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292 INSTITUTING THE "ADMINISTRATIVE CODE OF 1987" July 25, 1987 WHEREAS, the Administrative Code currently in force was first forged in 1917 when the relationship between the people and the government was defined by the colonial order then prevailing; WHEREAS, efforts to achieve an integrative and over-all recodification of its provisions resulted in the Administrative Code of 1978 which, however, was never published and later e pressly repealed; WHEREAS, the effectiveness of the !overnment will be enhanced by a new Administrative Code which incorporates in a unified document the ma"or structural, functional and procedural principles and rules of governance; and WHEREAS, a new Administrative Code will be of optimum benefit to the people and !overnment officers and employees as it embodies changes in administrative structures and procedures designed to serve the people; NOW, THEREFORE, #, C$%A&$' C( A)*#'$, +resident of the +hilippines, by the powers vested in me by the Constitution, do hereby promulgate the Administrative Code of 1987, as follows, #'-%$.*C-$%/ +%$0#1#$'1 1ec( 1( -itle( - -his Act shall be 2nown as the Administrative Code of 1987.3 1ec( 4( !eneral -erms .efined( - *nless the specific words of the te t, or the conte t as a whole, or a particular statute, shall re5uire a different meaning, 617 " overnment of t!e Re"#$%i& of t!e '!i%i""ines" refers to the corporate governmental entity through which the functions of government are e ercised throughout the +hilippines, including, save as the contrary appears from the conte t, the various arms through which political authority is made effective in the +hilippines, whether pertaining to the autonomous regions, the provincial, city, municipal or barangay subdivisions or other forms of local government( 647 "Nationa% overnment" refers to the entire machinery of the central government, as distinguished from the different forms of local governments( 687 "(o&a% overnment" refers to the political subdivisions established by or in accordance with the Constitution( 697 "A)en&* of t!e overnment" refers to any of the various units of the !overnment, including a department, bureau, office, instrumentality, or government-owned or controlled corporations, or a local government or a distinct unit therein( 6:7 "Nationa% a)en&*" refers to a unit of the 'ational !overnment( 6;7 "(o&a% a)en&*" refers to a local government or a distinct unit therein( 677 "+e"artment" refers to an e ecutive department created by law( <or purposes of =oo2 #0, this shall include any instrumentality, as herein defined, having or assigned the ran2 of a department, regardless of its name or designation( 687 ",#rea#" refers to any principal subdivision or unit of any department( <or purposes of =oo2 #0, this shall include any principal subdivision or unit of any instrumentality given or assigned the ran2 of a bureau, regardless of actual name or designation, as in the case of department-wide regional offices( 697 "Offi&e" refers, within the framewor2 of governmental organi>ation, to any ma"or functional unit of a department or bureau including regional offices( #t may also refer to any position held or occupied by individual persons, whose functions are defined by law or regulation( 61?7 "-nstr#menta%it*" refers to any agency of the 'ational !overnment, not integrated within the department framewor2 vested within special functions or "urisdiction by law, endowed with some if not all corporate powers, administering special funds, and en"oying operational autonomy, usually through a charter( -his term includes regulatory agencies, chartered institutions and government-owned or controlled corporations(

6117 "Re)#%ator* a)en&*" refers to any agency e pressly vested with "urisdiction to regulate, administer or ad"udicate matters affecting substantial rights and interests of private persons, the principal powers of which are e ercised by a collective body, such as a commission, board or council( 6147 "C!artered instit#tion" refers to any agency organi>ed or operating under a special charter, and vested by law with functions relating to specific constitutional policies or ob"ectives( -his term includes the state universities and colleges and the monetary authority of the 1tate( 6187 " overnment.o/ned or &ontro%%ed &or"oration" refers to any agency organi>ed as a stoc2 or non-stoc2 corporation, vested with functions relating to public needs whether governmental or proprietary in nature, and owned by the !overnment directly or through its instrumentalities either wholly, or, where applicable as in the case of stoc2 corporations, to the e tent of at least fifty-one 6:17 per cent of its capital stoc2, +rovided, -hat government-owned or controlled corporations may be further categori>ed by the .epartment of the =udget, the Civil 1ervice Commission, and the Commission on Audit for purposes of the e ercise and discharge of their respective powers, functions and responsibilities with respect to such corporations( 6197 "Offi&er" as distinguished from "&%er0" or "em"%o*ee", refers to a person whose duties, not being of a clerical or manual nature, involves the e ercise of discretion in the performance of the functions of the government( @hen used with reference to a person having authority to do a particular act or perform a particular function in the e ercise of governmental power, "offi&er" includes any government employee, agent or body having authority to do the act or e ercise that function( 61:7 "Em"%o*ee", when used with reference to a person in the public service, includes any person in the service of the government or any of its agencies, divisions, subdivisions or instrumentalities( =$$A # 1$0B%B#!'-/ A'. !B'B%AC A.D#'#1-%A-#$' Chapter 1 -EB 'A-#$'AC -B%%#-$%/ 1ec( 8( @hat Comprises 'ational -erritory( - -he national territory comprises the +hilippine archipelago, with all the islands and waters embraced therein, and all other territories over which the +hilippines has sovereignty or "urisdiction, consisting of its terrestrial, fluvial, and aerial domains, including its territorial sea, the seabed, the subsoil, the insular shelves, and other submarine areas( -he waters around, between, and connecting the islands of the archipelago, regardless of their breadth and dimensions, form part of the internal waters of the +hilippines( 1ec( 9( -erritorial 1ubdivision of the +hilippines( - -he territorial and political subdivisions of the +hilippines are the autonomous regions, provinces, subprovinces, cities, municipalities and barangays( Chapter 4 -EB +B$+CB 1ec( :( @ho are Citi>ens( - -he following are the citi>ens of the +hilippines, 617 -hose who are citi>ens of the +hilippines at the time of the adoption of the Constitution; 647 -hose whose fathers or mothers are citi>ens of the +hilippines; 687 -hose born before Fanuary 17, 1978, of <ilipino mothers, who elect +hilippine citi>enship, unless by the act or omission they are deemed, under the law, to have

renounced it( 1ec( ;( Bffect of Darriage( - Citi>ens of the +hilippines who marry aliens shall retain their citi>enship, unless by their act or omission they are deemed, under the law, to have renounced it( 1ec( 7( 'atural-born Citi>en( - 'atural-born citi>ens are those who are citi>ens of the +hilippines from birth without having to perform any act to ac5uire or perfect their +hilippine citi>enship( -hose who elect +hilippine citi>enship in accordance with the Constitution shall be deemed natural-born citi>ens( 1ec( 8( Coss or %eac5uisition of Citi>enship( - +hilippine citi>enship may be lost or reac5uired in the manner provided by law( 1ec( 9( .ual Allegiance( - .ual allegiance is inimical to the national interest and shall be dealt with by law( Chapter 8 1-A-B #DD*'#-/ <%$D 1*#1ec( 1?( 'on-suability of the 1tate( - 'o suit shall lie against the 1tate e cept with its consent as provided by law( 1ec( 11( -he 1tateGs %esponsibility for Acts of Agents( - 617 -he 1tate shall be legally bound and responsible only through the acts performed in accordance with the Constitution and the laws by its duly authori>ed representatives( 647 -he 1tate shall not be bound by the mista2es or errors of its officers or agents in the e ercise of their functions( Chapter 9 'A-#$'AC 1/D=$C1 A'. $<<#C#AC CA'!*A!B1 1ec( 14( 'ational <lag( - 617 -he flag of the +hilippines shall be red, white and blue, with a sun and three stars, as consecrated and honored by the people and recogni>ed by law( 647 -he custody, ceremonial use, occasion and manner of display, and the proper care and disposition of the flag shall be governed by appropriate rules and regulations( 1ec( 18( 'ational Anthem( - *ntil otherwise provided by law, the musical arrangement and composition of Fulian <elipe is adopted as the national anthem( #t shall be sung or played upon the opening or start of all state celebrations or gatherings and on such other occasions as may be prescribed by appropriate rules and regulations( 1ec( 19( Arms and !reat 1eal of the %epublic of the +hilippines( - 617 -he Arms shall have paleways of two 647 pieces, a>ure and gules; a chief argent studded with three mullets e5uidistant from each other; and, in point of honor, ovoid argent over all the sun rayonnant with eight minor and lesser rays( =eneath shall be a scroll with the words 3%epublic of the +hilippines, 3 or its e5uivalent in the national language, inscribed thereon( 647 -he !reat 1eal shall be circular in form, with the arms as described in the preceding paragraph, but without the scroll and the inscription thereon, and surrounding the whole, a double marginal circle within which shall appear the words 3%epublic of the +hilippines,3 or its e5uivalent in the national language( <or the purpose of placing the !reat 1eal, the color of the arms shall not be deemed essential( 1ec( 1:( *se and Custody of !reat 1eal( - -he !reat 1eal shall be affi ed to or placed upon all commissions signed by the +resident and upon such other official documents and papers of the %epublic of the +hilippines as may be re5uired by custom and usage( -he +resident shall have custody of the !reat 1eal( 1ec( 1;( Arms, 1eals and =anners of !overnment $ffices( - -he various offices of government may adopt appropriate coats-of-arms, seals and banners(

1ec( 17( $fficial Canguages( - *ntil otherwise provided by law, +ilipino and Bnglish shall be the official languages( Chapter : $+B%A-#$' A'. B<<BC- $< CA@1 1ec( 18( @hen Caws -a2e Bffect( - Caws shall ta2e effect after fifteen 61:7 days following the completion of their publication in the $fficial !a>ette or in a newspaper of general circulation, unless it is otherwise provided( 1ec( 19( +rospectivity( - Caws shall have prospective effect unless the contrary is e pressly provided( 1ec( 4?( #nterpretation of Caws and Administrative #ssuances( - #n the interpretation of a law or administrative issuance promulgated in all the official languages, the Bnglish te t shall control, unless otherwise specifically provided( #n case of ambiguity, omission or mista2e, the other te ts may be consulted( 1ec( 41( 'o #mplied %evival of %epealed Caw(- @hen a law which e pressly repeals a prior law itself repealed, the law first repealed shall not be thereby revived unless e pressly so provided( 1ec( 44( %evival of Caw #mpliedly %epealed( - @hen a law which impliedly repeals a prior law is itself repealed, the prior law shall thereby be revived, unless the repealing law provides otherwise( 1ec( 48( #gnorance of the Caw( - #gnorance of the law e cuses no one from compliance therewith( Chapter ; $<<#C#AC !A&B--B 1ec( 49( Contents( - -here shall be published in the $fficial !a>ette all legislative acts and resolutions of a public nature; all e ecutive and administrative issuances of general application; decisions or abstracts of decisions of the 1upreme Court and the Court of Appeals, or other courts of similar ran2, as may be deemed by said courts of sufficient importance to be so published; such documents or classes of documents as may be re5uired so to be published by law; and such documents or classes of documents as the +resident shall determine from time to time to have general application or which he may authori>e so to be published( -he publication of any law, resolution or other official documents in the $fficial !a>ette shall be prima facie evidence of its authority( 1ec( 4:( Bditing and +ublications( - -he $fficial !a>ette shall be edited in the $ffice of the +resident and published wee2ly in +ilipino or in the Bnglish language( #t shall be sold and distributed by the 'ational +rinting $ffice which shall promptly mail copies thereof to subscribers free of postage( Chapter 7 %B!*CA% E$C#.A/1 A'. 'A-#$'@#.B 1+BC#AC .A/1 1ec( 4;( %egular Eolidays and 'ationwide 1pecial .ays( - 617 *nless otherwise modified by law, order or proclamation, the following regular holidays and special days shall be observed in this country, 6A7 %egular Eolidays 'ew /earGs .ay - Fanuary 1 Daundy -hursday - Dovable date !ood <riday - Dovable date Araw ng Aagitingan 6=ataan - April 9 and Corregidor .ay7

Cabor .ay - Day 1 #ndependence .ay - Fune 14 'ational Eeroes .ay - Cast 1unday of August =onifacio .ay - 'ovember 8? Christmas .ay - .ecember 4: %i>al .ay - .ecember 8? 6=7 'ationwide 1pecial .ays All 1aints .ay - 'ovember 1 Cast .ay of the /ear - .ecember 81 647 -he terms 3legal or regular holiday3 and 3special holiday3, as used in laws, orders, rules and regulations or other issuances shall be referred to as 3regular holiday3 and 3special day3, respectively( 1ec( 47( Cocal 1pecial .ays( - -he +resident may proclaim any local special day for a particular date, group or place( 1ec( 48( +retermission of Eoliday( - @here the day, or the last day, for doing any act re5uired or permitted by law falls on a regular holiday or special day, the act may be done on the ne t succeeding business day( Chapter 8 CB!AC @B#!E-1 DBA1*%B1 A'. +B%#$. 1ec( 49( $fficial *se of Detric 1ystem( - -he metric system of weights and measures shall be used in the +hilippines for all products, articles, goods, commodities, materials, merchandise, utilities, services, as well as for commercial transactions li2e contracts, agreements, deeds and other legal instruments publicly and officially attested, and for all official documents( $nly weights and measures of the metric system shall be officially sealed and licensed( 1ec( 8?( Dandatory 'ation-wide *se( - -he metric system shall be fully adopted in all agricultural, commercial, industrial, scientific and other sectors( +ersons or entities allowed under e isting laws to use the Bnglish system or other standards and weights are given until the date to be fi ed by the Detric 1ystem =oard to adopt the metric system( 1ec( 81( Cegal +eriods( - 3/ear3 shall be understood to be twelve calendar months; 3month3 of thirty days, unless it refers to a specific calendar month in which case it shall be computed according to the number of days the specific month contains; 3day,3 to a day of twenty-four hours; and 3night,3 from sunset to sunrise( Chapter 9 !B'B%AC +%#'C#+CB1 !$0B%'#'! +*=C#C $<<#CB%1 1ec( 84( 'ature of +ublic $ffice( - +ublic office is a public trust( +ublic officers and employees must at all times be accountable to the people, serve them with the utmost responsibility, integrity, loyalty and efficiency, act with patriotism and "ustice, and lead modest lives( 1ec( 88( +olicy on Change of Citi>enship( - +ublic officers and employees owe the 1enate and the Constitution allegiance at all times, and any public officer or employee who see2s to change his citi>enship or ac5uire the status of an immigrant of another country during his tenure shall be dealt with by law( 1ec( 89( .eclaration of Assets, Ciabilities and 'et @orth( - A public officer or employee shall upon assumption of office and as often thereafter as may be re5uired by law, submit a declaration under oath of his assets, liabilities, and net worth( 1ec( 8:( Bthics in !overnment( - All public officers and employees shall be bound by a Code of Bthics to be promulgated by the Civil 1ervice Commission( 1ec( 8;( #nhibition Against +urchase of +roperty at -a 1ale( - 'o officer or employee of the government shall purchase directly or indirectly any property sold by the government

for the non-payment of any ta , fee or other public charge( Any such purchase by an officer or employee shall be void( 1ec( 87( +owers #ncidental to -a2ing of -estimony( - @hen authority to ta2e testimony or receive evidence is conferred upon any administrative officer or any non-"udicial person, committee, or other body, such authority shall include the power to administer oaths, summon witnesses, and re5uire the production of documents by a subpoena duces tecum( 1ec( 88( Ciability of 1uperior $fficers( - 617 A public officer shall not be civilly liable for acts done in the performance of his official duties, unless there is a clear showing of bad faith, malice or gross negligence( 647 Any public officer who, without "ust cause, neglects to perform a duty within a period fi ed by law or regulation, or within a reasonable period if none is fi ed, shall be liable for damages to the private party concerned without pre"udice to such other liability as may be prescribed by law( 687 A head of a department or a superior officer shall not be civilly liable for the wrongful acts, omissions of duty, negligence, or misfeasance of his subordinates, unless he has actually authori>ed by written order the specific act or misconduct complained of( 1ec( 89( Ciability of 1ubordinate $fficers( -'o subordinate officer or employee shall be civilly liable for acts done by him in good faith in the performance of his duties( Eowever, he shall be liable for willful or negligent acts done by him which are contrary to law, morals, public policy and good customs even if he acted under orders or instructions of his superiors( Chapter 1? $<<#C#AC $A-E1 1ec( 9?( $aths of $ffice for +ublic $fficers and Bmployees( - All public officers and employees of the government including every member of the armed forces shall, before entering upon the discharge of his duties, ta2e an oath or affirmation to uphold and defend the Constitution; that he will bear true faith and allegiance to it; obey the laws, legal orders and decrees promulgated by the duly constituted authorities; will well and faithfully discharge to the best of his ability the duties of the office or position upon which he is about to enter; and that he voluntarily assumes the obligation imposed by his oath of office, without mental reservation or purpose of evasion( Copies of the oath shall be deposited with the Civil 1ervice Commission and the 'ational Archives( 1ec( 91( $fficers Authori>ed to Administer $ath( - 617 -he following officers have general authority to administer oath, 'otaries public, members of the "udiciary, cler2s of courts, the 1ecretary of the either Eouse of the Congress of the +hilippines, of departments, bureau directors, registers of deeds, provincial governors and lieutenant-governors, city mayors, municipal mayors and any other officer in the service of the government of the +hilippines whose appointment is vested in the +resident( 647 $aths may also be administered by any officer whose duties, as defined by law or regulation, re5uire presentation to him of any statement under oath(( 1ec( 94( .uty to Administer $ath( - $fficers authori>ed to administer oaths, with the e ception of notaries public, municipal "udges and cler2s of court, are not obliged to administer oaths or e ecute certificates save in matters of official business; and with the e ception of notaries public, the officer performing the service in those matters shall charge no fee, unless specifically authori>ed by law( Chapter 11 $<<#C#AC %B+$%-1 1ec( 98( Annual %eports( - -he heads of the several branches, subdivisions, department and agencies or instrumentalities of the !overnment shall prepare and submit annual reports to the +resident on or before the first day of Fuly 1 of each year( 1ec( 99( Contents of %eports( - -he contents of the annual reports shall be prescribed by

law or, in the absence thereof, by e ecutive order( 1ec( 9:( 1pecial %eports( - Bach chief of =ureau or other officer of the government shall ma2e such special reports concerning the wor2 of his =ureau or $ffice as may from time to time be re5uired of him by the +resident of the +hilippines or Eead of .epartment( 1ec( 9;( .eposit with Archives( - $fficial copies of annual reports shall be deposited with the 'ational Archives and shall be open to public inspection( Chapter 14 +*=C#C C$'-%AC-1 A'. C$'0B/A'CB1 1ec( 97( Contracts and Conveyances( - Contracts or conveyances may be e ecuted for and in behalf of the !overnment or of any of its branches, subdivisions, agencies, or instrumentalities, including government-owned or controlled corporations, whenever demanded by the e igency or e igencies of the service and as long as the same are not prohibited by law( 1ec( 98( $fficial Authori>ed to Convey %eal +roperty( - @henever real property of the !overnment is authori>ed by law to be conveyed, the deed of conveyance shall be e ecuted in behalf of the government by the following, 617 <or property belonging to and titled in the name of the %epublic of the +hilippines, by the +resident, unless the authority therefor is e pressly vested by law in another officer( 647 <or property belonging to the %epublic of the +hilippines but titled in the name of any political subdivision or of any corporate agency or instrumentality, by the e ecutive head of the agency or instrumentality( 1ec( 99( Authority to Convey other +roperty( - @henever property other than real is authori>ed to be conveyed, the contract or deed shall be e ecuted by the head of the agency with the approval of the department head( @here the operations of the agency regularly involve the sale or other disposition of personal property, the deed shall be e ecuted by any officer or employee e pressly authori>ed for that purpose( 1ec( :?( Conveyance of 'ational !overnment +roperty to Cocal !overnments( - @hen the real property belonging to the 'ational !overnment is needed for school purposes, or other official use by any local government, the +resident shall authori>e its transfer, and the department head or other authority concerned shall e ecute in favor of the local government the necessary deed of conveyance by way of gift, sale, e change, or otherwise, and upon such terms as shall be for the interest of the parties concerned( 'othing herein provided shall be deemed to authori>e the conveyance of unreserved public land, friar land or any real property held by the !overnment in trust or for a special purpose defined by law( 1ec( :1( B ecution of Contracts( - 617 Contracts in behalf of the %epublic of the +hilippines shall be e ecuted by the +resident unless authority therefor is e pressly vested by law or by him in any other public officer( 647 Contracts in behalf of the political subdivisions and corporate agencies or instrumentalities shall be approved by their respective governing boards or councils and e ecuted by their respective e ecutive heads(

=$$A ## .#1-%#=*-#$' $< +$@B%1 $< !$0B%'DB'Chapter 1 =A1#C +%#'C#+CB1 A'. +$C#C#B1 1ec( 1( !uiding +rinciples and +olicies in !overnment( - !overnmental power shall be e ercised in accordance with the following basic principles and policies,

617 -he +hilippines is a democratic and republican 1tate( 1overeignty resides in the people and all government authority emanates from them( 647 -he 1tate values the dignity of every human person and guarantees full respect for human rights( 687 Civilian authority is, at all times, supreme over the military( 697 -he 1tate shall ensure the autonomy of local governments( 6:7 -he territorial and political subdivisions of the %epublic of the +hilippines are the provinces, cities, municipalities, and barangays( -here shall be autonomous regions, in accordance with the Constitution, in Duslim Dindanao and the Cordilleras as may be provided by law( 6;7 -he separation of Church and 1tate shall be inviolable( 677 -he right of the people and their organi>ations to effective and reasonable participation at all levels of social, political, and economic decision-ma2ing shall not be abridged( -he 1tate shall, by law, facilitate the establishment of ade5uate consultation mechanisms( 687 -he powers e pressly vested in any branch of the !overnment shall not be e ercised by, nor delegated to, any other branch of the !overnment, e cept to the e tent authori>ed by the Constitution( Chapter 4 CB!#1CA-#0B +$@B% 1ec( 4( 1eat of Cegislative +ower( - -he legislative power shall be vested in the Congress of the +hilippines which shall consist of a 1enate and a Eouse of %epresentatives, e cept to the e tent reserved to the people by the Constitutional provision on initiative and referendum( 1ec( 8( #nhibitions Against Dembers of Congress( - 617 'o 1enator or Dember of the Eouse of %epresentatives may hold any other office or employment in the !overnment, or any subdivision agency, or instrumentality thereof, including government-owned or controlled corporations or their subsidiaries, during his term without forfeiting his seat( 'either shall he be appointed to any office which may have been created or the emoluments thereof increased during the term for which he was elected( 647 'o 1enator or Dember of the Eouse of %epresentatives may personally appear as counsel before any court of "ustice or before the Blectoral -ribunals, or 5uasi-"udicial and other administrative bodies( 'either shall he, directly or indirectly, be interested financially in any contract with, or in any franchise or special privilege granted by the !overnment, or any subdivision, agency or instrumentality thereof including any government-owned or controlled corporation, or its subsidiary, during his term of office( Ee shall not intervene in any matter before any office of the !overnment for his pecuniary benefit or where he may be called upon to act on account of his office( 1ec( 9( Blectoral -ribunal( - -he 1enate and the Eouse of %epresentatives shall each have an Blectoral -ribunal which shall be the sole "udge of all contests relating to the election, returns, and 5ualifications of their respective Dembers( Bach Blectoral -ribunal shall be composed of nine 697 Dembers, three 687 of whom shall be Fustices of the 1upreme Court to be designated by the Chief Fustice, and the remaining si 6;7 shall be Dembers of the 1enate or the Eouse of %epresentatives, as the case may be, who shall be chosen on the basis of proportional representation from the political parties and the parties or organi>ations registered under the party-list system represented therein( -he senior Fustice in the Blectoral -ribunal shall be its Chairman( 1ec( :( Commission on Appointments( - -here shall be a Commission on Appointments consisting of the +resident of the 1enate, as e officio Chairman, and twelve 6147 1enators and twelve 6147 Dembers of the Eouse of %epresentatives, elected by each Eouse on the basis of proportional representation from the political parties and parties or organi>ations registered under the party-list system represented therein( -he Chairman of the

Commission shall not vote, e cept in case of a tie( -he Commission shall act on all appointments submitted to it within thirty 68?7 session days of the Congress from their submission( -he Commission shall rule by a ma"ority vote of all its Dembers( 1ec( ;( Cegislative #nvestigation( - -he 1enate or the Eouse of %epresentatives or any of its respective committees may conduct in5uiries in aid of legislation in accordance with its duly published rules of procedure( -he rights of persons appearing in or affected by such in5uiries shall be respected( 1ec( 7( Appearance of Eeads of .epartments(- -he heads of departments may upon their own initiative, with the consent of the +resident, or upon the re5uest of either Eouse, as the rules of each Eouse shall provide, appear before and be heard by such Eouse on any matter pertaining to their departments( @ritten 5uestions shall be submitted to the +resident of the 1enate or the 1pea2er of the Eouse of %epresentatives at least three 687 days before their scheduled appearance( #nterpellations shall not be limited to written 5uestions, but may cover matters related thereto( @hen the security of the 1tate or the public interest so re5uires and the +resident so states in writing, the appearance shall be conducted in e ecutive session( 1ec( 8( #nitiative and %eferendum(- -he Congress shall, as early as possible, provide for a system of initiative and referendum and the e ceptions therefrom, whereby the people can directly propose and enact laws or approve or re"ect any act or law or part thereof passed by the Congress or local legislative body after the registration of a petition therefor signed by at least ten 61?7 per centum of the total number of registered voters, of which every legislative district must be represented by at least three 687 per centum of the registered voters thereof( 1ec( 9( +ower to +ropose Constitutional Amendments( - 617 Any amendment to, or revision of the Constitution may be proposed by, 6a7 -he Congress, upon a vote of threefourths 68H97 of all its Dembers; or 6b7 a constitutional convention( -he Congress may, by a vote of two-thirds 64H87 of all its Dembers, call a constitutional convention, or by a ma"ority vote of all its Dembers, submit to the electorate the 5uestion of calling such a convention( 647 Amendments to the Constitution may li2ewise be directly proposed by the people through initiative upon a petition of at least twelve 6147 per centum of the total number of registered voters, of which every legislative district must be represented by at least three 687 per centum of the registered voters therein( 'o amendments under this paragraph shall be authori>ed within five years following the ratification of the 1987 Constitution nor oftener than once every five years thereafter( -he Congress shall provide for the implementation of the e ercise of this right( 1ec( 1?( 0alidity of Constitutional Amendments(- 617 Any amendment to or revision of the Constitution proposed by Congress or a constitutional convention shall be valid when ratified by a ma"ority of the votes cast in a plebiscite which shall be held not earlier than si ty days 6;?7 nor later than ninety days 69?7 after the approval of such amendment or revision( 647 Any amendment to or revision of the Constitution directly proposed by the people through initiative shall be valid when ratified by a ma"ority of the votes cast in a plebiscite which shall be held not earlier than si ty days 6;?7 nor later than ninety days 69?7 after the certification by the Commission on Blections of the sufficiency of the petition( Chapter 8 BIBC*-#0B +$@B% 1ec( 11( B ercise of B ecutive +ower( - -he B ecutive power shall be vested in the +resident( 1ec( 14( -he 0ice-+resident( - -here shall be a 0ice-+resident who shall have the same 5ualifications and term of office and be elected with and in the same manner as the +resident( Ee may be removed from office in the same manner as the +resident(

-he 0ice-+resident may be appointed as a Dember of the Cabinet( 1uch appointment re5uires no confirmation( 1ec( 18( 0acancy in $ffice of the +resident(- #n case of death, permanent disability, removal from office, or resignation of the +resident, the 0ice-+resident shall become the +resident to serve the une pired term( #n case of death, permanent disability, removal from office, or resignation of both the +resident and 0ice-+resident, the +resident of the 1enate or, in case of his inability, the 1pea2er of the Eouse of %epresentatives, shall then act as +resident until the +resident or 0ice-+resident shall have been elected and 5ualified( -he Congress shall, by law, provide who shall serve as +resident in case of death, permanent disability, or resignation of the Acting +resident( Ee shall serve until the +resident or 0ice-+resident shall have been elected and 5ualified, and be sub"ect to the same restrictions of powers and dis5ualifications as the Acting +resident( 1ec( 19( 0acancy in $ffice of the 0ice-+resident( - @henever there is a vacancy in the $ffice of the 0ice-+resident during the term for which he was elected, the +resident shall nominate a 0ice-+resident from among the Dembers of the 1enate and the Eouse of %epresentatives who shall assume office upon confirmation by a ma"ority vote of all the Dembers of both Eouses of the Congress, voting separately( 1ec( 1:( #nhibitions Against B ecutive $fficials( - -he +resident, 0ice-+resident, the Dembers of the Cabinet, and their deputies or assistants shall not, unless otherwise provided in this Constitution, hold any other office or employment during their tenure( -hey shall not, during said tenure, directly or indirectly practice any other profession, participate in any business, or be financially interested in any contract with, or in any franchise, or special privilege granted by the !overnment or any subdivision, agency, or instrumentality thereof, including government-owned or controlled corporations or their subsidiaries( -hey shall strictly avoid conflicts of interest in the conduct of their office( -he spouse and relatives by consanguinity or affinity within the fourth civil degree of the +resident shall not during his tenure be appointed as Dembers of the Constitutional Commissions, or the $ffice of the $mbudsman, or as 1ecretaries, *ndersecretaries, chairmen or heads of bureaus or offices, including government-owned or controlled corporations and their subsidiaries( Chapter 9 F*.#C#AC +$@B% 1ec( 1;( Fudicial +ower( - -he "udicial power shall be vested in one 617 1upreme Court, and in such lower courts as may be established by law( 1uch lower courts include the Court of Appeals, 1andiganbayan, Court of -a Appeals, %egional -rial Courts, 1hariGs .istrict Courts, Detropolitan -rial Courts, Dunicipal -rial Courts and Dunicipal Circuit -rial Courts, and 1hariGa Circuit Courts and they shall continue to e ercise their respective "urisdiction until otherwise provided by law( Fudicial power includes the duty of the courts of "ustice to settle actual controversies involving rights which are legally demandable and enforceable, and, in cases prescribed by law, to determine whether or not there has been a grave abuse of discretion amounting to lac2 or e cess of "urisdiction on the part of any branch or instrumentality of the !overnment( 1ec( 17( Composition of the 1upreme Court( - -he 1upreme Court shall be composed of a Chief Fustice and fourteen Associate Fustices( #t may sit en banc or in its discretion, in divisions of three, five or seven Dembers( 1ec( 18( Furisdiction and +owers of 1upreme Court( - -he 1upreme Court shall have the following powers, 617 B ercise original "urisdiction over cases affecting ambassadors, other public ministers and consuls, and over petitions for certiorari, prohibition, mandamus, 5uo warranto, and habeas corpus(

647 %eview, revise, reverse, modify, or affirm on appeal or certiorari as the law or the %ules of Court may provide, final "udgments and orders of lower courts in, 6a7 All cases in which the constitutionality or validity of any treaty, international or e ecutive agreement, law, presidential decree, proclamation, order, instruction, ordinance, or regulation is in 5uestion( 6b7 All cases involving the legality of any ta , impost, assessment, or toll, or any penalty imposed in relation thereto( 6c7 All cases in which the "urisdiction of any lower court is in issue( 6d7 All criminal cases in which the penalty imposed is reclusion perpetua or higher( 6e7 All cases in which only an error or 5uestion of law is involved( 687 Assign temporarily "udges of lower courts to other stations as public interest may re5uire( 1uch temporary assignment shall not e ceed si 6;7 months without the consent of the "udge concerned( 697 $rder a change of venue or place of trial to avoid a miscarriage of "ustice( 6:7 +romulgate rules concerning the protection and enforcement of constitutional rights, pleading, practice, and procedure in all courts, the admission to the practice of law, the #ntegrated =ar, and legal assistance to the underprivileged( 1uch rules shall provide a simplified and ine pensive procedure for the speedy disposition of cases, shall be uniform for all courts of the same grade; and shall not diminish, increase, or modify substantive rights( %ules of procedure of special courts and 5uasi-"udicial bodies shall remain effective unless disapproved by the 1upreme Court( 6;7 Appoint all officials and employees of the Fudiciary in accordance with the Civil 1ervice law( 1ec( 19( Apportionment of Furisdiction( - Congress shall define, prescribe and apportion the "urisdiction of the various courts but may not deprive the 1upreme Court of its "urisdiction enumerated in the immediately preceding section( 'either shall a law be passed increasing its appellate "urisdiction as therein specified without its advice and concurrence( 'o law shall be passed reorgani>ing the Fudiciary when it undermines the security of tenure of its Dembers( 1ec( 4?( Administrative 1upervision(- -he 1upreme Court shall have administrative supervision over all courts and the personnel thereof( 1ec( 41( Fudicial and =ar Council( - 617 A Fudicial and =ar Council is hereby created under the supervision of the 1upreme Court composed of the Chief Fustice as e officio Chairman, the 1ecretary of Fustice, and a representative of the Congress as e officio Dember, a representative of the #ntegrated =ar, a professor of law, a retired Dember of the 1upreme Court, and a representative of the private sector( 647 -he regular members of the Council shall be appointed by the +resident for a term of four 697 years with the consent of the Commission of Appointments( $f the Dembers first appointed, the representative of the #ntegrated =ar shall serve for four 697 years, the professor of law for three 687 years, the retired Fustice for two 647 years, and the representative of the private sector for one 617 year( 687 -he Cler2 of the 1upreme Court shall be the 1ecretary e officio of the Council and shall 2eep a record of its proceedings( 697 -he regular Dembers of the Council shall receive such emoluments as may be determined by the 1upreme Court( -he 1upreme Court shall provide in its annual budget the appropriations for the Council( 6:7 -he Council shall have the principal function of recommending appointees to the Fudiciary( #t may e ercise such other functions and duties as the 1upreme Court may assign to it( 1ec( 44( Appointment of Dembers of Fudiciary( - -he Dembers of the 1upreme Court and "udges of lower courts shall be appointed by the +resident from a list of at least three 687 nominees prepared by the Fudicial and =ar Council for every vacancy( 1uch appointments

need no confirmation( <or the lower courts, the +resident shall issue the appointments within ninety 69?7 days from the submission of the list( 1ec( 48( +rohibition Against +erforming )uasi-Fudicial or Administrative <unctions( - -he Dembers of the 1upreme Court and of other courts established by law shall not be designated to any agency performing 5uasi-"udicial or administrative functions( Chapter : C$'1-#-*-#$'AC C$DD#11#$'1 1ec( 49( Constitutional Commissions( - -he Constitutional Commissions, which shall be independent, are the Civil 1ervice Commission, the Commission on Blections, and the Commission on Audit( 1ec( 4:( #nhibitions Against Constitutional Commissioners( - 'o member of a Constitutional Commission shall, during his tenure, hold any other office or employment( 'either shall he engage in the practice of any profession or in the active management or control of any business which in anyway may be affected by the functions of his office, nor shall he be financially interested, directly or indirectly, in any contract with, or in any franchise or privilege granted by the !overnment, any of its subdivisions, agencies, or instrumentalities, including government-owned or controlled corporations or their subsidiaries( 1ec( 4;( <iscal Autonomy( - -he Constitutional Commissions shall en"oy fiscal autonomy( -he approved annual appropriations shall be automatically and regularly released( 1ec( 47( +romulgation of %ules( - Bach Commission en banc may promulgate its own rules concerning pleadings and practice before it or before any of its offices( 1uch rules however shall not diminish, increase, or modify substantive rights( 1ec( 48( .ecisions by the Constitutional Commissions(- Bach Commission shall decide, by a ma"ority vote of all its Dembers, any case or matter brought before it within si ty 6;?7 days from the date of its submission for decision or resolution( A case or matter is deemed submitted for decision or resolution upon the filing of the last pleading, brief, or memorandum re5uired by the rules of the Commission or by the Commission itself( *nless otherwise provided by the Constitution or by law, any decision, order, or ruling of each Commission may be brought to the 1upreme Court on certiorari by the aggrieved party within thirty 68?7 days from receipt of a copy thereof( Chapter ; $-EB% =$.#B1 1ec( 49( $ther =odies( - -here shall be in accordance with the Constitution, an $ffice of the $mbudsman, a Commission on Euman %ights, an independent central monetary authority, and a national police commission( Ci2ewise, as provided in the Constitution, Congress may establish an independent economic and planning agency(

=$$A ### $<<#CB $< -EB +%B1#.B'-itle # +$@B%1 $< -EB +%B1#.B'Chapter 1 +$@B% $< C$'-%$C

1ec( 1( +ower of Control(- -he +resident shall have control of all the e ecutive departments, bureaus, and offices( Ee shall ensure that the laws be faithfully e ecuted( Chapter 4 $%.#'A'CB +$@B% 1ec( 4( B ecutive $rders( - Acts of the +resident providing for rules of a general or permanent character in implementation or e ecution of constitutional or statutory powers shall be promulgated in e ecutive orders( 1ec( 8( Administrative $rders( - Acts of the +resident which relate to particular aspect of governmental operations in pursuance of his duties as administrative head shall be promulgated in administrative orders( 1ec( 9( +roclamations( - Acts of the +resident fi ing a date or declaring a status or condition of public moment or interest, upon the e istence of which the operation of a specific law or regulation is made to depend, shall be promulgated in proclamations which shall have the force of an e ecutive order( 1ec( :( Demorandum $rders( - Acts of the +resident on matters of administrative detail or of subordinate or temporary interest which only concern a particular officer or office of the !overnment shall be embodied in memorandum orders( 1ec( ;( Demorandum Circulars( - Acts of the +resident on matters relating to internal administration, which the +resident desires to bring to the attention of all or some of the departments, agencies, bureaus or offices of the !overnment, for information or compliance, shall be embodied in memorandum circulars( 1ec( 7( !eneral or 1pecial $rders(- Acts and commands of the +resident in his capacity as Commander-in-Chief of the Armed <orces of the +hilippines shall be issued as general or special orders( Chapter 8 +$@B% $0B% AC#B'1 1ec( 8( +ower to .eport( - -he +resident shall have the power to deport aliens sub"ect to the re5uirements of due process( 1ec( 9( +ower to Change 'on-#mmigrant 1tatus of Aliens( - -he +resident, sub"ect to the provisions of law, shall have the power to change the status of non-immigrants by allowing them to ac5uire permanent residence status without necessity of visa( 1ec( 1?( +ower to Countermand .ecisions of the =oard of Commissioners of the =ureau of #mmigration( - -he decision of the =oard of Commissioners which has "urisdiction over all deportation cases shall become final and e ecutory after thirty 68?7 days from promulgation, unless within such period the +resident shall order the contrary( 1ec( 11( +ower over Aliens under the !eneral +rinciples of #nternational Caw( - -he +resident shall e ercise with respect to aliens in the +hilippines such powers as are recogni>ed by the generally accepted principles of international law( Chapter 9 +$@B%1 $< BD#'B'- .$DA#', B1CEBA-, CA'. %B1B%0A-#$' A'. %BC$0B%/ $< #CC-!$--B' @BAC-E 1ec( 14( +ower of Bminent .omain( - -he +resident shall determine when it is necessary or advantageous to e ercise the power of eminent domain in behalf of the 'ational !overnment, and direct the 1olicitor !eneral, whenever he deems the action advisable, to institute e propriation proceedings in the proper court( 1ec( 18( +ower to .irect Bscheat or %eversion +roceedings( - -he +resident shall direct

the 1olicitor !eneral to institute escheat or reversion proceedings over all lands transferred or assigned to persons dis5ualified under the Constitution to ac5uire land( 1ec( 19( +ower to %eserve Cands of the +ublic and +rivate .omain of the !overnment( 617 -he +resident shall have the power to reserve for settlement or public use, and for specific public purposes, any of the lands of the public domain, the use of which is not otherwise directed by law( -he reserved land shall thereafter remain sub"ect to the specific public purpose indicated until otherwise provided by law or proclamation; 647 Ee shall also have the power to reserve from sale or other disposition and for specific public uses or purposes, any land belonging to the private domain of the !overnment, or any of the <riar Cands, the use of which is not otherwise directed by law, and thereafter such land shall be used for the purposes specified by such proclamation until otherwise provided by law( 1ec( 1:( +ower over #ll-gotten @ealth( - -he +resident shall direct the 1olicitor !eneral to institute proceedings to recover properties unlawfully ac5uired by public officials or employees, from them or from their nominees or transferees( @ithin the period fi ed in, or any e tension thereof authori>ed by, the Constitution, the +resident shall have the authority to recover ill-gotten properties amassed by the leaders and supporters of the previous regime and protect the interest of the people through orders of se5uestration or free>ing of assets or accounts( Chapter : +$@B% $< A++$#'-DB'1ec( 1;( +ower of Appointment( - -he +resident shall e ercise the power to appoint such officials as provided for in the Constitution and laws( 1ec( 17( +ower to #ssue -emporary .esignation( - 617 -he +resident may temporarily designate an officer already in the government service or any other competent person to perform the functions of an office in the e ecutive branch, appointment to which is vested in him by law, when, 6a7 the officer regularly appointed to the office is unable to perform his duties by reason of illness, absence or any other cause; or 6b7 there e ists a vacancy; 647 -he person designated shall receive the compensation attached to the position, unless he is already in the government service in which case he shall receive only such additional compensation as, with his e isting salary, shall not e ceed the salary authori>ed by law for the position filled( -he compensation hereby authori>ed shall be paid out of the funds appropriated for the office or agency concerned( 687 #n no case shall a temporary designation e ceed one 617 year( Chapter ; !B'B%AC 1*+B%0#1#$' $0B% C$CAC !$0B%'DB'-1 1ec( 18( !eneral 1upervision $ver Cocal !overnments( - -he +resident shall e ercise general supervision over local governments( Chapter 7 $-EB% +$@B%1 1ec( 19( +owers *nder the Constitution( - -he +resident shall e ercise such other powers as are provided for in the Constitution( 1ec( 4?( %esidual +owers( - *nless Congress provides otherwise, the +resident shall e ercise such other powers and functions vested in the +resident which are provided for under the laws and which are not specifically enumerated above, or which are not delegated by the +resident in accordance with law(

-itle ## $%!A'#&A-#$' Chapter 8 $%!A'#&A-#$' $< -EB $<<#CB $< -EB +%B1#.B'1ec( 41( $rgani>ation( - -he $ffice of the +resident shall consist of the $ffice of the +resident +roper and the agencies under it( 1ec( 44( $ffice for the +resident +roper( - 617 -he $ffice of the +resident +roper shall consist of the +rivate $ffice, the B ecutive $ffice, the Common 1taff 1upport 1ystem, and the +residential 1pecial AssistantsHAdvisers 1ystem; 647 -he B ecutive $ffice refers to the $ffices of the B ecutive 1ecretary, .eputy B ecutive 1ecretaries and Assistant B ecutive 1ecretaries; 687 -he Common 1taff 1upport 1ystem embraces the offices or units under the general categories of development and management, general government administration and internal administration; and 697 -he +resident 1pecial AssistantsHAdvisers 1ystem includes such special assistants or advisers as may be needed by the +resident( 1ec( 48( -he Agencies under the $ffice of the +resident( - -he agencies under the $ffice of the +resident refer to those offices placed under the chairmanship of the +resident, those under the supervision and control of the +resident, those under the administrative supervision of the $ffice of the +resident, those attached to it for policy and program coordination, and those that are not placed by law or order creating them under any specific department( -itle ### <*'C-#$'1 Chapter 9 <*'C-#$'1 $< -EB .#<<B%B'- $<<#CB1 #' -EB $<<#CB $< -EB +%B1#.B'- +%$+B% A - +%#0A-B $<<#CB 1ec( 49( <unctions of the +rivate $ffice( - -he +rivate $ffice shall provide direct services to the +resident and shall for this purpose attend to functions and matters that are personal or which pertain to the <irst <amily( = - -EB BIBC*-#0B $<<#CB 1ec( 4:( .eclaration of +olicy( - -he B ecutive $ffice shall be fully responsive to the specific needs and re5uirements of the +resident to chieve the purposes and ob"ectives of the $ffice( 1ec( 4;( -he B ecutive 1ecretary, the .eputy B ecutive 1ecretaries, and the Assistant B ecutive 1ecretaries( - -he B ecutive $ffice shall be headed by the B ecutive 1ecretary who shall be assisted by one 617 or more .eputy B ecutive 1ecretaries and one 617 or more Assistant B ecutive 1ecretaries( 1ec( 47( <unctions of the B ecutive 1ecretary( - -he B ecutive 1ecretary shall, sub"ect to the control and supervision of the +resident, carry out the functions assigned by law to the B ecutive $ffice and shall perform such other duties as may be delegated to him( Ee shall, 617 .irectly assist the +resident in the management of the affairs pertaining to the !overnment of the %epublic of the +hilippines; 647 #mplement presidential directives, orders and decisions;

687 .ecide, for and in behalf of the +resident, matters not re5uiring personal presidential attention; 697 B ercise supervision and control over the various units in the $ffice of the +resident +roper including their internal administrative re5uirements; 6:7 B ercise supervision, in behalf of the +resident, over the various agencies under the $ffice of the +resident; 6;7 Appoint officials and employees of the $ffice of the +resident whose appointments are not vested in the +resident; 677 +rovide overall coordination in the operation of the B ecutive $ffice; 687 .etermine and assign matters to the appropriate units in the $ffice of the +resident; 697 Eave administrative responsibility for matters in the $ffice of the +resident coming from the various departments and agencies of government; 61?7 B ercise primary authority to sign papers 3=y authority of the +resident3, attest e ecutive orders and other presidential issuances unless attestation is specifically delegated to other officials by him or by the +resident; 6117 .etermine, with the +residentGs approval, the appropriate assignment of offices and agencies not placed by law under any specific e ecutive department; 6147 +rovide consultative, research, fact-finding and advisory service to the +resident; 6187 Assist the +resident in the performance of functions pertaining to legislation; 6197 Assist the +resident in the administration of special pro"ects; 61:7 -a2e charge of matters pertaining to protocol in 1tate and ceremonial functions; 61;7 +rovide secretarial and clerical services for the +resident, the Cabinet, the Council of 1tate, and other advisory bodies to the +resident 6177 +romulgate such rules and regulations necessary to carry out the ob"ectives, policies and functions of the $ffice of the +resident +roper; 6187 +erform such other functions as the +resident may direct( C - C$DD$' 1-A<< 1*++$%- 1/1-BD 1ec( 48( <unctions of the Common 1taff 1upport 1ystem( - -he various staff units in the $ffice of the +resident +roper shall form a common staff support system and shall be organi>ed along the various tas2s of the $ffice namely, 617 -he Cabinet 1ecretariat which shall assist the +resident in the establishment of agenda topics for the Cabinet deliberation, or facilitate the discussion of cabinet meetings( #t shall have such organi>ation, powers and functions as are prescribed by law; 647 -he +residential Danagement 1taff 6+D17 which shall be the primary government agency directly responsible to the $ffice of the +resident for providing staff assistance in the +residential e ercise of overall management of the development process( #t shall have such organi>ation, powers and functions as are prescribed by law; 687 !eneral !overnment Administration 1taff which shall provide the +resident with staff support on matters concerning general government administration relative to the operations of the national government including the provision of legal services, administrative services, staff wor2 on political and legislative matters, information and assistance to the general public, measures toward resolution of complaints against public officials and employees brought to the attention of the $ffice of the +resident and such other matters as the +resident may assign; 697 #nternal Administrative 1taff which shall render au iliary and support services for the internal administration of the $ffice of the +resident(

. - +%B1#.B'-#AC A11#1-A'-HA.0#1B%1 1/1-BD 1ec( 49( <unctions of +residential AssistantsHAdvisers 1ystems( - -he 1pecial AssistantsHAdvisers 1ystem shall provide advisory or consultative services to the +resident in such fields and under such conditions as the +resident may determine( Chapter 1? <*'C-#$'1 $< -EB A!B'C#B1 *'.B% -EB $<<#CB $< -EB +%B1#.B'1ec( 8?( <unction of Agencies *nder the $ffice of the +resident( - Agencies under the $ffice of the +resident shall continue to operate and function in accordance with their respective charters or laws creating them, e cept as otherwise provided in this Code or by law( 1ec( 81( Continuing Authority of the +resident to %eorgani>e his $ffice( - -he +resident, sub"ect to the policy in the B ecutive $ffice and in order to achieve simplicity, economy and efficiency, shall have continuing authority to reorgani>e the administrative structure of the $ffice of the +resident( <or this purpose, he may ta2e any of the following actions, 617 %estructure the internal organi>ation of the $ffice of the +resident +roper, including the immediate $ffices, the +residential 1pecial AssistantsHAdvisers 1ystem and the Common staff 1upport 1ystem, by abolishing, consolidating or merging units thereof or transferring functions from one unit to another; 647 -ransfer any function under the $ffice of the +resident to any other .epartment or Agency as well as transfer functions to the $ffice of the +resident from other .epartments and Agencies; and 687 -ransfer any agency under the $ffice of the +resident to any other department or agency as well as transfer agencies to the $ffice of the +resident from other departments or agencies(

=$$A #0 -EB BIBC*-#0B =%A'CE Chapter 1 -EB .B+A%-DB'-1 1ec( 1( +urpose and 'umber of .epartments( - -he B ecutive =ranch shall have such .epartments as are necessary for the functional distribution of the wor2 of the +resident and for the performance of their functions( Chapter 4 1BC%B-A%#B1, *'.B%1BC%B-A%#B1, A'. A11#1-A'- 1BC%B-A%#B1 1ec( ;( Authority and %esponsibility of the 1ecretary( - -he authority and responsibility for the e ercise of the mandate of the .epartment and for the discharge of its powers and functions shall be vested in the 1ecretary, who shall have supervision and control of the .epartment( 1ec( 7( +owers and <unctions of the 1ecretary( - -he 1ecretary shall,

617 Advise the +resident in issuing e ecutive orders, regulations, proclamations and other issuances, the promulgation of which is e pressly vested by law in the +resident relative to matters under the "urisdiction of the .epartment; 1ec( 9( 1ubmission of =udget Bstimates( - -he 1ecretary shall prepare and submit to the +resident through the .epartment of =udget and Danagement an estimate of the necessary e penditures of the department during the ne t fiscal year, on the basis of the reports and estimates submitted by bureaus and officers under him( 617 Advise and assist the 1ecretary in the formulation and implementation of department ob"ectives and policies; Chapter 8 .B+A%-DB'- 1B%0#CB1 1ec( 14( .epartment 1ervices( - B cept as otherwise provided by law, each .epartment shall have .epartment 1ervices which shall include the +lanning 1ervice, the <inancial and Danagement 1ervice, the Administrative 1ervice, and whenever necessary the -echnical and Cegal 1ervices( Chapter 9 =*%BA*1 1ec( 18( =ureaus in !eneral( - 617 A =ureau is any principal subdivision of the department performing a single ma"or function or closely related functions( =ureaus are either staff or line( 6a7 Advise and assist the $ffice of the 1ecretary on matters pertaining to the =ureauGs area of speciali>ation; 687 -he staff bureau shall avail itself of the planning, financial and administrative services in the department proper( -he bureau may have a separate administrative division, if circumstances so warrant( 6a7 B ercise supervision and control over all division and other units, including regional offices, under the bureau; Chapter : <#BC. $<<#CB1 1ec( 41( %egional $ffices( - %egional $ffices shall be established according to law defining field service areas( -he administrative regions shall be composed of a 'ational Capital %egion and %egions # to I##( +rovincial and district offices may be established only by law whenever necessary( 6a7 #mplement laws, policies, plans, programs, rules and regulations of the department or agency in the regional area; 617 #mplement laws, policies, rules and regulations within the responsibility of the agency; Chapter ; +$@B%1 A'. .*-#B1 $< EBA.1 $< =*%BA*1 $% $<<#CB1 1ec( 49( +owers and .uties in !eneral( - -he head of bureau or office shall be its chief e ecutive officer( Ee shall e ercise overall authority in matters within the "urisdiction of the bureau, office or agency, including those relating to its operations, and enforce all laws and regulations pertaining to it( Chapter 7 A.D#'#1-%A-#0B %BCA-#$'1E#+

1ec( 88( .efinition of Administrative %elationship( - *nless otherwise e pressly stated in the Code or in other laws defining the special relationships of particular agencies, administrative relationships shall be categori>ed and defined as follows, Chapter 8 1*+B%0#1#$' A'. C$'-%$C 1ec( 89( 1ecretaryGs Authority( - 617 -he 1ecretary shall have supervision and control over the bureaus, offices, and agencies under him, sub"ect to the following guidelines, 6a7 #nitiative and freedom of action on the part of subordinate units shall be encouraged and promoted, rather than curtailed, and reasonable opportunity to act shall be afforded those units before control is e ercised; 647 -his Chapter shall not apply to chartered institutions or government-owned or controlled corporations attached to the department( Chapter 9 %BCA-#$'1E#+ $% !$0B%'DB'--$@'B. $% C$'-%$CCB. C$%+$%A-#$'1 A'. %B!*CA-$%/ A!B'C#B1 -$ -EB .B+A%-DB'1ec( 94( !overnment-$wned or Controlled Corporations( - !overnment-owned or controlled corporations shall be attached to the appropriate department with which they have allied functions, as hereinafter provided, or as may be provided by e ecutive order, for policy and program coordination and for general supervision provided in pertinent provisions of this Code( Chapter 1? A++$#'-DB'-1 A'. )*AC#<#CA-#$'1 1ec( 99( Appointment of 1ecretaries( - -he 1ecretaries of .epartments shall be appointed by the +resident with the consent of the Commission on Appointments, at the beginning of his term of office, and shall hold office, unless sooner removed, until the e piration of his term of office, or until their successors shall have been appointed and 5ualified( Chapter 11 A.D#'#1-%A-#0B #11*A'CB1 1ec( :?( !eneral Classification of #ssuances( - -he administrative issuances of 1ecretaries and heads of bureaus, offices or agencies shall be in the form of circulars or orders( Chapter 14 D#1CBCCA'B$*1 %BCB#+-1 1ec( :9( Charges for +roperty 1old or 1ervices %endered; %efunds( - 617 <or services re5uired by law to be rendered for a fee, for supplies furnished, or articles of any 2ind sold to other divisions of the government or to any person, the head of bureau, office or agency may, upon approval of the 1ecretary charge and collect the cost of the service, supplies, or articles or other rate in e cess of cost prescribed by law or approved by the same authority( <or local governments, the rate, e cept where otherwise prescribed by law, shall be affi ed at cost or at such other reasonable rate in e cess of cost by the boards or councils concerned; Chapter 18 C$'-%AC-1 1ec( :7( Conveyances and Contracts to which the !overnment is a +arty( - Any deed, instrument or contract conveying the title to real estate or to any other property the value of which does not e ceed fifty million pesos 6+:?,???,???7 awarded through public bidding, and five million pesos 6+:,???,???7 awarded through negotiation, shall be e ecuted and signed by the

respective 1ecretary on behalf of the !overnment of the +hilippines( @here the value of the property e ceeds the aforesaid ceilings, such deed, instrument or contract shall be e ecuted and signed by the +resident of the +hilippines on behalf of the !overnment( Chapter 19 C$'-%$0B%1#B1 AD$'! !$0B%'DB'$<<#CB1 A'. C$%+$%A-#$'1 1ec( ;;( Eow 1ettled( - All disputes, claims and controversies, solely between or among the departments, bureaus, offices, agencies and instrumentalities of the 'ational !overnment, including government-owned or controlled corporations, such as those arising from the interpretation and application of statutes, contracts or agreements, shall be administratively settled or ad"udicated in the manner provided in this Chapter( -his Chapter shall, however, not apply to disputes involving the Congress, the 1upreme Court, the Constitutional Commissions, and local governments( -itle # <$%B#!' A<<A#%1 Chapter 1 !B'B%AC +%$0#1#$'1 1ec( 1( .eclaration of +olicy( - -he 1tate shall pursue an independent foreign policy( #n its relations with other states the paramount consideration shall be national sovereignty, territorial integrity, national interest, and the right to self-determination( Chapter 4 .B+A%-DB'- +%$+B% 1ec( :( $ffices *nder the .irect 1upervision of the 1ecretary( - -he 1ecretary shall e ercise direct supervision over the following, Chapter 8 .B+A%-DB'- 1B%0#CB1 1ec( 1?( $ffice of the Cegal Adviser( - -he $ffice of the Cegal Adviser shall be headed by a Cegal Adviser, who shall be a career Chief of Dission( Eowever, the Cegal Adviser may be appointed by the +resident, upon the recommendation of the 1ecretary, from outside the career service, in which case he shall have the assimilated ran2 of a Chief of Dission( Eis term shall be co-terminus with the tenure of the 1ecretary, unless sooner terminated, and he is not eligible for foreign assignment( -he Cegal Adviser shall provide legal advice and services to the .epartment( Chapter 9 =$A%. $< <$%B#!' 1B%0#CB A.D#'#1-%A-#$' 1ec( 1:( Composition( - -he =oard of <oreign 1ervice Administration shall be composed of nine 697 members, one 617 *ndersecretary as Chairman; the other *ndersecretary as 0ice-Chairman; the si 6;7 Assistant 1ecretaries and the Cegal Adviser, as members( Chapter : =$A%. $< <$%B#!' 1B%0#CB BIAD#'B%1 1ec( 17( Composition( - -he =oard of <oreign 1ervice B aminers shall be composed of one 617 *ndersecretary as Chairman; and the Assistant 1ecretary for +ersonnel and Administrative

1ervices and a Commissioner of the Civil 1ervice Commission as members( -he =oard shall be under the administrative supervision of such *ndersecretary( Chapter ; A--ACEB. A!B'C#B1 1ec( 19( Attached Agencies( - -he Caw of the 1ea 1ecretariat, the #nter-Agency -echnical Committee on Bconomic, 1cientific and -echnical Cooperation with 1ocialist Countries 61$CC$D7, the #nter-Agency -echnical Committee on -echnical Cooperation Among .eveloping Countries 6#A-C--C7, the +ermanent #nter-Agency -echnical Committee on B1CA+ Datters 6+#-CBD7, and other agencies attached to the .epartment shall continue to operate and function in accordance with their respective charters or laws creating them, e cept as otherwise provided in this Code( Chapter 7 -EB <$%B#!' 1B%0#CB 1ec( 4?( <unctions of .iplomatic Dissions( - -he .iplomatic Dissions shall, Chapter 8 A--ACEB1 A'. %B+%B1B'-A-#0B1 1ec( 44( Attaches of the .epartment( - -he .epartment Eead shall designate attaches of the .epartment from the ran2s of <oreign 1ervice $fficers and <oreign 1ervice 1taff $fficers( Chapter 9 +B%1$''BC 1ec( 49( +olicy( - -o enable the <oreign 1ervice to effectively serve abroad the interests of the %epublic of the +hilippines, it shall be the policy of the .epartment that only persons who are competent, of good moral character, and fully informed of the +hilippine Eistory and current trends in <ilipino life shall be appointed to the service( Chapter 1? A++$#'-DB'-1, C$D+B'1A-#$' A'. =B'B<#-1 1ec( 8:( <oreign 1ervice $fficers( - 617 <oreign 1ervice $fficers shall be appointed by the +resident( Chapter 11 +%$D$-#$'1 1ec( 89( Derit +romotion 1ystem( - -he =oard of the <oreign 1ervice shall establish a merit promotion system for all officers and employees of the .epartment( Chapter 14 A11#!'DB'-1 A'. -%A'1<B%1 1ec( 98( %otation +lan( - -he secretary shall establish a system of assignments and transfers to ensure that all 5ualified officers and employees, e cept the employees in the non-career service, shall serve in diplomatic and consular establishments in different regions of the world( -he assignment and transfer of personnel shall follow a regular rotation plan( <or purposes of assignments, the home office shall be considered a post( All personnel shall be available for assignment to any post(

Chapter 18 +A11+$%1ec( 98( .efinition( - A +hilippine passport is an official document of identity of +hilippine citi>enship of the holder issued for travel purposes( Chapter 19 D#1CBCCA'B$*1 +%$0#1#$'1 1ec( ::( *se of 1avings( - -he 1ecretary is authori>ed to use any savings in the appropriations for the .epartment for the payment of, 6a7 e penses for the evacuation or repatriation to the +hilippines, when necessary due to an emergency, of members of the household of the personnel of any diplomatic or consular establishment as well as the transportation of their personal effects; 6b7 actual return passage by the most direct and economical means of transportation and the cost of shipment of the household effects to Danila of any officer or employee in the <oreign 1ervice, including the immediate dependent members of his family, who resigns or is separated from the service for cause; 6c7 the cost of preparing and transporting the remains of an officer or employee who is a citi>en of the +hilippines and the immediate members of his family who may die abroad or while in travel status; or 6d7 contingent and unforeseen e penses that may arise in connection with the operation of the <oreign 1ervice( -itle ## <#'A'CB Chapter 1 !B'B%AC +%$0#1#$'1 1ec( 1( .eclaration of +olicy( - #t is the policy of the 1tate that the .epartment of <inance shall be primarily responsible for the sound and efficient management of the financial resources of the !overnment, its subdivisions, agencies and instrumentalities( Chapter 4 .B+A%-DB'- +%$+B% 1ec( :( $ffice of the 1ecretary( - -he $ffice of the 1ecretary shall consist of the 1ecretary, his *ndersecretary and their immediate staffs( Chapter 8 .B+A%-DB'- 1B%0#CB1 1ec( 8( +olicy .evelopment and Danagement 1ervices !roup( - -he +olicy .evelopment and Danagement 1ervices !roup, which shall be headed by an *ndersecretary, shall consist of the following, Chapter 9 =*%BA*1 1ec( 1;( $perations !roups( - -he $peration !roups, each of which shall be headed by an *ndersecretary, shall consist of the following, Chapter : %B!#$'AC $<<#CB1 1ec( 9?( %egional $ffices( - -here shall be a %egional $ffice in each region( Bach %egional $ffice

shall be headed by a %egional .irector( Chapter ; A--ACEB. A!B'C#B1 1ec( 94( Attached Agencies( - -he following agencies are hereby attached to the .epartment, -itle ### - F*1-#CB Chapter # !B'B%AC +%$0#1#$'1 1ec( 1( .eclaration of +olicy( - #t is the declared policy of the 1tate to provide the government with a principal law agency which shall be both its legal counsel and prosecution arm; administer the criminal "ustice system in accordance with the accepted processes thereof consisting in the investigation of the crimes, prosecution of offenders and administration of the correctional system; implement the laws on the admission and stay of aliens, citi>enship, land titling system, and settlement of land problems involving small landowners and members of indigenous cultural minorities; and provide free legal services to indigent members of the society( Chapter 4 .B+A%-DB'- +%$+B% 1ec( :( -he .epartment +roper( - -he .epartment +roper shall be composed of the $ffice of the 1ecretary and the *ndersecretaries, -echnical and Administrative 1ervice, <inancial Danagement 1ervice, Cegal 1taff and the $ffice of the Chief 1tate +rosecutor( Chapter 8 $<<#CB $< -EB !$0B%'DB'C$%+$%A-B C$*'1BC 1ec( 1?( $ffice of the !overnment Corporate Counsel( - -he $ffice of the !overnment Corporate Counsel 6$!CC7 shall act as the principal law office of all government-owned or controlled corporations, their subsidiaries, other corporate off-springs and government ac5uired asset corporations and shall e ercise control and supervision over all legal departments or divisions maintained separately and such powers and functions as are now or may hereafter be provided by law( #n the e ercise of such control and supervision, the !overnment Corporate Counsel shall promulgate rules and regulations to effectively implement the ob"ectives of the $ffice( Chapter 9 'A-#$'AC =*%BA* $< #'0B1-#!A-#$' 1ec( 11( 'ational =ureau of #nvestigation( - -he 'ational =ureau of #nvestigation 6'=#7 with all its duly authori>ed constituent units including its regional and district offices and rehabilitation center, shall continue to perform the powers and functions as are now vested in it under the e isting law and such additional functions as may hereafter be provided by law( Chapter : +*=C#C A--$%'B/G1 $<<#CB 1ec( 19( +ublic AttorneyGs $ffice 6+A$7( - -he Citi>enGs Cegal Assistance $ffice 6CCA$7 is renamed +ublic AttorneyGs $ffice 6+A$7( #t shall e ercise the powers and functions as are now provided by law for the Citi>enGs Cegal Assistance $ffice or may hereafter be provided by law(

Chapter ; =$A%. $< +A%.$'1 A'. +A%$CB 1ec( 17( =oard of +ardons and +arole( - -he =oard of +ardons and +arole shall continue to discharge the powers and functions as provided in e isting law and such additional functions as may be provided by law( Chapter 7 +A%$CB A'. +%$=A-#$' A.D#'#1-%A-#$' 1ec( 48( +arole and +robation Administration( - -he +arole and +robation Administration hereinafter referred to as the Administration shall have the follolwing functions, Chapter 8 =*%BA* $< C$%%BC-#$'1 1ec( 4;( =ureau of Corrections( - -he =ureau of Corrections shall have its principal tas2 the rehabilitation of prisoners( -he =ureau of Corrections shall e ercise such powers and functions as are now provided for the =ureau of +risons or may hereafter be provided by law( Chapter 9 CA'. %B!#1-%A-#$' A*-E$%#-/ 1ec( 48( -he Cand %egistration Authority( - -he Cand %egistration Authority, hereinafter referred to as the Authority shall continue to e ercise its powers and functions under e isting law on the Cand -itles and .eeds %egistration Authority and those which may hereafter be provided by law( Chaper 1? =*%BA* $< #DD#!%A-#$' 1ec( 81( =ureau of #mmigration( - -he =ureau of #mmigration is principally responsible for the administration and enforcement of immigration, citi>enship and alien admission and registration laws in accordance with the provisions of the +hilippine #mmigration Act of 199?, as amended 6C(A( 'o( ;18, as amended7( -he following units shall comprise the structural organi>ation of the =ureau, Chapter 11 C$DD#11#$' $' -EB 1B--CBDB'- $< CA'. +%$=CBD1 1ec( 84( Commission on the 1ettlement of Cand +roblems( - -he Commission on the 1ettlement of Cand +roblems shall be responsible for the settlement of land problems involving small landowners and members of cultural minorities( #t shall also perform such other functions, as are now or may hereafter be provided by law( Chapter 14 $<<#CB $< -EB 1$C#C#-$% !B'B%AC 1ec( 89( $rgani>ational 1tructure( - -he $ffice of the 1olicitor !eneral shall be an independent and autonomous office attached to the .epartment of Fustice( -itle #0 - A!%#C*C-*%B Chapter 1

!B'B%AC +%$0#1#$'1 1ec( 1( .eclaration of +olicy( - -he 1tate shall promote the well being of farmers, including share tenants, leaseholders, settlers, fishermen, and other rural wor2ers by providing an environment in which they can increase their income, improve their living conditions, and ma imi>e their contributions to the national economy( -oward this end, the 1tate shall accelerate agricultural development and enhance the production of agricultural crops, fisheries, and livestoc2 by optimi>ing the use of resources and by applying modern farming systems and technology in order to attain food security for domestic use and e pand and diversify agricultural production for e port( #t shall also encourage private initiative in agri-business ventures both in the production and in the e portation and importation of food and other allied commodities( Chapter 4 .B+A%-DB'- +%$+B% 1ec( :( $ffice of the 1ecretary( - -he $ffice of the 1ecretary shall consist of the 1ecretary and his immediate staff as determined by him( Chapter 8 .B+A%-DB'- 1B%0#CB1 1ec( 1?( +lanning and Donitoring 1ervice( - -he +lanning and Donitoring 1ervice shall be responsible for the formulation and integration of plans and programs, emanating from all units of the .epartment, including the =ureau, %egional $ffices and Attached Agencies( #t shall also be responsible for data analysis and monitoring of the implementation of said plans and programs through its management information system( Chapter 9 - =*%BA*1 A'. $<<#CB1 1ec( 18( =ureau of Animal #ndustries( - -he =ureau of Animal #ndustry shall, Chapter : %B!#$'AC $<<#CB1 1ec( 4;( <unctions( - -he .epartment of Agriculture is authori>ed to establish, operate, and maintain a %egional $ffice in each of the administrative regions of the country( Bach %egional $ffice shall be headed by a %egional .irector, to be assisted by three 687 Assistant %egional .irectors, assigned to $perations, %esearch, and 1upport 1ervices, respectively( Bach %egional $ffice shall have, within its administrative regions, the following duties and responsibilities, -Chapter ; - A--ACEB. A!B'C#B1 1ec( 97( Attached Agencies( - -he following units are hereby attached to the .epartment, -itle 0 +*=C#C @$%A1 A'. E#!E@A/1 Chapter 1 !B'B%AC +%$0#1#$'1 1ec( 1( .eclaration of +olicy( - -he 1tate shall maintain an engineering and construction arm and continuously develop its technology, for the purposes of ensuring the safety of all infrastructure facilities and securing for all public wor2s and highways the highest efficiency and the most appropriate 5uality in construction( -he planning, design, construction and maintenance of infrastructure facilities, especially national highways, flood control and water resources

development systems, and other public wor2s in accordance with national development ob"ectives, shall be the responsibility of such an engineering and construction arm( Eowever, the e ercise of this responsibility shall be decentrali>ed to the fullest e tent feasible( Chapter 4 .B+A%-DB'- +%$+B% 1ec( :( $ffice of the 1ecretary( - -he $ffice of the 1ecretary shall be composed of the 1ecretary and his immediate staff( Chapter 8 .B+A%-DB'- 1B%0#CB1 1ec( 8( #nternal Audit 1ervice( - -he #nternal Audit 1ervice shall conduct comprehensive audit of various .epartment activities( 1pecifically, it shall have the following functions, Chapter 9 -EB =*%BA* 1ec( 19( =ureau Eead( - Bach =ureau shall be headed by a =ureau .irector who shall be responsible for efficiently and effectively carrying out the functions of the =ureau( Chapter : %B!#$'AC $<<#CB1 1ec( 4?( %egional $ffices( - %egional $ffices shall be responsible for highways, flood control and water resource development systems, and other public wor2s within the region, e cept those defined in 1ection 8, par( 697 hereof( <or this purpose, their duties and responsibilities shall be as follows, Chapter ; A--ACEB. A!B'C#B1 1ec( 4:( Attached Agencies and Corporations( - Agencies and corporations attached to the .epartment shall continue to operate and function in accordance with their respective chartersHlawsHe ecutive orders creating them( Accordingly, the Detropolitan @aterwor2s and 1ewerage 1ystem, the Cocal @ater *tilities Administration, the 'ational #rrigation Administration, and the 'ational @ater %esources Council, among others, shall continue to be attached to the .epartment; while the Detropolitan Danila <lood Control and .rainage Council, as reorgani>ed, shall be attached to the .epartment( -itle 0# B.*CA-#$', C*C-*%B A'. 1+$%-1 Chapter 1 !B'B%AC +%$0#1#$'1 1ec( 1( .eclaration of +olicy( - -he 1tate shall protect and promote the right of all citi>ens to 5uality education at all levels and shall ta2e appropriate steps to ma2e such education accessible to all( +ursuant to this, the 1tate shall, Chapter 4 .B+A%-DB'- +%$+B%

1ec( :( $ffice of the 1ecretary( - -he $ffice of the 1ecretary shall be composed of the 1ecretary and his immediate staff( Chapter 8 .B+A%-DB'- 1B%0#CB1 1ec( 7( <unctions of the 1ervices( - -he 1ervices of the .epartment shall consist of the following, Chapter 9 =$A%. $< E#!EB% B.*CA-#$' 1ec( 8( $rgani>ation( - -he =oard shall be composed of an *ndersecretary of the .epartment of Bducation, Culture and 1ports designated as Chairman and four other members to be appointed by the +resident of the +hilippines upon nomination by the 1ecretary of Bducation, Culture and 1ports for a term of four years( -he four members shall have distinguished themselves in the field of higher education and development either in the public or private sector( -he .irector of the =ureau of Eigher Bducation shall participate in the deliberation of the =oard but without the right to vote( Chapter : 1-A-B C$CCB!B1 A'. *'#0B%1#-#B1 1ec( 11( !overnance( - =y virtue of his chairmanship of their boards of trustees as provided in their respective charters, the 1ecretary, directly or through his *ndersecretaries, shall continue to govern state colleges and universities( Chapter ; =*%BA*1 A'. $<<#CB1 1ec( 14( =ureau of Blementary Bducation( - -he =ureau of Blementary Bducation shall have following functions, Chapter 7 %B!#$'AC $<<#CB1 1ec( 18( $rgani>ation( - -he .epartment is hereby authori>ed to establish, operate and maintain a %egional $ffice in each of the administrative regions of the country( Bach %egional $ffice shall be headed by a %egional .irector who shall be assisted by an Assistant %egional .irector( -he %egional .irector shall be responsible for the 1chool .ivisions and their 1uperintendents within his administrative region( Chapter 8 A--ACEB. A!B'C#B1 1ec( 4?( Attached Agencies( - -he following agencies are hereby attached to the .epartment, Chapter 9 D#1CBCCA'B$*1 +%$0#1#$'1 1ec( 48( Dedium of #nstruction( - -he .epartment shall promulgate rules and the regulations on the medium of instruction for all schools in accordance with the policy declared in 1ection 7, Article I#0 of the Constitution( -itle 0## CA=$% A'. BD+C$/DB'-

Chapter 1 !B'B%AC +%$0#1#$'1 1ec( 1( .eclaration of +olicy( - 617 -he 1tate shall afford full protection to labor and promote full employment and e5uality of employment opportunities for all( Chapter 4 .B+A%-DB'- +%$+B% 1ec( :( $ffice of the 1ecretary( - -he $ffice of the 1ecretary shall consist of the 1ecretary and his immediate staff( Chapter 8 - .B+A%-DB'- 1B%0#CB1 1ec( 9( +lanning 1ervice( - -he +lanning 1ervice shall provide the .epartment with efficient, effective and economical services relating to planning, programming, pro"ect development and evaluation, and the development and implementation of a management information system( Chapter 9 =*%BA*1 1ec( 1;( =ureau of Cabor %elations( - -he =ureau of Cabor %elations shall set policies, standards, and procedures on the registration and supervision of legitimate labor union activities including denial, cancellation and revocation of labor union permits( #t shall also set policies, standards, and procedure relating to collective bargaining agreements, and the e amination of financial records of accounts of labor organi>ations to determine compliance with relevant laws( Chapter : %B!#$'AC $<<#CB1 1ec( 49( %egional $ffices, .istrict $ffices and +rovincial B tension *nits( - -he .epartment is hereby authori>ed to establish, operate and maintain such .epartment-wide %egional $ffices, .istrict $ffices and +rovincial B tension *nits in each of the administrative regions of the country, insofar as necessary to promote economy and efficiency in the delivery of its services( #ts %egional $ffice shall be headed by a %egional .irector who shall have supervision and control thereof( -he %egional .irector, whenever necessary, shall be assisted by an Assistant %egional .irector( A %egional $ffice shall have, within its regional areas, the following functions, Chapter ; A--ACEB. A!B'C#B1 1ec( 4:( Attached Agencies( - -he following agencies are attached to the .epartment for policy and program coordination and administrative supervision, -itle 0### 'A-#$'AC .B<B'1B 1ubtitle # +%BC#D#'A%/ +%$0#1#$'1 Chapter 1 'A-#$'AC .B<B'1B +$C#C#B1

1ec( 1( .eclaration of +olicies( - 617 -he prime duty of the !overnment is to serve and protect the people( !overnment may call upon the people to defend the 1tate and, in fulfillment thereof, all citi>ens may be re5uired, under conditions provided by law, to render personal military or civil service( Chapter 4 'A-#$'AC 1BC*%#-/ C$*'C#C 1ec( 4( .eclaration of +olicies( - 617 -he formulation of integrated and rationali>ed national, foreign, military, political, economic, social and educational policies, programs, and procedures vital to the security of the state( Chapter 8 'A-#$'AC #'-BCC#!B'CB C$$%.#'A-#'! A!B'C/ 1ec( 9( <unctions( - -he 'ational #ntelligence Coordinating Agency, hereinafter referred to as the Agency, shall, 1ubtitle ## .B+A%-DB'- $< 'A-#$'AC .B<B'1B Chapter 1 !B'B%AC +%$0#1#$'1 1ec( 1:( .eclaration of +olicy( - -he defense establishment shall be maintained to ma imi>e its effectiveness for guarding against e ternal and internal threats to national peace and security and provide support for social and economic development( Chapter 4 .B+A%-DB'- +%$+B% 1ec( 19( $ffice of the 1ecretary( - -he $ffice of the 1ecretary shall consist of the 1ecretary and his immediate staff as determined by him( Chapter 8 !$0B%'DB'- A%1B'AC 1ec( 49( $rgani>ation( - -he !overnment Arsenal shall be headed by a .irector who shall be assisted by one or more Assistant .irectors( #t shall have staff and operating units provided by law( Chapter 9 $<<#CB $< C#0#C .B<B'1B 1ec( 47( $rgani>ation( - -he $ffice of Civil .efense shall be headed by an Administrator who shall be assisted by a .eputy Administrator( -he $ffice shall have staff and operating units as may be provided by law( Chapter : +E#C#++#'B 0B-B%A'1 A<<A#%1 $<<#CB 1ec( 81( $rgani>ation( - -he +hilippine 0eterans Affairs $ffice shall be headed by an Administrator who may be assisted by one .eputy Administrator( #t shall have staff and operating units provided by law(

Chapter ; A%DB. <$%CB1 $< -EB +E#C#++#'B1 1ec( 88( <unctions( - -he Armed <orces of the +hilippines 6A<+7 shall, Chapter 7 !B'B%AC EBA.)*A%-B%1 1ec( 9?( <unctions( - -he !eneral Eead5uarters, A<+, shall, Chapter 8 DAF$% 1B%0#CB1 1ec( 9;( $rgani>ation(- -he Da"or 1ervices shall be organi>ed by the Chief of 1taff in accordance with the policies laid down by the 1ecretary of 'ational .efense( -he commanders of the Da"or 1ervices shall hold such grade as provided by law, and shall be appointed by the +resident upon the recommendation of the 1ecretary of 'ational .efense( Chapter 9 +E#C#++#'B D#C#-A%/ ACA.BD/ 1ec( :8( $rgani>ation( - 617 -he +hilippine Dilitary Academy is the primary training and educational institution of the A<+( #t shall be the primary sources of regular officers of the 1tanding <orce( Chapter 1? 'A-#$'AC .B<B'1B C$CCB!B $< -EB +E#C#++#'B1 1ec( ;?( $rgani>ation and Administration( - 617 -he 'ational .efense College of the +hilippines, hereafter referred to as the College, shall be under the direction, supervision and control of the 1ecretary of 'ational .efense( Chapter 11 #'-B!%A-B. 'A-#$'AC +$C#CB 1ec( ;8( Composition( - *nless otherwise provided by law, the #ntegrated 'ational +olice shall be composed of the +hilippine Constabulary as the nucleus and the #ntegrated +olice <orce, <ire 1ervices as Fail Danagement 1ervices as components, under the .epartment of 'ational .efense( Chapter 14 A--ACEB. A!B'C#B1 1ec( ;8( Attached Agencies( - Agencies which are attached to the .epartment shall operate in accordance with their respective organi>ational structures and perform the functions and duties assigned to them by law, sub"ect to the re5uirements of economy, efficiency, and effectiveness( 1ubtitle ### -EB 'A-#$'AC +$C#CB C$DD#11#$' 1ec( ;9( .eclaration of +olicy( - 617 -he 1tate shall establish and maintain one police force which shall be national in scope and civilian in character, to be administered and controlled by a national police commission and shall provide, by law, the authority of local e ecutives over the police units in their "urisdiction(

-itle #I EBAC-E Chapter 1 !B'B%AC +%$0#1#$'1 1ec( 1( .eclaration of +olicy( - -he 1tate shall protect and promote the right to health of the people and instill health consciousness among them; adopt an integrated and comprehensive approach to health development, with priority for the underprivileged sic2, elderly, disabled, women and children; endeavor to ma2e essential goods, health and other social services available to all the people at affordable cost; establish and maintain an effective food and drug regulatory system; and underta2e appropriate health manpower development and research, responsive to the countryGs health needs and problems( Chapter 4 .B+A%-DB'- +%$+B% 1ec( :( .epartment +roper( - -he .epartment +roper shall be composed of the $ffice of the 1ecretary, the $ffice for Danagement 1ervices, the $ffice for +ublic Eealth 1ervices, the $ffice for Eospital and <acilities 1ervices, the $ffice for 1tandards and %egulations, and the B ecutive Committee for 'ational <iled $perations( Chapter 8 .B+A%-DB'- 1B%0#CB1 1ec( 14( $ffice for Danagement 1ervices( - -he $ffice for Danagement 1ervices, headed by an *ndersecretary who shall be supported by an Assistant 1ecretary, shall include si 6;7 staff services involved in providing support services to the .epartment +roper, field offices and attached agencies, which are as follows, Chapter 9 $<<#CB1 A'. =*%BA*1 1ec( 18( $ffice for +ublic Eealth 1ervices( - -he $ffice for +ublic Eealth 1ervices, headed by an *ndersecretary, shall include ten 61?7 staff services involved in policy formulation, standards development, programs development, and program monitoring of disease control and service delivery programs implemented by the field offices( -he *ndersecretary for +ublic Eealth 1ervices, who shall be supported by an Assistant 1ecretary, shall supervise the following, Chapter : <#BC. $<<#CB1 1ec( 1;( $ffice for 'ational <ield $perations( - -he $ffice for 'ational <ield $perations, through an B ecutive Committee, shall supervise the operations of the various %egional <ield $ffices and the 'ational Eealth <acilities, as enumerated in 1ection 17687 and further described in 1ections 18, 19 and 4? hereof( Chapter ; A--ACEB. A!B'C#B1 1ec( 49( Attached Bntities( - -he +hilippine Dedical Care Commission and the .angerous .rugs =oard shall be attached to the .epartment and shall continue to operate and function in accordance with the law creating them, e cept as otherwise provided in this Code(

-itle I -%A.B A'. #'.*1-%/ Chapter 1 !B'B%AC +%$0#1#$'1 1ec( 1( .eclaration of +olicy( - -he 1tate shall develop a self-reliant and independent national economy effectively controlled by <ilipinos( #t recogni>es the indispensable role of the private sector, encourages private enterprise, and provides incentives to needed investments( Chapter 4 .B+A%-DB'- +%$+B% 1ec( :( $ffice of the 1ecretary( - -he $ffice of the 1ecretary shall consist of the 1ecretary, his immediate staff, the *ndersecretary for +olicy +lanning and 1upport 1ervices, and the $ffices and 1ervices directly supportive of the $ffice of the 1ecretary( -he functions of the foregoing shall be as follows, Chapter 8 $<<#CB $< -EB *'.B%1BC%B-A%/ <$% .$DB1-#C -%A.B 1ec( 1?( $ffice of the *ndersecretary for .omestic -rade( - -he $ffice of the *ndersecretary for .omestic -rade shall include all the staff bureaus and services involved in policy formulation, standards development, regulatory, and service delivery programs pertinent to domestic trade and commerce being implemented by the .epartmentGs line operating units( -he *ndersecretary for .omestic -rade shall supervise the following, Chapter 9 $<<#CB $< -EB *'.B%1BC%B-A%/ <$% #'-B%'A-#$'AC -%A.B 1ec( 11( $ffice of the *ndersecretary for #nternational -rade( - -he $ffice of the *ndersecretary for #nternational -rade shall include all the units involved in policy formulation, standards development, program monitoring of the development, regulatory, and service delivery programs of the .epartment pertinent to international trade and commerce being implemented by the .epartmentGs line operating units( -he *ndersecretary for #nternational -rade shall supervise the following, Chapter : $<<#CB $< -EB *'.B%1BC%B-A%/ <$% #'.*1-%/ A'. #'0B1-DB'-1 1ec( 14( $ffice of the *ndersecretary for #ndustry and #nvestments( - -he $ffice of the *ndersecretary for #ndustry and #nvestments shall supervise all agencies involved in the formulation and implementation of programs and pro"ects pertinent to the development of domestic industries and the promotion of investments in activities or enterprises critical to the .epartmentGs trade and industry development program( Chapter ; $<<#CB $< -EB *'.B%1BC%B-A%/ <$% %B!#$'AC $+B%A-#$'1 1ec( 18( $ffice of the *ndersecretary for %egional $perations( - -he $ffice of the *ndersecretary for %egional $perations shall e ercise supervision and control over the

.epartmentGs %egional $ffices, described in 1ection 9, par( 1 hereof( #t shall be responsible for the field operations of the .epartment, ensuring full compliance with .epartment policies, rigorous implementation of .epartment and regulations, and proper implementation of .epartment plans and programs by the %egional $ffices in their respective administrative "urisdictions( Chapter 7 A--ACEB. A!B'C#B1 1ec( 1:( Cine Corporate Agencies and !overnment Bntities( - -he following are the Cine Corporate Agencies and !overnment Bntities that will perform their specific regulatory functions, particular developmental responsibilities, and speciali>ed business activities in a manner consonant with the .epartmentsG mandate, ob"ectives, policies, plans, and programs, -itle I# A!%A%#A' %B<$%D Chapter 1 !B'B%AC +%$0#1#$'1 1ec( 1( .eclaration of +olicy( - -he 1tate shall underta2e an agrarian reform program founded on the right of farmers and regular farmwor2ers who are landless to own directly or collectively the lands they till or, in the case of other farmwor2ers, to receive a "ust share of the fruits thereof( Chapter 4 .B+A%-DB'- +%$+B% 1ec( :( $ffice of the 1ecretary( - -he $ffice of the 1ecretary shall consist of the 1ecretary and his immediate staff( Chapter 8 .B+A%-DB'- 1B%0#CB1 1ec( 8( Danagement and B ecutive 1ervices( - -he Danagement and B ecutive 1ervices shall have the following functions, Chapter 9 =*%BA*1 1ec( 18( =ureau of Agrarian Cegal Assistance( - -he =ureau of Agrarian Cegal Assistance shall have the following functions, Chapter : %B!#$'AC A'. .#1-%#C- $<<#CB1 A'. A--ACEB. A!B'C#B1 1ec( 18( %egional $ffice( - -he %egional $ffice shall be responsible for supporting the field units and supervising program implementation of the .epartment within the region( #t shall, -itle I## C$CAC !$0B%'DB'Chapter 1 !B'B%AC +%$0#1#$'1

1ec( 1( .eclaration of +olicy( - -he 1tate shall ensure the autonomy of local governments( <or this purpose, it shall provide for a more responsive and accountable local government structure instituted through a system of decentrali>ation( -he allocation of powers and resources to local government units shall be promoted, and inter-local government grouping, consolidation and coordination of resources shall be encouraged( -he 1tate shall guarantee the local government units their "ust share in national ta es and their e5uitable share in proceeds from the use of natural resources, and afford them a wider latitude for resources generation( Chapter 4 .B+A%-DB'- +%$+B% 1ec( :( $ffice of the 1ecretary( - -he $ffice of the 1ecretary shall consist of the 1ecretary and his immediate staff( Chapter 8 .B+A%-DB'- 1B%0#CB1 1ec( 7( +lanning 1ervice( - -he +lanning 1ervice shall be responsible for providing the .epartment with efficient and effective services relating to planning, programming, research and statistics( Chapter 9 =*%BA*1 A'. $<<#CB1 1ec( 14( =ureau of Cocal !overnment 1upervision( - -he =ureau of Cocal !overnment 1upervision, to be headed by a =ureau .irector appointed by the +resident upon the recommendation of the 1ecretary, shall have the following functions, Chapter : %B!#$'AC A'. <#BC. $<<#CB1 1ec( 18( %egional and <ield $ffices( - -he 1ecretary is authori>ed to establish, operate and maintain one %egional $ffice in each of the administrative regions established by law( A %egional $ffice shall have, within its administrative region, the following functions, Chapter ; CBA!*B1 $< +%$0#'CB1, C#-#B1 A'. D*'#C#+AC#-#B1 1ec( 19( Ceagues of +rovinces, Cities and Dunicipalities( - -here is hereby created the Ceagues of +rovinces, Cities and Dunicipalities( -itle I### -$*%#1D Chapter 1 !B'B%AC +%$0#1#$'1 1ec( 1( .eclaration of +olicy( - -he 1tate shall promote, encourage and develop tourism as a ma"or national activity in which private sector investment, effort and initiative are fostered and supported, and through which socio-economic development may be accelerated, foreign e change earned, international visitors offered the opportunity to travel to the +hilippines and appreciate its natural beauty, history and culture, and <ilipinos themselves enabled to see more of their country and embued with greater pride in and commitment to the nation(

Chapter 4 .B+A%-DB'- +%$+B% 1ec( :( $ffice of the 1ecretary( - -he $ffice of the 1ecretary shall consist of the 1ecretary and his immediate staff( Chapter 8 .B+A%-DB'- 1B%0#CB1 1ec( 7( .epartment 1ervice Character and Eead( - -he .epartment 1ervices shall be essentially staff in character, each of which shall be headed by a 1ervice Chief( 1ec( 8( <inancial and Danagement 1ervice( - -he <inancial and Danagement 1ervice shall provide the .epartment with staff advice and assistance on budgetary, financial and management matters and shall perform such other related functions as may be assigned or delegated to it by the 1ecretary( Chapter 9 =*%BA*1 A'. $<<#CB1 1ec( 11( =ureau and $ffice Character and Eead( - -he =ureaus and $ffices shall be essentially staff in character, each of which shall be headed by a 1taff .irector( Chapter : <$%B#!' A'. %B!#$'AC $<<#CB1 1ec( 19( <oreign <ield $ffices( - 1ub"ect to the approval of the +resident, the .epartment shall have foreign offices as may be necessary in the mar2eting and promotion of the +hilippines as an international tourist destination, which shall oversee and implement the mar2eting and promotional programs of the .epartment( Chapter ; A--ACEB. A!B'C#B1 1ec( 41( Attached Agencies( - -he +hilippine -ourism Authority, and +hilippine Convention =ureau, #ntramuros Administration, and 'ational +ar2s .evelopment Committee are hereby attached to the .epartment and shall continue to operate and function in accordance with the respective chartersHlawsHorders provided in this Code( -itle I#0 B'0#%$'DB'- A'. 'A-*%AC %B1$*%CB1 Chapter 1 !B'B%AC +%$0#1#$'1 1ec( 1( .eclaration of +olicy( - 617 -he 1tate shall ensure, for the benefit of the <ilipino people, the full e ploration and development as well as the "udicious disposition, utili>ation, management, renewal and conservation of the countryGs forest, mineral, land, waters, fisheries, wildlife, offshore areas and other natural resources, consistent with the necessity of maintaining a sound ecological balance and protecting and enhancing the 5uality of the environment and the ob"ective of ma2ing the e ploration, development and utili>ation of such natural resources e5uitably accessible to the different segments of the present as well as future generations(

Chapter 4 -EB .B+A%-DB'- +%$+B% 1ec( ;( Composition( - -he .epartment +roper shall be composed of the $ffice of the 1ecretary, the $ffices of the *ndersecretaries and Assistant 1ecretaries, and the +ublic Affairs $ffice, 1pecial Concerns $ffice, and the +ollution Ad"udication =oard( Chapter 8 -EB 1-A<< 1BC-$%AC =*%BA*1 1ec( 19( <orest Danagement =ureau( - -he <orest Danagement =ureau shall be headed by a .irector and assisted by an Assistant .irector, and shall integrate and absorb the powers of the =ureau of <orest .evelopment and the @ood #ndustry .evelopment Authority which were abolished by B ecutive $rder 'o( 181, e cept those line functions and powers thereof which are transferred to the regional field office( Chapter 9 -EB .B+A%-DB'- <#BC. $<<#CB1 1ec( 4?( <ield $ffices of the .epartment( - -he <ield offices of the .epartment are the Bnvironmental and 'atural %esources %egional $ffices in the thirteen 6187 administrative regions of the country; the Bnvironment and 'atural %esources +rovincial $ffice in every province, and the Community $ffice in every municipality, whenever deemed necessary( Chapter : A--ACEB. A!B'C#B1 A'. C$%+$%A-#$'1 1ec( 48( Attached Agencies and Corporations( - -he following agencies and corporations shall be attached to and under the administrative supervision of the .epartment, -itle I0 -%A'1+$%-A-#$' A'. C$DD*'#CA-#$'1 Chapter 1 !B'B%AC +%$0#1#$'1 1ec( 1( .eclaration of +olicy( - -he 1tate is committed to the maintenance and e pansion of viable, efficient, fast, safe and dependable transportation and communications systems as effective instruments for national recovery and economic progress( #t shall not compete as a matter of policy with private enterprise and shall operate transportation and communications facilities only in those areas where private initiatives are inade5uate or non-e istent( Chapter 4 .B+A%-DB'- +%$+B% 1ec( :( $ffice of the 1ecretary( - -he $ffice of the 1ecretary shall consist of the 1ecretary, his immediate staff, the <ranchising %eview 1taff and the #nvestigation, 1ecurity and Caw Bnforcement 1taff( Chapter 8 .B+A%-DB'- 1B%0#CB1 1ec( 18( .epartment 1ervices( - -he .epartment 1ervices shall include the following,

Chapter 9 %B!#$'AC $<<#CB1 1ec( 19( %egional $ffices( - -he .epartment shall have three 687 %egional $ffices in each of the administrative regions of the country, the %egional $ffice for Cand -ransportation, the %egional $ffice for -elecommunications and the %egional $ffice for +ostal 1ervices( Bach %egional $ffice shall be headed by a %egional .irector to be assisted by an Assistant %egional .irector( Chapter : %B!*CA-$%/ =$A%. 1ec( 1:( Cand -ransportation <ranchising and %egulatory =oard( - -he 5uasi-"udicial powers and functions with respect to land transportation shall be e ercised through the Cand -ransportation and %egulatory =oard, hereinafter referred to as the 3=oard3( Chapter ; A--ACEB. A!B'C#B1 1ec( 48( Attached Agencies and Corporations( - -he following agencies and corporations are attached to the .epartment, -he +hilippine 'ational %ailways, the Daritime #ndustry Authority, the +hilippine 'ational Cines, the +hilippine Aerospace .evelopment Corporation, the Detro Danila -ransit Corporation, the $ffice of -ransport Cooperatives, the +hilippine +orts Authority, the +hilippine Derchant Darine Academy, the -oll %egulatory =oard, the Cight %ail -ransit Authority, the -ransport -raining Center, the Civil Aeronautics =oard, the 'ational -elecommunications Commission and the Danila #nternational Airport Authority( -itle I0# 1$C#AC @BC<A%B A'. .B0BC$+DB'Chapter 1 !B'B%AC +%$0#1#$'1 1ec( 1( .eclaration of +olicy( - -he 1tate is committed to the care, protection, and rehabilitation of individuals, families and communities which have the least in life and need social welfare assistance and social wor2 intervention to restore their normal functioning and enable them to participate in community affairs( Chapter 4 .B+A%-DB'- +%$+B% 1ec( :( $ffice of the 1ecretary( - -he $ffice of the 1ecretary shall consist of the 1ecretary and the 1ecretaryGs immediate staff, and the +ublic Affairs and Ciaison 1ervice( Chapter 8 .B+A%-DB'- 1B%0#CB1 1ec( 8( 1ervices of the .epartment( - -he 1ervices listed in 1ection 7 617 and 687 hereof and the public Affairs and Ciaison 1ervice shall respectively have the following functions, Chapter 9 =*%BA*1 A'. $<<#CB1 1ec( 9( Composition( - -he 1taff bureaus listed in 1ection 7 647 hereof shall be essentially staff in character and as such shall e ercise technical supervision over the %egional $ffices; shall be

primarily involved in the development of policies and programs within their respective functional speciali>ations; and shall formulate and develop related policies, guidelines and standards necessary in guiding the %egional $ffices in the proper implementation of such policies and programs( Chapter : %B!#$'AC $<<#CB1 1ec( 14( %egional $ffice( - -he .epartment is hereby authori>ed to establish, operate and maintain a %egional $ffice in each of the administrative regions of the country( Chapter ; +%$0#'C#ACHC#-/ $<<#CB1 1ec( 1;( +rovincialHCity $ffice( - -he .epartment is hereby authori>ed to establish, operate and maintain +rovincialHCity $ffices throughout the country with "urisdiction over all municipalitiesHdistricts within the province( -he +rovincialHCity $ffices shall have the following functions, Chapter 7 D*'#C#+ACH.#1-%#C- $<<#CB1 1ec( 18( DunicipalH.istrict $ffice( - -he .epartment is hereby authori>ed to establish, operate and maintain a DunicipalH.istrict $ffice to service a municipality or city district which shall be headed by the 1upervising 1ocial @elfare $fficer and shall be primarily responsible for the efficient and effective implementation of the .epartmentGs field programs in the municipality or city, under the supervision of the +rovincialHCity $ffice( Chapter 8 A--ACEB. A!B'C#B1 1ec( 19( Agencies *nder Administrative 1upervision and Attached Agencies( - -he +opulation Commission Council for the @elfare of Children, 'ational 'utrition Council and the 'ational Council for the @elfare of .isabled +erson and the agencies attached to the .epartment shall continue to operate and function in accordance with their respective charters or laws creating them, e cept as otherwise provided in this Code( Chapter 9 <*'. .%#0B1 1ec( 4?( 1olicitation( - Any person, corporation, organi>ation, or association desiring to solicit or receive contribution for charitable or public welfare purposes shall first secure a permit from the %egional $ffices of the .epartment( *pon the filing of a written application for a permit in the form prescribed by the %egional $ffices of the .epartment, the %egional .irector or his duly authori>ed representative may, in his discretion, issue a permanent or temporary permit or disapprove the application( #n the interest of the public, he may in his discretion renew or revo2e any permit issued under Act 9?7:( Chapter 1? 1$C#AC @BC<A%B A!B'C#B1 A'. 1B%0#CB1 1ec( 48( 1ocial @elfare 1ervices by $thers( - 1ocial welfare services by the .epartment shall be without pre"udice to similar efforts by any local government unit or private agency, institution or group( All .epartment units shall actively promote and e tend ma imum assistance, including the provision of counterpart or supplementary funds and resources, upon approval by the 1ecretary,

to such efforts(

-itle I0## =*.!B- A'. DA'A!BDB'Chapter 1 !B'B%AC +%$0#1#$'1

1ec( 1( .eclaration of +olicy( - -he national budget shall be formulated and implemented as an instrument of national development, reflective of national ob"ectives and plans; supportive of and consistent with the socio-economic development plans and oriented towards the achievement of e plicit ob"ectives and e pected results, to ensure that the utili>ation of funds and operations of government entities are conducted effectively; formulated within the conte t of a regionali>ed governmental structure and within the totality of revenues and other receipts, e penditures and borrowings of all levels of government and of government-owned or controlled corporations; and prepared within the conte t of the national long-term plans and budget programs of the !overnment( Chapter 4 .B+A%-DB'- +%$+B% 1ec( 9( $ffice of the 1ecretary( - -he $ffice of the 1ecretary shall consist of his immediate staff, the =udget Control 1taff, %esearch 1taff, a %egional Coordination 1taff for Cu>on, and a %egional Coordination 1taff for 0isayas and Dindanao( Chapter 8 .B+A%-DB'- 1B%0#CB1 1ec( 7( Danagement 1ervices $ffice( - -he Danagement 1ervices $ffice shall consist of the following bureaus, Chapter 9 =*%BA*1 1ec( 1?( -he =udget $perations $ffice( - -he =udget $perations $ffice shall review and analy>e the wor2 and financial flows, the budgetary proposals of national and local government agencies and corporations, chec2 each agencyGs compliance with the budgetary policies and pro"ect priorities, determine the budgetary implications of foreign assisted pro"ects from the time of pro"ect design to the negotiation for financial assistance, prepare recommendations for fund releases, formulate and implement fiscal policies and plans for budget preparation and control, and conduct studies on economic trends and factors affecting government revenues, e penditures and borrowings( #t shall consist of the following =ureaus, -itle I0### 1C#B'CB A'. -BCE'$C$!/ Chapter 1 !B'B%AC +%$0#1#$'1 1ec( 1( .eclaration of +olicy( - -he 1tate shall, Chapter 4 .B+A%-DB'- +%$+B% 1ec( :( $ffice of the 1ecretary( - -he $ffice of the 1ecretary shall consist of the 1ecretary and

his immediate staff( Chapter 8 1B%0#CB1 1ec( 8( 1ervices( - -he 1ervices of the .epartment shall consist of the following, Chapter 9 =$A%., C$*'C#C1 A'. #'1-#-*-B1 1ec( 9( #nter-Council %eview =oard( - -here shall be an #nter-Council %eview =oard, composed of the 1ecretaries or their designated *ndersecretaries who are members of the sectoral planning councils under 1ections 1?, 11, 14, 18, 19, and 1:, and shall be chaired by the 1ecretary of 1cience and -echnology( Chapter : %B!#$'AC $<<#CB1( 1ec( 48( %egional $ffices(- -he .epartment is authori>ed to establish, operate and maintain a %egional $ffice, whenever appropriate, in each of the administrative regions of the country, to be headed by a %egional .irector who shall report and be sub"ect to the supervision of, the *ndersecretary for %egional $perations( A %egional $ffice shall have, within its administrative region, the following functions, Chapter ; A--ACEB. A!B'C#B1 1ec( 8?( Attached Agencies( - -he following agencies shall be attached to the .epartment, the +hilippine 'ational 1cience 1ociety, the 'ational Academy of 1cience and -echnology, the +hilippine 1cience Eigh 1chool, and the Detals #ndustry %esearch and .evelopment Center( -he Center shall have the powers and functions assigned to it by law(

=$$A 0 -itle # C$'1-#-*-#$'AC C$DD#11#$'1 1ubtitle A C#0#C 1B%0#CB C$DD#11#$' Chapter 1 !B'B%AC +%$0#1#$'1 1ec( 1( .eclaration of +olicy( - -he 1tate shall insure and promote the Constitutional mandate that appointments in the Civil 1ervice shall be made only according to merit and fitness; that the Civil 1ervice Commission, as the central personnel agency of the !overnment shall establish a career service, adopt measures to promote morale, efficiency, integrity, responsiveness, and courtesy in the civil service, strengthen the merit and rewards system, integrate all human resources development programs for all levels and ran2s, and institutionali>e a management climate conducive to public accountability; that public office is a public trust and public officers

and employees must at all times be accountable to the people; and that personnel functions shall be decentrali>ed, delegating the corresponding authority to the departments, offices and agencies where such functions can be effectively performed( Chapter 4 C$0B%A!B $< -EB C#0#C 1B%0#CB 1ec( ;( 1cope of the Civil 1ervice( - 617 -he Civil 1ervice embraces all branches, subdivisions, instrumentalities, and agencies of the !overnment, including government-owned or controlled corporations with original charters( Chapter 8 $%!A'#&A-#$' A'. <*'C-#$'1 $< -EB C#0#C 1B%0#CB C$DD#11#$' 1ec( 1?( Composition( - -he Commission shall be composed of a Chairman and two Commissioners who shall be natural born citi>ens of the +hilippines and, at the time of their appointment, at least thirty-five years of age, with proven capacity for public administration, and must not have been candidates for any elective position in the elections immediately preceding their appointment( Chapter 9 #'-B%.B+A%-DB'- %BCA-#$'1 1ec( 18( Civil 1ervice Assistance to .epartment and Agencies( - Bach 1ecretary or head of office, agency, government-owned or controlled corporation with original charter and local government shall be responsible for personnel administration in his office which shall be in accordance with the provision relating to civil service embodied in the Constitution, this -itle and the rules, principles, standards, guidelines and regulations established by the Commission( -he Civil 1ervice Commission shall, whenever it deems it in the interest of the public service, organi>e in each department, office, agency, government-owned or controlled corporation, and provincial and city government a Civil 1ervice 1taff which shall be headed by an officer of the Commission( -he necessary staff personnel and office facilities and e5uipment shall be provided by the department, government-owned or controlled corporation or local government where the staff is established but the Commission may augment these with its own( -he 1taff shall serve as the principal liaison between the Civil 1ervice and .epartment concerned and shall perform the following specific functions and those functions which may hereafter be assigned to it by the Commission( Chapter : +B%1$''BC +$C#C#B1 A'. 1-A'.A%.1 1ec( 41( %ecruitment and 1election of Bmployees( - 617 $pportunity for government employment shall be open to all 5ualified citi>ens and positive efforts shall be e erted to attract the best 5ualified to enter the service( Bmployees shall be selected on the basis of fitness to perform the duties and assume the responsibilities of the positions( Chapter ; %#!E- -$ 1BC<-$%!A'#&A-#$' 1ec( 88( Coverage( - 617 All government employees, including those in government-owned or controlled corporations with original charters, can form, "oin or assist employeesG organi>ations of their own choosing for the furtherance and protection of their interests( -hey can also form, in con"unction with appropriate government authorities, labor-management committees, wor2 councils and other forms of wor2ersG participation schemes to achieve the same ob"ectives(

Chapter 7 +%$E#=#-#$'1 1ec( :9( Cimitation on Appointment( - 617 'o elective official shall be eligible for appointment or designation in any capacity to any public office or position during his tenure( Chapter 8 CBA0B $< A=1B'CB 1ec( ;?( Ceave of Absence( - $fficers and employees in the Civil 1ervice shall be entitled to leave of absence, with or without pay, as may be provided by law and the rules and regulations of the Civil 1ervice Commission in the interest of the service( Chapter 9 D#1CBCCA'B$*1 +%$0#1#$'1 1ec( ;1( B amining Committee, 1pecial B aminers and 1pecial #nvestigators( - 1ub"ect to approval by the proper head of a department or agency, the Commission may select suitable persons in the government service to act as members of e amining committees, special e aminers or special investigators( 1uch persons shall be designated e aminers or investigators of the Commission and shall perform such duties as the Commission may re5uire, and in the performance of such duties they shall be under its e clusive control( B amining committees, special e aminers or special investigators so designated may be given allowances or per diems for their services, to be paid out of the funds of, and at a rate to be determined by, the Commission( 1ubtitle = -EB C$DD#11#$' $' A*.#Chapter 1 !B'B%AC +%$0#1#$'1 1ec( 1( .eclaration of +olicy(- All resources of the government shall be managed, e pended or utili>ed in accordance with law and regulations and safeguarded against loss or wastage through illegal or improper disposition to ensure efficiency, economy and effectiveness in the operations of government( -he responsibility to ta2e care that such policy is faithfully adhered to rests directly with the chief or head of the government agency concerned( Chapter 4 $%!A'#&A-#$' $< -EB C$DD#11#$' $' A*.#1ec( 8( -he Commission +roper( - -he Commission +roper shall be composed of the Chairman and two Commissioners( #t shall sit as a body to formulate policies, promulgate rules and regulations, and prescribe standards governing the discharge of its powers and functions( Chapter 8 $<<#CB1 1ec( 7( Central $ffices( - -he Commission shall have the following central offices, Chapter 9 F*%#1.#C-#$', +$@B%1 A'. <*'C-#$'1 $< -EB C$DD#11#$' 1ec( 1?( 1tatement of $b"ectives( - #n 2eeping with the constitutional mandate, the Commission adheres to the following ob"ectives,

Chapter : .BC#1#$'1 $< -EB C$DD#11#$' 1ec( 88( Appeal from .ecision of Auditors( - Any person aggrieved by the decision of an auditor of any government agency in the settlement of an account or claim may, within si 6;7 months from receipts of a copy thereof, appeal in writing to the Commission( Chapter ; !$0B%'DB'- A*.#-#'! A'. ACC$*'-#'! 1ec( 88( .efinition of !overnment Auditing( - !overnment auditing is the analytical and systematic e amination and verification of financial transactions, operations, accounts and reports of any government agency for the purpose of determining their accuracy, integrity and authenticity, and satisfying the re5uirements of law, rules and regulations( Chapter 7 %BCB#+- A'. .#1+$1#-#$' $< <*'.1 A'. +%$+B%-/ 1ec( 94( Accounting for Doney and +roperty %eceived by +ublic $fficials( - B cept as may otherwise be specifically provided by law or competent authority, all moneys and property officially received by a public officer in any capacity or upon any occasion must be accounted for as government funds and government property( !overnment property shall be ta2en up in the boo2s of the agency concerned at ac5uisition cost or an appraised value( Chapter 8 A++C#CA-#$' $< A++%$+%#A-B. <*'.1 1ec( 9:( .isbursement of !overnment <unds( - 617 %evenue funds shall not be paid out of any public treasury or depository e cept in pursuance of an appropriation law or other specific statutory authority; Chapter 9 ACC$*'-A=#C#-/ A'. %B1+$'1#=#C#-/ <$% !$0B%'DB'- <*'.1 A'. +%$+B%-/ 1ec( :?( Accountable $fficers; =oard %e5uirements( - 617 Bvery officer of any government agency whose duties permit or re5uire the possession or custody government funds shall be accountable therefor and for safe2eeping thereof in conformity with law; and Chapter 1? D#1CBCCA'B$*1 +%$0#1#$'1 1ec( :9( .uty to %espect the CommissionGs #ndependence( - #t shall be the duty of every person to respect, protect and preserve the independence of the Commission( 1ubtitle C C$DD#11#$' $' BCBC-#$'1 Chapter 1 !B'B%AC +%$0#1#$'1 1ec( 1( .eclaration of +olicy( - -he 1tate shall at all times ensure free, orderly, honest, peaceful and credible elections under a free and open party system which shall be allowed to evolve

according to the free choice of the people sub"ect to the provisions of Article #I-C of the 1987 Constitution of the +hilippines( Chapter 4 -EB C$DD#11#$' +%$+B% 1ec( 9( Composition and )ualifications( - -here shall be a Commission on Blections composed of a Chairman and si 6;7 Commissioners who shall be natural born citi>ens of the +hilippines and, at the time of their appointment, at least thirty-five 68:7 years of age, holders of a college degree, and must not have been candidates for any elective position in the immediately preceding elections( Eowever, a ma"ority thereof, including the Chairman, shall be members of the +hilippine =ar who have been engaged in the practice of law for at least ten 61?7 years( Chapter 8 -EB <#BC. $<<#CB1 1ec( 11( <ield $ffice of the Commission( - -he Commission shall have the following field offices, -itle ## $-EB% =$.#B1 1ubtitle A C$DD#11#$' $' E*DA' %#!E-1 1ec( 1( Composition and )ualification( - -he Commission on Euman %ights shall be composed of a Chairman and four 697 Dembers who must be natural-born citi>ens of the +hilippines and, at the time of their appointment, at least thirty-five years of age, and must not have been candidates for any elective position in the elections immediately preceding their appointment( Eowever, a ma"ority thereof shall be members of the +hilippine =ar( 1ubtitle = $<<#CB $< -EB $D=*.1DA' 1ec( 1( Composition( - 617 -he $ffice of the $mbudsman shall be headed by the $mbudsman, to be 2nown as the -anod-bayan, who shall be assisted by one overall .eputy and at least by one .eputy each for Cu>on, 0isayas and Dindanao( A separate .eputy for the military establishment may li2ewise be appointed( 1ubtitle C -EB 'A-#$'AC BC$'$D#C A'. .B0BC$+DB'- A*-E$%#-/ Chapter 1 !B'B%AC +%$0#1#$'1 1ec( 1( .eclaration of +olicy( - -he 1tate shall ensure that all socio-economic programs and activities of the government shall be programmed within the conte t of well-formulated and consistent long, medium, and short-term development plans and policies to promote both the growth of the economy and the e5uitable distribution of the benefits of such growth to the members of society( -o this end, it is recogni>ed that the formulation of the re5uired socioeconomic development policies and plans is a vital process that calls for the participation of the various government agencies and private sector institutions and individuals concerned, both on national, regional, and local levels( -his process of policy and plan formulation, however needs to be coordinated closely by a central government agency to ensure consistency of these plans and policies and optimal use of the nationGs scarce resources(

Chapter 4 'B.A =$A%. 1ec( :( Composition of the 'B.A =oard( - -he 'B.A =oard shall be composed of the following, Chapter 8 'B.A 1BC%B-A%#A1ec( 8( -he 'B.A 1ecretariat( - -he 1ecretariat of 'B.A shall have the following functions, Chapter 9 A--ACEB. A!B'C#B1 1ec( 1;( %etained Agencies( - -he following agencies, currently attached to the Authority, shall continue to be so attached for purposes of supervision; 617 +hilippine #nstitute for .evelopment 1tudies, 647 +hilippine 'ational 0olunteer 1ervice Coordinating Agency; and 687 -ariff Commission( -he Authority shall arrange for the transfer of the functions of the following agencies to the %egional .evelopment Councils concerned or other agencies as may be appropriate, 617 Aalinga 1pecial .evelopment %egion; 647 Caguna Ca2e .evelopment Authority; 687 Ceyte 1ab-A =asin .evelopment Authority( -he 'ational Council for integrated Area .evelopment 6'AC#A.7 and the Central 0isayas %egional +ro"ects $ffice 6C0%+$7 are hereby transferred to the Authority which shall, within one 617 year from the date of effectivity of this Code, recommend their transfer to the appropriate department in con"unction with the .epartment of =udget and Danagement( -he Authority shall further review the functions and activities of all other #ntegrated Area .evelopment programs and pro"ects and any other programs re5uiring multi-sectoral andHor multi-disciplinary approaches in order to recommend the appropriate disposition and supervision of the same( -he Authority shall furthermore review the mandate, ob"ectives and functions of all development authorities in order to recommend such dispositions or revisions of their charters, as may be deemed advisable(

=$$A 0# 'A-#$'AC !$0B%'DB'- =*.!B-#'! Chapter 1 !B'B%AC +%$0#1#$'1 1ec( 1( Constitutional +olicies on the =udget( - 617 All appropriations, revenue or tariff bills, bills authori>ing increase of the public debt, bills of local application, and private bills shall originate e clusively in the Eouse of %epresentatives but the 1enate may propose or concur with amendments( Chapter 4 - =*.!B- +$C#C/ A'. A++%$ACE 1ec( 8( .eclaration of +olicy( - #t is hereby declared the policy of the 1tate to formulate and

implement a 'ational =udget that is an instrument of national development, reflective of national ob"ectives, strategies and plans( -he budget shall be supportive of and consistent with the socioeconomic development plan and shall be oriented towards the achievement of e plicit ob"ectives and e pected results, to ensure that funds are utili>ed and operations are conducted effectively, economically and efficiently( -he national budget shall be formulated within the conte t of a regionali>ed government structure and borrowings of all levels of government and of governmentowned or controlled corporations( -he budget shall li2ewise be prepared within the conte t of the national long-term plan and of a long-term budget program( Chapter 8 =*.!B- +%B+A%A-#$' 1ec( 11( 1ubmission of the =udget( - -he +resident shall, in accordance with 1ection 44 617, article 0## of the Constitution, submit within thirty 68?7 days from the opening of each regular session of the Congress as the basis for the preparation of the !eneral Appropriations Act, a national government budget estimated receipts based on e isting and proposed revenue measures, and of estimated e penditures( Chapter 9 =*.!B- A*-E$%#&A-#$' 1ec( 48( Content of the !eneral Appropriations Act( - -he !eneral Appropriations Act shall be presented in the form of budgetary programs and pro"ects for each agency of the government, with the corresponding appropriations for each program and pro"ect, including statutory provisions of specific agency or general applicability( -he !eneral Appropriations Act shall not contain any itemi>ation of personal services, which shall be prepared by the 1ecretary after enactment of the !eneral Appropriations Act, for consideration and approval of the +resident( Chapter : =*.!B- BIBC*-#$' 1ec( 84( *se of Appropriated <unds( - All moneys appropriated for functions, activities, pro"ects and programs shall be available solely for the specific purposes for which these are appropriated( Chapter ; =*.!B- ACC$*'-A=#C#-/ 1ec( :1( Bvaluation of Agency +erformance( - -he +resident, through the 1ecretary shall evaluate on a continuing basis the 5uantitative and 5ualitative measures of agency performance as reflected in the units of wor2 measurement and other indicators of agency performance, including the standard and actual costs per unit of wor2( Chapter 7 BI+B'.#-*%B $< A++%$+%#A-B. <*'.1 1ec( :8( Contracting of Activities( - Agencies may enter into contracts with individuals or organi>ations, both public and private, sub"ect to provisions of law and applicable guidelines approved by the +resident, provided, that contracts shall be for specific services which cannot be provided by the regular staff of the agency, shall be for a specific period of time, and shall have a definite e pected output, provided, further, that implementing, monitoring and other regular and recurring agency activities shall not be contracted for, e cept for personnel hired on an individual and contractual basis and wor2ing as part of the organi>ation, or as otherwise may be approved by the +resident, +rovided, finally, that the cost of contracted services shall not e ceed the amount that would otherwise be incurred had the wor2 been performed by regular employees of government, e cept as may be authori>ed under this section(

1ec( :9( Authority to %eceive Additional Compensation( - $fficials and employees who are duly appointed by competent authority to any position in another government office or agency in a concurrent capacity, may, in the discretion of the +resident, be allowed to receive additional compensation in the form of allowance or honorarium at such rates he shall fi and sub"ect to such conditions as she may prescribe( 1uch additional compensation shall be paid from the appropriations of the office or agency benefitting from the concurrent service( 1ec( ;?( %estrictions on 1alary #ncreases( - 'o portion of the appropriations provided in the !eneral Appropriations Act shall be used for payment of any salary increase or ad"ustment unless specifically authori>ed by law or appropriate budget circular nor shall any appropriation for salaries authori>ed in the !eneral Appropriations Act, save as otherwise provided for under the Compensation and +osition Classification Act, be paid unless the positions have been classified by the =udget Commission( 1ec( ;1( Derit #ncreases( - -he budgets of national government agencies may provided for a lump-sum for merit increases, sub"ect to such terms and conditions as may be approved by the +resident( 1uch lump-sum shall be used to fund salary increases approved by the head of agency in recognition of meritorious performance, +rovided, -hat the Civil 1ervice Commission and the .epartment of =udget shall "ointly issue the rules and regulations governing the granting of such merit increases( 1ec( ;4( 1alary for 1ubstitutionary 1ervice( - @hen an official or employee is issued a duly approved appointment in a temporary or acting capacity to ta2e the place and perform the duties of another who is temporarily absent from his post with pay, savings in the appropriations of the department, bureau or office may be used for the payment of his salary or differential, sub"ect to the approval of the 1ecretary( 1ec( ;8( Additional Compensation for $vertime 1ervice( - $fficials and employees of the 'ational !overnment, when re5uired to wor2 overtime after regular wor2ing hours during ordinary days, during half-day sessions, or on 1aturdays, 1undays and holidays, by the heads of departments concerned, to finish wor2 that must be completed within a specified time, may be paid overtime compensation from any une pected balance of the appropriation for salaries and wages authori>ed in the !eneral Appropriations Act and under such guidelines as may be issued by the +resident( 1ec( ;9( Compensation of +ersons %eceiving +ension( - A person receiving life pension, annuity, or gratuity as a result of service in the national government or any local government unit, or from any government-owned or controlled corporation, who is reappointed to any position, the appropriation for the salary of which is provided from funds of the office, shall have the option to receive either the compensation for the position, or the pension, gratuity or annuity, but in no case shall he receive both( 1ec( ;:( +rohibition of 0oluntary 1ervice( - *nless otherwise specifically approved by the +resident, no person shall be employed or appointed in the government under the guise of voluntary service, with compensation below the authori>ed hiring rate for the position, but with privilege of transportation andHor representation e penses in any form, or of receiving per diems, allowances, honoraria, subsistence, 5uarters in cash or in 2ind, payable from government funds, provided, that the application of this provisions may be waived to authori>e voluntary service in the Armed <orces of the +hilippines or in connection with relief operations( 1ec( ;;( Additional Compensation for 1chool <aculty Dembers( - +rofessors, instructors, teachers, or members of the faculty of government schools, colleges and universities, when re5uired to teach more than their regular teaching loads may be paid additional compensation not e ceeding seventy-five percentum of their basic salary( 1ec( ;7( Caundry( - At the discretion of the department head concerned, any official or employee of the national government serving in any hospital, penal institution, or other similar institution, who is re5uired to wear a uniform during the performance of his duties, may be granted laundry allowance in 2ind, or which may be commuted at such rates as may be authori>ed by the .epartment of =udget(

1ec( ;8( Ea>ard +ay( - *pon recommendation of the department head concerned and approval of the 1ecretary, ha>ard pay may be allowed to employees who are actually assigned to danger or strife-torn areas, disease-infested places, or in distressed or isolated stations and camps, which e pose them to great danger of contagion or peril to life( 1uch ha>ard pay shall be paid from savings of the department concerned at such rates, terms and conditions as the 1ecretary may prescribe( 1ec( ;9( 1ubsistence( - 'o official or employee of the national government shall be given subsistence, the cost of which is payable from any fund, e cept the following and only when an appropriation therefor is specifically provided, 617 Darine officers, engineers and crew of government vessels, launches, and motorboats, who shall ta2e their meals on the mess when aboard the said vessels, launches, or motorboats; 647 Cight2eepers and other employees in light stations duly authori>ed by the head of the department to receive subsistence, who shall be furnished raw canned, or preserved food supplies; 687 $fficials and employees who are re5uired to render service within the premises of hospitals, penal institutions, leper institutions, military installations, and other similar institutions, for a continuous period that includes meal time, may be allowed full subsistence when re5uired to live in said premises to ma2e their services available at any and all times; 697 Caborers temporarily fielded to isolated or unsettled districts shall be furnished the usual rations or the e5uivalent in cash, at the e pense of the government( #n hospitals and leper institutions where there are no mess halls or whenever these are inade5uate, personnel entitled to subsistence allowance in 2ind may commute such subsistence upon re5uest of the personnel concerned sub"ect to the approval of the department head at authori>ed rates chargeable against the appropriations for supplies and materials authori>ed in the !eneral Appropriations Act( 1ec( 7?( 1ubsistence of Crew of !overnment 0essels( - -he subsistence allowance for the officers and crew of the coast guard and revenue cutters and lighthouse tenders and other large vessels operated by the !overnment shall be spent for conducting a mess under the charge and administration of one or more members of the complement in each vessel to be designated by the corresponding head of department, and in accordance with regulations to be issued by him( -he person or persons so designated shall 2eep an account of the advances of funds received and e penditures made therefrom for the operation of the mess and shall render such report to the corresponding Accounting $fficer promptly at the end of each month( 1ec( 71( <urnished )uarters( - @hen the position of any official or employee is provided with 3furnished 5uarters3, such official or employee shall be entitled to the use of such government-owned furniture and e5uipment as are necessary for his board and lodging and those for his family including children below twenty-one years of age( 1ec( 74( +er .iems of !overnment $fficials and Bmployees( - @hen a government official or employee is authori>ed to travel on official business outside of his permanent station, he shall be entitled to per diems to cover his board and lodging in accordance with his schedule, provided, that in addition to per diems, the official or employee may be entitled to transportation e penses in going to and coming from his destination and to a daily allowance while in the field, provided, further, that officials and employees on travel status whose e penses for board and lodging are paid directly or indirectly by government may not be entitled to receive the per diems and allowances corresponding to such payments( .epartment secretaries, heads of Constitutional bodies, undersecretaries and all other positions of e5uivalent ran2 are authori>ed the reimbursement of actual e penses supported by receipts, within such limits as may be imposed under the provisions of this section( $fficials and employees authori>ed to travel abroad may be granted clothing allowance,

provided, that no official or employee shall be granted such clothing allowance oftener than once every twenty-four 6497 months( -he rates of per diems and other allowances as authori>ed in this section shall be determined by the +resident( -he rates may be changed from time to time upon recommendation of a -ravel %ates Committee which is hereby created, consisting of the 1ecretary of =udget as Chairman and the 1ecretary of <oreign Affairs, the 1ecretary of -ourism and the Chairman, Commission on Audit, or their representatives, as members( -he Committee shall review travel rates and shall recommend to the +resident for consideration and approval modification in rates and policy when found to be warranted by actual domestic or foreign travel costs, as the case may be( !overnment-owned or controlled corporations shall observe the rates established under this section, provided, that profit ma2ing corporations may adopt their own scales as may be provided by law( -he -ravel %ates Committee shall issue the necessary rules and regulations to enforce the provisions of this section( 1ec( 78( Additional Conditions for +ayment of -ravel B penses( - @hen travel is done by water and subsistence is not included in the transportation cost, the amount actually and necessarily spent for subsistence during such travel time shall be paid, and no per diems shall be allowed in lieu thereof( +er diems and travel allowances shall not be granted to members of field parties or others for whom subsistence and allowances in 2ind are supplied or other special provision made to cover travel e penses( -he travel e penses of a government official or employee who is assigned to render a special service to any private person or entity, the e penses for which are payable by the latter, shall be paid from a deposit which the private party shall be re5uired to ma2e before the performance of the special service is commenced, sub"ect to the limitations and re5uirements herein provided for travel e penses payable from government funds( 'o official or employee of the !overnment who remains temporarily at one station for a period longer than one 617 month shall be paid per diems in e cess of one 617 month, e cept upon the approval of the head of department, and, in case his temporary stay in any one place e ceeds three 687 months, payment of per diems in e cess of three 687 months shall be made only upon the previous approval of the 1ecretary( 1ec( 79( -ransportation of Dembers of <amily of an Bmployee -ransferred from $ne 1tation to Another( - @henever, due to the e igencies of the service and not at his own re5uest, an official or employee is transferred from one station to another, said official or employee and his spouse and children below twenty-one years of age shall be entitled to transportation and freight for reasonable and necessary baggage and household effects, at the e pense of the !overnment, to be paid from the appropriation for traveling e penses of the bureau or office concerned( 1ec( 7:( +urchase, *se, $peration and Daintenance of Dotor -ransport B5uipment( - 'o appropriation for e5uipment authori>ed in the !eneral Appropriations Act shall be used directly or indirectly for the purchase of automobiles, "eeps, "itneys, station wagons, motorcycles, truc2s, launches, speedboats, airplanes, helicopters and other types of motor transport e5uipment unless otherwise specifically authori>ed by the +resident( All departments, bureaus, offices and agencies authori>ed to purchase motor transport e5uipment including those ac5uired through donations, gifts or gratuitous title are li2ewise authori>ed to use, operate and maintain them for purposes of carrying out the official functions and activities of the agency( -hese motor vehicles shall be used strictly for official business, bear government plates only, and after office hours 2ept in garage provided therefor by the office or agency to which they belong, e cept, when in use for official business outside office hours( -he +resident, however, may authori>e e ceptions from these provisions for officials of government who wor2 under e tended hours or whose activities call for special security arrangements( Any violation of the provisions of this section shall sub"ect the erring official or employee to administrative disciplinary action and he shall be personally liable for any loss or damage caused to the government or third

persons( -he Commission on Audit shall issue rules and regulations governing the use, operation and maintenance of government motor transport e5uipment( 1ec( 7;( Cimitation of %ental of Dotor 0ehicles( - 'o appropriations authori>ed in the !eneral Appropriations Act shall be used for renting motor transport e5uipment for a continuous period of more than fifteen days, e cept as may be authori>ed by the 1ecretary( 1ec( 77( Cimitation of +urchase of 1upplies, Daterials, and B5uipment 1pare +arts( B cept as otherwise provided in the !eneral Appropriations Act, the stoc2 on hand of supplies, materials and e5uipment spare parts, ac5uired through ordinary and emergency purchase, shall at no time e ceed normal three-month re5uirements, sub"ect to the pertinent rules and regulations issued by competent authority, +rovided, -hat department heads may approve the build-up of stoc2s on hand of critical supplies and materials, in anticipation of cost increases or re5uirements of a national emergency, and specifying ma imum 5uantities of individual items, but in no case shall these stoc2s e ceed more than one yearGs supply, unless otherwise approved by the +resident( 1ec( 78( +urchase of Cocally Danufactured +roducts( - All appropriations for the purchase of e5uipment, supplies and materials authori>ed in the !eneral Appropriations Act shall be available only for locally manufactured e5uipment; parts, accessories, medicines and drugs, supplies and materials, e cept when none is available in the mar2et or when the price of the locally manufactured article e ceed those determined by the <lag Caw( 1ec( 79( Availability of Appropriations for %ental of =uilding and !rounds( - Any appropriation authori>ed in any Act for rental of buildings and grounds for any department, bureau, office or agency shall be available for e penditure only when authori>ed by the department head concerned( 1uch appropriation may also be used for lease-purchase arrangements( @ith the concurrence of the 1ecretary of =udget and Danagement and the 1ecretary of <inance, the head of the department may contract with any government financial institution for loans intended for the ac5uisition of land for the construction of an office building for any of the agencies under the department( Annual amorti>ation of the loans shall be ta2en from the appropriation for rental authori>ed under any Act for the department, bureau or office concerned( 1ec( 8?( Disuse of !overnment <unds and +roperty( - Any public official or employee who shall apply any government fund or property under his administration or control to any use other than for which such fund or property is appropriated by laws, shall suffer the penalty imposed under the appropriate penal laws(

=$$A 0## A.D#'#1-%A-#0B +%$CB.*%B Chapter 1 !B'B%AC +%$0#1#$'1 1ec( 1( 1cope( - -his =oo2 shall be applicable to all agencies as defined in the ne t succeeding section, e cept the Congress, the Fudiciary, the Constitutional Commissions, military establishments in all matters relating e clusively to Armed <orces personnel, the =oard of +ardons and +arole, and state universities and colleges( Chapter 4

%*CB1 A'. %B!*CA-#$'1 1ec( 8( <iling( - 617 Bvery agency shall file with the *niversity of the +hilippines Caw Center three 687 certified copies of every rule adopted by it( %ules in force on the date of effectivity of this Code which are not filed within three 687 months from that date shall not thereafter be the basis of any sanction against any party or persons( Chapter 8 A.F*.#CA-#$' 1ec( 1?( Compromise and Arbitration( - -o e pedite administrative proceedings involving conflicting rights or claims and obviate e pensive litigations, every agency shall, in the public interest, encourage amicable settlement, comprise and arbitration( Chapter 9 A.D#'#1-%A-#0B A++BAC #'C$'-B1-B. CA1B1 1ec( 19( Appeal( - *nless otherwise provided by law or e ecutive order, an appeal form a final decision of the agency may be ta2en to the .epartment head( <#'AC +%$0#1#$'1 1ec( 47( %epealing Clause( - All laws, decrees, orders, rules and regulations, or portions thereof, inconsistent with this Code are hereby repealed or modified accordingly( .$'B in the City of Danila, this 4:th day of Fuly, in the year of $ur Cord, nineteen hundred and eighty-seven(

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