Reliance Money

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Master of Business Administration (MBA)
Under the Guidance of
I, ........ hereby declare that I have carried out my project in title
I further declare that this is my original work and no part of this report has been published or
submitted to anybody or University for award of Degree Master of Business Administration.
he research report on !eliance Money" #ucknow is my professional e$perience in
finance sector that enriched my knowledge in the finance sector.

Inspiration" motivation and encourage ement are some essential
intredients for a research report to be undertaken. I e$press my sincere thanks to
Mr. %apil Bali &enter Manager for providing me all important knowledge about the
process in company. 'is valuable guidance and thoughtful consideration has been the
motivating factor throughout my research" which enabled me to complete my research

I am especially thankful to my course coordinator (. who guided me
and provided me valuable suggestions
whenever I re)uired.

#ast but not the least I am very much greatful to the Almighty as
well as my parents for all of their support and encouragement.
Chapter 1: Introduction to topic
Chapter 2: Company Profile
Chapter 3: Objectives
Research Methodology
Chapter 4: Data Analysis
Chapter 5: Findings
Chapter 6: Recommendation
Chapter 7: Conclusion
Chapter 8: Limitation

Braudel suggests that in &airo in the **
century Muslim and +ewish merchants had
already set up every form of trade association and had knowledge of every method of
credit and payment" disproving the belief that these were invented later by Italians. In
century -rance the courratiers change were concerned and managing and
regulating the debts of agricultural communities on behalf of the banks. Because these
men also traded with debts" they could be called the first brokers. In late *.
Bruges commodity traders gathered inside the house of a man called /an der Beurse
and in *.01 they became the 2Brugse Beurse3" instutionali4ing what had been" until
then" an informal meeting. he idea )uickly spread around -landers and neighboring
counties and 2Beur4en3 soon opened in 5hent and Amsterdam.
In the middle of the *.
century /enetian bankers began to trade in govt.
securities. In *.6* the /enetian government outlawed spreading rumors intended to
lower the price of government funds. Bankers in 7isa" /erona" 5enoa and -lorence
also began trading in government securities during the *8
century. his was only
possible because these were independent city states not ruled by a duke but a council
of influential citi4ens. he Dutch later started joint stock companies which let
shareholders" invest in business ventures and get a share of their profits or losses. In
*90, the Dutch :ast India &ompany issued the first shares on the Amsterdam ;tock
:$change. It was the first company to issue stocks and bonds.
he Amsterdam ;tock :$change <or Amsterdam Beurs= is also said to
have been the first stock e$change to introduce continuous trade in the early *>

&entury. he Dutch 2pioneered start short selling" option trading" debt ? e)uity swaps"
merchant banking" unit trusts and other speculative instruments" much as we know
them3 <Murray ;ayle" 2 +apan 5oes Dutch3 #ondon !eview of Books @@III . >" April
6"A ,00*=. here are now stock markets in virtually every developed and most"
developed and most developing economies" with the worlds biggest markets being in
the United ;tates" &anada" &hina <'ong %ong=" India" U%" 5ermany" -rance and +apan.
he securities and :$change Board of India was established by the government of
India. It was subse)uently upgraded as a fully autonomous body in the year *11,
with the passing of the ;ecurities and :$change Board of India Act on .0
*11,. In place of government control a stautory and autonomous regulatory board
with defined responsibilities to cover both development and regulation of the market
and independent powers has been set up. 7arado$ically this is a positive outcome of
the ;ecurities ;cam of *110?1*.
;ince its inception ;:BI has been working targeting the securities
and is attending to the fulfillment of its objectives with commendable 4eal and
de$terity. he improvement in the securities market like capitali4ation re)uirements"
managing". establishment of clearing corporations etc. !educe the risk of credit and
also reduced the market.
;:BI has introduced comprehensive regulatory measures" prescribed
registration norms" the eligibility criteria" the code of obligation and code of conduct
for different intermediares like bankers to issue" merchant bankers" brokers and sub?
brokers" registrars" portfolio managers" credit rating agencies"underwriters and others. It
has formed bye? laws risk management system for clearing house of stock e$changes"
surveillance system etc. which has made dealing in securities both safe and transparent
to the end investors.
A market inde$ is a convenient and effective product because of
the following reasonsB
It acts as a barometer for market behavior.
It is used to benchmark portfolio performance.
It is used in derivative instrument like inde$ futures and inde$ option.
wo broad approaches to ;:BI are to integrate the securities market
at the national level and also to diversify the trading products" so that there is an
increase in number of traders including banks" financial institutions" insurance
companies" mutual funds" primary dealers etc. to transect through the e$changes. In
this conte$t the introductive derivatives trading through Indian ;tock :$change
permitted by ;:BI in ,000 AD is a real landmark.
;:BI appointed the #.&. 5upta &ommittee in *11C to recommend
the regulatory framework for derivatives trading and suggest by e? laws for regulation
and control of trading and settlement of derivatives contracts. he board of ;:BI in
its meeting held on May **" *1C> accepted the recommendations of the committee and
approved the phased introduction of derivatives trading in India beginning with stock
inde$ futures.
'owever the ;ecurities &ontracts <!egulation= Act" *169 re)uired
amendment to include 2derivatives3 in the definition of securities to enable ;:BI to
introduce trading in derivatives. he necessary amendment was then carried out by the
government in *111. he securities laws Bill" were introduced in December *111 the
new framework was approved.
Derivatives have been accorded the status of 2securities3. he ban
imposed on trading in *191 under a notification issued by the central government was
revoked. herefore ;:BI formulated the necessary regulation D bye? laws and intimated
she stock e$change in the year ,000.
o protect the interest of investors in securities.
o promote the development of the securities markets
o regulates the securities market
-or matters connected there with or incidental thereto
he ;:BI is managed by a board consisting of the followingB

wo members from amongst the officials of the ministers of &entral
5overnment dealing with finance and law.
Ene member from amongst the officials of the !eserve bank of India.
wo other members to be appointed by the central 5overnment.
he management of ;:BI will be vested in the board in &hairman shall have the
power of general superintendence and direction.
!egulating the business in stock e$change and any other securities markets.
!egistering and regulating the working of stock brokers.
!egistering and regulating the working of sub?brokers.
!egistering and regulating the working of share transfer agents.
!egistering and regulating the working of collective investment schemes"
including mutual funds.
7romoting and regulating self?regulatory organi4ations.
7romoting investor education and teaching of intermediaries of securities
7rohibiting in side trading in securities.
7rohibiting fraudulent and unfair trade practices relating to securities markets.
!egulating substantial ac)uisition of shares and take Fover of companies.
&alling for information form " undertaking inspection" conducting in)uiries.
Audits of the stock e$change.
#evying fees or other charges for carrying out the purpose of this section.
&onducting research for the above purpose.
7erforming such other functions as may be prescribed.
7ower to approve the bye? laws of stock e$change.
7ower to make or amend bye?laws of recogni4ed stock e$changes
7owers to inspect book of accounts and call periodical return from recogni4ed
stock e$changes.
7ower to grant a license to any person for the business of dealing in securities
in certain areas.
7ower to compel listing of securities on any recogni4ed stock e$change.
7ower to delegate powers e$ercisable by it
hough ;:BI has started a watch dog in protecting investorsA
interest" regulating the working of the stock e$change and promoting capital market "
still it faces a number of problems in its working some of these limitations are as
follows B
he central government has authori4ed ;:BI to frame its rules and regulation
for actively monitoring capital markets. here rules and regulation will have to
be approved by the government first. his will cause unnecessary delay and
interference by the finance ministry.
he bureaucratic delays in clearing the rules will hamper the working of ;:BI.
he 5overnment should direct ;:BI to frame or change the rule as per the
demand of solution so that it able to achieve professional efficiency.
;:BI will have to seek prior approval for filling criminal complaints for
violations of the regulation . his will again cause delay at government level.
;:BI has not been given autonomy . Its Board of Directors is dominated by
government nominees. Eut of 6 directors only , can be from outside and there
are to represent the inistries of -inance " #aw and !eserve Bank of India.
!ules and regulation will have to be approved by the government first.
7rimary Market.
;econdary Market.
Mutual funds and
-oreign institutional investments

The Definition of a Stock
7lain and simple" stock is a share in the ownership of a company. ;tock represents a
claim on the companyGs assets and earnings. As you ac)uire more stock" your ownership stake
in the company becomes greater. Hhether you say shares" e)uity" or stock" it all means the
same thing.
Being an Owner
. 'olding a companyGs stock means that you are one of the many owners
<shareholders= of a company" and" as such" you have a claim <usually very small= to
everything the company owns. Ies" this means that technically you own every piece of
furniture" every trademark" and every contract of the company. As an owner" you are entitled
to your share of the companyGs earnings as well as any voting rights attached to the stock.
A stock is represented by a stock certificate. his is a fancy piece of paper that is proof
of your ownership. In todayGs computer age" you wonGt actually get to see this document
because your brokerage keeps these records electronically" which is also known as holding
shares in Demat form. his is done to make the shares easier to trade. In the past when a
person wanted to sell his or her shares" that person physically took the certificates down to the
brokerage. Jow" trading with a click of the mouse or a phone call makes life easier for
Being a shareholder of a public company does not mean you have a say in the day?to?
day running of the business. Instead" one vote per share to elect the board of directors at
annual meetings is the e$tent to which you have a say in the company. -or instance" being a
Microsoft shareholder doesnGt mean you can call up Bill 5ates and tell him how you think the
company should be run.
he management of the company is supposed to increase the value of the firm for
shareholders. If this doesnGt happen" the shareholders can vote to have the management
removed??well" this is the theory anyway. In reality" individual investors donGt own enough
shares to have a material influence on the company. ItGs really the big boys like large
institutional investors and billionaire entrepreneurs who make the decisions.
It isnAt too big a deal that the shareholders are not the ones managing the company.
After all" the idea is that you donGt want to have to work to make money" rightK he
importance of being a shareholder is that you are entitled to a portion of the companyAs profits
and have a claim on assets. 7rofits are sometimes paid out in the form of dividends.
he more shares you own" the larger the portion of the profits you get. Iour claim on
assets is only relevant if a company goes bankrupt. In case of li)uidation" youGll receive whatGs
left after all the creditors have been paid. his last point is worth repeatingB the importance of
stock ownership is your claim on assets and earnings.
Another e$tremely important feature of stock is its limited liability" which means that"
as an owner of a stock" you are not personally liable if the company is not able to pay its
debts. Ether companies such as partnerships are set up so that if the partnership goes bankrupt
the creditors can come after the partners <shareholders= personally and sell off their house"
car" furniture" etc. Ewning stock means that" no matter what" the ma$imum value you can lose
is the value of your investment. :ven if a company of which you are a shareholder goes
bankrupt" you can never lose your personal assets.
What is meant by securities ?
he definition of 2;ecurities3 as per the ;ecurities
&ontracts !egulation Act <;&!A= *169" include instruments such as shares" bonds"
scraps" stocks or other marketable securities of similar nature in or of any incorporate
company or body corporate" government securities" derivatives of securities" units of c
ollective investment scheme" interest and rights in securities" securities receipts or any
other instruments so declared by the central government.
What are the functions of Stock Exchanges?

;ecurities market is a place where buyers and
sellers of securities can enter into transactions to purchase and sell shares" bonds"
debentures etc. -urther it performs an important role of enabling corporate
entrepreneurs to raise resources for their companies and business ventures through
public issue. ransfer of resources from those having idle resources <investors= to
other who have a need for them <corporate= is most efficiently achieved through the
securities market started formally" securities market provide channels for reallocation
of saving to investment and entrepreneurship. ;aving are linked to inve stment by a
variety of intermediaries through a range of financial products called securities.
Which are the securities one can invest in ?
5overnment securities
Derivative product Unit of Mutual fund etc. are some of securities one can
invest in.

What is Primary Market?
It refers to new issues of shares by new companies as well e$isting &ompanies. hese
shares with be listed on specified ;tock :$change after completion of allotment and
compliance with other prescribed formalities. Apart from shares other commonly
issued instruments are debentures" convertible debentures" ;hares with attached option
like warrants etc.
Investors apply for ;hares in the 7rimary Market and the company will allot shares on the
basis of the e$tent of over?subscription" if any. In the latter case" applicant may be allotted
lesser number of shares" than applied for. hese are detailed in ;:BI guidelines on allotments.
Investors will be willing to apply for shares in the 7rimary Market" if the issue 7rice is
believed to be less than the 7otential post?listing market price.
he 7rimary market has not been active since the last few years due to aggressive pricing of
shares by some companies" their subse)uent inability to maintain this price" liberali4ation of
share premium rules by the 5ovt. poor )uality of due diligence by some merchant bankers
and a host of other factors.
What is Secondary Market?
It is a stock e$change" where any body can buy <or sell= shares" which are listed threat. IndiaAs
stock market is dominated by e)uity shares. Hith significant changes recently e.g.
computeri4ation and depository participationL an investor is to deal with a more transparent
;ystem. he brokerage amounts" as a result of these changes" have also substantially reduced.
An investor can purchase or sell e)uity shares through any broker registered with any of the
stock e$change in India.
In case of demateriali4ed shares" one can buy even a single shares" while in case of non F
demit shares" one can buy or sell generally in market lots. Edd lots can also" but these are not
In order to under
stand how the stock market operates" you should have knowledge about the role of following
institutions D organist ionsB
a= ;tock e$changes"
b= Brokers"
c= !egistrars"
d= Depositories and their participants" and
e= ;ecurities and :$change Board of India <;ebi=
a) Stock exchanges:
A stock e$change is the marketplace where companies are listed and where the trading
happens. here are different stock e$changes in the country" the pre?dominant being the
Jational ;tock :$change <J;:= and the Bombay ;tock :$change <B;:=.
b) Brokers:
A stock e$change functions through its members called brokers. If you want to buy or
sell a share" you contact a broker. :ach stock e$change has a limited set of brokers and these
brokers contact each other using trading terminals to find out who is interested in the share
you want to buy or sell. Brokers have terminals linked to the B;: or the J;: and they
directly purchase or sell shares using these terminals. he entire transaction happens
electronically or through websites like www.!
Brokers may also authori4e a sub?broker to conduct the transactions on behalf of them.
;ince brokers are providing a service they charge you for the same. Jormally this
payment is not a flat rate" but a commission of the transaction value. Brokerages normally
range from 0.6M to *M for delivery?based transactions and from 0.*0M to 0.,6M for intra?day
c) Registrars:
he registrar for each company maintains records of all the shareowners of the
company and the number of shares that they own.
Hhenever an ownership changes takes place" the registrar updates the shareholders
d) Depositories and their participants:
Depositories are organi4ations that hold shares of investors" on re)uest" in electronic
form through a registered Depository 7articipant.
It can be compared with a bank as it holds securities in an account" transfers securities
between accounts on the instruction of the account holder" facilitates the transfer of ownership
without the account holder needing to handle securities and makes the safekeeping of shares
he agent through which a depositories interfaces with the investor is known as a
depository participant.
Iou can create a demat account with a D7" who will keep an account of all the shares
you own. his is much like the banking system" where you just create an account and have a
passbook which updates you on the money you own and the transactions you have made. In
your demat account you own shares in an electronic format and your account gets updated as
you buy and sell shares.
e) SEBI:
he regulatory body that governs all stock market transactions is the ;ecurities and
:$change Board of India. ;:BI forms rule and regulations that govern transactions in
securities market and that the stock e$changes and other intermediaries follow all such rules
and regulations set by it andDor the government. ;:BI also looks into investor complaints
against companies. It is )uasi?judicial and can try cases and pass judgments against any
market participants. It also looks into mergers and ac)uisitions of companies.
o start investing in shares you need to open a stock?broking account with a registered
broker and a demat account with a Depository 7articipant. Hhen you open a !eliance -irst
;tep account" you get everything you need to start investing in shares. !eliance offers trade
e$ecution on both the B;: and the J;:" and being a D7 it also provides you a free
<conditions apply= demat account along with your trading account.
4.4 Placing An Order
o facilitate the buying and selling of shares" !eliance offers multiple trading
channels. Iou can" for e$ample" walk into any of our ,60 share shops across *,0 cities in
India and get your orders e$ecuted.
Iou can" on the other hand" even trade online through our site
! -or advanced traders we also have a special online trading
software called ;peed rade.
Iou can also call on our Dial?n?rade number" which is serviced by a dedicated call
centre" and place an order with a Dial?n?rade e$ecutive. Hhen you buy a share" you specify
the company whose shares you want to buy" the )uantity of shares you want to buy and the
price at which you want to buy them. If you donGt specify the price" the shares will be bought
at the market rate prevalent at that time. he process of selling a share is similar to the process
of buying a share. Again here you have to specify the company" the number of shares to sell
and the price at which you want to sell them. If you donGt specify the price" the shares will be
sold at the prevailing market price.
Hhen you transact in a share" you are basically placing an order through your broker.
ransactions happen through e$change systems through anonymous order matching
herefore the details of counter party to your transactions are not known to you. Iou
get uni)ue transaction numbers as allotted by the :$change from your broker.
ransactions are settled on a daily rolling settlement basis. All the transactions carried
through the day are summari4ed by the :$change at the end of the day. Iou have to settle
your transactions with your Broker and the Broker in turn settles transactions with the stock
e$change. his process of settlement is called a settlement cycle and the time taken for this is
currently N, days. i.e." the settlement will occur two working days after you make the trade.
Iou need to pay for the purchasesDlosses before the settlement deadline and you will receive
securities after the settlement deadline. ;imilarly you need to deliver securities sold before the
deadline and you receive payment for saleDprofit after the settlement deadline.
If you have an online trading account and a demat account with !eliance then
settlement process for securities happens as a paperless ransaction.
Hhenever you are buying or selling a share" you will encounter certain terms related
to share prices. hese terms deal with the individual price movements of a single share as well
as the price movements of all the shares. -or every share" typically there are four price
a) Open:
his is the price at which the share opened on a particular day" that is the price at
which the first purchase of the share was made during that day.
b) High:
his is the highest price that a share went up to on a given day" or the highest price the
investors paid for that share.
his refers to the lowest price that a share fell to during a day" or the lowest price an
investor paid for that share.
D) Close:
his is the price at which the share closed on that day or the price for the last trade of
that day. At any given point of time" the share price will fluctuate between the highs and the
lows" sometimes reaching new highs" sometimes falling to new lows.
Hhen trading in shares" you need to mention the price point at which you want to buy
or sell. o specify the price point" it helps if you know the statistics or the trends of your
stock" and the stockGs opening and closing prices of the previous days.

Iou can also trade in shares without specifying the priceOthis is known as a market
order. In this case the trade happens at the market price at that point of time.
he B;: ;ense$ <Bombay ;tock :$change ;ensitive Inde$= measures the movement
of .0 most actively traded shares on the B;:. hese .0 companies represent a cross?section
of sectors of the economy.
;imilar to the B;: ;ense$ is the Jifty or the ;P7 &J@ Jifty" which measures the
movement of the J;:. his inde$ tracks 60 stocks" which represent about 90M of the market
capitali4ation of the J;:.
he upward or downward movement of the ;ense$ or Jifty is a typical indication of
whether the share prices are going up or down in general.
If the ;ense$ goes up on a particular day" it doesnGt mean that the share prices of all
companies would have gone up on that day. racking the movement of stock indices over a
longer period is an important part of intelligent investing.
;hares can give you returns in two formsB
a) Appreciation in share prices
Iou buy shares with the belief that their price will increase and that when this happens
you will be able to sell off your shares and earn profit. -or e$ample" if you bought a share for
!s*00 three years ago and it is !s600 today" then you have earned !s800 in three years.
B) Dividend
Hhen a company makes profits" it can choose to share part of its profits with its
shareholders by paying out dividend. his dividend is paid as a percentage of the face value of
the share. -or e$ample" a company may declare a dividend of ,6M. hen if the face value of
its share is !s*0 you will get !s,.60 for every share you own of that company" irrespective of
the market price.
In itself this might not be much" but over a longer period of time or if you have a lot of
shares" you could earn )uite a bit from the dividend itself. he best thing about dividends is
that they are ta$ free in the hands of investors. Dividend yield stocks are known to give
returns higher than fi$ed deposits.
QDividend yield R <dividend per share D market price of the share= $ *00S.
!eliance informs its customers of good dividend yield stocks from time to time.
:very share transaction attracts some ta$ or the other. ;ome of the main e$penses are
as followsB
a) Capital gains tax:
If you purchase a share and sell it at a price higher than the purchase price and if this
sale is within a year of the purchase" then appro$imately *0M capital gains ta$ is levied on the
profit that you make. -or e$ample" if you bought a share for !s*00 on +anuary *" ,006 and
sold it for !s*60 on +uly *" ,006" then you have to pay a ta$ of *0M on the !s60 profit that
you make. If you sell after a year of purchase" there is no ta$ on the long?term gains.
b) Securities transaction tax
;ecurities transaction ta$ <;= is levied by the government on every transaction you
do on a stock e$change. Iou donGt have to pay this separatelyL itGs collected by your broker.
As per the Union Budget ,006 the ; for cash segment transactions will be 0.*0M <sell as
well as buy= on delivery?based transactions and 0.0,M on intra?day sell transactions.
c) Brokerage
Brokers get a commission on every trade that they do for you. his commission varies
from broker to brokerL at the brokerage is 0.6M for delivery?based transactions
and 0.*0M for intraday transactions. En the brokerage amount you are re)uired to pay a
service ta$ to the government <to be collected by the broker=. here could also be separate
transaction charges in the nature of :$change turnover based charges" stamp duty on
transactions etc. he brokerage varies depending on the service that the broker provides you.
;ome brokers" such as ;harekhan" offer its clients regular updates on companies" multiple
means to transact and customer service support.
D) Depository fees
;ince most of the shares e$ist in a demateriali4ed form" every time you buy or sell
shares the transactions are being noted by your D7. he D7s normally levy a charge which is
an annual charge and also .a charge on each transaction.
Growth has no limit at Reliance. I keep revising my vision. Only
when you can dream it, you can do it.
Dhirubhai H. Ambani
Founder Chairman Reliance Group
December ,C" *1.,? +uly 9" ,00,
Dheerubhai Ambani founded !eliance as a te$tile company and let its evolution as a
global leader in the materials and energy value chain business.
'e is regarded as an icon for enterprise in India. 'e epitomi4ed the spirit dare to
dream and learn to e$cel.
;hri Dheerubhai Ambani was an e$ceptional human being and an outstanding leader.
-rom a humble beginning" he went on to creat an enviable business empire within a
span of just ,6 years. he U; T 68 BI##IEJ !eliance 5roup is a living testimony
to his indomitable will" single minded dedication and an unrelenting commitment to
his goals. Und er ;hree Dhirubhai AmbaniAs visionary leadership" the !eliance 5roup
emerged as the largest business conglomerate in India and carved out a distinct place
for itself in the global pantheon of corporate giants. he groups track record of
consistent growth is unparalled in Indian industry and perhaps internationally too.
oday" the 5roupAs turnover represents nearly three percent of IndiaAs 5D7.
he corporate philosophy he followed was short" simple and succinct F Think big.
Think dierently. Think ast. Think ahead. !im or the best. 'e inspired the
!eliance team to do better than the best? not only in India but in the world.
7restigious awards and titles were conferred on him by him by national and
International organi4ations. 'e was acclaimed as the op businessman of the twentieth
centuary and landed for his dynamic" pioneering and innovative genius. 'e was
probably the first Indian businessman to recogni4e the strategic significance of
investors and discover8 the vast untapped potential of the capital markets and
channeli4e it for the growth and development of industry. 'e was supremely confident
that finance would never be a constraint in e$ecuting his projects because as he said
proudly" Indian investors would provide him with necessary resource.

-or him" his people were his most important asset. 'e
scounted around for the best and most talented professionals" nurtured them and
continuously propelled them to aim for still higher goals. hese higly motivated
people compromise the core of what he namedB The Reliance Family
;hree dhirubhai Ambani visuali4ed the growth of !eliance as an integral part of his
grand vision for India. 'e was convinced that India could become an economic
superpower within a short period of time and wanted !eliance to play an important
role in reali4ing this goal.
he Bhagawad 5ita states" The actions o a great man are
an inspiration or others. "hatever he does becomes a standard or others to
ollow. his certainly applies to ;hri Dhirubhai Ambani are rare. hey come gifted
with the power and the vision to change the destiny of nations" to alter the course of
corporate history. hey are the empire builders" the stuff that legands are made of.
he legand called ;hri Dhirubhai Ambani will never die. 'is spirit will live on
!eliance is a leading full service securities firm providing the entire gamut of
financial services. he firm" founded in *118" today has a pan India presence as well as an
international presence through offices in America and Bangkok. A! provides a breadth of
financial and advisory services including wealth management" investment banking" corporate
advisory" brokerage P distribution of e)uities" commodities" mutual funds and insurance"
structured products ? all of which are supported by powerful research teams.
he firmGs philosophy is entirely client centric" with a clear focus on providing
long term value addition to clients" while maintaining the highest standards of e$cellence"
ethics and professionalism. he entire firm activities are divided across distinct client groupsB
Individuals" 7rivate &lients" &orporates and Institutions and was recently ranked by Asia
Money ,009 poll amongst ;outh AsiaGs top . wealth managers for the ultra?rich.
In year ,00> &itigroup /enture &apital International joined the group as a financial partner.
Anil Dhirubhai Ambani
&hairman" Anil Dhirubhai Ambani 5roup
Born on +une 8" *161

o build a global enterprise for all our stakeholders AJD
A great future for our country.
o give millions of young Indians the power to shape their destiny.
he means to relia4e their full potential.
;hareholders Interest
7eople &are
&onsumer -ocus
:$cellence in e$ecution
eam Hork
7roactive Innovation
#eadership by :mpowerment
;ocial !esponsibility
!espect for competition
Shareholders Interest-
He value the trust of shareholders" and keep their interests
paramount in every business decision we make" every choice we e$ercise.
People Care-

He possess no greater asset than the )uality of our human capital
and no greater priority than the retention" growt and well F being of our vast pool of
human talent.
Consumer Focus-
He rethink every business process" product and service from the
standpoint of the consumer so as to e$ceed e$pectations at every touch point.
Excellence in execution-
He believe in e$cellence of e$ecution in large" comple$ projects
as much as small everyday tasks If something is worth doing" it is worth doing well.
Team Work-
he whole is greater than the sum of its parts" in our rapidly
changing knowlrdge economy" organi4ation can prosper only by mobili4ing divers
competencies" skill sets and e$pertise" by imbibing the spirit of 2thinking together3
Integration is the rule" escalation is an e$ception.
Proactive Innovation-
He nurture innovation by breaking silos" encouraging cross?
fertili4ation of ideas and fle$ibility of roles functions. He creat an environment of
accountability" ownership and problem solving based on participative work ethic and
leading edge research.
Leadership by Empowerment-
He belive leadership in the new economy is all
about consensus building" about giving up control" about enabling and empowering
people down the line to take decisions in their areas of operation and competence.
Social Responsibility-
He believe that organi4ation like individuals" depend on the
support of the community for their survival and sustenance and must repay this
genuosity in the best way they can.
Respect for competition

He respect competition because thereAs more than one way of
doing things right" we can learn as much from the success of others as from our own

Business Overview
!eliance capital is one of IndiaAs leading private sector financial services companies"
and ranks among the top . private sector financial services and banking companies" in
terms of net worth. !eliance capital has interest in asset management and mutual
funds" stock broking" life insurance and general insurance" proprietary investment"
private e)uity and other activities in financial services.

!eliance &apital sees immense potential in the rapidly growing
financial service sectors in India and aims to become a dominant player in this
industry and offer fully integrated financial services.

!eliance &apital sees immense potential in the rapidly growing
financial services sector in India and aims to become a dominant player in this
industry and offer fully integrated financial services.

India <Mutual -und = regulations" *119. !&# primarily focuses on
funding projects in the infrastructure sector and supports the growth of its subsidiary
!eliance &apital Asset Management #imited" !eliance &apital rustee &o. #imited"
!eliance 5eneral Insurance &ompany #imited" !eliance #ife Insurance &ompany
#imited. As of March .*",006" the companyAs investment in infrastructure projects
stood at !s. *0>* &rores. he investment portfolio of !&# is structured in a way that
reali4es the highest post?ta$ return on its investment
Anil Dheerubhai Ambani, Chairman
Anil Ambani < born +une 8" *161 = is an Indian businessman. As of March ,00>" he
has a net F worth of U;T *C., billion" making him the *C
richest person in the
world. Ambani holds a Bachelir of ;cience degree from the University of Bombay
and an MBA degree from he Hharton ;chool at the University of 7ennsylvania.
&urrently" he serves as a member of the Hharton Board of Everseers. Ambani joined
!eliance in *1C. as &o?&hief :$ecutive Efficer.
Achievements and Recognition
7olled as India most admired &hief :$ecutive for ,008" for the si$th year in
;uccession" in the Business Barons < IndiaAs leading business maga4ine = aylor
Jelson ;ofres ? Mode ;urvey L and ranked at the top in . out of 8 )ualities B
leadership" integrity and vision.
!anked Jo. * for the second consecutive year" in he 7ower #ist ,008
published by India oday" March ,008.
;elected by Asia week maga4ine for its list of 2 #eaders of the Millenium in
Business and -inance3 and was introduced as the only Unew heroA in Business
and -inance from India" +une *111.
#eading business maga4ine Business Barons included him in its list of UIndiaAs
,6 Most Influential Business and -inancial #eadersA" +une *11C.
Member Board of 5overnor of II %anpur.
/oted Businessman of the year ,009 by imes of India ? J; poll
Adjusted as the &:E of the Iear at the prestigeous 7latts 5lobal :nergy
Awards for ,008.
/oted M/ Iouth Icon of the Iear" ;eptember ,00..
&onferred Uhe :ntrepreneur of the Decade AwardA by the Bombay
Management Association" Ectober ,00,.
Awarded the -irst Hharton Indian Alumni Award by the
Hharton India :conomic -orum <HI-:= in recognition of his contribution to
he establishment of !eliance as a global leader in many of its business area"
December ,00*.
&onferred the UBusinessman of the Iear *11>A award by IndiaAs leading
business maga4ine Business India" December *11>.

Amitabh 1hunjhunwala, Vice-Chairma
Rajendra Chitale, Independent Director
;hri !ajendra 7. &hitale" 89" an eminent &hartered Accountant" is the Managing
7artner of MDs M.7. &hitale P Associates. 'e is a member of the advisory board of
the Insurance and !egulatory Authority of India <I!DA=.
Shri C.P. 1ain
;hri &.7. +ain" 9*" is the formar &hairman and Managing Director of
J7& #td. <Jational hermal 7ower &orporation=. 'e is a fellow member of the
Institute of &harted Accountant of India.
!eliance has been taking care of financial services for long but there was a missing
link. -inancial planning is incomplete without protective measure i.e. structured products to
take care of event of things that may go wrong.
&onse)uently" !eliance is soon coming up with !eliance Insurance Advisory ;ervices
#imited. As composite insurance broker" we would deal in both insurance and reinsurance"
providing our clients risk transfer solutions on life and non?life sides.
his service will take benefit of !elianceAs vast business empire spread throughout the
country ?? providing our valued clients insurance services across India. He aim to have a wide
reach with our services F literallyV hatAs why we are catering the insurance re)uirements of
both retail and corporate segments with products of all the insurance companies on life and
non?life side
;till" there is more in store. He also cater individuals with a complete suite of
insurance solutions" both life and general to mitigate risks to life and assets through our
e$isting network of over *60 branches F e$pected to reach ,60 by the end of this yearV
-or corporate clients" we will be offering value based customi4ed solutions to cover all
risks which their business is e$posed to. Eur clients will be supported by an operations team
e)uipped with the best of technology support. !eliance Insurance Advisory aims to provide
neutral" transparent and professional risk transfer advice to become the first choice of India.
&ommodity markets regulator -M& said it has given approval to the Anil Ambani 5roup to
ac)uire ,9 per cent stake in Indian &ommodity :$change <I&:@= from one of its promoters"
Indiabulls group. WHe have given permission to Anil Ambani 5roup to buy ,9 per cent stake
in I&:@ from Indiabulls"W -orward Markets &ommission <-M&= &hairman B & %hatua
said.At present" Indiabulls holds 80 per cent in I&:@" of which it wants to sell ,9 per cent
stake in the bourse to ADA5. MM& has ,9 per cent stake in I&:@" which is the countryGs
fourth national commodity e$change launched late last year. WHe entered the e$change
business in late ,001.
He have already started a spot e$change and have a ,9 per cent stake in a commodities
e$change"W ADA5 5roup chairman Anil Ambani had said yesterday at the A5M of group
firm !eliance &apital. he 5roup had also announced its intention to enter all segments of the
e$change business. !eliance &apital is already in the spot commodity space. Another group
firm !eliance Money also has stake in the national commodity e$change JM&:.I&:@" a
national?level commodity bourse" offers futures trading in *C commodities" including bullion"
metals and agricultural items. he e$change clocked a business of *.0
billion <U;T,.0 billion= in the first fortnight of ;eptember.
!eliance Mutual -und is IndiaGs no.* Mutual -und. !eliance #ife Insurance is one of IndiaGs
fastest growing life insurance company and among the top 8 private sector insurers. !eliance
5eneral Insurance is one of IndiaGs fastest growing general insurance company and among the
top . private sector insurers. !eliance Money is the largest brokerage and distributor of
financial products in India with over ,.> million customers and has the largest distribution
network. !eliance &onsumer finance has a loan book of over C1 billion<U;T*.8 billion= at
the end of December ,00C.
!eliance &apital has a net worth of >,.6 billion <U;T*.* billion= and total assets of ,,..8
billion <U;T..8 billion= as of .* December ,00C.
!eliance &apital is a constituent of ;P7 &J@ Jifty and M;&I India and also features in the
-orbes list of HorldAs largest ,000 public companies.
!eliance ;ecurities" subsidiary of !eliance &apital achieved a pan?India presence with over
6"000 outlets and the average daily turnover had increased to ,. billion <U;T.60 million= in
Reliance Company Limited According to newspaper
According to newspaper reports" !eliance &ompany #imited has decided to convert
itself into a special purpose vehicle cum venture capital outfit. he company plans to
develop infrastructure projects and invest in Info ech" internet " media and biotech start
ups. he company is also wants to e$pand its Mutual -unds business.
!eliance &ompany #imited <!&#= I; IndiaAs largest private sector
financial service company. !&# has a net worth in e$cess of !; ** bn. he !eliance
5roup owns a 6.M stake in the company.
!&# is moving away from the traditional non ?banking finance
company mould by reducing business activities pertaining to inter corporate deposits
and corporate loans. he company is setting aside !; *0 bn to invest in its new
business focus areas.
he companyAs decision to focus on new areas as well as concentrate on the mutual
fund business will leads to a complete overhaul of its business portfolio. he new
business involves high risk and large amount of capital but they also offer the best
opportunities for future growth. As !&# has the funds to put up in these businesses
the decision is likely to be beneficial to the company.
Reliance mutual fund
!eliance mutual fund" promoted by the Anil Dhirubhai Ambani <ADA5= group" is one of the
fastest growing mutual funds in India having doubled its assets over the last one year. In
March" ,009" the !eliance mutual fund emerged as the largest private sector fund house in the
country" overtaking 7rudential I&I&I which has been holding that position for many years.
he sponsor of the fund is !eliance &apital #imited" the financial services arm of ADA5.
!eliance &apital Asset Management #imited" a wholly owned subsidiary of !eliance &apital
#imited" acts as the AM& to the fund. Directors of the company include Amitabh
+hunjhunwala" a senior e$ecutive of ADA5. Amitabh &haturvedi is the managing director of
the AM&.
As of end August ,009" !eliance mutual fund has !s ,C">6. crore of assets under
management. !eliance :)uity -und" launched by !eliance M- in early ,009" is the largest
mutual find scheme in the country with a fund si4e of over !s 6"600 crore.
!eliance Money is a group company of !eliance &apitalB one of IndiaAs leading and
fastest growing private sector financial services companies" ranking among top .
private sector financial services and banking companies" in terms of net worth.
!eliance &apital is a part of the !eliance Anil Dhirubhai Ambani 5roup. he
company was registered on *>th june" ,006.
!eliance Money is a comprehensive financial solutions provider offering a complete
baskets of financial services. hrough !eliance Money currently" a customer will be
able to transact amongst others" in e)uity" e)uity and commodity" derivatives" offshore
investment" I7EAs mutual funds and insurance products.
At present the company has more than .60 employees across >6 locations with the
total no. of 8, offices.
!eliance Money can be segregated into 8 main products which includeB
!eliance #ife Insurance 7lans
!eliance 5eneral Insurance policies
!eliance Mutual -unds
!eliance on line trading facility
Hith largest number of life insurance policies in force in the
world" Insurance happens to be a mega opportunity in India. ItAs a business growing
at the rate of *6?,0 percent annually and presently is of the order of !; 860 billion.
ogether with banking services" it adds about > percent to the countryAs 5D7. 5ross
premium collection is nearly , percent of 5D7 and funds available with #I& for
investments are C percent of 5D7.
A well ? developed and evolved insurance sector is needed for
economic development as it provides long term funds for infrastructure development
and at the same time strengthens the risk taking ability. It is estimated that over the
ne$t ten year India would re)uire investments of the order of one trillion U; dollar.
he insurance sector" to some e$tent" can enable investments in infrastructure
development to sustain economic growth of the country.
Historical Perspective
he history of life insurance in India dates back to *C*C
when it was conceived as a means to provide for :nglish Hidows. Interestingly in
those days a higher premium was charged for Indian lives than the no? Indians as
Indians lives were considered more riskier for coverage.
Insurance regulation formally began in India with the passing
of the #ife Insurance &ompanies Act of *1*, and the provident fund Act of *1*,.
;everal frauds during ,0As and .0As sullied insurance business in India. By *1.C
there were *>9 insurance companies. he first comprehensive legislation was
introduced with the insurance Act of *1.C that provide strict ;tate &ontrol over
insurance business. he insurance business grew at a faster pace after independence.
Indian companies strengthen their holds on the business but despite the growth that
was witnessed" insurance remained an urban phenomenon.
he <non?life= insurance business continued to thrive with the private
sector till *1>,. their operation were restricted to organi4ed trade and industry in large
cities. he general insurance industry was nationali4ed in *1>,. with this" nearly *0>
insurers were amalgamated and grouped into four companies?
Jational Insurance &ompany " Jew Delhi
Jew India Assurance &ompany
Eriental Insurance &ompany
United India Insurance &ompany
hese were subsidiaries of the 5eneral Insurance &ompany

!eliance #ife Insurance has a pan presence and a range of
products catering to individual as well as corporate needs. A total of *9 products
covering savings" protection P investment re)uirements
Reliance Life Insurance would strive hard to achieve the following goals:-
:merge as transactional #ife Insurer of 5lobal scale and standards
Achieve impeccable reputation and credentials through best business practices
/isionB :mpowering everyone live their dreams
MissionB create unmatched value for everyone through dependable" effective"
transparent and profitable life insurance and pensions plans
5uiding 7rinciples
!eliance #ife Insurance is another step forward for !eliance &apital #imited to offer
need based #ife Insurance solutions to individuals and &orporates.
here are various plans which are offered for individuals P employee s by !eliance
#ife Insurance. 7lans are as followsB?
!:#IAJ&: AUEMAI& IJ/:;M:J 7#AJ
!:#IAJ&: MEJ:I 5U!AJ:: 7#AJ
!:#IAJ&: :JDEHM:J 7#AJ
!:#IAJ&: ;7:&IA# :JDEHM:J 7#AJ
!:#IAJ&: &A;' -#EH #AJ
!:#IAJ&: &'I#D 7#AJ
!:#IAJ&: :!M 7#AJ
!:#IAJ&: H'E#: #I-: 7#AJ
!:#IAJ&: MA!%: !:U!J 7#AJ
!:#IAJ&: 5E#D:J I:A!; 7#AJ
!:#IAJ&: ;7:&IA# :!M 7#AJ
!:#IAJ&: &EJJ:& E #I-: 7#AJ
Apart from these there are other employees benefits plans which are also provided to
the employee" which are as followsB?
!:#IAJ&: 5!EU7 :!M A;;U!AJ&: 7E#I&I
!:#IAJ&: :D#I ;&':M:
!:#IAJ&: 5!EU7 5!AUII 7#AJ
his includes the following three plans under it" which are as follows?
o Balanced &apital ;ecure -und
o -und
o 5rowth -und
I. Reliance Money Guarantee Plan
Under this plan the investment risk in the investment portfolio is borne by the
policy holder. It is a trio the pace setter plan" which promise life protection an
opportunity to gain control over investment along with protection of downside risk.
he !eliance Money 5uarantee 7lan is a unit linked product
addressing comprehensive need to strike that perfect balance and savings" that you
deserve as you grow successfully. he !eliance Money 5uarantee 7lan is a regular
premium linked policy which guarantees the entire premium <including premiums for
top?ups= paid by you. his is a plan" which helps you reap all the benefits of a
rising market simultaneously protecting you from the downside risk of the market.
Key features Reliance Money Guarantee Plan:
&apital 5uarantee the sum of all premiums paid is guranteed on maturity or on death
before the maturity.
&apital 5urantee is available on both the basic premiums as well as on top?on
Uni)ue !eturn ;hield feature to protect your returns.
&hoice to invest from three pre?packaged investment fund options.
Unmatched fle$ibility through our U:$change optionA to move between the !eliance
money 5uarantee suit of products offered" as you grow up the ladder.
#i)uidity in the form of partial withdrawal from top?up funds.
Eption to package with accidental death and disability and term insurance riders.
Benefits in detail;
Capital Guarantee: he plan offers &apital 5urantee provided the policy is kept in
full force by payment of due premiums on time.
Capital Gurantee under the Basic Plan: 7remium paid under the basic plan are
guranteed on the maturity of the policy or on death during the policy term
Capital Gurantee under the Top-Up premiumsB :ach top?up premium paid is
guranteed on death during the 7olicy erm provided there are no partial withdrawals
from the top?up.
:ach top?up premium paid is guranteed on maturity of the policy provided the policy
term is greater than ten years" there are no partial withdrawals from that top?ups and
top?up was paid ten years before the maturity date.
ife Cover BenefitB he amount of Death Benefit depends on the age of the #fe
Assured at the time of death.
i= If the age of the #ife Assured at the time of death is more than *, years last
birthday while the policy is in force" the company will pay the sum of B
*. 'igher of <;um Assured" -und /alue as on date of intimation of death under
Basic 7lan e$cluding any e$tra or additional premium paid.=
,.'igher of <-und /alue as on date of intimation of death under top?ups and
top?up premium paid provided no partial withdrawal is made from that top?up=
i='owever if the #ife Assured age at the time of death is less than or e)ual to
*, years last birthday while the policy is in force" the death benefit will be
the sum ofL
*. 'igher of <-und /alue as on date of intimation of death under Basic 7lan and
premiums paid under the Basic 7lan e$cluding any e$tra or additional .
Maturity Benefit Under op?UpsB
If policy term is greater than ten years" the Maturity Benefit under top?up is the
higher of <-und value under the top?up and top?up premium paid provided there is no
partial withdrawal from that top?up=
If 7olicy erm is ten years" the Maturity Benefit under the top?up is the -und value
under the top F up.
he policy terminates on payment of the Maturity Benefit.
;um Assured
he fi$ed ;um Assured UJD:! he Basic plan would be calculated as
the amount of annual premiums payable for half the 7olicy erm !ider Benefit. Iou
can add Accidental Death and Accidental otal and 7ermanent Disablement Benefit
!ider and erm #ife Insurance Benefit !ider.
Reliance Market Return Plan
Iou have always aspired for the best in life and we help you achieve just that. Hith
!eliance Market !eturn play you can have the twin advantage of insurance protection
as well as reaping the benefits of insurance growth. It is a fle$ible plan which works
all through your life and meets the changing re)uirements like additional protection"
li)uidity through cash" option to invest in different asset class" steady golden years
and many more.
%ey features? !eliance Market !eturn 7lanB
win benefit of market linked return and insurance protection.
A Unit #inked 7lan" different from traditional #ife Insurance 7roducts" with
ma$imum maturity age of C0 years.
Eption to creat your own portfolio depending on your risk appetite.
&hoose from four different investment funds.
-le$ibility to swith between funds.
Eption to pay regular as well as single premium and top ups.
Eption to package with Accidental riders
-le$ibility to increase the ;um Assured
#i)uidity through partial withdrawals.

Reliance Automatic Investment Plan

he key benefits of !eliance Automatic Investment 7lan are as followsB
A smart plan which adapts to your changing risk profile with increasing age.
Eption to lower the average cost of units through systematic transfer of your
-le$ibility to switch between funds and plans.
Eptions for additional Insurance cover available through riders.
%ey -eatures !eliance Automatic Investment 7lan
wo plan options to choose from !eady?made and tailor?made.
#ife ;tage asset allocation to ensure automatic change in investment patterns"
under the !eady made 7lan option.
-reedom to decide your own fund mi$ based on your risk profile under the
ailor?made 7lan.
!egular" limited" single premium paying options.
Unmatched fle$ibility through our U:$change EptionsA.
#i)uidity in the form of partial withdrawal
ption to avail of Accident Death Benefit" Accidental otal" 7remium
Disability and erm Insurance riders.
Reliance Endowment Plan
It takeas a lot for a dream to become a reality and money is surely one of them.
!eliance :ndowment 7lan gives you just the financial independence to reali4e your
dreams in the future.
It lets you decide how much you would like to set as your sum assured based on
your current financial position and your e$pected future e$penses.
Key Features
En maturity receive ;um Assured plans bonuses.
Healty creation through bonus addition.
More value for your money by way of 'igh ;um Assured !ebate.
Increase your insurance protection by adding term cover.
&hoose to pay regular or single premium.
&hoose to add the benefit of two riders? &ritical Illness !ider and Accident Death
Benefit and otal AJD 7ermanent Disablement !iders.
&hoose to avail of a 7olicy #oan after three full years of premium.
!eliance ;pecial :ndowment 7lan
!eliance ;pecial :ndowment 7lan is key to all your financial needs. Iou get a
desired lump sum after a specified period" however your life insurance protection
continues for an e$tended period. If anything were to happen to you" your beneficiary
will get another sum assured along with the bonuses.
Key Features
win benefit of protection and savigs.
;um Assured is paid on survival" at the end of the premium paying term life cover
for full ;um Assured continues beyond premium paying term :$tended #ife &over for
five years after premium paying terms.
Health creation through bonus additions.
More value for your money by way of 'igh ;um Assured !ebate.
&hoose to add the benefit of two riders? &ritical Illness !ider and Accidental Death
Benefit and otal and 7ermanent Disablement !iders.
&hoose to avail of a policy loan available after three full years of premium payment.
7olicy participates in profits even after premium paying term.
Reliance cash flow plan
Hhile most insurance plans block your money for a certain period of time" !eliance
&ash -low 7lan gives you the double benefit of life insurance along with easy
li)uidity through lump sum cash. It provides money periodically when you need it.
It lets you live life to the fullest today and at the same
time" helps you stay protected for tomorrow by giving you the fle$ibility of receiving
a specified percentage of the ;um Assured at specified intervals.
Key Features
Easy liquidity- 5et periodic cash flows at the end of the fourth year and thereafter at
the end of every three years.
Health creation through bonus addition.
En maturity receive accumulated bonuses along with final lump sum payout.
More value for your money by way of 'igh ;um Assured !ebate.
-ull ;um Assured plan bonuses in case of your unfortunate death. his is over and
above the ;urvived Benefits already paid.
Eption to add two riders? &ritical Illness !idr and Accidental Death Benefit and otal
and 7ermanent Disablement !ider
Reliance Child Plan
As a parent it is only natural to dream of a smooth and blissful life for your child
which is e$actly why you need to secure your childAs tomorrow today.
!eliance &hild 7lan helps you to save systematically" so that you can give your child
the much needed financial security in the future. ;imply put !eliance &hild 7lan
gives you the freedom to enjoy every moment with your child today" without carrying
about hisDher tomorrow.
Key Features
!isk protection for you during the term of the 7olicy Accumulated bonus at the end
of the 7olicy term.
,6M of ;um Assured payable every year as lump sum benefit during the last four
policy anniversaries.
All future premiums are waived in the event of unfortunate loss of life.
5uranteed -i$ed Benefits continue even after loss of life of the policyholder.
More value for your money by way of 'igh ;um Assured !ebate.
&hoose to ad the benefit of two riders F &ritical Illness !ider and Accident Death
benefit and Accidental Death Benefit and otal and 7ermanent Disablement !ider.
7olicy participates in profit even after the loss of life of the #ife Assured.
Reliance Whole Life Plan
Iou always loved your family as a loving person. Iou also wanted to be rest assured
in the knowledge that they will be happy" even if something were happen to you.
Hith !eliance Hhole #ife 7lan you can be sure that your family will receive that
timely financial support they need.
Key Features
Insurance protection till age C6.
&hoose to e$tend your insurance coverage till age 11.
&onvenient 7remium 7ayment erm Health creation through bonus addition.
More value for your money by way of 'igh ;um Assured !ebate.
5et ;um Assured plus bonuses in case of your unfortunate death.
Eption to add two riders? &ritical Illness and Accidental Death Benefit and otal P
7ermanent Disablement !ider.
7olicy loan available after three full years premium payment.
Reliance Connect to Life Plan
!eliance &onnect to #ife 7lan helps you to build security
and savings for a better tomorrow. As your income is likely to grow" you should also
ensure that you have sufficient protection for your near and dear ones. !eliance
&onnect to #ife 7lan ensures that you have the option to upgrade your life cover to
keep pace with your changing lifestyle.
Key Features and Benefits
Maturity Benefit: En survival of the life assured until maturity" the 7lan pays the
sum assured plans simple vested bonuses to the policyholder.
Death Benefit: In case of unfortunate death of the life assured before the maturity
date" the 7lan pays the sum assured plus simple vested bonuses to the nominee.
Choice of two plans: At the time of initial purchase of !eliance &onnect to #ife
7olicy" you have two kinds of plans to choose from namely" 5old 7lan P ;ilver
he !eliance &onnect to #ife 5old 7lan offers a life cover of !s. ,"00"000 initially.
Iou may enhance your life cover to a ma$imum of !s. 6"00"000 in two stages by
e$ercising your option.
Options to enhance life cover
Under each of the above two plans" you have an
option to enhance your life cover amountB
At the end of one year from the date of initial purchase of !eliance &apital &onnect
to #ife 5oldD ;ilver 7lan" you are entitled to enhance your life cover by e$ercising
your option to purchase an additional !eliance &onnect to #ife 7olicy.
7rovidd you have e$ercised your option to enhance life cover at the end of the first
year. Iou are entitled to enhance your life cover again at the end of the second year
by purchasing an additional !eliance &onnect to #ife 7olicy.
a$ benefit under ;ection C0 & and *0<*0= D of the Act.
Reliance Term Plan
#ife" as we know is full of uncertainities. And to keep ahead of them" you need to
plan ahead. !eliance erm 7lan is a pure life insurance plan that offers you
comprehensive and affordable coverage for a limited period of time to suit your
Key features
5et higher insurance protection at economical rates.
Eptional accident and disability rider to enhance protection.
:conomic way to protect your family against financial liabilities like loss of income
and outstanding loans etc.
Discount on premium rates for women.
;uitable for business owners who want to cover the life of their key employees.
Reliance Simple Term Plan
o protect your family from tomorrowAs uncertainities you need to plan from today.
And !eliance ;imple erm 7lan helps you do just that. It is a cost effective" pure
life insurance plan that offers you comprehensive and affordable coverage for a
limited period of time to suit your needs.
Reliance Special Term Plan
!eliance ;pecial erm 7lan is a pure life insurance plan that offers you
comprehensive and affordable coverage for a limited period of time to suit your
needs. HhatAs more" on survival at maturity all premiums paid for your basic policy
will be returned to you.
Key Features
5et higher insurance protection at economical rates.
Basic premiums paid will be refunded at maturity.
&hoose to pay regular single premium.
Discount on premium rates for women choose to add the benefit of two riders
to your policy ?critical Illness !ider and Accident Death Benefit AJD otal
7ermanent Disablement !ider.
Reliance Credit Guardian Plan
In todayAs world of easily available loans" we often tend to neglect the price our
loved ones have to pay in case of our untimely demise. !eliance &redit 5uardian
7lan ensures that your housing loans" personal loans or even outstanding credit card
bills are paid in the event of ultimately demise. hus keeping you and your family
protected from the burden and the worry of debt in such a situation.
Reliance Mutual Fund
!eliance Mutual -und" a part of the !eliance Anil Dhirubhai Ambani 5roup <!?
ADA5= is one of the fastest growing mutual funds in the country. !eliance Mutual
-und offers investors a well rounded portfolio of products to meet varying investors
re)uirements. !eliance Mutual -und has a presence in over **6 cities across the
country" an investor base of over **6 cities across the country" an investor base of
over !s. .10*1 crore as on .*
+an ,00>. !eliance Mutual -und constantly endeavors
to launch innovative products and customer service initiatives to increase value to
!eliance Mutual -und schemes are managed by !eliance &apital Asset
Management #td. !eliance &apital is one of IndiaAs leading and fastest growing
private sector financial services companies and ranks among the top three private
sector financial services and banking companies in terms of net worth. !eliance
&apital has interests in asset management and mutual funds" life and general insurance
private e)uity and proprietary investments stock broking and other financial services.
here are three types of scheme which are provided to the
investors under these mutual funds and they are as follows?
Equity / Growth Scheme
he aim of growth funds is to provide capital appreciation over the medium to
long?term. ;uch schemes normally invest a major part of their corpus and e)uities.
;uch funds are less risky compared to e)uity schemes. hese funds are not affected
because of fluctuations in e)uity markets. 'owever" apportunities of capital
appreciation are also limited in such funds. he JA/As of such funds are likely to
increase in the short run and vise versa. 'owever" long term investors may not bother
about these fluctuations.
Sector Specific Schemes
hese are the fundsD schemes which invest in the securities of only those sectors or
industries as specified in the offer documents eg. 7harmaceuticals" ;oftware" -ast
Moving &onsumer 5oods <-M&5=" 7etrolium ;tocks etc. he returns in these funds
are dependent on the sectors industries.
Mutual -unds are of great importance to the investors. ;ome of
the advantages of mutual could be summari4ed as followsB
7roffesional Management
&onvienient Administration
!eturn 7otential
#ow costs
&hoice of schemes
a$ benefits
Hell regulated
Types of Mutual Fund Schemes
Hide variety of mutual fund schemes e$ist to cater to the needs such as financial
position risk tolerance and return e$pectations etc. he table below gives an overview
into the e$isting types of schemes in the industry.
Epen?:nded ;chemes
&lose?:nded ;chemes
5rowth ;chemes
Income ;chemes
Balanced ;cheme
Money Market
a$ ;aving ;chemes
;pecial ;chemes
Inde$ ;chemes
;ector ;pecific ;cheme
Demat Account
Demat aDc allows you to buy" sell and transact shares without the endless paperwork
and delays. It is also safe" secure and convenient.
What is Demat A/C
Demat refers to a demateriali4ed aDc. +ust as you have to open an account in a bank
if you want to save your money" make che)ue payment etc" you need to open a
Demat account if you to buy or sell stocks. ;o it is just like a bank account where
money is placed by shares. Iou have to approach the D7s <remember they are like
bank branches=" to open your Demat account.
#etAs say your portfolio of shares looks like this B 80 of Infosys" ,6 of Hipro" 86 of
'U# and *00 of all. All these will show in your Demat account. ;o you donAt have
to possess any physical certificates showing that you own these shares. hey are all
held electronically in your account. As you buy and sell the shares" they are adjusted
in your account. +ust like a bank passbook or statement" the Demat account will
provide you with periodic statements of holdings and transactions.
Is a Demat account must?
Jowadays" practically all trades have to be settled in
demateriali4ed form. Altough the market regulator" the ;:BI has allowed trades of
upto 600 shares to be settled in physical form" nobody wants physical shares any
more. ;o a Demat is a must for trading and investing.
Why Demat?

he Demat account reduces brokerage charges" makes pledging D
hypothecations of shares easier" enables )uick ownership of securities on settlement
resulting in increased li)uidity" avoids confusion in the ownership title of securities
and provides easy receipt of public issue allotments.
It also helps you to avoid bad deliveries caused by signature
mismatch postal delays and loss of certificates in transit. -urther it eliminates risks
associated with forgery" counterfeiting and loss due to fire" theft or multilation. Demat
account holders can also avoid filling up of transfer deeds and obtain )uick receipt of
such benefits as stock splits and bonuses.
Demat Benefits
he benefits are enumerated below?
A safe and convenient way to hold securities.
Immediate transfer of securities.
Jo stamp duty on transfer of securities.
:limination of risks associated with physical certificates such as bad delivery"
fake securities" delays" thefts etc.
!eduction in paperwork involved in transfer of securities.
!eduction in transaction cost.
Jo odd lot problem" even one share can be sold.
Nomination facility.
&hange in address recorded with Demat Account gets registered with all companies in
which investors holds securities electronically eliminating the need to correspond with
each of them separately.
ransaction of securities is done by Demat Account eliminating correspondence with
Automatic credit into Demat Account of shares arising out of bonusD splitD
consolidationD merger etc.
'olding investment in e)uity and debt instruments in a single account.

Standard documents required to open an Online Trading
Proof of residence (Address Proof)
o Driving license
o /oterAs ID
o 7assport
o 7hoto credit card
o Utility Bill <elephone" :lectricity etc.=
o Bank ;tatement
Proof of Identity
o Driving #icense
o /oterAs ID
o 7assport
o 7hoto copy of ration card
PAN Card
Three Photographs
Brokerage and Fees:
!eliance Money is offering lowest brokerage rates in todayAs online stock trading
industry. he brokerages are as low as 0.0>6M for delivery based trading and 0.0,
for now delivery.
NOTE: he above figures may not accurate" pleases contact your nerest !eliance
Money broker to check he brokerages they are offering.
Advantages of !eliance Money
:$tra security features with 2;ecurity oken3 which is the most secure and tested
technology in computer world.
;imple" easy and fast online stock stock trading.
Almost all investment options are available unde one account including :)uity
rading" Derivatives" -ore$" &ommodity" I7E" Mutual -unds and Insurance.
Branches are now available in all major cities and the number is growing branches
are open from 1 am to 1 pm.
Benefits of having a Reliance Money Account
1. It`s Cost effective
Iou pay comparatively lower transaction fees" as an introductory offer" we invite you
to pay a flat fee of just !s. 600D and transact through !eliance Money. his fee is
valid for two months or a specified transaction value.
2. It offers Single- Window Acess
hrough !eliance MoneyAs associates you can transact in :)uity" :)uity P
&ommodity Derivatives" Effshore Investments" Mutual -unds" I7EAs" #ife Insurance"
Money ransfer" Money changing and credit cards etc.
3. It`s Convenient
Iou can assess !eliance MoneyAs services through
he Internet
ransaction %iosks
he phone <&all P ransact= and through
Eur all F India network of associates on an assisted trade <through the call
centre or
Eur network of associates= a charge of !s. *6 per e$ecuted trade will be

4. It`s Safe
Iour accont is safe gourded with a uni)ue security no. that changes in every .,
seconds. his no. works as a dynamic password to keep your account e$tra safe.
5. It provides you a Demat Account with !eliance &apital at an annual fee of just
!s. 60D?
6. It provides you a . in * facility. Iou can access your banking" trading and demat
account through a single window and transfer funds across accounts seamlessly.
>. It provides you value added services at you get
i. !eliable research" including views of e$ternal e$perts with an enviable track
ii. #ive news updates from !enters and Dow+ones.
iii. &:Es D :$perts views on the economy and financial markets.
iv. ools that help you in planning investments" ta$" retirement etc in the personal
finance section.
v. !isk analy4ers for the analysis of your risk profile.
vi. Asset allocates to bold an appropriate investment portfolio.
Useful links about Reliance Money
i. !eliance Money Hebsite B
ii. Branch #ocator B !eliance Money Branch #ocator

:)uity ;hares are commonly referred to common stock or
ordinary shares. :ven though the word shares and stocks are interchangeably used" there
is a difference between them. ;hare capital of a company is divided into number of
small units of e)ual value called shares.
:)uity ;hares have the following rights according to section C6 <,= of the companies
Act *169.
*= !ight to vote at the general body meeting of the company.
,= !ight to control the management of the company.
.= !ight to share in the profits in the form of dividends and bonus shares.
8= !ight to claim on the residual after repayment of all the claims in the case of
winding up of company.
6= !ight of pre?emption in the matter of issue of new capital.
9= !ight to apply to court if there is any discrepancy in the rights set aside.
>= !ight to receive a copy of the statutory report" copies of annual accounts along
with audited report.
C= !ight to apply the central government to call an annual meeting when a company
fails to call such a meeting.
1= !ight to apply the &ompany #aw boards for calling an e$traordinary general

he &haracters of the preferred stock are hybrid nature.
;ome of its features resemble the bond and other e)uity shares. #ike the bonds" their
claim on the companyGs income are limited and they receive fi$ed dividend. In the
event of li)uidation of the company their claims on the assets of the firm are also
Types of Preference Share-
a) Cumulative Preference Shares?

he cumulative total of all unpaid preferred
dividends must be paid before dividends are paid on the common e)uity. he unpaid
dividends are known as arrearages. he arrearages do not earn interest.
b) Non- Cumulative Shares-

As the name suggests" the dividend does not
accumulate. If there is no profit or inade)uate profit in the company in a particular.
Iear" the company does not pay it. In the winding up of a company if the preference
and e)uity shares are fully paid" they have no further rights to have claims in the
c) Convertible Preference Shares?

he convertibility feature makes the preference
share a more attractive investment security. he conversion feature is almost identical
with that of the bonds.
d) Redeemable Preference Shares?

If there is a provision in the Articles of Association" redeemable preference shares
can be issued. But redemption of the shares can be done only when
he partly paid up shares are made fully paid up
he fund for redemption is created from the profits" which would otherwise be
Available for distribution of dividends or out of the proceeds of fresh issue of
;hares for the purpose.
If any premium has to be paid on redemption" it should be paid out of the
Hhen redemption is made out of profits" a sum e)ual to the nominal value of the
redeemed shares should be transferred to the capital !edemption account.
e) Irredeem1able Preference Shares?

his type of shares is not redeemable e$cept
on occasions like winding up of the business. In India" this type of shares was
permitted till l6th +une *1CC.

Debenture includes debenture stock" bond and any other securities of company"
whether constituting a charge on the assets of the company or not. Debenture are
generally issued by the private sector companies as a long?term promissory note for
raising loan capital.
Characteristic of Debentures F
Form -
It is given in the form of certificate of indebtedness by the company specifying the
date of redemption and interest rate.
Interest -
he rate of interest is fi$ed at the time of issue itself which is known as contractual
or coupon rate of interest. Interest is paid as a percentage of the par value of the
debenture and may be paid annually" semi annually or )uarterly.
Redemption -
As stated earlier the redemption date would be specified in the issue itself. he
maturity period may range from 6 years to *0 years India. hey may be redeemed in

Indenture is a trust deed between the company issuing debenture and the debenture
trustee who represents the debenture holders. he trustee takes the responsibility of
protecting the interest of the debenture holders and ensures that the company fulfills
the contractual obligations.
Bond is long term debt instrument that promise to pay a fi$ed annual sum as interest
for specified period of time. he basic features of the bonds are given belowB
*. Bonds have face value. he face value is called par value. he bonds may be
issued at par or at discount.
,. he interest rate is fi$ed. ;ometimes it may be variable in the case of floating
rate bond.
.. he maturity date of the bond is usually specified at the issue time e$cept in
the case of perpetual bonds.
8. he redemption value is also stated in the bonds. he redemption value may be
at par value or at premium.
6. Bonds are traded in the stock market. Hhen they are traded the market value
may be at par or at premium or at discount.
he purpose of research is to discover answers to )uestions through the application of
scientific procedures. he main aim of research is to find out the truth which is
hidden and which has not been discovered as yet. hough each research study has its
own specific purpose" we may think of research objectives as falling into a number of
following broad groupingsB
o gain familiarity with a phenomenon or to achieve new insights into it <studies
with this object in view are termed as e$ploratory or formulari4e research studies=L
o portray accurately the characteristics of a particular individual" situation or a group
<studies with this object in view are known as descriptive research studies=L
o determine the fre)uencyG with which something occurs or with which it is
associated with something else <studies with this object in view are known as
diagnostic research studies=L
!esearch in common parlance refers to a search for knowledge. Ene can also define
research as a scientific and systematic search for pertinent information on a specific
topic. In fact" research is an art of scientific investigation. It is a careful investigation
or en)uiry especially through search for new facts in any branch of knowledge. ;ome
people consider research as a movement" a movement from the known to the
unknown. It is actually a voyage of discovery.
He all possess the vital instinct of in)uisitiveness for" when the unknown confronts
us" we wonder and our in)uisitiveness makes us probe and attain full and fuller
understanding of the unknown. his in)uisitiveness is the mother of all knowledge of
whatever the unknown" can be termed as research.
!esearch is an academic activity and as such the term should be used in a technical
According to 2&lifford Hoody3 !esearch comprises defining and redefining problems"
-ormulating hypothesis or suggested solutionsL collecting" organi4ing and evaluating
Making decisions and reaching conclusionsL and at last carefully testing the
conclusions to determine whether they fit the formulating hypothesis. !esearch is" thus"
an original contribution to the e$isting stock of knowledge making for its
advancement. It is the pursuit of truth with the help of study" observation" comparison
and e$periment. In short" the search for knowledge through objective and systematic
method of finding solution to a problem is research. he systematic approach
concerning generali4ation and the formulation of a theory is also research.
As such the term UresearchA refers to the systematic method consisting of enunciation
the problem" formulating a hypothesis" collecting the facts or data" analy4ing the facts
and reaching certain conclusions either in the form of solutions towards the concerned
problem or in certain generali4ations for some theoretical formulation.
Research Process:
he project was completed in the following stagesB
Stage 1: Understanding the project
Stage 2: 7roblem definition and research design
7rimary data was collected through a sample survey. By visiting other four stock
e$changes branch office <I&I&I" ;7-#" 6 7AI;A" ;':!%'AJ= in #ucknow in these
companies were )ueried with help of a well ? structured )uestionnaire.
Analy4e various market segments for !;# and gathering their address" contract profile
etc. by visiting different places related to these segments and also using HE!#D
HID: H:B and e$ecutive directives.
.. /isited office of I&I&I direct" ;7-#" and 67AI;A" ;':!%'AJ to e$plore the

position of !eliance Money ;ec. #td. in present era of stock e$change.
Research design:
Market research is a systematic collection" analysis and reporting of data and findings
!elevant to a specific marketing situation facing the competition. he research design
encompasses the following information.
Research Type: Descriptive.
he data has been generated through e$tensive survey method. ;ufficient time has
been given at each stock e$change for e$tracting the desired information.
Descriptive research includes surveys and fact ? finding en)uiries of different kinds.
he major purpose of descriptive research is description of the state of affairs" as it
e$ists at present. In social science and business research we )uite often use the term
:$ post facto research for descriptive research studies. he main characteristic of this
method is that the researcher has no control over the variablesL he can only report
what has happened or what is happening. Most e$ post facto research projects are
used for descriptive studies in which the researcher seeks to measure such items as"
-or e$ample" fre)uency of shopping" preferences of people" or similar data. :$ post
facto studies also include attempts by researchers to discover causes even when they
cannot control the variables. he methods of research utili4ed in descriptive research
are survey methods of all kinds" including comparative and co?relational methods.
here were only two types of data available?
7rimary Data
;econdary Data
here are two sources from where I collected the data. Hhich are as followB?
Primary data: ?

7rimary data are those" which are collected afresh P for the first time
P this happen to be original in character. 7ersonal P elephonic Interviews"
observation" personal opinion P view points of the respondents about the various
schemes helped incompletion of the project. Many time ;enior 7erson like D5M post
take the class and give the details about the working pattern of organi4ation.
Secondary data: ?

;econdary data is the data which was originally complied by another
researcher for other purposes than the one the present researcher intends to use it for.
I also use the secondary data" i.e. the data related to the company like history and
policies of the company P annual report. I take data from the internet like Industry
7rofile" history of the !eliance Money securities #imited.
Data source:
Data collected was primary as well as secondaryL it was collected by the means of
detailed )uestionnaire from various branches of stock e$change in #ucknow.
Sample design:
;ample UnitB rading 'ouse.
;ampling ;i4eB -our ? branch office of stock e$change asB
Contact Method: ;tructure )uestionnaire" verbally
Sampling Procedure: ;imple !andom ;ampling.
Population Size: -inite
Research Instrument: Xuestionnaire
Research Approach: Market survey
Location of Research: #ucknow
Statistical Tool Use for analysis: &entral endency
Majority of the investors are of business class since 9CM of the population are
,.M of the investors were of service class.
And 1M are others.
Business class
Service class
How will you select the company for purchasing Financial
Hords of mouth is the most popular source for purchasing financial products.
7eople have much faith on their friends" associates and relatives.
Agents are the ne$t most preffered option for purchasing financial productions.



Ewn research?*1
Have you seen the Advertisement of Reliance Money
Awareness of !eliance Money is )uite high C>M.
elevision" banners and holdings are most popular sources.
*.M population is still not aware.
&ompany should make efforts to reduce this percentage.
Tick the Financial Product you are aware of-
Almost *00M population is aware of mutual funds and insurance.
Awareness of shares is also )uite high but efforts are re)uired to creat
about derivatives and offshore investments.
3 3





Mutual funds?1>
Derivatives P offshore invt.?.
Users of Financial Products
>CM of the population is aware of shares but only ,>M are actually trading
thus there is a lot of potential market that can be tapped.
here is a cut throat competition in insurance sector and company has to make
a lot of efforts to retain its customers.
Mutual -unds are the growing sector in financial products.
0 0





Mutual funds? 99
Derivatives P offshore invt.?0
%arvy is most popular among investors.
I&I&I seconds the list.
!eliance must have to offer better services and opportunities to investors than %arvy"
I&I&I" Anand !athi" ;harekhan to top the list.





India bulls?*0
Anand rathi?*.
I&I&I direct?*>
!eliance money?**
Brand loyality of !eliance Money is very low.
8>M of the population is not confident of recommending it to their friends"
relatives and associates.
;ome people donAt want it to recommend to their knowns ones.
&i0ht r mi0ht
nt recmmend
)r.a.l! nt
,efinitel! nt
It proves that brand loyality is very low.
7eople have different choices of the company for the purchase of financial products.
&orporate image of !eliance &ommunication is superimposing its other products.
&ompany is not able to truly communicate that !eliance is not just about 7etroleum
and &ommunication.
#I& is still the biggest competitor in the market.
7eople are moving towards private companies but 7;ULs are still the king of
the market.
Reliance 4(+
I&I&I lumbard?,*
'dfc club?1
Bajaj alliance?**
Dabur aviva?.
#esser number of trading outlets.
rading terminals are not working at each outlets.
%iosk facility at retail outlets like Barista is not yet working.
&ustomer care personnel are not able to solve customerAs )ueries.
Account kit is not reaching to the customers within specified time period.
!eliance Money is coming up with best schemes of financial products in the
It is difficult to creat brand loyal customers in case of financial services since
there is a lot of risk involved in the investment but once created" it is difficult
to make them switch over.

he company should not overcommunicate their services to their consumers.
hey should clearly inform them about the time by when their services will be
performed so as to avoid dissatisfaction among the consumers.
erminals at different franchise outlets should be in working conditions. he
company should make it as the norm that the franchise given to a person will
be taken away if their terminals are not in setting condition within one week.
;ince setting up a terminal involves e$tra e$penses for a franchise they are not

interested in doing so.
hey are only concentrating on their business since they are not aware of long
term impact of destroying the brand image of the company on their own
here should be a set pattern of infrastructure for all the franchise outlets
which should be specified by the company so as to give an impression on the
consumer that they are gettingt the same service from the company regardless
of the outlets from were they are receiving services.
In order to creat brand identity of !eliance Money and improve its image in
the consumerAs mind" contact personnel should be given proper dress code.
A company should have a proper logo for itself and should distribute a small
miniature of that logo to their customers and other potential customers as well.
#ess customer awareness.
Homen are investing more in mutual fund while men are in shares and
Homen are more risk aversive.
;ervice provided by the company is not acceptable.
here is a difference between what customer e$pect from the service and what
management believes that customer e$pect from the service.
&ompany is promoting their product by saying that they are having lowest
brokerage in the industry but customers doesnAt give highest rank to this factor.
hey want a company who can provide them better service and speciali4ation
in the industry.
Brand loyality is very lowB 7eople believe in the company but they are not
ready to buy all the products of !eliance.
!eliance has good corporate image but it is imposing on the image of itAs
subsidiariesB Hhenever !eliance comes to peopleAs mind they associate it with
Infocom" petroleum or energy.
%othari" &.!." !esearch methodology methods and techni)ues" ,
edition" Jew Delhi B
Hishwa 7rakashan *110
www.J& <J&:M capital market advisor module work book=
7ersonal DetailsB
*. Jame
,. Age
.. Address
8. &ontact Jo.
6. Eccupation
9. 'ave you seen the advertisement of !eliance Money K
Ies Jo
>. If yes whereK
Jewspaper elevision Maga4ines Banners P 'oldings
C. Are you aware of online stock market transactions through demat agencies.
Ies Jo
If yes howK
-inancial Advisors Jewspaper D maga4ine ./.
:$isting investors Ethers
1. 'ow will you select the company for trading
Advertisement !eference Ewn research
!epresentatives Ethers
*0. If investing" what would be your primary objective for investing in stock market
&apital 5ain !egular income
**. ick mark the financial product which you are aware of
Mutual -unds Derivatives Effshore investment ;hares
&ommodities Insurance I7EAs
*,. Hhich company will you select D have selected for online tradingK
;hare %han India bulls Anand !athi %arvy
I&I&I direct !eliance Money Ethers
*.. !ank the following factors from * to > in order to their importance to you B
-actors !ank
Better ;ervice
5rowth rate of agency
;peciali4ation in industry
Different service offered
Hord of mouth

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