems and that airborne contaminants tests are conducted regularly. Where any construction work in compressed air is carried out, the Works Package Contractor shall appoint a medical practitioner to supervise all medical matters which may arise. The Works Package Contractor shall also provide a medical lock within each works site where compressed air working is to be carried out. The medical lock shall conform to the relevant requirements of the Health and Safety Executives (UK) Guide to the Work in Compressed Air Regulations1996(DocumentNo.L96). The Works Package Contractor shall undertake regular
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Tunneling Operations



(2) (3)








GeneralSpecificationforRailwaysystems SectionG9Safety&Health

Equipmentand Vehicles (2)

maintenance and repair of plant, equipment and vehicles to preventanyriskoffailureduringoperation. The Works Package Contractors plant, equipment and vehicles shall be tested and licensed in accordance with applicable laws. Copies of all test certificates and licenses shall be kept on Site and made available for inspection by thePDP. The Works Package Contractor shall prepare and update a Machinery Register for all plant, equipment and vehicles used on Site. The register shall be available at Site for inspectionbythePDP. Topreventworkersenteringtherearoperatingzoneof plantwhichmayslewduringitsnormaloperations,suchas cranes,pilingrigsandbackhoes,aprotectionzoneshallbe establishedusing: (a) a physical barrier to barricade the rear of the plant, whichshallmovewiththeplant; (b) a suitable, collapsible and soft fixture, such as plastic pipe, connected by plastic chain, secured to the plant by 2 way hinges to be installed at the rear of the plant to maintain a minimum safety distance between a person and theplant;or (c) a reversing video device shall be installed in the cab to provide the operator with a clear view of the rear of the vehiclewhilstreversingormanoeuvring. The Works Package Contractor shall provide and maintain safely all crane, hoist and conveying facilities for lifting and transportation of materials. All the crane and hoist shall be equippedwithoverloadedwarningdevices. The Works Package Contractor shall ensure all cranes and hoistsareoperatedonlybycompetentpersonsholdingvalid certificates or licenses. They will be assisted by at least one banksman. The Works Package Contractor shall provide a trained and authorizedpersontosuperviseeveryliftingoperation. All lifting and hoisting equipment shall be tested to an approved safety margin according to the Applicable Laws. The test certificate shall be submitted to the PDP before use ofsuchequipmentonSite. The Safe Working Load shall be clearly marked on all lifting equipment. The lifting or hoisting of persons is specifically prohibited withoutwrittenapprovalfromthePDP.
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Hoistingand Lifting Operations

G9.10.10 (1)


(3) (4)

(5) (6)


GeneralSpecificationforRailwaysystems SectionG9Safety&Health


All cranes and hoisting equipment shall have valid endorsement / certification from the relevant regulatory bodies. Where a number of tower cranes operate in an area, safety devicesshallbeinstalledtopreventaclash A "tag line" system shall be used when lifting loads. A minimumof2taglines,atoppositecornersoftheload,shall beused TheWorksPackageContractorshallimplementapermitto moveandpermittooperatesystemforallcranes,pilingrigs andsimilarmachinesoperatingormovinginthesite. Thepermitsystemsshallensurethatacompetentperson, otherthantheplantoperator,hasinspectedtheareawhere theplantistotraveloroperatetoconfirmthatitissafeto doso. Crawlercranesandhydrauliccranes,otherthanthosehired forashortduration(lessthan3Days)andforspecificheavy lifts,aretobefittedwithaudiblewarningsandindicator lightsoutsidethecontrolcabinofthecrane.Theselightsare toshowthattheautomaticsafeloadindicatorofthecrane isfunctioningcorrectly. Theindicatorlightsshallbegreen,amberandred.Agreen lightistoshowwhenthecraneisworkingupto80%ofits maximumsafeworkingload.Anamberlightistoflashwhen theloadofthecranereaches8085%ofitsmaximumsafe workingload.Aredlightistoflashandanaudiblewarning deviceshallalarm,whentheloadofthecranereaches95% ofthemaximumsafeworkingload.Thesizeofthewarning lightshallbeaminimumof20cmx20cmx20cmforeach colour. Theaudiblealarmshallgenerateasoundofnotlessthan90 dB(A)at1metre,oraminimumof3dBhigherthanthenoise generatedbytheengineofthecrane. Wherethecraneisfittedwithaswitchwhichiscapableof bypassingorswitchingofftheautomaticsafeloadindicator ofthecraneduringoverloadsituations,theredlight describedin4thbulletaboveshallflashiftheswitchis activated. Theindicatorlightsshallbeinstalledsothattheycanbe easilyseenbypersonsonSite,i.e.abovethecontrolcabin, abovetheballastorataconspicuouslocationonthecrane. The Works Package Contractor shall inspect the visual indicator and audible warnings monthly to ensure that they arefunctioningcorrectly Allworkatheightinexcessof2.0mshallbeexecutedwithin
G914of20 Revision:03

(8) (9)










G9.10.11 (1)



GeneralSpecificationforRailwaysystems SectionG9Safety&Health

Heightand WorkingOver Water (2)

a properly secured and otherwise protected area. If such enclosureandprotectionisimpracticable,workshallonlybe permitted with the use of wellsecured safety lines and safetyharness. The Works Package Contractor is to supply, install and maintain all temporary scaffolding, shoring, staging, walkways and guard rails necessary for the execution of the Work. Where work is being carried out on, over or adjacent to water a safe system of work shall be devised to prevent persons from falling into the water. They shall be continuously manned with appropriately trained staff and appropriateequipmentsforanyemergencyrescueneeded. The Works Package Contractor shall establish provisions for fire prevention for all of the works under his control and shall provide all necessary and appropriate fire fighting equipment,facilitiesandtrainedpersonnel. The Works Package Contractor shall comply with all laws, regulations and contractual requirements with respect to firehazardandpreventionoffire. TheWorksPackageContractorshallprovideandmaintainall thefirefightingequipmentandfacilitiesatSiteuntilallWork iscompletedandacceptedbythePDPRepresentative. The Works Package Contractor shall pay particular attention andtocontrolofhotworks. Smoking and the use of naked flames are only permitted in areas designated for such purposes by the Works Package Contractor and as approved by the PDP. Smoking within underground, other enclosed spaces, and in areas where flammable materials and gas pipes are present, shall not be permitted. Naked flames associated with hot works within enclosed areas may be permitted, provided that such works havebeenapprovedbythePDP. The Works Package Contractor shall obtain a licence from the Relevant Authority for storage of highly flammable materialsonsite. The Works Package Contractor shall store all flammable materials only in designated properly constructed storage areas that are kept away from ignition sources and provided withsignageandfirefightingequipment. Skid tanks shall be properly supported and placed within a
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FirePrevention G9.10.12 (1)



(4) (5)

Storageof Flammable Material

G9.10.13 (1)




GeneralSpecificationforRailwaysystems SectionG9Safety&Health

constructedbund. Controlof G9.10.14 (1) Employeesand Visitors All employees of the Works Package Contractor and subcontractors who are working within the Site, and all visitorstothesite,includingstaffandagentsofPDP,shallbe obliged to conform to the provisions of the approved site specificSafety&HealthPlan. Procedures shall be established to control the entry of visitors onto the Site. All visitors shall be issued with appropriatepermitsforentry. The Works Package Contractor shall provide visitors viewing or inspecting any work site with personal protective equipment and shall provide appropriate safety instruction to the visitors. They shall be accompanied at all times by a fulltime site employee of the Works Package Contractor, or subcontractorasthecasemaybe. All employees of the Works Package Contractor who are working within the Site shall at all time wear suitable identificationwhenonSite. The Works Package Contractor shall establish and implement a tagbase entry control system, or other entry control system, which shall clearly and accurately record the number of persons entering and leaving any tunnel, their nameandcompany The Site shall be kept clean and free of obstructions at all times. All materials and equipment that are not in use or intendedforuse,shallberemovedfromtheSite The Site shall be free from potential mosquito breeding areas at all times and the Works Package Contractor shall takeactiontopreventanyinfestation. The Works Package Contractor is required to provide, operate and maintain site welfare facilities for the employeesatalltimes. The Works Package Contractor shall provide adequate and suitable waste disposal, sanitary and washing facilities for the use of his employees and maintain them in clean and safeconditionthroughoutthedurationoftheContract. The Works Package Contractor shall submit a detailed Site Sanitation Plan outlining the arrangements for waste disposal, sanitary and washing facilities at the Site for the PDPsapproval. The Works Package Contractor shall submit the Site
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Housekeeping, G9.10.15 (1) Sanitaryand Workers Welfare (2) Facilities






GeneralSpecificationforRailwaysystems SectionG9Safety&Health

Sanitation Plan to the PDP not less than fourteen (14) Days priortocommencementoftheworkattheSite. FirstAid G9.10.16 (1) (2) TheWorksPackageContractorshallprovidefirstaidfacilities attheworkplaceinaccordancewithlegalrequirements. The Works Package Contractor shall ensure adequate numberoffirstaidboxesandadequatenumberoffirstaider areavailableinaccordancewithlegalrequirements. The Works Package Contractor shall ensure that safety and healthmattersaregivenahighdegreeofpublicityonSite. Posters and signs, written in the languages understood by the workers, which draw attention to safety, emergency arrangements and occupational health, shall be displayed prominentlyinallareasoftheSite. Therequirementsforsafetyandhealthshallapplytoandbe binding upon all tiers of subcontractors employed by the WorksPackageContractor. The Works Package Contractor shall ensure proper and adequateprovisionsareincludedinallsubcontracts. The metal casing of welding transformers shall be properly earthed. Input and output terminals shall be insulated to preventelectricshock. Welding transformers shall be protected against flooding and rainwater. Welding shall not be carried out in the rain, unlessadequateshelterisprovided. Welding cables shall only be jointed using correct welding cablejoints. Welding return cables shall be clamped directly to the work piece. Rebar and other steel structure shall not be used as thereturncable. Welding machines shall be checked and certified, by a registered electrician every 6 Months. The inspection certificateshallbedisplayedontheweldingmachine. Whenever arc welding is being conducted, screens are to be erected to protect persons in the vicinity of the work, including motorists and pedestrians, from sparks or eye injury. When welding is to be carried out in an indoor environment where there is a lack of ventilation openings, adequate ventilation shall be provided by the Works Package Contractor to extract fumes generated by the welding processandensurethehealthofallpersons.

Safetyand G9.10.17 (1) HealthPublicity andPromotion (2)

SubContractors G9.10.18 (1) Safety Obligation (2) Welding G9.10.19 (1)


(3) (4)




Safetyand Health






GeneralSpecificationforRailwaysystems SectionG9Safety&Health

Meetings WorksPackage G9.11.1 Contractors SiteSafety& Health Committee Meeting (1) The Works Package Contractor shall establish a Site Safety& Health Committee and the meetings shall be chaired by the Works Package Contractors Representative. Attendance shall include the senior construction personnel, safety and health representatives of each subcontractors and safety & healthpersonnel. Site Safety and Health Committee meetings shall be held at least once each Month and be scheduled to precede the PDPs Safety and Health Management meeting. All such meetings and the agenda shall be notified in advance to the PDPwhomayattend. Minutesofmeetingsshallbeproducedandsubmittedtothe PDP within seven (7) Days of the meeting for discussion at theSafety&HealthManagementmeeting. The Works Package Contractor shall attend any Safety and HealthmanagementmeetingsheldbythePDP. The Works Package Contractor shall submit to the PDP for approval the names of his representative(s) to attend such meetings. The Works Package Contractor shall act without delay upon any decisions or recommendations made by the PDP at such meetings. Allsafetyandhealthrelateddocumentationshallbekepton Site and be legible, readily identifiable, retained and maintainedthroughoutthedurationoftheWorks. All safety & health records such as inspections checklist, audit, incident investigation reports, audit reports, safety violation records, etc shall be updated and maintained on a regular basis, logs of such records will be updated at least onceeachMonth. The Works Package Contractor shall provide evidence of ongoing performance of the safety& health implementation and performance in the form of a monthly progress report, thecontentofwhichmaybespecifiedbythePDP. The Works Package Contractor shall submit the monthly progress report to the PDP each Month on or before the datespecifiedbythePDP. Prior to submission of the monthly progress report to the PDP, the Works Package Contractors Representative shall endorsethereport.
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PDPSafety& Health Management Meeting


(1) (2)


Safety&Health G9.12 Documentation



Monthly G9.13 progressreport






GeneralSpecificationforRailwaysystems SectionG9Safety&Health




The Works Package Contractor shall develop a method of promoting awareness on safety and health risk, site safety and health requirements and emergency response procedureamongallpersonsdirectlyorindirectlyassociated withtheWorks. The Works Package Contractor shall ensure that all personnel are provided with appropriate training in accordancewith the competency need, their task and risk of theworkactivities. All persons working on Site must attend a Safety and Health Induction Programme prior to commencement of work. The Works Package Contractor shall ensure that the attendance ofeachpersonisrecordedonasignoffsheet. All persons working on Site including subcontractors, vendors or any other personnel engaged by them for the projectshallposesavalidCIDBGreenCard. Workers involved in skill work trades or machinery must be trained and certified as competent by the authorities. The PDP Representative has the right to request proof from Works Package Contractor on the competency of their workers. The PDP or his representative may request the Works Package Contractor to send his respective workers to attend safety & health trainings identified by the PDP as necessary fortheWorks. All training and competency assessment expenses shall be bornebytheWorksPackageContractors. Health and safety toolbox training shall be conducted for all workers once a week for a minimum of 15 minutes. The content of the toolbox training shall be applicable to the workbeingcarriedoutbytheworker.Recordsaretobekept showingdetailsofthoseattendingandthetopicgiven.






(7) (8)

Safetyand G9.15 Health Inspectionand Auditing SiteSafetyand G9.15.1 Health Inspection


The Works Package Contractor shall conduct physical site safety and health inspections on a scheduled basis and submitthesummaryofinspectionstatustoPDP. The Works Package Contractor shall take appropriate corrective and preventive actions at the Works Package
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GeneralSpecificationforRailwaysystems SectionG9Safety&Health

Contractors own cost, for all identified deficiencies relating tosafetyandhealthrequirements. (3) Where inspections identify a particular person or group of personsthatrepeatedlyfailtoachieveacceptablesafetyand health standards then the Works Package Contractor will take action to remove such persons from the Site. Where theWorksPackageContractordoes nottakesuchactionthe PDPmayinstructtheWorksPackageContractortodoso. The PDP has the right to inspect the safety and health performance of the Works Package Contractor at any time. The Works Package Contractor shall cooperate with such inspections and take action to correct any deficiencies observedattheWorksPackageContractorsowncost. The Works Package Contractor shall provide all equipment necessary to facilitate site inspection activities including but not limited to equipment for measuring noise, vibration, air quality,airflowandilluminationlevels. The Works Package Contractors representative shall conduct a dedicated site safety inspection at least once a week. The PDP and the Works Package Contractors most seniormembersofstaffshallattendtheinspection The Works Package Contractor shall submit a safety inspection plan to the PDP each Month. The inspection plan shall show the number of safety inspections to be conducted, the person(s) responsible for carrying out the inspections, and the areas to be inspected for the coming Month The PDP has the right to conduct safety and health audits at any time. Any such audits will be formally notified and subsequently reported to the Works Package Contractor. The Works Package Contractor shall cooperate with such audits and take action to correct any nonconformities reportedattheWorksPackageContractorsowncost. Within 2 weeks of receiving the audit report, the Works Package Contractor shall submit to the PDP a Post Audit Action Plan which details the actions to be taken to rectify the auditors observations, the person(s) who will carry out theactionsandthedatebywhichtheywillbecompleted














GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG10QualityAssuranceandQualityControl





The Works Package Contractor shall establish, implement and maintain a documented quality management system that shall remain in effect during the execution of the Works. The Works Package Contractors quality managementsystemshallcomplywiththerequirementsof the International Standard ISO 9001 Quality management systems Requirements and the Contract, and shall be practically aligned with the daytoday running of the Contracts activities. The Works Package Contractor shall submithisqualitysystemdocumentsforreviewbythePDP asspecifiedinthisChapterG10. The required quality system documents from the Works Package Contractor shall include but not be limited to the following: a) b) c) Aqualitymanual; AProjectQualityPlan;and Qualityprocedures,workinstructionsand/orstandard forms(supplementedbyanycontractspecific documentsasrequired).


ThesedocumentsshallincludeadescriptionoftheQuality organisationshowingtherelationshipoftheQuality Manager,QAandQCengineers,inspectorsetc. (3) The Works Package Contractor shall plan, perform and record all quality assurance and quality control activities to ensure that all work is performed in accordance with the requirements of the Contract and the quality system documents which have been approved by the PDP. Such activities shall include, without limitation, the inspections and/or tests expressly or implicitly required by the Contract. Quality audits will be conducted by the PDP or the PDPs stafftoverifytheWorksPackageContractorsmaintenance and implementation as well as compliance of the quality managementsystemasspecifiedherein. The Works Package Contractor shall be required to countersign the PDP's Quality charter as an acknowledgement of their commitment to observe best working practice






The responsibility for and commitment to the Quality

G101of12 Revision:03



GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG10QualityAssuranceandQualityControl


Policy at company and project level begins with top management. The Works Package Contractors senior managementmustensurethatthecorporateQualityPolicy is clearly defined in accordance with ISO 9001:2008, understood, implemented and maintained throughout all appropriate levels of the organization, including at project level. (2) The commitment of top management to the development and improvement of the Quality Management System shouldbedemonstratedby: a) Communicating to the project team the importance of meeting quality requirements stated in project plans and the Specifications as well as in applicable regulatoryandlegaldocuments. Establishing and disseminating the Quality Policy andQualityObjectives. Conducting management reviews at regular intervals. Ensuringtheavailabilityofnecessaryresources.

b) c) d) Submissionof Quality Documents G10.3


Withinfourteen(14)DaysoftheCommencementDate,the Works Package Contractor shall submit a Project Quality PlanforapprovalbythePDP. The quality procedures and any associated work instructions and/or standard forms, which the Works Package Contractor proposes to use for the Contract, shall bemadeavailableforthePDPsinspection. Within fourteen (14) Days of the Commencement Date, the Works Package Contractor shall prepare and submit, for approval by the PDP, the proposed submission numbering scheme and standard forms to be used for the Works. The numbering system shall conform to the PDPs Work BreakdownStructureshowninAppendixAG12.1 TheWorksPackageContractorshallcontinuouslyreviewand update the quality system documents to meet the requirements and development of the Works throughout the duration of the Contract. For any amendment to the quality system documents, the Works Package Contractor shall as soon as practicable prepare and submit the
G102of12 Revision:03






GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG10QualityAssuranceandQualityControl

proposedamendmentforapprovalbythePDP. Controlled G10.4 Copiesof QualitySystem Documents


The Works Package Contractor shall promptly provide the PDP with two (2) controlled copies of his quality system documents upon such documents being approved by the PDP. The Works Package Contractor shall maintain such controlled documents throughout the duration of the Contract. In this context, a "controlled copy" means a document is maintained and kept uptodate at all times with any subsequent amendments incorporated and is distributed tothePDP bytheWorksPackageContractorwheneverthe documentisupdated.


Formatof G10.5 QualitySystem Documents

The quality system documents shall have a standardised format andshowclearlyonthedocument: a) The document title, the document number (if any), the document revision status, and the page number oneachpage; The approval signatures and the date of such approval;and The identification of all amendments with appropriate amendment indicator against the amendments made withinthedocument.

b) c)



The Project Quality Plan shall define the Works Package Contractors management structure and the Quality Management System for the execution of the Works and shall, without limitation,define: (1) The organisation of the Works Package Contractor's managerial staff with particular reference to any member ofapartnership,consortiumorjointventure,andthemain subcontractors.Organisationchart(s)shallbeproducedto illustrate the subdivision of the Works into elements for effective technical and managerial control, the reporting structureandtheinterfacerelationshipbetweenallparties involved, in particular relating to the quality assurance and quality control teams and with respect to various geographicallocationsasappropriate;
G103of12 Revision:03

ProjectQuality G10.7 Plan



GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG10QualityAssuranceandQualityControl


Thespecificallocationsofresponsibilityandauthoritygiven to managerial and technical staff which shall include, but not be limited to, the quality manager; design staff responsible for design, checking, verification and validation for each type of design; staff responsible for monitoring and controlling his subcontractors as applicable; and site supervision staff for managing and controlling the quality oftheWorks; The hierarchy and structure of the overall quality system documents to be applied to the Contract, and clearly indicating any particular documents to be followed by individualkeymembersoftheWorksPackageContractorif applicable; The contract specific procedural requirements, if applicable;and A full list of quality procedures, work instructions, and/or standard forms, including any contract specific documents, tobeappliedtotheContract. The quality procedures, work instructions and/or standard forms shall define the specific ways to perform the related activities and the records to be generated as objective evidence of the activities performed or results achieved, and shall cover all the requirements of the International Standard ISO 9001 and the Contract including, but not limitedto,thefollowingactivities: a) The review, approval and updating of the quality system documents to ensure their continuing suitabilityandeffectiveness; Design control relating to all permanent works and/or temporary works, including design works carried out by subcontractors. The procedures to be applied to manage and control the quality of the design work shallmakereferenceto,inparticular,thefollowing: i. the design and performance requirements which shall be defined in terms of basic data and design assumptions made; relevant codes; standard and regulatory requirements; safety, security and environmental requirements; and commissioningrequirements; the design methods and software applications to be used in the design, both proprietary and public domain, and any requirements for physicalandmathematicalmodeltesting;
G104of12 Revision:03


(4) (5)

Quality G10.8 Procedures, Work Instructions and/or StandardForms






GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG10QualityAssuranceandQualityControl


the control and maintenance of software used for the design including their verification and validation; the control of design works that are to be conducted by the Works Package Contractors subdesign offices, subconsultants and sub contractors; thepreparation,checking,issuing, distribution, indexing and filing of design supporting documents such as reports, calculations, and specifications along with the means of their revisions; the preparation, checking, issuing, approval andsubsequentamendmentofdrawings; the recording and controlling of design changes; thedesignverificationandvalidation;and; examples of the forms and formats to be used torecordtheactivitiesforthedesignworks.



vi. vii. viii. ix. c)

Drawing management in all premises related to the execution of the Works, such as head office, design office and site office, including production, approval, updating,maintenance,storage,anddistribution; Project documents management in all premises related to the execution of the Works, such as head office, design office and site office, including registration, updating, indexing, filing, maintenance, storage, distribution and monitoring of status of actionitemsarisingfromtheprojectdocuments; Monitoring and control of subcontractors including aspects on programme, submissions and quality of works; Monitoring of the submission and resubmission to thePDP; Monitoring of the ordering and delivery of materials, plantandequipment; QualitycontroloftheWorks,includingthecontroland rectification of nonconforming items of works, in factory,offsiteandonsite; Quality audits on the Works Package Contractor and subcontractorsofanytier; Establishing and maintaining of a record office in
G105of12 Revision:03



f) g) h)

i) j)


GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG10QualityAssuranceandQualityControl

accordancewiththerequirementsoftheContract; k) Control and calibration of special tools, testing instruments, monitoring and measuring devices, includingthoseprovidedorusedbysubcontractorsof anytier,fortheexecutionoftheWorks; Monitoring and satisfaction; measurement of customer


m) Collection and analysis of appropriate data in demonstrating the suitability and effectiveness of the quality management system in meeting the requirementsoftheContract;and n) Continual improvement of the effectiveness of the QualityManagementSystem.

Quality Manager



The Works Package Contractor shall appoint a suitably qualified and experienced fulltime person as the quality manager to be responsible for the task of establishing the documented quality management system and ensuring that the quality management system is implemented and maintainedeffectively. The Quality Manager shall be directly responsible to the senior level of management at Project Director level or equivalent and be able to discharge his duties without hindrance or constraint. In addition, the Works Package Contractorshallmakeavailableanysuchresourcesthatare necessary to ensure the effective implementation of the QualityManagementSystem. Withinfourteen(14)DaysoftheCommencementDate,the Works Package Contractor shall submit for review by the PDP details of the qualifications and experience of the proposedqualitymanager. TheQualityManagershallhaveaminimumoffive(5)years of working experience in the establishment, maintenance and monitoring of a quality management system for railwaysystemsprojectsorequivalent. The Quality Manager shall be stationed on Site when installationactivitiescommence. The Quality Manager and his team shall report directly to the Works Package Contractors Project Director/Manager and be independent of the production and construction team, with sufficient authority to recommend suspension of works activities if major quality nonconformances are identified.
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(5) (6)



GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG10QualityAssuranceandQualityControl

Monthly G10.10 ProgressReport onQuality Management System

The Works Package Contractor shall continuously monitor the performanceofthequalitymanagementsystemandshallincludein eachMonthlyProgressReport: (1) (2) (3) the submission status and review status of the quality systemdocuments; an uptodate annual audit schedule indicating audits completed,planned,rescheduledorcancelled; an uptodate audit finding register providing status and full description of audit findings identified by the PDP and the Works Package Contractor within the reporting period andfindingsnotyetsatisfactorilyclosed; an uptodate nonconformity report register providing the status of all nonconformity reports issued by the PDP and the Works Package Contractor within the reporting period and those nonconformity reports not yet satisfactorily closed; the review status of the proposals for using or retaining any items of Works which do not conform to the requirementsofthe; asummaryofthenumberofcorrectiveactionrequestsand nonconformity reports that were issued since the Commencement Date, and of those closed within the reportingperiodandthosenotyetsatisfactoryclosed; a narrative appraisal of the performance of the quality management system, including any nonconformities, shortcomings or problem areas identified and the correctiveandpreventiveactionstakenorproposed;and anyotheritemsasrequestedbythePDP





(8) QualityRecords G10.11

The Works Package Contractor shall ensure that all the quality recordsasobjectiveevidenceoftheimplementationofthequality management system are properly indexed, filed, maintained, updatedandstored (1) If, during PDPs review of the Works Package Contractors QA/QC Program or during the execution of the Works, any material or work is found to be not in compliance with Contract requirements, the PDP will notify Works Package Contractor in writing. Thereupon, the Works Package Contractor shall, at his own expense, correct such non compliancewithintheperiodstatedinthenotification. In the event of noncompliance with the terms of the
G107of12 Revision:03

Failureto Perform




GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG10QualityAssuranceandQualityControl

Contract, the Works Package Contractor shall carry out additional QC testing and pay for additional QA testing (if deemed necessary) and make all necessary repairs at his ownexpense. (3) The PDP reserves the right to stop all works if materials provided and constructed works carried out by the Works Package Contractor show repeatedly nonconformance with quality requirements stated in plans and the Specifications.

Document Control General


G10.13.1 The Works Package Contractor shall establish and maintain documented procedures to control all documents and data that relate to plans and the Specifications of the Contract, including project QA/QC. Documents and data can be in the form of any typeofmedia,includinghardcopyorelectronicmedia.

Documentand G10.13.2 The documents and data shall be reviewed and approved for DataApproval adequacybytheWorksPackageContractorsauthorizedpersonnel andIssue prior to issue. A master list or equivalent document control procedure identifying the current revision status of documents shall be established and be readily available. This control shall ensurethat: a) Current issues of plans, specifications, and other documents are available at all locations where operations essential to the effective functioning of the quality system areperformed. Invalid and/or obsolete documents are promptly removed fromallpointsofissueoruse. Any obsolete documents retained for legal and/or knowledgepreservationpurposesaresuitablyidentified.

b) c)

Documentand G10.13.3 Where applicable, the nature of the change shall be identified in DataChanges thedocumentorappropriateattachments. Controlof G10.13.4 (1) QA/QCRecords The Works Package Contractor shall maintain current QA/QC records of all inspections and tests performed. Theserecordsshallinclude: a) b) c)

Factual evidence that the required inspections or testshavebeenperformed; Typeandnumberofinspectionsortestsinvolved; Resultsofinspectionsortests;

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d) e) f) (2)

Nature of defects, deviations, causes for rejection (ifany); Remedial action taken to comply with Contract requirements. Preventive actions to prevent recurrence of such noncompliance.

Records must cover both conforming and defective or deficientfeatures;nonconformingtestresultsmustnotbe altered or deleted from records. After all required tests and inspections are carried out and remedial actions (if needed) are taken, the QA/QC Manager shall prepare and file a statement that all supplies and materials incorporated in the work, and the works itself, are in compliance with the terms of the Contract. Legible copies of all original QC records shall be furnished to PDP at agreed upon intervals. The records shall cover all work placed subsequent to previously furnished and approved records and shall be verified and signed by the Works PackageContractorsQA/QCManager. The purpose of product identification and traceability is to ensure the control of materials, parts, components, equipment, and products, and the identification and traceability of these materials to prevent the use of incorrect or defective items. They must also ensure that only such items are used or installed, which meet the Specifications. These requirements apply to all materials, parts, components, equipment, and products, including partially fabricated or assembled components, produced for incorporationintotheproject. The PDP will conduct periodic audits at the Works Package ContractorsfacilityandtheSitetoensurethat: a) Materials,prefabricatedelements,andotheritems that are incorporated in permanent works are identified,bypositivemarkingsand/orcertifications receipt inspections with segregated storage containing identification data for controlled issue, andcheckedwhenreceived: Procedures exist and are in effect to assure that proper materials are drawn and installed in accordance with the approved design, including oversightbythemanufacturersQualitystaff;
G109of12 Revision:03

Product G10.14 Identification andTraceability







GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG10QualityAssuranceandQualityControl


Materials and parts that are received without satisfactory identification, that have lost that identification in process, or that are otherwise untraceable are segregated and not used unless re identified/recertifiedbyQualitystaff;and Traceability of materials and manufactured items is maintainedthroughclearidentification. AllplantandequipmentinspectedbytheSCand/or PDPisclearlymarkedandmaintainedinproperand safeoperatingconditions.

d) e)

Non G10.15 Complianceand Dispositionof Non Conforming Materialsand Constructed Works


The PDP will notify the Works Package Contractor of any identified noncompliance by issuing a NonCompliance Report (NCR). The Works Package Contractor shall, after receipt of such notification, or in response to NCRs raised by the Works Package Contractors own Quality Department, take corrective and preventive action at the WorksPackageContractorsowncost. In cases where Quality activities do repeatedly not comply with Contract requirements, or where the Works Package Contractor fails to properly operate and maintain an effective Quality Program as determined by the PDP, the PDPmay: a) b) Instruct the Works Package Contractor to replace ineffectiveorunqualifiedQA/QCpersonnel Instruct the Works Package Contractor to stop operations on a definable feature of work until appropriate corrective and preventive actions are taken.



The responsibility for review and authority for the disposition of nonconforming materials and constructed works shall be defined in the Project Quality Plan. Non conforming items shall be reviewed in accordance with documentedprocedures. Anonconformingitemmaybe: a) b) c) Rejectedandreplaced Reworkedtomeetthespecifiedrequirements Accepted with or without repair if agreed in writing bythePDP



The proposed use or repair of an item which does not

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GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG10QualityAssuranceandQualityControl

conform to the requirements of the Specifications shall be reported to the PDP. The description of the non conformityandofrepairsshallberecorded. (6) Repaired and/or reworked products shall be inspected by the PDP or SC in accordance with the approved disposition method. The Quality Programme shall indicate the appropriate actiontobetakenwhenamaterialorprocessisdeemedto beoutofcontrolandshalldetailcorrectiveactionsthatwill be taken to bring the process into control, and preventive actions that will be put in place to prevent recurrence of similar noncompliance. Corrective action shall be applied to materials and items of work for which an NCR has been issued; corrective actions shall furthermore address operation of the Quality Program as a whole, to make any corrections necessary to avoid repeating similar errors. All corrective actions shall be at the Works Package Contractorsowncost. When applicable or required by the technical specifications, the Works Package Contractor shall establish and utilize statistical quality control charts for selectedkeyperformanceindicators.Therequirementsfor correctiveactionshallbelinkedtothecontrolcharts.

Correctiveand G10.16 Preventive Actions



QualityAudits andTraining


The Works Package Contractor shall establish and maintain documented procedures for planning and implementing internal and external quality audits to verify whether quality activities and related results comply with plans, specifications and applicable quality management procedures, and to determine the effectiveness of the developed quality assurance system. The external audits shall be applied to all major subcontractors, vendors and designers.Theseshouldbeatleastonanannualbasisoras and when directed by the PDP, at the Works Package Contractors cost, where systemic nonconformances have beenobserved. Internal and external quality audits shall be scheduled on the basis of status and importance of the activity to be audited and shall be carried out by qualified and competent personnel who have been awarded a recognised certificate in the performing of internal quality audits to ensure compliance with ISO 9001:2008. The Works Package Contractor shall carry out the quality audit
G1011of12 Revision:03

QualityAudits G10.17.1 (1) andTrainingby WorksPackage Contractor




GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG10QualityAssuranceandQualityControl

atleastonceineverythree(3)Months. (3) The result of the audits shall be recorded, reviewed and approved by the Quality Manager. The responsible management personnel shall take timely corrective action on deficiencies found during the audit at the Works Package Contractors own cost. Follow up audit activities shall verify and record the implementation and effectivenessthecorrectiveactiontaken. The Works Package Contractor shall allow the PDP and SC to observe the Works Package Contractors internal quality audit. The Works Package Contractor shall establish suitable in houseorarrangeexternaltrainingprogramsto ensurethat all personnel engaged in Quality work have the necessary knowledgeofQualityprocedures,sothatallrelevantworks can be carried out in accordance with the Contract. The status of the training conducted shall be included in the MonthlyProgressReport. The results of the Works Package Contractors quality audits shall be made available for review by the PDP and SC, who will perform their own independent audits to verifytheWorksPackageContractorscompliancewiththis requirement. The Works Package Contractor shall implement any recommendations made by the PDP based ontheresultsoftheinternalandexternalqualityaudit. The PDP will prepare and arrange workshops on the importance of effective quality control and quality assurance,andwillofferguidanceasmayberequiredfrom timetotime.



QualityAudits G10.17.2 (1) andTrainingby PDP







GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG11EnvironmentalManagement


General G11.1 Environmental Management


In performing the Works, the Works Package Contractor shall comply with all statutory requirements, best industry practice and the particular requirements set out in this Section G11 in order to preserve and take due care of the localenvironment. Obtaining any necessary environmental approvals from the Relevant Authorities shall be the Works Package Contractors responsibility. Untimely receipt of approvals which may affect the Works Package Contractors construction programme shall not in any way be a basis for considerationoftimeextensionorvariationtotheContract. The Works Package Contractor shall take all necessary actions to comply with all requirements for protecting the environment. Should the Works Package Contractor fail to do so, the PDP may appoint others to take the necessary actions and all associated cost will be borne by the Works PackageContractor. Any complaints relating to environmental issues that are received by the Works Package Contractor should be immediately attended to by them. A record of any such complaint and the actions taken by the Works Package Contractor and a summary of such complaints will be providedtothePDP. The Works Package Contractor shall submit a copy of all correspondence sent to or received from environmental authoritiestothePDPupontransmissionorreceipt. The Works Package Contractor shall ensure that all subcontractors and service providers employed at the Site comply with all environmental requirements. The Works Package Contractor shall ensure that adequate provisions areincludedinthecontracts.






Legal Requirements


Prior to and during the execution of the Works, the Works Package Contractor shall comply with the Environmental Quality Act 1974 (Act 127 & Subsidiary Legislation) and other related environmental legislationandassociatedguidelinesincluding,butnotlimitedto: a) b) NationalLandCode(Act56of1965) TownandCountryPlanningAct1976,(Act172)
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GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG11EnvironmentalManagement

c) d) e) f) g) h) i) Environmental G11.3 personnel (1)

Street, Drainage and Building Act, 1974: Act 133 and Amendment,1978 ProtectionofWildlifeAct,1972(Act76) LandConservationAct1960(Act385) OccupationalSafetyandHealthAct1994(Act514) SolidWasteandPublicCleansingManagementAct2007(Act 672) FederalTerritory(Planning)Act1982 LocalGovernmentAct1976(Act171) Prior to the commencement of works on the Site and at all times throughout the contract, the Works Package Contractor shall engage the following degree qualified personneltobebasedfulltimeontheSite: a) b) One(minimum)EnvironmentalManager One(minimum)EnvironmentalEngineer

(2) (3) (4)

The Environmental Manager shall have at least ten (10) yearspracticalexperiencerelevanttotheworks. The Environmental Engineer shall have at least five (5) years practicalexperiencerelevanttotheworks. The Environmental Manager(s) shall report directly to the Works Package Contractors Project Manager/Director and be independent of the production team, with sufficient authority to recommend suspension of works if the Environmental Management Plan (EMP) rules and regulationsaregrosslyflouted. In addition to the environmental personnel detailed above the Works Package Contractor shall provide all additional staff necessary for the control and monitoring of environmentalrequirements. Works Package Contractor shall submit the curriculum vitae for the proposed Environmental Manager and Environmental Engineer to the PDP and obtain approval priortoanyappointment. The Works package Contractor shall not remove the approved Environmental Manager and Environmental Engineer from the Site without obtaining approval from the PDP.
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GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG11EnvironmentalManagement

Detailed G11.4 Environmental Impact Assessment (DEIA)

The Detailed Environmental Impact Assessment has been prepared onbehalfoftheOwnerbythePDPasrequiredintheEnvironmental Quality (Prescribed Activities)(Environmental Impact Assessment) Order of 1987. Approval of the DEIA has been obtained by the Owner.TheWorksPackageContractorshallcomplywithallrelevant DEIA approval conditions from the Department of Environment for thisProject. (1) The Environmental Management Plan for the overall Project has been prepared by the PDP and approval for it has been obtained. The Works Package Contractor shall comply with theEMPforthisProject. Within sixty (60) Days from the Letter of Acceptance, the Works Package Contractor shall prepare and submit for the approval of the PDP a site specific EMP that details the way in which they will comply with the environmental requirementsthatrelatetotheWorks. No construction activities shall commence and no requests for payment from the Works Package Contractor shall be processed until the Works Package Contractors site specific EMPisapprovedbythePDP. The site specific EMP shall contain the Works Package Contractors Policy on the environment. The Policy will indicate that a proactive approach will be adopted by the Works Package Contractor regarding environmental requirements. The role and responsibilities of both the Environmental Manager,EnvironmentalEngineerandothersupportingstaff shallbeclearlydefinedinthesitespecificEMP. The Works package Contractors site specific EMP shall includereferencetothefollowing: a) b) c) d) e) (7) TheapprovedDEIAandrelatedapprovalconditions TheapprovedEMP TheapprovedESCP DOEGuidelinesonpreparationofEMPs ISO14001EnvironmentalManagementSystem

Environmental G11.5 Management Plan(EMP)






The site specific EMP is a document for practical use on the Site and will at all times be concise, current and specific to theSite. The site specific EMP shall be formally reviewed at least
G113of16 Revision:03



GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG11EnvironmentalManagement

once per year and revised after any changes in the design or constructionoftheworksthatmayaffecttheenvironment. Notused Deliverables G11.6 G11.7 The following documents shall be submitted by the Works Package ContractortothePDP:
Documents No.of copies Frequency Remarks

SiteSpecific 2hardand Environmental 1soft Management Plan(EMP)

Within14DaysofLetter ApprovalfromthePDP ofAcceptanceandafter shallbeobtained. eachrevision.

Monthly 2hardand Monthlyonorbeforea Contentsshallbeas Environmental 1soft daytobespecifiedby specifiedbythePDP Performance thePDP Report ClosureAudit Report

2hardand 14Days priortothe 1soft issuanceofCertificateof PracticalCompletion

Environmental G11.8 Protection Works Erosionand Sedimentation Control G11.8.1

The Works Package Contractor shall identify all environmental aspects and impacts of the Site and Works and shall execute all measures necessary to control them. In particular the Works PackageContractorshallobservetherequirementsbelow. (1) (2) (3) Limitsiteclearingworkstoconstructionareasonly. Conduct all earthwork activity in accordance with the sequenceoftheapprovedmethodstatement. Transport and stockpile topsoil on Site only to designated areasapprovedbythePDP.Transportanddisposeoftopsoil andunsuitablematerialsonlyatapprovedlandfillsites. Provide temporary erosion protection for exposed slopes under construction until such time as the permanent protectionmeasuresareprovided. Provide permanent protection and landscaping work to slopesimmediatelyuponreachingtheirformationlevels. Construct berms and temporary earth drains for all slopes underconstruction. Construct permanent drains for slopes which have reached therequiredformationlevels. Take all necessary precautions to prevent debris, rubbish, silt, waste materials and pollutants from entering existing waterways.
G114of16 Revision:03


(5) (6) (7) (8)



GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG11EnvironmentalManagement


Provide and maintain Site area sediment control measures such as silt fences, silt traps, gabion walls, check dams at all times. Reinstate the Site including landscaping where silt traps were located and remove all other temporary measures for environmentalcontroloncompletionoftheworks. Treat slurry from piling and tunneling work before dischargingresidualwatertowatercourses. All types ofwaste are to be segregated, stored and disposed inaccordancewiththeEMP. Wastes with sharp edges are to be stored in specially designedcontainersthatarespeciallymanufacturedforthat purpose. Scheduled waste shall be kept in labelled containers drums and stored in designated areas which shall both be maintained and removed in accordance with the DepartmentofEnvironmentrequirements. Scheduled waste shall be only be disposed of by the Works PackageContractortoalicensedserviceprovider. Oil and grease from servicing of construction equipment, vehicles,machineryetc.shallbehandledasscheduledwaste Fuel, grease, engine oil storage and workshop facilities shall be properly constructed and sited away from watercourses toavoidcontamination. Any water discharge from batching plants shall be treated in awatertreatmentpondsystem. Grout ponds shall be provided at batching plant areas to collect discharge from the washing of the cement trucks. Grout ponds shall be well maintained and cleaned regularly. Hardenedgroutshallbedisposedoffasconstructionwaste. Wastewater (sullage and sewage) from site offices and site accommodation shall be collected and treated at a wastewater treatment plant prior to discharge into watercourses. Temporary toilet facilities with septic tanks or portable toilets shall be provided at the Site and they will be cleaned andmaintainedonadailybasis. Septic tanks and portable toilets shall be maintained and emptiedbyalicensedserviceprovider.
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(11) Waste Management G11.8.2 (1) (2)


(4) (5) (6)

(7) (8)





GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG11EnvironmentalManagement


The Works Package Contractor shall obtain approval from the Relevant Authority for his proposed disposal sites with regardtohismanagementofspoilandslurrydisposal. Vehicle washing facilities shall be provided at Site exits. All washing facilities shall be equipped with a motorized pump and jetting hose to ensure that all vehicles are free of silt and mud prior to leaving the Site. The water in the wash troughshallbechannelledintoasilttrap. Vehicles transporting dusty materials shall have the load covered entirely by clean impervious sheeting, which extends over the edges of properly fitting side and tail boards and materials will be dampened before transportation. All vehicles, plant and equipment with internal combustion engines will be maintained in good working order to ensure that exhaust emissions are controlled to acceptable standards. Traffic controls such as speed limits and traffic volume restrictionsshallbeimplementedtoreducedustchurnedup by vehicles, particularly attention will be paid at sensitive areassuchashospitalsandschools. OpenburningisprohibitedattheSite. The Works Package Contractor is required to obtain written approval from the Department of Environment for fuel burning equipment, in particular generator sets used at the Site if the capacity of pulverized fuel or solid fuel consumption is 30 kg or more per hour or any liquid or gaseousmatterat15kgormoreperhour. The Works Package Contractor shall regularly spray access roads,haulroads,andotherdrysurfaceswithwaterinorder to control dust emissions such as to ensure compliance with air quality requirements, particularly during earthworks activities. Movement of heavy vehicles shall be confined to daytime working hours and minimized during night time, weekends and public holidays. Overall noise levels arising from the movement of heavy vehicles shall be controlled by using routesthatwillcauseminimumdisturbanceinthevicinityof theSite. Construction Works that need to be carried out at night are subject to the permit or approval from the local authorities.
G116of16 Revision:03

AirQuality Control






(5) (6)


Noiseand Vibration Control






GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG11EnvironmentalManagement

No major disturbances are allowed near to the residential areasfornightworks. (3) Hoarding is recommended wherever required to isolate the unsightly construction activity from nearby sensitive residents/buildingifrequired. Noise generating equipment and machinery shall be inspected regularly and maintained in good working conditiontoreducenoisegenerationatsource. All noise generating equipment and machinery shall be shut downwhennotinuse. Where explosives are used on the construction process controlledblastingmethodshallbeusedtoreducethenoise andvibration. Vibrationlevelsshallbemonitoredandrecordedforblasting operationconductedontheSite. Noise and vibration emitting construction equipment shall beplacedawayfromsensitivereceptors. Piling works should be confined to daytime hours and activities minimized during night time, weekends and public holidays. The Works Package Contractor shall ensure that all work is
conducted in accordance with the DOE Project Approval ConditionswhicharetranscribedinAppendixAG11.1.


(5) (6)

(7) (8) (9)


Stormwater Management


Stormwater management design and construction works shall conformwiththerequirementsofUrbanStormwaterManagement Manual(MASMA)fromDIDandtheapprovedESCP. (1) For any environmental incident caused by the Works Package Contractor or occurring at the Site, the Works Package Contractor is responsible for informing all relevant authoritiesandthePDP. For any environmental incident caused by the Works Package Contractor or occurring at the Site, the Works Package Contractor shall implement the site specific EmergencyResponsePlan. TheWorksPackageContractorisresponsibleforrectification ofalldamagescausedbytheenvironmentalincidents. Should any environmental incident involve stakeholders the PDPshallbethespokesperson.

Environmental G11.10 Incidents


(3) (4) Environmental G11.11





GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG11EnvironmentalManagement

Monitoring,Site Inspectionand Auditing Environmental Monitoring G11.11.1 (1) The Works Package Contractor shall monitor silt trap and effluent discharges. All samples taken must be tested by an accredited laboratory. The Works Package Contractor shall submit to PDP monthly environmental performance report consisting insitu and laboratory results, sampling photographs with weather charts and analyses of the monitoringdataintermsofenvironmentalperformanceand summaryofenvironmentalinspection. The Works Package Contractor shall engage an accredited laboratory to monitor control monitoring points proposed in the EMP namely river water quality, air quality, noise and vibration level and others stated in the DEIA and associated approvalconditions. The Works Package Contractor shall carry out the necessary baseline monitoring to measure air quality, water quality, noise levels, and vibration levels at locations to be approved bythePDP,priortocommencingtheWorksontheSite. The Works Package Contractor shall conduct physical site environmental inspections on a scheduled basis and submit thesummaryofinspectionstatustothePDP. The Works Package Contractor shall take appropriate corrective and preventive actions for all identified deficiencies relating to environmental requirements at the WorksPackageContractorsowncost. Where inspections identify a particular person or group of persons that repeatedly fail to achieve acceptable environmental standards then the Works Package Contractor will take action to remove such persons from the Site. Where the Works Package Contractor does not take such action the PDP may instruct the Works Package Contractortodoso. The PDP has the right to inspect the environmental performance of the Works Package Contractor at any time. The Works Package Contractor shall cooperate with such inspections and take action to correct any deficiencies observedattheWorksPackageContractorsowncost. The Works Package Contractor shall prepare, file, and maintainallsiteinspectionrecords,andwhichshallbemade availabletothePDPforinspectionuponrequest.
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G11.11.2 (1)







GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG11EnvironmentalManagement


The Works Package Contractor shall adopt Best Management Practices for erosion and sedimentation control during earthworks and tunnelling works, and the associated site inspections shall be carried out on a weekly basis. The Works Package Contractor shall prepare the inspection reports in a format required by the Department of Environment, and which shall be posted to the relevant websitewithintwentyfour(24)hoursoftheinspection.


G11.11.3 The PDP has the right to conduct environmental audits at any time. Any such audits will be formally notified and subsequently reported to the Works Package Contractor. The Works Package Contractor shall cooperate with such audits and take action to correct any nonconformities reported at the Works Package Contractors own cost. (1) The Works Package Contractor shall provide environmental training to all managers and supervisors who work on the Site. The training shall include details on legal requirements, environmental aspects and impacts and operational controls including emergency preparedness and response. The training shall be conducted within three (3) Months of the commencementofemploymentontheSite. The Works Package Contractors Environment staff shall provideenvironmentalinductiontrainingforallpersonsthat workontheSitebeforetheycommencetheirwork. The Works Package Contractors Supervisory and Management staff shall provide task specific environmental briefings to workers under their control before they commence each new task and thereafter at intervals not exceedingone(1)week. The Works Package Contractor shall organize environmental promotions and campaigns to enhance general environmental awareness throughout the duration of the Works. The Works Package Contractor shall ensure that environmental issues are discussed at all senior management meetings. In addition they will ensure that they deploy competent representatives to attend any environmental meetings with stakeholders that they are requiredtoattend. The Works Package Contractor shall facilitate Site meetings on the environment with the PDP and other stakeholders as required. Arrangements for such meetings will include the provision of adequately equipped meeting rooms, recording
G119of16 Revision:03

Training, G11.12 Promotionand Awareness










GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG11EnvironmentalManagement

and distribution of written minutes of the meeting within three(3)Daysofthemeetingtakingplace. Non Compliance G11.14 Where the PDP identifies deficiencies in the Works Package Contractors environmental performance the following actions may betaken: a) b) c) Issuanceofinspectionreports Issuanceofnonconformancereports Withhold certification of the Interim Certificate and/or withhold any payment due or becoming due to the Works PackageContractorunderanyInterimCertificate Issuanceofstopworkorders

d) Asbestos G11.15

The Works Package Contractor shall not use asbestos based materialduringtheexecutionoftheWorks





GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG11EnvironmentalManagement

Theconditionsaretranscribedbelowforreference: DEIA APPROVAL CONDITIONS FOR SYARIKAT PRASARANA NEGARA BERHAD; KLANG VALLEY MASSRAPIDTRANSIT:SUNGAIBULOHKAJANGLINE A summary of the Approval Conditions as per letter Ref: dated 6 April 2011 is given below. A copy oftheApprovalletterwithallthe38approvalconditionsfromDOEisenclosedinAppendixA. COMPLIANCE 1. All mitigation measures and controls as stated in the documents below, which were prepared by the DEIA consultants, ERE Consulting Group Sdn Bhd must be fully complied with: 1.1 Detailed EIA Report titled SYARIKAT PRASARANA NEGARA BERHAD; KLANG VALLEY MASS RAPID TRANSIT: SUNGAI BULOH KAJANG LINE; DETAILED ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT; Prepared by ERE Consulting Group Sdn Bhd; February 2011 whichwassubmittedbySyarikatPrasaranaNegaraBerhadon14February2011with letterRef:GCD/PCD/npwc/hn/00552011dated8February2011. 1.2 Supplementary information entitled SYARIKAT PRASARANA NEGARA BERHAD; KLANG VALLEY MASS RAPID TRANSIT: SUNGAI BULOH KAJANG LINE; DETAILED ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT (ADDITIONAL INFORMATION) which was submitted by Syarikat Prasarana Negara Berhad with letter Ref: ERE/EJ420/It(22)/2011131dated31March2011. PROJECTCONCEPT 2. TheDetailedEIAscopeofapprovalislimitedtotheconstructionoftracks,tunnels,stations, depots and operation of the Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) for the 51 km stretch from the KTMBSg.BulohstationtoKTMBKajangStation. 3. The components, layout plans and alignment layout for the Project as stated below should as detailed and shown in the Detailed EIA Report titled SYARIKAT PRASARANA NEGARA BERHAD; KLANG VALLEY MASS RAPID TRANSIT: SUNGAI BULOH KAJANG LINE; DETAILED ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT; Prepared by ERE Consulting Group Sdn Bhd; February2011 (i) Section3.3,KEYPROJECTCOMPONENTS(Page37toPage315) (ii) Section3.4,ROLLINGSTOCK(Page315toPage318) (iii) Section3.5,TRACKWORKS(Page318toPage319) (iv) Section3.6,SYSTEMOPERATIONS(Page320toPage323) (v) FIGURE32,Segment1:Sg.BulohStationtoSemantanStation (vi) FIGURE33,Segment2:SemantanStationtoMaluriStation (vii) FIGURE34,Segment3:MaluriStationtoKajangStation (viii) FIGURE35,LayoutPlanforProposedKotaDamansaraandPJUStation
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GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG11EnvironmentalManagement

(ix) FIGURE36,LayoutPlanforProposedDataranSunwayStationandOneUtama Station (x) FIGURE37,LayoutPlanforProposedTTDIStationandPusatBandar DamansaraStation (xi) FIGURE38,LayoutPlanforProposedTmnBukitMewahStationandPlaza PhoenixStation (xii) FIGURE39,LayoutPlanforProposedTamanCuepacsStationandBalakong Station (xiii) FIGURE310,LayoutPlanforProposedTamanMesraStationandKajangStation (xiv)FIGURE311,RRIDepotArea (xv)FIGURE312,TamanKoperasiDepotArea (xvi) FIGURE316,SemantanLaunchShaft (xvii) FIGURE317,CochraneLaunchShaft (xviii) FIGURE318,WarisanRetrievalShaft (xix)FIGURE319,MaluriRetrievalShaft 4. Any changes to the alignment, components and layout plans as per 3(i) to 3(xix) must benotifiedtotheDepartmentofEnvironmentinwriting. CONTROLOFEARTHWORKSANDCONSTRUCTION 5. Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (ESCP) for the Project which incorporates Best Management Practices (BMPs) must be prepared in accordance with Guideline for ErosionSediment Control in Malaysia October 2010. The ESCP must be endorsed by a Professional EngineerandappovedbyDepartmentofIrrigationandDrainage(DID).Two(2)copiesofthe ESCPmustbesubmittedtotheDOESelangorandtwo(2)copiestoDOEKualaLumpur. 6. AllerosionandsedimentationmitigatationmeasuresoutlinedintheESCPmustbeprepared beforecommencementofearthworks. 7. Maintenance of BMPs must be carried out and maintenance records prepared and maintainedforinspectionpurpose. 8. Access roads and construction roads for construction of depot and launch shafts must be designedaccordingtospecificationsandbuiltasperthealignmentdrawingintheESCP. 9. Location and method of disposal for the overburden and waste slurry from tunnel construction must be discussed in detail in the Projects Environmental Management Plan. Dumping of wastes to waterways is prohibited. Approval from the Local Authority must be obtainedformanagementofwastedisposal. CONTROLOFNOISEANDVIBRATION 10. Project owner must carry out baseline noise and vibration monitoring before construction works commence, during construction stage, before operational stage and during
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GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG11EnvironmentalManagement

operational stage. Monitoring and interpretation of data must be carried out by a known acousticsexpert. 11. 12. NoiseandvibrationlevelmonitoringprogrammehavetobeapprovedbyDOE. Piling works and any activities during construction stage which may cause an increase of noise levels must be controlled to ensure the levels adhere to Schedule 6 of The Planning GuidelinesforEnvironmentalNoiseLimitsandControlbyDOE.Constructionactivitieswhich have the potential to cause increase in noise levels and nuisances to the sensitive receptors will be restricted to 8.00 am 7.00 pm. Construction works are not allowed on Sunday and publicholidays. Noise levels at residential areas and noise sensitive receptors located nearby the constructionsitesmustbecontrolledtoensurethelevelsdonotexceedthefollowing: a) Leq(daytime) =65dB(A) b) Leq(nighttime) =60dB(A) c) Lmax(averageoveronehourduringtrainpassbys) =75dB(A) If the Leq levels measured before commencement of project is higer than the limits stated above, then the Leq must be controlled to ensure the levels do not exceed existing Leq + 3 dBA.,usingthebaselinedataasmentionedinApprovalConditionNo.10. Vibration levels at receiver locations such as buildings or vibration sensititive receivers duringconstructionandoperationalstagemustbecontrolledtoensurethelevelsadhereto Schedule 5 and Schedule 6 of The Planning Guidelines for Vibration Limits and Control in theEnvironmentpublishedbyDOE. Effective noise and vibration control measures such as noise barriers and others considered during the Projects detailed design stage. Control measures used must be able to decrease noiseandvibrationlevelsasstatedinApprovalConditionNo.13and14.




CONTROLOFAIRQUALITYANDMONITORINGPROGRAMME 16. Construction works must be controlled to prevent air pollution particularly on Total Suspended Particulates and cause nuisances to the nearby residents. Ambient air quality monitoring must be carried out from the start of earthworks until the end of construction works. Frequency and location of the monitoring programme must obtain approval from DOE. 17. Openburningofbiomassandconstructionwasteisstrictlyprohibited. 18. Wheels of vehicles and machineries must be washed before entering public roads. Wheel washingfacilitiesmustbelocatednearbyexittopublicroads.Theentryandexitroadmust bepaved. 19. Accessroads;especiallyhaulroads,havetobesprayedwithwatertoensurenoemissionof dustduringearthworksactivities.
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GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG11EnvironmentalManagement

CONTROLOFAIRQUALITYANDMONITORINGPROGRAMME 20. SurfacerunoffonsiteandeffluentfromSlurryTreatmentPlantmustnotexceed100mg/lof suspendedsolids(SS). MANAGEMENTOFSOLIDWASTEANDSCHEDULEDWASTE 21. Apropersolidwastemanagementplanmustbeestablishedanddisposalofwastestowater courses is prohibited. Solid wastes must be disposed at designated disposal site approvedbytheLocalAuthority. 22. Scheduled wastes stipulated under First Schedule (Regulation 2), Environmental Quality (Scheduled Wastes) Regulations 2005 have to be disposed at licensed premises under Section18(1)EnvironmentalQualityAct,1974.Disposalofscheduledwastestootherwaste disposalsitesareprohibited. 23. Containment bund must be built for chemical and petroleum based material storage tanks. The containment bund must be designed to cater for 110% of the capacity of the largest tank. The storage floor must be concreted and facilities to pump up spillages must be available. TRAFFICMANAGEMENTPLAN 24. Traffic Management Plans must be prepared and approved by the respective Local Authorities before commencement of construction works. The Traffic Management Plans mustbereviewedandupdatedfromtimetotimeasdeemednecessary. ENVIRONMENTALMANAGEMENTPLAN 25. An Environmental Management Plan (EMP) which outlines all actions required for compliance with the DEIA Approval Conditions and mitigation measures proposed in the DEIA must be prepared before commencement of earthworks and construction works. The EMP must be prepared in accordance with the format attached in LAMPIRAN A and submitted to DOE for approval. The EMP must be reviewed and updated from time to time asdeemednecessary. ENVIRONMENTALAUDIT 26. Environmental audit as required under Section 33A, Environmental Quality Act, 1974 (Act 127)mustbeconductedbyanindependentthirdpartyAuditorregisteredwithDOEandisa certified Erosion, Sediment and Storm Water Inspector (CESSWI) or possesses equivalent certification. The environmental audit must be carried out every 4 months during earthworks and construction stage or following DOEs directive; from the start of earthworksuntilcompleted. 27. Allauditingcostsmustbebornebytheprojectdeveloper.
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GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG11EnvironmentalManagement


Audit reports must be prepared in accordance with Environmental Audit Guidance Manual, publishedbyDOEandsubmittedtoDOEevery4months.

REPORTS 29. Online reports for inspection of BMPs for erosion and sedimentation control during earthworks and construction of tunnel must be carried out on a weekly basis. Online inspection reports using the format attached in LAMPIRAN B must be submitted to DOE within24hoursofinspection. 30. ThefollowingreportsmustbesubmittedtoDOEwhichincludes: (i) Brief report on progress of earthworks and construction which includes pictorial progress reports must be submitted using the BORANG EIA 108 as attached in LAMPIRAN C, within 90 days from the date of the DEIA approval letter. This information must be submitted every 3 months until completion of earthworks and constructionworks. (ii) DEIA Approval Conditions Compliance Report which shows compliance with all the conditions of approval and all prevention and control measures for all related activities as stipulated under Section 34A(7), Environmental Quality Act, 1974 must be submitted by completing BORANG EIA 208 as attached in LAMPIRAN D. This informationmustbesubmittedevery3monthsduringearthworks,constructionand operationalstage. 31. ThefollowingEnvironmentalMonitoringReportsmustbesubmittedtoDOEevery3months fromthestartofearthworksuntilcompletionofconstructionworks: (i) Monitoringandassessmentreportfornoiseandvibration (ii) Monitoring and assessment report for ambient air quality on total suspended particulates(TSP) (iii) Monitoringandassessmentreportforriverwaterqualityonsuspendedsolids (iv) Monitoringreportforeffluentfromsilttraponsuspendedsolidandturbidity 32. Noise level monitoring must be carried out for a one year period from the start of operationalstageandthereportssubmittedtoDOEevery3months. ADMINISTRATION 33. The Project Developer must include the DEIA Approval Conditions and EIA Consultants recommendations in the DEIA in the tender documents and contractual requirements for anycontractors/subcontractorsinvolvedintheProject. 34. Environment Officer (EO) who is fully responsible for all environmental management matters and implementation of all control measures during earthworks, construction stage and at least a year during operational stage must be engaged. The name, designation and contact details of the EO must be submitted to DOE not later than fourteen (14) days prior tocommencementofearthworksandconstructionworks.TheEOscopeofworkincludes:
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GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG11EnvironmentalManagement

(i) (ii)

35. 36.

(iii) (iv) OnecopyoftheDEIAApprovalConditionsmustbedisplayedatanappropriatelocation whichcouldbeseenclearlyatthemanagementoffice.

SuperviseerosionandsedimentcontrolmeasuresasoutlinedintheESCPandEMP Inspect all mitigation measures and BMPs for erosion and sedimentation control (includesperimeterdrain,checkdrain,washtrough,silttrap,slopeprotection) ConductfortnightlysitemeetingswithProjectdeveloperandcontractor Conductinsitumeasurementforsuspendedsolidsandturbidityatsilttrapdischarge

Project developer must inform the DOE in writing if there is a change in company management. Any ownership change or separation of ownership has to include the DEIA approval conditions to the new owner in the salepurchase/change in ownership transaction. Project developer must comply with all directives and additional conditions imposed from timetotimebyDOEDirectorGeneralorrepresentative. Goodhousekeepingrulesmustbepracticedatconstructionsitesatalltimes.

37. 38.






GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG12Planning,ProgrammingandProgressMonitoringoftheWorks


Planningand G12.1 Programming

The Works Package Contractor shall plan in detail the full scope of the Works taking into account the complex nature and different phases and aspects of the Contract and shall provide programmes which reflect the detailed planning undertaken so as to ensure that the programmes are realistic and achievable. All programmes developedbytheWorksPackageContractoraretobeaccompanied withthedetailedsupportinginformation. (1) The Works Package Contractor shall provide a detailed organisation chart providing full definition of the responsibilities and qualifications of all personnel to be involvedintheplanning,programming,projectmanagement andprogressmonitoringoftheWorks. The Works Package Contractor shall at the commencement oftheWorksappointafulltimeProgrammeManagerwitha minimum of 10 years relevant experience to manage the planning, programming, and progress monitoring of the Works.

Planningand Programming Organization



Programme Submissions


The Works Package Contractor shall provide the following programmesandtheirsubprogrammes: (1) The Baseline Programme and the following sub programmes: a) b) c) (2) Design,ProcurementandManufacturingProgramme; TestingandCommissioningProgramme;and CoordinatedInstallationProgramme.

Thefollowingsupplementaryprogrammes: a) b) c) ThreeMonthRollingProgramme; TimeChainageProgramme;and AnyotherprogrammesrequiredbythePDP.

Progress Monitoring


The Works Package Contractor shall monitor his performance against those programmes or others as required by the PDP. His monitoring of the Works shall include for direct daily monitoring of the progress of the Works and the preparation of written and computerised reports (including all necessary supporting data)
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GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG12Planning,ProgrammingandProgressMonitoringoftheWorks

submitted in the formats acceptable to the PDP and at period(s) determinedbythePDP. Programme G12.5 Requirements (1) Programme activities shall be discrete items of work, which when combined produce definable elements, components, stages, specified parts or sections of the Works and clearly identify the completion obligations of the Works Package ContractorundertheContract. Activity descriptions shall clearly convey the nature and scope of the Works. Programmes shall take into account of the activities of Other Works Contractors. The Works Package Contractor shall also incorporate the PDPs requirementsforadditionalactivities. Accessdates,Milestonesandcompletionobligationsshallbe an integral part of all programmes and all activities. In this respect,allthesequencingandinterrelationshipsrequiredto achieve each completion obligations shall be clearly shown ontheprogrammes.Milestonesshallnotimposeconstraints which in any way affect the programme logic and float or limit the achievement of access dates and completion obligations. Milestones shall not be introduced into any programme as constrained dates. The critical path activities shall be clearly identified in the programme and fully describedintheaccompanyingprogrammenarrative. The Works Package Contractor shall be required to provide anyotherprogrammesasrequiredbythePDP. Unless otherwise stated in the Contract or unless subsequently approved by the PDP, all programmes to be submitted by the Works Package Contractor under the Contract shall, as a minimum, comply with the following requirements: a) All programmes, except the Time Chainage Programme, shall be computerised Critical Path Method (CPM) networks developed using the Precedence Diagramming Method (PDM), and submitted in both hard copy and accepted electronic data format. Activity description shall clearly convey the nature and scope of the Works. All programme activities shall be logically linked to form a comprehensive network from the Contract commencementtocompletion; All programmes shall take into account of the activities of the Other Works Contractors and shall clearlyidentifyandcontainallinterfaces,withcritical
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(4) (5)




GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG12Planning,ProgrammingandProgressMonitoringoftheWorks

sectional dates as may be required by the Related WorksandbyOtherWorksContractors; c) d) All programme activities shall be weighted in a form andformattobeagreedwiththePDP; All programmes, except the Three Month Rolling ProgrammeandtheTimeChainageProgramme,shall bepreparedusingPrimaveraP6,Version7.0orlater; Unless otherwise stated in the Contract or approved by the PDP, all programmes shall be accompanied by a Programme Analysis Report and a programme narrative, the contents and formats, of which are to beagreedwiththePDP; All programme submissions shall include the details of the Works Package Contractor's allowance for holidaysandnonworkperiods; The planning unit for the duration of all programme activities shall be the Day and no activities shall have a duration greater than four (4) weeks unless the Works Package Contractor can demonstrate to the PDPofitsnecessity. All programmes shall be fully resourced and shall include but not be limited to; major manpower trades, numbers of items of major plant and equipment, principle quantities i.e. numbers of drawings (other than the design deliverables and approvals),volumeofexcavation/concrete,tonnage of steelwork, reinforcement, area of formwork, block/brickwork, finishing works, numbers of components or parts, length of cabling, pipe, ductwork and equipment items etc.) as appropriate or required by the PDP, covering all stages and aspectsoftheContract; The Works Package Contractor shall provide the PDP with substantiation for each start, finish and float constraint entered by the Works Package Contractor into the programme. Mandatory constraints shall not be included in any programme. The number of constraints shall be kept to an absolute minimum in order that the CPM networks developed by the Works Package Contractor can be freely analysed by thePDP; No open ends on activities or negative leads or
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GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG12Planning,ProgrammingandProgressMonitoringoftheWorks

lagsoroutofsequenceactivitieswillbeallowed; k) Access dates, completion obligations and Milestones shallbecodedsoastobeseparatelyidentifiable.The Works Package Contractors may be required to assign additional activity codes as required by the PDP; All programmes shall be organised in a logical Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) in accordance with the coding contained in Appendix AG12.1 and Organisation Breakdown Structure (OBS) including work stages or phases and each activity shall be coded to indicate, as a minimum, the work group or entity responsible for the activity, the area, facility or location and the Cost Centre. The Works Package Contractor shall gain agreement for the respective codesfromthePDP.TheWBSandOBScodesmaybe refined and expanded by the Works Package Contractor, as necessary, to manage the Project, subjecttothePDPsagreement.Asaminimum,each task or activity in all programmes shall be coded, identified,andmanagedaccordingtothisstructure; The Works Package Contractor shall develop and maintain Progress and Workforce Profile Curves at thedisciplineorcraftlevelforthedesign,interfacing, engineering, procurement, construction, testing and commissioning. The development of these Progress and Workforce Profile Curves shall be agreed with the PDP. The Progress and Workforce Profile Curves shall reflect the Early Start, Late Finish, Plan, Actual, and Forecast lines. The Early Start, Late Finish and Planlinesshallbeestablisheduponfinalizationofthe baselinescheduleandshallnotbechangedunlessan accepted revision to a baseline schedule is necessary atalaterdate; TheWorksPackageContractorshallalsodevelopand maintain Quantity Installation Profile Curves reflecting the bulk quantity installation for the major construction activities e.g. linear metres of permanent way, track, cabling installed etc. The Quantity Installation Profile Curves shall be submitted to the PDP as an attachment to the baselineschedules. The Works Package Contractor shall develop a S Curve for each individual or each respective sub system for the installation, testing and
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GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG12Planning,ProgrammingandProgressMonitoringoftheWorks


Baseline Programme



commissioning activities. The SCurve shall be submitted to the PDP as an attachment to the baselineschedules. All planning information is presented in project Months, calculated as the number of Months from the 1st January 2012. For example, a reference to M1 means January 2012, M2 means February 2012 etc. (see Project Month table below). Access and completion dates stated in the Contract shall mean the last day of the respective calendar month or the first working day thereafter if that day is a GeneralHoliday. In accordance with Conditions of Contract, the Works Package Contractor shall submit to the PDP a fully coordinated detailed programme. It shall include activities for all the different phases and stages of the Contract and any other activity which constitutes a part of the Contract scope of works from Contracts commencement to completionshowingclearlyalllogicalinterdependenciesand interfaces.ThisBaselineProgrammeshall: a) Conform with the dates for achievement of access dates, completion obligations and Milestones set out intheContract; b) Show the order of precedence and periods during which the Works Package Contractor proposes to carry out the Works, the relationship between the works and the information to be provided or the works to be carried out by the Works Package Contractor or Other Works Contractor and other interfacing parties and any other information requiredtobeshownintheSpecifications; Show the time allowed for the design, the design approvalprocess,manufactureandshipping; The programme shall be accompanied by a schedule which shall clearly indicate the locations where activitiesaretotakeplace; The programme shall clearly identify all items included in the Schedule of Designs submitted in accordance with the Contract and shall include a summarylistingofallcomponents; It shall include a separate breakdown of those items which are subject to long lead time or component partswhicharemanufacturedfromcountriesoutside thecountryofassemblyandtest; All activities shall be broken down to a level of detail
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c) d)





GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG12Planning,ProgrammingandProgressMonitoringoftheWorks

consideredacceptabletothePDPandnolongerthan statedunderG12.5(5)g;and The Works Package Contractor shall submit a weighted bar chart for his activities. Each activity weight shall normally not be more than one percent (1%)ofthetotalcontentoftheWorks. Further to subclause (1) above, the Works Package Contractor shall make full allowance in his programmes for thefollowing: a) obtaining the necessary approvals, licences and permitsfromtheRelevantAuthorities; b) c) d) e) the ordering, procurement of any special plant and equipmentorlongleaditems; routine maintenance and downtime of construction plantduringoperation; time taken to deal with any known obstructions or unusualconstructionmethods; the carrying out of any tests or inspections on the Works as required under the Contract or by Relevant Authorities; obtaining the agreement of the Relevant Authorities for diverting existing utilities and services and for the implementationofsuchdiversions; any new utilities that may be ongoing at the time of awardofContractorplannedduringtheExecutionof theWorks; consulting with the Relevant Authorities and obtainingapprovalforTMPproposals; satisfying any requirements stipulated in the approval conditions for the Detailed Environmental Impact Assessment, including allowing for the time required for making submissions and obtaining approvalsforanyamendmentsproposedtotheDEIA; liaising with Other Works Contractors and coordinating the Execution of the Works with the worksofOtherWorksContractors; liaising with the owners, occupiers and managers of existing buildings and structures that are impacted by, or lie within the vicinity of the Works and holding briefing meetings (at intervals to be agreed) to
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h) i)





GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG12Planning,ProgrammingandProgressMonitoringoftheWorks

discuss the planned stages of construction works and allotherrelatedmatters;and the carrying out of any tests on or inspections of the Works. The Design, Procurement and Manufacturing Programme shall be submitted within sixty (60) Days of the date for the LetterofAcceptance,orasrequiredbythePDP. The Design, Procurement and Manufacturing Programme shallbeasubprogrammeof,andbecompatibletotheother subprogrammes, of the Baseline Programme. It shall include,asaminimum,activitieson: a) different stages in the development of the Works Package Contractor's design including activities relating to subcontract awards, preparation and submission of all design deliverables, review periods, and submissions for review by the PDP and review or approval,asnecessary,bytheRelevantAuthorities; preparation, submission and approval of design documents,preparationandsubmissionforreviewof mockups/prototypes, etc; allowance for the PDPs approval cycle time shall be taken in to consideration; any offsite work such as manufacture or prefabricationofmaterialsorcomponents; procurement of all major materials for the Permanent Works including date order to be placed, manufacture period and the expected delivery date totheSiteforeachitemofthematerials;and any software development requirements and validationtimeframes. l)

G12.7 Design, Procurement and Manufacturing Programme




c) d)

e) (3)

To support the Works Package Contractor's Design, Procurement and Manufacturing Programme, the Works Package Contractor shall prepare a detailed material control schedule which shall be a complete amplification of the Works Package Contractor's procurement strategy and equipment quantities, including those items which are subject to long lead time or component parts which are manufacturedbyothers,inadatabaseformat. The material control schedule shall have the following information for all relevant materials and significant components. The form and format of such a schedule is to bereviewedandagreedbythePDP,andshallinclude:
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GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG12Planning,ProgrammingandProgressMonitoringoftheWorks

a) b)

name,description,supplier/subsupplierdetails; drawing information (where appropriate); title, drawing status, submission dates, shop drawings/ fabricationdrawingpreparation,etc.; the manufacturing process, manufacturing of test pieces, trial production, PDPs inspection, monthly production of components and monthly supply of components; the assembly process, erection and assembly sequences (particularly for the first pieces) prior to shipment, test assemblies, monthly assembly requirement, PDP inspection, testing of assemblies; and transportation process, quality release from factory, factorystorage,transporttodock,shipment.



e) (5)

The Works Package Contractor shall continuously maintain thisscheduleandreportuponthestatusofeachitemaspart oftheWorksPackageContractorsMonthlyProgressReport. From this base data, the Works Package Contractor shall prepare an exception report detailing all components which are in delay. This report shall be annotated with the reason for the delay and indicate what action the Works Package Contractoristakingtorecoverthelosttime.







GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG12Planning,ProgrammingandProgressMonitoringoftheWorks

Testingand G12.9 Commissioning Programme


The Works Package Contractor shall submit a preliminary Testing and Commissioning Programme, as a sub programme of the Baseline Programme, within sixty (60) DaysoftheCommencementDate,orasrequiredbythePDP. The full version of the Testing and Commissioning Programme shall be submitted within sixty (60) Days from the commencement of E&M installation works on Site, or as requiredbythePDP. The Testing and Commissioning Programme shall be a sub programme of, and be compatible to the other sub programmes, of the Baseline Programme. The Programme shall be fully detailed, with activities individually identifying all tests for which a certificate will be issued, and shall include activities for preparation, submittal and review of thetestprocedures. The Testing and Commissioning Programme shall demonstrate the logic dependencies between the individual tests of the Works, and shall also show the interfaces and dependencies with all of the Other Works Contractors tests for the commissioning of the Works and in support of the commissioningoftheProject. The Works Package Contractor shall submit the initial versionoftheCoordinatedInstallationProgrammetogether with the Baseline Programme within sixty (60) Days of the Commencement Date, or as required by the PDP. The full version of the Coordinated Installation Programme shall be developed after discussion with the Other Works Contractors. Each part shall be developed in sufficient time for the respective Other Works Contractor to meet his manufacturing or procurement programme. The overall Co ordinatedInstallationProgrammeshallbesubmittednotless thansix(6)Monthsbeforetheprogrammedcommencement dateforE&MinstallationworksonSite. The Coordinated Installation Programme shall be a sub programme of, and be compatible to other sub programmes,oftheBaselineProgramme. The purpose of the Coordinated Installation Programme is tofacilitate: a) the coordination of the timing for delivery, installation, testing and commissioning of the works of the Other Works Contractors with those of the WorksPackageContractor;and the efficient management of interfaces between the
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Coordinated Installation Programme







GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG12Planning,ProgrammingandProgressMonitoringoftheWorks

Works and the works of the Other Works Contractors. (4) Details of the time periods required by the Other Works Contractors for their various activities, and the programme windows when these should take place will be provided in the Contract. The Works Package Contractor shall use this information and any information obtained subsequently through coordination with the Other Works Contractors, to prepare the Coordinated Installation Programme and demonstrate how the works of the Other Works Contractors canbeintegratedwiththoseofhisown.


ThreeMonth Rolling Programme


The PDP shall review the Works Package Contractors Co ordinated Installation Programme to ensure that it is compatible with the requirement of the overall Project. He shall then approve, or advise the Works Package Contractor of any changes required to be made. Any approval, review or comment by the PDP shall not constitute a waiver nor relieve the Works Package Contractor of any of his duties, responsibilities, obligations or liabilities under the Contract. The Works Package Contractor shall note that any such revision on timing that is within the programme windows describedintheprecedingparagraph,shallnotbeconstrued asavariationunderthetermsoftheConditionsofContract. At regular monthly intervals, or as required by the PDP, the Works Package Contractor shall submit a computerised Three Month Rolling Programme showing in detail all activities that are in progress or are due to start. The Three Month Rolling Programme shall: a) Providedetailsofallactivitiesthatareinprogressoraredue tostartwithintheforthcomingthree(3)Monthsperiod.All activitiesshallbebrokendowntoalevelofdetailconsidered acceptabletothePDP; b) EachactivityontheThreeMonthRollingProgrammeshallbe fully quantified in terms of its principal components, and each activity shall be resourced by way of manpower type and be a complete amplification of all programmes detailed herein giving detail of all of the Works Package Contractors plannedactivities; It shall not be a direct reproduction of current items from the programmes but shall be a fresh reappraisal, each reporting period as detailed above representing the Works Package Contractor's short term programme for the Works anditshallmeetthePDPsrequirements; The window for the Three Month Rolling Programme shall
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GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG12Planning,ProgrammingandProgressMonitoringoftheWorks

commence one (1) Month prior to the "Time Now" for the purposeofshowingtheprogressachievedordelaysincurred by the Works Package Contractor during the previous Month, together with his detailed plan of work for the period from "Time Now" until "Time Now plus three (3) Months"; e) The Three Month Rolling Programme of work shall highlight allrequireddatesfortransmittalorreceiptofinformationto orfromthePDP,subcontractororOtherWorksContractors; The Works Package Contractor shall be required to obtain confirmation from the PDP fourteen (14) Days in advance of theduedateforreceiptofinformationthattherequirement will be met. Should the Works Package Contractor fail to secure such confirmation he shall formally advise the PDP without delay giving his assessment of the need for the receiptoftheinformationrequired. BeupdatedeveryMonthandbesubmittedwiththeMonthly ProgressReport.Betweenupdates,thecurrentThreeMonth Rolling Programme shall be submitted with a Time Now linerepresentingtheprogressachievedtotheMonthend; The Works Package Contractor shall submit to the PDP a schedule showing the dates when he will submit the design details (the Schedule of Designs) which he is required to submitundertheContract. The Schedule of Designs shall comprise a complete listing of all design packages, drawings and other design deliverables that the Works Package Contractor intends to submit for his design on a progressive basis and to meet the programme requirements of the Contract. The Schedule of Designs shall be incorporated in and logically linked to the Works Package Contractorsotherprogrammes. The Schedule of Designs will provide the baseline against which the design progress is measured and reported. Each Month, the Works Package Contractor shall submit together with his Monthly Progress Report an updated hard and electronic copy of the Schedule of Designs stating the percentage completion for each design package, drawings anddesigndeliverables. The Schedule of Designs shall include but not be limited to thefollowing: a) Specifications and design / criteria, e.g. flow sheets, flow diagrams, calculations, philosophy, specifications, staging plans, schedules, certificates, computer data, safety studies, models and letters of
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Scheduleof Designs








GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG12Planning,ProgrammingandProgressMonitoringoftheWorks

approval. b) Drawings, e.g. plans, general arrangements, layout, cable/duct/pipe routing, sections/elevations, isometrics, fixing details, assembly and detail drawings. Samples, patterns, methods of manufacture and testing.

c) d)


Software management and control, e.g. instrument index, utilities estimates, instrument datasheets, instrument location drawings, control room layout drawings, logic diagrams, hookup drawings, block diagrams, connection diagrams, loop diagrams, schematicsandspecifications. The Schedule of Designs shall provide the following informationforeachdesignpackageordesigndeliverable: a) Works Package Contractors Submission Form number. b) c) d) e) d) e) f) g) Drawingnumber,equipmentnumber,etc. Revision. DescriptionandreferencetotheSpecifications. Geographicallocation,chainage,gridline,etc. Plannedsubmissionandreplydates. Actualsubmissionandreplydates. Statusofapproval. Weightingfactor.


h) Progresspercentage. Each design package or design deliverable shall be weighted intermsofpercentageoragreedunitsofthewholescopeof the design in order that the overall progress percentage of each major element, stage, phase of the design process can beaccuratelyreflected. The Schedule of Designs shall be the basis of the Works Package Contractors Baseline Programme. It shall provide the baseline against which the design progress is measured and reported. The Works Package Contractor shall provide updates of the Schedule of Designs at the period(s) determinedbythePDP. The Works Package Contractor shall submit to the PDP a
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TimeChainage G12.13




GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG12Planning,ProgrammingandProgressMonitoringoftheWorks


Time Chainage Programme. The format and the content of the Time Chainage Programme shall be prepared by the Works Package Contractor in a format acceptable to the PDP. (2) This programme shall be compatible in all respects with other programmes and must reflect all the details not limitedtotheplanningoftheworksinalineartime/location manner, demonstrating how linear tasks interrelate with time,accesspoints,constructionswitches,access/handover dates and planned production outputs for the different lineartasks. TheTimeChainageProgrammeshallincludeasummarylevel network diagram to form a road map to completion. This shall demonstrate, at summary level, the required interrelationships between all elements of the Works. This roadmaptocompletionshallbeupdatedonamonthlybasis or other period as determined by the PDP, to show progress and slippage against the baseline dates taken from other programmes. The format, scope and content of this road map to completion shall be agreedwith the PDP prior to the submission. TheTrackRelatedInstallationProgrammewillcoordinateall installation, testing and commissioning, statutory inspections and other activities that require the track as a means of access (including pedestrian), or that are within threemetresofthetrackcentrelineonwhichtrainsmayrun from time to time and other areas which may be designated intheSpecificationsoronthePDPsDrawings. ThePDPwillprepare,maintainandmanagetheTRIP. TheTRIPforaparticularareawillcommenceaftertheWorks Package Contractor for the Trackworks has completed the trackworks to the specified degree of completion and when access is available to the Works Package Contractor and OtherWorksContractorsforthatarea. A preliminary master TRIP will be issued to the Works Package Contractor and Other Works Contractors. The allocationoftrackaccessandGeneralWorksTrainswillbein accordance with the overall project sequence and criticality ofeachworkactivityasdeterminedbythePDP. Works Trains are intended to support the Works Package Contractors installation, delivery of materials, and works wherenoothermeansoftransportationarepracticable. A detailed weekly TRIP for the daybyday allocation of time
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TrackRelated Installation Programme (TRIP)



(2) (3)





GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG12Planning,ProgrammingandProgressMonitoringoftheWorks


forentryandexit,occupancyofworksarea,andtheusageof PDPs General Works Trains (if available), will be determined by the PDP from inputs received from the attending Works Package Contractor and Other Works Contractors prior to the weekly Works Train meeting. The allocation will be for worksplannedinthefollowingweek. The PDP may grant entry to more than one Other Works Contractor to sections of the track at the same time provided, in the opinion of the PDP, it is safe to do so and the work of the Other Works Contractors can be reasonably considerednottointerferewiththeworkofanother. TheWorksPackageContractorandOtherWorksContractors shall note that where multiple contractors are allocated areas of work and/or General Works Trains, the train movements for an individual Other Works Contractor will be restricted by the Other Works Contractors involved. While this will vary depending on the track layout, it will generally require that General Works Trains enter the section at the beginning of a shift, and exit at the end of the shift, in a singlecoordinatedmove. The Works Package Contractor and all Other Works Contractors shall note that multiple entries and exits to a particularareawithinaworkingshiftwillnotbeallowed,the Works Package Contractor shall plan on the basis that the General Works Trains are to be loaded to support a full shiftswork. After the commencement of TRIP, all personnel working in the Defined or Restricted Areas shall be suitably trained. All workers accessing the track area shall be required to attend a general track safety course conducted by the Works Package Contractors safety supervisor based on training information provided by the PDP. As work progresses, additional operational and safety requirements will be imposed and site supervisors will need to be trained and qualifiedbythePDPaccordingly.Trainingcoursesforvarious categories of qualifications will be offered by the PDP on a regularbasistoaddressthesetrainingneeds.Amaximumof twenty training spaces will be offered to the Works Package Contractor, free of charge, for each category of qualification consideredessentialfortheirwork. Due to the extremely tight programme and interface with a liveOperatingRailway,workswithintheTRIPmayhavetobe carried out during periods outside the normal working hours,dependingonwhetheravalidstatutorypermitcanbe obtained. For works that are to be carried out in an area where Trial Operation has commenced or in sections of the
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GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG12Planning,ProgrammingandProgressMonitoringoftheWorks

Construction G12.15 Equipment& LabourReturns


Operating Railway, the working hours will be limited to periods during the nontraffic hours. The Works Package Contractor shall be prepared to work outside the normal workinghoursasdirectedbythePDP. The Works Package Contractor shall submit to the PDP on weeklybasisoratsuchothertimesasmaybedeterminedby the PDP, concise weekly returns of all constructional equipment and labour on site categorised respectively by plant type and trade. The weekly returns shall be prepared inaformattobeprovidedbythePDP. If required by the PDP, the Works Package Contractor shall also supply a weekly report detailing quantities of major itemsofworkcompletedonadailybasis. The PDP will chair progress meetings with the Works Package Contractor. These meetings will be held at dates, intervals and times as determined by the PDP. The agenda for the monthly progress meeting shall follow the contents oftheMonthlyProgressReport. The Works Package Contractor shall submit a Monthly Progress Report to the PDP on the day of each Month specified in the Contract or as directed by the PDP. The Monthly Progress Report shall be prepared in accordance with the PDPs requirements and shall include, but not be limitedto,thefollowingitems: a) ExecutiveSummary A summary of major events, overall progress, delay andrecovery,andfinancialmatters. ContractSummary Contract particulars and Variation Orders. This section shall contain detailed information about the financial and commercial status of the Contract, including details of the actual and anticipated claims coveringcostandtimeextensions. AppendixAListofConsultants AppendixBListofSubcontractors ConstructionandInstallationProgress A summary of construction and installation progress with details of any areas of concern or delay and any areas of technical difficulties incurred or expected shall be specifically highlighted together with details of the Works Package Contractor's proposals for corrective actions. A summary of manpower and plantandequipmentonsiteshallalsobeincluded.
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Monthly Progress Meetingand Report








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Appendix C Hard copy of the current Three Month Rolling Programme in bar chart format with a time now line representing progress achieved up to the endoftheMonthinaccordancewithG12.11d. Appendix D A turnaround document comprising a listing of ongoing, forthcoming (next 3 Months) and recently completed programme activities showing actual start and finish dates, percentage completion, forecast start and finish dates, remaining duration and a status in terms of +/ weeks. The format is to beinaccordancewiththePDPsrequirements. Appendix E Layout plans marked up to identify the extent of work completed in the reporting period and,cumulativetodateforeachmajoractivity. Appendix F Comparative production curves and histograms showing actual versus planned performance in respect of major quantities as requiredbythePDP. Appendix G Details of actual manpower on Site for the period compared to that planned in the Works PackageContractor'sprogrammes. Appendix H Work programmes. Separate sheets shall be supplied for each subcontractor, as well as an overall summary. The format is to be in accordancewiththePDPsrequirements. Design Adesignsummary,includingcriticaldesignissuesand interfaces,andstatusofdesignsubmissions. Appendix I An Updated Permanent Works Material ControlScheduleinsoftandhardcopyformat Appendix J A Schedule of Designs in soft and hard copyformat ManufacturingStatus This section shall contain detailed descriptions of all manufacturing achievements of the Month including any problems encountered, comparing the planned workswiththeactualworks. ProcurementandDeliveryStatus This section shall contain the detailed progress of all procurement items and delivery activities
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(constructional and permanent plant), both planned and actual. The Works Package Contractor shall submit an updated version of the materials control scheduledescribedinG12.7(3)inthissection. TestingandCommissioningStatus This section shall contain the detailed progress of all testing and commissioning activities, both planned and actual. The report shall include Appendix K with detailsof: i) ii) iii) iv) Commissioningactivity Planned vs. actual table with SCurve for each individualorrespectivesubsystem Remedialworks SystemIntegrationTests


v) Documentation OperationandMaintenance This section shall contain the detailed progress of all operation and maintenance activities, both planned and actual. The report shall include Appendix L with detailsof: i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) viii) Operationmanuals Maintenancemanuals Trainingmanuals Asbuiltdrawings Spares/specialtools/testequipment Training CertificateofPracticalCompletion Maintenanceissues

i) j)

ix) DefectsLiability LandandLiaison Land acquisition status and encumbrances. Liaison activitiesandmeetings. AppendixMListofLiaisonActivities SafetyandHealth A summary of the status of the implementation of safety and health requirements. Details of planned significant safety and health activities for the forthcoming Month. Details of external parties
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inspection and audits. Details of the significant issues arising from the Works Package Contractors safety and health committee meeting. Details of Safety and Health Rewards and Penalties. Details of any significantincidents,nonconformitiestrendsandthe associatedcorrectiveandpreventivemeasures. AppendixNSafetyandHealthStatisticsforIncidents (frequency,severityandlosttimeinjuryrates),Status of all internal and external NonConformities (observations, nonconformance reports & stop work orders), Training Completion (induction, tool box, job safety analysis briefings, plant operator and other formaltraining). EnvironmentalManagement A summary of the status of implementation of environmental requirements. Details of planned significant environmental activities for the forthcoming Month. Details of external parties inspection and audits. Details of any significant environmental incidents, nonconformities trends and the associated corrective and preventive measures. AppendixOEnvironmentalMonitoringStatisticsand Reports for Air Quality, Silt Trap & Effluent, River Quality,NoiseandVibration,andWasteDisposal. QualityAssuranceandQualityControl This section shall contain the status and progress reports on Quality Assurance and Quality Control programme activities, such as works inspection status, testing status, works nonconformities trends, system audit activity highlights, findings and corrective actions, problems discovered during inspections and testing and how these problems were/will be resolved, programme implementation issues,etc. Appendix P Works nonconformance statistics and CorrectiveActionReport ProgressPhotographs



Programme G12.17 AnalysisReport m)

The Works Package Contractor shall submit a Programme Analysis Report to the PDP together with the Monthly Progress Report and all related programme submissions which shall comprise a narrative statement that identifies the basis of the Works Package Contractor'sassumptionsasto,interalia:
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The content required to be included in any programme or supporting document needs to be clearly identified and described to ensure a clear understanding of the scope / requirements of each document is provided, i.e. activity detailandactivitydurations,sequenceofworkingetc; ThecriticalpathoftheContract; Dailyandweeklyworkinghours,holidaysandshiftpatterns; Assumed production outputs for all major activities and areasoftheWorks; Anoverallmanpowerforecastdetailingindividualtradesand other subcontract / indirect labour, commissioning teams etc to illustrate the build up of manpower resources. The formatistobeinaccordancewiththePDPsrequirements; Details of the total quantities and planned production outputs,i.e.basisofdurationsandfullydetailedtypicalcycle timeanalyses; List of major items of plant or equipment that are required tobeprocuredidentifyingtherequiredleadtimes; Scurvesandhistogramsshowingtheplannedweeklyfigures for each principle quantity, major items of equipment and majormanpowertrades; Any programme constraints, giving details of the constraints andthesubstantiationthereto; When supplied with a Three Month Rolling Programme or current Baseline Programme, it shall include a summary of progress achieved in the previous period in terms of principle quantities (planned versus actual) and time gain / lossintermsofDaysforeachactivity; All computerized network diagram and barchart updates shallbeaccompaniedbythefollowingoutputreports: i) a complete listing of activities sorted by subnetwork early start / early finish with total float time calculatedforeach; atabularreportofdesignsubmittals; atabularreportoftests,demonstrationsinspections, materialssubmissions,materialstestresults; Scurves indicating the scheduled and actual progress in a cumulative fashion. The scheduled
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b) c) d) e)


g) h)

i) j)


ii) iii) iv)



GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG12Planning,ProgrammingandProgressMonitoringoftheWorks

progress curve shall be prepared to show early and lateprofiles. l) m) n) o) Outlineconstructionmethodstatement; Details of access and working arrangements, in particular withinterfacingparties; Detailsoftemporaryworks; Assumed periods for dealing with third party works such as utility companies, interfacing Other Works Contractors or statutorybodies; Detailsoftheproposedsubcontractarrangements; Codinglibrariesandstructures. programmerecovery/suggestedmitigationanalyses.

p) q) r)





GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG12Planning,ProgrammingandProgressMonitoringoftheWorks

WBSCODE KVMRT MIP26 MIP26.1 MIP26.1.1 MIP26.1.1.1 MIP26.1.1.2 MIP26.1.1.3 MIP26.1.1.4 MIP26.1.1.5 MIP26.1.1.6 MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26.1.1.7 MIP26.1.2 MIP26.1.2.1 MIP26.1.2.2 MIP26.1.2.3 MIP26.1.2.4 MIP26.1.2.5 MIP26.1.2.6 MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26.1.2.7 MIP26.1.2.8 MIP26.1.2.9 MIP26. MIP26. MIP26.

G1221of46 Revision:03


GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG12Planning,ProgrammingandProgressMonitoringoftheWorks

MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26.1.3 MIP26.1.3.1 MIP26.1.3.2 MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26.1.4 MIP26.1.4.0 MIP26. MIP26.1.4.1 MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26.

G1222of46 Revision:03


GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG12Planning,ProgrammingandProgressMonitoringoftheWorks

MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26.1.4.2 MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26.1.4.3 MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26.

G1223of46 Revision:03


GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG12Planning,ProgrammingandProgressMonitoringoftheWorks

MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26.

G1224of46 Revision:03


GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG12Planning,ProgrammingandProgressMonitoringoftheWorks

MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26.1.4.4 MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26.1.4.5 MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26.

G1225of46 Revision:03


GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG12Planning,ProgrammingandProgressMonitoringoftheWorks

MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26.

G1226of46 Revision:03


GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG12Planning,ProgrammingandProgressMonitoringoftheWorks

MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26.1.5 MIP26.1.5.1 MIP26.1.5.2 MIP26.1.5.3 MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26.1.6 MIP26.1.6.1 MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26.1.6.2 MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26.1.6.3 MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26.

G1227of46 Revision:03


GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG12Planning,ProgrammingandProgressMonitoringoftheWorks

MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26.1.6.4 MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26.1.6.5 MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26.

G1228of46 Revision:03


GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG12Planning,ProgrammingandProgressMonitoringoftheWorks

MIP26. MIP26.1.6.6 MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26.1.6.7 MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26.1.6.8 MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26.

G1229of46 Revision:03


GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG12Planning,ProgrammingandProgressMonitoringoftheWorks

MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26.1.6.9 MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26.1.6.10 MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26.1.7 MIP26.1.7.1 MIP26.1.8 MIP26.1.8.1 MIP26.1.8.2 MIP26.1.8.3 MIP26.1.8.4 MIP26.1.9 MIP26.1.9.1 MIP26.1.9.2 MIP26.1.9.3

G1230of46 Revision:03


GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG12Planning,ProgrammingandProgressMonitoringoftheWorks

MIP26.1.9.4 MIP26.1.10 MIP26.1.10.1 MIP26.1.11 MIP26.1.12 MIP26.1.13 MIP26.1.14 MIP26.2 MIP26.2.1 MIP26.2.1.1 MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26.2.1.2 MIP26.2.2 MIP26.2.2.1 MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26.

G1231of46 Revision:03


GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG12Planning,ProgrammingandProgressMonitoringoftheWorks

MIP26. MIP26. MIP26.2.2.2 MIP26.2.3 MIP26.2.3.1 MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26.2.3.2 MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26.

G1232of46 Revision:03


GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG12Planning,ProgrammingandProgressMonitoringoftheWorks

MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26.2.3.3 MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26.2.4 MIP26.2.4.6 MIP26. MIP26. MIP26.2.4.1 MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26.

G1233of46 Revision:03


GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG12Planning,ProgrammingandProgressMonitoringoftheWorks

MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26.2.4.2 MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26.

G1234of46 Revision:03


GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG12Planning,ProgrammingandProgressMonitoringoftheWorks

MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26.2.4.3 MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26.

G1235of46 Revision:03


GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG12Planning,ProgrammingandProgressMonitoringoftheWorks

MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26.2.4.4 MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26.2.4.5 MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26.

G1236of46 Revision:03


GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG12Planning,ProgrammingandProgressMonitoringoftheWorks

MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26.2.5 MIP26.2.5.1 MIP26.2.5.2 MIP26.2.5.3 MIP26.2.5.4 MIP26.2.5.5 MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26.

G1237of46 Revision:03


GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG12Planning,ProgrammingandProgressMonitoringoftheWorks

MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26.

G1238of46 Revision:03


GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG12Planning,ProgrammingandProgressMonitoringoftheWorks

MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26.2.6 MIP26.2.6.1 MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26.2.6.2 MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26.2.6.3 MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26.2.7 MIP26.2.7.2 MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26.2.7.3

G1239of46 Revision:03


GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG12Planning,ProgrammingandProgressMonitoringoftheWorks

MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26.2.7.4 MIP26.

G1240of46 Revision:03


GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG12Planning,ProgrammingandProgressMonitoringoftheWorks

MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26.2.7.5 MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26.2.7.6 MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26.

G1241of46 Revision:03


GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG12Planning,ProgrammingandProgressMonitoringoftheWorks

MIP26.2.7.7 MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26.2.7.8 MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26.2.7.9 MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26.

G1242of46 Revision:03


GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG12Planning,ProgrammingandProgressMonitoringoftheWorks

MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26.2.7.10 MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26. MIP26.2.7.11 MIP26. MIP26. MIP26.2.8 MIP26.2.8.1 MIP26.2.8.2 MIP26.2.8.3 MIP26.2.8.4 MIP26.2.8.5 MIP26.2.8.6 MIP26.2.8.7 MIP26.2.8.8 MIP26.2.9 MIP26.2.9.1 MIP26.2.9.2 MIP26.2.9.3 MIP26.2.9.4 MIP26.2.9.5 MIP26.2.9.6 MIP26.2.9.7 MIP26.2.9.8

G1243of46 Revision:03


GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG12Planning,ProgrammingandProgressMonitoringoftheWorks

MIP26.2.10 MIP26.2.10.11 MIP26.2.11 MIP26.2.12 MIP26.2.13 MIP26.2.14






GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG12Planning,ProgrammingandProgressMonitoringoftheWorks

Project Month M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8 M9 M10 M11 M12 M13 M14 M15 M16 M17 M18 M19 M20 M21 M22 M23 M24 Month/Year January2012 February2012 March2012 April2012 May2012 June2012 July2012 August2012 September2012 October2012 November212 December2012 January2013 February2013 March2013 April2013 May2013 June2013 July2013 August2013 September2013 October2013 November2013 December2013 Project Month M25 M26 M27 M28 M29 M30 M31 M32 M33 M34 M35 M36 M37 M38 M39 M40 M41 M42 M43 M44 M45 M46 M47 M48 Month/Year January2014 February2014 March2014 April2014 May2014 June2014 July2014 August2014 September2014 October2014 November2014 December2014 January2015 February2015 March2015 April2015 May2015 June2015 July2015 August2015 September2015 October2015 November2015 December2015 Project Month M49 M50 M51 M52 M53 M54 M55 M56 M57 M58 M59 M60 M61 M62 M63 M64 M65 M66 M67 Month/Year January2016 February2016 March2016 April2016 May2016 June2016 July2016 August2016 September2016 October2016 November2016 December2016 January2017 February2017 March2017 April2017 May2017 June2017 July2017






GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG12Planning,ProgrammingandProgressMonitoringoftheWorks






GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG13LiaisonWithOthers


Liaisonwith others



The Works Package Contractor shall make all necessary arrangements with and obtain all necessary approvals, permits and consents from Relevant Authorities, utility undertakings and other duly constituted authorities for the design, execution, commissioning and handing over of the Works. The Works Package Contractor is deemed to be fully aware of the requirements and procedures of all Relevant Authorities, utility undertakings and other duly constituted authorities. All correspondence, meeting minutes and submissions made pursuant to this subclause shall be submittedtothePDPforinformation. The Works Package Contractor shall maintain close liaison with all Other Works Contractors, utility undertakings and Relevant Authorities who are carrying out work on or adjacent to the Site. The Works Package Contractor shall ensure as far as possible that the progress of the Works is not adversely affected by the activities of such other parties and vice versa. In the event of potential disruption, the WorksPackageContractorshallinformthePDPatonce. In accordance with Clause 15 of the Conditions of Contract, theWorksPackageContractorshallcoordinatewithRelevant Authorities and Other Works Contractors in the execution of theWorks. The Works Package Contractor shall interface and liaise with Other Works Contractors to ensure the effective and compatible coordination of all aspects of the design, installation and testing of the Works. The PDP shall be kept fullyinformedatallstagesoftheWorks. The Works Package Contractor shall interface and liaise with the Other Works Contractors for all interfacing systems in accordancewith the requirements of this Section G13 and of the Interface Specifications included as appendices to the Particular Specification. The Works Package Contractor shall note that Interfacing systems include, but are not limited to, those listed in the Specifications and/or Interface Specifications. This process will be monitored and reviewed by the PDP but the Works Package Contractor shall work directly with the interfacing Other Works Contractors to develop designs which are mutuallyacceptable to all parties. The PDP will provide details of the Other Works Contractors
G131of18 Revision:03







GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG13LiaisonWithOthers

ascontractsareawarded. WorkbyOther G13.2 Works Contractors (1) The works which may be proceeding on various adjacent areasbyothersinclude,butnotexhaustively,thoselistedin the Contract. The PDP will keep the Works Package Contractor informed of forthcoming work by Other Works ContractorsintheproximityoftheSite. The Works Package Contractor shall allow for providing access to the site and shall where necessary liaise with the Other Works Contractors, utility undertakers and Relevant Authorities on the details of all coordination and access issues. The Works Package Contractor shall notify the PDP and Other Works Contractors utility undertakers and Relevant Authorities at least fourteen (14) Days in advance should he wish to alter these access arrangements during thecourseofhisworks. Respective Key Dates generally depict the completion of works for a collection of rooms or areas. Notwithstanding this,theintentoftheliaisonandcoordinationprocessisthat rooms or areas shall be made available to followon Other Works Contractors at the earliest possible date and in a flexible manner to facilitate continuity of their works. The Works Package Contractor shall therefore make his best endeavourstomeetthedatesandthedegreesofcompletion preagreed in the development of the Coordinated Installation Programme and shall not unreasonably withhold access to rooms or areas without justification. Such justificationmustbeagreedwiththePDP. The Works Package Contractor shall give the PDP a minimum of 7 Days notice of all, meetings to be held for interfacing with Other Works Contractors, or 14 Days notice if the meeting is outside Malaysia, and the PDP may, at his discretion,attendsuchmeetings.Ifinsufficientnoticeisgiven to the PDP, he may require the meeting to be postponed to a later date to enable him to attend. The Works Package Contractor shall provide the PDP with two copies of the minutes of all meetings within 14 Days of each meeting, and also two copies of all correspondence with any Other Works Contractor. The Works Package Contractor shall arrange regular meetings to facilitate coordination and cooperation between the PDP, the Works Package Contractor and Other Works Contractors. These meetings, which shall typically be at one monthintervalsduringtheplanningphaseandweeklyduring theinstallationphase,shallinparticularfacilitate:
G132of18 Revision:03



Coordination and Cooperation






GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG13LiaisonWithOthers


discussion and timely determination of all relevant requirements relating to the coordination and progressoftheWorks; review of and timely decisions in relation to submissions by the Works Package Contractor and Other Works Contractors on matters relating to the design, coordination and progress of the Works (including programming, quality and procedural matters); review of actual progress by the Works Package Contractor and Other Works Contractors and the need, if any, for instructions to be given by the PDP torectifyanyprogramminganomalies; protection of the Works Package Contractors and Other Works Contractors works from the effects of subsequentactivities;and efficientusagebytheOtherWorksContractorsofthe Works Package Contractors facilities, e.g. temporary scaffolding,refusecollectionetc.






The representatives of the PDP and of the Works Package Contractor attending all such meetings shall be duly authorised to make binding decisions on the behalf of the PDP and the Works Package Contractor respectively on all design and coordination issues which may arise. If any decisionisnotmadeexpeditiously,foranyreason,theWorks Package Contractor shall ensure that the issue is brought to theattentionofhisseniormanagementandthePDP. UnlessotherwisespecifiedintheSpecificationsordirectedby the PDP, during the development of interface documentation and the subsequent installation and testing stages, the Works Package Contractor and Other Works Contractors shall take turns in chairing the meeting, determining the meeting location and preparing meeting minutes. The Works Package Contractor and Other Works Contractors shall also attend special meetings chaired by the PDP to ensure timely resolutionintheeventofdisputeoninterfaceissues.






GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG13LiaisonWithOthers


The Works Package Contractor shall coordinate his installation activities with the Other Works Contractors and attendsregularmeetingschairedbythePDP.Thesemeetings will typically be at monthly intervals during the planning phase and weekly during the installation phase. The Works Package Contractor shall ensure that there is no interference with the work of the Other Works Contractors and shall maintain close coordination with Other Works Contractors workingonoradjacenttotheWorkstoensurethattheirwork canprogressinasmoothandorderlymanner. The Works Package Contractors responsibility shall include provision of and receipt from Other Works Contractors or the PDP of information required for the installation of the Works. Where the execution of work by any Other Works Contractor depends upon information to be given by the Works Package Contractor, the Works Package Contractor shall provide the Other Works Contractor with the information required to enable the Other Works Contractor to meet its programme for the installation of its works. In the event of any disagreement as to the extent of information required to be exchanged between the Works Package Contractor and any Other Works Contractor, the PDP shall determine the requirements and this determination shall be final and binding on the Works Package Contractor and the Other Works Contractor. To ensure proper coordination of the preparation of Combined Services Drawings and Structural E &MDrawingsbytheOtherWorksContractorsresponsiblefor civil works, the Works Package Contractor shall adopt the standardised approach in accordance with this Chapter G13 anditsappendices. The Works Package Contractor shall coordinate his testing and commissioning activities with the Other Works Contractors. The Works Package Contractor shall ensure that there is no interference with the work of the Other Works Contractors and shall maintain close coordination with Other Works Contractors working on or adjacent to the Works to ensure that their testing and commissioning work can progressinasmoothandorderlymanner



OtherProject Contractsand Coordination OtherWorks Contractors


G13.4.1 (1)

Other Works Contractors are detailed in the Contract, either by name and relevant details, contract number and description or by contract number and description. Where the names and relevant details, such as addresses, of the
G134of18 Revision:03



GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG13LiaisonWithOthers

Other Works Contractors are not identified, the PDP will inform the Works Package Contractor in writing when such contracts have been awarded. The PDP may add Other WorksContractorstothelist.TheWorksPackageContractor shallusehisbestendeavourstokeephimselfinformedofthe activities of Other Works Contractors and to identify actual andpotentialinterfaceswiththeWorks. (2) (3) The Works Package Contractor shall liaise and coordinate withRelevantAuthoritiesandOtherWorksContractors. The Works Package Contractor shall note that the Other Works Contractor responsible for civil works will supply and installtemporarydoorscompletewithtemporaryheavyduty locksets for all rooms immediately before they are accessed by the Works Package Contractor, unless directed otherwise by the PDP, and shall remove the same when permanent doors and locks are installed complete with permanent lock cylinders.TheOtherWorksContractorwillberesponsiblefor the managing of control of access by the Works Package Contractor to the rooms. The Other Works Contractor will replace all temporary lock cylinders with permanent lock cylindersbeforehandoveroftheroomstothePDP. The Other Works Contractor responsible for civil works will arrange joint inspections with the Works Package Contractor tocheckpositionsofthestructuralE&Mopeningsandcastin items provided for the related Works Package Contractor priortoconcreting. The Other Works Contractor responsible for civil works will arrange joint inspection and testing of the castin items provided for the Works Package Contractor before their handovertotheWorksPackageContractor. Unless otherwise specified, the Other Works Contractor responsible for civil works will be responsible for the sealing up of all structural E&M openings upon completion of the worksbytheWorksPackageContractor. The Works Package Contractor shall at the commencement of the Works appoint a full time Interfacing Manager (with a minimum of ten (10) years of experience in project management), who is familiar with all aspects of the execution of the Works and who shall be responsible for all coordination and interface matters related to the Contract. The person appointed as Interfacing Manager shall chair and minute all coordination meetings whether called by the WorksPackageContractororbythePDP.
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Appointmentof G13.4.2 (1) theInterfacing Manager



GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG13LiaisonWithOthers


The Interfacing Manager shall report directly to the Works Package Contractors project manager or other authorised representative and shall be in attendance full time on Site fromthecommencementoftheWorksonSiteuntilPractical CompletionofthewholeoftheWorks.Heshallbesupported by a team of suitably qualified and experienced staff and he shall ensure all works related programmes are prepared and updated to incorporate all constraints identified through co ordinationwithallrelevantparties. The Interfacing Manager shall ensure the compatible integration and coordination of the Works and the works of OtherWorksContractors. The Interfacing Manager shall on behalf of the Works Package Contractor,direct and control the Interface Management Plans and Interface Control Documents specifiedinclauseG13.5 The interfacing contractors may be assigned either a leading role (referred to as the Lead Contractor) or matching role (referred to as the Match Contractor) by the PDP in the preparation of the interface documentation. The roles and responsibilities of the Lead Contractor and Match Contractor aresummarisedinAppendixAG13.2 The Works Package Contractor when assigned as the Lead ContractorshallincorporateinputfromtheMatchContractor, and prepare the required interface documentation based on the interface requirements stipulated in the Contract. The Works Package Contractor when assigned as the Match Contractor shall provide design input as deemed necessary to the Lead Contractor. A common set of interface documentation shall be used between the Lead Contractor and the Match Contractor to ensure consistency and compatibility. When the Lead Contractor and the Match Contractor have agreedonthecontentofaparticularinterfacedocument,the Lead Contractor shall prepare a clean copy for signoff between himself and the Match Contractor. The signed off interfacedocumentshallbesubmittedseparatelybytheLead Contractor and the Match Contractor on a date agreed by both parties prior to the submission, but within the time specifiedinthisclauseG13.5. The assignment of the role as Lead or Match Contractor may bealteredasdirectedbythePDP. Within sixty (60) Days of notification from the PDP of the
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Interface Management Plansand Interface Control Documents





(4) (5)


GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG13LiaisonWithOthers

identity of each Other Works Contractor, the Works Package Contractor shall develop and submit for review by the PDP an Interface Management Plan for each Other Works Contractor. The Interface Management Plan shall be a common document between the Works Package Contractor and Other Works Contractor and shall be signed off by both the Works Package Contractor and the Other Works Contractorprior to submission. The submission date of each InterfaceManagementPlanshallbecoordinatedwiththatof the respective contractors. The Interface Management Plan shall: a) b) identifythesubsystemsaswellasthecivilworksand facilitieswithinterfacingrequirements; define the authority and responsibility of the Works Package Contractors and Other Works Contractors (and any relevant subcontractors) staff involved in interfacemanagementanddevelopment; identify the information to be exchanged and identify
the management and technical skills required for the associated development work at each phase of the


Works Package Contractors and Other Works Contractors (and any relevant subcontractors) projectlifecycles; d) specify the configuration and version control procedures in accordance with the Works Package Contractors and Other Works Contractors (and any relevant subcontractors) quality management system; specify the process for managing interface requirement changes and verification of interface requirement;and specify the process for exchange of information and interfacehazardmanagement.


f) (6)

Once the Interface Management Plan has been approved by the PDP, the Works Package Contractor shall execute the Works in accordance with the Interface Management Plan. The Works Package Contractor shall advise the PDP immediately of any difficulty in developing a mutually acceptableInterfaceManagementPlan. Within four (4) Months of notification from the PDP of the identity of each Other Works Contractor and following approval by the PDP of the Interface Management Plan (IMP), the Works Package Contractor shall develop and
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submit for approval by the PDP an Interface Control Document for each Other Works Contractor. The Interface Control Document shall be a common document between the Works Package Contractor and Other Works Contractor and shall be signed off by both the Works Package Contractor and Other Works Contractor prior to submission. The submission date of each Interface Control Document shallbecoordinatedwiththatoftherespectiveOtherWorks Contractor.TheInterfaceControlDocumentshall: a) Identifythescopeofworkandresponsibilitiesofthe WorksPackageContractorandtheOtherWorks Contractor; b) Provideaschematicdiagramshowingthe interconnectionsanddemarcationboundarybetweenthe WorksPackageContractorandtheOtherWorks Contractor; c) Identifythedetailedmechanical,electrical,functionaland controlandmonitoringdatainterfacessuchasprotocol, softwareanddatastructurebetweentheWorksPackage ContractorandtheOtherWorksContractor; d) Identifythesafetyrequirementstobetakenintoaccount intheinterfacedesign; e) Identifytheenvironmentalconditionsofoperationsuch astemperature,humidity,EMC,noise,vibration,etc; f) Identifythesystemresponsetimefortheinterface showingthedetailedbreakdownsofprocessesandtime calculations; g) Identifythedegradedfunctionalities,failuremodesand redundancymanagementforeachsystemduring degradedoperation; h) Identifytheinformationtobeexchangedandhowthe datesidentifiedintheIMPshallbeachieved; i) Addressthedesign,supply,installation,testingand commissioningprogrammeofthecontractstomeetthe keydatesofeachcontract,andhighlightanyprogramme risksrequiringmanagementattention; j) Specifytheproposedmethodandscheduleforverifying interfaceintegrityalongwithanyrequirements,whether
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temporaryorpermanent,relatingtothephysical installationofeachparty'sequipmentormaterialsused forTemporaryWorksorthePermanentWorks; j) Includetestproceduresandprogrammetodemonstrate theperformanceandintegrityoftheintegratedsystems. l) Identify detailed functional interface such as protocols, softwareanddatastructurebetweentheWorksPackage ContractorandtheOtherWorksContractor; (8) The requirements of the PDPs Drawings and the Interface Specification shall form the basis of the Interface Control Document (ICD), but shall not relieve the Works Package Contractor of his obligation to identify and address any new interfaceissuestomeettheContractrequirements. Any revision to the ICD shall be mutually acceptable to all interfacing Works Package Contractors and submitted to the PDP for approval. The ICD shall be a 'live document' and revised and resubmitted at completion of final design, prior to commencement of installation and prior to commencement of Partial Acceptance Tests by the Works PackageContractortoensureitremainscurrentandatother timesasdirectedbythePDP. Any intermediate dates as agreed by all interfacing parties in the interfacing meeting shall be reflected in the ICD and the ThreeMonthRollingProgrammeaccordingly. Minimum requirements for the IMP and ICD are provided in AppendixAG13.1. In addition to the requirements specified earlier in this section, the Works Package Contractor shall liaise and coordinatewiththeOtherWorksContractorsresponsiblefor civil works, in accordance with the following sequence, in preparingtheCSDsandSEMsrequiredunderSectionG13. a) STEP 1 The Other Works Contractor responsible for civilworkswillprepareandsubmittothePDPandthe Works Package Contractor the Stage I CSDs and SEMs for review. These Stage I CSDs and SEMs shall be based on the Other Works Contractor's Structural, ArchitecturalandBuildingServicesdesigns/worksand on the information provided in the Other Works Contractors Contract in relation to the railway systemsfacilities. STEP 2 Within six (6) weeks of receipt of the Stage I
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(11) Coordination G13.6 withOther Works Contractorsin preparingCSDs andSEMs (1)




GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG13LiaisonWithOthers

CSDs and SEMs, the Works Package Contractor shall mark their proposed service routings, plant locations, penetrations through the structure and all other pertinent information onto the CSDs / SEMs and submit to the PDP and the relevant Other Works Contractor. c) STEP 3 The Other Works Contractor responsible for civil works will liaise and convene meetings with the Works Package Contractor in order to resolve any conflicts, discrepancies or other problems with the Works Package Contractors' proposed service routings and/or structural requirements. The Other Works Contractor responsible for civil works will provide the PDP with advance notice of any meetings andpermitthePDPtoattendsuchmeetings. STEP4IntheeventtheWorksPackageContractoris unable to satisfactorily resolve any conflicts or problems, he shall forthwith notify the PDP of such conflicts and seek the PDP's direction on the resolutionoftheconflict.ThePDPshallsubsequently convene meetings, as appropriate, with a view to resolving such conflicts or problems. The Works Package Contractor shall attend such meetings and provideanysupportasrequiredbythePDP. STEP 5 Subsequent to the coordination under steps 2, 3 and 4 and not later than ten (10) weeks prior to the programmed date for commencement of the relevant structural works, the Other Works Contractor responsible for civil works will incorporate the Works Package Contractors' requirements into the Stage I CSDs and SEMs and resubmit these as Stage II drawings to the PDP and the Works Package Contractor. STEP 6 Within two (2) weeks of receipt, the Works Package Contractor shall review the Stage II CSDs / SEMs and shall submit any proposed amendments / comments to the PDP and the relevant Other Works Contractor. STEP 7 The Other Works Contractor responsible for civil works will review any comments and amendments proposed by the Works Package Contractor on the Stage II CSDs and SEMs and immediatelyadvisethePDPofanydisagreementwith such comments and proposed amendments. In the event of any disagreement the relevant Other Works
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ContractorwillseekdirectionfromthePDPtoresolve theconflict. h) STEP 8 Not later than four (4) weeks prior to the programmed date for the commencement of the relevantstructuralworkstheOtherWorksContractor responsible for civil works will incorporate the amendments arising from steps 6 and 7 and shall issue the final CSDs / SEMs to the PDP and the Works PackageContractor.


All drawings and other information submitted to Other WorksContractorsandallcommunications,includingrecords of conversations and minutes of meetings, between the Works Package Contractor and the Other Works Contractors shallbecopiedtothePDPforinformation.

Coordination Meetings


TheWorksPackageContractorshallattend,andshallarrange for the representatives of subcontractors, Government departments, transport companies, utility undertakings and Other Works Contractors to attend coordination meetings if required by the PDP. The Works Package Contractor shall inform the PDP within 48 hours, or such shorter period agreed by the PDP, before meetings with Government departments, transport companies, utility undertakings and Other Works Contractors are to be held and shall give the PDPtheopportunitytoattendsuchmeetings. The PDP may convene at his discretion but on providing reasonable notice to the Works Package Contractor, any meeting, either on or off the Project Site, to discuss and address any aspect of the Works or the Contract. The Works PackageContractorshallattendanysuchmeetingsconvened bythePDP. The PDP may convene quarterly review meetings to be held in Malaysia at approximately three monthly intervals. The PDPshallnotifytheWorksPackageContractorofthedate of such meetings not less than twenty eight (28) Days before theyaretobeheld. Quarterly review meetings shall be held over a period of up to three (3) Days in order to review the overall progress of the Works in the context of the Project as a whole, and to address and resolve any issues relevant to the execution and progress of the Works. Such meetings will be chaired by a member of the PDPs directorate or other senior manager,
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Meetingswith G13.7.1 (1) externalparties

Quarterly review meetings

G13.7.2 (1)





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and the Works Package Contractor shall have in attendance one senior representative of director level from each of the companies comprising the Works Package Contractor, together with the managing director of the company acting as a leader of the Works Package Contractor if it is a joint venture,consortiumorpartnership. (4) The persons whom the Works Package Contractor proposes shouldattendeachquarterlyreviewmeetingshallbesubject to approval by the PDP. The names of such proposed attendees shall be notified by the Works Package Contractor to the PDP not less than seven (7) Days prior to each meeting. The Works Package Contractor shall submit a Quarterly reviewreport7DayspriortoeachQuarterlymeeting


InternetAccess G13.8 Capability

The Works Package Contractor shall maintain, at his own cost, Internet access capability so as to be able to communicate with the PDP/Railway Operator/Other Works Contractors, and others. Over the Internet, communication includes, but is not limited to, exchangeofemail,electronicforumdiscussion,dataexchange,and accesstocomputersasmayberequiredintheContract. (1) Where the Works Package Contractor is required to use the PDPs or Railway Operators computer system to fulfil the requirements of the Contract, the Works Package Contractor shall observe the proper code of practice as applicable to the Laws of Malaysia and international laws, as well as any particularrequirementsasstipulatedintheContract. The Works Package Contractor will be required to register with the PDP if access to the PDPs or Railway Operators computer system is required. Use of such computer systems shall be strictly confined to the works in relation to the Projectandrestrictedtotheregisteredpersonnelonly. On any system user accounts and passwords for access to the PDPs or Railway Operators computer the Works Package Contractor shall observe the PDPs or Railway Operators password policy for computer systems, which will be advised by the PDP in due course. The PDP reserves the rights to revoke access and change user passwords to these computer systems without advance notice as and when deemed necessary.

Codeof Practicein UsingPDP/ Owner Computer Systems








GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG13LiaisonWithOthers


1. InterfaceManagementPlan The Interface Management Plan shall cover the contents in the following table. The intentionofeachsectionisdescribedbythetextinsidetheanglebrackets. InterfaceManagementPlan(TypicalTableofContents) 1 Introduction 1.1 PurposeofDocument <Describe the methodology to be adopted by the Works Package Contractorinmanagingallinterfaceissues> 1.2 Overview <Project overview of the Works Package Contractor and the Other WorksContractor> 2 ResourceManagement 2.1 2.2 OrganisationandRoles&Responsibilities ResourceRequirement <Detailed description of the manpower, tools, logistics shall be includedinthissection> 3 ProcessManagement 3.1 ChangeofInterfacingRequirement <The process for the management of interface requirement change shallbeaddressedinthissection.> 3.2 VerificationofInterfacingRequirements <The approach to be adopted by the Works Package Contractor to manage verification of interfacing requirements shall be addressed inthissection.> 3.3 SoftwareVersionControl <The process for the management of software changes over the projectlifecycle> 3.4 InterfaceTroubleshooting <Theapproachtobeadoptedforinterfacetroubleshooting>





GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG13LiaisonWithOthers


Inspection,testingandcommissioningonInterfaces <The approach to be adopted by the Works Package Contractor for the management of interface in the inspection, testing and commissioningstageshallbeaddressedinthissection.>


AreasofConcern <Theprocessformanaginginterfaceconcerns.>

DocumentManagement 4.1 4.2 ReferenceDocuments <Allapplicablereferencedocumentsshallbelistedinthissection.> StructureofReferenceDocuments <The Structure of reference documents shall be addressed in this section.>


VersionControlofInterfaceDocuments <Configuration management of interface documents shall be addressedinthissection.>

Communication 5.1 TermsofReferenceofInterfaceMeetings <The terms of reference of interface meetings shall be addressed here.>


ExchangeofInformationbetweenWorksPackageContractors <The process for the exchange of information between the two interfacingWorksPackageContractorsshallbestatedhere.>


SubmissiontoPDP <The approach to be adopted by the two Works Package ContractorsonthesubmissionoftheInterfaceManagementPlanto thePDPshallbedescribedhere.>


RequestforthePDPsAttention <The criteria and methodology for requesting the PDPs attention shallbementionedhere.>

InterfaceHazardManagement 6.1 StrategyandApproach





GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG13LiaisonWithOthers


InterfaceControlDocument The Interface Control Document shall cover the content set out in the following table wherever applicable. The demarcation of works to be provided by each Works Package Contractorshallbeclearlystated. InterfaceControlDocument(TypicalTableofContents) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 4.1 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7 Introduction ReferenceDocuments AbbreviationsandDefinitions InterfaceTaskAllocation InterfaceTaskAllocationTable InterfaceDetails: SystemConfiguration 5.1.1InterfaceDemarcationDiagram PhysicalInterface 5.2.1 Nature, Naming Convention, Location and Quantity Nature,LocationandQuantity 5.2.2 5.2.3 ElectricalInterface MechanicalInterface

FunctionalInterface Protocols SoftwareandDataInterface DesignConstraints EnvironmentalconditionsandElectromagneticCompatibility OperationalConstraints ScopeofSupply DeliveryandInstallation InspectionandTesting TestMethodology ProtocolTests IndependentTests PointtoPointTests IntegratedSystemFunctionalTests LogicalsequenceanddependenceoftheTests SimulatorsandSpecialEquipmenttobeused InterfaceRequirementVerificationMatrix
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AppendicesandDrawings App 1 App 2 App 3 App 4 App 5 App 6 App 7

DetailedDataInterfaceSchedules CablesTerminationSchedules/Drawings SystemStartupparameters Accessdates,Keydatesandscheduleforinformationexchange Listofcriticalinterfaceitems TableofDeliverables TimeScheduleforInspectionandTesting





GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG13LiaisonWithOthers

TherolesandresponsibilitiesoftheLeadContractorshallbeasfollows: a) Toidentifyandestablishallthenecessaryinterfacesandtheirrequirements,jointlyand mutuallywiththeMatchContractor. b) Toprovidethenecessaryinformation,material,technicalexpertiseandmanpowerrequired fortheinterfacedesign. c) Toplan,coordinateandfinalisetheinterfacingdesignwiththeMatchContractorandevery thirdpartyorStatutoryAuthoritythatarenecessaryinthecourseofinterfacedesign development. d) ToproducejointlywiththeMatchContractoralltherequiredinterfacedocument submissionstothePDPforacceptance. e) Toappointacompetentandexperiencedpersonwhoshallbethesinglepointofcontacton interfacedesignandmanagementwiththeotherMatchContractorsandthePDP. f) Toprepareandsubmitallinterfacedesignmeetingminutes,monthlyinterfacedesign progressreportandinterfacedesigndatatothePDPforinformation. g) Toproducetherequiredintegratedtestproceduresandtestreportsforsubmissiontothe PDPforapproval. h) Toleadtherequiredintegratedtestsandalltestrelatedactivities,includingbutnotlimited totestreadinessreview,softwarereleasecoordinationfortesting,defectstrackingand retests. TherolesandresponsibilitiesoftheMatchContractorshallbeasfollows: a) Toidentifyandestablishallthenecessaryinterfacesandtheirrequirementsjointlyand mutuallywiththeLeadContractor. b) Toprovidethenecessaryinformation,material,technicalexpertiseandmanpowerrequired fortheinterfacedesignworks. c) TocollaboratefullywiththeLeadContractorinfinalizingtheinterfacedesign,joint productionoftheinterfacedocuments,interfacedesignprogressreportsandalltestrelated documentationsandactivities.
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d) Toappointacompetentandexperiencedpersonwhoshallbethesinglepointofcontacton interfacedesignandmanagementwiththeaffectedOtherPackageContractorsandthePDP. *ENDOFSECTION*





GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG14DocumentManagement


Documents, G14.1 Submissionsand Correspondence


All documents which shall be submitted to the PDP in accordance with the requirements of the Contract, shall be provided in the standards established by the PDP. Documentation and drawings shall consist of a series of diagrams, schematics, drawings, layouts, plans, tables, method statements, handbooks, manuals etc. which together shall comprehensively describe and detail the whole of the Works in every respect. Such documentation anddrawingsshallcontainsufficientinformationanddetails so as to facilitate provision of the Works and to permit the Railway Operator to eventually maintain, operate and carry outengineeringmodificationstotheWorks. Copies of correspondence relevant to the execution of the Works and received from or dispatched to Relevant Authorities, utility undertakings and Other Works Contractors shall be provided to the PDP for information as soon as possible but in any case not later than one (1) Day afterreceiptordispatch. All documents shall be submitted to the PDP in both hard and soft copy format. For soft copies, the associated electronic files shall be submitted as a Portable Document Format (PDF) file converted either from a scanned copy of the printed document or directly from the original native electronicfile.Eachdocumentshallbesubmittedasasingle PDFfile,exceptincaseswherethefilesizeexceeds100MBin whichcasethedocumentmaybesubmittedasmultiplefiles. For the submission of deliverables, a copy of the original nativeelectronicfilesusedtocreatethedocumentshallalso be provided. Files converted directly from the original native files in searchable format are preferred to scanned files; in such cases the original native files shall be included in the submission. Drawings in documents shall beprintedatA3sizeunlessfullylegibleatA4. All documentation shall be clearly legible, comprehensively indexed, fully cross referenced, set out logically and consistent in the use of symbols, texts, layouts, title boxes etc. Each and every sheet of documentation and drawings shallcontainatleastbutnotlimitedtothefollowing: a) b) Projecttitle; Originator;
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GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG14DocumentManagement

c) d) e) f) g) h) i) (5)

Maintitle; SheetNumber; SheetTitle; Issue Type e.g. Preliminary, Inspection, Approval, Construction,Testing,AsBuiltetc.; ModificationStatus; DocumentNumber,RevisionNumberandDate;and Signature in respect of preparation, checking, approvaloforiginatingorganisation.

The hard copy of all documents shall be the contractual copy. Before electronic files of documents are submitted to the PDP, the Works Package Contractor shall verify that the electronicfilesexactlymatchthehardcopydocuments. Unless otherwise specified or as instructed by the PDP, the WorksPackageContractorshallsubmitthenumberofcopies of documentation and drawings to the PDP based on the following: ForDocumentSubmissions:


Issue Inspection/Approval TestingRecords/Reports Monthly/WeeklyReports Commissioning/MaintenanceCopies FinalAsBuiltRecords Final Manuals, Handbooks etc. (including operationalmanuals) Generalsubmissions otherthantheabove

No.ofCopies 3(A4orA3size) 2(A4orA3size) 3(A4orA3size) 2(A4orA3size) 4(A4orA3size) 6(A4orA3size) 3(A4orA3size)

All of the above shall also include one (1) electronic copy on CDROMinpdfformatandinthenativefileformat. ForDrawingSubmissions:

One (1) A1 size original, three (3) sets of A1 prints, six (6) unbound sets of A3 size prints reduced from the A1 size original, six (6) electronic copies (AutoCAD and pdf file formats), and a drawing list in hard copy and soft copy (WORDorEXCELfile).
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GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG14DocumentManagement

ElectronicFile Formats


Standardformat G14.2.1 For deliverables which are to be submitted in electronic format, the forelectronicfiles submission shall be in English version and shall comply with the following formats compatible with Intel/Windows based personal computers,ortheirnaturalsuccessors,unlessotherwisespecifiedin theContract: TextdocumentsMicrosoftWord(.docor.docxformat) SpreadsheetsMicrosoftExcel(.xlsor.xlsxformat) PresentationsMicrosoftPowerPoint(.pptor.pptxformat) Databases Microsoft Access (file format to be agreed with the PDP) Programming/SchedulingPrimaveraP6,version7.0orlater CADproduceddrawingsRefertothePDPsCADGuidelines DigitalPhotographs(asindividualfiles)JPEGformat(minimum sizeof5megapixelsandminimumresolutionof300dpi) Scanned documents PDF format at a minimum resolution of 300dpi

Documentlayout G14.2.2 To ensure consistency and to enable automatic uploading of standard submitted electronic data, where applicable and specified in the Contract,theWorksPackageContractorshall: a) b) use the electronic document templates provided by the PDP inpreparinghissubmissions;and use the application systems provided by the PDP in, but not limitedto,enteringanduploadingprojectdata,dataanalysis andreportgeneration.


G14.2.3 The Works Package Contractor shall provide, together with the submission, any applicable decryption key, password or certificate toenablethePDPtoreviewthesubmittedelectronicdata.

Submissionmedia G14.2.4 Electronic files shall be submitted on CDROM discs or other media approved by the PDP. All media shall bear clearly printed labels containingthecontractreferenceandtitle,submissionnumber,and filereferences. Submissions Programme



The Works Package Contractor shall, within thirty (30) Days of the Commencement Date, submit a programme covering allproposedsubmissionstothePDP.
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GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG14DocumentManagement

(2) (3)

The submissions programme shall include each submission statedintheContractasbeingrequiredtobesubmitted. The submission programme shall ensure that all submissions are properly coordinated with the Works Package Contractors overall programme, particularly in respect of thefollowing: a) b) c) Progress of design, manufacture, installation and testingwork; CoordinationwithOtherWorksContractors; Including due allowance for the PDPs review process to be undertaken and including the time needed for anyresubmissions.


The Works Package Contractor shall include in the monthly report,afulllistofallsubmissionsandtheircurrentstatusin comparison to the submissions programme. Reasons shall be provided for any delayed submission and the proposed corrective action that will ensure that the delay does not affect any overall or stage completion dates, particularly thosethatinterfacewithotherparties. Exceptwherespecificproceduresaregivenforcertainitems, allsubmissionsshallbesubmittedandreviewedaccordingto theprocedurelaiddowninthefollowingclauses.TheWorks Package Contractor shall demonstrate that individual submission documents have been subject to his internal reviewprocesspriortosubmissiontothePDP. Each submission shall be made under cover of a submission form and include a brief introduction to explain to which subsystem, part or section of the Works the submission refers, listing the documents enclosed with the submission, and describing in outline how all relevant requirements of theSpecificationsareachievedbytheproposals. Within thirty five (35) Days of receipt of the submission, the PDPshallrespondtotheWorksPackageContractorinoneof threecodes: a) b) c) CODE1:Approved(WorkMayProceed); CODE2:ApprovedWithComment;and CODE3:Resubmit(PhysicalWorkCannotProceed).

Submissionand Review Procedure






If the PDP, having reviewed the submission, has not discoveredanynoncompliancesundertheContract,heshall

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GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG14DocumentManagement

respond with the review status Approved, and which shall entitle the Works Package Contractor to proceed to the next stageoftheprogrammeofwork. (5) If the PDP discovers minor noncompliances, discrepancies, or omissions etc. that, in his opinion, are not of a fundamental nature, he shall respond with Approved With Comments,includinga listofthefeaturesthatrequiretobe amended,includedorimprovedtocomplywiththeContract. IssueofsucharesponseservesasanoticeofApprovalwhich entitles the Works Package Contractor to proceed to the nextstageoftheprogrammeofworkprovidedthatallofthe PDPs comments are adequately addressed within fourteen (14)DaysfromtheissueofthePDPscomments. If the PDP discovers major noncompliances, discrepancies, or omissions etc. that, in his opinion, are of a fundamental nature, he shall respond with Resubmit, including a list of the features that require to be amended, included or improved to comply with the Contract. Issue of such response serves as a notice of rejection which does not entitle the Works Package Contractor to proceed to the next stage of the programme of work until all of the PDPs comments are adequately addressed and a resubmission hasbeenapprovedbythePDP. The Works Package Contractor shall attend meetings to review submissions and related activities on a regular and/or adhocbasis,uponreceivingreasonablenoticefromthePDP. Any approval, check, certificate, consent, examination, inspection, instruction, notice, proposal, request, test, or similar act by the PDP (including absence of disapproval) shall not constitute a waiver nor relieve the Works Package Contractor from any responsibility, obligations or liabilities hehasundertheContract,includingresponsibilityforerrors, omissions,discrepanciesandnoncompliances. TheWorksPackageContractorshalluseadatabaseprogram for registering all the Project documents following the documentnumberingschemesapprovedbythePDP. The Works Package Contractor shall ensure the full and timelysubmissionoftheContractDeliverables. The Works Package Contractor shall establish and maintain the Project records containing the originals. The index for the Project records shall be kept up to date and shall indicatethelocationofthefilesforeaseofaccess. The Works Package Contractor shall maintain the Project
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(2) (3)




GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG14DocumentManagement

records files in good condition, and filed in accordance with theprescribeddocumentnumberingsystem,ifapplicable,or anyotherestablishedindexingsystem. (5) The Works Package Contractor shall control access to the Project records and removal of the records temporarily or permanently until the Project records, in part or in their entirety,arehandedovertothePDPonanongoingbasisor atthePracticalCompletionofthewholeoftheWorks. The Works Package Contractor shall submit a checklist to identifythetypesofrecordstobehandedoverforreviewby the PDP ninety (90) Days in advance of the intended hand over of any Project records or earlier as required by the PDP including those at the time when the Works Package ContractorappliesforaCertificateofPracticalCompletionof the whole of the Works. The final documents handed over to the PDP shall be in hard copy and include software copy onROMdiscmediaorharddiskformat.Thehardcopiesand electronic files shall bear document numbers and revision identifications. SiteRecordsOffice: a) The Works Package Contractor shall establish and maintain at the Site a records office which contains theProjectdocumentsuntilsuchtimethedocuments areallhandedovertothePDP. SiteRecordsTheWorksPackageContractorshallfile and store in the Site records office all documents which relate to the quality and asconstructed conditionoftheWorksincluding,withoutlimitation: i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii)




Controlled copies documents;




Progress records or progress reports not previouslysubmittedtothePDP; Certificates for manufactured goods and materials; Recordsofsampling,inspectionsandtests; Records of Authorities; inspections by Relevant

Reports of nonconformities and their disposition; Reportsanddatarelatingtoconcessions;




GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG14DocumentManagement

viii) ix)

RecordsofsurveysofthePermanentWorksor E&MpartsofthePermanentWorks; Any construction or manufacturing drawings containing marked up details of asbuilt dimensionsorproperties; Any other data relevant to the asconstructed PermanentWorks;and Any other related documents or records as requiredbythePDP.

x) xi) c)

ThedocumentsstoredattheSiteshallbetheoriginal versions and not photocopies unless the original versions have been dispatched to the PDP or third parties and are no longer in the Works Package Contractor'spossession. Filingandstorage: All documents shall be filed, indexed and suitably stored to permit easy identification and access on a frequent basis. Media containing master copies of electronic files of all deliverables and Contract data shall be stored in a safe with a four (4) hour fire rating. Each records office shall be suitably sized, have a fire ratingofatleast2hoursand,asaminimum,24hour air conditioning for humidity and temperature control. The Works Package Contractor shall ensure that each records office is provided with adequate colour photocopyingfacilitiesandshallprovidethePDPwith suchphotocopiesofthestoreddocumentsashemay request. Takeoverofdocuments: The Works Package Contractor shall ensure that the Project records are properly filed and indexed and in a fit condition to be taken over by the PDP at the time that the Works Package Contractor applies for a Certificate of Practical Completion for the whole of the Works. The Works Package Contractor shall provide the Site records documents for final handover. The Works Package Contractor shall provide detailed filing indexes to the records to be handed over when the PDP notifies his intention to
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GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG14DocumentManagement

takeover the documents or the Works Package Contractor shall, not later than thirty (30) Days before the anticipated date of applying for a Certificate of Practical Completion for the whole of the Works, notify the PDP that such documents will beavailableforcollection. h) AttheappropriatetimeasdeterminedbythePDP,or within fourteen (14) Days of receipt of an application foraCertificateofPracticalCompletionforthewhole of the Works, or upon termination of the Works Package Contractor's employment under the Contract, the PDP may notify the Works Package Contractor that the PDP intends to take over the Project documents, in which case the Works Package Contractor shall allow the PDP immediate access to such documents and shall provide a detailed filing index, provide the materials and labour in packaging andtransferringalltherecords,asagreedbythePDP, certify completeness of the records and do all other thingsnecessaryforthepurposeoftransferringthem tothecustodyofthePDP. Upon notice being given by the PDP or Works Package Contractor the Project documents shall vest inthePDP. PDP'scustodyofdocuments: i) The PDP shall establish and maintain premises in which he shall store any documents of the Works Package Contractor taken over for a period of not less than six (6) years from the completion of the Defects Liability Period for thewholeoftheWorks. The PDP shall not, without the consent of the Works Package Contractor, otherwise destroy orpartwithpossessionofanysuchdocuments prior to expiration of the period referred to in subclausei)above. The PDP shall, upon reasonable notice, allow the Works Package Contractor access to all documents taken over and shall provide copies of any such documents as the Works PackageContractormightreasonablyrequest.






WorksPackageContractor'scustodyofdocuments: The Works Package Contractor shall maintain in

G148of10 Revision:03



GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG14DocumentManagement

Malaysia his archive of all documents in connection with and arising out of the Contract, excluding any documents taken over by the PDP, for a period of six (6) years from the completion of the Defects Liability PeriodforthewholeoftheWorks. *ENDOFSECTION*





GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG14DocumentManagement






GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG15NotUsed







GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG15NotUsed






GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG16SoftwareManagementandControl





The Works Package Contractor shall establish, implement and maintain a software management system to the requirements of ISO 90003 for ensuring that all software suppliedundertheContractshallcomplywiththerequired qualityandsafetystandards. For nonsafety related software (software with SIL of zero) supplied under the Contract, the Works Package Contractor shall comply with the requirements of ISO 12207 in addition to the requirements in subclause (1) above. For the safety related software (software with SIL greater thanzero)suppliedundertheContract,theWorksPackage Contractor shall comply with the requirements of EN 50128 in addition to the requirements in subclause (1) above. Each package of software shall be identified with a developmentlevelaccordingtothefollowing: TheDevelopmentLevelcanbeA,BorC. The Development Level of a Software Workpackage is defined as C if the Software Workpackage is a commercial, offtheshelf software package with a demonstrable installation base, release history, and proper user documentation. The Development Level of a Software WorkpackageisdefinedasBiftheSoftwareWorkpackageis an existing software with changes less than 20% of the functional or technical requirements. An existing software is one which has been used in a similar project at least 6 Months prior to the commencement of this Contract, and which has not been changed since then. The Development Level of a Software Workpackage is defined as A if neither B norCisapplicable. The Works Package Contractor shall submit a Software Quality Assurance Plan to the PDP for approval not later than one (1) Month after the completion of Software Requirement Specification Phase or four (4) Months after thedateoftheLetterofAcceptancewhicheverisearlier. A typical contents list for the Software Quality Assurance Plan is contained in Appendix AG16.1. The Plan shall define,butnotbelimitedto:
G161of10 Revision:03




Software G16.2 Quality AssurancePlan





GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG16SoftwareManagementandControl


the organization of the Works Package Contractors software development and testing personnel including his subcontractors of any tier to illustrate the division of the works among the team members, and full details of the qualifications and experiences of all software team leaders shall be includedintheplan; the Works Package Contractors software development lifecycle processes including those of his subcontractors in accordance with the requirementsofISO12207and/orEN50128and/or IEC 61508, whichever is applicable; the Works Package Contractor shall explain in the plan the reason(s) for any specific development lifecycle processes and/or documents that are to be combinedorfurthersplit; the software verification and validation processes in accordance with the requirements of ISO 12207 and/orEN50128whicheverisapplicable,indicating clearlythepartiesinvolvedforeachprocess; the Works Package Contractors configuration management processes in accordance with the requirements of ISO 10007 for the configuration management of software and documentation; the Works Package Contractors configuration management processes shall be extended to manage the software configuration of his subcontractorsofanytier; an automated tool proposed by the Works Package Contractor for keeping track of software changes andfullhistoryofsoftwareversions; the proposed format for recording configuration status of each software configuration item which shallbereportedintheMonthlyProgressReport; the proposed format for recording the software installation status of all software after the commencement of Partial Acceptance Tests (PAT) which shall include, but not be limited to, system/subsystem name; software name; software version/baseline number, installed locations, and key software changes. A softcopy of the software installation status shall be provided to the PDP monthlyand/orasrequestedbythePDP;
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GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG16SoftwareManagementandControl


the proposed format of software release note for notifyingthePDPonreleaseofeachnewversionof software for Factory Acceptance Tests (FAT) and/or onsite tests; the note shall include, but not be limited to, reference to baseline document, software configuration items and versions, dependent software packages, implemented changes, operational restrictions, and installation procedure; the proposed format of a defect register showing the status and full description of all software defects identified from the commencement of FAT up to the issue of the Certificate of Practical Completion for the whole of the Works; the defect register shall be in electronic format and provided tothePDPforinformationonmonthlybasisand/or asrequestedbythePDP;and the proposed list of software development lifecycle documentation for submission to the PDP for review.




TheWorksPackageContractorshall,atleastonceeverysix (6) Months and/or as requested by the PDP, review and update the Software Quality Assurance Plan to meet the requirements and development of the Works throughout the Contract. For any amendments to the plan, the Works Package Contractor shall as soon as practicable submit the proposedamendmentsforapprovalbythePDP. For any replacement of the software team leader(s), the Works Package Contractor shall submit full details of the qualificationsandexperienceoftheproposedreplacement to the PDP for approval. The replacement shall report for fulltimedutyatleastone(1)Monthpriortothedeparture oftheoriginalteamleader(s). The Software Quality Plan shall also include the following informationinrespectofeachmainsoftwarepackage: Identification of baseline of previous usage (e.g used onxproject) Identification of percentage of similarities and differencescomparedtopreviousapplication Which simulators to be used and what validation method The process to enable the PDP to add observed defectstothedefecttrackinglist
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GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG16SoftwareManagementandControl

Software G16.3 ReleaseControl


AfterthecommencementofPATontheequipmentand/or system on Site, requests for any new installation and/or amendment to the software already installed in the equipment and/or system concerned shall be made by means of a software installation/modification request form or other documentation as directed by the PDP. The Works Package Contractor shall submit his request together with a copy of the software release note and othersupportingdocuments,includingITP,atleasttwo(2) Dayspriortotheinstallation.Unlessotherwisedirectedby the PDP, the Works Package Contractor shall not proceed with the installation or modification of software until an ApprovedresponsehasbeenobtainedfromthePDP. AftertheissueoftheCertificateofPracticalCompletionfor the whole of the Works, requests for any new installation and/oramendmenttothesoftwarealreadyinstalledinthe equipment and/or system concerned shall be made by means of a software installation/modification request form or other documentation as directed by the PDP. The Works Package Contractor shall submit his request together with a copy of the software release note and other supporting documents as requested by the PDP, at leastseven(7)Dayspriortotheinstallation.Theproposed date of software installation shall be subject to the availability of the concerned system to be advised by the railway operator or the Owner. Unless otherwise directed by the PDP, the Works Package Contractor shall not proceed with the installation or modification of software until an Approved response has been obtained from the PDP. In addition, the Works Package Contractor shall provide the results of internal validation, installation method, fallback procedures and assessment of the impactonthesystemoperationsforthenewsoftware. The Works Package Contractor shall ensure that the version number of each software for the Works shall be auditable without additional software or hardware tools. For all computer software, facilities shall be provided withinthesoftwareforenquiringthesoftwareversion.For all firmware and PLC equipment, unless an indication of the version number is built into the equipment, a label showing the software version shall be securely affixed on thefirmwareorequipment. Prior to the conclusion of each phase for software requirements specification and software architecture design, the Works Package Contractor shall make a presentation on the results of the Works Package
G164of10 Revision:03



Software Progress Tracking





GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG16SoftwareManagementandControl

Contractors software requirements analysis and architectural design to the PDP in Malaysia. The Works Package Contractors presentation shall be in sufficient detail to enable the PDP to obtain a clear understanding of the software scope, software architecture and the planning ofdevelopmentactivities. (2) The Works Package Contractor shall elaborate the entire software development efforts in detail in the Works Programme, highlighting the critical path for the activities. The Works Programme shall include, but not be limited to, thefollowingactivities: (3) software activities of all software components at each developmentlifecyclephase; softwarerelatedMilestones; internalsoftwareauditandsoftwareassessment;and anyotherdetailsasdirectedbythePDP.

The Works Package Contractor shall establish and implement metrics for the measurement of the quality and progress of software activities. All metrics shall be based on auditable data. The metrics which shall be reported in the Monthly Progress Report, which as a minimum, shall include: numberoftotal,passedandfailedFATcases; numberoftotal,passedandfailedPATcases; numberoftotal,passedandfailedSATcases; number of passed test cases per month for FAT, PAT andSAT; numberofoutstandingsoftwaredefects; numberofsoftwaredefectsrectifiedpermonth; ageofeachdefect;and timetakenforclosure/resolution.

(1) For the development of nonsafety related software, the Works Package Contractor shall assign an internal software auditor to conduct internal software audits at least at quarterly intervals to ensure the Works Package Contractors processes are compliant with the
G165of10 Revision:03

SoftwareAudit G16.5



GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG16SoftwareManagementandControl

requirements of the ISO 12207 standard and the Contract requirements. (2) For the development of safety related software, the Works Package Contractor shall assign a software assessor to conduct software assessment at least at quarterly intervals to ensure the Works Package Contractors processes are compliant with the requirements of the EN 50128 and/or IEC61508,standard,whicheverisapplicable. Acopyoftheinternalsoftwareauditreportorthesoftware assessment report shall be submitted to the PDP for information within fourteen (14) Days of completion of eachsoftwareauditorassessment. The internal software auditor and software assessor shall have at least five (5) years of experience in the establishment, maintenance and monitoring of software quality assurance systems based on international software quality assurance standards. The software assessor must be independent from the development organisation in accordancewiththeEN50128,andshallinadditionhaveat least two (2) years of experience in the establishment, maintenance and monitoring of software quality assurance systems conforming to the EN 50128 Standard. The Works PackageContractorshallsubmitfulldetailsofqualifications and experience of the software assessor and software auditor to the PDP for approval before carrying out the software audit and/or assessment. If the software auditor and/or the software assessor become unavailable, the Works Package Contractor shall submit to the PDP for approval the details of qualifications and experience of the replacement. The Works Package Contractor and his subcontractors of any tier shall be subject to software audits conducted by the PDP or his delegates to examine the compliance with the software management and control requirements. The audits will be conducted at six (6) Month intervals, or at such other intervals as may be required by the PDP. The Works Package Contractor and his subcontractors shall afford to the auditor timely access to all personnel, activities, software, source code, documentation, procedures and records in connection with the software developmentactivitiesduringtheaudits. A Software Corrective Action Request (CAR) or Software Observation Report (OBS) will be raised respectively by the auditors for each nonconformity or potential non conformityidentifiedduringtheaudits.TheWorksPackage
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GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG16SoftwareManagementandControl

WorksPackageContractorshallsubmitproposedcorrective and preventive actions, within seven (7) Days from the receiptoftheCARorOBS,tothePDPforreview.TheWorks Package Works Package Contractor shall take timely corrective and preventive actions to rectify the CAR or OBS and to prevent reoccurrence. Evidence to demonstrate effective implementation of corrective and preventive actions shall be submitted to the PDP. The Works Package Works Package Contractor shall maintain communication with the auditor to ensure all CAR/OBS to be closed in a timelymanner. Software G16.6 Documentation (1) For any customized or newly developed software, the Works Package Contractor shall submit the software development lifecycle documentation of the software to thePDPforreview. For safety related software, the Contactor shall include a requirement traceability matrix in each of the software lifecycledocumentstoshowtherequirementtraceabilityat individual requirement levels between the document concernedandtheassociatedinputdocuments. A diagram of the hardware configuration and a list of applicable software shall be included in the test specifications for all software related tests. Each test case together with the sequence of actions and the expected resultsshallbeclearlydefined. For all software related tests, the version of applicable softwareandsitespecificdataconfigurationshallbeclearly recordedinthetestrecord. Where safety related software is within the scope of the Contract, the Works Package Contractor shall demonstrate that the software quality assurance system and development methods implemented throughout the software development lifecycle conform to the Contract requirements.





SafetyIntegrity G16.7 Level

Unless the Safety Integrity Level of software is specified in the Contract, the Works Package Contractor shall, prior to the commencement of software requirement phase, assess the Safety Integrity Level (SIL) for the software in accordance with EN 50128 and IEC 61508. Each softwarecomponent within a systemshall by default have the same SIL as that of the system. The assessment result together with justification shall be recorded in a SIL assessmentreportandsubmittedtothePDPforreview.





GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG16SoftwareManagementandControl

Software G16.8 Deliverablesand Licenses


The Works Package Contractor shall submit the following items to the PDP for review at least three (3) Months prior to the expected date of issue of the Certificate of Practical Completion for the whole of the Works as indicated on the BaselineProgramme: a) b) c) inventorylist(s)ofallsoftwarecomponentsinstalled fortheWorks; licencesofsoftware; abackupcopyofalldeliveredsoftwareinsecondary storagemediatogetherwithinstallationinstructions to enable complete and/or partial reinstallation of allsoftwarecomponentsfortheWorks; the required software source code together with all necessarydevelopmenttools; a backup copy of the required software source files insecondarystoragemedia;and configuration instructions for use when building or rebuildingequipment.

d) e) f) (2)

For any further modifications on the items stipulated in Clause 16.8(1) after the items have been approved by the PDP, the Works Package Contractor shall resubmit the revised items to the PDP by the end of the Defects Liability PeriodorasrequestedbythePDP. The railway operator shall be granted a royaltyfree, non exclusive and irrevocable licence to use all software deliveredfortheContractforanunlimitedperiod. In allowing future software maintenance by the railway operator,theWorksPackageContractorshalldelivertothe PDPthesoftwaresourcefilesofprojectspecificsoftwareas required by the Specifications. As a minimum, the source files of the following project specific software shall be delivered: a) b) PLCprogrammeanddata; all software associated with the configuration for the operational user interface of the computer basedapplication; systemparameters;and operationalparametersdatabase.
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c) d)


GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG16SoftwareManagementandControl


For the software source files to be delivered, the Works Package Contractor shall also deliver the associated hardware and software development tools, documents and training courses to the railway operator to facilitate future modification of such software. In addition, the railway operator shall be vested with the right to modify, enhance, and regenerate any part or whole of the software for his ownuse.



The Works Package Contractor shall perform at least biweekly backup for the outputs of software development works including those in progress, and shall also maintain backup copy of all softwarebaselineproducedinthepastsix(6)Months.Thebackup copiesshallbestoredsecurelyinanoffsitelocation.





GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG16SoftwareManagementandControl

SoftwareQualityAssurancePlan(TypicalTableofContents) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Purpose ReferenceDocuments 2.1 Internal procedures, plans and standards (e.g. document review procedure,documentationstandardandcodingstandards) 2.2 Internationalstandards

Management 3.1 3.2 Organization(nameofkeystaffshallbeincluded.) RolesandResponsibilities

Deliverables 4.1 4.2 ListofSoftwareWorkPackagesandDevelopmentStatus SubmissionRequirements

SoftwareDevelopmentLifecycle 5.1 5.2 5.3 MappingtotheStandardandContractrequirements InputandOutputDocumentforEachPhase RequirementsManagement

Metrics ReviewsandAudits TestandValidation SoftwareConfigurationManagement ProblemReportingandCorrectiveAction Tools,Techniques,andMethodologies SoftwareSupplierControl RecordsCollection,Maintenance,andRetention Training *ENDOFSECTION*





General Specification for Railway Systems Section G17 System Safety


Applicable Standards



The Works Package Contractor shall practise a system assurance process compliant with the EN50126 standard. This shall include the assurance activities to be performed at each of all the system lifecycle phases, and the tools, techniques and procedures mandated and/or recommended in the standard. Mandatory requirements are applicable to the Works Package irrespective of whether it has a safety-related function or not. As a minimum, the system assurance process shall cover the following activities and generate the deliverables as required in the clauses below. Submit a System Assurance Plan for approval. Perform a study to identify and record all the potential safety hazards associated with the Works Package, the corresponding causes for each hazard, the sequence of events that a hazard is manifested, and measures for protecting against / mitigating each identified hazard. It shall cover all construction risks, occupation and health risks, and safety risks associated with the systems / equipment of the Works Package during the whole lifecycle stages. The study shall be done by the date specified in the General Specification or Particular Specification or before the start of the preliminary design whichever is earlier. The result of the study shall be recorded in a Hazard Log (HL) with all information essential for demonstrating the proper management and traceability of the identified hazards. The HL shall be regularly reviewed and updated in accordance with the formal design and O&M reviews throughout the design, implementation, test, commission, and Defect Liability Period of the Works Package. Submit a Project Safety Report for approval four weeks before the commencement of the Test Running Period as indicated in the Key Dates for the Works Package. Design Safety Analysis shall include consideration of Human Factor Analysis. The Works Package Contractor shall prepare a Fault Schedule
G17-1 of 20 Revision: 03

Mandatory Requirements


(1) (2)

(3) (4)





(9) (10)


General Specification for Railway Systems Section G17 System Safety

for their systems, showing the impact of functional failures of their system on the service performance of the railway. Functional failures shall be classified according to the categories below:

D0: Negligible: Non-service affecting, delay less than 2

minutes D1: Minor: (equal or greater than 2 minutes but less than 5 minutes delay, train withdrawal / replacement) D2: Major: (equal or greater than 5 minutes but less than 30 minutes delay; manual intervention between stations) D3: Serious: (equal or greater than 30 minutes delay; pushout or detrainment to track-way) Exemptions G17.3 (1) Except the mandatory requirements detailed in G17.2, the Works Package Contractor may apply for partial or full exemptions of some of the system assurance activities in this General Specification in accordance with the clauses below. However, the approval, whether in part or whole, of the application will be subject to the discretion of the PDP. The Works Package meets one or more of the following: a) the Works Package imposes no safety hazard on staff of the operator or that of all contractors working on the project, passengers and the general public; b) the Works Package has only very limited number of safety-related functions; and, by nature of such functions, the failure of which do not directly lead to any major injuries or fatality. In addition, the integrity of such functions are generally governed by Code of Practice / international standards for the industry, and that mature products with well proven track records in similar operating environments are used to form the Works Package; c) systems / equipment which shall meet regulatory / statutory requirements and that similar systems/equipment in the market generally do not have a safety integrity level; d) the safety-related function(s) involved is protected by measures external to and independent of the system/equipment involved. (3) The PDP will give due consideration to the following when considering the application: a) track record of the equipment / system in terms of maturity and working environment of the product,
KVMRT/PDP/SBK/GEN/SYS/GS/RS/1001 G17-2 of 20 Revision: 03



General Specification for Railway Systems Section G17 System Safety

b) worst case and typical severity of the associated safety hazards; c) adequacy and robustness of built-in measures in the Works Package for mitigating the relevant hazards. Construction Risk Management G17.4 (1) The Works Package Contractor shall place the highest importance on safety in the Execution of the Works. In this regard and further to the requirements of Section G9, the Works Package Contractor shall comply with the PDPs requirements for construction risk management, in order that potential risks to the safety of all Project personnel, the public, third parties, and the Works, are systematically identified and adequately mitigated. In addition to the identification and control of construction related safety risks, the Works Package Contractors risk management process shall, as a minimum, also consider the control of other Project risks relating to the works programme, construction costs, community impacts, and environmental impacts. The identification and control of Project risks shall be captured in the Works Package Contractors Construction Risk Register. Not used. The Works Package Contractor shall regularly undertake formal workshops to identify potential Project risks prior to and during the Execution of the Works. This process shall review and update the Construction Risk Register on at least a monthly basis to, identify potential new risks, identify any emergency procedures which are required to be developed, and to monitor the implementation of the proposed mitigation measures previously established. The PDP shall be invited to participate in these workshops. Correspondingly, the updated Construction Risk Register shall be provided to the PDP on a monthly basis.


(3) (4)

System Assurance General

G17.5 G17.5.1 (1) The safety of passengers, staff and the general public is of paramount importance for the operation of the railway project under construction. As part of his consideration of safety in relation to the design and construction of the Works, the Works Package Contractor shall follow the system assurance requirements and targets stipulated in the Particular Specification. To manage the system assurance activities for the Works, the
G17-3 of 20 Revision: 03



General Specification for Railway Systems Section G17 System Safety

Works Package Contractor shall appoint a System Assurance Manager, and who shall be approved by the PDP. (3) System Assurance Plan G17.5.2 (1) Unless approved by the PDP, all corresponding analyses shall be recorded in the formats provided in Appendix AG17.1. The Works Package Contractor shall submit a System Assurance Plan (SAP) for approval by the PDP within sixty (60) Days of the date of the Letter of Acceptance. The SAP shall describe in detail who, how and when the Works Package Contractor will undertake the system assurance activities. The SAP shall identify and list all applicable statutory and regulatory requirements, railway related standards and international Standards and Code of Practice relevant to the design of the Works undertaken. The Works Package Contractor shall carry out a review of all elements of the Works to identify and document all potential operational hazards, i.e. hazards affecting the safety, operation and maintenance of the future railway systems. Any protection measures designed to eliminate, control, or mitigate the effect of potential operational hazards shall also be documented. The Works Package Contractor shall comply with the Contract system assurance requirements to ensure that the Plant to be incorporated in the Works is safe and reliable for railway operations. The Works Package Contractor shall conduct a hazard analysis to identify hazards for the Works, and document all potential hazards to personnel who may be present on Site, the railway passengers, and the Railway Operators staff during Trial Running and for the Operating Railway. The proposed methods of analysis (e.g. Hazard and Operability Study (HAZOP) shall be approved by the PDP. The Works Package Contractor shall produce an operational hazard log, containing operational hazards which may affect the safe and / or reliable railway operations due to the design, construction, installation, testing, commissioning, operation and maintenance of the Works, and which shall be developed through formal workshops and analytical exercises attended by the PDP and the Railway Operator. The operational hazard analysis shall cover system / equipment hazards, interface hazards and operations and support hazards. All protection measures which are designed to eliminate, control, or mitigate the effect of potential operational hazards shall be documented.
G17-4 of 20 Revision: 03


General Requirements




Operational Hazard Log






General Specification for Railway Systems Section G17 System Safety


The Operational Hazard Log shall record all the corresponding causes for each hazard, the sequence of events that a hazard is manifested, and measures for protecting against / mitigating each identified hazard, and the lifecycle stage in which a hazard could be introduced and/or manifested. A common table format will be adopted for the Hazard Log and the hazard analyses that feed into it. Table A6 shows the Hazard Log format, and shows which columns should be shown in each of the separate hazard analyses. All the operational hazards (i.e. including those for operation and maintenance) identified shall be assessed in accordance with the Project Risk Matrix, i.e. Table A1 to A4, as provided by the PDP in Appendix AG17.1. The Works Package Contractor shall review and resolve the operational hazards in the Operational Hazard Log in accordance with the following principles: a) In principle all safety hazards for the operation and maintenance stage of the system lifecycle should be reduced to the Negligible category. Unless the Works Package Contractor can demonstrate that practical design solutions cannot be identified, a hazard with a risk rating other than Negligible would not be accepted by the PDP; Unless the Works Package Contractor can demonstrate that practical design solutions cannot be identified, the use of other alternatives, such as operating / maintenance procedures or training of operating / maintenance staff, will not be accepted as suitable safeguards; Operational hazards with a residue risk rating of Intolerable are not acceptable. The Works Package Contractor shall propose design safeguards to mitigate the risk; Operational hazards with a residue risk rating of Undesirable shall be mitigated by design safeguards unless the Works Package Contractor can demonstrate that practical design solutions cannot be identified; Operational hazards with a residue risk rating of Tolerable shall be mitigated by design safeguards unless the Works Package Contractor can demonstrate that the risk is as low as reasonably practicable
G17-5 of 20 Revision: 03


Operational Hazard Management











General Specification for Railway Systems Section G17 System Safety

(ALARP); and g) Should there be any operational hazards with a residual risk rating of medium that are of particular concern, the PDP may request the Works Package Contractor to provide evidence to show that the risks of such operational hazards are reduced to as low as reasonably practicable (ALARP) level. This may include cost benefit analyses of the available mitigation options by design, additional tests to verify behaviour of the system / equipment, and Quantified Risk Assessments to confirm the risk level.

Deterministic Safety Analysis



A Deterministic Safety Assessment (DSA) shall be carried out to reveal the relevance of the Works Package Contractors design with respect to the followings: a) b) c) Contract requirements Code, regulations and standards Design safety principles


The DSA shall also demonstrate that the Works Package Contractors design complies with the contract requirements, applicable codes and standards and the design safety principles. Design safety principles should include principles internal to the Works Package Contractor, and those in relevant international or national standards and guidelines (e.g. the relevant parts of the Railway Safety Principles and Guidance by the ORR, Office of Rail Regulation, UK). The Plant shall be designed meet the availability and maintainability targets stated in the Particular Specification and in accordance with EN50126. The target values shall be based on an assumed operational day of 24 hours for the Plant, unless otherwise stated. The Works Package Contractor shall demonstrate that the availability and maintainability targets specified in the Particular Specification have been taken into consideration during the equipment selection stage process by providing verifiable field RAM data from original product supplier. The suppliers data shall be submitted to the PDP for Approval. A common table format will be adopted for the FMECA, and for the Critical Items Lists and RAM predictions prepared from it. Table A7 shows the FMECA format and which columns should be shown in each of the derived analyses.
G17-6 of 20 Revision: 03


RAM Prediction G17.5.7 and Analysis






General Specification for Railway Systems Section G17 System Safety

Systems Assurance Review



The Works Package Contractor shall convene formal System Assurance Review (SAR) meetings to review all System Assurance activities and to ensure operational hazards are comprehensively identified within the scope of the Contract. The SAR meetings shall be held quarterly, or when there is any key system change, and meeting records shall be submitted to the PDP. The PDP may participate in the SAR. The PDP will conduct compliance audits on how the Works Package Contractor fulfils the system assurance requirements. The PDP will give notice to the Works Package Contractor at least fourteen (14) Days in advance of a proposed audit. During the audits, the Works Package Contractor shall provide all necessary access, assistance and facilities to enable the PDP to verify that the SAP is being properly and fully implemented. The Works Package Contractor shall assign suitably qualified staff to assist the PDP during the audits. The Works Package Contractor shall agree with the PDP any corrective and preventative actions required and the dates by which these actions shall be completed. The Works Package Contractor shall provide evidence either in verification audits to be carried out by the PDP, or by submission of further documents to demonstrate that all agreed corrective and preventive actions have been satisfactorily completed by the agreed dates. The Works Package Contractor shall assure that all staff working on the Works Package shall have the relevant competencies. This will include necessary formal training on the knowledge and skills and appropriate years of working experience on the systems / equipment being supplied. The site staff shall have the licence(s) as required by the law of Malaysia. For the signalling and automatic train control system, all the lead design, installation, test & commissioning staff shall have the corresponding UK IRSE licence or other national equivalent. The Works Package Contractor shall maintain an updated record of the training received and the licences held by each staff working on the Works Package contract.


System G17.5.9 Assurance Audit



Competence Management

G17.5.10 (1)

(2) (3)


System Assurance Manager

G17.5.11 Minimum Requirements for System Assurance Manager (1) Minimum 10 years SA experience in SA engineering and
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General Specification for Railway Systems Section G17 System Safety

minimum 5 years of SA experience on related systems, which are relevant to the scope of the respective Contract; (2) Relevant experience in planning, management and application of SA techniques such as HAZOPS, QRA, FTA, FMEA/FMECA, etc.

System Assurance Engineer

G17.5.12 Minimum Requirements for System Assurance Engineer (1) Minimum 5 years SA experience in SA engineering and minimum 3 years of SA experience on the related systems which are relevant to the scope of the respective contract; Relevant experience in planning, management and application of SA techniques such as HAZOPS, QRA, FTA. FMEA/FMECA, etc.


Independent Safety Assessor

G17.5.13 Minimum Requirements for Independent Safety Assessor (1) In accordance with the requirements of the applicable portions of the Yellow Book (ISBN-978-0-9551435-2-6) or equivalent international standard; Have minimum 5 years of safety assessment experience on similar systems of the respective Contract in accordance to EN 50128 / IEC 62279 or other equivalent standards as approved by the PDP.


Independent Software Assessor

G17.5.14 Minimum Requirements for Independent Software Assessor (1) Have minimum 5 years of safety assessment experience on similar systems of the respective Contract in accordance to EN 50128 / IEC 62279 or other equivalent standards; May be from the Works Package Contractor's organisation but must be totally independent from the project team. The Works Package Contractor shall compile a Safety Critical Items List (SCIL); The SCIL shall be compiled during the design phase and regularly reviewed throughout the design, manufacture, test & commissioning and Defect Liability Period; The SCIL shall be submitted for approval by the end of the design phase and after each update. The progress / status of the SCIL shall be reported in each monthly project meeting. Items which fall into one or more of the following criteria shall be classified as Safety Critical Items: a) Components or items with an initial Accident Severity I or II in the operation hazard log;
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(2) Safety Critical Items List G17.6 (1) (2)





General Specification for Railway Systems Section G17 System Safety

b) c)

Items that have limited storage / shelf time and are associated with safety-related functions; Items that require particular attention during manufacturing, testing and/or during down time or during maintenance in order to ensure that an acceptable level of safety is maintained;

Reliability Critical Items List


(1) (2)

The Works Package Contractor shall compile a Reliability Critical Items List (RCIL); The RCIL shall be compiled during the design phase and regularly reviewed throughout the design, manufacture, test & commissioning and Defect Liability Period; The RCIL shall be submitted for approval by the end of the design phase and after each update. The progress / status of the SCIL shall be reported in each monthly project meeting. Items which fall into one or more of the following criteria shall be classified as Reliability Critical Items: a) b) Subsystem/equipment/LRUs that are identified as Cat I & II events in the FMEA analyses; Failure of the item would cause the system to become unavailable or unable to achieve design objectives, or cause extensive/expensive maintenance and repair; The sole failure of the item causes system failure i.e. single point failure; The equipment has a known operating life or shelf life or environment exposure or other limitation which warrants monitoring under specified conditions; The equipment requires special transportation, storage or test precautions; handling,



c) d)

e) f) Risk Matrix G17.8 (1)

The item is difficult to procure or manufacture relative to state-of-art techniques;

All safety risks pertinent to the Works Package shall be assessed in accordance with the Risk Matrix tables A1 to A4 in Appendix AG17.1.


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General Specification for Railway Systems Section G17 System Safety

Tables and Templates



Tables and Templates applicable to the Works Package are contained in Appendix AG17.1.


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General Specification for Railway Systems Section G17 System Safety


Hazard Classification Tables The following tables are provided as guidelines for hazard classification and assessment. (i) Accident Frequency for each hazard shall be based on the definitions in Table A1. The descriptive frequency guides shall be followed in the process of risk mitigation demonstration. If the In house design team and suppliers are able to provide quantitative failure data, the numerical equivalent frequency guides could be referred. The likely severity of accidents resulting from the identified hazard shall be estimated using Event Tree Analysis (if applicable). Accident Severity categorisation should be based on the definitions in Table A2 and taking into account a pessimistic but reasonable assessment of consequences. The risk category of the identified hazard shall be assessed by using A3, cross referencing to estimated accident frequency with estimated accident severity. The definitions of the Risk Classes from Table A3 are presented in Table A4. A generic high-level hazard list is provided in Table A5. This list identifies possible hazards that passengers and workers on a typical railway system, as well as members of the public, may be exposed to. The In house design team is requested to refer to this list when conducting hazard analyses, and to ensure that entries in the Hazard Log are traceable to this list by reference to the Hazard Category Codes.



(iv) (v)


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General Specification for Railway Systems Section G17 System Safety

Table A1 : Accident Frequency Tolerable Frequency (f) (cases / yr) Equivalent Tolerable Frequency (cases / yr) 100 10



1 2

Frequent Probable

Likely occur frequently. The hazard will be continually experienced. Will occur several times. The hazard can be expected to occur often. Likely to occur several times. The hazard can be expected to occur several times. Likely to occur some time in the system life cycle. The hazard can reasonably be expected to occur. Unlikely to occur but possible. It can be assumed that the hazard may exceptionally occur. Extremely unlikely to occur. It can be assumed that the hazard may not occur.

> 100 100 < x < 1


1 < x < 1E-2



1E-2 < x < 1E-4



1E-4 < x < 1E-6



x < 1E-6



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General Specification for Railway Systems Section G17 System Safety

Table A2 : Accident Severity Category No. of Equivalent Fatalities 2.5 1 0 0

Definition Fatalities and/or multiple severe injuries and/or major damage to the environment. Single fatality and/or severe injury and/or significant damage to the environment. Minor injury and/or significant threat to the environment. Possible minor injury.


Catastrophic Critical Marginal Insignificant

Note : The Equivalent Frequency and the No. of Equivalent Fatalities shall be used to determine the safety risk of the associated hazard.

Table A3 : Risk Category Accident Severity Category I II Catastrophic Critical Risk Category Frequent Accident Frequency Category Probable Occasional Remote Improbable Incredible Intolerable Intolerable Intolerable Undesirable Tolerable Negligible Intolerable Intolerable Undesirable Undesirable Tolerable Negligible Intolerable Undesirable Undesirable Tolerable Undesirable Tolerable Tolerable Negligible Negligible Negligible Negligible Negligible

III Marginal

IV Insignificant


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General Specification for Railway Systems Section G17 System Safety

Table A4 : Definition of Risk Categories Risk Category Intolerable Undesirable Tolerable Risk Class A B C Definition Risk shall be reduced by whatever means possible. Risk shall only be accepted by the PDP if further risk reduction is not practicable. Risk shall be accepted by the PDP subject to demonstration that the level of risk is as low as reasonably practicable. Risk shall be accepted by the PDP subject to endorsement, by the PDPR, of the safety submissions and mitigation measures.


Table A5 : Generic High Level Hazard List The following table shows the Hazard Category Codes and Hazard Descriptions of Generic High Level Hazards associated with a railway system. GENERIC HIGH LEVEL HAZARD LIST 1. 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 2. 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 3. 3.1 Asphyxiation Hazards Person(s) exposed to smoke in vehicle/station/depot etc Oxygen depleting agent present in vehicle/station/depot etc Oxygen not replenished in vehicle Other Asphyxiation or Respiratory Hazards Burns/scalds Hazards Person(s) exposed to hot object/ surface/fluid during maintenance Person(s) exposed to hot object! surface/fluid during service Potential fire in vehicle/ station/guideway/depot etc due to structure containing combustible material Potential fire in vehicle/ station/guideway/depot etc due to foreign objects containing combustible material Potential fire in vehicle/station/guideway/depot etc due to equipment fault/failure Potential fire in vehicle/station/guideway/depot etc due to incorrect maintenance or Operation control. Other Burns/scalds Hazards Derailment Hazards Potential vehicle derailment due to fault/ failure of vehicle systems
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General Specification for Railway Systems Section G17 System Safety

3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 4. 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 5. 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 6. 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 7. 7.1

Potential vehicle derailment due to fault/failure of guideways/ guiderails/ switch machines Potential vehicle derailment due to overspeed Potential vehicle derailment due to switch changing under it Potential vehicle derailment due to object on guideway Other Derailment Hazards Electrocution Hazards Person(s) exposed to hazardous voltages on vehicle during maintenance Person( s) exposed to hazardous voltages on vehicle in service Person(s) exposed to hazardous voltages on guideway during maintenance Person(s) exposed to hazardous voltages on guideway during evacuation Person(s) exposed to hazardous voltages on guideway having gained unauthorised access to guideway Person(s) exposed to hazardous voltages in stations during maintenance Person(s) exposed to hazardous voltages in station during service Person(s) exposed to hazardous voltages in depot Other Electrocution Hazards Entrapment Hazards Person(s) become trapped within vehicle due to equipment fault/failure Person(s) become trapped within lift due to equipment fault/failure Potential for AFC equipment station layout procedure communications equipment etc. to inhibit ready evacuation Potential for person(s) to become trapped by/caught in equipment/ machinery during service Potential for person(s) to become trapped by/ caught in equipment/ machinery during maintenance Other Entrapment Hazards Explosion Hazards Explosive device with person(s) present Explosive device present following successful evacuation Potential for explosion exists in train station depot due to equipment fault/ failure/ mal-function" Other Explosion Hazards Heat exhaustion hazards Potential heat exhaustion due to exposure to abnormally high temperatures existing in the working environment
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General Specification for Railway Systems Section G17 System Safety

7.2 7.3 7.4 8. 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7 8.8 8.9 8.10 8.11 8.12 8.13 8.14 8.15 8.16 9. 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 10.

Potential heat exhaustion due to exposure to abnormally high temperatures in vehicle/ station during service. Potential heat exhaustion due to the loss of air cooling following train immobilisation Other Heat exhaustion hazards Impact Hazards Potential impact between vehicle and other vehicle or buffer Potential impact between vehicle and object dropped/ left on the guideway Potential impact between vehicle and guideway structure Potential impact between vehicle and person(s) on the guideway during guideway maintenance Potential impact between vehicle and person(s) on guideway during evacuation Potential impact between vehicle and unauthorised person(s) on the guideway Potential impact between vehicle and person(s) in depot Potential impact between vehicle and person(s) falling from or being dragged/ crushed by vehicle Potential impact between vehicle and object falling from vehicle Potential impact between road vehicle and System structure Potential impact between person(s) and object falling/ dropped from System structure Potential impact between person(s) and moving equipment within Stations, Depot etc" Impacts between vehicle and system structure Impacts of person(s) with heavy objects Impacts between road vehicle and person(s) Potential Impacts with/by maintenance vehicle Poisoning Hazards Person(s) exposed to hot object/surface/fluid during maintenance. Person(s) exposed to toxins due to the presence of foreign object(s) containing toxic substance( s) in vehicle/station etc Person(s) exposed to toxins due to toxic substance(s) in vehicle/station/depot structure/materials and/or equipment etc Other poisoning Hazards Puncture Wounds Hazards
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General Specification for Railway Systems Section G17 System Safety

10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 10.6 10.7 10.8 10.9 11. 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 11.6 11.7 11.8 11.9 12. 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 12.5 12.6 12.7

Person(s) exposed to pointed or sharp objects on vehicle during maintenance Person(s) exposed to pointed or sharp objects on vehicle in service Person(s) exposed to pointed or sharp objects on guideway during maintenance Person(s) exposed to pointed or sharp objects on guideway during evacuation Person(s) exposed to pointed or sharp objects on guideway having unauthorised access to guideway Person(s) exposed to pointed or sharp objects in stations during maintenance Person(s) exposed to pointed or sharp objects in stations during service Person(s) exposed to pointed or sharp objects in depot Other Puncture Wounds Hazards Trip/fall Hazards Fall hazard onto/ from guideway (or elevated station) present during maintenance Fall hazard onto/ from guideway (or elevated station) present during evacuation Fall hazard onto/ from guideway (or elevated station) present during service Unauthorised person(s) exposed to fall hazard onto! from guideway (or elevated station) Trip/fall hazard present within station (including stairs, escalators ,platform edge) Trip/fall hazard present within vehicle Trip/fall hazard present within depot Trip/fall hazard present at platform/ vehicle gap Other Trip/ fall Hazards Other Hazards Station Flooding Guideway Flooding Station Evacuation Viaduct Evacuation Use of Lifts Passenger information Station congestion
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General Specification for Railway Systems Section G17 System Safety

12.8 12.9 12.10 12.11 12.12 12.13 12.14 12.15 12.16 12.17 12.18 12.19

Other hazards Vehicle Congestion Bunching of Vehicles Unauthorised access Delay in incident recovery & Potential aggravation Lack of comms between OCC and Passenger leading to independent passenger action resulting in injury Structural Failure Inhibited passenger evacuation Failure or degraded service (delay) Trespass and illegal acts Strain Injury or Bruises No safety impact


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General Specification for Railway Systems Section G17 System Safety


Original Hazard Identification PDP Hazard Log Ref. Hazard Details Identified Safeguards Initial Risk Mitigation Residual Risk Classification Hazard Status Change Journal

Safety Requirement Ref.

Hazard Description

Source Reference

Accident Severity

Accident Severity

Additional Actions

Details of Change

Closure Remarks

Operating Mode

Exposed Group































Initial risk classification assumes Identified Safeguards are provided but does not assume Mitigation measures are provided

Residual risk classification assumes recommended Mitigation measures are implemented

Company raisin g hazar d

Original hazard analysis in which hazard was raised

Hazard ID reference in originnating document

Unique Ref. within Hazard Log

ET / S&T C/ PSD / PS& D etc.

Subsystem within system to follow system hierarchy

Compone nt / Functio n/ Task / Interfa ce under consid er- ation

Normal / Degraded (include specific descriptio n) / Emergency (include specific descriptio n)

Descrip tion of toe conditi ons or feature that could cause an accide nt

Identify the underlyin g reasons for the hazard to occur

Descriptio n of the conseque nt accident in sufficient detail to support Severity classificati on

Passenger s / Staff / Public Staff may be identified by specific group e.g. Roving Staff, Station Staff, Maintena nce Staff

Safeguard s or features which reduce risk which are implemen ted within the system under considera tion

Reference to design evidence that safeguard s have been incorpora ted in system design

Severity assuming Safeguards are implemen ted

Frequency assuming Safeguards are implemen ted

Risk assuming Safeguards are implemen ted

Measures to reduce risk which are recommende d to be provided by others. Include reference to any supporting documentati on e.g. O & M Manuals

Ref. to Safety Requirem ents Specificati on item which captures recomme ndation

Any comment s to support risk classificati on or justify adequacy of proposed mitigation measures

Severity Assuming Mitigation measures are implemen ted

Frequency assuming Mitigation measures are implemen ted

Risk assuming Mitigation measures are implemen ted

Any further actions recommende d e.g. to verify residual risk of effectiveness of operational safeguards

Status Open Closed Deleted

Resp. System WPC or other party

Comm ents to suppor t hazard closure , includi ng any referen ces

Nature of change (Add, Change, Update, Reclassify, Change Status) and reference to supportin g or source document

Date of last change to hazard entry

The Chart below shows which columns should be included in each of the hazard analysis tables. PHA Interfa IHA ce ComSSHA ponent OSHA Task It is recommended that the Hazard Log be printed in a format two pages wide; the preferred column allocation is shown below. Page 1 Pag Page 1 Page 1 Page 1 Page 1 Page 1 Page 1 Page 1 Page 1 Page 1 Hazar Page 2 Page 2 and e1 d Log Page 2

Page 1

Page 1

Page 1

Page 1

Page 1

Page 1

Page 1

Page 1

Page 1

Page 1

Page 1 Page 2 Page 2 and Page 2

Page 2

Page 2

NOTES * Key to Relevant Systems and Maintenance AFC DE EAC Automatic Fare Collection System Depot Equipment and Maintenance Vehicles Electronic Access Control System
G17-19 of 20


Facility SCADA Maintenance Procedure Power Supplies and Distribution

Revision: 02


Date of Change

Hazard Owner

Hazard Log ID

Hazard Cause

Effect / Consequence


Requirement References

Identified Safeguards

Identified Mitigation



Source ID








General Specification for Railway Systems Section G17 System Safety


Telecommunication Systems Tunnel Environment Control System Electrical Services Electric Trains Trackwork


Building Management system Signalling and Train Control Lift & Escalator Platform Screen Doors


Available Contingent Action Sub-System Effect Total Failure Rate (/hr) Ref to Hazard Log Detection Means LRU Failure Rate (/hr) Service Severity Modal Apportionment Data Source () Safety Severity System Effect Failure Mode Failure Cause First Line Maintenance Proposed Corrective Maintenance Proposed Preventive Maintenance MTTPM (hr) Interval (hr) Data Source (MTTR) Sub-System

Local Effect

MTTR (hrs)


PM Tools

CM Tools

PM Skills

CM Skills

(a) Unique Ref. for each failure mode

(k) Failure classificati on based on conseque nces of possible accident, and Hazard Classificati on matrices The Chart below shows which columns should be included in the FMECA and other RAM analysis tables. FMECA SCIL RCIL Reliability Prediction Maintainability Prediction

(b) e.g. ET / PSD / PS& DS etc.

(c) Subsystem within system accordi ng to system hierarc hy

(d) Equip ment within subsystem

(e) Failure mode describ ed in terms of functio nal failure

(f) LRU or compo nent within equip ment

(g) Cause of failure in terms of physica l failure mecha nism

(h) Impact of failure on functio n of equip ment under consid eration

(i) Impact of failure on function of sub-system under consideratio n. The subsystem effect should be traceable to the Fault Schedule

(j) Impact on train service , includi ng any safety impact

(l) Failure classifi cation based on train service disrupt ion categor ies

(m) Means of detecting failure including pro-active routine tasks or diagnostic s after failure including failure on demand

(n) Fallback measur es availab le to mitigat e conseq uences of failure

(o) Identif y parts to be replace d or repaire d in situ

(p) Failure rate for individ ual LRU

(q) Numbe r of similar LRUs system -wide

(r) (s) Propor (s) = tion of (p)x(q) LRU x(r) failures allocat ed to this failure mode

(t) Refere nce source for failure rate and modal apporti onmen t

(u) Periodi c inspect ion and testing

(v) Interva l betwee n routine preven tive mainte nance

(w) Time to carry out preven tive mainte nance or inspect ion

(x) Numbe r of staff require d

(y) Skill level require d for mainte nance staff

(z) Special tools require d, if any

(aa) Time to replace or repair failed part

(bb) Active repair time, excludi ng logistic and admini strative delays

(cc) Numbe r of staff require d

(dd) Skill level require d for mainte nance staff

(ee) Special tools require d, if any

(ff) Refere nce to source of data for MTTR data

(gg) Refere nce to relevan t entry in Hazard Log for Safety Critical failure modes

(hh) Any other comme nt



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PM Staff

CM Staff






GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG18Inspection,TestingandCommissioning





The Works Package Contractor shall carry out all tests as detailed in the Specifications and relevant standards to demonstrate that the equipment and systems incorporated in to the Works are in full compliance with the Contract requirements. The Works Package Contractors activities shall include but notbelimitedtothefollowing: a) provision of all labour special instruments, materials, tools, plant and equipment and experienced supervision to perform all inspections and tests required to demonstrate theperformanceoftheWorks; b) preparation of the Works Package Contractors Commissioning Plan and associated documents as required intheSpecification; c) performance of all duties and responsibilities in the PDPs railway commissioning plan and the Works Package ContractorsCommissioningPlan; d) participation in the Commissioning Panel which shall develop, review and implement the PDPs commissioning plan and the Works Package Contractors Commissioning Plan. As a participant of the Commissioning Panel, the Works Package Contractor shall provide personnel and technical support to the PDP in the commissioning of the Project; e) performance of the testing and commissioning for all systems forming part of the Works in a manner which is fully coordinated with the Other Works Contractors and thePDP; f) retention of all testing and commissioning records and reports in a timely, organized and centralized manner which allows easy access and retrieval by the Works PackageContractorandthePDP; g) provision of all required testing and specialised equipment and materials including consumables required to support thetestingandcommissioningactivities;and h) removal and appropriate disposal of any toxic or other spoils (e.g. depleted filters, oils, fluids) created as a result of the Works Package Contractors installation, testing andcommissioningactivities






GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG18Inspection,TestingandCommissioning


Where performance across interfaces between the elements of the Works and other systems provided by Other Works Contractors is to be proven, the Works Package Contractor shall consult and liaise via the PDP with the Other Works Contractors concerned regarding the timing of the tests and the arrangements to be made for measuring or assessing parametersaffectedbytheinterface. Any defect of workmanship, materials, performance or non compliance with the Specifications or relevant standards or other irregularities that become apparent during any test shall be immediately rectified. The test shall be repeated untilthatpartisfreefromdefectsandisincompleteworking ordertothesatisfactionofthePDP. The Works Package Contractor shall be responsible for all inspection and testing specified in the Contract or required by law, applicable codes and standards, and sound engineeringandconstructionpractices. The Works Package Contractor shall submit Inspection and Testing Plans (ITPs) to the PDP for review and approval not later than twenty one (21) Days prior to the start of related construction activities. ITPs must cover all works, whether performedattheSiteorelsewhere. ITPs shall include a detailed description of each item or part of the Works to be inspected or tested, the nature and frequency of the inspection and testing, the type and size of samples to be taken, if any, the means of recording the inspection and testing data, the name and specific responsibility of any proposed testing or inspection agency, the area / location of the test, the resources needed (e.g. trains, personnel etc.), protection requirements if needed, and all other information necessary or required to fully describe the inspection and testing to be performed for the Works.TheWorksPackageContractorsITPsshallberevised and resubmitted for PDPs review if Works Package Contractor desires to change the sequence, method, or nature of the inspection and testing or if the sequence, method, or nature of the inspection and testing is not in accordance with the approved Schedule and Scope of Work. Any time delay and cost impact that may occur as a result of changes in testing and inspections requested by the Works Package Contractor shall be borne by the Works Package Contractor.









GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG18Inspection,TestingandCommissioning


The Works Package Contractor shall furnish samples as requested by the PDP and shall provide reasonable assistance, including labour and cooperation as necessary to permit any tests to be performed by the PDPs QA personnel orlaboratoryduringtheexecutionoftheWorks. The PDP shall at all reasonable times be allowed free and ready access to the Works Package Contractors offices, shops and work areas at the Site to review the Works Package Contractors compliance with its Quality Plan during the execution of the Works. When materials are delivered bysuppliersandworksarecarriedoutbysubcontractors,the Works Package Contractor shall provide the PDP with free and ready access to subcontractors shops for the same purpose and under the same conditions as if the production wascarriedoutinitsownshops. IntheeventthatthePDPwishestoundertakeanyinspection ortestingattheSite,WorksPackageContractorshallprovide safe and convenient facilities and equipment for such inspection and testing and shall furnish all necessary samples, drawings, lists, and documents. If it is found that conditions are unsafe for inspection or testing at a particular location it may, upon notice to the Works Package Contractor, refuse to inspect or test at that location until such conditions are corrected. The Works Package Contractor shall bear any additional costs resulting from unsafeconditions. The PDP shall have access, at all reasonable times, to the Works Package Contractors calculations, data and other information concerning the quality management of the Works, including computer programs and printouts, which the PDP determines are required to properly evaluate the effectivenessoftheQA/QCworks The Works Package Contractor shall provide full access for thePDPtowitnessanyfaultinvestigation,testorinspection. If any tested equipment is relocated or altered by the Works Package Contractor during the execution of the Works, thorough retesting shall be performed to verify that the equipment remains fully functional and operates safely according to its specification. The testing to be performed shall be no less rigorous than the procedures used for the originaltestingandcommissioningoftheequipment. The testing and commissioning programme (see Section G12.9) shall give full details of the contents and sequences
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(12) (13)

Testingand G18.2 Commissioning




GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG18Inspection,TestingandCommissioning

for all tests to be carried out, together with the schedule of tests to state the procedures, standards or limits to be achieved. A commissioning strategy report or the like as part of the commissioning programme shall be agreed in the commissioningpanelorotherarrangementstobeadvisedby the PDP, and shall also be submitted by the Works Package Contractor for approval. In addition, the testing and commissioning programme shall be updated and submitted to the PDP for approval from time to time for control and monitoringoftheWorksPackageContractor'sprogress. (2) (3) A list of equipment which is proposed to be used for testing shallbesubmittedforthePDPsapproval. Thescheduleoftestsshallinclude,butnotbelimitedtoafull list of tests and commissioning activities which the Works PackageContractorisrequiredtocompletetoensureproper operation of the E&M systems. This list shall include all testingandinspectingincludingFAI,FAT,PAT,SATandSIT


The testing and commissioning documents (Testing and Commissioning programme, equipment lists, schedule of tests) shall be submitted for approval by the PDP within no less than nine (9) Months prior to the commencement of testing and commissioning activities, or other period instructedbythePDP. The Works Package Contractor shall submit the Works Package Contractors Commissioning Plan review by the PDP not less than 6 Months prior to the start of Partial Acceptance Testing. This Works Package Contractors Commissioning Plan shall be a management level document which identifies all lower level plans and procedures and defines how the testing and commissioning process will be managed in line with the specified requirements and international standards. The Works Package Contractors Commissioning Plan shall be compatible with the PDPs overall commissioning strategy for the entire railway project andshallcontain,butnotbelimitedto,thefollowing: a) the Works Package Contractors strategy for onsite testing and commissioning all constituent parts of the WorksdetailedintheSpecifications,onalogicalsection bysection basis, using a hierarchical approach and processes clearly showing how these serve to provide thefullverificationofthesystems;

WorksPackage G18.3 Contractors Commissioning Plan






GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG18Inspection,TestingandCommissioning


the interdependency and interaction with Other Works Contractors and their commissioning programmes to ensure that it is fully compatible with the Interface ControlDocuments resources detail in the Works Package Contractors testing and commissioning manpower with breakdown in authorities, disciplines, levels, duration etc. including updated organisation chart and CV of the Works Package Contractors key personnel for commissioning activities;and contingency plans if the available time for testing is restricted, testing proceeds slower than anticipated or defects are discovered that necessitate rectification and subsequentrepeattestingisrequiredetc. The Works Package Contractors Commissioning Plan shall be fully compatible with the PDPs Commissioning Plan





The PDPs commissioning plan will be developed by the PDP to identify and define divisional administration and managementactivitiesassociatedwiththenewrailwaytobe carried out in phases in order to achieve successful testing and commissioning until Project completion. The PDPs new railway commissioning plan will be provided to the Works Package Contractor and Other Works Contractors in time for information and may be revised if necessary to reflect the updatedrailwaycommissioningstrategy ThePDPscommissioningplaninconjunctionwiththeWorks PackageContractorsCommissioningPlanarethePDPstools for managing and coordinating the testing, commissioning, trainingandTrialOperationsactivities. The onsite testing and commissioning covers all of the CompletionTestsasfollows: a) b) c) d) PartialAcceptanceTests; SystemAcceptanceTests; SystemsIntegrationTests;and TrialOperations.



These phases are identified as general requirements and some of the activities may not be applicable to some particular systems or works. The Works Package Contractor shall propose and describe the activities appropriate to the ContractforreviewbythePDP.
KVMRT/PDP/SBK/GEN/SYS/GS/RS/1001 G185of24 Revision:03


GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG18Inspection,TestingandCommissioning

OnSiteTesting G18.4 and Commissioning Plans

G18.4.1 Unless otherwise specified in the Specifications or agreed by the PDP, the onsite testing and commissioning plans are: Partial Acceptance Test Plan; System Acceptance Test Plan; and Systems Integration Tests Plan. The Works Package Contractor shall prepare and submit for approval of the PDP these plans in accordance with the following paragraphs, detailing and explaining how the Works Package Contractor will plan, perform and document all tests and inspections that will be conducted to verify and validate the Works on Site. Each plan shall consist of a narrative description supported bygraphics,diagramsandtabulationsasrequired. G18.4.2 The onsite testing and commissioning plans shall contain, but not be limitedto,thefollowingtopics: a) the type and extent of testing and commissioning to be undertaken and the parts of the Works to be proven by that testing; b) a schedule of all tests showing equipment or system to be tested, the objective of each test, all Quality Hold Points, relevant specificationsorstandards,pass/failcriteriaanddateoftesting; c) test procedures as stipulated in the Specifications or as directed bythePDP;and d) proposedformatsoftestrecordsforalltests

Partial Acceptance Tests

G18.4.3 (1)

Partial Acceptance Tests are the functional tests, static and dynamic tests of equipment and part of a system after the installation is completed. Unless directed otherwise by the PDP, the Partial Acceptance Tests shall not be commenced untilsatisfactorycompletionoftheinspectionand/ortestsof therespectiveequipmentandsubsystem The Works Package Contractor shall prepare and submit the Partial Acceptance Test Plan to the PDP not less than 6 Months prior to the start of Partial Acceptance Testing. The particular requirements for Partial Acceptance Tests are prescribedintheSpecifications. Immediately following the completion of each test in the Partial Acceptance Tests of the equipment or part of a system, the Works Package Contractor shall complete the appropriatetestrecordsintheagreedformatasproposedin theacceptedPartialAcceptanceTestPlan.







GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG18Inspection,TestingandCommissioning


The Works Package Contractor shall include a complete schedule of all Partial Acceptance Tests records and their current status within the Monthly Progress Report and shall also present and discuss them in the Commissioning Panel meeting. System Acceptance Tests are the tests undertaken to demonstrate that the Works, in their entirety, are capableof functioning in accordance with the specified requirements in theContractinallrespects.Unlessotherwisedirectedbythe PDP, the System Acceptance Tests shall not be commenced until satisfactory completion of the Partial Acceptance Tests of the respective subsystem and component. During the System Acceptance Tests, the Works Package Contractor shall perform such testing in preparation for statutory inspectionsifnecessary. TheWorksPackageContractorshallsubmitforreviewbythe PDPtheSystemAcceptanceTestPlannotlessthan6Months prior to the start of System Acceptance Testing. The particular requirements for System Acceptance Tests are prescribedintheSpecifications Thetestsshallinclude,butnotbelimitedto,thefollowing: a) tests of all functional and performance requirements includinganyremoteoperationscapabilityforthesystem; b) testsofbehaviourunderfailureconditions,; c) system to system interfacing tests with Other Works Contractors,individuallyorasagroup; d) Systems Integration Tests across interfaces between the Works Package Contractor and Other Works Contractors; and e) any other test required during preinspections and inspectionsbytheRelevantAuthority

System Acceptance Tests

G18.4.4 (1)




Immediately following the completion of each System Acceptance Test, the Works Package Contractor shall completetheappropriateSystemAcceptanceTestrecordsin the agreed format as proposed in the accepted System AcceptancePlan The Works Package Contractor shall include a complete schedule of all System Acceptance Test records and their current status within the Monthly Progress Report and shall also present and discuss them in the Commissioning Panel meeting
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GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG18Inspection,TestingandCommissioning

Systems Integration Tests

G18.4.5 (1)

Systems Integration Tests are defined as the final tests to be undertaken to ensure overall compatibility of the performanceamongallinterfacingsystemsforreadinessand beforethecommencementofTrialOperations The Works Package Contractor shall prepare the Systems Integration Tests Plan and submit to the PDP not less than 6 Months prior to the start of Systems Integration Testing. The particularrequirementsforSystemsIntegrationTestsinclude tests prescribed in the Specifications and any other tests subsequently defined by the PDP for the full functioning of theintegratedsystem The tests shall also include, but not be limited to, the following: a) b) c) d) e) test or retest of all functional performance and operationalrequirementsforthesystem; test or retest to demonstrate compliance with all interfacespecifications; testofbehaviourunderfailureandabnormalconditions; systemwide tests by the Works Package Contractor and theOtherWorksContractors; Systems Integration Tests across interfaces between the Works Package Contractor and Other Works Contractors; and any other test required during preinspections and inspectionsbytheRelevantAuthority.





The overall system integration and interfacing test activities in this phase will be devised and controlled by the PDP. The Works Package Contractor and the Other Works Contractors shall perform and support the Systems Integration Tests activitiesunderthemanagementofthePDP. After receiving the Systems Integration Tests Plan from the Works Package Contractor and Systems Integration Tests submissions from all relevant Other Works Contractors, the PDPwillformulatetheoveralltestproceduresandtheWorks PackageContractorshallfollowtheseprocedures. Immediately following the completion of each Systems Intergation Test activity of the system, the Works Package Contractor shall complete the appropriate Systems Integration Tests records, in the agreed format as proposed intheacceptedSystemsIntegrationTestsPlan.
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GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG18Inspection,TestingandCommissioning


The Works Package Contractor shall include a complete schedule of all Systems Integration Tests records and their current status within the Monthly Progress Report and shall also present and discuss them in the Commissioning Panel meeting. ApreliminarylistofSystemsIntegrationTestsisappendedas AG18.1forreference. Trial Operations are defined as the final commissioning of the fixed equipment, the rolling stock, and the operational procedures to demonstrate that the system in its entirety can operate satisfactorily. The Trial Operations are part of the Completion Tests. During this phase, system performances shall be demonstrated by the Works Package Contractor and the Other Works Contractors under the control and management of the PDP in order to prove that they can meet the specification requirements including but not limited to maintainability, reliability, capacity, and recovery of systems. During Trial Operations, the overall system will be run to the published timetable but without farepaying passengers. Abnormal and emergency scenarios shall also be devised and rehearsed to ensure operations are in compliance with the PDPs and statutory requirements. This phase also allows for operation and maintenance traininginarealtimeenvironment. The Works Package Contractor shall provide all training and Operation and Maintenance Manuals prior to the Trial Operations. The PDP will devise the systems operation drills and exercisesanddrafttheoverallTrialOperationsplanincluding operation activity schedules and procedures. The Works Package Contractor shall review, comment and supplement with identification of specifications, standards, method statements, procedures, and pass/fail criteria on the devised operationactivityschedulesandprocedures. The Works Package Contractor shall develop, propose and implement a recording system during the Trial Operations period to gather statistical data for the demonstration of maintainability,reliability,capacity,andrecoveryability.


TrialOperations G18.4.6 (1)








GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG18Inspection,TestingandCommissioning


The Works Package Contractor shall provide attendance to thePDPforallrelevantsystemsoperationdrillsandexercises during the Trial Operations period in order to provide close monitoring, immediate response and assistance for the smooth Trial Operations. The particular requirements on the attendance are prescribed in the Specifications or as requiredbythePDP. The Works Package Contractor shall demonstrate that all the specified performance requirements and operating parameters are achieved during the Trial Operations. In case any of the specified performance and operating requirements cannot be achieved, the Works Package Contractor shall coordinate with the relevant interfacing partiestoidentifyandrectifytheproblems. The Works Package Contractor shall not interfere with the Trial Operations and validations in any manner. Any need for remedial or outstanding works required to be performed by theWorksPackageContractorshallbecoordinatedwiththe PDPandRailwayOperatorinadvance. Immediately following the completion of Trial Operations drills or exercises of the system or any constituent part, the Works Package Contractor shall complete and provide the appropriateTrialOperationsrecordstothePDP. The Works Package Contractor shall include a complete schedule of all Trial Operations records as required by the PDP and their current status within the Monthly Progress Report and shall also present and discuss them in the CommissioningPanelmeeting. The Works Package Contractor shall take note that the Performance Demonstration Test forms part of the System Integration Test and Trial Operation. Performance Demonstration Testsareteststobeconducted bytheWorks PackageContractortodemonstratecomplianceoftheSystem to the performance criteria stated in the Specification. The Works Package Contractor shall prepare and submit to PDP forapproval,aPerformanceDemonstrationTestPlandefining the tests which will be undertaken and the test programme; and a Performance Demonstration Tests Procedure, including the schedule and duration of each test. The Performance Demonstration Test Plan shall be submitted to the PDP 180 Days prior to the commencement of the first Performance Demonstration Test, and the Performance Demonstration Tests Procedure shall be submitted to the PDP 60 Days prior to the commencement of the first Performance DemonstrationTest.
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GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG18Inspection,TestingandCommissioning

Testswith Interfacing Parties



Where performance across interfaces between the Works Package Contractor and Other Works Contractors is to be proven, interface tests will be carried out to verify that the interfacing systems will function and perform properly in accordance with the specified requirements. These interface tests may involve two or more interfacing Other Works Contractors and /or the PDP and / or the Railway Operator and may occur during the installation, testing and commissioningphases. The Works Package Contractor and Other Works Contractors shall demonstrate through the interface tests to the satisfaction of the PDP the operation of all aspects of the various parts and systems forming all interfaces, and the functioning of all the Permanent Works as an integrated whole. If any such tests show that the Works or the relevant section are in any respect not in accordance with the Contract, the tests shall be repeated as soon as practicable thereafter and for as many times as is required to pass the tests. The Works Package Contractor shall make adjustments andmodificationstotheWorksbeforerepetitionofanysuch test,whichshallbecarriedoutwithallreasonablespeed. The Works Package Contractor shall fully participate in and operate his parts included in the Permanent Works whenevernecessaryinallInterfaceTests Notused The Works Package Contractor shall be responsible for co ordinating with all interfacing parties to ensure the test procedures, programmes and all interfacing activities on Site are in accordance with the requirements as specified in the Interface Management Plans and Interface Control Documents. The Works Package Contractor shall notify the PDP of the commencementofeachinterfacetestnotlessthan72hours before the respective test is to be conducted on Site. In the caseofthetestcarriedoutoffsite,suchnoticeshallbegiven inaccordancewithParagraphG18.13. SuchtestsshallincludeprovingtothesatisfactionofthePDP of all systems and Works provided under the Contract which incorporate or interface with existing parts and materials ownedandoperatedbytheRailwayOperator.



(4) (5)







GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG18Inspection,TestingandCommissioning

Testingand G18.6 Commissioning Procedures


The Works Package Contractor shall submit to the PDP the testing and commissioning procedures for review for the tests stipulated in the Specifications or as directed by the PDP. These procedures shall be included in the appropriate onsitetestingandcommissioningplans. Testing and commissioning procedures shall be approved before the commencement of testing of the respective equipment,subsystemandsystem,andshallinclude: a) prerequisitesforthetestingandcommissioningcovering: i) ii) any relevant test conditions or environmental factors affectingthetest;and other tests required to be conducted successfully beforethesubjecttest;


b) all the various test scenarios and proposed formats of the testrecords; c) anySystemIntegrationTesttobeconductedtogetherwith Other Works Contractors and the PDP before and during thetest; d) criteriafortheacceptanceoftests; e) programmes for the execution of the testing and commissioning which are compatible with programmes of otherinterfacingparties; f) test forms or proforma records to be used for recording thetestresults;and g) other issues stipulated in the Specifications or as directed bythePDP. Commissioning G18.7 Panel (1) A Commissioning Panel will be organized by the PDP to manage and coordinate the commissioning activities of the Contract and between the Works Package Contractor and interfacing parties including Other Works Contractors and theRailwayOperatorsrepresentatives The Works Package Contractor shall participate as a member intheCommissioningPanelwhichwillbeestablishednotless than three Months prior to the commencement of the earliest Partial Acceptance Tests as required to deal with specific testing and commissioning issues or tasks for the purposeofthecompletionoftestingandcommissioning.






GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG18Inspection,TestingandCommissioning

Statutory G18.8 Inspectionand Tests

The Works Package Contractor shall provide resources, testing equipment and tools and shall perform tests to support statutory inspectionsandtheassociatedpreinspectionsandanyburnintests (i.e. continuous operation of the Works Package Contractors equipmentorsystem)asdirectedbythePDP. (1) The Works Package Contractor shall submit for approval of the PDP not less than six (6) Months before commissioning activities commence his proposed format for the commissioning records. The Works Package Contractor shall appropriately classify the records to include identification numbers for assemblies and subassemblies of the PermanentWorkstobetested.Theseidentificationnumbers shallagreewiththecodingsystemdevelopedbythePDP. The Works Package Contractor shall, during the execution of the Works, prepare such records of design, manufacture, installation andtesting asmayberequiredinordertosatisfy allstatutoryrequirements.Suchrecordsshallbeadequateto enable each part of the Permanent Works to be commissionedandtomeettherequirementsofthelicensing authority or any standing statutory regulations and shall be approvedbythePDP. The Works Package Contractor shall prepare two copies of record immediately after the completion of each test whether witnessed by the PDP or not. If the PDP has witnessed the test, he shall countersign the test record to indicate that the test has been witnessed. Where the results of the test do not meet the specified requirements the PDP maycallforaretest.

Testingand G18.9 Commissioning Records







GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG18Inspection,TestingandCommissioning


Each T&C record, serving as a check list for the test where detailed procedures are not stipulated in the Specifications ordirectedbythePDP,shallincludedetailsof: a) b) the description of the part of the works subjected to the testorinspection; if applicable, the batch from which the samples were takenforthetest,thesizeanddescriptionofsamplesand themethodofsampling; thelocationoftesting; thedateandtimeoftest; theenvironmentalconditions; the technical personnel supervising or carrying out the testorinspection; theparameterstestedorinspected; the method of testing or inspection, including the calibrationtest/measuringinstruments; all relevant checklists and work sheets with stepbystep procedures used during the inspection and/or test, including the readings and measurements taken during thetests;and the test results and Pass/Fail criteria, including any calculationsandgraphs.

c) d) e) f) g) h) i)



The individual test record shall be recorded with one of the followingstatus: Pass completedandachievedsuccessfulresultinfull Fail failedatanypartofthetest

Incomplete partially completed, achieving successful result in the part of the test item performed; and further workisrequiredtocompletethetest. (6) The Works Package Contractor shall also submit within his Monthly Progress Report a complete schedule of his testing andcommissioningrecordsshowingcompletiondates,target completiondatesandstatus. The Works Package Contractor shall establish a testing and commissioning database monitoring system for all testing and commissioning activities, based on guidelines or sample template provided by the PDP for input data to ensure standardizedreportformatforallcontracts

Testingand G18.10 Commissioning Database Monitoring System






GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG18Inspection,TestingandCommissioning

(2) (3)

The testing and commissioning database shall use Microsoft ExcelorasoftwareasdirectedbythePDP. The Works Package Contractor shall delegate a testing and commissioning coordinator to collect and update the data and information of the database system on a weekly basis to reflectthelateststatus. The input format of the database shall be agreed by the PDP and shall be designed to allow monitoring the progress of all testing and commissioning document submissions and individualscheduledtests. The Works Package Contractor shall provide real time full access to the database system to the PDP for consolidating T&C information, and data retrieval in electronic way or by hard copy. The Works Package Contractor shall keep a hard copy of the data from the database system at the minimum at monthly intervals. The database system shall also have a databackupattheminimumatweeklyintervals. The Works Package Contractor shall set up and maintain a testing and commissioning record storage area in the site records office as a repository of the testing and commissioning records. This storage area shall also be used for all records for factory testing and inspection and tests carriedoutduringtheinstallationperiod The T&C records in the storage area shall be systematically classified and grouped with reference number for easy and efficient retrieval. The archived testing and commissioning records shall be linked to the testing and commissioning database monitoring system. The Works Package Contractor shall submit a proposal for the PDPs review prior to the establishment of the testing and commissioning record storagearea Full access to the testing and commissioning records shall be giventotherepresentativesofthePDPand/ortheOwnerfor auditing,reviewing,andinformationretrievalasnecessary The Works Package Contractor shall report the latest testing andcommissioningrecordstatusintheCommissioningPanel meeting



G18.11 Storageof Testingand Commissioning Records









GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG18Inspection,TestingandCommissioning

Testing Facilities



The Works Package Contractor shall ensure that all inspection and test equipment and instruments are calibrated in accordance with the specified standards. If these specified standards are not applicable to certain test and inspection equipment and instrument, other calibration standards to be used shall be submitted to the PDPRr for approval. The Works Package Contractor shall ensure that documentedevidenceofsuchcalibrationismaintained. Test equipment and instrumentation shall be subject to an approved calibration test within a properly controlled calibration scheme, and signed calibration certificates shall besuppliedtothePDPinduplicatewiththetestrecordsand reports. Such calibration checks shall be undertaken prior to testing and, if required by the PDP, shall be repeated afterwards. The Works Package Contractor shall when necessary arrange temporary provisions such as electricity, water supply, air conditioning, etc. at his own cost, to ensure the site environment is suitable for continuous operation of equipment and systems during the testing and commissioning phases and that it will not hinder the testing andcommissioningprogress. Forinspectionand/ortestforT&C,unlessotherwisedirected bythePDP, theWorksPackageContractorshallgivethePDP notice of when the relevant work will be carried. The period of notice shall be as stated in the Specifications or such periodasintheopinionofthePDPisreasonableandnotified totheWorksPackageContractor.Intheabsenceofanysuch statement or notice, a reasonable period of notice shall be givenbytheWorksPackageContractorprovidedthat: a) in the case of onsite work, such notice shall be given not less than 3 Days before the work is to be inspected and/ortested; in the case of work carried out offsite in Malaysia, such noticeshallbegivennotlessthan5Daysbeforethework istobeinspectedand/ortested;and in the case of work carried out outside Malaysia, such notice shall be given not less than 28 Days before the workistobeinspectedand/ortested.



Test Notification









GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG18Inspection,TestingandCommissioning


In relation to all inspections and/or tests for T&C by the Works Package Contractor, the PDP may elect to witness suchinspectionsand/ortests.TheWorksPackageContractor may proceed with the inspections and/or tests notwithstanding the absence of the PDP. However, for Quality Hold Points, the Works Package Contractor shall only proceed with the inspections and/or tests after issuance of a noticeofapprovalbythePDP. If the Works Package Contractor is in any doubt whether inspection and/or testing by the PDP is required as a Quality Hold Point, the Works Package Contractor shall request that the PDP clarifies his requirements prior to submitting the relevant inspection and testing plan for review, and in any event not later than 30 Days prior to the submission date of therelevantplan. TheWorksPackageContractorshallallowreasonabletimeto carry out any inspection and/or test and to assess the result of any inspection and/or test before proceeding with the Works. Allinspectionsand/orteststobecarriedoutorwitnessedby the PDP shall be carried out between 0800 and 1800 hours. The Works Package Contractor may be required to perform testoutsidenormalworkinghoursasdirectedbythePDP. The PDP may reject the test and test results in question, and require the test to be repeated at the Works Package Contractors own cost in the event of any failure by the WorksPackageContractortonotifythePDP. The Works Package Contractor shall correct all faults found during testing and commissioning, and shall arrange for the relevant inspections and tests to be repeated. The relevant tests shall only be repeated when the fault has been remedied and the equipment demonstrated to function correctly. Where remedial measures involve significant modifications that might, in the PDP's opinion, affect the validity of earlier tests, the Works Package Contractor shall repeat the earlier tests and obtain results satisfactory to the PDP before repeatingthetestinwhichthefaultwasfirstidentified. The PDP shall have the right to order the repeat or abandonment of any test in the event that results demonstrate that the equipment, in the opinion of the PDP, issignificantlynoncompliantwiththeContract.
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GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG18Inspection,TestingandCommissioning


ThePDPshallhavetherighttosuspendanytestintheevent that errors or failures have become unacceptable. The PDP shall also have the right to suspend any test if a fault was detected by theWorks Package Contractor but not reported to the PDP within 24 hours of the detection. In this event, thesuspensionshallremainineffectuntilreportinghasbeen broughtuptodatetothesatisfactionofthePDP.



The Works Package Contractor shall correct and retest every fault detectedduringthetests.Proposalformedialwork,whererequired, shall be submitted to the PDP for approval prior to the retest. Time spent by the PDP witnessing retests, or waiting at the Works Package Contractor's premises or the test site while corrections are made prior to retest, shall be charged to the Works Package Contractor at the salaried and/or standard hourly rate for the personnelconcerned.AllothercostsincurredbythePDPand/orthe Owner as a result of such retests, including accommodation, subsistence and travel charges, will be charged to the Works Package Contractor at cost. If the PDP and/or the Owner is required to return to the Works Package Contractor's premises or the test site to witness such retests, then time spent by the personnel concerned in travelling to the test site and witnessing such retests, and all other costs incurred by them in so doing, will be charged to theWorksPackageContractor





GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG18Inspection,TestingandCommissioning

Fault Categories


ThePDPwillallocateacategorytoeachfault,whichshalldetermine the future conduct of tests. Fault categories shall be as defined in thefollowingtable: Category 0 Description Anitemrecordedasafaultduringtesting,and subsequentlyconsideredtobeanormalacceptable occurrence.Testingmaycontinue. Minorfault.Aneventnotaffectingthefunctionality beingtestedinthatsession.Testingmaycontinue. Repeatablefaultnotaffectingthefunctionalitybeing testedinthesession.Testingmaycontinueatthe discretionofthePDP. Repeatablefaultaffectingthefunctionalitybeing testedinthesession.Thefaultmustberectified beforeretestoftheaffectedtestsessionorsessions. Testingmayproceedonothersessionsifpermitted bythePDP. Majorfaultaffectingthefunctionalitybeingtestedin thesession.Thefaultmustberectifiedbefore recommencingtesting. Nonrepeatablefaultaffectingthefunctionality beingtestedinthesession.Theactiontakenwill dependontheseverityofthefault.Discussionis neededtoestablishthemostappropriatecourseof action. Documentation error or deficiency. The error will usually be amended during the test and the test will continue. The documentation shall be corrected beforethetestsareconsideredcomplete. Deficiencyintheabilityofthetestortestequipment todemonstratethefunctionalitybeingtestedinthe session.Discussionisneededtoestablishthemost appropriateaction. Otherfaultnotcoveredabove,butrequiring explanationand,insomecases,correction.

1 2





GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG18Inspection,TestingandCommissioning




The Works Package Contractor shall maintain a fault log throughout each series of tests. Every fault detected during thetestswillbeenteredinthelog,togetherwiththeactions takentoclearthefaultandcarryouttheretest. The fault log shall be retained as part of the testing and commissioning records for the system and be subject to regularinspectionbythePDP. Foreachhardwarefailurethatoccursatanystageoftesting, the Works Package Contractor shall investigate the failure andprepareareportonitscausesanddesignimplications,if any, resulting from such failure. The report shall clearly show: a) b) c) d) theobservedsymptoms; themostlikelycauseofthefailure; thefaultcategory(fromTable18.16); an analysis of any stress that may have been caused to other components of the equipment being tested as a resultofthefailure; whether the failure is a result of any component operatingoutsideitsdesignrange;and whether any design changes should be made to avoid furtherfailures.


Hardware G18.18 FailureReports


e) f)


All such reports will be retained as part of the testing and commissioning records for the system and subject to inspectionbythePDP For each software failure that occurs, once the software has beenapprovedforinclusionintothesystemandissubjectto configuration control, the Works Package Contractor shall generateasoftwarefailurereport. All such reports will be retained as part of the testing and commissioning records for the system and subject to inspectionbythePDP. Thereportshallclearlyshow: a) b) c) d) theobservedsymptoms; thelikelycause; the fault category (from the table in paragraph G18.16); and theoperatorinput.
G1820of24 Revision:03

Software G18.19 FailureReports






GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG18Inspection,TestingandCommissioning


The report shall also clearly show the following information which shall be entered when the failure has been investigated: a) b) c) theactualcauseofthefailure; thecorrectiveactiontaken;and allsoftwaremodulesaffected.





GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG18Inspection,TestingandCommissioning

APPENDIXAG18.1 PRELIMINARY SYSTEMS INTEGRATION TEST LIST AND THE RESPECTIVE LEAD/ MATCH CONTRACTORS Lead S/No Description MatchContractor(s) Contractor 1 Radiocoveragetest COM ET 2 3 Monitoring of stations, depots and onboardCCTVfootagesfromOCC Remote Control and monitoring of systems (P&SD, S&TCS, COMS, TVS, ET) fromOCC Remote Control and monitoring of systems (PS&D, S&TCS, COMS, ET) from DCC AlarmmonitoringfromOCC Masterclockcontrol Emergencytripsystemtest Station stopping accuracy and synchronization of open and close actions of train doors and platform screendoors(UGstationsonly) Overall monitoring and/or control of E&M ( LV, Lift, Escalator, lighting, signage, plumbing, Fire Protection and Detection System) and railway systems (AFC,EAC)instationfromSCRandOCC Systems' reaction to smoke and fire detectioninstationsanddepots Automatic PA and PIDS of prerecord messagesforstationsandtrains EMC test under full load condition in stations Maximum temperature in tunnel and at ET air conditioning unit condenser inlets under TVS normal and congested mode operations TVSfiremodeoperation Multipletrainsstartupsimultaneously Power supply onload tests under system fullloadcondition Trainwakeupandautodeparturetest Systems' reaction to loss of Traction



4 5 6 7 8





10 11 12



13 14 15 16 17 18




GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG18Inspection,TestingandCommissioning

Energisationstatus 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Systems' reaction to smoke/ fire detectionontrain Powerblackout(TNBoutagescenario) Transferofcontroltomasterstations OCC/BCCSwitchOver AutomaticTrainWashOperation Automatic Train Supervision and Automatic Train Regulation integrated tests Train Passenger Evacuation and Traction PowerCutoffTest Driverless train running with multi trains inconstantheadway NormaloperationDepotandMainline Degradedservicemodeoperation Demonstrationoftimetablerunning Load measuring test (including stray currenttest,harmonicmeasurement) EMCtestunderfullloadcondition S&TCS PS&D S&TCS S&TCS DE&MV S&TCS S&TCS S&TCS S&TCS S&TCS S&TCS PS&D

FSCADA,BMS PS&D,ET,CW(TVS),FSCADA S&TCS, ET, COM, CW, FSCADA, BMS,EAC,AFC PS&D,FSCADA,COM,ET,BMS FSCADA,COM,PS&D,ET,BMS S&TCS,FSCADA,ET,PS&D ET,COM,PSD ET,PS&D ET,FSCADA,COM,PSD,PS&D ET, FSCADA, COM, PSD, CW (TVS),PS&D ET, FSCADA, COM, PSD, CW (TVS),PS&D ET, FSCADA, COM, PSD, PS&D, CW(TVS) To be conducted during the Demonstration of timetable running To be conducted during the Demonstration of timetable running



Note:Testcasesshallbedevelopedbasedontheabove CivilWorksincludesDepotaswellasStation/TracksideE&Mservices The list is nonexhaustive, and additional test requirements will be added if it is deemed necessarybyPDP *ENDOFSECTION*





GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG18Inspection,TestingandCommissioning






GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG19ElectroMagneticCompatibility(EMC)


General General


The Works Package Contractor shall ensure that all electrical and electronic apparatus are designed and installed to operate without degradation of quality, performance or loss of function and data in the electromagnetic environment of theProject. Thedesignshallensurethatanyelectromagneticinterference emissions introduced into the environment do not exceed those detailed in the Specification. The Works Package Contractor shall ensure that his equipment is designed with therequiredimmunitylevelsgivenintheSpecification. The Works Package Contractor shall supply systems and equipment that meet the applicable EMC standards in Appendix AG19.1. The requirement comprises, but is not limited to, EN50121 series of standards (Railway applications Electromagnetic compatibility), the EN 61000 series on Electromagnetic Compatibility or equivalent. Detailed requirements in respect of EMC characteristics are contained intheSpecifications. Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) is defined as the ability of an equipment or system to function satisfactorily in its electromagnetic environment without introducing intolerable electromagnetic disturbances to other equipment or system inthatenvironment. This Section G19 contains details of the minimum EMC requirements for this Contract. The requirements cover EMC between equipment under this Contract and other equipment provided in the Project and adjacent railways and transit systems. All Plant under this Contract shall operate reliably in terms of performance and functionality in the electromagnetic environment of the railway under construction and shall not affect other railways and transits systemswithinthevicinityoftheProject. A list of standards relevant to EMC is included in Appendix AG19.1forreference.

G19.1.1 (1)










GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG19ElectroMagneticCompatibility(EMC)


G19.1.2 Plant which might cause electromagnetic disturbance include, but notbelimitedtothefollowing: Luminaries a) b) c) Station/tunnellighting Emergencylighting Illuminatedsignageandadvertisingpanels

Motoroperatedequipment a) b) c) d) e) f) g) ChillerPlant Air Conditioning Units, including but not limited to packaged ACunits,unitarysystems,fancoilunits,etc AirHandlingUnits,computerroomairconditioningunits,etc. Fans MotorOperatedDampers/AirFlowRegulators Pumps Actuators

PowerDistribution a) b) c) d) e) f) g) HV/LVswitchgear Transformers PowerFactorsCorrectionEquipment HarmonicFilters UninterruptiblePowerSupply CentralisedBatterySystem PowerCablesandDistribution





GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG19ElectroMagneticCompatibility(EMC)

ControlSystems/microprocessorbasedsystem a) b) c) d) e) f) BuildingManagementSystem,includingtheLocalandCentral ControlEquipment Statusmonitoringsystems Controlpanels MotorControlCentres Sensorsand/orLimitSwitches ELVCablesandDistribution

Potential equipment/ systems affected

G19.1.3 The Other Works Contractors and third party equipment / systems mostlikelytobeaffectedbyEMCtypicallyincludes: a) b) c) Videodisplayunits/monitors Computers/microprocessorbasedsystems Communicationsystemsincludingsuchastelephones,mobile communication equipment, radios, and public address systems Traincontrolandsignallingsystems

d) Certification

G19.1.4 Plant supplied by the Works Package Contractor deemed likely to produce electromagnetic disturbance shall be tested and certified to meet the minimum requirements specified in the relevant EMC standardsandtothesatisfactionofthePDP.

Interference G19.1.5 The Works Package Contractor shall take into account the following considerations interference mechanisms in his design of Plant, and shall take all necessary measures to eliminate their potential adverse impacts on the operation of the railway under construction as well as existing railwayinthevicinityoftheWorks.





GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG19ElectroMagneticCompatibility(EMC)


Radiated interference The performance of equipment shall meettherelevantEMCrelatedspecificationsattheirinstalled locations under the radiated interference of radiating antennasand/orhandheldtransceivers. Induced interference The Works Package Contractor shall ensure that any signal and control cables other than power cables used by their system are properly screened, bonded and earthed to prevent noise and electric shock from exceedingthelevelsof: a) b) c) Longitudinalvoltagetoearth(continuous)60V Longitudinalvoltagetoearth(faultcondition)430V Psophometricallyweightedtransversevoltage1mV



Electrostatic discharge Any equipment which contains sensitiveelectroniccomponentsandislikelytobehandledor touched by persons shall be protected against electrostatic discharge. Equipment shall be tested to 8kV using air discharge or 6kV using contact discharge in accordance with EN6100042. Conducted interference Works Package Contractor shall submit information on magnitudes and duration of a.c. fault currents, including linetoline fault and linetoearth fault throughout the low voltage power supply system to the PDP for approval. As a minimum requirement, the maximum levels of conducted electromagnetic interference of the installation shall not exceed the levels specified in EN 61000 62. Fasttransient/burstEquipmentshallbetestedto2kVpeak asdefinedinEN6100044. Surge Equipment shall be tested to 2kV (common mode) / 1kV(differentialmode)asdefinedinEN6100045.


(5) (6)





GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG19ElectroMagneticCompatibility(EMC)

Electromagnetic G19.1.6 (1) interference (EMI)

The Works Package Contractor shall ensure that the EMI generated by the equipment under this Contract does not adversely affect the sensitive electronic equipment installed adjacent to them. As a minimum, the maximum emission levels of the equipment shall not exceed the levels specified inEN6100064. Anysensitiveelectronicequipmentsuppliedwilloperateinan environment with substantial amount of radiated interference present. The equipment may be subjected to radiated energy from handheld transceivers and other communicationssystems. As a minimum, the immunity levels of equipment shall meet therequirementsspecifiedinEN6100062. Electrical Motor Operated Equipment For electrical motor operated equipment such as for environmental control systems (ECS) and pumps, the disturbance voltage and disturbance power shall meet the requirements specified in theEuropeanStandardEN6100062andEN6100064. Microprocessor Based Control Equipment For microprocessorbasedcontrolequipmentsuchastheECS,the equipment shall be immune to the following conditions as specifiedintheEuropeanStandardEN6100062: a) b) c) d) e) Radiatedfieldsusceptibility801000MHz, 80%A.M.modulatedat1kHz. 10V/m,


(3) (4)


Conducted radio frequency susceptibility 150kHz 80MHz,10Vrms(unmod). Surges (Power line) 2kV (peak) common mode, 1kV (peak)differentialmode. Fast burst transients (Power line and signal line) powerlines2kV(peak). Electrostaticdischarge8kVairdischarge,6kVcontact discharge.





GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG19ElectroMagneticCompatibility(EMC)


Fluorescent Lamps and Luminaires All lighting equipment withaprimaryfunctionofgeneratingand/ordistributinglight intended for illumination purposes and connected to the low voltage electricity supply or battery operation shall meet the emission requirements of European Standard EN 55015. The specification provides minimum limits for lighting devices operatingatfrequencieshigherthan100Hzforthefollowing: a) b) disturbance voltages at the mains supply terminals in therangeof9kHzto30MHz;and radiated magnetic field interference in the range of 9kHzto30MHz.


Light Dimmers Light dimmers incorporating regulation control (if any) shall meet the requirements for disturbance voltage on their input and output in the frequency range of 48.5kHz to 30MHz using incandescent lamps to provide the correctloadspecifiedintheEuropeanStandardEN55014. The Works Package Contractor shall nominate an EMC coordinator to coordinate all EMC matters. The EMC coordinator shall be an experienced professional in the EMC field having a minimum of 5 years experience of EMC managementforsimilarsystems. Notused. The Works Package Contractor shall prepare and submit for approval by the PDP an EMC Management Plan as described inG19.2. The Works Package Contractor shall demonstrate that the Plant complies with the EMC requirements in the factory duringtheFactoryAcceptanceTeststage. In the Testing and Commissioning phase of the Project, the Works Package Contractor shall verify, in cooperation with allOtherWorksContractors,throughtestingonsitethattheir systems are electromagnetically compatible. The concerned contractors shall demonstrate that their respective systems operate to the specification requirements in the design environment where all the items of equipment of the railway asawholearesettooperate. The Works Package Contractor shall prepare and submit for approvalbythePDPanEMCManagementPlan

EMC Management

G19.1.7 (1)

(2) (3)



EMC Management Plan







GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG19ElectroMagneticCompatibility(EMC)


TheEMCManagementPlanshall: a. define the EMC control philosophy, approaches, activities, means of control for the design processes and EMC submissions to be supplied to demonstrate compliancewiththeSpecification; identifyacomprehensivelistofspecifications,standards, method statements and procedures to be submitted to thePDPforapproval; include an initial list of design documentation, test specifications and test reports with a single paragraph description of each document to indicate compliance withtheSpecification; include a programme which shall identify the dates for EMCsubmissions; include a definition and description of the process and methods used for verification and validation of the WorkscompliancewiththerequiredEMCparametersin allrespects; designate a person as the point of contact to deal with EMCmatters;and provide details of the nominated person and any subsequent change of the nominated person for approvalbythePDP.



d. e.

f. g.

G19.3 Design, Verification andValidation


The Works Package Contractor shall identify all systems and equipment to be tested, define the test procedure and provide acceptance criteria that must be achieved. The Works Package Contractor shall carry out EMC compliance testing in the FAT stage and proof testing in the commissioning stage of the project on these systems and equipment. The Works Package Contractor shall coordinate the levels of interference emissions and susceptibility of all equipment thataretobedesigned,manufactured,suppliedandinstalled bytheWorksPackageContractorandhissubcontractorsand suppliers. In respect of design documentation, the Works Package Contractor shall demonstrate by theoretical analysis that the design of the electrical and electronic systems is fully compliant with the EMC requirements identified, where appropriate. The Works Package Contractor shall state clearly in the documentation all the assumptions made and parametersusedintheanalysis.
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GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG19ElectroMagneticCompatibility(EMC)


In the theoretical analysis, the Works Package Contractor shalldetailtheprocessandmethodsusedforverificationand validation of any simulation models used in support of the analysis. The Works Package Contractor shall prepare and submittothePDPforapprovalreportsoftheverificationand validationofthemodels. The Works Package Contractor shall verify all theoretical analysisresultsbyoneormoreofthefollowingmeans: a. b. theuseofcertifiedsimulationmodels;and onsiteverificationtests.



The PDP may request EMC tests to be carried out to simulate failure mode of any critical hardware/software component thatisconsideredtohavedetrimentaleffectonthesystem. On products and systems declared to be compliant based on their deployment in other projects, the Works Package Contractor shall submit relevant certificates and appropriate previous track records for the demonstration of their compliance with EMC requirements stipulated in the Specifications. Evidence of previous verification test records will not be acceptable as means of verification and validation of the theoretical analysis unless the tests were conducted in a project with compatible configuration and environment of theProject. The PDP may request, at his discretion, attendance at the EMC tests prior to delivery, to ensure that the EMC requirements will be met. However, this will not result in design acceptance which can only be given after successful completionofthetestingandcommissioning. The Works Package Contractor shall implement corrective measures and actions to rectify any EMC problems identified during design, onsite tests, trial operations and within the DefectsLiabilityPeriod. The Works Package Contractor shall interface, liaise, co ordinate and exchange EMC data with all Other Works Contractors to ensure EMC integrity in the design stage, and to appropriately demonstrate compatibility in the testing and commissioning stage of the project in conjunction with these Other Works Contractors. The Works Package Contractor shall send a copy of all EMC related information exchange to thePDPforreview.
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EMCInterface G19.4 Management




GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG19ElectroMagneticCompatibility(EMC)


Theoretical analysis verification test may necessitate the readiness and participation of Other Works Contractors. The Works Package Contractor shall coordinate with these Other Works Contractors in terms of programming and provision of resources for the test. A test plan and schedule of work shall be submitted and approved by the PDP prior to commencementofthetest. The Works Package Contractor must be fully aware of the EMC requirements. Any modifications to systems and equipment carried out by the Works Package Contractor during the Defects Liability Period shall not cause the immunity or emission levels of the installed system and equipmenttoexceedthevaluessetoutintheSpecification. EMC documentation on details of all proposed modifications shall be submitted to the PDP for review. Modification work shall not commence until the respective submission has been approvedbythePDP.

DefectsLiability G19.5 Period



EMCAuditby thePDP


The PDP may conduct EMC audits on the process of EMC management and technical reviews for the system and its component parts at various phases. The Works Package Contractor shall be subjected to such EMC audits from the PDP, and shall afford to the auditor timely access to all personnel, activities, plants and equipment, documentation, procedures and records in connection with the EMC requirements in the Contract. The PDP will provide reasonable notice to the Works Package Contractor regarding the auditscheduleandscopepriortoeachEMCaudit.





GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG19ElectroMagneticCompatibility(EMC)

IECTR100025 BS47271 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC). Environment. Classification of electromagneticenvironments.BasicEMCpublication Glossary of electro technical, power, telecommunication, electronic, lighting and colour terms. Terms common to power, telecommunications andelectronic.Electromagneticcompatibility InternationalElectrotechnicalVocabularyChapter121:Electromagnetism Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC). Environment. Low frequency magneticfieldsinvariousenvironments Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC). Limits. Guide to signalling on low voltage electrical installations. Emission levels, frequency bands and electromagneticdisturbancelevels Electromagneticcompatibility(EMC).Installationandmitigationguidelines. Generalconsiderations.BasicENCpublication Electromagneticcompatibility(EMC).Installationandmitigationguidelines. Earthingandcabling Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC). General. Methodology for the achievement of the functional safety of electrical and electronic equipment withregardtoelectromagneticphenomena Electromagnetic compatibility. Product family standard for lifts, escalators andpassengerconveyors.Emission Electromagnetic compatibility. Product family standard for lifts, escalators andpassengerconveyors.Immunity Construction machinery. Electromagnetic compatibility of machines with internalelectricalpowersupply. Specification for Uninterruptible Power Systems (UPS) Part 2 EMC Requirements RailwayApplicationsEMCPart1:General Railwayapplications.Electromagneticcompatibility.Emissionofthewhole railwaysystemtotheoutsideworld Railway applications. Electromagnetic compatibility. Rolling stock. Train andcompletevehicle Railway applications. Electromagnetic compatibility. Rolling stock. Apparatus
G1910of12 Revision:03

IEC60050(121) IEC6100027 IEC6100038

IEC6100051 IEC6100052 DDIECTS 6100012 EN12015 EN12016 EN13309 EN500912 EN501211 EN501212 EN5012131 EN5012132



GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG19ElectroMagneticCompatibility(EMC)

EN501214 EN501215 EN501304 Railway applications. Electromagnetic compatibility. Emission and immunityofthesignallingandtelecommunicationsapparatus Railway Applications EMC Part 5: Emission and Immunity of Fixed Power SupplyInstallationsandApparatus Alarm systems. Electromagnetic compatibility. Product family standard: Immunity requirements for components of fire, intruder and social alarm systems Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC). Product standard for measuring relaysandprotectionequipment Electromagnetic compatibility. Electrical apparatus for the detection and measurementofcombustiblegases,toxicgasesoroxygen Industrial, scientific, and medial (ISM) radiofrequency equipment Radio disturbancecharacteristicsLimitsandmethodsofmeasurement Limits and methods of measurement of radio disturbance characteristics of electricalmotoroperatedandthermalappliancesforhouseholdandsimilar purposes,electrictoolsandsimilarelectricalapparatus Limits and methods of measurement of radio disturbance characteristics of electricallightingandsimilarequipment Limits and methods of measurement of radio disturbance characteristics of industrial,scientific,medial(ISM)radiofrequencyequipment. EMC Part 34: Limits Limitation of Emission of Harmonic Currents in Low voltage Power Supply Systems for Equipment with rated Current greater than16A EMC Part 41: Testing and measurement techniques Overview of IEC 610004series EMC Part 4, Testing and measurement techniques Section 2: Electrostatic DischargeImmunityTest EMC Part 4, Testing and measurement techniques Section 3: Radiated RadiofrequencyElectromagneticFieldImmunityTest EMC Part 4, Testing and measurement techniques Section 4: Fast Transients/BurstImmunityTest EMC Part 4, Testing and measurement techniques Section 5: Surges ImmunityTest EMC Part 4, Testing and measurement techniques Section 6: Immunity to
G1911of12 Revision:03

EN50263 EN50270 EN55011 EN55014

EN55015 EN55022 IEC6100034

EN6100041 EN6100042 EN6100043 EN6100044 EN6100045 EN6100046



GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG19ElectroMagneticCompatibility(EMC)


EN6100048 EN61000411 EN61000413 EMC Part 4, Testing and measurement techniques Section 8: Testing and MeasuringTechniquesPowerFrequencyMagneticFieldImmunityTests EMCPart4, Testingand measurementtechniquesSection11:VoltageDips, ShortInterruptionsandVoltageVariationsImmunityTests EMC Part 4, Testing and measurement techniques Section 13: Harmonics and Interharmonics including Mains, Signalling at a.c. Power Port, Low FrequencyImmunityTests Electromagneticcompatibility(EMC).Installationandmitigationguidelines. Installation and mitigation guidelines. Degrees of protection by enclosures againstelectromagneticdisturbances(EMcode) Electromagnetic compatibility Part 62 Generic standards Immunity for Industrialenvironments Electromagnetic compatibility Part 6 Generic standards Section 4: Emissionstandardforindustrialenvironments Electromagneticcompatibility(EMC).GuidetogenericEMCstandards Electromagneticcompatibility(EMC).Installationandmitigationguidelines. MitigationofexternalEMinfluences. Lifts, escalators and passenger conveyors. Comparison of worldwide standardsonelectromagneticinterference/electromagneticcompatibility


EN6100062 EN6100064 PD6582 PDIECTR 6100056 PDISO/TR 16764






GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG20ManagementPlans&Submissions





In order to organise various submissions required by the PDP and to ensure the Works Package Contractors understanding of and compliance with the requirements of theContract,aseriesofmanagementplansandsubmissions shallbedeveloped. The management plans and submissions shall be categorised as, but not be limited to, the areas in project management, system assurance management, design, procurement, manufacturing and delivery management, installation management, and completion phase management. Other specific submission requirements are stipulatedintheSpecifications. The plans and submissions shall be coordinated with each other and shall collectively define, describe and encompass the Works Package Contractors proposed methods, procedures, processes, organisation, sequencing of activities, etc. and shall show how these combine together toensurethattheWorkstrulymeettherequirementsofthe Specificationinrespectofthesubjectslisted. Unless otherwise stated in the Specifications, the Works Package Contractor shall submit all management plans and submissions in accordance with the requirements in this General Specification, or as directed by the PDP. The principal items to be submitted to the PDP are listed in AppendixAG20.1. Further submissions of the management plans and submissionsshallbemade: a) b) when required in accordance with the Works Programme; whenever the development of the Works Package Contractors designs or planning allows the plan to be updated; inresponsetocommentsmadebythePDP; whenever any change occurs that invalidates the information contained in the previously submitted and approved document, within 14 Days of the occurrence ofsuchchange;and whenrequestedbythePDP.
G201of22 Revision:03





c) d)



GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG20ManagementPlans&Submissions

General Organisation



The management plans and submissions, without limitation to those listed under various categories listed below, shall be developed and submitted by the Works Package Contractor for the PDP's approval. All plans shall be submitted by the date required by the PDP, or as indicated intheParticularSpecification,orasindicatedinthisGeneral Specification,oraslistedinAppendixAG20.1 ProjectManagement a) ProjectPlan b) Interface Management Plans and Interface Control Documents



SystemAssuranceManagement a) ProjectQualityPlan b) SystemAssurancePlan c) EMCManagementPlan d) SoftwareQualityAssurancePlan e) Reliability,AvailabilityandMaintainability(RAM)Plan


Design, Procurement, Management a) b) c) d) e) f) Designsubmissions




DesignPlananddesignverificationsubmissions Procurement,ManufacturingandDeliveryPlan Manufacturingsubmissions FactoryTestingPlan Factorytestingsubmissions


InstallationManagement a) b) c) d) InstallationPlan Installationsubmissions Safety,HealthandLossPreventionPlan Environmental Management Plan and Environmental MitigationImplementationSchedule


CompletionPhaseManagement a) b) CommissioningPlan OperationandMaintenanceManualPlan

G202of22 Revision:03



GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG20ManagementPlans&Submissions

c) d) Project Management G20.2.1 (1)

TrainingPlan DefectsLiabilityManagementPlan

The overall management of the Works shall be the Works Package Contractors responsibility. The organisation of the resources for the design, procurement, manufacture, delivery,installation,testingandcommissioning,andsetting to work is to be developed into a series of plans. Each of these plans shall fully describe the Works Package Contractors understanding of the Works and management skillsandstructurerequiredtoachievethesame The plans for project management shall encompass a list of standalone plans and associated documents each coveringoneofthesubjectsdepictedbelow: TheProject PlanshallprovideaclearoverviewoftheWorks Package Contractors organisation, management systems and methods to be used for the complete execution of the Works. TheProjectPlanshallincludeasummarydescriptionofeach and every stage of implementation of the Works, clearly showing the principal organisational interfaces both within theWorksPackageContractorsownorganisation(including subcontractors of every tier) and with Other Works Contractors and Relevant Authorities, defining how each of theseinterfacesistobemanagedandcontrolled. A series of organisation charts shall be produced and includedintheProjectPlan.Separateorganisationchartsfor all subcontractors, suppliers and subsuppliers of any tier shall also be included. The organisation charts shall be updated at least quarterly or as directed by the PDP to reflect all current positions and particularly inspection, test and supervision personnel. The organisation charts shall illustrate the subdivision of the work into elements for effective technical and managerial control, the reporting structure and the interface relationship among all parties involved. Names, addresses, telephone and fax numbers of all principal contacts shall be listed and maintained by the Works Package Contractor in a project telephone directory. The Works Package Contractor shall submit the project telephone directory to the PDP at the time of submission of the Project Plan and shall update the project telephone directory at least quarterly or as directed by the PDP. It shall also list all project personnel employed by the Works
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G20.2.1.1 (1)






GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG20ManagementPlans&Submissions

Package Contractor for the management, supervision, inspection and testing of the works. The PDP may direct the WorksPackageContractortoincludeadditionalpersonnelin thedirectoryincludingsubcontractorsandsuppliers. (5) The Works Package Contractor shall include in the Project Plan full details of the qualifications, experience, authority and responsibility of the personnel assigned to all key positions of the Works Package Contractors organisation, including subcontractors of every tier. This submission shall beupdatedquarterly,orasdirectedbythePDPtoshowthe current personnel. As a minimum, this submission shall include all levels down to supervisory levels and shall include the personnel responsible for each individual department and functional group. A clear reference shall be given as to the location of staff, e.g. Site resident or factory based,etc

Interface Management Plansand Interface Control Documents System Assurance Management

G20.2.1.2 The Works Package Contractor shall submit the Interface ManagementPlansandInterfaceControlDocumentsinaccordance withChapterG13


The plans for system assurance management shall encompass a list of standalone plans and associated documents each covering oneofthesubjectsdepictedbelow

ProjectQuality G20.2.2.1 TheWorksPackageContractorshallsubmittheProjectQualityPlan Plan inaccordancewiththerequirementsofChapterG10. System G20.2.2.2 The Works Package Contractor shall submit the System Assurance AssurancePlan PlaninaccordancewithChapterG17. Electromagnetic G20.2.2.3 The Works Package Contractor shall submit an EMC Management Compatibility PlaninaccordancewithChapterG19. (EMC) Management Plan Software G20.2.2.4 Where software is a design deliverable, the Works Package Quality Contractor shall, as directed by the PDP, submit a Software Quality AssurancePlan Assurance Plan. The contents of this plan shall be in accordance withtherequirementsofChapterG16. Reliability, G20.2.2.5 The Works Package Contractor shall submit the Reliability, Availabilityand Availability and Maintainability Plan in accordance with Chapter Maintainability G17. Plan
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GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG20ManagementPlans&Submissions

Design, G20.2.3 Procurement and Manufacturing andDelivery Management

The plans and submissions for design, procurement, manufacturing and delivery management shall entail a list of standalone plans and associated documents each covering one of the subjects depictedbelow:

DesignPlan, G20.2.3.1 (1) andVerification Submissions

TheWorksPackageContractorshallsubmittheDesignPlan in accordance with the Specifications, or as directed by the PDP.Thisplanshall: a) identify and define all design activities performed by the Works Package Contractor and all design activities performedbysubcontractorsofanytier; identify and define design verification and validation activities.



For the design activities, this plan shall define the design approaches and methodologies of the Works and shall, withoutlimitation,includefulldetailsof: a) b) the organisation of design staff with particular referencetothedesigninterfaces; the specific allocations of responsibility and authority given to identified design staff with particular reference to the review and verification of design specification,drawingsandcalculations; the specific design methods, in sufficient degree of detail,tobereviewedbythePDP;and the list of procedures and work instructions to be applied to manage and control the quality of the designwork,includingbutwithoutlimitation: i) the design and performance requirements which shallbedefinedintermsofbasicdataanddesign assumptions made; relevant codes, standards and regulatory requirements; safety, reliability, security and environmental requirements; and commissioningrequirements; all design methods including software applications to be used in the design, both proprietary and public domain, including any requirements for physical and mathematical modeltesting; the identification, preparation, production, checking, verification, approval, issue, distribution, indexing and filing of reports,
G205of22 Revision:03

c) d)





GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG20ManagementPlans&Submissions

calculations,drawingsandspecificationstogether with the means for design review, implementation and recording of design changes anddocumentrevisions;and iv) the formal design review, authorisation and approvalofdesigndocumentation.


Forthedesignactivities,thisplan shalldefinethepolicyfor the design, the design method of the Works and shall, withoutlimitation,includefulldetailsof: a) b) c) the objectives of each verification phase and each validationphase; the defined input and output criteria for each developmentphase; identification of types and detailed methods of test, verification and validation activities to be carried out; detailed planning of verification and validation activities to be carried out, including schedules, resourcesandapprovalauthorities; selection and utilisation of the test equipment, and theirtestenvironmentalconditions; criteria on which the verification or validation is judged to be acceptable. These criteria shall be traceable to the design and performance requirements.


e) f)


The Works Package Contractor shall, by means of a design verification and validation process, demonstrate that all requirements within the Specification have been met. The Works Package Contractor shall submit for approval by the PDP a Design Verification and Validation Plan (DVVP) that identifies the Works Package Contractor's proposed methodology for demonstrating compliance and the acceptance criteria for achieving the requirements of the Specification. The DVVP shall be a live document and shall be monitored throughout the design and installation of the Works. Any changes to the verification and validation methods as shown in the DVVP must be resubmitted to thePDPforapprovalbeforeimplementation. The DVVP does not relieve the Works Package Contractor ofanyotherrequirementsoftheSpecificationinrelationto design review, verification, validation, conformance or
G206of22 Revision:03





GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG20ManagementPlans&Submissions

planning. (7) For each verifiable item in the DVVP, the verification and validation methods to be used shall be listed by the Works Package Contractor. The methods used shall be approved by the PDP. A verification and validation report shall be submittedtothePDPforreviewatthefollowingstages: a) b) c) (8) FinalDesign; FactoryAcceptanceTest;and SystemsIntegrationTests.

Subject to approval by the PDP for each application, the verification and validation methods listed below are acceptable if implemented (whether singly or in combination): a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) similarity equipment and requirement are identical tothosesuccessfullyappliedonotherprojects; historical requirement has been met by numerous previousdesigns; designreview,includingallcalculationsanddrawings; mockupactualsizerepresentationofdesign; developmenttestperformancetestingonequipment ormaterialunderdevelopment; type test performance testing of the asbuilt component,assemblyorsystem; routine test test every component, assembly or system; First Article Inspection (FAI) acceptance of the exact lookandfitofequipment; inspectionformalinspectionofthefinisheditem;and in service performance for service requirements demonstrationonly.


After each verification or validation phase or as directed by the PDP, a verification report shall be produced including, asaminimum,thefollowing: a) the verification or validation results stating whether the objectives and criteria of the Design Plan have beenmet;and the reasons for failure if there is a failure, and proposalforremedialactions.
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GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG20ManagementPlans&Submissions


Where independent checking of the Works or the use of anylaboratoryorcheckingengineerisrequiredorhasbeen specified or directed by the PDP, then it shall be identified intheplanandfulldetailsshallbesubmittedtothePDPfor approval prior to the execution of such checking or engagementofsuchlaboratoryorcheckingengineer. In the process of design and development, the Works Package Contractors design may deviate from the requirements specified by the PDP. Under such circumstances,theWorksPackageContractorshallofficially notify and seek agreement from the PDP of such deviation and provide details of such deviation by means of Design Deviation Request form or other documentation as directedbythePDP.


Design Submissions

G20.2.3.2 Unless otherwise specified in the Specifications or directed by the PDP,theWorksPackageContractorshallperformhisdesignsofthe Works and submit to the PDP for his approval relevant design information and design schedule detailing the progress and technicalapproachinaccordancewiththefollowingdesignstages. (1) ConceptualDesign: a) This is a design of the overall system, elaborating on the proposed system configuration with emphasis on howtheinterfacerequirementsaretobeachieved. The conceptual design submission, as a minimum, shall identify the function of each system, subsystem, equipment or other element within the overall design and specify the relationships and interfaces between each element of the system, including the systems of theinterfacingOtherContractors.



PreliminaryDesign: a) The preliminary design shall address each element of the system design. Supporting calculation and equipment specification shall be developed at this stage. Manufacturing of production units will only be allowed to commence after receiving approval for the relevantdesignelements. Electricalandcontrolschematicsshallbedevelopedto illustrate how the various operational and functional requirements can be achieved. Software requirement analysis and software architecture design shall also be carriedoutduringthisstage. If at any time in the development of the preliminary
G208of22 Revision:03




GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG20ManagementPlans&Submissions

design, the Works Package Contractor wishes to modify the conceptual design by dividing any system or subsystem into a number of smaller systems, reconfiguring the interfaces, or for any other reason, the Works Package Contractor shall resubmit the conceptualdesignforthePDPsapproval. d) The submission shall clarify and confirm as necessary all technical aspects of all interfaces with other elements of the Works Package Contractor's overall designandofanyinterfaceswithworksbeingsupplied byinterfacingOtherWorksContractors. Ergonomic design, followed by the production of mockupsandprototypesshallbedevelopedaspartof thepreliminarydesign.



FinalDesign: a) Installation detail and method statements for various areas and sections shall be released progressively during this stage. Installation works on Site will only beallowedtocommencefollowingthePDPsapproval oftherelevantdesign. Details of any amendment to the final design shall be discussedwiththePDP.Reviseddocumentordrawing shall be subject to approval by the PDP prior to implementation. Software design and module design shall also be carriedoutduringthisstage.



DesignReview G20.2.3.3 (1)

Throughout the design period, the Works Package Contractor shall attend monthly design review meetings with the PDP. At these review meetings, the Works PackageContractorshallpresentinformation,drawingsand other documents to the PDP in respect of all submissions programmed to occur during the following fiveweek period. Design reviews shall be arranged prior to the conclusion of each design stage. The Works Package Contractor shall arrange and make presentations at meetings to accomplish suchdesignreviews. The Works Package Contractors presentations shall be in sufficient depth to enable the PDP to obtain a clear understandingoftheWorksPackageContractorsproposals and to discuss the methodology and process used in reaching the proposed design solutions. Unless directed otherwise by the PDP, all meetings shall be convened in
G209of22 Revision:03





GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG20ManagementPlans&Submissions

Malaysia (4) The Works Package Contractor shall record all the PDPs observations and any agreed actions resulting from the review meeting and shall address each of these fully in the formal submission of the respective documents for the PDPsreview

Procurement, G20.2.3.4 TheWorksPackageContractorshallsubmitforapprovalbythePDP Manufacturing a Procurement, Manufacturing and Delivery Plan in respect of all andDelivery items and goods. Separate parts of the plan shall also be prepared Plan by the Works Package Contractor, his suppliers and subcontractors fortheiroffsiteactivities.Theplanshallidentifythescopeofwork tobeapplied.Inrelationtosuchscopeofwork,itshalldefine: a) the organisation of the Works Package Contractor's staff directly responsible for the daytoday management of the manufacturingactivityonorofftheSite; the specific allocations of responsibility and authority given to identified personnel for the daytoday management of the work with particular reference to the supervision, inspection andtestingofthework; the interfacing or coordination required with the Works PackageContractor'sotherrelatedplans; a full list of manufacturing method statements for major components, equipment and/or systems to identify the specificmethodsofmanufacture;and the format of the Material Control Schedule to monitor and control the production, manufacturing and delivery, for the Works Package Contractor, subcontractors of any tier, suppliersandsubsuppliers. The Works Package Contractor shall identify the specific methods of manufacture for major components, equipment and systems in the manufacturing method statements and develop those method statements to a degree of sufficient detail to be approved by the PDP. All manufacturing method statements shall be submitted for approval by the PDP no later than sixty (60) Days prior to the commencement of the respective manufacturing activities. TheWorksPackageContractorshallprepareandmaintaina full list of all the manufacturing method statements required for the Contract with submission status and approval status, and shall submit same to the PDP upon request. The manufacturing method statement shall include,butnotbelimitedto,thefollowing:
G2010of22 Revision:03


c) d)


Manufacturing G20.2.3.5 (1) Submissions




GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG20ManagementPlans&Submissions

a) b) c) d)

theparticularsofthematerialstobeincorporatedinto theitems; the manufacturing process flowcharts in compliance withdrawingsandspecification; the identification or referencing requirements for traceabilityofthemanufacturingproducts; the identification of inspection and test check points and status of materials and final manufactured products;and the handling, storage, packing, preservation and deliveryofthemanufacturingproducts.


FactoryTesting G20.2.3.6 (1) Plan

The Works Package Contractor shall submit for approval by the PDP, a Factory Testing Plan to detail and explain how the Works Package Contractor will plan, perform, and document all inspections and tests that will be conducted to verify and validate the Works prior to delivery to the Site. The plan shall consist of a narrative description supported by graphics, diagrams and tabulations as required. The plan shall contain, but not be limited to, the following topics: a) the Works Package Contractors strategy for inspection and Factory Acceptance Tests of all constituent parts of the Works and how this relates to the sequence of delivery; b) the sequencing and interrelationships of the inspections andtestsincluding: i) ii) allQualityHoldPoints;and allQualityControlPoints;


c) the type and extent of inspection and Factory Acceptance Tests to be undertaken and the parts of the Workstobeprovenbythattesting; d) the objective of each inspection or test, what particular design and operating criteria the test or inspection will prove and how the success of the test or inspection will bedemonstratedormeasured; e) organisation chart and CV of key personnel in inspection andtestteam; f) a plan for the production and submission of the factory testing procedures to the PDP for review including the submissionoftheinspectionandtestreports;and
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GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG20ManagementPlans&Submissions

g) typetests,routinetests,FirstArticleInspectionsandany othertestsconstitutingtheFactoryAcceptanceTests. FactoryTesting G20.2.3.7 (1) Submissions TheWorksPackageContractorshallprepareandmaintaina fulllistofallthefactorytestingproceduresrequiredforthe Contract with submission status and approval status, and shallsubmittothePDPonamonthlybasis Each factory testing procedure shall be submitted for approval by the PDP sixty (60) Days prior to the commencementoftherespectivefactoryinspectionand/or testandshallidentifyand/ordefine,withoutlimitation: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) thescopeofactivitycoveredbytheprocedure; the sequence of work related to the activity covered bytheprocedure; the personnel responsible for undertaking the inspectionand/ortest; the personnel responsible for certifying the inspection and/ortest; the inspection and/or test method or a reference to therelevantstandardofinspectionand/ortest; thecompliancecriteriaoftheinspectionand/ortest; theQualityHoldPointsandQualityControlPoints;and the documents to be used for reporting the results of the inspection and/or test, and with examples of such documents incorporated into the factory inspection andtestprocedure.



Factory inspections and tests that are to be witnessed by the PDP shall be sensibly grouped and scheduled so that as many inspections and tests as possible may be witnessed duringasinglevisit. First Article Inspections (FAI) shall be performed jointly by the PDP and the Works Package Contractor on all major equipment identified by the PDP. The Works Package Contractor shall proceed to the next stage, which can be batch production or shipping from the point of manufacture as appropriate, only after an FAI has been completed to the satisfaction of the PDP or waived by the PDP. The Works Package Contractor shall provide a minimum of 15 Days notice to the PDP before any FAI. OtherthantheFAI,theWorksPackageContractorshallgive the PDP notice of all Quality Control Points and Quality HoldPointsinvolvinginspectionsand/ortestsbytheWorks
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PackageContractor. (5) Sixty (60) Days prior to each FAI, or as directed by the PDP, the latest drawings, inspection and test procedures, specifications and quality documentation required for adequate inspection of the equipment under inspection shall be submitted to the PDP. The drawings shall be completetothelowestlevelreplaceableunit The Works Package Contractor shall ensure that he and his subcontractors are prepared for all FAIs. The Works Package Contractor shall not schedule more than one FAI onthesamedaywithoutpriorapprovalbythePDP The FAI shall evaluate component and system maintainability.TheFAIshallenablethePDPandtheWorks Package Contractor to jointly establish the quality of workmanshipforthebalanceoflikecomponents. The FAI shall not be conducted until the design drawings of the equipment have been approved. If drawings with outstanding comments are used, the PDPs comments shall be satisfied at the FAI and represented by the inspected equipment FAIs shall only be performed on a component built using approvedproductionprocesses,toolingandmanpower The Works Package Contractor shall be responsible for the cost and scheduling, to the PDPs convenience, of any FAIs thatfail The Works Package Contractor shall prepare and submit to the PDP for approval two (2) copies of inspection or test reportimmediatelyafterthecompletionofeachinspection or test, whether or not witnessed by the PDP. If the PDP has witnessed the inspection or test, he or his delegate will countersign the inspection or test report to indicate his review of the information and conclusions (i.e. whether or not the equipment being inspected or tested has passed satisfactorily) contained therein. Without prejudice to the Conditions of Contract, where the results of the inspection or test do not meet the requirements of the Specification, thePDPmaycallforareinspectionorretest For standard equipment which is serial or bulk manufactured, manufacturers type test certificates (or equivalent)may,subjecttoreviewbythePDP,beaccepted Test equipment and instrumentation shall be subject to approved calibration tests within a properly controlled
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(9) (10)






GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG20ManagementPlans&Submissions

calibration scheme, and signed valid calibration certificates shall be supplied to the PDP not later than 30 Days prior to the respective tests. Such calibration checks shall be undertaken prior to testing and, if required by the PDP, shallberepeatedafterwards. (14) Materials and equipment shall not be released for shipment until all applicable inspections and tests including Factory Acceptance Tests have been completed to the satisfactionofthePDP. Once the factory tests and any required remedial actions are completed to the satisfaction of the PDP, the PDP shall give a notice of approval for unit shipment. The PDP will not withhold his approval for shipping unreasonably, provided all predelivery assembly and testing have been successfullycompleted.Shouldthenumberofunaccepted units at the Site delay service delivery, then, inter alia, this shall be the cause for the PDP to withhold approval for shipping. Any unit delivered without the PDPs approval may be rejected at the Site and all expenses thereby incurred shall bebornebytheWorksPackageContractor. Installation shall mean all site construction and installation activities. The plans for installation management shall encompass a list of standalone plans and associated documents each covering one of the subjects depicted below The plans shall be submitted and coordinated with each other and shall collectively define, describe and encompass the Works Package Contractors proposed methods, procedures, processes, organisation, sequencing of activities, etc. and shall show how these combine together to ensure that the Works truly meet the requirements of theSpecificationinrespectofthesubjectslisted



Installation Management




InstallationPlan G20.2.4.1 The Works Package Contractor shall prepare a plan for the installation activities and shall ensure that these are properly related to the subsequent testing and commissioning activities. Separate parts of the plan shall be prepared for the Works Package Contractor and subcontractor(s) of any tier and these must include any offsite activities. The Installation Plan shall identify the scope ofactivitytobecontrolledandshall,withoutlimitation,define: a) the organisation of the Works Package Contractor's staff directly responsible for the daytoday management of the activityonorofftheSite;
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GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG20ManagementPlans&Submissions


the specific allocation of responsibility and authority given to identified personnel for the daytoday management of the Works with particular reference to the supervision, inspectionandtestingoftheWorks; the interfacing or coordination required with the Works Package Contractor's other related plans which shall be developed fully and coordinated with the Interface ManagementPlansandInterfaceControlDocuments; a list of method statements and a programme for the submissionofthemethodstatements; the list of procedures and work instructions to manage and control the quality of installation works, including, but withoutlimitation: i) descriptions and flow charts of installation processes including installation of all temporary works and their removal; the arrangements for storage including identification of all offsite and onsite storage areas, details of which are to be approved by the PDP prior to their useforstorageofequipmentandmaterials;and delivery method statements for all large plant and equipment or plant and equipment with special delivery requirements to the installation sites or for anyotherproductasdirectedbythePDP.


d) e)



Installation Submissions

G20.2.4.2 (1)

Particularsofagent: a) The Works Package Contractor shall give and provide allnecessarysuperintendenceduringtheexecutionof the Works for as long as the PDP considers necessary to ensure the fulfilment of the Works Package ContractorsobligationsundertheContract. The Works Package Contractor shall ensure that he is at all times represented on the Site by a competent and authorised Englishspeaking agent approved by the PDP. Such agent shall be constantly on the Site and shall give his full time to the superintendence of theWorks. The PDP shall have the authority to withdraw his approval of the agent at any time. If such approval is withdrawn, the Works Package Contractor shall immediatelyremovetheagentfromtheSiteandshall not employ him again on the Site in any capacity and shall immediately replace him by another competent EnglishspeakingagentapprovedbythePDP.
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GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG20ManagementPlans&Submissions


Such authorised agent shall receive on behalf of the Works Package Contractor directions and instructions fromthePDP. The following particulars of the proposed agent shall besubmittedtothePDPforapproval: i) ii) name; details of qualifications, including copies of certificates;and


iii) detailsofpreviousexperience. f) The particulars of the agent shall be as directed by thePDP,exceptinthecaseofareplacementagent,in which case the said particulars shall be submitted immediately. The agent shall possess nationally or internationally recognized academic and professional qualifications and have at least 10 years experience in relevant engineering works. The PDP reserves the right to call upon the Works Package Contractor to prove such qualifications/experience to the satisfaction of the PDP.



WorksPackageContractorsWeeklyPersonnelReturn: The Works Package Contractor shall complete a form containing information in respect of labour employed on Site for the Works each Day in triplicate. Two copies of eachformshallbesubmittedtothePDPeachweekandthe remaining copy shall be retained by the Works Package Contractor.Forthepurposeofcompletingtheform,actual trades shall be proposed by the Works Package Contractor andtradecodeswillbeassignedbythePDP.

(3) (4) (5)

Notused Notused. RecordsandReportsofInspectionand/orTest a) The Works Package Contractor shall provide copies of the records of inspection and/or test showing the inspection and/or test results and inspection and/or measurement data to the PDP immediately after respective inspection and/or test. If the PDP has witnessed the inspection and/or test, the records of inspection and/or test shall be countersigned by the PDP or his delegate to indicate his review of the information and conclusions (i.e. whether or not the equipment being inspected or tested has passed
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GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG20ManagementPlans&Submissions

satisfactorily)containedtherein. b) No later than three (3) Days after the completion of the respective tests, the Works Package Contractor shall prepare and submit for approval by the PDP the testreporttogetherwiththedocumentationrecording inspection,measurementandtestingdata,whetheror notwitnessedbythePDP. Without prejudice to the Conditions of Contract, wheretheresultsoftheinspectionortestdonotmeet the requirements of the Specification, the PDP may callforareinspectionorretest.



QualityControlRegister a) The Works Package Contractor shall submit to the PDP for information Quality Control Register(s) on a monthly basis, or at such other intervals as requested by the PDP, to identify the status of testing of the Works. b) The Quality Control Register(s) shall report the upto date status of all testing activities undertaken on each element of the Works during the reporting Month. The register shall identify and demonstrate the compliance of the testing with the requirements of the Contract and shall identify any item which does not conform to the requirements of the Contract. The register shall also identify status of relevant inspection activities in conjunction with the testing as requested by the PDP. Each Quality Control Register shall, as a minimum, include: i) List of the test certificates received for manufacturedgoodsandmaterialsincorporatedin the Works and the reference number of the certificates; List of the testing activities, including inspection activities as appropriate, undertaken by the Works PackageContractoroneachelementoftheWorks, which shall be categorized into locations, systems, or subsystem as considered applicable by the PDP; and


iii) The dates, locations of application or installation, results of testing and inspection, and the status of compliancewiththerequirementsoftheContract. c) The Works Package Contractor shall submit the format and proposed content of the Quality Control Register to the PDP for approval thirty (30) Days before the
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GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG20ManagementPlans&Submissions

commencementofrelatedtestingactivities. Inspectionand G20.2.4.3 Test equipment and instrumentation shall be subject to approved TestEquipment calibration tests within a properly controlled calibration scheme, andsignedvalidcalibrationcertificatesshallbesuppliedto thePDP notlaterthan60Dayspriortotherespectivetests.Suchcalibration checks shall be undertaken prior to testing and, if required by the PDP,shallberepeatedafterwards Safety,Health G20.2.4.4 The Works Package Contractor shall submit the Safety, Health and andLoss LossPreventionPlaninaccordancewithChapterG9 PreventionPlan Environmental G20.2.4.5 TheWorksPackageContractorshallsubmitforapprovalbythePDP Management an Environmental Management Plan and Environmental Mitigation Planand ImplementationSchedule(EMP&EMIS)whichsetsoutindetailthe Environmental approach he will adopt in dealing with the potential environmental impacts from the various installation activities. The EMP & EMIS Mitigation shall address all the potential impacts, the associated mitigation Implementation Schedule measures to be provided and the programme of implementation. The Works Package Contractor shall submit the EMP & EMIS for approvalbythePDPinaccordanceasdirectedbythePDP. Completion Phase Management G20.2.5 (1) The Works Package Contractor shall organise the services for completion phase management in an integrated manner Completion phase management shall encompass a list of standalone plans and associated documents each coveringoneofthesubjectsdepictedbelow The Works Package Contractor shall ensure the timely preparationoftheCommissioningPlaninaformatandtoa levelofdetailstatedinChapterG18. The Commissioning Plan shall be supplemented by three plans each covering the details in accordance with Chapter G18 and shall be submitted by the Works Package Contractor under the following phases of the inspection, testingandcommissioningactivities: a) b) c) Operationand G20.2.5.2 (1) Maintenance ManualPlan PartialAcceptanceTests SystemAcceptanceTests SystemsIntegrationTests


Commissioning G20.2.5.1 (1) Plan (2)

The Works Package Contractor shall develop an Operation and Maintenance Manual Plan to ensure the timely preparation of the Works Package Contractors Operation and Maintenance Manuals and the asbuilt drawings in a format and to a level of detail approved by the PDP and in
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GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG20ManagementPlans&Submissions

accordancewithChapterG21. (2) The Works Package Contractor shall submit the Operation and Maintenance Manual Plan by the date stated in the Specificationsor,ifnoneisgiven,asdirectedbythePDP. The Operation and Maintenance Manuals Plan shall describetheapproachtobeadoptedbytheWorksPackage Contractor for the production of the Operation and Maintenance Manuals. The content of the Operation and Maintenance Manuals Plan should cover, as a minimum, thefollowingdetails: a) Theproductionstrategyinhouseorcontractout; b) The methodology to be adopted for the development of the Operation and Maintenance Manuals to meet theSpecification;and c) TrainingPlan G20.2.5.3 (1) Thepreliminaryprogrammeandresourceallocation.


The Works Package Contractor shall ensure the timely preparation of the Training Plan in a format and to a level of detail for approval by the PDP and in accordance with ChapterG22. The Works Package Contractor shall submit the Training Plan by the date stated in the PS or, if none is given, as directedbythePDP The Works Package Contractor shall submit for approval by the PDP a Defects Liability Management Plan to repair, replace and perform any remedial item upon the Works identified by the PDP during the Defects Liability Period (DLP). The first submission of this plan is required as directedbythePDP.TheWorksPackageContractorshall: a) complete all necessary work in a timely and responsible manner and in accordance with Clause 53.2 [Completion of Outstanding Work and Remedying Defects]oftheConditionsofContract; b) submit a plan that details the methods and timing of anyproposedwork; c) updatetheplanmonthly,showingprogressofthework andthetimetocompletion;


DefectsLiability G20.2.5.4 (1) Management Plan

d) not proceed with any remedial work without the consentofthePDP;and e) not interfere with the operations of the Operating RailwayincompletingworkintheDLP.
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GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG20ManagementPlans&Submissions


The Works Package Contractor shall update the Operation and Maintenance Manuals for any change or modification duringtheDLP.





GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG20ManagementPlans&Submissions

AppendixAG20.1ManagementPlans TheplanslistedbelowarerequiredtobesubmittedbytheWorksPackageContractor.Itshallbenotedthat thislistisnotexhaustiveandthatfurtheradditionalplansmayberequiredforsubmissionwhetherornot identifiedwithinthislistorelsewhereintheSpecifications.

ProjectPlan TrafficManagementOrganisationPlan InterfaceManagementPlan ProjectQualityPlan SystemAssurancePlan EMCManagementPlan SoftwareQualityAssurancePlan ReliabilityAvailabilityandMaintainability(RAM)Plan DesignandVerificationandValidationPlan ProcurementManufacturingandDeliveryPlan FactoryTestingPlan InstallationPlan SafetyandHealthPlan SafetyandHealthRiskRegister EmergencyPreparednessandResponsePlan SiteSanitationPlan EnvironmentalManagementPlan Methodstatement(forspecificactivity) CommissioningPlan PartialAcceptanceTestPlan SystemAcceptanceTestPlan SystemsIntegrationTestPlan


G20.2 G5.10.1(2) G13.5(5) G10.3 G17.5.2 G20.2.2.3 G16.2 G17.5.2 G20.2.3.1 G20.2.3.4 G20.2.3.5 G20.2.4 G9.4 G9.5 G9.6 G9.10.15(6) G11.5 G4.2.1 G18.3 G18.4.3 G18.4.4 G18.4.5 G20.2.5.2 G22.1 G20.2.5.4 G4.1 G4.2.1(2) G14.3(1)

60DaysfromLOA 60 DaysfromLOA 60Daysfromnotificationofotherparty 14 DaysfromCommencementDate 60Days fromLOA 120DaysfromLOA 1MonthfromSRSor4MonthsfromLOA 1MonthfromLOA (SystemsAssurancePlan) 60DaysfromLOA 60DaysfromLOA 3Monthspriortodateoffirstfactorytest 90Dayspriortostartofinstallationwork 60 DaysfromLOA Beforestartonsite 60 DaysfromLOA 14DaysbeforestartonSite 60 DaysfromLOA 21Daysbeforestart 6MonthspriortostartofPAT 6MonthspriortostartofPAT 6MonthspriortostartofSAT 6 Months prior to start of Systems Integration Testing OperationandMaintenanceManualPlan 10 Months prior to Cert. of Practical Completion TrainingPlan 6Monthspriortostartoftraining DefectLiabilityManagementPlan 120DayspriortoCert.ofPracticalCompletion ProjectExecutionPlan 60DaysfromLOA List of proposed Method Statements and Inspection 60DaysfromLOA andTestingPlans SubmissionsProgramme 30DaysfromCommencementDate






GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG20ManagementPlans&Submissions






GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG21Operations&MaintenanceDocumentation





Operations and Maintenance Manuals applicable to the Systems and Equipment for the Phase 1 Works shall be submitted by the Works Package Contractor for approval in accordance with the dates specified in G21.5(1); any supplementarydocumentsrelevanttotheCompletionofthe whole of the Works shall be submitted not later than six Months prior to the Date of Completion of the whole of the Works.Twohardcopiesofthedraftmanualsshallinitiallybe submittedforthePDPsreview. All operation and maintenance documentation produced by the Works Package Contractor shall conform to the requirementsofthePDPsO&MManualSpecifications. The Works Package Contractor shall supply all documentation, including Operation and Maintenance Manuals and asbuilt drawings, necessary for operating, maintaining, administrating, repairing and modifying the systemsandequipmentsupplied,installedormodifiedunder theContract. The Works Package Contractor shall provide all documentation in English. Unless specifically permitted by the Specifications, the Works Package Contractor shall also providetheBahasaMelayuversionofthedocumentation. The Works Package Contractor shall fully coordinate and cross reference interfaces and areas associated with interconnecting equipment and systems within the Contract. The Operation and Maintenance Manuals shall fully describe the overall operation of all systems incorporating all equipment. The Operation and Maintenance Manuals shall contain no irrelevant or ambiguous information and shall relate specificallytothisContract. The Works Package Contractor may use manufacturers data and handbooks for individual items of E&M equipment that areasubcomponentoftheoverallsystem,includingprinted circuit boards, provided that they meet the intent of the Specification, are integrated by the Works Package Contractor into the description of his equipment, and are indexed accordingly in his own general index. All such documentationshallbecontainedinsimilarbinders.
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GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG21Operations&MaintenanceDocumentation


Where a subassembly item is of such a nature that local repairs in Malaysia cannot be made and it is necessary to be returned to the manufacturer as a unit for overhaul, the specific information concerning its repair and breakdown intocomponentpartsshallbeprovided. The document shall be collated and numbered in proper order and correspond to the contents and index tables. Nomenclature or references to any items of equipment, diagrams, figure numbers or units shall be consistent throughout the text. In order to comprehend the text, diagrams, drawings, sketches and actual photographs shall be added where necessary. All manufacturer's literature identification codes or stamp markings shall be omitted. Precautions and warnings regarding the safety of life and equipmentshallbeincludedwhereapplicable. WithoutprejudicetoClause68oftheConditionsofContract, the PDP and / or Railway Operator shall have the right to reproduce any part or the whole of any Operation and MaintenanceManualashewishes. The Works Package Contractor shall take into consideration the operation and maintenance strategy adopted by the PDP and/ ortheRailwayOperatorwhensupplying operationand maintenance documentation. The Works Package Contractor shallnotethatwhilsttheO&MManualsmaymakereference to the railway operating rules and procedures, it is not permitted for the Works Package Contractor to assume any perceived rules to be followed. In all cases no procedures may be proposed by the Works Package Contractor which conflict in any way with the Owner / Operators rules and procedures. All equipment and infrastructure supplied shall be designed for minimal or no maintenance. Maintenance activity shall be capable of being performed with little or no impact on passengeroperationandtrainservice. Routine preventive maintenance will be carried out at regular intervals or based on condition, reliability or usage. The maintenance programmes will be designed to optimise safety, reliability and availability and reduce cost while minimizingdisruptiontotrainservice. Details of the PDPs maintenance strategy is described in the PDPsO&MMaintenanceStrategyandO&MPlan.



Operationand G21.2 Maintenance Strategy









GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG21Operations&MaintenanceDocumentation

Arrangement G21.3 andFormatof Manuals


The Works Package Contractor shall arrange all operation and maintenance documentation in accordance with the PDPsO&MManualSpecifications. The Works Package Contractor shall provide documentation for all hardware and software for computer systems and other associated electronic equipment to meet the following requirements. Such documents shall include, but not be limitedto: a) b) c) d) manufacturers documentation supplied as standard with theequipment; hardware configuration with details of expansion capabilitiesandoptions; programme loading instructions, including runtime environmentconfiguration; for all software whose source codes are to be provided, the respective software architecture specifications and software design specifications and a detailed programme listing including comprehensive 'comment statements' for the source code, compilers and development tools necessarytomodifyandrecompilethesoftware; flowcharts,datastructures,dataflowdiagramsandstate diagramsasappropriate; descriptions of system architecture and networking structures; lists of all errors/faults messages with descriptions and respectiveremedialactions; proceduresanddescriptionsforsoftwareinstallation; procedures and descriptions for compilation and re generationofsoftwarefromsourcecode; descriptions of software modules including purpose, linkage with other modules, error routines and any specialconsiderations; memory maps for both internal and peripheral memory showingdescriptionofallprogrammes,datafiles,overlay areas,memoryavailableforexpansionandthelike; loading and operating instructions for diagnostic programmes and specifically developed debugging tools; and


e) f) g) h) i) j)



m) programming and administration manuals relevant to operatingsystems,languages,developmenttools,etc.





GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG21Operations&MaintenanceDocumentation


The documentation shall in all respects be entirely sufficient to allow any competent software programming organisation to undertake programme and/or system modifications without recourse to the Works Package Contractor. These requirements shall apply in respect of microprocessor based equipmentandfirmware. The Works Package Contractor shall submit such drawings as may be required for the operation and maintenance and repair of the Permanent Works by the PDP and / or the RailwayOperator. Information contained on the drawings shall include but not belimitedto: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) arrangement drawings for all subsystems and individual itemsofequipment; installation and fixing drawings for all subsystems and individualitemsofequipment; interface drawings for all subsystems and individual itemsofequipment; schematic drawings for all electrical, pneumatic, hydraulic,wateranddrainagesystems; sizes,materialandfinishofallfixturesandthreads; manufacturer'scode,drawingandreferencenumbers; wiring diagrams to BS EN 60617, BS 3939 and BS 376 includinginternalwiringofsealedunititems; settingdimensionsandtolerances;and billofmaterials.






The Works Package Contractor shall supply drawings with BahasaMelayulanguagenotationinadditiontoEnglish.





GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG21Operations&MaintenanceDocumentation






TheWorks PackageContractorshalldeliveralloperationand maintenance documentation for Phase 1 Works to the PDP for approval by the date stated in the Specifications or, if none is given, not later than ten (10) Months prior to the expected date of issue of the Sectional Completion Certificate for the Phase 1 Works for the first draft version, six (6) Months prior to the expected date of issue of the Sectional Completion Certificate for the Phase 1 Works for the final draft version, and one (1) Month prior to the expected date of issue of the Sectional Completion Certificate for the Phase 1 Works for the final version. The supplementarydocumentsrelevanttotheCompletionofthe wholeoftheWorksshallbedeliveredtoPDPforapprovalsix (6) Months prior to the expected date of issue of the Certificate of Practical Completion for the whole of the Works for the final draft version, and one (1) Month prior to the expected date of issue of the Certificate of Practical Completion for the whole of the Works for the final version. The delivery shall include a copy of the software and licence tooperatethesoftwaretomodifythemanualstogetherwith one set of CADD drawing files. The final manuals shall incorporate comments made by the PDP on the draft manuals. DrawingsshallbesubmittedtothePDPbythedatestatedin theSpecificationsor,ifnoneisgiven,notlaterthanthree(3) Months prior to the expected date of issue of the Sectional Completion Certificate for Phase 1 Works and three (3) Months prior to the expected date of issue of the Certificate of Practical Completion for the whole of the Works as indicatedontheBaselineProgramme. Following the PDPs approval, the Works Package Contractor shall make a final submission of the complete Operation and Maintenance Manuals and asbuilt drawings unless otherwise stated in the Specifications. The final submission shall be made not later than the date set by the PDP. The type of binder used to bind the operation and maintenance documentation shall be of a design which will permit all changes and additions to the said documentation to be readily collated therein. The Works Package Contractor shall make such amendments to his submissions as may prove necessary during commissioning of the Permanent Works and the Defects Liability Period. Amendments found necessary during commissioning shall be completed within two (2) Months after the issue of the Certificate of Practical Completion for the whole of the Works. Subsequent amendments shall be completed two Months prior to the issue of the Certificate of Completion of Making Good Defects.
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GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG21Operations&MaintenanceDocumentation

AsBuilt Drawings



The Works Package Contractor shall submit interim asbuilt drawings within fourteen (14) Days of completing each sectionorstageoftheWorksfortheapprovalofthePDP.At least one (1) Month prior to the Date for Completion or before the anticipated date of issuance of the Certificate of Practical Completion for the whole of the Works, the Works Package Contractor shall submit for the approval of the PDP, a full set of asbuilt drawings and any other information and recordstoshowthefinalconstructionandformoftheWorks ascompleted. Upon approval, the Works Package Contractor shall certify and submit the final asbuilt drawings. The final set of as built drawings shall be submitted no later than two (2) Months from the date of issuance of the Certificate of PracticalCompletionforthewholeoftheWorks. Theasbuiltdrawingsshallconsistofthefollowing: a) b) c) d) actual locations, dimensions and structural details of thecompletedWorks; actual method and sequence of construction and installation; leftinTemporaryWorksorpermanentformwork; approved/usedconstructionmaterialsandproducts, including, but not limited to, grade of concrete, movement joints, construction joints, waterproofing membranes, structural bearing, castin structural brackets,pipework,cableworks,andductworks;and provisionsforfutureextensions.



e) (4) (5)

There shall be no reference to alternatives, options or future approvalsontheasbuiltdrawings. Asbuilt drawings shall be prepared and submitted strictly in accordance with the requirements of the PDPs CAD standardsandrequirements.






GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG22Training





The Works Package Contractor shall provide comprehensive training to the Railway Operators staff to enable all of the systems and equipment supplied, installed or modified as part of the Contract to be operated and maintained in the designed manner safely and efficiently so as to achieve the maximum reliability and economy, and to meet the requirements of the railway operators own commissioning programme. To achieve this objective, it will be necessary to train the railwayoperator'sstaff,includingtheoperatorstrainers.The Works Package Contractor shall submit for approval of the PDP a Training Plan by the date stated in the Contract, or, if nodateisgiven,six(6)Monthspriortothestartoftraining. The recommendations shall include details of training equipmentnecessaryandappropriatetoachievethetraining objectives. The Training Plan shall provide a structured training programme to educate and train personnel of the railway operator in all aspects of the system operation and maintenance and shall include, but not be limited to, the following: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) Scheduleoftrainingcourses; Objective, syllabus format, class size and duration of eachtrainingcourse; Training facilities to be provided by the railway operator; List of training materials and documentation to be includedwiththetrainingcourse; Methodofpreandposttestingtobeutilised; Qualifications and experience level necessary for the trainees; Instructorsqualifications;and Courseevaluationmethods.








GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG22Training


Courses offered shall be suitable for operating and maintenance staff classified below as distinct from engineeringdesignstaff: a) b) operations staff who are required to operate the equipment; first line and second line maintenance staff undertaking recovery / corrective and routine / preventivemaintenance; third line (high level) maintenance staff specialised in workshoprepairandoverhaulofequipment;and technical support staff specialising in fault analysis and investigation techniques associated with the particulartypeofequipment;and trainer who shall be required to develop the skills necessarytoconductfuturetrainingcourses.

c) d)

e) (6) (7)

Training shall be carried out in the English language and in theBahasaMelayulanguageasappropriatetoeachcourse. The Works Package Contractor shall provide comprehensive training materials in order for the PDP and/or Railway Operator and/or other interfacing Other Works Contractors to produce their internal computer based training for operationsandmaintenancepurposes.Detailsoftheformat and content of the training materials are defined in the Specifications. The Works Package Contractor shall take cognizance of the dates for Trial Operations and shall ensure that all appropriate personnel have received adequate training to equip them for all of the tasks required during Trial Operations before the commencement of the Trial Operations. Additional training may be required during Trial OperationsasmaybeidentifiedbythePDP.


Objectives Operations StaffTraining


G22.2.1 Trainingshall,asaminimum,impartthefollowingtechniquestothe RailwayOperatorsstaffoftheappropriategrades:





GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG22Training

a) b)

All planned maintenance and overhaul of the systems and equipmentsupplied,installedormodifiedundertheContract; Fault finding and rectification techniques for the systems and equipment supplied, installed or modified under the Contract (these shall be developed from the Works Package Contractors previous experience with similar equipment and also from the Fault Tree Analysis and other analyses carried outaspartofthereliabilityengineeringstudiesundertakenby theWorksPackageContractor); Normal operation of the systems and equipment supplied, installedormodifiedundertheContract; All rules, regulations, practices and procedures necessary for thesafeandefficientoperationofthesystemsandequipment supplied,installedormodifiedundertheContract;and All contingency plans necessary to speedily and safely recover from any mishaps or emergencies that may arise with the systems and equipment supplied, installed or modified under theContract.

c) d)


FirstLineand G22.2.2 SecondLine Maintenance andCorrective Maintenance Training ThirdLine G22.2.3 Maintenance andWorkshop Corrective Maintenance Training

The objective shall be to provide staff with knowledge and skills necessary to perform all aspects of preventive and corrective maintenancedowntotheleveloffaulthandlingandrecovery.


The objective shall be to provide training for workshop technicians for all supplied equipment. Training shall include, but not be limited to, use of test equipment, sub assemblybenchrepairandcalibration.





GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG22Training


The objective shall also be to provide training for technical support staff for system administration task for all supplied equipment and systems. Training shall include, but not be limited to network management, data archive and retrieval, system backup and restoration as well as configuration and modification techniques of the systems and equipment supplied, installed or modified under the Contract. Training shall, as a minimum, impart the following techniques to the RailwayOperatorsstaffoftheappropriategrades: a) all planned maintenance and overhaul of the systems and equipment supplied, installed or modified under theContract; fault finding, rectification, administration and modification techniques for the systems and equipment supplied, installed or modified under the Contract. These shall be developed from the Works Package Contractors previous experience with similar equipment and also from the fault tree analysis and other analyses carried out as part of the reliability engineering studies undertaken by the Works Package Contractor; normal and degraded modes of operation of the systems and equipment supplied, installed or modified undertheContract; all rules, regulations, practices and procedures necessary for the safe and efficient operation of the systems and equipment supplied, installed or modified undertheContract;and all contingency plans necessary to speedily and safely recover from any mishaps or emergencies that may arise with the systems and equipment supplied, installedormodifiedundertheContract.





Training Methods



Training shall consist of classroom (theory) training; computer based interactive multimedia training (CBT), simulatortraining,andpractical(handson)training. The training shall take place in Malaysia, unless there are prohibitive reasons, and shall be related to the Permanent Works.






GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG22Training


The training in Malaysia shall be supplemented, where appropriate, by training at the Works Package Contractors ownpremisesandthepremisesofthemajorsubcontractors during the manufacturing and factory testing phases of the Works. Maximum use shall be made of the opportunities presented during equipment testing phases of the Contract to demonstrate and practise fault finding and diagnostic techniques. To meet this need, the Works Package Contractor shall supplycompetenttrainers/instructorstocarryouttrainingto a high degree of proficiency in areas where the Works PackageContractorhasthespecialisedknowledge. In order to ensure that satisfactory standards are met, the railway operators operations/maintenance department in liaisonwiththetrainingdepartmentwillmonitoralltraining. The Works Package Contractor shall assign a training coordinator from his organization to be responsible for training. The training coordinator will be the main contact forallmattersrelatedtotraining. During the Defects Liability Period, when the Works Package Contractor is responsible for fault finding and repair, he shall provide additional practical handson training to the railway operators maintenance staff to facilitate the successful handoverofthisfunction. Whereapplicable,thePDPand/orRailwayOperatorwillpay all of his staffs salaries, travelling, subsistence and other relatedallowances






Railway Operators Trainers


The Works Package Contractor shall provide training courses and training materials to train the Railway Operators trainers to a level of competence to allow them to subsequently train the railway operators staff in all aspects of operation and maintenance of the systemsandequipmentsupplied,installedormodifiedaspartofthe Works. For maintenance, this shall include specific training in the use of maintenance documentation, all fault finding guides and any special gauges, instrumentation or test equipment required in any maintenance or fault finding and analysis. For operations, this shall include training in the operation of the equipment and the various systems.





GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG22Training

TrainingPlant G22.5 andEquipment


With the prior approval of the PDP, the Works Package Contractor may use the Permanent Works being erected, tested or commissioned for the training of the Railway Operators staff, provided that this is not to affect the Trial Operations. In general, the Works Package Contractor shall notusesparepartsforthispurpose. Training course notes shall be entirely compatible and, whereappropriate,crossreferencedtothemanualssupplied by the Works Package Contractor as part of the operation andmaintenancedocumentation. The Works Package Contractor shall provide such written or printed matter, functional equipment, samples, models, cutaway equipment, slides, films and other instructional materials as may be necessary for training. Such equipment and material shall remain the property of the Owner and shall be sufficient both for the persons trained by the Works PackageContractorandforthosetobesubsequentlytrained bytheRailwayOperatorstrainers. TheWorks PackageContractorshallprovidea trainersguide for each training course. The guide shall include the course agenda, objectives, list of resources and facilities required, detailed lesson plans, presentation notes, discussion guides, training aids and job aids, test papers, criteria and methodologyfortestingandassessment,andallotherthings that will enable the railway operators trainers to carry out repeatorrefreshercoursesinthefuture. All training course notes and trainers guides shall be submitted to the PDP for approval 6 weeks prior to the commencementofthefirsttrainingsessionofthecourse. Alltrainingcoursenotesandtrainersguidestobesubmitted to the PDP for approval initially and for further dispatch during the training delivery shall be in soft copy format that allowseasyreproduction. All training course notes and instructors guides shall be in a standardformatassetoutintheoperationandmaintenance manual specification, which is one of the Associated DocumentsasstatedintheAppendicestotheSpecifications. Specialized equipment required for the training course and the venue shall be arranged and provided by the Works PackageContractor.












GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG22Training

Testingand Assessment


The Works Package Contractor shall, at the conclusion of each training course, issue questionnaires to, and/or set practical tests for,alltraineesdirectedatdeterminingthelevelofsatisfactionwith the course content and to assess the level of knowledge and understanding of the course content by each trainee. The Works PackageContractorshallreviewtheresponsestoquestionnairesand the trainees test results and forward a summary to the PDP. If the PDP considers that the course has not achieved the required objectives, he will advise the Works Package Contractor who shall then organise and implement appropriate retraining at no additionalcost. The Works Package Contractor shall, at the completion of each trainingcourse: (1) provide the PDP with a consolidated training record listing the training course title, date of training, names of all trainees,trainingresultandotherrelevantinformation;and issue an appropriate certificate to each trainee who has successfullycompletedthecourse.

Training Records


Video Recording Modifications



TheWorksPackageContractorshallpermittheOwner/Operatorto record video images of any of the training sessions and to have the righttousetheserecordingsatanytime. The Works Package Contractor shall provide additional training and training materials where appropriate to impart the skills and knowledge required for the maintenance and/or operation of any part of the Works which is subjected to modification under the contract.







GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG22Training






GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG23SpareParts,SpecialTools&TestEquipment





TheWorksPackageContractorshallsupplytothePDP,aspart of the Works, in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter: a) spare parts including (but not limited to) subassemblies andthosetobesuppliedbyhissubcontractorsofanytier ("SpareParts"); special tools, jigs, fixtures and gauges and test equipment, including those to be supplied by his subcontractors of any tier ("Special Tools and Test Equipment");and software related items including (but not limited to) electrical programmable read only memory (EPROM), digital video disc (DVD), other related items which are the most updated items used in relation to the Works, andthosetobesuppliedbyhissubcontractorsofanytier (SoftwareRelatedItems).




The Spare Parts to be supplied by the Works Package Contractorshallconsistof: a) b) c) ContractSpares(ashereinafterdefined); CommissioningSpares(ashereinafterdefined);and DefectsLiabilitySpares(ashereinafterdefined).


The Works Package Contractor shall submit for the PDPs approval, schedules of spare parts and special tools by the times stated in the Contract, or if none is specified, not later than one (1) Month prior to the envisaged manufacturing datefortheassociatedequipmentormaterialstobesupplied undertheContract. The schedules shall be an amplification and confirmation of the schedules supplied with his Tender as may have been subsequently modified by negotiation with the PDP and shall be amended as necessary to include spares for subsequent changes in design. After review, the PDP shall instruct the itemswhicharetobeordered. The Works Package Contractor shall use separate sets of contract spares schedules for different subassemblies of the mainassembly/equipment
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GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG23SpareParts,SpecialTools&TestEquipment

(6) (7)

Notused. The information supplied in respect of each spare part or special tool and test equipment shall include, but not be limitedto,thefollowing: A. coredata a) main assembly/equipment/module/sub module i) ii) iii) iv) v) manufacturer/brandname manufacturer'stype/modelnumber rating serialnumber,ifapplicable totalnumberofthemainassembly/ equipment supplied under the Contract


subassemblyofmain assembly/equipment/module/submodule i) ii) iii) iv) manufacturer/brandname manufacturer'stype/modelnumber rating serialnumber,ifapplicable (if items (i) to (iv) above are different from those of the main assembly/equipment) v) total number of subassemblies in the main assembly/equipment suppliedundertheContract


individual item of main assembly/sub assembly/equipment/module/submodule i) ii) manufacturerordernumber parts description a full description of the Spare Part, including a note as to whether it is a sealed unit or whether it is an assembly or sub assembly which can be broken downintocomponentparts manufacturer/brandname the manufacturer's part number (if different from the ordering number)

iii) iv)




GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG23SpareParts,SpecialTools&TestEquipment

v) vi) vii) viii)

the subcontractor's ordering part number/reference,ifapplicable recommendedquantity unitofmeasurement unit price CIF to Malaysia including delivery to designated location amount (quantity multiplied by unit price) total number of the Spare Parts in the subassembly of the main assembly/equipment supplied undertheContract total number of the Spare Parts in all the subassemblies of all the main assemblies/ different equipment supplied under the Contract




TheWorksPackageContractorshallensure that the ordering part numbers specified shall enable the PDP and / or the Owner to procure the exact item in the future without reference to the Works Package Contractor. parts catalogue number/cross reference (illustrated parts catalogues to be submitted together with the contract sparesschedulestothePDP) drawingnumber lead times stating whether for exstock or for product manufactured upon receipt of order deliveryschedule(s) supplementaryinformation i) special handling instruction, e.g. for fragile materials, hazardous substances, radioactive materials, etc. storage requirement, e.g. overall dimensions including special packing (if any) for bulky materials,


primarydata a)

b) C. a)


b) c)





GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG23SpareParts,SpecialTools&TestEquipment

materialswithlimitedshelflife,etc. iii) iv) v) statutory requirements, licences,testcertificates,etc. interchangeabilityinformation tailor made product for the Contract or a standard boughtin product the source of the Spare Part or Special Tool and Test Equipment, including the manufacturers name and address together with that of hisMalaysianagent supplementary sheets to be used for detailed information which is important to the railway operators futureprocurement. expected utilisation during a 12 monthperiod e.g.




ContractSpares G23.2


The quantities of Spare Parts to be supplied by the Works Package Contractor shall be in accordance with the minimum quantities specified in the Specifications plus any additional requirements recommended by the Works Package Contractor. Such quantities of Spare Parts shall be sufficient forthefulloperationofthePermanentWorksforone(1)year of operation following the expiry of the Defects Liability PeriodfortheWorks("ContractSpares). Minor items that are commonly available in Malaysia shall be listed in the proposed schedules but not included in the determinationofsparesquantities. The Works Package Contractor shall supply and deliver the Contract Spares on or before completion of the Systems AcceptanceTestfortheWorksoranySectionthereof. For Contract Spare such as computer server, workstation and network device, the Works Package Contractor shall ensure the relevant licences, operation systems, image files, program, software tools and diagnostic routines required to carry out all the functions described in the Operation and Maintenance Manual or as required by the Specifications are suitably provided, installed and configured before delivery. The Works Package Contractor shall provide the means and instructions which describe the setting parameters of the sparethatiscriticaltoitsproperperformanceandoperation.
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GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG23SpareParts,SpecialTools&TestEquipment


The Works Package Contractor shall submit the Contract Spares schedules for the Contract Spares in hard copies (including the illustrated parts catalogues) as well as soft copiestothePDPforapproval. In addition to the Contract Spares, the Works Package Contractor shall keep on the Site throughout the installation, erectionandcommissioningperiods,sufficientstocksofSpare Parts to enable immediate replacement of any item in the PermanentWorksfoundtobedefectiveorinanywayinnon conformance with the Specification during the installation andcommissioningperiods("CommissioningSpares"). The Works Package Contractor shall supply and deliver the Commissioning Spares on or before the commencement of the Partial Acceptance Tests (PAT) for the Works or any SectionthereoforasstipulatedintheSpecifications. The Works Package Contractor shall submit to the PDP for approval a list of all Commissioning Spares that shall be made available during the installation, erection and commissioning periods. TheWorksPackageContractorshallnotbeentitledtouseany of the Contract Spares to replace any item in the Permanent Works during the installation, erection and commissioning periods. The Works Package Contractor shall not be permitted to remove any item from any piece of equipment that has been deliveredtoSite.Cannibalisationisstrictlyprohibited. In addition to the Contract Spares, the Works Package ContractorshallkeepsufficientstocksofSparePartsinanoff site location in Malaysia throughout the Defects Liability Periods to enable rapid replacement of any item in the PermanentWorksfoundtorequirereplacementaspartofthe Works Package Contractor's obligations during the Defects LiabilityPeriods(DefectsLiabilitySpares"). The Works Package Contractor shall supply and deliver the Defects Liability Spares on or before the commencement of theTrialOperations. The Works Package Contractor shall submit to the PDP for approval a list of all Defects Liability Spares that shall be maintained by the Works Package Contractor during the DefectsLiabilityPeriods. TheWorksPackageContractorshallnotbeentitledtouseany
G235of8Add.1 Revision:03

Commissioning G23.3 Spares






DefectLiability G23.4 Spares







GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG23SpareParts,SpecialTools&TestEquipment

of the Contract Spares to replace any item in the Permanent WorksduringtheDefectsLiabilityPeriods. SupplyofSpare G23.5 Partsand SpecialTools

Manufacture G23.5.1 The Spare Parts to be supplied under the Contract shall be andDeliveryof manufactured at the same time and to the same quality as the SpareParts Permanent Works. All Spare Parts shall be manufactured, works tested and inspected in accordance with the relevant quality system, suitably packed and labelled, and delivered by the Works Package Contractor.BeforetheSparePartsaredelivered,theWorksPackage Contractor shall submit a shipment advice to notify the PDP of the shipment details such as date of dispatch, date of arrival, vessel name, etc. as well as a packing list to indicate the contract number, variation order number, the lot size, quantity and weight. The Spare Parts shall be consigned to the Railway Operator and delivered in accordance with the PDP's instructions to a programme which shall ensure that sufficient Spare Parts are delivered to facilitate normal routine maintenance of the Permanent Works by the Railway Operator at all stages of completion. The Spare Parts shall be suppliedintotalnotlaterthanthedatesetoutintheSpecifications. SpareParts G23.5.2 (1) Spare Parts shall be fully interchangeable with their corresponding parts. All Spare Parts shall be configured to the latest revision during the Defects Liability Period. For Spare Parts such as electronic components, lamps, fuses and other consumable and highuse items, the Works Package Contractor shall ensure that a minimum of two alternative sourcesofsupplyareavailable. An adequate supply of Spare Parts shall be available throughout the design life of the Works as defined in the Specifications from the date of the Practical Completion of the whole of the Works. The Works Package Contractor undertakes to notify the Railway Operator at least 6 Months prior to deleting any item used in the Works from general availability. For any Spare Part that the Works Package Contractor is unable to confirm supply throughout the design life of the Works, or where the Works Package Contractor ceases availabilitysupportofthatitembeforetheendofsuchdesign life or if the Works Package Contractor ceases trading, the Works Package Contractor undertakes to transfer the relevant intellectual property rights, design rights and technology to the Owner and the Owner shall have the full righttomanufacturingdrawings,schedules,softwareandany other information needed to manufacture the relevant item.
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GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG23SpareParts,SpecialTools&TestEquipment

Such rights shall give the Owner complete freedom to manufacture the item either in Malaysia or anywhere else worldwide. The Works Package Contractor shall also undertake to notify the Owner two years in advance of the intended cessation of spares availability of any item. In addition, the Works Package Contractor is responsible for sourcingacompatiblealternativeforupkeepingthesystem (4) If any Spare Part is rendered obsolete by a design change or material change during the design life of the Works supplied under the Contract, the Works Package Contractor shall design a replacement item to match the identical mechanical andelectricalinterfacesastheformeritem. If, as a result of changes in technology, any Spare Part is not completely interchangeable with the original item, or the performance of any Spare Part is different from the original item, then if required by the PDP, the Works Package Contractor shall purchase the same from the railway operator, at a price agreed between the parties, in such quantities of the obsolete Spare Part as the railway operator maypossess.



G23.5.3 (1) The special tools, jigs, fixtures, gauges and test equipment (together with relevant licences, calibration certificates, software tools and diagnostic routines) required to carry out all the functions described in the Operating and Maintenance ManualsorasrequiredbytheContract,shallbesuitablypacked and identified, consigned to the Railway Operator, and delivered by the Works Package Contractor in accordance with the PDPs instructions not later than three (3) Months after the delivery of the first piece of equipment supplied under the Contract. The extent of supply shall include protective carrying cases as may be appropriate for the storage and use of each item. All Special Tools and Test Equipment shall be supplied with operation and maintenance manuals, complete diagrams, schematics, assembly and connection drawings, calibration instructions and circuit diagrams/descriptions for future maintenance. The Works Package Contractor shall provide and arrange training of the Railway Operator for any Special Tool andTestEquipmentuponrequestbythePDP. (2) Where the Works Package Contractor has used the special tools, jigs, fixtures, gauges and test equipment for installation and commissioning of the equipment, he shall refurbish and recalibrate each item to the satisfaction of the PDP prior to hand over to the Railway Operator, accompanied by the certificate of calibration traceable to a recognised International orNationalStandard.
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GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG23SpareParts,SpecialTools&TestEquipment

(3) Where any item of Special Tools and Test Equipment is provided by the Works Package Contractor, it shall be accompanied by drawings, manuals and full operating instructions to enable them to be used by suitably skilled (but not necessarily specially trained) personnel in a nonhazardous manner and to achieve the desired result in terms of accuracy andquality. (4) The Works Package Contractor shall provide the means and instructions which describe the parameters of each item of Special Tools and Test Equipment that are critical to their proper methods of use and which enable the Railway Operator's staff using the Special Tools and Test Equipment to achieve the proper performance and operation. Such means andinstructionsshallinclude,butnotbelimitedto,anyroutine checking or recalibration needs for the Special Tool and Test Equipmentitself.

Codingand taggingfor spareparts

G23.5.4 All spare parts and special tools shall each carry a tag suitably marked, coded and numbered. The requirements of the label or tag and the coding and numbering on them shall be approved by the PDP.






GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG24MockUps,Prototypes&Samples




(1) (2)

The Works Package Contractor shall produce mockups, prototypesandsamplesinaccordancewiththeSpecifications. Where required by the Specifications, the mockups and prototypesshalldemonstratetheproposeddesignanddesign options. The mockups shall increase in levels of detail and finishasthedesignprogresses Where required by the Specifications, the mockups and prototypes maygenerallybeproducedinitiallywithdummy equipment items unless otherwise specified, so long as there issufficientdetailtoevaluatetheproposeddesign. Where required by the Specifications, the mockups and prototypes shall be constructed at the Works Package Contractors premises or other locations as directed by the PDP. A minimum of three formal reviews will be conducted bythePDP. The complete and agreed mockups and prototypes shall be suitable for transportation to and display in Malaysia for final reviewbythePDP,theRailwayOperatorandtheOwner.The Works Package Contractor shall transport and set up such mockups and prototypes at a nominated site in Malaysia. After each review, the Works Package Contractor shall incorporate the PDPs comments into the mockups and prototypespriortothenextscheduledreview Design documents associated with the mockups and prototypes shall be submitted to the PDP for approval not later than 3 weeks prior to the mockups and prototypes activitiestakingplace.










GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG24MockUps,Prototypes&Samples






GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG25Photographs





Colour photographs showing the progress of the Works and the quality of the materials and workmanship shall be taken by the Works Package Contractor at locations determined by the PDP. The photographs shall be of a quality that is approvedbythePDP. Progress photographs shall be submitted at times and frequencies determined by the PDP, and their size, number, format and presentation shall be in accordance with the requirementsoftheSpecifications. The photographs shall be taken by digital camera where the Works Package Contractor intends to use such photographs forrecordingpurpose.








GeneralSpecificationforRailwaySystems SectionG25Photographs





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