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Radionics Bio-Circuits & Quantum Resonance

My first introduction to the Eeman Bio-circuits were from the Radionics and Radiesthesia book of 1950 given to me by Mataji. As I read about the Bio-circuits I immediately made the connection nobody else had seen or even bother about, and that is the unbelievable power of combining bio-circuits and radionics. In Eemans report he had made use of physical samples of a substance that he wanted to experiment with. By cutting one of the leads and connect probes to is and then insert them into the substance he wanted to test. So my first question was but why? If you have a Radionics machine you have about 13600 substances to experiment and test to you harts content why bother with hundreds of samples in bottles? Experimenting with this idea opens up a whole new world of energy healing, and as we start applying this in our own healing center we found unbelievable results. While Eeman Bio-circuits in themselves are fantastic tools for relaxation, deepening meditation, entering the Energy Body rapidly, balancing physical and etheric energies and so on, Our research indicate that there is huge potential for their use in a simple and powerful form of vibrational healing.

Radionics Machine

Not only do we have a potent healing system using the bio-circuit by it self, and an even greater system using a radionics machine. But if we take some of the principles behind radionics we can clearly see that we now have something far more powerful than originally considered. Not only can we introduce a huge variety of substances into the circuit for healing purposes but also apply one of the fundamental laws of radionics or homeopathic to it and that is like cures like. Through the use of radionics we are able to read the energy body with all its dysfunctions and then return the healing energy as a 180 inversion back to the body. It is showed in many experiments over many years that Bio-circuits are an effective medium for receiving detailed information about the whole body directly from its energy field and for communicating healing information to the body purely, directly and effectively. Our view of life energy as conscious is fundamental to these experiments, just as is the fact that it is always the body itself which heals, and a good practitioner will simply facilitate that process, helping to remove blockages in the various energy flows which promote health. Healing is a natural process, and all vibrational therapies are attempts to catalyse these natural processes, and accelerate what the body would do normally anyway. The intelligence of life works physically through the DNA, which controls all processes and functions in the body. When injury occurs, the DNA assesses it, decides what to do, and does it, using the same information/blueprint that was used in building the body in the first place. The reason that not everyone is perfectly healthy is that the working of DNA has been compromised by toxic deposits, poor choices, unresolved emotions, bad diet and so onin a word, by toxicity. The DNA can correct these conditions, but we have to stop creating them, by lifestyle and habit changes.

The evolutionary step

The next evolutionary step in Bio-circuits that Leon Eeman made was to realise that the Bio-circuits carry energies and information around the body, rather like a session of Polarity Therapy aims to do. These movements occurred as a result of the 3 axes of polarity that he found in the body: head to toe, right side to left, and back to front. These form a kind of pressure gradient rather like a voltage (potential gradient) does, or water pressure in a plumbing system. He reasoned that if a healing substance were to be placed in line somewhere in the bio-circuit , its influence and qualities would be carried through the whole circuit as well. Years of painstaking research proved him rightand it is all fully documented in his various books, and in books written by some of his co-researchers. Further, he found that just one-tenth of a normal dose of a substance (say, Vitamin C or aspirin) was as effective as a full dose taken physically, say, as a capsule or pill. And further, that drawbacks associated

with such normal ingesting of medication did not occur. For example, taking a capsule or pill means the substance is exposed to the acidity of the stomach, which can be detrimental to the effect required. One of Eemans most powerful laws were that for the body to react to a substance it need not been taken orally or intravenously. A substance is as effective from an energetic point as taking the real substance, thus by placing a substance in circuit would give the same result. This law is the most powerful statement I ever heard, and explain why radionics is so successful. Because everything is energy and therefore the crude substance we ingest release the vibrational signature within the body and it is this signature that actually heal and not the crude substance.

Further research
Our Research did not stop here and our quest to delft deeper into the mysterious world of energy healing had never stop to amaze us in the way people react or respond to it. Many detrimental health problems respond so well to what we dubbed screen treatment that we had start using a treatment session as a standard part of our healing protocol. I would love to explain some of the medical related successes we had but for obvious reasons I will refrain from doing so. This is an on going project and one with so much potential

What does this mean in practice?

Let us look at some of the practical potential we have. 1. Use of the bio-circuit without any medication inline has many advantages 2. There seems to be no end to the possibilities of placing a healing substance in line, amongst them vitamins, minerals, essential oils, essences of all kinds, flower remedies, even colours. 3. This is a totally non-invasive way of delivering healing influencesthe body will take what it needs and no more, just as a battery takes just the current it needs for charging. Most people have a sense of when enough is enough and stop the session. 4. Many side-effects due to too much of a substance in the system, or how it has to be digested through the mouth and/or the stomach, can be side-stepped. This is a great advantage for frail or hypersensitive people, and for people who have to take a number of medications regularly. 5. Even synthetic pharmaceutical drugs are candidates for use in this way, because less needs to be used, and the vibrational effect of the drug will be stronger with less. Thus there will be less toxicity.

A few suggestions for further investigation

The use of flower essences for emotional wellbeing. Use essential oils in-line to deal with any number of health issuesall the power of aromatherapy is available through this method, which has been rather sidelined, although it is very powerful, noninvasive and completely natural For a headache, The rate for pain mix or morphinum will usually act immediately. For fibromyalgia (chronic fatigue syndrome) and other low energy states, use of oxygenating compounds like Stabilised Oxygen or Cellfood will have a good effect. For everyone taking minerals and vitaminsget the effect by using a good multivitamin in the circuit, along with colloidal minerals (or again Cellfood for all at once). For cancer, and to deal with cancer pain, use Essiac or Pain Mix. When morphine had to be administered, we found that instead of several mg orally, 25 drops only in-line had an even better effect, in that there was no constipation side-effect but the pain was still reduced as required. The use of cortisone have major side-effects, putting cortisone in circuit give similar results without the side-effects. For an energy boost, there are a number of vibrations that can give you that power boost almost nullify fatigue. For degenerative disease, the use of the elements of high ph therapy in the bottle seem to provide all the benefits of that method without the side-effects. Bio-circuits provide a tolerable way to use Urine Therapya small amount of urine taken in the morning and mixed with water can be placed in the bottle. Urine therapy has an ancient history going back thousands of years as a very effective healing approach. Base on the above point on urine therapy our own research led us to Potentize Saliva which can play a major role in healing. There seems to be no end to the possibilities. Disclaimer As usual, and as we repeat throughout this website, all the research on this site is just thatit is research, often anecdotal, always experiential, and we make no medical claims. We are researchers and provide information that is either in the public domain or part of our direct experience. And we leave it to the reader to work out why we have to put such disclaimers forward so often...

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