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Summer Internship Report

Project Topic: Corporate Finance

Submitted By: Daisy D Amichandwala

Name of Coordinator: Mr. S Bahuguna

Rohidas Patil Institute of Management Studies (Approved b AIC!" # Affiliated to $niversit of Mumbai%

I hereby declare that the Summer Internship Report

submitted for the MMS De ree! Rohidas "atil Institute of Mana ement Studies #Affiliated to $ni%ersity of Mumbai& is my ori inal 'or( and conducted in )an( of India #Church ate )ranch&*

"lace+ Mumbai Date+

Si nature of the Student

#Daisy D Amichand'ala&

This is to certify that the Summer Internship Report is the bonafide Internship 'or( carried out by Miss* Daisy D Amichand'ala student of MMS! at Rohidas "atil Institute of Mana ement Studies #Affiliated to $ni%ersity of Mumbai& durin the May to ,uly -./.! in partial fulfillment of the re0uirements for the a'ard of the De ree of Master in Mana ement Studies*

Place: Mumbai Date:

Si nature of the Director

Si nature of the Coordinator

Dr* C*1* ,oshi

Mr* N*2* 3upta

I 'ish to e5press my ratitude to Mr 1* Sethumadh%an #A3M& from the

)an( of India for pro%idin me %aluable information* I am rateful to Rohidas "atil Institute of Mana ement Studies for i%in me an opportunity to pursue MMS* I 'ish to than( my Director Dr* C*1*,oshi 'ho has been a perpetual source of inspiration and offered %aluable su estions to impro%e my practical 2no'led e*

I am indebted to my Coordinator Mr* Ni6ay 2 3upta! for abundant uidance! support! and encoura ement throu hout my internship Study* I 'ould li(e to e5press my than(s to the other staff from the )an( of India for their support and direction*
/* -* 7* 8* Mr* S* )ahu una Mrs* Amrita Sa'ant Mrs* Mamta "atil Mrs* 2a%ita Manda%(ar

"lace+ Mumbai Date+ 7/st ,uly! -.//

Si nature student



#Daisy Amichand'ala&

Chapter No Title E5ecuti%e Summary / /*/ /*-*/ -*-*7 7 7*/ 7*7*7 7*8 7*: 8 : < )an(in Industry 9 A perspecti%e 3lobal Scenario Indian Scenario )an( Of India 9 Company "rofile "a e No ./ .7 .: .; /.

Products and Services Holding Pattern Financial Position Corporate Finance Introduction Types o !ccounts Credit !c#uisition $ue $iligence Security Types o &orro'ers (et)ods or deter*ining t)e li*its Types+,inds o -i*its

13 14 18 25 26 2" 2" 2" 3% 31 34 35

<*/ <*; = > /. /.*/ /.*/.*7 /.*8 /.*: /.*< /.*; /.*= /.*> // //7 /8 /: /<

Fund &ased -i*it .on Fund &ased -i*it $i erent (et)ods o Credit delivery Credit !ppraisal Preparation o Proposals Purpose o Proposal For* o Proposal Contents o Proposal Types o Securities Provided against advances Credit 0ating Stoc1 Inspection Insurance o Security Financial !nalysis 0ate o Interest (argin $is2ursal o !dvance 0is1s Frauds .on Per or*ing !ssets 3.P!4 Co*pro*ise Settle*ents $e2t 0ecovery Tri2unal

36 3/ 4% 42 45 4" 4" 4" 5% 53 55 5/ 5" 6% 61 62 63 64 6/ /% /3

/; /= /> -. -/ --7 -8 -:

Civil Court S!0F!5SI !ct !nne6ure I !nne6ure II !nne6ure III !nne6ure I7 !nne6ure 7 Conclusion &i2liograp)y

/5 /6 // /" 8/ 8" "" "" 1%%

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