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Act Of Giving (by Wade Welch) If we study history, we will understand that humanity has a goal...

to maintain an existence that mirrors what our souls are in Heaven. When we die, our souls are individuals. We then try to stay on the path of light and go far enough that we again combine with other enlightened souls and form a singular entity...ready to reincarnate for our purpose...God's Will. In Heaven, we are united as one, and our goal here is to also be united. Reincarnation currently involves the transportation of a soul from Hell into the material plane. Hell is the darkness surrounding the path of light souls travel toward Heaven, and beyond. Our current goal for the future may involve the gathering of enlightened souls, who made it to Heaven, so that we can incarnate into the material plane with a majority of these enlightened souls, and leave those egoic souls in Hell. This would require the separation of a soul from the singular entity, and it would enter the world without the consciousness of the entity. As a child, the newly incarnated enlightened soul would again achieve enlightenment through the sharing of knowledge from parents or elders. This would be an Act of Giving. Today, all we can do is try to share knowledge in order to make a difference, because we are dominated by egoic souls from Hell. What does a person do if they want to make a difference? The answer to that question is a relative all depends on the circumstances. If a lifetime leads up to the moment when circumstances present themselves, and there seems to be a chance to do something, does a person know it? It seems difficult to understand such a moment, because I don't think it can be imagined. I think that moment has to present itself, with an impact. In the past, such an event might present itself almost any day. Life had a slower pace, and people had relationships based on actions...sharing, teamwork, and planning. It was necessary to build the future. There was legitimate opportunity since there was a need for the basics of life. Today, it would seem that things are different...and of course they are. We no longer work toward our live for the whole. We see ourselves as Page 1

Act Of Giving individuals. We think and live through our ego, so that we only care about a very selfish manner. We actually think the meaning of life is to focus on our inner But one thing stays the same. Giving involves one person at a time. True giving involves tangible actions. Donations would seem like giving, but when the giver is not involved in the bottom line, it is a compromise. So, what is giving? Does it have any value? Society Our country began with the Constitution. We left Europe to start a country with freedom and respect for the pursuit of happiness. We had leaders who understood that government was the enemy. It was obvious that responsible leadership was the best method to establish these concepts, because our past did not include equality and freedom. Those of us who did not own slaves, or suffer from psychopathic or sociopathic behavior, were humble servants who did what was necessary to survive. If we were inspired by people who we admired, we had a reason to improve society. We started a family heritage so we could provide for our children. Ideally, it was a life based on the concept of giving. Over a few generations, the leadership became the focus for people who were driven by ambition and the lust for power. These people wanted to change society, and provide leadership that gave them control. Even if we were able to keep the foundation of America alive, it is inevitable that corruption will win in the long run. We had no method to see into the minds of each person...which allowed us to again evolve into an egoic society. Today, if we were to discard our egoic nature...well, more like egoic reality...and then study our society, we would have no choice but to condemn. The only alternative would be to make some excuse. Of course, we know this even with our ego. We just file it away as something unimportant. We replace it with our current ego flavor. Page 2

Act Of Giving The brain operates on electrical impulses. They connect or they do not. The connection of cells is based on two patterns...the repeat of the old, which is addiction...or the new connection, which is thinking. Addiction is the default mechanism. The lure of power and wealth is an overwhelming temptation for addictive personalities. The ego makes it possible to make a commitment that reasonable people would normally not consider. There are endless ways to convince ourselves that truth is not important. Accept a new thought process...maybe just as an experiment...nothing to lose. This new process needs to include personal organization and goal orientation, focusing on the discovery of truth. And to begin something new like this, you must first have incentive and courage, that quickly leads to a stimulus, so that your brain enjoys opposed to addiction. Involve a family member and you double the chance of success. How is it possible for thinking to be better than addiction? You have needs, fears, and wants. You need to follow evidence worthy of your attention. Strong enough for you to overcome your fears and for you to believe. You have everyday life that established compromise as your template...long ago. And maybe you feel alone. You may need acceptance, understanding, and support from others. You may need the inspiration to believe in yourself and face who you really are...which will take help. The help you need must come from the voice of experience...not a book. This is where we have failed in the past, because overcoming the ego is the first step, and we view a leader who has accomplished that as a threat...not immediate help. Truth is discovered through suffering, and if you have the support of true strength, the despair is overcome. That is what you find when you look inward, face your addictions, and find is despair. You either run back to your addictions, or you find incentive to begin thinking. With help, despair is overcome quickly, but we don't get help. The definition of humanity is based on giving...we either have help or we go it alone...and that means either failure or extended suffering. Being a part of the solution is not easy, as history proves. I discovered that I could endure the suffering, but in the end, I had help. Even then, the suffering remains. Page 3

Act Of Giving Spirituality In the past, we had a drastic need to improve our quality of life. I can see where spirituality was needed, and religion helped us advance in our level of civilization. We had to unite with shared beliefs and make judgments on enemies. We did a pretty good job, and history establishes our progress. There does come a point where we have to find new information. Without truth, we will abandon sprituality and self-destruct again. Religion has spiritual connotations, but as executed in society, is mostly a social perspective with a political agenda. Faith is the message, but there is a that came long ago. Social order has always trumped religious beliefs. I would not argue against religion for any reason I can imagine. It is one of the few systems in human society that has worked at all. What else gives our souls a fighting chance against the ego? In the past, we had help. We can argue about where it came from, but that is not important. That information will be discovered in the next 20 years or so. Our government already knows the truth about this. They know much about our future as well. We may become obsessed with the pursuit of this knowledge, but that is not the issue. We already have our life's meaning laid out. It is an individual commitment to truth and the acceptance of that truth. It helps to be intelligent, and have a scientific mind, but not necessary...if we have the act of giving in society. The whole of society will defend anyone who decides to live a common meaningless existence. Even the definition of humanity will back you up. We take the easy way out and focus on ourselves. Society views enlightenment as the knowledge that we are even more important individually than we think we are. We are beings from another dimension and become better than the "fools" around us that focus on spirituality as a sacrifice. The conscience is there, for everyone, and cannot be denied in the end. It will almost be put off to the point of worthlessness, but even people who live their entire lives in a delusional state of excuse-based self-important egomania will be forced to face the truth. It will be a pathetic situation, owning your true identity, facing your maker, and finally being forced to discard childhood and take responsibility for your actions. "So sorry, I didn't know. I am just a fool." Page 4

Act Of Giving Have you read my words...maybe words I overuse...maybe words that make people stop reading? These words may have you label me a fool, or insane, or condemned. If you read, and not just skim, you already understand very well why I discuss the "fool". The fool is a term describing the person who makes the commitment and has survived suffering. The fool is the person who lives through actions that establish truth...which threatens the existence of the masses. The FBI (and most government agencies) has a consistent problem with "leaks"...that is one of their primary requirements...that agents keep secrets. The leaks are always a constant threat, and one of the most likely contributors to a failed task. It can be difficult to lie over and over, but it is inevitably required just to accomplish the task. So, through the use of excuses, agents don't have to be responsible. The fool is the person who values our society...and who sacrifices their career for spirituality. Some secrets are impossible to keep all the way to death. It is common for people to finally tell someone the secrets on a deathbed. For some, that may be the closest they will come to experiencing spirituality. The ego has lost its hold, and truth has a chance. I propose that those who give up the lifelong effort to keep the secrets regret that they did not do so sooner. My Suffering In my life there have been several moments when I was affected by immoral, irresponsible, and even illegal activities of other people, corporations, organized crime, and the federal government. It all involved various ways to lie, cheat, and steal. These acts always had victims. The several times I was the victim was just business as usual for me, and I got over it. What inspired me to search for understanding was the fact that other people were so willing to inflict suffering upon another. This is where I had trouble. I have never been able to understand why people do these things. I want to know the very specific reasons behind dysfunctional behavior. Moreover, I want to know the truth as it relates to all of history and the meaning of life. I wanted to accomplish more than what my life is turning out to be. Page 5

Act Of Giving I was at a turning point in my life. I had done everything I set out to do, or had failed, and lost all I cared about. So I wanted to know why, and in a meaningful way. I wanted the truth laid out in a scientific and factual manner that allowed problems to be understood. I just seem compelled to search for the truth because I knew the answer is out there. This is how I discovered Edgar Cayce. He did everything so the entire world could see, but the only people who cared exploited that truth for their own purpose. The rest seemed to be lost. It actually seemed to me that mankind did not deserve to know the truth. How can the entire meaning and history...even the future...of mankind be laid out for all to see, and no one cares? It only took me a few days to understand. All of the information was easily found online back around 2002-2006. The search engines weren't bombarded with people obsessed with the potential to make millions. I easily located extremely informative and insightful data. It would not be long before information was not only used for profit, but guarded...which made any moral reality obsolete. I decided to write the truth and the answers all in one article and give it away to those who I care about, as well as anyone who cares enough about truth to read it. My goal was to take a long and drawn out process involving millions of words, and put it all in 20 pages. How can the efforts of Cayce go unnoticed...except for those smart enough to exploit it? We should all know truth. Edgar Cayce did his job so outstandingly well that it is indisputable. Not only did he explain and prove everything life stands for, he did much more. He healed people everyday, displaying the fact that our healing techniques are barbaric compared to his abilities. He made people rich with his predictions, and changed the world forever. He literally answered every question given to him...for 40 years. Eventually, he had to stop aiding those who were opposing his efforts by exploiting his abilities. He then began answering questions about the meaning of life. That is when I began to understand why I am here. I spent years researching and writing, only to find out no one cares about truth. That is when I became spiritual...not in theory...but in reality. This is where my search started getting truly amazing. Page 6

Act Of Giving My work speaks for itself, but who is it speaking to? It took me on a quest involving extreme sacrifice, suffering, and loss. I actually lost everything...all my possessions, family, friends, ambition, and my brain. I didn't know this is where I was heading, but I actually started walking the walk...not my intention at any point. I wanted to write to solve problems. Before I finished, I realized I could not...but I kept on. I understood that I will not understand. Not until I was homeless with no worldy possessions, no outstanding abilities, and no hope...did I have hope. I discovered it by waking up in a world in which I did not belong, and yet I was at home. Never in my wildest dreams did I understand...that this would be my future. Only when I had nothing, imagine...absolutely nothing...not even an identity, did I find myself. In 2010, when I was in the psyche ward (read my auto-biography to find out how I got there), I was with real people...pawns...with the true example of humanity...not the manufactured abomination we have become. The egoic well-groomed, selfish and shallow, perfect example of a lost soul...the exploitative profit-seeking, self-destructive, excuse ridden, delusional organism that abuses everything in our world, has become what America stands for. I was in this place, with no hope, and surrounded by total despair. Yet, I was prepared. The night before, when I was taken to the emergency room, I was visited by a woman who talked to spirits. She came right over to me when I sat down, and looked at me with a smile. She didn't say a word, but in one second I was at peace. At that exact moment, Terry entered. She began scribbling in circles with a pen on a pad. I noticed him immediately and spent the next hour focusing on him...while my guardian angel scribbled hour after hour. This woman, who spoke to "angels", stayed by me...quietly. I would occasionally speak to her, and she would reply after several seconds, when she had a pause in her activity. She never said much, but she never left my side. She was very comforting. I was in that emergency room the remainder of that day and night, but it seemed to go by quickly. I never saw her again after that night. I was to become best friends with Terry for the next two weeks. He and I were together the entire time during daylight hours. I think that she was protecting me from him. I was taken to the psyche ward the next morning. It was dominated by despair and suffering, and I was up against what might be the most extreme conditions and Page 7

Act Of Giving capable adversaries, but I felt at home. I was actually brave. I could literally feel that I was. Seizures took away my brain function a few days before...and I had no sleep for days. I had no idea where I was going. I was denied all the rights that other patients had, except that I stood up for myself if I felt threatened. I was an easy victim to the doctors, the lawyer, and social workers. The next two weeks would be the most spiritual experience in my life. I was transformed from a person who was alone to part of something I still do not understand. I was given the ability to see clearly. I discovered that I could attract the attention of good people, and appear insignificant to the bad. Through my years of study, the Buddha taught me spirituality and the value of suffering, as well as living through actions rather than words. Atlantis taught me that people can be good as a whole, on a long term basis...which identifies the value in what I have discovered. Cayce taught me that we have a connection to the other plane...the spiritual dimension...and that truth is the fabric of spirituality. Truth is not a concept or a theory. It is slapping us in the face constantly. Egoic reality defines what we are...yet it has a purpose. We have to display in the akashic record what we can be in a worse case scenario. If we don't do that, our future will continue to be delusional. We have to make it as obvious as it can be or we are doomed. Our selfish existence is necessary for us to change back to what we were more than 20,000 years ago. That explains very well why we cannot see who we are...why no one cares about the truth. We are not yet done showing how bad we can be. Don't be surprised if we kill our toddlers so we can have a few more selfish nights. Don't be surprised if we kill others because they are slightly different. Don't be surprised if we kill them because they tell the truth. Don't be surprised if we kill them for sport. Don't be surprised if we eat them. Read my words. They are truth. They have no value to us, but there is a reason why I write. It is called the future. The akashic record will display for the entire universe what we can expect if we deny our true selves. Right now, we don't even believe in the future. We believe in what exists the least...our present. Even though the past has proven who and what we are, we deny it. We have no choice but to plan our future, and that is because of who we are...the remains of our past. Page 8

Act Of Giving Now factor in the reason why we have failed in the past. The universe changes. Our planet changes. We have to adapt. We are children in the universe. We are not ready to grow up. We were once perfect, for 40,000 years, but the universe affected us. We have a long way to go before we have options that allow us to change with the universe, but because of the "Artist"...God...and his plan of Free Will...we have a future. It is called science. That is why I search for truth. It is science, and is our future...despite who we now are. I have Faith, a gift from our true identity. I have discovered the ability to forgive myself. I have discovered my love never ends. I am very lucky. I have suffered, and searched for truth, all at the same time. I am a science experiment...gone very well. But my writings have always been for me...not to teach others. I love humanity. I love imperfection. I have learned a lot. I have achieved my life's purpose. I have learned the hard way, yet it was easy. It was beautiful. I am truly a piece of God. Death is more precious than life, at this point. Read for truth and understanding, and you will be a part of the future. Being a part of the present is not so bad, especially if that is the best you can be, because you do serve a purpose. The rest of us will take up the slack. My Writing Writing does not come naturally for me. I do it because it serves a few purposes. Since the topic is a difficult and controversial one for this society, my chances of effectively reaching a reader are low. My first purpose is to find satisfaction in my efforts. Writing can be a relationship between the writer and the words. "To write spiritually is to engage in a search for authentic language. Youll find your truth by writing your way to it." -- Patrice Vecchione "The positive thing about writing is that you connect with yourself in the deepest way, and that's heaven. You get a chance to know who you are, to know what you think. You begin to have a relationship with your mind." -- Natalie Goldberg Page 9

Act Of Giving My second purpose is to find one person who feels the inspiration to take my words and make them more effective. It is inevitable that it will happen if the message is spiritual truth, no matter how low the odds of success. As a writer committed to finding the truth about life, and then assembling it so that a message is delivered, I know that I am just a tool. The messages, and most likely the words as well, have been written long ago. The words have the potential to change person at a time, but that goal is a longshot. For a writer to take on such a quest, there has to be a true commitment. In my life, that commitment is the result of suffering, and is a basic fundamental truth of spirituality. I want to know the truth, so I have a commitment to study. Research is my best asset. Around the turn of the century, searching for truth was easy. The search engines did it for me. Today, it is much more difficult. Truth is hidden and guarded. The potential for profit has allowed the ego to take over. Those words have been manipulated in order to allow for the opportunity to be successful in a world dominated by the ego. Truth is no longer valued. Modern spirituality is a compromise of truth. Actual truth...ancient not accepted because we serve ourselves, and profit is what we value. With suffering, the soul has a chance. A person can discard the ego and not seek profit, which allows us to again value wisdom. It is easy to see why my writings keep ancient wisdom alive so that I may find one person at a time. Yes, I offer actual truth...ancient truth...spiritual truth. It is the equation that allows the soul to have a chance. When I write, I am using words from the past, attempting to deliver a message from that past. Seldom do I write anything new. I am borrowing the words that have origins in an existence where truth was a fundamental part of life. I look at the sources of my information, and quote those sources, as they are the link that allowed me to again be a link...for it is not about me, or is about giving. True giving involves taking suffering from one person and owning it...allowing another to move forward.

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Act Of Giving Writing words from the past is sharing, commitment, resolve, investment, destiny. None of it is about is never about us. That is the lesson. Teach others to see the value of giving, of suffering...because it is not giving if it has no cost, and what greater cost than suffering? In a society that is ruled by the ego, suffering is maybe the only tool that can effectively destroy that barrier. To avoid suffering is to join the masses. Yes, it is difficult to embrace. What may be one of the most valuable insights is that it can be a choice...a daily routine. We can "tune in" to the situation of another person and embrace their suffering, which not only has potential to help that person, but can also help the giver. As a matter of fact, it has much more potential to help the giver than the taker. Ideally, if it is practiced correctly, it shares the value equally. My perspective is the only variable in the equation. It is important to have the soul triumph over the have suffered and embraced that suffering. I had to live among the masses who serve nothing but themselves, and I became a target. Being an easy target is being exactly what the ego seeks. How many people today can walk the walk, and still serve a purpose? My ability to maintain my perspective is the equation, and the sum is apparent suffering, but the reality is spirituality, which cannot be seen by the masses. My obligation is to do my best to give the reader the chance to understand the message. I serve these functions: 1) to offer ancient truths in a fashion readily accepted by current society 2) to display passion in my belief of those messages 3) to show evidence that the messages have merit 4) to compare the pros and cons of living through ideals It is quite a challenge to accept such responsibility. The number 1 function is my most difficult, because it is impossible at the moment. I have to change that goal to offer truths in a fashion accepted by an enlightened soul. That makes it seem all a failure, because the purpose seems offer truth to a person who already knows truth, when that person may be one in a million today. The masses cannot accept truth.

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Act Of Giving So it is easy to see why the ego rules. There is no commitment to truth...and here lies the most important inspiration for me to write. I am writing to the soul who will be serving humanity, while almost all of society will never have a chance. That is why I seem to write in a language that has no value. I display the soul prominently, but I am writing to the egos. So, to that one person at a time...I write to you, and I will embrace you after this life is over. The definition of humanity lies with us, and how fitting that is. Why not invest the future of humanity into the souls who have survived and embraced suffering? It is not about quantity, it is about having a chance. That small chance is the definition of humanity, and how important that is. Yes, my writings discuss the fool...the insane..the condemned. As the egoic reality makes a toast in our honor, help me share that moment...for it is in that brief moment that God watches. The Word is alive and well. All it takes is one fool. How wonderful life is. Intuition Dictionary definitions: (knowledge) direct perception of truth, independent of any reasoning process (philosophy) the act by which the mind perceives the agreement or disagreement of two ideas So, if I were to be intuitive, I would have a source for information not utilizing the five senses. Maybe from another person, or a spirit, or another dimension, or an unknown source. Or assumptions. Or a psychological need based on a deficiency. Or deductive reasoning based on incomplete information from another source, or sources. I would think that intuition may be the result of many years of feeling that there is more out there than we perceive...from the accumulated influence of other people...or the understanding that spirituality has a purpose in our lives. I am sure if I had time to study intuition I would feel inspired to understand it. Page 12

Act Of Giving My question is...when does a person go from seeking truth to knowing truth? I can certainly understand an impulse that there is more to life...or more than an impulse...maybe where insight was presented to a person from an unknown source...that achieved true understanding, which is enlightenment. I had two experiences in my life where it was more than intuition, it was tangible...that there is a truth out there we do not perceive. As a person who is scientific, and accepts theory, and then researches...seeking truth...and is demanding, I want to avoid jumping from a theoretical understanding to exacting my "absolutes" on others. Do we, as a species, first understand our role in the universe, and then seek more understanding. Or do we assume that understanding? Do we do all the legwork, that may go beyond one lifetime, or do we take the quick path...and assume? Does the ego play a role? Do we redefine the ego as something that suits us, as we are part of a society governed by the ego? The Dalai Lama invented a new Buddha so it would be more effective politically in an egoic society, because there is little realized value in this society for truth. I could write pages displaying examples of this event happening everyday all over the world. A scientific perception begins at the beginning. Does an intuitive perception bypass all that is true because of emotion, or ego, or convenience? Or is it more than that? So, why would I write about the mechanisms that control society and support the ego? Is it possible that there is a profound value in intuition established thousands of years ago, and we are not discovering anything new? Are we promoting value in ourselves because we are obsessed with ourselves? Are these thoughts difficult to own individually? My efforts are not to be feared, as I can change my mind in an instant. The thing I value is your opinion. I challenge people everyday, and most...almost not like it at all. They blame me. I only have one incentive, as I will not be around long unless another influencing agent makes it happen. My goal is to share truth and understanding, and it is not for my benefit.

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Act Of Giving I work through, and as the result of...suffering. I have no problem being the fool, choosing the difficult path, and losing all that I have. I embrace insanity, as it defines truth. I certainly have no desire for money. So I join anyone who chooses to label fact, I don't need anyone...I will gladly do it alone. I have always stood before society and welcomed any input...especially negative...especially that which would apply stress and make me work harder. To show me I am wrong is a moment when I learn more, and become more effective. I am just a normal everyday person...who is standing before truth...welcoming suggestions, because I started out knowing nothing. No, I am not a popular guy. I started this quest with the goal of reaching one person. I gave up that quest because it was impossible. And here I am, not because I want to be...yet I am reaching one person each day. One thing I think I may be intuitive about...I expect that after I am gone I will be more popular than I am now. I am alone, and will leave alone. That pretty much tells a story...and that story will continue to be told. How Dare Me Why would I challenge anyone to be anything other than what they want to be? Why would I care about the future? Why would I assume a role that goes against the grain of society? Why would I draw a line between myself and all that is wrong with the world? Is that disrespect those who are more powerful? Yes, I am at a turning point in my life. Although I have gone against the grain all my life, I still need to finish what I started. I tried to take the easy way out. I thought it was pointless to keep trying to help when each day it was very clearly established that I am wasting my time. How can a person continue to "give" when there is no evidence supporting anything I care about? And that is how it was again, one year ago...except this time I had help. I was given a chance to have a help a straightforward manner. It was a test, but it did get me to make the commitment. The fact that I was trying to help my main adversary is one of the most important aspects of this whole matter. I was sacrificing for no good reason, as it relates to me. I was Page 14

Act Of Giving proving who I am...the fool. As it turned out, I became what I was supposed to be...the chosen one. So, what do I do now? Well, it is simple. I have two choices. 1) I could babble on with 2000 words...or more...talking about your inner self becoming what your true being suggests that you be. My goal is to get you to listen, and then tell you to be who you are, only better. I will say nothing at all, but I will stroke your ego...over and over again. That is how spiritual leaders do it. That is how politicians do it. They STROKE YOUR EGO. 2) I could tell you the truth, which is the last thing you want to hear. I will force you to face who you are. That is exactly what you need to hear, and what you will never hear. The ego is a formidable opponent, and will never be overcome without a true commitment, and suffering displays that type of commitment. The original Buddha was able to enter this world in a unique manner. He had no ego when he turned 18 years old, and entered the world...society...for the first time. That would possibly establish him as an abomination...a fool. He had no chance...a zero make it in society. Yet, he became the most important man of his time, and all of time. He was not the product of alien influence...abstract breeding...God's Will...or as the result of centuries of planning. He was simply the result of chance. The rare combination of randomness that allowed something pure to enter the world and see clearly. We all enter this world with ego attached. It is simple math. How dare me! IT IS SIMPLE MATH. You are one plus one equals two. To simplify it...1 + 1 = 2. If it was not that simple, then you would be something other than what you are. That is how it works. There is no channeling of the inner spirit...from aliens or anything else. It is simply the truth trying to get you to listen. That is why SUFFERING is important. Today, that is the only thing that will get you to add correctly. The ego says 1 + 1 = 65, and you love it. How can truth ever compete with that? Page 15

Act Of Giving Music Edgar Cayce discussed the failures we experience in our current goals. He said: "Do learn music. It is part of the beauty of the spirit. For remember, music alone may span that space between the finite and the infinite. In harmony of sound, harmony of color, even in harmony of motion itself, its beauty is akin to that expression of the soul-self, in harmony of the mind, if used properly in relationship to the body." Vibration is the mechanism that distinguishes positive from negative in our universe. Cayce showed us that low vibration is the key to becoming harmonious with the spirit and our spiritual goals...allowing us to connect with other souls on a spiritual level. Our universe is composed of magnetic forces that are high vibration, and are negative. They attach to the soul when incarnated...neutralizing the positive charges of enlightened souls, as well as increasing the negative charges of egoic souls. This attaching negative magnetic vibration results in the ego, and is delusional. We see things as positive, but are from a negative matter who we are. In our universe, we all have ego attached. Without the Act of Giving, we will view life as the opposite of what it is. An enlightened soul has potential to stay focused and achieve life's purpose, while the egoic soul must spend a lifetime or more seeking truth. Since our society cultivates the ego, and we are almost all egoic to begin with, we have no Giving. Our spiritual goals are almost nonexistent. The requirements to achieve enlightenment form an equation. We need to lose the ego to accept truth. If we were to begin with no ego, then we need: Act of Giving = truth = enlightenment...a very simple equation. If we have no Giving, then: Suffering + suffering + suffering = truth = enlightenment = more suffering...because we have no one to share with, but we have laid the foundation for our next life. Page 16

Act Of Giving If we begin egoic, then we need: Suffering + suffering + suffering with no resolution in this life. The next life will be the same until we reject the ego. Since we currently all begin with ego attached, our goal is to find truth so we have a starting point. If we receive Giving after we have rejected the ego, we then have a chance to be a part of the solution. Our current reality is that we are lost as a whole, and even if we are part of a family-oriented religious community, we still need the same basic truths. If we apply a coat of religion over the ego, we are most likely not moving forward. Poetry and lyrics are an improved method of expressing truth, as compared to writing. There is a harmonious talent expressed when a writer completes a work that embodies beauty in more ways than basic understanding. We have the potential to reach inner strengths that reinforce a desire to give. We have all experienced inspiration from songs that are simple and one dimensional. If we combine harmony with a strong message, we have the ability to attach emotion to our ability to give. Picture a commercial that has a catchy tune, a visual presentation, and a message that transends the ego and finds the spirit. Take that commercial and make it real. Become the character in everyday life...display to the world on a simple level that you are committed to truth. People can easily walk by anyone and avoid the message, but can they do it when it happens everyday, and involves people displaying that message through actions, music, and commitment? Imagine how it might have been ages ago when ancient man witnessed superior beings displaying aura, harmony, power, and spirit. Today, we are close to the point where we have all of the necessary tools to achieve true spirituality. All we need is teamwork displaying the message on a daily basis, and not on TV, or any other media. We need that message displayed on the streets...displaying sacrifice and commitment. The key is in our message. All it has to do is target the soul and avoid the ego, which is the opposite of what we do today. We cannot deliver a message and profit from that message. To be an honest message, it requires suffering. That is exactly what the ego fears, because suffering is the embodiment of harmony, truth, and beauty...and most of Page 17

Act Of Giving What kind of person takes on such a challenge? To embrace suffering and look within, discover who they really are, and then make the commitment to seeking truth? That person would have to resolve the contradiction of society in their mind, and then find one person at a time to share. Rejection would be the result, unless the commitment was strong enough to endure more suffering. That is a difficult question, and it displays very well the definition of humanity. We are a longterm goal, and the only realistic approach to resolve the concept internally is to discover faith. That is the first step. Not the compromised popular version, but that which is the product of suffering. There are an infinite number of excuses, but all along we are accumulating enlightened souls, one at a time. Jesus I think that Jesus was a man who had help. As I see my existence ending, I realize that I could have been that man. I understand that any man can be that man. Once someone makes the commitment to sharing truth, and is able to maintain that commitment through actions, while still trying to understand, and does not quit...he gets help. When someone has the potential, and stays committed, no matter what the cost, he will get stronger. Even if he dies. Even if he has no clue. All he needs is focus, and the help will be there. But it requires truth. There lies the dilemma. For a man to make such a commitment, he needs inspiration. It may start with reading about truth. He may need to feel the suffering of another. He may need to have been on the receiving end of giving. He may have to be a witness to the commitment from another person. Giving is a powerful tool to provide inspiration, when it is combined with suffering, which establishes a profound impact. If that man has musical talent, originality, and intelligence...he can be Jesus. The potential is there. It is a mathematical equation. There have been many in the past and the present, and there will be in the future. As we are flawed today, we have almost maximized our potential. It may well be that a new Jesus will not complete the quest, but one thing I have learned, he will start a chain reaction that will get there. We curently have many enlightened souls in Heaven, waiting for those who join. Even though the odds are low, it happens everyday. Page 18

Act Of Giving I have seen it. I have felt it. I have lived it. As I prepare to leave, I have realized, a man who is a talented very intelligent, has inspiration, and is committed to truth...has potential to change the world. Yes, that is a longshot, but one thing I do know...a longshot is a part of an that has potential to establish integrity in a universe based on the science of vibration. Humanity, as defined today, is a world where the 1% deals with the reality of science. The rest of us only care about manufacturing a truth that focuses on things that only exist in our delusions. Although our history and our future is supported by faith, self-forgiveness, and love...we live in the present. The act of giving is defined by suffering, and supports spirituality, which defines science. I was on the receiving end, in the last year...the receiving end of giving. I witnessed the reality in the spiritual plane. I was given the chance to see it firsthand in this material plane...evil without the ability to overcome truth...a fool receiving help from the other side...egoic reality living the illusion...and a couple of heroes who had no clue. I leave with true Faith, having forgiven myself, and love for my failures. Without suffering, I was a leaf blowing in the wind. The person who can be objective and spiritual, and can feel a presence beyond what we can see, can also admit to the obvious. The physical evidence, along with coincidental evidence, does more than suggest that we are the product of entities more advanced than us. That fact alone should humble us enough to bring us down to the point of recognizing truths. We should be able to acknowledge life from other planets, other dimensions, and places we have no understanding of...yet. We should be able to admit that religion is not factual in a specific manner, but is factual as represented as a statement...scientifically...just not exactly as interpreted. The reasons we have symbolized in the past have been due to the ego, which is the basic science of the universe. The message is truth...spiritual truth...although it has been modified by people over the years. Religion is still a part of the future, but it will be opposing the ego, rather than supporting it. So, for now, we cannot impose truth by way of religion...or assumption...or any invention we create to explain those things we do not understand completely. Unless we can admit who we are at this exact moment, we have no right to Page 19

Act Of Giving speculate and jump into a righteous perspective and call it by any other name. It is all about a simple truth that is easily realized once the commitment is made. My writings are based on what I continuously call "truth". I make an effort to go beyond the common causes of misconception, which are almost exclusively egoic. That is why I explain myself, rather than run away...why I spend years searching while others assume and speculate. I understand very well that people don't want to hear it...and want to believe what they want, with little commitment.. that they want ease and comfort. What matters is that one person will make the sacrifices to the whole, because I know that getting through to just one person is spectacular. And why? Because my family...that is the defintion of humanity. Yes, we have alien history, but that does not change anything. That is who we are. We still have one goal in overcome the ego and work as a whole. Psychopaths, sociopaths, and is all a scientific equation formulated by positive and negative charge...with low and high vibration. Delusion is shared among ALL people, so don't think labeling another helps...we are all the same. What we lack is a true leader. If we have that leader, will he have followers? Not very many, most likely. That is our goal, to follow the path, while the vast majority follows the ego. For without the gift...the act of giving...we do not have the vital component that supports truth. Is it too much to ask? Yes, it probably is. I understand very well how impossible it appears to be. I hope you understand that I have no choice. My goal is to keep the spirit alive. The universe is a vast equation, but even one person has the potential to keep the component alive...that which defines the future of mankind. It is quality, not quantity...that is our goal. This is just another moment in time. Variables combine to show potential. Sacrifices linger to stretch the moment. Suffering creates the mathematical formula for time and space to achieve harmony. The scientific truth is available for those who want to be a part of it. So, what are we going to do about it? Page 20

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