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The Magical Pantheon of Richard Wagner's Ring:

Qabalistic Initiation through the Ring Cycle of Operas

©1995-2000 J.C. Kaelin
ing pieces there are, but none quite like this. This work, written
under considerable difficulties of both dis-ease and circumstance,
was to have been published by Llewellyn Publications as part of
"The Golden Dawn Journal - Volume 5 - Magical Pantheons" in
1996. It was cut at the last minute by the publishers when their
creditors insisted they limit the book to authors who were
already published by the company. Disappointed as I was that
my first chance to be published in print had been lost, I resolved
that at some future date I would publish the piece online instead. I can think of no
better time to do that than Sunday of "Ring Weekend" 2000, that being the first
"Ring Cycle" celebration of the millenium, which commemorative event is held at
Wagner's own Opera House in Bayreuth, Germany the first weekend of every
This piece is an analysis of Wagner's Ring in terms of
the Hermetic Qabala. It is not meet for me to engage in
an explanation of Qabala during the course of this brief
introduction; however, the Esoterica
section and its links within and without the site should
give intrepid souls sufficient guidance to expand their
familiarity with the subject.
In closing, at the end of my six-month long, nearly
entirely engaged with the project period of writing the
original piece (the current condensed version having
been compressed from its over 250 pages), having
immersed myself thoroughly in all 17 1/2 hours of the
Ring, it was with some pleasant surprise and humble
appreciation that it occured to me that a young California girl practically summed
up the whole Ring in the course of one verse of song --

"When the truth is found to be lies,

and all the joy within you dies,
Don't you want somebody to love? | Don't you need somebody to love?
Wouldn't you love somebody to love? | You better find somebody to love!"

God Bless You and Keep You.

J. C. Kaelin
Sunday 6/25/00 Day of C.
Part II:
The Magical Pantheon of Richard Wagner's Ring:
Qabalistic Initiation through the Ring Cycle of Operas
©1995-2000 J.C. Kaelin

Lord Bulwer-Lytton's literary works inspired more

than one distinguished occultist in his career. From the
1830's to 1880's, his works were read by several
generations of aspiring occultists. The most famous of
these (among modern occultists) was S. L. MacGregor
Mathers, whose reading of Lytton's Zanoni sparked his
career in esoteric and occult literature, and resulted in
his being nicknamed Zan.
Mather's work, particularly with the Golden Dawn, set
a standard we still look upon with awe. His rituals have
become the most practiced of all occult ceremonies,
particularly the Lesser and Greater Rituals of both the
Pentagram and the Hexagram. To literate occultists the
world over, this one individual appears to be the most
famous occultist Lord Lytton inspired.
But in 1837, after sailing wicked tempests to an
uncertain fate, Richard Wagner read Lytton's Rienzi, and immediately resolved to
make it an opera. It became Wagner's first musical success, confirming him in a
career that eventually produced what some consider the greatest mystery play ever
written - his monumental, four-part operatic masterpiece, The Ring of the Niblung ,
based on his deep esoteric understanding of the myth of the Niblungenlied - which,
along with his other esoteric operas, claim him as the most famous occultist
inspired of Lord Lytton.
This article is not directed to operatic audience; it is directed at practical occultists,
both mystics and magicians alike - for although Wagner
wrote Operas, his operas are metaphysical psycho-drama.
My reason for writing this piece are compelling. Much
has been written about the Ring cycle of operas, many of
them concentrating on Wagner's anti-Semitism and
upon the Nazis. I hope many will feel a wry sense of
humor in the fact that Wagner considered himself
Jewish. He believed he was the son of Ludwig Geyer, a
Jewish painter and actor, who married his mother nine
months after the death of Friedrich Wagner, Joanna's first husband and Richard's
namesake. Indeed, this may be why Wagner waited until restrictions against non-
Christian members were lifted by the Bayreuth Masonic Lodge before applying
there for membership.
This would be poetic justice, for Masonry, and indeed the heart of Western Esoteric
Tradition, is based on the Hebrew Qabala; and it is the purpose of this article both
to illustrate the symbolism of Wagner's Ring Qabalistically, as well as to extricate it
and its Pantheon from association with racists, bigots and criminals. That a
celebrated anti-Semite (as he certainly was, especially later in life) should use a
Jewish mystical system to order a Nordic opera is as potent a riposte against so-
called Aryan racism and bigotry as one might wish to have.
I must with strength and vigor here separate myself from a
growing number of neo-nazi occultists on the esoteric scene.
I've been a devoted Qabalist for more than half my earthly
life, and my especial disposition towards the Nordic Pantheon
is due to a Qabalistic appreciation of the same. Surely, the
God Wotan (or Wodin, Woden, Odin, etc.) through which I
worship The Divine would not countenance for a moment the
ill treatment the Nazis inflicted upon those they labelled
strangers (as though people living in and contributing to a
country for hundreds of years could ever be called
strangers!). The Wotan I know deeply despises the orgy of
hatred and violence directed at the Jews by the Third Reich;
in fact, that they did so in his Name is the greatest crime
committed against him. This is well evinced by the relative
calm of Jewish-Christian relations in Germany, from the time
of the arrival of the Jews there in the Middle Ages, to the
beginning of the reign of National Socialism. In other
European countries of the time, particularly France and
Britain, the Jewish people unfortunately fared much worse. The development of
Yiddish, with its heavy German influence, is eloquent example of just how deep
their roots went into the life of Germany.
Truly, the Wotan I know has cried bitterly for the enormity of the crimes of Nazi
Germany. A lover of wisdom, champion of the oppressed, and propagator of
universal understanding and brotherhood, whose Name was and is taken in vain by
the enemies of all he holds dear (enemies which are characterized in the Ring) - in
short, a Being whose nature calls out for the redemption of his memory - all this
and more, Wotan is - and my hope is that I can make this point clear in the course
of this piece.
A Qabalistic Key to the Nordic Pantheon
It shouldn't be surprising that Nordic Adepts
employed Qabala, strange as this may at first seem.
Guido von List, whose esoteric writings were
concurrent with Bulwer-Lytton's, has been reputed
by Dr. Stephen Flowers to have been working on his
magnum opus, a book on the Qabala, just prior to
his death. It should furthermore not raise an
eyebrow that Qabalistic Adepts used Nordic images
in the communication of their knowledge - the Tarot
Trumps of A. E. Waite, Paul Foster Case and others
are replete with such Northern European
symbolism. One of the true wonders of the Qabala is
its ability to incorporate different religious systems
within its own, assigning each god or goddess their
appropriate place upon the Tree with clarity and
precision. Whereas Guido von List used Runes Qabalistically, and Waite and Case
put Nordic Images upon their Qabalistic Tarot Trumps, so Wagner in his rendition
of great Nordic mystery play utilized the Qabala to order it - a perfectly natural
thing for a Qabalist to do. Unlike these others, Wagner used music as his medium,
in many ways better suited than other media for both the propagation of mysteries
and the alteration of conciousness.
It is particularly upon Wagner's Masonic associations that the claim of a Qabalistic
Ring theme may be justified; Qabala being the key by which Masonic mysteries are
decoded, and it being a source from which Wagner could have conceivably drawn
Qabalistic knowledge. Such association is well established, for besides his good
friend, the composer Franz List's membership, his brother-in-law, Prof. Oswald
Marbach, was one of the most important Freemasons in the world - and his good
friend, the banker Feustel, was Master of the famous Zur Sonne or Lodge of the
Sun of Bayreuth (which some claim may have been the source of lineage for the
Golden Dawn, though this is debatable), a Lodge which produced such ritual
examples as this, written some time after 1874:
(Music or Song.)
Thou Wanderer, wholly divested
of all vain ornaments,
Hast thou sufficient inner dignity,
And personal worth?
Pomp and empty appearance mean nothing here;
Thine heart should be our brother.
As will become apparent in the course of the Ring, this quote evinces Wagner's
influence on Masonry, for it is a statement of the heart of the drama of the Ring
It is almost a cliché that Wagner's Operas are filled with esoteric and Masonic
content. Of these, Parsifal has received the most attention for its Masonic
symbolism. Aleister Crowley insisted that students of his Masonic O.T.O. order
attend its performance, and many authors have analyzed this opera both
Masonically and Qabalistically. Largely, this is due to its subject matter being more
apparently associated with Qabalistic tradition - the Templars, the Holy Grail, the
Masonic and Rosicrucian references are replete, and Masons have gone to great
lengths to recognize their arcana is this opera, as they have in his others.
For these reasons, many Masons believe him a member of their fraternity, but this
is incorrect. He wanted to be initiated, but was asked not to apply by Feustel, to
prevent upsetting some members of the fraternity and members of the Bavarian
clerical opposition. Although not a member Mason, his work demonstrates that he
thought of himself as one at heart.
So we see that Wagner was as much a child of 19th century occultism phenomenon
as any, and that his association with Qabala through Masonry is a matter of
historical record. We see also that other Qabalistic authorities of that century and
this drew a great deal from the Nordic pantheon in their Tarot designs and
Qabalistic teachings. What follows then is an esoteric journey into the heart of the
Ring of Life, made intelligible by the light Qabala shines upon it.
Part III:
The Ring Cycle
The story is based upon the Niblungenlied, which was contemporary with Parzival
as the crystallization of the epic poetry emerging out of the dark ages in the early
13th century. It was adapted by Wagner to incorporate what different versions of
key events (in the Eddas and elsewhere) of the saga inspired, in order to tell his
conception of its mysteries as archetypically appropriate and metaphysically
accurate as possible. It tells the central myth of creation, that of birth, life, death
and resurrection, appearing in many forms throughout world mythos, which in the
Ring is called Sleeping and Waking.
The Pantheon (in order of appearance):
The Rhine
The Stream of Consciousness, crowned by Kether, flowing from the robe of Key II
The High Priestess, into Tiphareth, wherein is the Rheingold, the Solar Heart of
Creation. The prima materia. The life-giving blood of the Universe. The font of the
waters of life and of the Four Qabalistic Rivers. Mem, water. Key XII The Hanged
Man, depicting Wotan hanging from the World Ash Tree, symbol of death and
resurrection, referred to in the Ring as Sleeping and Waking.
The Rhinesisters
Innocent primordial nature, newly issued from the prima materia, whose expression
is inherently primitive. The Three of Cups, as depicted in Waite's deck. The three-
fold principle of Binah, Sephirothic Root of Water. Gimel, three, letter of Key II
The High Priestess, source of the Stream of Consciousness and bearing the Magical
Image of Binah. Primordial Trinity. Faith, Hope and Love (or Charity). The three
pillars of the Tree of Life. The three roots of the World Ash Tree. The three
psychological principles of Selfconciousness (Mind), Subconciousness (Emotion)
and Superconciousness (Spirit). The three Rings of KThR, Sephirothic source of
Key II's River: Kaph (Wheel of Fortune), Tav (The World), and Raish (the fairy
Ring and the Orb of The Sun). The three creatures surrounding the Ring of Key X.
The three mother letters. Generally, Woglinde represents Emotion,
Subconciousness and the Pillar of Mercy; Wellgunde, Mind, Selfconciousness and
the Pillar of Severity; and Flosshilde, Spirit, Superconciousness and the Pillar of
Equilibrium. Undines, the Elemental Beings of Water.
The Niblungen
("Children of the Mist")
A race of dwarven smiths who forge metal in their underworld city of Nibelheim.
They work in the fiery bowels of the earth, fired by the path of Shin. Relative to all
smith Gods, especially Hephaestus. Infernal being. Key XV The Devil. Saturn,
ruling Capricorn/Key XV, exalted in the litigation of Libra/Key XI, and assigned to
Binah, in opposition to Chokmah/Wotan. Gnomes, beings of the Element of Earth.
Key IV The Emperor, infernally inverted. Key IV Alberich with Hammer and Ring
depicted as the Crux Ansanta, his anvil as the Cube, and his fire symbolized by his
Sulphur symbol pose. Lord of Terrestrial and Infernal Fire. Key XV The Devil,
pretending to Key IV's position through the power of the Rhine-Gold
(Sun/Tiphareth) between. Key XV Alberich binding people (particularly couples) to
a Ring on his anvil, which serves to elevated his position. Aiyn, the Eye, in quest of
Heh's sight. Alberich the continuos watcher of the Ring. The contention of Key XV
over Key IV. Mars, in contention against Key XVI The Tower, ruling Aries/Key IV
and Scorpio/Key XIII Death, exalted in Capricorn/Key XV, and assigned to
Geburah, in opposition to Chesed/Jupiter/Wotan. Peh, the Mouth, pronouncing the
fatal Ring curse. Severity over Mercy. Matter over Spirit. Faust. Infernal
dramatization of Saturnian Dominion and Slavery. The testing of virtue, which
brings about the Purification by Water and Consecration by Fire that will save the
Universe. The choice of bondage in selfish greed over the bonds of selfless love.
The Rhinegold
The Solar Gold of the Heart of Creation. Gold as an emblem of the Sun as the
source of all things. The Sun, whose daily circuit of Day and Night creates a Ring
around Heaven and Earth. "The Gold that Sleeps and Wakes". The universal life
force, from which the active (waking) and passive (sleeping) aspects of Nature are
derived. The One Thing, within which all accords, and into which all resolves. Life,
manifest in cycles between opposing forces - life and death, rise and fall,
construction and destruction, activity and passivity. 0, the cyclical numeral
representing the No-Thing that is Everything. The Ace of Coins, made of circular
Gold. Infinite Power (as a Ring has no beginning or end), unleashed when forged as
a Ring by one forswearing love. Spirit in Matter. Pure nature. Ideal creation. The
Divine perfectly united with form in both the Microcosm and Macrocosm. The
Philosopher's Stone. The point within the circle-ring around which the Rhinesisters
swim. Referred to by the Rhinesisters as "The Wakener" and the "Star of the
Deep" - referring to the titles of Mary, depicted on Key II, of The Eastern Star and
Stella Maris. True Beauty. Perfect Innocence.
Walhall (Valhalla)
(Literally, "Hall of the Slaughtered"; "Hall of the Slain"; "Hall of the Fallen")
The abode of the Gods and Noble Humanity, whose acts of bravery gain them entry
and eternal renown. The Celestial City, first appearing in morning mist atop a high
rocky mountaintop. The crowned mountain top of Keys XIV and XVIII, built atop
the sheer rocky heights of Key IV, invisible on the mountains of Keys VI, VIII and
IX. The rocky summit of the Spirit of Aither, proceeding from the Kether the
Crown. The walled city of Key VII. The Watchtower of Key XVI, which will be
destroyed when the old order gives way to the new. Key IV's high sheer rock,
standing before a river valley. Key IV Walhall, standing before the Rhine River
Valley. Key VII the walled city on the river's far side. Key VII walled Walhall on
the far side of the Rhine. The stone edifice raised by the rebellious Riesen Masons
Fasolt (Jachin/Mercy) and Fafner (Boaz/Severity) by order of Key IV Wotan the
Grand Architect of the Universe, Lord of Reason. The symbolic reward of all who
have mastered fear.
The Gods
The 12 Greek Olympians, ruling the Universe from Mt. Olympus. Key 0 The Fool,
distinguished from Key XXI Niblungen. Spirits of Aither, ruling the Universe from
Mt. Abiegnus. The Aesir, the 12 Gods who rule the Universe from the mount of
Walhall. The Asynjur, the 24 Goddesses of the Nordic Pantheon. The 36 deities of
the Ring of the Gods. The Deities of the 36 Decans of the Ring of the Zodiac. The
Ring that is the 0 of Key 0. Foolishness. Innocence untried. Keys II and III, for the
Women. Keys I and IV for the Men. Keys V, VI and VII. The Supernal Triad,
dispensing its power through the Sephiroth of Yetziratic World centered in
Tiphareth, to affect the outcome of matters upon the Assiatic World.
In the Ring, there are five main gods, Erda, and the Norns and the half-god Loge to
start with. More are added with the birth of the Walkuren.
Part IV:
Wotan (Woden, Wodin, Odin)
(From Witan, meaning the "Circle of Wisemen" who gave counsel in tribal affairs -
root of the English Wisdom).
The central character of the Ring. The Ring cycle is a drama of the soul, and the
soul the drama takes place in is Wotan's. Every character is a projection of his
psyche. The Archetypal Initiate, the drama around him serving as initiator. Divine
Will. The image of IHVH dispensing his power of office. I of IHVH, which I is
symbolized by his emblem of office, the Spear. Adam Kadmon, the Archetypal
Man. The archetype of God-Man. All the male Trumps - Keys 0, I, IV, V, VII, IX,
XII, XV and XIX - several bearing images drawn directly from his mythos.
Key 0 The Fool, the Lord of the "Castle in the Air", Walhall. The Germanic Sky
God, most often dressed in cloud-gray robes and sky-blue hood, bearing his Spear -
exactly as depicted on Key IX. In myth, he had four magical creatures, two celestial
and two terrestrial, representing the four Kerubim - two ravens (Hugin - Thought -
Aquarius, and Munin - Memory - Scorpio), and either two wolves or two hunting
dogs (Geri - Taurus, and Freki - Leo - pictured on Key XVIII as a wolf and a
hunting dog). The terrestrials appear halfway-through the Ring, the celestials at the
end. These four reduce to two symbols - the Dog or Wolf of Key 0, and the Eagle
pictured on the Fool's purse in the Waite and Case decks. They both reduce down
to a flying (eagle) quadraped (dog or Wolf), which are the horses he and his siblings
ride. Wotan Crowned with the Eagle-winged Helmet when riding out to battle.
Aleph, One, Number of the Sephira Kether, the Crowned King of All in the
Heavens and the Earth.
Key I The Magician . The Great Magician of the Gods. He whose Spear-Tip rises as
high over his head as The Magician's upraised wand (also see Wotan as The
Wanderer). Winged-Cap Mercury, Crowned by Kether, assigned to Hod, the
Sephira of the God of Armies. Wearer of the Winged Helmet on the battlefield of
Cheth/Key VII, the next path to proceed down the Pillar of Severity after Key I.
Intelligence. Mercury, ruling Key VI The Walsungen and Key IX Wotan The
Wanderer, and exalted in Key IX Wotan and Key XVII Brunnhilde and Grane.
Enlightened (Kether) Intellectual (Mercury) Understanding (Binah). Spiritual
Praxis. Beth, two, number of Chokmah, Sephira of Wisdom. IH, Yah, The Magical
Image of Chokmah, a Bearded Male Figure. Chokmah Sphere of the 12 Signs of
the Zodiac. In myth, Wotan ruled over the Aesir, the twelve male Gods of the
Nordic Pantheon. Chokmah, crowned with the Spirit of Aither. Divine Mind.
Key IV The Emperor of the Gods. Chief Among the Mighty. The Son of the
Morning, Lord of the Castle Walhall that first appears at Dawn. The "Grand
Architect of the Universe" depicted on Key IV. Wotan, the Chief Architect of the
Building of Walhall, who first seeing it said it was just as he imagined. The God
who gave up his eye for Wisdom, which in the Ring is his left eye, place of
Chokmah, the left side of the face. His Crux Ansanta on both Waite's and Case's
Key IV depicts a Ring surmounting a Tau-Cross before an unseen right eye. The
Emperor depicted in profile, the Magical Image of Kether. Reason. Enlightenment.
Heh, Five, number of Geburah. Wotan the War God Mars. The Higher Mars of
Geburah in just balance with Chesed, manifest as Key XVI Walhall, ruling
Aries/Key IV The Emperor and Scorpio/Key XIII Death, and exalted in
Capricorn/Key XV. Peh, the Mouth, which pronounces Divine Edict. Key IV
Jupiter, the Crowned and Throned Magical Image of Chesed - especially Waite's
Emperor, the Byzantium image of the statue of Zeus of Olympia, one of the Seven
Wonders of the Ancient World. Key IV Jupiter Lord of the Heavens, ruling from
atop the Mountain rock of Olympus. Zeus throwing the Lightning Bolt of Key XVI.
Key V The Hierophant. Wotan the High-Priest King, to whom Gods, Riesen and
Niblungen kneeled and swore obedience to his will (Spear) and word (Vav/Hearing)
upon his ascension to the Throne. In Nordic mythology, a vow (a vav) sworn upon
the metal Tip of Wotan's Spear was to sacred to break.. The Hierophant coronated
by the Triple-Crown of Kether (K, Th & R). Thrice-Great Hermes, Magus of the
Eternal, as Key I is Hermes, Magus of Power. Creed, symbolized by the Spear, and
the treaties carved in magic Runes around it.
Key VII, Lord of the Battlefield, coming from the walled Walhall behind him, in
front of the river which is the Rhine. His Winged Helmet is symbolized by the
Winged Disk upon the Chariot. The conjoined Lingam and Yoni symbol represent
the union of Wotan and Era and their Walkuren issue.
Key IX The Hermit, whereon is depicted his most traditional garb (see Wotan as
The Wanderer). Key XII The Hanged Man, Wotan Self-Slain upon the World Ash
Tree in quest of Wisdom. The mythical pool Wotan placed his eye in for the
wisdom-giving waters it gave him. He hangs in the form of the sulphur symbol
reversed, not erect as on Key IV.
Key XV The Devil, the Creature who strikes terror into the shadow of one's soul.
Wotan bedeviled by the Ring curse. Evil's Nemesis. "Master of the Game". Key
XIX The Sun, the innocence lost when Wotan's youthful indiscretion compromised
himself. This innocence he plans to regain through the working of his master plan -
exercising the Collecting Intelligence of Raish to bring humanity within the walls of
Walhall which run as far as Key XIX. Key XX his Judgment to order Walhall set
alight when all three Walsungen are dead, as depicted. Key XX the Phoenix who
dies and resurrects from his pyre to fire the heart of Man with the divine. The
Penis. The Phallus. The Lingam.
Wotan as The Wanderer
Key 0 The Fool, the Archetypal Wanderer. His yardstick represents his Spear. The
Wayfarer, whose travels (travails, the lot of Fools) have made him wise. Motive
force, depicted in the popular image of the traveler, whose persistant travel around
the world has made him Key I The Magician. His floppy hat appears in many
versions of Key I, in some as a Lemniscate over his head. Mercury, ruling and
exalted in Virgo/Key IX. Key IX The Hermit garbed exactly as is The Wanderer.
Key I The Magus of Power ruling and exalting in Key IX the Magus of the Voice of
Power. He bears "a Spear as a Staff", dressed as the Germanic Sky God in cloud-
gray robes and sky-blue hood. Mercurial cognition, traveling in-cognito, appearing
as a guest in people's homes, aiding the helpless with the enlightening lamp of his
counsel, and vanquishing villains. The Higher Mercury, proceeding from Kether
the Crown, founded on Binah, Understanding, walking through the world of Saturn
above (Key XXI) and below (roots) the Earth of Malkuth.
Wotan's Spear
The Ace of Wands. Waite's Ace has a castle symbolic of Walhall in the background.
Divine Will, ruling with and regulated by the order it creates. The Staff of The
Fool, The Hierophant, The Chariot, The Hermit, Death (Waite's Flagpole and
Case's Scythe) and The Sun (Waite's). The upraised wand of The Magician. The
Crux Ansanta of the Emperor, around whose circumference ring Wotan's treaties,
binding Spirit in adherence to convention. The upholding of the letter
circumscribing the Spirit of Law. The Spear upon which the laws of creed, religion
and faith are inscribed. The Torch of Key XIV (Case) and Key XV.
Part V:
Fricka (Frigga)
Key III The Empress, the wife of The Emperor Wotan. Convention and the status
quo - the order to be overthrown in the course of the Ring. AIMA, the Bright
Fertile Mother, who in time becomes AMA, the Dark Sterile Mother. The dark
aspect of Venus.
Freia (Freya)
Key III The Empress, the Lady Venus. The Golden-haired Goddess who tends the
Golden Apples of Eternal Youth - Goddess and Apples both being reflections of the
Rhinegold. AIMA, who will revert to AMA if kept from tending the Golden Apples
that daily restore youth to the Gods. Dispenser of the Golden Apples of Eternal
Youth or Immortality. Dispenser of the Fruit of the Tree of Life. The bright aspect of
Venus. Key 0.
The Riesen
Key IV the Mason builders of Walhall. The craftsmen under the instruction of Key
IV Wotan, Wise Chief Architect of the building of Walhall, whose orders were
carried out by these rebellious twins' labors. Builders of the stone edifice the Riesen
raised upon the summit of Wotan's steep rocky mount. Key IV The Mason seated
on the cubic stone, holding Crux Ansanta from which the working tools of a Mason
are to be derived. The Twin Masonic Pillars, Jachin (Fasolt) and Boaz (Fafner), at
the porch of Key IV Wise King Solomon's Temple. The Twin Pillars of Mercy
(Fasolt) and Severity (Fafner). The Twin Giants that ruled the Earth they towered
over, before the rule of the Gods lead by Wotan.
Donner (Thor)
Key I The Magician, who calls the Lightning down from the sky with a Lightning
Rod. Key I Wearer of the red Mantle of Mars. Key XVI/Mars the Lightning Rod.
Lightning personified. Mars, Sphere of Geburah, manifest as Lightning cast from
Above to Below on Key XVI, ruling both Key IV Donner with his Hammer and Key
XIII Death and Renewal, and exalted in dismissing the evil surrounding Key XV.
Mars, God of War, as is Wotan, each representing Executive Power - Wotan the
power itself, and Thor its dispenser. Appearing only in Das Rheingold, the force he
unleashes operates throughout the Ring.
Donner's Hammer
The Hammer/Crux Ansanta of Key IV. The resolution of the weapons representing
the four Aces of the Tarot in the Ring. The Golden Dawn's Hammer of Thor, their
Badge of Admission to the 1=10 Rosicrucian Grade of Zelator. Referred to the
Kingdom (Malkuth) and Crown (Kether), just as his hammer swings from Above
(1) to Below (10). The Clockwise Fylfot Cross or Swastika (which reversed became
the Nazi Swastika - though both were used by them, to the greater blasphemy of the
symbol). The Hammer of Zealous Donner. The Hermetic (Key I) axiom of "As
Above, So Below". As Donner/Mars swings his Key IV/Aries Magical Hammer to
disperse the clouds of doubt surrounding the Gods, so Donner/Key XVI calls the
Stormclouds together, and with a blow from his Hammer delivers the lightning and
thunder (Shin) that brings the rain (Qoph) that clears the clouds (Tav's Kerubim)
of gloom surrounding the Earth (Malkuth) - that the Sun (Raish and Tiphareth)
might shine and show the Rainbow Bridge (Samek/Quesheth) that leads to shining
Walhall, refuge from darkness (The Star/Tzaddi).
Froh (Frey)
("Joy" - "Happiness")
God of Golden Sunshine and Beauty. Tiphareth, sphere of Gold, the Sun and
Beauty. God of warm summer showers. Summoner of the Rainbow Bridge Bifrost
after Donner dismissed the clouds of doubt in Das Rheingold. The Sun interacting
with clouds to produce the rainbow. Key VI Cupid, the God of Love. Happiness.
The entity invoked by the Ring's heroic characters when they exclaim their wish to
be froh. Upon seeing Freia taken by the Riesen, he calls her to him, saying "Froh
protects the Beautiful One".
Loge (Loki)
(Literally "(Theater) Box" - from Lugh, meaning "Fire" and "Light").
Fire. Alchemical Sulphur. Key XX Judgment, whose Title refers to the Mercurial
capacities that rule over the path of Shin, whereon is depicted a stone box. Key XX
Mercury manifesting as Fire upon the Earth. Lucifer, Bearer of Light and Fire.
Fire personified, distinguished from Key IV/Wotan, Imperial Lord of Celestial
Fire, and Key XV/Alberich, Lord of the Terrestrial Fire he employs in his smithing.
Being half-god, he is Wotan and Alberich resolved. Beth, Mercury. Beth, two,
number of Chokmah, the Sephirothic Root of Fire. Two, number of diabolism,
deceit, and duplicity of nature, reflected by his half-divine status. The Hermetic
Praxis of Above and Below. The messenger (Hermes) between the Gods above and
world below, for purposes of communication and intelligence.
"To depths and to heights
I go as I will."
Key XV The Devil, whose half-man/ half-beast standing upon half-truth represents
his half-god/ half-man status standing on a box. Mercurial untruthfulness (Luge,
meaning Liar)- whether real or imagined. Infernal Spirit summoned for advice in
cunning and craft.
The Ring
Matter over Spirit. Form over Substance. Dis-integration, as the Ring was
extracted from the Rhinegold by forswearing the integrating principle which is
love. Power over Love. The true Ring of Life is the No-Thing That Is Everything, the
E-ternal ("Not Time") Being. The 0, including all creation, whose point is nowhere
and whose circumference is everywhere. Bondage. Those thing to which we are
bound that are divorced (as a Ring is a symbol of marriage) from universal truth.
Circumscription - not the Masonic bounding of passion by virtue, but rather the
Satanic (Key XV) binding of virtue by passion.
The power of illusion. Transformative power. The power of Mem, which causes
appearance to change. It can make anyone who wears it invisible, and change into
anything one chooses. This power of appearance and illusion is all in the Eye of
Aiyn, referred to Key XV, in which is exalted the Planet of Maya/Illusion, Key XXI.
Siegfried thinks it "half hid him" when he went to Brunnhilde's Fell.
Can transport a person anywhere in a flash.
Key XXI Saturn, ruling Capricorn/Key XV The Devil, whereon is a Ring, and
exalted in Libra/Key XI, whereon is a Sword, and pretending to the Throne of
Binah. Mercury, Hod, whose smithy craft is plied over the the fires of
Judgment/Shin and the Child of The Sun/Raish Siegfried. Hod, Foundation of the
paths of The Devil/Ayin/Niblungen and The Hanged Man/Mem/Wotan. The Lower
Mercury, seeking through craft to have the warrior (Peh/Mars) Siegried use his
Sword (Zayin/Netzach) to kill (Nun/Death) for the Ring (Kaph/Jupiter) and the
riches (Jupiter/Chesed) of the Rhinegold (Sun/Tiphareth), that he might have
power (Geburah) of Peh (Mars) over The Hanged Man/Mem/Wotan and exalt
himself in charicature of his position (Mars exalted in Capricorn/Ayin). The lower
mind, imitative but skillful, crafty and cunning, distinguished from intelligence and
inspiration. Pretension. The lower nature. The concrete mind.
Part VI:
The Earth Mother. Gaea. Diana of Ephesus. Hecate. The Archetypal All-Wise and
All-Knowing Woman. Kallah, the Bride of Malkuth, exalted upon the Throne of
Binah. Wala the Prophetess. Key XXI The Universe or The World, around whom the
Kerubim dispense the IHVH, "That which Was, and Is, and Will Be" - precisely as
Erda says she knows. Reflective wisdom. Saturn reflective of Spirit, as is Binah of
Wisdom. She never rises more that half her height above Earth, as Saturn rules the
roots that go underneath it. The Stateliness of Binah, Saturn, and the
Administrative Intelligence of Tav, reflected by her appearance, surrounded by long
black hair.
Key II The High Priestess, the Magical Image of Binah, crowned by Kether, her
stream of conciousness flowing into Tiphareth. Kallah on the Throne of Binah,
ruling Malkuth, extending through the path of Tav/Saturn to the sphere of
Yesod/Key II. Gimel, three, number of Binah. The Moon, whose Qabalistic Color is
Blue. Yesod, colored Indigo in Atziluth. Saturn, also colored Indigo. She is
surrounded by blue light, appearing under conditions of Darkness. Samekh, the
path of resolution between Tiphareth and Yesod and between Gimel and Tav. Key
XIV Temperance warning the end of the Gods. In Siegfried, she appears covered in
hoar frost. Hoar frost in German is Reif, also used to refer to the Ring, having also
the meanings of ripe and mature - all descending from Reifen, which also means
hoop, as Erda is depicted on Key XXI.
The Isis of Nature. The Great Goddess of the Universe. The Universal Spirit. Fear -
especially, fear born of Wisdom and Understanding. The Vagina. The Yoni.
The Nornen
Erda's daughters, three in number, who spin the fortune (Key X) and fate (Key
XXI) of the universe upon the Wheel of Destiny. The first is oldest, in myth named
Urd, representing the Past; the second is younger, named Skuld in myth,
symbolizing the Present; and the third is youngest, the mythological Verdande,
dispensing the Future. Symbolically, Key X pays out the rope of Destiny, and Key
XXI (Tau - meaning Rope in German) binds the same. They are depicted
surrounding the Ring of Key X. They warn Erda in Das Rheingold of a coming
catastrophe, waking Erda out of her Eternal Sleep of Wisdom. They warn of the
end of the Eternal (Endless) Gods, symbolizing the end of all that is holy. The power
of the Rhinesisters evolved from primordial nature into dispensers of ancient
wisdom. Weavers of the Rope of Fate, as the Rhinesisters are keepers of the Gold of
the flowing Rhine. While Erda sleeps, they are awake, spinning and weaving what
she dreams. They know what will be, but don't know how to change it.
The Rainbow Bridge Bifrost
The Rainbow Bridge between the Heaven and Earth. The Qabalistic Rainbow of
Promise Quesheth pictured on Key XIV, whose Hebrew letters refer to the three
paths leading downward to Malkuth. The bridge the gods will cross into Walhall at
the end of the days of the Gods - just as Apocalypse 10:16 says a mighty angel with
a rainbow on his head (pictured on Key XIV) will proclaim the end of time. The
rainbow that appeared to Noah after the flood, assuring the cycles of day and night,
summer and winter, etc. would continue. Froh introduces it in Das Rheingold,
appearing as a beautiful rainbow. The reflection of the Beauty of the Sun. The
Bridge made of air, fire and water - the elements of the three mother letters -
spanning between Walhall above and the earth below, to the depths of Nibelheim.
The Walsungen (Volsungen, Volsunga):
(from Wahlsung, meaning "Children of Choice").
Siegmund and Sieglinde
("The Mouth of Victory" and "Victory's Limetree")
Key VI The Lovers, in some decks called The Choice. Adam and Eve, fathered by
IHVH, who walked amongst them in the Garden of Eden. Children of Wolfe
(Wolf) , also called Walse (Chooser, alliterative with Walze, Cylinder or Roll), aliases
given them by their father, Wotan in the guise of The Wanderer. The Walsungen,
Children of Choice, fathered by The Wanderer Wotan. Children of the Wolf of Key
0 (Golden Dawn Deck), Walse and Siegmund the Wolfing (Wolf-Cub) having
traveled (Key 0) as wolves.
Key VI The Garden of Eden, with Siegmund the Mouth of Victory as Adam, before
the Tree of Life's tongues of fire, and Sieglinde the Limetree of Victory, producing
bitter fruit, as Eve before the serpent coiled around the Tree of Knowledge. Key VI
the archetypal ancestral couple of mortal man, whose legacy to man is the Free
Will personified by Siegfried, the rising son/sun above and between them. Key VI
the mortal children of Key 0 Walse the Chooser, who chooses between them and
their downfall to convention.
Key VI The Lover's Triangle. The triangles of Key V, VII, X, XIV, XV, XVI, and
XVIII; also Keys XIII and XIX (B.O.T.A. and G.D.). Key V The Walsungen
receiving the blessing of their union from their Father Wotan the High Priest. Key
VII the opposite-sexed twins propelling Brunhilde towards her and their downfall,
she being mounted upon a rock, her rocky mount being called in Siegfried a fell.
Key X the three that Ring the Wheel of Fortune - Sieglinde as the Serpent at left,
Siegmund as Hermanubis (Guide of the Dead) rounding the Wheel on the right, and
Siegfried, winner of the Ring and Saviour of the Universe, atop the Wheel of
Fortune with his Sword, Nothung (0), Child of Need. The Case and Wang G.D. Key
XVIII Death, living and dying by the death-harvesting blade Nothung.
The Case and the divinatory Cicero G.D. Key XIV, where the fire and water they
represent on Key VI consecrates and purifies each other. Key XIV the ancient
Roman Bride and Groom exchanged in marriage, the groom giving fire to the
bride, and the bride giving water to the groom, before arriving at Temple for the
marriage ceremony. Key XV Wedlock and the "worse" of "for better or for worse",
Siegmund and Hunding each bedeviled by the other in their contention for
Sieglinde. Key XV Mars, exalted in Capricorn/Key XV, contending between two
who, in their view (Aiyn/eye), are properly bound to Sieglinde by the ring of
matrimony. Key XV the couple bound by nooses to a Ring. Key XVI the noble
mortals overthrown by the God of War Mars/Wotan with the lightning and storm
clouds that appear when Siegmund and Hunding contend in mortal combat.
Key XVIII Wolfing (Wolf-Cub) and Hunding (Little Dog), compelled by nature to
contend for mates. Wotan's terrestrial creatures, between whom IHVH/Wotan
must choose one over the another. Key XVIII The Wonnemond (Delightful Moon,
the Full Moon of May/Gemini/Key VI), under which the Walsungen drama is
played out. Key XVIII Sleep, function of Qoph, affecting Walsungen, Hunding and
Brunnhilde alike in the course of time. Key XVIII their mountain depicted on Key
VI, fated to Brunnhilde and Siegfried. Key VI, whose number multiplied by II/The
High Priestess, path of the Rhine, produces XII/ The Hanged Man, Trump of water,
depicting the reversal of Wotan. Key VI, whose number multiplied by III/The
Empress Fricka, produces XVIII/ The Moon Trump, where Wotan's terrestrials
must die for Fricka's honor.
Gemini, the Twins, assigned to Key VI The Lovers, ruled by Mercury, a symbol of
free will, whose Hebrew letter Beth (two) implies choice. The Hero Twins Siegmund
and Sieglinde, champions of Love over Greed, between whom is depicted both
Brunnhilde, the Kerubic Angel who chooses to fall with them, and their Love-child
Siegfried, resolved in the single image of Raphael, an Angel assigned both to the
Kerubim and Mercury. Free Will, especially Free Will to Love, the magical agent
which will save the universe.
Zaiyn the Weapon. Zaiyn the Sword. Siegmund, weapon-less (as though his
weapons were thin air), the fated winner of the Sword Nothung, and Sieglinde,
fated to be saved by he who can free Nothung from her Tree. The Free Will of Air,
symbolized by the sword, assigned to Gemini/The Lovers and to Aleph/The Fool.
Adam and Eve, whose banishment from Eden was enforced by sword-wielding
Kerubim, depicted on Key VI by the Kerub Raphael between them. Zaiyn the
Disposing Intelligence, affecting this outcome upon all so involved with it. Zaiyn,
Seven, the number of Netzach, Victory. Victory, the meaning of the Walsungen
name prefix, Sieg. Zaiyn, weapon, which Siegmund calls out for to "schwange in
the storm" - schwange variously translated as "wield" or "swing", alliterative with
zwange, to compel or constrain, from the root schwanger, meaning pregnant, which
Siegfried will make Sieglinde to procreate their successor. The Sword Zaiyn,
symbol of Air, clearly appearing on the pregnant mount between The Lovers on
Waite's Key VI facing Siegmund, which their child, the Kerub of Air, shall claim as
his birthright.
Walsungen, the chosen children, like the "chosen people" of the Bible, too often
bearing the sad burden of being at odds with the world around them. It is important
to interpret their marriage as the marrying of one's own spiritual kind, and not as
a racial or other than spiritual union.

Their Progeny Siegfried:

See Siegfried.
Part VII:
Drinking Horns
The Ace of Cups. Used by Sieglinde, Mime and Hagen. Qoph, Pisces, sign of water,
dispenser of water upon the earth. In Das Rheingold, this Ace is representing by the
("Little Dog")
The dog of Key XVIII. The dog "dogging" Key 0 The Fool. The homunculus of
Wotan in mortal contention with his mortal children. The Ring's mortal bearer of
the Spear and Shield. The blasphemous pretention of Wotan/IH with his Spear (I)
and Shield (H). Upholder of the letter over the Spirit of the Law. Exoteric over
Esoteric observance of Divine Law. Key XV The Devil, assuming the position of
husband may be obtained through Binding in Wedlock, bedeviled by Siegmund who
comes to overthrow him in his position. Key XV Mars, exalted in Capricorn/Key
XV, contenting with Siegmund over what binds a couple - law or love. The law
Wotan is bound to enforce, but wishes to overthrow through his son Siegmund.
("Child of Need" and "No-Thing")
Invincibility (Netzach/Seven/Zayin/Key VI). A symbol of the Rheingold, glistening
out of darkness from the light of a hearth fire (Key VI Flaming Tree) when it first
appears in Die Walkure , fading back into the darkness afterwards. The No-Thing
Sword, representing the air of the No-Thing, Key 0. Divine Will, operating in the
mind of God, dwelling in and executed by mortal man. The Ace of Swords.
The Walkuren (The Valkyries):
Key VII The Chariot. Key VII The Walkuren born of wheels of Wotan (Key X
Jupiter) and Erda (Key XXI Saturn), as depicted. Cancer, ruled by the Moon of
Key II Erda The High Priestess, the planet assigned Yesod, whose number is nine.
Nine Warrior Maidens, proceeding from Walhall, with long blonde hair, armor,
Spear, and transportive animals, as depicted on Key VII, their shields symbolized
by the Winged Solar Disk in front of the Chariot. Mars, referred to Geburah (root
GBR), whose Magical Image is Warrior on a Chariot - a feminine Sephira with a
masculine Magical Image - Walkuren being female dispensers of male martial
power. The Nine martial Angels of GBR-IAL, Gabriel, Archangel of Yesod.
Inspired action in the Sephiroth that ride over Malkuth (From Crown to
Foundation); equally, as Trumps 1 to 9 are 2 to 10 in Hebrew letters, to the
Sephiroth under the Crown of Kether.
The personifications of clouds, as are their steeds, just as Wotan personifies the sky.
Riders atop the gray clouds above, as Key VII's Charioteer rides atop a gray stone.
Warriors whose weapons are lightning, and whose battlecry is thunder. They who
descend to earth during battle, as rainclouds descend from the sky during storms.
Bringers of the worthy fallen to the heavens after battle, as rainclouds return to the
sky following a storm.
The Kerubim, Angelic Choir of Yesod, assigned to air, through which the Walkuren
fly. Children of Wotan/Jupiter/Key X, Lord of Storm-Bearing Air, and Erde/The
Moon/Key II, assigned to Yesod and Air. The Kerubim, personifications of
thunderclouds in Hebraic Myth, as depicted around Keys X and XXI in several
decks. Dispensers rain, lightning and thunder from the Heavens (Kether and Key
X) to the Earth (Malkuth and Key XXI) from the positions they occupy on the
water wheel around Keys X (their Father Jupiter/Wotan, referred to Chesed and
Water) and XXI (their mother Erda/Saturn, referred to Binah and Water). The
ideal issue of the union of perfected fear (Erda) and perfected will (Wotan) - that
being perfect courage (Erda balanced by Wotan) and inspired action (Wotan
balanced by Erda) in the Sephiroth under their charge.
Conductors of the worthy slain to Walhall, each bearing its charge from one
Sephira to another along the path of the Lightning Flash (Example: Key VIII is
Rossweisse; its letter value is nine; therefore, she is responsible for bearing souls
across the path of Key XIX The Sun between Yesod and Hod).
The Auphanim, Wheels, Angelic Choir of Chokmah/Wotan, serving to bring fallen
heroes (Hebrew ARALIM) to the Celestial City Walhall (Chokmah/Zodiac). In
myth, there were sometimes 12 Walkuren named, in which case the additional three
stayed in Walhall with Wotan. Bearers of those whose labors upon the Wheel of
Life, like the twelve labors of Hercules, were successfully waged upon the Ring of
the Zodiac. Chokmah, ChKMH, Keys VII (Ch), X (K), XII (M) and IV(H),
representing the archetypal pattern of Hebrew cities (based on Canaanite cities)
and their conception of the Celestial City. Genii of the Canaanite Chariot-culture
that built Chariot-walls to surround their cities (made of fine seashell mortar,
making the wheels of attacking chariots slip) built on high mounds over a plain.
Hebrew cities had a circular altar in front of a temple built at the town's high point,
upon which holocausts of animals were offered to divinity, after which the
Priest/King lead the congregation into the Holy of Holies inside the Temple. This is
the Pattern of ChKMH, as is elucidated by their Keys.
Wearers of the eight-pointed star upon their crowns (Waite's Chariot), just as each
Walkuren has eight sisters. For more, see Brunnhilde.
The ideal issue of Wotan/Above and Erda/Below. The resolution of all opposites -
Above and Below; Mercy and Severity; masculine and feminine. Divine will
reflected. Truth personified. The catalyst for the remaining drama of the Ring.
Lucifer, Chief of the Angels. Chief of the Walkuren. Chief Among the Mighty. The
female Trumps - Keys II, III, VII, VIII, XI, XIV, XVII and XXI - but she is also
unbound from sexual convention (as are Walsungen) by Wotan, conceded her right
of participation in the activities of the Male Trumps. Athena, wearing Armor, Spear
and Shield (the Shield depicted on the throne of Case's Emperor, and as the orb
shielding his heart).
Cheth, speech. Brunnhilde the Announcer of the Warrior's death, by the command
of the Commander-in-Chief Wotan. Cheth, fenced field. Brunnhilde the Battlefield
Commander. Cheth, Cancer, ruled by the Moon. The Lunar Kerubic Angel of the
Annunciation, Gabriel. Cancer, exalting Venus/Athena. Brunnhilde assuming
Wotan's position as his Commander in the Field . The Magical Image of Netzach, a
beautiful, wise and strong Amazon . Venus, Goddess of Love and War, the feminine
Magical Image of a masculine sephira. Minerva. The Archetypal Warrior/Wisdom
Seven - its world (Netzach), Trump (The Chariot), and letter (Zaiyn). Zaiyn, the
letter preceding Cheth, as a weapon is bestowed on a soldier before commanding
him in the field. Pronouncer of Victory upon weapon-wielding warriors.
Kali, murdering bride of murderous Shiva. The Great One of the Night of Time.
Lord of the Underworld, as Saturn is Lord of Subterranean roots, depicted on Key
XXI with her big toe pointing down below her Malkuth-symbolizing feet.
Kallah, the Bride, residing in Malkuth, daughter of the Qabalistic King and Queen,
Chokmah and Binah, cast by destiny to marry the Prince of Tiphareth. Malkah, the
Queen, placed thereby upon the Throne of Binah. Key XXI Saturn, the Child of
Space and Time. Daughter of the Mighty Ones. Great One of the Night of Time.
The Walkure that conducts across the abyss, connecting Chesed and Binah along
the lightning flash. The Walkure born of wheels of Wotan (Key X) and Erda (Key
XXI) - 1 and 1 - 11, the number of Daath, in-between Chesed and Binah. The only
one who knows (Daath) her father Wotan's (Chokmah) secret plan to prevent what
her mother Erda (Binah) prophecied. The Walkure of Daath, crossing the abyss
through the paths of The Emperor and The Hierophant to her father
Chokmah/Wotan, the paths of the Walsungen and the Walkuren to her mother
Binah/Erda, and the path of her mother and the Rhine, leading to the crown of her
father, and that of her husband.
In Arabic mythology, Lucifer falls when he refuses to bow to man, as ordered by
their loving God, whom Lucifer adores. His reasons were that God was above all,
while man was imperfect and mortal. For this infraction, God condemned Lucifer
to burn in the hell of his own jealous love for his God. In the Ring, the same story is
told, but with a crucial difference - Brunnhilde refuses to abandon God's mortal
son as ordered for any reason, because she knows that God loves him, and insists
on being true to God's love. The resulting punishment visited on both are similarly
akin and different.

Part VIII:
The Horse of Waite's' Key XIX, with the Sun-Child riding upon him carrying the
banner of the new order. Carrier of the two children of Wotan the Sun-God's
lineage playing about the Key XIX fairy Ring of other decks. Battlehorse of both
the feminine carrier of Wotan's old order Banner, and the masculine carrier of
Siegfried's new order Banner. A single image for the two Sphinxes pulling the
Chariot of Key VII and the two Horses that pull the Chariot of the Magical Image
of Geburah. Pegasus, the Flying Horse. The Chief Walkuren's Flying Horse,
symbolized by Key VII's Winged Solar Disk. Intuition, Inspiration and Imagination
- Self, Sub and Super Consciousness - the powers by which our solar hearts may
soar into the Empyrean. The resolution of Key 0's Celestial winged Eagle (the
Celestial Kerubs of Scorpio and Aquarius resolved) and Terrestrial quadruped Dog
(the Terrestrial Kerubs of Taurus and Leo resolved) into the flying quadruped
Horse of the Kerub Brunnhilde. Before Siegfried wakes Brunnhilde, Grane appears
to him as bird; after waking her, Grane becomes the terrestrial horse upon whom
the Sun-Child Fool Siegfried goes forth on his travels.
Siegfried (Sigurd)
("Victory's Peace")
Key 0 The Blonde-haired Fool. Key 0 the Monad (1) eccentricly (0) clothed in and
bound by the universe. Key 0 #1 Hero of the World (0) dressed in wild forest
clothing, bast-rope girdle around his waist. Key 0 the Candidate in Masonry and
related fraternities, wearing a rope tied around his waist. One too Foolish and
Innocent to know fear. Freedom and Free Will - especially Universal Freedom (Key
XXI The World - dominion over servitude) and Universal Free Will (Key X The
Wheel - enrichment over poverty - for good or bad - "for better or worse"). Key 0
the Primordial Sun, which is physically Key XIX The Sun. The Triple Crown of
Keys X, XXI and XIX - the Wheel, the Sun, the Universe - KThR, Kether.
Key 0 the Fool bearing the Rose. Key 0 Siegfried, called the "Rosy Hero" - an
expression referring to Tiphareth in terms of symbol, color and character.
Christian Rosenkreuz. Parzival. Free will in opposition to convention. Heroic
persual of Truth.
Key 0 Prometheus Unbound, whose Fiery Intelligence will usher in the new age of
man with the burning of Walhall. Spirit. Spirit of Aither. The fresh air (aleph) of
youth and renewal (aiyn). Key 0 the Ring that is naught. The Ring That Is Not.
Unfettered being, unlike the perpendicular path of Key XV/Alberich, Prometheus
Bound. Wild, untamed, innocent youth, and its intensity - exulting and raging,
yearning and defying, impatient to experience a larger world than what surrounds
Understander of birdsongs. Pan with his reed pipe bested in contest by the solar
song of Grane. The Lord of the Woods. Pan, the Sun and the Bright side of Saturn.
The dumb man who understands how to speak to birds, like the eagle of Key 0.
Blower of the trumpet blasts to fell the walls of Jericho. The trumpet blast is said to
bring the end of the world in the Apocalypse; Siegfried's trumpet will usher in no
less, as it harbinges the fall of Valhalla and the end of the Gods.
The Fool longing for Love. Siegfried longing for loving companionship, this
bringing nothing but Wolf and Bar (Bear) when playing his merry call on his little
silver trumpet. Gabriel, the Archangel most often associated with the Trumpet
blast at the end of time, an event depicted on Key XX Judgment, has silver
attributed to him by virtue of his station in the Moon Sephira, Yesod.
Harpocrates. Siegfried who instincitively touched his finger to his lips and learned
to understand the nature of the speech of birds. Taster of the burning blood of the
Dragon when he draws Nothung from Fafner's heart. Harpocrates who looked
after his father Osiris' funerary arrangements, and received blessing for it.
Siegfried who is dumb in the "Sign of Silence", as depicted on the G.D. Key 0, along
with the image of his father, a wolf.
Siegfried Justified, killing Mime out of necessity. The justification the mid-point of
the Major Arcana Tableau - Key XI, Justice with her Sword between the Opposing
Pillars of the Universe. Alike in form, as near together as they are apart in the
Major Arcana, as are Aither and Mist - dual and opposing representations of the
same thing. Siegfried with just claim to initiation - having been of due trial, and
never having never been denied.
Siegfried, master of Walhall and Nibelheim - overthrowing the rule of the former,
and empowered by the Ring of the latter - unaffected by the Ring's curse becuase
he does not know of its power.
Siegfried chaste wooer of Brunnhile when he won her a second time - pointing to
his sword, saying "as between East and West is the North, so far was Brunnhile
from him."
Siegfried, for whose "betrayal" Brunnhilde, Gunther and Hagen all agree must
result in "Siegfried falle" (Siegfried falls - pg 226)
Supposedly killed by a boar - sacred to Froh.
Fafner as Dragon
The Dragon, symbol of Saturn. Key XXI, Saturn, whose animal attribution is the
lizard crocodile. Tav, Cross or Mark, letter of Saturn, the path of the tail of the
Serpent of Wisdom. Tav, the Cross upon which Moses carried the Serpent before
his people in the desert. The serpent whose coils are represented by the Ring of Key
XXI. Saturn, center of the Qabalistic Cube of Space, as Tiphareth is the center of
the Tree of Life. The Dragon with the "grim, hardened heart" (Saturn and
Tiphareth), which heart the very strong beautiful man (Magical Image of Yesod)
Siegfried will run through (along the path of Samek) his Key VI (number of
Tiphareth) invincible Sword (Zaiyn/Seven/Netzach) and kill him (Key XIII Death,
the path between Netzach and Tiphareth). The Saturnian Dragon whose dying
words include "Mark (Tav) how it ends (mortality/Saturn)! Think on me!" - his
Cross (Tav) being fated (Saturn) to the "Rosy Hero" (Tiphareth, whose symbol is
the Rose Cross) if Siegfried heeds not his advice. The Key XXI sacrificed Dragon
whose blood bestows understanding (Binah/Saturn) of the speech
(communication/Mercury/Beth/Path resting on Kether) of animals. The Dragon
whose carcass stops up Mime and the Rheingold in his hole, serving as
"watchman" of the Gold, just as like the eye of The Fool's purse. Key XV The
Devil, assigned to Capricorn, ruled by Key XXI Saturn. The Evil Dragon bound to
a hole to frighten (The Devil) away all who would claim the Ring.
Binah, sphere of Saturn, Crown of the Pillar of Severity. Gimel, three, number of
Binah. The Dragon of three weapons, together spelling Quesheth - teeth (Shin),
spittle (Qoph) and tail (Tav). Lizard of dark Neidhohle, a cave symbolic of the
Sephira Daath where Saturn is on the Hexagram. The hole where two celestial
(Wotan and Siegfried) and two terrestrial (Alberich and Mime) characters will
form around in their interest in the Ring.
Salamanders, the Elemental Beings of Fire.
The Forest Bird
Key XVII the Mercurial Ibis atop the Tree of Knowledge. A Talking (Cheth) Bird
(winged Disk of Key VII) atop the Limetree, communicating (Mercury) to Siegfried
what he needs to know - what to take, what to get rid of, and the way to achieve his
heart's desire, Brunnhilde (Cheth and Key XVII). Key XVII, whose number is VI
with an X before and I after it. X and I, each reducing to one, number of Key I the
communicator Mercury, ruling Gemini/Key VI and exalted in Aquarius/Key XVII.
Key XVII, whose number less X is VII, where a Lingam (1) is in a Yoni (0) upon a
winged disk. The Eagle of The Fool, representing in-tuition and guidance for the
traveler. The guiding voice, which seekers in all places and times have heard in
themselves and in nature around them. A Sylph, an Elemental Being of Air.
The Gibichungs
Mediocrity. The average over the exceptional. Acquiesence over leadership. The
Gods charicatured, ruling their hall and host as does Wotan his Walhall and heroes.
Niblungen charicatured, looking to obtain the Ring and rule the world. Images of
Gibichung Hall
A terrestrial reflection of Walhall above (see Walhall). Its vassals are charicatures
of Walhall's heroes.
Masculine Mortality. Common Man. Common Mind. Selfconciousness.
Feminine Mortality. Common Woman. Common Emotion. Subconciousness.
The Niblungen Son, in charicature of Wotan. At the end of Gotterdammerung, he
throws his Spear, Shield and Helmet, symbols of Wotan and his heroes, from him as
he rushes mad towards the Rhinesisters. When seated with Spear, its Tip touches
the earth. The demonic resolved into man, opposed to those that are divine resolved
into man. Subhumanity. Symbol of the Mortal archetype Hunding, given lineage
from Alberich below, contending with Mortal Siegfried, with lineage from Wotan
above. Alberich's successor (see Alberich). The "Enemy of Love". Enemy of all
associated with Key VI's Lovers. Child of Alberich and a mother he paid in gold to
bear. Hagen, born of and to greed for gold. Law over Love, contending with the
Law of Love. Letter over Spirit of Law, as Divine vows and oaths sworn upon his
Spear bind the virtuous to its blasphemous retribution in the name of the Divine.
Part IX:
The Operas
I Das Rheingold (The Rhinegold)
Act I
Mid-deep in the Rhine the three Rhinesisters protect the Rhinegold from thieves
about its rocky mount. Alberich rises through a rock fissure from the depths, courts
each Rhinesister, and fails with all three. The sun shines down from above,
illuminating the Rheingold. The Rhinesisters tell Alberich about the Gold and Ring.
He leaps up the Rock, forswears Love, steals the Gold and plunges back to the
In the morning mists of a rocky height, the Gods assemble before newly-raised
Walhall on higher rocky Mount behind them. From below, the brothers Riesen
arrive to collect Golden-Haired Freia, dispenser of the Golden Apples of Eternal
Youth, as wages for building Walhall. The Half-god Loge arrives to announce he
has found no substitute payment for Freia, for no man would give up the love of
woman - save one, who possesses the Rhinegold and Ring. All evalute this hoard as
an acceptable sustitute payment. The Riesen carry off Freia, vowing that if their
return at dusk to receive the Gold is fruitless, Freia shall be forfeit. Wotan and
Loge travel to Nibelheim to steal Alberich's treasure.
In Nibelheim, Alberich torments his brother Mime for having hid the newly-forged
Tarnhelm he ordered Mime to make, then leaves. Wotan and Loge arrive to hear
Mime complain of Alberich's enslavement of the Niblungen by the power of the
Ring. Alberich returns and threatens his guests with the storming of the God's
(Spirits of Aither) heavenly abodes by the Niblungen (Children of Mist), and the
universal overthrow of love by greed, by the might of the Ring. Loge tricks Alberich
into using Tarnhelm to change himself into two creatures - a fire-breathing Dragon
(Shin) and a toad (Qoph). They capture the toad, bind Alberich and ascend through
the earth's depths (Tav) to the mount of the Gods.
Act IV
Alberich is made to summon the Niblungen by the Ring to deliver the Rhinegold as
ransom. Loge adds Tarnhelm to the ransom, and when Wotan demands the Ring,
Alberich refuses. After Wotan tears the Ring from Alberich's finger, Alberich
curses all who possess it with death, fear and worry until it returns to him. Wotan
wears the Ring heedless of the curse.
The Riesen return to collect payment, having the treasure piled up between their
staves until it obscures Freia in-between from their sight. Fafner has Tarnhelm
added to the ransom, and Fasolt, still seeing Freia, necessitates the addition of the
Ring. Wotan refuses, but Erda rises from the Earth to warn Wotan that the end of
Gods looms because of the cursed Ring, and pleads with Wotan to reliquish it.
Wotan agrees, gives it up for Freia's ransom, freeing Freia, and resulting swiftly in
Fafner killing Fasolt for the Ring. Wotan is overwhelmed with understanding of
what is happening, and swears to seek out Erda to understand more.
Donner summons the clouds of doubt surrounding them to form a thundercloud,
then dissappates them in lightning and thunder with a blow of his Hammer. Froh
summons Bifrost to appear in its wake, and the setting sun appears to reveal both
the Rainbow Bridge and Walhall. Wotan reflects on the Beauty of Walhall, and
after a great idea occurs to him, he gives Walhall its name. He bekons the Gods to
follow him into Walhall. When all are about to depart, the Rhinesisters call up from
the Rhine for their Gold. Loge tells them to bask instead in the newfound glory of
the Gods. They respond that as long as the Gold is kept from them, all rejoicing
above will be cowardly and false. Wotan leads the Gods in procession to the foot of
Bifrost, then turns to hold out his hand to Loge in invitation (L). Loge holds up his
palms instead (U), as he is ashamed of the foolishness of the Gods he admires. The
Curtain falls before the audience (X).
II Die Walkure (The Walkure)
Act I
Siegmund drops asleep in exhaustion before a stranger's hearth. Sieglide finds him,
he awakens, and she gives him refreshment from her drinking horn. For both, it is
love at first sight. Hunding arrives, assures himself that a proper manner has been
observed in receiving the stranger, and has them assemble about the table for food
and drink. Hunding questions Siegmund about his identity, and his answer reveals
he is the enemy Hunding was summoned to kill in vengeance for the deaths of his
kinsmen, murdered when Siegmund tried to prevent the wedding of a maiden to
one she didn't love. Hunding vows to let Siegmund stay for the night, and to fight
him in mortal combat in the morning. Sieglinde gives Hunding a sleeping potion
from her horn, and bids Siegmund leave before he awakes. She shows him the
Sword in her tree, there to be freed only by the one destined to avenge her being
wedded to one she didn't love. She names him Siegfried, he names the Sword
Nothung, and frees Nothung from the tree.
Act II
Atop a rocky fell, Wotan orders Brunnhilde to give Victory to the Walsung. Fricka
storms toward them, Brunnhilde departs, and Fricka arrives to tell Wotan that
either he uphold the wedding vows sacred to her, and withdraw his magic from
invincible Nothung, or she will wage war upon Wotan. Wotan consents to betray his
son, to uphold the wedding vow and prevent holy war. She exits, and Brunnhilde
returns. Wotan confides in her his plans to have a hero, spiritually worthy to defy
the Law of the Gods, return the Rhinegold and Ring to the Rhinesisters, before
Alberich new-born son, the enemy of love, regains it for his father. He curses this
child with inheriting all that he hates - the empty pomp of the Gods. He orders her
to bring about the Walsungs fall against his True Will, but when the battle rages,
she defies his orders and stays loyal to his true will. Wotan, however, arrives on the
scene, shatters Siegmund's sword with his Spear, and Siegmund falls to Hunding.
Brunnhilde collects the sword halves, summons Sieglinde, who is pregnant with
Siegmund's son, and carries her away. Meanwhile, Wotan waves Hunding off with
death, mourns his son, and goes off to chase Brunnhilde.
The Walkuren assemble on their fell with the souls of fallen heroes. Brunnhilde is
late, arrives with Sieglinde, tells her sisters of her betrayal, and they betray her
their aid of Sieglinde. Brunnhilde announces that Sieglinde is pregnant with the
world's greatest hero, that he will forge Nothung anew, and names him Victory's
Peace. She decides to let Wotan vent his fury on her, and sends Sieglinde off to the
eastern forest with the shattered halves of Nothung.
Wotan arrives to see the Walkuren arranged around Brunnhilde to hide her. He
tells them of her betrayal, and they betray him their aid in finding her. Brunnhilde
elects to come forward, and Wotan disowns her, banishing her from the Walkuren,
condemned to sleep atop the Walkuren fell to be the wife of whatever man woke
her. He threatens the Walkuren with the same fate if they defy him, then sends
them off from the fell with orders never to return.
Brunnhilde begs that he surround the fell with fire that none but the worthiest
might break through to win her as wife. He refuses twice, but after she appeals to
him to kill her rather than defile her divinity on the third attempt, he agrees. He
puts her to sleep, summons Loge to surround her fell with fire, and swears that
none who fear Wotan's Spear Tip shall ever break through the fire.

Part X:
III Siegfried
Act I
Mime, the world's greatest smith, tries in vain to forge a sword strong enough not
to break in Siegfried's hands. Siegfried arrives, bringing a bear to scare Mime into
making it faster. The sword is finished, so the bear is set free - the first unbinding
done for free (0) in the Ring. The sword breaks in Siegfried's hands. He chides
Mime for his supposed lack of skill, and Mime accuses poor repayment of his
supposed love of Siegfried.
Siegfried ask what keeps him bound to return to Mime's cave every day, since he
does not love him. He answers himself - to find out who his parents are. Mime tells
him he is both his father and mother. Siegfried proves that Mime is lying and
doesn't truly love him. Demanding to know the truth, Siegfried uses physical force
to pry it out of Mime, who tells him only sketchy details, then finally shows him the
remains of Nothung. Siegfried, elated, orders Mime to forge it whole by the time he
After Siegfried leaves, the Wanderer Wotan arrives to seek the warmth of Mime's
hearth as guest. Mime denies it, and Wanderer wagers his head in a contest for the
right to so warm himself - he must answer correctly any three questions Mime asks.
The questions are pedantic, and not helpful for the questioner - who lives Below the
Earth, who lives upon the Earth, and who lives Above it. Wanderer prevails,
chiding Mime for not asking questions close to his heart, then asks three questions
of Mime in wager for his head - what race does Wotan love best but treat worst,
what is the name of the Sword Siegfried will use to slay Fafner and win the
Rhinegold and Ring, and who will forge Nothung anew. Mime answers the first two
easily, but cannot answer the third. Winning Mime's head, Wanderer gives him the
answer - he who does not know fear - Siegfried, to whom Wanderer bequeths
Mime's head. Wanderer departs, and Siegfried returns.
Siegfried complains that the sword is not yet forged. Since Mime knows he cannot
control the actions of the fearless, he tells him a sword is useless if one doesn't know
fear. He demands to learn what fear is, and Mime says Fafner will show him. Told
that Fafner's hole is near the outside world, Siegfried sets about forging Nothung
anew by himself, to slay Fafner, learn fear, leave Mime and head out to the world.
While he forges, Mime brews a sleeping potion to give him after winning the
Rhinegold and Ring so as to kill him and steal the treasure. Siegfried takes the
newly reforged Nothung and splits Mime's anvil in two, and heads off to Fafner's
Cave, Neidhohle, to learn fear and win the treasure he guards.
Act II
Alberich keeps watch over Neidhohle in endless quest to reclaim the Ring.
Wanderer arrives, is accused of plotting to steal the hoard, and avows that he has
come only to observe. He aids Alberich by waking Fafner that Alberich might warn
him of Seigfried's coming and request the Ring as reward. Fafner, refusing, goes
back to sleep. Departing, Wanderer further aids Alberich with advice to look to his
brother instead of to him for a rival. Wanderer takes to the sky on his steed, and
Alberich hides in a rock fissure.
Siegfried and Mime arrive with the dawn. Siegfried sits under a Limetree and
hears of Fafner's three weapons - teeth (Shin), poison spittle (Qoph), and his great
lizard's tail (Tav). He vows not to offer himself to his teeth, to step aside of his
spittle, and be cautious of his tail, keeping "an eye upon the evil one". Mime speaks
of his love for him, causing Siegfried to spring up to stop his dishonest talk, and
sends him off. Mime hides by the spring where sleeping will drink, waiting to give
Siegfried a sleeping potion to drink.
Siegfried sits under "family tree" for the second time, and daydreams about his
parents. A bird attracts his attention, and he tries to return its song, making and
playing a reed pipe, failing in two attempts to play a tune. The third time, he plays
a tune on his horn, waking Fafner.
Fafner goes toward the spring for a drink, Siegfried confronts him, and they battle.
Siegfried successfully evades Fafner's three weapons and runs Nothung through
Fafner's heart. Fafner, in his last moments, tenderly regards the boy as a "Rosy
Hero", warns him of the Ring curse and Mime's plot to kill him. Siegfried asks
Fafner if he knows is parentage, and gives his name that he might divine it. Fafner
roars "Siegfried....!" and dies - Siegfried having failed in his second attempt to
learn his parentage.
As Siegfried pulls Nothung out of Fafner, his hand is bloodied, and the blood burns
him. He puts his fingers to his lips, and the blood confers understanding of
birdsong. The bird that previously sang to him sits atop the Limetree, telling
Siegfried to take Tarnhelm and Ring from the hoard. While inside Neidhohle, the
brothers Mime and Alberich argue, before the carcass of a dead brother-murderer,
each's right to the treasure. When Siegfried emerges, Mime disappears in the
Wood, and Alberich in the Rock.
The bird now tells Siegfried what Fafner told him about Mime, adding that he will
hear Mime's true intentions by virtue of the magical blood. Mime returns,
congratulates him, and tries to convince him to drink his potion. Siegfried hears
Mime speak his secret intentions, and confronted with them, denies it, until they
become so disgustingly evil that Seigfried runs him through with Nothung. He puts
Mime's body in Neidhohle, stopping it up with Fafner for a "watchman".
He goes under the Limetree for the third and final time. He calls to the bird, who
tells him of a wife waiting for him to claim her, surrounded by fire, that no one who
knows fear make break. He exclaims that man is him, and the bird leads him to the
background in the way to Brunnhilde's Fell, having had his first purification and
On a rocky height between Neidhohle below and Brunnhilde's Fell above,
Wanderer summons Erda with the formula of the Magic Circle and Triangle of
manifestation - Wanderer/IHVH triambulates before her hole, thrusts his SpearTip
over the center, and recites "The Evocation of Erda". She arises, asks who has
summoned her from her sleep, and he responds "The Wakener". He questions her
about what should be done to slow and control the wildly-spinning wheel of fate.
First she bids him talk to the Nornen, but Wanderer retorts they cannot change
what they spin. Second, she bids him talk to Brunnhilde, not knowing her fate,
which Wanderer explains. Third, Erda admonishes him, then bids him release her,
Wanderer refusing to unbind her. He tells her her wisdom kept his actions fettered,
and insists she tell him what he should do. She then he accuse each other of not
being who they think they are, but Wanderer wins the argument - he asks Erda
"What is Wotan's Will?" - and the all-knowing one has no answer. Now he must
counsel Erda as she counselled him in Das Rheingold. He explains the end of the
Gods no longer trouble him - it is in fact his wish. Rather than fearing it, he
embraces it. He tells of beloved Siegfried who will overthrow him and his law and
wake Brunnhilde, and of Brunnhilde's performing an act that will save the world.
He unbinds Erda from his spell, bids her rest in Eternal Sleep, and she sinks into
the Earth.
Siegfried arrives, the bird flies off, and storm clouds surround. Wanderer denies
Siegfried passage, explaining the bird that brought Siegfried this far knows better
than to defy him who guards the path. Siegfried challenges Wanderer, and as
lightning crashes, Nothung shatters the Spear in half, as once the Spear had done to
Nothung. Powerless, his old order having been shattered, Wanderer concedes
defeat and lets Siegfried by, having had his second purification and consecration.
Siegfried breaks through the fire to Brunnhilde's Fell. He awakens his bride with a
kiss, his third purification and consecration. The bird turns back into Grane,
Brunnhilde's horse. They passionately declare true love for one another,
Brunnhilde at first demuring from, and then rejoicing in, her lost Divine maiden
stature. The curtain falls as they lie down together for his fourth and final
purification and consecration.

Part XI:
IV Gotterdammerung ("Twilight of the Gods")
The Nornen are spinning the wheel of fate. The well they spin at has dried up. The
World Ash Tree, to which their rope was attached, mortally stricken from Wotan's
having made his Spear from one of its branches, has been felled at his command for
a pyre to set Walhall afire. They now attach the rope to a Pine. The first reads the
rope's past, the second its present, and the third its future - a future where Wotan
thrusts his Spear halves into Loge's breast, setting off a fire consuming Gods and
Heros alike in Walhall. The rope is weakened in its weave by the jagged rocks, and
when the third Norn pulls it tighter, it breaks - the end of the days of the Gods.
They go off to their mother, Erda.
Siegfried and Brunnhilde prepare to part, as he prepares to go off at her urging
with Grane to more Heroic adventures. They affirm their love to one another,
Brunnhilde saying "You are both of us". He gives Brunnhilde the Ring as a
wedding ring, in token of his love. He takes her Spear (I) and Shield (H2), along
with Nothung (V) and Tarnhelm (H1), and heads off with Grane.
Act I
In a rock castle on the Rhine, Gibichung Hall, Hagen advises his half-brother
Gunther in his half-sister Gutrune's presence how to expand Gibichung fame. He
speaks of Brunnhilde, whom he plans to marry to Gunther, and of Siegfried, who
can bring Brunnhilde to them, and who he plans to wed to Gutrune by giving him a
love potion. They all agree to the conspiracy, and at that moment, Siegfried's horn
is heard, and he heads to the castle.
They welcome Siegfried, and Gutrune gives him the love potion in a drinking horn.
He toasts Brunnhilde's unforgettable memory, drinks, completely forgets her, and
falls passionately for Gutrune. Gunther tells Siegfried he wants Brunnhilde as wife,
and Siegfried agrees to obtain Brunnhilde for him for Gutrune's hand in marriage.
They affirm the bond between them by letting their blood mingle together in a
drinking horn Hagen holds between them. Siegfried eagerly sets off to bring his
own wife back to Gunther for an unloving marriage. All leave the hall except
Hagen, who broods upon the deeds to be done that will serve to bring him the Ring.
At Brunnhilde's Fell, Waltraute comes to beg Brunnhilde to return the Ring to the
Rhinesisters. She explains that Brunnhilde's banishment, Wotan stopped sending
Walkuren to the battlefield, left the company of his heroes at Walhall, took to his
horse and restlessly traveled the world as Wanderer. When at last he returned, his
Spear was broken, and he assembled all the Gods and Heroes to Walhall,
surrounded it with a pyre made from the World Ash Tree, and there still sits in
silence, waiting for his ravens to return with news harbinging Gotterdammerung.
She managed to prompt Wotan with her and her sister's tears to say that all of this
could end if Brunnhilde returned the Ring to the Rhinesisters. Brunnhilde refuses,
it having been given in love, swearing not to forswear love as have others.
Brunnhilde sends her away, telling her never to return.
Just then, the fire surrounding the Fell flares up, in anticipation of Seigfried, who
blows his horn on the way. Brunnhilde, expecting Siegfried, sees another man
instead, dressed as Gunther was. Brunnhilde tries to force him away with the
Ring's power, but he successfully siezes it. He sends her to her cave, and then
dishelms, revealing Siegfried underneath, disguised by Tarnhelm. He resolves to
put Nothung between them as they sleep, to witness his fidelity.
Act II
At Gibichung Hall, the ever-wakeful Alberich speaks to Hagen as he sleeps. He
encourages Hagen to continue in quest of the Ring, and not to betray his father.
Hagen hates Alberich, but tells him to calm his fears, for he vows to take it from
Siegfried, and not allow it to return to the Rhinesisters. Hagen asks who shall
inherit the power of the Gods, and Alberich says "I and you".
The Rhine gradually glows red with dawn. Siegfried wakes Hagen with his return,
and tells him and Gutrune of his chaste winning of Brunnhilde. Then the ship
carrying Brunnhilde and Gunther arrives, and Hagen with his cow horn sounds a
call to arms, summoning the men to Gibichung Hall. They arrive fully armed, in
wonder of the cause of the alarm. He tells them Gunther returns with a Walkure
wife, and orders sacrifices for the Gods - a Steer for Wotan, a Boar for Froh, a Goat
for Donner, and a Sheep for Fricka. He then orders they take drinking horns of
mead and wine their fair women have filled with delight, and carouse until
overcome with drink, that the Gods may bless the marriage. He further charges
them to avenge any wrong done her. The men, noisly clashing their weapons
together, are arranged on the heights and banks of the Rhine to greet the couple.
As Brunnhilde is greeted, she sees Siegfried, wearing the Ring, and is overcome
with scorn. She accuses Siegfried of being her husband, disguising himself as
Gunther, claiming her for Gunther's wife, and taking back her wedding ring.
Siegfried, still under the spell of forgetfullness caused by the Love potion, claims he
won the Ring at Neidhohle. Hagen insists that if Gunther seized the Ring, then
Siegfried must have stolen it from him. Brunnhilde invokes the Gods to kill
Siegfried for betrayal. Siegfried swears upon Hagen's Spear Tip that her
accusations are false, and submits himself to it for vengeance if he lies. Brunnhilde
then swears an oath of vengeance upon the same Spear Tip, charging it to deliver a
mortal blow to Siegfried.
Siegfried leads the assembled host to the feast, leaving Brunnhilde, Gunther and
Hagen. Hagen offers to avenge Brunnhilde's betrayal, and asks how this might be
done. She says her magic protects him from harm, but she left his back
unprotected. Gunther is overwhelmed with shame for betraying and being
betrayed. All agree Siegfried's death is the only solution - "Siegfried's fall will atone
for us all!". They go to the wedding feast.
Before a fell in a rocky wood, the Rhinesisters swim circles in the Rhine. The hail
the sunlight, decry the dark of the waters since the theft of the Rhingold, and swim
in joy of its memory. They wait for Siegfried, to ask for the Ring's return. He
arrives with his horn-blast, lost in his hunt after a bear. They ask for his Ring in
return for finding his game. They tease him for it, and he repels them, and when
they are serious, he believes them manouvering for the Ring. Though about to give
it, their grim appeals change his mind. They foretell his death that day on behalf of
Brunnhilde's betrayal, and leave in swimming circles.
Horns are heard in the distance, and Siegfried answers, a hunting party with
Hagen, Gunther and his vassals. They climb over the fell and join him on the Rhine
below to eat. Siegfried is thirsty, and Hagen gives him a drinking horn. All lie down
as Siegfried sits upright. He recounts his adventures at Neidhohle, repeating the
three things the Woodbird told him. First he tells of winning the Tarnhelm and
Ring, then of Mime's plot to give him a sleeping potion and afterwards kill him with
Nothung, whereupon Hagen gives Siegfried a potion to awaken his memory and
afterwards kill him with his Spear. Then he tells how he won Brunnhilde for a wife,
whereupon Wotan's ravens fly a circle over his head and depart, and invoking this
testimony of Siegfried and ravens, Hagen stabs him in the back with his Spear, and
departs in evening twilight over the fell. Siegfried, dying, remembers Brunnhilde
aloud, and dies with nightfall. The assembly carries him off in procession over the
At Gibichung Hall, Gutrune waits for Siegfried. She awoke from evil dreams to
hear Grane wildly winny and Brunnhilde laughing, after which she Brunnhilde go
down to the Rhine. Hagen arrives, calling for everyone to wake and bring torches.
The procession follows, and Siegfried is placed on a raised mound in the hall's
middle. Hagen claims Siegfried died by a boar, but Gutrune accuses her siblings of
murder. Gunther accuses and curses Hagen as the murderer. Hagen takes the
credit, as his Spear had been decreed to deal his death. He claims, as Wotan had
cursed him, that he has thereby inherited their heritage, and has the right to claim
the Ring. Gunther denies him the Ring on pretext that it is Gutrune's dower, and
draws his sword. Hagen claims it a Niblung's dower, the two battle, and Gunther
falls to his spear. He grasps at the Ring, but Siegfried's dead hand raises up to
Brunnhilde, coming from the background above, and Hagen is driven back by the
power of the Ring commanded by the Power of Love.
Brunnhilde comes in vengeance for all having betrayed her. Gutrune accuses
Brunhilde of inciting the deed, but Brunnhilde assures her she was his true bride.
Gutrune curses Hagen for having stolen her husband, and is overwhelmed with
sorrow for having taken him from the one the drink made him forget, and goes to
Gunther on the right. Hagen stands opposite, defiantly holding his Spear in gloomy
brooding. In the center, Brunnhilde calls the vassals to build a pyre by the Rhine,
and calls Grane to her that both may join in the pyre. It is built before Gibichung
Hall, and women strew plants and flowers upon it.
She extolls Siegfried as the Sunshine, the purest betrayer, the truest traitor, the
most honest and loving soul ever, who broke his oaths and bonds, yet his truest love
he never betrayed. She calls to the heavenly guardian of vows to see her and their
disgrace, and to God; that through his Siegfried's great deed, which he had so
desired, did he condemn him to the same doom as his - that the truest of all must
betray her, so that a wise woman might grow. She recognizes she now understands
She tells God of his ravens around her, and charges these messengers to go home,
and bids rest upon God. She takes the Ring and has Seigfried put on the pyre. She
invokes the Rhinesisters, telling them the Ring is about to be theirs, stating the
Ring shall be cleansed of its curse by the Fire of the Funeral Pyre and the water of
the Rhine. She puts on the Ring, waves a firebrand to the background, and once
again charges the Ravens to go to their Lord and tell him what they have heard; to
go first to Brunnhilde's Fell and tell Loge to go to Walhall, for Gotterdammerung
has arrived, and that as she casts the firebrand on the pyre, so she casts the
firebrand onto Walhall. The two Ravens then fly from the fell and disappear in the
Two men lead in Grane, she greets him, and tells him their Lord and Hero lies in
the fire. Grane wishes to go to Seigfried, and she notes it, her bosom and heart
being aflame with desire to join him. She mounts him, hails Siegfried that "Selig
greets you your wife, and they leap into the pyre.
The flames blaze up to fill the front of the hall, and appear to set fire to the building
itself, and the people press to the front in terror. The stage now appears to be filled
with fire, then subside, a cloud of smoke drawing into the background. On the
horizon, a dark bank of cloud.
The Rhine overflows its banks, rolling over the fire, and the Rhinesisters emerge to
seize the Ring. Hagen makes a mad rush towards them, throwing Spear, Helmet
and Shield aside. Woglinde and Wellgunde embrace his neck, and draw him into
the depths of the Rhine. Flosshilde, ahead of the others, joyously holds up the Ring.
The the dark clouds on the horizon, a red glow breaks forth, and with increasing
light illuminate the Rhinesisters, who playfully swim in circles as the Rhine
subsides. As Gibichung Hall falls in fiery ruins, Walhall above is seen in flames, it
interior revealed to show the Gods and Heroes sitting assembled. The flames reach
Walhall's interior, and as the Gods become hidden in flame, the curtain falls.
Part XII:
Bently, Peter. The Dictionary of World Myth. Facts on File, New York, 1995.
Bullfinch, Thomas. The Age of Fable. Dell Publishing, New York, 1959.
Campbell, Joseph.
Case, Paul Foster.
------. Mythology - An Illustrated Encyclopedia.
Denslow, William R. 10,000 Famous Free Masons. Missouri Masonic Lodge of
Research, 1960.
Guerber, H.A.. The Norsemen. Gresham Publishing Co., London, 1985.
Hastings, James. A Dictionary of the Bible. Hendrickson Publishers, Peabody,
Massachusetts, November 1988.
Heindel, Max. Mysteries of the Great Operas. The Rosicrucian Fellowship,
Oceanside, California, 1921.
Jordan, Michael. Encyclopedia of Gods. Facts on File, New York, 1993.
Jullien, Adolphe. Richard Wagner: His Life and Works. Adolphe Jullien, Paris, 1892.
Mander, Raymond and Mitchenson, Joe. The Wagner Companion. Hawthorn
Books, Inc., New York, 1977.
Morris, William (trans.). Volsunga Saga: The Story of the Volsungs and Niblungs.
Collier Books, New York, 1962.
Mustard, Helen M (trans.). Medieval Epics: The Nibelungenlied. The Modern
Library, New York, 1963.

Parsons, Albert Ross. Parsifal: The Finding of Christ through Art or Richard
Wagner as Theologian. Kessinger Books, Kila, Montana, no date.
Regardie, Israel. The Golden Dawn. Llewellyn Publications, St. Paul, Minnesota,
Stokes, Frederick A. Richard Wagner. Frederick A. Stokes Co., New York, 1915.
Waite, Arthur E.
Wilmshurts, W.L. Parsifal: A Study of Wagner's Music Drama. Holmes Publishing,
Edmonds, Washington, no date.

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