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Notice Board is a most essential requirement in any institution / organization or public utility places like bus stations, train stations, exhibitions, fairs, parks etc. But sticking various notices day-to-day is a difficult process. person, dedicated for this

!ork is required to take care of this notices display. "uch system is also prone to errors due to human factors. "ometimes, some important notices may be destroyed by mischievous people, in such case other people !ill not be able to read those notices. #he conventional notice boards found in offices are no! being rapidly replaced !ith digital notice boards. #his pro$ect is designed and its !orking prototype is fabricated for providing !ireless %point to multi-point& data transfer capability bet!een the '( and the notice board !ithout the need of !iring. #his is a microcontroller based )mbedded "ystem !hich achieves !ireless interface bet!een a '( and a Notice board through !ireless zigbee net!ork. #he user can type the messages to be displayed on the remote display board using the *yper #erminal of the '( and can be sent to the notice board using the !ireless link. #he tmel+s ,-"./ microcontroller based )mbedded "ystem connected to the serial t the display

port of the '( receives the data sent from the '( at the baud rate set and provides it into the zigbee transceiver and sends it to the display system through the !ireless link. side another '0( microcontroller based )mbedded "ystem receives the data through the 12 receiver, demodulates it and sends to the display side. 3sing existing radio !ave frequencies, battery operated control panels allo! for easier operation and maintenance of the display system. #his pro$ect finds application in )ducational 0nstitutions and 4ffices, 5isplay boards for advertisement, 0n 1ail!ay stations and irports to intimate the passengers. 'rovides many advantages over the already existing display boards, as it avoids the need of !iring, as and !hen needed information can be displayed, avoids the use of printer, time consumption is less and its user friendly.


Chapter 1

Notice boards play a vital role mostly in educational institutions. #he events, occasions or any ne!s, !hich has to be passed to the students, !ill be !ritten on the notice boards present in every floor in the colleges or schools. #he existing system is like, a person !ill be told the ne!s and he has to update this ne!s on all the notice boards present in the college or school. #his !ill be seen mostly during the examination seasons. #he time table or the schedule of the exams has to be given to the students. #his !ill be done by !riting the details on the notice boards. But this process consumes a lot time to update the ne!s on all the notice boards and there may be chances that the person responsible may commit some mistakes or he may be absent sometimes. "o, this may create disturbances and the entire schedule may be disturbed. #he conventional notice boards found in offices are no! being rapidly replaced !ith digital interactive notice boards or digital signage systems. No!-a-days advertisements gone digital. Big shops 6 in shopping malls they are using digital moving displays. 0n 1ail!ay station, bus stands everything like ticket information, platform number etc.., is displayed in digital moving display. But in these displays if they !ants to change the message or style they have to go there and connect the display to '( or laptop. 0f they !ant to display messages about something crucial !ithin . minute, they can+t do it #he 5igital Notice Board is an exciting ne! innovative !ay to get information to your customers, staff visitors or students. 5igital Notice Board or 5igital "ignage "ystems has become essential part of an office or campus. 7ost of the digital notice board systems available in market come !ith soft!are integrated !ith hard!are. #here are also digital notice board soft!ares !hich is hard!are independent. 7ost of such soft!ares can be installed on a '( having a touch screen for user interaction. "ome soft!ares that use conventional keyboard or mouse for user interaction are also available. 5igital Notice Boards are some times also termed as )lectronic Notice Board #o avoid all these, 8ireless Notice Board have been designed !hich completely eliminates the manual !ork. *ere !e are designing a ne! display system !hich can access remotely, !e are using the 90:B)) technology to access the display+s is one of the ne! technology in the embedded field to make the communication bet!een microcontroller and mobile.

8ireless systems are gaining popularity rapidly, as people attempt to do a!ay !ith complicate and confusing !iring operations. 3sing existing radio !ave frequencies, battery operated control panels allo! for easier operation and maintenance of the display system 8ireless notice board is an enhanced technology used in order to save time and convey the message !ith no delay. 0t provides a !ireless data transfer capability bet!een the '( and the notice board !ithout the need of !iring. 0t uses zigbee net!ork for !ireless connectivity, through a radio frequency link.

#his pro$ect uses the !ireless communication, 9eegbee. #he 9eegbee transmitter !ill be present at the 'rincipal or the person related to the issues to be displayed on the notice board. '( keyboard is used as the input device here in this pro$ect. 8henever the user !ants to send the ne!s updated to the notice board, he types that particular message using keyboard and the same data !ill be transmitted through 9eegbee transmitter. t the receiving end, the 9eegbee receiver and the decoder !ill be fixed to the display panel. #he receiver receives the data coming from the transmitter and the same data !ill be received by the microcontroller at the receiver end. #he microcontroller sends this data to the display unit and thus the message given by the user at the transmitter end !ill be displayed. pplications; #he main application of the pro$ect is that it helps in display of the message at notice boards situated at different locations through a single sms from the mobile, thereby it eliminates the !astage of paper and ensures the immediate transfer of information #he primary ob$ective of this pro$ect is to develop an embedded system, !hich is used for spontaneous advertisement/circular using zigbee #echnology. #his can be implemented !ith ,<.= based t,-s./ developed board interfaced !ith zigbee modules and >(5 for displaying the data. #he main advantage using this type of pro$ect !as >o! cost, automated operation, >o! 'o!er consumption.

#his pro$ect is a remote device !ith zigbee modules connected to it, so if the user !ants to display some messages, he !ill send the messages $ust by typing through '( and send it. #hat message !ill update the display on the >(5 as it is. #he system uses a compact circuitry build around flash version of #,-"./ microcontroller !ith a non volatile memory.

'rograms are developed using )mbedded (, compiled using 105) tool. 0"' is used to dump the code into microcontroller. #his is a seamless transmission method that includes lo! errors and perpetuation. #he board of hard!are includes microcontroller #,-"./ present at the model of heart. #he microcontroller is blend !ith converter 7 ?/@/ level and 'ersonal (omputer %'(&. #his is applied to transform levels of ##> voltage to levels of 1"/@/ voltage and vice versa. #he hard!are even includes ABC ))'147 chip #/B(<=. ))'147 is used to save messages to sho! on the board.#he display of =AD/ (haracter >(5 is connected to microcontroller to sho!.

8ireless communications have been in existence for over one hundred years and have had an innocuous impact upon our everyday or !orking lives in one form or another. 8ireless communication is currently becoming popular and evolving to support communication needs for !ide range of applications. 9igBee is developed by an industrial alliance as standard for !ireless radio net!orks in monitoring and control applications. #his standard builds on the 0))) ,</.=..B physical/data link layer providing flexible net!ork topologies, intelligent message routing and better communications security. 9igBee operates in the unlicensed radio frequency %12& bands --- ,A,, -=. and /B<<7*z. #hese three bands provide a total of /E channels !ith 12 data rates of /<, B< and /.<kbps, respectively. 9igBee is a !ireless short-range protocol operating at /.B:*z spectrum. "ince the usage of licensefree frequency spectrum, it collides !ith and is disturbed by other !ireless signals. lso 9igBee has lo!est po!er consumption, but it is reported that a standard 9igBee device %!ith around <dBm output po!er& can achieve transmission range of @< m indoors and over /<< m in open space. #hese modules can be configured through soft!are provided by the manufacturer. #he input and output of ?Bee are 3 1#. 0t communicates asynchronously through its serial port.

#he use of 9igBee offers certain advantages. 9igBee technology is designed to be used on applications that require lo! data rate, lo!-cost, short time delay, large net!ork capacity, high reliability, lo! po!er consumption, and t!o !ay !ireless communications. #he 9igBee technology has the potential to provide a comprehensive home automation solution. 0t is easy to extend its net!ork size by changing its composition into ad-hoc, star, mesh, and hybrid forms. #hus these characteristics !ill !ork useful for indoor localization.

9igBee is a specification for a suite of high level communication protocols using small, lo!po!er digital radios based on the 0))) ,</.=..B standard for 8ireless "ensor Net!orks. 9igBee devices can be interfaced to the computer or other end devices like microcontrollers. 8e need a 9igBee modem in order to connect to user understandable digital interface, such as the computer. 9igbee 7odems connect to the standard serial port or 3"B port of the computer. "ome advantages of this pro$ect are given belo!, 'aper Ffree notice board )ach notice is displayed easily 5ata is secured even in po!er failure condition 8ireless operation is possible #ime saving (onvenient 7ultiple message and notice boards controlled from a single location

Chapter 2


































#he block diagram of #heG "i#bee Based $ire%ess E%ectronic Notice Board $ith Mu%ti oint Recei&ers' is sho!n in the figure. 0t consists of the fallo!ing. =. )mbedded microcontroller. /. 9igBee transceiver modules. @. 9igbee #ransceiver 0nterfaces and >evel (onverter( B. 7atrix Ceyboard. .. 1elay and relay drive circuits. A. >(5 display unit. E. Buzzer driver and buzzer. ,. 'o!er supply. 2(1 E)bedded Microcontro%%er* + #he )mbedded microcontroller is the most
important part of this system. #he microcontroller does all controlling activities of the system by executing a program stored into its memory. #he microcontroller chosen for this pro$ect is #7)>+s ,-"./.0t is an ,-bit microcontroller !ith ,-C Bytes of internal flash program

memory, /.A-Byte 5ata memory and four ,-bit 0/4 ports, one serial port, t!o timers and . interrupts. 0ts instruction set is compatible !ith 0ntel+s ,<.= microcontroller. 0t is an ideal choice for compact embedded system design. #he slave nodes are designed to be compact so that they can be easily inserted into existing s!itch boards. #hey are designed using a small microcontroller, namely ,-(/<.=. #he #,-(/<.= is a lo!-voltage, high-performance (74" ,-bit microcomputer !ith /C Bytes of 2lash programmable and erasable read only memory %')147&. #he device is compatible !ith the industry standard 7("-.= instruction set. By combining a versatile ,-bit ('3 !ith 2lash on a monolithic chip, the tmel #,-(/<.= is a po!erful microcomputer !hich provides a highly flexible and cost effective solution to many embedded control applications. #he program for these microcontrollers can be developed in assembly language or embedded H(+. #he tools like Ciel, 1ide, "'I or 37'" or the similar one can be used for developing and assembling/compiling the program and then the generated hex file can be do!nloaded to the internal flash program memory of the microcontroller by using flash programmer instrument. #he microcontroller in this system controls all subsystems like 7atrix Ceyboard, >(5 panel, 9igbee 7odem, 1elays, and Buzzer etc !hich are present in this prototype.

2(2 "i#Bee transcei&er )odu%es* + 9igBee is a specification for a suite of high level
communication protocols using small, lo!-po!er digital radios based on an 0))) ,</ for personal area net!orks. 9igBee is targeted at radio frequency %12& applications that require a lo! data rate, long battery life, and secure net!orking. 9igBee has a defined rate of /.< kbps best suited for periodic or intermittent data or a single signal transmission from a sensor or input device.#he 9igBee, also kno!n as ?Bee technology allo!s these devices to act as routers or end devices. #he firm!are that resides on the microcontrollers of the 9igBee modules has the capability for the devices to operate as either. #he hard!are for each of these nodes is the same. #he ?Bee 12 7odem from 5igi 0nternational is a !ireless transceiver. #he ?Bee uses a fully implemented protocol for data communications that provides features needed for robust net!ork communications in a !ireless sensor net!ork %8"N&. 2eatures such as addressing, ackno!ledgements and retries help ensure safe delivery of data to the intended node. #he ?Bee also has additional features beyond data communications for use in monitoring and control of remote devices. #hese modules can be configured through soft!are provided by the manufacturer. #he input and output of ?Bee are 3 1#. 0t communicates asynchronously through its serial port. 0t is easy to extend its net!ork size by changing its composition into ad-hoc, star, mesh, and hybrid forms. #hus these characteristics !ill !ork useful for indoor localization. 9igBee is a specification for a suite of high level

communication protocols using small, lo!-po!er digital radios based on the 0))) ,</.=..B standard for 8ireless "ensor Net!orks. 9igBee devices can be interfaced to the computer or other end devices like microcontrollers.

2(, "i#bee transcei&er inter-aces and %e&e% con&erter* + #he ,<.=/,<./

microcontrollers and their derivatives have t!o pins that are used for transferring and receiving data serially. #hese t!o pins are called #?5 %'in==& and 1?5 %'in=<& and they are part of the port@ group %'@.< and '@.=&.#hese pins are ##> compatible. #he 9igbee transceivers !ork on 1"-/@/ standard. #he 1"-/@/ standard is not compatible to ##>, therefore, it requires a line driver such as the 7 ?/@/ chip to convert 1"-/@/ voltage levels to ##> levels, and vice versa. 4ne ma$or advantage of the 7 ?/@/ chip is that it uses a J.K po!er source !hich is the same as the source voltage for the microcontroller.

2(. I2C EE ROM* + #he system uses an 0/( %0nter 0ntegrated circuit& type )lectrically
)rasable 'rogrammable 1ead 4nly 7emory ))'147. #his chip stores information of schedule events for operating the individual taps at the consumer+s premises. 0t retains the information for very long duration %years together&, !ithout battery back up. 0t is interfaced to the microcontroller through $ust /-lines. 0t has a non-volatile storage space of =/, Bytes of data. 0t provides the schedule events information to the microcontroller !hen requested by the microcontroller.

2(/ LCD Disp%a0 1nit*+#he master node has a >(5 display module for displaying
various prompts and status information of the system. 0t is also used display the title messages and other messages !hile communicating !ith the "lave nodes on the net!ork. /-line, =A character type >(5 display module is used. #he microcontroller sends the signals to >(5 module through its port pins. #he >(5 can be interfaced on A pins of any port since B-bit interface mode is used here. 0nitially in program, it is configured to !ork on B-bit mode, hence requires only B-bits for data/commands transfer and t!o handshake signals enable %)n& and register select %1"&. #he !rite %81& pin is connected to ground since no read operation from the >(5 needs to be done. #he microcontroller communicates !ith the >(5 module through "(00 codes.

2(2 Bu33er and dri&e circuit* + !henever any abnormality is sensed by the
microcontroller in communicating !ith various slave nodes in the net!ork, an audio tone is produced by a buzzer. #he buzzer is sounded !hen it finds an abnormality. #he

microcontroller controls the sound produced by buzzer through a drive transistor. #he buzzer driver consists of a npn transistor operated in ce configuration. 0t supplies current to the buzzer element connected in its collector. #he microcontroller sends ttl level signals, a logic H=+ to turn on the buzzer and a logic H<+ to turn it off.


o5er Supp%0 Circuit* + 'o!er supply section has to provide a regulated 5.(
mp current rating. 0t derives po!er from ( mains and coverts it into 5(

supply to all sections of the system. 0t is a regulated po!er supply unit to provide a constant voltage at = po!er at lo! voltages. 0t consists of a step-do!n transformer, rectifiers, filters and regulators. 0t supplies J.Kolts to 7icrocontroller, >(5, 9igbee 745)7 and a regulated J=/K to 1elay 5rive (ircuit.


1 6

*** DCD DSR C3 10u V' 2

+5V VDD 16 1 C1' C 1 3 11 12 4 C1- 1 0 u T1-IN 1+ R1-OUT 11 C2' C 2 P1(, P1(6 P1(# P3(+)RXD P3(1)TXD P1(4 P1(3 P1(2 ! , 6 # 4 3 14 13 12 11 6 4 +5V D, D6 D# D4 E RS VCC 2 3 10K 1 16 +5V D, D6 D# D4 E RS VCC 2 3 10K 1 16



T1-OUT 2 TXD 14 3 RXD R1-IN 13




, RTS ! CTS # GND C4 10u V6

MAX 232



1# VSS

# C2- 1 0 u +5V +5V ! 1 2 3

AT !"C#1
+5V BROUSE $EYS 10K 4+ VCC 31 ** EA 10u " 2+ RST VDD P3(6 P3(, 16 1, 6 # SCL SDA 4 A+



A1 A2



'12V IN4++, DSR 6 6 DSR 1

VSS 680E

0 .1


2 2200u

3 22u

'#V 0 .1 u


33pf 1"



XTAL1 P2(2 XTAL2 4$,



M%& 1 1 .0 5 9 2


RS 232 D-"-PIN

RS 232 D-"-PIN

IN4++, 12-+-12V)1A



BC #4,

1 6

*** DCD DSR C3 10u V' 2

+5V VDD 16 1 C1' C 1 3 11 12 4 C1- 1 0 u T1-IN 1+ R1-OUT 11 C2' C 2 P1(, P1(6 P1(# P3(+)RXD P3(1)TXD P1(4 P1(3 P1(2 ! , 6 # 4 3 14 13 12 11 6 4



T1-OUT 2 TXD 14 3 RXD R1-IN 13





, RTS ! CTS # GND C4 10u V6

MAX 232



1# VSS

# C2- 1 0 u +5V

AT !"C#1

'12V IN4++, 1

+5V VDD 10K P3(6 P3(, 16 1, 6 # SCL SDA 4 A+ ! 1 2 3

2 2200u

3 22u

+5V '#V 0 .1 u BROUSE $EYS 47E

4+ VCC 31 ** EA 10u " 2+ RST


A1 A2


IN4++, 12-+-12V)1A IN4++,


'12V 1

VSS 680E +5V BEL_20 BUZZER XTAL1 P2(2 XTAL2 4$,


0 .1


2 2200u

3 22u

'#V 0 .1 u

33pf 1"


M%& 1 1 .0 5 9 2

IN4++, 12-+-12V)1A



BC #4,


1 6

*** DCD DSR C 3 10u V' T1-OUT R1-IN 2 14

+5V VDD 16 1 3 11 MAX 232 12 4 # VSS C1' C1C 1 P1(, P1(6 P1(# P3(+)RXD P3(1)TXD P1(4 P1(3 P1(2 ! , 6 # 4 3 14 13 12 11 6 4 +5V D, D6 D# D4 E RS VCC 2 3



10u T1-IN 1+ R1-OUT 11






1 16

, RTS ! CTS # GND C 4 10u V6

C2' C2-

C 2 10u


+5V +5V 4+ 31 47E VCC ** EA 10u RST P3(6 P3(, 16 1, 10K ! 1 2 3



6 #

0 .1 '12V IN4++, 1

8K2 2+ GND 680E +5V BEL_20 BUZZER

2 2200u

3 22u

'#V 0 .1 u


1" M %1 &1 . 0 5 9 2


XTAL1 P2(2 XTAL2 4$,


IN4++, 12-+-12V)1A



BC #4,

+5V DSR 1 6 *** DCD DSR C 3 10u V' T1-OUT R1-IN 2 14 MAX 232 13 16 VDD 1 3 11 12 4 # VSS C1' C1C 1 P1(, P1(6 P1(# P3(+)RXD P3(1)TXD P1(4 P1(3 P1(2 ! , 6 # 4 3 14 13 12 11 6 4 +5V D, D6 D# D4 E RS VCC 2 3



10u T1-IN 1+ R1-OUT 11








1 16

, RTS ! CTS # GND C 4 10u V6

C2' C2-

C 2 10u


+5V +5V 4+ 31 47E VCC ** EA 10u RST P3(6 P3(, 16 1, 10K ! 1 2 3



6 #

0 .1 '12V IN4++, 1

8K2 2+ GND 680E +5V BUZZER

2 2200u

3 22u

'#V 0 .1 u


1" M %1 &1 . 0 5 9 2


XTAL1 P2(2 XTAL2 4$,






IN4++, 12-+-12V)1A



BC #4,



Chapter ,


#here are many definitions of embedded system but all of these can be combined into

a single concept. n embedded system is a special-purpose computer system that is used for a particular task. #he special computer system is usually less po!erful than general-purpose systems, although some exceptions do exist !here embedded systems are very po!erful and complicated. H)mbedded+ inside some other device %often a consumer product&, they can control the features or actions of the product. 5edicated to one task and run one specific program. #he program is stored in 147 and generally does not change. 3sually a lo! po!er consumption ('3 !ith a limited amount of memory is used in embedded systems. batteryoperated microcontroller might consume as little as .< milli !atts. 7any embedded systems use very small operating systemsM most of these provide very limited operating system capabilities. *o!ever as memory and ('3 po!er is becoming cheap, many modern operating systems are also being used in embedded systems these days. )mbedded >inux products are becoming more and more popular. "ince embedded systems are used for special purpose tasks, there is usually no need to add ne! applications to the system once it is built. #herefore programs and operating systems are usually loaded only once into read-only memory. #he read-only memory is available in many forms these days and includes some type of 147, '147, )'147, 2> "* and flash cards. 0n case an upgrade is required, a ne! 147 chip replaces the old one. No! a day !e are living in the embedded !orld. 8e are surrounded by many embedded products and our daily life largely depends on the proper functioning of these gadgets. 7obile phones, television, cable t.v systems music systems, remote controls, digital radio, cd player, dvd players, ans!ering machines, camcorders of our living room, !ashing machines, electric ovens, micro!ave ovens, fridges, toasters, coffee makers, gas leakage alarms, intelligent exhaust fans, !ater purifiers and vacuum cleaners in the kitchen use embedded micro controllers.

Bio-metric access controllers, security systems, intercoms, epabx, credit card readers, barcode readers, smart energy meters, lift controllers, automatic door openers, inverters and ups systems, printers, fax etc, in every office and houses, all of them use embedded processors internally. 7any varieties of micro controllers are increasingly used in automobiles. )xperts believe that about @< micro controllers are used in modern cars to take care of everything bet!een the bumpers. #hey are used for engine management, po!er steering, po!er breaking, po!er !indo!s, access control, suspension systems, accident avoidance radars, gps based automatic navigation system, air conditioning, and air bag release in accidents. nother very important application of embedded micro controllers is in industrial process automation and robotics. !ide variety of instrumentation and process control equipments, like timing, monitoring, controlling, !eighing systems, conveyer belts and data acquisition systems are $ust a fe! examples. Bio-medical instruments and clinical analytical instruments are other important fields, !here embedded micro controllers are largely used. )(:, )):, )7:, defibrillators, (# scan, 710, electro-therapy, electro-surgical instruments, exercise equipments, colorimeters, blood cell counters, patient monitors etc, use embedded micro controllers extensively.

7icrocontrollers are also used in many verities of toys and farming equipments. 8ater management systems, fertilizer dispensers use micro controllers internally. part from all these above examples, embedded micro controllers are used in numerous other applications. controllers is almost impossible. 5evelopment for embedded systems is different from common practices in many !ays. 2or ne! developers in the embedded systems !orld, there is a learning curve to understand !hich conventional practices are no longer valid in this ne! environment. #o be an embedded systems developer, you need to kno! many things about the hard!are on !hich your soft!are !ill be executed. 4ften embedded systems are connected to some sort of control system %!heel rotation in an automobile anti-lock braking system, for example& and the developer also needs kno!ledge of that system as !ell. 0f the ('3 and/or the operating system are different on the target embedded platform, you have to do cross-platform development !hich has its o!n issues. #here are different testing techniques as !ell because in most of the embedded systems you don+t have a monitor screen !here you can display error messages or test results. ll of these issues make embedded systems development much more complicated than !riting a program on a 3N0? machine and then executing it. mention of all possible applications of embedded micro


#o make a complete microcomputer system only micro controller is not sufficient, it is necessary to add other peripherals such as read only memory %rom&, read / !rite memory %ram&, decoders, drivers, latches, number of input / output devices to make a complete microcomputer system. 0n addition, special purpose devices, such as interrupt controller, programmable timers, programmable i/o devices, dma controllers, usart/uart, programmable keyboard/display drivers may be added to improve the capability, performance and flexibility of a microcomputer system. 0n addition battery back up and an elaborate po!er supply arrangement is essential. *o!ever the key feature of micro controller based computer system is that, it is possible to design a system !ith a great flexibility. 0t is possible to configure a system as large or as small system by adding or removing suitable peripherals. 4n the other hand, the microcontroller incorporates all the features that are found in micro controller. *o!ever, it has added features to make a complete microcomputer system

on its o!n. #herefore the micro controllers are sometimes called as single chip microcomputer. #he micro controller has built-in 147, 1 7, parallel 0/4, serial 0/4, counters, interrupts and a clock oscillator circuit. #he predominant family of microcontrollers is ,-bit types since this !ord size has proved popular for the vast ma$ority of tasks the devices have been required to perform. s sho!n in the figure the microcontroller has on-chip %built-in& peripheral devices. #hese on chip peripherals make it possible to have single-chip microcomputer system. #here are fe! more advantages of built-in peripherals; Built in peripherals have smaller access times hence speed is more.

*ard!are reduces due to single chip microcomputer system. >ess hard!are reduces '(B size and increases reliability of the system.

,(1(1 Si)p%i-ied b%oc7 dia#ra) o- 89/1 -a)i%0 )icro contro%%er

,(2 Di--erent t0pes o- )icrocontro%%ers*

>ike microprocessor, the micro controllers also have a big family of microcontrollers. 5ifferent micro controllers require different support chips and resources to develop particular micro controller system. #o choose an appropriate device to meet system requirements, !e must understand differences, different options and features of various micro controllers.

,(, E)bedded Microcontro%%ers

8hen a complete hard!are required to run a particular application, is provided on the micro controller chip, it is referred to as an embedded microcontroller. )mbedded micro controllers only require po!er, reset circuit and a frequency-determining component like crystal or ceramic resonator for clock. )mbedded micro controllers communicate !ith external devices !ith their digital 0/4 pins, both parallel and serial.

,(. E:terna% )e)or0 Micro contro%%ers

"ometimes, for large systems, the built-in program memory and data memories are insufficient. #o overcome this problem some micro controllers allo! the connection of external memory. 2or the connection of external memory some parallel port pins are used as address and data lines. #hus connecting external memory to the micro controllers reduces its

parallel input/output capabilities. 0nternally, address and data lines are multiplexed and need to be separated by an external ,-bit latch and >) signal, from the micro controller. #he ,<.= family micro controllers can !ork very effectively as an embedded device or !ith external memory. 0ts architecture is also very thoughtful and practical combination of different philosophies. Before going to study architecture of ,<.= !e !ill see different processors architectures. #he #,-(.= is a lo!-po!er, high performance (74" ,-bit microcomputer !ith BCbytes of flash ))'147. 2igure sho!s control circuit. 0t consists of ,-(.= micro controller. #his micro controller has the follo!ing features. ,-bit (entral 'rocessing 3nit. 'o!erful 0nstruction "et. (ompatible !ith 7("-.= 'roducts. BCbytes of 0n-"ystem 1eprogrammable 2lash 7emory. )ndurance; =,<<< 8rite/)rase (ycles. 2ully "tatic 4peration; < *z to /B 7*z. #hree->evel 'rogram 7emory >ock. =/, x ,-bit 0nternal 1 7. @/ 'rogrammable 0/4 >ines. #!o =A-Bit #imer/(ounters. "ix 0nterrupt "ources. 'rogrammable 2ull 5uplex "erial (hannel. 4n-chip 4scillator and (lock (ircuit. >o! 'o!er 0dle and 'o!er 5o!n 7odes.


K((; - "upply Koltage. :N5; - :round

,(/(1 ort 9* + 'ort < is an ,-bit open drain bi-directional 0/4 port. s an output port each
pin can sink eight ##> inputs. 8hen =s are !ritten to port < pins, the pins can be used as high impedance inputs. 'ort < may also be configured to be the multiplexed lo! order address/data bus during accesses to external program and data memory. 0n this mode '< has internal pull-ups. 'ort < also receives the code bytes during flash programming, and outputs the code bytes during program verification. )xternal pull-ups are required during program verification.

,(/(2 ort 1* + 'ort = is an ,-bit bi-directional 0/4 port !ith internal pull-ups. #he port=
output buffers can sink/source four ##> inputs. 8hen =s are !ritten to port = pins, they are pulled high by the internal pull-ups and can be used as inputs. s inputs, port = pins that are externally being pulled lo! !ill source current %0 0l& because of the internal pull-ups. 'ort = also receives the lo! order address bytes during flash programming and program verification.

,(/(, ort 2* + 'ort / is an ,-bit bi-directional 0/4 port !ith internal pull-ups. #he port/
output buffers can sink/source four ##> inputs. 8hen =s are !ritten to port / pins, they are pulled high by the internal pull-ups and can be used as inputs. s inputs, port / pins that are externally being pulled lo! !ill source current %0 0l& because of the internal pull-ups. 'ort / emits the high-order address byte during fetches from external program memory and during accesses to external data memory that use =A-bit addresses.

,(/(. ort ,* + 'ort @ is an ,-bit bi-directional 0/4 port !ith internal pull-ups. #he port @
output buffers can sink/source four ##> inputs. 8hen =s are !ritten to port @ pins, they are pulled high by the internal pull-ups and can be used as inputs. s inputs, port @ pins that are externally being pulled lo! !ill source current %0 0l& because of the pull-ups. 'ort@ also serves the functions of various special features of the #,-(.= as listed belo!; ort in '@.< '@.= '@./ A%ternate ;unction 1?5 %serial input port& #?5 %serial output port& /0N#< %external interrupt <&

'@.@ '@.B '@.. '@.A '@.E

/0N#= %external interrupt =& #< %timer < external input& #= %timer = external input& /81 %external data memory !rite strobe& /15 %external data memory read strobe&

'ort @ also receives some control signals for 2lash programming and programming verification. ,(/(/ RS!* + 1eset input. high on this pin for t!o machine cycles !hile the

oscillator is running resets the device. ,(/(2 ALE= ROG* + ddress >atch )nable output pulse for latching the lo! byte of the
address during accesses to external memory. #his pin is also the program pulse input %'14:& during 2lash programming. 0n normal operation >) is emitted at a constant rate of =/Athe oscillator frequency, and may be used for external timing or clocking purpose. Note, ho!ever, that one desired, set, >) pulse is skipped during each access to external 5ata 7emory. 0f >) operation can be disabled by setting bit < of "21 location ,)*. 8ith the bit >)-disable bit has no effect if the microcontroller is in external

>) is active only during a 74K? or 74K( instruction. 4ther!ise, the pin is !eakly

pulled high. "etting the execution mode.

,(/(4 SEN* + 'rogram "tore )nable is the read strobe to external program memory. 8hen
the #,-(.= is executing code from external program memory, '")N is activated t!ice each machine cycle, except that t!o '")N activations are skipped during each access to external data memory.

,(/(8 EA=>

* + )xternal ccess )nable. ) must be strapped to :N5 in order to enable

!ill be internally latched on

the device to fetch code from external program memory locations starting at <<<<* up to 2222*. Note, ho!ever that if lock bit = is programmed, ) reset. ) =/K Kpp. should be strapped to Kcc for internal program executions. #his pin also receives

the =/K programming enable voltage %Kpp& during 2lash programming, for parts that require

,(/(< ?!AL1* + 0nput to the inverting oscillator amplifier and input to the internal clock
operating circuit.

,(/(19 ?!AL2* + 4utput from the inverting oscillator amplifier. ,(2 SELEC!ION O; A MICROCON!ROLLER ;OR EMBEDDED S6S!EM DESIGN
microcontroller %7(3 for short& is basically a small computer for embedded applications. #hey are programmable, !ith features like input and output pins, serial communication interfaces, memory for data storage %1 7&, memory for program storage %147, )'147, ))'147, or 2lash memory&, and analog-to-digital converters. #he number and availability of these and other features vary from model to model, as does the programming language and interface. #oday, microcontrollers are incorporated in many devices used in our daily lives. 2or example, office automation equipment such as copiers and factory automation equipment in plants are equipped !ith one or more microcontrollers. 0t is almost difficult to find a device that does not have one. 7icrocontrollers are used for a !ide range of applications and there are a lot of different !ays to select one. Nou have to organize your o!n opinions beforehand, because the points to be considered may vary depending on the product you are planning to develop. 4n !hat criteria should an engineer make a choice among microcontrollers, !hich are used in various applicationsO #his article discusses the considerations in selecting a microcontroller. #here are a !ide variety of microcontrollers available and even if you have decided on !hich series to use, you still have plenty of choices. )ngineers must have their o!n criteria in order to make the right selection. #his article discusses the general considerations and some tips to keep in mind !hen selecting a microcontroller, serving as a basis for setting your o!n criteria. (hoosing a suitable 7icrocontroller for your )mbedded system is the most important and essential part of )mbedded "ystem 5esign. "electing a !rong 7icrocontroller may introduce many un!anted and unavoidable hurdles to complete the system design !ithout errors and in scheduled time, like; 0ncrease the complexity of pro$ect, !hich may cause to miss the schedule 0ncrease the cost of the end product 0ncrease the board size Need extra time, expertise, effort, materials and components and many more.......

8hen you chose a microcontroller, you must examine the delivery time, costs, development assets and development environment, in addition to the product specifications. 0t must be noted that almost all the 7(3 manufacturers have competitive specifications and product-line in each segment, !hich means although there !on+t be pin-to-pin matches you !ill easily find replacements for certain 7(3 from each of these manufacturers. selected. nd therefore, familiarity, convenience, prior relations, etc. !ould suggest !hich 7(3 to be

,(2(1 On per-or)ance basis*

MI S o- Microcontro%%er( 7illions of 0nstructions executed in a second indicates the speed of a microcontroller. microcontroller selected should have optimum speed to support the proposed pro$ect or product. $ord Si3e or Bit Si3e o- the Microcontro%%er( 2or example, if a system functionality can be implemented using an ,-bit 7icrocontroller, instead of using =A-Bit or @/-Bit 7icrocontroller. #his may increase the complexity of the pro$ect and needs extra efficiency 6 efforts demanded by the high-end 7icrocontroller. Address Si3e o- the Microcontro%%er( "elect a microcontroller, !hich can support Bus to access optimum memory. ddress

,(2(2 On ph0sica% basis*

DIOs a&ai%ab%e 5ith )icrocontro%%er. the product. ;%ash Me)or0 o- the )icrocontro%%er( #he size 2lash memory depends on the size of ob$ect file generated by the assembler/compiler. #he size of 2lash program memory is an important factor !hen the user has decided to use internal program memory. Interna% RAM o- the )icrocontro%%er( #he selected microcontroller for an )mbedded "ystem should have enough internal 1 7 required for data memory. #he coding style or the !ay coding plays the most important role, to limit the usage of internal 1 7. microcontroller selected should have equivalent or

adequate pin count, required for )mbedded "ystem. #his !ill save the space on final board of

Bui%t+in periphera%s o- the )icrocontro%%er( #he microcontroller selected has built-in peripherals needed by )mbedded "ystem, like #imers. Operatin# !e)perature Ran#e o- )icrocontro%%er( microcontroller selected should have 5(/5 (, 3 1#/3" 1#, 3"B, "'0, 0/(,

a temperature range, if )mbedded "ystem is designed for 0ndustrial purpose.

,(2(, Others i)portant -actors*

5evelopment 6 'rogramming tools available for development related to the microcontroller. #he available 5evelopment 6 'rogramming tools like, assemblers, compilers, simulators and debuggers should cost effective, i.e it should not affect the cost of the product. #he availability and cost of development 6 programming hard!are are be considered !hile choosing microcontroller. A&ai%abi%it0 and Cost o- the )icrocontro%%er( "elect a microcontroller !hich is easily available and comparatively cheap. >ast but the most important factor !hile selecting the microcontroller is the third party support available. Number of open source developers, experts, entrepreneurs, hobbyist keep their !ork and product ideas on internet, !hich help many developers to start !ork in right direction and complete their design in schedule. 8hile selecting a 7icrocontroller for )mbedded "ystem, one should look for the third party support available the controller. #he follo!ing resources are also checked for various requirements; 0nternal ))'147 2lash/147/)'147. "erial synchronous communication full duplex or half. "erial 3 1#. #imer =, / or @. 8atchdog timer none or =.

4ut-compares none or = or / or @ or B or .. 0nput captures none or = or / or @. '87 none or = or / or @ or B. "ingle or multi-channel 5( and is it required !ith or !ithout programmable

voltage reference and !ith single or dual reference. 7odem device. 5igital signal processing %5"'& !ith 5"' instructions processing ('3. Non-linear controller instructions processing ('3. 'orts !ith the net!ork interface and net!ork processing related instructions processing ('3. 'orts !ith !ireless interface and related processing instructions capable ('3. 3"B/'(0/0/(/( N/I# :/"504 interface devices.

,(4 Osci%%ator Circuit

#he microcontrollers are designed using huge digital circuitry inside. ll

microcontrollers need an oscillator clock unit !hich generates the clock tick at a predetermined rate. #he clock is used to control the clocking requirement of all internal digital circuitry in the ('3 for executing instructions and the configuration of timers.

+ 5 V 4 7 E

4 + 3 1
1 0 u

V C C * * E A R S T

0 . 1

R E S E T 8 K 2

" 2 + 1 "

G N D X T A L 1

3 3 p f

1 1 . 0 5 9 2 M % &

3 3 p f

1 !

X T A L 2

#he ,<.= uses the crystal to synchronize its operation. )ffectively, the ,<.= operates using !hat are called Pmachine cycles.P single machine cycle is the minimum amount of lthough many instructions take time in !hich a single ,<.= instruction can be executed.

multiple cycles, a cycle is, in reality, =/ pulses of the crystal. #hat is to say, if an instruction takes one machine cycle to execute, it !ill take =/ pulses of the crystal to execute. 2or example, a classic ,<.= clock cycle is %=/=/& u" because the clock frequency is =/7*z. simple ,<.= instruction takes =/ cycles %=u"& to complete an instruction cycle. 4f course, some multi-cycle instructions require multiple machine cycles, such as those instructions !ith a memory operand !hich needs multiple memory accesses. n ,<.= machine cycle consists of =/ crystal pulses %clock cycles&. #he first A crystal pulses %clock cycles& is used to fetch the opcode and the second A pulses are used to perform the operation on the operands in the >3. #his gives an effective machine cycle rate of =70'" %7illion 0nstructions 'er "econd&. #he frequency of a crystal oscillator for the ,<.= can be up to B,7*z. ,<.= has an on-chip oscillator. 0t needs an external crystal that decides the operating frequency of the ,<.=. #he crystal is connected to pins =, and =- !ith stabilizing capacitors. =/ 7*z %==.<.-/7*z& crystal is often used and the capacitance ranges from /<p2 to B<p2. "ince !e kno! the crystal is pulsing ==,<.-,/<< times per second and that one machine cycle is =/ pulses, !e can calculate ho! many instruction cycles the ,<.= can execute per second; ==,<.-,<<< / =/ Q -/=,.,@

0f the ,<.= based system has to use its serial port, a ==.<.-/ 7*z crystal is often used because its frequency can be divided to give you exact clock rates for most of the common baud rates for the 3 1#, especially for the higher speeds %-A<<, =-/<<&. 5espite the PoddP value, these crystals are readily available and commonly used.

,(8 Reset Circuit

4nce the program has been entered into flash program memory, po!er supply and clocks are provided, the microcontroller starts to fetch, decode and execute instructions from program memory and then on!ards the entire behavior of the system depends on the program alone. 7ost microcontrollers execute program from a memory location pointed by a special register called a 'rogram (ounter %'(&. #his 'rogram (ounter %'(&, like any other register, can have any random number !hen po!er is ne!ly applied to the microcontroller. *ence program execution can start from any random location, resulting in unpredictable behavior of the system. 1)")# is essential for any microcontroller to bring it back into an initial condition and execute program from a proper staring point. ,(8(1 Manua% reset "ome times, if the user !ants to stop the system due to any reason, or !hen needs to stop system from doing unexpected or un-!anted things, 1)")# is the only option. 0n ,<.=, 1)")# is an active *igh input. 8hen 1)")# is set to *igh, ,<.= goes back to the po!er on state. (losing the push button momentarily !ill apply Kcc to pin - that makes 1)")# *igh causing microcontroller to suspend all its activities. #he ,<.= is 1)")# by holding the 1)")# pin high for at least t!o machine cycles and then returning it lo!. fter a 1)")#, the 'rogram (ounter is loaded !ith <<<<* but the contents of on-chip 1 7 are not affected. 8hen the push button is released, pin - connects to ground through ,C/ resister and hence the program execution continues from starting %<<<<*& location. ,(8(2 o5er+On Reset n embedded system cannot be rebooted manually, because it has been embedded to its system and in many occasions there are nobody to start the systems designed using embedded microcontrollers. #hey have to start functioning themselves. #his should happen each and every time supply has been disrupted and again applied to them as in the case of mains failure and resumption. *ence embedded systems have to be self booting type, i.e.

they should start functioning as soon as supply is applied to them. #hey should execute the program from the beginning %usually from <<<<* location& and must be ready to act according to the program !ritten into their program flash memory, to ensure a fault free operation.

+ 5 V 4 7 E

4 + 3 1
1 0 u

V C C * * E A R S T

R E S E T 8 K 2

" 2 +


s sho!n in the above circuit diagram, the capacitor %=<u2& and the resister %,C/ form a voltage divider across Kcc and :N5. ccording to CK>, KccQKcJKr. 8here Kcc is applied voltage, Kc is voltage across capacitor and Kr is the voltage across resister. 0nitially !hen supply is applied, voltage across capacitor Kc is zero and hence KrQKcc i.e 1)")# pin is at logic =and microcontroller is suspended. < and microcontroller starts program execution. s this situation continues, capacitor gradually charges to!ards Kcc and hence KrQ< i.e 1)")# pin is at logic

Chapter /


9igBee is a !ireless technology kno!n for its reliable, lo!-cost, lo!er po!er characteristics, based on the established 0))) ,</.=..B standard for packet-based, !ireless data transport. ?Bee modules are available from many manufacturers as 12 7odem !ith the popular 1"/@/ conversion modules to provide a lo!-cost robust !ireless infrastructure. #he 'rototype kit provides a better !ay to implement the protocols for any real-!orld applications. 9igBee is a specification for a suite of high level communication protocols using small, lo!-po!er digital radios based on an 0))) ,</ for personal area net!orks. pplications include !ireless light s!itches, electrical meters !ith in-home-displays, and other consumer and industrial equipment that require short-range !ireless transfer of data at relatively lo! rates. #he technology defined by the 9igbee specification is intended to be simpler and less expensive than other 8' Ns, such as Bluetooth. 9igBee is targeted at radio frequency %12& applications that require a lo! data rate, long battery life, and secure net!orking. 9igBee has a defined rate of /.< kbps best suited for periodic or intermittent data

or a single signal transmission from a sensor or input device. 9igBee based traffic management system have also been implemented. #he name refers to the !aggle dance of honey bees after their return to the beehive. 9igBee is a lo!-cost, lo!-po!er, !ireless mesh net!ork standard. #he lo! cost allo!s the technology to be !idely deployed in !ireless control and monitoring applications. >o! po!er-usage allo!s longer life !ith smaller batteries. 7esh net!orking provides high reliability and more extensive range. 9igBee chip vendors typically sell integrated radios and microcontrollers !ith bet!een A< CB and /.A CB flash memory. 9igBee operates in the industrial, scientific and medical %0"7& radio bandsM ,A, 7*z in )urope, -=. 7*z in the 3" and ustralia, and /.B :*z in most $urisdictions !orld!ide. 5ata transmission rates vary from /< to -<< kilobits/second. #he 9igBee net!ork layer natively supports both star and tree typical net!orks, and generic mesh net!orks. )very net!ork must have one coordinator device, tasked !ith its creation, the control of its parameters and basic maintenance. 8ithin star net!orks, the coordinator must be the central node. Both trees and meshes allo!s the use of 9igBee routers to extend communication at the net!ork level. 9igBee builds upon the physical layer and medium access control defined in 0))) standard ,</.=..B %/<<@ version& for lo!-rate 8' Ns. #he specification goes on to complete the standard by adding four main components; net!ork layer, application layer, ZigBee device objects %954s& and manufacturer-defined application ob$ects !hich allo! for customization and favor total integration. Besides adding t!o high-level net!ork layers to the underlying structure, the most significant improvement is the introduction of 954s. #hese are responsible for a number of tasks, !hich include keeping of device roles, management of requests to $oin a net!ork, device discovery and security. 9igBee is not intended to support po!er line net!orking but to interface !ith it at least for smart metering and smart appliance purposes. Because 9igBee nodes can go from sleep to active mode in @< ms or less, the latency can be lo! and devices can be responsive, particularly compared to Bluetooth !ake-up delays, !hich are typically around three seconds. Because 9igBee nodes can sleep most of the time, average po!er consumption can be lo!, resulting in long battery life. 8ireless net!orking standards are every!here. Nou+ve heard of 8i2i and Bluetooth and cellular technology. 'erhaps you+ve heard of ctive 1205, 8ibree, 8i7 ?, or 8ireless 3"B. #he 9igBee !ireless net!orking standard fits into a market that is simply not filled by other !ireless technologies. 8hile most !ireless standards are striving to go faster, 9igBee aims for lo! data rates. 8hile other !ireless protocols add more and more features, 9igBee aims for a tiny stack that fits on ,-bit microcontrollers. 8hile other !ireless

technologies look to provide the last mile to the 0nternet or deliver streaming high-definition media, 9igBee looks to control a light or send temperature data to a thermostat. 8hile other !ireless technologies are designed to run for hours or perhaps days on batteries, 9igBee is designed to run for years. nd !hile other !ireless technologies provide =/ to /B months of shelf life for a product, 9igBee products can typically provide decades or more of use. #he market category 9igBee serves is called R !ireless sensor net!orking and control, G or simply, R !ireless control. G 0n fact, the slogan for 9igBee is, R8ireless (ontrol #hat "imply 8orks.G 7any !ireless modules for microcontrollers simply send data and receive data on the provided frequency. 0t is up the end user and his %or her& application code to deal !ith issues such as media access rules, data delivery verification, error checking, and, in multi-node net!orks, !hich node !ill accept and use the data. 5evices using a net!orking protocol can ease the !ork of the programmer by handling these tasks. 0n discussing the problems associated !ith net!orking, consider humans and the problems and resolutions in ensuring the proper flo! of communications. (ertain rules of communication, or protocols, are used in ensuring our message flo!s properly from sender to receiver across the medium, such as the air gap !hen talking in person. #his chapter !ill discuss some essential elements of net!ork communications and provide an overvie! of the ?Bee module. #he 9igBee standard is built on top of the 0))) ,</.=..B standard. #he 0))) ,</.=..B standard defines the physical and 7 ( %7edium ccess (ontrol& layers for lo!rate !ireless personal area net!orks. #he physical layer supports three frequency bands !ith different gross data rates; /,B.< 7*z %/.< kbs-=&, -=. 7*z %B< kbs-=& and ,A, 7*z %/< kbs-=&. 0t also supports functionalities for channel selection, link quality estimation, energy measurement and clear channel assessment. 9igBee standardizes both the net!ork and the application layer. #he net!ork layer is in charge of organizing and providing routing over a multi-hop net!ork, specifying different net!ork topologies; star, tree, peer-to-peer and mesh. #he application layer provides a frame!ork for distributed application development and communication. #he foundation of 9igBee !as outlined by the 0nstitute of )lectrical and )lectronics )ngineer %0)))& as 0))) standard ,</.=..B. 0n this document, the 0))) defined the 'hysical %'*N& and 7edia ccess (ontrol %7 (& layers of the stack. dditional specifications !ere lliance to establish a global developed by members of the industry !ho formed the 9igBee

standard and promote the technology. #he 9igBee

lliance set specifications for the

pplication 2rame!ork and Net!ork/"ecurity layers of the stack. #he interaction of both the 0))) ,</.=..B standard and 9igBee specifications is represented in 2igure E.

/(1 IEEE 892(1/(. Standard

#he 0))) ,</.=..B "tandard defines a lo!-po!er, short-range protocol for !ireless communication. #he specifications define only the lo!est t!o layers of the net!orking stack; the physical and 7 ( %7edia ccess (ontrol& layers. #he operating frequency, net!ork size and data rates are designated by the standard. ,</.=..B-compliant devices may operate in one of three frequency bands; ,A, 7*z %)urope&, -=. 7*z %North merica&, and /B.< 7*z %global&. )ach band has a fixed number of channels; =, =<, and =A channels respectively. channel refers to the frequency band that all the devices on the same net!ork share. #heoretically, an unlimited number of devices could communicate on the same channel, but net!ork performance degrades !ith large numbers of devices. 5ata rates vary !ith distance and transmission po!er, ranging from as high as /.< kb/s to /< kb/s. n 0))) ,</.=..B net!ork consists of at least t!o devices operating on the same physical channel. #he size of a net!ork is not explicitly limited by the standard. Nonetheless, net!ork addresses are stored and sent as either =A-bit or AB-bit numbers, effectively limiting the maximum net!ork size to /AB, or thousands of billions of nodes. Because devices must be !ithin physical transmission range of each other %=-=<<J meters&, actual net!orks are unlikely to ever reach their theoretical limit. Net!ork arbitration is managed using collision avoidance algorithms %("7 -( &, and each node is given guaranteed time slots %:#"& in !hich to transmit a frame, although this time slot can be exceeded if necessary. )ach 0))) ,</.=..B net!ork must have at least one full-function device %225& implementing the

complete ,</.=..B protocol, !hich manages the net!ork. #he remaining devices may be either full-function or reduced-function %125&. #!o kinds of net!ork topology are defined; star and peer-to-peer. 0n a star configuration, each edge device %225 or 125& communicates only !ith the central node %225&.

/(2 "i#Bee !echno%o#0

9igBee is a technology based on 0))) ,</.=..B that provides users !ith a costeffective standard !ith the ability to run for months or years on inexpensive primary batteries for typical applications. #he relatively ne! technology is promoted by the 9igBee lliance, an organization of semiconductor manufacturers, !ireless 0' providers and 4)7s. #he standard is named for the silent zig-zag dancing technique used by honey bees to communicate information about a ne!ly discovered food source to fello! colony bees. #he continuous communication of vital information exploited in a colony of honeybees mirrors the control and monitoring applications that 9igBee is designed for. 9igBee devices operate in unlicensed bands of /.B :*z. t this frequency, =A channels are available !ith a throughput rate of /.< kbps. #he range of 9igBee can extend from =< to E. meters and is dependent on the po!er output of the devices and the environment of the coverage area. 9igBee achieves its attractive lo! po!er consumption because of the lo! duty cycle expected for battery po!ered nodes !ithin a 9igBee net!ork. 4nce a node is associated !ith a net!ork, it can !ake up, communicate !ith other 9igBee devices and return to sleep. #he longer the time in sleep, the lo!er the average po!er consumption. dependent on battery type, capacity and application, the 9igBee application. Because the 9igBee standard is based on the 0))) ,</.=..B, implementing a 9igBee net!ork has similar requirements to an ,</.=..B net!ork. s mentioned for ,</.=..B, 9igBee devices can function as either an 225 or 125. t least one 225 is required to operate as the 9igBee coordinator to initialize the net!ork, manage nodes and store information. dditional devices can be 225s, becoming 9igBee routers, if they contain sufficient system resources for net!ork routing, approximately =A to /< CB. #ypically 225s are line po!ered and are also responsible for discovering other 225s and 125s to establish communications. 4ften referred to as 9igBee end devices, 125s are usually battery po!ered because of the extended sleep periods. 5ue to the stack size and memory being reduced to approximately =/ to =A CB, the 125s utilize a less expensive 0(, thereby lo!ering the cost of the 9igBee net!ork. lthough battery life is lliance encourages users to

generally expect multi-year battery life !hen using standard, alkaline batteries in a typical

Because of the applications that 9igBee !as developed for, security, data integrity, and reliability are key features of the technology. #o ensure a highly reliable net!ork, 9igBee utilizes 5irect "equence "pread "pectrum including collision avoidance, receiver energy detection, link quality indication, ackno!ledgement and packet freshness. 2or security and data integrity issues, 9igBee provides access control lists, packet freshness timers and =/,-bit encryption. ccess control lists are maintained to verify trusted devices !ithin the net!ork. 8ith sequential freshness, 9igBee uses an ordered sequence of inputs 9igBee products are offered in integrated single-chip solutions or in complete preassembled development boards. 9igBee module consists of an 12 0(, and a lo! po!er microcontroller that interfaces !ith a sensor or actuator. (hipcon, )mber (orporation, and 2reescale "emiconductor are three suppliers of 9igBee modules that offer standalone chips as !ell as development kits for setting up 9igBee net!orks.

/(, App%ication pro-i%es

side from the agriculture and food industry, it is !idely used in home building control, automation, security, consumer electronics, personal computer peripherals, medical monitoring and toys. #hese applications require a technology that offers long battery life, reliability, automatic or semiautomatic installation, the ability to easily add or remove net!ork nodes, signals that can pass through !alls and ceilings and a lo! system cost. #he current list of application profiles either published, or in the !orks are;

1eleased specifications
o o o o o

9igBee *ome utomation 9igBee "mart )nergy =.< 9igBee #elecommunication "ervices 9igBee *ealth (are 9igBee 12B() - 1emote (ontrol

"pecifications under development

o o o o

9igBee "mart )nergy /.< 9igBee Building utomation 9igBee 1etail "ervices 9igBee >ight >ink

5.4 XBee/XBee PRO OEM RF Modules

#he ?Bee 12 7odem from 5igi 0nternational is a !ireless transceiver. #he ?Bee uses a fully implemented protocol for data communications that provides features needed for robust net!ork communications in a !ireless sensor net!ork %8"N&. 2eatures such as addressing, ackno!ledgements and retries help ensure safe delivery of data to the intended node. #he ?Bee also has additional features beyond data communications for use in monitoring and control of remote devices. #his chapter !ill discuss some essential elements of net!ork communications and provide an overvie! of the ?Bee module.

?Bee and ?Bee-'14 ,</.=..B 4)7 12 modules are embedded solutions providing !ireless end-point connectivity to devices. #hese modules use the 0))) ,</.=..B net!orking protocol for fast point-to-multipoint or peer-to-peer net!orking. #hey are designed for highthroughput applications requiring lo! latency and predictable communication timing. Ke0 ;eatures *igh 'erformance, >o! (ost S0ndoor/3rban; up to @<<+ %=<< m& S4utdoor line-of-sight; up to = mile %=.A km& S#ransmit 'o!er 4utput; =<< m8 %/< dBm& )01' S1eceiver "ensitivity; -=</ dBm12 5ata 1ate; /.<,<<< bps

/(/ Ad&anced Net5or7in# A Securit0 1etries and ckno!ledgements 5""" %5irect

"equence "pread "pectrum&)ach direct sequence channel has over A.,<<< unique net!ork addresses available'oint-to-point, point-to-multipoint and peer-to-peer topologies supported "elf-routing, self-healing and fault-tolerant mesh net!orking. >o! 'o!er?Bee '14 9Net /.. S#? (urrent; /-. m %T@.@ K&

S1? (urrent; B. m %T@.@ K& S'o!er-do!n (urrent; U = V T /.o( /(/(1 Eas0+to+1se No configuration necessary for out-of box 12 communications. command set. 2ree ?-(#3 "oft!are %#esting and configuration soft!are& 2ree 6 3nlimited #echnical "upport

# and

'0 (ommand 7odes for configuring module parameters. "mall form factor )xtensive

No configuration needed for out-of-the-box 12 communications (ommon ?Bee footprint for a variety of 12 modules 2ast /.< kbps 12 data rate to the end node /.B :*z for !orld!ide deployment "leep modes supported for extended battery life

#he ?Bee and ?Bee-'14 4)7 12 7odules !ere engineered to meet 0))) ,</.=..B standards and support the unique needs of lo!-cost, lo!-po!er !ireless sensor net!orks. #he modules require minimal po!er and provide reliable delivery of data bet!een devices. #he modules operate !ithin the 0"7 /.B :*z frequency band and are pin-for-pin compatible !ith each other.

2igure ....=%a& ?Bee 7odule 7ounting to an 1" /@/ 0nterface Board.

#he ?Bee/?Bee-'14 4)7 12 7odules interface to a host device through a logiclevel asynchro-nous serial port. #hrough its serial port, the module can communicate !ith any logic and voltage compatible 3 1#M or through a level translator to any serial device %2or example; #hrough a 7ax- "tream proprietary 1"-/@/ or 3"B interface board&.

5evices that have a 3 1# interface can connect directly to the pins of the 12 module as sho!n in the figure belo!.

2igure ....=%b& "ystem 5ata 2lo! 5iagram in a 3 1# interfaced environment %>o! asserted signals distinguished !ith horizontal line over signal name.& 5ata enters the module 3 1# through the 50 pin %pin @& as an asynchronous serial signal. #he signal should idle high !hen no data is being transmitted. )ach data byte consists of a start bit %lo!&, , data bits %least significant bit first& and a stop bit %high&. #he follo!ing figure illustrates the serial bit pattern of data passing through the module.

2igure ....=%c& 3 1# data packet <x=2 %decimal number @=& as transmitted through the 12 module )xample 5ata 2ormat is ,N= %bits parity W of stop bits& #he module 3 1# performs tasks, such as timing and parity checking, that are needed for data communications. "erial communications depend on the t!o 3 1#s to be configured !ith compatible settings %baud rate, parity, start bits, stop bits, data bits&. By default, ?Bee/?Bee-'14 12 7odules operate in #ransparent 7ode. 8hen operating in this mode, the modules act as a serial line replacement - all 3 1# data received through the 50 pin is queued up for 12 transmission. 8hen 12 data is received, the data is sent out the 54 pin.

/(2 Net5or7 topo%o#ies

0))) ,</.=..B can manage t!o types of net!orks, i.e., star topology or the peer-topeer topology. Both the topologies are illustrated in 2igure ..A 0n 9igBee, these t!o topologies can be combined to build so-called mesh net!orks.

2igure ..A ; Net!ork topologies /(2(1 Star net5or7 -or)ation #he first 225 that is activated may establish its o!n net!ork and become a 'ersonal rea Net!ork %' N& coordinator. #hen both 225 and 125 devices can connect to the ' N coordinator. ll net!orks !ithin the radio sphere of influence must have a unique ' N identity. ll nodes in a ' N must talk to the ' N (oordinator. /(2(2 eer+to+ eer net5or7 -or)ation 0n the peer-to-peer topology there is also a ' N coordinator, but it differs from the star topology in that any device can communicate !ith any other device as long as they are in the range of one another. #he peer-to-peer topology allo!s more complex net!ork formations to be implemented, such as the mesh topology. /(2(, "i#Bee Net5or7in# 9igBee can use so-called mesh net!orking, !hich may extend over a large area and contain thousands of nodes. )ach 225 in the net!ork also acts as a router to direct messages. #he routing protocol optimizes the shortest and most reliable path through the net!ork and can dynamically change, so as to take evolving conditions into account. #his enables an extremely reliable net!ork, since the net!ork can heal itself if one node is disabled. #his is very similar to the redundancy employed in the 0nternet. 9igBee net!orks are primarily intended for lo! duty cycle sensor net!orks %U=X&. ne! net!ork node may be recognized and associated in about @< ms. 8aking up a sleeping node takes about =. ms, as does accessing a channel or transmitting data. 9igBee applications beneYt from the ability to

quickly attach information, detach, and go to deep sleep, !hich results in lo! po!er consumption and extended battery life.

2igure ..A; 7esh net!ork /(2(. Co))unication Modes*+ #he ?Bee supports both an their advantages. /(2(/ A! Mode* + 0n # 7ode, also called #ransparent 7ode, $ust the message data itself is # and an '0 % pplication

'rogramming 0nterface& mode for sending and receiving data at your controller. Both have

sent and received. #he protocol link bet!een the t!o is transparent to the end user and it appears to be a nearly direct serial link bet!een the nodes as illustrated previously in 2igure =-B. #his mode allo!s simple transmission and reception of serial data. # (ommands are used to configure the ?Bee, such as to send the data to a node !ith an address of .; /(2(2 A!DL /. # (ommands and examples !ill be explored in more depth later, but the

process requires placing the ?Bee into (ommand 7ode, sending # codes for configuration, and exiting the (ommand 7ode. Note that even though the transmission and reception is the ra! data, the message itself is passed bet!een nodes encapsulated !ith needed information such as addressing and error checking bytes. /(2(4 A I Mode* + 0n '0 7ode, the programmer packages the data !ith needed lso, the information, such as destination address, type of packet, and checksum value.

receiving node accepts the data !ith information such as source address, type of packet, signal strength, and checksum value. #he advantages are the user can build a packet that

includes important data, such as destination address, and that the receiving node can pull from the packet information such as source address of the data. 8hile more programming intensive, cases. #able =; vailable 8ireless "tandards ZB[ '0 7ode allo!s the user greater flexibility and increased reliability in some

Chapter 2

!!L+RS 2,2 LE>EL CON>ER!ER BMA? 2,2C

#he 1" /@/ standard is not compatible to ##>, therefore, it requires a line driver such as the 7 ?/@/ chip to convert 1"/@/ voltage levels to ##> levels, and vice versa. #he ,<.=/,<./ and their derivatives have t!o pins that are used specifically for transferring and receiving data serially. #hese t!o pins are called #?5 %'in==& and 1?5 %'in=<& and they are part of the port@ group %'@.< and '@.=&.#hese pins are ##> compatible. standard serial interface !ith a '(+s 1"/@/( port, or a 745)7 requires negative logic, i.e., logic \=\ is -@K to -=/K and logic \<\ is J@K to J=/K. #o convert these signals to ##> logic in order to connect to #?5 and 1?5 pins of the microcontrollers, a converter chip is used. #he 7 ?/@/ converts from 1"/@/ voltage levels to ##> voltage levels, and vice versa. 4ne ma$or advantage of the 7 ?/@/ chip is that it uses a J.K po!er source !hich is the same as the source voltage for the microcontroller. 0t has t!o sets of line drivers for transferring and receiving data. #he line drivers used for #?5 are called #= and #/, and the line drivers for 1?5 are called 1= and 1/.0n many applications only one of each is used. 7 ?/@/ requires four capacitors ranging from = to //u2.*o!ever the most !idely used value for these capacitors is =<u2. 2igure A.-.=sho!s the pin diagram of 7 ?/@/.

#he most important lines are 1x5, #x5, and :N5. 4thers are used !ith modems, printers and plotters to indicate internal states. = %7 1C, >48& means -@ K to -=. KM < %"' (), *0:*& means J@ K to J=. K. 4n status lines, *0:* is the active state; status lines go to the *0:* state to signal events. #he lines are; 2(1 R:DD !:D* #hese lines carry the dataM = is transmitted as >48 and < is transmitted as *0:*.

2(2 R!SD C!S* #hese are used by the '( and the modem/printer/!hatsoever %further on referred to as the data set& to start/stop a communication. #he '( sets 1#" to *0:*, and the data set responds !ith (#" *0:*. %al!ays in this order&. 0f the data set !ants to stop/interrupt the communication %e.g. buffer overflo!&, it drops (#" to >48M the '( uses 1#" to control the data flo!. 2(, D!RD DSR* #hese are used to establish a connection at the very beginning, i.e. the '( and the data set Pshake handsP first to ensure they are both present and active. #he '( sets 5#1 to *0:*, and the data set ans!ers !ith 5"1 *0:*. 7odems often indicate hang-up by resetting 5"1 to >48. #hese six lines plus :N5 are often referred to as the PE-!ire connectionP or Phand-shake connection.P 2(. DCD* #he modem uses this line to indicate that it has detected the carrier of the modem on the other side of the phone line. 2(/ RI* #he modem uses this line to signal that Pthe phone ringsP %even if there is neither a bell fitted to your modem nor a phone connected. 2(2 GND; #he signal ground, i.e. the reference level for all signals.

Chapter 4


0/( bus is an abbreviation for 0nter 0ntegrated (ircuit bus. 0t is also kno!n as 00( or 0](. 0/( is a serial and synchronous bus protocol. 0n standard applications hard!are and timing are often the same. #he !ay data is treated on the 0/( bus is to be defined by the manufacturer of the I2C master and slave chips.
3 4 0 .1 u + 5 V 1 0 p f 3 X IN 4 1 4 8 1 K 3 V 6 L.-./0 B122345 3 2 .7 6 8 $%& 2 3 1 OSC1 VDD PCF!#!3 +SC+ A+ +5 V +5 V INT SCL SDA 1 0 K , 6 # VDD 24C+1 6 # SCL VSS SDA 4 A+ A1 A2 ! 1 2 3

P1(2 P1(3



0n a simple 0/( system as sho!n in figure @.=, there can only be one master, but multiple slaves. #he difference bet!een master and slave is that the master generates the clock pulse. #he master also defines !hen communication should occur. 2or bus timing it is important that the slowest slave should still be able to follow the masters clock. In other words the bus is as fast as the slowest slave. typical hard!are configuration is sho!n in the figure above; Note that more slave chips can be connected to the "5 the data is called "erial 5ata %"5 &. 0n most applications the microcontroller is the 0]( 7aster. "lave chips can be 1eal #ime (locks and ))'147s. 4f coarse you can also create your o!n slaves. 0n that case there is microcontroller to microcontroller communication. and "(> linesM normally 1p

has a value of =k4*7. #he clock generated by the master is called "erial (lock %"(>& and

4(1 I2C Bus E&ents*

#he "# 1# and "#4' conditions 'rior to any transaction on the bus, a "# 1# condition needs to be issued on the bus. #he start condition acts as a signal to all connected 0(\s that something is about to be transmitted on the bus. s a result, all connected chips !ill listen to the bus. fter a message has been completed, a "#4' condition is sent. #his is the signal for all devices on the bus that the bus is available again %idle&. 0f a chip !as accessed and has received data during the last transaction, it !ill no! process this information %if not already processed during the reception of the message&. #able @.=; "tart and "top (onditions.


#he chip issuing the "tart condition first pulls the "5 lo!, and next pulls the "(> %clock& line lo!.

%data& line


#he Bus 7aster first releases the "(> and then the "5 line.

fe! notes about start and stop conditions; single message can contain multiple "tart conditions. #he use of this so-called Prepeated startP is common in 0/(. "top condition >8 N" denotes the )N5 of a transmission. )ven if it is issued in the middle of a transaction or in the middle of a byte. 0t is Pgood behaviorP for a chip that, in this case, it disregards the information sent and resumes the Plistening stateP, !aiting for a ne! start condition.

4(2 ro#ra))in# o- EE ROM 1sin# I2C rotoco%

#he #/B(<= /</ provides =</B bits of serial electrically erasable and

programmable read-only memory (EEPROM) organized as128 words of 8 bits ea !" #!e de$i e is o%timized for &se in many a&tomoti$e a%%li ations w!ere low-%ower and low-$oltage o%eration are essential" #!e '#2()*1'+*2 is a$ailable in s%a e-sa$ing 8-lead P,-P and 8-lead .E,E) /O-) %a 0ages and is a $ersions. 4(, DE>ICE O ERA!ION* #/B(<= /</ ))'147 uses 0/( Bus protocol for exchanging data !ith the microcontroller. ))'147 transfers and receives data !ith the help of 0/( Bus. 0/( bus connects to ))'147 chip through 'in A%"(>& and 'in .%"5 &. #he smart card contains an ))'147 to hold the credit information. #he 0.K.3 also contains an ))'147 to store the database. #hese memory chips are non-volatile and retain information even !hen supply is disconnected. I2C EEPROM interfaces with the microcontroller usin two pins of the port. onl! essed $ia a two-wire serial interfa e" -n addition1 t!e entire family is a$ailable in 2"*3 (("23 to 2"23) and 2"43 (2"43 to 2"23)

Chapter 8


Buzzer is a component producing sound of alarm and electronic sound. )x& "ecurity buzzer, fire-alarm device and alarm clock etc. Buzzer plays an important part as a manmachine interface. buzzer or beeper is an audio signaling device, !hich may be mechanical, electromechanical, or piezoelectric. #ypical uses of buzzers and beepers include alarm devices, timers and confirmation of user input such as a mouse click or keystroke. piezoelectric element may be driven by an oscillating electronic circuit or other audio signal source, driven !ith a piezoelectric audio amplifier. "ounds commonly used to indicate that a button has been pressed are a click, a ring or a beep.

'iezo buzzer is based on the inverse principle of piezo electricity discovered in =,,< by Iacques and 'ierre (urie. 0t is the phenomena of generating electricity !hen mechanical pressure is applied to certain materials and the vice versa is also true. "uch materials are called piezo electric materials. 'iezo electric materials are either naturally available or manmade. 'iezoceramic is class of manmade material, !hich poses piezo electric effect and is !idely used to make disc, the heart of piezo buzzer. 8hen sub$ected to an alternating electric field they stretch or compress, in accordance !ith the frequency of the signal thereby producing sound.




21 4$, BC #4,


8hen any abnormality is sensed by the microcontroller through the door sensors, an audio tone produced by a buzzer. #he microcontroller controls the sound produced by buzzer through a drive transistor. #he buzzer driver consists of a N'N transistor operated in () configuration. 0t supplies current to the buzzer element connected in its collector. #he microcontroller sends ##> level signals, a logic H=+ to turn 4N the buzzer and a logic H<+ to turn it 422.

Chapter <


"ince this system is implemented as a dedicated embedded system, dedicated soft!are had to be developed, !ithout the use of any generalized operating system. #here !ere t!o choices to this. )ither to use the assembly language of the microcontroller or to go for embedded ( language programming. 0n either case the source code development had to be done using suitable development tools. #here are many development tools available as 0ntegrated 5evelopment )nvironment %05)&. Ceil, 105), 2rontline, 'innacle, 37'", "'I+s "05), :N3, 7etalink,s ssemblers could have been used. "ome of these development tools ll these development tools run on a allo! the programs to be developed using only assembly language !hile some support both assembly language and embedded ( languages. cross assemblers and cross compilers. standard '( and allo! code development for ,<.= family microcontrollers. #hey !ork as n assembler converts the assembly language source program into machine language code, usually called *ex code. #he compilers produce *ex code from a high level language like embedded (. #hese *ex codes are the one !hich are do!nloaded %burned& into the non-volatile flash program %also called code memory& memory of the microcontroller. #his is done using a flash programmer instrument. *ere, !e have used 2lash programmer from 2rontline )lectronics for do!nloading the program into the internal flash program memory of ,-(./ microcontroller chip. #he size of the hex code generated is one of the main concerns of embedded microcontroller system programmers since the microcontrollers have limited on-chip program memory in the form of flash 147. )ven !ith the use of external program memory,

the code size has to be limited to AB C bytes. )mbedded ( language being highly structured language, programming in ( language is less time consuming and much easier to !rite. 0t is also very easy to modify the programs !ritten in ( and code available in function library can be used. 'rograms !ritten in ( language are portable to other microcontrollers !ith little or no modifications. #he only ma$or issue !ith ( programming is the size of hex code produced is much larger than that produced by assembly language. #hough tedious, assembly language produces the most compact hex code. 0t also provides the closest control on the resources of the embedded microcontroller system. *ence it !as decided to use microcontroller+s native assembly language for coding the soft!are for this system. #he system !akes up from 1)")# !henever po!er is first applied i.e. 'o!er on self 1)")# or !hen a manual 1)")# is done. order. fter the 1)")# the microcontroller executes program from <<<<* memory location and performs the fallo!ing tasks in the sequential

Chapter 19

#he ob$ective of this !ork !as to design and implement a !orking prototype at a lo!cost !ith full functionality. #his !ork examined the design and implementation of E '( #his system has functioned reliably and can be practically used. #his pro$ect focuses on developing an embedded system to create a rescue robot !hich is used for fire fighters to send the robot into the fire building and help to rescue the people from the building. 8ireless personal rea Net!orking applies not only to household devices, but also to individualized office automation applications, 9igBee is here to stay. 0t is more than likely the basis of future home-net!orking solutions.

#he system !as implemented by first designing the hard!are and later the soft!are. 0t !as rigorously tested for its proper operation and reliability. *ard!are design began by designing individual circuits and their testing. "uitable modifications !ere carried out at various stages as necessary. fter the confirmation of the proper operation of each circuitry, the 'rinted (ircuit Board %'(B& !as designed using 'rotel '(B making soft!are. '(Bs are fabricated by the manual process using screen printing and chemical %2e(l& etching technique. fter the holes are drilled, the mounting of components and soldering !as carried out. #he circuit !as rigorously tested once again after mounting of all components on the '(B. Koltage levels and signals !are checked for their correctness at various stages. "ome minor modifications !are carried out as needed. "oft!are design !as started after the hard!are !as fully fabricated and tested successfully. 'rograms !are !ritten in ,<.= assembly language for individual modules and tested independently. fter each module !as tested, integration of all soft!are modules and trouble shooting and debugging !as carried out. 2ull functionality of the entire system !ith all interface modules !as finally carried out to test the system for its full functionality and features. #he instrument functioned as expected and the desired results !are produced. #his prototype system has functioned reliably and the scaled-up model can be used for real industrial applications.

Chapter 11

F1ses in hospita%s(


s in the hospitals !e have to keep track of so many things like

management of the resources and the scheduling of everyone and everything. #here are different types of labs and the devices for diagnosis of the different kinds of disease. By using this technology !e can make proper utilization of resources, timely and proper management of people !ithout any hassles.

F1ses in Ban7s #here is a huge mass of population !hich depends upon the banks for all
their monetary transactions. #o keep a proper track of such huge mass of people and their transactions this technology helps !ith certain degree of effectiveness.

F1ses -or !ra--ic Contro% 0t+s kno!n to all of us that traffic are the good servants of the
people and also the ma$or invention to help people but only if it is managed !ell other!ise !e all kno! Bangalore+s traffic ho! ridiculous and irritating it can be. "o !ith the use of this technology !e can maintain the flo! of traffic according to the needs of the people and also considering the availability of roads.

F1ses -or ad&ertise)ent 8e can make use of this technology to display the different
advertisement on display panels to reach the larger number of people at a time and in the populated places like shopping malls, road sides as !ell as at the theaters, discos, hotels, motels, restaurants etc^ about their products and features. F1ses in Educationa% sector (urrently in 0ndia !e are relying on the old style of displaying ne!s by hanging bare time consuming papers on the notice board !hich can be replaced by remote controlled notice boards at the colleges and universities, also at the time of examination scheduling and result publishing etc.

FIn-or)ation purpose 0t !ould be !iser to make a use of this technology for

information purpose like ne!s and its updates, real time reporting, live telecasting, inclusive of various information !hich adds to the advanced and busy life on daily basis.

FStoc7 E:chan#e #he stock exchange is the hot topic no!adays. #here are millions of
sales of shares every hours and it is very necessary to maintain the real time services !ith the certain measures of reliability because it deals !ith the money large number of the small or bigger investors. 8ith the help of this technology !e can make it far easier and reliable.

FOr#ani3ations( )very organization has large number of employees !ho are assigned to
accomplish the various tasks and each and everything should be documented for the future reference purpose. nd also their schedules !ork, reports, leaves, presentation as !ell as distribution of salary etc^.

#he pro$ect R)mbedded based customized !ireless message circular system for college, industriesG is designed and applied successfully. #his pro$ect can be implemented to send data from a central point to all classrooms. #his system to send data from one point to another is implemented !ith the aid of a transmitter and receiver via 12 technology. 2urther, modifications could be done on this pro$ect by connecting :"7 modem and through "7" action from mobile, controlling actions can be performed.

=. )lectronic circuit guide book - By; I4")'* 6 I. ( 11 -By; myke predko @. the concepts and features of micro-controllers -By; ra$ kamal B. #he ,<.= 7icro-controller rchitecture, programming 6 pplications -By; Cenneth I. yala .. #he ,<.= 7icrocontroller and )mbedded "ystems By 7uhammad li 7azidi 6 Ianice :ilespie 7azidi A. :o )mbedded -By Nas!nt kanettkar /. programming and customizing the ,<.= micro-controller-

E. 7icroprocessors 6 7icrocontrollers ,. Biomedical )lectronics -. (74" / ##> 0( 5ata 7anuals =<. )lectronics for you ==. 'ractical )lectronics =/. )lector 0ndia

By B.'."ingh By 1.".Chandpur By )lector 0ndia 'vt. >td 7onthly 7agazine 7onthly 7agazine 7onthly 7agazine.

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