Joinder Chart

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Permissive/Compulsary Plaintiffs Permissive (rule 20)

Requirements as to Claims 1) Same transaction 2) Common Q of law/fact Cant exist under Rule 20, Rarely involuntary ! under 19(a)

Requirements as to Jurisdiction If no federal Q: all !s must be diverse with ", but only one ! has to have amount required Supplemental probably doesnt apply, so usual diversity and amount in controversy rules would apply. SM: Supplemental doesnt apply if no fed. Q, must have complete diversity and $75K + claim against each " Personal: each personally served, have minimum contacts, and be reachable by longarm Also need venue




Permissive (Rule 20)

1) Same Transaction 2) Common Q of law/fact


Compulsory Necessary (19(a)) (if can be served & no diversity destroyed otherwise, proceed without ")

Same as Permissive Joined "s, + Incomplete Relief OR Impaired Interests

SM: Supplemental doesnt apply if no fed. Q, must have complete diversity and $75K+ claim against each " Personal: each personally served, have minimum contacts, and be reacheable by longarm Also need venue


Compulsory Indispensible (19(b)) (if " cant be joined because of jurisdiction problems whole action must be dismissed)

Same as Necessary "s + " is indispensable judged by looking at prejudice to " or to those already parties, possibility of framing remedy to avoid prejudice, adequacy of remedy otherwise

Same as Necessary "s except if no jurisdiction, action must be dismissed

Both !s and "s

Combine the analysis: First analyze multiple !s, then analyze multiple "s

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