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Tell me, please , English Teaching Planning for the First Course of the Initial Cycle (Primary Education) - July-2007


Page 2

INTRODUCTION----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GENERAL OBJECTIVES RELATED TO THE LINGUISTIC AREAS IN THE PRIMARY EDUCATION --------------------------------------------------------------GENERAL CURRICULUM FRAMEWORK RELATED TO LINGUISTIC AREAS FOR THE FIRST CYCLE OF PRIMARY EDUCATION, SPECIALLY FOR THE FOREIGN LANGUAGE ADQUISITION ------------------------------------------------------- GENERAL AIMS--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CONTENTS--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------BASIC COMPETENCES----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ASSESSMENT CRITERIA--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

4 5 5 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 11 12 12 12 13 13 13 14 14 14 15
20 25 29 33 37 41 45 50

CONTEXTUALIZATION---------------------------------------------------------------------------Psychological pupils features-------------------------------------------------------------The setting context---------------------------------------------------------------------------The school context---------------------------------------------------------------------------The English classroom-----------------------------------------------------------------------

GENERAL METHODOLOGY--------------------------------------------------------------------ATTENTION TO DIVERSITY--------------------------------------------------------------------TRANSVERSE TOPICS---------------------------------------------------------------------------ASSESSMENT---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------DIDACTIC UNITS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

SEQUENCE OF CONTENTS---------------------------------------------------------------------------------SQUEMES AND DESCRIPTION------------------------------------------------------------------------------

UNIT 1 : HI BEAKY!--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

OBJECTIVES---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CONTENTS ( Concepts, Procedures, attitudes )-------------------------------------------------------ACTIVITIES (Learning, Reinforcement, Extension, Special Educative Needs )----------------ASSESSMENT-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------METHODOLOGY-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

UNIT 2: HI THOMAS!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------UNIT 3: HALLOWEEN!-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------UNIT 4: ROBBIE, THE ROBOT----------------------------------------------------------------------------------UNIT 5: PASS AND PULL THE CRACKER------------------------------------------------------------------UNIT 6: HAPPY BIRTHDAY, CAILLOU!----------------------------------------------------------------------UNIT 7: IM COLD---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------UNIT 8: GALAXY KIDS--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------UNIT 9: NAUGHTY, NAUGHTY, CECIL-----------------------------------------------------------------------UNIT 10: WALKING THROUGH THE JUNGLE--------------------------------------------------------------

BIBLIOGRAPHY------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ANNEXE 1: RESOURCE BANK (GAMES, RHYMES, CHANTS AND SONGS) ANNEXE 2: DIDACTIC MATERIALSANNEXE 3: WORKSHEETS


Tell me, please , English Teaching Planning for the First Course of the Initial Cycle (Primary Education) - July-2007

INTRODUCTION This teaching planning has been designed to be developed with children that belong to the first cycle of Primary Education. We assumed that these pupils have no knowledge of English. However, in case there was any who had some notions of this language, the methodological principles of this project would allow to integrate any diversity in the learning process. The design of the 10 didactic units that compound this planning has taken into account , on the one hand, the regarding exposed by the Curricular Discussion within the Pacte Nacional per a lEducaci (Barcelona, April 2.006)1 and, on the other hand, the ideas included in the provisional document connected with the Basic Competences, General Aims, Contents and Assessment Criteria to be considered for the Primary Education Curriculum.2 Finally, in order to get more specific and concrete ideas, we have consult the useful document English in the first cycle of Primary(2004), published by the Autonomous Government, which has been a helpful guide to design the final planning. The didactic units are based on the communicative approach. That is, the different activities are designed in order to create meaningful and communicative situations where pupils have to do something with the use of the language, all of this linked to their most near reality. This is the reason why the activities proposed in this project try to work on the four skills in a interrelated manner: listening, speaking, reading and writing, specially the two first ones during the initial units. In a few words, this is an eclectic proposal, whose method and resources have been taken from the own teaching experience, several courses attended and a wide bibliography 3. The designed activities try to be meaningful, communicative, enjoyable, coherent with the objectives proposed and useful to help children to progress individually and to get the necessary input to progress depending on their aptitudes and capacities. As we know, not all students learn in the same way and rhythm. This is the reason why at the end of each unit we offer some web sites where we can get some useful ideas for different purposes and pupils profiles, and a group of several activities as well (reinforcement, extension or N.N.E activities) for the diversity treatment. This project wants to be an open proposal. We, as teachers aware of the constant changes and necessities in our reality, should work with flexible and open resources in order to be in consonance with our world.

Taken from the section related to The teaching and learning language and communication in a multilingual and multicultural society within Pacte Nacional per a lEducaci. Debat Curricular (Barcelona, abril 2,006). Suitable in 2 Servei DOrdenaci Curricular (Last revision 22/2/2007). Suitable in 3 Page 54-55

Tell me, please , English Teaching Planning for the First Course of the Initial Cycle (Primary Education) - July-2007

GENERAL OBJECTIVES RELATED TO THE LINGUISTIC AREAS IN THE PRIMARY EDUCATION4 The linguistic areas of the curriculum in Catalonia (Catalan, Spanish and English) have as main aims the development of the following capacities: 1. To value the multilingual and multicultural reality in our society as a personal and collective richness source. To be also awareness of the importance of knowing languages in a global world, using progressively in an autonomous way the available means, even ICT5 resources, in order to obtain information and communicate, avoiding linguistic stereotypes, which lead to classists, sexists or racism tendencies. 2. To develop an oral and written competence in all the languages used at school in order to communicate, to learn, to express opinions and cultural aspects and satisfy individual and social needs.6 5. To express oral productions adapting contents and forms to the different contexts and communicative situations, showing a respectful collaborative attitude. 6. To understand and answer in the foreign language within the most frequent interactions into the classroom. 7. To understand discourses and oral explanations within the school context and in the social and cultural nearer surroundings. 8. To understand oral messages in the foreign language about topics related to pupils inter ests, to others and to the nearest reality. 9. To understand written texts within the school context and the social and cultural nearer surroundings. 10. To use social communicative means, audiovisual and multimedia, and also the Information and Communicative Techniques (ICT) to get, understand and value different opinions and informations. 11. To use languages at the school property to gather and process information and also to writte texts connected with different curricular areas. 12. To produce different types of texts connected with the cultural and social context, with adequacy, coherence, cohesion and linguistic checking depending on the age. 13. To think about the language and the linguistic usage rules in order to write, speak properly, coherently and correctly, and understand oral and written texts. 14. To use reading as a pleasant and rich personal source and get contact with literacy works of authors. 15. To understand literary texts of different genres suitable for the topic and the difficulty when starting the specific knowledge of the literary language. 16. To show a receptive attitude, showing interest and self-confidence about the own capacity of knowing and using a language.

These objectives have been taken and translated from the provisional document available in, which is an adaptation of the general law LOE (Royal Drecree 1513/2006). 5 Information and Communicative Techniques. 6 Points 3 and 4 are exclusively connected to Catalan and Spanish. Tell me, please , English Teaching Planning for the First Course of the Initial Cycle (Primary Education) - July-2007

GENERAL CURRICULUM FRAMEWORK RELATED TO LINGUISTIC AREAS FOR THE FIRST CYCLE OF PRIMARY EDUCATION, SPECIALLY FOR THE FOREIGN LANGUAGE ADQUISITION. 7 GENERAL AIMS Be awareness of the existence of a multicultural and multilingual world, as a feature of individual and collective richness. Develop oral and written competence as well. Understand and use oral English in the interactive classroom situations. Understand oral texts related to the nearest pupils interests and others. Use audiovisual and ICT resources to enrich and make easy the learning process. Be receptive towards the own ability to learn and use other languages.

CONTENTS Communicative Dimension Speak and Talk Production of short memorized oral texts such as songs, rhymes, chants using visual or other paralinguistic supports, according to their context. Reproduction of elementary vocabulary and messages related to usual communicative situations. Active participation in drama, story telling activities and collective speeches. Comprehension of simple management classroom instructions. Comprehension of usual and social interactive messages: greetings, date Identification of words and short texts with visual and/or audiovisual support. General comprehension of short texts with repetitive drills/structures with visual and gestured clues. Specific comprehension of words in order to understand texts and situations with visual and gestured clues. Interest and respect towards others oral participations. Recognition and identification of words and short texts with visual and/or audiovisual support. Comprehension of words and simple sentences being hard-worked orally before. Use of reading strategies such as the use of visual and verbal context and/or previous knowledge about the topic, situation, characters Interest and curiosity towards different forms of written texts throughout books, multilingual editions, on line texts

Listen and Learn

Read and Understand

Information taken and translated from, a provisional document created by the Autonomous Catalan Government (Servei dOrdenaci Curricular)

Tell me, please , English Teaching Planning for the First Course of the Initial Cycle (Primary Education) - July-2007

Writing Writing of words and short messages beginning from oral productions related to the own living, experiences and activities in the classroom. Production of short messages according to a given pattern and easily identified with the learning (target) language. Language and Learning Acquisition Knowledge Observation of the importance of prosodic and phonetics in order to improve oral production and comprehension. Recognition and use of words and simple structures of the foreign language. Observation of the differences between oral and written language. Observation of the relation between sounds and graphics.

Multilingual and Intercultural Dimension Catalan, Spanish and English languages Value of the own language and others at school or in the nearest environment in order to be able to communicate , learn and be closed to other cultures. Interest in knowing other languages and notice their differences and similitude comparing with the own one. Value of the necessity of knowing foreign languages in order to be able to communicate to more people. Receptive attitude towards people who speak other language and have a different culture. Critical attitude towards linguistic stereotypes and racial, sexist and snobbish prejudices or preconceptions. Use of a non-discriminative and respectful language towards differences. Knowledge of the diversity of languages at school and consciousness of the variety of languages and their writing forms in the world. Sensibility towards the similitude and differences among other languages and interest to compare them. Searching, perception and analysis of the multicultural and linguistic reality of the families and the identification of their differences and similitudes. Similitudes and differences between the languages learnt at school, using tales, songs and other documents during the learning of other languages. Interest in listening songs, tales and other traditional productions in the foreign language and others and notice similitudes and differences. Use of verbal and non-verbal elements to communicate in multilingual situations. Recognition and learning of basic ways of relationship in the foreign and other close languages and cultures. Participation in the different cultural and linguistic activities at school where the foreign language is used. Interested attitude and confidence towards the foreign languages acquisition in order to know other cultures and languages.

Tell me, please , English Teaching Planning for the First Course of the Initial Cycle (Primary Education) - July-2007

BASIC COMPETENCES All these general aims and contents lead to the consecution of the basic competences, which have been classified as follow:

Transversal Competences, that include:

1. Communicative competences: Audiovisual and Linguistic: They are related to the solid oral and written knowledge of other languages, with several supports and audiovisual languages as important complement within a great variety of aids and contexts as resources to learn to learn. Artistic and Cultural: It is connected with the use of those resources concerned with the expression and representation of individual or collective creations. 2. Methodological competences They have to do with the development of efficient methods of working , suitable enough with the school reality. They are connected with the use of the ICT (Information and Communication Techniques) and also with the capacity of being responsible and conscious of the own learning progress and capacities, and with the well-done work. 3. Personal competence. Be awareness of the own personality and the other realities.

Specific Competences, related to the relationship between the world and its inhabitants.
In order to develop the basic competences, we have to take into account the following main points along the different curricula and areas: To learn to be and behave in an autonomous way. To learn to think and communicative. To learn to find out and to have initiative. To learn to live in society and be integrated in the world. Understand the global message of the oral productions with visual and non-visual aids, which have been worked for several occasions. Take the relevant information of an oral text. Understand and participate actively during the oral interactions. Recognize words and oral expressions in their written form and use them orally. Reproduce oral texts taking into account the pronunciation, the rhythm and the intonation according to a given pattern and with a specific aim. Understand the language as a communicative instrument in order to learn and get closed to other cultures and the variety of languages and be respectful towards all of them.


Tell me, please , English Teaching Planning for the First Course of the Initial Cycle (Primary Education) - July-2007

Be conscious towards some similar features among the languages in the classroom and the nearest environment. Show interest and value about the use of a foreign language to communicate in the classroom during the learning and acquisition activities. Have a critical attitude towards linguistic stereotypes that mean racism, snobbish behaviour and sexists prejudices.

CONTEXTUALIZATION Psychological pupils features Children aged from 6 to 8 show the following main characteristics: Cognitive Development: .Interest to communicate own experiences through visual and linguistic codes. .Increment of the symbolic game and imitation. .Increment of memorization and concentration abilities. .Gestures and visual supports are needed to understand different situations. Psychomotor development .More personal autonomy. .Improvement in coordination and gesture abilities. .Better definition of the own laterality. .Necessity of space and time references. Emotional development .Increment of the relationship with other children and the adult as well. .More organization in games. .Increment of the group consciousness. Linguistic abilities in this age .They can understand messages globally. .They have a limited lexical corpus. .They can learn indirectly. .Imagination and fantasy take an important place in the learning process. .They are able to talk and interactive easily. The setting context The supposed school would be placed in an urban nucleus in a city. It is located in a district that belongs to lower middle social class. They are working class population with 7% of unemployed people. As other districts, the immigration is an important factor to be considered : over 4% of the inhabitants belongs to other cultures and countries. The district has got all kind of services like a health centre, public transports , as well as a full range of cultural and social institutions: Two cultural public centres with a great variety of offers: arts and crafts, music, karate, theatre 8
Tell me, please , English Teaching Planning for the First Course of the Initial Cycle (Primary Education) - July-2007

A big public library provided with to computers connected to internet. A public gym and two private ones. Some private nurseries (only one is public) Some state and public schools of Primary Education. Two state Secondary Schools.

The school context The building has got three floors: On the ground floor there are three classrooms, a gym, a staff room, a secretary, a headmaster room, the AMPA office, the theatre, three girl toilets and three more for boys, the staff toilet, a dining hall , two offices for interviews with parents and two playgrounds. On the first floor there are six classrooms, an English classroom and the music one. We can find five boys toilets for boys and the same for girls, one for teachers and a large room for Special Education. On the third floor there is a computer classroom , the lab, the art classroom, two toilets for girls and boys and a small library. The school is settled and equipped according to the common and legal measures of safety (fire extinguishers, a lift and adapted areas for disguise pupils free and autonomous movement). Nowadays a new emergency plan is being designed in order to evacuate the centre properly if necessary. For this, once a year, the school prepares a fire simulation. The English classroom This classroom is equipped with: A TV with a video and a DVD player A cassette player A CD player Three computers connected to internet

All the materials are labelled in English. These labels have been done by pupils of the different cycles. The classroom is decorated with lots of posters related to birthdays, the weather, the alphabet, and also with projects that children have been producing during the course in order to reflect the English culture. There are three boards where pupils can hang their works. This visual material is very important for helping the learning of a new language, and what is really relevant is the fact that it is has been created progressively along the learning process by the same pupils. In a corner of the classroom there is a small library with books (some of them belong to the teacher and others have been got by the school) and some videos and CDs. The classroom furniture is equipped with round tables of 4 children each, which can be removed in order to group children according the necessities of the activity. The group-class is compound by 24 pupils, where we have find Chinese boys that do not understand Catalan or Spanish; and a girl who has difficulties to process the information and assimilate the new contents.
Tell me, please , English Teaching Planning for the First Course of the Initial Cycle (Primary Education) - July-2007

GENERAL METHODOLOGY A main pattern and methodology go through the different didactic units. Each one is introduced by Beaky the pelican, the conductor character of the course, who disturbs the English class so that the teacher and the pupils help him to get the meaning of some keywords, all of them necessary to enjoy and understand the main story of the unit. During the seven lessons of each unit the teacher will help pupils to learn the necessary contents throughout a great variety of activities distributed in these stages: Who is it? (or Warming up), Chant Time,Game Time, Story Time, Song Time, Time to do it, Off we go. In fact the scheme of each unit deals with a set of activities that point to, focus on or remind the central story in terms of pre-, while- and post listening of the tale. There will be some songs and chants that will work as markers of the routine classroom management. So, for instance, the salutation and the weather songs will help both pupils and teacher to avoid the lack of comprehension and, consequently , the lost of interest. The resources used in this syllabus are aimed to avoid to translate the main concepts and structures into pupils mother tongue . However, teacher could use Catalan in order to explain the procedures of the games and the other activities. Although during the three first units the assessment of the contents is supposed to be oral, the vocabulary will be presented gradually by flashcards with its the written form besides. As the English Corner Board of the classroom is being covered by flashcards and other didactic resources, the written words will be there in order to be introduced gradually to the pupils. This will let students copy the vocabulary in the different worksheet activities proposed. This option will allow to take into account the variety of learning rhythms in the class-group. The different materials and also worksheets have been thought in order to be flexible to get the aims of the activities and solve the diversity of the group-class. So, most of the resources we offer have been adapted for different purposes and levels within the whole group. Connected with this question, some learning and assessment worksheets and activities will offer a variety of options to be exploited so that each pupil can procedure according to his/her level within the learning process. Not all the worksheets must be finished during the course; it will depend on the level pupils can assume. Apart from this, one of the main features of the sheet is that they are very short activities, just to round up the contents worked since then. ATTENTION TO DIVERSITY Each pupil is different for several reasons: from different geographic provenance, for different social, cultural, economical status; for family problems, for different styles and ways of learning, for the previous knowledge they have, for motivations they may have or not For all these reasons this teaching planning includes a great variety of reinforcement, extension and adapted activities in order to offer the same opportunities of acquiring a meaningful learning to everybody, according to their individual capacities: for those with special needs or foreigners( adapted

Tell me, please , English Teaching Planning for the First Course of the Initial Cycle (Primary Education) - July-2007


activities), for those who show a slower rhythm of acquisition (reinforcement), and for the fastest as well!(extension). In all cases the activities are usually short, which can be widen according the pupils capacities. Apart from the materials designed to cope with the diversity of the group-class, here we add some methodological strategies in order to make the integration and the diversity attention easier: For those pupils with special needs (N.E.E), the teacher should think some routine and easy tasks to assign them so that they feel responsible for the proper running of the English class. So, for instance, they could be the responsible of the big picture dictionary of the classroom, or the weather calendar poster, etc. The teacher would have to take the most profit from the ICT resources throughout the assignation of specific multimedia or on line activities to reinforce or extend the main contents of the different units. The location of the pupils in the classroom is also an important strategic measure to have into account. The pupils with special needs should be helped by those whose learning rhythm is faster and have more abilities to achieve the aims. The pupils with special needs will have usually similar worksheets and didactic materials as the rest. The aspect that would change would be procedures they would have to do, adapted to their needs and capacities. The main aim is to integrate the different pupils profiles into the ordinal English class, obviously giving them the individual attention and aids they require. TRANSVERSE TOPICS The transverse topics have got an interdisciplinary treatment and most of them are included in each unit in order to develop the abilities pupils will need to be good citizens in a society where the consciousness of the own rights and duties is so important. These transverse topics, with their appropriate aims, are as follows: Civic Education: -To show pupils the importance of being polite. -To respect partners productions. Peace Education: -To encourage children to share things and help each other. -To show a positive attitude, either as winners or as losers, while playing in class. Health Education: -To help pupils to understand the importance of a balanced diet. -To make children aware of the importance of playing sports. Protection of the Environment: -To help pupils to be aware of the importance of protecting animals and plants, specially those who are in danger of extinction. Parity for both sexes opportunities: -To help pupils to understand that everybody can play the same sport or game.
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Education of the consumer: -To develop in children a critical attitude towards the consumer society. Road safety: - To make children aware of the preventive behaviour for avoiding accidents. ASSESSMENT It is important to mention that evaluation is an integrated part of the learning-teaching process. Its a complex activity that allows to decide the pedagogic help that students need and at the same time the degree of success of achievement the initial aims. It is necessary to plan what, how and where we are going to evaluate. It is also relevant to give children an idea of the progress they are making in class so that eventually they can become autonomous learners, capable of deciding for themselves what they need to learn and how they can do it. At the beginning of each unit it is recommendable to do an initial evaluation to check the degree of knowledge that the students have about the topic. During the development of the unit, there are some tasks whose results will diagnose the needs and difficulties of the learning. According to they are, the teacher can decide to get slower or faster and change some activities planned for others that can solve the difficulties. And at the end of each unit, there will be a self-evaluation activity so that they gather the main lexical set and structures learnt, the activities they enjoyed more, their own effort, etc; apart from the assessment activities worksheets. As a conclusion we can regard the assessment as a continuous process that teacher always has to have in mind, and consider it as a useful resource to improve the teaching-learning process. Although in our level both oral and written productions will be evaluated, during the first units the oral production will be stressed and the second will be introduced and evaluated progressively. Referring to the skills, at this age (6-8) pupils have got more opportunities of success in comprehension than in production. For this reason, comprehension will be more present at the assessment activities than production, especially during the first didactic units. In any case, communication will be more valued than accuracy. Connected with this, the error will be corrected in case it interferes the communication process, and when it is a replayed production whose main objective is pronunciation accuracy. We must not forget that the error is considered as an essential aspect integrated in the learning process, whose information has to be a useful tool to improve the teaching performance.

Tell me, please , English Teaching Planning for the First Course of the Initial Cycle (Primary Education) - July-2007



This teaching planning is designed to be worked in t wo 60 classes a week. Eight of the ten didactic units has seven sessions. The first one that works as an introductory unit is compound of four, just to settle the routine songs and common activities all through the course. The other shorter unit is unit 5, connected with Christmas celebration, which is concentrated in five sessions, the previous ones to the holidays. Here we have the sequence chart for a course year:

WEEKS:38 aprox. 2 weeks

FIRST TERM UNIT 1 (4 sessions)



35-4 weeks

UNIT 2 (7 sessions)

35-4 weeks

UNIT 3 (7 sessions)

35-4 weeks

UNIT 4 (7 sessions)

2 weeks

UNIT 5 (5 sessions)

35-4 weeks

UNIT 6 (7 sessions)

35-4 weeks

UNIT 7 (7 sessions)

35-4 weeks

UNIT 8 (7 sessions)

35-4 week s 35-4 weeks

UNIT 9 (7 sessions)

UNIT 10 (7 sessions)

Tell me, please , English Teaching Planning for the First Course of the Initial Cycle (Primary Education) - July-2007






Conductor character first meeting

Hello, hello 1,2,3,4,5 Hello, whats your name? Five Kangaroos Sunny, sunny

Hello, hello Whats the weather like today? Whats missing? Sunny, sunny

Hello, hello Beaky wants to listen to us

10 15

1,2,3,4,5 Hello, whats your name? Who said it?

1,2,3,4,5 Hello, whats your name? Sunny, sunny Who said it? Clever parrots ** Whats missing?

Clever parrots


Whats missing?

Whats the weather like today?

Five Kangaroos


Hello, hello Bye, bye

Whats the weather like today?


15 5


Colour the hands Bye, bye

Colour the weather symbols Bye, bye

Tick what you hear Bye, bye

Listen and put it up Bye, bye



The whole group-class Pair work 5 In this section do not appear the activities designed for pupil with specific attention. They can be consulted at the next pages concerned with the didactic description. Tell me, please , English Teaching Planning for the First Course of the Initial Cycle (Primary Education) - July-2007


DIDACTIC UNIT 1: Hi BEAKY! SESSIONS: 5 OBJECTIVES 1. Familiarize pupils with greeting and weather songs. 2. Identify the main vocabulary throughout visual and spoken support. 3. Reproduce vocabulary about the weather by the repetition of a given pattern. 4. Reproduce numbers until 5 and meeting expressions by the repetition of a chant or song. 5. Reproduce greeting and weather songs. 6. Reproduce a song about numbers. 7. Be interested in knowing a new language. 8. Familiarize pupils with the typical instructions of a language acquisition situation (the classroom language). 9. Participate actively in the different games with the whole group, as well as in work pairs. CONTENTS10

1. Vocabulary related to the classroom language: Colour, hands up, cut, repeat, say it again, listen, look 2. Greeting structures : Hello, ByeWhats your name?, 3. Numbers until five. 4. Weather adjectives: sunny, cloudy and raining. 5. Greeting songs: Hello, HelloBye, Bye ; One, two, three, four, fiveHello! Whats your name? 6. Weather songs: Whats the weather like today ? 7. Numbers song: Five kangaroos

1. Producing and acting greeting songs. 2. Producing and acting a song about the weather. 3. Producing and miming a song about numbers. 4. Repeating vocabulary throughout a rhyme form. 5. Guessing a partner throughout his/her voice. 6. Making a puppet of a hand. 7. Colouring the weather symbols. 8. Discriminating true and false words referring to flashcards. 9. Showing, pointing or ticking the vocabulary mentioned.

1. Willingness to participate actively during the activities proposed.


-As the new contents proposed by the Servei d0rientaci Curricular are still provision al (vegeu , we have classified them into Concepts, Procedures and Attitudes, although it is planned to apply the revised contents in the first Cycle of Primary Ed. during the course 2007-2008. They have been classify into a Communicative Dimension and a Multilingual and Intercultural Dimension. And have also into account the Basic Competences required and the Assessment Criteria to apply. . Tell me, please , English Teaching Planning for the First Course of the Initial Cycle (Primary Education) - July-2007 15

2. Being respectful with the rules of the different games and activities. Transverse topic related to Civic Education: 3. Being respectful to other pupils and their intervention turns. ACTIVITIES

1. Listen, repeat and dramatize greeting songs. 2. Listen, repeat the weather song. 3. Listen, repeat and mime a song about numbers. 4. Guess the voice of a partner that says any new word related to greetings, numbers or weather. 5. Repeat a rhyme or series connected with weather or numbers, with visual support. 6. Colour a hand to practise greetings. 7. Colour weather symbols to sing the weather song. 8. Repeat only the vocabulary the teacher mentions properly (Clever parrots). 9. Identify the missing drawings after being observed the whole set on the board. ASSESSMENT 1. Use greeting expressions . 2. Answer the question Whats the weather like, today? 3. Show or tick the concepts mentioned 4. Fill in a self-assessment worksheet . METHODOLOGY In this introductory unit the teacher has to present for the first time the greeting and weather songs, which will be repeated during the whole course to introduce the next sessions as well as the different units. Beaky, our pelican pet, will be the responsible of giving to the teacher t he clues (normally a top secret packet with the main flashcards, vocabulary and other materials for each unit) so that she can present the contents to the pupils. After Beaky having introduced the weather and greeting songs, he will offer the didactic material for the unit to the teacher so that she/he can develop it. It will be a useful method to create pupils expectation and, at first, elicit students previous knowledge throughout showing the flashcard or other didactic material to them.

Tell me, please , English Teaching Planning for the First Course of the Initial Cycle (Primary Education) - July-2007












(Beaky disturbs) -------------------------



Hello, hello Whats the weather like today? 1,2,3,4,5 Hello, whats your name? Beaky appears to give a secret packet titled Thomas, the tree to the teacher Colours chant Repeat and solve series of colours

Hello, hello Whats the weather like today? 1,2,3,4,5 Hello, whats your name? Colours chant revision

Hello, hello Whats the weather like today? 1,2,3,4,5 Hello, whats your name? Dictation race (colours, numbers and weather)

Hello, hello Whats the weather like today? 1,2,3,4,5 Hello, whats your name? Repeat vocabulary in happy and sad mood.

Hello, hello Whats the weather? 1,2,3,4,5Hello, whats your name? Clever parrots

Hello, hello Whats the weather? 1,2,3,4,5 Hello, whats your name? Beaky as a guest: he wants to listen to us. Chants and rhymes revision Finish pending work Video


Repeat and solve series of colours and numbers

Listen and repeat a rhyme with Listen and repeat a rhyme with colours and the main colours and characters but using characters of the story both pictures and written words. (use visual support)

Look at the moon

(using pictures and words as a support)

ICT activities More dramatization


Flashcards game: What(colour)is behind number? What (number) is behind blue? Pupils meet Thomas the tree in green, in both moods (happy/ sad) Thomas the tree

Board race (colours, numbers and weather)

The blind teacher

** Pairs

Chinese Whispers

Board race (colours, numbers, characters and weather)

10 5


Pupils meet Thomas the Pupils meet Thomas the tree tree in white, in both moods in yellow, in both moods (happy/ sad) (happy/ sad) Thomas the tree adding white before sad and happy words Thomas the tree adding yellow before sad and happy words

Pupils meet Thomas the tree in blue, in both moods (happy/ sad) Thomas the tree adding blue before sad and happy words

Listen to the whole story twice, Reproduce whole story both eliciting pupils knowledge and teacher and pupils, using their promoting active participation. knowledge with a communicative purpose. Thomas the tree Thomas the tree (with all colours, using puppets as a support)

10 5

Colour Thomass both faces(happy sad) Bye, bye

Dictation: colour the numbers Bye, bye

Tick what you hear

Point what you hear

Number pictures according to dictation Bye, bye


Colour pictures according to dictation. Bye, bye

Bye, bye

Bye, bye

small groups the whole group-class Consult the resource Bank, pages 6 In this section do not appeared the activities designed for pupil with specific attention. They can be consulted at next pages concerned with the didactic unit description.

Pair work

Tell me, please , English Teaching Planning for the First Course of the Initial Cycle (Primary Education) - July-2007


DIDACTIC UNIT 2: Hi THOMAS! SESSIONS: 7 OBJECTIVES 1. Revise greeting and weather songs 2. Familiarize pupils with the typical instructions of a language acquisition situation. 3. Identify the main vocabulary throughout visual and spoken support. 4. Revise vocabulary about the weather by the repetition of a given pattern 5. Revise numbers. 6. Answer simple questions. 7. Understand the global meaning of a story about colours. 8. Understand the specific meaning of a story colours and adjectives 9. Produce a song related to the story using visual support 10. Be interested in knowing new stories and characters. 11. Participate actively in the different games with the whole group, as well as in work pairs. CONTENTS



rhymes and expressions related to the usual instructions in a learning and teaching situation:

Colour, hands up, cut, repeat, say it again, listen, look

Circle, circle Round and round Circle circle Lets sit down

Story time Story time Lets be quiet, Lets sit down Lets be quiet, Lets sit down

Pairs, pairs Work in pairs Everybody work in pairs

2. Greeting structures : Hello, ByeWhats your name? 3. Physical adjectives: happy, sad ; colours: white, yellow, green and blue. 4. Characters of the story: cloud, moon, tree, sun. 5. Numbers until five. 6. Weather adjectives: sunny, cloudy and raining. 7. Greeting songs: Hello, HelloBye, Bye ; One, two, three, four, fiveHello! Whats your name? 8. Weather song: Whats the weather like today? 9. Story song: Thomas the tree
This vocabulary is supposed to be presented during the whole course, although will not be mentioned in the next units. Tell me, please , English Teaching Planning for the First Course of the Initial Cycle (Primary Education) - July-2007


10. Story rhyme: Look at the tree


1. Producing and acting greeting songs. 2. Producing and acting a song about the weather. 3. Repeating vocabulary throughout rhymes and series patterns. 4. Producing and acting a rhyme about the story. 5. Making a puppet of a tree. 6. Producing and acting a song about a story. 7. Showing or pointing the vocabulary mentioned. 8. Answering simple questions.

1. Being respectful with the rules of the different games and activities. Transverse topic related to Civic and Peace Education: 2. Being awareness of the importance of being polite. 3. Showing a positive attitude, either as winners or as losers while playing in class. ACTIVITIES

1. Listen, repeat and dramatize greeting songs. 2. Listen, repeat and dramatize weather songs. 3. Repeat a rhyme or series connected with colours, numbers and characters, with visual support. 4. Reproduce the vocabulary mentioned above in a happy mood or in a sad mood. 5. Listen to the story Thomas the tree with visual support. 6. Listen to the story again and participate with the teacher saying colours and repeating some structures. 7. Make Thomas the tree puppet. 8. Reproduce and acting the story song: Thomas the tree 9. Complete series of vocabulary on the board using flashcards. 10. Hand up flashcards according the vocabulary the teacher mentions. 11. Listen and colour the numbers. 12. Tick or colour the vocabulary mentioned. 13. Answer the questionIs it? with Yes or No.

14. Follow the dots and colour the numbers (worksheet number 1a) 15. Colour according to the code (worksheet number 4b) 16. ICT activities: JClic activities: Colours (matching colours-words; solve a word search)
Tell me, please , English Teaching Planning for the First Course of the Initial Cycle (Primary Education) - July-2007



17. Number the vocabulary mentioned (worksheet number 3) 18. Colour and match(1b) 19. ICT activities: (Colour the rainbow) and (What colour is it?)

20. Colour the weather symbols for the Class Weather Calendar 21. Join the dots to create flashcards for the wall dictionary. 12 22. Follow the dots and write the numbers(worksheet number 3b) 23. Count and colour (worksheet number 3d) 24. Solve puzzles related to the vocabulary. 25. ICT activities: Multimedia: Tiddys words fun, Oxford ASSESSMENT 1. Use greeting expressions . 2. Answer the question Whats the weather like, today? 3. Complete series drawing the missing concepts related to colours. 4. Complete series drawing the missing concepts related to numbers. 5. Complete series drawing the missing concepts related to weather. 6. Tick or point to the concepts mentioned 7. Colour the concepts as the teacher dictates. 8. Write a number next to the concepts according to the teacher dictation. 9. Fill in a self-assessment worksheet. METHODOLOGY In this introductory unit the teacher has to present for the first time the greeting and weather songs, which will be repeated during the whole course to introduce the next sessions as well as the different units. Beaky, our pelican pet, will be the responsible of giving to the teacher the clues (normal ly a top secret packet with the main flashcards, vocabulary and other materials for each session) so that she can present the contents to the pupils.

Tell me, please , English Teaching Planning for the First Course of the Initial Cycle (Primary Education) - July-2007


After Beaky introducing the weather and greeting songs, he will offer the didactic material for the session to the teacher so that she/he can develop it. It will be a useful method to create pupils expectation and, at first, elicit students previous knowledge throughout showing the flashcard or other didactic material to them. The resources used in this syllabus are aimed to avoid to translate the main concepts and structures into pupils mother tongue . However, teacher will used Catalan in order to explain the procedures of the games and the other activities. Although during the three first units the assessment of the contents is supposed to be oral, the vocabulary will be presented gradually by flashcards with its the written form besides. As the English Corner Board of the classroom is being covered by flashcards and other didactic resources, the written words will be there in order to be introduced gradually to the pupils. This will let students copy the vocabulary in the different worksheet activities proposed. This option will allow to take into account the variety of learning rhythms in the class-group. Connected with this question, some learning and assessment worksheets and activities will offer a variety of options to be exploited, so that each pupil can procedure according to his/her level within the learning process.

Tell me, please , English Teaching Planning for the First Course of the Initial Cycle (Primary Education) - July-2007



5-10 WHO IS IT? (Beaky disturbs) ------------------WARMING UP

Hello, hello Whats the weather like today? 1,2,3,4,5 Hello, whats your name? Beaky appears to give a secret packet titled Halloween to the teacher


Hello, hello Whats the weather like today? 1,2,3,4,5 Hello, whats your name? Dictation race (colours, numbers, characters) Repeat new vocabulary in a scary mood.

Hello, hello Whats the weather like today? 1,2,3,4,5 Hello, whats your name? Repeat vocabulary related to Halloween in a funny mood.

Hello, hello Whats the weather? 1,2,3,4,5Hello, whats your name?

Hello, hello Whats the weather? 1,2,3,4,5 Hello, whats your name?


Hello, hello Whats the weather like today? 1,2,3,4,5 Hello, whats your name? Repeat vocabulary related to Halloween in a happy and sad mood.

Videos Clever parrots Beaky as a guest: he wants to listen and watch the story of Little pumpkin with masks. ICT activities Pending work


Create a rhyme by substituting numbers for vocabulary related to Halloween.

Flashcards game: What(colour)is behind number? What (number) is behind blue?

Listen and repeat a rhyme with colours and the main characters of the story
Board race (colours, numbers faces and Halloween characters)

Listen and repeat a rhyme with The colours of Halloween colours and the main characters( pictures words)

The colours of Halloween

Chants and rhymes revision Self-assessment worksheet


The blind teacher

** Pairs (Memory game: pictures and words)

Chinese Whispers

Board race (colours, numbers, characters and faces) Dramatize the story using masks and songs in off.

More dramatization



Pupils meet Little Pumpkin , in both moods (happy/ sad)

Pupils meet Little Pumpkin, who is scary

Pupils meet Little Pumpkin , who is funny


Lets have a party(paragraph)

Lets have a party(paragraph) (stick pictures and written words on the board) Label vocabulary and words on the board. Secondly copy it in a worksheet Bye, bye (adapt the lyrics to the little pumpkin)

Its Halloween tonight!

Dictation: colour the faces/characters Bye, bye(adapt the lyrics to the little pumpkin)

Listen to the whole story, eliciting pupils knowledge and promoting their active participation. Its Halloween tonight!

Listen to the whole story again, using flashcards and words on the board. Lets have a party(paragraph) Its Halloween tonight!

Lets have a party(paragraph) Its Halloween tonight!


Point/tick what you hear

15 5`

TO DO IT OFF Bye, bye (adapt the lyrics to the little WE GO! pumpkin)

Number pictures according Colour masks of the main to dictation characters of the story Bye, bye(adapt the lyrics to the little pumpkin)

Join sequences of the story with easy oral descriptions.

Bye, bye(adapt the lyrics to Bye, bye(adapt the lyrics to the little pumpkin) the little pumpkin)

the whole group-class small groups Consult the resource Bank, pages Pair work 8 In this section do not appear the activities designed for pupil with specific attention. They can be consulted at next pages concerned with the didactic unit description

Tell me, please , English Teaching Planning for the First Course of the Initial Cycle (Primary Education) - July-2007


Tell me, please , English Teaching Planning for the First Course of the Initial Cycle (Primary Education) - July-2007


DIDACTIC UNIT 3: HALLOWEEN SESSIONS: 7 OBJECTIVES 1. Consolidate the production of greeting and weather songs. 2. Know a typical English festival: Halloween. 3. Revise numbers and colours 4. Identify the main vocabulary related to faces expressions and Halloween. 5. Reproduce vocabulary about adjectives and colours by the repetition of a given pattern. 6. Reproduce a song about pumpkins using gesture as a support. 7. Understand the global meaning of a story about Halloween and some characters. 8. Understand the specific meaning of a story: colours and adjectives. 9. Reproduce a rhyme about colours and pumpkins using flashcards. 10. Dramatize the story using masks. 11. Be interested in knowing new English socio cultural aspects. 12. Participate actively in the different games with the whole group, as well as in work pairs. CONTENTS

1. Vocabulary related to the usual instructions in a learning and teaching situation: Colour, hands up, cut, repeat, say it again, listen, look 2. Greeting structures review : Hello, ByeWhats your name?, How are you? 3. Greeting and weather songs review: Hello, HelloBye, Bye ; One, two, three, four, fiveHello! Whats your name?; Whats the weather like today? 4. Colours and typical Halloween characters: white, orange, black, brown, green; cat, witch, hat, pumpkin/Jacko-lantern, ghost. 5. Adjectives: sad, happy, scary, funny 6. A song about pumpkins: Its Halloween tonight./Lets have a party(with the story) 7. Questions related to Halloween, colours and adjectives: What colour is?, Is it sad?, Is it a white ghost?

1. Repeating vocabulary throughout a rhyme form. 2. Producing vocabulary throughout series forms. 3. Producing and acting a song using flashcards and mime. 4. Guessing a number or a colour behind flashcards about Halloween. 5. Guessing a Halloween character behind a number or a colour flashcard. 6. Filling in the blanks of a rhyme about Halloween and colours using pictures. 7. Listening to a story and understanding its general meaning. 8. Answering questions about specific information of the story. 9. Watching a video and catch some specific information.
Tell me, please , English Teaching Planning for the First Course of the Initial Cycle (Primary Education) - July-2007


10. Dramatizing the story using masks. 11. Colouring characters according to the teachers dictation. 12. Numbering vocabulary according to the teacher or other students dictation. 13. Showing or pointing the vocabulary mentioned.

1. Being progressively spontaneous to communicate in English. 2. Acceptation of the own mistakes and respect towards the other partners ones. 3. Be interested in other socio cultural realities and traditions. Transverse topic related to Civic Education: 1. Being awareness of the importance of being polite. ACTIVITIES

1. Listen, repeat and dramatize greeting and weather songs. 2. Repeat a rhyme or series connected with colours, adjectives and characters of Halloween 3. Listen, repeat and dramatize a song about pumpkins. 4. Reproduce the vocabulary mentioned above in a happy mood or in a sad mood or in a scary or funny mood. 5. Listen and repeat a rhyme about Halloween using flashcards. 6. Listen to the story Poor little pumpkin with visual support. 7. Listen to the story again and participate with the teacher saying colours, faces and repeating some structures. 8. Guess characters, colours and faces behind some flashcards on the board. 9. Complete series of vocabulary on the board using flashcards 10. Colour or number Halloween characters according to the teachers dictation. 11. Hand up flashcards according the vocabulary the teacher mentions. 12. Label vocabulary flashcards on the board. 13. Play in pairs Join picture and its word . 14. Dramatize the story in small groups.

15. Copy the words(worksheet number 1) 16. Count and match (worksheet number 3d)

17. Count and write the number (worksheet number 3c) 18. ICT activities : Multimedia: Tiddys words fun, Oxford On Line: JClic activities


19. Follow the dots and mark the words. (worksheet number 1b) 20. Colour according to the code. (worksheet number 2b)
Tell me, please , English Teaching Planning for the First Course of the Initial Cycle (Primary Education) - July-2007


21. Follow the dots and join (worksheet number 4c) ASSESSMENT 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Use greeting expressions . Answer the question Whats the weather like, today? Complete series drawing the missing concepts related to colours, numbers or toys. Number faces and Halloween characters as the teacher says. Point to the concepts mentioned. Colour the concepts as the teacher dictates. Answer the questions What number is the ghost? ,What colour is the witches hat?, What pumpkin is number?, What pumkin is (red)? Solve word finders. Fill in a self-assessment worksheet .

METHODOLOGY In this unit Beak will repeat the same greeting and weather songs with the pupils altogether . It allows to consolidate them during the course. It is supposed pupils to participate actively in this warming up songs. Beaky will give the top secret packet to the teacher, with the main flashcards, vocabulary and other materials about the story Poor Pump. Before telling the story, there will be several oral activities in order to familiarize pupils with colours, faces, numbers and Characters of Halloween. They would be the pre-story activities. After telling Poor pump, the learning activities will be aimed to consolidate vocabulary and some structures related to the main topic. So they would be the after-story activities. Although the assessment procedures will be permanent during the whole units, taking into the account the errors as a normal fact within the language acquisition process , the final evaluation will be taken from the assessment activities designed to be done after the story telling.

Tell me, please , English Teaching Planning for the First Course of the Initial Cycle (Primary Education) - July-2007




WHO IS IT? Hello, hello Whats the weather (Beaky like today? disturbs) 1,2,3,4,5 ------------------Hello, whats your name? --WARMING Beaky appears to give a secret UP packet titled Robbie, the robot to the teacher CHANT TIME GAME TIME

Hello, hello Whats the weather like today? 1,2,3,4,5 Hello, whats your name? What is red? revision The gorillas song

Hello, hello Whats the weather like today? 1,2,3,4,5 Hello, whats your name? I spy through the hole

Hello, hello Whats the weather like today? 1,2,3,4,5 Hello, whats your name? Repeat vocabulary in happy and sad mood.

Hello, hello Whats the weather? 1,2,3,4,5Hello, whats your name?

Hello, hello Whats the weather? 1,2,3,4,5 Hello, whats your name? Beaky as a guest: he wants to listen to us.

Video ICT activities Finish pending work Selfassessment worksheet

Clever parrots

What is red?

Repeat and solve series of colours, numbers and toys.


Kims game

Flashcards game: What(toy)is behind number? What (number) is behind (toy)?

Listen and repeat a rhyme with colours and the main characters of the story (use visual support) (using written words too) The blind teacher

Listen and repeat a rhyme with Listen and repeat a rhyme with colours and characters but using colours and characters but using both pictures and written words. both pictures and written words

Chants and rhymes revision

Sorting out races

The feely bag goes round the ring

Board race (colours, numbers, characters and weather)


Pupils meet Robbie the robot, in both moods (happy/ sad)

Pupils meet Dolly the doll and Pupils meet Fluffy the train, in Ted the teddy bear in both both moods (happy/ sad) moods (happy/ sad) The toy shop The gorillas song The toy shop

The teacher or Beaky shows batteries to the pupils. Ten teddy bears sitting on a wall

Listen to the whole story , eliciting pupils knowledge and promoting active participation.

The gorillas song

Listen to the story again , matching words or little sentences with the right picture.. The toy shop The gorillas song Ten teddy bears sitting on a wall The toy shop Ten teddy bears sitting on a wall Answer simple oral questions Put the story sequences in order (small group races) Bye, bye(adapting the lyrics to the diff. characters)

15 5


Dictation: colour the numbers Bye, bye (adapting the lyrics to Robbie)

Number the toys you hear

mixed-up letters in order to label pictures of toys

Fill in series of words using cues.

Bye, bye Bye, bye Bye, bye(adapting the lyrics to Bye, bye(adapting the lyrics to (adapting the lyrics to (adapting the lyrics to Fluffy) the diff. characters) the diff. characters) Dolly/Ted) The whole group-class ** Pair work Consult Bank Resource, Annexe 1 9In this section do not appear the activities designed for pupil with specific attention. They can be consulted at next pages concerned with the didactic unit description.

Tell me, please , English Teaching Planning for the First Course of the Initial Cycle (Primary Education) - July-2007


DIDACTIC UNIT 4: ROBBIE, THE ROBOT SESSIONS: 7 OBJECTIVES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Consolidate the production of greeting and weather songs. Revise and learn new numbers and colours. Identify the main vocabulary related to toys. Reproduce vocabulary about toys and colours by the repetition of a given pattern. Reproduce a song about toys using gesture as a support. Understand the global meaning of a story about toys. Understand the specific meaning of a story colours and toys. Reproduce a song about colours and toys with flashcards. Be interested in knowing new contents.


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Vocabulary related to the usual instructions in a learning and teaching situation: Colour, hands up, cut, repeat, say it again, listen, look Greeting structures review : Hello, ByeWhats your name? Colours: red, orange, black, brown, green. Numbers until ten. A song about numbers: The gorillas song Toys: robot, train, teddy bear, doll, plane ,car Greeting songs review: Hello, HelloBye, Bye ; One, two, three, four, fiveHello! Whats your name? Weather songs review: Whats the weather like today? Toy songs: The toy shop Five teddy bears A story about toys: Robbie the robot. Questions related to toys, colours and numbers: What colour is?, What number is?, What toy is?.

Producing and acting song about toys. Producing and acting a song about numbers until 10. Repeating vocabulary throughout a rhyme o a serie pattern. Guessing a number or a colour backwards a toy flashcard. Guessing a toy backwards a number or a colour flashcard. Filling in blanks of a rhyme about toys and their colours. Listening to a story and understanding its general and specific meaning.
Tell me, please , English Teaching Planning for the First Course of the Initial Cycle (Primary Education) - July-2007


8. 9. 10. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Colouring toys according teachers dictation. Numbering toys according teachers or other students dictation. Showing or pointing the vocabulary mentioned. Being respectful with the rules of the different games and activities. Being respectful with other pupils and their intervention turns. Being careful with own and other pupils toys. Showing a critical attitude towards the consumer society.


Transverse topics related to the Education of the consumer:


1. Listen, repeat and dramatize greeting songs. 2. Listen, repeat and dramatize weather songs. 3. Listen, repeat and dramatize songs about numbers: The gorillas song...Five teddy bears. 4. Repeat a rhyme or series connected with colours, numbers or toys with visual support. 5. Reproduce the vocabulary mentioned above in a happy mood or in a sad mood. 6. Listen to the story Robbie, the robot with visual support. 7. Listen to the story again and participate with the teacher saying colours, toys and repeating some structures. 8. Reproduce and acting a song about toys: The toy shop, 9. Listen and reproduce a song about colours and toys, with flashcards. 10. Guess toys, numbers or colours backwards flashcards on the board. 11. Complete series of vocabulary on the board using flashcards 12. Colour or number toys according teachers dictation. 13. Hand up flashcards according the vocabulary the teacher mentions. 14. Label vocabulary flashcards on the board. 15. Play in pairs Join picture and word 16. Order letters to write words about toys.

17. Colour according to the code (worksheet number 1c) 18. Read and match (worksheet number 4c) 22. Mark the words given (worksheet number 4d) 20. Tick the correct word (worksheet number 4e) 21. Colour the toys according to the code (worksheet number 5b)

23. Reproduce written numbers (JClic activity titled Numbers)

Tell me, please , English Teaching Planning for the First Course of the Initial Cycle (Primary Education) - July-2007


24. (Tale and activities: Six teddy bears)


25. 26. 27. 28. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Find and colour the numbers(worksheet number 1b) Count and match (worksheet number 2b) Follow the dots and mark the words (worksheet number 3b) Tick the different (worksheet number 5) Use greeting expressions . Answer the question Whats the weather like, today? Complete series drawing the missing concepts related to colours, numbers or toys. Number the toys the teacher says. Point to the concepts mentioned. Colour the concepts as the teacher dictates. Answer the questions What number is the teddy bear? ,What colour is the teddy bear?, What toy is number?, What toy is (red)? Fill in a self-assessment worksheet


METHODOLOGY In this second unit Beaky, our pet pelican, will repeat the same greeting and weather songs of unit 1. The idea is To consolidate words and structures related to greetings and weather during the whole course. It is supposed pupils to participate actively in this warming up songs. As we say in unit 1, Beaky will give the top secret packet to the teacher, with the main flashcards, vocabulary and other materials about the story Robbie, the robot. Before telling the story, there will be several oral activities in order to familiarize pupils with colours, numbers and toys. They would be the pre-story activities. After telling Robbie, the robot, the learning activities will be aimed to consolidate vocabulary and some structures related to the main topic. So they would be the after-story activities. Although the assessment procedures will be permanent during the whole units, taking into the account the errors as a normal fact within the language acquisition process , the final valuation will be taken from the assessment activities designed to be done after the story telling.

Tell me, please , English Teaching Planning for the First Course of the Initial Cycle (Primary Education) - July-2007










disturbs) ----------------------

WHO IS IT? (Beaky

Hello, hello Whats the weather like today? 1,2,3,4,5 Hello, whats your name? Beaky appears to give a secret packet titled Pass and pull the cracker to the teacher Repeat and solve series of Christmas concepts Flashcards game: What(present) is behind number? What (number) is behind (green present)?

Hello, hello Whats the weather like today? 1,2,3,4,5 Hello, whats your name? Answer simple questions about a picture Repeat and solve series of Christmas concepts with written words. Kims game (Whats missing?)

Hello, hello Whats the weather like today? 1,2,3,4,5 Hello, whats your name?

Hello, hello Whats the weather like today? 1,2,3,4,5 Hello, whats your name? The cracker song (revision) Reproduce the songs of the unit under a chant way.



Video ICT activities Finish pending work Self-assessment worksheet

The blind teacher (using a picture about Christmas chosen by the pupils) Repeat series of vocabulary in different moods: happy, sad, funny or scary.

game (match pictures and


Dictation race


Assign the secret partners cracker Match Christmas concepts with their Number the concepts you hear written word. Lets have a party (partially) Lets have a party (revision) Hello, Father Christmas

Draw and colour a Christmas tree to put it into the cracker. Lets have a party (revision) Hello, Father Christmas The cracker song Pupils go on making the cracker ad finish it

The crackers game( Pass and pull the cracker)



the cracker with secretly assigned partner

Bye, bye Bye, bye Bye, bye Bye, bye (adapting the lyrics to the (adapting the lyrics to Christmas (adapting the lyrics to Christmas (adapting the lyrics to the Christmas Christmas vocabulary) vocabulary) vocabulary)) vocabulary) 10 In this section do not appear the activities designed for pupil with specific attention. They can be consulted at next pages concerned with the didactic unit description Consult Bank Resource, Annexe 1 ** Pair work The whole group-class


Each pupil starts to make a cracker to a partner assigned secretly

Pupils go on making the cracker

Tell me, please , English Teaching Planning for the First Course of the Initial Cycle (Primary Education) - July-2007



Revise colours and vocabulary learnt throughout a game and a song. Identify the main vocabulary related to Christmas. Reproduce songs about Christmas. Familiarize pupils with written words. Answer questions about a picture connected to Christmas. Reproduce a Christmas song about crackers. Join different concepts according to the partners dictation. Be interested in learning actively throughout several activities. Know the main vocabulary and some English Christmas traditions.

1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Vocabulary, rhymes ad expressions related to the usual instructions in a learning and teaching situation: Colour, hands up, cut, repeat, say it again, listen, look Structures : We all pull the cracker , Father Christmas wants a tree, Whats this?, What colour is it? Songs about Christmas: Hello, Father Christmas , The Cracker song, Lets have a party (part ially) Christmas: Father Christmas, presents, Christmas tree, cracker. Listening and repeating series of words related to Christmas. Listening and dramatizing songs about Christmas with a picture as a support. Joining words and pictures. Playing a game related to vocabulary from units 1,2,3 and 4. Showing, colouring or pointing the vocabulary mentioned.



Congratulating partners for special days such as Christmas. Being interested in knowing English Christmas traditions. Willingness to share things and help each other

Transverse topic related to Peace Education:

1. 2. 3.

Repeat a rhyme connected with Christmas with visual support. Reproduce the vocabulary mentioned above in a happy mood or in a sad mood. Answer questions about a picture connected with Christmas.
Tell me, please , English Teaching Planning for the First Course of the Initial Cycle (Primary Education) - July-2007


4. 5. 6. 7.

Listen , repeat and dramatize Christmas songs with visual support. Number or colour Christmas vocabulary according to the teachers dictation. Memory game: Join concepts with its written word. Play a game: Pass and pull the cracker when the song stops.



ICT activities: Multimedia: Tiddys words fun, Oxford On Line: JClic: English Christmas and Merry Christmas


Listen and colour (worksheet 2b)


ICT activities: Multimedia: Tiddys words fun, Oxford On Line: JClic: English Christmas and Merry Christmas


Label the toys, Christmas issues and presents that other partners have drawn for the classroom.



Draw a big Christmas tree for the classroom and stick toys, Christmas issues and presents of different colours.

ASSESSMENT 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Use greeting and congratulation expressions . Reproduce and dramatize Christmas songs. Point to the concepts mentioned. Colour the concepts as the teacher dictates. Fill in a self-assessment worksheet . Match the vocabulary with the written words.

METHODOLOGY Beaky, will start the unit with the greeting and weather songs as usual. Afterwards. he will give the top secret packet to the teacher, with the main flashcards, vocabulary and other materials about Christmas, like a poster. After eliciting pupils knowledge about the topic, the teacher will start to sing the Christmas songs pointing to the main vocabulary on the poster. The songs will be listened twice and then repeated by the students.
Tell me, please , English Teaching Planning for the First Course of the Initial Cycle (Primary Education) - July-2007


Afterwards, there will be some other activities in order to familiarize pupils with the topic and also revise concepts of previous units. All of them will allow students to play the game Pass and pull the cracker. Pass and pull the cracker : the game consists on passing a big cracker with many layers of wrapping paper where as The cracker song is playing. When it stops, the last two pupils who have touched the cracker will pull and tear it up in order to read and ask a question inside about units 1,2,3,and 4. If they answer it well, they will receive a candy ad sit down on the floor. Finally, the last cracker will contain a card for each pupil, who will draw and write a postcard his/her family. After telling Robbie, the robot, the learning activities will be aimed to consolidate vocabulary and some structures related to the main topic.

Tell me, please , English Teaching Planning for the First Course of the Initial Cycle (Primary Education) - July-2007












WHO IS IT? (Beaky disturbs) -------------------WARMING UP

Whats the weather like today? Good morning! Beaky appears to give a secret packet titled Happy birthday, Caillou to the teacher

Whats the weather like today? Good morning! How old are you? Whats your name?

Whats the weather like today? Whats the weather like today? Good morning! Good morning! Revision: Two, two,twenty two Repeat vocabulary in happy and sad mood.

Whats the weather? Good morning! Repeat vocabulary in funny and scary mood.

Whats the weather? Good morning! Beaky as a guest: he appears with a red candle and a red present in his Videos beak to celebrate Caillous birthday. ICT activities


Listen, reproduce and fill in colours series

Two, two,twenty two

Whats your mums name? How old is your mum? 3030 (use flashcards, other members and numbers)



Colour dictation race

Large Board Pelmanism

Writing numbers on partners back with fingers

Revision: Whats your mums name? How old is your mum? 3030 (use flashcards, other members and numbers)

Listen and repeat a rhyme with colours, numbers and characters, using both pictures and written words
** Pairs

Song revision: The toy shops got

The blind teacher.

Caillou opens the presents. (Guessing the toys) Whats in the purple present? We all sing the songs Candles for Caillou , Happy birthday, and For hes a jolly good fellow, using the flashcards on the blackboard.

Finish pending work Selfassessmen t worksheet



Pupils meet Caillous mum, who carries secretly a purple candle and a purple present for Caillou. She sticks them next to a big birthday cake on a corner of the blackboard.

SONG TIME Mummy, mummy

Pupils meet Caillous dad and sister, who carry secretly orange and green candles and presents respectively for Caillou. They stick them next to a big birthday cake on a corner of the blackboard. Daddy, daddy Sister, sister Dictation of numbers

Pupils meet Caillous grandpa and grandma, who carry secretly yellow and brown candles and presents respectively for Caillou. They stick them next to a big birthday cake on a corner of the blackboard. Grandpa, grandpa Grandma, grandma Listen and tick what you hear

Pupils meet Caillous uncle, who carries secretly a white candle and a white present for Caillou. He sticks them next to a big birthday cake on a corner of the blackboard. Uncle, uncle

Caillou appears shouting: Hi! Its my birthday today. Pupils tell him about the stuck presents and candles on the blackboard.




Dictation: Colour the candles Bye, bye (adapting the lyrics to Caillou)



Happy birthday to you! We all sing the songs Candles for For hes a jolly good fellow Caillou , Happy birthday, and For hes a jolly good fellow, using the flashcards on the blackboard Dictation: Join members of the Ask simple questions about Tick the cake/present you hear. family and their ages. a picture or the own family. Bye, bye(adapting the lyrics to the diff. characters) Bye, bye(adapting the lyrics to the diff. characters)


The group-class

Small groups

Bye, bye Bye, bye Bye, bye(adapting the lyrics (adapting the lyrics to (adapting the lyrics to Caillous to Caillous uncle) Caillous dad and sister) grandparents) ** I n pairs Consult the resource bank

In this section do not appear the activities designed for pupil with specific attention. They can be consulted at next pages concerned with the didactic unit description.

Tell me, please , English Teaching Planning for the First Course of the Initial Cycle (Primary Education) - July-2007


DIDACTIC UNIT 6: HAPPY BIRTHDAY, CAILLOU SESSIONS: 7 OBJECTIVES 1. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Learn and reproduce a new greeting song. Revise numbers until 10. Revise colours and learn a new one: purple. Identify the main vocabulary related to the family. Reproduce a song about colours. Understand the global meaning of a story about the family. Understand the specific meaning of a story, the family, colours and toys Familiarize pupils with written words. Answer questions about the story, using flashcards. Answer questions about the own family: Reproduce a song about the family. Join family concepts with presents according partners dictation. Be interested in learning actively throughout several activities.


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Vocabulary related to the usual instructions in a learning and teaching situation: Colour, hands up, cut, repeat, say it again, listen, look Structures : How old is your dad?, Whats your dads name? New colours: purple. A new greeting song: Good morning. A song about colours: : Candles for Caillou A rhyme about numbers: Two, two, twenty two.(tens) Family: Daddy-dad, mummy-mum, sister, brother, granddad, grandma, uncle. A song about the family: Mummy, mummy A story about the family, colours and toys: Happy birthday Caillou Birthdays Songs: Happy birthday; For hes a jolly good fellow Listening and repeating a song about the family. Producing numbers and colours throughout series forms. Listening and dramatizing a rhyme about numbers. Joining ages with members of the family according la listening. Listening to a story and participate actively thanks to the previous flashcards shown.
Tell me, please , English Teaching Planning for the First Course of the Initial Cycle (Primary Education) - July-2007



6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 1. 2. 3.

Answering questions like Whats Caillous dads name? Answering the question How old are you?,( according to a number given) Listening to a story and understanding its general meaning. Producing and acting birthdays songs . Writing numbers according to the teacher dictation. Saying or writing the number previously shown. Showing, colouring or pointing the vocabulary mentioned. Congratulating partners for special days such as birthdays. Showing effort and interest to produce messages in the target language. Be awareness of the importance of being polite.


Transverse topic related to Civic Education:


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

Listen , repeat and dramatize a song about the family: Mummy, mummy Repeat a rhyme connected with numbers with visual support. Reproduce the vocabulary mentioned above in a happy mood or in a sad mood. Listen and match the members of a family with their age (How old is?). Listen to the story Happy birthday, Caillou with visual support. Listen to the story again and participate with the teacher saying colours, toys and asking questions about the names and ages . Reproduce traditional songs for birthdays: Happy birthday, For hes a jolly good fellow. Complete series of vocabulary on the board using flashcards Number members of the family according to the teachers dictation . Listen and hand up flashcards of family, numbers and colours. Memory game: collect pairs of the same flashcards. Label vocabulary flashcards on the board. Play in pairs Join picture and word


14. 15. 16.

Circle the numbers you hear (worksheet number 2b) Find 10 numbers and copy them (worksheet number 2e) ICT : activities and games on line:
Tell me, please , English Teaching Planning for the First Course of the Initial Cycle (Primary Education) - July-2007



17. 18.

Find ten colours and copy them (worksheet number 5c) ICT : activities and games on line:


19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25.

Put these numbers in order (worksheet number 2c) Mark the words and solve the crossword (worksheet number 2d) Make the numbers wheel (worksheet number 2f) Make the colours wheel (worksheet number 3b) Make the family wheel (worksheet number 3c) Follow the routes to the ages ad match them to the members of the family (worksheet number 4b) Colour the cakes according to the numbers code (worksheet number 5b)

ASSESSMENT 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Use greeting expressions . Answer the question Whats the weather like, today? Complete series drawing the missing concepts related to colours, numbers, toys and family. Number the ages the teacher says. Point to the concepts mentioned. Colour the concepts as the teacher dictates. Answer the questions Whats mums name? ,How old is your mum?, What colour is this candle? Fill in a self-assessment worksheet . Match the vocabulary about the family with the written words.

METHODOLOGY Beaky, will start the unit with the greeting and weather songs as usual. Afterwards. he will give the top secret packet to the teacher, with the main flashcards, vocabulary and other materials about the story Robbie, the robot. After pupils saying what they know about the topic, the teacher will start the unit with several oral activities in order to familiarize pupils with a new colour (purple), new numbers (basically tens) and revise toys. After telling Robbie, the robot, the learning activities will be aimed to consolidate vocabulary and some structures related to the main topic.
Tell me, please , English Teaching Planning for the First Course of the Initial Cycle (Primary Education) - July-2007


Tell me, please , English Teaching Planning for the First Course of the Initial Cycle (Primary Education) - July-2007













(Beaky disturbs) ----------------------


Hello, hello Whats the weather like today?(add snowy) Good morning to you Beaky appears to give a secret packet titled Im cold to the teacher Clothes chants

Hello, hello Whats the weather like today? Good morning to you

Hello, hello Whats the weather like today? Good morning to you

Hello, hello Whats the weather like today? Good morning to you

Hello, hello Whats the weather? Good morning to you

Hello, hello Whats Video the weather? Good morning ICT to you activities Chinese Whispers Chants and rhymes revision

Repeat vocabulary in happy and sad mood. Repeat and solve series of clothes and colours (Using both pictures and words)

Dress up the doll

Tick, tack ,two

Dressing up races (magnetic flashcards) Tick, tack ,two

Finish pending work Self-assess ment worksheet

5 10



Tick, tack ,two

Reproduce a chant changing numbers/colours by clothes progressively

Flashcards game: What clothes are behind (weather)? Pupils meet and describe his clothes Im putting on my trousers

Board race (colours, clothes and weather)

The feeling bag

Find the hidden clothes (hot and cold)

Bring me

Play domino

10 5 15

Pupils meet and describe his clothes Im taking off my socks

Pupils meet and describe Watch the story on the video his clothes Im putting on my trousers Im putting on my trousers Im taking off my socks Im taking off my socks Solve a word search about clothes Bye, bye True/False (describing sentences about peoples clothes) Bye, bye

Watch the story on the video twice Im putting on my trousers Im taking off my socks

Play domino


Dictation: Colour clothes. Bye, bye

Tick what you hear Bye, bye

Im putting on my trousers Im taking off my socks Answer simple questions about Order letters to form the story words and match Colour a domino about clothes them with pictures. Bye, bye Bye, bye


In this section do not appear the activities designed for pupil with specific attention. They can be consulted at next pages concerned with the didactic unit description. ** Pair work Consult the resource Bank, Annexe1 small groups the whole group-class Tell me, please , English Teaching Planning for the First Course of the Initial Cycle (Primary Education) - July-2007


DIDACTIC UNIT 7: IM COLD SESSIONS: 7 OBJECTIVES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. CONTENTS

Identify the main vocabulary related to clothes. Reproduce rhymes using flashcards. Reproduce and dramatize a song related to clothes. Understand the global meaning of a story . Understand the specific meaning of a story: clothes and adjectives. Copy and read the written words of the vocabulary. Answer simple questions about the story, using flashcards. Recognize true and false sentences about the story. Order letters to write words related to food. Draw clothes according to a listening or a reading. Follow the rules of the games proposed. Be interested in learning actively throughout several activities. Dramatizing the story with paper/finger puppets.

1. 2.

Vocabulary related to the usual instructions in a learning and teaching situation: Colour, hands up, cut, repeat, say it again, listen, look, write Structures : Has he got? , Has she got?, Is it cold? Is it hot?, What colour is?, Im putting on my, Im taking off my?

3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Clothes: anorak, scarf, gloves, shoes, trainers, trousers, jumper, skirt, jacket, T-shirt. Actions : put on, take off. Adjectives: hot, cold, snowy. Songs : Im putting on my trousersIm taking off Rhymes: Tick, tack two Listening and repeating the vocabulary in different moods. Producing and dramatizing rhymes about clothes. Recognizing doll clothes after touching them. Listening to a story and participate actively thanks to the previous flashcards shown. Answering questions about the story. Showing, colouring or pointing the vocabulary mentioned. Recognizing true or false sentences.
Tell me, please , English Teaching Planning for the First Course of the Initial Cycle (Primary Education) - July-2007

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.


8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.


Copying and reading words connected with clothes. Filling in words with letters according to a picture. Ordering letters to produce written words related clothes. Joining pictures and words. Playing oral games in small groups: dynamic dictations. Playing guessing games with flashcards. Playing a memory and snap game with flashcards. Playing domino. Dressing up magnetic dolls according to the teacher o partners dictation. Acceptation of the own mistakes and respect towards the other partners ones. Being respectful with other pupils and their intervention turns.


Tranverse topic connected with Civic Education:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.

Listen , repeat and dramatize rhymes. Reproduce the vocabulary mentioned above in a happy mood or in a sad mood. Recognize dolls clothes after touching them. (Play The feeling back goes round the ring) Draw clothes according to the teachers dictation. Draw and colour clothes after reading. Listen to the story Im cold with visual support. Listen to the story again and participate with the teacher saying colours, clothes and other features. Listen and hand up flashcards related to clothes. Label vocabulary flashcards on the board. Play in pairs Join picture and word Filling in words with letters according to a picture. Copy and read words connected to clothes ad colours. Colour or point the vocabulary mentioned Order letters to produce written words related to animals. Listen and draw descriptive sentences. Read and draw descriptive sentences. Play domino saying the clothes that appear on the board. Dress up magnetic dolls according to a dictation.

Tell me, please , English Teaching Planning for the First Course of the Initial Cycle (Primary Education) - July-2007



19. 20. 21. 22.


Count and join numbers and clothes (worksheet number 2b) Colour a clothes domino (worksheet number 6) ICT activities: Multimedia: Tiddys words fun, Oxford Draw dress up people and match their clothes ICT activities: Multimedia: Tiddys words fun, Oxford On Line: JClic activities: Food and clothes

23. 24. 25. 26.


27. 28. 29. 30. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Draw the missing clothes of a serie (worksheet number 1b) Colour a clothes domino ((worksheet number 6) ICT activities: Multimedia: Tiddys words fun, Oxford Use greeting expressions . Answer the question Whats the weather like, today? Point, draw, colour or number the concepts mentioned. Fill in a self-assessment worksheet ____________. Match the vocabulary about clothes with the written words. Colour dressed up characters according written descriptive sentences. Create word finders .


METHODOLOGY Beaky, will start the unit with the greeting and weather songs as usual. Afterwards. he will give the top secret packet to the teacher, with the main flashcards, vocabulary, the video tape and other materials about the story . Afterwards, the teacher will present the main clothes of the story to the pupils by sticking them on the blackboard progressively. Once the main vocabulary is presented, the teacher will elicit previous knowledge to the students about the topic, and will play memory and guessing games using flashcards and also reproduce some rhymes. Then, the teacher will play the video once and will ask some questions to the pupils in order to clarify the main idea of it and vocabulary, especially hot and cold. Finally, the video will be played for a second time. When finishing the teacher will continue the unit with other oral and written activities in order to familiarize pupils with the new words and structures and also to consolidate them.
Tell me, please , English Teaching Planning for the First Course of the Initial Cycle (Primary Education) - July-2007












WHO IS IT? Whats the weather like today? (Beaky disturbs) Good morning to you ----------------------WARMING UP Beaky appears to give a secret packet titled Galaxy kids to the teacher CHANT TIME Revision: Two, two, twenty-two Lets do gymnastics: Chants with parts of the body Clever parrots (with numbers)

Whats the weather like today? Good morning to you Whats your name? How old are you?/ How old is he? (using flashcards of people and numbers) Repeat and solve series of numbers and parts of the body.

Whats the weather like today? Good morning to you Order letters to build words related to body and numbers. Repeat vocabulary in happy and sad mood.

Whats the weather like today? Good morning to you

Whats the weather? Good morning to you

Whats the weather? Good morning to you Beaky as a guest: he wants Videos to listen to us. ICT activities Chants and rhymes revision Finish pending work Selfassessment worksheet

I spy through the hole

Flashcards game



Simon says

Jump the line

Listen and repeat a rhyme with numbers, parts of the body and characters, using both pictures and written words. The blind teacher

Listen and repeat a rhyme with numbers, parts of the body and characters, using both pictures and written words.

Simon says

Dictation race: Drawing aliens Listen to the story again , matching words or little sentences with the right picture.. Who will be the leader? Im a skeleton


STORY Pupils meet (sticking their parts TIME of the body gradually) SONG TIME

Pupils meet Galaxy kid 3 and answer questions about him Who will be the leader?

Pupils meet Galaxy kid 2 and answer questions about him Im a skeleton

Pupils meet Galaxy kid 1 and Listen to the whole story , eliciting answer questions about him. pupils knowledge and promoting active participation. Im a skeleton Who will be the leader? Im a skeleton

The gorillas song Who will be the leader? Look for the words given in a word search Bye, bye (adapting the lyrics to Galaxy kid 4 )



Show/ touch the parts of the body you hear. Match parts of the body with its words Bye, bye (adapting the lyrics to Galaxy kid3)

Draw faces according to the teachers or partners dictation Bye, bye (adapting the lyrics to Galaxy kid 2)

Draw Martians after reading Answer simple questions about the Put the story sequences in simple descriptive sentences. story. order (small group races) Recognize true/false sentences. Fill in descriptive sentences with words given. Bye, bye(adapting the lyrics Bye, bye(adapting the lyrics to Bye, bye(adapting to Galaxy kid 1) the diff. characters) the lyrics to the diff. characters)


The whole class Consult the Resource Bank, Annexe 1 In this section do not appear the activities designed for pupil with specific attention. They can be consulted at next pages concerned with the didactic unit description. Tell me, please , English Teaching Planning for the First Course of the Initial Cycle (Primary Education) - July-2007


DIDACTIC UNIT 8: GALAXY KIDS SESSIONS: 7 OBJECTIVES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. CONTENTS

Revise numbers until 10 and the rhyme Two, two,... twenty -two. Identify the main vocabulary related to the body. Reproduce and dramatize a song connected with actions and some parts of the body. Understand the global meaning of a story about some parts of the body. Understand the specific meaning of a story: numbers, colours and some parts of the body. Copy and read the written words of the vocabulary. Answer simple questions about the story, using flashcards. Reproduce a song about the parts of the body. Recognize true and false sentences about the story. Draw an alien according to the teachers dictation . Draw an alien after reading short descriptive sentences. Fill in sentences with words given according to the picture/s. Understand and follow instructions about the parts of the body. Follow the rules of the games proposed. Be interested in learning actively throughout several activities.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Vocabulary related to the usual instructions in a learning and teaching situation: Colour, hands up, cut, repeat, say it again, listen, look Structures : How manyhas he/she got?, What colour is/are.? , Whats this?, Is it a ? How old are you? , How old is? Parts of the body: head ,eyes, ears, nose, mouth, hands, arms, legs, foot/feet. Numbers until 10. A rhyme about numbers: Two, two, twenty two.(tens) Physical adjectives: big, little, sad/ happy, tall/short. Songs about the body: Who will be the leader? Im a skeleton. Listening and repeating the vocabulary in different moods. Listening and dramatizing songs about the body. Listening and doing the instructions given. Listening to a story and participate actively thanks to the previous flashcards shown. Answering questions about the story.
Tell me, please , English Teaching Planning for the First Course of the Initial Cycle (Primary Education) - July-2007



6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

Recognizing true or false sentences. Showing, colouring or pointing the vocabulary mentioned Filling in simple descriptive sentences according to a picture. Listening and drawing descriptive sentences. Designing a face with magnetics according to a dictation. Read and draw descriptive sentences. Showing effort and interest to produce messages in English. Transverse topic related to Peace Education: Willingness to share things and help each other.

1. 2.


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

Listen , repeat and dramatize a song about the body: Who will be the leader? Revise a rhyme connected with numbers with visual support. Reproduce the vocabulary mentioned above in a happy mood or in a sad mood. Listen and do the instructions given (Simon says) Listen to the story Galaxy kids with visual support. Listen to the story again and participate with the teacher saying colours, parts of the body, numbers, characters names and ages . Reproduce and dramatize the song Im a skeleton. Complete series of vocabulary on the board using flashcards. Ask questions about the story: How manyhas he/she got?, What colour is/are.? , Whats this?, Is it a ? , How old is he? Draw an alien according to the teachers dictation. Draw and colour an alien according to the reading of simple sentences. Read and classify true or false sentences. Listen and hand up flashcards related to the body. Memory game: discover and collect pairs of flashcards. Label vocabulary flashcards on the board. Play in pairs Join picture and word Fill in descriptive sentences according to a picture given and choosing between two options. Draw your favourite Galaxy Kid and match (worksheet number 5c) Draw the missing parts and copy (worksheet number 1b) ICT activities: Tiddys words fun, Oxford (multimedia)
Tell me, please , English Teaching Planning for the First Course of the Initial Cycle (Primary Education) - July-2007




21. 22.

Invent a Martian and match his/her parts of the body. ICT activities: JClic activities: The human body(on line)


23. 24. 25. 26.

Solve Martians puzzles and draw one of them (worksheet number 4c) Make a body wheel (worksheet number 2c) Draw your favourite Galaxy Kid (worksheet number 5b) Count and match (worksheet number 3b)

ASSESSMENT 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Use greeting expressions . Answer the question Whats the weather like, today? Complete series drawing the missing concepts related to colours, numbers, adjectives and parts of the body. Point, colour or number the concepts mentioned. Fill in a self-assessment worksheet ____________. Match the vocabulary about the body with the written words. Answer to questions like: Whats this? or How many? Draw and colour an alien according to the reading of simple sentences. Fill in descriptive sentences according to a picture given and choosing between Follow oral instructions related to some parts of the body. two options.

METHODOLOGY Beaky, will start the unit with the greeting and weather songs as usual. Afterwards. he will give the top secret packet to the teacher, with the main flashcards, vocabulary and other materials about the story Galaxy Kids. Afterwards, the teacher will open an envelope to present Galaxy Kid 4 to the pupils , who will be able to participate actively just saying what they know about the topic. Then, after dramatizing Who will be the leader?, the teacher will continue the unit with other oral activities in order to familiarize pupils with the new words. After telling Galaxy Kids, the learning activities will be aimed to consolidate vocabulary and some structures related to the main topic.

Tell me, please , English Teaching Planning for the First Course of the Initial Cycle (Primary Education) - July-2007












disturbs) ----------------------

WHO IS IT? (Beaky

Hello, hello Whats the weather like today?(add snowy) Good morning to you

Hello, hello Whats the weather like today? Good morning to you

Hello, hello Whats the weather like today? Good morning to you

Hello, hello Whats the weather like today? Good morning to you

Hello, hello Whats the weather? Good morning to you



Hello, hello Whats the weather? Video Good morning to you ICT activities

Beaky appears to give a Repeat vocabulary in other secret packet titled Naughty, mood naughty Cecil to the teacher One banana (reproduce it with other pieces of food)

Large board pelmanism

Relay dictionary


Look through the hole

Chinese whispers Finish pending work

Reproduce a chant changing ordinal numbers by food gradually

Repeat and solve series of food (using both pictures and words)

Do you like bananas? Yes I doNo, I dont

I went to the market

Chants and rhymes revision Self-assessment worksheet

10 10 5

The feeling bag

Crouching game

Noughts and crosses


Relay dictionary

Kims game or Whats missing? Pupils listen to the story And collaborate with the teacher with the main vocabulary Do you like?

Pupils meet baby Cecil and describe it.

Pupils meet a bit bigger Cecil and describe it.

Pupils meet a bit bigger Cecil and describe it.

Pupils meet an enormous Cecil and describe it.

Pupils listen to the story (eliciting pupils knowledge)

Do you like?

Give me six pears

Do you like?

Give me six pears

Give me six pears

15 5


Show what pupils hear Solve a word search about food Bye, bye

Dictation: draw ad colour food pupils hear Bye, bye

Order letters to form words and match with pictures Bye, bye


Draw and colour the food they read. Classify food according likes ad dislikes Bye, bye

Answer simple questions about the story Bye, bye

Class survey Bye, bye


In this section do not appear the activities designed for pupil with specific attention. They can be consulted at next pages concerned with the didactic unit description. ** In pairs The whole class Consult the Resource Bank, page Tell me, please , English Teaching Planning for the First Course of the Initial Cycle (Primary Education) - July-2007


DIDACTIC UNIT 9: NAUGHTY, NAUGHTY, CECIL SESSIONS: 7 OBJECTIVES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. CONTENTS

Identify the main vocabulary related to food. Reproduce and dramatize rhymes about fruits. Reproduce a song about numbers and fruits. Understand the global meaning of a story about some fruits and other food. Understand the specific meaning of a story(numeral and cardinal numbers and food) Produce the vocabulary related to food after touching real one. Name the vocabulary shown. Copy and read the written words of the vocabulary. Answer simple questions about the story, using flashcards. Answer questions with short sentences about likes and dislikes Recognize true and false sentences about the story. Classify the vocabulary according to the topic it belongs. Order letters to write words related to food. Draw food according to a listening or a reading. Follow the rules of the games proposed. Be interested in learning actively throughout several activities. Asking questions .

1. 2.

Vocabulary related to the usual instructions in a learning and teaching situation: Colour, hands up, cut, repeat, say it again, listen, look Structures : How many oranges can you see.? I went to the market and I got a ? Do you like? Yes, I do/ No, I dont/ Not much Delicious!

3. 4. 5.

Fruits and other food: apples, pears, oranges, lemons, sandwich, chocolate, bananas, tomatoes, potatoes Cardinal numbers until 7th. Rhymes about food: One banana, two bananas... Do you like? Yes, I do/ No, I dont Give six pears
Tell me, please , English Teaching Planning for the First Course of the Initial Cycle (Primary Education) - July-2007



1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.


Listening and repeating the vocabulary in different moods. Writing or drawing the vocabulary according teachers dictation. Drawing the vocabulary according to a reading. Producing and dramatizing rhymes about food. . Listening to a story and participate actively thanks to the previous flashcards shown Answering questions about the story. Answering questions connected with likes and dislikes. Showing, colouring or pointing the vocabulary mentioned Recognizing true or false sentences. Copying and reading words connected to food. Filling in words with letters according to a picture. Ordering letters to produce written words related to food. Classify food words according to likes ad dislikes.. Listening and drawing sentences with numbers. Reading and drawing sentences with numbers. Asking questions to the partners about likes and dislikes.


Acceptation of the own mistakes and respect towards the other partners ones.

Transverse topic related to Health Education: 2. 3. 1. Being awareness of the importance of a balanced nutrition. Showing respect towards other partners productions. Being respectful with other partners likes and dislikes. Transverse topic related to Civic Education:



Listen , repeat and dramatize rhymes: One banana, two bananas... Do you like? Yes, I do/ No, I dont

2. 3.

Revise a rhyme connected with numbers with visual support. Reproduce the vocabulary mentioned above in other moods.
Tell me, please , English Teaching Planning for the First Course of the Initial Cycle (Primary Education) - July-2007


4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Write or draw fruits and other type of food according to the teachers dictation Draw and colour food according to a reading. Listen to the story Naughty, naughty, Cecil with visual support. Listen to the story again and participate with the teacher saying colours, fruits, numbers and the structures mentioned above. Answer questions about the story: How manydid Cecil eat? What colour is/are.? , Whats this?, Is it a ? , Does he like?

9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19.

Read and classify true or false sentences. Memory game: I went to the market and I got a. Label vocabulary flashcards on the board. Play in pairs Join picture and word Filling in words with letters according to a picture. Copy and read words connected to food. Colour or point the vocabulary mentioned Order letters to produce written words related to food Listen and draw sentences with numbers Read and draw sentences with numbers. Make a class survey about likes and dislikes, and illustrate the results on a poster.


20. 21.

Draw what you read (fruits and numbers) (worksheet number 2b) Order and draw what Cecil ate(worksheet number 5b) ICT Activities: JClic activities: Food and clothes


ICT Activities JClic activities: Aprendo ingles jugando. A story and activities on line (numbers revision): Monkeys in


25. 26.

Make a food wheel (worksheet number 3b) Look and follow the series(worksheet number 1c) 53

Tell me, please , English Teaching Planning for the First Course of the Initial Cycle (Primary Education) - July-2007

27. 28.

Follow the numbers and copy(worksheet number 2b) Draw the food you like and what you dont like(worksheet number 4b) ICT Activities: JClic activities: Food and clothes

ASSESSMENT 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Use greeting expressions . Answer the question Whats the weather like, today? Point, colour or number the concepts mentioned. Colour the concepts as the teacher dictates. Draw written information about food. Fill in a self-assessment worksheet . Match the vocabulary about the food with the written words. Answer to questions like: Do you like? or How many? Fill in sentences with numbers and fruit according to a picture given and choosing between two options. Fill in sentences about likes and dislikes according to a picture given and choosing between two options. Solve word finders

METHODOLOGY Beaky, will start the unit with the greeting and weather songs as usual. Afterwards. he will give the top secret packet to the teacher, with the main flashcards, vocabulary and other materials about the story Afterwards, the teacher will present Cecil, the caterpillar, to the pupils and will start to elicit previous knowledge to the students about the topic. Afterwards, the teacher, as a conductor, and the students altogether will build the whole story in a participative way, using flashcards and written words as well. When finishing., the teacher will continue the unit with other oral and written activities in order to familiarize pupils with the new words ad structures ad also consolidate them.

Tell me, please , English Teaching Planning for the First Course of the Initial Cycle (Primary Education) - July-2007



WHO IS IT? (Beaky disturbs) 10 WARMING UP Whats the weather like today? Good morning to you Whats the weather like today? Good morning to you

Whats the weather like today? Good morning to you

Whats the weather like today? Good morning to you

Whats the weather? Good morning to you

Whats the weather? Good morning



Beaky appears to give a secret packet titled Walking through the jungle to the teacher Wild animals chant

Big, little

Repeat vocabulary in other moods The elephant

Revision: the elephant

Jump the line


Guess the animal (miming) Revision: Chants and rhymes




Large Board Palmenism

Repeat and solve series of animals and known vocabulary (Using both pictures and words) I went to the zoo and I met a Pupils meet a hippo describe it. In the zoo

Reproduce a chant changing known vocabulary by wild animals progressively Play domino (Pictures and words) Pupils meet a giraffe and a koala and describe it. In the zoo Fill in descriptive sentences with words. Go on colouring the camera and the photo frame Bye, bye(to the giraffe)

Revision: The elephant

Make a big poster like a giant photo album with pictures done by pupils ad simple descriptions around.

Find the hidden animals (hot and cold)



10 5 15

Pupils meet a lion and describe it. Big, little Tick or draw what you hear Start to colour the camera and the photo frame Bye, bye(to the lion)

Pupils meet an elephant and describe it. Big, little

Description race Big, little Walking through the jungle Join simple descriptions with wild animals Go on colouring the camera and the photo frame Bye, bye(to the koala)

Guess the animal (run to touch the animal described) Go on a safari ( to look for the rest of the animals) Walking through the jungle Answer questions about the story. Finish colouring the camera and the photo frame Bye, bye(to wild animals)

Finish pending work

Self-assessment worksheet Video or ICT activities

Order letters to write wild Read/Listen and recognize animals and concepts related. true/false sentences Go on colouring the camera Go on colouring the camera and and the photo frame the photo frame Bye, bye(to the hippo) Bye, bye(to the elephant)



In this section do not appear the activities designed for pupil with specific attention or for reinforcement. They can be consulted at next pages concerned with the didactic unit description. small groups

the whole group-class

Consult the resource Bank, pages


Pair work

Tell me, please , English Teaching Planning for the First Course of the Initial Cycle (Primary Education) - July-2007


DIDACTIC UNIT 10: WALKING THROUGH THE JUNGLE SESSIONS: 7 OBJECTIVES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Revise the main vocabulary related to wild animals and their main features. Sort out wild and domestic animals. Reproduce a song using flashcards and mime. Play a memory game saying a sentence. Reproduce and dramatize actions connected with the main song of the story. Understand the global meaning of a story and follow its dramatization. Understand the specific meaning of a story: animals, actions, colours, adjectives Copy and read the written words of the vocabulary. Answer simple questions about wild animals, using flashcards. Recognize true and false sentences about animals. Order letters to write words related to animals. Draw and colour animals according to a listening or a reading. Guess animals according to the listening of simple descriptions. Play domino saying the animals on the board. Join animals with their main features. Follow the rules of the games proposed. Showing a increasing interest and enthusiasm towards English.

Tell me, please , English Teaching Planning for the First Course of the Initial Cycle (Primary Education) - July-2007



1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Vocabulary related to the usual instructions in a learning and teaching situation: Colour, hands up, cut, repeat, say it again, listen, look Structures : How many legs has a got? , I went to the zoo I and met a Is it big or little?, What colour is?, Has it got? Wild animals : lion, hippo, elephant, giraffe, gorilla, monkey, snake, koala, camel, tiger, flamingo, rhino, bear. Physical features: wings, trunk, tail,neck, Actions : see, take a photo. Adjectives: big, little, grey, pink. Songs : BigLittle Walking through the jungle In the zoo


1. Listening and repeating the vocabulary in different moods. 2. Showing, colouring or pointing the vocabulary mentioned. 3. Drawing the vocabulary according to the teachers or a partners dictation. 4. Drawing the vocabulary according to a reading. 5. Producing and dramatizing rhymes about animals. 6. Colour a camera and a photoframe for the safari dramatization. 7. Listening to a story and participate actively thanks to the previous flashcards shown and the its dramatization.

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8. Answering questions about the safari. 9. Recognizing true or false sentences. 10. Copying and reading words connected to animals or actions. 11. Filling in words with letters according to a picture. 12. Ordering letters to produce written words related to animals or actions. 13. Listening and drawing the meaning of sentences about main animals features. 14. Reading and drawing the meaning of sentences about main animals features. 15. Playing oral games in small groups: dynamic dictations. 16. Joining animals with their main features. 17. Playing guessing games with flashcards. 18. Playing a memory game with flashcards.

Transverse topic related to Civic Education: 1. 2. Being respectful with other pupils and their intervention turns. Being aware of the importance of protecting animals ad plants, specially those who are in danger of extinction. Transverse topic related to the protection of the environment:



Listen , repeat and dramatize rhymes about wild animals.

Tell me, please , English Teaching Planning for the First Course of the Initial Cycle (Primary Education) - July-2007


2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.

Reproduce the vocabulary mentioned above in a other moods. Listen and hand up flashcards related to animals. Colour or point the vocabulary mentioned. Write or draw animals according to the teachers dictation. Draw and colour animals after a reading. Colour a camera and a photoframe. Listen to the story Walking through he jungle with visual support and dramatize it. Listen to the story again and participate with the teacher saying colours, animals, parts of the body and other features. Answer questions about the story: How many legs hasgot ? What colour is/are.? , Whats this?, Is he (a) ? Read and classify true or false sentences. Memory game: I went to the zoo I and met a Play in pairs Join picture and word Filling in words with letters according to a picture. Order letters to produce written words related to animals. Make a poster (a Safaris Album) with short written sentences around the drawing s. Colour the animals according to the descriptive sentences (worksheet number 6b) Fill in the sentences with the correct word (worksheet number 5)





Count wild animals and write.

Tell me, please , English Teaching Planning for the First Course of the Initial Cycle (Primary Education) - July-2007


ASSESSMENT 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Use greeting expressions . Answer the question Whats the weather like, today? Point, colour or number the concepts mentioned. Draw written information about wild animals. Fill in a self-assessment worksheet . Match the vocabulary about the animals and their features with the written words. Answer questions like: How many legs hasgot ? What colour is/are?, Whats this?, Is it a ? , Can it? Fill in descriptive sentences about animals according to a picture given and choosing between some options. Solve word finders .

METHODOLOGY Beaky, will start the unit with the greeting and weather songs as usual. Afterwards. he will give the top secret packet to the teacher, with the main flashcards, vocabulary and other materials about the story . Afterwards, the teacher will present The safaris camera to the pupils and encourage them to make one for each one. Once the camera is done, the teacher will show some real photos of wild animals to the group-class and practise some rhymes with eliciting previous knowledge to the students about the topic. Then, the teacher will encourage the pupils to enrol on a safaris to Africa, making a train. The route starts and goes on until they find a picture turned over. They stop and discover the animal, taking a picture with the cameras. Then the teacher, as a conductor, and the students altogether will build the whole adventure in a participative way, using flashcards, rhymes and previous knowledge as well.

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When finishing., the teacher will continue the unit with other oral and written activities in order to familiarize pupils with the new words and structures and also to consolidate them. During the unit, the group class, each pupil according to their rhythm ad level, will be able to participate in a giant Safaris album , which involves all the contents throughout an attractive and meaningful way.

Tell me, please , English Teaching Planning for the First Course of the Initial Cycle (Primary Education) - July-2007




Harper, K;(2005) Galaxy 2, Oxford University Press Holderness, J; Christmas is coming. Jet Magazine.Mary Glasgow Publications. London,September,1993 Mur, Olga; Dobson Jennifer; Fun English A and B songs, Longman Nicholls, S, (1992), Bobby Shaftoe, clap your hands, A&C Black) Nicholls, S, (1998) Michael Finnigin. Tap your chinigin, A&C Black 4t h English, Edebe(1994 approx.) Papiol,E ad Toth,M;Minibus songs 1 and 2, Heinemann, Macmillan Paul, D;(1996) Songs and games for children, MacMillan Heinemann Primary Festivals Pack, Oxford University Press. Road to English 1 and 2 (1994), SM Top class 1, Oxford University Press Ur, P; Wright, A.(1992)Five-minute Activities. A Resource book of short activities.Oxford University Press.
Tell me, please , English Teaching Planning for the First Course of the Initial Cycle (Primary Education) - July-2007




Ellis,G. and Brewster,J.Storytelling Hangbook for Primary teachers, Penguin Books, 1991 Ellis,G. and Brewster,J; Girard,D. The Primary teachers Guide. Penguin English. London, 1992, Generalitat de Catalunya(Departament dEnsenyament); La Llengua Estrangera Al Cicle Inicial. Aspectes organitzatius i didctics. Barcelona,2.004 Harmer,J. The practice of English Language teaching, Longman, Harlow, 1985 Lewis,M;Hill,J (1985) Practical Techniques for Language Teaching. Language Teaching Publications. Richards, J.C; Rodgers, T.S (1986) Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching. Willis,J; Teaching English through English. Longman, Harlow, 1981 Royal Decree 1513/2006, 7 th december.

ON LINE: Pacte Nacional per a lEducaci. Debat Curricular (Barcelona, abril 2,006). Servei DOrdenaci Curricular (Last revision 22/2/2007)



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Stick a set of picture cards on the board and the corresponding text cards below the picture cards. Ask the children to choose six cards from the cards on the board and write them in a grid on a piece of paper. Then you call out the words from the set in random order. The children cross off their words as they hear them. The first child to cross off all their words and shout Bingo! is the winner.

Blind teacher

Put some cards put down on the teachers desk. He/s he has to take one ad show it to the pupils. The teacher has to guess it asking pupils simple questions. They can only say yes or No. During the rest turns, the students can play the teachers role.

Board race (vocabulary, little descriptions)

Stick four or more flashcards on the board in a row, low enough for the children to reach. Divide the class into two teams. Call out one of the flashcards and the first two children from each team run to the board. The first child to touch the correct flashcard wins a point for his/her team. Continue with the other flashcards.

Chinese Whispers

Put some flashcards face up on a desk. Divide the class into two teams and ask them to sit in rows. The first two children in each team come to you and you whisper an instruction or a word, for example, Touch your nose,, doll.... These children go back to their teams and whisper the instruction to the next child. This child then whispers it to the next, and so on, until the last child in the team runs to the desk, mimes the instruction or draw the word whispered and show it to you. The first child to do it wins a point for his/her team.

Clever parrots

The teacher (or any pupil) shows a card and names or describes it. If he/she does it correctly, the others have to repeat the same. If not, pupils must remain in silent.

Crackers game

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Pass the cracker: the game consists on passing a big cracker with many layers of wrapping paper where as The cracker song is playing. When it stops, the last two pupils who have touched the cracker will pull and tear it up in order to read and ask a question inside about units 1,2,3,and 4. If they answ er it well, they will receive a candy and sit down on the floor. Finally, the last cracker will contain a card for each pupil, who will draw and write a postcard his/her family.

In small groups the whole group **In pairs

Crouching game

Ask the class to make four lines. Give each line a flashcard. When you call their flashcard, the whole line should crouch down. When they hear a different flashcard, they should stand up.

Dictation race

Split the class in four teams. A member of each team have to run to a corner of the classroom or to the corridor to watch a row of flashcards stuck on the wall. He/she has to run to his/her team to dictate the words and they have to draw them in the same order. Another option would be to write the words correctly in order to work on spelling. It would depends on the purpose of the activity. The first team to finish the series is the winner.

Dressing up races

Split the class in two or more teams. Each one has a set of magnetic drawings of a boy/girl and some pieces of clothes. One member of the group has to run till a corner where the boy/girl is dressed and tell his/her team the pieces of coloured clothes the boy/girl has on. The first team to dress him/her properly is the winner.

Find the hidden clothes, animals (hot and cold)

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A pupil goes out of the classroom while the rest of group decide to hide a flashcard or the real object belonged to a certain topic. When the pupil comes in and starts to look for, the other pupils cry hot if he/she is near the hidden flashcard of object, or cold if he/she is quite away of it.

Flashcards game (guessing vocabulary facedown)

Stick a set of flashcards (up to ten different items) on the blackboard. Point to each card and encourage the children to say the items. Split the class into two teams and ask them to look at the cards for two minutes. Put the cards face down in the same order. In turn, ask one child from alternate teams to touch a card, say the item and then turn the card over. If he/she has guessed correctly he/she can keep the card for his/her team. If not, he/she puts it back in the place it came from. The team who guesses the most cards is the winner.
** Guess

the animal(miming)

(Seasons, animals, or other topics flashcards can be used in this way)

Ask a child to come to the front and show him/her a flashcard. He/She mimes what it is and the rest of the class try to guess.

I went to the market and I got a/ ,I went to the zoo and I met a

Split the class into teams of five or six children. Take the flashcards from a lexical set and give them to one team, so each child has one card. The first child in the group holds up his/her card and says the item. The second child says the first item, holds up their card and says their item, and so on until the last child has to say all the items. To help the children remember, ask each child to keep holding up his/her card. Every child that says all the items correctly wins one point. Each group does the same with their lexical items. The group with the most points when each team has finished is the winner. You can also ask the children to start the lists of items with a specific sentence, for example, I went to the market and I got a , I went to the zoo and I met a

In small groups the whole group **In pairs

Jump the line

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Pupils stands in a row facing the blackboard. The teacher shows a card ad names or describes it. If the information is right, pupils have to jump to the right; if the information is wrong, they have to jump to the right. The pupils who jump to the wrong side will sit down. The pupil who remains stood to the end is the winner.

Large Board Pelmanism

Make pairs of cards related to any topic. On the back of one of each pair put a colour and a number on the other. Stick all the cards on the board so that the children only see the numbers and colours. Depending on the age or ability of the children, the colours of the numbers can be visual or written. Split the children into teams. In turns they have to say a colour or a number. Turn over the cards and ask the child to identify the items and say whether or not they are a pair. If they are a pair and the items correctly identified, the team is allowed to keep the cards. If they are not a pair, the cards must be replaced on the board in the same place to the next turn.


Stick the picture flashcards and the corresponding text cards from a lexical set randomly on the blackboard. In small groups, the children match the text to the picture cards by drawing lines. When all the cards have been correctly matched to the words, rub out the lines and put all the picture cards in a pile. Put the class into two teams and ask the children from each team, in turn, to take one card from the pile and stick it next to the corresponding text card. The team with the most pairs matched correctly is the winner.

Noughts and crosses

Draw a 3 x 3 grid on the board and stick a flashcard in each square. Divide the class into two teams, 0s and Xs. Each team takes it turn to name one of the flashcards. If they do so correctly, draw an 0 or a X in the corresponding square. The aim of the game is to get three 0s or Xs in a row.

Put a pile of picture flashcards and a separate pile of matching text cards face down on the table. Each child takes a picture or text card. (There must be at least one text card to match each picture card. In larger classes there could be more than one text card per picture card.) The children walk around the room finding the players with the equivalent text/picture card using appropriate language, for example, What card/colour have you got? Have you got a ? etc.

Relay dictionary

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Split the class into two teams. Show child A in each team a flashcard. Child A says the first letter of the item on the card to the next child, child B. Child B writes the letter on a piece of paper, when they have done this correctly they are shown the flashcard and they say the next letter of the word to child C. Child C then writes down the second letter on the paper. This continues until the word has been completed The first team to complete the word wins the game.

In small groups the whole group **In pairs

Simon says

The pupils and the teacher stands in a circle. Pupils have to do the instructions the teaches gives only if he/she starts the m with the words Simon says. If not, pupils have not to move at all. The pupils who do it wrongly have to sit on the floor, and that/those who remains/- stood is/are the winner/s.

Sorting out races

Split the class in two or more teams. One member of each has to run till a corner of the classroom where there is a set of cards about some different topics. The boy/girl has to catch them and run to his/her team in order to sort them out in different topics (they can also write them in a paper or on the blackboard, depending on the purpose of the activity). The first group to classify the vocabulary is the winner.

Spy through the hole

Take a piece of blank card a little larger than the flashcards and cut out a small hole in the middle. Move the hole over a flashcard and ask the children to guess what the picture is. Alternatively, put two flashcards face to face. Use one of the flashcards to gradually reveal the picture on the other flashcard. The children try to guess what the picture is.

The feeling bag goes round the ring

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The pupils sit on the floor in a circle. They start to sing the song. The pupil who has the bag when the song finishes has to put his/her hand into and touch one of the objects inside and guessing what it is. If he/she guesses it, takes it out and keeps it with him/her. If not, the teachers takes it apart. The pupil who has more objects is the winner. Song: The feely bag goes round the ring, round the ring, round the ring. The feely bag goes round the ring , round the ring. Put your hand in. Whats inside? Whats inside? Whats inside? Put your hand in. Whats inside? Whats inside?

Whats missing? (Kims game)

Split the class into three or four groups. Stick eight or ten flashcards at the front of the class and ask the children to look at them for one minute. Remove all the cards, take out two and fix the rest of the cards in a different order. The first group to guess which cards have been take out is the winner.

Who said it?

A pupil is in front facing the blackboard. The teacher points to a pupil of the rest and he/she has to say a loud word or expression. The pupil in front has to guess who said it. If he/she guesses, the boy/girl who said the word or expression has to sit in front and starts a new turn.

** Writing

numbers on pupils back.

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A pupil marks a number on one partners back with his/her finger. This partner has to say the number correctly. We also can play this game writing words on pupils backs. Ad it can be also adapted to be played in small groups or with the whole class.

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In small groups the whole group **In pairs



Whats the weather like today? Whats the weather like today? Whats the weather like ? Its sunny.

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Its rainy. Its cloudy. Its windy. Its From Minibus songs 1 and 2, Macmillan, Heinemann Hello routine Hello, hello English class, English class. Hello, hello English class, English class. From Minibus songs 1 and 2, Macmillan, Heinemann Bye routine Bye, bye English class, English class. Bye, bye English class, English class. From Minibus songs 1 and 2, Macmillan, Heinemann One, Two, Three, Four, Five One, Two, Three, Four, Five One, Two, Three, Four, Five One, Two, Three, Four, Five Hello, Whats your name?

Tell me, please , English Teaching Planning for the First Course of the Initial Cycle (Primary Education) - July-2007


One, Two, Three, Four One, Two, Three, Four One, Two, Three, Four Hello, Whats your name? One, Two, Three Adapted version from A-E-I-O-U Hello, Whats your name? In Songs and games for children by David Paul, Macmillan, Heinemann,1996 Five kangaroos Five kangaroos sitting in the sun Five kangaroos sitting in the sun One kangaroo goes jump, jump, jump. Four kangaroos sitting in the sun Three kangaroos sitting in the sun Two kangaroos sitting in the sun One kangaroo sitting in the sun No kangaroos sitting in the sun. Adapted version from Ten green bottles standing on a wall. In


Sunny Sunny, sunny Sunny, sunny

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(in a happy mood) Cloudy, cloudy, Cloudy, cloudy (in a sad mood) Drizzle, drizzle, drizzle (fast rhythm) OH no, no, no! Its raining! (in a sad mood) Free version


Whats the weather like today? Whats the weather like today? Whats the weather like ? Its sunny. Its rainy.
Tell me, please , English Teaching Planning for the First Course of the Initial Cycle (Primary Education) - July-2007


Its cloudy. Its windy. Its From Minibus songs 1 and 2 , Macmillan, Heinemann

Hello routine Hello, hello English class, English class. Hello, hello English class, English class. From Minibus songs 1 and 2 , Macmillan, Heinemann

Bye routine Bye, bye English class, English class. Bye, bye English class, English class. From Minibus songs 1 and 2, Macmillan, Heinemann

One, Two, Three, Four, Five

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One, Two, Three, Four, Five One, Two, Three, Four, Five One, Two, Three, Four, Five Hello, Whats your name? One, Two, Three, Four One, Two, Three, Four One, Two, Three, Four Hello, Whats your name? One, Two, Three Adapted version from A-E-I-O-U Hello, Whats your name? In Songs and games for children by David Paul, Macmillan, Heinemann,1996

Thomas The Tree Thomas the tree Hes a sad, sad tree. Thomas the tree Hes a sad, sad tree. Look at the tree Look at the tree Thomas the tree Hes a sad, sad tree

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Thomas the tree Hes a happy, happy tree Thomas the tree Hes a happy, happy tree Look at the tree Look at the tree Thomas the tree Hes a happy, happy tree From Minibus songs 1 and 2, Macmillan, Heinemann UNIT 3

Its Halloween tonight Pumpkin , pumpkin, make a face. Pumpkin , pumpkin, shine your light. Pumpkin , pumpkin, lets have fun, Its Halloween tonight. Oh, this pumpkins very sad. Oh, this pumpkins very sad. Boo boo (clap ,clap, clap) Its Halloween tonight. Pumpkin , pumpkin, make a face... Oh, this pumpkins very funny. Oh, this pumpkins very funny.

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Hee, hee (clap ,clap, clap) Its Halloween tonight. Pumpkin , pumpkin, make a face... Oh, this pumpkins very happy. Oh, this pumpkins very happy. La, la (clap ,clap, clap) Its Halloween tonight. Pumpkin , pumpkin, make a face... Oh, this pumpkins very scary. Oh, this pumpkins very scary. Ooooowwww (clap ,clap, clap) Its Halloween tonight. Pumpkin , pumpkin, make a face... Taken from Harper, K;(2005) Galaxy 2, Oxford University Press Lets have a party () Lets have a party, a party, a party, Lets have a Halloween party today. With ghosts and witches, and pumpkin lanterns. Lets have a Halloween party today. () From Primary Festivals Pack, Oxford University Press.

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Chant number 6 from Fun English 1 and 2 Halloween Colours Black cat. Orange pumpkin. White ghost. Green-eyed monster. Black, orange, white, green. These are the colours of Halloween! Black cats. Witches hats. Jack-o-lanterns. Jack-o-lanterns. Black, orange, white, green. These are the colours of Halloween! From Primary Festivals Pack, Oxford University Press.

UNIT 4 The gorilla's song

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1,2,3,4 A gorilla is at the door. 5,6,7,8,9,10 go, go, go... 1,2,3,4 Good morning, Mr. Kong. 5,6,7,8,9,10 Goodbye Kong. Road to English 1

The toy shop The toy shops got Lots of toys, toys, toys For girls and boys For girls and boys . Theres a car Brm, brm. Theres a doll Sleep, sleep. Theres a train Chuff, chuff. Theres a plane Weee! Lots of toys for girls and boys.
Tell me, please , English Teaching Planning for the First Course of the Initial Cycle (Primary Education) - July-2007


From Minibus songs 1 and 2, Macmillan, Heinemann

What is red?

What is red? What is red? Can you see? Can you see? I can see a I can see a Point with me Point with me By Vanessa Reilly


Lets have a party, a party, a party, () Lets have a Christmas party today. With a tree ad crackers, and cards and presents, Lets have a Christmas today. ()

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From Primary Festivals Pack, Oxford University Press. Hello Father Christmas Hello Father Christmas! Hello Father Christmas! Look at all the presents Under the Christmas tree. Look at all the presents Some for you and some for me Hello Father Christmas! Hello Father Christmas! From Minibus songs 1 and 2, Macmillan, Heinemann The cracker song Father Christmas wants a tree. Father Christmas wants a tree. Ha Ho Ha Ho Father Christmas wants a tree. From Minibus songs 1 and 2, Macmillan, Heinemann The tree wants a present. The tree wants a present. Ha Ho Ha Ho The tree wants a present The present wants a cracker. The present wants a cracker.
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Ha Ho Ha Ho The tree wants a present. From Minibus songs 1 and 2, Macmillan, Heinemann

UNIT 6 Good morning Good morning Good morning to you. Good morning Good morning Im fine. How are you? Unknown fount (My five- year- old daughter taught it to me last year!)

UNIT 7 The clothes song Im putting on my trousers My trousers, my trousers Im putting on my trousers OK!
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Im putting on my T-shirt My T-shirt, my T-shirt Im putting on my T-shirt OK! Im putting on my jumper My jumper, my jumper Im putting on my jumper OK! Im putting on my shoes My shoes, my shoes Im putting on my shoes OK! From Minibus songs 1 and 2, Macmillan Heinemann Im taking off my trousers My trousers, my trousers Im taking off my trousers OK! Im taking off my T-shirt My T-shirt, my T-shirt Im taking off my T-shirt OK! Im taking off my jumper My jumper, my jumper Im taking off my jumper OK!

Tell me, please , English Teaching Planning for the First Course of the Initial Cycle (Primary Education) - July-2007


Im taking off my shoes My shoes, my shoes Im taking off my shoes OK! Adapted version of The clothes song in Minibus songs 1 and 2, Macmillan Heinemann Tick tack two Tick tack two, Mend a lady shoe A blue shoe A blue shoe Tick tack two Tick tack two Mend a man shoe A black shoe A black shoe Tick tack two A toy shoe/ a brown shoe A girl shoe/ a red shoe A baby shoe/ a pink shoe Taken from Taylor, D. and J. (1976) Talking rhymes, Ladybirds Books, Loughborough


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Numbers Chant Two, two, twenty-two. Three, three, thirty-three. Four, four, forty-four I've got a pocket full of holes. Five, five, fifty-five. Six, six, sixty-six Seven, seven, seventy-seven. I've got a T-shirt with a 7 Eight, eight, eighty-eight Nine, nine, ninety-nine. One, nought, nought, a 100! Road to English 2

Who will be the leader? Clap your hands, follow me, Clap your hands, follow me, Clap your hands, follow me, Who will be the leader? Touch your nose Open your mouth Adapted from a version in Nicholls, S, (1992), Bobby Shaftoe, clap your hands, A&C Black)
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Procedure: The children stand in a circle, facing to the right. Sing the song above. Name the child behind you. The child who is named must do an action for the others to follow ad you sing the words. Im a skeleton Im a skeleton Crick, crack. Im a skeleton Crick, crack. Two hands. Two arms. Im a skeleton Crick, crack. Im a skeleton Crick, crack. Two feet. Two legs. Im a skeleton Crick, crack. Im a skeleton Crick, crack. Two eyes One nose, ( athio!) one mouth (oooaaaah). From Fun English 1 ad 2, Longman UNIT 9 One potato One potato, two potatoes,
Tell me, please , English Teaching Planning for the First Course of the Initial Cycle (Primary Education) - July-2007


three potatoes, four. Five potatoes, Six potatoes, Seven potatoes, More. Taken from Top class 1, Oxford University Press. It can be adapted for other food, specially fruits. Do you like bananas? Do you like bananas? Yes, I do(group 1)..No, I dont (group 2) Do you like bananas? Yes, I do(group 1)..No, I dont (group 2) Do you like bananas? Do you like bananas? Do you like bananas? Yes, I do(group 1)..No, I dont (group 2) Reproduce the song with different fruits. Tune: Shell be coming round the mountains when she comes In Nicholls, S, (1998) Michael Finnigin. Tap your chinigin, A&C Black Give me six pears...

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Give me six pears six apples, dont forget the oranges. Give me Five pears five apples, dont forget the oranges. Give me Four pears Four apples, dont forget the oranges. Give me Three pears Three apples, dont forget the oranges. Give me Two pears Two apples, dont forget the oranges. Give me one pear one apple, dont forget the oranges. From Minibus songs 1 and 2, Macmillan Heinemann UNIT 10
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Walking through the jungle Walking through the jungle What can you see? Walking through the jungle What can you see? Oh! Look! A gorilla!! Take a photo!! Click , click ! Take a photo!! Click, click!

Big, little Im a big, big cat. Im a little, little mouse. Big, little Big, little Clap, clap, clap. Im a big, big gorilla. Im a little, little ant. Big, little Big, little Clap, clap, clap.

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Im a big, big shark. Im a little, little frog. Big, little Big, little Clap, clap, clap. Taken from Paul, D;(1996) Songs and games for children, MacMillan Heinemann In the zoo In the zoo there are many monkeys. In the zoo there are many snakes. In the zoo there are hippopotamus In the zoo there are many bears. I like lions, tigers and elephants. I like monkeys and giraffes and the bears Taken from 4th English, EDEBE(1994)

ANNEXE 3: DIDACTIC MATERIALS UNIT 1 DIDACTIC MATERIALS 1. Beaky puppet. 2. Flashcards about the vocabulary:

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Hello, Bye/ Cloudy, raining, sunny/ One, two three, four, five. 2. Learning activities worksheets. 3. Assessment worksheets. 4. Self-assessment worksheet. 5. Audio material: Tapes with the songs of the unit and cassette.

UNIT 2 DIDACTIC MATERIALS 1. Beaky puppet. 2. Flashcards about the vocabulary. 3. Flashcards of the story Thomas the tree 4. Puppet of a tree. 5. Learning activities worksheets. 6. Assessment worksheets. 7. Self-assessment worksheet. 8. Extra-activities or adapted proposals 9. Audio material: Tapes with the songs of the unit and cassette. 10. ICT Resources: Multimedia: Tiddys words fun, Oxford On Line: JClic activities: Colours (matching colours-words; solve a word search)

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92 (Colour the rainbow) and (What colour is it?)

UNIT 3 DIDACTIC MATERIALS 1. 2. Beaky puppet. Flashcards about the vocabulary:

Hello, Bye Cloudy, raining, sunny One, two, three, four, five, six, seven eight, nine, ten Colours and typical Halloween characters: white, orange, black, brown, green cat, witch, hat, pumpkin/Jack-o-lantern, ghost. Adjectives: sad, happy, scary, funny
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3. Flashcards of the story Poor Pump 4. Learning activities worksheets 5. Assessment worksheets. 6. Self-assessment worksheet. 7. Audio material: Tapes with the songs ad rhymes of the unit. Cassette. 9. Video: Winnie, the witch. 8. ICT Resources: Multimedia: Tiddys words fun, Oxford On Line: JClic activities

UNIT 4 DIDACTIC MATERIALS 1. 2. Beaky puppet. Flashcards about the vocabulary:

Hello, Bye. Happy, sad. Cloudy, raining, sunny. Green, white, yellow, blue, red, orange, black, brown, green.

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One, two, three, four, five, six, seven eight, nine, ten. Toys: robot, train, teddy bear, doll, plane ,car 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Flashcards of the story Robbie the robot. Learning activities worksheets Assessment worksheet. Self-assessment worksheet. Audio material: Tapes with the songs of the unit. 1. Cassette 8. 9. 10. ICT Resources: Multimedia: Tiddys words fun, Oxford On Line: JClic activities: Numbers (Tale and activities: Six teddy bears)

UNIT 5 DIDACTIC MATERIALS 1. Beaky, the puppet.

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2. 3. 4.

Flashcards about Christmas: Father Christmas, presents, Christmas tree, cracker. A big cracker with pieces of paper with pictures and questions about the contents of previous units.

5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Learning activities with worksheets Assessment worksheets. Self-assessment worksheet. Audio material: Tapes with the songs of the unit and a cassette. ICT Resources: Multimedia: Tiddys words fun, Oxford On Line: JClic: English Christmas and Merry Christmas


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1. 2.

Beaky puppet. Flashcards about the vocabulary: 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Hello, Bye. Happy, sad.

Cloudy, raining, sunny.

Green, white, yellow, blue, red, orange, black, brown, green, purple . One, two, three, four, five, six, seven eight, nine, ten, and tens.. 8. Toys: robot, train, teddy bear, doll, plane ,car

9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

Flashcards of the story Happy birthday, Caillou. Learning activities with worksheets Assessment worksheets. Self-assessment worksheet. Audio material: Tapes with the songs of the unit and a cassette. ICT Resources: Multimedia: On Line: Tiddys words fun, Oxford JClic activities: Family Video: Family, col. Magic English Happy Birthday ,col. Magic English

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Numbers, col. Magic English DVD: Video Game: Caillous Family Fun Caillous birthday party

UNIT 7 DIDACTIC MATERIALS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Beaky puppet. Dolls clothes: anorak, gloves and scarf. Magnetic board and flashcards of clothes. Flashcards about the vocabulary: Hello, Bye.

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6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21.

Happy, sad. Cloudy, raining, sunny. Green, white, yellow, blue, red, orange, black, brown, green, purple . Clothes: anorak, scarf, gloves, shoes, trainers, trousers, jumper, skirt. Actions : put on, take off. Adjectives: hot, cold. Video of the story Balloon ride in Stage 2, ed. Oxford Learning activities with worksheets Assessment worksheets. Self-assessment worksheet. Domino flashcards. Audio material: Tapes with the songs of the unit. Cassette ICT Resources: Multimedia: Tiddys words fun, Oxford On Line: JClic activities: Food and clothes

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UNIT 8 DIDACTIC MATERIALS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Beaky puppet. Flashcards about the vocabulary: Hello, Bye. Happy, sad. Cloudy, raining, sunny. Green, white, yellow, blue, red, orange, black, brown, green, purple . One, two, three, four, five, six, seven eight, nine, ten, and tens. Parts of the body: head ,eyes, ears, nose, mouth, hands, arms, legs, foot/feet. Flashcards of the story Galaxy Kids. Magnetic flashcards of faces. Learning activities with worksheets Assessment worksheets. Self-assessment worksheet. Audio material: Tapes with the songs of the unit.

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1. Cassette 15. 16. 17. ICT Resources: Multimedia: Tiddys words fun, Oxford On Line: JClic activities: The human body

UNIT 9 DIDACTIC MATERIALS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Beaky puppet. Flashcards about the vocabulary: Hello, Bye. Happy, sad. Cloudy, raining, sunny. Green, white, yellow, blue, red, orange, black, brown, green, purple. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven eight, nine, ten, and tens. 1st, 2nd, 3rd,4th,5th,6th,7th. Food: apples, pears, oranges, lemons, sandwich, chocolate, bananas, tomatoes, potatoes

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10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.

. Flashcards of the story Naughty, naughty, Cecil. Learning activities with worksheets Assessment worksheets. Self-assessment worksheet. Audio material: Tapes with the songs of the unit. 1. Cassette ICT Resources: Multimedia: Tiddys words fun, Oxford On Line: JClic activities: Food and clothes i. Aprendo ingles jugando. ii. Monkeys in

UNIT 10 DIDACTIC MATERIALS 1. 2. Beaky puppet. Safaris camera..

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3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21.

Flashcards about the vocabulary: Hello, Bye. Happy, sad. Cloudy, raining, sunny. Green, white, yellow, blue, red, orange, black, brown, green, purple . One, two, three, four, five, six, seven eight, nine, ten, and tens. 1st, 2nd, 3rd,4th,5th,6th,7th. Wild animals: lion, hippo, elephant(review)..., giraffe, gorilla, monkey, snake, koala, camel, tiger, flamingo, rhino. Physical features: wings, trunk, tail. Actions : fly, jump, run, walk (review) , see, take a picture. Adjectives: Big, little. Big flashcards of wild animals for the safaris. Learning activities with worksheets. Frames pattern for the poster Safaris Album. Assessment worksheets. Self-assessment worksheet. Audio material: Tapes with the songs of the unit. 1. Cassette ICT Resources: Multimedia: Tiddys words fun, Oxford

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This would be the general evaluation scheme applied throughout the different didactic units:
ASSESMENT ACTIVITIES INITIAL Oral warming ups: games, chants, songs, questions TECHNIQUE Oral Direct Interaction INSTRUMENTS Assessment chart


Oral/written practice and consolidation activities: games, chants, songs, questions, drama, ICT, readings

Oral Direct Interaction Direct observation Worksheet ckecking

Assessment chart Worksheets


Oral/Written follow-up activities: posters, little writings, role plays, drama Oral/Written evaluation activities. Self-assessment activities ICT

Oral Direct Interaction Direct observation Worksheet checking

Assessment chart Evaluation Worksheets Self-assessment worksheets Students portfolio


Consult this annexe, page...

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UNIT: ---------------------------------------PUPILS
Language classroom usage (routines)

Oral comprehensiom

Oral production

Written comprehen sion roleplay drama voc.

Written product.

Selfassess. Work sheet

Evaluati Attitude on sheet




songs chants

story voc.


songs chant

struc vocab.

1 2 3 4 5 6

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Im a big, big gorilla. Im a little, little ant. Big, little Big, little Clap, clap, clap. Im a big, big shark. Im a little, little frog. Big, little Big, little Clap, clap, clap. Taken from Paul, D;(1996) Songs and games for children, MacMillan Heinemann In the zoo In the zoo there are many monkeys. In the zoo there are many snakes. In the zoo there are hippopotamus In the zoo there are many bears. I like lions, tigers and elephants. I like monkeys and giraffes and the bears Taken from 4th English, EDEBE(1994)

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