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Paper 2 Analogies

A. Letter : Secretary B. Formula : Chemist C. Blueprint : Building D. Map : Atlas E. Prescription : Pharmacy

Given Answer: Explanation:

Correct Answer

The correct answer is D.A recipe is contained in a cookbook and a map is contained in an atlas.


a book of maps: Atlas supporting the earth was often pictured on the front page of such books


A. Pictures : Anthology B. Type : Touch C. Phonograph : Hearing D. Pity : Feeling E. Telescope : Lens

Given Answer: Explanation:

Correct Answer

A camera work for our sight; a phonograph work for our hearing.

Anthology: a collection of poems, stories, songs, excerpts, etc., chosen by the compiler kindly sorrow evoked by the suffering, distress, or misfortune of another, often Pity : leading one to give


A. Porter : Terminal B. Writer : Plagiarism C. Coach : Team D. Painter : Mural E. Doctor : Stethoscoped

Given Answer: Explanation:

Correct Answer

A composer creates a symphony. A mural is a picture painted on a wall by a painter.

Symphony: harmony of sounds, esp. of instruments Plagiarism: an idea, plot, etc. that has been plagiarized a large picture painted or affixed directly on a wall or ceiling. Mural:


A. Horn : Bull B. Fang : Snake C. Claw : Tiger D. Tail : Monkey E. Shell : Tortoise

Given Answer: Explanation: The correct answer is C.

Correct Answer

Talon: the claw of a bird of prey or, sometimes, of an animal a) a hard, hollow, bony or keratinous, permanent projection that grows on the head of Horn: various hoofed animals, esp. bovid ruminants b) an antler a sharp, hooked or curved horny structure, or nail, on the foot of a bird and of many Claw: reptiles and mammals one of the long, sharp, hollow or grooved teeth of a venomous snake by which poison is Fang : injected.


A. Audience : Play B. Finish : Race C. Preface : Book D. Recovery : Operation E. Act : Drama

Given Answer: Explanation:

Correct Answer

The correct answer is B. A finish comes at the end of a race.

Verdict: Law the formal finding of a judge or jury on a matter submitted to them in a trial Preface: an introductory statement to a book, telling its purpose, plan, etc


A. Rhythm : Poetry B. Football : Sport C. Dancing : Ballet D. Research : Biology E. Acting : Actor

Given Answer: Explanation:

Correct Answer

Sonnet is to literature in the same way as football is to sport.

Sonnet: a poem normally of fourteen lines in any of several fixed verse and rhyme schemes an artistic dance form based on an elaborate formal technique, characterized by gestures Ballet: and movements of grace, precision, and fluidity


A. Petals : Flower B. Tadpoles : Frog C. Claws : Crab D. Algae : Seaweed E. Quills : Porcupine

Given Answer: Explanation:

Correct Answer

An Octopus uses its Tentacles for grasping. A Crab uses its Claws for grasping.

any of a variety of long, slender, flexible growths, as about the head or mouth of some invertebrate animals, used variously for grasping, feeling, moving Seaweed: any sea plant or plants; esp., any marine alga Quills: any of the large, stiff wing or tail feathers of a bird Tentacle:


A. Transients : Home B. Kinsfolk : Family C. Competitors : Team D. Performers : Audience E. Figureheads : Government

Given Answer: Explanation:

Correct Answer

Compatriots: a fellow countryman 2. a colleague Transients: passing away with time; not permanent; temporary family; relatives; kin; kindred. Kinsfolk: a person put in a position of leadership because of name, rank, etc., but having no Figureheads: real power, authority, or responsibility


A. Oppose B. Grasp C. Widen D. Adjoin

Given Answer: Explanation: The Best Answer is D.

Correct Answer

ABUT: to end (on) or lean (upon) at one end Oppose: to act against or provide resistance to; combat Grasp: to seize and hold by or as if by clasping with the fingers or arms Widen: to make or become wide or wider Adjoin: to be next to; be contiguous to


A. Indolent B. Slightly Sour C. Pure D. Sharp-Pointed

Given Answer: Explanation: The Best Answer is B.

Correct Answer

ACIDULOUS: somewhat acid or sour, somewhat sarcastic Also disliking or avoiding work; idle; lazy Indolent: Slightly sour: small in amount, degree having an acid taste Sour: free from anything of a different, inferior Pure: Sharp-pointed: having a sharp point


A. Weapon B. Angry C. Warning D. Tracking

Given Answer: Explanation: The Best Answer is C.

Correct Answer

ADMONITION: an admonishing, or warning to correct some fault any instrument or device for use in attack or defense in combat, fighting Weapon: feeling or showing anger or strong resentment (usually followed by at, with, Angry: or about ) the act or utterance of one who warns or the existence, appearance Warning: on which a railroad train, trolley Tracking:


A. Correct B. Consent C. Fail D. Compromise

Given Answer: Explanation: The Best Answer is B.

Correct Answer

to enter upon the duties (of an office); attain ACCEDE: to set or make true, accurate, or right Correct: to permit, approve, or agree Consent: to fall short of success or achievement in something expected, attempted Fail: Compromise: a settlement of differences by mutual concessions


A. Waste Away B. Govern C. Award D. Cloture

Given Answer: Explanation: The Best Answer is A.

Correct Answer

ATROPHY: a wasting away, esp. of body tissue Waste away: Lose energy and vigor, become enfeebled and weak to exercise authority over; rule, administer Govern: to give as due or merited; assign or bestow Award: to close (a debate) by cloture Cloture:


A. Without Name B. Existing Since Old Times C. Obsolete D. Through The Ages

Given Answer: Explanation: The Best Answer is C.

Correct Answer

ANTIQUATED: no longer used or useful; obsolete, no longer in use or practice; discarded Obsolete:


A. Fusty B. Egregious C. Extraneous D. Prevalent E. Illicit

Given Answer: Explanation:

Correct Answer

The best answer is C. Indigenous means native, aboriginal. The antonym is Extraneous. Fusty means rigidly old-fashioned or reactionary. Egregious means openly and obviously wicked. Prevalent is common. Illicit means forbidden.


A. Gist B. Incipient C. Lope D. Completed E. Mulish

Given Answer: Explanation:

Correct Answer

The best answer is D. Inchoate means not yet fully formed. Completed is the antonym. Gist means the main idea, point. Incipient is a synonym. To Lope is to move along with long strides Mulish means unreasonably and inflexibly obstinate.


A. Gaucherie B. Lumber C. Equanimity D. Epistle E. Dolt

Given Answer: Explanation:

Correct Answer

The best answer is C. Hubbub is noise, confusion. Equanimity is the antonym. Gaucherie is a socially awkward, tactless behavior. To Lumber means to move in a clumsy, noisy way. An Epistle is a letter. A Dolt is a stupid person.


A. Reactionary B. Polemic C. Mellifluous D. Invidious E. Ecclesiastical

Given Answer: Explanation:

Correct Answer

The best answer is E. Secular means nonreligious. The antonym is Ecclesiastical. Reactionary means opposing progress. Polemic means disputant. Mellifluous is sweet and tasty. Invidious is of an unpleasant or objectionable nature.


A. Cozen B. Inconsistent C. Plunge D. Palatial E. Misogynist

Given Answer: Explanation:

Correct Answer

The best answer is B. Arrant is thorough. The antonym is Inconsistent. To Cozen is to cheat. To Plunge is to move quickly, suddenly and with force. Palatial is magnificent. A Misogynist is a person who hates females.


A. Involute B. Florid C. Hone D. Divest E. Verve

Given Answer: Explanation:

Correct Answer

The best answer is D. To Garnish is to decorate. To Divest is to strip, make bare and is the antonym. Involute means complex. Florid means reddish. A Hone is a stone used for sharpening tools. Verve means spirit, vigor.


A. Cheerful B. Turpitude C. Prudish D. Nonplused E. Ineffable

Given Answer: Explanation:

Correct Answer

The best answer is A. Stygian means dark, gloomy. Cheerful is the antonym. Turpitude means wickedness. Prudish means easily shocked. Nonplused means greatly surprised. Ineffable is too great to be described in words.

Sentence Completion

The teacher suspecting cheating as son as the noticed the pupil's ________ glances at his classmates paper.
A. Futile B. Sporadic C. Furtive D. Cold E. Inconsequential

Given Answer: Explanation:

Correct Answer

Glances : to look suddenly and briefly; take a quick look Sporadic : happening from time to time; not constant or regular; occasional Furtive : done or acting in a stealthy manner, as if to hinder observation


Despite his valor on the football field, the star athlete ________ when forced to take a flu shot.
A. Relaxed B. Trembled C. Hustled D. Sidled E. Embellished

Given Answer: Explanation:

Correct Answer

The word despite is your clue that the athlete will do something less than heroic when confronted with the flu shot. Trembled completes the sentence and continues the strong tone of irony.

marked courage or bravery Valor : Trembled : to shake involuntarily from cold, fear, excitement, fatigue, etc to move sideways, esp. in a shy or stealthy manner Sidled :


For centuries, malnutrition has been _________ in the drought-stricken areas of Africa.
A. Impalpable B. Evasive C. Endemic D. Divisive E. Redundant

Given Answer: Explanation:

Correct Answer

A condition that has existed for a long time in a particular place is said to be endemic to that location.

Malnutrition: inadequate nutrition; poor nourishment resulting from insufficient food, improper diet, etc. Impalpable: that cannot be felt by touching not straightforward; tricky; equivocal, hard to catch Evasive :


Can public opinion be influenced so that it ________ rather than encourages the proliferation of the sale of firearms?
A. Redoubles B. Advances C. Inverts D. Impedes E. Amplifies

Given Answer: Explanation:

Correct Answer

The clue here is rather than encourages. You need a verb whose object is proliferation and that means the opposite of encourages. The best choice is impedes, which means obstructs or retards. To invert is to turn upside down.

Proliferation : to reproduce (new parts) in quick succession to bar or hinder the progress of; obstruct or delay Impedes:


It comes as no surprise that societies have codes of behavior; the character of the codes, on the other hand, can often be ________ .


Predictable B. Unexpected C. Admirable D. Explicit



Given Answer: Explanation:

Correct Answer

To be "unexpected" means to be surprising.

Predictable to say in advance (what one believes will happen); foretell (a future event or events) : clearly stated and leaving nothing implied; distinctly expressed; definite Explicit :


During a period of protracted illness, the sick can become infirm, _______ both the strength to work and many of the specific skills they once possessed.
A. Regaining B. Denying C. Pursuing D. Insuring E. Losing

Given Answer: Explanation:

Correct Answer

To experience diminished vigor implies "losing" strength and skills.

Infirm: not firm or strong physically; weak; feeble, as from old age Pursuing: to follow in order to overtake, capture, or kill; chase


Once Murphy left home for good, he wrote no letters to his worried mother; he did not, therefore, live up to her picture of him as her _________ son.
A. Misunderstood B. Elusive C. Destructive

D. Persuasive E. Dutiful

Given Answer: Explanation:

Correct Answer

Dutiful is only choice that is even close to the ones suggested. (E) is the correct answer.

tending to elude 2 hard to grasp or retain mentally Elusive : Persuasive : having the power, or tending, to persuade

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