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Brandon cox ENGL 1311 10/25/2013 Annotated Bibliography

Stein, S. (2013). Government Shutdown Talks Move To Spending Levels As Mitch Mcconnell Holds The Line. Huffington Post. Retrieved from This site discussion the government budget and differences between the republicans and democrats and how both groups dont want to come off the budget that they both want. Republicans feel that if they dont get the budget they want they wont be able to get republicans elected and in the senate. The democrats say they are willing to negotiate but that republicans are the ones holding the government up. The main point is both side want to get a budget but arent willing to give up certain thing to do so. Helderman, R. (2013). Government Shutdown Debate Grates On Congress Members Moods.
Washington post. Retrieved from

shutdown-debate-grates-on-congress-members-moods/2013/10/12/6ad8b740-336b-11e39c68-1cf643210300_story.html The main point of the the web article was to discuss the moods and emotions of the congress members and how they feel about the current government budget situation. Democrats are upset they feel that republicans arent trying hard enough to come up with a budget. Adults will get in the room sooner or later, said Sen. Joe Manchin III (D-

W.Va.), exiting the meeting early. The republicans say they must have their budget for the government to work. Singer, P. (2013). 5 Things To Know About Government Shutdown. USA TODAY Retrieved from The main point of the web article is the 5 things you need to know about the government shutdown. Congress talk continues but that is all just talk no progress with coming up with a budget. Not all the parks will be close some such as the Grand Canyon and other park will be open and state will be paying for the parks. Also most of the government officers will still be paid the military will be paid all thing that are needed will still be paid. Espo,david .9/29/2013. U.S. Government Shuts Down For The 1st Time In 17. EBSCO host .0008-3100 9wZT1zaXRl#db=a9h&AN=90508909 The article discusses the government shutdown of 2013 and how the conflict between the democrats and republicans in congress. Dealing with the government budget and funding the new health care reform known as Obama care. How republicans will come up if a budget but only if the democrats push the health care reform bill back a year. But the democrats are ready for it to take action now and wont back off.

Bell, P., & Catalini, M,.(2013). If Congress Can't Avert a Shutdown, Which Party Will Voters Blame?. EBSCO host, 0360-4217 9wZT1zaXRl#db=a9h&AN=90425803 This article discusses the results of a poll taken to see which party will receive the blame for the result of the government shut down. The poll was 90% republicans and 10% democrats one of the people quoted This is Groundhog Day all over again, going back to the '90s. Republicans never learn and will be burned again. Someone back the republicans by say when something goes wrong it the republicans who get the blame first

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