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Department of Education

University of Manchester

Forces A Pre-Course Pack for PGCE (Primary) tudents


e"f- #est Unit $ Pushes and Pu""s Unit % Forces Act in Particu"ar Directions Unit & 'a"anced Forces Unit ( Frictiona" Forces !nternet ites 'i)"io*raphy Eva"uation of this pre-course pack+

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ !ntroduction #his pack is desi*ned for primary PGCE trainees ,ho need to improve persona" )ack*round kno,"ed*e of science+ !mproved science kno,"ed*e ,i"" mean that you can )e more confident and effective ,hen teachin* science throu*hout the primary years+ -o matter ,hat a*e ran*e you intend to teach there are minimum re.uirements for )ack*round kno,"ed*e ,hich are rou*h"y e.uiva"ent to *ood GC E pass+ P"ease )e reassured/ primary trainees in the past have 0oined the course fee"in* very apprehensive a)out science )ut yet a"" make very si*nificant pro*ress+ #his is part"y )ecause of the carefu" structure of the course/ the .ua"ity of the support avai"a)"e and a"so the fact that there is nothin* .uite "ike teachin* a topic to he"p c"arify it in your mind1 (#his pack is in draft format and ,i"" )e added to/ your feed)ack at this sta*e ,i"" )e very usefu"+) 2hy Forces3 #his has )een se"ected as it is an area many adu"ts and chi"dren find cha""en*in* and ,here improved understandin* can )e achieved throu*h strai*htfor,ard activities+ 2i"" this Pack 4e"p 5ou3 #ry the .uestions in the pre-pack se"f test/ if you *ive ans,ers ,hich are simi"ar to those *iven and you understand these concepts/ you pro)a)"y don6t need this pack+ 4o,ever even if your science is stron* this pack ,i"" )e of interest as a e7amp"e of the sort of materia"s non-specia"ist co""ea*ues mi*ht re.uire+ 8ther,ise read throu*h the materia"s/ try the simp"e activities and take up some )ack*round readin*+ !n any case you shou"d keep this pack/ inc"udin* the se"f-test/ as the resu"ts provide evidence of your kno,"ed*e in science+ 2hi"st on the course you ,i"" need such evidence of "earnin* for your science independent "earnin* fi"e+ 2hat E.uipment 2i"" ! 9e.uire3

a heavy book string an elastic band a pair of scissors 2 pairs of footwear a tray

4o, Much #ime is 9e.uired3 #his is hard to ans,er/ some peop"e may need &: minutes for each unit/ others dou)"e this/ it rather depends on your present understandin* and ho, you react to the materia"s+ 8ne thin* ,hich you ,i"" "earn on the tau*ht course is that ,e a"" have our o,n ideas and e7p"anations for ,hy thin*s happen in the ,or"d+ ometimes it can take "on*er than you ,ou"d think to adapt or chan*e such ideas+ Don6t )e upset if these concepts seem difficu"t+ 2hy have ! )een sent this pack3 As you may kno, the primary PGCE course has a",ays )een cha""en*in*+ 9ecent *overnment stipu"ations mean that to pass the course you ,i"" have to achieve certain ;standards6 of su)0ect kno,"ed*e in science/ En*"ish and mathematics+ #his pack is intended to reduce your ,ork"oad in the comin* year (see the )i)"io*raphy for su**ested te7ts ,hich ,ou"d assist you further)+ Aim of the Pack #he aim of this pack is to assist those ,ho have never or not recent"y studied this area of science+ !t shou"d *ive you e7perience e7p"orin* an area (practica""y and ,ith your .uestions) and mi*ht assist you in c"arifyin* your thou*hts+ Don6t )e suprised if you come a,ay from the pack ,ith more .uestions than ,hen you started+ !f this is the case the pack has assisted+ ome further )ack*round readin* ,i"" assist you+

Pre-Pack e"f-#est <uestion $

2hen ,e measure temperature our unit of measurement is de*rees centi*rade/ ,hen ,e measure distance the unit of measurement is meters+ 2hat is the unit of measurement of force3

<uestion %
#he dia*ram )e"o, sho,s an app"e fa""in* to,ards the *round+ Add arro,s to sho, the forces actin* on the app"e+


Question 3
!ma*ine t,o cars drivin* side )y side+ 8ne is on a ,e"" maintained road ,ith a satisfactory surface ,hich has recent"y )een *ritted the other is drivin* on an ad0acent fro=en "ake+ #hey trave" side )y side at %: mph+ At a *iven point the drivers )oth app"y their )rakes ,ith" force+ Descri)e ,hat is then "ike"y to happen to the motion of each car+ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Question 4
Descri)e the forces actin* on this stationary )a"" as it rests on the *round+

<uestion $ - -e,tons #he unit ,e use to measure force is the -e,ton+ 8n Earth each -e,ton is rou*h"y e.uiva"ent to $::*+ #herefore to "ift a mu* of coffee your hand ,ou"d have to provide a "iftin* force of & or ( -e,tons+ <uestion %
5ou shou"d have one arro, pointin* do,n to represent the force of *ravity and another arro, pointin* up,ards to represent air resistance+

<uestion & #he car on the road ou*ht to stop ,ithin a fe, yards+ #he car on the ice ,i"" continue for a much *reater distance )efore stoppin*+ #he difference in stoppin* distance is e7p"ained )y the different amount of friction e7perienced )et,een the tyres and the surface+ 2hi"st the )rakes of each car may perform""y ,e""+ #he tyres of the car on the road ,i"" e7perience considera)"e frictiona" forces thus stoppin* the car re"ative"y .uick"y+ #he tyres of the car on the ice ,i"" e7perience much "ess friction and so the car ,i"" take much "on*er to stop (for more e7p"anation *o to unit ()+ <uestion ( 5ou shou"d have dra,n t,o arro,s/ one representin* *ravity ,hich is pu""in* the )a"" to,ards the centre of the Earth and an" and opposite one representin* the surface on ,hich the )a"" is restin* pushin* in the opposite direction ,ith the same force+

Ana"ysis of your ans,ers+ !f your ans,ers )ear no re"ation to those *iven it is hi*h"y "ike"y that you ,i"" find the pack usefu"+ !f your ans,ers contained some of the facts *iven you may find parts of the pack usefu"+ !f your ans,ers rep"icate ,hat ,as *iven/ you shou"d )e a)"e to put this pack aside+ Keep your test results as evidence of your knowledge to date.

Unit $ - Pushes and Pu""s

Forces can )e thou*ht of as pushes and pu""s+

2herever a force is app"ied it appears as a push or a pu""+ #hese forces can )e "ar*e "ike the force of the )u""do=ers a)ove or very sma"" "ike the pu""in* force you ,i"" use to turn this pa*e+ 8ne pro)"em for us as science teachers is that humans are rare"y a,are of these sma"" forces+ #his can make "earnin* a)out forces a "itt"e harder+ Can you "ist thin*s that you push and pu"" around your home3 thin*s ! push thin*s ! pu""

-o, o)serve the action of a pair of scissors+ Pick them up and use them in a cuttin* action+ Can you fee" that you are pushin* and pu""in*3 Can you fee" your fin*ers and thum) pushin* the scissors c"osed3 Can you fee" that your fin*ers and thum) have to pu"" them apart3 A pair of scissors is a very simp"e machine ,hich takes your pushin* and pu""in* of the hand"es and transfers the movement to the )"ades ,here the )"ades are pushed to*ether so c"ose"y and firm"y that ,hen in contact ,ith paper or card the materia" is cut+ 2hat happens to the pushin* force ,hen you try to cut thicker card3 Summary of Unit 1 We experiences forces as pushes and pulls. Forces can vary in magnitude. any small pushes and pulls go unnoticed by humans. notes>.uestions

Unit 2 - Forces Act in Particular irections

#hrou*hout your "ife you have e7perienced forces+ #hese inc"ude the force of *ravity ,hich is present"y pu""in* you and the o)0ects around you to,ards the centre of the Earth+ 8ther fami"iar forces inc"ude the force you fee" on the seat)e"t ,hen you are in a car ,hich is s"o,in* do,n and the force on your )ody as you *et pushed in a cro,d+ Each of these forces is pushin* or pu""in* in a particu"ar direction and ,i"" resu"t in somethin* speeding up/ slowing down! c"anging direction! #aintaining a constant speed or a state of rest+ #he "ast sentence is a mouthfu"1 P"ease read it a*ain and think ,hat it means )y speedin* up/ s"o,in*/ do,n/ constant speed and state of rest+ #hou*ht E7periment !f a "ar*e ho"e appeared in the f"oor )e"o, your chair ,here ,ou"d you

and the chair *o3 !f your response inc"udes a 0ourney a"on* a strai*ht "ine to,ards the centre of the Earth/ you have *ot the idea1 #hou*ht E7periment As a tennis p"ayer hits a tennis )a"" ,ith the racket a force is app"ied ,hich sends the )a"" throu*h the air+

Can you think of thin*s ,hich the )a"" mi*ht encounter on its path ,hich ,ou"d chan*e its direction3 the net3 a ,a""3 the racket of the other p"ayer3 the air3 *ravity3 2e ,ou"d have no difficu"ty a*reein* that the first three ,ou"d affect the 0ourney of the )a""+ Each ,ou"d app"y a ne, force in a different direction affectin* the 0ourney of the )a""+ 2e cou"d discuss the "ast one ,hich ,i"" affect the f"i*ht of the )a"" )ut to a sma"" e7tent+ 5ou can ima*ine tennis p"ayers comp"ainin* a)out stron* (or even "i*ht) cross ,inds1 #hey ,ou"d )e un"ike"y to comp"ain a)out *ravity )ut ,i"" )e very ski""ed at accountin* for its effects+ Do you a*ree ,ith the idea of a *ust of ,ind app"yin* a force3 (!f this is difficu"t/ think of a sai"in* ship+ 2hat is it that pushes the sai"in* ship for,ard3) !n a *ame of tennis each p"ayer see to a"ter the direction and speed of the )a"" in such a ,ay as to make a successfu" return impossi)"e+ 4o, many other *ames are p"ayed ,here the p"ayers chan*e the direction and speed of a )a""/ or puck3 Forces a",ays act in a strai*ht "ine+ 8ur pro)"em on Earth is that )ecause of *ravity )a""s and other o)0ects ,hich start their 0ourney in a strai*ht "ine are immediate"y inf"uenced )y *ravity as the o)0ect is pu""ed to,ards the centre of the Earth+ !f/ for e7amp"e/ a foot)a""er ,ishes to make a "on* pass to a p"ayer in the *oa"mouth+ he or he must app"y a force ,hich ,i"" initia""y send the )a"" on a strai*ht "ine path ,hich ,ou"d *o far too hi*h+ As the )a"" trave"s *ravity ,i"" pu"" the )a"" a"on* a curved path+ #his means that on"y a very ,e"" 0ud*ed kick ,i"" "and at the feet of the other p"ayer1

#he dotted "ine sho,s the initia" "ine of trave"+ #his is affected )y *ravity+

As ,e said a)ove/ the force of *ravity ,i"" pu"" the )a"" do,n to,ards the centre of the Earth+ Another force ,i"" affect the )a"" in its f"i*ht+ As the )a"" has to trave" throu*h air/ the air has a s"i*ht )ut si*nificant s"o,in* affect on the )a""+ #his is the force of air resistance+ Can you think of other instances ,here air resistance interferes ,ith> assists human activities3 i+e+ s"o,in* a car/ a p"ane/ a train/ turnin* the sai"s of a ,indmi""+

Summary of Unit 2 We experience forces as pushes or pulls. Forces make things speed up! slow down! change direction! remain at a constant speed or state of rest. Forces always act in a straight line. "ravity affects the movement of ob#ects. $ir resistance slows things down.

Unit 3 $alanced and Un%alanced Forces

8ur e7perience of forces is that they act in pairs+ As your )ody is attracted to,ards the centre of the Earth this is matched )y an" and opposite force from the chair on ,hich you are sittin*+ #hus you are at rest/ the opposin* forces are )a"anced+ 2hen the forces produce a state of rest "ike this or #ove#ent at a constant speed the forces are %alanced+ ?ots of other e7amp"es e7ist as ,e are surrounded )y them in our dai"y "ives+ $) 2hen you see a *ymnast standin* on a trampo"ine you can ;see6 that the force of *ravity is pu""in* the *ymnast do,n and that the fa)ric and e"astic of the trampo"ine is reactin* ,ith an" force pushin* in the opposite direction+ %) 2hen opposin* teams in a tu*-o-,ar pu"" in opposite directions one can appreciate that for short periods the forces are in )a"ance+ (2hi"st )oth teams are pu""in* ,ith" force there is no movement re"ative to the f"oor+) &) A parachutist in free fa"" ,i"" reach termina" ve"ocity ($%:mph)+ At this point there is no acce"eration or dece"eration so ,e have movement at constant speed ,ith )a"ance )et,een the do,n,ard pu""in* force of *ravity and the up,ard pushin* force of air resistance+

Forces act in pairs and are either )a"anced (the o)0ect is at rest or movin* at a steady speed) or un)a"anced (the o)0ect is acce"eratin* or dece"eratin*)+2e often have difficu"ty dea"in* ,ith forces in primary c"assrooms )ecause every i""ustration ,e *ive ,i"" )e affected )y *ravity and frictiona" forces "ike air resistance+ Put your hands to*ether ,ithout pressin*/ can you no, press ,ith one hand and )a"ance this ,ith the other so that the hands do not move3 #ry it3 5ou ,ere successfu" even if there ,as a "itt"e movement )ecause you shou"d have ;fe"t the force6+ ?ike chi"dren ,e a"" "earn these concepts )etter if ,e can ;fee"6 the force+ #hou*ht E7periment -o, consider the different sta*es in a *ame of *o"f and the effect of forces on the *o"f )a""+ !nitia""y the *o"f )a"" is at rest on the tee+ #he forces actin* on the )a"" are +++

#he forces actin* on the stationary )a"" are those of *ravity and the opposite force of the tee+ #hese forces are )a"anced/ the )a"" is at rest+

As the c"u) hits the )a"" a ne, side,ays force is app"ied+

For the ne7t second or t,o the )a"" acce"erates (forces are un)a"anced) a,ay from the p"ayer a"on* the fair,ay+ 2ithin a fe, seconds the forces of *ravity and of air resistance retard the movement of the )a"" ,hich dece"erates (un)a"anced forces) eventua""y it comes to a stop on the *reen (the forces are )a"anced a*ain)+ E7periment -o, tie your strin* around the )ook and onto the e"astic )and as in the dia*ram )e"o,+ #his may take a moment )ut ,i"" )e very usefu"+ 'efore you pu"" on the e"astic/ make a prediction/ ho, hard ,i"" you have to pu"" )efore the )ook moves3 tart pu""in* ,ith a very *ent"e force so that the )ook does not move (forces are )a"anced)+

As you pu"" can you see the e"astic )and stretch3 As it stretches it is *ivin* you an indication of the force you are e7ertin* on the )ook+ 8nce a certain point is reached the )ook moves+ Gent"y increase the pu""in* force unti" the )ook moves+ For a sp"it second (you ,i"" not notice) the )ook acce"erates (un)a"anced forces)+ @eep the pu""in* force the same and the speed of the )ook ,i"" remain constant ()a"anced forces)+ 2hy does the )ook not move ,ith the initia" "i*ht pu""in* force3 !nitia""y the )ook remains sti"" )ecause the friction )et,een the )ook and the ta)"e top is considera)"e and so the )ook and ta)"e top app"y an" resistive force to your pu"" ()a"anced forces)+ )ook does not move *ent"e pu"" frictiona" forces 2hat is it a)out the *reater ma*nitude of force ,hich makes the )ook move3 As you s"o,"y increase the force/ a point is reached ,here the resistive force caused )y the friction )et,een the )ook and ta)"e top is overcome+ As you pu"" the )ook across the ta)"e at a constant speed no further increase in pu""in* force is re.uired+ !f you maintained this pu""in* force on a very "on* ta)"e the )ook ,ou"d *o on and on1 #hus ,e ,ou"d have an o)0ect movin* at a steady speed ,ith )a"anced forces+ )ook moves )i**er pu"" frictiona" forces !f you app"y a further increase to the pu""in* force/ the speed of the )ook ,i"" increase (un)a"anced forces - acce"eration)+ #hus ,e ,ou"d have un)a"anced forces producin* acce"eration+ #ry repeatin* the e7periment and considerin* the forces at each sta*e+ #ry pu""in* other o)0ects or the same )ook on a different surface+ Predict ,hat ,i"" happen+ !t may assist you to repeat this ,ith a friend (not pu""in* them ,ith an e"astic )and1)+ Make the o)servations to*ether and ta"k it over+ Summary of Unit % Forces act in pairs. &hey usually oppose one another and when balanced are considered e'ual and opposite.

Forces are balanced when an ob#ect is stationary (at rest) or when the ob#ect is moving at a constant speed. $cceleration and deceleration only occur when the forces are out of balance. notes>.uestions

Unit ( Frictiona" Forces

2e have a"ready considered e7amp"es of friction+ Friction )et,een a )ook and a ta)"e top and )et,een a )a"" and the air (air resistance)+ Friction is a"" around us/ it can )e )oth our enemy and our friend+ Friction costs you money as the en*ine of your vehic"e ,orks hard to overcome friction+ Friction saves your "ife ,hen the )rakes of a vehic"e )rin* it safe"y to rest1 #hink a)out the different foot,ear ,hich you use+ Are some pieces of foot,ear )etter suited for use in ,et or icy conditions3 !n ,et or icy conditions you ,ant shoes ,ith a *ood *rip+ 'y this ,e mi*ht mean a pattern cut into the so"e to *ive )etter *rip (increased friction)/ or ,e mi*ht mean the materia" from ,hich the so"e is made/ as some materia"s *ive )etter *rip (produce more friction)+ A simp"e e7periment ,ou"d see you p"acin* different items of foot,ear on a tray or other f"at surface and carefu""y tippin* the tray+ #he shoes ,ith more *rip (*reater frictiona" forces) ,i"" )e the "ast to move (take care not to cause any dama*e1)+ #ry this ,ith different shoes+ #ry to predict ,hich ,i"" )e the )est+ At the end of this e7periment can you descri)e the characteristics of materia"s ,hich provide *ood *rip3 !s it ru))ery3 soft3 *rippy3 )endy3 smooth3 rou*h3 ++++++++++++++++3 -e7t time you *o to )uy a pair of shoes you mi*ht refer to your need for increased frictiona" forces rather than *rip1

!n unit t,o ,e considered the force of air resistance+ hips/ )oats/ su)marines and fish a"" have to contend ,ith the simi"ar effects of ,ater resistance+ 4o, do fish reduce the frictiona" forces on their )odies as they move throu*h ,ater3

stream"ined shape s"ippery surface fe, protrusions 4o, does a su)marine copy these characteristics3 2e humans do the )est ,e can ,ith our su)marines/ ships and )oats choosin* shapes that ,i"" *"ide throu*h the ,ater and materia"s ,hich are as smooth as ,e can economica""y make them+ Friction he"ps us to ,a"k+ 4ave you ever tried to ,a"k on ice3 #ry ,a"kin* around the room you are in+ !f you ,a"k s"o,"y and concentrate hard you may )e a)"e to fee" each foot as it pushes do,n and s"i*ht"y )ack,ards ,ith each step+ 2ithout this friction a""o,in* you to push )ack a*ainst the f"oor you ,ou"d *et no,here+

4o, do 8"ympic s,immers reduce the frictiona" forces of ,ater resistance3 smooth s,imsuits )a"d heads s,immin* caps remova" for )ody hair1 4o, do aerop"ane manufacturers reduce the frictiona" forces of air resistance in their p"anes3 smooth materia"s aerodynamic shape fe, protrusions

#hou*ht E7periment As a driver attempts to drive a,ay from a muddy fie"d the ,hee"s of the car spin on the mud+ 2hat ,i"" the affect of this )e on her a)i"ity to make pro*ress3 'ecause there is insufficient friction )et,een the tyres and the *round+ #he mud is actin* as a "u)ricant (rather "ike oi") and is reducin* the friction+ 8n"y if the frictiona" forces can )e increased ,i"" the car move+ More frictiona" forces mi*ht )e achieved if the driver ,ere to put sand or stones )eneath the ,hee" to reduce the "u)ricatin* effect of the mud+ #hus the ,hee" cou"d ;*et a *rip6 (e7perience sufficient friction)+

Summary of Unit * Frictional forces are all around us. Frictional forces both assist us and hinder us. +umankind often adapts products to either increase or decrease frictional forces. +umankind often copies the natural world in order to decrease frictional forces+

!nternet ites for cience

&ry these ,nternet sites if you have access! what do they tell you about science and about primary sciencecomments http.// http.//think'uestorg/20121/ http.//*.htm http.// http.//

http.// http.// try our 3"45 3rimary site and go to science and science links http.// other sites you find Further 7eading 8ethell! ". (1990) :xford 7evision "uides. Science &hrough ;iagrams! :xford. :xford University 3ress. ,S8< =>19>91*0=?>@ Farrow! S. (199?) &he 7eally Useful Science 8ook! Falmer 3ress. Aondon. ,S8< = 01=0 =%0? 2 Bent! $. and Ward! $. (192*) &he Usbourne 8ook of 3hysics! Aondon. Usborne 3ublishing. ,S8< = 0*?= =2%= 9 3eacock! ". (1992) C&S Science for 3rimary &eachers. $n $udit and Self>Study "uide! Aondon. Aetts 5ducational. ,S8< 1>212=1>%1=>1

Eva"uation - Forces - Precourse tudy Pack

the presentation of units the content the or*anisation the advice a)out time re.uired the pack assisted me ,ith my persona" science the pack made me fee" more confident a)out science *ood $ *ood $ *ood $ *ood $ $

Primary PGCE
satisfactory % satisfactory % satisfactory % satisfactory % satisfactory % satisfactory % poor & poor & poor & poor & poor & poor &

P"ease score the fo""o,in* on the $ - & sca"e and ,here you ,ish add a comment+


*ood $

P"ease add any other comments a)out this pack ,hich ,ou"d assist trainees in the future+

P"ease note any usefu" ,e)sites you have discovered+

P"ease post this to A"an Cross/ Department of Education/ University of Manchester/ 87ford 9oad/ Manchester/ M$& AP?+ or *ive it to him in the first ,eek of the course+ Comments can a"so )e *iven on a"an+crossBman+ac+uk

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