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Aim To compare the efficiency of alkanols as fuels 1. Measure the mass of the spirit burner containing the first alkanol using an electronic balance. 2. Measure 100mls of water using a Measuring Cylinder 3. 4. 5.

Pour the water into a metal beaker Measure the initial temperature of the water. Set up the equipment as shown

6. Light the spirit burner 7. Heat the water for 2 minutes 8. Extinguish the flame. 9. Measure the temperature change of the water 10. Measure the change in mass of the spirit burner. Questions 1. Name the independent variable Type of alkanol fuel 2. Name the dependant variable Change in temperature, change in mass of the fuel (Mass of Alcohol burnt) 3. Name the controlled variables Equipment, atmospheric temperature, stirring vs. no stirring, volume of water, combustion time, distance of wick and bottom of Calorimeter 4. What should be done to ensure that the results are reliable? Repeat experiment until results are consistent or compare with other groups if there is not enough time. Results Alkanol Initial Mass (g) Final Change Temperature ( C) Initial Final Change

Methanol Ethanol 1-Propanol 1-Butanol

179.53 170.21 184.95 145.51

177.90 169.28 184.42 144.37

1.63 0.93 0.48 1.14

23 24 23 24

39 38 31 36

16 14 8 12

Calculation 1 gram of water requires 4.2 joules of energy to raise the temperature by 1 C. This is called the specific heat of water (C) = 4.2j/g/C 100 grams of water would therefore require 100 x 4.2 joules of energy to raise the temperature by 1 C = 420 joules Therefore to raise the temperature of 100 grams of water by 10 C would therefore require 100 x 4.2 x 10 joules of energy = 4200 joules This is called the heat of combustion (H) H = mass of water(g) x specific heat of water(C) x temperature change (C) H = mC T Use the results from the experiment to calculate the heat of combustion for each fuel used Fuel Methanol Ethanol 1-Propanol 1-Butanol Mass of water (g) 100 100 100 100 Specific heat of water (j/g/ C) 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 Temperature change T (C) 16 14 8 12 Heat of combustion (H) 6720j 5880j 3360j 5040j

Some fuels are more efficient than others as they give off more energy per gram of fuel combusted. Complete the following table to calculate which of the fuels is the most efficient? Fuel Methanol Ethanol 1-Propanol 1-Butanol .: Propanol is more efficient Write a conclusion
The type of alkanol used would show the relationship between the number of carbon atoms in an alcohol Chain and its respective heat of combustion. As the number of carbon atoms increases, the heat of combustion should also increase. This is because there will be one extra C-C bond and two extra C-H bonds to be broken. Therefore more energy would be required of combustion. The heat of combustion allowed us to compare the efficiency of alkanols. From the results, we can see that propanol is the most efficient Alkanol, followed by Ethanol, Butanol then Methanol but theoretically it should be Butanol, Propanol, Ethanol then Methanol.

Molar Heat of combustion (H) 6720 5880 3360 5040

Change in mass (g)

(H)/g 4122.70j 6322.58j 7000j 4421.05j

1.63 0.93 0.48 1.14

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