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Alyssa Khaye F.

De Guzman BCH

Prof. Ignacio

Roles of Internal Institutions and its positive and negative effects on firms Corporate Governance Shareholders or owners roles are to appoint companies board of directors. Since theyre the one who appoints the board of directors, they can also remove them in the position and this is one positive effect of a shareholder in corporate governance. They can remove a director if this director is not helping the firm to have good governance. Since a firm has more than one owner, an owner may bribe a director or directors to do things in favor of him, and in relation to firms corporate governance is that it will not be the best interest of the firm but only the owners. Board of Directors as center of corporate governance because they are the one whos overseeing the management of the firm, they can assure the best interest of both the company and the shareholders. On the other hand, having the most control over the firm and it will easy for him to violate the policies and hide his doings which is in favor for him at firms expense. Internal auditors effect to the firm is that, it helps the firm to analyze and improve the policies and regulations of the firm, for the benefit not just of the shareholders but also of the customers. One negative effect of an internal auditor is that they can hide the real situation of the company which will lead to deluding future investors. Administrators and Executives help the firm in the fulfillment of corporate governance through overseeing the assigned departments or divisions to them. Its negative effect is that they overuse or dont explain well how the new regulations help the employees and not just the shareholders leading the employees to misunderstanding the regulation.

Roles of External Institutions and its positive and negative effects on firms Corporate Governance Governments roles are to set policies or laws and execute it for the betterment of the nation. That being said, government set laws for businesses, so therell be uniform standards and regulations among the forms. However, since some of the laws require lot of time and money before being complied corporations chose the shortcut ways, like paying fixers, which is not sign of corporate governance because of lack in credibility. Markets or buyers are very important in a firm, because without buyers there will be no profit and will lead to bankruptcy. The positive effects of buyers to the firms corporate governance are that they can motivate the firm to implement regulations that will satisfy both the firm and its customers. Also, since customers bring competition among firms, the firms tend to strategize and make their governance stronger and more effective. However, because of customers firms tend to do dirty strategies to have a competitive advantage over their competitors like spying and invading the confidential records of the latter. External auditors help the firms in a way that they expose any fraudulent or unnecessary acts done by its management and employees. But since they are not known by the firm, they are often unaccountable based on their capabilities and skills or can be easily manipulated by the Board. Industrys effect toward the good governance of a firm is that it let the firm and its employees to be more involved to each other and work together to survive the rivalry among the competitors. However because of intense competition brought by industry, the firm becomes more aggressive and the Board somehow loss control on the flow of the business of the firm and on controlling the management of the firm.

Alyssa Khaye F. De Guzman BCH December 6, 2013

Reflection Paper on Quest for Fire Watching a movie that for me really depicts the past way of human is

very fascinating and informative. The movie Quest for Fire is definitely a must watch movies. This movie got my attention and did not bore me at all. I was amaze that though I was not able to understand how they communicate, still I got the flow of the story and what they are saying through their movements. It does not just entertain you but also open your mind on how possibly our ancestors lived. In relation to our topic sociology, cave men form a society due to the need of fire and protection from predators or rivalry. Another is that each tribe shows different culture and ways of living. Though they have differences, they still learned to adopt one culture from another. Just like the tribe with people painted their bodies black and white who thought the other cave man to start a fire. By watching this movie, Ive learned that it is okay to live independently, but it is better to live not just for you to survive but also to live with care for others. This movie is not just about showing the culture of people of the and the differences from before and now but also for me, it want us to learn and to realize how lucky we are that we can have everything we need to live easily and involvement in your society not just benefits the society but also greatly benefit you.

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