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Liberal Democrats - International Projects Overview 2008-09

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Liberal Democrats

International Projects Overview 2008-09

The Liberal Democrats have undertaken a number of projects with sister-parties since the beginning of the
financial year in April 2008.

The work we in the Liberal Democrats do with WFD is important. We have great experience within the
Party at both national and local level of working within a democratic system and we are delighted to share
that experience with our like-minded Liberal partners in new and emerging democracies in Africa, Eastern
Europe and the Middle East. Our excellent co-operation with the WFD enables us to do this.

Rt Hon Nick Clegg MP, Leader of the Liberal Democrats



Natalie Darby, International Programme Officer attended a workshop organised by our Dutch sister party
the D66 in November to discuss future project work with our sister parties in Croatia, Macedonia, Bosnia,
and Serbia. The aim is to set up a regional Balkan network.


The Liberal Democrats gave support to the United Democratic Forces in the run up to their presidential
elections, which took place in September.

We organising two training workshops. The first workshop took 25 representatives to the Ukraine in a
‘training for trainers' course in order to introduce participants to the teaching skills, which would enable
them to spread their message further. The second workshop more specialised focussing on campaigning skills
in order to prepare campaign managers for the upcoming elections.


In November 2008, the Liberal Democrats ran a training workshop outside Chisinau for 25 women with our
sister party, Moldova Noastra. The objective was to enhance the role of women in political life in Moldova.
This training built on recommendations from the needs-assessment visit which was carried out in 2007. In
addition, this particular training need was identified in a OSCE report published in the same year. The
training was carried out by members of the Liberal Democrat campaign team.


In December 2008, the Liberal Democrats supported a workshop on the sidelines of the International
Federation of Liberal Youth for members of our Russian sister party, Yabloko. The project focused on
increasing the capacity of their youth wing, improving communcation between the different branches , and
advising on how to recruit new members.


The Liberal Democrats made an assessment visit as part of the Strategic Programme Fund. We developed a
programme of activities based on the goal of policy development with our sister-party, the Liberal

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Liberal Democrats - International Projects Overview 2008-09
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Democratic Party. This will help the LDP party draw up a policy paper to encompass all their policies in a
way that will make it more understandable to the electorate.



The Liberal Democrats organised and sent speakers to a conference in Cairo to discuss the development of
policies based on Liberal values in Egypt. The conference was done in collaboration with two of our sister
parties, the Al-Wafd Party and also the Democratic Front.


The Liberal Democrats are supporting the setting up of a new women's movement within the Union
Consitutionelle party to develop the role of women within the party itself and the wider political process



The Liberal Democrats organised a two day campaign training seminar in December, for the UDF party of
Malawi. The event focused on enhancing campaigns and communications skills in order to prepare the UDF
for the elections in 2009. The workshop was attended by both MPs, candidates and campaign staff. The
training was delivered on a cross-party basis, by Liberal Democrat policy staff and our counterparts in the
Democratic Alliance (DA) of South Africa.

Sierra Leone

The Liberal Democrats worked on a cross-party basis in Sierra Leone as part of a DfID parliamentary
strengthening programme. Iain Smith MSP represented the Liberal Democrats as part of the PIVOT project.
The Liberal Democrats also supported regional seminars by sending trainers in the run up to the local
elections taking place in July. The seminars helped all the parties professionalise their message to the voters.


The Liberal Democrats have been working with the youth wing of the UPND to organise a series of training
workshops in Zambia to engage young people in the political process. The aim is to spread youth
involvement in the democratic system.

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published and promoted by and on behalf of the Liberal Democrats, 4 Cowley Street, London, SW1P 3NB. tel: (020) 7222 7999

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