The Mccarthy Years and The Book Many Are The Crimes by Ellen Schrecker. Next, We

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We chose the topic of Second Red Scare, known as McCarthyism, because we had expressed an interest in the Cold War

era. The actions of the go ernment and the !"# were especially intriguing because of their contentious nature and significance in $merican history. #n our research we first looked to credible encyclopedias which ga e basic information and numerous external links that led us to more reliable sources. We were able to find se eral primary sources early in our research, such as the McCarthy%Welch exchange transcripts and letters from &resident 'isenhower. 'asy accessibility of strong sources like these confirmed that our topic is researchable and supportable. We next narrowed our topic to the !"#(s role in the Second Red Scare. We aimed to answer )uestions regarding why the go ernment and !"# were compelled to rid $merica of communists, and how $merica was affected as a whole. We then consulted the local library and ac)uired strong sources including an 'dward Morrow documentary called The McCarthy Years and the book Many Are the Crimes by 'llen Schrecker. *ext, we do e deeper into our primary sources to find e idence on specific e ents and personal opinions. Since the McCarthy era was contro ersial, many sources we found were biased. +owe er, we continued to read these sources in order to gain a better understanding and broader perspecti e. We next synthesi,ed our information into an argument outline and made diagrams of our arguments so that we could find and address any holes. These resources ga e us clear separation in our arguments that helped us separate our subpages. We enhanced the information from our outline and put it on our website. #mages were ample because photography existed during the mid nineteenth century, and because printed articles dominated media. $s we continued to build up our website we ha e continued to research documents that add to our argument. We agreed to con ey our pro-ect through a website because it is accessible to edit irtually anywhere and pro ides a medium for mixed media and clear organi,ation. We chose pages that would allow us to pro ide context, information about go ernment and !"# actions, and significance, in a logical and neat manner. $s the .nited States witnessed the rise of international Communist threats during the mid /0th century, the fear of Communism swept $merica. The federal go ernment felt the responsibility to pre ent a communist o erthrow in order to 1secure the blessings of liberty1 and protect democracy. This responsibility resulted in numerous aggressi e go ernment initiati es, which, in an effort to protect $merican rights, went too far and infringed upon the rights of its people. $mericans who were fired or arrested were often assumed guilty, and the actions taken by the !"# to pro e their guilt were )uestionable and sometimes illegal. 2uring the Second Red Scare, as the !"# executed more and more arrests and in estigations, its power continued to grow into a national threat to the rights of the $merican people.

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