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1 The Chronicles of the Samuel Hain 5th Series Ownership

Uhm-thum-uhm-thum-uhm-thum-uhm-thum Its definitely a circulatory organ of some type. I walked around the white oval organs. They were connected to each other by millions of blue, pulsing fibers. The walls had taken on a soft, white texture, lined with gills. Every so often, the walls would bulge; soon after the gills would flutter and release a spray of fine, blue powder. Then the walls would deflate and quiver slightly. The twin organs were synchronized with their environment and swelled when the walls expanded. As I looked overhead, I could see the blue fibers slowly spreading out, weaving in and out of the metal plates. Do they even know what happened to them? Allan walked closer to the odd structure. I dont think so.but they were together. And theres no reversing the process? Im still trying to understand the processso no there is no way to reverse it. Im sorry Renata I forgot that the Samuel Hain was your home. This cant be easy Lets go. We left Hefu and Shevu, now nothing more than alien organs, in their quarters. Sardonia joined us as we walked through the main corridor. Tyricorg, Sithim, and Yvis-Yvas have been consumed. Understood. I stared straight ahead, trying my best to be professional, but my eyes kept darting to the blue fibers that seemed to be following us.

Manfred maintained a lonely vigil on the bridge. I had never seen him so.unemotional. He was manipulating several homemade probes, flying them around the thing the ship was becoming. Every so often, his head would turn, ever so slightly, like he was hoping that he would see someone. Then his head would quickly snap back to its original position. He either didnt realize we were there or he chose to ignore us. Any good news? I walked up to Manfred. There is news. The ship itself has changed shape. He brought up an external image of the Hain. It looked like a long, white worm with millions of tendrils. The delicate arms slowly curled and extended, gently propelling us through space. What are your orders? Orders? I was slightly taken aback. I think were past the point of giving orders. I think we have to figure out how to save ourselves. I put my hand on Manfreds back, realizing how silly it was. Could machines comfort each other? Renata! Help! Innocenters words flashed on the main display. We ran to the SECC as fast as we could. When we got there, the Kithus left arm was part of the soft, white lining that surrounded us. I could see the fear in her eyes and the acceptance. No, no, no!! Innocenter, youve got to fight it! Fight! I stood there helplessly. Im scared. Her pendant was flickering. You wont be scared if you fight! Just fight! I wanted to pull her out of the room right then and there. Glucose, 3,4,9Amino Acid, 24, 45, 51.Glucose, 3,4,9.Amino Acid, 24,45, 51. Those were her last words. Innocenters pendant went black. In mere moments, she was covered with nanochips; her body distorted into a cauliflower shape.

That night, it was down to Manfred, Allan, our mascot, and I. Our quarters had become pulsing, organic cavities, filled with strange oval nodules. Our only sanctuary was on the bridge even there the blue fibers crawled across the ceiling. No one spoke a word. We each pursued our own solutions or should I say desperate fantasies. I looked up from my console for a moment and let the past wash over me. I could see them clearly now: Captain Halverson, Akhila, Tungsten, and so many others. Now my past life in our tiny solar system seemed so far awayso childish. So thats it! Manfreds voice regained some of its humanity. Good news? I looked over his shoulder.

Innocenters last message. She was giving us molecular attack points. If we could just insert a counter-program at those critical junctions, we might be able to reverse the process. He got up and headed to the medical bay or what was left of it. Do you think this will work? Allan stood beside me and looked at the diagram of the ship. It could workbut what will actually happen Im not sure. I turned away and looked out into space. So youre saying we shouldnt do this. What Im saying is that its the only solution we have left. And if it doesnt work? I am still an officer of the United Earth Empire. I will have to act in accordance with my oath. Which means? I dont know.

Crescent shaped metal beams surrounded the organ. Each beam had a series of needles, glistening in the dim light provided by our lamps. Power cables ran from the beams to a portable medical console. The gills were fluttering more frequently than usual; in fact, they were flapping about wildly. I think it knows were here. Allan broke the silence. Soon it will definitely know were here. Manfred powered up the medical apparatus. Manfred tapped a few buttons on the console and the first set of needles slowly punctured the soft, white skin of the organ. The gills closed abruptly as if they were holding their breath and then trembled violently. There was a loud moan that reverberated throughout the ship. Are you sure you have enough information? I shouted above the chaos. The Nethasian had an automatic bio-scan every day for the past several months..the Hain knows him better than he knows himself. Manfred shouted back. He inserted the second set of needles. Do it! I ordered. Initiating molecular re-capture algorithms; nano-tech reversal has begun. Manfred was furiously manipulating dozens of reactions at once.

The pear shaped organ began to hemorrhage blue fluid; large strips of soft plastic fell away. The interior of the organ, which was nothing more than a mass of fleshy tubes, began to congeal into a solid shape. Molecular capture complete! Initiating biological restructuring program! Manfred announced. The solid mass began to wriggle and squirm. I could see the points where elbows and knees strained against the gooey membrane. Suddenly, Arvyshog or at least his form burst forth from the slippery cocoon. The Nethasian, covered with a white skin, struggled to his feet. Where am I? A good question. I helped him up.

Over the next several days, we regained the rest of the crew. They were dazed and innocent, like newborns, but grateful to be alive. While Manfred and Allan tried to save the ship, I played nursemaid. The Cluster? Arvyshog looked at me in disbelief. Yes thats where youre from. A collection of planets in this system right here. I pointed to it on the holographic map hovering above my Oracle. How far away is it? He was fascinated. I looked into his eyes, which revealed a tangled network of blue fibers. Not too far- Arvyshog fell to the ground and curled into a fetal position. His skin fused into a formless mass. The mass began to contort as a tangle of blue fibers raced out of the top. Medical emergency in Arvyshogs quarters! I raced to get the organic converter. Soon we were doing it all over again; but this time we had a larger audience. The whole crew had gathered to watch us bring the Nethasian out of the nightmare we were all enduing. When Arvyshog came out of the cocoon this time, he was trembling and would not allow anyone near him. Stopstop this The Nethasians words were hollow and metallic. The rest of the crew, shaken and stunned, slowly left the room. When I reached the door, I turned around. Manfred and Allen were still trying to convince Arvyshog that this was the existence he wanted. In the hall, the moaning filled the air as the walls gushed blue blood.

Well have to increase the number of molecular attack points. Manfred walked onto the bridge. If we select too many we could permanently damage the organism. Allan warned. I understand that, but what were doing now is insufficient. Manfred countered. Innocenter! I screamed. The needles went in, the elbows and knees once again strained against the smooth membrane, and we saved her from being an organagain. Her first act was to run away, screaming and babbling as she wildly careened down the hall. A day later we had again saved the crew, only to lose the Nethasian a third time. Manfred grabbed the organic converter and started down the corridor when I stopped him. But we can save them! He insisted. Now he was being too human. For how long? Twelve hours? Maybe eight? Even a minute of normal existence is better than being a part of this thing! Manfred just wasnt making sense. Manfred, I dont know whats happening to them; I dont know whats happening to the ship. But I do know that they arent our friends anymore and this isnt the Samuel Hain. Whatever this is, we dont own it it isnt ours to control or destroy. Ill get a shuttle ready. He quietly said. Good. Remember to take whats important. Ill see you in the fighter bay in five minutes. As our shuttle exited the organism, I looked back. Whatever it was, whatever it was going to be, I wished it a long and happy life.

The End

2013 Benjamin F. Kaye

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