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Important dates and events in the life of Shakespeare

No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 ' 0 3 14 11 12 13 14 15 Date and yaar April,23 1564 April 26, 1564 1564 15'1 15'2 15'5 15'0 Nov. 20,1502 &ay26, 1503 5eb.2 ,1505 1506 1532 1533 1533 1534 The event Probable date of the Birth of willial !ha"e#peare bapti$ed.


The year of birth of %hri#topher &arlowe . !ha"e#peare(# #)hool ed*)ation be+in#. The year of birth of Ben ,on#on. The earl of -ei)e#ter entertained the .*ieen at /enilworth. The fort*ne# of #ha"e#peare(# father #*ffer rever#e#1 !ha"e#peare leave# #)hool. !ha"e#peare arrie# Anne 2athaway, ei+ht year# #enior to hi in a+e. Da*+hter #*#anna bapti$ed. Twin#, 2a et 6#on7 and ,*#ith 6da*+hter7 bapti$ed. !ha"e#peare leave# #tratfort 6probably7 . 5ir#t referen)e to !ha"e#peare a# a8tor and playwri+ht by 9reene in :+reatworth of ;it( :ven*# and adoni#( dedi)ated to the earl of #o*tha ption p*bli#hed. <The Theatre( )lo#ed on a))o*nt of the pla+*e epide i). !ha"e#peare(# play :tit*# Androni)*#( #ta+ed by theearl of #*##e8(# en.

16 1' 10

A*+.11,1536 &ay 4,153' 1530

!ha"e#pear(# play only #on 2a net b*ried. !ha"e#peare b*y# new pla)e at !tratford. 5ran)i# ere# :palladi# ta ia( p*bli#hed1 it )ontain# #ha"e#peare(# play# *ptodate in a )hronolo+i)al

13 24 21 22 23 24 25 26 2' 20 23 34 31

1530 1533 1641 1641 1642 1643 1643 &ar)h15,1644 164' 1640 1643 1613 1613

order. !ha"e#peare a)t# in Ben =on#on(# :>very &an in hi# 2* o*r( !ha"e#peare p*r)ha#e# #hare# in :the %lobe Theater(. The father of !ha"e#peare died. The earl of e##e8 e8e)*ted and the >arl of #o*tha pton i pri#oned. !ha"e#peare add# one h*ndred and #even a)re# of arable land to New pla)e. !ha"e#peare(# %o pany perfor ed before .*een >li$abeth at ?i)h ond. .*een >li$abeth died. !ha"e#peare ta"e# part in the pro)e##ion on the %oronation of ,a e# @ !ha"e#peare(# da*+hter, #*#anna arrie# =ohn 2all. !ha"e#peare(# other died. !ha"e#peare e#tabli#hed at New pla)e. !ha"e#peare(# :#onnet#( p*bli#hed. <the 9lobeA theatre b*rnt down. !ha"e#peare(# play <The Te pe#tA #ta+ed in )onne)tion with the )elebration# of the arria+e of

32 33 34 35 36

=an. 25,1616 April,23 1616 April 25,1616 1623 1632

Prin)e## >li$abeth with >le)tor 5rderi)". !ha"e#peare b*ried in the pari#h %h*r)h at !tratford. !ha"e#peare died. !ha"e#peare b*ried in the pari#h %h*r)h at !tratford. The fir#t folio >dition of hi# play p*bli#hed by hi# friend#. The #e)ond 5olio >dition with typo+raphi)al error# )orre)ted p*bli#hed.

William Shakespeare As a Dramatist

William Shakespeare 6bapti#ed 26 April 15641 died 23 April 16167 wa# an >n+li#h poet and playwri+ht, widely re+arded a# the +reate#t writer in the >n+li#h lan+*a+e and the worldB# preCe inent dra ati#t. 2e i# often )alled >n+landB# national poet and the DBard of AvonD.2i# #*rvivin+ wor"#, in)l*din+ #o e )ollaboration#, )on#i#t of abo*t 30 play#, 154 #onnet#, two lon+ narrative poe #, and #everal other poe #. 2i# play# have been tran#lated into every a,or livin+ lan+*a+e and are perfor ed any other playwri+ht. !ha"e#peare wa# born and rai#ed in !tratfordC*ponCAvon. At the a+e of 10, he arried Anne 2athaway, with who he had three ore often than tho#e of

)hildrenE !*#anna, and twin# 2a net and =*dith. Between 1505 and 1532, he be+an a #*))e##f*l )areer in -ondon a# an a)tor, writer, and part owner of a playin+ )o pany )alled the -ord %ha berlainB# &en, later "nown a# the /in+B# &en. 2e appear# to have retired to !tratford aro*nd 1613, where he died three year# later. 5ew re)ord# of !ha"e#peareB# private life #*rvive, and there

ha# been )on#iderable #pe)*lation abo*t #*)h

atter# a# hi#

phy#i)al appearan)e, #e8*ality, reli+io*# belief#, and whether the wor"# attrib*ted to hi !ha"e#peare prod*)ed were written by other#. o#t of hi# "nown wor" between 1503 and ainly )o edie# and hi#torie#, +enre#

1613. 2i# early play# were

he rai#ed to the pea" of #ophi#ti)ation and arti#try by the end of the 16th )ent*ry. 2e then wrote ainly tra+edie# *ntil abo*t 1640,

in)l*din+ Hamlet, King Lear, Othello, and Macbeth, )on#idered #o e of the fine#t wor"# in the >n+li#h lan+*a+e. @n hi# la#t pha#e, he wrote tra+i)o edie#, al#o "nown a# ro an)e#, and )ollaborated with other playwri+ht#. &any of hi# play# were p*bli#hed in edition# of varyin+ F*ality and a))*ra)y d*rin+ hi# lifeti e. @n 1623, two of hi# for er theatri)al )ollea+*e# p*bli#hed the First Folio, a )olle)ted edition of hi# dra ati) wor"# that in)l*ded all b*t two of the play# now re)o+ni#ed a# !ha"e#peareB#.

!ha"e#peare wa# a re#pe)ted poet and playwri+ht in hi# own day, b*t hi# rep*tation did not ri#e to it# pre#ent hei+ht# *ntil the 13th )ent*ry. The ?o anti)#, in parti)*lar, a))lai ed !ha"e#peareB# +eni*#, and the Gi)torian# wor#hipped !ha"e#peare with a reveren)e that 9eor+e Bernard !haw )alled DbardolatryD.@n the 24th )ent*ry, hi# wor" wa# repeatedly adopted and redi#)overed by new ove ent# in #)holar#hip and perfor an)e. 2i# play# re ain

hi+hly pop*lar today and are )on#tantly #t*died, perfor ed and reinterpreted in diver#e )*lt*ral and politi)al )onte8t# thro*+ho*t the world. Early life ;illia !ha"e#peare wa# the #on of =ohn !ha"e#peare, an !nitterfield, and

alder an and a #*))e##f*l +lover ori+inally fro

&ary Arden, the da*+hter of an affl*ent landownin+ far er. 2e wa# born in !tratfordC*ponCAvon and bapti#ed there on 26 April 1564. 2i# a)t*al birthdate re ain# *n"nown, b*t i# traditionally ob#erved on 23 April, !t 9eor+eB# Day. Thi# date, whi)h )an be

tra)ed ba)" to an 10thC)ent*ry #)holarB#

i#ta"e, ha# proved

appealin+ to bio+rapher#, #in)e !ha"e#peare died 23 April 1616. 2e wa# the third )hild of ei+ht and the elde#t #*rvivin+ #on. Altho*+h no attendan)e re)ord# for the period #*rvive, o#t

bio+rapher# a+ree that !ha"e#peare wa# probably ed*)ated at the /in+B# New !)hool in !tratford, a free #)hool )hartered in 1553, abo*t a F*arterC ile fro hi# ho e. 9ra ar #)hool# varied in wa# di)tated

F*ality d*rin+ the >li$abethan era, b*t the )*rri)*l*

by law thro*+ho*t >n+land, and the #)hool wo*ld have provided an inten#ive ed*)ation in -atin +ra ar and the )la##i)#.

=ohn !ha"e#peareB# ho*#e, believed to be !ha"e#peareB# birthpla)e, in !tratfordC*ponCAvon.

London and theatrical career DAll the worldB# a #ta+e, and all the en and wo en erely player#E

they have their e8it# and their entran)e#1 and one an in hi# ti e play# any part#...D

@t i# not "nown e8a)tly when !ha"e#peare be+an writin+, b*t )onte porary all*#ion# and re)ord# of perfor an)e# #how that #everal of hi# play# were on the -ondon #ta+e by 1532. 2e wa# well eno*+h "nown in -ondon by then to be atta)"ed in print by the playwri+ht ?obert 9reene in hi# Groats-Worth of WitE !)holar# differ on the e8a)t eanin+ of the#e word#, b*t o#t

a+ree that 9reene i# a))*#in+ !ha"e#peare of rea)hin+ above hi# ran" in tryin+ to at)h *niver#ityCed*)ated writer# #*)h a#

%hri#topher &arlowe, Tho a# Na#he and 9reene hi #elf 6the D*niver#ity wit#D7.The itali)i#ed phra#e parodyin+ the line DHh, ti+erB# heart wrapped in a wo anB# hideD fro !ha"e#peareB#

Henry VI, Part 3, alon+ with the p*n D!ha"eC#)eneD, identifie# !ha"e#peare a# 9reeneB# tar+et. 2ere ohannes Factot!mID=a)" of all trade#DI ean# a #e)ondCrate tin"erer with the wor" of ore )o on D*niver#al +eni*#D.

other#, rather than the

Later years and death

?owe wa# the fir#t bio+rapher to pa## down the tradition that !ha"e#peare retired to !tratford #o e year# before hi# death1 b*t retire ent fro all wor" wa# *n)o on at that ti e, and

!ha"e#peare )ontin*ed to vi#it -ondon. @n 1612 he wa# )alled a# a witne## in a )o*rt )a#e )on)ernin+ the arria+e #ettle ent of

&o*nt,oyB# da*+hter, &ary. @n &ar)h 1613 he bo*+ht a +ateho*#e in the for er Bla)"friar# priory1 and fro Nove ber 1614 he wa#

in -ondon for #everal wee"# with hi# #onCinClaw, =ohn 2all.

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