Apes - Fishing Methods

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Name fish harvesting technique Bottom trawl

Where used/used for

Pulled along the seafloor, use bottom trawls to catch shrimp and bottom-dwelling fish like halibut and sole Large, metal-framed baskets that are dragged across the seafloor to collect shellfish like oyster, clams and scallops Used for catch sardines, salmon and cod.

Economic benefits/pitfalls Variety of ocean life thats usually thrown back dead or dying. High levels of by-catch

Environmental benefits/pitfalls Damage sensitive seafloor habitat Impact seafloor habitat and bottom-dwelling species.
Accidentally entangle and kill other animals, including sharks and sea turtles.



Anchored to the seafloor or allowed to float at the surface.

By-catch of unwanted marine life is not a concern because harpoon fishermen visually identify the species and size of the targeted fish before killing it.


for catching large fish, pelagic predators such as bluefin tuna and swordfish

Responsible fishing method



Midwater trawl

hand-catching fish. Manually or mechanically jerked in the water to snag the fish. Jigging often occurs at night, aided by light to attract the fish. set near the surface to catch pelagic fish like tuna and swordfish, or laid on the seafloor to catch deep-dwelling fish like cod and halibut large industrial ships pull gigantic nets through the open ocean and can catch an entire school fish.

Low levels of by-catch

Environmental responsible fishing method Can hook sea turtles, sharks and seabirds that are also attracted to the bait. Not impact the seafloor when used in the midwater zone.

By sinking longlines deeper or using different hooks, fishermen can reduce the bycatch problem. scare away seabirds and avoiding areas with an abundance of marine mammals can help ensure low levels of by-catch in midwater trawl fisheries.


Seine net

Purse seining

use a fishing pole and bait to target a variety of fish ranging from open-ocean swimmers, like tuna and mahi mahi, to bottom-dwellers, like cod dragged over the bottom into shallow water or onto the beach, either by hand or with power winches. They used it to catch fish used it to catch schooling fish, such as sardines, or species that gather to spawn, such as squid

Low by catch rates

Low levels by-catch

Catch one fish at a time and can release unwanted species when they car caught. Responsible fishing method


Can catch other animals (such as when tuna seines are intentionally set on schools of dolphins.

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