Sick Leave

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KELLY Working with Soto board of education in japan First job after graduating Born in Calgary Spend most of her life in Canada

FAMILY Father was lawyer in Calgary Mother was high school English teacher Sister named laurel 27years working with corporate law firm in Edmonton EDUCATION OF KELLY Studied high school and university in japan Spoke and wrote language very well Four month in school exchange program in japan Enjoy and planned to return one day Graduating from high school she went to Alberta university to study management

KELLY AND JET PROGRAM Final year heard about Jet program Only required is university degree and interest in japan Advantage for Kelly she had lived in japan and knows language


BEFORE THE JET PROGRAM Started in 1982 Project initiated by Japanese ministry of education MONBUSHO ENGLISH FELLOW (MEF) Hired American to work with local board of education and assist English teachers in public school

Task was to assist school teacher in their training In 1983 BRITISH ENGLISH TEACHER (BETS) Project By Ministry Of Education Goal of the program was not only English teacher but also increase mutual understanding and improve friendly relations between the people of japan and Britain. Some difference between the two programs but share common goals. Bring English speaker to japan and to improve foreign language instruction. BIRTH OF THE JET PROGRAM Promoting internationalization and international exchange at local level Expand English instruction and increase exchange program Ministry of home affairs abolish the two project (MEF and BETS) Created a new program by three ministries Ministry of Education, Foreign Affairs and Home Affairs. Appointed local authorities to implement program

CREATION OF CLAIR CLAIR (Conference of Local Authorities for International Relation) Establish in 1986 Responsible for implementing the JET program with ministries

ROLE OF CLAIR PROGRAM IN JET 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Advice and liaison during recruitment and selection Placement of participants Participant orientation, conferences. Guidance for local authority host institution Participant welfare and counseling Travel arrangement for participant coming to japan Liaison with related group and institutions Publications and reference material Publicity fir the program

Main Goal is to promote international exchange at local level Council of local authorities for international relations was founded in 1987 Main duty was to study survey participating national local authorities oversea with the ultimate objective being to support local government program for the promotion of internationalization.

COUNSELING SYSTEM OF THE JET PROGRAM Role of host institution Role of CLAIR Special committee for counseling and training AJET Association For Japan Exchange And Teaching Created by jet program participant Voluntary membership of AJET AJET provide member information about working and living in japan Support network for member at the local, regional and national levels.

THE FIRST JOB Two different positions available 1. Coordinate for international relation (CIR) Did not required to know Japanese 25 seats only for CIR 2. The assistant language teacher (ALT) Odd of getting accepted is higher 600 seats for ALTs THE PLACEMENT Kelly was sent to Soto Only entertainment option in Soto were one movie theater several parlors and score of karaoke bars. Use holiday to visit different parts of japan She worked with board of education three day a week Visited school to help teacher the other two days Kelly worked in Japanese office she learned habits of Japanese they work from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm and no one left office before 7or 8 pm they also go to office on Saturday and have only one day to relax Kelly and other JETs in the office had standard north American contract Given by CLAIR which stipulated hours, number of vacation days, amount of sick leave Contract stated to work only from Monday to Friday till 5:00 pm Mr. Higashi was found very kind by Kelly and other member He arranged housing in japan before arrival And took two women for shopping to help buying necessary thing



THE JAPANESE OPINION OF THE ALTS Japanese employee found difficult Communication gap between Japanese employee and foreigners Problem with ALTs at board of education was young and inexperienced employee To reach this level a person should have a min experience of 20years Japanese employee did not consider ALTs as committed worker They never stayed after 5:00 pm Never came to work even on weekends while rest of the office did

THE INCIDENT Kelly woke up in morning and called Mr. Higashi that she is unable to come in that day and possible the next day because she has a high fever. Mr. Higashi told her to relax and she should bring a medical certificate when she gets back to office. She was annoyed, that for a simple case of flu she had to take doctor note, for which she has to see doctor After two days she gets back to office with a doctor note. The other two are also sick and on leave Mr. Higashi had made a perception that foreign sometime pretend to be sick In order to create longer weekends At midmorning accountant came to her and ask to sign papers of sick leave Kelly pointed out a mistake and told accounted and Higashi according to them there was no mistake, it is according to standard producer Japanese do not take vacation because of loyalty to the company they take paid vacation first.

Kelly responded that she is Canadian and she like to do thing in Canadian way nut Mr. Higashi told Kelly she is in japan so she should do thing like Japanese way. Kelly was furious that they are forced to waste two days of their vacation when they are guaranteed sick leave. Kelly showed Higashi the JET contract and pointed out number of sick days they were entitled. Suzanne complain about Higashi incompetence marks complained about Japanese style of management and Kelly look for phone number of CLAIR to involve them in this case.

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