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Government of India Ministry of Mines INDIAN BUREAU OF MINES

Bulletin of
(Excluding Atomic Minerals, Coal, Lignite, Petroleum, Natural Gas and Minor Minerals)

Issued by Controller General

Prepared by

Indian Bureau of Mines Mineral Economics Division


Controller General


Chief Mineral Economist

Mineral Economist

Deputy Mineral Economist (Int.)

Mineral Officer (Int.)

Mineral Officer (Int.)

Mineral Officer (Int.)

Upper Division Clerk

Publication Section
Chief Editor



Senior Technical Assistant

Junior Tnical Assistant

1. INTRODUCTION 1 3 4 4 62 67 71 76 88

2. LAND USE SCENARIO 3. MINING LEASES 3.1 State wise Analysis 3.2 District wise Analysis 3.3 Mineral wise Analysis 3.4 Frequency Distribution 3.5 Sector wise Distribution 3.6 Year wise Status of Expiry of Mining Leases


PROSPECTING LICENCES 4.1 State wise Distribution 4.2 Mineral wise Distribution

90 90 92





Indian Bureau of Mines is the custodian for all Mineral & Mining information in the country. As part of its regular activity, it undertakes the function of updatating and preparing the Directory of Mining Leases as a continuous exercise wherein compilation of country-wide information on mining leases and prospecting licences granted / executed / renewed / revoked / surrendered are carried out, assorted, analysed and disseminated by way of published documents, namely, Bulletin of Mineral Information and Bulletin of Mining Leases and Prospecting Licences etc.

Presently in its fourteenth edition, this publication - The Bulletin of Mining Leases and Prospecting Licences 2011 - contains information on mining leases, prospecting licences as well as reconnaissance permits as on 31.3.2011. Information contained in the Directory of Mining Leases after assortment and analysis with different parameters have been segregated into statewise, districtwise, mineralwise and sectorwise for easy comprehension of the data on distribution of Mining Leases/ Prospecting Licences/ Reconnaissances Permits executed across the country with clearer demarcation of high, medium and low mineral potential bearing districts. Exhaustive information on mining leases abridged concisely for easy assimilation will suit the convenience of readers be they be enterpreneurs or policy makers. This type of information exclusive in coverage in the subject relating to Mining

leases & Prospecting Licences is largely aimed at providing the much-needed and latest information to all the stakeholders of the Mineral Industry. Predominant portions of this publication owes their basis to the updated Directory of Mining Leases as on 31.3.2011, which in turn was compiled from the data supplied by the different State Governments under the statutory provision of Rule 57 (2) of MCR,1960. Insofar as prospecting licences/ reconnaissance permits are concerned, the individual licence/permit deeds and the consolidated annual returns received under Rule 57(1) and (2) of MCR, 1960 for the same period have been utilised. Besides the above, the approval orders in case of reconnaissance permits were also used as sources of information.


I, hope that the analysis and information presented in this publication will be useful and handy in the process of planning & programming new ventures, commissioning new projects for mineral-based industries and in judicious utilisation of mineral resources of the country.. In the end, I would like to express IBMs sincere thanks to all the State Government Departments for furnishing information of mining leases, prospecting licences and reconnaisance permits and would solicit their cooperation in the future as well.

Nagpur Dated : 15/06/2012

(C. S. GUNDEWAR) Controller General Indian Bureau of Mines


Chapter 1
India has a total geographical area of about 328 million hectares. Of this, the mining lease area, except for fuel and atomic minerals, constitutes around 0.17% (547814 hectares). The position of mining leases as on 31.3.2011 reveals that there are as many as 11,003 mining leases (compared to 10,488 in the previous year) granted in the country by the State Governments covering 65 minerals (excluding coal, lignite, petroleum, natural gas, atomic minerals and minor minerals) with a total area of 547814 hectares and spread over 23 States. These 65 minerals are broadly classified into metallic and non-metallic minerals. This bulletin highlights statewise, sectorwise and district wise distribution of mining leases, prospecting licences and reconnaissance permits, frequency distribution of mining leases, etc. Though apparently negligible, the mining lease area of the country is considered as an important land use segment as it contributes to the economic growth of the country. Besides, it calls for environmental protection, as land under lease gets subjected to degradation during the process of mining activities.

India is well-endowed with a wide variety of naturally occurring minerals. These are being exploited to cater to the needs of domestic mineral-based industries as well as to meet export demands to earn foreign exchange. Today, as many as 65 minerals including major metallic and non-metallic minerals are being exploited in the country excluding coal, atomic and some minor minerals. The Indian Mineral Sector is opened fully to private sector including domestic and foreign. The Government of India in its new National Mineral Policy 2008 has enunciated policy measures like assured right to next stage mineral concession, transferability of mineral concessions and transparency in allotment of concession in order to reduce delays and with a purpose to weed out impediments that hinder inflow of investments and technology into the Mining Sector of the country. These policy initiatives would provide suitable environment for exploration and judicious utilisation of the countrys mineral wealth. Apart from these, the National Mineral Policy has enunciated several policy measures that seek to strengthen the framework/ institutions that support the Indian Mining Sector which includes Geological Survey of India, Indian Bureau of Mines and State Directorates of Geology & Mining. In order

In order to give effect to the direction envisioned in the new Mineral Policy, the Ministry of Mines has promulgated the review and refurbishing of the existing Act and has prepared the draft of the new Act, namely, Mines & Minerals (Development and Regulation) Act, 2010, with the aim to develop the Mineral Sector of the country in a holistic manner. As per existing MMDR Act, 1957, the limit of maximum area under RP, PL and ML is 10,000 sq. km, 25 and 10 respectively in a State. Under Rule 57 (1) of MCR,1960, a copy of every reconnaissance permit, (no provision for renewal of reconnaissance permits), prospecting licence and mining lease granted or renewed shall be supplied by each State Government within two months of such grant or renewal to the Controller General, Indian Bureau of Mines. Besides, under Rule 57 (2) of MCR,1960 all the State Governments/Union Territories are required to submit to the Controller General, Indian Bureau of Mines, a consolidated annual return of reconnaissance permits/prospecting licences/mining leases granted or executed in Proforma A; prospecting licences/mining leases renewed in Proforma B; and termination of mining leases & reasons for termination in Proforma C for the preceding financial year ending in March. The above statements for the previous financial year are required to be submitted to Indian Bureau of Mines on or before 30th June each year by every State Government. From such information received from all the State Governments under statutory provisions, the information pertaining to mining leases and prospecting licences is compiled, processed and updated. These stored data is retrieved and made available for further requisite studies, analysis and for consumption of information seekers.

Chapter 2
Indias geographical area is about 329 million hectares. The entire geographical area is broadly classified into 8 segments which are as follows.

Sl. No. 1 Cropped Area


Total Area in Percentage Million Hect. of Area 142.50 43.34 12.00 67.00 19.40 21.80 0.55 24.00 41.52 328.77 3.65 20.38 5.90 6.63 0.17 7.30 12.63 100.00

2 Permanent pastures & other grazing land 3 Forest 4 Barren & Un-cultivable land 5 Non-agricultural land 6 Mining lease area 7 Fallow lands 8 Other area (no information available) Total

Out of the entire geographical area, about 67% are under croped area. permanent pastures & other grazing lands and forest. The mining lease area, constitutes around 547,814 hectares which is approximately 0.17% of the total geological area. However, mining lease area, though a minuscule segment in the total land area, continues to be an important segment and an essential contributing factor to the economy of the country. At the same time there is an imperative need to pay due attention to environment aspects as these land areas under mining leases are subjected to various processes of mining activity and are liable to degradation.

Chapter 3
As per the Lease Directory as on 31.3.2011, there were 11,003 mining leases granted by State Governments for 65 different minerals, covering an area of 5,47,814 hectares in the country. States rich in minerals where maximum number of mining leases were granted are Rajasthan (25%) followed by Andhra Pradesh (18%), Gujarat & Madhya Pradesh (10% each), Tamil Nadu (8%), Karnataka (7%), Orissa (5%) and Chhattisgarh, Goa & Jharkhand (3% each). These ten States together account for about 92% of the total leases executed and the remaining thirteen States where such leases were executed accounted for about 8 percent of the total mining leases. The maximum area in percentage covered under mining leases in different States are Rajasthan (20%) followed by Odisha (14%), Andhra Pradesh (12%), Karnataka (11%), Tamil Nadu & Jharkhand (7% each), Madhya Pradesh (6%), Gujarat (5%), Goa & Chhattisgarh (4% each) and Maharashtra (3%). These eleven States account for about 93% of the total mining lease area granted and the remaining 7 percent was accounted for by the rest twelve States. The Statewise mining lease distribution together with lease areas as well as state wise / district wise distribution of mining leases as on 31.03.2011 are furnished in Tables 1 to 4.

Table-1 : State wise Summary of Lease Distribution (As on 31.03.2011)

No. of Leases 1999 8 11 316 336 1152 118 54 57 332 754 82 1100 251 2 21 532 2696 3 945 95 89 50 11003 Percentage 18.17 0.07 0.10 2.87 3.05 10.47 1.07 0.49 0.52 3.02 6.85 0.75 10.00 2.28 0.02 0.19 4.84 24.50 0.03 8.59 0.86 0.81 0.45 100.00 Leases Area 68047.13 929.50 2074.72 23551.77 24393.26 30035.65 12255.12 3440.41 2671.84 37071.32 59204.59 2878.62 30930.93 16093.72 610.17 1297.63 77743.91 107102.01 96.32 37780.11 7608.54 1276.76 720.28 547814.31 (Area in Hect.) Percentage 12.42 0.17 0.38 4.30 4.45 5.48 2.24 0.63 0.49 6.77 10.81 0.53 5.65 2.94 0.11 0.24 14.19 19.55 0.02 6.90 1.39 0.23 0.13 100.00

State Andhra Pradesh Assam Bihar Chhattisgarh Goa Gujarat Haryana Himachal Pradesh Jammu & Kashmir Jharkhand Karnataka Kerala Madhya Pradesh Maharashtra Manipur Meghalaya Ordisa Rajasthan Sikkim Tamil Nadu Uttar Pradesh Uttarakhand West Bengal All India

Table-2 : Mineral wise Summary of Lease Distribution As on 31/03/2011

Sl. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Mineral Agate Amethyst Apatite Asbestos Ball clay Barytes Bauxite Borax Calcareous sand Calcite Chalk China clay Chromite Clay (others) Copper ore Corundum Diamond Diaspore Dolomite Dunite Epidote Felsite Felspar Fireclay Fluorite Garnet Garnet (Gem) Gold Graphite Gypsum No. of Leases 3 6 2 34 54 164 343 1 14 80 162 514 35 106 17 17 2 12 542 1 1 6 862 272 16 96 1 11 121 89 Area in Hect. 59.62 74.42 20.17 1632.75 28281.41 2587.75 30032.74 159.00 151.54 1620.02 650.75 17386.17 9432.57 1280.61 10007.01 240.62 275.96 94.38 8124.63 14.28 5.00 102.29 11653.41 6507.87 1670.71 938.88 12.08 6441.71 3787.65 15255.15 Contd.

Table-2 (Contd.) Sl. No. 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 Mineral Iolite Iron ore Jasper Kyanite Laterite Lead & Zinc ore Lime Kankar Limeshell Limestone Magnesite Manganese ore Marl Mica Moulding sand Ochre Perlite Phosphorite Pyrites Pyrophyllite Pyroxenite Quartz Quartzite Ruby Sand (others) Sapphire Shale Silica sand Sillimanite Slate No. of Leases 11 800 5 32 186 12 19 35 2073 40 340 8 311 62 158 1 12 1 97 10 1892 88 1 57 1 46 545 6 18 Area in Hect. 104.35 98082.70 211.70 3217.74 2293.10 7175.19 648.17 4879.47 153926.94 3015.53 23258.72 1729.08 7511.74 1380.64 3405.40 144.88 2750.76 647.50 2259.98 90.84 16696.91 2016.35 4.07 13547.01 673.40 570.11 17797.48 2847.06 683.31 Contd.

Table-2 (Concld.) Sl. No. 60 61 62 63 64 65 Mineral Steatite Tin Vermiculite White clay White shale Wollastonite Total No. of Leases 474 15 16 24 16 7 11003 Area in Hect. 16609.18 321.02 285.94 212.16 74.90 239.83 547814.31

Table-3 : State wise/Mineral wise Distribution of Leases and Lease Area (As on 31.3.2011)
State Andhra Pradesh Mineral Amethyst Apatite Asbestos Ball clay Barytes Calcite China clay Clay (others) Corundum Dolomite Felspar Fireclay Garnet Gold Graphite Iron ore Laterite Lead & Zinc ore Lime kankar Limeshell Limestone Manganese ore Mica Moulding sand Ochre Pyrophyllite Quartz Sand (others) Shale No of Leases 4 1 5 23 153 7 40 11 5 148 30 28 10 3 1 67 112 1 15 4 260 57 117 1 27 11 516 18 15 Area in Hect. 11.08 16.12 227.77 188.11 2386.06 71.43 560.07 307.10 17.37 2620.22 704.20 100.32 124.08 441.01 3.11 2497.18 1006.04 15.89 108.43 87.63 31181.41 1809.63 1931.64 13.19 296.51 460.11 5793.06 10341.39 296.91 Contd.

Table-3 (Contd.) State Andhra Pradesh (Concld.) Mineral Silica sand Slate Steatite Vermiculite White clay White shale Total Assam Limestone Total Bihar Bauxite Limestone Mica Pyrites Quartz Total Chhattisgarh Bauxite China clay Corundum Dolomite Fireclay Graphite Iron ore Limestone Moulding sand Ochre Quartz Quartzite Steatite No of Leases 120 15 99 8 12 16 1999 8 8 1 6 2 1 1 11 27 1 2 82 4 1 17 128 6 1 11 14 4 Area in Hect. 2019.40 504.12 839.94 134.71 103.69 74.90 68047.13 929.50 929.50 44.56 166.06 1196.80 647.50 19.80 2074.72 5454.17 2.29 27.25 1085.33 7.77 67.11 7820.18 8552.53 33.65 10.12 35.01 125.45 10.42 Contd.


Table-3 (Contd.) State Mineral Tin Chhattisgarh (Concld.) Goa White clay Total Bauxite Iron ore Manganese ore Total Gujarat Agate Ball clay Bauxite Calcareous sand Calcite Chalk China clay Clay (others) Copper ore Dolomite Felspar Fireclay Fluorite Gypsum Laterite Limestone Manganese ore Marl Moulding sand Ochre Perlite Quartz Silica sand Steatite No of Leases 14 4 316 3 284 49 336 1 6 153 14 4 162 112 87 1 79 1 64 2 7 5 317 1 8 3 5 1 40 72 4 Area in Hect. 300.17 20.32 23551.77 1304.58 20215.00 2873.68 24393.26 4.64 197.86 5575.53 151.54 10.33 650.75 1223.28 824.91 878.92 952.95 1.00 273.60 63.20 86.85 617.50 15289.99 2.95 1729.08 5.82 47.29 144.88 257.51 1001.78 13.67 Contd.

Table-3 (Contd.) State Gujarat (Concld.) Haryana Mineral Vermiculite White clay Total Barytes Calcite China clay Dolomite Felspar Lime kankar Limestone Mica Quartz Quartzite Silica sand Slate Total Himachal Pradesh Barytes Limestone Quartzite Total Jammu & Kashmir Borax China clay Gypsum Limestone Magnesite Sapphire Total Jharkhand Bauxite China clay Copper ore No of Leases 1 2 1152 1 2 40 2 1 3 7 1 14 4 41 2 118 3 50 1 54 1 2 20 32 1 1 57 45 21 4 Area in Hect. 23.20 6.62 30035.65 79.32 158.56 3534.72 252.15 128.95 532.00 99.88 400.00 675.14 68.24 6202.46 123.70 12255.12 8.42 3427.11 4.88 3440.41 159.00 59.70 419.28 874.76 485.70 673.40 2671.84 3994.58 1536.27 6417.09 Contd.


Table-3 (Contd.) State Jharkahnd (Concld.) Mineral Dolomite Felspar Fireclay Gold Graphite Iron ore Kyanite Limestone Mica Ochre Pyrophyllite Pyroxenite Quartz Quartzite Sand (others) Steatite Total Karnataka Barytes Bauxite Calcite China clay Chromite Clay (others ) Copper ore Corundum Dolomite Felsite Felspar Fireclay Gold Graphite No of Leases 2 10 25 1 19 51 8 53 31 1 1 10 26 3 15 6 332 1 6 1 20 6 2 2 7 20 6 5 6 7 4 Area in Hect. 220.87 255.72 915.11 19.50 687.57 12516.81 2591.36 4512.89 971.17 5.62 22.50 90.84 301.75 27.83 1918.18 65.66 37071.32 17.00 393.82 17.00 928.56 1306.38 24.68 416.83 100.63 376.13 102.29 134.47 290.72 5981.20 235.03 Contd.

Table-3 (Contd.) State Karnataka (Concld.) Mineral Iron ore Kyanite Laterite Lime kankar Limeshell Limestone Magnesite Manganese ore Moulding sand Ochre Quartz Quartzite Ruby Silica sand Steatite Vermiculite Total Kerala Bauxite China clay Graphite Iron ore Laterite Limeshell Limestone Quartz Silica sand Sillimanite Total Madhya Pradesh Barytes Bauxite Calcite No of Leases 185 9 4 1 24 161 10 80 47 5 70 2 1 48 11 3 754 3 32 1 1 9 4 1 2 25 4 82 2 62 28 Area in Hect. 19206.79 315.05 102.08 7.74 2108.28 17952.86 223.39 5162.96 1274.06 155.83 951.35 8.09 4.07 1093.23 279.46 34.61 59204.59 1.37 98.73 1.25 86.06 33.87 1949.90 245.69 50.02 33.36 378.37 2878.62 5.37 1316.26 69.05 Contd.

Table-3 (Contd.) State Madhya Pradesh (Concld.) Mineral China clay Clay (others) Copper ore Diamond Diaspore Dolomite Fireclay Iron ore Laterite Lead & Zinc ore Limestone Manganese ore Ochre Phosphorite Pyrophyllite Quartz Quartzite Sand (others) Shale Silica sand Slate Steatite Vermiculite White clay Total Maharashtra Agate Bauxite China clay Chromite Corundum Dolomite No of Leases 19 5 2 2 12 175 40 18 51 2 420 64 75 5 52 7 1 3 28 4 1 17 2 3 1100 2 31 3 1 1 19 Area in Hect. 174.01 119.25 479.90 275.96 94.38 895.19 331.77 246.68 432.44 12.77 22644.02 1457.87 1398.78 150.67 262.76 45.37 6.10 20.10 230.81 3.32 55.49 115.93 27.49 59.19 30930.93 54.98 4857.41 29.89 16.22 3.96 298.33 Contd.

Table-3 (Contd.) State Maharashtra (Concld) Mineral Felspar Fireclay Fluorite Iron ore Kyanite Laterite Limestone Manganese ore Mica Moulding sand Quartz Sand (others) Shale Silica sand White clay Total Manipur Chromite Total Meghalaya Fireclay Limestone Shale Sillimanite Total Odisha Amethyst Asbestos Bauxite China clay Chromite Corundum Dolomite Dunite No of Leases 2 2 1 27 13 5 51 37 1 2 8 12 1 29 3 251 2 2 1 18 1 1 21 2 2 8 17 26 2 7 1 Area in Hect. 53.65 18.40 32.70 1181.66 250.84 101.17 5833.27 986.44 42.06 46.51 125.66 745.37 32.49 1360.37 22.34 16093.72 610.17 610.17 221.44 1066.65 4.90 4.64 1297.63 63.34 166.57 6673.47 1485.55 7499.80 91.41 907.67 14.28 Contd.

Table-3 (Contd.) State Odisha (Concld.)

Mineral Fireclay Garnet (Gem) Graphite Iolite Iron ore Kyanite Lead & Zinc ore Limestone Manganese ore Pyrophyllite Quartz Quartzite Sand (others) Silica sand Sillimanite Steatite Tin Total Asbestos Ball clay Barytes Calcite China clay Clay (others) Copper ore Dolomite Epidote Felspar Fireclay Fluorite

No of Leases 21 1 87 11 133 1 1 43 51 5 76 19 7 1 1 8 1 532 27 24 4 38 180 1 5 6 1 813 25 13

Area in Hect. 1831.94 12.08 2392.31 104.35 31986.49 55.49 5.26 7951.02 10946.29 231.22 1387.26 496.76 512.79 17.45 2464.05 426.21 20.85 77743.91 1238.41 1995.44 91.58 1293.65 7121.66 4.67 1717.95 297.40 5.00 10375.42 2294.05 1574.81 Contd.



Table-3 (Contd.) State Rajasthan (Concld.)

Mineral Garnet Graphite Gypsum Iron ore Jasper Kyanite Lead & Zinc ore Limestone Magnesite Manganese ore Mica Ochre Phosphorite Pyrophyllite Quartz Quartzite Shale Silica sand Steatite Vermiculite Wollastonite Total

No of Leases 12 1 47 17 5 1 8 78 3 1 159 43 5 5 817 4 1 103 241 1 7 2696 3 3 1 1 4 1 1 49

Area in Hect. 137.67 123.75 14703.63 2325.85 211.70 5.00 7141.27 22719.14 15.00 18.90 2970.07 1485.48 1712.62 207.91 6461.52 521.00 5.00 4096.32 13948.09 42.22 239.83 107102.01 96.32 96.32 4.05 25900.00 416.99 12.30 62.07 181.73 Contd.


Copper ore Total

Tamil Nadu

Apatite Ball clay Bauxite China clay Dolomite Fire clay


Table-3 (Contd.) State Tamil Nadu (Concld.) Mineral Garnet Graphite Gypsum Limeshell Limestone Magnesite Quartz Sand (others) Silica sand Steatite Vermiculite Total Uttar Pradesh Dolomite Limestone Phosphorite Pyrophyllite Silica sand Total Uttarakhand Limestone Magnesite Steatite Total West Bengal China clay Fireclay Moulding sand Ochre Phosphorite Quartz Quartzite Silica sand Total No of Leases 74 7 15 3 426 22 294 2 37 7 1 945 1 6 1 23 64 95 8 4 77 89 26 7 3 1 1 10 1 1 50 Area in Hect. 677.13 277.52 45.39 733.66 6708.23 2033.80 567.31 9.18 101.90 25.14 23.71 37780.11 156.32 3637.47 874.00 1075.48 1865.27 7608.54 134.46 257.64 884.66 1276.76 619.14 41.02 7.41 5.77 13.47 26.15 4.70 2.62 720.28


Table-4 : State wise/District wise/Mineralwise Distribution of Leases and Lease Area (As on 31.3.2011)
State Andhra Pradesh District Adilabad Mineral China clay Laterite Limestone Manganese ore Quartz Sand (others) White clay Total Barytes Calcite China clay Corundum Dolomite Felspar Gold Iron ore Limestone Ochre Pyrophyllite Quartz Shale Steatite Total China clay Felspar Gold Pyrophyllite Quartz Quartzite Steatite White shale Total No. of Leases 9 3 15 16 2 6 9 60 3 1 2 2 62 4 1 8 27 3 3 27 1 32 176 3 1 2 3 13 1 1 1 25 Lease Area Hect. 52.02 13.24 2419.21 758.72 9.40 7345.93 87.31 10685.83 12.96 4.68 12.17 13.41 886.80 74.55 168.43 196.59 1500.07 22.11 217.17 440.03 3.16 370.63 3922.76 29.33 3.78 272.58 20.73 125.76 15.34 1.53 6.68 475.73 Contd.




Table-4 (Contd.) State Andhra Pradesh (Contd.)

District Cuddapah

Mineral Asbestos Barytes China clay Clay (others) Dolomite Felspar Iron ore Laterite Lead & Zinc ore Limestone Ochre Pyrophyllite Quartz Quartzite Shale Silica sand Steatite Total China clay Fireclay Laterite Total Ball clay China clay Fireclay Quartz Total Laterite Limestone Quartz Slate White clay White shale Total

No. of Leases 5 125 5 10 19 15 10 1 1 22 11 5 14 5 7 1 2 258 13 23 22 58 23 3 3 5 34 1 35 14 1 1 1 53

Lease Area Hect. 227.77 1770.97 390.04 301.10 689.43 413.23 990.40 28.07 15.89 2801.39 93.55 222.21 268.90 209.06 83.60 18.70 40.13 8564.44 24.23 58.19 301.82 384.24 188.11 8.70 34.03 61.26 292.10 1.97 5895.99 181.04 19.61 3.61 33.01 6135.23 Contd.

Godavari East

Godavari West



Table-4 (Contd.) State Andhra Pradesh (Contd.)

District Karimnagar

Mineral Iron ore Limestone Quartz Sand (others) Silica sand Total Barytes Corundum Dolomite Felspar Garnet Iron ore Laterite Mica Quartz Sand (others) Total Iron ore Limestone Quartz Total Barytes China clay Dolomite Iron ore Limestone Ochre Quartz Quartzite Shale Silica sand Steatite White shale Total


No. of Leases 2 2 2 6 1 13 5 3 10 3 4 6 1 1 17 2 52 7 15 10 32 6 1 54 27 103 13 14 3 4 30 63 14 332

Lease Area Hect. 4.00 482.52 27.51 2086.71 10.00 2610.74 304.13 3.96 536.32 75.25 19.94 53.26 4.61 21.85 45.46 76.36 1141.14 58.26 2595.88 22.92 2677.06 45.13 12.14 488.09 405.49 8663.30 180.85 145.94 28.27 16.99 765.91 425.15 35.21 11212.47 Contd.




Table-4 (Contd.) State Andhra Pradesh (Contd.)

District Mahbubnagar

Mineral Felspar Laterite Quartz Steatite Total Laterite Quartz Total Laterite Limestone Quartz Shale Total Barytes Felspar Iron ore Laterite Limeshell Mica Moulding sand Quartz Silica sand Vermiculite Total Amethyst Iron ore Laterite Quartz Total Barytes Garnet Iron ore Quartz Silica sand

No. of Leases 3 1 134 1 139 10 29 39 7 35 23 2 67 4 4 2 13 3 113 1 90 74 8 312 1 1 4 6 12 10 4 4 70 13

Lease Area Hect. 44.65 17.82 829.78 2.50 894.75 52.33 221.36 273.69 20.59 5274.07 152.90 60.04 5507.60 49.56 92.74 222.21 72.86 83.63 1903.47 13.19 1156.57 1202.52 134.71 4931.46 4.00 6.68 47.71 20.58 78.97 203.31 4.71 560.29 1684.79 14.77 Contd.







Table-4 (Contd.) State Andhra Pradesh (Contd.)

District Prakasam (Concld.) Rangareddi

Mineral Slate Total Amethyst China clay Clay (others) Fireclay Laterite Limestone Quartz Shale Total Garnet Lime kankar Limeshell Quartz Quartzite Sand (others) Silica sand Total Apatite Calcite China clay Garnet Laterite Mica Quartz White clay Total Graphite Lime kankar Manganese ore Quartz Quartzite Sand (others) Total

No. of Leases 14 115 3 1 1 2 19 6 26 1 59 1 2 1 2 5 1 1 13 1 6 3 1 8 3 7 2 31 1 13 41 10 25 3 93

Lease Area Hect. 484.51 2952.38 7.08 2.02 6.00 8.10 187.93 1548.98 183.06 133.07 2076.24 95.08 10.98 4.00 10.91 99.84 719.44 7.50 947.75 16.12 66.75 29.42 4.35 74.56 6.32 111.53 12.77 321.82 3.11 97.45 1050.91 82.29 400.79 112.95 1747.50 Contd.





Table-4 (Contd.) State Andhra Pradesh (Concld.)

District Warangal

Mineral Dolomite Laterite Quartz Total Limestone Total Limestone Total Bauxite Total Mica Total Limestone Pyrites Total Quartz Total Bauxite Limestone Total Dolomite Limestone Total Corundum Iron ore Tin Total Dolomite Iron ore


Karbi Anglong

No. of Leases 3 22 1 26 1 1 7 7 1 1 2 2 6 1 7 1 1 2 19 21 35 1 36 2 6 14 22 30 4

Lease Area Hect. 19.58 182.53 11.07 213.18 171.00 171.00 758.50 758.50 44.56 44.56 1196.80 1196.80 166.06 647.50 813.56 19.80 19.80 27.28 57.98 85.26 289.33 582.96 872.29 27.25 2696.21 300.17 3023.63 141.10 2562.69 Contd.

North Cachar Hills


Jamshedpur Nawada


Supaul Chhattisgarh Bastar





Table-4 (Contd.) State Chhattisgarh (Contd.)

District Durg (Concld.)

Mineral Limestone Moulding sand Quartzite Total Dolomite Limestone Total Bauxite Quartz Total Bauxite Limestone Total Bauxite Iron ore Moulding sand Steatite Total Fireclay Total Fireclay Quartz Total Iron ore Total Dolomite Fireclay Limestone Quartz Quartzite Total

No. of Leases 44 3 3 84 9 5 14 2 2 4 3 4 7 3 4 1 4 12 2 2 1 5 6 1 1 6 1 6 1 3 17

Lease Area Hect. 1339.69 12.12 24.08 4079.68 610.02 1114.97 1724.99 40.61 4.36 44.97 669.64 21.59 691.23 13.22 2178.32 13.84 10.42 2215.80 2.05 2.05 0.77 9.20 9.97 192.25 192.25 26.98 4.95 18.84 2.92 60.57 114.26 Contd.










Table-4 (Contd.) State Chhattisgarh (Concld.)

District Raipur

Mineral Dolomite Limestone Total China clay Iron ore Limestone Moulding sand Ochre Quartz Quartzite White shale Total Bauxite Graphite Total Iron ore Manganese ore Total Bauxite Iron ore Manganese ore Total Bauxite China clay Clay (others) Limestone Total Calcite Copper ore Limestone Total

No. of Leases 2 47 49 1 2 2 2 1 3 8 4 23 17 1 18 86 13 99 3 198 36 237 2 1 1 5 9 1 1 1 3

Lease Area Hect. 17.90 5410.19 5428.09 2.29 190.71 6.31 7.69 10.12 18.53 40.80 20.32 296.77 4703.42 67.11 4770.53 6422.81 701.25 7124.06 1304.58 13792.19 2171.72 17268.49 147.98 3.01 88.54 1864.76 2104.29 3.76 878.92 21.24 903.92 Contd.




North Goa

South Goa





Table-4 (Contd.) State Gujarat (Contd.)

District Bharuch

Mineral Agate Ball clay Silica sand Total Chalk Clay (others) Dolomite Limestone Moulding sand Total Quartz Total Bauxite Calcareous sand Chalk Clay (others) Limestone Marl Ochre Total Limestone Marl Total Bauxite Limestone Quartz Total Ball clay Bauxite China clay Clay (others) Fireclay

No. of Leases 1 1 23 25 1 1 4 1 1 8 6 6 112 14 12 3 64 2 1 208 105 5 110 16 1 5 22 4 11 93 75 1

Lease Area Hect. 4.64 183.87 577.21 765.72 12.00 9.71 68.09 20.00 2.80 112.60 43.51 43.51 3143.41 151.54 41.55 28.78 2221.27 9.15 20.23 5615.93 3057.95 1153.99 4211.94 84.76 10.93 19.27 114.96 8.50 2049.44 641.31 595.26 3.00 Contd.








Table-4 (Contd.) State Gujarat (Contd.)

District Kachchh (Concld.)

Mineral Gypsum Laterite Limestone Ochre Silica sand White clay Total China clay Total Manganese ore Quartz Total Ball clay China clay Clay (others) Ochre White clay Total Bauxite Chalk Laterite Limestone Total Chalk Fireclay Gypsum Limestone Perlite Silica sand Total Bauxite Calcite China clay

No. of Leases 5 4 8 1 8 1 211 10 10 1 29 30 1 1 5 3 1 11 6 124 1 126 257 25 22 2 3 1 3 56 6 3 7

Lease Area Hect. 83.63 526.97 5405.70 4.00 185.41 5.00 9508.22 184.79 184.79 2.95 194.73 197.68 5.49 36.22 94.83 23.06 1.62 161.22 112.39 510.64 90.53 2593.61 3307.17 86.56 89.71 3.22 12.00 144.88 12.50 348.87 37.55 6.57 357.95 Contd.








Table-4 (Contd.) State Gujarat (Concld.)

District Sabarkantha (Concld.)

Mineral Felspar Fireclay Limestone Marl Silica sand Steatite Total Limestone Silica sand Total Clay (others) Fireclay Moulding sand Silica sand Total Dolomite Fluorite Vermiculite Total Limekankar Total China clay Silica sand Total China clay Quartz Quartzite Silica sand Total Barytes Calcite Dolomite

No. of Leases 1 5 2 1 10 4 39 1 1 2 2 36 2 27 67 75 2 1 78 3 3 3 26 29 37 4 2 15 58 1 2 2

Lease Area Hect. 1.00 10.07 2.53 565.94 62.74 13.67 1058.02 80.00 6.52 86.52 7.79 170.82 3.02 157.40 339.03 884.86 63.20 23.20 971.26 532.00 532.00 363.60 5154.95 5518.55 3171.12 97.94 47.78 1047.51 4364.35 79.32 158.56 252.15 Contd.










Table-4 (Contd.) State Haryana (Concld.)

District Mahendragarh (Concld.)

Mineral Felspar Limestone Mica Quartz Slate Total Quartzite Slate Total Limestone Quartzite Total Limestone Total Barytes Limestone Total Limestone Total Limestone Total Gypsum Total Gypsum Sapphire Total Borax Total

No. of Leases 1 7 1 10 1 25 2 1 3 1 1 2 1 1 3 45 48 3 3 22 22 13 13 7 1 8 1 1

Lease Area Hect. 128.95 99.88 400.00 577.20 81.35 1777.41 20.46 42.35 62.81 231.25 4.88 236.13 725.86 725.86 8.42 1387.50 1395.92 1082.50 1082.50 216.13 216.13 65.45 65.45 353.83 673.40 1027.23 159.00 159.00 Contd.


Himachal Pradesh




Solan Jammu & Kashmir Anantnag





Table-4 (Contd.) State Jammu & Kashmir (Concld.)

District Poonch

Mineral Limestone Total Limestone Total Limestone Total China clay Magnesite Total Limestone Sand (others) Total Felspar Quartz Total Fireclay Limestone Quartz Sand (others) Total Quartz Total Dolomite Limestone Total Felspar Mica Steatite Total

No. of Leases 2 2 6 6 2 2 2 1 3 1 2 3 2 1 3 6 1 1 13 21 1 1 1 3 4 1 3 1 5

Lease Area Hect. 200.89 200.89 235.53 235.53 222.21 222.21 59.70 485.70 545.40 17.57 152.83 170.40 2.93 4.22 7.15 294.51 17.40 5.18 1765.35 2082.44 0.88 0.88 202.42 1178.92 1381.34 191.42 190.72 3.64 385.78 Contd.












Table-4 (Contd.) State Jharkhand (Contd.)

District Godda

Mineral Limestone Total Bauxite Total Felspar Fireclay Limestone Mica Pyrophyllite Quartz Total Felspar Mica Quartz Steatite Total Bauxite China clay Fireclay Graphite Iron ore Mica Quartz Total Bauxite Total Dolomite Felspar Graphite Iron ore Limestone Steatite Total

No. of Leases 1 1 25 25 1 4 10 1 1 1 18 4 26 6 1 37 2 1 15 1 2 1 11 33 18 18 1 1 18 4 2 1 27

Lease Area Hect. 18.82 18.82 2660.75 2660.75 3.13 215.04 446.48 197.00 22.50 8.20 892.35 19.43 579.00 89.89 1.08 689.40 478.35 8.25 405.56 17.81 45.18 4.45 142.32 1101.92 855.48 855.48 18.45 1.25 669.76 58.06 1069.80 2.52 1819.84 Contd.







Table-4 (Contd.) State Jharkhand (Concld.)

District Ranchi

Mineral China clay Felspar Limestone Total China clay Total Kyanite Pyroxenite Quartz Steatite Total Copper ore Gold Kyanite Limestone Total China clay Iron ore Kyanite Limestone Ochre Pyroxenite Quartz Quartzite Steatite Total Dolomite Iron ore Limestone Manganese ore Quartz Total

No. of Leases 2 1 6 9 2 2 1 3 4 1 9 4 1 1 23 29 16 45 6 6 1 7 1 3 2 87 14 3 94 1 1 113

Lease Area Hect. 19.07 37.56 1335.35 1391.98 12.25 12.25 3.84 25.78 49.04 31.36 110.02 6417.09 19.50 2.43 373.83 6812.85 1496.70 12413.57 2585.09 54.72 5.62 65.06 2.02 27.83 27.06 16677.67 291.06 74.84 5646.90 59.60 4.05 6076.45 Contd.



Singhbhum (East)

Singhbhum (West)




Table-4 (Contd.) State Karnataka (Concld.)

District Bengaluru

Mineral China clay Corundum Felspar Fireclay Manganese ore Ruby Silica sand Total Bauxite Calcite China clay Clay (others) Dolomite Fire clay Iron ore Laterite Limestone Manganese ore Moulding sand Quartz Quartzite Silica sand Total Iron ore Limestone Manganese ore Moulding sand Ochre Quartz Steatite Total Ochre Total

No. of Leases 1 2 4 1 1 1 1 11 5 1 5 2 5 1 1 3 19 1 4 2 2 4 55 130 1 11 7 1 15 3 168 1 1

Lease Area Hect. 48.56 12.14 131.91 2.02 2.83 4.07 41.83 243.36 370.02 17.00 83.50 24.68 80.62 2.16 20.23 100.06 1105.01 40.47 61.92 12.81 8.09 13.40 1939.97 11236.27 4.04 665.59 69.88 69.61 97.28 6.19 12148.86 21.85 21.85 Contd.





Table-4 (Contd.) State Karnataka (Contd.)

District Chickballapura

Mineral China clay Felspar Fireclay Laterite Quartz Total Dolomite Iron ore Quartz Total Barytes Copper ore Iron ore Kyanite Limestone Manganese ore Moulding sand Quartz Total Corundum Total Iron ore Manganese ore Moulding sand Ochre Quartz Total China clay Iron ore Quartz Total

No. of Leases 4 1 2 1 2 10 1 3 1 5 1 2 18 1 17 32 1 8 80 1 1 1 3 8 1 4 17 1 4 1 6

Lease Area Hect. 352.91 2.56 34.39 2.02 65.28 457.16 4.45 4679.10 7.41 4690.96 17.00 416.83 599.25 169.96 1883.93 1686.84 48.56 194.27 5016.64 0.80 0.80 38.44 77.49 201.23 1.65 176.31 495.12 20.23 190.37 4.86 215.46 Contd.







Table-4 (Contd.) State Karnataka (Contd.)

District Gadag

Mineral Quartz Total Gold Lime kankar Limestone Moulding sand Quartz Total China clay Chromite Kyanite Quartz Steatite Vermiculite Total Moulding sand Total China clay Gold Total Quartz Total Corundum Felsite Quartz Total Corundum Felsite Graphite Kyanite Limestone

No. of Leases 1 1 1 1 16 2 2 22 2 6 1 4 2 1 16 23 23 1 1 2 9 9 1 2 4 7 3 4 4 6 2

Lease Area Hect. 4.85 4.85 55.75 7.74 7711.40 97.50 32.29 7904.68 314.41 1306.38 2.93 70.75 170.93 26.30 1891.70 642.21 642.21 20.23 4900.51 4920.74 84.96 84.96 1.64 2.88 35.22 39.74 86.05 99.41 235.03 139.73 24.28 Contd.









Table-4 (Contd.) State Karnataka (Contd.)

District Mysore (Concld.)

Mineral Magnesite Quartz Steatite Vermiculite Total Iron ore Limeshell Limestone Manganese ore Moulding sand Quartz Silica sand Total Gold Limestone Quartz Total China clay Iron ore Kyanite Limestone Manganese ore Quartz Total Limeshell Quartz Silica sand Total China clay Fireclay Gold Iron ore Limestone

No. of Leases 10 3 1 2 35 5 15 1 9 2 1 15 48 4 1 2 7 4 2 1 1 3 1 12 2 1 4 7 2 2 1 18 9

Lease Area Hect. 223.39 9.03 12.14 8.31 837.37 463.48 1210.67 151.71 870.29 152.76 1.82 265.67 3116.40 986.90 423.11 6.59 1416.60 42.99 745.84 2.43 97.12 597.60 16.19 1502.17 152.97 1.95 40.28 195.20 45.73 252.15 38.04 1158.97 905.36 Contd.

North Kannada (Uttar Kannada)



South Kannada (Dakshina Kannada)



Table-4 (Contd.) State Karnataka (Concld.)

District Tumkur (Concld.)

Mineral Manganese ore Ochre Quartz Steatite Total Bauxite Limeshell Ochre Silica sand Total Laterite Limeshell Silica sand Total Graphite Total Quartz Total Laterite Total Bauxite China clay Laterite Sillimanite Total Limeshell Total Iron ore Quartz Total

No. of Leases 19 1 8 5 65 1 7 1 24 33 1 2 25 28 1 1 1 1 7 7 3 2 1 4 10 2 2 1 1 2

Lease Area Hect. 1162.25 6.07 125.43 90.20 3784.20 23.80 744.64 56.65 732.05 1557.14 2.09 504.90 33.36 540.35 1.25 1.25 48.00 48.00 30.65 30.65 1.37 7.84 1.13 378.37 388.71 1445.00 1445.00 86.06 2.02 88.08 Contd.



Alapuzha (Alleppy)


Idukki (Iddiki)






Table-4 (Contd.) State Kerala (Concld.)

District Palakkad Thiruvananthapuram

Mineral Limestone Total China clay Total Calcite Dolomite Limestone Steatite Vermiculite Total Bauxite Ochre Total Calcite Total Bauxite Copper ore Dolomite Fireclay Limestone Manganese ore Ochre Sand (others) Total Lead & Zinc ore White clay Total China clay Diaspore Dolomite Limestone Ochre Phosphorite Pyrophyllite

Madhya Pradesh


No. of Leases 1 1 30 30 3 31 1 1 2 38 3 1 4 25 25 1 2 18 1 8 45 1 2 78 2 1 3 2 7 2 2 4 1 21

Lease Area Hect. 245.69 245.69 90.89 90.89 13.44 184.55 2.15 3.59 27.49 231.22 170.82 8.10 178.92 55.61 55.61 40.46 479.90 134.93 2.41 79.65 1249.25 16.18 18.08 2020.86 12.77 39.84 52.61 20.12 40.10 17.28 4.91 23.61 48.76 81.73 Contd.







Table-4 (Contd.). State Madhya Pradesh (Contd.) District Chhatarpur (Concld.) Mineral Quartzite Steatite Total Dolomite Manganese ore Total Laterite Limestone Sand (others) Total Quartz Total Barytes Total Limestone Ochre Total China clay Iron ore Laterite Quartz Total Bauxite Dolomite Fireclay Iron ore Laterite Limestone Manganese ore Ochre Quartz Silica sand No. of Leases 1 2 42 10 11 21 1 10 1 12 2 2 1 1 37 1 38 1 3 1 1 6 5 29 17 14 12 13 5 5 2 1 Lease Area Hect. 6.10 10.36 252.97 74.63 141.63 216.26 21.25 1496.36 2.02 1519.63 14.09 14.09 3.35 3.35 291.76 6.31 298.07 20.63 19.90 4.84 1.30 46.67 30.15 150.80 116.16 214.19 81.39 1090.00 27.32 23.64 13.98 0.60 Contd.



Datia Dewas Dhar




Table-4 (Contd.) State Madhya Pradesh (Contd.)

District Jabalpur (Concld.)

Mineral Steatite White clay Total Dolomite Manganese ore Phosphorite Total Bauxite Dolomite Fireclay Iron ore Laterite Limestone Ochre Steatite Total China clay Dolomite Limestone Silica sand Total Dolomite Total Laterite Shale Slate Total Limestone Total

No. of Leases 3 1 107 5 3 3 11 10 23 16 1 3 92 4 3 152 1 1 2 3 7 37 37 11 28 1 40 1 1

Lease Area Hect. 43.34 18.66 1810.23 24.02 39.67 49.11 112.80 79.46 137.76 160.83 12.59 16.07 1545.23 10.11 27.45 1989.50 0.61 4.04 4.89 2.72 12.26 110.41 110.41 61.12 230.81 55.49 347.42 18.00 18.00 Contd.








Table-4 (Contd.) State Madhya Pradesh (Contd.)

District Narasinhapur

Mineral Dolomite Fireclay Limestone Steatite Total Laterite Limestone Total Diamond Limestone Total Bauxite Limestone Ochre Total Dolomite Phosphorite Pyrophyllite Total Bauxite China clay Clay (others) Laterite Limestone Ochre White clay Total Dolomite Total Bauxite China clay Fireclay


No. of Leases 5 1 2 8 16 5 7 12 2 1 3 12 19 3 34 2 1 2 5 29 11 5 17 213 45 1 321 12 12 1 3 1

Lease Area Hect. 14.10 20.00 35.06 31.19 100.35 53.28 1339.94 1393.22 275.96 48.39 324.35 147.61 1867.18 47.37 2062.16 20.36 52.80 3.21 76.37 344.09 100.57 119.25 176.75 13809.25 1064.78 0.69 15615.38 22.31 22.31 500.27 20.84 5.66 Contd.







Table-4 (Contd.) State Madhya Pradesh (Concld.)

District Shahdol (Concld.) Shivpuri

Mineral Laterite Ochre Total Diaspore Total Limestone Ochre Total Bauxite Limestone Ochre Total Barytes Diaspore Pyrophyllite Quartz Total China clay Fireclay Ochre Total China clay Fireclay Total Chromite Corundum Kyanite Manganese ore Quartz Sand (others) Total

No. of Leases 1 2 8 1 1 8 3 11 1 4 3 8 1 4 29 2 36 1 4 3 8 2 1 3 1 1 13 6 3 2 26

Lease Area Hect. 17.74 26.76 571.27 17.00 17.00 513.48 29.60 543.08 3.40 497.77 119.31 620.48 2.02 37.28 177.82 16.00 233.12 11.24 26.71 23.01 60.96 16.71 13.26 29.97 16.22 3.96 250.84 341.80 9.38 48.41 670.61 Contd.









Table-4 (Contd.) State Maharashtra (Contd.)

District Chandrapur

Mineral Dolomite Fluorite Iron ore Laterite Limestone Quartz Sand (others) Shale White clay Total Iron ore Total Iron ore Quartz Total Agate Total Bauxite Iron ore Silica Sand Total Dolomite Manganese ore Quartz Sand (others) White clay Total Bauxite Total

No. of Leases 1 1 4 5 16 1 5 1 1 35 3 3 4 1 5 2 2 15 1 1 17 17 31 1 4 2 55 8 8

Lease Area Hect. 60.10 32.70 37.99 101.17 3681.62 9.74 461.08 32.49 18.00 4434.89 355.03 355.03 30.80 14.32 45.12 54.98 54.98 3483.45 144.00 4.95 3632.40 176.32 644.64 1.07 191.88 4.34 1018.25 517.56 517.56 Contd.








Table-4 (Contd.) State Maharashtra (Concld.)



No. of Leases 6 1 7 14 1 1 1 1 2 1 15 1 1 2 21 45 1 35 1 37 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 11 11 4 1 5

Lease Area Hect. 686.34 42.02 411.66 1140.02 125.06 125.06 45.00 13.18 53.65 5.14 613.84 42.06 4.49 91.15 943.76 1812.27 61.91 2151.65 44.00 2257.56 223.93 223.93 386.24 386.24 221.44 470.00 691.44 51.87 51.87 484.78 4.90 489.68 Contd.


Bauxite Moulding sand Silica sand Total Bauxite Total Bauxite China clay Felspar Fireclay Iron ore Mica Moulding sand Quartz Silica sand Total Dolomite Limestone Sand (others) Total Chromite Total Chromite Total Fireclay Limestone Total Limestone Total Limestone Shale Total

Satara Sindhudurg



Chandel Ukhrul


Garo Hills West

Jaintia Hills

Khasi Hills East


Table-4 (Contd.) State Meghalaya (Concld.) Odisha

District Khasi Hills West

Mineral Limestone Sillimanite Total Fireclay Quartz Sand (others) Total China clay Graphite Limestone Quartz Total Quartz Total Garnet (Gem) Graphite Lead & zinc ore Limestone Manganese ore Quartz Total Fireclay Total Chromite Fireclay Quartz Total Sillimanite Steatite Total Chromite Iron ore




No. of Leases 1 1 2 1 2 4 7 2 10 3 1 16 2 2 1 47 1 1 1 4 55 10 10 3 1 1 5 1 1 2 17 1

Lease Area Hect. 60.00 4.64 64.64 313.85 18.87 393.67 726.39 93.16 193.44 903.56 15.31 1205.47 29.15 29.15 12.08 1190.21 5.26 27.65 7.27 166.49 1408.96 630.53 630.53 960.80 10.11 4.65 975.56 2464.05 3.64 2467.69 4344.72 190.20 Contd.







Table-4 (Contd.) State Odisha (Contd.)

District Jajpur

Mineral Quartz Quartzite Total Fireclay Quartz Quartzite Sand (others) Total Amethyst Corundum Graphite Iolite Quartz Total Graphite Total Asbestos Chromite Iron ore Manganese ore Pyrophyllite Quartz Total Fireclay Total Bauxite China clay Dunite Limestone Quartz Total

No. of Leases 1 2 21 2 1 3 1 7 2 1 10 10 41 64 1 1 1 6 78 24 5 3 117 1 1 3 2 1 2 2 10

Lease Area Hect. 7.22 6.15 4548.29 72.02 83.66 298.12 109.20 563.00 63.34 57.46 184.73 80.06 354.27 739.86 12.75 12.75 49.22 2194.28 22488.24 6887.84 231.22 55.25 31906.05 117.74 117.74 4915.38 115.07 14.28 1586.22 38.06 6669.01 Contd.








Table-4 (Contd.) State Odisha (Contd.)

District Malkangiri

Mineral Quartz Tin Total Asbestos China clay Fireclay Iron ore Kyanite Quartz Quartzite Steatite Total Corundum Graphite Limestone Total Graphite Total Bauxite Graphite Manganese ore Quartz Total China clay Iolite Quartz Steatite Total Quartz Total Bauxite Dolomite Fireclay




No. of Leases 1 1 2 1 12 1 10 1 2 12 4 43 1 5 3 9 1 1 1 13 5 3 22 1 1 2 1 5 3 3 4 7 4

Lease Area Hect. 2.48 20.85 23.33 117.35 1236.85 22.49 1713.45 55.49 20.11 132.75 257.39 3555.88 33.95 188.54 332.96 555.45 16.64 16.64 1388.74 606.00 579.58 95.66 2669.98 40.47 24.29 31.88 4.05 100.69 119.22 119.22 369.35 907.67 632.23 Contd.






Table-4 (Contd.) State Odisha (Concld.)

District Sundergarh (Concld.)

Mineral Iron ore Limestone Manganese ore Quartz Quartzite Sand (others) Silica sand Steatite Total Asbestos Calcite Felspar Garnet Lead & Zinc ore Limestone Magnesite Mica Quartz Steatite Vermiculite Wollastonite Total Barytes China clay Copper ore Felspar Fireclay Ochre Silica sand Steatite Total Dolomite Graphite Limestone Manganese ore Steatite Total





No. of Leases 44 34 21 7 2 2 1 2 128 4 1 327 5 1 1 1 44 100 2 1 2 489 2 1 1 3 1 1 2 9 20 1 1 2 1 2 7

Lease Area Hect. 7594.60 5100.63 3471.60 344.98 59.74 9.92 17.45 161.13 18669.30 214.66 19.50 3070.07 24.14 480.45 8.57 5.00 1301.76 764.34 131.00 42.22 9.92 6071.63 13.07 4.73 914.07 14.72 3.75 60.70 8.73 472.85 1492.62 41.86 123.75 66.82 18.90 316.76 568.09 Contd.


Table-4 (Contd.) State Rajasthan (Contd.)

District Barmer

Mineral China clay Gypsum Silica sand Total Fireclay Ochre Silica sand Total Asbestos Calcite China clay Felspar Garnet Iron ore Kyanite Lead & Zinc ore Limestone Mica Ochre Pyrophyllite Quartz Silica sand Steatite Total Ball clay China clay Fireclay Gypsum Quartz Total China clay Ochre Quartz Silica sand Total

No. of Leases 4 5 5 14 2 2 15 19 9 3 18 431 1 1 1 1 13 104 4 1 5 1 36 629 14 53 18 15 2 102 2 2 1 1 6

Lease Area Hect. 19.90 1826.69 551.09 2397.68 10.00 9.90 404.01 423.91 45.00 15.00 778.12 6416.70 5.00 1556.78 5.00 1200.00 13.00 1453.23 18.55 4.75 62.88 5.00 3063.97 14642.98 976.34 3516.21 2190.31 4391.02 8.65 11082.53 109.00 99.37 4.50 259.00 471.87 Contd.






Table-4 (Contd.) State Rajasthan (Contd.)

District Chittorgarh

Mineral Ball clay China clay Limestone Ochre Quartz Shale Total China clay Iron ore Quartz Silica sand Steatite Total Felspar Fluorite Steatite Total Gypsum Total Gypsum Total Asbestos Calcite China clay Dolomite Epidote Felspar Iron ore Limestone Mica Ochre Quartz

No. of Leases 1 31 9 27 28 1 97 1 1 3 9 6 20 1 8 56 65 12 12 5 5 1 1 7 1 1 10 5 3 2 2 45

Lease Area Hect. 83.23 978.27 5185.40 1000.16 122.18 5.00 7374.24 32.37 65.25 191.29 349.66 349.62 988.19 100.00 332.19 2581.04 3013.23 2020.74 2020.74 2786.09 2786.09 66.50 296.41 1171.14 60.56 5.00 241.39 350.37 1334.90 38.18 183.00 651.04 Contd.







Table-4 (Contd.) State Rajasthan (Contd.)

District Jaipur (Concld.)

Mineral Silica sand Steatite Total Ball clay Dolomite Gypsum Limestone Ochre Silica sand Total Fluorite Gypsum Total Calcite Copper Ore Dolomite Felspar Fireclay Iron ore Ochre Pyrophyllite Quartz Steatite Total Jasper Limestone Total China clay Fireclay Silica sand Steatite Total

No. of Leases 13 9 100 1 1 4 2 1 8 17 4 1 5 4 4 1 1 3 5 1 1 2 5 27 5 4 9 6 1 36 6 49

Lease Area Hect. 715.94 803.87 5918.30 150.00 32.37 1067.89 1998.00 32.37 385.00 3665.63 1075.00 178.50 1253.50 109.94 803.88 33.68 4.00 84.99 257.54 33.00 42.50 170.00 432.56 1972.09 211.70 122.00 333.70 81.34 5.00 825.77 205.10 1117.21 Contd.







Table-4 (Contd.) State Rajasthan (Contd.)

District Kota

Mineral Limestone Total Ball clay China clay Gypsum Limestone Total Ball clay China clay Felspar Gypsum Limestone Magnesite Quartz Wollastonite Total Asbestos Calcite Felspar Lead & Zinc ore Mica Quartz Steatite Total China clay Clay (others) Ochre Quartz Quartzite Silica sand Steatite Total

No. of Leases 7 7 2 42 4 12 60 6 10 2 1 11 2 29 1 62 10 5 14 3 2 459 25 518 3 1 1 8 1 3 1 18

Lease Area Hect. 1323.52 1323.52 10.00 194.60 2271.15 6700.63 9176.38 775.87 184.09 69.87 161.55 1774.25 10.00 631.98 4.00 3611.61 681.82 23.10 61.03 1725.82 10.00 2282.88 1803.05 6587.70 14.35 4.67 38.43 276.78 518.00 287.02 8.05 1147.30 Contd.




Sawai Madhopur


Table-4 (Contd.) State Rajasthan (Contd.)

District Sikar

Mineral Barytes Calcite China clay Dolomite Felspar Iron ore Limestone Ochre Quartz Quartzite Silica sand Steatite Total Calcite Fluorite Lead & Zinc ore Limestone Quartz Wollastonite Total Felspar Garnet Mica Quartz Silica sand Steatite Total Asbestos Barytes Calcite China clay Felspar Lead & Zinc ore Limestone Ochre

No. of Leases 1 8 1 2 9 5 5 1 58 3 3 1 97 7 1 2 8 11 3 32 4 6 7 42 7 1 67 3 1 9 1 10 1 1 1

Lease Area Hect. 47.51 227.62 32.54 128.93 271.46 95.91 2363.12 5.00 757.54 3.00 15.00 5.00 3952.63 396.16 167.62 115.00 1124.03 45.57 124.11 1972.49 75.17 108.53 166.90 380.68 290.10 48.00 1069.38 230.43 31.00 205.92 5.00 46.97 3620.00 704.90 5.00 Contd.





Table-4 (Contd.) State Rajasthan (Concld.)

District Udaipur (Concld.)

Mineral Phosphorite Pyrophyllite Quartz Steatite Wollastonite Total Copper ore Total Fireclay Limestone Total Silica sand Total Gypsum Limestone Quartz Steatite Total Ball clay Fireclay Limeshell Silica sand Total Quartz Total Limestone Quartz Total Quartz Total

Sikkim Tamil Nadu

Sikkim East Ariyalur

No. of Leases 5 3 24 82 1 142 3 3 9 51 60 1 1 3 3 9 2 17 1 20 1 1 23 3 3 43 31 74 8 8

Lease Area Hect. 1712.62 160.66 111.21 3727.22 101.80 10662.73 96.32 96.32 11.30 2098.85 2110.15 17.08 17.08 13.83 152.77 15.65 5.46 187.71 25900.00 109.41 4.61 1.06 26015.08 5.07 5.07 605.57 37.39 642.96 30.60 30.60 Contd.








Table-4 (Contd.) State Tamil Nadu (Contd.)

District Kanchipuram

Mineral Limeshell Silica sand Total Garnet Total Limestone Magnesite Quartz Total Limestone Quartz Total Garnet Graphite Limestone Quartz Total Silica sand Total Bauxite Limestone Magnesite Quartz Total Fireclay Gypsum Limestone Total Quartz Total

No. of Leases 1 11 12 11 11 40 2 83 125 2 1 3 2 2 11 5 20 12 12 3 39 3 30 75 18 5 35 58 1 1

Lease Area Hect. 190.00 34.46 224.46 273.45 273.45 156.28 4.41 123.96 284.65 2.46 7.21 9.67 6.62 5.68 43.09 19.17 74.56 20.18 20.18 226.15 108.90 4.89 59.32 399.26 54.95 18.69 125.61 199.25 0.40 0.40 Contd.










Table-4 (Contd.) State Tamil Nadu (Contd.)

District Pudukkottai

Mineral Quartz Total Limeshell Total Apatite Bauxite Limestone Magnesite Quartz Steatite Total Graphite Quartz Total Limestone Total Silica sand Total Fireclay Total China clay Dolomite Fire Clay Garnet Gypum Limestone Quartz Steatite Total Garnet Limestone Total

No. of Leases 1 1 1 1 1 1 54 15 34 2 107 5 1 6 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 8 5 23 7 3 49 52 73 125

Lease Area Hect. 1.08 1.08 539.05 539.05 4.05 190.84 436.67 2017.24 134.85 9.78 2793.43 271.84 1.11 272.95 6.77 6.77 7.44 7.44 4.87 4.87 12.30 62.07 1.20 172.77 7.59 188.27 14.70 9.90 468.80 207.36 689.97 897.33 Contd.

Ramnathapuram Salem


Theni (Madurai) Thiruvallur (Chengalpattu) Thiruvannamalai




Table-4 (Contd.) State Tamil Nadu (Concld.)

District Tiruppur

Mineral Gypum Magnesite Quartz Total Garnet Limestone Quartz Sand (others) Total Quartz Vermiculite Total Silica sand Total Limestone Total Silica sand Total Silica sand Total Pyrophyllite Total Pyrophyllite Total Phosphorite Pyrophyllite Total Pyrophyllite Total

No. of Leases 2 2 77 81 1 14 2 2 19 1 1 2 10 10 35 35 59 59 5 5 4 4 4 4 1 12 13 3 3

Lease Area Hect. 5.28 7.26 107.35 119.89 16.93 407.22 8.06 9.18 441.39 1.39 23.71 25.10 21.68 21.68 1685.80 1685.80 1758.32 1758.32 106.95 106.95 31.65 31.65 117.38 117.38 874.00 915.37 1789.37 11.08 11.08 Contd.

Thoothukudi (Tuticorin)



Virudhunagar Uttar Pradesh Allahabad Chitrakut






Table-4 (Contd.) State Uttar Pradesh (Concld.) Uttarakhand

District Sonbhadra

Mineral Dolomite Limestone Total Steatite Total Magnesite Steatite Total Steatite Total Limestone Total Magnesite Steatite Total Limestone Total China clay Fireclay Quartz Quartzite Silica sand Total China clay Fireclay Quartz Total Moulding sand Total


No. of Leases 1 6 7 3 3 1 52 53 1 1 2 2 3 21 24 6 6 8 4 4 1 1 18 18 1 1 20 2 2

Lease Area Hect. 156.32 3637.47 3793.79 10.55 10.55 53.20 761.50 814.70 4.13 4.13 97.15 97.15 204.44 108.48 312.92 37.31 37.31 284.91 15.53 10.98 4.70 2.62 318.74 334.23 4.86 1.94 341.03 2.27 2.27 Contd.





Tehri Garhwal West Bengal Bankura




Table-4 (Concld.) State West Bengal (Concld.)

District Midnapur Purulia

Mineral Ochre Total Fireclay Moulding sand Phosphorite Quartz Total

No. of Leases 1 1 2 1 1 5 9

Lease Area Hect. 5.77 5.77 20.63 5.14 13.47 13.23 52.47



(i) High Mineral Potential Districts
Districtwise analysis indicates that the total number of mineral-bearing districts is around 282 and that they are spread across 23 states in the country. Out of these, 26 districts in 8 states are considered as high mineral potential districts wherein more than 100 mining leases each have been granted. A total of 5,698 mining leases have been granted in these districts covering an area of 2,13,629 hectares. These constitute about 52% of total number of mining leases in the country and cover around 39% of the total area. Information on the number of mining leases granted in high mineral potential districts is furnished in Table-5.


Medium Mineral Potential Districts

Districts wherein mining leases between 51 and 100 are granted are considered as Medium

Potential districts. There are 2,431 such mining leases granted in 35 districts in 14 states covering an area of 1,17,672 hectares. These constitute 22% of the total number of mining leases in the country and cover over 21% of the total area. Information on the number of mining leases granted in medium potential districts is furnished in Table-6.


Low Mineral Potential Districts

Districts wherein mining leases granted are between 1 and 50 are considered as Low Mineral

Potential districts. There are 2,874 mining leases granted in 221 such districts in 22 states covering an area of 2,16,513 hectares in the country. These account for 26% of the total leases in the country covering 40% of the total area. Statewise distribution of low potential districts, no. of leases and total area covered are furnished in Table-7.


Table-5: High Mineral Potential Districts

Sl. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Anantapur Cuddapah Kurnool Mahbubnagar Nellore Prakasam South Goa Jamnagar .Junagarh Kachchh Porbandar Bagalcot Bellary Jabalpur Katni Satna Keonjhar Sundargarh Ajmer Bhilwara Bikaner Rajsamand Udaipur Karur Salem Tirunelveli Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Goa Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat Karnatakat Karnataka Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Odisha Odisha Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Total District State No. of Leases 176 258 332 139 312 115 237 208 110 211 257 113 168 107 152 321 117 128 489 629 102 518 142 125 107 125 5,698 No. of Minerals 14 17 12 4 10 6 3 7 2 11 4 5 7 12 8 7 6 11 12 15 5 7 13 3 6 2 Lease Area (Hect.) 3,922.76 8,564.44 11,212.47 894.75 4,931.46 2,952.38 17,268.50 5,615.93 4,211.94 9,508.22 3,307.17 6,076.45 12,148.86 1,810..23 1,989.50 15,615.38 31,906.05 18,669.30 6,071.63 14,642.98 11,082.53 6,587.70 10,662.73 284.65 2,793.43 897.33 2,13,628.77


Table-6: Medium Mineral Potential Districts

Sl. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 District Adilabad Godavari East Guntur Khammam Nalgonda Rangareddi Vizianagaram Durg North Goa Rajkot Surendranagar Vadodara Gurgaon Singhbhum(West) Belgaon Chitradurga Tumkur Balaghat Nagpur Bolangir Kalahandi Chittorgarh State Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh Chhattisgarh Goa Gujarat Gujarat Gujarat Haryana Jharkhand Karnataka Karnataka Karnataka Madhya Pradesh Maharashtra Odisha Odisha Rajasthan No. of Leases 60 58 53 52 67 59 93 84 99 56 67 78 58 87 55 80 65 78 55 55 64 97 No. of Minerals 7 3 6 10 4 8 6 5 2 6 4 3 4 9 14 8 9 8 5 6 5 6 Lease Area (Hect.) 10,685.83 384.24 6,135.23 1,141.14 5,507.60 2,076.29 1,747.50 4,079.68 7,124.76 348.87 339.03 971.26 4,364.35 16,677.67 19,939.97 5,016.64 3,784.20 2,020.86 1,018.25 1,408.96 739.86 7,374.24 Contd.


Table-6 (Concld.) Sl. No. 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 District Dungarpur Jaipur Nagaur Pali Sikar Tonk Ariyalur Dindigul Namakkal Perambalur Thiruppu Allahabad Bageshwar State Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Rajasthan Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu Uttar Pradesh Uttarakhand Total No. of Leases 65 100 60 62 97 67 60 74 75 58 81 59 53 2,431 No. of Minerals 3 13 4 8 12 6 2 2 4 3 3 1 2 Lease Area (Hect.) 3,013.23 5918.3 9,176.38 3,611.61 3,952.63 1,069.38 2,110.15 642.96 399.26 199.25 119.89 1,758.32 814.7 1,17,672.49


Table-7: Low Mineral Potential Districts

Sl. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 No. of Districts 9 2 4 14 11 4 4 8 17 20 9 28 12 2 4 18 16 1 22 6 5 5 221 No. of Leases 225 8 11 232 165 60 54 57 245 273 82 442 196 2 21 168 268 3 240 36 36 50 2,874 Lease Area (Hect.) 7,891.04 929.5 2,074.72 19,472.09 5,733.23 7,890.77 3,440.41 2,671.84 20,393.47 30,238.47 2,878.47 9,494.96 15,075.47 610.17 1,297.63 25,019.74 23,938.67 96.32 30,333.19 5,850.22 462.06 720.28 2,16,513.05

State Andhra Pradesh Assam Bihar Chhattisgarh Gujarat Haryana Himachal Pradesh Jammu & Kashmir Jharkhand Karnataka Kerala Madhya Pradesh Maharashtra Manipur Meghalaya Odisha Rajasthan Sikkim Tamil Nadu Uttar Pradesh Uttarakhand West Bengal Total


3 .3


There are 65 naturally occurring minerals for which mining leases are granted in the country. These minerals are broadly classified into Scheduled and Non-Scheduled minerals.


Scheduled Minerals
The Scheduled Minerals include ferrous, non-ferrous & noble metals, industrial mineral and

precious mineral. The ferrous group includes chromite, iron ore and manganese ore; non-ferrous group consists of bauxite, copper and lead & zinc ores; noble metal group includes gold; and industrial mineral group includes asbestos. At present, there are no commercial mining leases granted for silver and platinum group of metals in the country. There are 10 minerals under Scheduled Minerals for which mining leases are granted as on 31.3.2011. The number of leases granted are 1,596, i.e., 15% of the total mining leases accounting for an area of 1,87,016.82 hectares which is 34% of the total mining area in the country. Out of the ten scheduled minerals, the total number of mining leases granted for iron ore is placed at 800 followed by bauxite (343), manganese ore (340), chromite (35), asbestos (34), copper ore (17). These six minerals account for 1569 mining leases , i.e., 98% of the mining leases under this category accounting for an area of 1,72,446.49 hectares which is 92% of the lease area accounted under Scheduled Minerals. The distribution of mining leases for Scheduled Minerals are given in Table-8.

Table- 8 : Distribution of Mining Leases for Scheduled Minerals As on 31.3.2011 Sl. No. Mineral No. of Leases Area in (Hect.)
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Asbestos Bauxite Chromite Copper ore Diamond * Gold Iron ore Lead & Zinc ore Manganese ore Ruby * Sapphire * Total . * : Precious Stones 67 34 343 35 17 2 11 800 12 340 1 1 1,596 1632.75 30032.74 9432.57 10007.01 275.96 6441.71 98082.70 7175.19 23258.72 4.07 673.40 1,87,016.82


Non-Scheduled Minerals There are 54 Non-Scheduled or Industrial minerals, for which leases are granted in the

country. In all, there are 9,407 (85% of the total mining leases) mining leases granted for these minerals that account for an area of 3,60,797.49 hectares which is 66% of the total lease area. Distribution of mining leases for Non-Scheduled minerals are given in Table-9.

Sl. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

Table-9 : Distribution of Mining Leases for Non-Scheduled Minerals As on 31/03/2011 Mineral No. of Leases Area in (Hect.) Agate 3 59.62 Amethyst Apatite Ball clay Barytes Borax Calcareous sand Calcite Chalk China clay Clay (others) Corundum Diaspore Dolomite Dunite Epidote Felsite Felspar Fireclay Fluorite Garnet 6 2 54 164 1 14 80 162 514 106 17 12 542 1 1 6 862 272 16 96 74.42 20.17 28281.41 2587.75 159.00 151.54 1620.02 650.75 17386.17 1280.61 240.62 94.38 8124.63 14.28 5.00 102.29 11653.41 6507.87 1670.71 938.88 Contd.


Table-9 (Contd.)

Sl. No. 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

Mineral Garnet (Gem) Graphite Gypsum Iolite Jasper Kyanite Laterite Lime Kankar Limeshell Limestone Magnesite Marl Mica Moulding sand Ochre Perlite Phosphorite Pyrites Pyrophyllite Pyroxenite Quartz Quartzite Sand (others) Shale Silica sand Sillimanite Slate Steatite Tin

No. of Leases 1 121 89 11 5 32 186 19 35 2073 40 8 311 62 158 1 12 1 97 10 1892 88 57 46 545 6 18 474 15

Area in (Hect.) 12.08 3787.65 15255.15 104.35 211.70 3217.74 2293.10 648.17 4879.47 153926.94 3015.53 1729.08 7511.74 1380.64 3405.40 144.88 2750.76 647.50 2259.98 90.84 16696.91 2016.35 13547.01 570.11 17797.48 2847.06 683.31 16609.18 321.02 Contd.


Table-9 (Contcld.)

Sl. No. 51 52 53 54

Mineral Vermiculite White clay White shale Wollastonite Total

No. of Leases 16 24 16 7 9407

Area in (Hect.) 285.94 212.16 74.90 239.83 3,60,797.49




The number of mining leases so far executed for various minerals are classified into eight categories: Category I Category II : : Includes minerals for which number of mining leases executed are more than 1000; Includes minerals for which number of mining leases executed are between 501 and 1,000; Category III : Includes minerals for which number of mining leases executed are between 401 and 500; Category IV : Includes minerals for which number of mining leases executed are between 301 and 400; Category V : Includes minerals for which number of mining leases executed are between 201 and 300; Category VI : Includes minerals for which number of mining leases executed are between 101 and 200; Category VII : Includes minerals for which number of mining leases executed are between 51 and 100; and Category VIII : Includes minerals for which number of mining leases executed are between 1 and 50. Number of minerals, their mining leases and area of leases covered categorywise are summarised in Table - 10. The frequency distribution of mining leases is given in Table 11.


Table-10 : Category wise Frequency Distribution of Miming Leases (As on 31.3.2011) (By Minerals / Mining Leases / Lease area)
Category No. of Minerals 2 5 1 3 1 6 8 39 65 No. of Mining Leases No. of Percentage Lease 3,965 36 3,263 474 994 272 897 623 515 11,003 30 4 9 2 8 6 5 100 Lease Area In Hect. Percentage 1,70,623.85 1,53,044.39 16,609.18 60,803.20 6,507.87 14,005.26 65,299.44 60,921.12 5,47,814.31 31 28 3 11 1 3 12 11 100



Table-11 : Frequency Distribution of Mining Leases

Category Frequency of Leases Mineral No. of Mining Leases 2073 1892 3965 Lease Area (Hect 153926.9 16696.91 170623.9


Limestone Quartz Total


Between 501 and 1000

China clay Dolomite Felspar Iron ore Silica sand Total

514 542 862 800 545 3263

17386.17 8124.63 11653.41 98082.7 17797.48 153044.4


Between 401 and 500

Steatite Total

474 474

16609.18 16609.18


Between 301 and 400

Bauxite Manganese ore Mica Total

343 340 311 994

30032.74 23258.72 7511.74 60803.2

Between 201 and 300

Fireclay Total

272 272

6507.87 6507.87


Between 101 and 200

Barytes Chalk Clay (others) Graphite Laterite Ochre Total

164 162 106 121 186 158 897

2587.75 650.75 1280.61 3787.65 2293.1 3405.4 14005.26 Contd.


Table-11 (Contd.) Category VII Frequency of Leases Between 51 and 100 Mineral Ball clay Calcite Garnet Gypsum Moulding sand Pyrophyllite Quartzite Sand (others) Total VIII Between 1 and 50 Agate Amethyst Apatite Asbestos Borax Calcareous sand Chromite Copper ore Corundum Diamond Diaspore Dunite Epidote Felsite Fluorite Garnet (Gem) Gold Iolite Jasper Kyanite Lead & Zinc ore No. of Mining Leases 54 80 96 89 62 97 88 57 623 3 6 2 34 1 14 35 17 17 2 12 1 1 6 16 1 11 11 5 32 12 Lease Area (Hect 28281.41 1620.02 938.88 15255.15 1380.64 2259.98 2016.35 13547.01 65299.44 59.62 74.42 20.17 1632.75 159 151.54 9432.57 10007.01 240.62 275.96 94.38 14.28 5 102.29 1670.71 12.08 6441.71 104.35 211.7 3217.74 7175.19 Contd. 74

Table-11 (Contd.)
Category VIII Frequency of Leases Between 1 and 50 (Concld.) Mineral Lime kankar Limeshell Magnesite Marl Perlite Phosphorite Pyrites Pyroxenite Ruby Sapphire Shale Sillimanite Tin Vermiculite White clay White Shale Wollastonite Total No. of Mining Leases 19 35 40 8 1 12 1 10 1 1 46 6 15 16 24 16 7 515 Lease Area (Hect 648.17 4879.47 3015.53 1729.08 144.88 2750.76 647.5 90.84 4.07 673.4 570.11 2847.06 321.02 285.94 212.16 74.9 239.83 60921.12




Out of the total 11,003 mining leases in the country, 536 (5%) leases have been executed in

the Public Sector, extending over an area of 1,83,633.17 hectares (34%). The remaining 10,467 (95%) mining leases with an area of 3,64,181.14 hectares (66%) have been executed in the Private Sector. Most of the Scheduled Minerals, namely, copper ore, lead & zinc ores, gold, iron ore, manganese ore & chromite and Non-Scheduled Minerals like limestone, dolomite, pyrite, apatite, barytes, fluorite, asbestos, kyanite, magnesite, etc. are being exploited by both Public and Private Sectors.

Leases Under Central Government Public Sector Undertakings : There are 197 mining leases under Central Government Public Sector Undertakings executed in 16 States for different minerals, covering an area of 1,10,246.53 hectares. The States rich in minerals where maximum number of mining leases executed for Central Govt. Public Sector

Undertakings are Andhra Pradesh 31 (16% ), followed by Maharshtra 28 (14%), Madhya Pradesh 27 (14%), Jharkhand 22 (11%), Odisha 20 (10%), Chhattisgarh and Rajasthan 17 (9% each). These seven States together account for over 83% of total leases executed and the remaining 9 States account for the rest of the 17 percent. The prominent States where maximum mining lease areas are located are Tanil Ndu (25%), Odisha (16%), Jharkhand (15%), Andhra Pradesh (12%),Karnataka (10% ), Chhattisgarh (8%), Madhya Pradesh (7%) and Rajasthan (4%). These eight States account for 97% of the total lease area executed and the remaining States account for the rest of the 3 percent.

Leases Under State Government Public Sector Undertakings : There are 339 number of mining leases executed in 18 States for different minerals, covering an area of 73,386.64 hectares. The States rich in minerals where there are maximum number of mining leases executed are Karnataka 64 (19%), Rajasthan 54 (16%), Tamil Nadu 50 (15%), Odisha 47 (14%), Andhra Pradesh and Chhattisgarh 21 (6% each), Gujarat 18 (5%) and Maharashtra 17 (5%). These eight States together account for over 86% of the total leases executed and the remaining 10 States account for the rest of the 14 percent. The prominent States where maximum mining lease areas are located are Rajasthan (30%), Odisha (29%), Karnataka (15%), Uttar Pradesh (7%), Gujarat (5%) and Tamil Nadu (4%). These six States together account for around 90% of the total lease area executed while the remaining 12 States account for the rest of the 10 percent. State wise and Sector wise distribution of mining leases are given in Tables-12 to 14. 76

Table-12: Sectorwise Distribution of Mining Leases As on 31.03.2011

(Public Sector and Private Sector) (Lease Area in Hect.) Sl. State No. 1 Andhra Pradesh 2 Assam 3 Bihar 4 Chhattisgarh 5 Goa 6 Gujarat 7 Haryana 8 Himachal Pradesh 9 Jammu & Kashmir 10 Jharkhand 11 Karnataka 12 Kerala 13 Madhya Pradesh 14 Maharashtra 15 Manipur 16 Meghalaya 17 Odisha 18 Rajasthan 19 Sikkim 20 Tamil Nadu 21 Uttar Pradesh 22 Uttarakhand 23 West Bengal All India Total No. of Lease Leases Area 1999 68047.13 8 11 316 336 1152 118 54 57 332 754 82 1100 251 2 21 532 2696 3 945 95 89 50 11003 929.50 2074.72 23551.77 24393.26 30035.65 12255.12 3440.41 2671.84 37071.32 59204.59 2878.62 30930.93 16093.72 610.17 1297.63 77743.91 107102.01 96.32 37780.11 7608.54 1276.76 720.28 507814.31 Public Sector Private Sector No. of Lease No. of Lease Leases Area Leases Area 52 14860.54 1947 53186.59 3 1 38 0 18 3 3 5 32 72 5 37 45 0 2 67 71 3 63 10 3 3 536 371.00 647.50 9535.86 0.00 3478.85 532.00 1198.23 1569.20 18207.37 21956.94 383.02 6516.76 2027.42 0.00 605.44 39371.63 26334.19 96.32 30287.22 5461.53 155.57 36.58 183633.17 882 85 86 47 10467 5 10 278 336 1134 115 51 52 300 682 77 1063 206 2 19 465 2625 7492.89 2147.01 1121.19 683.70 364181.14 558.50 1427.22 14015.91 24393.26 26556.80 11723.12 2242.18 1102.64 18863.95 37247.65 2495.60 24414.17 14066.30 610.17 692.19 38372.28 80767.82


Table-13: Distribution of Mining Leases in Public Sector As on 31/03/2011 (Under Central Government and State Government)
(Lease Area in Hect.) Sl. No. State Central Government No. of Leases 31 1 1 17 0 3 3 0 22 8 3 27 28 0 20 17 0 13 1 2 0 197 Lease Area 13663.66 171.00 647.50 9015.71 0.00 532.00 1198.23 0.00 16519.13 11244.19 174.57 6184.49 1441.49 0 17809.69 4158.56 0 27394.17 33.58 58.57 0 110246.53 State Government No. of Leases 21 2 0 21 18 0 0 5 10 64 2 10 17 2 47 54 3.00 50.00 9.00 1.00 3.00 339 Lease No. of Area Leases 1196.88 52 200.00 0.00 520.16 3478.85 0.00 0.00 1569.20 1688.24 10712.76 208.45 332.27 585.93 605.44 21561.95 22175.64 96.32 2893.05 5427.95 97 36.58 73386.64 3 1 38 18 3 3 5 32 72 5 37 45 2 67 71 3.00 63.00 10.00 3.00 3.00 Total Lease Area 14860.54 371.00 647.50 9535.86 3478.85 532.00 1198.23 1569.20 18207.37 21956.94 383.02 6516.76 2027.42 605.44 39371.63 26334.19 96.32 30287.22 5461.53 155.57 36.58

1 Andhra Pradesh 2 Assam 3 Bihar 4 Chhattisgarh 5 Gujarat 6 Haryana 7 Himachal Pradesh 8 Jammu & Kashmir 9 Jharkhand 10 Karnataka 11 Kerala 12 Madhya Pradesh 13 Maharashtra 14 Meghalaya 15 Odisha 16 Rajasthan 17 Sikkim 18 Tamil Nadu 19 Uttar Pradesh 20 Uttarakhand 21 West Bengal Total

536 183633.17


Table-14 : Summary of Lease Distribution in Public Sector as on 31.3.2011 (By States/Districts/Minerals)

State Andhra Pradesh District Adilabad Adilabad Anantapur Cuddapah Chittoor Godavari West Karimnagar Khammam Khammam Krishna Mahbubnagar Nellore Prakasam Rangareddi Rangareddi Rangareddi Srikakulam Visakhapatnam Visakhapatnam Visakhapatnam Vizianagaram Vizianagaram Mineral Limestone Sand (others) Gold Barytes Gold Ball clay Sand (others) Dolomite Sand (others) Limestone Laterite Moulding sand Iron ore Laterite Limestone Shale Silica sand Apatite Calcite Quartz Manganese ore Sand (others) Total Central Government State Government No. of Lease Area No. of Lease Area (Hect.) Lease Lease (Hect.) 1 839.38 2 220.51 6 7345.93 0 0.00 1 168.43 0 0.00 0 0.00 11 316.76 2 272.58 0 0.00 0 0.00 1 13.93 6 2086.71 0 0.00 1 384.46 0 0.00 2 76.36 0 0.00 1 1295.00 0 0.00 1 17.82 0 0.00 0 0.00 1 13.19 0 0.00 1 526.31 1 41.40 0 0.00 1 613.79 0 0.00 1 133.12 0 0.00 1 7.50 0 0.00 0 0.00 1 16.12 0 0.00 2 46.62 1 3.24 0 0.00 2 264.99 2 43.44 3 112.95 0 0.00 31 13663.66 21 1196.88 Total No. of Lease Area Lease (Hect.) 3 1059.89 6 7345.93 1 168.43 11 316.76 2 272.58 1 13.93 6 2086.71 1 384.46 2 76.36 1 1295.00 1 17.82 1 13.19 1 526.31 1 41.40 1 613.79 1 133.12 1 7.50 1 16.12 2 46.62 1 3.24 4 308.43 3 112.95 52 14860.54 Contd.


Table-14 (Contd.) State Assam District Karbi Anglong North Cachar Hills Rohtas Bilaspur Dantewara Dantewara Dantewara Durg Durg Durg Jashpur Jangir Champa Jangir Champa Kanker Kabirdham Raipur Surguja Banaskantha Bharuch Bharuch Jamnagar Kachchh Surat Vadodara Mineral Limestone Limestone Total Pyrites Total Dolomite Corundum Iron ore Tin Dolomite Iron ore Limestone Bauxite Dolomite Limestone Iron ore Bauxite Limestone Bauxite Total Copper ore Ball clay Silica sand Bauxite Bauxite Limestone Fluorite Total Central Government State Government No. of Lease Area No. of Lease Area Lease (Hect.) Lease (Hect.) 1 171.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 2 200.00 1 171.00 2 200.00 1 647.50 0 0.00 1 647.50 0 0.00 1 128.88 0 0.00 0 0.00 2 27.25 6 2696.21 0 0.00 0 0.00 2 103.22 0 0.00 1 22.15 4 2562.69 0 0.00 1 526.34 0 0.00 0 0.00 2 40.61 1 523.35 0 0.00 2 401.65 0 0.00 1 2028.79 0 0.00 0 0.00 1 5.31 1 147.79 0 0.00 0 0.00 13 321.62 17 9015.70 21 520.16 0 0.00 1 878.92 0 0.00 1 183.87 0 0.00 1 143.70 0 0.00 2 189.79 0 0.00 10 1939.37 0 0.00 1 80.00 0 0.00 2 63.20 0 0.00 18 3478.85 80 No. of Lease 1 2 3 1 1 1 2 6 2 1 4 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 13 38 1 1 1 2 10 1 2 18 Total Lease Area (Hect.) 171.00 200.00 371.00 647.50 647.50 128.88 27.25 2696.21 103.22 22.15 2562.69 526.34 40.61 523.35 401.65 2028.79 5.31 147.79 321.62 9535.86 878.92 183.87 143.70 189.79 1939.37 80.00 63.20 3478.85 Contd.

Bihar Chhattisgarh


Table-14 (Contd.) State Haryana Himachal Pradesh District Bhiwani Sirmur Solan Doda Doda Pulwama Udhampur Garwah Garwah Hazaribagh Palamau Palamau Ranchi Singhbhum (East) Singhbhum (East) Singhbhum (West) Singhbhum (West) Bagalkot Bagalkot Bengaluru Belgaum Mineral Lime kankar Total Limestone Limestone Total Gypsum Sapphire Limestone Magnesite Total Dolomite Limestone Limestone Graphite Limestone Limestone Copper ore Kyanite Iron ore Kyanite Total Dolomite Limestone Felspar Limestone Central Government State Government No. of Lease Area No. of Lease Area Lease (Hect.) Lease (Hect.) 3 532.00 0 0.00 3 532.00 0 0.00 2 966.03 0 0.00 1 232.20 0 0.00 3 1198.23 0 0.00 0 0.00 2 322.00 0 0.00 1 673.40 0 0.00 1 88.10 0 0.00 1 485.70 0 0.00 5 1569.20 1 202.42 0 0.00 3 1178.92 0 0.00 0 0.00 1 64.75 0 0.00 3 249.08 0 0.00 1 1043.83 0 0.00 2 239.63 4 6417.09 0 0.00 0 0.00 1 2.43 13 6972.45 0 0.00 1 1748.25 2 88.52 22 16519.13 10 1688.24 0 0.00 2 239.86 0 0.00 12 3267.38 0 0.00 3 130.30 0 0.00 2 791.37 No. of Lease 3 3 2 1 3 2 1 1 1 5 1 3 1 3 1 2 4 1 13 3 32 2 12 3 2 Total Lease Area (Hect.) 532.00 532.00 966.03 232.20 1198.23 322.00 673.40 88.10 485.70 1569.20 202.42 1178.92 64.75 249.08 1043.83 239.63 6417.09 2.43 6972.45 1836.77 18207.37 239.86 3267.38 130.30 791.37 Contd.

Jammu & Kashmir




Table-14 (Contd.) State Karnataka (Concld) District Bellary Chikmaglur Chitradurga Gulbarga Gulbarga Hassan Hassan Hassan Hassan Hassan Kolar Mandya Mysore Uttara Kannada Raichur Shimoga Shimoga Tumkur Udupi Udupi Kollam Kollam Mineral Iron ore Iron ore Copper ore Gold Limestone China clay Chromite Quartz Steatite Vermiculite Gold Quartz Magnesite Manganese ore Gold China clay Manganese ore Gold Bauxite Limeshell Total China clay Sillimanite Total Central Government State Government No. of Lease Area No. of Lease Area Lease (Hect.) Lease (Hect.) 2 1255.50 12 2046.30 1 4605.42 0 0.00 0 0.00 2 416.83 0 0.00 1 55.75 4 482.76 0 0.00 0 0.00 2 314.41 0 0.00 6 1306.38 0 0.00 2 18.20 0 0.00 1 80.93 0 0.00 1 26.30 1 4900.51 0 0.00 0 0.00 1 15.17 0 0.00 3 136.27 0 0.00 1 80.94 0 0.00 4 986.90 0 0.00 4 42.99 0 0.00 2 580.10 0 0.00 1 38.04 0 0.00 1 23.80 0 0.00 1 114.53 8 11244.19 64 10712.75 0 0.00 1 4.65 3 174.57 1 203.80 3 174.57 2 208.45 No. of Lease 14 1 2 1 4 2 6 2 1 1 1 1 3 1 4 4 2 1 1 1 72 1 4 5 Total Lease Area (Hect.) 3301.80 4605.42 416.83 55.75 482.76 314.41 1306.38 18.20 80.93 26.30 4900.51 15.17 136.27 80.94 986.90 42.99 580.10 38.04 23.80 114.53 21956.94 4.65 378.37 383.02 Contd.



Table-14 (Contd.) State Madhya Pradesh District Anuppur Balaghat Balaghat Balaghat Chhatarpur Jhabua Katni Katni Mandla Nimach Panna Rewa Sagar Satna Satna Tikamgarh Bhandara Bhandara Bhandara Chandrapur Chandrapur Gondia Nagpur Nagpur Nagpur Mineral Bauxite Copper ore Manganese ore Sand (others) Phosphorite Phosphorite Fireclay Limestone Dolomite Limestone Diamond Bauxite Phosphorite Limestone Bauxite Pyrophyllite Total Kyanite Manganese ore Sand (others) Fluorite Sand (others) Iron ore Dolomite Manganese ore Sand (others) Central Government State Government No. of Lease Area No. of Lease Area Lease (Hect.) Lease (Hect.) 0 0.00 1 148.18 2 479.90 0 0.00 10 865.57 0 0.00 2 18.08 0 0.00 0 0.00 1 48.76 0 0.00 3 49.11 2 38.27 0 0.00 3 1109.09 0 0.00 0 0.00 1 2.52 2 500.45 0 0.00 2 275.96 0 0.00 0 0.00 1 4.90 0 0.00 1 52.80 4 2897.17 0 0.00 0 0.00 1 21.00 0 0.00 1 5.00 27 6184.49 10 332.27 0 0.00 7 191.36 4 321.37 0 0.00 1 40.41 0 0.00 0 0.00 1 32.70 5 461.08 0 0.00 0 0.00 1 4.37 0 0.00 3 69.87 13 382.75 0 0.00 4 191.88 0 0.00 No. of Lease 1 2 10 2 1 3 2 3 1 2 2 1 1 4 1 1 37 7 4 1 1 5 1 3 13 4 Total Lease Area (Hect.) 148.18 479.90 865.57 18.08 48.76 49.11 38.27 1109.09 2.52 500.45 275.96 4.90 52.80 2897.17 21.00 5.00 6516.76 191.36 327.37 40.41 32.70 461.08 4.37 69.87 382.75 191.88 Contd.



Table-14 (Contd.) State Maharashtra (Concld.) District Sindhudurg Sindhudurg Yeotmal Yeotmal Garo Hills West Garo Hills West Bargarh Dhenkanal Ganjam Jajpur Jajpur Kalahandi Kalahandi Keonjhar Keonjhar Keonjhar Koraput Koraput Mayurbhanj Nawapara Nawapara Raygada Sundargarh Mineral Felspar Silica sand Limestone Sand (others) Total Fireclay Limestone Total Limestone Chromite Silliminite Chromite Iron ore Amethyst Corundum Chromite Iron ore Manganese ore Bauxite Limestone China clay Corundum Limestone Manganese ore Bauxite Central Government State Government No. of Lease Area No. of Lease Area Lease (Hect.) Lease (Hect.) 0 0.00 1 29.27 0 0.00 2 138.61 0 0.00 2 119.75 1 44.00 0 0.00 28 1441.49 17 585.93 0 0.00 1 221.44 0 0.00 1 384.00 0 0.00 2 605.44 0 0.00 1 304.32 0 0.00 2 847.49 1 2464.05 0 0.00 0 0.00 7 3117.36 0 0.00 1 190.20 0 0.00 2 63.34 0 0.00 1 57.46 0 0.00 3 1930.17 7 5543.81 10 6439.28 2 1265.47 7 3641.11 2 4647.27 0 0.00 0 0.00 2 1586.22 0 0.00 1 142.70 0 0.00 1 33.95 0 0.00 3 332.96 0 0.00 1 501.67 1 117.44 0 0.00 No. of Lease 1 2 2 1 45 1 1 2 1 2 1 7 1 2 1 3 17 9 2 2 1 1 3 1 1 Total Lease Area (Hect.) 29.27 138.61 119.75 44.00 2027.42 221.44 384.00 605.44 304.32 847.49 2464.05 3117.36 190.20 63.34 57.46 1930.17 11983.09 4906.58 4647.27 1586.22 142.70 33.95 332.96 501.67 117.44 Contd.




Table-14 (Contd.) State Odisha (Concld.) District Sundergarh Sundargarh Sundargarh Alwar Banswara Barmer Bikaner Dungarpur Dungurpur Ganganagar Hanumangarh Jaisalmer Jaisalmer Jalore Jalore Jhunjhunu Nagaur Nagaur Pali Sirohi Udaipur Udaipur Udaipur Mineral Dolomite Iron ore Limestone Total Copper ore Graphite Gypsum Gypsum Fluorite Steatite Gypsum Gypsum Gypsum Limestone Fluorite Gypsum Copper ore Gypsum Limestone Gypsum Lead & Zinc ore Barytes Calcite Phosphorite Total Central Government State Government No. of Lease Area No. of Lease Area Lease (Hect.) Lease (Hect.) 2 384.04 0 0.00 4 2593.64 5 2373.71 1 793.97 0 0.00 20 17809.69 47 21561.94 1 914.07 0 0.00 0 0.00 1 123.75 2 1100.66 3 726.03 3 367.02 10 4014.25 0 0.00 4 292.30 0 0.00 1 4.88 6 471.25 6 1549.49 0 0.00 5 2786.09 1 501.68 2 366.21 0 0.00 2 1998.00 0 0.00 4 1075.00 0 0.00 1 178.50 4 803.88 0 0.00 0 0.00 4 2271.15 0 0.00 3 4915.44 0 0.00 1 161.55 0 0.00 1 63.00 0 0.00 1 31.00 0 0.00 1 49.50 0 0.00 4 1569.49 17 4158.56 54 22175.63 Total No. of Lease Area (Hect.) Lease 2 384.04 9 4967.35 1 793.97 67 39371.63 1 914.07 1 123.75 5 1826.69 13 4381.27 4 292.30 1 4.88 12 2020..74 5 2786.09 3 867.89 2 1998.00 4 1075.00 1 178.50 4 803.88 4 2271.15 3 4915.44 1 161.55 1 63.00 1 31.00 1 49.50 4.00 1569.49 71 26334.19 Contd.



Table-14 (Contd.) State Sikkim Tamil Nadu District Sikkim Ariyalur Cuddalore Cuddalore Erode Kanchipuram Kanchipuram Kanyakumari Karur Namakkal Periyar Ramnathapuram Salem Salem Sivaganga Tiruchirappalli Tiruchirappalli Tirunelveli Tirunelveli Tiruppur Vellore Villupuram Virudhunagar Mineral Copper ore Total Limestone Ball clay Fireclay Quartz Limeshell Silica sand Garnet Quartz Quartz Quartz Limeshell Magnesite Quartz Graphite China clay Dolomite Garnet Limestone Quartz Vermiculite Silica sand Limestone Total Central Government State Government No. of Lease Area No. of Lease Area Lease (Hect.) Lease (Hect.) 0 0 3 96.32 0 0 3 96.32 0 0.00 6 626.52 1 25900.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 3 77.46 0 0.00 6 27.85 0 0.00 1 190.00 0 0.00 4 21.51 5 258.31 0 0.00 0 0.00 3 12.49 0 0.00 6 18.81 0 0.00 1 0.40 0 0.00 1 539.05 7 1235.86 1 96.34 0 0.00 2 1.09 0 0.00 2 242.46 0 0.00 1 12.30 0 0.00 1 62.07 0 0.00 1 4.36 0 0.00 3 51.92 0 0.00 3 11.08 0 0.00 1 23.71 0 0.00 1 3.73 0 0.00 3 869.90 13 27394.17 50 2893.05 No. of Lease 3 3 6 1 3 6 1 4 5 3 6 1 1 8 2 2 1 1 1 3 3 1 1 3 63 Total Lease Area (Hect.) 96.32 96.32 626.52 25900.00 77.46 27.85 190.00 21.51 258.31 12.49 18.81 0.40 539.05 1332.20 1.09 242.46 12.30 62.07 4.36 51.92 11.08 23.71 3.73 869.90 30287.22 Contd.


Table-14 (Concld.) State Uttar Pradesh District Allahabad Lalitpur Lalitpur Sonbhadra Sonbhadra Bageshwar Bageshwar Dehradun Purulia Purulia Purulia Mineral Silica sand Phosphorite Pyrophyllite Dolomite Limestone Total Magnesite Steatite Limestone Total Fireclay Phosphorite Quartz Total Central Government State Government No. of Lease Area No. of Lease Area Lease (Hect.) Lease (Hect.) 1 33.58 0 0.00 0 0.00 1 874.00 0 0.00 3 774.20 0 0.00 1 156.32 0 0.00 4 3623.43 1 33.58 9 5427.95 1 53.20 0 0.00 1 5.37 0 0.00 0 0.00 1 97.00 2 58.57 1 97.00 0 0.00 1 19.43 0 0.00 1 13.47 0 0.00 1 3.68 0 0.00 3 36.58 No. of Lease 1 1 3 1 4 10 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 3 Total Lease Area (Hect.) 33.58 874.00 774.20 156.32 3623.43 5461.53 53.20 5.37 97.00 155.57 19.43 13.47 3.68 36.58


West Bengal




Every mining lease is granted for a stipulated period and once this period expires the lessees provisions under

shall have to apply for renewal to the respective State Governments as per the

MCR,1960. The period of leases varies from minimum 20 years to a maximum of 30 years. Further renewal (s) are possible for period or periods not exceeding 20 years in each case. Out of the total number of leases in the Directory (11,003), more than 1,915 leases will expire between 2012 and 2018 . The yearwise breakup of expiry of leases and statewise and yearwise breakup of expiry of leases are given in Tables-15 and 16.

Table-15 : Year wise Status of Ecpiry of Mining Leases as on 31.3.2011

Year No. of Mining Leases 186 178 215 291 351 296 398 Percentage Lease Area (Hect.) 15,668.48 16,908.88 15,999.10 10,866.32 42,285.08 9,557.92 17,040.75 Percentage

2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

1.69 1.62 1.95 2.64 3.19 2.69 3.62

2.86 3.09 2.92 1.98 7.72 1.74 3.11


Table 16 : Statewise and Yearwise Status of Expiry of Mining Leases

Sl. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 State Andhra Ptradesh Assam Bihar Chhattisgarh Goa Gujarat Haryana Himachal Pradesh Jammu & Kashmir Jharkhand Karnataka Kerala Madhya Pradesh Maharashtra Manipur Meghalaya Orissa Rajasthan Sikkim Tamil Nadu Uttar Pradesh Uttarakhand West Bengal Total 2012 No. Area 18 2170.94 2 584.50 2 65.54 3 643.06 32 456.24 6 538.27 1 1160.10 24 2009.28 6 7.65 36 1429.45 5 80.92 10 3746.75 31 2182.16 6 514.92 3 78.55 1 0.15 186 15668.48 2013 No. Area 10 295.04 10 1792.50 33 197.29 1 172.03 4 1212.87 14 7321.48 6 5.99 27 619.67 6 121.97 1 240.55 4 464.66 49 4386.08 10 63.63 1 12.94 2 2.18 178 16908.88 2014 No. Area 37 7864.98 1 31.00 12 296.06 25 393.84 2 557.07 11 618.10 11 547.88 2 3.34 35 1302.71 9 191.75 4 180.37 29 3643.12 31 199.43 2 10.45 3 151.21 1 7.79 215 15999.10 89 2015 No. Area 37 1613.57 21 86.35 1 90.14 24 121.01 11 1205.9 1 3.72 1 15.89 15 227.37 16 543.52 9 510.67 58 771.29 6 1019.11 10 838.05 25 3295.16 54 509.59 2 14.98 291 10866.32 2016 No. Area 57 1183.23 19 434.13 7 466.99 23 1961.44 47 3733.95 5 43.40 21 1173.29 6 519.26 46 519.90 8 713.87 14 448.24 38 4804.90 50 26099.32 1 2.53 7 171.46 2 9.17 351 42285.08 2017 Area 1935.75 1262.9 447.99 68.77 2.76 745.82 11.19 233.46 148.35 60.00 2168.88 2242.21 18.32 194.57 2.39 14.56 9557.92 Area in Hect. 2018 No. Area 80 1924.03 12 3856.35 10 781.93 42 365.78 2 58.35 2 8.04 20 2241.01 1 3.43 49 480.14 10 1430.55 16 1323.93 69 4329.30 82 222.94 1 6.70 1 4.97 1 3.30 398 17040.75

No. 82 20 21 2 1 21 7 40 6 1 14 58 1 18 1 3 296

Chapter 4
Under the Mines & Minerals (Development & Regulation) Act, 1957, Prospecting Licence (PL) means a licence granted for the purpose of undertaking prospecting operations with a view to exploring, locating or proving Concession Rules,1960. The area restrictions for prospecting licences have been substantially liberalised by making such restrictions applicable statewise instead of the country as a whole. mineral deposits. The State Government and Union Territories are empowered to grant /execute/ renew / revoke prospecting licences ( PL) under provisions of Mineral



`As per information received from the State Governments/Union Territories, 131 prospecting

licences were granted covering an area of 35,682 hectares during 2010-11 as compared to 81 prospecting licences covering 21,387 hectares area during 2009-10. The state wise distribution of prospecting licences granted during 2008-09 to 2010-11 is given in Table-17. The States where prospecting licences were granted during 2010-11 include Madhya Pradesh (66), Maharashtra (14), Uttarakhand (13), Rajasthan (11), Jharkhand (10), Andhra Pradesh (9), Chhattisgarh (5), Gujarat (2) and Tamil Nadu (1). Area wise, Madhya Pradesh covered 25,637 hectares and Andhra Pradesh 3,364 hectares and Maharashtra 3,282 hectares. The remaining area of 3,399 hectares was accounted for by rest of the States. 90

Table-17: Prospecting Licences Granted from 2008-09 to 2010-11 (By States)

State No. 6 2008-09 Area (Hect) 140 No. 9 2009-10 Area (Hect) 4854 No. 9 2010-11 Area (Hect) 3364

Andhra Pradesh Arunachal Pradesh Chhattisgarh Gujarat Jharkhand Karnataka Madhya Pradesh Maharashtra Rajasthan Tamil Nadu Uttarakhand Total Area Figures Rounded Off.

2 11 2 -

728 710 45 -

2 1 50 5 12 2 81

42 5 11182 2802 2499 2 21387

5 2 10 66 14 11 1 13 131

71 25 2587 25637 3282 652 2 62 35682






Mineralwise, in 2010-11, prospecting licences granted were for limestone (27), manganese ore

(18), iron ore (14), soapstone (10), silica sand (6), dolomite ( 5) and group of minerals (39). The mineralwise distribution of prospecting licences granted during 2008-09 to 2010-11 is given in Table -18.

Table-18: Prospecting Licences Granted from 2008-09 to 2010-11 (By Minerals)

State No. 1 1 1 2 1 2 7 2008-09 Area (Hect) 3 25 9 728 22 482 210 2009-10 Area (Hect) 10 26 460 185 2392 11159 3156 30 1 2010-11 Area (Hect) 4 23 3803 75 17778 9 3308 4 -

Barytes Calcite Dolomite Garnet (abrasive) Gold Iron ore Jaspar Laterite Limestone Magnesite Manganese ore Mica Moon Stone

No. 3 1 6 1 11 17 16 1 1

No. 1 5 14 4 27 2 18 1 -



Table-18 (Concld.)
State No. 1 2 3 21 2008-09 Area (Hect) 9 40 95 1623 No. 1 1 1 21 81 2009-10 Area (Hect) 5 5 18 3939 21387 No. 1 2 10 6 1 39 131 2010-11 Area (Hect) 4 14 49 225 5 10381 35682

Pyrophyllite Quartz Quartzite Red ochre Soapstone/steatite Shale Silica sand White Clay Group of minerals Total Area Figures Rounded Off.


Chapter 5
The provision of Reconnaissance Permit (RP) was introduced with effect from 20.12.1999 under the Mines & Minerals (Development & Regulation) Act,1957 and from 18.1.2000 under the Mineral Concession Rules, 1960 & Mineral Conservation and Development Rules,1988 made under the Act. Reconnaissance Permit is a permit granted for the purpose of undertaking reconnaissance operations which means any operation undertaken for preliminary prospecting of a mineral through regional, aerial, geophysical or geochemical surveys and geological mapping, but does not include pitting, trenching, drilling (except drilling of boreholes on a grid specified from time to time by the Central Government) or subsurface excavation. As per Section 6 (1) (aa) one or more Reconnassance Permits covering a total area of 10,000 may be granted provided that the area granted under a single Reconnaissance Permit shall not exceed 5000 sq. km in a State. As per Section 7 (1) the period for which a Reconnaissance Permit may be granted shall not exceed 3 years. As per rule 63 A of MCR 1960, the State Government is obligated to dispose of any application for Reconnaissance Permits within six months from the date of receipt of application for such Permits under Rule 4 A of MCR,1960. During the year 2010-11, the Govt. has approved/granted 30 Reconnaissance Permits covering a total area of 35913.72 Out of these, the maximum number of RPs were in Madhya Pradesh (16), Karnataka (7), Rajasthan (3), Chhattisgarh & Uttar Pradesh ( 2 each). The details of Reconnaissance Permits approved/granted during 2010-11 are given in Table-19. 94

Table-19: Approval / Grant of Reconnaissance Permits during 2010-11

Sl. State No. 1 Chhattisgarh 2 3 Karnataka Madhya Pradesh Minerals Diamond, Gold & Associated minerals Gold Diamond, Gold & Associated minerals Diamond, Gold, Iron ore, Manganese ore Diamond, Gold, Copper, Lead, Zinc & Associated minerals 4 5 Rajasthan Uttar Pradesh Diamond, Gold, Copper Lead, Zinc, & Associated minerals Diamond, Gold & Associated minerals Total 2 30 2656.75 35913.72 3 4456.12 No. of RPs 2 1 6 3 13 Area in Sq km 3435 46 7146.12 6192 11981.73


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