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Liberal Democrats - Borders, Immigration and Citizenship Bill

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Liberal Democrats

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Borders, Immigration and Citizenship Bill

Thu, 12 Mar 2009

Lib Dems criticise Bill that typifies Government's failures on immigration

Government department: Home Office

Liberal Democrat spokesperson in the House of Lords: Lord Avebury

Government proposals:

To bring revenue and customs functions into the UK Borders Agency to enable its officers to use them
alongside immigration powers. This will create a single front line at the border
To bring the concept of 'earned citizenship' into legislation, putting in place qualifying periods,
probationary citizenship and the possibility of speeding up the probationary stage of the process by
actively engaging in the community
To ensure that the UK Borders Agency can conduct routine immigration controls on passengers
travelling by air and sea between the UK and the Republic of Ireland and the Crown dependencies
To place controls on students moving to a different academic institution
To allow the Government to take the fingerprints of foreign crimnals subject to automatic deportation
To remove the existing bar to judicial review applications in asylum, immigration and nationality
matters being transferred into the Upper Tribunal of the new unified tribunal system.

Liberal Democrat position:

We will be strongly critical of this Bill.

1z2 2009-07-21 23:12

Liberal Democrats - Borders, Immigration and Citizenship Bill
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We've heard all this before - this is the seventh immigration bill in ten years.

The Government have made a real mess of the immigration system. They are undoing their own work again.
They have not got a grip on illegal immigration (e.g. exit checks) and criminally underestimated the amount
of migration from the A8 (EU accession) countries.

Some of the measures are unnecessarily punitive, retrospective and intrusive.



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This item refers to UK.

See also:

Justice and Crime

Person: Lord Avebury

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published and promoted by and on behalf of the Liberal Democrats, 4 Cowley Street, London, SW1P 3NB. tel: (020) 7222 7999

2z2 2009-07-21 23:12

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