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RELATIVE ( Adjective ) CLAUSE 1.


Relative Clause yap bir isim ve o ismi niteleyip isme genelde who, which, that, where, .. gibi szcklerle balanan bir nitelikte s!at" olu#ur$
%he ring that/which was stolen has !inally been !ound. %rk&ede bu tr bir yap, 'ngilizcenin aksine, nce nitelik, sonra da nitelenen ad #eklinde yaplmaktadr$

(alnan yzk sonunda bulundu. )itelik *d

1- ZAMRLER + ,ho insanlar i&in" + ,ho m" nesne durumundaki insanlar i&in" + ,hich insan harici" + %hat insan ve dierleri i&in" + ,hose aitlik durumlarnda"

- RELATIVE A!VER"S + ,here yer" + ,hen zaman" + ,hy sebep"

. !E#ININ$ RELATIVE CLAUSE .1. wh%/which/that )esne adlar i&in which ya da that kullanlr. %om didn-t like the computer which they recommended.

%om, nerdikleri bilgisayar beenmedi.

.i#i adlar i&in ise who ya da that kullanlr. %he man who killed the leader is being /uestioned.

0ideri ldren adam sorgulanyor. - &ZNE'( NTELE(EN SI#AT T)MLE*LER 1. a" %he boy is happy. 2e passed the e3am. b" %he boy who passed the e3am is happy. c" %he boy that passed the e3am is happy.

4. a" 5 stayed at a hotel. 5t was in the center o! the city. b" 5 stayed at a hotel which was in the center o! the city. c" 5 stayed at a hotel that was in the center o! the city.

6. a" %he teacher is in the classroom. 2e teaches us 7nglish. b" %he teacher who teaches us 7nglish is in the classroom. c" %he teacher that teaches us 7nglish is in the classroom

8. a" %he car belongs to my !ather. 5t is on the le!t.

b" %he car which is on the le!t belongs to my !ather. c" %he car that is on the le!t belongs to my !ather.


1. a" %he !ilm was good. 5 watched it last night. b" %he !ilm which 5 watched last night was good. c" %he !ilm that 5 watched last night was good. . d" %he !ilm 5 watched last night was good

4. a" %he teacher liked the term paper. 5 gave it last week. b" %he teacher liked term paper which 5 gave last week. c" %he teacher liked term paper that 5 gave last week. d" %he teacher liked term paper 5 gave last week.

6. a" %he woman is a doctor. 5 met her yesterday. b" %he woman who m" 5 met yesterday is a doctor. c" %he woman that 5 met yesterday is a doctor. d" %he woman 5 met yesterday is a doctor.

8. a" %he apples were too sour. ,e bought them !rom the market. b" %he apples which we bought !rom the market were too sour. c" %he apples that we bought !rom the market were too sour d" %he apples we bought !rom the market were too sour.

.utudaki rneklerin, b", c" ve d" cmlelerindeki koyu yazl blmler s!at cmleciklerini relative clause" gstermekte olup, anlamlar ayndr

,ho m", which ve that ilgi zamirleri relative pronouns", s!at cmleciklerinde )79)7 konumundadrlar

7er nesne konumunda ise, who ya da whom ilgi zamirleri,s!at cmleciinde kullanlabilir. 'lgi zamiri :zne konumunda ise sadece who kullanllabilir. 'lgi zamirleri, s!at cmlesi i&inde nesne konumunda iken cmleden d#rlebilirler. ;< a" =*)05>$ %he woman who m" 5 met her yesterday is a doctor. b" =*)05>$ %he woman that 5 met her yesterday is a doctor. c" =*)05>$ %he woman 5 met her yesterday is a doctor.

)esne konumundaki #ahs zamirleri, s!at cmleciklerinde kullanlamazlar. ?olaysyla ;. rnek yanl#tr.

@eter does not know the name o! the man ..... borrowed his bicycle yesterday. *. whose A. which C. whom ?. who 7. o! whom Aalayan szcn who, which, .." hemen arkasndan bir yklem gelmesi durumunda balayan szcn kullanlmas zorunludur. %he car which was parked there was towed away. Aalayan szcn who, which, .." hemen arkasndan bir yklem gelmemesi durumunda ad B CwhoDwhichD..E B adDadl" balayan szcn kullanlmas zorunlu deildir. %he man my sister loves is an engineer. *d B *d


'ngilizcede kimi yklemler ve s!atlar bir preposition ile birlikte kullanlrlar look

at, listen to gibi". Air Relative Clause yapda bu trden bir preposition olmas
durumunda yklem ya da s!ata ait preposition who D which szcnn hemen nne alnabilir. 2e didn-t tell me who he shouted at. 2e didn-t tell me at whom he shouted. %he game ..... 5 am interested is called water<polo. *. in which A. with which C. which ?. whose 7. that Au yapda prepositiondan sonra kesinlikle that kullanlamaz. ,ho yerine de whom kullanlr.

1. a" %his is the student. 5 told you about him. b" %his is the student about whom 5 told you. c" %his is the student whom 5 told you about. d" %his is the student that 5 told you about. . e" %his is the student 5 told you about 4. a" %he song was very romantic. ,e listened to it. b" %he song to which we listened was very romantic. c" %he song which we listened to was very romantic.

d" %he song that we listened to was very romantic. e" %he song we listened to was very romantic. 'lge&ler prepositions" s!at cmlesinin ba#nda ya da s!at cmlesinin !iilinden sonra kullanlrlar. 'lge&lerin !iillerden sonra kullanm daha &ok tercih edilir.

6. rnekte grld gibi, ilge&ler who ve that ilgi zamirlerinden nce kullanlamazlar. 6. =*)05>$ %he song to that we listened was very romantic. =*)05>$ %his is the student about who 5 told you. )ot$ prepositionlardan sonra asla that, who, why, whose, when ve where i!adeleri gelmez. /- 01-SE LE NTELE(EN SI#AT T)MLE*LER 1. a" %he man called the police. 2is car was stolen. b" %he man whose car was stolen called the police.

4. a" %he teacher gives hard tests. 5 am taking his course. b" %he teacher whose course 5 am taking gives hard tests.

6. a" %his is the girl. 5 borrowed her books. b" %his is the girl whose books 5 borrowed. ,hose s!at cmlelerinde iyelik belirtmek i&in his, her, its ve their iyelik s!atlar yerine kullanlr. 0h%2e c345ede6 d373835e4e9.

8. a" %his is the car. 5ts seats are leather.

b" %his is the car whose seats are leather.

;. a" 5 have an anti/ue table. 5ts value is over F 1GGG.GGG. b" 5 have an anti/ue table whose value is over F 1GGG.GGG.

,hose 8. ve ;. rneklerde de grld gibi cisimler ve hayvanlar nitelerken de kullanlr.

:- 01ERE LE NTELE(EN SI#AT T)MLE*LER1. a" %hat is the village. 5 was born there. b" %hat is the village where 5 was born. c" %hat is the village in which 5 was born. d" %hat is the village which 5 was born in. e" %hat is the village that 5 was born in. !" %hat is the village 5 was born in. 4. a" %he restaurant is !antastic. ,e had lunch there. b" %he restaurant where we had lunch was !antastic. c" %he restaurant at which we had lunch was !antastic. d" %he restaurant which we had lunch at was !antastic. e" %he restaurant that we had lunch at was !antastic. !" %he restaurant we had lunch at was !antastic. ,here s!at cmleciklerinde yer nitelemek i&in kullanlr.

,here ile ba#layan s!at cmleciklerinde ilge&ler prepositions" asla kullanlmaz. 7er where kullanlmam# ise, ilge&ler kullanlmak zorundadr..

'lge&ler that ilgi zamirinin nnde kullanlamazlar.

6. =*)05>$ a" %he restaurant at where we had lunch was !antastic. =*)05>$ b" %he restaurant at that we had lunch was !antastic. H< 01EN LE NTELE(EN SI#AT T)MLE*LER1. a" 1IH; is the year. 5 was born then. b" 1IH; is the year when 5 was born. c" 1IH; is the year in which 5 was born. d" 1IH; is the year that 5 was born. e" 1IH; is the year 5 was born in.

4. a" %uesday is the day. %he holiday will start then. b" %uesday is the day when the holiday will start. c" %uesday is the day on which the holiday will start. d" %uesday is the day that the holiday will start. the e" %uesday is the day holiday will start. ,hen s!at cmleciklerinde zaman nitelemek i&in kullanlr.

Jaman niteleyen s!at cmleciklerinde ilge&lerin kullanm, dier s!at cmlelerinden biraz !arkldr. 1<c" ve 4<c" de olduu gibi,prepositionlar sadece which ilgi zamiri ile kullanlabilir.K ilge&ler i&in ba#ka bir yer olasl yoktur.

=*)05>$ a" %uesday is the day on when the holiday will start. =*)05>$ b" %uesday is the day on that the holiday will start. =*)05>$ c" %uesday is the day which the holiday will start on. Jaman niteleyen s!at cmleciklerinde yaplan genel hatalara dikkat ediniz.

0he8e-0he6 ; 0hich-That-<

"i8 i24i ta6=45a8>e6 whe6 ve?a whe8e >@55a6=54a9.0he6 ve whe8e ?a56=9ca ?e8 ve 9a4a6(A8B at the ci6a4eC i6 the 8%%4C %6 T@e2da?C i6 the ?ea8 DiEi) Ee5i8ti8>e6 >@55a6=5=8.

M? Fathe8 5i>e2 the h%@2e. It ha2 a EiD Da8de6. (ta6=45a4a c345e2i) M? Fathe8 5i>e2 the h%@2e which /that ha2 a EiD Da8de6.

M? Fathe8 5i>e2 the h%@2e. 1e wa2 E%86 i6 that h%@2e.(?e8 Ei5di8i?%8) M? Fathe8 5i>e2 the h%@2e whe8e /i6 which he wa2 E%86. M? Fathe8 5i>e2 the h%@2e that / which / < he wa2 E%86 i6.

1GHG i2 the ?ea8. I ca6It F%8Det it . (ta6=45a4a c345e2i) 1GHG i2 the ?ea8 which / that / < I ca6It F%8Det.

1GHG i2 the ?ea8 . I 4et he8 i6 that ?ea8. (9a4a6 Ei5di8i?%8) 1GHG i2 the ?ea8 whe6 / i6 which / that / < I 4et he8.

Red@cti%6 %F Re5ative C5a@2e2

1. A>tiF (aJ=5a8

(Active St8@ct@8e)

A>tive ?aJ=5a8da wh%C whichC that ve ?a8d=4c= Fi55e8 (a4C i2C haveC wa2 DiEi) at=5=8. #i55 De8@6d (ve8EKi6D) ha5i6de >a5=8. A65a4da hiLEi8 deMi7i>5i> %54a9.

St@de6t2 wh% wa6t t% j%i6 the c5@E 4@2t aJJ5? t% the E6D5i2h teache8. St@de6t2 wh% wa6ti6D t% j%i6 the c5@E 4@2t aJJ5? t% the E6D5i2h teache8.

!% ?%@ >6%w the 4a6 wh% i2 ta5>i6D %6 the TVN !% ?%@ >6%w the 4a6 wh% i2 ta5>i6D %6 the TVN

The ca8 2t8@c> the Je%J5e wh% we8e waiti6D at the E@2 2t%J. The ca8 2t8@c> the Je%J5e wh% we8e waiti6D at the E@2 2t%J.

$eL4i7 9a4a6 (Si4J5e ,a2t) %5a8a> Le>i45e6e6 Fii55e8 de De8@6d (ve8EKi6D) %5@85a8. The 2t@de6t2 wh% ca4e t% c5a22 5ate 4i22ed the O@i9. The 2t@de6t2 wh% ca4e c%4i6D t% c5a22 5ate 4i22ed the O@i9. I Ja22ed the ePa4C which 4ade a55 4? Fa4i5? haJJ?. I Ja22ed the ePa4C which 4ade 4a>i6D a55 4? Fa4i5? haJJ?.

. ,a2ive (aJ=5a8

(,a22ive St8@ct@8e)

,a2ive ?aJ=5a8da wh%C whichC that ve ?a8d=4c= Fi55e8 (a4C i2C haveCwa2 DiEi) at=5=8. #i55 ve8E + ha5i6de >a5=8. A65a4da hiLEi8 deMi7i>5i> %54a9.

The ca8 which wa2 @2ed i6 the Ea6> 8%EEe8? ha2 Eee6 F%@6d E? the J%5ice. The ca8 which wa2 @2ed i6 the Ea6> 8%EEe8? ha2 Eee6 F%@6d E? the J%5ice.

St@de6t2 wh% a8e J@6i2hed a8e De6e8a55? E%?2. St@de6t2 wh% a8e J@6i2hed a8e De6e8a55? E%?2.

The 4eth%d that ha2 Eee6 @2ed i6 the J8%ject wa2 ePce55e6t. The 4eth%d that ha2 Eee6 @2ed i6 the J8%ject wa2 ePce55e6t.

It i2 @62aFe t% e6te8 a E@i5di6D which wa2 da4aDed E? the ea8thO@a>e.

It i2 @62aFe t% e6te8 a E@i5di6D which wa2 da4aDed E? the ea8thO@a>e.

6. T%-i6Fi6itive (aJ=5a8
a. the Fi82tC the 2ec%6dC the thi8dC Q C the 5a2tC the 6ePt

b. the %65? c. the 2@Je85ative ?aJ= (the Ee2tC the 4%2t J%J@5atedCQ) d. M%da5 ?aJ=5a8 (4a?C ca6C 4@2tCQ)
"@ ?aJ=5a8= Re5ative C5a@2e i5e >@55a6=5d=M=6da wh%C whichC that ve ?a8d=4c= Fi55e8 (a4C i2C haveCwa2 DiEi) at=5=8. A>tive c345e5e8de Fi55 t%-i6Fi6itive ha5i6i ve Ja2ive c345e5e8de i2e t% Ee ve8E+ ha5i6i a5=8. A65a4da hiLEi8 deMi7i>5i> %54a9.

A>tive 1e i2 the Fi82t Je82%6 wh% w8%te aE%@t that J8%E5e4. 1e i2 the Fi82t Je82%6 wh% w8%te t% w8ite aE%@t that J8%E5e4.

(e2te8da?C I wa2 the 5a2t Je82%6 wh% 5eFt the 2ch%%5. (e2te8da?C I wa2 the 5a2t Je82%6 wh% 5eFt t% 5eave the 2ch%%5.

Ta62@ *i55e8 i2 the %65? w%4a6 wh% Eeca4e ,8i4e Mi6i2te8. Ta62@ *i55e8 i2 the %65? w%4a6 wh% Eeca4e t% Eec%4e ,8i4e Mi6i2te8.

1e i2 the %5de2t F%%tEa55e8 that J5a?2 i6 T@8>i2h LeaD@e. 1e i2 the %5de2t F%%tEa55e8 that J5a?2 t% J5a? i6 T@8>i2h LeaD@e

I have a 5%t %F h%4ew%8> that I 4@2t d% . I have a 5%t %F h%4ew%8> that I 4@2t t% d%.


0e d%6It have a 8ea5 F8ie6d wh%4 we ca6 t8@2t. 0e d%6It have a 8ea5 F8ie6d wh%4 we ca6 t% t8@2t .

Thi2 i2 the 5a8De2t 2hiJ which wa2 4ade 5a2t ?ea8. Thi2 i2 the 5a8De2t 2hiJ which wa2 t% Ee 4ade 5a2t ?ea8.

She i2 a Je82%6 wh% ca6 Ee t8@2ted She i2 a Je82%6 wh% ca6 t% Ee t8@2ted

Atat38> wa2 the Fi82t J8e2ide6t that wa2 i6a@D@8ated. Atat38> wa2 the Fi82t J8e2ide6t that wa2 t% Ee i6a@D@8ated.

8. T% Ee K S=FatC EdatC 2i4 (Adjective / ,8eJ%2iti%6 / N%@6)

T% Ee (a4C i2C a8eC wa2C we8eC Eee6) de6 2%68a Ei8 2=Fat De5i?%82a wh%C whichC that ve t% Ee Fi55e8i at=5=8B A65a4da hiLEi8 deMi7i>5i> %54a9.

The Di85 wh% i2 haJJ? with the J8e2e6t i2 J5a?i6D j%?F@55?. The Di85 wh% i2 haJJ? with the J8e2e6t i2 J5a?i6D j%?F@55?. The Je82%6 wh% wa2 8e2J%62iE5e F%8 the accide6t wa2 J@t i6 jai5. The Je82%6 wh% wa2 8e2J%62iE5e F%8 the accide6t wa2 J@t i6 jai5. The Tv J8%D8a4 which ha2 Eee6 E%8i6D F%8 2%4e ti4e w%6It Ee E8%adca2t a6?4%8e. The Tv J8%D8a4 which ha2 Eee6 E%8i6D F%8 2%4e ti4e w%6It Ee E8%adca2t a6?4%8e

T% Ee (a4C i2C a8eC wa2C we8eC Eee6) de6 2%68a Ei8 edat (i6C atC %6) De5i?%82a wh%C whichC that ve t% Ee Fi55e8i at=5=8B

The E%? wh% wa2 i6 the ca8 5%%>ed 2@2Jici%@2 t% 4e. The E%? wh% wa2 i6 the ca8 5%%>ed 2@2Jici%@2 t% 4e.

T% Ee (a4C i2C a8eC wa2C we8eC Eee6) de6 2%68a Ei8 i2i4 De5i?%82a wh%C whichC that ve t% Ee Fi55e8i at=5=8B Ma84a8i2C which i2 a J%J@5a8 t%@8i2t ce6te8C ha2 4a6? J5ace2 t% vi2it.

Ma84a8i2C which i2 a J%J@5a8 t%@8i2t ce6te8C ha2 4a6? J5ace2 t% vi2it. !%ct%8 Ra4e2C wh% i2 the head %F e?e deJa8t4e6tC %Je8ated %6 4? Fathe8I2 e?e. !%ct%8 Ra4e2C wh% i2 the head %F e?e deJa8t4e6tC %Je8ated %6 4? Fathe8I2 e?e.

;. ,a2iF K S38e>5i5i> (,a22ive K C%6ti6@%@2 Te62e)

The 2%6D which i2 Eei6D J5a?ed 6%w i2 4? Fav%8ite %6e. The 2%6D which i2 Eei6D J5a?ed 6%w i2 4? Fav%8ite %6e. The Jatie6t wh% i2 Eei6D %Je8ated %6 i2 ve8? i55. The Jatie6t wh% i2 Eei6D %Je8ated %6 i2 ve8? i55.

L. Za4a6 (Te62e) #a8>= (a ,e8Fect ,a8ticiJa5)

Re5ative c5a@2e ?aJ=2=6=6 Fii5i i5e a6a Fii5 a8a2=6da>i 9a4a6 Fa8>= va82a active e?5e45e8 iLi6 havi6D Kve8E+C Ja22ive e?5e45e8 iLi6 havi6D Eee6 K ve8E+ >@55a6=5aEi5i8. The 2t@de6t2 wh% Fai5ed the Math 1S1 c%@82e have t% ta>e it aDai6 6ePt te84. A6a Fii5 Re5ative C. #i55i B ha2 t% ta>e (J8e2e6t) B Fai5ed (S.Ja2t)

Za4a6 Fa8>=6= Ee5i8t4e> iLi6 7@ 7e>i5de ?aJ=5=8B The 2t@de6t2 havi6D Fai5ed the Math 1S1 c%@82e ha2 t% ta>e it aDai6 6ePt te84. M@8atC wh% had Eee6 Fi8edC 5%%>ed F%8 a6%the8 j%E F%8 Five 4%6th2.

M@8atC havi6D Eee6 Fi8edC 5%%>ed F%8 a6%the8 j%E F%8 Five 4%6th2

@eople ..... in !lats above the second !loor complain about water problem. *. live A. lived C. living ?. have lived 7. have to live


&6cede6 ta6=45a6a6 ve?a Ei5i6e6 i2i45e8i ta6=45a8>e6 eMe8 Re5ative C5a@2e ?aJ=2= >@55a6=82a>

vi8D35 >@55a6=54a2= De8e>i8."@ t38 ?aJ=5a8a N%6-!eFi6i6D Re5ative C5a@2e ?aJ=2= de6i8.

N%6-!eFi6i6D Re5ative C5a@2e ?aJ=2= 9ate6 Ei5i6e6 Ei8 7e?e e> Ei5Di ve84e> iLi6 >@55a6=5=8.&86eMi6 B

2ta6E@5C whe8e I 5ive C i2 w%6de8F@5. (2ta6E@5 9ate6 Ei5i6e6 Ei8 i2i4 (a6i whe8e I 5ive t34ce2i L=>a8=5d=M=6da a65a4da E%9@54a %54a9) The cit? whe8e I 5ive i2 w%6de8F@5. (the cit? a4a ha6Di cit?N "@6@ Ee5i8t4e> iLi6

>@55a6d=M=4=9 8e5ative c5a@2e ?aJ=2= L%> A6e45i. (a6i whe8e I 5ive t34ce2i L=>a8=5d=M=6da a65a4da E%9@54a %5@8.)

&9e5 i2i45e8 The w%4a6 wh% 5ive2 6ePt d%%8 i2 a 6@82e(deFi6i6D) (De8e>5i Ei5Di) M82."8%w6C wh% 5ive2 6ePt d%%8C i2 a 6@82e(6%6-deFi6iD) (e>2t8a Ei5Di)

A Je82%6 wh% 5ive2 i6 2ta6E@5 4a? have a 5%t %F J8%E5e42

M? E8%the8 Ta6e8C wh% 5ive2 i6 2ta6E@5C i2 a c%4J@te8 tech6ica6.

Ta6=45a64=7 i2i45e8 A Fathe8 wh% i2 ve8? 2t8ict with hi2 chi5d8e6 i2 6%t aJJ8%ved 4@ch M? Fathe8 C wh% w%8>2 i6 .a9a>hi2ta6C i2 6%t a 2t8ictJe82%6. 0e 2ta?ed at a h%te5 which a F8ie6d %F 4i6e 8ec%44e6ded @2 0e 2ta?ed at that h%te5C which a F8ie6d %F 4i6e 8ec%44e6ded @2 0e 2ta?ed at Ma84a8a 1%te5C which a F8ie6d %F 4i6e 8ec%44e6ded @2 The ce55 Jh%6e which i2 %6 the 2%Fa Ee5%6D2 t% 4e The 8ed ce55 Jh%6eC which i2 %6 the 2%FaC Ee5%6D2 t% 4e

RiceC 4i5>C F5%we8 DiEi i2i45e8 De6e5 a65a4da >@55a6=5=8>e6C 9ate6 he8>e2i6 Ei5diMi >e5i4e5e8 %5d@>5a8= iLi6 6%6-deFi6i6D %5@85a8T?a6i vi8D35 >@55a6=5=8

The F5%we82 which a8e 2%5d i6 that F5%8i2t a8e 6%t @2@a5? F8e2h. #5%we82C which eve8? Je82%6 5i>e2C 6eed e6%@Dh 2@65iDht a6d wate8 t% D8%w Mi5>C which i2 6ece22a8? F%8 h@4a6 hea5thC c%6tai62 4a6? 6@t8ie6t2 The 4i5> which we d8a6> i6 tha 4%86i6D wa2 ve8? de5ici%@2

&NEMLB N%6-deFi6i6D ?aJ=da that a25a >@55a6=54a9T ?a6i that de6 A6ce vi8D35 hiLEi8 9a4a6 >@55a6=54a9. I ca6It 8e5? %6 M8. "8%w6C that / wh% w%8>2 i6 ?%@8 c%4Ja6?.

&86e>5e8B M? 2i2te8C wh% i2 /C wi55 Det 4a88ied 6ePt wee>

M? F8ie6d Meh4etC wh%2e 2%6 ?%@ have 4etC i2 a6 E6D5i2h teache8 M8. Ra4e2C wh%4 I have Eee6 w%8>i6D with F%8 1S ?ea82C i2 a ve8? i6te55iDe6t 4a6 A6>a8aC whe8e 4i55i%62 %F Je%J5e 5iveC ha2 4a6? J8%E5e42 t% 2ett5e A cit? whe8e 4i55i%62 %F Je%J5e 5ive 4a? J8%EaE5? have 4a6? J8%E5e42 I 6eed a F8ie6d wh%4 I ca6 a5wa?2 t8@2t I 6eed 4? F8ie6d A5iC wh%4 I ca6 a5wa?2 t8@2t

5-ll have to go back to the place ..... 5 probably dropped my keys. *. that A. when C. where ?. which 7. whom

Mi>ta8 Fade5e8i (EPJ8e22i%62 %F U@a6tit?)

Re5ative C5a@2eC V%FW iLe8e6 4i>ta8 iFade5e8i iLe8eEi5i8B 2%4e %FC 4a6? %FC 4%2t %FC 6%6e %FC tw% %FC ha5F %FC E%th %FC 6eithe8 %FC each %FC 2eve8a5 %FC a Few %FC 5itt5e %FC a 6@4Ee8 %FQDiEi. "@ iFade5e8 >@55a6=5d=M=6da 2adece Vwh%4C whichC wh%2eW >@55a6aEi5i8.1e8 9a4a6 vi8D35 >@55a6=5=8.

I6 4? E6D5i2h c5a22 the8e a8e 1S 2t@de6t2. M%2t %F I6 4? E6D5i2h c5a22 the8e a8e 1S 2t@de6t2C 4%2t %F I E%@Dht Five E%%>2. Tw% %F

the4 a8e F8%4 94i8. wh%4 a8e F8%4 2ta6E@5.

the4 a8e aE%@t 4@2ic.

I E%@Dht Five E%%>2C tw% %F

which a8e aE%@t 4@2ic. he8 J8%E5e42 wa2 c%4i6D t% c5a22 5ate.

The? ta5>ed aE%@t Ma8?. -6e %F The? ta5>ed aE%@t Ma8?C %6e %F

wh%2e J8%E5e42 wa2 c%4i6D t% c5a22 5ate.

&86e>5e8B She 8eceived tw% j%E %FFe82C 6eithe8 %F which 2he acceJted. The? a8e J8%@d %F thei8 2@cce22C 4@ch %F which ha2 Eee6 Eeca@2e %F ha8d w%8>. I have th8ee 2i2te82C a55 %F wh%4 a8e 5ivi6D i6 2ta6E@5. Sha>e2Jea8e i2 %6e %F the w8ite82C 4%2t %F wh%2e w%8>2 a8e 2ti5 ve8? J%J@5a8 6%wada?2. She t8ied Five Jai82 %F 2h%e2C 6%6e %F which 2he 5i>ed. The 6ew 2ch%%5 ha2 /SS h@6d8ed 2t@de6t2C 4a6? %F wh%4 a8e E%?2. La2t 6iDht we watched a 8%4a6tic 4%vieC %6e %F wh%2e 2ce6e2 I wi55 6eve8 F%8Det.

.urt Monnegut, one o! ..... books 5 had translated, wrote his best novels during the NG-s. *. his A. those C. which ?. whom 7. ,hose 01(
VRea2%6WC VePJ5a6ati%6W DiEi >e5i4e5e8de6 2%68a Ei8 6ede6 Ee5i8ti?%82a> wh? >@55a6=5=8. The 8ea2%6 wh? 2he did6It c%4e t% 2ch%%5 i2 ve8? i6te8e2ti6D. I ca6It ePJ5ai6 the 8ea2%6 wh? we ca6ce55ed the 4eeti6D.

0h? ?e8i6e F%8 whichC that ?a da hiL Ei8 7e? >@55a64a?aEi5i8i9. I ca6It ePJ5ai6 the 8ea2%6 wh? we ca6ce55ed the 4eeti6D. I ca6It ePJ5ai6 the 8ea2%6 F%8 which we ca6ce55ed the 4eeti6D I ca6It ePJ5ai6 the 8ea2%6 that we ca6ce55ed the 4eeti6D I ca6It ePJ5ai6 the 8ea2%6 < we ca6ce55ed the 4eeti6D

0h? >@55a6aEi54e4i9 iLi6 Ei8 6ede6 aL=>5a4a4=9 De8e>i8. A6ca> 8ea2%6 ve ePJ5a6ati%6 DiEi >e5i4e5e8i Ei8 6e26e %5a8a> DA8382e> whichC that ?a da hiL Ei8 7e? >@55a64a?=9. The 8ea2%6 which / that / < the? Dave F%8 the 4@8de8 wa2 @6Ee5ievaE5e. The 8ea2%6 wh? / F%8 which / that / < the? 4@8de8ed the 4a6 i2 6%t >6%w6. The ePJ5a6ati%6 which / that / < the 2t@de6t 4ade c%6F@2ed eve8?E%d?. The ePJ5a6ati%6 wh? / F%8 which / that / < he 24%>e2 i2 6%t e6%@Dh. I did6It Ee5ieve the 8ea2%6 / ePJ5a6ati%6 wh? / F%8 which / that / < the? did6It c%4e t% 4? Ja8t?.

Re5ative C5a@2e S@Eject-Ve8E AD8ee4e6t (A96e- 9a4a6 @?@4@)

ORelative clauseP yaplarda, tanmlanan ismin tekil ya da &oul olmasna gre !ill de tekil ya da &oul olur.

%here are two students who speak Dspeaks Qrench in the classroom 'sim R9tudentsS &oul olduu i&in !iil de OspeakP &oul olmal.

5n the house which was D were painted, there was an irritating smell 'sim OhouseP tekil olduu i&in onu tanmlayan !iil de OwasP tekil olmaldr.

&86e>5e8B 1. 2e is writing a letter which covers many problems. 4. %he pictures she has bought are on the table. 6. %he pictures they have bought are on the table 8. %he picture they have bought is on the table. ;. %he picture she has bought is on the table. The ,%2iti%6 %F Red@ced C5a@2e2

N%6-deFi6i6D ?aJ= ta6=45ad=M= i2i4de6 >i7i ve?a 6e26e6i6 A636e ve?a c345e6i6 e6 2%6@6da >@55a6=5aEi5i8.A65a4da Ei8 deMi7i>5i> %54a9.

Ei62tei6C wh% wa2 E%86 i6 $e84a6?C wa2 a US Jh?2ici2t a6d 4athe4aticia6. Ei62tei6C E%86 i6 $e84a6?C wa2 a US Jh?2ici2t a6d 4athe4aticia6. "%86 i6 $e84a6?C Ei62tei6 wa2 a US Jh?2ici2t a6d 4athe4aticia6.

Ta6e8C wh% wa2 @6haJJ? with hi2 D8adeC decided t% 5eave that 2ch%%5. Ta6e8C @6haJJ? with hi2 D8adeC decided t% 5eave that 2ch%%5.

U6haJJ? with hi2 D8adeC Ta6e8 decided t% 5eave that 2ch%%5.

T%da?I2 Je%J5eC wh% a8e 6%t thi6>i6D %F the 6ePt De6e8ati%62C a8e ca@2i6D the D5%Ea5 wa84i6D.

T%da?I2 Je%J5eC 6%t thi6>i6D %F the 6ePt De6e8ati%62C a8e ca@2i6D the D5%Ea5 wa84i6D. N%t thi6>i6D %F the 6ePt De6e8ati%62C T%da?I2 Je%J5e a8e ca@2i6D the D5%Ea5 wa84i6D. T%da?I2 Je%J5e a8e ca@2i6D the D5%Ea5 wa84i6DC 6%t thi6>i6D %F the 6ePt De6e8ati%62.

Li2aC wh% wa2 the da@Dhte8 %F a J%%8 4a6C had 4a6? diFFic@5tie2 i6 he8 5iFe. Li2aC the da@Dhte8 %F a J%%8 4a6C had 4a6? diFFic@5tie2 i6 he8 5iFe. The da@Dhte8 %F a J%%8 4a6C Li2a had 4a6? diFFic@5tie2 i6 he8 5iFe.

Cha85e2 Li6dEe8DC wh% wa2 the Fi82t Je82%6 t% F5? a5%6e ac8%22 the At5a6tic -cea6C died i6 1GXY.

Cha85e2 Li6dEe8DC the Fi82t Je82%6 t% F5? a5%6e ac8%22 the At5a6tic -cea6C died i6 1GXY.

The Fi82t Je82%6 t% F5? a5%6e ac8%22 the At5a6tic -cea6C Cha85e2 Li6dEe8D died i6 1GXY.

+.Y. Se6te6tia5 Re5ative C5a@2e "3t36 C345e?i Ta6=45a?a6 V0hichW

"a9e6 Ei8 Re5ative C5a@2e te> Ei8 >e5i4e?i deMi5 de E3t36 Ei8 c345e?i ta6=45a8. "A?5e d@8@45a8da vi8D35 ve which ( C which) >@55a6=5=8.

Z@5e Fai5ed the te2t.It wa2 ve8? diFFic@5t. Z@5e Fai5ed the te2t which / that wa2 ve8? diFFic@5t. Z@5e Fai5ed the te2t. That 2h%c>ed a55 %F @2. Z@5e Fai5ed the te2tC which 2h%c>ed a55 %F @2.

It i2 i4J%22iE5e F%8 the4 t% 8each the J5a6e. Thi2 wi55 Ee ve8? Ead. It i2 i4J%22iE5e F%8 the4 t% 8each the J5a6eC which wi55 Ee ve8? Ead. It i2 i4J%22iE5e F%8 the4 t% 8each the J5a6e. It D%e2 t% ,a8i2. It i2 i4J%22iE5e F%8 the4 t% 8each the J5a6e which / that D%e2 t% ,a8i2. T%4 wa2 5ate. That 2@8J8i2ed @2. T%4 wa2 5ateC which 2@8J8i2ed @2.

M? 2%6 i2 6%t h%4e ?etC which w%88ie2 4e.

I 5eFt 4? ce55 Jh%6e i6 the h%@2eC which wa2 2t@Jid %F 4e

%he rain has !inally stopped, ..... is to say that we can go out now. A. that B. which C. what D. this E. for which

C5eFt T34ce
%mcenin belirli bir par&asn vurgulamak gerektii zaman, %rk&ede vurgulanacak blm ykleme yakla#trlmaktadr. 'ngilizcede bunun yaz dilinde yolu vurgulanacak blmn altn &izmek ya da o blm yatk har!lerle yazmak, ya da baz yaplar i&in devrik yap kullanmakK konu#ma dilinde ise sesin ykselmesi ile vurguyu belli etmektir.

Relative Clause zellii ta#yan cle!t tmce, vurguyu salamann bir dier yoludur.
'ki tr cle!t tmceden sz edilebilir. a) It i2/wa2/.. wh%/that Ty mother threw an egg at the @resident yesterday. 5t was my mother who threw an egg at the @resident yesterday. 5t was an egg that my mother threw at the @resident yesterday. 5t was at the @resident that my mother threw an egg yesterday. 5t was yesterday that my mother threw an egg at the @resident. E) 0hat ... i2 / wa2

,hat my mother threw at the @resident was an egg. Ty le!t leg hurts. ,hat hurts is my le!t leg. 5 like her charm. ,hat 5 like in her is her charm.

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