The Golden Watch

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The Golden Watch The summer breeze softly sways his thinning hair as the deafening cheers and

applause rise to each summon. Henry sat there, heart so full and proud of Olivia and he felt a tingle on his palm. He instinctively reaches out wanting to squeeze that familiar hand and realize it is empty. No soft small hands of Maria, no warmth and no one. Maria, his heart and his soul, the mother of his one and only daughter should have been here sharing this auspicious moment. It seems god loves her more and even so, deep in his heart Henry believes she is always among them spreading her love and joy as angels do. Olivia waves cheerily with her bright grin while she steps down from the stage. He could never use to seeing her as a young lady. Time always plays tricks with him and so does his memories. Henry does not know why he kept walking down the memory lane these past few days. Could it have been Olivias college graduation or her 17th birthday? What does he knows about a girls big day? What he knew was, they should have shared it with their mothers. The one who giggles away with them, pick up their prom dress and things alike. Is Olivia missing out on that? But one thing he was sure of was he has kept his promised. A once honest to god farmer, he and his family have always scrap by every day. Trying to make do with what little earning he made from planting. Maria with her sweet disposition will always welcome him home to a warm house and a happy atmosphere. Not once did she complaint of their shabby life and run down cottage. Maria love him as he is, from a farmer to a millionaire never did he changes in her eyes. Have the fact that he is seeing another woman trigger these feelings? Does this count as cheating? Is he betraying all his memories with Maria? Henrys thoughts scattered away as he was jerked back by Olivias tight hug. Daddy!! she squeals. Henry laughs and tightens his embrace. Shall we get to your present then? his hands enveloping her petite figure. His precious jewel, no matter how other thinks he pampers her; he knows Olivia does not have a greedy bone in her. She was as sweet as her mother had always been. Dad, if you got me a convertible like everyone elses, Im so disappointed in you! she pouts prettily. Only Henry knows what she meant. That kind of present does not get to her. That is why he has planned their trip in advance. He is very sure Olivia will be thrilled. Nope, sorry to disappoint you kiddo. Your old man aint rich enough. So here is what I got you. He abruptly turns her to the right. You have got to be kidding me! You got me a range rover? Olivias face fell. She was just pretty stupefied by the idea and even more by her fathers burst of laughter. Sure as hell he is rich, her father could buy her anything but why this? Of course not, you silly. That is mine, we are taking a trip back to Laurelville Henry smiles tenderly.

For real, dad? Are you sure? Are we really, finally doing this? her face was full of hope. She has been waiting for this moment. Since mom died, they never step back in Laurelville. They had a hard life previously but it doesnt matter. There is where she was raised to be the lady she is now. All their bitter sweet memories are locked up in that county. As soon as you hop in, we will start our journey he found himself in her arms again. Olivia squeals her delight and ran fast reaching the truck. Henry drives carefully; once in a while he sneaks a look at his daughter. She let her hair loose free and enjoys the wind as they smoothly move towards their hometown. She looks so carefree. Henry was glad he made the decision. They have been 45 minutes into the journey; it will only take around fifteen to twenty minutes more to reach. Olivia swallowed in the picturesque view. Remembering it how she used to view it and comparing to how it has changed throughout her absence. She misses this place, the cottage would not be a safe haven as it used to be but she looks forward to it. She wants to trot down to the lake with her slippers in her hands. Feel the dirt between her feet. Olivia chuckled to her own reverie. She must have portrayed herself as a wood nymph with that kind of thoughts. Her father slows down the truck, Olivia straighten up from her lazy pose by the window. To her amazement, their cottage was no longer what I used to be. She steps down carefully, her eyes never leaving the house. She could feel emotions building up in her throat. Rendered speechless is the right word but Olivia was not one who have ever lost words. It was amazing; she would have never expected it. She knew dad would never try to taint the memory but he had just gone overboard with this. The house seems to look the same but in a marvelous way. The porch was fixed, it finally stand proud and still. The paint was fresh, the garden mum once tried to color with flowers are full with every sorts she could identify. The window panes were replaced and the swing she had always wanted was installed nicely at the corner of the house. The house had a splendid make over. Dad? Olivia whispers with a questioning look. Henry knows it needs no answer. He reaches for her hands and led her up the steps. Welcome home sweet heart, He push open the door to a beautiful living room. Both of them explore the house together. Olivia holds in the waterworks, being in her childhood room starts up a fresh batch of tears. They finally settle down to a cozy dinner that they packed from the diner in town. Neither of them wanted to leave the house for long. Lets take a walk up the board by the lake, Olivia has already carry her plates to the sink and move to the back door. Henry was prepared for what this might lead to. He found her again sitting at the edge with her bare legs dangling in the water. The moonlight was in abundance tonight. Tell me dad, why now? her soft tones move him. Olivia has always been a bright child. It was never hard to raise her. Maria had done her job well. Henry was not sure where to start. That tone of hers deserves an honest soul bearing, one that will never leave questions unanswered.

He remembered that fateful morning, he was on his usual routine when suddenly in the middle of digging a hole for new plantings, his hoe met with a sharp thud in the ground. It instantly put him to a halt and crouch low to examine the cause. Henry dirty fingers brush away more dirt until it touch a metal like object. Lo and behold never would in a million years would he guest, fortune just came rolling to his feet. His life took 360 degrees turn, fame and fortune claimed him. The three of them were like floating on air. They moved into the big city, got a new house; set Olivia up into private schools. Starts a new business and a lot of other interesting things they always wanted to do while in Laurelville. He finally gets to fulfill his promises to Maria and their daughter. But nothing last forever, it was just the calm before the storm. While so caught up in the whirlwind situation of moving and securing Olivias future, Maria was consumed by cancer. They did not notice her symptoms. He was blinded by their happiness that he was unable to sense the danger that lurks behind. The doctor confirmed Marias cancer of the womb when it was already on stage three. She refused to be treated at the hospital. He was not destitute, in fact he could afford the best medical for her and still she was adamant to stay in the house and live her last days with them as she used to. Olivia was prepared, both of them were. But no matter how they knew the day was coming, they were still bereft by her death. They honored her last wish. They brought her back to Laurelville to be buried beside her parents. Years gone by and both of them learn to live again, Olivia went to Ohio University as planned and he thrived even more in his growing business. Marias memory filled his waking moments until it was not enough anymore, loneliness caught up with him and he found her. That where it begins again, he felt like he is hoping again. For something he was not sure of. It felt nice and it felt like he has something to look forward again. Remember when you asked me how it feels to love mom? Olivia just nodded. You said that she made you believe that theres always hope in everything, as Olivia said it. She knew what it meant. Dad finally found a woman he could love again. The house and the land that comes with it are in your name now. It is yours, ours in every way. I just want it to remain a place for our memories. You have a home back in Athens, but this will always be your sanctuary. I do not dare to promise you anything I could not give, but this is what I can provide you with. We both know money did not bring us happiness, Henry hold tight to his daughter hand. Olivia did the same. She holds on to her anchor, her loving father. It dawns on her that this might be her new beginning too. Her future could be quiet unclear. Then again nothing is. Her other hand was gripping to a pocket watch, she might be looking ahead towards the murky waters but the looks given by the guy who gave the gift a long time ago that morning, was sure as clear as a day. She has her hopes to. Her own golden watch.

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