Periodical Test Test Eng 2nd QTR

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Periodical Test in English 2nd Quarter Name: MSES __________________ Grade and Section: October , 2012

A. Choose the letter of the correct answer. Choose who if the underlined words refer to a person, what if it refers to things, when if it refers to date and time and where if it refers to places. a. who b. what c. when d. where

________1. There are many shells in the ocean ________2. Their brothers laughed while watching the show. ________3. The old man is standing in front of the market. ________4. Her dress is made of lace and cotton. ________5. The little lad was very eager to see his father. ________6. My birthday will be next month. ________7.I was born in Tondo, Manila. ________8. I love going to Luneta Park. ________9. I dont forget to take the mass every Sunday. ________10. Im doing my assignments every day. B. Choose the short form of the following days. 11.Monday a. Tues. b. Wed. c. Mon. 12.Tuesday a. Tues. b. Wed. c. Mon 13.Wednesday a. Sat. b. Sun c. Wed. 14.Friday a. Sun. b. Mon. c. Fri.

d. Thurs. d. Thurs d. Wed. d. Thurs.

15.Saturday a. Sat. b. Sun. c. Thurs. d. Fri. C. Choose the proper heading for the following sets of pictures.

16. a. b. c. d. Animal Pets How animals eat Where animals live How animals move

18. a. Where Animals Stay b. Needs of Animals c. How Animals Eat d.How Animals Move

19. 17. a. Articles that we use in school b. Articles that we use to keep us strong c. Articles that we use in cleaning school d. Articles that we use to keep us clean a. Caring for Plants b. Plants, plants, plants c. Plants and Seeds

20. a.Animal with Wings b.Things from Outer Space c.Kinds of Fruits d.Things in the Kitchen

D. Write the important dates of the following celebrations correctly: 21.New Years Day a. January 1 b. December 1 c. October 1 d. June 24 22.Christmas Day a. December 25 b. December 24 c. December 1 d. June 5

23.All Saints Day a. November 1 24.Independence Day a. June 11 25.. Valentines Day a. February 13

b. October 1. b. June 12 b. February 1

c. August 1 c. June 24 c. February 14

d. July 1 d. August 1 d. March 6

E. Fill in the blanks with a.his b. her c. hers 26.Aida is brushing ________teeth. 27.Carlos takes pictures of________ dog, cat. 28.I saw Myla and _______mother in the market. 29.Ernesto brings _______bag to school. 30.Loida talked to _______sister on the telephone. F. Complete the sentences using a. your b. yours. 31.This umbrella is _________. 32.The pencil is in ______ bag. 33._______ dress is new. 34.Those crayons are for ____ sister Lorna. 35.Their house is far from _______. G. Complete the sentences using a. My b. mine c. our 36.The basketball is ___________. 37.This is ____________green bag. 38.These are ___________ scissors. 39.This is my coloring book. Its _________. 40.___________ dog is a good pet.

c. youre

H. Fill in the blanks with a. These are

b. Those are

c. This is

d. That is

41.________ a pineapple.

47. ___are 42.________are grapes. oranges.

48. ___is a book. 43.________ are bananas. 49. ____is a flower. 44. ____are apples. 50. ____ is a baby.

45. whiteboard.

_____ is a

46. Balloon.

_____ a

Key to Correction 2nd Periodical Test in English Grade 2 Sec: 10, 12, 14, 16 Ma. Kathrina E. Hidalgo A. 1. b 2. a 3. a 4. b 5. a 6. c 7. d 8. d 9. c 10. c B. 11. c 12. a 13. c 14. c

15. a C. 16. a 17. d 18. a 19. a 20. c D. 21. a 22. a 23. a 24. b 25. c E. 26. b 27. a 28. b 29. a 30. b F. 31. b 32. a

33. a 34. a 35. b G. 36. b 37. a 38. a 39. b

40. a or c

H. 41. c 42. a 43. b 44. a 45. d 46. c 47. a 48. c 49. c 50. c

Objectives A. Note details in selection listened to *Answer wh questions B. Write important dates, abbreviations *days of the week

No. of Items 10

Item Placement 1-10

% no of Items /50 * 100 20%



C. Get the main idea *Tell what the set of related pictures is about. *Give the appropriate heading for a set of pictures.



D. Write important dates, abbreviations *months (celebrations).



E. Use possessive pronouns (his, her).



F. Use possessive pronouns (your, yours).



G. Use possessive pronouns (my, mine).



H. Use nouns * This/That with singular form of nouns. * These are/ Those are with plural noun. Ma. Kathrina E. Hidalgo



20% 100%

Grade 2 2nd Periodical Test in English (10, 12, 14, 16)

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