PogectGladius (Working)

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Project Gladius

Setting and Back Story This RP is set in a semi-near futuristic fictional world similar to earth, called Polarin. The region the game takes place in is a southern uropean! "editerranean type continent called #endora. $ew Rome, the most central and one of the largest countries, is the pinnacle of society of the time. ducation, technology, medical science, military as well as countless other areas ha%e reached a clima& in $ew Rome. Being a self sustaina'le country due to rich resource deposits and fertile farmland, $ew Rome relies %ery little on the outside world for sur%i%al. ('o%e $ew Rome, a group of thirteen small country-states ha%e 'anded together and formed a confederation in the interest of self defense and to grow their economies. )n *++,.-. the confederation signed it/s constitution and the 0onfederation of (llied States was formed. The newly formed 0(S sought to esta'lish their military presence1 they attacked to sei2e resource facilities on the $ew Roman 'order. This act of aggression, and the growing creed in the counsel of the 0(S forced $ew Rome to declare war.

$ew Roman Rank and StructurestructureThe $ew Roman military is comprised of fifteen 0orps. ach 0orps has twenty 3egions. ach 3egion has ten 0ohorts. ach 0ohort has si& centuries. ach 0entury has ten 0ontu'urnium. ach 0ontu'urnium has ten soldiers. The standing $ew Roman military is almost two million strong. The si&teenth 0orps is classified, and therefor not on the official record. The si&teenth 0orps, Project Gladius, has fi%e 3egions, and ach 0ontu'urnium has four operators, e&cept for the first cohort, in which each 0ontu'urnium has si& operators. Ranks- 4playa'le5 "iles- Basic pri%ate infantry soldier 3egionary- Basic hea%y infantry soldier. 6ecanus- $07, in charge of a 0ontu'urnium. 7ptio- Second in command of a 0entury. 0enturion- 0ommands a 0entury. General Timeline*++,.8 lection of $ew Roman Prime "inister (lithous *++,.-. 0(S signs constitution *++8.9 0(S (ttacks Border Targets *++8.. $ew Rome declares war on 0(S *++*.: "aleania joins $ew Rome *++*., #al (mune joins $ew Rome *++*.-9 Battle of Sydon *++*.-; Battle of (rthose *+-+.Battle of "at%arn Gulf *+-+.. Battle of <alley #ork *+-+.* Battle of 6icidon Peak

=ow to Play
The game is played on a series of maps, and paper, > sided dice, :&. note cards, pen or pencil, at the minimum. "aps? ( world map of the entire (7. 7n this map are all the countries, with the decisi%e 'attle points marked. ach of the countries is la'eled with the name. R@ points are la'eled on this map. This map is used for picking missions, and seeing the o%erall look of the war. There are also maps of each smaller (7 that indi%idual mission takes place in. These maps should 'e topographical, and ha%e the ele%ation, any structures, and roads %isi'le on them. ) use a piece of clear plastic and a dry erase marker as to preser%e the map. The maps are used to mark the position of each character, and to ha%e a relati%e %iew of the 'attlefield. :&. notecards are used for measuring distance. The long side is medium distance, the short side is short distance, and half of the short side is half short distance. Pretty self e&planatory. $otecards can also 'e used 'y the G" to ha%e pre-planned positions of enemies, or traps for missions. $otecards are also used for missions. ach team, at the 'eginning of the campaign will pick, at random, an (7 card. This will tell the player which set of states and 'attles their team is operating in. ach major 'attle, and 0(S state will ha%e a set of missions to chose from, a team can only go one one of the missions one any gi%en card, so teams will ha%e to decide what their priorities are. The game has two AphasesB per mission, the planning phase and the &ecution phase. Planning phase- The mission card and 'lank map 4if mission allows5 will 'e gi%en to the team. The mission card will tell them the mission priority, allotted R@, mission, 6R, and last known intel a'out the enemy. The team will then spend R@ for the mission. (fter R@ is spent the team will mark their starting positions on the map4must 'e at least medium distance away from the 7BC5. Then the G" will mark any enemies within the line of sight of the operators.

&ecution phase- ach player will roll off, the highest scoring player will go first in the first turn of the mission. Play goes to the player on the left of the first player, continuing in a clockwise fashion. 7perators will continue to take turns until they are detected, at which point the enemies will 'egin their turn at the G"/s turn in the rotation. Turns will continue until the mission is completed, or all of the operators are killed in action. (fter the mission is complete, rewards are earned and a new mission is chosen.

$ew Roman Special #orces- Project Gladius ;-> operator teams 7perators are trained in all areas of ser%ice, 'ut generally ha%e speciali2ations. ach operator chooses one proficiency, and one weapon speciali2ation. Proficiencies------------------"edical 6emo "arksman Stealth Deapons------------------=ea%y 3ight 3ong =and "ele e&plosi%es TP- training points, reflect how much time an operator has spent training in any particular area. This could 'e anything from range time for a weapon, to mental e&ercises, to working out. (n operator starts with ;TP on e%ery score as a 'aseline, and gets -> TP to spend at nlistment. Speciali2ations add E9 TP TP-"odifier --:? -+ ;->?-- ,-*?-9 -+--9?-: -:--.?-; 4once -. is reached - re-roll is aloud per mission, keeping the 'etter result5

Body type-(n operators natural tendencies for physical a'ilities. Si2e-Build-Short-4E9tp speed5 3ean-4E-tp Speed5 (%erage-4E-tp any5 #it-4E-tp ndurance5 Tall-4E9tp Strength5 Stocky-4E-tp Strength5 6ice rolls-This is a d> system. Fnlike many RPGs, where the o'jecti%e is to get a higher num'er dice checks, and you get higher modifiers. )nstead, as TP increases, you get lower modifiers, making it easier to score. &ample? an operator has , TP on light weapons, and 8 on marksmanship, that gi%es him a --, and --, thus, to make a shot you ha%e to roll a ; or higher, >----G; all dice checks work the same way. #ocus #actor-#ocus factor represents an operator/s concentration during the heat of 'attle. #ocus factor can 'e affected 'y suppression, e&plosions, taking damage, as well as other en%ironmental factor. )t represents the increasing difficulty to complete tasks under pressure. #or e%ery : points deducted from PS and (S, focus factor is reduced 'y -. 0oncentration "odifier adds one AadditionalB point of focus for e%ery -.. modifier points, rounded down. These Aadditional points work the same as ## .. ##-modifier- .?E+ ;?E- :?E9 9?E: -?E; PS- Physical status, the amount of damage you can take after your armor gi%es out. (S- (rmor status, the amount of damage that armor takes 'efore gi%ing out. (im- marksmanship modifier E #ocus factor modifierE Deapon type modifier, su'tracted from >. Then the to hit reaches 9E, another shot may 'e taken at a .E the second shot is then impro%ed as the modifiers increase. To hit can ne%er 'e -E, as there is always a small chance of a miss. #ight- Strength modifier E focus factor modifier E "elee modifier. The same rules as (im apply. "elee weapons forgo (S and deal damage directly to PS.

"o%e- Fsed to tra%erse rough terrain, or o%ercome o'stacles. Speed mod E ndurance mod. (dditionally, one can opt to sprint o%er flat ground 4dou'le the distance5 Speed mod E speed mod, or run o%er rough terrain!clim'!jump, endurance mod E endurance mod, or drag!lift, Stength mod E ndurance mod1 =owe%er no attacks can 'e made if one of those is chosen. R7#- S? one shot. B? three shots. (? ten shots 4each shot is one die rolled5 H-e&plosi%es, also deal half dmg to anyone within half a short distance of the target. HHdeals full damage at half short, and half damage at short. Range- Short- : inches "ed-. inches 3ong- any length on the map. 3ong weapons can not shoot at short distance. 0apacity- The num'er of attacks that can 'e made 'efore reloading. Reloading is a full turn action. "aga2ines- a standard load of ammunition for each weapon is three maga2ines. 6mg and 6eath- damage is dealt first to (S, then PS, when PS reaches I, that character is dead. Dhen an operator dies the character is dead. The player then makes a new operator with starting TP plus two thirds of any earned TP. "edical- medical check is passed, one med kit is used and d> PS is regained. 6R- 6anger Rating. )ndicates the suspected difficulty of the mission, and 'ase TP reward for each operator for successfully completing it. 6R 9 : ; . TP reward . ; : 9 -

Priority TP reward P TP 3ow Emed E9 high E: R@- ReJuisition points. #or e%ery mission, there is a certain amount of special eJuipment a%aila'le for each mission. ReJuisition is awarded 'ased on mission priority le%el, and strategic positions held. "ission types(m'ush- (ttack a mo'ile enemy 0apture- capture a target4s5 or location 6estroy- 6estroy an o'jecti%e Recon- scout out a location, often without 'eing detected. (ssassinate- destroy an indi%idual!indi%iduals =old- =old an o'jecti%e during an attack. #ighting StancesTactical0o%erPronePenalty none E- mo%e E9 mo%e Bonus none -9 dmg taken per opponent -- to hit E- to 'e hit

(ctions on the turn(n operator can do two actions per turn unless otherwise stated. (ction K #ire mo%e 0f# Stance switch wp medical 9 demo 9 melee 9 reload 9

Deapons =ea%y $ame6mg R7# "achine-guns-"G-9a. ( "G89'; ( "G:.c. ( 3ight Rifles-"i9, ; B "i9,a ; B "-;; 8 S 0ar'ines-R9; 8 S --,G . B Su'-"achine guns-PT8 : ( Shotguns"8:+ -+ S "L9+; > B 3ong Sniper Rifles-388 S "*,a -+ S (T+-9 -+H S =and $* : S!B $;. > S L.. 8 S B-* 9 ( "elee Lnife ; B Lukri > S hand a& . B Range 3ong "ed Short "ed 3ong "ed Short "ed Short Short Short 3ong 3ong 3ong Short Short Short Short 0apacity . 8 . -+ 8 -9 8 > 9 > : -+ ; -. -+ > -

&plosi%e RPG -+H "9:+ 8H "ortar 8HH


3ong "ed 3ong

> ;

ReJuisition M Personal eJuipment $ameR@)mpro%ed (rmor 8 Guile suit 8 6i%ing gear Repelling gear Gas mask $<Gs 8 . : :

6escription(dds another slot to (S. (dds another stealth modifier when 'eing detected. (llows water to 'e tra%ersed without penalty. 0lim'ing and repelling with no penalty. $egates the effects of gas!smoke. $o penalty for fighting at night.

Deapon modifications &tra ammo Suppressor (P rounds Bi-pod Thermal scope Red 6ot =and Grenades #rag Smoke : ; ; ;

#or each R@ spent, one more maga2ine can 'e carried. Shots taken 'y a suppressed weapon dou'le the stealth modifier for 'eing detected. 6eals 9 e&tra dmg. #or one mag. Gi%es a -- to misc modifier for that weapon, when no mo%e has 'een made the pre%ious turn. Gi%es -- to misc modifier for long ranged weapons. Gi%es -- to misc modifier for short!med ranged weapons. 0an 'e thrown short distance. "LsESTEff >H dmg. 7'scures half small distance from hit spot.

9 9

Gas )ncendiary Stun &plosi%es Plastic e&plosi%e (P "ine Pipe 'om' 76 'ot #ires -,, (rtilery Gunship =ilo Ballistic missile

: . 9 ; ; ; -+

same as smoke, 'ut deals : dmg for e%ery round within the gas. ;H dmg, plus, : for e%ery su'seJuent round. -H Reduces ## 'y 9 points. Tactical e&plosi%e for destroying walls, doors, and o'stacles. 7ne use per 'lock. -+ dmg to e%erything in a *+H arch at short distance. tripwire acti%ated e&plosi%e dealing 8H dmg to acti%ator. "aneu%era'le R0 de%ice for transporting ordinance from a distance. 7ne fire mission, deals -+HH dmg 7ne 8H shot per round. 4>E5 Two -+HH hellfire missiles, and a 8H ( shot. -+HHH full dmg at short, half at med. 7ne turn delay.

-+ :+ 9+ 9.

7ther F(< Transportation 3ight 'oat Truck (rmored T0 =ilo


Shows all une&posed enemies on map in planning phase 'efore operators deploy. Ri%er 'oat with a capacity of 8. Transport for > operators, must use roads. $ot armored Transport for > operators, must use roads, (S 8. 0an land anywhere, and can 'e picked up in a safe 3N.

-+ -+ -. 9+

R@-Priority 3ow med high

Base ;+ >+ 8+

R@ points Deapons cache E-+ 0om tower E-+ (irfield E9+ Rank ScoreTaskPointsnemy kill 0all for #ire 9 "edical sa%e ; =<T kill . .E kills 8 "ission success -+ Ranks "iles3egionary6ecanus7ptio0enturionPoints + 9. -++ -.+ 9++

7perator Profile 0all Sign? Rank? Speciali2ation? Gender? Body type? Physical TP "6O "ental SpeedO 0oncentrationnduranceO 0reati%ityStrengthO LnowledgeProficiencies TP "6O $otes "edicalO 6emoO "arksmanshipO StealthO Deapons TP "6O =ea%yO =and3ightO "elee3ong O &plosi%e-

TP "6O )n%entory O O O O O O O O TP "6O #ires O O O

0om'at Profile PS O.O;O:O9O-O&O O (S O.O;O:O9O-O&O O ## O.O;O:O9O-O&O O O O (im4mk5E4 ff 5E4wp5E4"isc5G 4 E5 #ight 4st 5E4 ff 5E4ml 5G 4 E5 "o%e4 sp5E4en 5G 4 E5 Deapon? 4dmg5 4rof5 4Range5 40ap5 "ags? Deapon? 4dmg5 4rof5 4Range5 40ap5 "ags?

G" $7T S
6anger Rating6R Score tells the difficulty of the mission. 6R $um'er of nemy a%g. . ;-> light, - hea%y ; >-8 light, 9 hea%y : 8--+ light, :-; hea%y 9 -+--9 light, ;-> hea%y -9--; light, >-8 hea%y (dditional TP rewardsTask 0omplete 9 or more sprints 0omplete 9 or more clim's, jumps, or difficult terrain 0omplete 9 or more drags!lifts 0omplete 9 or more medical checks Fse emplaced e&plosi%es to kill 9 or more enemies Lill . or more enemies with a ranged weapon Lill 9 or more enemies with a melee weapon Lill : or more enemies without 'eing detected Lill 9 or more enemies while at ## of : or lower Fse : or more creati%ity 'onuses while on a mission Fse : or more knowledge 'onuses while on a mission Reward E- TP speed E- TP endurance E- TP strength E- TP medical E- TP demo E- TP marksmanship E- TP melee E- TP stealth E- TP concentration E- TP 0reati%ity E- TP Lnowledge

## effectors 6arknessH =ea%y storming!'li22ard SuppressionHH &plosionHH Taking : dmg

ach reduces ## 'y one. Hcan 'e negated HHonly applies for the su'seJuent turn

)ncreasing PS- if (n operator has -; on strength, speed, and endurance, they get one additional point of PS 0reati%ity 'onus- )f a player decides to do something a'o%e and 'eyond a normal check, the G" may grant them a creati%ity 'onus eJual to their creati%ity modifier. Lnowledge 'onus- )f a player displays a knowledge a'out the eJuipment! task!weapon they are using, the G" may grant them a knowledge 'onus eJual to their knowledge modifier. =ilos- )f line of sight can 'e made to the 6N, operators are automatically detected. Pick up? 3N must 'e out of weapon range of enemies to pick up operators in 'attle1 howe%er if teams R@ an scort =ilo4fires5 one of the attacks can 'e used to make a hot pickup 4inside weapon range5. Transports- )f line of sight can 'e made to the transport, operators are automatically detected. =owe%er players can deploy closer to the 7BC. 0(S R@- on a 6R -,9,: roll off 6ie roll Result &tra armor 9 night %ision : (nti-(ir 4no hilos5 ; mortar strike 4- >H strike >E5 . gas masks > optics

PS O.O;O:O9O-O&O (S O.O;O:O9O-O&O ## O.O;O:O9O-O&O PS O.O;O:O9O-O&O (S O.O;O:O9O-O&O ## O.O;O:O9O-O&O PS O.O;O:O9O-O&O (S O.O;O:O9O-O&O ## O.O;O:O9O-O&O PS O.O;O:O9O-O&O (S O.O;O:O9O-O&O ## O.O;O:O9O-O&O PS O.O;O:O9O-O&O (S O.O;O:O9O-O&O ## O.O;O:O9O-O&O PS O.O;O:O9O-O&O (S O.O;O:O9O-O&O ## O.O;O:O9O-O&O PS O.O;O:O9O-O&O (S O.O;O:O9O-O&O ## O.O;O:O9O-O&O PS O.O;O:O9O-O&O (S O.O;O:O9O-O&O ## O.O;O:O9O-O&O PS O.O;O:O9O-O&O (S O.O;O:O9O-O&O ## O.O;O:O9O-O&O

PS O.O;O:O9O-O&O (S O.O;O:O9O-O&O ## O.O;O:O9O-O&O PS O.O;O:O9O-O&O (S O.O;O:O9O-O&O ## O.O;O:O9O-O&O PS O.O;O:O9O-O&O (S O.O;O:O9O-O&O ## O.O;O:O9O-O&O PS O.O;O:O9O-O&O (S O.O;O:O9O-O&O ## O.O;O:O9O-O&O PS O.O;O:O9O-O&O (S O.O;O:O9O-O&O ## O.O;O:O9O-O&O PS O.O;O:O9O-O&O (S O.O;O:O9O-O&O ## O.O;O:O9O-O&O PS O.O;O:O9O-O&O (S O.O;O:O9O-O&O ## O.O;O:O9O-O&O PS O.O;O:O9O-O&O (S O.O;O:O9O-O&O ## O.O;O:O9O-O&O PS O.O;O:O9O-O&O (S O.O;O:O9O-O&O ## O.O;O:O9O-O&O

PS O.O;O:O9O-O&O (S O.O;O:O9O-O&O ## O.O;O:O9O-O&O PS O.O;O:O9O-O&O (S O.O;O:O9O-O&O ## O.O;O:O9O-O&O PS O.O;O:O9O-O&O (S O.O;O:O9O-O&O ## O.O;O:O9O-O&O PS O.O;O:O9O-O&O (S O.O;O:O9O-O&O ## O.O;O:O9O-O&O PS O.O;O:O9O-O&O (S O.O;O:O9O-O&O ## O.O;O:O9O-O&O PS O.O;O:O9O-O&O (S O.O;O:O9O-O&O ## O.O;O:O9O-O&O PS O.O;O:O9O-O&O (S O.O;O:O9O-O&O ## O.O;O:O9O-O&O PS O.O;O:O9O-O&O (S O.O;O:O9O-O&O ## O.O;O:O9O-O&O PS O.O;O:O9O-O&O (S O.O;O:O9O-O&O ## O.O;O:O9O-O&O

0(S Troop profiles 3ight )nfantryGuard !P PS O- O;O:O9O-O&O (S O- O- O:O9O-O&O ## O.O;O:O9O-O&O (im4--5E4 ff 5E4+5E4"isc5G 4 .E5 #ight 4--5E4 ff 5E4--5G 4 ;E5 "o%e4--5E4+5G 4 .E5 Deapon? 3"R 4-5 4(5 4Short5 4:5 "ags? 9 0orpsman QR PS O-O;O:O9O-O&O (S O-O-O:O9O-O&O ## O.O;O:O9O-O&O (im4--5E4 + 5E4--5E4"isc5G 4 ;E5 #ight 4-- 5E4 + 5E4-- 5G 4 ;E5 "o%e4 +5E4+ 5G 4 >E5 Deapon? 0R-++ 4:5 4B5 4med5 4>5

"ags? 9

Sharpshooter 45 PS O-O;O:O9O-O&O (S O-O-O:O9O-O&O ## O.O;O:O9O-O&O (im4--5E4 + 5E4--5E4"isc5G 4 ;E5 #ight 4+ 5E4 ff 5E4+ 5G 4>E5 "o%e4 --5E4-- 5G 4 ;E5 Deapon? 0R3 4.5 4S5 4long5 4.5 "ags?9

=ea%y )nfantryGunner QOOR PS O-O;O:O9O-O&O (S O-O;O:O9O-O&O ## O.O;O:O9O-O&O (im4+5E4 ff 5E4--5E4"isc5G 4 .E5 #ight 4-- 5E4 ff 5E4-- 5G 4 ;E5 "o%e4 +5E4-- 5G 4 .E5 Deapon? 0"G 495 4(5 4"ed5 4;5 "ags? 9 $07 4OO5 PS O-O;O:O9O-O&O (S O-O;O:O9O-O&O ## O.O;O:O9O-O&O (im4--5E4 ff 5E4--5E4"isc5G 4 ;E5 #ight 4-- 5E4 ff 5E4-- 5G 4 .E5 "o%e4 --5E4-- 5G 4 ;E5 Deapon?0R-++ 4:5 4B5 4"ed5 4>5 "ags? 9

7perator L.).(.s 6 RR L- <innie.

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