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QUALIFICATION TITLE: FISH PROCESSING NC II Unit of Competency: APPLY FOOD SAFETY AND SANITATION Module Title: APPLYING FOOD SAFETY AND SANITATION Learning Outcome LO1: Use Personal Protective Equipment in the Work place. Assessment Criteria 1.1. Personal protective equipment are checked according to the manufacturers specifications. TECHNOLOGY Clean and sanitize personal protective equipment. Learning Concepts/Content SCIENCE MATH YII YIV Suggest ways of Differentiate a minimizing or function from a preventing mere relation. ecological problems. Suggested Teaching/Learning Activities ENGLISH YI-IV Discuss Subject Verb Agreement. (Technology) Cleaning, sanitizing, and identifying PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) GUIDE QUESTIONS

Why is it important to clean, sanitize and identify PPE? Why is it important to wear protective equipment while in the job?

1.2. Personal protective equipment are worn according to the job requirement.

Identify parts and functions of personal protective equipment. (English ) Making verb agree with the subject (Science) Identifying disease-causing microorganisms and their effects

Why is PPE important? How do disease causing microorganisms affect personal protective equipment?

(Math) Investigating the concepts of functions and relations in identifying parts and functions of personal protection equipment

How are function and relation used in identifying parts of personal protection equipment?


LO2: Observe Personal Hygiene and Good Grooming.

2.1.Personal hygiene and good grooming is practiced in the workplace, health and safety requirements.

Practice proper personal hygiene and good grooming.

YII Point out that activities of certain cell organelles are used to promote food production and health.

YI Estimate large number.

YI-YII Discuss simple present tense.

(Technology) Practicing proper personal hygiene and good grooming

Why must personal hygiene and good grooming be practiced in the workplace?

(English ) Giving oral instructions on personal hygiene and good grooming using the present tense of the verb (Science ) Observing microorganisms in a certain medium

Why must safety measures be observed in the workplace?

What happens to microorganisms if you dont observe personal hygiene and good grooming in the workplace?

(Math ) Calculating the number of microorganisms under the microscope

Why do we need to calculate the number of organisms in relation to workplaces health and safety? What are the safety measures in implementing food and sanitation practices?

LO3: Implement Food Sanitation Practices.

3.1 Sanitary food handling practices are implemented in line with workplace sanitation regulations.

Apply sanitary food handling practices.

YII Point out that activities of certain cell organelles are used to promote food production and health. Describe some common viruses and their effects on host cells. YI-YII Simple Past, Simple Future.

(Technology) Demonstrating sanitary food handling practices

3.2 Safety measures are observed in line with workplace safety practices.

Observe food safety practices in the workplaces. Observe good food manufacturing practices.

(English) Writing a report on how to implement food sanitation practices (Science) Discussing the effects of observing sanitation to ones health

How is food sanitation practices implemented?

How does the observance of sanitation affect ones health?


Demonstrating laboratory safety guidelines (Math) Using diagrams

Prepare a diagram showing the relationship between sanitation and health Why is first aid application important? Why must workers be able to apply safety practices? Why must a first aid kit be in a workplace? How are the common accidents met in the workplace be avoided?

LO4: Render Safety Measures and First Aid Procedure.

4.1 Safety First Aid measures are applied according to workplace rules/regulations. 4.2 First aid procedure are applied readily as needed. 4.3 First aid application is coordinated with concerned personnel according to workplace standard operating procedure.

Apply Safety practices.

First aid demonstration.

Apply first aid treatment.

YI Make qualitative observations given a situation or material or when watching events. Discuss and demonstrate first aid safety measures.

YIV Collect statistical data and organize in a table and graphs.

YII-YIII Use Adverbs of manner.

(Technology) First aid demonstration Drill on applying safety practices Demonstrating first aid Applying safety practices

(English) Writing and acting out a script on rendering safety measures and first aid (Science) Using thermometer and sphygometer in getting body temperature and blood pressure

What are the steps in rendering first aid?

Why is it important to know how to get body temperatures and blood pressures using appropriate instruments?

(Math) Presenting data through tables and graphs on accidents met in the work place

How can collecting and organizing data through tables and graphs be used in safety practices in the work place?


LO5: Implement Housekeeping Activities.

5.1 Work area and surroundings are cleaned in accordance with workplace health and safety regulations.

Perform good housekeeping activities Practicing the 5s.

YII Suggest ways of minimizing or preventing ecological problems. YII Analyze the different environmental issues relevant to the community.

YI Measure volume. YII Identify the relationship in real life that are: Direct variation. Indirect variation .

YI-YII Use Imperative Sentences.

(Technology) Constructing a compost pit, recycling, segregating waste

Why must we practice good housekeeping? Why is proper waste disposal important? Why should garbage segregation be practiced in the workplace? What waste materials can be recycled? What waste materials can be composted? Why must hazards in the work place be reported to a designated personnel?

5.2 Waste is disposed according to organizations waste disposal system.

Practice proper waste disposal, waste segregation and recycling waste.

5.3 Hazards in work area are recognized and reported to designated personnel according to workplace procedure.

Observe environmental protection and concern. Observing codes and regulations in workplaces.

YII Point out that activities of certain cell organelles are used to promote food production and health. (English) Writing instruction on waste segregation

How can waste materials be properly segregated?

(Science ) Clean nearby areas and dispose garbage properly Making of compose pit and incinerator for proper waste disposal

Why is it important to clean the surroundings and properly dispose and utilize waste materials?

(Math) Finding the volume of waste disposed Relating the volume of waste to hazards in work area

How much wastes are disposed in a day? a week? a month?


CONTEXTUAL LEARNING MATRIX QUALIFICATION TITLE: FISH PROCESSING NC II Unit of Competency: THE USE OF STANDARD MEASURING DEVICES AND INSTRUMENTS Module Title: USING STANDARD MEASURING DEVICES AND INSTRUMENTS Learning Outcome LO1: Identify Standard Measuring Devices and Instruments. Assessment Criteria 1.1 Standard measuring devices and instruments are identified according to manufacturers specifications. TECHNOLOGY Identify standard measuring devices and instruments. Learning Concepts/Content SCIENCE MATH YIII YI Demonstrate Demonstrate understanding of knowledge and mathematical skills in the use concepts in of measuring Chemistry. devices. Discuss SI units of measurement. Suggested Teaching/Learning Activities (Technology) Identifying, checking, calibrating, and sanitizing measuring instruments GUIDE QUESTIONS

ENGLISH YI-YIV Interpret data from given text.

Why is it important to check, calibrate and sanitize measuring instruments? What are the standard measuring devices and instruments used in food processing?

1.2 Devices and instruments for measuring are properly checked, sanitized and calibrated prior to use.

Check calibrate and sanitize measuring instruments.

(English) Interpreting data

What data need to be interpreted? Why?

(Science) Identifying base quantity in measurements and its corresponding SI base unit and symbol

What are the base quantities in measurements and the corresponding SI base unit and symbol? Why do you need to know these?

(Math) Demonstrating the proper use of measuring instrument

Why is it necessary to properly use measuring instruments?


LO2: Review the Procedure in Using Standard Measuring Devices and Instruments.

2.1 Procedure in using the standard measuring devices and instruments according to manufacturers specifications are needed. 2.2 Printed procedure/brochures/catalogues according to specified food processing methods are consulted.

Use standard measuring devices and instruments.

YIII Demonstrate understanding of mathematical concepts in Chemistry. Discuss SI units of measurement.

YI Convert measurement from one unit to another.

YIV Write procedure using transition signals.

Perform food processing methods based on printed procedure/brochures/catalogue.

(Technology) Using standard measuring devices when processing food Following printed procedure/brochures/ catalogue when processing food

Why must you consult printed procedure/brochures /catalogue according to specified food processing methods?

Why is there a need to recall procedure in using standard measuring devices and instruments? How do you know if you have followed the correct procedure in using standard measuring devices and instruments? How will you convert the unit of measure into desired unit? Why must measuring devices be correctly used? Why is it important to properly clean, wipe, dry and store measuring instruments?

(English) Writing procedure on the use of standard measuring devices and instruments

(Math) Converting the unit of measure into desired unit LO3: Follow Procedure in Using Measuring Devices and Instruments. 3.1 Methods/practices of using measuring devices and instruments are strictly observed according to manufacturers specifications and workplace requirements. 3.2 Measuring devices and instruments are cleaned, wiped dry and stowed after use to ensure conformity with workplace requirements. Follow correctly the procedure in using standard measuring devices and instruments. YI YI Use some laboratory Demonstrate apparatus and knowledge and equipment correctly skill in and safely. measurement. Discuss proper ways of measuring and reading calibrations. Properly clean, wipe, dry and store measuring devices and instruments after use. YI-YIV Develop a paragraph. (Technology) Cleaning, wiping, and storing measuring devices and instruments Demonstrating the proper use of measuring instrument Using standard measuring devices properly


(English) Writing a paragraph about an observation done in the use of measuring devices and instruments (Science ) Demonstrating proper handling and care of laboratory wares, glasswares and other measuring apparatuses

How are measuring devices properly or correctly used?

Why should laboratory wares, glass wares, and other measuring apparatuses be properly handled and cared?

(Math) Measuring properly and accurately using measuring instrument in the workplace

Why is it important to measure properly and accurately?



QUALIFICATION TITLE: FISH PROCESSING NC II Unit of Competency: THE USE OF PROCESSING TOOLS, EQUIPMENT AND UTENSILS Module Title: USING PROCESSING TOOLS, EQUIPMENT AND UTENSILS Learning Outcome LO1: Perform PreOperation Activities. Assessment Criteria 1.1. Appropriate tools, equipment and utensils are assembled according to food processing methods. 1.2. Food processing and equipment is set up, adjusted and made ready according to job requirements. 1.3. Food processing tools and equipment are inspected and checked according to manufacturers specifications. TECHNOLOGY Assemble tools and equipment/utensils according to food processing methods. Learning Concepts/Content SCIENCE MATH YI YIV Use some laboratory Organize data. apparatus and equipment correctly and safely. Suggested Teaching/Learning Activities (Technology) Assembling inspecting, checking and setting up tools and equipment GUIDE QUESTIONS

ENGLISH Y I-IV Read closely to note appropriate details from the text. .

Why only assemble appropriate tools according to processing method? Why do we need to know the functions of tools and equipment according to their arrangement? Why is it important to set up, adjust and prepare tools and equipment according to job requirement? Why is there a need to inspect and check tools and equipment according to manufacturers specification? Why must tools and equipment be sanitized?

Prepare food processing equipment by setting up and adjusting them.

YII Observe wise use of apparatus in the laboratory.

Inspect and check tools and equipment according to manufacturers specifications. Sanitize tools and equipment.


(English ) Scanning details from text related to use of processing tools, equipment and utensils

When scanning details from text related to use of processing tools and utensils, what information or data should you know? Why?

(Science) Following operation procedure of equipment used as listed in the equipment manual Demonstrating certain method of sanitizing equipment (Math) Showing the different functions of tools and equipment according to their arrangement using the listing diagram (Technology) Switching on, checking, operating, and performing minor trouble shooting in processing tools, equipment and utensils

Do you need to strictly follow operation procedure of equipment used as listed in the equipment manual? Why?

Why should you arrange equipment based on the listing diagram?

LO2: Operate Food Processing Equipment.

2.1 Food processing equipment are switched on according to manufacturers specifications.

Switch on the food processing equipment according to manufacturers specifications.

YI Explain the significance of the symbol and devices in doing laboratory work.

YIV Set one to one correspondence between two sets.

Why is it necessary to switch on food processing equipment according to manufacturers specifications? Why do you need to check if the performance of food processing equipment is in conformity with specified output?

2.2 Performance of food processing equipment is checked to ensure conformity with specified output. 2.3 Operation of food processing equipment is managed to achieve planned outcomes.

Check the performance of food processing equipment.

Operate the food processing equipment.


2.4 Minor trouble shooting on food processing tools, equipment and utensils is performed when necessary.

Perform minor trouble shooting in food processing tools/equipment and utensils when necessary.

Do you think is it important to correctly operate a food processing equipment? Why? Why is minor trouble shooting important? (English) Writing a procedure in operating a food processing equipment

Is there a need to master the correct procedure in operating a processing equipment? Why?

(Science) Following proper equipment operations such as Lubrication, Friction and Performance

What will happen to an equipment and its operation if the parts are not regularly lubricated? How does friction affect the performance of an equipment or machine?

(Math) Matching the processing equipment with manufacturers specification LO3: Perform PostOperation Activities. 3.1 Food processing equipment is switched off and unplugged after operation in accordance with manufacturers specifications. Switch off and unplugging equipment. YIV Discuss and practice safety measures in dealing with electricity. YI Apply four fundamental operations with integer. Y I-IV Make a concept map on performing post-operation activities. (Technology) Showing the process how to sanitize food processing equipment and its proper storage

Why do you need to match the processing equipment with manufacturers specification? Why are post operation activities important? Why must equipment be switched-off and unplugged?


3.2 Food processing tools, equipment and instruments are cleaned, sanitized and stored as required according to manufacturers specification and workplace policies and regulations.

Clean, sanitize and store tools, equipment and instruments properly.

YIII Safety precautions to be observed in a chemistry laboratory.

YIV Organize data.

Perform minor preventive maintenance.

Why do you need to consider the manufacturers specifications and workplace policies when cleaning, sanitizing and storing tools, equipment and instruments? Why is preventive maintenance in line with organizational policy done in the workplace? Why do you need to regularly monitor the condition of a machine? Why is there a need to thoroughly clean and sanitize food processing equipment? (English ) Making a concept map based on the text listened to The text is about food processing equipment and tools (Science) Suggesting ways of using electrical energy wisely Discussing proper handling and safety in the laboratory room

3.3 Minor preventive maintenance in equipment is performed in line with organizations maintenance system.

Inspect machine parts. Monitor condition of machine parts.

3.4 Main machine parts are inspected and checked inline with organizations policy.

3.5 Condition of machine is monitored to ensure its availability in accordance with workplace rules and regulations.

How can you save electrical energy while using food processing equipment?

What are the proper handling and safety measures observed in the laboratory room especially when using equipment/machine?


(Math) Solving problems on operations with integers involving post operation activities in the workplace Listing of equipment matched with preventive maintenance measure

What is the importance of integers in relation to post-operation?



QUALIFICATION TITLE: FISH PROCESSING NC II Unit of Competency: PERFORM MATHEMATICAL COMPUTATIONS Module Title: PERFORMING MATHEMATICAL COMPUTATIONS Learning Outcome LO1: Gather and Tabulate the Recorded Data. Assessment Criteria 1.1 Record of weights and measurement of raw materials and ingredients are gathered and summarized according to the workplace standard operating procedure. TECHNOLOGY Record weighs and measuring raw materials and other ingredients. Learning Concepts/Content SCIENCE MATH YI YI Discuss the importance Measure of scientific values in weights. decision making and problem solving in daily life. Explain the value of scientific attitude specifically on the observance of honest and accurate recording. Suggested Teaching/Learning Activities (Technology) Gathering the information of weight and measurement of finished processed product by listing diagram Summarizing and tabulating data GUIDE QUESTIONS

ENGLISH YI-YIV Write output on the interpretation of data through charts.

YI-YIV Write journal entries.

When gathering and summarizing recorded weights and measurements, why will you do it according to workplace procedure?

1.2 Record of weights and measurements of finished processed products are gathered and summarized according to workplace standard procedure.

Gather and summarize records of weights and measurements of finished products.

Why is enterprise requirement considered when summarized data are tabulated? Why are record of weights and measurements of finished products gathered? (English ) Transcoding information from linear to non-linear Writing reflections on learning experiences in journals (Teacher facilitates group discussion about the students experiences in their TVE class)

1.3 Summarized data are tabulated according to enterprise requirements.

Tabulate summarized data.


(Science) Explaining and interpreting data

Why is there a need to gather, summarize, and tabulate the recorded data like weight?

(Math) Converting the given unit of measure into the desired unit Organizing data using tables and graphs

How do you convert measurement from one unit to another involving records of weights and measurement of raw materials and the ingredients? Why do you have to review the various formulations that are used in production? What computations regarding the finished products are applied? Why is checking and counter-checking of percentage formulations for raw materials and ingredients?

L02: Review the Various Formulations.

2.1 Raw materials and ingredients percentage formulations are checked/counter checked according to approved specifications and enterprise requirements. 2.2 Finished products and percentage formulations are reviewed according to approved specifications and enterprise requirements.

Check and counter check percentage formulation.

YIII Demonstrate understanding of mathematical concepts in chemisty.

YI Express the relationships of two quantities using ratios. YI Solve for the percentage. YI Present data through graphs.

(Technology) Applying computation with regards to finished products

(Science) Stating the Scientific Method step by step calculate percentage of raw materials and ingredients to its finished product

How will you apply the scientific method when calculating the percentage of raw materials and equipments to its finished product?


(Math) Solving problems on ratio and proportion involving finished products and percentage formulation

What data do you need to be able to solve problems on ratio and proportion involving finish products and percentage formulation? Why? Why are data on actual spoilage, rejects and corresponding percentage equivalents calculated? Why is there a need to record all calculated data?

LO3: Calculate Production Input and Output.

3.1 Data on raw ingredients, material consumption and their corresponding percentage equivalent are calculated in line with enterprise requirements. 3.2 Data on actual spoilage and rejects and corresponding percentage equivalents are calculated according to enterprise requirements. 3.3 Data on actual recording of yields and recoveries and their corresponding percentage equivalents are calculated according to enterprise requirements. 3.4 All calculated data are recorded according to enterprise requirements.

Fill up of forms of production of output and input.

Record of percentage spoilage and rejects.

YI Demonstrate understanding of the basic processes of science. Discuss organize qualitative and quantitative data in the form of charts, tables, and/or graphs. Interpret data. Explain data and look for patterns and trends.

YI Apply the fundamental Operations.

YI-YIV Fill out forms.

(Technology) Making production report

YIV Collect statistical data and organize data using tables and graphs.

Record of yields and recoveries . (English ) Filling out forms of production output and input

How can you calculate production input and output?

What data do you need when filling out forms of production output and input? Why?

(Science) Organizing qualitative and quantitative data in the form of charts, tables, and/or graphs

What production data can be presented as qualitative and quantitative data in the form of charts, tables and or graphs? Why?


(Math) Solving problems on operation or real number system involving input/output production and spoiled rejects

What input/output production data can be represented in the form of real number system? Why?



QUALIFICATION TITLE: FISH PROCESSING NC II Unit of Competency: IMPLEMENT GOOD MANUFACTURING PRACTICES AND PROCEDURES Module Title: IMPLEMENTING GOOD MANUFACTURING PRACTICES AND PROCEDURES Learning Outcome LO1: Identify Requirements of GMP related to own work. Assessment Criteria 1.1 Sources of information on GMP requirements are located. TECHNOLOGY Enumerate sources of information on GMP requirements. List the sources of GMP in the workplace. Observe GMP requirements and responsibilities. Learning Concepts/Content SCIENCE MATH YI YIV Conduct simple Collect data scientific investigation. using listing Identify the problem. diagrams. Discuss proper ways on how to collect data and present them in appropriate format. Suggested Teaching/Learning Activities (Technology) Enumerating and observating of GMP requirements and responsibilities. GUIDE QUESTIONS

ENGLISH YIII-YIV Present GMP and procedure through multi-media.

What are the sources of information on GMP requirements? Why must you be familiar with the sources of information on GMP requirements? What are your responsiblities so that GMP requirements are met? Why is there a need to arrange the sequence of GMP requirements and responsibilities in order?

1.2 GMP requirements and responsibilities related to own work are identified.

Identify GMP requirements in the workplace.


(English ) Defining terms with focus on sources of information for GMP Conveying information using interactive media as aids (Science) Collecting data and present them in appropriate format

What terms related to GMP do you need to define?

What data must be collected and presented in appropriate format? What do you think is the best format?

LO2: Observe personal hygiene and conduct to meet GMP requirements.

2.1 Personal hygiene meets GMP requirements.

Practice hygiene and sanitation requirements. Comply with GMP requirements on Personal Hygiene.

YII Point out that the activities of certain cell organelles are used to promote food production and health.

YIV Collect data.

YII-YIII Write news script.

(Math) Arranging the sequence of GMP requirements and responsibilities in given order (Technology) Demonstrating in class the proper hygiene needed in the activity given

What is the best arrangement of the sequences involved in GMP?

Why is personal hygiene important in the laboratory/workplace? Why is there a need to properly used clothing in the workplace? Why is proper hygiene important in the workplace?

2.2 Clothing is prepared, used, stored, and disposed according to GMP and workplace procedure.

Prepare of clothing in the workplace properly. Use clothing in the workplace properly.

2.3 Personal movement around the workplace complies with entry and exit procedure.

Comply with entry and exit procedure in the workplace.


Store clothing according to GMP. Dispose used clothing according to GMP.

Why is there a need to observe GMP workplace procedure on preparing, using, storing and disposing clothing? (English ) Writing a newscript about an accident that happened in the laboratory (Science) Browsing appropriate websites on hygiene and sanitation requirements Acquiring varied information for personal hygiene and sanitation requirements Proper storage of clothing in the workplace and GMP workplace procedure (Math) Listing and organizing data on personal hygiene

What is the best mathematical format of presenting data on personal hygiene? Why do we need to observe good manufacturing practices? Why must contamination be prevented?

LO3: Implement GMP requirements when carrying out work activities.

3.1 GMP requirements are identified.

Identify GMP and workplace requirements. Monitor work area materials, equipment and products.

3.2 Work area, materials, equipment and products are routinely monitored to ensure compliance with GMP requirements.

YI Conduct simple scientific investigation. Discuss proper ways and identifying problems.

YI-YII Measure area.

YIII-YIV Expand ideas in a well constructed paragraph observing cohesion and coherence.

(Technology) Demonstrating knowledge/infor mation in handling raw materials, packaging equipment, tools and utensils , packaging components and products according to


3.3 Raw materials, packaging components and product are handled according to GMP and workplace procedure.

Comply with GMP requirements for the work area/ materials, equipment and products.

Y.I Solve problem using ratio and proportions.

3.4 Workplace procedure to control resource allocation and process are followed to meet GMP requirements.

Handle raw materials, package, components and products. Comply with workplace procedure. Control resource allocation. Identify common forms of contamination. Maintain and clean the workplace. Practice good housekeeping in the workplace.

3.5 Common forms of contamination are identified according to GMP requirements.

GMP and workplace procedure Identifying the tools for evaluation in the form of paper based written test using a set of questionnaires and oral interview using a list of prepared questions Demonstrating using a prepared instruction for the activity Identifying contaminated then effect in a workplace

How can complying with GMP requirements prevent contamination of manufactured food products? Why must raw materials and products be handled according to GMP requirements? What are the sources of contamination in the laboratory? How can the sources of contamination in the workplace be eliminated? Why must contamination be prevented in the workplace? How is good housekeeping practiced in the workplace?

3.6 The workplace is maintained, clean and tidy in order to meet GMP housekeeping standards.


(English ) Writing a paragraph about the implementation of GMP in carrying out work activities Learning Activity : Acting out a simulated situation on practicing GMP in the workplace Writing a paragraph about carrying out particular task (Science) Determining the relation of raw materials, packaging components and products with the area of the workplace

How can GMP be implemented in the workplace? What particular activities in the workplace require the implementation of GMP? Why?

What do you think is the relationship that will exist between the raw materials and the components of packaging materials? When selecting packaging materials is it important to consider their chemical components? Why? How will you find the ratio of present data gathered through tables and graphs? What are the critical stages in the preparation of fish for processing? Why?

(Math) Finding the ratio of present data gathered through tables and graphs LO4: Participate in Improving GMP. 4.1 Processes/ practices which could result in non- compliance with the GMP are identified and reported according to workplace reporting requirements. Report workplace requirements. Implement GMP practices and processes. YI Discuss the importance of scientific values in decision making and problem solving in daily life. YIV Collect and organize data. YI-YII Note details. (Technology) Preparing module and activity


Identify and report processes/practices resulting to noncompliance to GMP.

4.2 Corrective action is implemented within level of responsibility.

Implement corrective actions in the workplace.

4.3 GMP issues are raised to designated/authorized personnel.

Report GMP issues to authorized personnel.

Providing information and instructions to enable one to master the required knowledge in the competency Discussing the proper selection of appropriate packaging materials Preparing a set of instructions for practical demonstration Preparing for an oral interview and a set of computer-based question for the writen test

Why is it important to implement GMP requirements and procedure? Who is responsible if a processed product fails to meet standard GMP requirements? Why is there a need to implement corrective measures in the workplace? What valid information must be gathered in the workplace?

(English ) Listening to lecture and discussions to gather valid information

(Science) Choosing valid data from a given list of information practical demonstration Preparing for an oral interview and a set of computer-based questions for the written test

What is your basis for determining if the data you gathered from a given list are valid?


(Math) Interpreting the given information on the GMP Processes and Practices in the workplace

What mathematical operation or procedure can you use to interpret the given information on GMP processes and practices? How is the validation procedure for GMP carried out? Why is there a need for a designated personnel to address issues arising from validation? Why is it important to document validated procedure based on GMP requirements?

LO5: Participate in validation processes.

5. 1 Validation procedure are followed according to GMP requirements.

Observe validation procedure in processes of GMP.

5.2 Issues arising from validation are raised with designate personnel.

Report issues arising from validation.

5.3 Validation procedure are documented to meet GMP requirements.

Document validation procedure in line with GMP. .

YI Identify the important steps in conducting scientific investigation. Explain proper way of making generalizations/ conclusions. Identify limitations and make recommendations for further study.

YIV Analyze information through the given data variation.

YI-YIV Express opinions, ideas on an issue.

(Technology) Assessing through oral interview and written test using a set of questionnaires Applying knowledge acquired through OJT/industry immersion

Y.IV Collect data.

(English ) Doing a panel discussion on an issue related to GMP

What are some of the most common issues in the workplace which are related to GMP?

(Science) Applying knowledge learned to real life situation

In what real life situations can GMP be applied?


(Math) Interpreting and analyzing data based on gathered information

What gathered information can be interpreted and analyzed? Why?

LO.6 : Complete workplace documentation to support GMP.

6.1 Documentation and recording requirements are identified.

Identify requirements for documentation and recording.

YI Identify important steps in conducting scientific investigations.

YIV Organize data.

Y I-IV Write a report.

6.2 Information is recorded according to workplace reporting procedure to meet GMP requirements.

Record information according to workplace procedure.

(Technology) By modular or selfpaced learning, the learner will gain more knowledge/ in formation on completing workplace documentation , recording and reporting procedure according to GMP requirements (English ) Writing a report to serve as documentation in the implementation of GMP (Science) Demonstrating correctly the Scientific Method in given situation (Math) Presenting data through tables and graphs

Why is documentation and record keeping important? What aspects in the workplace need to be documented and recorded? Why?

What report regarding GMP can be written for purpose of documentation?

How can the scientific method be applied in the workplace?

What data gathered in the workplace can be presented in the form of tables and graphs?



QUALIFICATION TITLE: FISH PROCESSING NC II Unit of Competency: IMPLEMENT ENVIRONMENTAL POLICIES AND PROCEDURES Module Title: IMPLEMENTING ENVIRONMENTAL POLICIES AND PROCEDURES Learning Outcome LO1: Conduct Work in accordance with Environmental Policies and Procedure. Assessment Criteria 1.1 Immediate work area is routinely checked to ensure compliance with environmental requirements. TECHNOLOGY Check the workplace. Monitor a safe workplace. Manage wastes Identify hazards and risks in the workplace. Learning Concepts/Content SCIENCE MATH YII YI Analyze the different Express the environmental issues relationship of relevant to the two quantities community. using ratio. Suggested Teaching/Learning Activities (Technology) Proper handling of waste in compliance with environmental requirements GUIDE QUESTIONS

ENGLISH YI-YIV Writing a paragraph describing an ideal work, place using adjectives.

How will compliance to environmental requirements be complied by checking the work area? Why is it important to minimize environmental risks and hazards in the workplace? How do you minimize or prevent hazard in the workplace? How do you segregate garbage? Why is there a need to segregate garbage? Why must environmental risks and hazards in the workplace be minimized? What workplace procedures are to be followed in the fish processing laboratory?

1.2 Hazards and unacceptable practices are identified, and reported to authorized personnel according to workplace procedure.

Report identified hazards and risks to authorized personnel. Minimize environmental risks and hazards in the workplace. Follow workplace procedure and work instruments. Observe OHS. Report incidents due to non-compliance to control requirements taking corrective actions.

YII Understand mans role in maintaining balance in nature.

YI Measure volume.

YI-YIV Interview people.

1.3 Workplace procedure and work instructions are followed.

Y.IV Analyze data.

1.4 Where control requirements are not met, incidents are promptly reported and corrective action is taken.

Y.IV Collect of data.


1.5 Measures used to minimize and handle waste are followed.

Follow measures used to minimized and handle wastes. Recording environmental data. Make an environmental data report.

YII Analyze the different environmental issues relevant to the community.

YIV Organize data using tables and graphs.

What measures are used to minimize waste problems? What ecological data should be gathered based on workplace requirement? Why must ecological data be gathered based on workplace requirement?

1.6 Environmental data is recorded in required format according to workplace reporting requirements.

(English ) Writing a narrative report regarding a safety workplace using correct sentences Conducting interviews to gather information on minimizing environmental risks (Science) Suggesting ways of minimizing ecological problems Segregating biodegradable materials from nonbiodegradable ones

What makes a workplace safe?

How are ecological data gathered ? How can ecological problems be minimized? What are the causes of ecological imbalance?


LO2. Participate in improving environmental practices at work.

2.1 Processes or conditions which could result in an unacceptable environmental outcome are identified and reported according to workplace reporting requirements.

Identify conditions causing unacceptable environmental outcomes. Report identified unacceptable environmental outcome in the workplace.

YII Suggest ways of minimizing or preventing ecological problems.

YIV Collect and present data.

YIII-YIV Use the present unreal conditions.

(Math) Solving problems on ratios and volume measurement involving waste management in the workplace (Technology) Processing work place reporting requirements

How should you handle deviations in control requirements?

Why is there a need to participate in improving environmental practices at work? What are the corrective measures needed to prevent/check environmental problems? Why is there a need for corrective measures? How will corrective measures prevent/check environmental problems? What is your role as a student in maintaining a sound condition in the workplace? Why must you maintain a sound condition in the workplace? How will you help maintain a sound environmental condition in the workplace?

YIV Use the subjunctive after wish.

2.2 Corrective action is taken in accordance with the environmental management and emerging responsive plans as required.

Take corrective actions in environmental management.

YI-YIV Write reflections.

Implement responsive plans to minimize environmental hazards and rules.

2.3 Contributions are made to participative arrangements for managing environmental issues in the workplace based on workplace procedure and level of responsibility.

Manage environmental issues in the workplace. Contribute to participative arrangement for managing environmental issues.


(English ) Group discussions on improving environmental practices at work Writing a reflections and insights resulting from growth in environmental personhood experiences (Science) Discussing mans role in the proper stewardship and care of our ecosystem Identifying common environmental problems caused by mans activities Group discussions on improving environmental practices at work Stating the activities of man that helps in the preservation and protection of our ecosystem (Math) Presenting data on conditios which could result in an acceptable environmental outcome in the workplace

Why is man regarded as the steward of the environment? What environmental problems result from mans activities?

Why is there a need of presenting data?


LO3: Respond to Environmental Emergency.

3.1 Emergency solutions are identified and reported according to workplace reporting requirements.

Identify emergency solutions according to workplace reporting requirements. Report identified emergency solutions in the workplace.

YII Analyze the different environmental issues relevant to the community.

YIV Collect data. YIV Collect statistical data.

YIV Prepare a research paper. YI-YIV Express thoughts, opinions and feelings. YI-YIV Use dependent and independent clauses.

(Technology) Applying of emergency procedure in the workplace

How do we respond to an emergency situation in the workplace?

3.2 Emergency procedure are followed as appropriate to the nature of the emergency and according to workplace procedure.

Follow emergency procedure appropriate to the nature of the emergency and workplace requirements.

Why must workplace requirements be the basis for emergency procedure to be undertaken?

Why is it necessary that emergency procedure followed are appropriate to workplace requirements? Do workers need to follow emergency procedure appropriate in the workplace? Why? (English ) Writing a research paper on a global issue Group discussions on emergency procedure and solutions according to workplace requirements Case studies on emergency solutions and how to respond to environmental emergencies


(Science) Discussing of the properties of salt

What are the chemical and physical properties of salt? Why is salt considered as a preservative?

(Math) Presenting data through tables and graphs. smoke and curing mixtures

Why do we present data through graphs? How will the graph help in determining emergency solutions?



QUALIFICATION TITLE: FISH PROCESSING NC II Unit of Competency: PROCESS FISH BY SALTING, CURING AND SMOKING Module Title: PROCESSING FISH BY SALTING, CURING AND SMOKING Learning Outcome LO1: Prepare Equipment, Tools, and Utensils. Assessment Criteria 1.1 Equipment and tools for salting, curing and smoking fish and other fishery products are prepared in accordance with manufacturers specifications. TECHNOLOGY Prepare tools and equipment for salting, curing and smoking. Learning Concepts/Content SCIENCE MATH YI YIV Use some laboratory Organize data. apparatus and equipment correctly from one unit to another. Explain the significance of the symbols and devices. YI Use appropriate measuring instrument with precision and accuracy to observe characteristical features of materials/events. YI Demonstrate safe ways of using the apparatus. Suggested Teaching/Learning Activities (Technology) Presenting by group the tools and materials needed in: Salting Curing Smoking Calibrating a salinometer Demonstrating in class how to sanitize a salinometer Evaluating the condition of given utensils and equipment to be needed Demonstrating the proper use of a salinometer GUIDE QUESTIONS

ENGLISH YI-YIV Listen closely to instructions pointed out. YI-YIV Order instructions in terms of time order.

How are the equipment, tools and utensils needed for processing fish by salting, curing and smoking prepared? Why do we check, sanitize and calibrate equipment, tools and utensils in processing fish according with manufacturers specifications? Why must equipment, tools and utensils be prepared in accordance with manufacturers specifications?

1.2 Equipment for fish processing methods are checked, sanitized and calibrated in accordance with manufacturers specifications. 1.3 Kitchen utensils for fish curing methods are readied and sanitized in accordance with manufacturers specifications. 1.4 Materials/supplies needed in fish curing are prepared in accordance with the approved specification by the Bureau of Foods and Drugs.

Check, sanitize and calibrate equipment and tools.

Prepare and sanitize kitchen utensils. Follow the occupational health and safety.

Prepare raw materials.

(English ) Following Directions Sequencing procedures

Why are raw materials carefully prepared?


(Science) Practicing correct laboratory procedure on using materials, tools and equipment

Why is it important to practice correct laboratory procedure on using materials, tools and equipment?

LO2: Prepare Ingredients and Raw Materials.

2.1 Raw materials are sorted and graded in accordance with the BFAR specifications. 2.2 Fish are cleaned and washed in accordance with approved Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) standard procedure. 2.3 Fish are eviscerated and washed in accordance with the product requirements. 2.4 Fish and other marine products are fully descaled and eviscerated without damaging the meat. 2.5 Fish are deboned in accordance with the product requirements without damaging the flesh.

Sort and grade of fish.

YIII Classifications of compound whether acid, base, or salts. YII Point out activities of certain cell organelles are used to promote food production and health.

YI Measure length and volume.

Clean and wash fish.

YI Convert measurements from one unit to another.

YI-YIV Write a short paragraph about an activitiy showing procedure, results and conclusions. YI-YIV Use verbals correctly.

(Math) Listing equipment and tools for salting, curing, and smoking fish and other fishery products (Technology) Stating the qualities of best raw materials for salting, curing and smoking Enumerating the causes of spoilage Weighing raw materials accurately

Should equipment and tools for salting, curing and smoking be listed in table form or graph form? Why? What are the criteria in the selection of suitable raw materials? How a raw materials sorted and graded? How do you prepare the raw materials for curing? smoking? salting? Why is careful selection/preparation of suitable raw materials important? Why are fish washed after eviscerating them?

Eviscerate fish. Wash eviscerated fish. Descale fish.

YI Express relationship between two quantities using ratios.

Debone fish.

Why should you not damage the meat of fish when descaling, eviscerating, or deboning them?


2.6 Fish are made into fillets in accordance with product specifications.

Identify the kinds of fish fillets. Weigh of fish .

Why are raw materials weighed according to specifications? Why are fish prepared into different forms of fillets in accordance with product spefications? (English ) Writing a report on a laboratory activity using verbals (Science) Determining the effects of microorganisms to fish (Math) Determining and converting length and mass Determining the number of portions to be deboned Determining the number of portions to be made into fillets (Technology) Determining the ratio of ingredients needed in salting and curing Preparing curing solution using different ratio Curing fish at ideal temperature

2.7Cleaned raw materials are weighed in accordance with BFAR approved specifications.

How do microorganisms cause the spoilage of fish?

What is the measurement of the fillet prepared from a fish? How many percent of the fish was made into fillets?

LO3: Prepare Salting and Curing Solutions and Mixtures.

3.1 Required salt and other ingredients for salting and curing are measured and weighed in line with approved specifications and Occupational Health and Safety (OHS)requirements.

Identify the kinds of salt.

YIII Classify compounds whether acid, base or salts.

YII Measurement of Mass. Ratio and proportion.

YI-YIV Write Procedure.

What are the kinds of salt used in curing fish? What are the requirements in the preparation of fish for salting, curing and smoking?

Describe the properties and composition of salt.

Prepare the ingredients in curing.


3.2 Required ingredients for salting and curing are measured and weighed in line with approved BFAR and BFAD specifications.

Prepare brine and curing solution Measuring exact concentration of brine and curing solutions.

How do you prepare brine and curing solution for salting, curing and smoking? What happens to the finished product if exact measurement of materials are not used during the preparation? (English ) Writing procedure in preparing salting and curing solutions and mixtures

In writing a procedure in preparing salting and curing solutions and mixtures, what information must be included how should it be written?

(Science) Listing the physical and chemical properties of salt

What are the physical and chemical properties of salt which a fish processor must be familiar with?

(Math) Solving for the amount of ingredients needed using ratios

LO4: Cure the Fish.

4.1 Curing solution and prepared materials are mixed in accordance with approved BFAR specifications.

Prepare curing solutions. Cure fish.

YII Explain how osmosis is related to diffusion.

YI Express relationship between two quantities using ratios.

YI-YIV Organize ideas through non verbal communication (Fill out a flow chart).

(Technology) Preparing curing solution

What mathematical formula will you use in determining the amount of ingredients needed? What is the favorable temperature for curing the fish? How do you cure the fish?


4.2 Fish being cured are stored at room temperature or refrigerated temperature at appropriate number of days in accordance with approved specifications.

Store while curing. Store fish while curing at ideal termperature. Submerge fish in the curing solution while curing.

What is the effect of not properly performing the curing process? Why do we need to determine the ratio of proposed mixed materials? Why is it better to store cured products at a refrigerated temperature rather than at room temperature? (English ) Filling out of a flow chart

What are the essential parts of a flow chart showing the processes in fish curing?

(Science) Performing an activity showing the movement of molecules passing a semi-permeable membrane

When does osmosis occur during salting? How does osmosis help in the reduction of moisture from a fish?

(Math) Determining the ratio of proposed mixed materials LO5: Finish the Cured Fish. A. Salted Fish 5.1a Brine cured fish is drained in accordance with approved BFAR standard operating procedure. Identify the methods of drying salted fish. YIII Identify the different chemicals system. Classify compounds whether acid, base or salts. YIV Differentiate functions from mere relations. YI-YIV Organize data. (Technology) Estimating the draining time of a brine cured fish

What is the best ratio for determing the quantity of materials to be mixed? What are the methods of drying salted fish?


5.1b Cured fish is dried in appropriate equipment and medium in accordance with approved BFAR specifications.

Dry salted fish. Use appropriate equipment for drying salted fish.

YI-YIV Identify cohesive devices/discourse markers which introduce and conclude topics.

B. Cured Fish 5.2a Cured fish is packed using appropriate packing medium in accordance with approved BFAR specifications. 5.2b Packed cured fish is stored in appropriate storage medium in accordance with approved BFAR specifications. 5.3a Brine cured fish are drained in accordance with approved BFAR standard operating procedures. 5.3b Fish are cooked in brine using appropriate cooking equipment and medium in accordance with approved BFAR specifications. 5.3c Cooked fish are smoked using approved BFAR specifications. 5.3d Smoked fish are cooled according to approved BFAR specifications.

Identify the kinds of packaging materials.

Pack cured fish.

Store packed cured fish at ideal temperature.

Estimating the drying time for a cured fish Determining the weight of a packed dried fish Determining the length of time, a fish cooked in brine using appropriate cooking equipment Brining/curing, cooking, and smoking fish Packaging of smoke fish

How long do you need to dry a salted/cured fish? What are the factors considered in the actual preparation of cured products? What are the changes that usually occur in cured products when they are not properly handled? Why is it important to use appropriate packing medium for cured products? Why are packed cured fish stored in appropriate storage medium? Why are fish drained before curing? Why is there a need to cook fish in brine before smoking? Why do you need to cool the smoked fish before packing?

Practice proper storing of packed cured fish. -Brining fish. -Draining fish. Brine cook fish prior to smoking.

Smoke fish. What is the importance of matching cured fish with appropriate packing medium in accordance with approved BFAR standard operating procedure?

Cool smoked fish.


5.3e Smoked fish packed according to approved BFAR specifications.

Pack smoked fish.

(English ) Using/Picking out cohesive devices/discourse markers which introduce and conclude topics (Science) Discussing the chemical elements of salt Observing how salt solutions and other ingredients are absorbed into the cured fish Illustrating movement of molecules from an area of greater concentration to an area of lesser concentration

How will salt be absorbed into the fish flesh, through osmosis or diffusion? Why?


LO6: Prepare Production Report.

6.1 Daily production inputs are noted and documented in accordance with basic accounting procedure. 6.2 All production data are recorded and presented in accordance with basic accounting procedure.

Practice recording and documenting production inputs.

YI Identify the important steps in conducting a scientific investigation.

YIV Collect data and present through graphs.

YIIV Organize data.

(Technology) Preparing production report

What particular data in the production need to be recorded? Why? Why is record keeping important to fish processing in general? Explain How can you prepare accurate and up-todate production reports?

Follow prescribed format of production report.

YIIV Prepare for an oral report.

(English ) Writing and preparing oral report about Curing Fish Listening to a text to record data (Science ) Recording correctly a given data on a certain format (Math) Listing some information about daily production inputs documented using basic acccounting principles

What data can be listed in the form of graphs or tables?



QUALIFICATION TITLE: FISH PROCESSING NC II Unit of Competency: PROCESS FISH AND OTHER FISHERY PRODUCTS BY FERMENTATION AND PICKLING Module Title: PROCESSING FISH AND OTHER FISHERY PRODUCTS BY FERMENTATION AND PICKLING Learning Outcome LO1: Prepare Equipment, Tools and Utensils. Assessment Criteria 1.1 Equipment, tools and utensils for fermentation and pickling are selected according to requirements in accordance to approved BFAD specifications. TECHNOLOGY Prepare equipment, tools and utensils for fermentation and pickling. Learning Concepts/Content SCIENCE MATH YI YI Use some laboratory Convert apparatus and measurements equipment correctly and from one unit safely. to another. Suggested Teaching/Learning Activities (Technology) Identifying tools and utensils used in fermentation and pickling processes Demonstrating how certain equipment, tools and utensils are calibrated for correct and valid result Demonstrating how to sterilize equipment /utensil to eradicate presence of microorganisms GUIDE QUESTIONS

ENGLISH YIIV Describe objects through comparison and contrast.

What are the equipment, tools, and utensils in processing fish and other fishery products to be prepared? How are the equipment, tools and utensils in processing fish and other fishery products prepared? Why do we need to prepare equipment, tools and utensils according to approved specifications? Why should you check/calibrate equipment tools and utensils before using them? Why do you need to sanitize equipment, tools and utensils? What will happen if you will not?

1.2 Equipment, tools and utensils are checked and calibrated in accordance with manufacturers specifications.

Check/Calibrate equipment, tools and utensils.

YI Use appropriate measuring instruments with precision and accuracy to observe characteristical features of materials/events.

1.3 Equipment for fish fermentation and pickling are readied and sanitized according to manufacturer specifications.

Sanitize equipment, tools and utensils.

YI Demonstrate Safe ways of using the apparatus. Explain proper handling and cleaning laboratory apparatus.


(English) Comparing and contrasting (Science) Identifying tools, equipment and proper handling of apparatus Physical properties of equipment, tools, and utensils (Math) Converting measurement from one unit to another involving calibration of equipment, tools and utensils used for fermentation and pickling (Technology) Grading and sorting of raw materials

Why is it important to know the physical properties of equipment, tools and utensils before using them?

Why do we need to convert measurement from one unit to another?

LO2: Prepare Raw Materials.

2.1 Raw materials are sorted and graded according to approved criteria and enterprise requirements and approved BFAR specifications . 2.2 Sorted and graded fish and marine products are washed, cut and sliced according to specifications. 2.3 Fish and other marine products are cleaned, eviscerated, cut and washed according to specifications. an

Sort and grade of raw materials (fish).

YII Identify the technologies that help the specific defective organ function properly.

YI Quantity of fish sorted.

What are the preparations done to raw materials for fermenting and pickling? Why is there a need to prepare raw materials according to product specifications? How are the following preparations done? Sorting Grading Washing Eviscerating Descaling Cutting Slicing

Wash, cut and slice of fish.

Clean, eviscerate, cut and was of fish.

YII Suggest ways of minimizing or preventing ecological problem.


Why must fish and other marine products be descaled, eviscerated, cut and sliced without damage to the flesh? (Science ) Making a report in class why internal organs of fish should be removed before processing Discussing technologies that help the defective organ systems function properly (Technology) Identifying processes involved in fermenting fish in accordance with BFAR and BFAD product requirements

Why should internal organs of a fish be removed before processing?

LO3: Ferment Fish and Other Fishery Products .

3.1 Fish is prepared according to approved BFAD specifications.

Prepare fish and other marine fishery products for fermentation process. Mix fish and other marine fishery products with prescribed amount of ingredients. Observe sanitary practices.

YI Understand biological concepts in a given technology. YII Explain the activities of certain cell organelles are used to promote food production and health.

YI Express relationship of two quantities using ratio. YI Measure volume.

YIII-YIV Follow steps in a process.

What preparations are done to fish and other marine fishery products prior to fermentation? Why? What component of the fish breaks down to produce sugar which undergoes alcoholic fermentation? What is alcoholic fermentation? How does it occur in a fermented fish? Why do we need the amount of mixture of fish with the fermenting agent based on specification?

3.2. Ingredients are mixed in accordance with BFAR and BFAD product requirements. 3.3. Fermented fish and other fishery products are allowed to ferment for 2 weeks to 6 months in accordance with BFAR specifications and product requirements. 3.4. Fermented fish is strained, filtered and heated according to specifications .

YII Solve mixture problem. YIII Discuss the techniques implications in preparing, separating and purifying matter.

Ferment fish and fishery products.

Practice safety precautions.


Why is it important to observed safety precautions when fermenting fish? (English) Following Directions

What examples of directions do you need to correctly follow? Why?

(Science ) Discussing the action of microorganism

How do bacteria help in the break down of fish muscles during fermentation? How does hydrolysis hasten the break down of fish muscles during fermentation?

(Math) Finding the ratio of mixture of fish with the fermenting agent based on specifications Calculating the volume of mixture and water

What is the best ratio when preparing a mixture of fish and fermenting agent? Why?


LO4: Perform Pickling of Fish and Other Fishery Products.

4.1 Pickling solution, prepared ingredients and materials are mixed with approved BFAD specifications.

Enumerate the composition of a pickling solution. Prepare pickling solution. Identify the equipment and tools used in pickling. Describe ideal conditions of storage for pickled products. Store pickled products in appropriate containers.

YII Assess the implication and responsibility of any bio technology.

YI Express relationship between two quantities using ratios.

YIII-YIV Distinguish cause and effect relationship.

(Technology) Pickling of fish and other fishery products in accordance with BFAD/BFAR specifications

What are the components of a pickling solution? Discuss the importance of each. Why should you use appropriate equipment and tools for pickling? How does lactic acid fermentation occur in pickled fish? What precautions should one observe in storing cured fish for pickling?

(English) Noting cause and effect relationship (Science ) Identifying subtances and microorganisms that aid fermentation and pickling processes (Math) Finding the ratio of liquid and vinegar Finding the exact mixture of water and vinegar

What are the substances and microorganisms that accelerate pickling processes?

Why do we need to find the exact mixture of water and vinegar? What will happen if the mixture of water and vinegar is not proportional?


LO5: Prepare Production Report.

5.1 Daily production report, input, output and variances are documented according to enterprise requirements. 5.2 All production data gathered are recorded and presented in Prescribed format.

Discuss the importance of recording and documenting production input. Discuss the procedure in recording and documenting production input. Format of a production report.

YI Identify the important steps in conducting a scietific investigation. Enumerate data and present them in appropriate format. Explain the trends and patterns.

YIV Collect statistical data and organize in a table. Present data through graphs.

YI-YII Report the production data using subject-verb agreement and sentences according to structure using simple present tense.

(Technology) Preparing Production report

What is the importance of accurate recording of data? What are the parts of a production report? Why is it important to have a production report? How do we interpret the graph of the information gathered in biochemical reaction against substances?

(English) News reporting

What relevant information must be in your news report?

(Science ) Showing results through tables and graphs Interpreting graphs (Math) Graphing the given information gathered in biochemical reaction against substances

What data in the production report can be shown through tables and graphs?

What information in a biochemical reaction can be shown through a graph? Why?



QUALIFICATION TITLE: FISH PROCESSING NC II Unit of Competency: PROCESS FOODS BY FERMENTATION AND PICKLING (FRUITS AND VEGETABLES) Module Title: PROCESSING FOODS BY FERMENTATION AND PICKLING (FRUITS AND VEGETABLES) Learning Outcome LO1: Prepare Equipment, Tools, and Utensils. Assessment Criteria 1.1. Equipment, tools and utensils for fermentation and pickling are selected according to requirements in accordance with BFAD specifications. TECHNOLOGY Identify equipment, tools and utensils. Operate various equipment. Learning Concepts/Content SCIENCE MATH YI YIV Classify laboratory Differentiate a apparatus based on function from their uses. a mere relation in real life situation. Suggested Teaching/Learning Activities (Technology) Proper preparing of equipment, tools and utensils GUIDE QUESTIONS

ENGLISH YI-YIV Develop paragraph by details.

What are the equipment, tools and utensils to be prepared for processing food by fermentation and pickling? Why is it important to check and calibrate equipment, tools and utensils? Why do you need to match different equipment, tools and utensils with their respective specification? Why are equipment and utensils readied and sanitized according to manufacturers specifications?

1.2. Equipment, tools and utensils are checked and calibrated in accordance with manufacturers specifications.

Calibrate and check equipment, tools and utensils.

YI Use appropriate measuring intruments with precision and accuracy to observe characteristic of materials/events. Y.II Point out that the activities of certain cell organelles are used to promote food production and health.

1.3. Equipment/ utensils for the above food processing are readied and sanitized according to manufacturers specifications.

Sanitize equipment, tools and utensils. Clean and stow of equipment, tools and utensils.


(English ) Writing a paragraph on the preparation of equipment, tools and utensils by details

If you write a paragraph on the preparation of equipment, tools and utensils how can you prepare in such a way that it will contain the necessary details?

(Science ) Identifying tools and utensils used in fermentation and pickling process Demonstrating how a certain equipment is calibrated for accuracy and precision Demonstrating how to sterilize equipment to eradicate microorganisms (Math ) Solving the problems on functions and relations involving the matching of different equipment, tools and utensils with their respective specifications (Technology) Proper sorting, grading, weighing and preparing raw materials

Why do you need to sterilize and calibrate tools and equipment? Why do you need to eradicate microorganisms from tools and equipment?

LO2: Prepare Raw Materials.

2.1 Raw materials are sorted and graded according to approved criteria and enterprise requirements.

Sort and grade raw materials.

Discuss the sanitary food handling practices.

YI Demonstrate understanding of the basic processes of science.

YI Measure weight.

YI-YIV Use sequence signals in the preparation of raw materials using imperatives and sentences according to use.

Why do you need to properly prepare euipment, tools and utensils?


2.2 Sorted and graded fresh fruits and vegetables are weighed, washed, peeled, cut and sliced according to required size and shape.

Weigh, wash and cut according to size and shapes. Clean according to specifications of raw materials.

YII Point out that activities of certain cell organelles are used to promote food production in health.

What is the importance of weighing the cut fruits and vegetables in relation to preparing raw materials? Why should you prepare the raw materials when processing food by fermentation and pickling according approve criteria and enterprise requirements? (English ) Giving instructions on the preparation of raw materials using sequence signals.

Why can sequence signals be used in giving instructions on the preparation of raw materials? Demonstrate how to do it?

(Science) Identifying the different organs of the body

What are the characteristics of fruits and vegetables which you need to consider when selecting and weighing them?

(Math) Finding the weight of fruits and vegetables. Cutting and slicing fresh fruits and vegetables according to required size and shape

How will you accurately get the weight of fruits and vegetables?


What will you do to cut and slice fruits and vegetables with uniform sizes and shapes? LO3: Perform Alcoholic Fermentation of Fruits, and Vegetables. 3.1 Prepared fruit is mixed with water according to specifications. Perform alcoholic fermentation of fruits and vegetables. YII Explain biological concepts in a given technology. Explain fermentation. YI Identify indicators of physical and chemical changes. YI Express relationship between two quantities using ratios. YII Solve mixture problems. YIYIV Describe the process of alcoholic fermentation of fruits and vegetables. (Technology ) Identifying the processes involved in preserving fruits and vegetables Fermenting fruit juices in accordance with specifications

What fruits and vegetables could undergo alcoholic fermentation? Why? When does alcoholic fermentation occur during the fermentation process? Why are sugar and yeast mixed with extracted fruit juice to be fermented? Why is there a need to strain, filter and heat the fermented juice?

3.2.Mixture is allowed to boil and juice is extracted in accordance with specifications enterprise requirements. 3.3. Extracted juice is cooled and mixed with other ingredients like sugar and yeast in accordance with specifications. 3.4. Juice is required to be fermented from 1-2 weeks as required.

(English ) Writing descriptive composition (Science ) Stating food products produced with the action of microorganisms

3.5 Fermented juice is strained, filtered and heated according to specifications.

Is vinegar a product resulting from the action of microorganisms during fermentation? Why?


(Math ) Finding the ratio of mixture of fruit with water based on specifications Calculating the volume of mixture and water LO4: Perform Acetic Lactic Acid Fermentation and Pickling of Vegetables. 4.1 Alcoholic liquid is mixed with mother vinegar according to specifications. 4.2 Mixture is allowed to ferment for 2-4 weeks according to standard procedures. 4.3 Mixture is strained/ filtered then clarified according to specifications. 4.4 Acetous liquid is heated according to specifications. 4.5 Pickled production prepared according to specifications. (English ) Writing procedure using the passive voice of the verb (Science) Identifying substances and microorganisms that aid fermentation and pickling processes Perform acetic acid and lactic acid fermentation/pickling of vegetables. YIII Classification of compounds whether acid, base or salts. Explain different kinds of acids. YI Express relationships between two quantities using ratio. YIII Solve mixture problems. YI IV Write procedure on performing Acetic Lactic Acid Fermentation and Pickling of Vegetables. Use Passive Voice of the Verb. (Technology) Performing acetic acid and lactic acid fermentation and pickling of vegetables

Why do we have to find the ratio of mixture of fruits with water based on specifications?

How does acetic acid and lactic acid fermentation and pickling of vegetables differ? Why is there a need to mix alcoholic liquid with mother vinegar? Why do you need to strain, filter and clarify mixture according to specifications? What is an acetous liquid? Why should this be heated?

What substances and microorganisms aid in fermentation in picling? Discuss how they aid in the process?


(Math) Finding the ratio of liquid and vinegar Finding the exact mixture of water and vinegar

What will happen if the amount of water is greater than vinegar?

LO5: Prepare Production Report.

5.1 All production data gathered are presented in prescribed format .

Report inputs and outputs. Prepare production report.

YI Organize qualitative and quantitative data in the form of charts, tables, and or graphs.

YIV Collect statistical data and organize in a table.

YI- IV Report the production data using verbs in the past tense.

(Technology) Preparing production report using all data gathered

Why is there a need to prepare a production report using all gathered data using a prescribed format? What are the examples of production input? Who is responsible for gathering and recording these data?

5.2 Daily production input (spoilage, rejects and variances).

YIV Analyze and interpret the given statistical data.

(English ) News reporting

Write an example of a news report on a production data.

(Science) Showing results through tables and graph Interpreting graphs

What production data are shown in the form of tables and graphs? Why?

(Math) Presenting the given information gathered in biochemical reaction against substances, analyzing and interpreting the given statistical data

What statistical treatment will you use in presenting the information gathered in a biochemical reaction?



QUALIFICATION TITLE: FISH PROCESSING NC II Unit of Competency: PROCESS FOODS BY SUGAR CONCENTRATION (FRUITS AND VEGETABLES) Module Title: PROCESSING FOODS BY SUGAR CONCENTRATION (FRUITS AND VEGETABLES) Learning Outcome LO1: Prepare Equipment, Tools, and Utensils. Assessment Criteria 1.1 Equipment tools and utensils for processing food by sugar concentration are prepared in accordance with the manufacturers specifications. 1.2 Equipment tools and utensils are calibrated in accordance with the manufacturers specifications. 1.3 Equipment, tools and utensils for preserving foods by sugar concentration are readied and sanitized in accordance with enterprise requirements. TECHNOLOGY Prepare equipment, tools and utensils for preserving fruits and vegetable by sugar concentration. Learning Concepts/Content SCIENCE MATH YI YI Use some laboratory Convert apparatus and measurement equipment correctly from one unit from one unit to to another. another. Suggested Teaching/Learning Activities (Technology) Demonstrating the proper use of equipment, tools and utensils needed in the process GUIDE QUESTIONS

ENGLISH YII Avoid dangling modifiers.

Why must equipment, tools and utensils be prepared and used in accordance with manufacturers specifications? Why do we have to calibrate equipment, tools and utensils in accordance with manufacturers specifications? Why do you need to prepare equipment, tools and utensils in accordance with enterprise requirements?

Operate various equipment.

YI Explain the significance of the symbols and devices in doing laboratory work. YII Point out that the activities of certain cell organelles are used to promote food production and health.

Sanitize tools and utensils. Clean and stow of equipment, tools and utensils.

YIII Use of sequence signals in preparation of raw materials with emphasis on imperatives.

(English) Writing procedure on how to prepare and calibrate tools and equipment

What are the essential information included when writing a procedure on how to prepare and calibrate tools and equipment?


(Science) Writing the importance of sanitizing tools and equipment (Math) Converting unit of measure from one unit to another

Why should tools and equipment be sanitized?

What formula will you use in converting a unit of measure from one unit to another? How are raw materials prepared? Differentiate the preparations done for fruits prepared into jams with those of jellies.

LO2. Prepare the raw materials.

2.1 Availability of raw materials are checked according to required food processing methods. 2.2 Sorted fruits and vegetables are washed peeled, sliced and cut according to required sizes and shapes in accordance with product requirements.

Prepare raw materials according to specifications.

YI Identify the important steps in conducting scientific investigation.

YI Measure volume.

(Technology) Preparing the raw materials needed to undergo the process

Discuss food safety principles and practices Food handling practices.

YI Express relationships between two quantities using ratio.

(Science) Following the steps in Scientific Method

How can you apply the steps in scientific method in the preparation of raw materials?

(Math) Finding the volume of raw materials required in food processing LO3: Perform Acid, Pectin and Sugar Mixture. 3.1 Required amounts of pectin, sugar and citric acid are measured according to approved sspecifications by BFAD. Testing pectin content and point of cooking for jam, jelly, and marmalade. YIII Elements and compounds in daily life. YI Measure volume. YII Following instructions . (Technology) Measuring pectin, sugar and citric acid according to approved BFAD specifications

Why is there a need to find volume of raw materials required in food processing? Why must pectin, sugar and citric acid be measured according to approved specifications?


Enumerate the different elements and compounds use in industries which are vital to out national economy. 3.2 Measured pectin, acid and sugar are mixed with chopped fruit pulp/juice extract, pieces of fruits according to approved specifications by BFAD. Discuss acid ratio adjustment and computation. YIII Demonstrate understanding of mathematical concepts in chemistry. Derived chemical formula of compound, given the mass ratio and tha atomic masses of the elements present.

YI Express relationships between two quantities applying ratio and proportion.

How will you determine the exact amount of pectin acid and sugar needed? (English ) Role playing using modals to give warnings (Science) Expressing the ratio of the volume of s sliced and cut fruits to the volume of raw materials (Math) Determining the exact amout of pectin acid and sugar needed

What are the ratios of acid, pectin and sugar mixture? Why is there a need to find the volume of sugar and citric acid?

LO4: Cook Sugar Concentrates.

4.1 Mixture is heated, boiled and cooked to required consistency in accordance with product requirement. 4.2 Desired end point is checked/tested as specified.

Cook sugar concentrates to desired end point.

Discuss the procedure and techniques in preserving fruits and vegetables by sugar concentration.

YIII Identification of different chemical systems. Differentiate homogeneous from heterogeneous systems, pure substances and mixtures.

YI Measure temperature and time.

YI-YIII Describe orally the process on how to cook sugar concentrates with emphasis on simple present tense of the verb and subjectverb agreement. Sequence events.

(Technology) Preserving fruits and vegetables by sugar concentration

Why is a sugar concentrate mixture cooked to required consistency? Why is there a need to check/test desired end point? Why do you need to estimate the temperature needed to cook the mixture?


(English ) Oral reporting on how to cook sugar concentrates Sequencing events using linkers as signals (Science) Describing the physical properties of heated mixture (Math) Estimating the temperature needed to cook the mixture Determining the boiling point to cook the mixture

How will you determine the boiling point to cook the mixture?

What are the physical properties of a heated sugar concentrate?

How will you determine the appropriate temperature for cooking a mixture? How is a production report prepared? Why is there a need to prepare a daily production report? Why must gathered data be recorded and presented in a prescribed format?

LO5. Prepare production report.

5.1 Daily production of report, input, output and variances are documented according to enterprise requirement.

Prepare production report. Input Output/Yield Record and document production data.

5.2 All production data gathered are recorded and presented in prescribed format.

Perform basic accounting procedure. Prepare productiion data using a computer.

YI Identify the important steps in conducting a scientific investigation. Organize qualitative and quantitative data in form of charts, tables and graphs. Formulate generalizations and conclusions. Identify limitations and make recommendations for further study.

YIV Collect statistical data and organize in a table.

YI-YIII Fill up table.

(Technology) Preparing production report

YIV Organize data in a table and present through graphs.

(English ) Filling up a table based from the text read


Prepare process flow charts/diagrams. Compute, recovery, yields and variances.

(Science) Reporting or present honestly in the class the assigned production data Graphing the data correctly (Math) Presenting the daily production of report, input, output and variance through tables Graphing all the gathered data of production using bar graph or the like

What data are included in preparing an accurate graph?

What production data are presented in the form of a table or graph?



QUALIFICATION TITLE: FISH PROCESSING NC II Unit of Competency: PACKAGE FINISHED/PROCESSED FISHERY PRODUCTS, FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Module Title: PACKAGING FINISHED/PROCESSED FISHERY PRODUCTS, FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Learning Outcome Assessment Criteria TECHNOLOGY LO1: Prepare Packaging Equipment, Tools and Materials. 1.1 Packaging materials are selected and checked according to the finished/ processed fish, fruit and vegetable products specification. Select and check packaging materials. Learning Concepts/Content SCIENCE MATH YIII Demonstrate understanding of mathematical concepts in chemistry. YIII Relate importance of chemistry to daily life and describe its constribution in the society and industry. Wash and sterilize packaging materials. YIV Explain the principle of radiation safety and its importance in society. YI Express relationship between two quantities using ratios. Suggested Teaching/Learning Activities (Technology) Identifying the type of materials that can be used a packing materials Determining the suitable temperature in the packaging finished product GUIDE QUESTIONS

ENGLISH YI YIV Following directions.

What are the types of materials that can be used as packing materials? Why are packaging equipment, tools and materials for processed food products checked according to the finished/processed products specification? Why is there a need to properly select tools and equipment for packaging? Why must you monitor packaging operations? Why is there a need to cool processed/finished products?

1.2 Packaging materials of varying sizes are washed and sterilized in accordance with manufacturers specifications.

YI Convert measurement from one unit to another.

1.3 Appropriate tools and equipment are selected according to manufacturers specifications.

Select tools and equipment for packaging.


1.4Packaging equipment is checked and readied according to manufacturers specifications.

Check and prepare packaging equipment.

YIII Practical application of chemical/phase changes.

Why do you have to find the size of packaging materials in relations to the finished products specification? (English ) Following instructions on preparing packaging equipment, tools and materials (Science) Finding the length of packaging materials needed to pack a given amount of finished product

1.5 Operation of packaging equipment is monitored to ensure conformity with specified product output.

Operate the packaging equipment. Monitor operation of packaging equipment. Cool finished/processed product at room temperature.

Write a precise instruction on the preparation of packaging equipment, tools and materials?

1.6 Finished/processed fish, fruit and vegetables products are cooled to room temperature as required in accordance with approved BFAR specifications.

How will you find the length of packaging materials needed to pack a given amount of finished product? Why do you need to find the length of packaging materials needed to pack a given amount of fished product?

(Math) Finding the size of packaging materials in relation to a given volume or quantity of finished product . Converting the unit of measure of temperature to another unit

Why is it important that the size of a packaging material be based to a given volume or quantity of a finished product?

What formula will you use in converting the unit of measure of temperature to another unit?


LO2: Undertake packaging of finished/ processed fishery products, fruits and vegetables.

2.1 Cooled canned products are placed in appropriate packaging materials. 2.2 Finished products are placed in trays or boxes in accordance with approved BFAR and DTI specifications. 2.3 Fermented/pickled fishery products are packed and sealed hermetically according to enterprise requirements. 2.4 Cooled processed fishery products are wrapped clean according to specifications. 2.5 Dried dehydrated fishery products are packed in appropriate packaging materials in accordance with BFAR and DTI specification.

Package the cooled cured products.

YIII Describe the role of chemistry in society and industry.

Place salted eggs in trays or boxes.

YI Express relationship between two quantities using ratios.

YI IV Compare and Contrast.

(Technology) Determining the total number of wrapped finished products Determining the total number of sealed bottled products Determining the total number of finished sugar concentrate products packed

What are the appropriate packaging materials for cooled cured products? Why do you need to determine the total number of wrapped finished products?

Package and seal of fermented/packed products.

Why do you need to determine the total number of sealed bottled products? Why do you need to determine the total number of finished sugar concentrate products packed? What are the procedure in packaging finished food products?

Wrap cooled, processed products.

Pack the dried/dehydrated fishery products. Pack finished fermented fishery products.

(English ) Developing paragraph using comparison and contrast (Science) Discussing the process of Hydration and Dehydration in relation to preservation of food

How do the process of hydration and dehydration affect the preservation of food?


(Math) Finding the ratio of the number of finished products and number of trays or boxes

How will you find the ratio between the number of finished products and number of trays or boxes? Why is there a need to find the ratio of the number of finished products and the number of trays and boxes?

LO3. Perform Post Packaging Procedure.

3.1 Packaged finished/processed fishery products are sealed and labeled according to approved BFAR, BFAD aand DTI specifications.

Seal and label the packed processed foods.

YIII Describe the role of chemistry in the society and industry.

YI Measure temperature.

YI IV Summarize using charts, tables and graphs.

(Technology) Storing the finished products properly

What are the procedure in post packaging of processed fishery products? How does sealing and labeling differ?

3.2 Conditions of packaged finished/processed fishery products is checked to ensure conformity with specefied outputs. 3.3 Package finished/processed fish products are stored at required temperature and humidity.

Check the condition of packaged finished/processed fishery products.

Store the packaged finished/processed food products.

YIII Demonstrate understanding of how chemical reactions occur. Enumerate and explain the factors affecting rate of chemical reactions.

What is the importance of measuring the temperature in storing the packaged finished products? How can you properly store finished products? Why is there a need to regularly check the condition of packaged finished/processed fishery, fruit and vegetable products?


(English ) Summarizing the steps in a process using a flow chart

How will you show the steps involved in packaging through a flow chart?

(Science) Group discussion on : Aerosion Temperature Humidity in relation to packaging finished fishery products (Math) Finding the temperature at which the food gets spoiled Determining the amount of finished processed products packed Determining the temperature needed in storing the product

Explain how aerosion, temperature and humidity affect the packaging of finished fishery, fruit and vegetable products?

At what kind of temperature will food spoil? Why? How will you determine the amount of finished processed products packed? How will you determine the temperature needed in storing the product?


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