Software Engineering Assignment

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Assignment # 2

Assignment # 2

1. What are the differences between generic software product development and custom software development?
Thats difference is the intended audience. Generic software product development is no specific target in mind, and designed from its conception to include every function they may possibly use, and designed for public usage. (eg. Microsoft Word) Custom software development, on the other hand, is conceptualized by special person or certain organization, And production and development guided by the customer.

2. What is the difference between a software process model and a software process?
A software process model is plan of action. Its an representation of a process methodology. They dont specify how to do things, but outline the types of things that are done. A software process is action plan. Its the implementation of such a model for special program. They have more to do with you write the code, how you track lines of code, how you track bugs, how you meet requirements, and what the code might look like.

3. Explain why it is important to produce an overall description of a software system at an early stage in the system specification process.
Because the system that is being specified will affect the appearance and cost of the project. An overall architectural description should be produced to identify sub-systems making up the system. With a pictorial representation of how a system will work, it is easier to identify what sections of a system will work with other sections, and can save the developer and customer significant time and money.


Assignment # 2

4. Giving reasons for your answer based on the type of system being developed, suggest the most appropriate generic software process model that might be used as a basis for managing the development of the following systems:
(a) An interactive timetable system with a complex user interface Complex user interfaces to their customers quickly and need to show the screen and interactive systems are susceptible to change. Therefore, Agile methodology(Incremental development model) is appropriate model to this system to product a prototype quickly and to interact with customers. (b) A revolutionary virtual reality system A revolutionary technology is generally increasing rapidly. Accordingly, the requirements can change, so it still needs to work quickly. I think Incremental development model is appropriate to this system. (c) A traditional accounting system for a University I think Reuse-oriented model(componentizing) is appropriate to this system. Because a traditional system is generalized and the requirements of the process is likely to change very little about. Basic system is same. Only needed if further development of appropriate components will be completed.

5. Explain why program that are developed using evolutionary development are likely to be difficult to maintain.
The specifications of evolutionary development are often abstract, and as the project continues, the development and validation portions of software engineering overlap one another. Due to a good initial specification, this results being poorly constructed. And usually the documentation for such projects is often lack. It will cause a difficult to software maintain.


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