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WARNING: IODINE IN LUGOL'S SOLUTION by Walter Last After MMS (acidified sodium chlorite) I regard Lugol's solution as the

most effective broad-spectrum microbicide, and being specific for Candida and other fungi I am not a!are of a medical drug !ith e"ual effectiveness #herefore health authorities in most or all developed countries are presentl$ tr$ing to ma%e it unavailable for natural therapists and self-healing under the prete&t that it might be used to produce illegal drugs It is no! difficult to obtain and I have become a!are of deceptive methods being used b$ chemists or pharmacists (probabl$ under instruction from health authorities) In 'e! (ealand, for instance, a product is being sold as )* Lugol's solution !ith +,mcg of total iodine per drop (from iodine and potassium iodine) .eople used this product for Candida treatment !ithout reali/ing that the iodine content is onl$ )* of !hat it should be for Candida treatment #herefore, instead of 0 drops per dose of regular Lugol's solution one !ould need to ta%e 0 ml per dose of this product 'ot reali/ing this, those !ho tr$ this lo!-potenc$ product !ill conclude that Lugol's solution does not !or% and (as hoped for b$ health authorities) ma$ return to medical drugs I suspect that similar tactics are also being used in other countries, especiall$ in the 12 In 3erman$ Lugol4s solution has been sold !ith a concentration of - 5* total iodine, again !ithout individuals reali/ing that this re"uires 6, times more drops than regular Lugol4s iodine If $ou cannot obtain enough Lugol4s solution to last for 7 !ee%s then tr$ to use a full dose for at least , da$s In the 2S regular Lugol's solution !ith 6-* total iodine (from 6-* potassium iodide and ,* iodine in !ater) is no! outla!ed #he highest total amount of iodine allo!ed is + +* In the 2S $ou are still able to bu$ Iodoral tablets !ith have the same iodine content as + drops of Lugol's solution, or 67 mg per standard tablet, but even ,- mg tablets are available #herefore, !hen bu$ing Lugol's solution, al!a$s compare the stated iodine values on the bottle !ith standard or regular Lugol's solution #his has a total iodine concentration of 6-* from 6-g of potassium iodide and ,g of elemental iodine per 6-- ml, and nominal 8 , mg of iodine per drop If nothing else is available $ou ma$ e&periment !ith medical iodine preparations, !hich ma$ be in alcohol or other solvents I believe that these are less effective and more dangerous than Lugol's solution I have had communications from individuals !ho believed that the$ !ere allergic to iodine because the$ reacted to medical preparations !hile subse"uentl$ the$ had no problems !ith Lugol's solution 9ere are some iodine-related lin%s .resentl$ $ou can still bu$ genuine Lugol's solution from !!! strideintohealth com #o use Lugol's solution for Candida elimination and anti-microbial therap$ see #he 2ltimate Cleanse :or more detailed information on using iodine in maintaining health and treating diseases see Iodine; <ring <ac% the 2niversal 'utrient Medicine Another e&cellent article is Iodine for 9ealth b$ =onald > Miller

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