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August 8 Events Calendar - NYSIA 11/27/2007 06:07 PM

Home Events Events Calendar NYSIA International Council Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Monday, August 8, 2005

NYSIA International Council
Alexander Koelpin, Berlin Partner
Time: 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Location: NYSIA Incubator, 55 Broad Street SIG Leaders
(between Beaver and Exchange Streets),
Angelina Hsiaoping Jao, President/CEO,
10th Floor
TMGI, Inc.
Directions: J, M, Z trains to Broad Street. 4,
5 trains to Bowling Green. 2, 3 trains to Wall Profile: Angelina Hsiaoping Jao
Street. Ms. Jao's broad experience with economic
Admission: Free for NYSIA Members, $20 development and global marketing has been
for non-members, $25 for walk-in non- garnered from leading teams in both corporate
members. and entrepreneurial positions. After several
Registration: REGISTER HERE, or call (212) successful years in global data
475-4503. There is not guaranteed entrance telecommunications marketing and sales for
for walk-in attendees. Global 100 telecom companies, Ms. Jao saw a
Registration closes: Monday, August 8, niche opportunity and founded TMGI, a
1:00 PM management consulting firm specializing in
Add Event to Your Calendar global strategic business and economic
sustainable development ( TMGI
focuses upon developing integrated
Selling into Europe - Tips from the Director
communications platforms for international
of IT of Berlin's Economic Development
clients, and has enjoyed significant growth in
recent years.

Ms. Jao's economic development, teaching, and

non-profit community work include
The European Union will soon expand to
appointments as Instructor at the Graduate
include 25 states and a population of 450
Center, City University of New York (Marketing
million. The Berlin-Brandenburg region is a
and the Internet), Chairperson of the Global
major junction of European Transportation
Trade and Technology Center, Board of
routes and an important business center in the
Directors member and Services Committee
expanding European Union. This region will act
Chairperson of the Southwest Brooklyn
as a vital gateway between Eastern and
Economic Development Corporation, Chairperson
Western Europe. An understanding of the
and Founder of the International Council of the
specific opportunities that are available in this
New York Software Industry Association,
region will help facilitate the cultural and
Coalition of Asian Pacific Americans, New York
economic exchange between various markets
Asian Womens Center, Liberty World Outrigger
in Europe. Recently, Berlin Partner has seen
Competition, others.
rapid growth and innovation in various
industries, including ICT, media, financial
Ms. Jao hails from Washington DC metro,
markets, biotech, transportation technology
daughter of an elected regional business leader
and aerospace.
and an award-winning published Professor of
Chinese Linguistics and Classics. Ms. Jao was a
At this International Council meeting,
Pre-Law major at the University of Wisconsin-
Alexander Koelpin of Berlin Partner will discuss
Madison, where she earned a B.A. in
the specific opportunities that are available to
International Relations, Political Science and
companies through the Berlin gateway. As the
English. She has completed professional studies
Director of IT of the Economic Development
in Information Technology at New York
Agency of Berlin, Mr. Koelpin has the insight
University and Columbia University, and has an
and ability to guide companies through the
M.S. in Policy Development/ Global Commerce
steps of doing business in Berlin and through
Management from the University of Maryland.
Berlin's gateway to the rest of Europe. Page 1 of 2
August 8 Events Calendar - NYSIA 11/27/2007 06:07 PM

Berlin's gateway to the rest of Europe.

Ms. Jao is fluent in Mandarin Chinese, a
Materials to be presented include:
classically trained pianist and former amateur
Transportation Technology Systems bodybuilder and student of martial arts. Ms. Jao
Communication Centers is based in New York City and travels
Environmental & Energy Industry frequently. She is the founder of a number of
Healthcare Industry international and regional social and professional
Information Technology networking clubs.
Media Communications
Financial Markets Profile: Alexander Koelpin
Biotech Alexander Koelpin, born in 1969 in Germany,
Aerospace studied economics and political science, first
graduating with a diploma in economics from
the Freie Universitaet in Berlin, Germany, and,
thereafter, receiving a double MA degree in
European Studies from Exeter University, Great
Britain, and in Sociology from Jagiellonian
University in Cracow, Poland.

Arthur Andersen's Financial Services in Frankfurt

is where Alex began his path of employment,
creating different IT projects and discovering
great interest in the ICT sector. This led him to
inubit AG in Berlin, where he was responsible for
SW integration and eBusiness projects.

For the last 4 years, Alex has been at Berlin

Partner (Berlin Business Development
Corporation), where he leads a team of
consultants responsible for the media and ICT
sector (including film, TV, radio, IT,
software/hardware, telecom, print,
design/fashion, etc.) As the state's primary
economic development agency, Berlin Partner
provides services to investors free of charge and
guides companies through all the necessary
steps of doing business in Berlin, from solving
Visa issues to finding business partners to
getting cash subsidies (which can amount up to
30 % of the invested sum in Berlin), thus
making investment in Berlin even easier.

Alex is a member of the GABA (German

American Business Association), the German
Atlantic Society (an independent and non-
partisan association providing information about
the tasks and goals of the North Atlantic
Alliance) and medianet, the media association of
the capital region in Germany.

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