ISOPP Info Manual

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International Society of Oncology Pharmacy Practitioners

Information Manual


International Society of Oncology Pharmacy Practitioners

ISOPP Information Manual Foreword

The field of Oncology Pharmacy practice has witnessed impressive changes and growth over the last decade and pharmacists working in this specialty have undertaken and/or delivered specialised education, clinical practice, and research. A growing need for collaborative relationships, professional

communication, and support was the catalyst for initiating international symposia on Oncology Pharmacy Practice in New ealand in !"##. $ubse%uently,

the &nternational $ociety of Oncology Pharmacy Practitioners '&$OPP( was formed on )ay *, !""+ at the ,ourth &nternational $ymposium on Oncology Pharmacy Practice in -amburg, .ermany. -elen )c/innon, from -amilton, New ealand, the founder of &$OPP, was the first president.

This information manual has been developed with the aim of informing new &$OPP members and other interested personnel about &$OPP0s purpose, mission, and vision. &t includes the )ission $tatement, .oals, 1onstitution and 2ules of the society. The current officers are identified. Please feel free to contact them for further information.

3elcome to &$OPP4

6une 577#

International Society of Oncology Pharmacy Practitioners SECRE !RI!

"##$%"#&# '8ffective 69N8 577#(

PRESI'E( ) 1arole 1hambers 5#: 8denwold ;rive N3 1algary, Alberta T:A <A< 1anada Phone= >! <7: 5:" !+<: ,a?= >!@<7: +5! ::5* email= carole.chambersAcan cerbo SECRE !R,) 6udith $mith 9T ); Anderson 1ancer 1enter 9nit !:*5 PO Co? :7!<:" -ouston TG DD5:7@!<:" 9$A Phone= > ! D!: +77@*<7# ,a?= > ! D!: D"5@D+#* email= EasmithAmdan der son.or g SECRE !RI! $ylvie 1rauste@ )anciet 1-& $aint .ermain en laye Pharmacy ;epartment 57 rue Armagis D#!7+ $aint .ermain@en@Haye ,rance Phone= >:: ! :" 5D <5 D! ,a?= >:: ! :" 5D << D7 8mail= crauste@manciet. sylvieAwan $hereen Nabhani 5: 6emmett 1lose /ingston 9pon Thames KT2 7AJ 9nited /ingdom Phone= >447595159597 ,a?= e@mail= sherine.n

PRESI'E( *E+EC ) 6ohan Bandenbroucke 9niversity -ospital .hent 1entral Pharmacy ;e Pintelaan !#+ "777 .hent Celgium Phone= >:5 " 5<75"D< ,a?= >:5 " 5<7*7"< 8mail= Eohan.van RE!S-RER) Terry )aunsell Pharmacy ;epartment 2oyal Prince Alfred -ospital )issenden 2oad 1amperdown, $ydney N$3 57+7 Australia Phone= >*! 5 "+!+ #5+" ,a?= >*! 5 "+!+ #<77 8mail= terry.maunsellAemai l.cs.n MEM.ERS -arbans /aur ;hillon 9niversity )alaya )edical 1entre Pharmacy 9nit Hembah Pantai +"!77 /uala Humpur )alaysia Phone= >*7: D"+7 5#:5 ,a?= >*7: D"+< #""5 8mail= dhillon 2uth Tramschek 1hristchurch -ospital Pharmacy ;epartment PC <D!7 1hristchurch #7!! New ealand Phone= >*<@:@:*<@7*<7/pg #5+* ,a?= >*<@:@:*<@7:D! 8mail= amsche kAcdhb .go vt.nF

June 2008

International Society of Oncology Pharmacy Practitioners

&. ISOPP Mission ". ISOPP 0oals 1. ISOPP Constitution 3. ISOPP Rules /. ISOPP Mem5er .enefits 2. ISOPP 0rants and !wards 6.

/ / 2 4 &" &1 &3

he ISOPP 7e5site


6une 577#

International Society of Oncology Pharmacy Practitioners

The &nternational $ociety of Oncology Pharmacy Practitioners will promote and enhance oncology pharmacy practice worldwide in order to improve cancer patient care.

I To facilitate professional communication within oncology pharmacy. To develop international standards of oncology pharmacy practice.

I To organise &$OPP $ymposia. I To promote oncology pharmacy education. I To maintain and e?pand an international membership and global community of oncology pharmacy practice. I To encourage the establishment and support the activities of &$OPP chapters. I To continuously develop and raise awareness of the 6ournal of Oncology Pharmacy Practice as the official publication of &$OPP. I To establish collaborative relationships as appropriate. I To support and endorse research in oncology pharmacy. I To represent professional interests of oncology pharmacy at an international level. I To promote oncology pharmacists as vital members of the cancer care team.

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International Society of Oncology Pharmacy Practitioners

CO(S I - IO(
&. (!ME The name of the society shall be the J&nternational $ociety of Oncology Pharmacy PractitionersJ, otherwise known as &$OPP. &t shall be registered as= &nternationale .esellschaft ,ur Onkologisch PharmaFeutische Pra?is e.B. ". RE0IS ERE' OFFICE The registered office of the $ociety shall have its seat in -amburg, .ermany. 1. OR0!(IS! IO( and FI(!(CI!+ ,E!R The $ociety shall be registered as a non@profit organisation. The financial year shall be the calendar year. 3. !IM The aim of the society will be to determine the optimal medical treatment for cancer patients, thereby improving their %uality of life. /. O.8EC IVES +.!. To promote clinical practice, research and development in drug use and administration for the treatment of cancer patients. +.!.!. 2esearch proEects shall run for a defined period. +.!.5. 2esearch results shall be made available to the public by publications, lectures and seminars.

The $ociety shall encourage the publication of developments in clinical practice through professional activities. 2. MEM.ERS9IP *.!. *.5. *.:. )embership can be granted to oncology pharmacy practitioners and others, willing to pursue the )ission and .oals of the society. )embership will be considered upon application, with the secretariat members reserving the right to refuse any application. )embership ends by resignation, e?pulsion or death.

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International Society of Oncology Pharmacy Practitioners

*.<. *.+. A member may resign his or her membership by giving the secretariat notice in writing to that effect. A member may be e?pelled from the society if he or she deliberately and unlawfully infringes the rules of the society

6. FEES The annual fees shall be fi?ed at the general meeting of the society. $. 9E 0E(ER!+ MEE I(0 #.!. #.5. A general meeting of the society shall be held at least every three years, with the secretariat deciding the e?act date. Notice in writing of the date, together with an agenda of the general meeting, shall be sent to all members not less than thirty days prior to the date fi?ed for the meeting. A $pecial .eneral )eeting of the $ociety may be called within one month= 'i( Cy virtue of resolution of members at a general meeting. 'ii( Cy virtue of resolution of the secretariat. 'iii( 9pon a re%uisition signed by at least 57K of the members and submitted to the secretariat. The members of the general meeting shall make decisions by maEority rule. 8lections for senior officers will be held by mailed ballots to the members.


#.<. #.+.

4. FI(!(CE The financial statements shall be audited annually by an auditor appointed by the secretariat. The auditorLs report shall be submitted with the annual accounts. &#. 9E SECRE !RI! !7. !. The secretariat shall consist of eight persons, as follows= 'i( a President. 'ii( a President@8lect. 'iii( a Treasurer. 'iv( a $ecretary. 'v( four secretariat members.

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International Society of Oncology Pharmacy Practitioners

!7.5. The committee shall be represented Eudicially and non@Eudicially by the president and the president@elect, according to clause !7. ! 'i( and 'ii(, forming the members of the secretariat according to 5*C.C. !7.:. ;ecisions of the secretariat shall be by D+K maEority vote. !7.<. The secretariat shall be responsible for the management of the society and shall carry out decisions made at the general meeting. !7.+. The secretariat shall be responsible for the financial accounts of the society. !!. !+ ER! IO(S OF CO(S I - IO( !!.!. The 1onstitution of the $ociety may be altered by a D+K maEority of those present at a general meeting. !!.5. Alterations to the 1onstitution must be reported to the )inistry of ,inance. !!.:. Alterations which %uestion the purpose of the society re%uire the permission of the )inistry of ,inance. !5. 'ISSO+- IO( !5.!. The $ociety may be dissolved by a three@%uarter maEority of all members of the society. !5.5. &n the event of the $ociety being dissolved, any surplus funds will be donated to a charitable organisation. This shall be the J;eutsche /rebsgesellschaft e B. !:. +I:-I'! IO( The members of the secretariat shall carry out the li%uidation.

6une 577#

International Society of Oncology Pharmacy Practitioners

)embers of the &nternational $ociety of Oncology Pharmacy Practitioners, shall pursue the )ission, .oals and ObEectives of the society and abide by the following 2ules= &. MEM.ERS9IP !.!. There will be two categories of membership= ;i< F-++ MEM.ERS= who are pharmacy practitioners, including pharmacists, technicians and support personnel, with full benefits including voting rights. ;ii< 9O(OR!R, MEM.ERS= who shall be determined by the secretariat. Those eligible and desiring to become members of the $ociety shall complete and submit to the $ecretariat an application form to be made available by the $ecretary. The $ecretariat reserves the right to refuse any application. The payment of annual fees is a re%uirement of membership for ,ull and Associate members.



". FI(!(CE Payment of accounts shall be by che%ue signed by either of any two designated signees, at least one of whom shall be an elected member of the $ecretariat. 1. 9E SECRE !RI! :.!. The secretariat shall consist of a President, President@ 8lect, $ecretary, Treasurer and four other members, all of whom, e?cept for the President, shall be elected by the membership of the society. This shall be done by mailed ballots to the general membership at least two months in advance of the .eneral )eeting, or at the .eneral )eeting. The officers shall be elected for a term of two years and may be re@ elected in the same position for one further term, with the e?ception of the President@ 8lect, who shall hold office for one or two years only as President@8lect and two years as President.



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International Society of Oncology Pharmacy Practitioners

:.:. To allow for alternating changes of officers, two representatives shall retire at the first .eneral )eeting following the inaugural meeting. The others shall retire at the second .eneral )eeting following the inaugural meeting and so on. The Treasurer of the $ociety shall be responsible for= :.<.!. Hodging monies received with the $ocietyLs bank and keeping an accurate account of all financial transactions. :.<.5. ;ebiting members for subscriptions. :.<.:. Authorising dispersements. :.<.<. -aving the accounts audited at the end of each financial year and preparing a statement of the $ocietyLs financial accounts as at :! ;ecember. The $ecretary of the $ociety shall be responsible for= :.+.!. /eeping a register of members. :.+.5. Answering correspondence in accordance with the wishes of the $ecretariat. :.+.:. $ummoning and attending .eneral and $ecretariat meetings of the $ociety and recording names of those persons present and taking )inutes of the proceedings. At the annual meeting of the $ecretariat, the %uorum shall be a maEority of the officers of the $ociety. The $ecretariat will set up relevant committees and appoint 1hairs for each one who will assemble members for their own committees. The $ecretariat shall select a Nomination 1ommittee, no member of which shall be nominated to office and who shall be responsible for the election process.



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9E 0E(ER!+ MEE I(0 <.!. <.5. At any .eneral )eeting, !+K of the membership of the $ociety shall be considered a %uorum. At all .eneral )eetings the President in Office at the commencement of the meeting shall take the chair. &n the absence of the President, another secretariat member shall be elected to the 1hair by the $ecretariat. 8very %uest nion submitted to the meeting shall be determined by a maEority of votes. Boting shall be by voice or a show of hands by those present at the meeting. There will be no pro?y votes accepted. )embers of the $ecretariat shall be installed at the .eneral )eeting.

<.:. <.<. <.+.


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International Society of Oncology Pharmacy Practitioners


+.!. There will be standing committees of &$OPP as follows= +.!.!. The O(CO+O0, P9!RM!C, E'-C! IO( COMMI EE will= 'a( Organise the &$OPP $ymposia, in co@operation with the host nationLs organising committee. 'b( $upport and endorse other oncology pharmacy educational events as appropriate. +.!.5. The O(CO+O0, P9!RM!C, S !('!R'S OF PR!C ICE COMMI EE will= 'a( ;evelop and maintain a comprehensive set of international standards for professional and technical oncology pharmacy practice. 'b( &nvestigate standards and regulations in each country/region on the safe handling of haFardous cytoto?ic agents. +.!.:. The MEM.ERS9IP !(' FI(!(CE COMMI EE will= 'a( ;evelop and maintain the membership of the $ociety, ensuring ade%uate national/regional representation. 'b( ;etermine the language needs of non@8nglish speaking members and the means of meeting such needs. 'c( &nclude the secretary and treasurer of the $ociety in its membership. +.!.<. The P-.+IC! IO(S COMMI EE will= 'a( 8stablish appropriate publications for communication to $ociety members. 'b( 8nsure publication and printing of written materials prepared by any other committees of the $ociety. 'c( &nteract with the 8ditorial Coard and publishers of the 6ournal of Oncology Pharmacy Practice, to ensure that the obEectives of the $ociety are achieved. +.!.+. The RESE!RC9 COMMI EE will= 'a( &nvestigate and develop pharmacy@based research proEects and research in oncology pharmacy practice. +.5. There will be A;@-O1 committees established by the secretariat when necessary 2. !+ ER! IO( OF CO(S I - IO( The purpose of any proposed alteration of the 1onstitution shall be given in writing to members along with the notice of a .eneral )eeting, not less than thirty days before the meeting


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International Society of Oncology Pharmacy Practitioners

ISOPP FEES 5y S!+!R, .!('I(0

ISOPP ANNUAL Membership fees

Salary per month ;Euros<= 5efore ta> 7 M 5,777 5,777 M <,777 <,777 M *,777 N*,777

,early ISOPP fee ;Euros< :7 ++ D+ "+

,early ISOPP fee ;-S'< <7 D+ !77 !5+

ISOPP Mem5er .enefits

-igh %uality biennial international symposia which help oncology pharmacists keep up to date with international developments in the field of oncology pharmacy practice Networking opportunities with oncology pharmacists from around the world 2egional educational events $ubscription to the %uarterly 6ournal of Oncology Pharmacy Practice 'full members( 8ligibility for &$OPP awards and research grants 'full members( $ubscription to the %uarterly &$OPP Newsletter Access to the )embers Only Area on the &$OPP 3ebsite 2educed registration fees for the biennial &$OPP symposium and regional &$OPP meetings 8ligibility for Travel .rants Opportunity to participate in &$OPP 1ommittees 8ligibility for nomination for election to the &$OPP $ecretariat Boting rights


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International Society of Oncology Pharmacy Practitioners

ISOPP 0rants and !wards

ISOPP Research 0rants &$OPP members can apply for substantial grants for the purpose of research he 9elen Mc?innon !ward and he ISOPP !chie@ement !ward These awards recogniFe &$OPP members for their achievements, contributions to oncology pharmacy practice and to &$OPP. ISOPP ra@el 0rants These grants give members from developing countries the opportunity to attend &$OPP $ymposia he ISOPP Fellowship Program To recogniFe e?cellence in oncology pharmacy practice, research or management in members who have made a sustained contribution to &$OPP he ISOPP Mem5ership Scholarship Program A scholarship fund to support members who cannot afford all or part of their membership fees.

$ee for details.


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International Society of Oncology Pharmacy Practitioners

he ISOPP 7e5site

9ome Page The -ome Page has a )enu for the website, Hogin for )embers which allows access to members@only areas, and latest N83$ Mem5ers !rea This allows access to a )embers HistO 1hat 2oomO ;iscussion .roupsO the 8ducation 1entre, which provides educational resources for members, including symposia presentations in powerpoint format, informational and educational links etc.O the current Newsletter in website format. 7hat is ISOPP ;escribes our society and members. (ewsletter Past editions of the newsletter are posted here in P;, format. 9istory The history of &$OPP since the first $ymposium in !"##. Officers &$OPP $ecretariat and 1ommittee 1hairs P members@ photos, biography and contact details Mem5ership Info ;ownloadable application forms, the )ission, .oals, 1onstitution and 2ules of &$OPP, and information about scholarships for assistance with membership. 0rants A !wards ;etails, application forms, closing dates are listed here. Symposia &nformation on future &$OPP $ymposia and other meetings, links to the Program, 2egistration ,orms, -ousing etc. 1ontributed abstracts can be downloaded here. Photos of past $ymposia for members to view. Contact Allows &nternet surfers to contact &$OPP +inBs There are links to many useful $ociety sites.


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