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Course Syllabus

ENC 1102, Spring 2013 Writing and Rhetoric College of Arts and Humanities ni!ersit" of Central #lorida Course Syllabus $nstructor% &eslie Wolcott 'ffice% CNH (Col)ourn* 30+H Contact% &eslie,Wolcott-ucf,edu Class .eeting times% .oWe#r 11%30/12%20 or 12%30/1%20 Class .eeting &ocation% 0A1 or Classroom 1 'ffice Hours% 10%00/11%30 .W# and )" appointment

Welcome to ENC 1102, 2here 2e 2ill continue to 2rite a)out 2riting, $n addition to the 2or3 that "ou ma" ha!e done in 1101, 2e 2ill continue to thin3 a)out ho2 scholars tal3 a)out and research 2riting, $n 1102, 2e 2ill also engage in a long/term, in depth research pro4ect that "ou 2ill select 2ith guidance from me, 5he semester6s 2or3 2ill culminate in an e7tensi!e research paper and presentation,

II.University Course Catalog Description

#ocus on e7tensi!e research in anal"tical and argumentati!e 2riting )ased on a !ariet" of readings from the humanities, Emphasis on de!eloping critical thin3ing and di!ersit" of perspecti!e, 5he 8NC9 grading polic" applies to this course, Gordon Rule: All sections of 1101 and 1102 are 8:ordon Rule9 courses and students enrolled in those courses are re;uired )" #lorida la2 to produce at least + formal graded 2riting assignments, 5o satisf" the :ordon Rule re;uirement, students must recei!e a C/ or )etter in the class, <s 2ill not )e gi!en in ENC 1101 or 1102,

III.Course Objectives: These are so important that I've made them

purple. Remember these. 5he reading and 2riting 2or3 of this class is designed to help "ou thin3 a)out se!eral ma4or concepts that are important in this class, 5hese are%

Stud" 2riting as situated, moti!ated discourse Stud" rhetoric as a theor" of 2riting and a 2a" of 3no2ing and persuading Stud" the conversational and 3no2ledge/creating nature of researched 2riting Stud" ho2 2e read and the con!ersational, contri)uti!e nature of reading =ractice locating and e!aluating documentar" and human sources =ractice identif"ing a!aila)le choices in 2riting and editing and ma3ing the strongest choice Consider the 2a"s that genres emerge from and function in academic and professional discourse communities

IV.Course Prerequisites
Successful completion of ENC 1101, V.Course Credits 3

VI. equire! "e#ts an! $aterials

All re;uired te7ts 2ill )e pro!ided through 2e)courses, >ou ma" 2ish to ha!e access to a printer so that "ou can print then annotate "our readings, Whether "ou print readings or not, "ou 2ill need to ha!e access to them in our class meetings ()ring either printed copies or a 2a" to read electronic copies?laptop, ipad, etc*,

VII.%asis &or 'inal (ra!e

Assessment Reading and research @ournal &iterac" Narrati!e =ercent of #inal :rade 10,00A B,00A

:enre Anal"sis Annotated 1i)liograph" &iterature Re!ie2C =ro4ect proposal Wor3shop participation Conferences #inal =ortfolio and presentation (includes final research pro4ect*

10,00A 1B,00A 10,00A 10,00A B,00A 3B,00A 100,00A

Grading Scale: :rading Scale (A* D+/100 D0/D3 EF/ED E+/EH E0/E3 FF/FD F+/FH F0/F3 0 / HD No credit A A/ 1G 1 1/ CG C C/ # NC*

*The NC grade is reserved for the student who completes all work in the course, but does not meet university standards to pass the course. It is awarded solely at the discretion of your instructor

Portfolio Grading: $ use a portfolio grading method, )ecause this class emphasiIes teaching 2riting as a

process, 5his means "ou 2ill recei!e feed)ac3 on "our larger 2riting assignments, 2ith some points that contri)ute to "our final grade, 5hen, $ e7pect "ou to re!ise "our ma4or assignments again )efore including them in "our portfolio at the end of the semester, So, the focus during the semester should )e re!ising 2ith an e"e to2ard putting a !er" good 8final9 draft of each assignment in "our portfolio, It is your responsibility to keep all writing that you do in and out of this class (this means that you must back up your work, and I suggest backing it up in more than one place). 5his portfolio constitutes a large portion of "our grade for this class,

VIII.(ra!e Dissemination
:raded materials in this course 2ill )e returned to "ou in person, during class periods, :rades 2ill also )e posted to the grade)oo3 in 2e)courses,

I).Course Policies: (ra!es

Grades of "Incomplete"% $ncompletes 2ill not )e gi!en in ENC 1101 or 1102,

).Course Policies: "ec*nology an! $e!ia

Email% >ou are re;uired )" the uni!ersit" to acti!ate, and regularl" chec3 "our 3nights mail email account, $f $ send messages )" email, the" 2ill )e sent to "our address -3nights,ucf,edu, Laptop Usage% $n some situations, $ am happ" for "ou to use laptops, $n others, $ 2ill as3 "ou to put them a2a", #or e7ample, for most 2or3shops $ 2ill e7pect "ou to 2or3 2ith pen and paper, When performing research in class, a laptop 2ould certainl" )e accepta)le, Late/ issed !or":

:enerall" late or missed 2or3 2ill not )e accepted unless "ou ha!e notified me )efore the deadline that it 2ill )e late, and 2e ha!e agreed upon an alternate deadline, E7ceptions ma" )e made in the case of documented medical a)sence,

)I.Course Policies: +tu!ent ,#pectations

#isability $ccess% 5he ni!ersit" of Central #lorida is committed to pro!iding reasona)le accommodations for all persons 2ith disa)ilities, 5his s"lla)us is a!aila)le in alternate formats upon re;uest, Students 2ith disa)ilities 2ho need accommodations in this course must contact the professor at the )eginning of the semester to discuss needed accommodations, No accommodations 2ill )e pro!ided until the student has

met 2ith the professor to re;uest accommodations, Students 2ho need accommodations must )e registered 2ith Student <isa)ilit" Ser!ices, Student Resource Center Room 132, phone (+0F* E23/23F1, 55>C5<< onl" phone (+0F* E23/211H, )efore re;uesting accommodations from the professor, $ttendance Policy% Attendance is re;uired for success in this course, >ou ma" not ma3e up in/class 2or3, ;uiIIes or 2or3shops unless "ou ha!e notified me )eforehand of an emergenc" situation that re;uires "ou to miss, Professionalism Policy =er uni!ersit" polic" and classroom eti;uetteJ mo)ile phones, i=ods, etc, must )e silenced during all classroom and la) lectures, 5hose not heeding this rule 2ill )e as3ed to lea!e the classroomCla) immediatel" so as to not disrupt the learning en!ironment, =lease arri!e on time for all class meetings, Students 2ho ha)ituall" distur) the class )" tal3ing, arri!ing late, etc,, and ha!e )een 2arned ma" suffer a reduction in their final class grade, $cademic Conduct Policy% We 2ill tal3 e7tensi!el" in class a)out 2hat plagiarism is, ho2 it is defined (differentl" )" different cultures*, and 2hat the implications of plagiarism are, Ho2e!er, "ou should 3no2 that if "ou turn in 2or3 as "our o2n that is not "our o2n, or if "ou fail to attri)ute the 2or3 of others in "our papers, that "ou could )e su)4ected to a grade penalt" according to C#6s :olden Rule Rules of Conduct, See http%CC222,goldenrule,sdes,ucf,eduC for further details, 0iolations of these rules 2ill result in a record of the infraction )eing placed in "our file and recei!ing a Iero on the 2or3 in ;uestion A5 A .$N$. ., At the instructorKs discretion, "ou ma" also recei!e a failing grade for the course, Confirmation of such incidents can also result in e7pulsion from the ni!ersit" Uni%ersity !riting Center% 5he ni!ersit" Writing Center ( WC* is a free resource for C# undergraduates and graduates, At the WC, a trained 2riting consultant 2ill 2or3 indi!iduall" 2ith "ou on an"thing "ou6re 2riting (in or out of class*, at an" point in the 2riting process from )rainstorming to editing, Appointments are recommended, )ut not re;uired, #or more information or to ma3e an appointment, !isit the WC 2e)site at http%CC222,u2c,ucf,edu, stop )" the Writing Center, or call +0F,E23,21DF,

)II.Important Dates to emember

See the University Academic Calendar

)III +emester +c*e!ule


Week Dates

Readings and in class Discussion activities Posting Due

Library Modules (must be completed by end of the week Ma!or "ssig in which they are listed


# (



2 "nnotated ? *ibliography $

& #3 Literature Review ## #( #) #<

*randt $%(# and -./ Libraries 0omepage1 $%#&'$%()*randt+ Malcolm , Malcolm , What you need to know $%() Primary vs5 4econdary $%(2'$%)3 4wales Resources Labor Day 0oliday &%( (no class 7 Workshop this week 9ne4earch and the Library &%('&%2 for Literacy .atalog :;plained 8arrative5 Read Devitt Read Devitt+ &%&'&%#) *awarshi+ Reiff Devitt due &%& /inding "rticles article Devitt+ *awarshi+ Reiff /inding *ooks > "rticles &%#2'&%(3 reading -sing .itations discussion due &%#2 6enerative workshop &%()'&%(? "nd Developing @our Topic for 6enre analysis *ut A 4till 8eed 0elpB "8D &%)3'#3%<6reene+ /raming Take the final library CuiD5 Library Day #3%?7 "nnotated bib #3%?' read e;ample discussion due #3%## annotated #3%& bibliographies #3%#<' #3%#$ #3%(#' #3%(= Read selected Lit Review #3%($' e;ample literature Discussion due ##%# reviews #3%)3 ##%<'##%$ ##%##' ##%#= ##%#$' ##%(( 8o class Monday ##%##

Literacy nar draft due $%)

Literacy nar Draft &%<

6enre rough 6enre final

"nnotated * Draft "nnotated *ibliograph

Literature R due /inal Literat Pro!ect prop


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##%#$' ##%(( ('Dec

/inal Portfo

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